#mija: discourse.
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tearfest · 6 months ago
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ㅤㅤmija couldn't recall a time that she'd ever been so happy. everything had changed over the past week or so, and she felt like it was all for the better. especially when wonbin was at her house as both her guest and her boyfriend. the news of the breakup with hyunjin had been hard for her parents to accept at first, but once she'd honestly expressed that her heart now pined for wonbin (with no mention of their existing relationship), they'd soon came round; even if the change had created tension between hers' and her exes families at church.
ㅤㅤ" consequences or punishment? " they were one in the same with him. mija couldn't help but to grin in the face of his familiarly cold demeanour, small hands wiping themselves clean against the front of her apron as she dared to step closer. " i think i can handle a four. " she mused, pearly whites briefly toying with her lower lip before she pressed against the tips of her toes to steal a sweet, lingering kiss — eyes fluttering closed as she hummed when their lips parted, rocking back against her heels, hands having made their way to the collars of his shirt. " if you move away from the window i could make it worth the consequences... "
closed starter for @sturmboe, continued from here.
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tearfest · 1 year ago
open to: m/f/nb, 21+.
plot: serial killer type beat — your muse confessed to mija (or she saw and then confronted them) n she's just found out that it's them that's been picking people off campus one by one.
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ㅤㅤ" you—you don't scare me, you know... " which is ironic, considering the tremble in her voice. her instincts are telling her to back away, to find an escape route and to run. but fear has her frozen in place on the edge of their bed — knuckles whitening as her fingers tightened their hold on the sheets. " besides, " she starts shakily, swallowing back her nerves as she sheepishly meets their gaze. " it's not like you'd hurt me... right? "
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tearedrops · 7 years ago
status: open to m/f/nb. connection: friend, crush, etc. plot: mija had the bright idea of playing truth or dare, but your muse just hit her with a soul crushing question and now she’s regretting all her life choices.
             ‘  am i a vir … -  that’s a bit of a silly question , don’t you think ??  ‘      if it was so silly , why are her cheeks turning pinker than a peach ?? plump petals open & close as she repeatedly tries to find the right words to avoid answering whilst somehow playing along with the game , shoulders rising & falling as fingers fiddle with the now half - empty wine glass she’d been sipping from .     ‘  i thought truth or dare was made for serious questions , not dumb ones …  ‘
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takemylovewithyou-blog1 · 7 years ago
it was exactly one month ago when I deleted my discourse blog on the first day of asexual awareness week. I never said goodbye to anyone and part of me regrets doing so, but I also recognize that it was essential for my wellbeing to leave with the least amount of disturbance as possible.
my blog was never that popular, I had slightly over 200 followers before I left. with the 6 months I had spent with my discourse blog, I spent most of my time collecting receipts - receipts of inclusionists, receipts of exclusionists, receipts of everyone in between. I had several goals when I started my discourse blog - my most ambitious one was to make the environment safer. I wanted to create a major no-platform list for both sides, but unfortunately I was only able to create a no-platform list for my side during my time here. I was drained to the point of no return, and I simply did not have enough time to document everything, nor address the constant and repetitive piles of shit thrown in the tag. combined with the harassment I received from both inclusionists and exclusionists, I deleted my blog one month ago without a single word.
even though I was not able to accomplish everything that I had planned to do, I believe that I left the discourse in a better position than when it started, and that’s all that matters to me at this point. I’ll continue to do what i have done for the past 4 years and run our school’s gsa, giving advice and resources to people when requested, but I will no longer put myself in a dangerous and stressful position on here. so props to the people who continue to run no-platform lists, esp the inclusionists who have taken some of my work over for me and my mutuals who have put my receipts and posts to good use. please stay safe, and remember that it’s okay to take breaks from the discourse. it is always more important to prioritize your wellbeing over tumblr, and don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise.
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tearfest · 2 months ago
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ㅤㅤ" thanks again, for letting me crash for a while. " she didn't know how long a while would be, couldn't quite figure out how long it would take for her to feel safe enough to return home after the break-in. her place had been ransacked, and the only item missing? her diary. and the police didn't really care about a twenty-three year old's diary enough to pursue, nor did they take her concerns of being stalked serious, either. it was turning the extrovert into a recluse, trusting of no one but her friends and family. " i could order us take out to show my appreciation? or i could cook, if you've got anything in. i don't like feeling burdensome. "
open to / m/f/nb. plot / so mija had her house broken into, and she's like 99% sure that she's being stalked, and y/m has so so so kindly offered to let her stay with them. bonus points if y/m is also the one that's been stalking her! y/m could be a friend or a neighbour or someone from work/college? anything really!
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4laraza · 4 years ago
5. How to Tame a Wild Tongue
In this chapter, Dr. Gloria Anzaldúa explores the topic of language. It’s a powerful ode to her tongue, her history and her identity. 
She reflects and challenges the culture of silence that punishes women and the most vulnerable when they refuse to be silenced. She also challenges the male dominance of language, pointing out how language norms and structures literally erase women. 
Challenging the popular belief that Mexicanos, and particularly Chicanos, speak a “dirty” Spanish, Dr. Anzaldúa centers the origin(s) of the differences and nuances that define Chicano Spanish and are born out of survival, creativity and resilience. She also validates, honors, and celebrates the seven languages she speaks, (re)defining how we understand language and (re)connecting language to identity. 
Dr. Anzaldúa establishes the deep connection between the land, history and impact of fragmentation, language and identity by (re)connecting Mexican Spanish, Chicano Spanish, Tex Mex, and Pachuco to their regional histories and the impact of the border. She also reflects on the impact of seeing and hearing her language represented in movies and in music in affirming her identity and her right to express her native tongue. 
Chicanos and Latinos have internalized the ways language has been weaponized against them and the fragmentation has been so profound that we have begun to oppress ourselves/eachother by devaluing the different ways we speak. Dr. Anzaldúa also discusses that these interactions of challenging one’s connection to the culture because of their language differences are fueled by the fear of shame, the fear that we will be challenged. Reflecting on the ways that she has felt “othered” by her own people, other Chicanos and Latinos, because of the way she speaks Spanish, Dr. Anzaldúa argues that questioning one’s language is essentially questioning their identity, their humanity, their legitimacy.
She closes the chapter by affirming the relationship between her identity and language, describing the different aspects and fluid nature of her mestiza identity. 
“The first time I heard two women, a Puerto Rican and a Cuban, say the word “nosostras,” I was shocked. I had not known the word existed. Chicanas use nosotros whether we’re male or female. We are robbed of our female being by the masculine plural. Language is a male discourse.” (76)
“Yet the struggle of identities continues, the struggle of borders is our reality still.” (85)
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“Oral tradition” Artwork by J. Chavez
Lengua de Fuego - Tletl - Fire
“Ay mija. ¡Qué lástima me da que no sabes el Español! ¿Que dirian los del rancho?” 
Me llaman deslenguada
Me convierten en burla cuando pronuncio algo mal, o cuando se me olvida una palabra por completo
Nunca dejan de recordarme de la gran vergüenza 
        de no saber hablar el español “como una Mexicana”
Como si lo único que hace a una Mexicana es hablar el Español...
¿Qué dirian 17 millones descendientes de los pueblos originarios de México?
“You pronounce things funny. Is English your second language? I can tell you have a Spanish accent!”
They brand me foreigner
Laugh at my mispronounciations, or when I forget a word entirely
They never fail to remind me that I am different
        By exploiting and exotifying my tongue
Ni Mexicana, ni Americana
Y arrancada de sus raíces indígenas
Not Mexican, not American
& ripped from her indigenous roots
My tongue does not fit your expectations
She will not be molded to fit your standards
When you try to erase her for setting your labels on fire, remember what she taught you
My tongue does not follow your rules
She will not concede to your definition of valid and invalid
When you try to fix her for setting your boundaries on fire, remember what she made you feel
My tongue does not speak for you
She will not be silenced for your comfort
When you try to shame her for setting your beliefs on fire, remember what you did to her
(Beatriz Esparza)
This chapter provided sacred space to reflect on the history of my people and the relationship between the land, history, language and identity in my own life. As a Mexican born in the United States, I can relate to Gloria’s reflections about having her identity challenged due to her tongue. My first language was Spanish. 
But as I started school, I slowly began to prefer English and used it way more. These preferences manifested themselves in many other ways. The food I preferred. The music I preferred. I don’t think I was necessarily engaging in assimilation because I wasn’t actively rechazando my own culture. I loved my culture, but I was curious and wanted to feel like I belonged. Rather, I was attempting to enjoy the privileges and benefits afforded to my peers that were part of the dominant white culture. These were economic and political statements. But in seeking these things that were never for me, I had no way of fully understanding the costs. 
By the time I was in middle school, I was attending a white and wealthy private school because of my academic achievements coupled with the barriers of poverty, and I became almost a stranger to Spanish. I only spoke Spanish with my family and my Mexican and Latinx friends. Like many children of culture, I never felt fully accepted. Not by my culture, my family, my school, my friends, etc. And now that I had disconnected myself from myself, I began to experience shame induced from every front. I wasn’t enough for anyone. My grandparents and other elders constantly critized my Spanish. My cousins would tell me I was white because I was smart and enjoyed learning and reading. The white kids at my school made fun of my clothes. My accent. My skin. My hair. They watched me get off the public bus and walk the halfblock to the entrance with indifference as they hopped off their rangerovers and land rovers. The teachers criminalized my being different, and could not understand me, my needs or my talents. At every front I was isolated and invalidated. 
These are some of the experiences that have radicalized me. They pushed me to find my voice. And what a long and painful journey it was to find my voice, that I haven’t shut up since. 
Below are two spoken word poems that explore the relationship between language and identity. 
Accents by Denice Frohman
Volver, Volver by Ariana Brown 
Con amor,  Beatriz Esparza
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tearfest · 6 months ago
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ㅤㅤmija had dreamt of being in a predicament such as this. left alone with two equally handsome men, both of whom seemed equally as interested in her as the other was, and it had cheeks rosy from the buzz of their attention. her parents had worried about her travels, but she'd insisted that it would help to get her closer to god — that it was a necessary part in her spiritual growth. and so far it had been, her days filled with innocent curiosity; but the parties were always filled with temptation, and she found her teetering closer to the edge of no return.
ㅤㅤezra's words had her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she smiled her sweet, dimply smile; wanting to cover her face with shame, but she refrained, waiting for vance's answer. she didn't want to risk interrupting them — their voices were way too attractive to miss a word. she was hanging onto every word by a thread, heart racing as her thighs grew warm when she swallowed thickly, almost as if she was in a trance. oh, these english boys and their way with words... " you should tell me... " she starts, gaze briefly fluttering towards ezra to smile before the tug to her calf had warm brown eyes widening — the new angling of her leg sending the skirt of her dress up to her waist.
ㅤㅤshe nearly melted into the chair when his lips made contact with the skin of her ankle, a finger lifting to cover her lips to quieten her moans. " tell me the crude things you'd do to me. " she still felt like she was in a dream, and she knew that dreams were easier to repent than actions, but she was so painfully wet that it'd surely be a sin to make her go back to her accommodation alone. " tell me what you'd both do to me. —please? i like listening to you both talk... it makes me wet."
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As if Ezra had ever had any inclination of marriage on his mind. That was a concept best saved for his mother, eager to pair him with the perfect suitor and encourage the popping out of beautiful darling grandchildren. The blonde couldn't think of anything worse, and despite his brunette counterparts more romantic persuasions in life, he had been fairly absolute in his pursuit of pleasure over stability. Mija was perfect, a fish out of water, there was little need for her to establish connection, lest it impede her desire to see the world. Amusement was immediate at the innocent question that left pink, alcohol glazed petals. "What do you think, Vance, will God smite us?"
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"You know, Ezra. I hope he does." Laughter spilled from his lips, toothy grin flashing to his friend before settling once more on the pretty little thing in front of him. "Not to be too crude darling, but the things I want to do to you could inspire the bloody rapture." Cigarette dipped back into the ashtray, setting it down so he could lean forward, gently curling his fingertips around her calf in order to tug her chair closer, and when he did, he was slick in the way large hands smoothed down her leg, lifting the pin high enough to plant a purposeful smatter of kisses against her ankle, nipping at the skin with a smirk that could have charmed a serpent. "You're only this young and beautiful once you know darling, I'm sure the old fogey upstairs will understand..."
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tearedrops · 7 years ago
starter for: @simpaticos > mija + skull.
               small , slightly chubby fingers toy with the plastic , fish decorated straw she washes & takes everywhere with her ( after all , throwing away all the thin plastic straws was hurting the sea turtles ) , stirring it around in her hot coco to mix the cream & marshmallows in with the already sweet liquid as she gazes across at the other .     
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               ‘  soooo ...  ‘     an elbow comes to rest against the table , her palm playing the role of a makeshift perch for her chin as she grins up at skull , her leg swinging out a little to kick him gently under the table .     ‘  can i be honest with you ?? i think i swiped left on you on tinder once . but !! but only because your bio said you were over six foot , & i thought you were a liar . no one’s ever the height it says on tinder . & you were a little intimidating ...  ‘     she speaks honestly , a gentle pink tint highlighting the apples of her cheeks .     ‘  but at least i know you’re not a liar now !! you’re at least six foot .  ‘
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thejudgingtrash · 5 years ago
I wanna hear the Dom/sub discourse!!! Also love ur blog :) (I personally am a proponent of dom percy just bc I like that idea but I’d love to hear yours!!! I didnt even know there was discourse!) love to hear your thoughts and again super cool blog!!!! :’)
* ALSO WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY IF IT WASNT ALREADY ESTABLISHED BUT ONLLLLLLY IF THEY ARE LIKE IN THEIR OLDER 20S!!!! ppl doing that in the context of teens is *gross* (previous anon who sent in the ask before) :)
Oh! Thank you for the compliments. I’m still not used at being so visible now to people 🥺😥😅
Good that you’ve added your points because that essentially brings down my issues with this whole spiel. I guess I’m going to play the other card. My main issues with this whole thing are:
A) the fandom sexualizing kids
B) people not understanding that looks/behavior in or outside of a (romantic) relationship don’t necessarily have to correlate with sexual behavior, especially when powerplay is involved
Of course Percy is easier to grasp for us. We have five whole books where we hear his every thought, follow his every move and think we get to know him (that automatically makes Percy not a reliable narrator, just saying).
For every book quote that puts Percy into the „Dom“ slot, there’s also a book quote that would be fitting for Annabeth (the dance from TTC comes to my mind). I can see both going either way. Despite them having mostly different personalities (Percy internalizing his thoughts and motives, whereas Annabeth is doing rather the opposite), they are very similar when it comes to leadership and end goals. Annabeth can range from emotional to bossy in a similar way Percy does. They just express themselves on different levels and get seen by outsiders in different ways.
Did you catch that? Did you see the hypocrisy that I just committed? We are using book quotes to justify placing characters that are in that context and in overall canon minors/teens/essentially fucking children in sexualized categories. Tbh, as much flag as you can give Riordan, I can’t blame him for blocking people who do this. Not every author is a fan of fanfiction and fan theory and what not.
People throwing these BSDM terms around without a second thought makes me cringe (tbh, I’m too lazy to explain the psychology of power play and kinks in that regard, just know that the instigator is not automatically the top/dom and there are many, many, many layers in a pp relationship). You cannot base sexual behavior from the canon itself. We know nothing about Percy and Annabeth in that regard to even justify the slightest. Ripping actions out of context to give them a label doesn’t work like that so easily unfortunately.
The only way to settle this question for once and all would be by simply doing this:
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The whole debate that happened months/weeks ago (quarantine makes everything blurry in my memory) was just fucking stupid?
Imagine being a 15 year old, anxious, frightened girl. You’ve been deeply traumatized since you’ve been seven years old, you’re scared to death because you have a crush on your best friend and think he might perish (newsflash: of course you as the reader can foreshadow that in that context the series goes on. The characters can’t as they lack that specific insight. Percy didn’t have to wind up dead in the books, but he could have been severely mutilated, gone missing (guess he did later), bruised, etc. apart from his mental struggles. The super power part is essentially the only thing that’s keeping him alive), you give him a kiss because you’re too shy to admit your feelings for him and he’s being an awkward cheeky bastard before looking for a fight and then some adult asshole has the caucasity of calling you a bratty sub. Literally what.
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Some anon (or a group of anons, don’t know which) contacted a bunch of people with that Dom!Percy and Sub!Annabeth stuff. Anon, Liebste, homegirl, my love, mija, if you see this please slide into the DMs because whaddefuck? Your thought process hotdamn. Where did you pick this up? Let’s be open about this discussion. You didn’t go from A to B, you went from A to Z and robbed Jeff Bezos on the way out. I mean what???
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People using canon to justify their headcanons is simply something I can’t get behind in this matter. The main issues is that they are children/teens/minors in canon. There is no way around it. Trying to justify/back up some of your thoughts in that regard with actual quotes only makes it worse because you aren’t only sexualizing them in your fanon, but you are also automatically transferring these thoughts to the actual books and thus fore sexualizing them in canon. You’re changing the basis and narrative.
I honestly don’t get the obsession that some have with their teenage sex life? This isn’t a personal attack on people but I’ve seen this throughout several group chats and social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest even and of course Tumblr. And popular stuff like Riverdale, Euphoria, 13 Reasons Why and New Adult Twilight rip-offs á la Shades of Grey and that Harry Styles fanfic honestly don’t help with the portrayal of „curious“ teens.
This also isn’t a strict PJO phenomenon, it happens across all fandoms. The odd trend with sexualizing kids/teens or things intended for kids has been going on for ages. I get it, you grow out of the related audience but that doesn’t justify the means? Canon won’t change simply because you do.
Percy and Annabeth are awkward teens that have never dated anyone else and had barely half a year between pjo and hoo before getting caught up in another mess. I’m not saying that teens aren’t curious and don’t experiment, some do drugs and/or have sex (let’s be real the probability of something happening in the stable scene in MOA is very high) but still? Putting dom/sub labels on them is sketchyyy. Also throw your fucking sex god headcanons out of the motherfucking window. They are 17-ish, if you need the mental image of some weird kids flopping on top of each other for two whole minutes for some odd reason, good for you but I’m side eying the fuck outta you.
You can’t really blame Riordan for not being more explicit. A) the series is for middle schoolers (aka kids), so it’s not strictly Young Adult and there’s only so much you can do B) publishers/editors interfering is a thing (especially with society’s views of sex = bad and violence = just fine) and c) the probability of sexualizing the characters of his own creation in that sense might have made him uncomfortable. Better to play safe, than end up with a bigger mess, just saying. I’m all for the sex talk in a non-berating, (slightly) educational approach when it comes to that in non-adult literature. Or even just stating a sex scene in a mere sentence. (Karen M. McManus did an amazing job with portraying struggling teens with a right approach in One of Us is Lying. Stating it or making it very, very, very clear between the lines. Then again, not everyone can pull that off or wants to go in that direction).
In addition to that, seeing stuff like the infamous ”the sea doesn’t like to be restrained“ or ”Percy has handsome features which shifted from humor to anger“ quotes getting constantly shredded is so… Meh. One simple question: what does Percy having a mean resting bitch face to do with his sexuality/sexual behavior? What does him being annoyed and on the moodier side have to do with it? For me absolutely nothing. The correlation isn’t really clear and out there. Pissed Percy doesn’t translate into Percy automatically being the dominant (in Percabeth’s sex life)?
I mean I get it. We all grow up. Erotica is a wonderful genre and art form (if you waddle through the trash). You will never be able to get that out of fiction and fanfiction. That’s also neither my goal nor my place to decide. As cheap and stupid as it is, I’d rather have people intentionally aging the characters up and stating their headcanons in that regard rather than people attempting to abuse canon where the characters are minors in order for sexualizing them. There’s no good way to prevent this from happening unfortunately (unless you really want to abolish all explicit fanon stuff).
Whenever you post a sexy headcanon just hold on for a second. If you have abstract future headcanons sure, go ahead, personally don’t see a problem with that. But if you use source material to fixate your thoughts on minors in canon to give them sexual labels… I urge you to seriously rethink that.
Stop sexualizing minors. Please. Pretty please.
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lukhcs · 8 years ago
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            ❝ ese vestido te sienta bien, ¿ es muy caro ? ❞ cuestionó mientras se acercaba a la morena & le veía atentamente. en su mano diestra, una copa de licor reposaba, mostrando ya el efecto en sus ávidas palabras. ( @flaviaisms )
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tearfest · 7 months ago
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ㅤㅤ" what, so i shouldn't go to class anymore? because that can't be safe either, if that's the logic you want to apply. " her voice was playful and annoyed as she kissed the tip of her thumb before using it to wipe at the superficial wound, brows still furrowed with concern even as the mess started to disappear. gentle fingers prodded at his chest when he called her cute, cheeks reddening as her annoyance turned into embarrassment; growing flustered as her gaze fell to his sweet and smiling lips. " oh— so that's why you try to worry me so much. am i not cute enough without the worry? i'll be grey before graduation. "
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the corners of his lips quirked upward in the slightest at her worry, but he let her grip his chin with her small hand to angle his face in a way where she could see how bad the damage was. it wasn't too bad, it just looked bad with the blood. ❝ nothing is ever safe anymore. ❞ he responded simply, sending her a small smile before a hum fell past his lips. ❝ ------ ..... i think it's cute when you worry.. ❞
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tearfest · 6 months ago
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ㅤㅤmija hadn't told anyone about her visit, and maybe that was a mistake within itself. but how was she supposed to tell her devout, church-going parents about her first face-to-face date with her prison penpal that, in her head, was kind of her boyfriend? they'd only schedule her for an exorcism, and that's before they'd seen the filth she'd sent him. oh, if they knew about that, they'd surely burn up on the spot.
ㅤㅤshe'd offered to pick him up, to be the first friendly face he'd see outside of the prison gates. it had definitely helped that she'd recently passed her driving test — something she'd mentioned in the more mundane parts of their exchanges. it was comical, really, her small, yellow car in the prison parking lot with a fuzzy bee hanging from the mirror. she'd cleaned it before, but she hadn't thought to make it less... bright. she hoped he didn't mind, or judge her.
ㅤㅤshe was smiling from ear to ear when she saw him coming, stepping away from the hood of her car to approach him excitedly albeit nervously. " hi! you look... " handsome, sexy, hot? " ...even better in person. " she blurted, never having had the best filter. she wanted to throw her arms around him, to hug him, and kiss him, and... and she was shy. " do you want to go get some food? i was thinking you'd be hungry for something you haven't had in a while. " she nodded towards her car then, cheeks red with embarrassment as she smiled awkwardly up at him, " you can put your bag in the trunk. "
closed starter for @thechiyonosakenyc, based on.
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tearfest · 3 months ago
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ㅤㅤmija was smart. top-of-her-class levels of smart. and yet she was painfully oblivious to the fact that he was, too. merely thought he was a good learner, and she liked his company too much to really question it. extra credit and the company of arguably the cutest guy in class? how could she complain! " honestly it's okay, really. you don't have to like, pay me or anything. i mean— you could always buy me dinner if you really felt like it. " she closed her ring binder of notes, pen placed carefully down next to the spine; turning in her chair some so she could look up at him with a sweet smile curling at glossy petals. " besides— do you really need a break so soon? i'm not tiring you out already, am i? "
open to: f/nb muse: luke conrad, political science major and son of a politician. plot: luke is pretending to need help with academics so he can get closer to your muse.
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truth be told, luke was smart  — medals from the high school academic decathlon stowed away in the attic could attest to that. but as he got older, his desire to excel at school plummeted, until he was going to classes just to graduate.  “come on, can’t we go on a little break? i ‘m almost a hundred percent sure i’ll ace this damn test already," luke grinned, staring at her intently.  “you know, we haven’t really discussed how i could make it up to you for doing this for me.” 
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negroamigo · 8 years ago
Some Thoughts
So I watched the movie Okja a few days ago and as soon as I finished it I went to Tumblr for the Discourse™.  After searching through the tag, I found a lot of post claiming that the film was pro-vegan; while I’m not going to sit here and say that someone’s interpretation of a film can be dead wrong I will say that I didn’t take that away from the movie.  Frankly, I feel like the main indication that the film wasn’t pro-vegan was when, towards the ending, (spoiler alert) the leader of the Animal Liberation Front was literally about to strike Okja with the microphone pole after she had bit Mija’s arm.  It was only when Mija stopped did he realize what he was about to do.  Personally, I feel like the film is about the atrocities of big business, exploitation of workers ( especially Latino workers, as seen in the final act), anti-capitalism, and how we, the consumers, need to work together to ensure the quality of our food.  That even though we are eating meat, we understand that it was a living thing before it arrived on our plates.
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tearedrops · 7 years ago
starter for: @bodysmiles > mija + ?? based on: x.
                ‘  see , it’s easy ,  ‘     nimble digits flip the pen around within her grasp , using the fluffy end to point at the numbers & formulas printed on the sheets .     ‘  you just group all the matching terms on one side , & it cancels out on the other ... so there’s a negative three over here ,  ‘     she points to the number in question ,      ‘  & a positive three on this side . so you just ... - hey , are you even paying attention ??  ‘
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fandomshatepeopleofcolor · 7 years ago
this scott mccall discourse is reminding me how ppl are like veronica from riverdale is “not really depicted as latina. The only time it is is when her mom calls her “mija”. Other than that you would not be able to tell she is.”
I’m not sure why people are so quick to claim latinx as white (and half asians like Chloe Bennet) but you’re right its definitely a trend. its this very subtle brand of racism where like we’re still not not white enough to be protected but everyone will claim they’re white just because they’re the right sort of tan brown.
mod ali
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