#miguel x builder
jazdrawsmtas · 4 months
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Pen: "I didn't know you had it in you!"
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ghosttownmettie · 1 year
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I've been playing a lot of My Time at Sandrock this summer. You can tell a game is good if I plug 100 hours into it and it's only in early access. Here's some art I did of my player x miguel when we are married(HIS VOICE SO FINE)
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vani-candy · 3 months
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hi have a chapter houiglhkgfldkls
im not very happy with this one, i am well convinced it is cursed because it gave me many troubles (to the point i screwed up and merged the line and sketch layers at one point on accident,..) but sometimes you just gotta take the L!!!!!!
i think i will go to bed for a few days. or weeks. i need a mental break and i gotta work on my drafts for the next arc anyway!!!! (im looking forward to working on the next arc!!!!!)
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novadragoness · 1 month
Builder & Qi are the kind of power couple that would give Miguel heart attacks daily.
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jazzajazzjazz · 8 months
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"I want to hate you so badly"'
Angsty Miguel x Builder commission for @vernahateclub --thank you so much! ——- Unlimited commissions are open so I can pay off the final part of a loan–consider checking out this post 
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floramisu · 8 months
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Made a little character sheet for Onyx!
The template was made by @lucifers-paramour
And I'm slowly writing down lore for her, I'll write it under the cut!
Name: Onyx Age: ~22 Gender: Female (She/Her) Profession: Builder City of Origin: Highwind
Onyx is one of the new builders coming to Sandrock from Highwind. She wanted to make a change in the world, and seeing a position open in a town in need, she thought it was her chance to finally make a difference. In Highwind, Onyx didn't have many friends, Nia being the only that stuck the test of time, even if they started drifting apart after High School. People are usually intimidated by Onyx's stern gaze, leading them to believe she's unfriendly and should not be messed with. In truth, she's just reserved, but craves connections that always seem just out of reach. Maybe in Sandrock she can finally change her fate.
She's a follower of the Church of the Light. Even if she's not the most orthodox, she still tries to give donations whenever she can.
Despite this, she finds relics fascinating, and believes not all of them should be discarded, though some should be handled with care.
Please note most of these are previous to certain story events, and those events will change how she feels towards them.
Burgess: Despite her seemingly standoffish appearance, Burgess was nice to Onyx from day one, and did not judge her. He soon became Onyx's first friend, and she cherished him deeply, wanting to do anything to help him out in his quest for water conservation! Eventually, she developed feelings for him, and they started dating. Everyday she's with him is a day filled with the warmest sunshine.
Mi-an: While she was a bit afraid of Onyx at first, she very quickly realized there was nothing to fear. With both being builders and working together, they developed a nice friendship. Onyx enjoys having someone she can trust and with whom to discuss her passion.
Miguel: As a member of the Church of the Light, and the one handling finances and donations, Onyx and Miguel got to talk quite a bit. They don't agree with everything, but they still get along quite well. Miguel can offer Onyx advice when she's feeling lost, and she really appreciates him. In a way, he's sort of like a second dad to her.
Matilda: Onyx often goes to donate to the Church and ends up seeing Matilda. She enjoys listening to her, and they usually have very nice chats. Matilda never seemed to judge her, and this is something she values.
Pen: Onyx doesn't particularly like Pen, but they talk from time to time regardless and she tries to give him a chance. However, she gets very annoyed any time he picks on Burgess, and will not hesitate to let him know, though he doesn't really care. Pen respects Onyx's strength, and something may have happened when he realized her arms... are actually strong?!
Unsuur: They often pass each other while working, and while they didn't talk much at first, Unsuur admired Onyx's hard (like a rock) work. After a certain incident, they became closer friends, and Unsuur loves talking to her about rocks. With a name like hers, she's the perfect person for it!
Fang: It took some time, since both are pretty reserved, but after Onyx helped Fang with his experiments, a bit of conversation started appearing, at least from Onyx's side, helped a bit by X. Onyx could relate to his loneliness, and really wanted to help him come out of his shell, just as she had been learning to do during her time at Sandrock.
Dan-bi: They're not that close, but as a friend of Burgess, Onyx tries to befriend her as well. They don't always understand each other, but both of them agree that they will kick the butt of anyone who messes with Burgy boy, and sometimes that is enough.
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sno4wy · 1 year
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Love is in the little things.
Male builder x Miguel (My Time at Sandrock)
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killergirlfuria · 1 year
Anyway, hi, come meet the gremlin into whose save I’ve poured about 80 hours in the last 2 weeks.
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Their name is Wren. They use female body frame and they/them pronouns, and they may or may not be a liiiittle bit not human. Just a bit of radiation, promise.
More stuff about them (mostly relationships) under the cut.
They’re in their early 20s, their birthday is 13 of Spring. 
Their workshop is called Cait Sith because once upon a time they got a working copy of Final Fantasy VII and... Well, yanno, robot cat.
They’re a builder from Highwind from fancy Builder school. They love making stuff, ruin diving, technology, and people-watching. Due to their... Inhuman nature, they can come off as weird, but since they’re honest, genuine, and hard-working to a workaholic degree (also can’t keep out of other people’s business for shit) they do tend to make friends by osmosis, at least in adulthood. In childhood, they’ve been kind-of adopted by Nia, and they hold her in very high regard for it (as seen by them wearing the bunny accessory from her) as other children shied away from them.
Their relationship with townsfolk go as follows:
They’ve had a crush on Fang on sight, and it’s only rooted itself deeper as they’ve gotten to know him, though they are still working up the courage to give him the Heart Knot. Meanwhile, they keep reminding Fang to rest (especially when his health acts up), and Fang reminds them to slow the fuck down and go to sleep before midnight this time or else. Doctor’s orders.
Nia is their childhood/best friend, and they hold her in very high regard. 
Their mother’s name is Maeve, their father’s name is Robyn, and they are the oldest of 4 siblings, with twin younger brothers, Jay and Qrow, and a younger sister, Dove.
They’re really good friends with Owen (all the part time work), Heidi (all the construction work), X (easier to get along with animals), and Justice (he actually seeks Wren’s company out sometimes + Civil Corp membership), and slightly less close with Unsuur (mostly working together), Mabel (jobs + dealing with Elsie and Cooper), and Qi (not-Gundams, but also Wren wants that ninja sword). They’re also friendly with Amirah (older sister of a gremlin son bonding time), Rocky (united in their hatred for Yan), and Ernest (who got attached due to Wren often answering his food requests). 
They really respect Vivi, Mort, Zeke, and especially Trudy. Though they also (somewhat, begrudgingly) respect Cooper, they avoid him like the plague and wither through his rants only barely.
They’ve kinda... Accidentally (?) adopted Andy because they did not vibe with Miguel. Andy seems to like this arrangement better, even if he still has to go to school.
Due to their personalities, they’ve always been queasy with Pen and Miguel, and they’ve outright despised Yan due to his greed and whinging. They’re also been majorly put off by Arvio due to their first few interactions, and though he’s gotten better (with Wren and Amirah’s meddling), Wren still isn’t wholly comfortable with him.
They’ve adopted all the pets (their favorite is Nemo) and they have a spotted horse called Toffee.
Rosie/Magic Mirror is... Certainly A Lot for them. But it’s useful, so.
With everyone else, they’re friendly but ambivalent.
If you wanna know more about them, you can ask me. I might draw them soon.
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pentition · 1 year
Besides Pen, who are your favourites? Don't have be to romance wise btw.
HMM... You'll be lucky if I don't just list everyone, lmfao.
Yan is always going to be a personal favorite. Same with Unsuur, tbh. Unsuur's love for rocks rivals mine but he also has a personality that hits my sense of humor almost perfectly.
I'm really soft on Heidi. My original playthrough it was her character my builder ended up accidentally befriending first, mostly just due to the commission board. But she was just so great every step of the way. I can't get enough of her. SO SOFT.
Rocky and just his whole family in general I adore - Krystal is lovely, Pebbles is precious. I didn't think I would by his intro, since my irl self has known one too many people like him. But he actively is trying to not be angry and is often succeeding in it, is generally open and doesn't really hesitate to tell the builder his thoughts and feelings.
Sort of in the same vein, I like Pablo a lot similar reasons as I do Rocky. I like hearing more and more of his dialogue as you befriend him. He's just so pleasant all around. I like his confidence, too. I just want more content with him.
And Burgess, too. Do I even need to say what I love about Burgs?
I always thought Grace was fun but she grew even more on me. Early on I felt like I was supposed to like her but something always felt like it was missing? Guess we know why now. Similarly, Mi-an and Nia did too. I kinda put Mi-an and Nia in a similar box, the kind bff but then I thought more and more on character roles and dynamics with their personalities and it just made me love them more.
Miguel always interested me. I still can't fully put into words how I regard him but from the start he was high up on my list. He still is, don't think just because he's here on this makeshift list that I don't consider him highly. I think about him. A lot.
I do like Fang and X a lot, too. I can't say I've always loved how he is written but I do love his general concept and how he regards the builder as they befriend one another. I like that he needs time and patience and tbh, for my builder, they are sorta peas in a pod. Which worked out perfectly. Tbh I think out of all the friendships, Fang and my builder's was the most natural.
I think Logan, Haru and Andy I've adopted. There's more I want to see of them, especially when it comes to forming my opinion. But I am very fond of them. I will say I just love Andy's spunk, Haru's ambition and I think it's super fun that Logan enjoys a fight. His laughs during combat are top tier.
Trudy and Vivi are underrated and I want to have brunch with them both. I do like Amirah but I don't really know what to say beyond that. Same with Owen. They are just likable. I think because they are so easy going and know what they are about, they sort of just settle into that 'pleasant' place like Rocky (and fam). Just cozy.
OKAY CUTTING IT OFF HERE! These are the people I will immediately stop for. Which is like, half the cast by now. sdgfhgfj
Thanks for inquiring!! I can. Talk forever on this game, lmao. <3
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sandrockian · 2 years
Pen cannot get enough of touching Liira whenever they're alone, where no one can intrude on the little moments between them.
His fingers gently tucking a lock of curly hair behind her ear, an arm wrapping protectively around her waist, lips brushing across her forehead, etc. Even when she's sitting next to him, he's filled with the undeniable need to pull her close. But, of course, it's torture in public because Liira's not the type to indulge in PDA, so he's always inwardly squirming and counting the seconds when they can return to her place.
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jazdrawsmtas · 4 months
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I would always take him back to the church after a hangout lol
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Kiss me
For: @sweetcannolicarisi​ Candy Hearts Bingo. Thanks to @beccabarba​ for reading over this to make sure I was on point with the Cartel Boss Daddy.
Bingo square: Kiss me
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x reader.
Warnings: Smut.
WC: 1557
Enjoy x
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When your boss told you that he had taken on the Galindo contract you knew he was money hungry, but this just proved how much. There were a lot of rumours around the streets about the cartel family even more now the cartel boss’s divorce was finalised and he was building a monster of a house up in the hills not far from the boarder for his new bachelor life.
You had stuck to yourself for most of the meetings, just added to the notes on the deigns changes adding them to the account and then checking them against the plans that had been drawn up. You were on the paper work side of architect side of things and it suited you just fine, that was up until tonight when you were asked to go to Mr Galindo to get paper work signed so the paper work could be passed on to the builders the next day to get the ball rolling on the building process.
The taxi stopped at the cocktail bar that Miguel was at when you called filling him in with what was going on and he asked you to come there. A man in braids and moustache and another older man with slicked back hair and moustache both walked to the car when it stopped. The older man opened your door taking your hand to help you out, while the other man handed the driver your taxi fare,
“Gracias Señor” you smiled, pulling your hand out of his pushing your black skirt down over your hips.
“De nada, Mr Galindo is waiting for you inside, and please call me Marcus”
“Thank you Marcus”
You smiled politely walking to open the door walking into the dim light of the bar that was empty bar Miguel sitting at a two seater table reading some paper work, and a bartender cleaning glasses who gave you a small smile. You closed the door softly and walked towards the table, clearing your throat when Miguel hadn’t noticed you walking in,
“Mr Galindo” Miguel looked up and you held your hand out to him, he in return reached over shacking your hand with his. A small gasp left your lips as his warm hand wrapped yours. Your eyes met his and a smiled pulled to his face.
“Y/N right?” you nodded, Miguel still having hold of your hand, before slowly pulling it away “Please have a seat” he pointed to the empty seat across from him “Red or white?”
“White” you looked over at him watching as he nodded at the bar tender “I have the paper work for you Mr Galindo and then I can leave you be” you went to open your bag to pull out the folder of paper work.
“Please call me Miguel, Mr Galindo was my father” he smiled at you. Your eyes scanned over his incredibly soft face, running over his salt and pepper beard covered face, his hair gelled back perfectly. You were in awe of how handsome he was, your eyes running down to his neck and throat settling on his undone shirt buttons “Do you have somewhere to be?”
“No” you frowned slightly.
“Good, then we are in no rush. Relax Y/N” Miguel smiled at you.
The rumours clearly weren’t all true, of a cold hearted cartel boss that wore a yellow rain coat to protect his suits when taking care of business, he was more than that. Miguel was kind and friendly, actually quite easy to talk with, talking about your childhoods, your interests and general conversation. You hadn’t laughed that mush in a while. After your third glass of wine, an order of pasta and switching to water you somehow ended up in the VIP room with Miguel telling you his plans for the club,
“It’s an amazing space, it’s so beautiful as it is, shame you’re going to change it really” you looked over your shoulder at a smiling Miguel who was watching you as you walked around the room running your fingers over the black and white wall paper covering the room.
“It’s not as beautiful as you” Miguel started to walk towards you. Your breathing hitched as Miguel got closer backing you into the wall. His cologne mixed with the smell of whisky filling your nostrils going straight to your core. Miguel ran his hand up the side of your leg moving it to rest on your hip “Do you feel uncomfortable Y/N?”
“No” you breathed out heavily.
“Then, kiss me” Miguel grinned at you.
You surged forward the rest of the way, your lips meeting his, his soft facial hair pressing on your skin making you whimper into his mouth. Miguel opened his mouth slightly to run his tongue over your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, his tongue darting into yours. Your tongues rolling together. Miguel pulled back, both hands going to your hips to pull you further off the wall, then reached down cupping the backs of your thighs lifting you up and pushing you into the wall for support, his lips crashing on yours again for a rough and deep kiss.
Miguel growled into your mouth when you rolled your clothed core over his hard zipper covered length. Your arms moved to wrap around his neck pulling him in closer. Miguel moved one hand over to the inside of your thigh up your skirt, his long pointer finger slipping under your panties as he reached down between you both,
“Y/N, you’re so wet” he groaned.
“All for you Miguel” you purred
Miguel growled slipping in a finger into your wet centre, biting his bottom lip at how wet you were, another finger joining it, his thumb connecting with your sensitive pearl, your legs tightened around Miguel pulling him in closer.  
“Didn’t take you for a foreplay kind of man Miguel” your jaw went slack while Miguel thrusted his fingers into you rolling his thumb over your clit. Miguel’s laugh was low and dangerous, the grin on his face making you even wetter,
“What kind of man did you take me for Y/N?” Miguel added a third finger, them hitting just the right spot every time.
“Straight to the point” you moaned out.
Miguel stopped, pulling his fingers out of you bringing them up to your lips, you opened your mouth Miguel pushing his fingers into your mouth and you swelled your tongue around his fingers sucking them clean. Miguel’s eyes darkened as you worked on them and he rolled his hips into your clothed core,
“You want straight to the point baby girl, I’ll give you straight to the point” he growled.
Miguel pushed you into the wall with his hips pushing you up against it more, reaching into his pocket for his wallet getting out a condom holding it between his teeth. He reached down undoing his belt and zipper pushing his pants and boxers down, them falling to his ankles. He opened and rolled on the condom.
Before you knew it, his fingers were back at your centre as he moved your panties to the side lining himself up to you sliding in slowly. Miguel’s lips met yours as he thrusted into you hard and fast, Miguel kissed you deeply as you swallowed each other’s moans and grunts. Fighting to catch your breath you pulled away from him leaning forward kissing around his ear, nipping on his ear lobe reaching between you both to your forgotten pearl rubbing it as Miguel gripped onto your hips. The coil in your belly about to snap,
“Oh-I-Mig-” your breath was taken away as your body filled with pleasure as you tighten your legs around him even more your inner walls gripping around him making him groan, your whole body shaking as your release crashed through you. You lent down and started to kiss down Miguel’s neck, the feeling of his beard on your lips intensifying your orgasm, grinding onto him riding out your high, kissing along to his Adam’s apple at the centre of his throat nipping and sucking there gently.
Miguel’s hold on your hips was like a vice as he slammed into you once, twice and the third time a loud pant and your name leaving his lips as he stilled gasping as he came deep inside you, his head dropping onto your shoulder trying to catch his breath,
“Straight enough to the point for you Y/N?” Miguel chuckled pulling out of you, your legs unwrapping from around his waist so you could stand.
“Think so” you smiled up at him while you fixed your panties and pulled your skirt back down. Miguel pulled up his pants briefly walking out of the room, walking back in not long after like he hadn’t just had you pinned up against the wall.
Miguel walked over peaking your cheek and then offering you his arm for you to link your arm with his,
“Dessert is ready, and after I sign the paper work let me drop you home”
“Thank you Miguel. Maybe you could come in for a night cap” you looked up at Miguel as you walked out of the room.
Miguel lent down his lips at your ear,
“As long as the night cap involves you sucking on my cock like you did my fingers, I’ll definitely be coming in.”
Tags: @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @teamsladsandgents​ @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo​ @amorestevens​
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vani-candy · 7 months
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A new chapter has appeared!!!! im still in a funky mental state (certainly doing better than i was last month at least bruh) but im slowly getting back into the swing of things! im getting experimental with my process again and i kind of let my biases rule me on this one a tad oops. (that said, your personal biases making it into your writing is a little inevitable) this chapter turned out a bit angstier than i drafted it LOL but i can assure you the next one will be a fluffy silly one! for sure!
i hope you all enjoy!
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#radioprogram #broadcasting #playlist #music #listening #pop #rock #indie #live #cool #catradioactive #series #funforaday #hipster #shoegazer #anything #modernrock #musicoftheweek #newrealease #varieties #international Catradioactive 24 July 21: Cold Cave - Night Light Aeroplane Mode - Grown Ups Caramel Snow - I'm Afraid I'll Dream About You Fixers - Rosetti Fields Blood Pick Me - Blood To Blood Pop Crimes - There Were Smiles Ludalloy - Cerebellum Rare Americans - Hey Sunshine Evolfo - Give Me Time L.A. - Old Enough Typhoon - Empire Builder The King's Parade - Little Rituals Wolf Alice - Delicious Things The Emerald Isle - Craigwizard Latewaves - I'm Alright Red Ribbon - Planet X Desperate Journalist - Was It Worth It? Dispatch - The Legend Of Connie Hawkins Last Days Of April - Alone Surf Curse - Freaks The City Gates - Tending A Dead Woman's Garden Clustersun - Juggernaut Day Aches - Wicker Ethics - Kiss Forever Stacking Pennies - Vertigo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dxD-TSwLME&list=PLU62MFne4NxA-FKiZe2IjGoMkFgksref- Fun for a day 229: Joey Tempest Remembers Ronnie James Dio - Heaven And Hell John Mayer - Shouldn't Matter But It Does (Live From The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon) Rosé - Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Dim Sum - Kids Don't Care Billie Eilish - Your Power Andy Caldwell Feat Omega - I Can't Wait (Miguel Migs Remix) Dzihan & Kamien - Dabudei David Gabriel Thorpe - Summer Rain Pressyes - Atlantic Ocean Spray Andy Caldwell - Invierno Blank & Jones - Into The Sun Dee Gees - Shadow Dancing Eyeclimber - Doomed Jw Francis - Holy Mountain Wychazel - Arcana Within Temptation - Shed My Skin (Feat. Annisokay) Grazer - Without You Lonesome Rhodes - Wormhole Cal In Red - Act Like Ruby Waters - Blood Thinner John Mayer - Wild Blue Munya - Pour Toi Sitcom - Gutter Hikaru Utada - Pink Blood Robert Miles - Red Zone Scotch Mist - Operator The Beatles - And I Love Her Pat Metheny - And I Love Her Tops - Party Again Ace Buchannon - Come Alive (Feat. Anna Moore) Stone Foundation - Echoes Of Joy Coldplay - Higher Power Paul Mccartney, Beck - Find My Way X Japan - La Venus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC8rSSZ7BaE&list=PLU62MFne4NxCWpj_c_q9_-Lb9npYmXUwE https://www.instagram.com/p/CRvGMxtJ4qV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sandrockianblues · 2 years
Hey how would the LIs react to being asked “would you still love me if I was a worm?” 🌚
I only did romanced male LIs for the sake of pushing this out lmao and because I’ve studied them the best but-
ASKING ROMANCED MALE LOVE INTERESTS: “Would you love me if I was a worm?”
🛍️Arvio🛍️: head empty, no thoughts. Says yes immediately. Of course he would. His love for the builder transcends even species (someone come get this boy pls 💀-) need you even ask?
“I’d still love you that even butterflies would pale in comparison to your beauty as a worm.”
🌻Burgess🌻: bewildered but excited to answer. Pure sunshine boy. Happy they’d even asked or consider the notion. Obviously he’d still love them as a worm!
“Let’s be worms together,” he smiles, “and we can build a life together amongst the flowers.”
✏️Ernest✏️: ok, he’s got this. This is nothing compared to the weird prompts he’s written to humor his audience (composed of children). If he fucks this up, he’s truly failed as a writer. Regardless of if they’re being serious or not. (Aka he literally considers this for the wrong reason but hey, at least he answered).
“You could be a worm, a drifting leaf, or even the night’s breeze- and I’d still love you.”
🌿Fang🌿: literally glances at X then back at them, wondering if they realize the immediate danger they’d be in if they were a worm. Deadass points to the bird too with a raised brow. Wants to say yes but-
“…I’d probably have given you to him for food without realizing it.” 💀
🌟Justice🌟: double checks to see if they’re buzzed or something but laughs lightly, slinging an arm around them and tugging them close, huffing into their hair as they walk.
“Sure, sweetheart. You’d be the prettiest worm ever.”
🤍Logan🤍: the quickest decliner. He’s not even really sorry. He’s a gentleman at heart but, that’s a dumb fucking question. But still, he’s not one to leave his builder sad.
He frowns, turning to face them. “Darlin’…that’s ‘bout the silliest question I’ve ever heard. ‘Course I wouldn’t. I’d use ya as bait without a thought.” Opening his arms, a teasing smile playing on the edge of his lips. “C’mere, let me hold my favorite human instead.”_______________________________________________
☀️Miguel☀️: lowkey thinks it’s a dumb question but whatever. He’ll wax his builder a bit of poetry to them if it makes his love happy.
“Wanderer of the rich soil, and a soul that sees the world for the vastness it is. You see so much for so little a creature. The wonderment in your eyes is cause enough for me to have been bewitched by you.” (Someone pls give me credit for bullshitting this pls)
💚Owen💚: thoroughly amused. A thick brow raised, cocked hip and growing crooked grin. His eyes sparkle with amusement and he’s one to play along just to melt his little builder’s heart some more, make them fall even harder for him. He is a storyteller after all.
“Doll, there isn’t anything in this world that can stop my lovesick heart from loving you. Not even if you were a worm.” What a charmer-
_______________________________________________ ✂️Pablo✂️: dumbfounded and in disbelief. Freezes in whatever he’s doing to stare at the builder, questioning if they’re serious. Another one of the honest ones.
“…sweetheart, I wouldn’t approach you or your kind with a ten foot pole.” A wink to save himself though. “So why don’t you stay human for me, huh? I’ll love you all you want if you do.”
🏅Pen🏅: lmao, sorry. He’s new to romance and is still surprised he’s landed the builder half the time when his bravado leaves him. But this?
A loud and boisterous nervous chuckle, “I’d probably crush you if you were a worm. Best if we don’t go there.”
🚀Qi🚀: hears “worm” and sidetracks before realizing what they said. Cue another confused boy who is going to give them a bit of scathing judgment and a severe questioning look.
“Worms. Members of the clitellata class. Members of the genus Lumbricus. Known for- wait, did you just ask if I’d love you as a worm?…you know I’ve dissected worms before, right? Do you still want me to answer?”
🪨Unsuur🪨: best boi confused too. Gives them an odd look, severely confused and wondering if this is just a normal thing with people that he’s been ignorant of. Gives a resounding “no” in response. The builder should follow up by asking if they were a rock, would he still love them.
Looks away, checking the dirt and sand on his boots. “You’d probably be a rare jewel if you were a rock, gem. I’d take such good care and protection of you if you were.” Talk sedimentary to him pls -
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deadaccount2000 · 5 years
Shows that will probably unlock memories when mentioned or give you nostalgia:
And yes I watched all of these as a kid
Jane and The Dragon
Noonbori and The Super Seven
Jacob Twotwo
I can't remember the name but there were three kids, 1 pink/purple with pigtails, 1 yellow with a beanie and 3D glasses, and 1 blue who was short and wore a Hawaiian shirt, and I think it was called Milos Mysteries but it was freaky as shit and I loved it
Moana The Vampire
I also can't remember the name of this one but it was a white mouse with a badger for a friend and they were human sized
Bunny Maloney
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood when it still aired
Anne of Greengables
Peep and The Big Wide World
Again I can't remember but there was a pink girl with ribbons as hair, a blue boy who used a bunch of shapes, and a green robot.
Samurai Jack
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Teen Titans
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Looney Toons
Scooby Doo: Where Are You
Dragon Tails
Kirby Buckets
Regular Show
The Haunted Hathaways
The Amazing World of Gumball
Adventure Time
Wizards of Waverly Place
American Dragon: Jake Long
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Suite Life: On Deck
Ant Farm
The Replacements
Ms. Spider's Sunny Patch Friends
Bob the Builder
The Gummy Bears
Micky Mouse Club House
The Haunting Hour
My Gym Partner is a Monkey
The old animated X-men Series that started off with a kid making an eraser skateboard
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (several versions)
Little Einsteins
Phineas and Ferb
Drake and Josh
Blues Clues
Max and Ruby
Little Bill
Wild Kratts
Angelina Ballerina
Go, Diego, Go
Literally anything with sesame street puppets
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Ed, Edd, and Eddy
Maya and Miguel
Lazy Town
Jimmy Neutron
Danny Phantom
Fairly Odd Parents
The Wild Thornberrys
The Electric Company
Codename: Kids Next Door
Dog with a Blog
Good Luck, Charlie
Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman
Martha Speaks
OG Ben Ten
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Camp Lazlo
Fish Hooks
Dexter's Laboratory
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Johnny Bravo
Hey Arnold
Total Drama Island
My Life As A Teenage Robot
Mighty Bee
The Wiggles
The Doodlebops
Shake It Up
Rocket Power
The X's
Power Puff Girls
Back At The Barnyard
The Backyardigans
Again, do not remember but it was a band with a guy and girl in blue, a girl in pink, and a guy in red. The girl in blue had red hair and she was my favorite
Tak and The Power of JuJu
The Magic School Bus
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
Wow Wow Wubzzy
Pair of Kings
Code Lyoko
Anime that aired late on CN
Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan
Kick Buttowski: Suburban Devil
Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja
Pickle and Peanut
Lab Rats
Crash and Bernstein
The Bernstein Bears
Camp Lakebottom
Doctor Who with David Tennant
Jem and The Holograms
Pound Puppies
And that's it for now. I'll update the list if I find anymore.
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