#miguel beyblade
teabiscs · 11 months
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Happy birthday Michael Kahn!
incredibly rushed, but got it posted nonetheless!
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poda-venna · 2 years
One member from (almost) each team.
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maukiki1 · 1 month
Wazzuupp ok so i thought this would be a popular ship when i was watching g rev n i was surprised to find no fanart of it. Or ship name. Or a ship at all. I put a poll and people chose “clauguel/clauhael” (depends on which name you use for michael/miguel i like to use the sub names) so heres my first clauhael fanart. The wings are a free real estate for sure (this wasnt even supposed to be rendered or have a background but clauhael sweep i guess)
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Yes i owlified claude LOLLLL hessocute i love him
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hellovivirose · 11 months
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More face challenge requests! The board is almost done!
Hitoshi/Hiro in D2 @kinomiya
Brooklyn in C5 @let-it-ripperoni
Wyatt/Yuuya in D4 @nekobakubey
Boris/Volkov in B8 @nekobakubey
Zeo in E7 @imma-lil-teapot
Here’s what’s on the way! One slot left!
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grave-buster · 18 days
actually another rising question. is leon there. you mentioned parenthood is kind of a running theme in it so surely we see leon and zagart. right. right. (i've also been thinking about how leon, albeit unintentionally, has a lot of trans vibes so i'm wondering how things are in rising, if it provides any more on that front that sort of thing. and also leon is just a banger character in general)
Hi! I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO REPLY 😭 I just got a little caught up with things.
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Leon teams up with Miguel/Michael Kahn and battles Takao and Rei. It's so cool to see the two Germans team up (Edit: Zeo is actually Austrian apparently??) They give Takao and Rei a hard time but are ultimately defeated.
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Their team's name is ヴァイスクリーガー (Which I think translates to 'Weißkrieger'?)
Unfortunately, I didn't notice any mentions of Dr. Zagart. Such a missed opportunity! I think Leon and Zagart's story would fit in with the Parenthood themes.
I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on Leon having trans vibes! I dunno if I'm recalling this correctly, but in the manga, Leon is a human instead of an android, right? And Dr. Zagart made Leon pretend to be Zeo, his deceased son who he was trying to revive using the Sacred Beasts? Whereas the anime Zeo wanted to become human.
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moonandblossoms · 4 months
Ok, so long ago, I used a height difference generator for my Beyblade ships. And the heights are solely based on my headcanons.
Takao x Hiromi
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Quite above average for Takao. He probably has a bit of height because of training and stuff, plus a bit of genetics. And Hiromi is also quite above average for a Japanese woman. Cute height difference for huggies and cuddles while standing.
Height difference = 22cm
Kai x Julia
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As for Kai, I wanted to make him taller than Takao. The deuteragonists always exceed the protagonist's height. Julia has the perfect 'tall girl' height, since she is already tall enough in the series. She'll wear heels so that Kai can kiss on her lips smeared with Lipstick hehe.
Height difference = 18cm
Rei x Mao
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The Chinese are shorties in general, but I'm not convinced to give Rei a short height. He is a good trainer and I headcanon his father having a great height. As for Mariah, I neither made her short nor tall, instead average. But their big height difference is so cute and hot! Rei can lift her up anytime.
Height difference = 29cm
Max x Emily
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Americans are decently tall. But, I still wanted to give Maxie some extra height and Emily is average to above average (?). It's soothing for Max when Emily hugs him and lays her head on his neck.
Height difference = 19cm
Yuriy x Queen
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It's self explanatory for both of them, I guess? Yuriy is Russian, and they have a great height. And I think Queen is quite tall as well. Huge height difference and it's quite hot. Queen will enjoy the height difference and the effort to kiss him.
Height difference = 25cm
Ozuma x Mariam
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I know Ozuma is VERY short in the series, but I'm not convinced by that. I headcanon him having a huge height boost as he ages. As for Mariam, she is quite tall. They have a lesser height difference, but still decent. Easier to kiss.
Height difference = 12cm
Kane x Salima
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My OTP, eeh! Kane is a Japanese Australian and Australians have a great height. I'd say the height thing runs in their family genes. And, I think the height for Salima is quite decent above average-ish. Cute height difference for her to cuddle on Kane's chest.
Height difference = 25cm
Michael x Mathilda
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Michael is definitely tall in my opinion. He seemed quite tall in the series. Mathilda as a shortie is cute and sweet. But, she buys heels after heels to come a bit closer to his height. Her head directly goes on his chest during hugs which is cute. They'd prefer showing their love language when they are lying down together since it would be difficult for her.
Height difference = 37cm
In order
1] Michael x Mathilda = 37cm
2] Rei x Mao = 29cm
3] Yuriy x Queen + Kane x Salima = 25cm
4] Takao x Hiromi = 22cm
5] Max x Emily = 19cm
6] Kai x Julia = 18cm
7] Ozuma x Mariam = 12cm
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nesuki · 1 year
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More silly little doodles
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hughesation · 1 year
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I've always wanted to do one of these, but I usually cringe very badly when I look back at my older work, and it tends to put me off. This time, I made myself compare my newest skills to what was my best skills 10 years ago... I have actually progressed a long way lol.
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Ok so idek if anyone will even vote for this because there seems to be like only 2 barthez soldat fans as a whole but me and my freidn were thinking of what ship name to give miheal/miguel x claude we thought mihaude/migaude was best for some fuckin reason but what do you think
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thehobbiesjapan · 2 years
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MA04 Death Gargoyle (Dark Effigy) MS - #Beyblade #HMS G-Revolution #Miguel #Takara https://www.ebay.com/itm/394299872376 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBfYfOvLkd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sultrybaby · 5 months
*ok so for context miguel is tired of always losing all kinds of games (that is totally a hc i have of him) and him (along w julia and mathilda) are tryna figure out a game that he could maybe win*
julia: maybe...maybe we can ask everybody to do smth only ur good at?
miguel: okay...that works ig..?
mathilda (looking at julia): hmmm....like kissing ur brother!
julia: WHAT
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teabiscs · 1 year
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And done! This has been a ton of fun. I might do it again just to see who else gets suggested. (I have one request for Boris that I’ll get up in time)
Also imma tag @wolborgie so you see this
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Hello there Michael Kahn (Miguel Lavalier) fans.
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deekaysbeybladehc · 1 year
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Rated Mature. If you don't like, don't click.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Hope you have liked the mood pics and fanart for this. I am compiling a visual booklet for these stories ^^ I keep working on more. As much as my hand allows, because I get streaks and good lord 16 hours in a row...
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raulfernandez · 2 months
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grandpa-kita · 2 years
Blader DJ: the drama witness - GIF edition
Starring Michael Scott (The Office) as Blader DJ, Bladebreakers and Neoborg (initially it was supposed to include everyone but in the process I realised that the big drama is always between these two teams no joke)
Blader DJ when...
The Russian tournament kicked off and Yuriy won against Eddie from the All Stars in literally 2 seconds
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Boris/Bryan Kuznestov threw a piece of debris into poor Rei's stomach (spoiler: Boris/Bryan didn't listen to him)
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Kai Hiwatari left the Bladebreakers to join the Blitzkrieg Boys and effortlessly stole 7 bit-beasts with Black Dranzer
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He found himself in front of an iceberg in the middle of the stadium inside which Yuriy created another dimension to battle Takao while perfectly managing 10 bit-beasts and people all around the world shitted their pants
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Kai left the Bladebreakers again one year later to join Neoborg
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Takao and Daichi lost their first match of the tournament because they were too busy yelling at each other
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Kenny's poor bey fell apart after Yuriy's first Novae Rog
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Straight after that Takao appeared out of nowhere, tried to jump over the railing to get into the stadium, Daichi started yelling at him, Takao yelled back that he wanted to play against Yuriy, Yuriy replied he didn't care, Kai commented he was scared and they started to argue, everyone was arguing and big drama ensued while the audience stood there watching
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After the drama Daichi defeated Yuriy thanks to Kenny's help, teamwork and mutual trust
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In Cairo Miguel really thought he had beaten Kai Hiwatari with just two flames
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Kai threw away his scarf destroying half stadium and began cracking his knuckles in the semifinal against Rei
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He's about to restart the match between Takao and Kai after they've destroyed the stadium and both collapsed on the ground but he's happy because wow the spirit of Beyblade
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After the world tournament he blindly accepted the job at Volkov's BEGA unaware of what it really meant
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Kai changed team again and joined BEGA
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Yuriy turned out to be a good man who loves beyblade with all his heart and risked his life to stop BEGA and protect all other bladers and fans
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The Bladebreakers managed to win against BEGA and yes he should be impartial but deep down he's always rooted for those guys
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Bonus: Blader DJ threatening Kai Hiwatari if he dares to change team one more time
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