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ashxketchum · 3 months ago
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aceraiders500 · 2 months ago
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Made TyHil (Tyson x Hilary) in Gacha Club!
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blossommoonart · 8 months ago
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Prompt poll art for TyHil! Prompt won: Arm Wrestling.
Guess what? Someone developed flabby arms all of a sudden and is undergoing serious training to tone her arms 🤭 and her trainer is none other than her boyfriend. Gramps is probably cheering for Hiromi xD
As I promised earlier, a TyHil art for all the TyHil fans in the fandom, with a unique prompt! They are one of my ships too, so I felt nostalgia drawing them like this. I hope my art doesn't suck xD
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where-them-kinomiya-at · 6 months ago
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Hilary’s vulnerability: shedding tears for Tyson
It’s fucking wholesome. She was his emotional balance fr. She knew when to show affection and when not to. She knew when to nag him and when not to. I love her so much.
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misdre · 8 months ago
here's the rest of the doodle requests that i don't have asks to reply to!
for @ceruleanmusings, rei happily eating a dumpling to make up for the one that almost choked him in g-revolution LMAO i gave him the biggest dumpling ever. or maybe he shrunk
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for @bellaelizabethsmith, her OC bella hanging out with kai! someone's got an awkward little crush.
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and for @jovialstar, hiromi angry with takao and he's trying to make it up to her -- LOL, i wonder what he did this time. probably she'd be happier with just a sincere apology than any gifts
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that's the end! and the end of my sketchbook actually and also most of my markers so it was just the right time to stop
thank you everyone who sent in requests, i know these don't look like much but it really got me in the pipeline to get more art done again also because all this inked garbage made me want to do something nice and polished to prove i still can and a good exercise in doing decent enough quality really fast.
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takaoxhiromi · 7 months ago
Interest Check stop for TyHil month this year!
Please vote as honestly as possible, as organising an event takes effort and it's no fun if the community doesn't participate.
What will be the effect of this poll on the event this year?
If the first option gets the majority, there will be a new set of prompts coming out in September.
If any of the other 3 options get the majority, there will be no new prompts this year, that is to say TyHil Love Countdown 2024 will not happen.
However, November can still be considered as TyHil month and if anyone wants to challenge the prompts from the last two editions, they're more than welcome to do so!
This blog will set up a queue of all past entries in November, and of course any new TyHil content posted will be shared under business as usual.
Once again, reminder to vote as honestly and realistically as possible 🙏🏻
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mon3trous · 6 months ago
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took longer than i thought, but i finished my TyHil piece
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year ago
When your Girl was writing a oneshot with TyHil as Couple but Tyson and Kai have more couple energy between them—
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moonandblossoms · 9 months ago
Ok, so long ago, I used a height difference generator for my Beyblade ships. And the heights are solely based on my headcanons.
Takao x Hiromi
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Quite above average for Takao. He probably has a bit of height because of training and stuff, plus a bit of genetics. And Hiromi is also quite above average for a Japanese woman. Cute height difference for huggies and cuddles while standing.
Height difference = 22cm
Kai x Julia
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As for Kai, I wanted to make him taller than Takao. The deuteragonists always exceed the protagonist's height. Julia has the perfect 'tall girl' height, since she is already tall enough in the series. She'll wear heels so that Kai can kiss on her lips smeared with Lipstick hehe.
Height difference = 18cm
Rei x Mao
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The Chinese are shorties in general, but I'm not convinced to give Rei a short height. He is a good trainer and I headcanon his father having a great height. As for Mariah, I neither made her short nor tall, instead average. But their big height difference is so cute and hot! Rei can lift her up anytime.
Height difference = 29cm
Max x Emily
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Americans are decently tall. But, I still wanted to give Maxie some extra height and Emily is average to above average (?). It's soothing for Max when Emily hugs him and lays her head on his neck.
Height difference = 19cm
Yuriy x Queen
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It's self explanatory for both of them, I guess? Yuriy is Russian, and they have a great height. And I think Queen is quite tall as well. Huge height difference and it's quite hot. Queen will enjoy the height difference and the effort to kiss him.
Height difference = 25cm
Ozuma x Mariam
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I know Ozuma is VERY short in the series, but I'm not convinced by that. I headcanon him having a huge height boost as he ages. As for Mariam, she is quite tall. They have a lesser height difference, but still decent. Easier to kiss.
Height difference = 12cm
Kane x Salima
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My OTP, eeh! Kane is a Japanese Australian and Australians have a great height. I'd say the height thing runs in their family genes. And, I think the height for Salima is quite decent above average-ish. Cute height difference for her to cuddle on Kane's chest.
Height difference = 25cm
Michael x Mathilda
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Michael is definitely tall in my opinion. He seemed quite tall in the series. Mathilda as a shortie is cute and sweet. But, she buys heels after heels to come a bit closer to his height. Her head directly goes on his chest during hugs which is cute. They'd prefer showing their love language when they are lying down together since it would be difficult for her.
Height difference = 37cm
In order
1] Michael x Mathilda = 37cm
2] Rei x Mao = 29cm
3] Yuriy x Queen + Kane x Salima = 25cm
4] Takao x Hiromi = 22cm
5] Max x Emily = 19cm
6] Kai x Julia = 18cm
7] Ozuma x Mariam = 12cm
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ceruleanmusings · 3 months ago
TyHil Love Countdown Week 2 - Morning
Let's ignore that it took me a over year to keep going with this series and just bask in all that is TyHil. Even though we didn't have a 2024 version of the even this year, that doesn't meant we can't still celebrate them! @takaoxhiromi (Ao3)(FFN)
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It wasn’t the rhythmic thumping of an axe on wood that catapulted Tyson out of bed but the overwhelming feeling he forgot something. Of course it would be this morning, of all days. His haste to get out of bed became impeded with the blankets tangling around his legs, sending him flying to the floor with a heavy crash.
He groaned, arms crumpled beneath his body, legs akimbo in the air. His chin smarted, pulsing in time with the heavy beat of his heart, panic ebbing away to frustration. This wasn’t exactly how he wanted to start his day, but life seemed to have other plans. And he’d been prepared this time too.
His bedside table rocked and rattled from his alarm clock ringing and jumping around the surface. Emitting another groan, Tyson lifted himself enough to reach out and slap the top. The sharp ringing cut off, falling back to sleep.
Great timing.
Twisting, Tyson untangled himself and got to his feet, stumbling in a rush to the bathroom. His shower would have to be quick. He stripped, jumping in and out of the water in quick succession when the cold bullets buffeted his skin. Grandpa’s hooting laughter melted in with the tail end of Tyson’s surprised shout and continued even as he let out a low rumbling growl.
“Not funny, Grandpa!”
“Rise and shine, dude! If you were up with the birds, you’d get the worms!”
“Augh! What do worms have anything to do with hot water?” The water darted off in every which way as Tyson held his hand up in his face to step back in. He lasted about twenty seconds before he jumped back out, body shivering and teeth clenched.
“Birds gotta take a bath too!”
Grandpa laughed again and Tyson could almost see the self-satisfying grin on his face. Today of all days! Tyson huffed, grabbed a towel and did his best to rid his skin of the clinging cold. He slapped his cheeks, mumbled about Grandpa needing to be put into an institution, and went about the rest of his routine. He scrubbed his teeth, brushed his hair, checked his chest to see if other friends joined his lone chest hair, and threw on his uniform.
Lingering moisture all but melted the starched white shirt onto his skin. He’d be unpeeling it until well into first period but that was the least of his worries. Another shiver shot through his body when his bare foot met the hardwood outside the bathroom. Pushing past it, he rushed back to his room, moving around in a flurry even Dragoon would be impressed.
Backpack, check. Notebooks, check. Calligraphy set, check. Comic books, check. Dragoon, check. Dragoon sat heavy against his leg, a familiar weight on his upper thigh. He didn’t have much time to blade anymore, not with his kendo lessons becoming more frequent. But he couldn’t leave Dragoon behind. It didn’t feel right. They’ve been through too much for him to be cast aside. Nothing beat the feeling of rubbing his thumb along Dragoon’s smooth bitchip, getting that electric zing crackling through his fingers and that exhilarated swooping in his stomach. It was just the hit he needed before a meeting, before a match, before a test.
After carefully laying his kendo uniform at the top of his bag, Tyson grabbed his accompanying sword and left his room. His feet thudded against the ground in his haste, paper doors slamming within their crevices while making his way to the front. He only stopped at the front to slip on his shoes, swing his other arm through the backpack strap, and give a hasty wave to Grandpa on his way out.
“See ya later, Gramps!” he yelled over his shoulder, both his words and tie flapping over his shoulder. Grandpa called something out to him, but it faded beneath the wind rushing in his ears and buffeting his clothes. Tyson didn’t have time for him to stop and repeat himself, he was going to be late!
Tyson ran down the streets, ducking down alleys and weaving this way and that. He jumped over hedges, took shortcuts, and ran away from a dog biting at his heels but he never slowed. He couldn’t be late, he just couldn’t! Hilary would kill him!
The thought of her standing alone on the corner, waiting, made him run faster, pump harder. His heart thudded against his chest. Maybe her foot tapped the same way on the sidewalk, with sharp precision. And maybe she stood with her arms crossed, shoulders raised, a deep frown settled on her lips. What sort of admonishment did she have waiting for him? Especially after he’d made such a big deal of getting there on time. A jolt shot through him and he shook his head. No, he’d make it. He knew he would! He just had to go faster. Just a little bit faster…
Finally he reached a familiar corner, grabbing onto a light pole to help swing him around the turn. A lone figure sat in the distance on a bench. One leg crossed over the other, pleated skirt rising a couple inches further than he knew she was comfortable with. As the thought crossed his mind she reached out and tugged down the hem, then bringing her arm up to tuck her hair behind her ear. She’d cut it from her last grown-out look, the length now somewhere in between that and the short cut she’d sported for years. A thin, gold band slid from her wrist to her elbow; a tiny cheery blossom nestled into the groove of her elbow where the band met the crease.
“Hey! I made it! I’m here!”
Tyson lifted his arm and waved, as if his shouting didn’t catch her attention. Still, his heart gave an extra hard thump when she lifted her head and locked eyes with him. Her lips curled up into a petal-soft smile and she closed her book with a snap. He reached her side while she tucked the book into her bag and slid the strap over her shoulder.
“I’m…here. I…made it. Woke up…late,” he explained through gasps. And he half expected her to chide him for it. But when he stood at full height from being doubled over, hands on knees, gasping for air, he found her looking at him with crinkled brows and a tilted head.
“You can relax; the bus doesn’t arrive for another ten minutes, Tyson.” She lifted her other wrist to her face to check the time. “In fact, you’re actually early for once.”
“I know.” He straightened and pushed a hand through his hair. “But I didn’t want to leave you waiting. I promised. Remember?”
“Yeah but…”
“You didn’t think I’d keep it?” he asked.
“No. It’s just…” She shrugged and lifted the strap on her shoulder again, crossing her arms. “I didn’t think you were being serious.” The tip of her shoe dug into the sidewalk; it crunched and grinded beneath the twist of her ankle.
He blinked. “Of course I was! It’s the first day of school.” He knew he didn’t forget that part. He didn’t set the alarm in the first place for any other ordinary day of school. Or any other day, really.
She lifted a finger and angled it in his direction as she said, “Something you never really cared about before.”
Straightening his back, Tyson grasped the straps of his backpack and rolled his shoulders. “You care.”
Her lips parted and she sucked in a breath as if to say something only to press them together instead, pushing a slow breath out her nose. Tyson’s eyes raked over her face, at the ease between her brows, the pale pink gloss on her lips, the swath of gold cresting over her face from the slow rising sun.
The two words hung between them. You care.
The rest of his sentence still hung on the tip of his tongue. And I care about you.
He stepped forward and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Her eyes widened and she brought a hand to her mouth. Red stained her cheeks, the color reflecting the flavor collecting on his taste buds when he dragged his tongue across his lower lip.
Her eyes darted between his face and his stomach where a loud rumble cut through the thick air between them. Chuckling, Tyson rubbed the back of his neck and pushed out a sheepish grin. “Oh, that’s what I forgot.”
Her eyebrows flew up. “You forgot to eat?”
“Heh, guess so.”
Huffing, her ruby eyes rolled until they landed over to the bench. A square shape sat upright, pink cloth wrapped around it, patterned with daisies, tied in a neat knot at the top. She grabbed it and thrust it into his hands where he took no time to open it. His stomach growled again at the sight of the bento box, stuffed with grilled fish, tamagoyaki, natto, and onigiri nestled in their own compartments.
“Aw, Hils, you’re the best!” Tyson crowed, stuffing a slice of tamagoyaki into his mouth. His eyes nearly rolled in his head at the taste, the silky-smooth texture on his tongue.
She dabbed the cloth against the side of his mouth. Electricity shot through his body at the brush of her fingers against his mouth. The sheer pink polish on her nails shined bright, rivaling her eyes. “I won’t argue with that.”
“Good. You’d lose that argument anyway.”
At her gasp—a mixture of surprise and warmth—he held out the other side of of tamagoyaki to her. She took a bite and leaned into his side.
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teabiscs · 2 years ago
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Part 2 of the third place tie in my ship poll
A lil TyHil moment.
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ashxketchum · 4 months ago
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✨Hilary's Princess-core Party✨ The princesses have gathered with their protectors, and the best dressed couple is...?
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bellaelizabethsmith · 2 years ago
I had to do this. There was no other choise @catarium
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blossommoonart · 8 months ago
The idea with the most number of votes will be considered. Others might be given to other ships.
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where-them-kinomiya-at · 5 months ago
Hilary doesn’t get enough credit for this
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azikarue · 2 years ago
MayBlade 2023 : Day 2 : School
TyHil | FFN Rating: K+ | FFN Link ❖ “I know you’re going with a spring theme, Hilary, but isn’t the canopy of cherry blossoms a bit much?”
Tyson realized his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth. He didn’t need to hear Hilary’s annoyed sigh or to see that he’d asked right as they crossed the halfway point of their time-consuming task. No, he’d known Hilary long enough to know he messed up without any physical evidence to prove it.
“You know what, forget I said anything,” he amended, taking an obedient step forward as Hilary’s legs flexed twice against his neck.
“Smart,” Hilary said dryly and ruffled his hair before reaching up, from her perch on his shoulders, to pin more flowers to the ceiling.
Tyson squeezed her knees in response. “And I’m not even the one in college.”
While Tyson had taken a more relaxed approach to his future – beyblading, working hand-in-hand with the BBA in whatever capacity he could, and training under his grandpa to one day take over the dojo for him – Hilary had always been destined for higher education.
She was a couple of years into her university experience now, and had recently run into Miss Kincaid in town. The subject of Hilary’s future career had come up in discussion and, one thing leading to another, Miss Kincaid had invited Hilary to help out in her classroom for some hands-on experience.
Hilary leapt at the chance, and put her all into it, like she did with everything she set her mind to.
Tyson felt a little sorry for the students and Miss Kincaid alike when he thought back to his own time with her in school. In fact, if their old teacher knew that Tyson was here, alone in her classroom with Hilary, helping drape chains of fake cherry blossoms from the ceiling, she’d probably fear for the integrity of the building.
In Hilary’s own words, she’d nearly had a heart attack when she found out her most memorable set of classroom rivals were a couple.
“If I’m getting too heavy for you, just say something, Tyson.”
“I’ve told you to move three times now.”
Tyson snorted. The familiar annoyance lacing her voice took him back to the eighth grade in a way the classroom by itself could never.
“Aye aye, Wicked Witch. Your dream is this lowly flying monkey’s command,” he teased and stepped forward.
“Ha ha,” Hilary answered dryly, unwrapping a length of flowers from around Tyson’s neck and reaching up to attach it to the ceiling.
They kept at it, in a constant rhythm of Tyson pacing and Hilary unwrapping and pinning and urging him forward again. Once they reached the edge of the classroom, they started on another row, with a fresh chain of flowers, and so on and so forth.
Tyson behaved for the most part, only pretending to lose his hold on her or pinching her thighs when it wouldn’t mess her up too badly. They had less than a dozen rows to go when he noticed Hilary was beginning to slouch.
“Let’s take a break,” she groaned, pinning one final flower. “My neck is killing me.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice.”
Tyson was strong enough to hold her, but they’d been at it so long that his muscles ached when he switched positions to help Hilary off of his shoulders and onto a nearby desk. When he turned around and held out his arms, she took the hint and fell forward into his embrace so he could lower her safely to the floor.
His hands lingered on her waistline afterwards. She didn’t protest.
“Thanks,” she sighed and rolled her neck to get the kinks out. “Just let me get a drink of water and then we can get back to work.” She slid out of his grip, almost apologetically, and fetched her water bottle from the teacher’s desk.
“Well, I could use a deep tissue massage.” Tyson said, as he stretched his sore muscles and followed her. “You might think its easy maintaining peak human form and maximum strength, but even World Champions need some upkeep every once in a while.”
Hilary rolled her eyes. “Let me guess: that ‘upkeep’ includes no fewer than five square meals a day?” she asked sarcastically, holding her water out to him in offering.
“Not including snack breaks,” he confirmed with a wink. He took a couple gulps of water, before setting the bottle aside. “You know, I think I’ve missed one of each since we’ve been here. So, you’re welcome.”
“Thank you for your noble sacrifice.” Hilary rolled her eyes and hoisted herself up to sit on the desk. “Remind me and I’ll buy you lunch on the way home.”
Tyson grinned and hopped up next to her. “Thank goodness you’re nicer on the other side of eighth grade,” he said, unable to keep the smirk off his lips.
“Thank goodness the swelling in your head went down so you could fit through the doorway to help me today,” Hilary countered.
“I’m just gonna say ‘you’re welcome’ so you don’t revert back to your old ways and rescind the lunch offer.”
“Well, what do you know – I guess you did learn something here, after all.”
Hilary was teasing, but her voice had an oddly nostalgic note to it that made him do a double-take. She was looking out at the desks, and he had the strange feeling it wasn’t the present-day classroom she was seeing. Slowly, so he didn’t startle her, he reached out and covered her hand with is own.
“Maybe we both did.”
Hilary turned to face him with a question in the crease of her brow. Before she could ask it, Tyson captured her lips with his.
She relaxed into the kiss almost immediately and Tyson took the chance to pull her closer over the polished surface of the desk. Miss Kincaid’s name placard got wedged between them and he knocked it to the floor in his haste to get it out of the way.
The clatter made Hilary jump. She opened her mouth – to scold him probably – and he took that as his invitation to deepen the kiss. He was rewarded with the feeling of her hands curling into the front of his shirt and a tiny squeak from the back of her throat.
It was weird, Tyson thought, that the person he would have given anything to be rid of when they first met, was the backbone of his life a few measly years later. And how now, he was back where they first crossed paths, making out with her on their teacher’s desk. Hilary tangled one of her hands in the hair at his nape and he decided it was a really good weird.
“Tyson…” she whispered against his lips, when they finally parted for air.
He kissed her again, chastely, then once more for good measure, not quite ready to give up the taste of her entirely. She hummed against his lips the second time, and he knew he had to stop if they had any hopes of getting out of the school before nightfall.
He pulled back, brushing the tip of his nose against hers on the way, and asked, “Are you ready to finish?”
At the mention of hanging more blossoms, she winced and rubbed at her neck. “You might have been right about it being too much.”
Hilary’s brown eyes met his, sheepishly, from under the sweep of her eyelashes. Her cheeks were flushed, hair and clothing more ruffled than when she’d first let them into the classroom. The overhead lights shone through the tiny paper flowers, dappling her skin with pink.
Tyson’s mouth went dry.
“I actually think it’s perfect,” he said and, against his better judgment, pulled her in for another kiss.
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