#mighty med optimo
i feel like mighty med kept forgetting the setting they put themselves in
firstly, the show is set in philidelphia and while there are white areas of philidelphia, it's pretty known as a city with a lot of black people (but ofc disney can't have black people matter IM KIDDING). there's no speaking black character and most of the background ones are superheroes that probably aren't even from philidelphia (im not even that pressed about it, im just black and from philidelphia so it slightly irked me)
and secondly, the most important one, mighty med is behind a normo hospital and the only way to get in is through the supply closet (that's what the first episode makes it seem like) but then throughout the show multiple villains and heroes get in and out easily
HOW IN GOD'S NAME ARE THE VILLAINS MAKING THEIR WAY THROUGH THE HOSPITAL TO ENTER THROUGH THE SUPPLY CLOSET???? (like you're telling me that catastrophe just trekked through the normo hospital and no one batted an eye)
many times heroes (mainly tecton) will fly upwards and be able to leave and captain atomic even mentions how there used to be a skylight in the ceiling....
and in elite force, kaz has a picture of the outside of mighty med...
mighty med must be in cahoots with the normo hospital because there's no way the injured heroes could be wheeled through the normo hospital into mighty med on full gurneys and not get noticed (also the gurney wouldn't fit into the supply closet...)
ALSO they mention/allude to multiple ways of getting out/in mighty med, like optimo coming in through an off screen entrance and the invisible ambulance being able to leave the hospital
the supply closet is a cool detail but if you're gonna show other ways of getting in and out then just stop making the supply closet the only way to get in (im looking at you copy kaz)
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I have soooo many EF AU thoughts but the most prominent ones on my mind right now are:
- Alan and Horace were in Mighty Med when it collapsed. Horace used his powers to buy Alan enough time to escape, dying in the process.
- Alan continues his uncle's legacy and becomes the great Healer of Heroes, Asclepius (the Greek god of healing; his staff was very similar to the Caduceus).
- He later gains the Caduceus power, which can only be held by one member of the Diaz family at a time and must be earned (so basically, Alan had to prove he was worthy of it, like Thor's hammer).
- Bridget & Nelson teamed up to find the people who destroyed Mighty Med. They have a lot of serious talks about parenting styles (I think it'd be funny if they dated, because it means Alan would get the same stepmom twice).
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dezwade · 1 year
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i know the doylist explanation for this exchange is that this is from the fourth episode of mighty med so the writers hadn't figured out what they were doing with the diazes yet or decided that horace was the one who raised alan
however, taking it as canon opens up the opportunity for the fun and absolutely baseless hc that alan's mom is a villain
i know it sounds farfetched but stick with me here. this line in conjunction with later episodes about optimo establish three things. 1) Alan is in contact with his mom and appears to have a positive relationship with her 2) despite this, Horace was the one to raise Alan and 3) The reason why his mom couldn't raise him is different from Optimo's since neither Horace nor Alan's mom herself seem to think Alan being in contact with her is dangerous
and there are still a multitude of reasons as to why this particular family dynamic came to be but i still think the most fun one is "Alan's mom is a supervillain who is currently in Mighty Max"
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awfuckitssunshine · 11 months
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what do you mean no one has thought of this show in years?
i love mighty med so much <3
I love Kaz and Oliver and the fact they had powers at the end and Optimo and Alan and fucking WHOREASS HORUS DIAZ
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Mighty med season 2 episode 20: the mother of all villians
Series finale
Lets go
Please tell me alan finds out the truth about his dad being optimo and stuff
Please tell me villians crash the wedding ohmygod
Did bridget only marry Horace because of mighty med and he's kudusio???
That would break my heart ohmygod
Horace is sweet and pure and deserves to the best
9/10 fight scene, kaz and Oliver have gotten better/smarter about it
Kaz is really fucking smart
I love that kaz has a big family
Ahhh they just figured out who mr tear is
They figured out alan took the arkturian
Nonono oliver
Oliver told bridget
And bridget has serious control issues
"Oliver get that gift! We have to return it to the store! In the sun"
Oooh nelson is telling alan yesyesyes
Yay they made up and are happy
Nonono Horace doesnt know yet
Oliver watching his mom die is super sad ohmygod
Horace brought bridget back to life ohmygod
W h a t
Ohmygod alans granddad??
Oliver?? Kaz??? You got powers??? Hell yeah!!
Flying around the city??? Top tier
Its over and im sad now
That was nice
I liked it
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so i just finished my mighty med rewatch and there was definitely a scene that was cut out of the finale
i very much remember optimo being in mighty med at the end and hapax gets wheeled in and he goes "dad?" then hapax responds "hi/hey/hello son"
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Hey does anyone know why the Mighty Med wiki seems CONVINCED that Hapax the Elder is Optimo's dad?? Like it references scenes where they interact (which NEVER happened) and even says his last name is Gonzales.
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Genuinely I love the parallels between Bridget and Nelson. Loving your kid so much you're willing to go into hiding and never see them again vs. Loving your kid so much you're willing to micromanage every part of their life and become a villain just to keep them safe. They're so. Ugh.
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Love how Mighty Med just went. Yeah this family of immortals is Hispanic don't think about it too hard.
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The explosion rattled the very foundations of Mighty Med.
"Alan," Horace snapped. "You have to go now." If his arms shook before, now they spasmed like they were caught in miniature earthquakes. They had a minute, if that.
(Or: When Mighty Med falls, Horace and Alan are trapped beneath the rubble.)
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