#might watch it in the french dub if i can find it. for the shits and giggles
and then i tell you i never watched bsd
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usergreenpixel · 1 year
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1. The Introduction
Hello, dear Citizens, and welcome back to Jacobin Fiction Convention. I’m not feeling too great today so please forgive me if this review seems shorter and a little half assed. But I didn’t want to cancel the promised review yet again so here we are.
So, this movie came to my attention completely by accident during a flight from Moscow to Istanbul a while ago. The synopsis included the year 1789 and the setting is France, so you can BET that I was immediately curious and watched the entire thing in one sitting.
(Btw, it’s available on Amazon prime in French and English, but can be watched for free online in the Russian dub.)
That being said, this movie is far from flawless and still warrants a full review, so let’s begin today’s meeting in earnest, shall we?
2. The Summary
This movie tells the story about Pierre Manceron, a former chef who decides to leave his position when his noble employer and said employer’s friends mock Manceron’s new dish and generally impede his creativity.
After the scandal, Manceron and his son move in with a family friend and open up a small tavern, but the former chef decides not to create new dishes ever again. Little does he know, a mysterious woman named Louise is about to cross paths with him.
Eager to become Manceron’s apprentice in cooking and to make sure he begins to cook again like he used to, Louise nevertheless seems to have an agenda of her own and the secrets she keeps might just ruin everything.
3. The Plot
Overall, it’s a good story with nice pacing and structure. Of course, this story of the first restaurant in France is pure fiction but it is a fictional movie that doesn’t pretend to be a documentary, which is awesome.
Also, while Frev isn’t at the center of the story, it is mentioned quite a lot and is, in fact, part of the reason why the main villain, the former employer, gets his comeuppance in the end. It also overlaps with the storyline of opening a completely new type of eatery, since gone are the days of dingy inns and lavish feasts of nobility.
Aside from all that, I loved the found family trope used in the story, as over its course Louise bonds with Manceron and his son, thus finding a new family and a new purpose in life. I could’ve been fine without Manceron and Louise falling in love though, but that’s just me.
4. The Characters
At first, Pierre Manceron came off as a cliché reluctant cynical mentor so I was prepared not to care about him much. I was pleasantly surprised though, since he gets some nice development later on and he is realistically flawed. He is a womanizer, he can be a stubborn mule and he does attempt to hit on Louise after finding out she used to be a sex worker (read: kiss her). Luckily, his behavior is never romanticized by the narrative.
To his credit, Manceron quickly realizes that Louise isn’t okay with this treatment and never attempts to pull those stunts ever again and grows out of his time period-accurate views on women. For example, while initially correctly stating that most apprentices are young men, he does eventually begin to teach Louise and really begins to respect her, even helping her humiliate the shit out of the villain in the end.
Louise herself is my favorite character though.
I think making her a middle aged woman instead of a young ingenue is quite a bold choice. She too is flawed and at first only needs this apprenticeship to seek revenge on the noble who used to employ Manceron. Her past is troubled and includes becoming a widow and losing all of her children, for example.
However, she later genuinely becomes attached to her mentor and to his son and gets her revenge not in the way she originally wanted, but in a way that is far more harmless and doesn’t put her loved ones at risk.
Louise is also the proverbial brains behind the establishment she and Manceron open up and comes up with the majority of the innovations they use in the restaurant, like menus and specials of the day.
Benjamin, Manceron’s son, is a young adult interested in the works of the philosophers of the Enlightenment and in the upcoming revolution. He’s an idealist, sometimes to a fault, but he’s a genuinely nice guy who accepts Louise even before Manceron himself does, this avoiding the “jealous kid” trope.
Jacob, Manceron’s friend who takes him and Benjamin in, is a fairly minor character but I did like him. He’s a bit of a drunk, but a very caring man.
Duc de Chamfort, the main villain, is an ass. A typical pompous noble believing only nobility should have access to tasty food since only they can “appreciate it”. He is also a metaphorical thread connecting Louise (the woman he wronged in the past) and Manceron (his former chef whom he claims to respect but treats like shit), thus becoming a catalyst for the entire storyline. Fortunately, he does get a satisfying humiliation when the heroes trick him into eating at their restaurant while surrounded by people of lower class and confronting him about his crimes.
These are the most noteworthy characters in my opinion.
5. The Setting
I liked the setting, even though some female costumes aren’t accurate due to lack of shawls (fichu) that would usually cover up the cleavage.
Other than that, it’s pretty good in terms of scenery and costumes. I especially liked the changes in the color scheme and the lighting as the shabby inn is transformed into a much more welcoming restaurant.
As for the food, it looked just amazing!!!
I also loved details like confusion about how to spell Manceron’s name (fixed spelling didn’t exist).
6. The Acting
Isabel Carré (Louise) is my favorite here, but most actors did an amazing job. I found the duke a bit hammy, but I think it’s probably the screenwriter and director who are to blame. Or maybe it’s because creating a somewhat comical villain was the whole point.
7. The Soundtrack
Not exactly a masterpiece, but quite good.
8. The Conclusion
To sum up, this movie is a pretty good fictional story about found family, changes in the food industry and the French Revolution.
Not a perfect movie by any means, but I found it pretty enjoyable so you can check it out if you want.
With that, today’s meeting has officially come to an end.
Stay tuned for updates, everyone!
Citizen Green Pixel
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godwithwethands · 2 years
Hi! I’ve seen that you have GIFed a lot of Tom Cruise movies, and I am currently working my way through his filmography, so… if I may ask, which ones do you personally recommend? 👀
Hi there!!
I am working my way through his filmography as well tbh, so my advice might not be the best hahaha however I'm still going to give my personal faves <3 I haven’t gotten around much of young Cruise’s roles, as I am an old man loving kinda gal. I will watch them eventually (Have seen a few like Risky Business and Cocktail tho)!!! So yeah this little list will be mostly old man Cruise.
Note after making the list: I guess those 5 movies are my favourite Cruise movies so far (not counting the Mission Impossible saga)!
Knight and Day (2010)
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A wonderful duo with Cameron Diaz!! 
I wouldn’t say Knight and Day is the best Cruise movie but honestly it is my favourite Cruise movie. I’d say it’s an easy movie to introduce Tom Cruise to someone who doesn’t like him that much. It’s just sooo funny and Tom’s character is adorable, I love Roy so much!! ♥ I love the overly trained, deadly kind of characters, and Roy checks that out beautifully with a lot of bonus humor and kindness. He’s so earnest throughout the whole movie, idk he’s just super cute!! ALSO IF YOU’RE FRENCH (or are learning French, or whatever if you’re interested in French) PLEASE PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE WITH THE FRENCH DUB, IT’S SOOOO GOOD. Cameron and Diaz’s VAs are always amazing and they DELIVERRRRRR SO WELL in this as well!! I always watch this movie with the French dub, it’s even funnier than the original imo jjggjnh
idk man i just quote this movie daily with my dad, it really is in my Top 3 movies of all times
Collateral (2004)
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Amazing. This has rewired my brain. Once again the overly trained character kind, but in such a different and opposite way to Roy. It’s so interesting to see Cruise in such a cold and deadly role, the way he speaks, the way he moves... the SALT AND PEPPER HAIR AND BEARD UUUGHH that’s all right up my alleeeeeyyyy!!!! He’s just a little feral dude ♥ You’ll get to see Vincent break down a little throughout the movie and honestly what’s not to love about a cold, emotionless hitman lamenting about people’s indifference? Great movie!!! I have so much more to say about it but i will shut up now.
Oblivion (2013)
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Honestly this movie is worth it just for the amazing, amazing scenery and OST. Like what the hell? The music has punched my breath away so many times!! Also Tom is super cute as Harper so what’s not to love? Spent the whole time watching it wondering what the FUCK was going on!!!!! ♥ but it all unfolds at one point so it’s alright! I really loved this one aaa ALSO I LOVE SCIFI LET’S GOOO
The Last Samurai (2003)
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I mean. That LOOK. Long hair and beard? sign me the FUCK UP!!!! Amazing music by Hans Zimmer, amazing actors, KEN WATANABE IS THERE!!! I love Ken Watanabe!! I haven’t seen this movie in YEARS but guess what, making this gif made me want to watch it again so i’ll do it TONIGHT. Truly it is a must-watch of Tom Cruise’s filmography. Seeing this character find peace and something worth living and fighting for while discovering a culture so different from his own and trying his very best to try and learn... :’( also he’s great with kids and that’s jussstttt my thing /)w(\
(Heavy topics as expected when you talk about war and war crimes)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
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The look? Immaculate once again. Gay vibes? Honey they aren’t even vibes anymore, they are those full blown bass boosted shit that make everything shake and quake!!!! I love that role even more since i learned that the author behind Interview with the Vampire really didn’t like the idea of Tom playing Lestat, they did it anyway. However after watching the movie she was like “I have to publicly apologize to this man, he understood Lestat perfectly.” GIRL YOU KNOW WHAT, ME TOO. I was hesitant about watching this cuz...Vampire Cruise?? can he pull it off?? LET ME TELL YOU HE FUCKING CAN ALRIGHT. Really his Lestat is so freaking good it’s insane, I love him so much, I was only interested in HIM!!! Give me more Lestat!!!!! 
Those are the ones I personally recommend. I wanted to put Jack Reacher (2012+2016) in here too because it’s once again the overly trained man trope that I love, but there are already two of them in this list so I think it’s enough!
I hope I’m not too bland and/or classic with my personal recs, it’s just that I love those movies to bits and I’m more likely to watch those more than once to analyze or have a good time!
I think overall all Cruise movies are worth watching! He has played a lot of different and interesting roles, it’d be a shame to ignore some of them. I’m thinking about Born on the Fourth of July for example, that’s such an amazing and heartwrenching performance. The man can be a lot of things.
Hope that helped! Thanks for your ask anon, have a nice day! 
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emsylcatac · 3 years
Hi! So umm I came across this post yesterday which could basically be summed up as the sun Vs subs debate??
I...actually prefer the English dub to the French one, and I just am kind of tired of hearing people say that the French dub is superior and all the French sub supremacy stuff.
I mean don't get me wrong, I actually love the French dub too, but I've seen people mocking the eng dub so much and even the English VAs and it just rubs me in the wrong way. Some of them are even rude and really just go all "Oh, the voices are so cheesy in English, the French dub is waaaay better" and I just feel disheartened:( I mean I think I have got attached to the english dub and guess that makes me defensive sometimes??
All of this is ruining the French dub for me, just like the fandom ruined Lukanette and Luka with all the salt. I desperately WANT to enjoy the french dub, but I just feel bitter at times, I guess? I don't know...
I wish people would stop being pretentious acting as though the French dub is "superior". I mean okay, maybe it's the original canon dub, but can they please stop making people who like the English dub more feel embarrassed for liking it? (Though I think I may be the only person who prefers English. Lol)
I might...not be the best person to ask that jfjd because I largely prefer the French dub to the English one 😅 I'm French so it probably explains why, but by being able to speak the two languages I can really feel the difference and I do believe the French dub suits way more the characters than the English one haha. But also, I heard that Thomas Astruc is there for the recording of the French dub and can supervise the VA, and I'm not sure he's there for the English dub recording (otherwise lots of traveling lol and joining by video sounds unpractical but I could be wrong) which might explain it too as he can direct the French VA to use the tones of voice the writers have in mind.
Now don't get me wrong, the English isn't bad just because I think the French is better to my liking. But they don't give off the same vibes and it sometimes changes widely the way a character is perceived or acts. An example is Chat Noir: when he jokes around and plays his Chat Noir persona, the French VA makes him sound playful, silly and overexaggerating his acts which makes it obvious he's not being serious. The English one however makes him sound a lot more pretentious and full of self confidence about it. So it's very different, you either prefer one or the other and personally I find that the French one suits Chat Noir's character way more, but maybe someone will think the opposite. It's just a question of personal preferences to be honest
I don't think most people saying French dub supremacy necessarily mean it in a way to shit on those who like the English dub or are being super serious about it, it's a question of tastes and they often share their view on why they vibe with a dub more than another. Like most people will say that Plagg French dub sucks and Plagg English dub all the way, while I way prefer French Plagg, so we have stupid debates often on discord (or even Tumblr) about it but no one is being really intense, it's a "fake war". And it's often kinda the same with the "French dub Vs English dub" debate, it's not really deep most of the time
That being said don't feel silly for liking the English dub, it's not a bad one and tbh everyone is free to prefer whatever sub there is, even if it's the Portuguese 😛. And there's a time and place to share these opinions or throw them at someone of course. I'm sorry some comments made you feel stupid for liking it, and if it helps I saw lots of people being excited to get the Ephemeral English dub and gushing about it, whether they preferred the French dub or not 😊 But yeah just like people will prefer to watch an anime in Japanese dub with subs and will prefer the Japanese dub to the English one or else, people in ML will tend to prefer the French one. And both will act like it's superior because it's the original haha
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writingpuddle · 4 years
The other night best friend and I (yes, that best friend) were riffing on trans Neil headcanons over the phone, but a realistic trans treatment of aftg gets dark real fast, so without further ado:
~The Mafia May Be Sexist (But It’s Not Transphobic!) AU ~
(tmmbsbintau, if you will)
Does this premise make sense? No, but if Nora can write about made up mafia sports, I can write a nonsense AU where transphobia doesn’t exist okay this is my party and ill be self-indulgent if i want to
We open with baby Neil, who was named after his maternal grandmother or smthg idk
Now lets say Neil is one of those “I always knew I was trans” kids
So even at a fairly young age he was like, nope this is wrong
For the most part his dad basically ignores him (what use is a girl to me???) but if he makes the mistake of getting in the way it’s the usual shit with knives and hot irons and basically Neil’s bog-standard Traumatic Childhood
His mom signs him up to play Exy to get him out of the house, and he loves it, because of course he does
Now tiny Neil may be terrified of his father
But remember transphobia isn’t real
So he when he’s about ten years old he tells his parents over dinner
His mom just puts her fork down and says that’s alright
But Nathan
Nathan’s eyes start to glow
He has a son? Not a useless daughter?
He’s practically levitating with glee
And Neil, poor Neil, who has never had any positive reinforcement—from either parent, Mary, you’re not innocent in this—he soaks it up
Nathan puts both hands on his son’s—his son’s!—shoulders and dubs him Nathaniel
His son, his heir, his legacy
Mary takes one look at the possessive look in her husband’s eyes and thinks oh hell no
For the next few days Nathan absolutely showers Nathaniel with affection
He takes him to the hairdresser and buys him a whole new wardrobe, neglecting his mafia duties in order to dote upon his new son
It is possibly the happiest week of Nathaniel’s life
And then he wakes up in the night with his mother’s hand on his mouth and is given less than a minute to pack his things
Now he’s grown up in a criminal household; the notion of making a run for it isn’t exactly foreign to him
But it’s not until they’re in the car that Nathaniel realizes that his father is nowhere to be seen
Where’s dad? He asks
Shut up, his mother hisses, and slams the car into gear
From then on, he is never Nathaniel
His mother is 100% on board with his transition, but…not really anything beyond that
After all, people will be looking for a woman and a trans boy, which means Mary’s investment in Neil’s gender pretty much starts and ends with him passing as cis
She gets him all the medical treatments he needs (on the black market, since they’re on the run)—puberty blockers when he’s younger, testosterone when he’s older
But he’s never allowed to acknowledge being trans whatsoever
Not to his classmates, not to his teachers
He never gets the chance to have a queer community, or explore the nuances of his gender, because the only presentation they can afford for him to have is Masculine Cis Boy. The restriction is stifling. It’s suffocating.
Neil hates her for it
His life was, so briefly, perfect
He had his father’s love and approval for a day, a week, and he is both old enough to remember his father’s cruelty and young enough to believe that it could end
Nathan is incandescent
When he realizes what Mary has done he goes to the Moriyamas in a storm of fury
She stole my SON! He bellows
Now the Moriyama’s didn’t particularly care about Neil back when they thought he was a girl
Girls in the mafia are basically just for child-rearing, so he wasn’t a threat
So once they figure out what Nathan is talking about (this takes a sec, owing to Nathan having not previously gotten around to telling them about Nathaniel’s revelation), their first thought is that look, we might do the nepotism thing here in our family, but underlings don’t get to do the nepotism thing. Sorry, them’s the breaks
Obviously, Mary has to die—nobody’s disputing that, a woman who robbed her husband and stole his son? Only death will right that wrong—but Kengo tells Nathan that he’ll help find Nathaniel on the condition that he’s given to the Ravens upon capture
Nathan is utterly confident that his son—his son!—will perform admirably. He accepts the deal without a second thought
So they’re on the run for years and years, and Neil’s resentment towards his mother festers, but he never acts out too much, and he doesn’t contact his father
He almost does a couple times, but then he presses his hand to the iron scar on his shoulder and he can’t quite make himself go through with it
He’s sixteen when Nathan catches up with them in Seattle
There’s a shootout and Mary and Neil almost get away
Nathan arrives
Nathaniel! He shouts. My boy!
And Neil lurches to a stop
There is his father, walking towards him, his eyes still shining with the same fierce love and pride from when he was ten
Nathaniel, his father says. Hasn’t this gone on long enough?
Come home.
Mary is trying to drag Neil away, but he’s too fixated on his father
Can I? Neil asks. Can I really?
Of course, Nathan says. Everything is forgiven. I’ve even secured you a place on the Ravens. Didn’t you always love Exy? Come home with me, Nathaniel
Neil can barely believe it. His father is offering him everything he ever wanted. His mother has been keeping him from this, his whole life?
Why would they run?
And through this whole exchange Nathan has been getting closer, and Mary is pulling Neil back, and now he’s close enough to touch and the sound she makes is like something physical tears when she finally releases Neil and tries to flee
She isn’t fast enough
Nathan’s grin is as wide as the sun when his cleaver bites into Mary’s waist
Blood pours out
Neil screams
Mary clutches her side, staggering away, but it’s obvious she won’t make it far
Dad, no, Neil says. Don’t—
Shh, his father says. Don’t be afraid. She kept us apart all these years. She deserves to die.
And Neil—
Neil has hated his mother for most of his life
But he looks at the woman who has struggled so long to protect him—who has failed as often as she succeeded, but who fought anyway, everyday—and the man whose eyes are bright with glee at her pain
And he makes a choice
He only has a split second to see the betrayal in his father’s eyes before the pipe in his hand slams into his head and he pitches forward, unconscious
Neil does not wait to see if he survives
He grabs his mother and they run, her arm locked on his shoulder and her palm pressed to the wound on her side
Neil puts her in the passenger seat and jumps in, throwing the car in gear
You need a hospital, he says, frantic
No, she hisses, pinning a towel to her side. No hospitals
Guilt floods through him as he looks at her pale face
Sticky red handprints smear on everything she touches
I’m sorry, mom, he says, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—
Enough, she says. Drive
He drives
He drives, and drives, and he follows her instructions, and later he wouldn’t have been able to say if he actually thought she would survive; he believed it, because he had to, because he had never been without her; he knew better, because gut wounds are slow, but they are inexorable
He parks on the beach and there are tears pushing at his eyelids but he chokes them down
I’m sorry, he said, I never should have believed him. I’m sorry—
You never would have been enough for him, she says, and Neil flinches
Her hand finds his chin and she yanks him down to meet her eyes, her gaze fierce.
He never loved you, she says. He would have made you in his image, and when you failed he would have torn you apart. I would not—I would not watch him try to make my son a monster. Don’t—don’t waste it
Mom, what are you saying—
Promise me, she says
Promise you won’t go back to him
She is dying
Neil can’t refuse
He promises
She releases his face and her red fingerprints on his face burn like brands. He can feel them hours after the tears wash the blood away.
Her last few breaths are jagged as broken stones before she rattles to a stop, and Neil is alone
He burns her body and staggers out onto the road and he keeps moving, he keeps moving, because he knows if he stops he’ll shatter
His hesitation has cost him his mother’s life
But his action costs him his fathers love
In one blow, Neil broke the golden image Nathan had of his perfect son, and now all Nathan wants is to destroy him
He finds his way to Millport almost on instinct alone
He finds one of Mary’s contacts who can supply him with the hormones he needs to continue passing and squats in an empty house and speaks to none of his classmates
When the Exy team tryouts are announced, he goes, intending to only watch from a distance
Perhaps it is inevitable he’s sucked in
There is so little light in his life
Can he be forgiven for wanting one little spark?
The Foxes come for him in May, and Kevin doesn’t recognize him, because how would he? Even if they met as kids, Kevin never saw Neil post-transition
Wymack ends up telling him something about Kevin’s past and the truth about the Ravens, and Neil pales a little bit, remembering how his father had said he’d gotten Neil a place on their line-up and finally understanding why
And sometimes he looks at Kevin with blinding jealousy for the life Neil didn’t get to have, and sometimes he sees him nearly comatose with fear and drinking vodka like it’s water, and his stomach hurts thinking how cheerfully his father would have consigned him to the same fate
So canon proceeds and Neil still bitches Riko out on live TV, and Riko still manages to acquire Neil’s fingerprints
And would you believe that? The Foxes mouthy new rookie is [deadname], Nathan Wesninski’s brat?
Well, well, well
At the banquet Riko pokes and prods until Neil finally snaps, and as Dan drags the team away from the wreckage Jean grabs Neil’s arm and says, low and fast in French, You’ll meet with us later
Why the fuck would I do that? Neil demands
Because otherwise everyone will find out that the Butcher is your father
Neil can’t hide his flinch and Kevin’s eyes go wide
They flee the scene, but before they even reach Coach, Kevin is already rounding on Neil
Is it true? He croaks
Not now, Neil says
But Kevin reads confirmation in Neil’s deflection
I didn’t know [deadname] had a brother, he says
Now here is the thing
Names are obviously a touchy subject with a lot of trans people, and certainly with Neil in particular
But with everything that just happened, Neil is a bit preoccupied, and it’s been a long time since he’s associated himself with that name
Since before he stopped using it, truthfully
And so his response is out of his mouth before he can even think twice
Kevin nods seriously, because he is wise to the ways of mafia bosses, and it’s not exactly shocking that Nathan Wesninski had a mistress and a secret second child, especially considering his first child had been a girl
It’s several moments before Neil puts two and two together and realizes that he has inadvertently slipped through a perfect loophole
He’s failed his mother so many times, but at least this secret is still safe, and he clings to that
Neil’s gender doesn’t really affect his interpersonal relationships with the Foxes—he’s already changing out separately, so this isn’t even a whole other thing
It’s harder to hide his testosterone when he’s living in shared dorms, but he has everything in the safe and figures out the safest schedule to open it up when he’s sure Matt will be in class
Andrew finds out when they start hooking up
But remember transphobia isn’t real so it’s sort of more like Andrew goes to undo his pants and is like wait your dick is removeable? Okay.
And then he just gets on with it
So Binghamton and Baltimore happen as canon, and if Neil had ever harboured hopes that his father would forgive him and love him again, they’re broken for good when his father stalks in and sees him shivering and just grins
It is the smile of someone who has torn someone off a pedestal and is going to enjoy reducing them to dust
Nevermind that Nathan had been the one to put him on that pedestal in the first place
Stuart deus-ex-machinas us out of the maws of death and we end up back in that classic Baltimore scene with the Foxes, and they still claim him, and they still take him home
He tells them all about his mafia father and life on the run, and it doesn’t really click until later that he forgot to mention the trans thing
Not like he, you know, has to tell them, and being trans is hardly an issue in Exy since it’s co-ed, but it would probably be nice to see a real doctor instead of keep buying his hormones illegally
And moreover, he wants the Foxes to know him
So they hit the cabin in the mountains and everyone knows Neil doesn’t drink, but when Andrew pours him a shot, he takes it
Ooh, Nicky says, Is Neil about to start spilling his secrets?
Allison snorts. What secrets does he have left?
Uh, Neil says
Wait, Allison says. There’s more secrets????
Yeah, he says. Um, I’m trans
There’s a pause
Well, that’s no good, Allison said. We didn’t have a bet going on that
Everyone laughs, and Neil smiles, and he looks at the sunset and remembers his mother, and he remembers a life filled with hiding, and secrets, and loneliness
Bats swoop in the twilight beyond the cabin, and he turns towards the warmth and light inside, and he does not look back
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Teen wolf and sounds
Ever since I started watching tv, I noticed that I would be more likely to recognise songs and voices instead of faces. That lead to a game in my household where I would try to remember which characters had the same voices, since the shows I watched were mostly American and needed dubbing. This means that most of the time, a single French guy would be the voice of a lot of different characters. I also spent a lot of time just singing the theme songs or trying to recognise which song was being used in a scene. And when I started TW, I watched it in English. That meant that I no longer needed to listen to the voices to see if they reminded me of another character, I could just concentrate on the sounds the makers of the show decided to use.
When making a cinematographic piece, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. Not only does the cast have to be good, they also have to make sure the visual and sounds serve a purpose. A dialog can be perfectly delivered by the actors, if their surrounding aren’t made to follow along, it just becomes a pretty useless scene. And since I’ve watched a shit ton of Teen Wolf over the years, I wanted to talk in length about the sounds and noises used by the makers of the show to help move the story forward, and how much I enjoy it. I originally wanted to concentrate on the 3rd season, but I soon realised that I couldn’t limit everything to a single season. Everything that’s being said here doesn’t reflect anybody’s opinion but my own. I accept criticisms, and I also recognise that I don’t own kind of degree regarding movies and/or sounds. I’m just a 27-year old who loves cinema and music. Don’t take it too seriously. This is also a disclaimer : I’m French, so there might be some mistakes along the way, don’t hesitate to tell me and I’ll correct them.
This goes without saying, but SPOILERS.
Here’s how I organised this :
I : Introduction to sounds, for the viewers and the characters
II : Wolves and vilain, how they communicate?
III : What if we just talk?
IV : The new world within the new world
I : Introduction to sounds, for the viewers and the characters
Where it all began
For this story to exist, there is one thing that can’t be taken away : a police scanner. We overhear that a body has been discovered in the forest during the night at the end of August/early September. Stiles, the Sheriff’s son intercept the message on his police scanner and decides to drag Scott, his best friend, deep into the woods to go and look for the body. It is made clear to the audience that listening devices are going to be important, so much so that one of the main character has one installed in his car.
After the search, and an altercation with the Sheriff’s department, Scott gets bitten. In the scene, we see him turning around because of the noises the wolf behind him is making. The scene is dark, and we hear more that we see the wolf attacking him. We hear his feral snarls, and Scott’s screams. And here starts what becomes a very TW characteristic : the presence of a wolf is mostly known because of their sounds. Whether it’s the growling, the running, or the noises that come along the reveal of their shifted form with the glistening of their eyes. It’s a very distinct sound, one that will be kept until the end of the show to signal to the audience of the changing into a wolf of one of the character, no matter their rank.
The police scanner has then been used multiple times, up until the end of the 5th season, when Stiles and Scott hear that a body had been found in the woods, again, the story going full circle when Stiles decided to leave Beacon Hills to start studying in the FBI’s training program. Of course, it wouldn’t be the last time we see Stiles, but it was pretty heart-warming to see that after they passed the torch to Liam and Mason, their story as teenagers was coming to an end.
As my mum would say : should you listen to your music so loudly?
I thought it was interesting how music was used in the series. Not the background musics, sadly I didn’t have the time to go too deep with the interpretation of why a certain song was being used in a specific scene, but rather, how music is being used in the series in regards to the character’s actions, and the sense of false security that comes along with it.
First, let’s talk about Kira. In her first scene interacting with the pack, she overhears a conversation between them; using it to approach them. Sounds here serve as an introduction to the pack for her, since she’s able to become part of it afterwards. The other interesting part is that through noises and sounds, she is able to get a few glimpses into Scott’s world without fully understanding it.
She’s actually the first character that made me realise the importance of music as a tool. In season 3, she comes close to death when William Barrow comes to the school and is ordered to kill her. She has no idea that a serial killer roams around the school and goes to the library after her classes end. When Stiles pulls the emergency alarm; a universal sounds that signifies danger when heard, to evacuate the school, she is unable to hear it due to the music in her headphones being so loud. When Coach finds her and makes her leave, Barrow is shown hiding behind the shelves next to her. If music seems to be a way for her to escape, it it used to trick her into a state of false security.
Then, it Liam’s turn. In s4, this newcomer is bitten by Scott in order to save his life. And soon enough, he begins to change into a werewolf. This is being shown to the audience through music. When being driven by Kira, the music playing in the background overwhelms him, making it as if it was being played at a loud volume, instead of the nice background noise it actually was. It’s a nice flashback to when Scott was still learning to get used to his heightens senses (more on that later). Teen wolf has a habits of making things go full circles and often uses sounds to translate this for the viewers. Even without outright saying it, we are able to reflect on what it can mean. And this sense of false security comes back too. Kira is here pretending to drive him to a party, when she is actually bringing him to the pack to help him control the shift.
Last, I’m going to talk about the bonfire, and how, once again, music was made to lure the wolves into a dangerous situation. In the bonfire scene, we are shown Liam and Malia getting drunk, something that we’ve been told was impossible due to their healing powers.
Scott ends up realising that the music playing for the crowd is being used to disable them to help the killer who came there to cross their names off the deadpool.
The makers of Teen wolf found a universal part of the life of teenagers, something that can help them go through difficult times and decided to use it against the characters, showing the audience that nothing is safe. They all have to figure out a way to navigate through this new life without the help of what was once a source of comfort, and so does the audience.
II. Wolves and vilains, how do they communicate ?
How the wolves use it
Not only are we, as spectator, made aware of their changing, but the wolves themselves gain something from being bitten. Their sense of sight, smell and hearing become heightened, to help them not only hunt, but protect themselves.
Scott is the first wolf we see who is learning how to control his senses. In the first season, Derek tries to teach Scott a way to control and survive the shift. It doesn’t go as easily as Derek hoped, and he has to resort to showing Scott what will happen if he doesn’t try harder. He helps him concentrate on the sounds of hunters approaching them one night, and makes him watch another wolf get killed. From this moment on, Scott is not only able to take this training more seriously, but also use his listening ability to protect himself.
Unfortunately, the hunters are aware of this characteristic and found a way to deprave them from it : they fabricated a device that emits a sound only wolves are able to hear and it was originally used to distract them and lead them to a trap. But as the seasons go by, Chris Argent (whose family is known for hunting werewolves) becomes an ally and helps regroup Boyd and Cora to the school using those emitters. The torture device becomes helping as the seasons progress, along with the relationship between the characters. The noises then become a tool.
Over the following seasons, Scott masters this ability, and is shown using it in a lot of different situations. It helps him when he needs to listen in to conversations in relations with a villain he’s chasing, or when it helps him get closer to Allison on her first day. Funny enough, it is also used to try to befriend Kira when she first arrives after he heard her talking to her father about her lack of friends.
Alphas and packs
Since the beginning of the show, it was showed that wolves can communicate differently. To signal their position, they can howl and while it might not mean anything to humans, other wolves/animals are able to understand it. It is also used to bring someone back from their headspace. Scott first uses it in the first season to bring the alpha to the school. Later, in season 3, when he and Lydia enter Stile’s mind, he howls on Lydia’s advice to help Stiles overcome the Nogistune’s power in his mind. Stiles being part of Scott’s pack is able to hear it and regains control of his mind despite being human. Over the course of the show, we see wolves of Scott packs using it with each other, but they’re not the only one.
In the first half on the 3rd season, we are introduced to the Alpha Deucalion. Leader of the pack Scott fights against, he uses his voice to force terror and submission to those around him. He shatters his glasses when he proclaims himself Destroyer of worlds and tries later on to force Scott to kill Jennifer, making Scott fall to his knees ; his wolf unable to resist the command of an Alpha.
Sounds in this case becomes a way to rally someone to a cause or a pack. But it is a very grounding sound, used to bring either peace of mind, or terror. The viewers are then able to choose a fighter.
III. What if we just talked ?
Phones, man’s greatest invention
Scott realises quickly that something’s happening to him when he hears Allison (on the other side of the school ground) saying to the mother on the phone that she forgot to bring a pen. It helps him get on her radar since he is able to give her one, making him the first person/student Allison talks to when she arrives in BH.
As the story goes on, I’ve always thought that Allison’s relationship with sounds was a pretty important on. As a foreshadow, she gets some mysterious voicemails of a man speaking Japanese when her phone is turned off the night Stiles goes missing in s3. It is revealed that the man is telling instruction to a group of prisoners in a Japanese camp named Oak Creek during WW2. It ends up being relevant, since Kira’s mother summoned the Nogitsune while being a prisoner in this camp. Sadly, it also happens to be the place where Allison is killed.
Still with the Argents, when Kate is brought back to life, Scott says that since he doesn’t have the money to call France where Chris is staying since his daughter’s death, he thought he could text him the bad news. Stiles tells him that it might not be such a good idea to announce something like that over a text. And with money being a big part of the 4th season, the foreshadowing is once again strong in this scene.
Then we have the case of Jennifer Blake, the English teacher/antagonist in s3a. We are first introduced to her through her voice. She sent a text to all of her students, quoting the end of a book they’re going to study, and she reads the last sentence out loud coming into the classroom. And if it can be shocking to see teachers texting their students, it is later used to set up a meeting between her, Derek, Scott and Deucalion. This time, instead of the tool bringing people closer, it is used to put a plan in motion, one that involves death and pain.
Words aren’t just words, they’re tools
I talked about a lot of sounds a wolf can make, but another important thing in a series are the words themselves, the dialogues. In this story, we are faced with a lot of teenagers, and it isn’t wrong to say that at 16/17, it is hard to voice everything that’s going on in the head of a teenager. Everyone relies on a different method, and it builds their characters. Where Scott can be a little shy, Stiles is the loud one. When Lydia is making sure nobody knows how high her grades are, her boyfriend Jackson likes to brag about his successes. We have a lot of paradoxes here, and there are a lot more comparison to do.
Spoken words are loud in this series. Stiles is the sarcastic one, using it to defend himself, and it is quite interesting that Lydia is doing the same thing with her screams. But sadly, the unspoken things are louder. They can break a family apart. Scott is once again a good example. After his drunk father came home after a night out drinking, his mother told him to get out. She then went to Noah Stilinski to talk about it. Stiles overheard everything but never said a word to Scott. But so did Scott’s mother who felt like Scott would resent her if she told him that she was the one how asked his father to leave. Secret are hard to keep and live with, and they gain so much power as time goes by. There is also something to be said about misunderstandings. In that case, Melissa admits to Scott’s father in the 3rd season that he misunderstood her words, saying that she wished that he would still be a part of their son’s life.
Then, we have Stiles trying to get the biggest secret of all off his chest and tell his dad about the supernatural at the hospital. His father has a very specific answer :« I’m listening, I've been listening ». Meaning that as much as he is used to his son antics, he doesn’t want to admit that he is telling the truth. He hears what his son is saying, but he doesn’t want to listen, despite what he’s saying. Listening and hearing are two very different things. Listening means taking into account the words that are being spoken. And when the things he hears go against everything he believed his entire life, and he can’t listen to it any longer. We then find out that he had a moment when his wife died and a young woman told him to go be with his wife, and he didn’t want to obey. As much as he tells himself that he doesn’t believe, he just doesn’t want to face the fact that he missed his wife’s last moments. And it is heartbreaking to see that he needs to be himself close to dying to admit that his son was right. Stiles’ words were true, and not just the rambling of a teenager. He finally listened, after days, even years of dismissing what he refused to believe.
But some words can help bring closure. It is always a regret people have when they can’t say goodbye to their loved ones. But Allison isn’t one of them. On the contrary, her last words are probably the most important ones of the series. Just before her final battle, she made a point of telling her dad that she loved him. She needed to voice it, making sure that no matter what happened, her words would always resonate in her father’s mind. Then, she tells Scott how he’ll always be her first love, and finishes by saying that she has to tell something to her dad. When Chris hears it, he first think of his last conversation with his daughter, but it turns out that Allison needed to tell him something else : she realised how to kill the Onis, and she wants to make sure the pack and her dad are able to use her arrow heads to defeat them. Allison was a powerful young woman, fierce and strong, and as much as she values her relationship with the people around her, she also made sure to voice what was important to her.
Spoken words are on of the most effective ways to bring a story to life, but not everyone is able to speak. The show doesn’t let it stop them, and it brings us to the next subject.
Different kinds of voices
Over the course of the series, we see the pack facing all kinds of villains. Some like to talk and be heard, like Kate, or Peter, but some others use another way to be understood and deeply feared.
Let’s start with the Mute. He is a man (?) without a mouth, a professional killer who decides to kill supernatural beings from the deadpool. He uses a wrist keyboard with a computer generated voice to communicate with his victims. And the fact that he can’t talk but still has a voice coming out of him makes for a great villain, but a scary one at the same time. Because he only uses his voice to invoke fear ; with Sean Walcott to tell him that he killed his family and will kill him too, and with Peter when he tells him that Derek will be the next to die. The sounds coming from him are haunting, and likely resonate in the head of the people lucky enough to survive him.
The Anuk-Ite, who doesn’t use his own voice, found a way to inflict fear as well, with a difference: he uses other’s people voice to make his victims suffer. In the series finale, he uses the pack’s weaknesses’s voices against them to make them open their eyes and freeze them. Most of them give in and open their eyes, but Scott finds a way to go around it. If the Anuk-Ite uses voices, he will use his eyes. And it is such a great power move, because it shows us that while powerful enough to create illusion of the pack’s loved ones or fears, Scott decided to exploit the villain’s weakness against him.
Then we have the Oni, the « Japanese ninjas » from season 3. They don’t need a voice to be feared. The sound effects used to signal their presence is the only thing we need; a weird sound that comes out every time they appear, making the viewers and the character scared for what’s about to happen. And we have to recognise the talent of the people behind those sound effects, because without them, we would need words, and threats from the villains. But given that the only introduction they need is this sound, the scenes come across perfectly. And, except the few information given by Katashi, we don’t need anything else to understand that anyone standing in their way will be killed. Similar to them, are the Rider’s in the 6th season. They are some of the biggest villains the pack has faced, erasing dozens of people from existence without uttering a single word.
Finally, we have one of the most human killers of the show ; Brunski, the Head Orderly at Eichen House. He was a serial killer who killed patients because he believed he was helping them with their pain and recorded it on a tape recorder to listen to it later. In the fourth season, we found out that he murdered Lydia’s grandmother and uses this to torture her by made her and Stiles listen to the young woman's grandmother pleading for her life. And it must have been excruciating for Lydia to know that the last thing she will ever hear of her grandmother was her last moment alive. Once again, sounds and voices are being used against Lydia to torture her further, showing us that this human serial killer doesn’t need any super power to be heard and have his voice used to kill. Worst than this, his use of sounds is so disturbing. He finds happiness in listening to his victims suffer, going even further by recording it to relieve it all over again. He uses the last defences his patients have against them, even beyond their death.
Now that we saw the importance of sounds coming from humans and wolves alike, let’s see who else needs more than words to express themselves.
IV : The new world within the new world
Lydia and other Banshees
When we first meet Lydia, she is as far from the supernatural as one can be. But as time progresses, she encounters Peter who bites her and turns her into… Well something. She starts by following blindly his orders in season 2, but the real progress happens in season 3. Being held captive by Jennifer Blake, she ends up screaming, signalling every supernatural creatures around that something is happening to her. In the previous season, her screams were made to believe she was just screaming out of fear, as humans sometimes do when faced with a gigantic black form sprinting out of a store window. Blake then realises that she’s a Banshee ; the wailing woman, shading lights on so many events in the seasons : why she ended up finding a lot of the bodies in the beginning of the season, or why she would end up at certain key locations. But once again, the makers of the show decided to use sounds to express not only how she felt, but what it meant.
After she sees Peter talking to her mother about hearing, she decides to go to him to learn more about her power. He tells her that the screams don’t give her her powers. They help her calm down enough to quiet her mind. That explains how she was able to find out what was hidden in Talia Hale’s claws ; she screamed and threw them at the wall, allowing her to understand the voices inside it. That’s also how she was able to understand that the flies she was hearing in the William Barrow episodes were actually electricity, which helped the pack realise that Kira was being held at the power plant. After spending an entire day thinking there were flies around her, she finally screamed when Stiles told her to. Lydia has a special relationship with sounds, but they are sadly too overwhelming at first, thus stopping her to understand what’s going on.
During this time, a possessed version of Stiles was taking some medical tests in an MRI machine. Lydia, being so scared for his friend, spent the entire day being hyper sensitive to sounds. She was hearing lockers and doors closing at a higher rate and heard the sound of the machine loud and clear, as if she was the one inside it. She tried to put the music louder but the sounds were all she could hear, and she finally screamed. But no sound were heard in the scene. We only saw her despair and fear. She wasn’t screaming as a Banshee, but as someone who didn’t want her friend to die. The torture wasn’t over though, because Void Stiles took her in Oak Creek and there, she was able to hear every single person who died during the riot. She appears in total distress, not being able to shut her mind from all the pain that roamed around the corridor. The saddest moment however came when Allison was killed. Not being able to stop herself, or help a passed out Stiles, she just screams for the life of her best friend, and it no doubt will be added to cries of the other victims of this place.
Next comes the study in the Lake House. During the party in season 4, she realises that once the door was closed, no noise was able to come through. And as hard as it to make a scene with the proper music and sounds, it is even harder to do when there aren’t any sounds. Here we see how important the absence of noise is. And it becomes so much more relevant when we learn that her grandmother was also a Banshee who was able to predict one death because she heard rain when it wasn’t raining outside. Sadly, it didn’t help, since her girlfriend ended up dying, not able to understand where this warning was coming from. Her grandmother then decided to look for other people like her and here came Meredith. This young woman wasn’t able to understand the voices in her head. The Lake House served as some kind of experiment for her, and here, the sounds are used to show how mad they drove her. If Lydia was able to understand more of her family’s heritage and her power, Meredith bled from her ears in this room. Once again, foreshadowed when the wine bottle breaks on the ground, spreading red everywhere.
As for Meredith, she goes through some rough times during the end of the season when we discover that she was the one who created the deadpool in response of Peter’s thoughts that she was able to hear when he was in a coma after the fire. He kept going on and on about how there should be a list of supernatural people, and that professional killers should be the first one to cross names off that list. Lydia explained that for Meredith, all the time he spent in a coma, it was like she was only hearing his thoughts, like a radio. And so the deadpool was born. And once again, the study in the Lake House was a crucial part of the story since it was there that the deadpool was able to be active, and ended up being destroyed. When the truth comes out, Lydia is the only one able to understand Meredith. And it prompted the saying « Not all monsters do monstrous things ». Lydia is finally able to understand the world around her and herself, recognising that sounds and screams can be used for the greater good.
And it is also Meredith who ends up teaching a lot to Lydia, showing her that her screams can be as powerful as a bullet. From then on, Lydia is able to save Stiles from the Hunt-version of his mother in season 6 for example, help him break free of his imprisonment of the Hunt, or break Mason from The Beast’s possession in season 5. Her screams no longer come from a place of fear, but power.
But it also shows us something important : when the pack was trying to destroy the Beast of Gevaudan, Lydia is attacked by Sebastian Valet and, when she attacked him, he clawed at her throat, making her unable to use her voice, making her powerless. Over time, her screams became a defense, something that she was able to channel to protect herself. And the inability to produce them showed us once again that while it is hard to voice our thoughts and make sense of things while talking, it is even harder to deal with them without the ability to be loud or even just heard.
Eichen House & Echo House
We are first introduced to this place in season 3 when Stiles believes he is trapped there by the Nogistune. He finally decides a few episodes later to stay there to ensure the safety of the pack. And from the moment he walks in, we are surrounded creepy music. The woman tells Stiles that he won’t have any spoken contacts with the outside world for 72 hours, making sure that the isolation is complete. It also means that he won’t be able to be reassured by his loved ones. And as soon as the Sheriff begins to doubt his decision to leave Stiles there, he hears sounds louder, like Lydia earlier ; doors closing, buzzing sounds like in a prison when a cell opens and closes, etc… His mind is unable to concentrate on anything else but the sounds telling him that his son isn’t safe there. And as soon as he leaves, we have proof of that : a man hangs himself from the stairs. Right before that happens, we hear him talking, without anybody paying attention to him, even when Stiles points it out to the nurse. And when he voices his need to talk to someone outside, his request is denied. In this place, there are so many voices and levels of insanity that the few clear sentences that come out of the patients’ mouth are taken as white noise.
Stiles' roommate Oliver then tells him that he is aware of the suicide without having to leave his bed. The other name for this institution is Echo House, because according to him, everything echos there. Which means that the pain and suffering that one patient can experience is voiced and shared with all the other patients. Voices here are a sign of insanity and unsafe environment.
Sadly, all of this was perceived by Lydia earlier in the season. When Stiles went missing, she went to his room to find an intricate bundle of rope all over his bed. When Aiden pinched a string, Lydia heard voices telling her that Stiles was trapped in Eichen house.
The story then comes full circle with Lydia being a patient at Eichen House in the 5th season where she learns all about the strength of her powers. As patients are often physically restricted or tied to their beds, it is significant that Lydia was able to finally scream out her pain. So loud in fact, that she was able to break windows and free herself.
In the eighth episode of season 6, Blitzkrieg, Noah Stilinski says that they are gathered together (minus Stiles) because his « goofball son » decided to drag his greatest friend in the world out in the wood to see a dead body a few years ago. And this call was the beginning of everything. If Stiles hadn’t been listening, he wouldn’t have led Scott outside, Scott wouldn’t have been bitten, and none of this would have happened. And that’s the most important thing in this show. Without sounds, there wouldn’t be any kind of story.
Rare are the shows and movies who are able to make a complete work without any sounds, or spoken words. But as astonishing as those body of work are, it makes even more important the ones that feature sounds as a tool. Because that’s what they are, in the end. Tools to move a story, tools to understand the characters. Show runners talk through their characters, bring life to words that only existed in their minds. Some put more thoughts into it than others, but I think that we can learn a lot from the person behind a show if we listen closely to the sounds they choose to include in a story. Each character is a representation of a specific idea, and each one of their words represents an important notion a show runner wants the audience to grasp. Are we all willing to listen, though?
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Comet Theory Thursday: Character Analysis; Helene Bezukhova
It was a reeeeally close vote this week but Helene won out! Thank you to everyone who voted ^^ I did an extra long one this time! Content under the cut!
Character Analysis: Helene Bezukhova*
*(It’s important to note that this is ONLY an analysis of Great Comet!Helene, not W&P!Helene, as I have not read the book yet.)
Elena “Helene” Bezukhova is without a doubt, one of the most complex and layered characters in Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812. Both smarter and nastier than her brother Anatole, Helene is a cunning woman who knows how to wrap people around her finger. So much so that she’s been dubbed “The Queen of Society.” Everything that Helene does is intentional. (Possibly with the exception of her bad French.) Almost Every. Little. Thing. Right down to the way she carries herself. The tone of her voice. The things she wears.
However, underneath the master manipulator, there’s a little soft spot. If only a small one. For her brother, and maybe even for Natasha. But more on that later. First, let’s talk about Helene herself.
I believe that Helene is the smartest character in Great Comet, or possibly second-smartest, it’s a tough call between her and Dolokhov. But I digress. The point is that she’s incredibly smart. Seriously, if she was a D&D character, she’d have the Wisdom and Charisma stats maxed out, which is a deadly combination. That was another tangent, sorry, bear with me here.
So, how does Helene get people to like her? Like I said before, it’s a combination of everything. It’s all intentional. First, her voice. Helene slurs her voice slightly, possibly because she’s a little drunk, but possibly just to evoke the feeling of intoxication in others. (Not even to mention Amber Gray’s insanely gorgeous singing)
Next, how she carries herself. Helene has a very fluid way of walking, interspersed by some occasional harsh movements. Watch her in The Opera, prancing around with her head held high as she’s introduced. Almost like a snake, with her graceful foot, but then a sudden movement of her arm or head. (Like how she raises her glass in The Duel.) Additionally, Helene is very expressive with her arms, often reaching out towards people, and/or gesturing to them with both arms outstretched. She does this a lot with Natasha.
The things she wears. Helene is always seen in the highest of fashion. Feathers in her hair during The Opera, the high waistline that was so in style in the 1810s, and high-quality fabrics from all over the world. She wears green throughout the whole show (I made a wholeass post about this so I’m not gonna restate all of it here.) Her CONSISTENT wearing of green gives her a ‘thing,’ something visually iconic. Think like Ariana Grande’s ponytail, or Heather Chandler’s red scrunchie. No matter what, you can find Helene in green.
And finally, how she interacts with others. Helene is a master of hyping people up. And because of all the aforenoted things, she makes you feel special and important like no other could. You’re being told how beautiful you are by the queen of society. That’s gotta be like the biggest confidence boost possible. She gets you to love her by making it seem like she loves you. Of course, we also can’t discount Helene being the seductress that she is, her unashamed sexuality makes her seem yet more confident. And confidence is widely regarded as the most attractive quality in a person. Not even just sexually or romantically attractive, attractive in all ways. People want to be around confident people, especially people who make them feel confident too.
Alright, now that we’ve got that covered, let’s look deeper into Helene’s actual character. Like how she is as a person and shit. Her flaws, her redeeming qualities, her soft spots. I’m not going to pretend that Helene is a super great person or anything, she’s #3 on my asshole ranking, but she’s certainly not two-dimensional either.
First off, and most obvious of her redeeming qualities, Helene clearly loves her brother. They appear to be very close. They’re the classic double-trouble siblings. Throughout the play, she’s not even acting in her own self-interest, she’s helping Anatole win over Natasha. Although the “Thought of throwing them together” does amuse her. We can see her being protective of her brother in ‘Find Anatole,’ where Anatole is devastated, as he’s just been chased off by Marya for being an absolute SCOUNDREL and therefore unable to pick up or even see his beloved Natasha. “Anatole, come Anatole, Anatole hush, Anatole.” She reaches out with both arms, then and embraces and comforts him while they sit on the stairs. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a total asshole, but Helene seems to truly love and care about him. She also hypes him up to the audience while introducing him in The Opera, kinda being like ‘hell yeah that’s my brother he’s fucking stupid but cool af’
But then, we obviously get to the other side of this. Helene plays people like a fiddle, with no thought of how other might be affected by her actions. She’s actively hostile to Pierre, who she only married for his money in the first place, telling him to keep drinking during The Duel because she knows it’s dangerous for him. Also in The Duel, she somehow manages to get Pierre and Dolokhov, people who are FRIENDS, to duel over her. While it’s way more about honor than her love, it still happens. There’s really nothing anyone gains out of this, so it really seems like she set this up for her own amusement. After the duel takes place, she comments “What can I say? It’s a gift.” In response to Anatole saying that she “Certainly brings out the beast in men.”
There’s a possibility that she genuinely likes Natasha as well. She compliments her even before Anatole shows up. She probably compliments everyone, but still. I don’t think she’d bring over a wholeass evening dress and give away her pearls to somebody she didn’t actually enjoy hyping up. Also, the thing with the dress swishies near the end of Charming is fucking adorable and I will stand by that until I die.
Unlike Anatole, Helene seems to be aware that she’s kind of a dick, and like she enjoys that. She might consciously choose to keep being an asshole for a number of reasons. Like maybe she feels inadequate, though that doesn’t seem the most likely. Maybe she feels like she should make use the ‘gift’ she has. Maybe she’s afraid of being hurt (Again?) and has resolved to stay one step ahead of everyone else. Maybe she has a hard time controlling herself and her actions (ADHD?) so she controls other people just to have control over something. Maybe she’s just a shithead. You could make arguments for all of these, and I’m sure for other things too.
So, all in all, I love Helene. She’s an incredibly interesting character to analyze, and I hope you enjoyed reading this. I might dive even deeper in the future, if that’s something people want. Hope you enjoyed this very special (late) Comet Theory Thursday! (Friday) As most of you know, yesterday was my fifteenth birthday, so that’s why I didn’t get it out earlier- thanks for bearing with me! New topics to vote on will be up a few minutes after this gets posted!
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mrs-gauche · 4 years
Why try to imagine young Solas when you can always listen to German Solas for free?
Now I'm joking of course (and people seem to hate his German voice anyway), but seriously. He just sounds SO much younger in German, it's always so baffling to me!
Ok, unnecessarily long ramble about my thing with voices and Solas in different languages incoming, so I’ll put it under a cut. (Hope it works, still figuring Tumblr out.) 😌
So, being German, I actually first started playing DA in German.
With games, I usually do so for my first playthroughs, so that I can fully focus on the story first, without ever having to think twice about what is being said (I am confident in my English skills but it does happen with the type of language used in a medieval fantasy RPG like DA). Which also always gets me some disapproval from my brother, because he's one of those people who could never watch a dubbed movie or really anything in German, because he never finds it authentic or natural sounding and I totally understand that.
But I'm also a little voice fanatic in that I'm really interested in any voice acting in general and having to know every voice actor and all that and (oppose to popular opinion as far as I know) I always really liked and in some cases even loved the German voice cast for all the DA games (insert shameless promo here, I even did a compilation of DAI's complete party banter in German on YouTube as well as Solas' party banter specifically, which was a LOT of work, so if you're interested, check it out :D) and let me tell you, from what I've seen, I might be the only person on earth who actually doesn't hate Solas' German voice. lol
But then again, the very first scene of DAI that I ever saw in English was the final dialogue at the end of Trespasser (like, back then I played through the whole thing, only ever knowing the German voices and then after that last scene with Solas, I was so blown away that I was like "Ok, welp, that was so amazing, gotta switch to English now to watch it again!") and my. jaw. dropped. when I heard that voice. Like holy shit, it was almost like meeting a completely different person!
But it's also really interesting for me to see some people claiming that the only thing attracting you to Solas is his voice, when he didn't even have that voice when I first played it? lmao
I mean yes, I completely fell in love with his character all over again after hearing that GDL voice and that performance for the first time, but like.. he was my favorite character even before that, so.. I guess now I can claim to have been mainly drawn to him just because of his character? 😂 Although I do find his German voice to be pleasant too, with a certain softness and warmth to it that he shares with GDL imo and to give credit to the other VAs, it really is nearly impossible to translate that same velvet rythm that GDL has in English into another language, let alone the 'Halleluja' cadence thing.
So I totally understand that his German voice can be really off putting, especially for anyone who is used to English only, because it's just SO much different!
But that's also why I find it so interesting?
Because after comparing most of DA's voices in different languages (because that's what I do in my free time 😅) to me, every other companion sounds either similar in their range or has at least the same "age" to it?
But with Solas, he sounds SO much younger in German, whereas in French his voice is so much deeper. Which makes comparing his German voice to the French one even more baffling, because they are like two polar opposites of one spectrum!
This is especially hilarious to me when you listen to all his banter with Sera, where he tries to teach her about how to lead a rebellion, calls her a child and gives her all this advice, when in German, he sounds just as old as Sera if not even slightly younger than her. lmaooo
So that leaves me kind of wondering why BioWare chose such a different tone of voice in his case, given how big of a role he plays?
Especially since I've seen so many people seemingly confused about Solas' age by just his physical appearance alone.
Maybe I'm really overthinking this, but.. Could that be part of the reason why they would intentionally choose three so different tones of voices in his case? To keep his age intentionally vague and to underline this aspect of, what they described in his concept art as "ageless wisdom"? lol
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princewarmachine · 4 years
this is going to be entirely expected but,,,,starscream for the ask thing >w> u have epic opinions
Of course of course of course!
OTP for them:
I’ve been really into Starscream/Shrapnel lately. Yes it is a crackship... but I love it sooooooo much. There is like no content for Shrapnel in the first place, and like I feel insane shipping them so hard but oh well. They’re like a “I hate everyone but you” pair, which I am a sucker for. I started shipping them because they’re both women in the 1986 movie French dub and I was like “Weird. What if they were in love?” and I have not known peace since. EHeheheh a lot of the other decepticons are like “Ummm why is Shrapnel the only one Starscream is nice to?” and the Insecticons are like “Ummmm why’s the boss bug being all mushy to this dude?” ANYWAYS ANYWAYS... Shrapnel would be the first one to get a crush and would be like flirtatious with Starscream and at first starscream is like “What is this dudes problem?” cause no one else shows him kindness like this besides his trine, but he starts warming up to being around Shrapnel and spending some quality time. Yeah... yeah...
BROTP for them:
Alexis and Starscream, duh. Watching their friendship develop on Armada is probably one of the reasons I am so obsessed with him. Like... Idk man. It’s so sweet. ALSO STARSCREAM AND HIS TRINE!!!! I love those bitches
Other ships:
I am a multishipper, like for real for real so you will find me shipping most mechs, especially G1 mechs with almost every other member of the cast. That being said, Starop is fucking delicious. I love the fucking angst, and I have a bayverse starop fic in the works... Starop works in just about any verse too. I also have a beast wars starop fic in the works where optimus primal finds starscream’s ghost ehehe. I also think starbee is very cute, even though I have barely read any IDW. Also, also, this is part of another fic I got planned but I ship Starscream and Huffer, as like EXs tho. They had a messy breakup and Starscream is STILL upset about it. OH WAIT AND HOW COULD I FORGET HIM AND SKYFIRE MAAAAAAAAN THAT SHIT..... I love the angst potential!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of fic I’d write about them:
I literally have several fics planned. Here’s a list: A Starscream/Shrapnel fic that I’ve actually got like 13 pages for, Fic about him and Huffer’s breakup but that is more Huffer focused than Starscream focused, I want to write an angsty tfp Starop fic, the beast wars starop fic, aaaand the bayverse starop fic. ANd fuck it I might write him in a poly relationship or some shit in the future
A favorite canon moment:
Is it appropriate to say every moment? Seriously. I see him AT ALL and I go insane. Insane, I tell you!!!! I do love his death in the 1986 movie, though. It’s the scene that made me love him so much!!!
Color that reminds you of them:
Piiiiink :) I have a sparkly custom pink figure of him so that might be why, but I also love his pinkish color in TFA
A song that reminds me of them:
Earlier I was listening to this and it gives me such Starscream/Skyfire feels. mannnn
A headcanon about them: 
Hmmmmm, I feel like when he went to academy his teachers were fucked up to him (he felt like he was stupid until he graduated). This is something that him and Shrapnel can relate to each other about
A random AU I think up on the spot for them:
Not random, buuuut the bayverse starop fic would most likely be a redemption AU where he DOESNT DIE A SHITTY DEATH.... :)
Anything else: 
UUUUUM he’s literally my fave character. Obsessed. I love him.
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thisisnotacomp · 3 years
Man, this list is a walk through musical history. Fantastic work right here. Thankful that Pitchfork puts these types of articles as a record for future generations. I mean it has entries for PBR&B, Chillwave, Electroclash, lo-Fi House, and Witch House among others.
Just imagine someone finding this list in 2030 and first hearing some of these tracks. Minds will be blown. While I can't say I followed all of these, I have watched quite a few of these grow up and burn out so I figured I would add a few additional tracks to the list:
Blog House - This almost seemed like a reinginition of the French Kiss sound from the late 90's. So many great artists and great releases to choose from. Justice's Cross LP has to be the flag bearer. Also dig into Digitalism and Boys Noize. I am a sucker for house music. The track that first comes to mind for me is Friendly Fires - Paris (Aeroplane Remix). Listen here. But while it might not technically be Blog House I have to add this track. Still so damn good. Also D V N O 4 capital letters.
Chillwave - The obvious jump off point here is Washed out Feel It All Around. Listen here. But the impact that Chillwave has had since its inception can not be understated. The closest thing I can compare it to is Fusion from the 70's. It was the next logical step and created amazing music but also ruined a lot of shit since it was an easy template for artists to follow.
Electroclash - Man, remember Fischerspooner? Their debut self-titled LP was something else. I remember buying this CD with the companion disc of videos. That shit was awesome. The visuals were on another level compared to what was playing on MTV at the time. Also Megacolon? I mean what? Quite a release. Side note, Electroclash always seems connected with the Mashup scene at the time. That shit was also wild. Then Girl Talk took it to an new level. Fucking madness. Those were the days man, those were the days.
Freak Folk - I had a love hate relationship with Freak Folk. Shit was cool. Some tracks were amazing but for the most part listening to an entire album was maddening. Animal Collective is a perfect example.
Lo-Fi House - As mentioned before, I am a sucker for house music. In a good year there are maybe 3 great house LP released. In a bad year you might get one good release. When the Lo-Fi house movement hit the scene there were like 3 great LP's and another 5 or 6 great EP's. What's interesting about this sound is that the tracks probably would have been better if they didn't sound like shit. But the fact that they did sound like shit really allowed me to find other artists who were releasing similar music. I put together a playlist of Lo-Fi house which you can listen to here.
Night Bus - I think this one was a bit of a stretch to be honest. I listened to a TON of dub-step and everything that came after it and I had never heard someone call it Night Bus. I mean it is just the name of a Burial track. It's more of a revisionist history sub-genre. That said, would be great if someone would go back and pull together all of the related tracks. Pitchfork linked to CFCF’s 2010 Fader mix Do U Like Night Bus? which is fantastic. Burial's sound blew my mind at the time and still sounds futuristic today.
PBR&B - One of the best named micro-genres of all time. The first track that comes to mind when I hear it is Millionairess by Inc. The track is PBR&B adjacent but in my mind really shows what groups were doing to expand sounds at the time. Listen here.
Purple / Wonky - This shit was rad. It was so over the top. Purple burned bright for a short period of time while Wonky had a much longer run. The first iteration of Dub-Step was splintering into so many different sounds it was almost impossible to keep track of. Of all the genres in my lifetime it would be the one where I would want to read a definitive history of. Or even better if someone mapped out the spider web of artists and sub-genres through time would be something on the level of the Rosetta stone of electronic music in the early 2000's.
Skweee - This one is easy. This is the smallest of all of the genres listed. Just go to Spotify and search Eero Johannes. That's all you need to know.
Vaporwave - Another madding one. Vaporwave was a lot bigger than music. It contained all areas of art. But its main ascetic is almost anti art. More than anything Vaporwave was a catch all term for early internet nostalgia vibes. An easy entry point is Hit Vibes by Saint Pepsi. Listen to that full LP here. It's more of a disco-house release but its firmly planted in the vibe.
Witch House - Another one that burned bright for a few short years. Easily the biggest artist to come out of Witch House was Clams Casino. Again, he wasn't specifically a Witch House artists but did release his early work on Triangle Records which was the home of the early sound. Just listen to "Frost" by Salem or “See Birds” by Balam Acab. Then listen to "Motivation" by Clams. Then listen to Lil B's version here. Then Lil B's 'I'm God' also produced by Clams. Then move to A$AP Rocky's Bass. It is a direct path from Witch House to what was at the time the cutting edge of pop music. All started with Triangle Records. That was a tangent. Here is the definitive Witch House banger! White Ring - IxC999
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dipplie · 4 years
Temporary list of my stories and OC’s until one day I make a comprehensive and well made list:
Polli: My oldest OC and fun fact was my persona till she become edgy and I wasn’t 12 anymore. Everyone’s favorite yes yes I’m aware. Yellow, energetic, eats dirt and bugs, I can’t tell if she’s evil because of a wisp possession or just crazy. Breaks the 4th wall. Is she a Mary Sue???????? Who knows.
Melody: NOT Polli’s girlfriend despite Polli’s delousions. Has an abusive mom :(. Only has one eye and then no eyes and then robot eyes or smthn idk she becomes a badass when she gets older. But otherwise trembling in her shoes all the time.
Melodys Mom/Sharren: Bitch. Okay well all I’ll say is she’s old and grumpy and probably smells bad.
Louise: Total hotty, rich kid, FtM, got bullied as a kid for his weight. Had a squad of fans basically in high school. Lived with his mom after his parents got a divorce but his mom was semi abusive, projected her femininity onto him, and wouldn’t have been supportive of his transition, so between middle and high school he went to live with his dad and got his sex change and testosterone. His best friend in elementary and middle school stopped talking to him after his transition, and became his competition for the most attractive and sought after boy in school (except Louise is a sweetheart while his friend Tommy is a dick and really gross) His dad runs a company that specializes in technology, and after meeting and falling in love with Melody (even after all her abusive trauma and losing both her eyes) he has his dad and some of the developers create a way to get her vision back and I mean honestly I love him how could you not love him he’s so perfect.
Fick: Big nerd boy with thick glasses. I feel like he’d use Reddit but don’t quote me on that. Big crush on Vivinya. Boy don’t wander into the woods- oh look dead body with a curse on it don’t touch it- aaaand now he has a wisp that makes him kill people, way to go kid. Panic attack central.
Vivinya: True crime girl, yucky yucky. Probably had a knife collection. “uwu I’m insane” except she actually is and starts using Fick to kill people for her and treats him like her “Yandere boyfriend” or something cringe and gross oh god. She deserves jail. JAIL. Needs to learn guys need to give consent too. Just overall sucks 1/10.
Tommy: I mentioned him early to be Louises ex best friend and rival. He used to have a crush on Louise actually but that don’t excuse being a BITCH!!!! Also needs to learn people gotta give consent he is just as gross as Vivinya. Cheats on all the girls he gets with because he’s again, a bitch. Idk if he deserved to get murdered though I mean he was still a teenager but it’s fine. Thinks of the song Seventeen from Heathers actually this story does feel a tad reminiscent of heathers with vivinya being a crazy and wanting to off a bunch of students. Huh.
Suzannie: Tommy’s older sister who’s a detective. What a coincidence. Monotone and depressed. Probably because her little brother got murdered. Gets real awkward when she’s talking about her brothers murder(s) to Fick and Vivinya like “when I find who did this to him they’ll regret being born”. Kind of really pretty actually.
Adolescents (there isn’t actually a story here yet but don’t worry about it shhhh):
Nelson: HIMBO HIMBO H- Jock stupid idiot big dork god he’s so awkward and his main personality trait is having a crush on Naomi and being a dork when talking to her. Probably could benchpress you.
Naomi: Gamer or something and a nerd geek. Her main personality trait is having a crush on Nelson and also being a dork when talking to him. Probably a weeb and fandom dweller. Can’t draw but she commissions artists to draw. She does write copious amounts of fanfiction though.
Andrés: Ohhh the school bad boy babyyyy. Baseball bat with nails in it or something. There’s like... A thing between him in Charlotte and he wants to be a thing but she’s being difficult and makes it hard to talk to her or about her and ugh.
Charlotte: Princess, high school princess. She’s actually pretty nice when you get to know her- but she’s a diva. Ballerina after school. Best friends with Naomi and doesn’t know what she’s talking about when she mentions ships or OTPs but she listens anyways because she’s a good friend. There’s like... A thing between her and Andrés but she doesn’t know if she’s super into him but geez he’s really hot but she gets such mixed responses when she asks her friends about it and what if it doesn’t work outttt.
Marlon: They/Them but they’re okay with either pronouns they aren’t sure yet, he or she is okay... Box boy box boy. Autism... He doesn’t want to admit He’s attracted to men but he’s totally attracted to men. He lives alone which is probably illegal for his age but somehow he manages. Everyone thinks he’s “the quiet kid” and he’s really sad about it no don’t make jokes like that please guys ahh-
Sing for Me:
Kat: The color pink, addahadda(adhd), angry and loud and short. For being only like 10 and being an adorable little lesbian dressing in sparkly pink dresses she actually likes screaming a lot and would totally sing heavy metal if her producers let her. Loud and mad but gets so soft around her girlfriend. “If anything happens to Brie I’m killing everyone in this room and then myself”.
Brie: French... Birds and stuff. Loves her girlfriend even though she is so loud. So fast. So much. Likes to write pretty things. Is only like an inch taller than Kat. Filled with so much love for everything.
Elliot: The girls manager. Lots of coffee. Stressed out of his MIND please help this man. Probably gay. Seems like a smug dick but he is just a tall and lanky dork that loves puppies and wants nothing more than for Kat and Brie to be happy. Accidentally brands them as sisters and then Kat kisses Brie and- oh fuck oh shit oh no what has he done. Hides the fan and non fan responses from them. Poor guy.
Horror Hosts:
Ichabod: Hot demon who’s the son of the current ruler of hell or something. I mean he’s hot, smart, and royalty, what more do you want. I very specifically hear the dub voice of Kyoya Ootori from OHHC as his voice don’t @ me. Goat legs????? Yeah??? Don’t be rude.
Barnabie: Ohhhhhhhhh big orc teddy bear I’m crying I love him????? He puts up a more confident ploy and the given stereotypical personality orcs supposedly have but he’s just a shy boy that wants to give girls flowers and call boys pretty. Help him.
Garrison: Gary Burger. Fat hairy gay man. I mean werewolf. Wouldn’t it be funny if I made the whole werewolf thing backwards and made him transform into a HUMAN only on the full moon??? Party animal, pun absolutely intended. LOUD AND FUNNY he’s a dork. Bites. Horny on main Garrison please you’re supposed pamper and flirt with the guests but not quite that much.
Vincenzo: Token Vampire but he’s Italian because I felt like it. Talk and lanky of course. Bitch face. Blood coffee? Yeah lots of coffee. Tired. Let him sleep in Ichabod. Steps on people. Can summon and reanimate corpses but has a bitter attitude towards them because they get annoyed with him as much as he gets annoyed with- everyone else. He does have a soft spot but idk where it is. When he’s talking to guests he’s more suave and sexy though.
Kai: Genderfluid haha get it because slime fluid-... I’ll stop. Probably objectively the hottest because they can look anyway they want and shift their vocals to sound like almost anything, also probably objectively the best in bed (if you’re okay with the texture of Jell-o) and honestly come on save some for the rest of us it’s not fair. This boy can SING oh my god seranade me and whisper in my ear baby. Spunky and sassy.
Hallvor: BABY OCTOPOD BOY OHHHHH I LOVE HIM HE’S SO SWEET AND IS AN ANGEL DARLING BOY SO EMBARRASSED SO SHY SOFTEST VOICE OHHH- ohhh nooo he’s got a knife ohhhhh Hallvor baby don’t be like that ohhhh... Used to work in hentai actually (I wonder why) but quit because of immoral practices and good for him we love that. Okay he’s not actually a yandere or whatever but he DEFINITELY wants to squeeze you a little too hard and has those crazy eyes.
Carla: Main character of this OHHC monster clone. She sucks I don’t like her because listen listen she kills monsters as a living and when she tries to kill our boys here, Ichabod catches her and goes “no” but then the rest (not knowing her murderous intent) fall in love with her and Ichabod is like: “shoot well I’ll keep you alive and around but I’m watching you” and blah blah romance and feelings and character development and wow she seems like she’s grown to care about them... So Ichabod removes a curse he put to prevent her from harming them or leaving... AND THEN SHE STABS THEM ALL IN THE BACK IM CRYING. I mean she might have an extra reason for needing to kill them but I haven’t decided if I want to actually put it in the story yet so.
Maria/Marianna: Was this goth angry chick and the head of these losers but after a failed heist, fire, and being betrayed and dropped from a window on a 3rd or 4th story down into flames, and going to the hospital and changing her name, she changed totally and become a soft pretty girl... And then the next three boys went “HEY BOSS WE FOUND YOU” and she went “oh no” and now she’s just an anxious wreck like “no no no no no I don’t shoot people in the face anymore no no no no no” And has a fear of hands. Also was Diamontés best friend in primary school and yes all these characters went to the K-12 school all the other characters do/did. Pretty voice. The story is mostly about her being anxious around all the other characters because who was it that betrayed her and dropped her into the flames below? Find out next week on th-
Nikki: He’s that character that you see and immediately go “oh he’s gross and is angry and is a bitch” and you’re right he is and has a cockney accent and screams a lot and probably swings a knife around a lot, but he’s got a sweet interior (somewhere in there... somewhere) Screamo heavy metal. Him and the rest of these character briefly talked about having a band and then they didn’t and then at the end of the story they do and although he plays guitar mostly, if he does do lead vocals he screams a lot. Bitch.
Anthony: Pretty boy but like the “was in the army” pretty boy vibe. Probably played football in highschool. Pyromaniac. Punches Nikki a lot. Almost gives himbo vibes sometimes, almost. Kind of likes the old timey cozy aesthetic. Plays the piano sometimes but “oh I’m not very good at it” Plays extremely well
Diamonté: TALL. Purple goth boy aesthetic hellll yeahhhh. CRAZY EYES AND THEY SPEAK VOLUMES WATCH OUT. Drums. The scary kind of quiet because he just smiles at you. Crowbar. Okay but he’s actually really sweet though. Secretly loves watching Anthony and Nikki get into fights so that’s why he rarely puts a stop to it. I think he’s a sadist. Can be a gentle giant, but can also be a not so gentle giant. The only time he’s really talkative is after copious amounts of booze.
Unnamed/Undesigned 1: Literally a pimp and he’s pretty gross. Blonde hair and pink and white clothes.
Unnamed/Undesigned 2: Chick that likes to throw knives and be angry and threatens Marianna a lot but in a quiet and monotone way, Marianna is pretty scared and hopes that these are just shallow threats uhhhhh.
Unnamed/Undesigned 3: Sells guns (without a lisence of course) and wears a bandana over his face a lot. Tired. Grumpy.
Unnamed/Undesigned 4: Like Marianna, was cold hearted and cool but then got caught in the fire and got all soft. He only has one eyes but how sweet his eyepatch is a heart. Recoved along side Marianna and they are good friends good friends tha- wait Marianna are you going back with them oh god you can’t do that oh dear oh no oh-
(I don’t have a story or name for these two but they’re my comfort ship OC’s and my current hyper fixaction right now):
Rodriquéz: I literally designed him with almost all the traits I find attractive in a guy other than freckles so as you can imagine I find him super HOT. I also designed his personality on what I find attractive from a guy so as you can imagine I find him super GREAT. But anyways he’s grumpy and closed off and monotone and smug. I really could go on for hours about how I want him to step on me I’m so sorry guys. Both him and Samantha give the “21 and having immature fun” vibes. They’re a thing but they like going to bars together and splitting off and doing their own thing (or doing someone else’s thing if you get what I mean haHhahHhahGahGhaha-) But so help them if anyone doesn’t oblige by the “no” from one of these two, someone’s gonna get beat up.
Samantha: (She literally just my personality shhhhh don’t tell anyone it’s a secret) Bubbly, energetic, a little shy by extroverted, bombshell blonde or something? It took me way too much time and effort to design her but I’m really happy with how I finally designed her, I love her outfit. She could kick me in the face and I’d say thank you. Girly drinks at the bar. Got that trauma and anxiety™️ secretly though. Skips and jumps a lot. As I’m typing this I keep looking up at the drawing of her and more and more I would want her to also step on me.
(Space Story I don’t have a nice title for):
Unnamed/Undesigned 1: So... Funny story this story originally was with me and uh... My ex I guess... So I gotta replace the MC’s... Whoops ahaha... Awkward. But anyways the MC is a robot and a girl and is a slight tsundere or smthn.
Unamed/Undesigned 2: Has a space ship, works for this organization in space that protects the galaxy. Is cocky, lazy, sly, oblivious, and an idiot. The love interest- obviously. Probably accidentally committing space crimes. (Like space pirating hAHAHA-) Kind of cool when he wants to be.
Dandelion/Dandy: CAT. WITH A JET PACK. Kind of an asshole. Fun fact used to be Polli’s cat but then when the Second MC crash landed on earth she was like “fuck this noise I’m going with space boy laterz” (okay she can’t talk but she thought it).
Zizii: Lesbian alien? Yeah???? Okay but I mean her main character trait is being a dorky back alley doctor and engineer obsessed with the MC because they’re a sentient robot with emotions and a lazer arm and rocket boots WOW!!!!!!!!
Story I want to revive:
So I had a story I started writing a long time ago about this tech theatre kid that had a crush on this other theatre kid character, but in a play that other character has to kiss another person for the show, and as the story progresses the MC convinces themselves that it isn’t just a play and that their crush actually loves and is kissing that other kid. And in the play, that other character is supposed to die. Show night comes along and they die, but like actually, and by the hands of the MC (Idk maybe like a light falls on em or smthn). So it’s a grotesque scene the audience sees as just an act. (Mutters I dunno I think my idea’s cool...) So I’ve been wanting to design these characters and work more on the story but I’m busy being obsessed with Rodriquez and Samantha so. (And the Horror Host Club too I love them too still).
Other Characters that either don’t have a specific story or are kind of like background characters:
Jacqueiliquinne Merril: Sara Berry vibes from 35mm (go look up The Ballad of Sara Berry, maybe like an animatic idk the first one that comes up is nice) But otherwise rich, pretty, popular, bitch. Tries to like, steal Louise from his squad and it’s like bro that’s unnecessary who hurt you that’s so rude. She gives Nui from Kill La Kill Vibes too. Oh she knows her name is long and annoying but you have to say the whole thing.
Brianna: Jaqueiliquinne’s sister. Big titty goth gf??? She’s pretty popular too and kind of a bitch too but to a much lesser degree. Her and he sister throw hands a lot when no one is around, you know, “THEY GIRLS ARE FIGHTINNGGGG”.
The Louise Fan Club: 4 characters I haven’t named yet. One writes fanfiction of Louise and shares it with the others and with him sometimes and although he thinks it’s a bit weird he also finds it a tad endearing and supports her. One is an aspiring photographer and is constantly asking Louise to model for him. One is an artist and draws Louise all the time. And one is an aspiring musician who writes songs based of Louise’s relationships which again he finds a little weird but endearing and supports her.
The Jacquiliquinne Merril Fan Club: Genderbent-ish (I say ish because one of the characters is a little bit less defined gender wise) versions of the Louise Fan Club. Yes I’m lazy, and no they don’t get along with them, infact they hate each others club with a passion. 
Unnamed/Undesigned: I wanna make some hacker kid just because I wanna have one.
Unnamed/Undesigned: I also really wanna have a super cutesy magical girl and then a really super duper generic boring character probably like star vs the forces of evil idk I never watched that show but it looks cute.
Me: I exist in the universe fukc you I can do what I want it’s my story and I get to chose the who also if you wanna be in the mess of a universe go ahead draw yourself with my OC’s I allow and encourage and appreciate it. I literally made the Horror Host Club as a sort of Harem story and you are absolutely allowed to make out with them if you’re a monster fucker DO it GO ahead it’s canon.
and that is ALL I have FOR now Knowing me I’ll make like 12 more characters by July, and I mean I need more characters for the high school anyways so...
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usergreenpixel · 2 years
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1. The Introduction
SURPRISE! Hi, my dear Neighbors! This is a surprise soirée where we can finally discuss the long awaited topic of “Austerlitz”, a movie directed by Abel Gance (who also wanted to make a series of movies about Napoleon).
I have already seen the 1927 silent movie called “Napoleon” by this very director and I have reviewed it under the Jacobin Fiction Convention tag, but I also quickly found out about today’s review subject so this soirée was only a matter of time. And wouldn’t you know it, the time has come! Yay!
Unfortunately, while researching where this movie can be found, I realized that the English version is only on Netflix so those with subscriptions should be able to find the entire thing there. Russian speakers like myself are a bit luckier because there is a “two voice dub” (basically the one where you can kinda hear the original voices) online and should be easily accessible.
Okay, with that out of the way, let’s begin this party! Also, this review is dedicated to @tairin , @count-lero and @kaxen .
2. The Story
You would think that a movie called “Austerlitz” would depict only, well, the titular battle, but nope. It doesn’t show only that!
In fact, about the entire first half of the movie is spent on setting the stage for the events that would result in the battle. We see Napoleon as consul (later Consul for Life ™️), then there’s his coronation (not actually shown though), his family drama, etc.
Now, initially I thought I would be annoyed by the fact that so much time is spent on something other than the Battle of Austerlitz, but nope! Surprisingly, it wasn’t boring or annoying at all because all of these events give important context and insight into Napoleon as a person, so I don’t think pacing is an issue here. It might be too slow for some people though.
Also I love the fact that we’re not shown only the French side, but actually the prospectives of the Coalition members as well, so there’s no sense of “good French vs. evil Allies”, which is honestly great! It’s good to see multiple points of view.
I will have to admit that the time skips are a bit confusing, especially if the movie is being watched by someone who doesn’t know Jack Shit about the time period, but it wasn’t a problem for me most of the time.
And also, trigger warning because there are scenes with blood, obviously.
3. The Characters
Napoleon here is… complicated.
I dislike him, much like I dislike his real counterpart. He is impulsive as fuck, ambitious, stubborn and at times acts like a total dick, but also has moments of tenderness and kindness to his so that’s nice. Plus his tactics and strategy are shown, but that’s a given considering what kind of movie this is.
His family is also a mess, but they’re minor characters so I don’t have much to say about them.
Fouché and Talleyrand are scheming bastards as always.
Murat is a minor character, but he is brave and flamboyant.
Lannes is blunt, informal with Naps and isn’t afraid to call him out on bullshit.
Napoleon’s valet, Constant, is pretty interesting and shares a few witty quips with Napoleon in the beginning of the movie.
There’s also an old soldier called Alboise who is even blunter than Lannes, witty and all around badass, so he was one of my favorite minor characters.
Honestly, there’s a lot of characters and even more cameos so I can’t name them all, but the cast ends up being almost as diverse as my playlist.
4. The Setting
Love the settings! To me they looked accurate and really well made!
5. The Acting
Everyone is great! Pierre Mondy as Napoleon is something else and I loved his performance in particular.
By the way, a nice touch is the fact that there are multiple languages used in the movie (French, English, German and Russian) so that’s a bonus point for effort!
6. The Music
For some reason I have a soft spot for music in older movies, and this one is no exception. I especially love the triumphant music in the end and the fact that we have our soundtrack in moderation so it’s not annoying.
7. The Conclusion
Honestly, I’m glad that Abel Gance returned to Napoleon again in a way, even though his original plans of a multiple part saga didn’t work out.
I found the movie well done and I liked almost everything about it, except the time skips and some of the scenes depicting soldiers with injuries (I’m a bit squeamish).
Definitely recommend it! Great movie!
But with that, let us finish our surprise soirée at the Malmaison Media Salon. Stay tuned for updates, dear Neighbors!
- Citizen Green Pixel
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shireness-says · 5 years
hashtag holiday party
Summary: This isn’t Emma’s company, or her holiday party, or her idea of a good time. Is there any good to be salvaged from the worst date ever? ~3.6K. Rated T for language. Also on AO3.
A/N: A couple of weeks ago, there was a great post about the worst company Christmas party date ever on the Ask a Manager blog, and I could resist turning it into a fic! Super thanks to @snidgetsafan, my ever trusty beta. Happy holidays, everyone!
Tagging the interested parties: @ohmightydevviepuu, @profdanglaisstuff, @kmomof4, @katie-dub, @welllpthisishappening, @thisonesatellite, @let-it-raines, @thejollyroger-writer, @phiralovesloki, @winterbaby89, @scientificapricot, @snowbellewells, @searchingwardrobes, @spartanguard, @teamhook, @optomisticgirl
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
Emma Swan has many regrets, but chief among them right now is agreeing to this date.
Well, no. First place on her list of regrets is awarded to going to Mary Margaret’s Christmas party, where she ended up trapped in conversation with Walsh.
(Ugh, Walsh. Just the name should have been her clue to get the hell out of dodge when he’d spotted her across the room.)
Walsh isn’t her friend. Walsh wouldn’t even be considered Mary Margaret’s friend, if not for the fact that the woman is friends with absolutely everyone on the planet. He’s her and David’s neighbor, and he had been in town for the holiday, and Mary Margaret’s got a soft spot the size of Maine for lost souls - it’s how she’s ended up Emma’s best friend, after all. Emma and Walsh had interacted at a few previous gatherings, and he’d been fine. No spark to speak of on her end, but whatever, she’s okay to leave it that way. But clearly, he felt differently, because he asked her to accompany him to his company’s holiday party. In full earshot of Mary Margaret, at that, who had gotten such an excited look on her face, obviously already planning the wedding, that Emma couldn’t actually say no. The bastard had probably planned it that way.
(Shit, she doesn’t even know what he does - marketing, maybe? She barely knows the guy, and now she’s being dragged to his holiday party.)
Emma may not be excited, but she puts on a good show at least - none of this slobbing it up to make him regret asking. She can clean up good. And besides, she’ll be shutting that all down with her words later anyways if he’s stupid enough to ask for a second date - no ploys required. The red dress is cocktail appropriate yet a little bit Christmassy, especially when paired with glittery heels, even if her makeup and hair is simple. There’s a big difference between putting in no effort at all, and knowing what just isn’t worth the effort… and anything more than a bit of eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick falls firmly into the latter category.
It’s a good thing she doesn’t too, as Walsh shows up early. Eight whole minutes early, to be precise. Not the end of the world, but not ideal either. Emma sighs heavily and braces herself before going to the door; Mary Margaret would tell her to be optimistic, but Emma just knows it’s all downhill from here.
Sure enough, as soon as Emma opens the door, Walsh clumsily whips a bunch of fake flowers out of his coat sleeve. “For you, milady,” he proclaims dramatically, offering the fake foliage. “I wanted to start with a magic trick for a magical date and the beginning of a magical relationship.”
And ho boy howdy, does Emma want to call it all off right now. That was the original definition of coming on too hard. That was so far beyond the bounds of acceptable first date behavior, she doesn’t even know where to go from there.
(Far, far away, and very quickly at that.) 
Mary Margaret’s voice chimes in her ear, though, talking about how it’s sweet and charming and will be a great story to tell the grandkids one day, and Emma just knows she’ll shake her head in disappointment if Emma reports back that she ended the date before it even started. It’s especially hard to face Mary Margaret’s big sad eyes, too, when Emma knows that her friend just wants her to be happy.
Besides, she’s been led to believe there will be an open bar at this thing, and she could go for a free drink. Probably free drinks, plural, if the rest of this date goes the same way.
“O...kay. Okay. That’s… okay. Thank you?” Emma finally manages to stutter out, accepting his “gift”. Can’t say she’s ever received fake flowers from a guy - and can’t say she’d want to again.
“Anything for you, Emma.” His voice is about five notches too reverential for comfort. “Can I help you with your coat?”
“That’s fine, I got it.” No need to create an illusion - no pun intended - that she welcomes his attention any more than she actually does. Plus, she’s a grown woman, and it’s easy enough to slip her coat on over her dress by herself. 
If any hope had existed that this date might get better - that this might turn into the cute story to tell their future kids that Mary Margaret is probably hoping for - that hope is thoroughly squashed by the time Emma slides into her seat at the party’s venue. Walsh had circled the parking lot for fifteen minutes, refusing to accept that there was a complimentary valet service (“I just don’t understand why they’ve got whole sections of the parking lot blocked off.” “Because there’s a valet.” “It just feels like there should be more parking spots. Why isn’t there any place to park?” “Because there’s a valet.”). Then, he refuses to give up his coat at the coat check for too goddamn long because, as it turns out, he has all manner of other magic tricks hidden in the pockets and up his sleeves.
It is not nearly as charming as he obviously believes. 
Truthfully, it’s a relief when she and Walsh find their table, drink tickets in hand. At least at the table, there’s other people, and she won’t be forced to only focus on Walsh’s embarrassing attempts at seduction.
“Can I get you a drink?” he offers eagerly - almost too eagerly, really, practically tripping over himself.
Still, it’s an offer for a drink. And Emma’s in no place to refuse one of those, not with how she thinks this night is shaping up to go. “That’d be great, actually,” she replies, handing over her ticket. “Just some red wine please - I’m not real picky about what kind.” Anything alcoholic will do at this point. 
As Walsh trots off towards the bar, Emma turns her attention towards the rest of the table. They’re a mixed bunch of men and women who smile kindly as Emma looks about. She’s grateful for that - hopefully, Emma can use them as a distraction from whatever she’s sure Walsh will get up to.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” the pretty brunette sitting next to Emma asks. It’s the polite way of pointing out that her companion hadn’t bothered to make introductions. 
“Emma Swan,” she replies, extending a hand in greeting. “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is mine,” she smiles back. “I’m Belle French, and this,” she gestures to the man sitting next to her, “is Killian Jones.”
“Hello, lass.” He’s a looker, to say the least - dark hair, blue eyes, charming smile. Sex on legs. Emma tries momentarily, futilely, to remind herself that she shouldn’t be checking out other men while she’s on a date, but fails spectacularly. It’s been evident since the magic flowers that she and Walsh aren’t going anywhere. 
“Hi,” she waves back. “So you both work for the company, then?”
“Oh no,” Killian laughs. “Belle’s actually a librarian. She’s just here with me.”
And damn, isn’t that a pity; all the good ones seem to be taken. Not that she can blame Belle - the brunette seems to be lovely, and who wouldn’t want a piece of that? 
(Emma doesn’t make a habit of ogling other women’s partners, but she just might make an exception for Killian Jones.) 
Emma’s about to strike up a conversation with her neighbors, hopefully learn more - so what do you do here, how did you meet, is this some sort of flexible arrangement I can get in on - but Walsh returns with her drink at that moment. 
It is not in a wine glass. It is not wine. It is not what she asked for. 
“I got you a mudslide,” he explains with an eager look on his face. “I know how much women love chocolate after all!”
Women love wine too, especially this one, Emma thinks, but accepts the drink gingerly to be polite. No sense wasting the drink ticket. “Thanks,” she responds dryly. “I’m, uh… I’m actually not a big fan of chocolate. But I’m sure it’ll be… fine.” At least it’s liquor, and at least it’s something she can nurse. He could have shown up with a fireball shot. 
“Well if you like, we can get you another drink later with -” Walsh darts a hand toward her ear suddenly, and even as Emma jerks away out of instinct, she knows exactly what’s coming. “- this!” He declares triumphantly with a coin in hand. Another magic trick. Because the first one went so well.
It’s… great.
“Huh. That’s… uh… wow. Huh.” There are no words to muddle through this with. There is only the mortification of watching a grown-ass man trying to woo her with magic tricks. “I was just getting to know some of your coworkers, actually; why don’t you introduce me?”
The rest of the table includes Walsh’s boss, Regina, and her husband Robin, and his coworker Ashley with her fiancé Sean. They’re perfectly nice, and friendly, and interesting, and Emma could almost enjoy herself talking to them - if only Walsh would ever give the magic tricks a break. He pulls handkerchiefs out of his sleeves when she reaches for a napkin, procures everything from drink tickets to miniscule flowers from a variety of places all too close to her person for comfort, and is now pulling out a deck of cards. God only knows how many magic tricks he knows with those.
“Why don’t you save those for later?” Emma suggests when he instructs her to pick a card. Without actually making it sound like a suggestion. Alright, it’s a straight-up order. In her defense, it’s been a long night. Walsh has monopolized her attention all evening with these stupid tricks and explanations of all the things they’ll do together, not even bothering to talk to his coworkers beyond the introductions Emma insisted upon. In fact, he’s grown even more insistent about it every time she’s tried to politely redirect his attention. She’s been making an effort at least - to talk about everyone’s Christmases and the baby that Ashley and Sean are expecting and Belle’s job. But it’s hard to keep any conversation going when she’s got Walsh bugging her every other moment to show her another magic trick. She hopes that the message maybe finally has gotten through with a flat refusal to engage. “Now Belle - you were about to tell us about one of the teen programs at the library?”
Unfortunately, Walsh doesn’t take that very well. In some ways, she supposes that the message to stop all the magic tricks finally did get through his thick skull - it’s just that he then stands up from the table and stalks over to the banquet hall’s piano, sitting down with a flourish. Maintaining eye contact with Emma the whole while - oh, how she wishes she hadn’t startled when he’d stood up and stormed away, wishes she had ignored him altogether - he begins to play.
“Is that Adele?” Regina asks after a moment.
Emma groans. “I’m going to need another drink.”
It just doesn’t make sense - how such a charming woman as Emma Swan ended up at this holiday party as the date of Walsh Ozman. Killian just can’t understand it; he has to work with Walsh every day, and he’s never been anything less than insufferable.
“I kind of got roped into it,” Emma explains, sipping on the glass of wine she’d finally procured with her second drink ticket. “My best friend is his neighbor, and we were both at her Christmas party, and before I knew it he was asking me and Mary Margaret was giving me that face she has. She’s a matchmaker - always just wants to see everyone happy and paired off. Romance is everywhere if you just look for it and all that.” She takes a long drink, nearly draining the rest of the glass. “Big crock of shit, if this is what it brings.”
He’d like to argue with her, tell her that it’s not all hopeless (if only for the very selfish reason that he’d like to show her otherwise on a much nicer date than she’s currently suffering through)... but Walsh strikes a particularly strong chord right at that moment, rendering anything Killian might try to say in poor taste. Christmas music has been piping through the room since before any of them arrived, but that doesn’t stop Walsh in the least. God, what an obnoxious prick.
“So, how did you two meet?” Emma asks, gesturing between Killian and Belle as she takes another sip, obviously trying to take her mind off the spectacle being staged in her honor across the room. 
“Killian moved into the apartment next to mine… what, three years ago now?” Belle asks, looking to him for confirmation. “Anyways, I dropped by with a tray of cookies as a little ‘welcome to the building’ gesture, and as they say, the rest is history,” she beams. 
“Of course you did,” he thinks he hears Emma mutter into the remains of her wine. Curious, that. It’s almost like she thinks… “Well, I’m happy for you two. You guys are really cute.”
Killian spares a glance at Belle before hastening to reply. “Oh, no, we’re not -”
But before he can clarify the situation - that he and Belle are just friends, no romantic spark to speak of - the distinct strains of “You’re So Vain” drift over from the piano, where Walsh wears a mournful face best suited to sad puppy dog commercials. Like this whole moment isn’t already the stuff of a terrible comedy movie.
Ashley pushes her drink tickets across the table. “I think you might need something a little stronger.”
The understatement of the century. 
Emma Swan ends up with a lot of spare drink tickets; everyone seems to recognize that she needs them a lot more than anyone else. With her spare drink tickets, Emma Swan procures a martini, a vodka cranberry, and two rum and cokes before anyone insists she switch to water. It’s certainly understandable that she’d want to drink her way through this utter disaster of a date. 
Walsh still plays the piano.
Killian, in turn, discovers that Emma Swan is an effusively nice drunk. She assures Ashley and Sean that they’re going to the best parents, and declares that Regina is both a queen and a boss-ass bitch in a tone that makes it clear that it’s the highest compliment. Killian thinks he even overhears Emma telling Belle that she’s “an angel nurturing the minds of tomorrow so they can make the world a better place and perpetuate the power of human kindness” as he returns with her final cocktail. 
(He just might have to print off business cards with that mouthful of a title as a gag gift for Belle.)
Eventually, Walsh does tire of his dramatics and return to the table in a huff. Unfortunately, he’s very insistent that it’s time to leave. It makes sense; this party can’t have been much fun for him, despite the elaborate wallowing routine he created for himself. That means Emma has to leave too, though, and Killian will miss her bright smile and endearingly excessive compliments. There’s also the matter of how he’s not sure he trusts Walsh to take her home.
“You know what, Belle and I are about ready to call it a night too. We’ll follow you out,” he insists. Walsh’s glare only solidifies Killian’s determination to do so. “Swan, do you want to text your friend and let her know you’re on your way?”
“I should text Mary Margaret!” Emma slurs. “Have I told you she’s an angel?”
“You sure did, love.”
The coat check shouldn’t result in any great debacle; it’s the coat check after all, practically just a formality. They get their coats, they go. Unfortunately, it’s Walsh, so unfortunately, that’s not the case.
“You’re like a… like a coat guard. A coat-yguard!” Emma grins as her outerwear is handed back. With clumsy fingers, she extracts a ten dollar bill from her wallet - a little excessive, most likely, but hell, she’s feeling good - and drops it into the tip jar.
Only for Walsh to snatch it right back out.
“You don’t have to pay the tip for me,” Emma insists with a stubborn set to her brows. “I’m fine to do it.” 
“Coat check is free, baby,” Walsh tells her with a patronizing tone, trying to stuff the bill into his own coat pocket. Poor taste, that, but still not nearly as poor of taste as refusing to tip.
“Yeah, that’s why you tip,” Emma insists, snatching the bill from his hand to stick it back in the jar again. 
“Don’t be stupid, that’s just a scam.” Walsh even rolls his eyes as he reaches back to the jar again.
Emma slaps his hand on the way. “You know what, you douchebag -”
“Emma would you like a ride home with us instead?” Belle interrupts, reading the situation. It’s more than for the best; Killian doesn’t trust Walsh as far as he can spit.
“Oh my god, yes.” After Emma manages to wrestle back into her coat, she turns back to Walsh for one parting shot. “Now that is what a date is supposed to look like, bozo. These two? They’re hashtag relationship goals.” She even makes the symbol with her hands.
He should correct her, really, but at a certain point, it just seems best to steer Emma out of the building and into his car.
By some miracle, her building is only two blocks away from their own. Emma spends the ride in the backseat with Belle, playing with the brunette’s hair and insisting they exchange numbers. 
“You’ve been a goddamn gem, Killian Jones,” she salutes in parting as Belle leads her inside.
This night has been many things, but memorable certainly tops the list. One thing is for certain: he won’t be forgetting Emma Swan anytime soon.
Emma wakes the next day with a pounding headache, an intense feeling of humiliation, and Belle French’s number in her phone. Surely, she’s had worse nights, but it’s hard to think of any right now.
She finally manages to work up the nerve to text Belle in mid-afternoon; she definitely owes a variety of people a variety of apologies.
Emma Swan, 4:32pm: hey, it’s Emma. thanks for taking care of my drunk ass last night, i’m sure i was a mess. sorry about that
Belle French, 4:41pm: Don’t worry about it, please! You were great, we should do something again sometime.
Emma Swan, 4:44pm: no mixing drinks, please, for the love of god
Emma Swan, 4:45pm: thank Killian for me too. lucky girl - he seems like a real keeper. unlike my date last night…
Belle French, 4:47: Will do! He’s not my boyfriend, though - we really are just neighbors. He’s like a brother to me, truly. Credit where credit is due, though - he really was a lot better than your tosser!
Emma Swan, 4:51: … oh.
Emma Swan, 4:51: do you know if he has a different girlfriend, then?
Belle French, 4:53: I know for a fact that he doesn’t. Let me send you his number.
She should be brave - should use that phone number to reach out and ask him to coffee or drinks or straight into a steamy make-out session. 
Emma Swan does not do any of these things.
(She especially doesn’t tell Mary Margaret - it was already bad enough to have to relive exactly why she and Walsh won’t be having a second date, there’s no need to encourage her friend to transfer all her hopes to poor Killian instead.)
Instead, she runs into Killian completely by chance a week later, as he’s coming out of the post office and she’s walking to the coffee shop. She nearly plows him over, actually - far too focused on checking her email on her phone and not nearly enough on where she’s going.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he grins once they’ve straightened themselves out again.
“Yeah,” Emma laughs. “And sober this time, too!”
(Not one of her stronger lines.)
“A real plus for certain.” Well, at least he seems charmed.
They lapse into a silence for a moment before Emma finds the words to continue. “I just want to thank you, for being so great that night. And apologize for… everything I did. God, I was a mess that night.”
“You were in the middle of a disaster of a situation,” Killian smiles at her. 
“Yeah, well, let’s just call it a lapse in judgement and leave it at that.” Emma winces as memories of the night flick through her brain. “God, did I really make the hashtag symbol with my hands? In public?”
“You really did,” he chuckles. “I take it Belle straightened you out on the relationship bit of relationship goals?”
Emma blushes. “Yeah, she did. Definitely not mortified about that, not at all.”
“Ah, happens to the best of us, Swan.” After another silent moment, his hand steals up to scratch at the bit of neck behind his ear. “Since that’s the case, I was just wondering - well, I’d like to ask, that is, if you’re interested -”
“Do you want to get coffee with me?” Emma interrupts. She thinks that’s where he was going, anyways; she’s just a little more efficient about it.
“I’d love to, Emma.” This time, the grin stretches fully across his face and could probably outshine a whole tree’s worth of Christmas lights.
Who knows? Something good just might have come out of that god-awful holiday party date after all.
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Rock and Roll Storytime #9: The Decline and Death of Brian Jones
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I’ve probably made it no secret that I have a freaky-ass memory throughout the course of this series, and this won’t be an exception. Aside from many of the exact dates, I can remember exactly how I got obsessed with Brian Jones.
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It started in May 2019 while I was goofing off in art class. I was trying to write about the 27 Club, being obsessed with Kurt Cobain at the time, when I found myself captivated by a certain other blonde in the club.
I don’t know what kept me around. Maybe it was the delicate features framed by silky blond hair. Maybe it was the complicated story of his life. Maybe it was his mysterious death, and my drive to find out what really happened. Or maybe it was that shitty movie they made about him in 2005.
Whatever the reason, I stuck around. I’ll even put it this way: “Came for the morbidity stayed for the music. “
Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?
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It took me about a week or two to come up with my first theory between wondering what the hell I was getting myself into and trying to decide whether I should watch Stoned. I found out very early on that Brian had developed asthma at the age of four after a bout of croup. Knowing that asthma attacks can result in death, I didn’t think it unlikely that Brian could have drowned as a result of an asthma attack. In my research, I found an article stating that chlorine mixing with organic material can trigger symptoms of asthma attacks and allergic reactions.
I knew I’d need more evidence though but given that I didn’t want to be too intrusive this early on, that would be a slow process. If there was one thing I held on to, it was my firm resolute to not fall for another murder conspiracy so soon. It didn’t end so well for me the last time.
As I was trying to piece together what exactly happened to Brian Jones, I was also beginning to find out the story of how he got to that point in the first place.
There are many reasons I have love-hate relationships with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, and their treatment of Brian Jones is by far the biggest one.
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Where the story of Brian Jones’ decline really starts is at the Ealing Club on 7 April 1962. It was here that a young Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Dick Taylor saw Brian “Elmo Lewis” Jones take the stage for the first time. The next month, Brian put an ad in the papers for musicians to come join a band he was starting. He quickly brought together Ian Stewart, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Dick Taylor, and Tony Chapman. The band, which Brian dubbed “The Rollin’ Stones,” gave their first performance on 12 July 1962, though there seems to be some confusion over who was playing drums that night. Bill Wyman replaced Dick Taylor on 7 December 1962, and Charlie Watts replaced Tony Chapman on 9 January 1963.
In the early days, Brian served as the Stones’ manager. It ended up being this very thing that led to the first cracks in this fortuitous partnership.
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First thing’s first, Andrew Loog Oldham came along, and in May, he became the Stones’ manager. He only really had eyes for Mick and was one of the ones who led the subsequent whispering campaign against Brian. Not helping anything was when, on 13 October 1963, the others found out that Brian had been paying himself an extra £5 ($5.58). These were expenses he deducted because he believed that should be his pay, considering he was doing much of the work at this time. (I can sort of relate; I’ve suffered through high school group projects).
On the economics side (lord knows, that’s more Mick’s thing than mine), Bill Wyman has since stated that the Stones were making £193 ($215.38) a week. Adjusting for inflation, Brian was deducting roughly £87.26 out of £3,608.53. For the Americans in the crowd, that’s roughly $114.20 out of $4,722.66, once adjusted for inflation. Granted, across the board, that’s roughly 2.5% of the band’s total income at this point. Still, even that much might matter when you’re a bunch of starving artists.
When Paul Trynka summarized why everybody was pissed in his book, Brian Jones: The Making of the Rolling Stones, he said that for Mick, it was because he was a student at the London School of Economics. Five pounds is five pounds. Meanwhile, Keith was pissed because he, like everyone else in the band, was under the impression that they were earning equal pay in this group effort.
Pro-tip: If you start a band and feel you should be paid more because of how much of the work you’re doing, please disclose this with your band and work out an arrangement that will be beneficial to everyone. Otherwise, shit gets ugly.
Brian also didn’t help his case by insisting on staying in fancier hotels than the others (he was a bit of a neat-freak and a narcissist).
Keith later said, “He had an arrangement with (Eric) Easton, that as leader of the band he was entitled to this extra payment. Everybody freaked out. That was the beginning of the decline of Brian. We said, ‘Fuck you…’”
Meanwhile, Ian Stewart (who had been ousted from the band earlier that year) stated, “When we started playing outside London, Brian said, ‘I’m the leader of the group and I think I’ll stay at the best hotel. All the rest of you can stay in a cheaper hotel.’ Of course, the rest of the Stones just laughed at him, and that was it from then on. It was all over for him as the leader. He started to isolate himself because of this attitude.”
With one little five-pound note (and an ego trip), Brian had set in motion his entire downfall.
It might seem petty to myself and plenty of other Brian Jones fans, but lord knows, I’m not Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, or Andrew Loog Oldham. Besides, I have no idea how I’ll feel about all this in five years.
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Meanwhile, I must confess that I almost did fall into that mindset of believing Brian was murdered. In June 2019, I was in Paris, on a trip across France led by my French teacher. Somewhere between trying not to lose my mind in a big city and taking awkward selfies at Jim Morrison’s grave, I, being overly chatty, started talking to one of my peers about music-related topics. I told her Brian’s entire life story as I understood it at that time, having been obsessed with him for a little over a month at that point. In my haste though, I unintentionally managed to convince her that Brian had been murdered. Despite not meaning to, I did end up entertaining the possibility, both for her and myself, for at least the rest of the night.
Besides, at the time, I was drawing blanks in trying to find hard evidence that Brian wasn’t murdered. I had one (water-logged) book saying he wasn’t, and a (shitty) movie and another book saying he was.
And then, at some point, I regained my senses, and not because of how ridiculous Brian’s death was when depicted in the movie Stoned. (For fuck’s sake, there was a shooting star in the sky at the moment of his death and he showed up as a ghost in the last five minutes). It really had everything to do with how much I regretted believing Kurt Cobain had been murdered.
I once again gathered my resolve and decided to go back on the hunt for more clues.
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The second part of Brian Jones’ decline undoubtedly involves his tempestuous relationship with German-Italian actress Anita Pallenberg. The two started dating after a Rolling Stones concert in Munich on 14 September 1965 and developed a close bond, thanks in part to Brian’s ability to speak German. She gave him the confidence he needed to go against Mick and Keith and helped him become the fashion icon he is still remembered as today.
The Who’s Pete Townshend later had this to say: “We hung out a lot from about 1964 to 1966. Part of the time he was seeing Anita Pallenberg. She was a stunning creature. I mean literally stunning. It was quite hard to maintain one’s gaze. One time in Paris I remember they took some drug and were so sexually stimulated they could hardly wait for me to leave the room before starting to shag. I felt Brian was living on a higher plane of decadence than anyone I would ever meet.”
However, their relationship was also highly abusive. They would verbally and physically abuse each other. In fact, one time, Brian broke his wrist while the two were on a trip in Tangier. Though Brian said it was the result of an accident, Christopher Gibbs and Bill Wyman have both stated that it resulted from an altercation with Anita (though sources vary about whether he broke his wrist on a metal window frame or her face).
Of their relationship, Keith had this to say, “I would hear the thumping some nights, and Brian would come out with a black eye. Brian was a woman beater. But the one woman in the world you did not want to try and beat up on was Anita Pallenberg. Every time they had a fight, Brian would come out bandaged and bruised.”
I’d go so far as to say that the one good thing that came out of their relationship was the fact that Brian composed the soundtrack for her movie Mord Und Totschlag (A Degree of Murder).
As I’ve previously written about, when Mick and Keith were charged with drug possession in February 1967, lawyers told the Glimmer Triplets (Mick, Keith, and Brian) that since they were the most visible of the Stones, they should leave the country. So, Brian and Anita left Britain, heading for Morocco. However, Brian was already in no condition to travel, and he fell ill with pneumonia in Toulouse. He ended up spending a few days there (including his 25th birthday), while Keith and Anita met up in Tangier. There, she started an affair with Keith behind Brian’s back (Keith even confirmed in his autobiography that she made the first move).
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When Brian finally arrived, he could tell that there was something going on between Keith and Anita. Keith was apparently shy around girls at this stage in his life but was more confident around Anita. Meanwhile, Anita was now a bit more open around Keith. Not much is certain about what happened next. What is known is that Brian paid for the services of two prostitutes and that there was an incident between him and Anita that night. Keith said that he threw food at her and humiliated her. Bill claimed that he beat her to the point where she was scared for her life. The less said about Stoned, the better.
Regardless, whatever Brian’s actions really were, it was over between him and Anita. Keith convinced her that if they didn’t get the hell out of there, Brian might try and kill her. The next day, Mick, Keith, and Anita fled Morocco, leaving Brian stranded for the next two days.
Brian’s father later blamed his son’s downward spiral on Anita breaking his heart. Others, such as Linda Lawrence, suggest that it was Mick and Keith’s betrayal that hurt him far more than Anita’s.
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In either case, he never really forgave Keith. Beyond that, his drug and alcohol consumption only worsened.
This part of the Stones’ history is… tricky. Of course, I can’t condone Brian for his behaviour, but Keith, and especially Anita weren’t entirely in the right in this situation. Ultimately, Keith and Anita stayed together until 1980 and had three children (one of whom unfortunately died in infancy). Besides, I understand Keith’s actions the most out of everyone, given that he had a noble intent in getting Anita away from Brian’s increasingly toxic behaviour. Of course, it’s also important to note that Brian and Anita were 25 and 24 respectively at the time of this incident, and beyond that, they were young and impulsive, with unfortunately predictable results, given that they both could be volatile.
I may have an infatuation with Brian, but sometimes, something’s got to give.
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Fifty-two years after that clusterfuck, I was continuing my research into the life of L. B. H. Jones as the fiftieth anniversary of his death came and went. A week or two later, I decided, despite some reservations, to get Bill Wyman’s book, Stone Alone.
Say what you will about Bill (I know at some point I’ll be commenting about the travesty that was his relationship with Mandy Smith), but I figured that if I wanted to know about the early Rolling Stones, he’d be one of my best sources. At the very least, he’s the only one who’s given Brian any sort of credit for his accomplishments instead of solely focusing on his failures like Keith tends to do. As I was flipping through random pages, I learned that Bill had written about one of Brian’s many illegitimate children. He called her “Carol,” for the sake of anonymity, and in it, he discussed the matter of her being diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy. She and Bill even applied some of her symptoms to things Bill observed when he was with Brian. In that one instant, what happened to Brian the night he drowned seemed to make perfect sense.
One of the things that had made putting the clues together so difficult from the very start was that Brian had punctate haemorrhages (tiny bleeds normally found in shaken baby syndrome) in his brain, which indicated that he’d been thrashing around quite a bit in his final moments.
Temporal lobe epilepsy can’t be cured, but it is manageable to a degree with medications. Brian, however, was never diagnosed, which is why we can’t be certain that he had epilepsy. There is no doubt in my mind that if Brian did have epilepsy, it would’ve gotten worse over time, given that Brian received no treatment. Carol speculated that Brian likely chalked up many of his symptoms to being hungover. Even then, he might not have realized that something was happening with his brain.
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While I was typing up my theories though, I remembered that I’d found his toxicology report not long beforehand. As I read it, I found out that the drug that was in his system was likely Mandrax, which he had been prescribed in the days before he died. When I looked up Mandrax, I discovered that it was a brand name for Quaaludes. It can cause mental confusion, ataxia, seizures, and impaired decision-making, among other negative side-effects. The impaired judgment would explain why Brian decided it’d be a great idea to go swimming after he’d had sleeping pills and alcohol…
I still didn’t consider my work done, but this was the closest I’d come to having answers yet.
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Speaking of Brian and drug abuse, the third key to understanding what happened to Brian, is to look at his two drug convictions.
However, I already talked about this (quite recently too), so I’ll try and keep this section brief.
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As Mick and Keith were formally charged with drug possession on 10 May 1967, Brian found his home being raided by police. Although he’d been tipped off about their arrival, they still managed to find a handbag with cannabis in it, as well as methamphetamines and cocaine. It could be argued that the evidence was planted, but there is no way to prove this. In court, Brian confessed to doing cannabis but denied doing anything stronger (even though there’s pictures of him tripping on LSD early in 1967). The Stones’ new manager, Allen Klein, told him to stay away from the other Stones. However, this had the effect of further isolating Brian when he needed his bandmates the most.
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On 30 October 1967, Brian was sentenced to three months in prison for cannabis possession and another nine months for allowing cannabis to be smoked in his home. He was additionally fined. After a rough night in prison, he was released the next day, awaiting appeal, though he was left shaken by that experience.
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On 12 December, Brian went to appeals court, where his psychologist argued that Brian would become suicidal if he went to prison. Brian was sentenced to three years’ probation and ordered by the courts to seek professional help.
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Lord knows, at this point, Brian might have been making an honest-to-God effort to get off drugs, but on 21 May 1968, police raided his house again. This time, they found cannabis hidden away in a ball of wool in the process. This usually inspires more impassioned arguments from Brian Jones fans that the evidence was planted. Brian himself said that he would swear until the day he died that he didn’t commit this second offense. Because he was still on probation at the time of this second arrest, he was facing a long jail sentence if found guilty.
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On 26 September, Brian was found guilty of drug possession for the second time. However, the same judge who sentenced him to a year in prison the first time took pity on him. Instead, he fined Brian and gave him a stern warning to not show up in court again.
As you can see with the attached pictures though, the trials only helped speed up Brian’s downward spiral, and he shut down mentally.  
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Honestly, I think the trials are a large part of the reason Brian went downhill as fast as he did.
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Meanwhile, back in the present day, it was September now, and I was starting to get into the swing of being a full-time college student. While I was procrastinating, as usual, I was messing about on Google and I happened upon Brian’s autopsy report. Fact about me: this was far from my first time reading either autopsy reports or death certificates, so I decided to give it a look. After all, I could understand quite a bit of the medical jargon, which I blame on the fact that I loved reading medical books in elementary school. Couldn’t hurt, right?
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Was the report perfunctory? Yes. Were there mistakes? A few that stood out, such as Brian’s height being given as 5′9″ when he was 5′6″, and his age being listed as twenty-six as opposed to twenty-seven.
However, that report did reinforce my most recent conclusions that Brian had overdosed on sleeping pills, which was exacerbated by alcohol.
I knew now that Mandrax had once been prescribed to treat anxiety and insomnia, which Brian likely suffered from following the stress of two drug trials that both resulted in convictions. This was also a time before doctors realized the addictive properties of Quaaludes. For all I know, Brian might not have been keeping the best track of how many pills he was taking (which is also how Keith Moon died).
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Going back to the long, sordid story of Brian’s collapse, the fourth major reason he found himself being kicked out of the band he founded was that he stopped contributing to the Stones’ music.
In the documentary Crossfire Hurricane, Mick stated, “You certainly didn’t know if he was going to turn up and what state he was going to be in and then, what he was going to be able to do in that state. What job could you give him? And then, one time, when we sat around, on the floor, we played, in a circle, playing “No Expectations”. And he picked the guitar and played a very pretty line on it which you can hear on the record. And that was the last thing I remember him doing that was Brian. Or, the Brian that could contribute something very pretty and sensitive and it made the record sound wonderful.”
Some people have compared Brian to someone who wants to quit but doesn’t want a confrontation (Brian, believe it or not, wasn’t exactly keen on confrontation). Instead, he puts in the smallest effort he can, if that. In fact, Brian had wanted to leave in 1967, but Mick convinced him to stay.
Perhaps Brian’s fate might have been different if he’d gone with his gut in 1967.
Brian still contributed to much of Beggars Banquet. By 1969 though, it seems as if he’d completely given up on the band he’d founded. He stopped showing up to the studio, and if he did come, he’d be too intoxicated to play. In fact, there were points where Mick and Keith would turn off his amp, if not tell him to just go home. It got to the point where he (barely) appears on two songs on Let It Bleed: “Midnight Rambler” and “You’ve Got the Silver.”
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Frequent Stones collaborator Jack Nitzsche later said “Brian came up to me, looking pretty shaky, and asked me what I thought he should do- he didn’t know where he fit[ted] in. I told him to just pick up a guitar and start playing. Then he walked over to Mick and asked, ‘What should I play?’ Mick told him, ‘You’re a member of the band, Brian, play whatever you want.’ So he played something, but Mick stopped him and said, ‘No, Brian, not that- that’s no good.’ So Brian asked him again what to play and Mick told him again to play whatever he wanted. So Brian played something else, but Mick cut him off again- ‘No, that’s no good either, Brian.’”
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Marianne Faithfull, Mick’s girlfriend at the time, told a friend that Brian had sent Mick several letters over a period of several weeks while Mick was away. One that she’d opened said “Please let me come back in. I’ll play bongos, anything, but please let me come back in.”
…I need a moment to recollect myself.
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Some fifty years later, I was still trying to make it through my first semester of college. I got myself a book about the 27 Club, figuring there might be something that would aid me in my research. There, I learned that, reportedly, Brian had not only been taking Mandrax, but also Piriton (hay fever medication), black bombers (which had been prescribed to him a mere ten days before he died), and Valium. That’s on top of an inhaler that would later be found to cause heart palpitations.
A couple of months later, I decided to look up the side-effects of every drug that Brian had ever taken, be it proven fact or allegation. That part of my research isn’t quite finished yet, but what I’ve found with the five medications that Brian was taking around the time of his death proved to be particularly shocking.
For the sake of brevity, I can’t list every side-effect. What I did notice is that some included side-effects of tachycardia/bradycardia, confusion, loss of coordination, impaired decision making, hyperactivity, seizures, and stomach problems. Some, like the uncoordinated behaviour, were noted by those who were there, such as Janet Lawson, who realized that Brian had taken sleeping pills that night, based on him muttering that he’d taken “sleepers”. Others could be a no-brainer, given that Brian had an enlarged heart and liver, in addition to suffering from bronchial troubles and pleurisy.
My immediate thought was, “Jesus, Brian, what the hell were you doing to yourself?”
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And now for the final part of Brian’s story: the last twenty-five days of his life.
The Stones wanted to go on tour again, this being their first in two years. Due to Brian’s convictions, Stones management discovered that he probably wouldn’t be able to receive a work visa in the U.S. On 8 June 1969, Mick and Keith drove down to Cotchford Farm to tell Brian that he was fired. They brought Charlie along in case Brian decided to put up a fight. However, Brian agreed to back out gracefully, possibly knowing that he’d burned too many bridges at this point. The next day, Brian released a statement, which painted the decision to leave as being his own. He capped it off with “We had a friendly meeting and agreed that an amicable termination, temporary or permanent, was the only answer. The only solution was to go our separate ways, but we shall still remain friends. I love those fellows.”
As I’ve said though, how Brian truly felt about this turn of events will forever remain a mystery.
In the days before he died, it has been suggested by those close to him that Brian was planning on starting another band. Some believe he was going to bring in Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon. Jimi’s camp has since denied that Brian ever approached Jimi. There are also lingering questions regarding whether Brian had given up hard drugs or if he was still taking them. I doubt the latter, considering the well-documented stress of the drug trials.
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The picture above was taken nine days before Brian died. Honestly, I do believe there was still some hope for Brian (I can even see it in his eyes). Whether he would’ve recovered or not and whether he’d still be alive today will forever remain up to conjecture, as that’s another possibility that followed Brian to the grave.
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Wednesday, 2 July 1969 was host to hot, muggy weather that exacerbated Brian’s asthma. He spent his last day alive with at least three people: Anna Wohlin, his 22-year-old, Swedish girlfriend, Janet Lawson, a registered nurse who was dating Stones minder Tom Keylock, and Frank Thorogood, a 43-year-old builder who’d been doing work on Brian’s property at the time.
Details of Brian’s final day are sketchy, and there are some disagreements over what exactly the people involved did throughout the day. For example, there are disagreements about whether they watched television or not. Some would argue that this is clear evidence that Brian was murdered. I would posit that three of the four parties involved had been drinking. Even if everyone was sober, in a situation such as this, human memory can be extremely unreliable. For example, hundreds of witnesses were interviewed on the night Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, but no two accounts are alike. What we know had to be stitched together from witness accounts in which everyone claimed to have seen or heard something different.
What seems to be the most agreed-upon version of Brian’s death is that he decided to go swimming. Anna was reluctant and had to be persuaded to join in. Janet, the only sober person among the group, decided against swimming, most likely to keep an eye out for everyone else. Janet said in her witness report (recorded on the morning of July 3, 1969) that she strongly felt that Frank and Brian were in no condition to swim. She also recalled that Brian had great difficulty in standing on the diving board, being helped not-so-successfully by Frank. Even after that, his movements in the water seemed sluggish.
I don’t know, but if that were me, I would’ve called emergency services right there and then.
According to Janet, Anna was the first to return to the house, followed by Frank about ten minutes later. When Janet next went out to check on Brian sometime around midnight, she found him face-down in the deep end, and “immediately sensed the worst.”
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She ran back to the house to get Frank and Anna, and with their help, got Brian out of the pool. She immediately began resuscitative efforts, despite knowing Brian was already dead. Anna later claimed that she felt Brian’s hand briefly grip hers. However, when paramedics arrived, they pronounced Brian dead in the early morning hours of 3 July 1969.
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Brian’s official cause of death was given as drowning by immersion in fresh water, partly as a result of liver damage and the ingestion of drugs and alcohol. To be precise, 1,720 micro-gms of an “amphetamine-like substance” and the alcohol equivalent of three-and-a-half pints of beer were found in Brian’s system.
In short, it was death by misadventure.
As seems to be the case when a young celebrity dies under tragic circumstances, conspiracy theories have since risen regarding Brian’s death. The following list is taken from Paul Trynka’s book. For the sake of brevity (such as it is), some of these will be combined into one section.
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1. The most predominant of these theories states that Frank Thorogood drowned Brian. Whether it was second-degree murder or manslaughter as a result of rough horseplay will usually vary between sources. Brian reportedly asked Janet to get his inhaler shortly before his death. The story then goes on to state that Frank drowned Brian and participated little in the efforts to save Brian’s life. It should be noted that Janet did state in her original testimony that she’d asked him to call emergency services.
The main reason people will give about why they believe that Brian was murdered is that Tom Keylock claimed to have heard Frank confess on his deathbed to the murder. However, Frank’s daughter, Jan Bell, has denied that such an exchange could have happened. There was never a point where Keylock had spent any time alone with her father. Furthermore, he’d only been admitted with a respiratory problem, and thus could not have known that he was on his deathbed. She also claimed that on the morning of Brian’s death, Frank saw an argument between Mick, Keith, and Brian over the name “Rolling Stones.” During the fight, Keith allegedly pulled a knife on Brian. If this did happen, it was likely earlier in the year.
In addition, Janet and Anna have since claimed that Brian was murdered. Janet later claimed that much of her original testimony was suggested to her by investigating officers and that Tom told her to hide the fact that she was his girlfriend. Anna claimed that she was spirited back to Sweden in the immediate aftermath of Brian’s death, where she allegedly miscarried Brian’s child. One of Anna’s friends later said that her belief that Brian had been murdered was a recent development. It’s also notable that neither witness came forward until after Frank died. Many of Anna’s recollections about Brian, such as him being focused on music are also contradicted by others who were close to Brian at the time.
Keith later said, “I knew Frank Thorogood, who made a ‘deathbed confession’ that he’d killed Brian Jones by drowning him in the swimming pool, where Brian’s body was found some minutes after other people had seen him alive. But I’m always wary of deathbed confessions because the only person there is the person he’s supposed to have said it to, some uncle, daughter, or whatever. ‘On his deathbed he said he killed Brian.’ Whether he did or not I don’t know. Brian had bad asthma and he was taking Quaaludes and Tuinals, which are not the best things to dive under water on. Very easy to choke on that stuff. He was heavily sedated. He had a high tolerance for drugs, I’ll give him that. But weigh that against the coroner’s report, which showed that he was suffering from pleurisy, an enlarged heart, and a diseased liver. Still, I can imagine the scenario of Brian being so obnoxious to Thorogood and the building crew he had working on Brian’s house that they were just pissing around with him. He went under and didn’t come up. But when somebody says, ‘I did Brian,’ at the very most I’d put it down to manslaughter. All right, you may have pushed him under, but you weren’t there to murder him. He pissed off the builders, whining son of a bitch. It wouldn’t have mattered if the builders were there or not, he was at that point in his life when there wasn’t any.”
(You’re telling me he can apologize for telling Mick to get a vasectomy, but not for even a fraction of the shit he’s said about Brian?)
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In 2005, this version of events was turned into the appalling movie Stoned, which featured Tom Keylock as an adviser and was based on claims made by Janet Lawson and Anna Wohlin. The director, Stephen Wooley, claimed to have researched the material for this story over a period of ten years. Really, it feels less like ten years of research, and more like one week. From what I could tell, it did seem that Brian’s death was manslaughter, but honestly, it was too confusing. Frank seemed damn determined to drown Brian in that moment. The movie (quite literally) drowned on arrival.
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2. In 1983, Nicholas Fitzgerald wrote Brian Jones: The Inside Story of a Rolling Stone. In it, he claimed to have been a close friend of Brian Jones (his cousin, Tara Browne, actually was a close friend of Brian’s). Not only that, but he claimed to have seen Brian’s “murder.” He claimed that he and 19-year-old Richard Cadbury (who passed away before the story came out) visited Brian at Cotchford Farm the day he died. Allegedly, Brian told Fitzgerald all about his plans to start up a supergroup with John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix, saying “Don’t say anything… it could be dangerous!”
(As keen as I am about the idea of John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, and Brian Jones being in the same band, you can probably tell that I think this story is a load of bullshit.)
After Fitzgerald and his friend visited a pub, they returned to Cotchford Farm at about 11:15 PM, leaving their car some distance from the house. (Keep in mind, the coroner said that Brian died somewhere between 11:30 PM and 12:00 AM). There, he and his friend saw three men holding Brian under the water, whilst two other people stood by. Suddenly, a man, likely Keylock, jumped out of the bushes and told Fitzgerald to scram, lest he be next.
He refused to give a formal statement to the police. What I don’t think the dumb fuck was counting on was that police would investigate his ass, considering that withholding information could’ve resulted in him being charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact. The police determined that the evidence Fitzgerald gave was “bizarre, full of unverifiable claims that, he, too, had escaped murder attempts, that Cadbury might have been involved with the murderers, and that Cadbury, too, had died ‘in mysterious circumstances”. Detective Chief Superintendent J. F. Reece summarized it best when he said that Fitzgerald was a “Walter Mitty type person” and that he’d come up with the allegations to promote his book. In fact, the book itself had even more ludicrous allegations, such as how Tom Keylock had overseen the whole thing. It got to the point where Eddie Kramer called the story “silly.” John Lennon, meanwhile, believed that Brian was another victim of the drugs scene, and even dreaded him coming on the phone (another reason I don’t believe the supergroup was in the cards for Brian’s future, regardless). Also, Fitzgerald mostly relied on the testimony of those who had already passed away, such as Suki Potier, one of Brian’s girlfriends, who died in a car crash along with her husband in 1981. One of the few living witnesses Fitzgerald claimed to have run into, James Phelge, denied ever having met him.
Also, pro-tip, if you’re going to claim to have been a close friend of someone you’re claiming was murdered, don’t sell your story to the tabloid that got him busted for drug possession. Just saying.
3. In 1990, A. E. Hotchner published Blown Away: The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties. In it, he claimed that Brian’s childhood friend, Dick Hattrell, and a random Cockney named "Marty” had knowledge that Brian was murdered. He claimed that Rich (sounds better to me than Dick) visited Brian shortly before he died and became worried about him. Later, he bumped into someone who claimed to have witnessed Brian’s murder. Marty claimed to have witnessed the murder, claiming that two other women were there, including Linda Lawrence (mother of one of Brian’s sons) who was spirited out of the country following Brian’s death.
In reality, she last saw Brian in 1968.
Similarly, Hattrell has since stated that the story was nonsense; he never visited Brian at Cotchford, and he never said Brian was murdered. Marty has since kept his mouth shut.
Really, it just doesn’t hold up when closely scrutinized.
4. David Gibson claimed to the Brighton Evening Argus that, while he was fitting carpets at Brian’s home, Brian and Anna were absent throughout the better part of the day. When they returned later in the evening, Brian begged Gibson not to leave. Gibson, meanwhile, believed Brian had been murdered and that Tom Keylock was responsible. Some, like Sam Cutler, claim that Gibson saw Princess Margaret at Cotchford Farm, which has led to speculation that Brian was killed to protect her reputation. Gibson never went to the police, and probably believed that he’d been subject to threats and murder attempts. However, aside from Brian’s paranoia and belief that someone was out to get him, Gibson’s story doesn’t line up with many of the other conspiracy theories.
5. Geoffrey Giuliano in his 1994 book Paint It Black claimed that a man named “Joe” said that he’d held Brian’s head under the water for shits and giggles (not something one would normally do for shits and giggles). The thing is though, Giuliano’s book largely recycled content from previous books on the subject, and beyond that, made elementary mistakes, such as claiming that Frank had fled the scene, when in reality, he was there when police officer Albert Evans arrived at about 12:10 AM. It was later found that the tape he’d sourced some of this information from was a fake, made for American radio programmes in New York.
6. Given that Tom Keylock was a bit of a dishonest/disliked character in life, it should come as no surprise that some of the theories focus on him too. In 2009, Sam Cutler claimed that after Brian’s death, Allen Klein (himself a sleazeball) hired some PI’s to investigate Brian’s death and that they’d discovered that Tom was responsible. While Tom did try to pin the blame on Frank and told Janet to conceal her relationship with him, and it is known that he apparently stole some of Brian’s belongings after he died, that does not make one a murderer. It’ll certainly make him a slimeball, but that doesn’t mean he’s a murderer. Meanwhile, in 2013, Cutler claimed confusion as to whether the Klein report even existed. I think at this point, it’s safe to call it a hoax.
In addition, while it is more likely that Tom would have been the murderer instead of Frank, he does have a rather rock-solid alibi in that he was at Olympic Studios and was the one who received the call that Brian had died. Really, any theories that try to say he masterminded a huge plot to have Brian killed and make it appear as an accident tend to raise more questions than it answers.
Let’s all make no mistake though, the police did jump to conclusions rather quickly, there are several obvious mistakes in the autopsy findings, and not to mention, police failed to control the area, which is likely how Tom was able to steal Brian’s belongings and possibly have some destroyed.
Meanwhile, I myself believe that Brian’s death was accidental. Likely, it was the result of a cocktail of prescription medications, alcohol consumption, maybe a side-effect or two resulting from that, and possibly even heart failure or liver disease. Perhaps Brian fainted (which, I honestly hope for, given how painful it is to drown), and with no one around to notice his plight, he quietly slipped away.
I know there’s no way to prove this, given that the police don’t have a good reason to dig up Brian’s bones and it’s probably far too late for a second toxicology report, but given the available evidence I’ve been able to find, I believe this is the most likely version of events.
Truly, a sad ending for a man, who didn’t even have a chance to get back on his feet before fate (and a lifetime of drug/alcohol abuse) intervened.
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Whenever I read about Brian’s life story, I always find myself interested by the mistakes, intrigue, and betrayal that seemed to plague Brian’s life from the outset. There are a multitude of what-ifs that honestly make this tale haunting, such as what might’ve happened had Mick and Keith not bullied Brian so severely. There’s also what might have happened if both the Stones and the authorities had better understood the effects of drug use and had the resources and compassion to better deal with Brian’s situation. Most hauntingly, there’s the question of what might’ve happened had someone been near Brian in his final moments and had the opportunity to save him.
I think the biggest reason I keep coming back to his story is that his life as a whole was very conflicting. It honestly inspires both condemnation and sympathy/pity, even in me.
Even if Mick and Keith would rather forget that Brian was ever a part of their band, it is my honest belief that people will continue to discover Brian Jones, whether it be through the 27 Club or through some other means, and I hope that they take the time to learn his story.
Sources/Further Reading: https://www.drugs.com/illicit/quaaludes.html https://asthma.net/living/swimming-pools-triggers/ https://www.drugs.com/sfx/ergotamine-side-effects.html https://www.drugs.com/sfx/valium-side-effects.html https://www.drugs.com/sfx/amphetamine-side-effects.html https://www.drugs.com/sfx/chlorpheniramine-side-effects.html Stone Alone by Bill Wyman Brian Jones: The Making of the Rolling Stones by Paul Trynka Brian Jones: The Untold Life and Mysterious Death of a Rock Legend by Laura Jackson https://clearcomfort.com/why-asthma-allergy-sufferers-should-avoid-chlorine-pools/ http://timeisonourside.com/chron1967.html http://timeisonourside.com/chron1969.html http://www.timeisonourside.com/chron1963.html http://www.timeisonourside.com/chron1962.html https://www.inflationtool.com/british-pound/1963-to-present-value?amount=5 https://people.com/music/anita-pallenberg-rolling-stones-keith-richards-brian-jones-love-triangle/ https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-lists/the-27-club-a-brief-history-17853/ https://ultimateclassicrock.com/brian-jones-found-dead/ https://www.denofgeek.com/us/culture/music/281978/the-rolling-stones-and-the-mystery-of-brian-jones-death https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/brian-jones-sympathy-for-the-devil-182761/ https://www.mojo4music.com/articles/15989/brian-jones-it-was-murder https://ultimateclassicrock.com/brian-jones-murdered/ https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/just-why-was-brian-jones-so-important-to-the-rolling-stones/ https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/obituary-brian-jones-189861/ https://www.oxfordtreatment.com/prescription-drug-abuse/tuinal/
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sturlsons · 5 years
french in 1.5 years anon
Kinda random but I just found out that I’ll be required to be intermediate/advanced in French by the next 1.5 years; ALL I KNOW IS THAT MEIRDE IS A BAD BAD WORD! Idk if you’re a native speaker but I was wondering if you could provide me of any good French language resources (or language in general since I’ll be needing to learn Arabic soon as well), and like tips for language learning and how to go about it? Sorry to bother you haha this is MY stress but I appreciate any help! Have a great day!
HEY. so i really fucking dropped the ball on this one, i’m sorry. 2019 has been one health fiasco after another (or more like the same fiasco again and again) and i kept telling myself i want to sit down and make a proper post for this, until i realised that that’s just never going to happen given the way things are rn. and i’d rather give you a quickly-written post which is actually helpful than never write that perfect bullet-pointed one. 
first of all, i’ve been in your EXACT position (so no, i’m not a native speaker) except i had about...six months to go from je m’appelle teesta to voyez-vous, le problème qui se cache derrière tout ça n’est pas le manque de respect mais la personne dont il s’agit or whatever. i was like, i can so do this. (spoiler: i didn’t, because i was 18 and overconfident and stupid and didn’t actually know how to learn a language.) GOOD NEWS: having learned 3 more foreign languages since then, i am now REALLY GOOD at learning languages REALLY FAST. 1.5 years is a good amount of time, so don’t stress.
i’m going to go generic on this, with some extra tips about french since i speak it, unlike arabic. 
first thing, that typical thing everyone hates to hear but knows is coming from the mouth of an accomplished person (pat on my back) in any field whatsoever: you’re going to have to work really hard and practice like fuck. 
there’s just nothing else that can replace it. i’ve filled up notebooks and notebooks with japanese verb conjugations, once i did like 1800 of them in one sitting. but you better believe that a bitch will never forget those now. resign yourself to putting in at least three hours of your day to this until you get to the level you need. (and three hours is...kind. at my peak i was literally reading through french dictionaries at the library, 10 AM - 8 PM. i treated it like a workday.)
now, what you need to establish is: are you a hands-on learner or a digital one. 
i don’t really care for all the auditory learner and visual learner stuff, i don’t know about anyone else but i personally used those as excuses to avoid certain exercises. unless you have actual disabilities preventing you from accessing certain methods of learning, you can train yourself into anything. it’s a matter of practice. i could barely understand a new song without reading its lyrics first, now i eat up podcasts. 
SO. the question here is different. a hands-on learner, like i used to be more or less throughout my bachelor’s, is someone who absolutely cannot retain information unless they’ve written it down BY HAND at least once. pen and paper. (i’m still like this but i’ve learned to combine it with digital methods to go faster.) if this isn’t a hurdle for you, congratulations. your process is going to go that much faster, at least for french. (you’ll have to spend hours practicing your written arabic however, if you’re not familiar with the script.) 
now, if you’re a hands-on learner, you need to add an extra hour to your daily time. no matter how fast you write, you will take that time. and you cannot shorthand your way into languages. you need to understand how french is spelt, what accents it uses, that they put a space before exclamation points, question marks, and semicolons. (side tip: learn the IPA. it will be useful to you forever in language learning, at least for the romance languages.) i’m not gonna teach you how to make notes since i’ve never benefitted from copying someone else’s style, so if you don’t have a set method start establishing that. you need regularity and rhythm when you learn a language. my grammar notes look the same regardless of the language. i don’t have my french ones since it’s been years and i didn’t take good ones then anyway, but here’s my japanese and russian stuff. 
now, it bears mentioning that these notes are NOT the notes i take when i don’t know shit. these are final level notes. they’re brief, idiosyncratic, and only reminders. something to refer to when i’m revising and suddenly forget a rule. the first notes i make are much more elaborate, whether they’re pretty or not. i’ve gradually lost the fucks i had about really going ham on academics so my russian notes are very messy, but my japanese ones from back in the day are magnificent. here’s a look. during lesson one i realised that japanese and my mother tongue, gujarati, are syntaxically similar as shit, and i started taking notes with references in gujarati. it sped up my learning process 2x while my french classmates were still going “BUT WHY IS IT LIKE THAT”. 
if you plan to learn more languages in the future, this will be so valuable. sometimes a phrase i learn in russian doesn’t make sense in its french explanation, but a phrase in english might use the same logic. bam, put down the translation in english then. you get what i’m saying? the more languages you learn, the easier it gets to learn languages. 
now if you’re a digital learner, i’ve got great news for you. duolingo and anki are your best friends. duolingo’s memed to hell and has a system that might not work for everyone, but they’ll do the brunt work of compiling grammar notes for you in the beginnings/ends of their lessons. note those down and transform them into anki flashcards, and you can learn grammar concepts without doing 20 exercises. (do those exercises if you can, though, nothing beats mindless practice.) now anki is an intimidating-looking but actually super intuitive app that basically builds digital flashcards for you and shows them to you in a rhythm based on your own learning speed. it’ll show you the front of a card, let’s say merde. you say the english translation out loud, shit, and hit enter. correct! was that easy? anki’ll show it to you in 10 minutes. hard? it’ll show you in 1 minute. super easy? merde won’t come up again until tomorrow. eventually you get so good at it that you can bury a card for 2 months. anki will also show you the same cards reversed, which is harder but trains you better. you’ll see shit and have to remember what it’s called in french, which is more difficult than you’d think it is. 
you can use anki for more than just vocab, like i mentioned. it’s a little tricky learning to convert grammar concepts into front/back flashcards, but you can do it. for example, here’s a sample of one of my russian grammar cards: 
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front ^^
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back once i hit enter^^
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see? not that difficult. now don’t be an idiot like me who manually entered every single flashcard into anki. you can find pre-made packages online (but you can’t guarantee they’ll be correct) or you can make your own without killing your fingers. what you wanna do is open up a spreadsheet and make two columns, A for front of the card and B for back. it’ll look like this:
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then you’re gonna save that spreadsheet as a .CVS (comma separated values) and import that into anki. bam, your flashcards are made for you with half the effort. there’s also a script floating around somewhere to make excel translate words automatically for you, but i don’t recommend that unless they’re really easy words. google translate can fuck up. reverso is your friend. 
you need to review your anki cards every day. it’ll take less and less time as you go along. i can review 300 russian cards in 15 minutes now. but you need to keep the rhythm going. download ankiapp and sync your cards, review them on commutes or in the hallway or whatever. trust me, it’s magic. 
apart from this, if a traditional textbook helps, go for that. i’ve always used textbooks and workbooks, more as supports than as principal methods, but it does help. it’s structured and organised and these people know how to train you. bescherelle is a good go-to for french. 
media is always a great way of immersion too, until you get to the country itself. it’ll show you how french people speak french. when i first came to france i didn’t have that experience and even though i spoke an arguably decent amount of french when i got here, it was like, if this is french then what the fuck was i learning in high school. if you like watching movies this is your chance. watch the classics first so that you can get an idea of french pop culture. amélie (though the pop culture aspect here is about shitting on it) and les intouchables, for starters. watch your favourite films, first subbed, then subbed and dubbed, then just dubbed. i watched all ten seasons of friends with french subs, it was wild. with music you want to start off with some indie-ish singers since they will universally sing softer and slower, making things easier to understand than idk, la tribu de dana. (if you’re into bts there’s a hilarious video of their baepsae choreo set to la tribu de dana.) anyway - angèle, cœur de pirate, céline dion, fréro delavega, uhhh that fucking french sufjan stevens. what’s his name. VIANNEY. don’t fucking listen to biglo and oli or like, fatal bazooka right away. you will not understand shit. i barely understand it. white people are wild. ooh listen to stromae. orelsan too, he’s a rapper but he has a relatively clean diction imo. he also sang the french opening for OPM. they call him orelsan-san in japan.
last but not the least: if you have the opportunity to interact in french with people, DO IT. native speakers will do their best to help you and be kind about it. people who learned french might sometimes be assholes from experience. it’s a whole superiority complex thing, and very hypocritical. anyway - online or IRL, wherever you can practice your french, do it. it’ll be immensely helpful. there’s nothing like the frustration of not being able to express simple things to get you motivated to get better. do your best to immerse yourself - changing the language on your devices can make a difference too. 
i think that’s all i have and again, i’m sorry for taking this long to finally deliver, thanks for your patience! if you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to hit me up, on anon or not. 
good luck - it’s not going to be the easiest but nothing is as gratifying as beginning to understand the workings of a language. you’re gonna love it!
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
yeah lmao i've been a language major all the way since high school (that's a thing in italy lol) and just changed my languages once i enrolled into uni ahah :) also known as i hate myself that shit is hard tho french and japanese? as someone who studies or has studied both good luck if you ever wish to restart learning them!! japanese is harrrrd but fun, and i personally find french so fun to speak ahah ;;
imagine being the god of good voice in literally every single dub. only zhongli could do that i love him sigh
also oh my God now that you mentioned yun jin i can just think of scara as an opera singer ;;; i mean he was an opera singer in that genshin!french au i had talked to you eons ago while discussing albedo but ;;; yeah, beautiful gorgeous makeupped scara. what a dream also very very much looking forward to the new scara piece God knows i haven't even read it but i already adore it
oh yes! boba! let's talk about boba! berry's personal recommendation is to start with the most basic one ahah ;; i love the classic milk tea with black or red tea as a base, it's always so good and i feel like it's a good beginner's choice also it's ayato's favourite so you know it has to taste delicious
it's also the easiest to try making at home to be fair!! you just like need to dissolve some sugar in water into a hot pan, when it starts reducing add a bit of tea leaves and once it's nice and infused i just like, strain it straight into cold milk :'' a bit rustic but it works in the hot italian summers
also my like personal fave is matcha latte with salted cream cheese foam on top but matcha has a bit of a strong flavour that not everyone likes so you know, i'd recommend starting with a milder tasting tea if you're not already acquainted to the matcha flavour. also like, tapioca pearls do taste a bit stiff for some people so if you try them and feel like they're not your thing i usually just either ask for them to not be put in my boba or sub them off for other jellies :333
sorry i went on a tangent ahah bubble tea is kind of my thing i literally have a fidelity card for like most of the bubble tea shops in my city and trust me i live in a big city lol
do it! put hearts on your faces, put rhinestones on your faces, put whatever! who cares anyways, the face is yours and you should do whatever the heck makes you smile, not whatever other people might think looks nice. i've started just wearing weird nail polish colours recently and like, i was mildly frown upon for half an hour and then everyone just got used to it and now everyone ended up liking the change lol
me? a wonderful human being? nahhh lmao i'm just used to being the encouraging friend ig. but if my words make you happy then i'm glad!! 💕
gladly accepting the kisses ahah summer nights spent quietly watching romcoms do make you feel a bit touch starved. sending bunches of platonic kisses back!!
- 🍓
So much information about tea,,, I’m definitely taking notes !!
Japanese was making me so confused, I think I’ve learned a few key phrases, or I’ve learned enough to know when something sounds positive or negative or neutral. (Speech patterns,,, sorry for making it sound so complicated) and French,,, Just everything sounds and looks the same with that language after a while T^T I’ve heard that Spanish isn’t that hard, I might try there first if I ever want to learn again. I’m wishing you the best of luck with it though !!
Well, he is called the balladeer, I can definitely see it having some potential. Who knows? He might just be a huge theatre enthusiast !! Oooh you have more about that? I remember you talking about Albedo being a French painter (tiny brain can’t remember the exact name but I know exactly what kind of painting) and it sounded very intriguing.
(If you’ve read the Scara piece, I hope you enjoyed it, let me know <3)
I’m not a huge fan of milk but when it starts getting hot here that actually sounds quite refreshing, I’ve had green tea before and a ‘normal’ tea and that’s the only introduction I’ve had to the tea world hehe;;;;; please go on for as long as you like, I love listening to this !! I just don’t have a lot to say back because it’s something I’m not very knowledgeable in, but I really like encouraging people about their special interests, so if you ever feel like you have to talk about it, my inbox is always here for you <3 Tea must be a very important thing for you to have that many cards oh my goodness
I tried it !! I put make up on last night and it was going really well until I used a really dark shade,,, but I did feel pretty doing it !! The hearts, ehehe,,, I think I’ll just stick with putting heart shaped sequins or gems on my face, my hands are very shaky so it didn’t come out the way I wanted it to. But !! Your advice did work for a little while, thank you <33
You are wonderful. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Even yourself.
I hope you have a good day/night dearest <3
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