#might upload to ao3 but idk
anonymous-dentist · 2 months
Or: Post-Bad Romance, Cell tries to adjust to life on Quesadilla Island.
For Spiderbit Week Day Four: Murder Husbands
The island is a prison. And Cell knows prisons.
There are the wardens: the mysterious blank-faced bear things with guns and clipboards that follow the prisoners around asking questions and watching.
There are the prisoners: the idiots trapped on an island paradise and seemingly unwilling to try and escape.
There are the cells: buildings and statues and neighborhoods that the prisoners were allowed to make themselves that have security cameras watching every entrance and exit that the prisoners don't seem to know-slash-care about.
So. Prison.
"Pai? Why are you staring at Mister Roier like that?"
Prison. With children.
"Don't call me that," Cell snaps. "And he likes it, that's why. Go somewhere else."
The kid- assigned by the faceless overlords- just smiles cheekily in response. He clasps his hands behind his back and rocks onto his heels, head tilting slightly.
"Pais Tazer e Craft said I'm not supposed to talk to you," Richarlyson innocently says. His eyes are hidden behind his curls, but Cell can imagine that they're glittering mischievously.
Now, Cell knows that the kid is an evil genius. Like recognizes like: Cell doesn't remember much from his childhood, but he remembers looking at himself in a puddle of blood one morning after breakfast and seeing a smile that he recognizes now every time that he and Richarlyson see each other.
Richarlyson is a master manipulator. He's not even ten years old, but he can already poke and prod his government-assigned parents into doing what he wants. He hides behind childhood innocence and sweet smiles and sweeter words, but he's also a little asshole.
Of course, Roier adores him.
Of course, Cell doesn't want anything to do with him.
But what he does want is whatever Pac and Mike don't want, so he scowls and shoves his hands into his pockets and looks away.
Content, Richarlyson plops onto the grass and props his chin up in the palms of his hands. He watches Roier just as Cell was doing a moment ago, which is bound to make Roier fucking ecstatic.
Or, well, it would if Roier knew that the two of them were there watching him.
Since arriving on the island a week ago, Roier has managed to find himself an entirely new little family. He squeezed into their relationship like a strangler fig, and Jaiden and Bobby accepted him with open arms.
("Friendship", apparently. That's the thing the prisoners care about the most besides their artificially-created government spawn.
Friendship, and communication.
Idealists. Idiots.)
Roier has moved in with Jaiden and Bobby. He's decided that he's Bobby's father. He's decided that Cell is Bobby's other father, and he got Cell to agree with a knife subtly poking into his side.
Cell, meanwhile, lives in a cave. It reminds him too much of the island- the other island, not this one, but it's also natural, and the wardens don't know where it is. He's searched the area a dozen times over by now: no cameras.
One day, if he and Roier are stuck here long enough, he'll hollow it out by hand. He needs a place to keep his tools. He needs a place to hide his bed so nobody can destroy it.
He needs a place to torture Pac and Mike and teach him what real friendship looks like. Roier will be by his side, and they'll show them.
Cell doesn't miss Roier, though.
At all.
They spent three weeks practically together in the Brazilian countryside, and Roier is annoying, and Cell has had enough of him.
Roier is the only person besides Cell to know where the cave is. And he'll be the only one there when Cell shows Pac and Mike a real partnership. Because he and Roier are partners.
That's it.
(When introducing themselves to the other prisoners, this is how they did it:
Roier: Hola, hola! My name is Roier, I am Mexican, and I am engaged to Cell!
Cell: You can call me Cell, and I'm going to kill every one of you someday.
Roier: [Glares at Cell pointedly.]
Cell: [Sighing] And Roier and I are partners.)
Cell definitely isn't just annoyed that Roier decided to go and live with two strangers and not him.
That would be ridiculous.
Today, Roier is working on the garden with Bobby, and Cell is watching him from a hilltop a fair distance away. Jaiden is asleep. (She'd be asleep forever if Cell had anything to say about it, but that would make Roier upset. So.)
Roier glows in the sunlight. With proper access to a shower and shampoo and skincare, he's positively ethereal. His nails are freshly painted. His eyeliner is meticulous. His hair looks soft.
Richarlyson cocks his head in his hands to look up at Cell.
"Why don't you just... go hang out with him? Aren't you guys getting married?"
Cell's scowl only deepens. "Do you see a ring on either of our hands?"
There aren't any. Roier hasn't gotten any, and Cell sure as hell isn't about to start begging the wardens for silver and gold like the other prisoners would. He has dignity. He'll just dig up the materials himself and make them into rings. Somehow.
He scuffs the toe of his boot against the grass, kicking up some into the air.
"Besides," he says, voice softer despite his attempts to remain objective, "he's busy with his kid."
Roier had mentioned once that he had a child. His asshole (piece of shit bastard motherfucker evil-) ex killed the kid, and Roier killed the ex.
Cell doesn't know how old Roier's kid was when it died, but Roier seems to be doing just fine with ten-year-old Bobby. It's like he was born to be a parent, he's just so kind. He's gentle. He teases Bobby, and he teases the other brats on the island, but he doesn't go out of his way to hurt them.
Roier's smile when he's around kids is entirely different than it is when he's around Cell. His eyes are different, they're... they're just different.
"You're literally also Bobby's dad," Richarlyson dryly responds.
He pauses, and then he asks, "Wait, does that make me Bobby's brother?"
"No," is Cell's immediate response. "You aren't even my son."
"No, I am. Cucurucho says so."
"And I say you're not. You have Felps."
"And Pais Pac and Mike."
A foul taste fills Cell's mouth.
"See?" he says. "You already have plenty of parents. You don't need me."
"Maybe," Richarlyson acknowledges. He smiles, and Cell can't tell if he means it or not. "But I want you. You're cool!"
"I know that," Cell scoffs. "But you shouldn't be hanging around a killer, kid. None of the other kids will want to play with you."
"So what? They don't like me, anyway."
Ducking his head to look at the grass, Richarlyson starts tearing some of it up.
Cell winces. He... doesn't know how to deal with kids. It just isn't what he does. It's what Roier, does, but Roier is busy with his actual family now.
In the garden, Roier laughs. He drops a flower onto Bobby's head and ducks away playfully as Bobby swings his sword at him in retaliation.
(Roier's smile is beautiful. Cell doesn't know what beauty is anymore, but he knows this.)
During the war, BadBoyHalo once told Cell that he was too kind. He wouldn't survive that way, and he almost didn't. He didn't start winning battles until he started being mean, and he's been mean ever since. That's simply how the world works.
Cell rolls his eyes up towards the sky. With a grumble, he settles onto the grass next to Richarlyson.
"You're too young to be depressed," Cell says. "So stop that. If the other brats don't want to talk to you, then don't talk to them. They're assholes. Fuck 'em."
Richarlyson frowns. "But that's mean. I want to be their friend."
"And they don't want to be yours. What are you going to do about it?"
Bobby is chasing Roier around the garden, now. Cell loves watching Roier move, he's so... wow with everything he does: long limbs, muscles. Wow.
Richarlyson doesn't say anything for a moment, so Cell takes the silence as an opportunity to keep watching Roier. He wasn't lying earlier, Roier loves to be watched. He practically begs Cell to do it, and Cell is happy enough to play along.
(Sure, Roier hasn't moved in with him, and he hasn't gotten Cell a ring, and he hasn't really done much with Cell, but he wants to be stalked. Fucking freak.)
(Cell isn't much of a stalker, but he'll do it for Roier. He'd do anything for Roier, and isn't that a novel thought? This is a real partnership, fuck you, Pac and Mike.)
Eventually, Richarlyson lets the grass in his fingers fly into the wind.
"I'll make them be my friends?" he tries, looking to Cell for approval.
Cell shakes his head. "That doesn't work. I've tried, trust me. In prison, you have to force people to be your friends. Those relationships don't last. They'll stab you in the back at the first chance of an escape."
"Uuuuugh, then what?" Richarlyson groans. "They all hate me!"
"How do you know?"
"Uh, because they're all siblings and I'm not related to them? Duh?"
Wow, what a stupid kid. He really is Felps' son.
Sighing, Cell nudges Richarlyson's head with his hand. He maybe ruffles the kid's hair a little, but not purposefully.
"They don't know you, idiot," he explains. "How can you be friends if you're strangers? Have you even tried talking to them?"
"No. Because they hate me."
"They don't trust you. Big difference."
Looking right at Roier, Cell continues: "Trust is the most important part of any relationship. From trust comes honesty, and from honesty comes everything else. You need to prove to the other kids that they can trust you."
Richarlyson leans into Cell's touch, still frowning. "Okay, but how?"
Cell shrugs and yanks his hand away. "Hell if I know."
"You trust Mister Roier."
"He's- he's. Roier." Cell's heart twists fondly in his chest. "I don't even know how he did it."
"Oh," says Richarlyson. He smiles, then. "That's nice. You two really are partners, aren't you?"
Cell scoffs, "Of course we are."
"So that's why he's been staring at you for the past, like, five minutes."
Cell blinks a few times, scrunches his eyebrows together.
Indeed, Roier is looking at him now. He's looking right at him, eyes glittering in the sun, smile so wide that his jaw has to be aching.
How did Cell not notice? Was he really so caught up with Richarlyson's kid drama? Ugh, he's getting weak. He needs to kill someone.
Roier waves a hand and shouts, "Gatinho!"
Cell raises his own hand in response. "Guapito."
"Come here! Bring our son with you!"
Richarlyson squirms happily at that.
"See?" he crows. "I am your son."
"Yeah, no," Cell huffs.
He stands, anyway, and he brushes the grass off of his pants.
He doesn't rush down the hill, not like Richarlyson does. He might run a little, and his heart might skip a beat as he gets closer, and his face might be fighting a smile, but he doesn't rush.
At all.
Roier meets him at the bottom of the hill with a hug so tight that Cell's lungs threaten to collapse inside of him.
"I missed you," Roier murmurs. "Don't leave me again."
Cell can't help it. He hugs Roier back just as tightly and grumbles, "Says the one ditching me to play house with some strangers. What do you mean, 'don't leave me again'?"
Roier gasps, and it sounds like he's going to cry for just a second.
But then he starts laughing, hard and loud.
"You're jealous!" he declares.
Cell feels himself flush red.
"No," he says, pushing himself out of Roier's grip and turning around entirely to face away from him. "I'm not."
But Roier just hugs him from behind, chin tucking itself right into the crook of Cell's neck.
"Thank you for watching me," he hums.
Cell grunts. For some reason, he can never speak properly around Roier. It's like his brain just shuts down, it's embarrassing.
He doesn't like being held from behind, though, so he grabs Roier's hands and turns back around. Roier, for whatever reason, twirls in Cell's loose hold like a ballerina.
"Wow," Richarlyson comments from somewhere out of sight and out of mind.
"Ew," Bobby agrees, equally ignorable.
Roier would look so good covered in blood right now, Cell thinks. Red is his color. Cell doesn't have a favorite color, but the closest thing he can think of would be the shade of red Roier's face always is when Cell is killing someone.
Leaning in close, Cell murmurs, "Screw the kids. I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat."
Roier's eyes light up. "Brazilian?"
Cell ponders. And then he shakes his head. "Not worth the trouble. I'm thinking... Mexican?"
His voice pitches up slightly, questioning.
"Mmm, Quackity, Mariana, or Missa's place?" Roier asks.
For whatever reason, Cell thinks back to a week ago when Quackity and Mariana and Slime had tried stealing Richarlyson away from him... and the others. Missa behaved, he's safe (today.)
Cell's arms find themselves draping over Roier's shoulders loosely. Their heads lean closer together until their foreheads are pressed against each other.
Roier's eyelashes are long and beautiful. He doesn't really use mascara, so it's all natural. He flutters them delicately as Cell thinks.
"Quackity," Cell eventually decides. He smiles crookedly. "Fast food."
Roier's canines aren't as sharp as Cell's are, but he's still borderline vampiric. Wow.
Cell doesn't feel ready to kiss Roier yet- he's still working on speaking around him. But he still considers it as Roier looks up at him through his eyelashes.
One day, he thinks. What did Bad always say, "save it 'til marriage"? Cell can do that. He just needs to figure the rings out first.
"As you wish," Roier breathes.
The kids both groan and wander off to do their own thing elsewhere, but Cell couldn't care less. They aren't his, no matter what Roier says.
And they never will be.
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happyk44 · 2 years
When Annabeth becomes pregnant at twenty-three, everyone is excited. Percy, most of all. They get married in a small shotgun ceremony inside the safe haven of New Rome, mortal and godly parents in attendance, friends shedding tears of joy.
She gives birth a month early to a screaming, underweight bundle of joy. Everyone adores their son. He has fuzzy hints of black hair and wide curious gray eyes. He doesn't cry much after his birth, is abnormally quiet, observing everyone who holds him like he sees something more beneath the surface.
His quiet demeanour reminds Hazel a lot of Nico. When she mentions this in passing, Annabeth laughs quietly and squeezes baby Oliver's chubby fist. "He does, doesn't he?"
Her words sound unbelievably fond. The tone doesn't shock Hazel - she knows that the three of them have gotten close recently - but it seems... odd. Misplaced in its meaning.
She finishes off her final protective ward on Oliver's crib. "Has he met him yet?"
Annabeth hums. "He was here this morning."
She doesn't say anything more, and before Hazel can ask, she effortlessly glides the conversation to Hazel's training as a witch. Hazel takes the hint and lets the conversation change without any complaint.
Grover counts himself lucky in many regards. He's got a wonderful wife. He's Lord of the Wild. He hasn't been eaten alive by any monsters yet. All but one of the kids he's brought to camp are living successful happy lives.
And he knows the truth about Oliver.
They never talk about it - the circumstances that brought him into the world. It was just a few hints here and there in conversation, before he cuts the cord and just asks.
"Nico is Oliver's biological father, isn't he?".
Percy doesn’t even hesitate. "Yeah."
Grover watches from the kitchen, Percy at his side, as Nico emerges from what everyone thinks is the guest room, but Grover is confident is actually Nico's room. Oliver sits on his hip. The one year old is bundled up from head to toe. Nico himself has a matching beanie - bright blue with a warped crochet design of a yellow fish. He waves Oliver's little hand their way before disappearing into the shadows.
The two of them come back a couple hours later with In-and-Out takeout bags. Oliver is chewing on a lone french fry. He falls into Percy's arms with ease. Nico smiles kindly at Grover and comes to sit at Percy's side on the couch. Their thighs press together.
Grover doesn't ask about it.
They're happy. He can tell just by looking at them. Whatever thing is happening between the three of them, they're okay.
That's all that matters.
Piper loves Annabeth, she does. But she also believes in integrity. Oliver is three years old and the shadows tremble when he's annoyed. The air goes cold and frigid when he's upset. He doesn't talk very loud, but he's perceptive.
It's one hour into Piper's babysitting time when Oliver tells her that her grandfather says hello and she pieces it together. Oliver doesn't understand what he's done, the secret he's just revealed. She asks him to get her grandfather to tell him a story, just like he used to tell her. Oliver reaches out with one hand, and Piper's world turns upside down.
Annabeth and Percy come home two hours later, laughing and carrying a goodie bag from the restaurant. Grandpa Tom left half an hour ago, right when Oliver murmured a sleepy, "I'm tired", and let go of his hand. Piper doesn't know if he's still around, watching her. But it's the idea that he is, that keeps her brave.
When Percy disappears down the hall to check in on his sleeping son, Piper corners Annabeth in the kitchen.
"Are you cheating on Percy?" she whispers.
Annabeth blinks at her, startled. "What?"
"Are you cheating on Percy?" Piper whispers again, trying not to hide the urgency in her voice.
Annabeth is cool as she puts the leftovers in the fridge. "Why do you think I'm cheating on Percy?"
The question is easily answered, yes or no, and Annabeth's side-stepping is obvious and painful to Piper's heart. She changes gears. "Is Nico Oliver's dad?"
Annabeth pauses. It feels like hours. Then she closes the fridge door and crosses her arms over her chest. "People can have more than one dad, Piper."
Piper scowls and gets in close. "Does Percy know?"
Warm hands plant on both her shoulders. "He knows," Annabeth says, her voice soft. "And I'm not cheating on him."
Piper can't tell if Annabeth is lying. She wants to say more, ask more, but Percy's footsteps are loudly closing in. She takes a few steps back just as Percy rounds into the kitchen and slips an arm over Annabeth's shoulders. The image is sickly sweet. The two of them gaze happily at each other. They're so painfully in love.
Piper's stomach clenches.
The three of them stay up an extra hour. Percy is oblivious to the tension ruminating off of Piper. Annabeth seems fine though. It only stresses her out more. When she finally turns in, she doesn't know how to feel. She pauses just inside the guest room, the door pinched open. She can hear the two of them talking quietly in the hall. Oliver's bedroom door squeaks open.
Another voice, one Piper hasn't heard in a couple months, teases Percy from nearby. Percy protests his protective habits. Piper peeks through the gap. Nico is leaning against the wall. He's smiling widely in Annabeth's direction. Percy is oblivious, sneaking into Oliver's room. Annabeth takes Nico's hand. He pulls her close.
Piper relaxes for a minute. Maybe she doesn't have to say anything, maybe Percy will catch them before they can drift apart.
Or maybe he'll walk out of Oliver's room, shove Annabeth away and dive into Nico's mouth greedy, like he's starved for breath and Nico's mouth is oxygen. Maybe he'll tangle his hands into Nico's hair and push him into the wall with a low growl.
They don't separate, not really. Instead Percy drags Nico towards his - their - bedroom, Annabeth laughing as she follows.
The door clicks shut behind them. Piper takes a step back before pulling her own door closed. In the morning, Nico is gone and Percy is making pancakes. When Oliver asks for pomegranate juice, Piper passes it to him from the fridge and says nothing.
Leo doesn't know where this new baby came from. Annabeth wasn't pregnant the last time he saw her, but there's definitely a newborn asleep in the corner of their combined workshop. Annabeth doesn't even let him ask about the kid, just throws revised plans for their latest project in his direction before answering her screaming phone.
Oliver is there next to the baby, rocking her back and forth in her carrier. A picture book sits on his knee. He blinks up at Leo as he approaches. Leo likes Oliver. He's quiet and isn't afraid to use a hammer. The baby girl has small curls of black hair. She is bundled up in a fish-printed blanket.
"Who's this, big man?" Leo asks, squatting down to get a closer look.
The four year old stares at him. Then, "Ariel. She's my sister." He pauses, before adding, "She's really loud."
"When did your mom get a baby?"
Oliver stares some more before answering. "My uncle made her yesterday."
Leo doesn't know what to say to that.
Oliver and Ariel are joined a year later by a third and final child. While Ariel's origins are still speculated by anyone not in the know, it's clear from Annabeth's round belly where Eve was going to emerge from. She has thin wispy hair so blonde it blends into her skin. Her bright sea green eyes mimic her father's.
But Nico is her favourite. By now everyone knows not to bat an eye when instead of "Daddy" or "Mommy", her first word is "Papa". She reaches for him more than anyone else. As soon as she is old enough to crawl, her favourite place to wiggle towards is his lap.
Frank watches as she tries to pull herself to a stand. He runs a hand over the head of a nearby cat. It purrs loudly. Nearby Nico's hands are outstretched, ready to catch her if she falls.
Like Grover, he cuts the cord fast. "Is she yours too?"
Nico doesn't falter. "No."
Eve doesn't make it to a stand, but gets close enough before she falls face first into Nico's arms. He bundles her up to his chest and she squeals, reaching out with one hand to tug at his necklace.
He doesn't wear the camp beads anymore. Instead, it's a silver band looped through a golden chain. The band has three different jewels studded into it - a diamond, an aquamarine gem, and an onyx. What each jewel represents isn't a question. The fact that Percy and Annabeth wear the same silver band just above their wedding rings isn't much of a question either.
Frank takes Eve when offered and holds her close. Her green eyes look exactly like her father's, look exactly like her sister's. Her blonde hair is soft against each stroke of his fingers.
Nico comes back with drinks. Frank doesn't go for them when offered, content with where he is. Nico puts his can next to his foot, before lowering himself back to the ground. Frank watches him for a moment.
Then, "I thought you were gay."
Nico shrugs as he pops the top to his soda. "Annabeth's pretty," is all he says after a slow sip and Frank snorts.
He hands Eve back when Nico reaches for her. "Is that why Oliver was first?"
Nico's grin is wicked sharp, but happy in all its angles. "No," he says. "That's because I'm pretty."
Jason watches as Ariel and Eve team up to drown their older brother in the lake. In retaliation, he summons skeletons that ignore Ariel but grab at Eve. She screams, loud and unholy, as she’s tossed through the air and lands with a gigantic splash. Oliver pulls himself out of the water, shaking wet black hair out of his face. Ariel bats her eyes at him as he approaches, unafraid even as he picks her up and tosses her into the lake himself.
The two girls laugh as they surface, before swimming speedy laps around each other. With a short scowl, Oliver settles on the towel next to Jason. He does not enjoy swimming. Jason remembers the first summer after his birth.
They had tucked his feet into the water to splash and he’d screamed bloody murder. People joked about how Percy’s ocean powers clearly hadn’t made themselves known yet. But now it was pretty well known that Oliver didn’t have any ocean powers.
It had been pretty funny when Ariel came around. She took to the water like a fish and Oliver had panicked himself into a stressed out ball around the edges of the lake before he accidentally summoned a dozen ghosts to wrestle her from Percy’s arms and bring her back to the safety of dry land.
Percy hadn’t been allowed to hold Ariel for the rest of the day after that. If he tried, shadows would whip at him with Oliver’s frustration. He stayed tucked around his little sister while she cooed at the ghosts still protectively hovering nearby.
After that, everyone had pieced together what they had already started guessing at, if not outright knew.
The three of them never said how, or why, or even when, it had all come together for them, but they seemed happy nonetheless. And Jason was good with that. Nico deserved to be happy in whatever shape or form that came in. He didn't bat an eye whenever Nico kissed Annabeth's cheek before leaving with Jason. He didn't question it whenever the two of them came back and Percy clung onto him like needy barnacle.
Nico would flush a soft pink, and his smile was gentle, almost hidden sometimes. But he was happy, genuinely happy.
And that made Jason warm to see.
He pulls out the book Oliver had packed for their day out. Oliver puts on his glasses, thin round frames just like Uncle Jason’s, rolls over onto his stomach, and begins reading. In the lake, the girls are still splashing one another. A couple times they glance over at Oliver, like they’re thinking about pulling him into their game. But they know better than to bother their brother when he’s reading.
Oliver hums curiously and kicks his legs. Jason glances at him. “Good book?”
“Yes,” Oliver says.
He still speaks quietly and slow, each word a deliberate thought. It makes him the worst person to argue with. Ariel and Eve get loud and passionate - Ariel like Annabeth, cutting sharp like a knife, each spit of her words an uncontrolled punch; Eve like Percy, thunderous and vibrant, fast and off the cuff.
Watching the three of them fight a genuine fight is a masterclass in terror. The last time it’d happened - Eve blowing out Ariel’s candles on her sixth birthday and Ariel throwing a tantrum that exploded cake all over Oliver’s face - Jason had thought the whole city was going to be destroyed with every scream and thrown punch.
It had taken nearly half an hour to separate them. Oliver remained furious, refusing to cry even as Jason helped him wash the cake out of his hair, and stubbornly avoiding everyone for the rest of the day. Eve, like her mother, refused to admit she was wrong, steadfast in her determination not to apologize (although she caved fast when Nico came back with Ariel). Ariel got over it fast, she always did, which Jason found hilarious considering how emotional each of her fathers’ were. But her eyes remained red rimmed and she would tear up each time she caught sight of her siblings’ bruises.
She hit the hardest. Always did.
But when they fought together? In defense of one another? Amazing to see. It reminded Jason of the wolves, of the Cohort - working in tandem with one another, flying seamlessly off one another. A well oiled machine, each cog fitting together like the pieces of a puzzle. Oliver was the leader, in charge of each attack, Eve assisting in his command, and Ariel the powerhouse ready to take aim.
It’s clear where they picked it from.
The kids are half-asleep in a pile on the floor as Nico crawls across the couch cushions and into Annabeth’s lap. He dangles mistletoe above her head. She laughs and rises up for a kiss. In the chair nearby, Percy watches with half a grin across his face.
“That’s gross,” Eve mutters tiredly.
“Go back to sleep,” Nico calls back before kissing Annabeth again.
Ariel makes a gagging noise. Oliver swats at her before he slips out of their pile to rise slow to his feet. His glasses are lopsided on his face, but he doesn’t fix them. Instead he leans down to pull both girls to their feet. Eve yawns as she ducks her face into his shoulder. He slides one arm across each of their shoulders before tucking them in close and dragging them off to bed.
Percy pushes off the chair and flops against Nico’s back. Annabeth groans under the added weight.
“Seaweed Brain,” she grumbles. “Get your fat ass off my boyfriend.”
“Fat?” Percy huffs. He leans in harder. Nico laughs while Annabeth groans louder. “Woman, I am toned.”
“You have a dad bod,” Nico says. He tilts his head back and Percy accepts a kiss.
“You’re just jealous because you can’t put any weight on your bones.”
Nico rolls his eyes. Percy squeezes his hips and pulls away. Annabeth breathes easy, and then easier when Nico pulls himself from her lap. Percy turns off the TV as Annabeth rises groggily to her feet. Nico tucks her under his arm, and the two waddle off to bed.
Percy crawls in soon after.
In the morning, Eve will ask for pancakes, which Percy will make while she helps. Ariel will braid Nico’s hair in the bathroom and he will braid hers. Oliver will argue with Annabeth about the philosophy of Plato.
In the evening, the kids will ask the question that no one else has ever been brave enough to ask. And without falter, their parents will answer.
It was never a secret to begin with.
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 3 months
❤️‍🔥 Smut Oneshots ❤️‍🔥 Chapter One: Hedge Maze
Rating: Explicit Word-Count: 3,300 words Prompt: “I want to taste you so badly.” Additional Tags: lovey dovey shit, pet names, drunk horny ian, public sex, they’re tucked away in a hedge maze but the risk is still there
Summary: It's Debbie's wedding day, and after all she did for theirs, Ian and Mickey are committed to making sure it goes off without a hitch. That includes waiting to fool around until they get back to the hotel - Ian's orders. But now the drinks are flowing and everyone's in a good mood and only one of them is remembering that plan. Mickey dips into the garden to give them some space. But when Ian gives him a playful look of invitation, how's he not supposed to follow him into the romantic hedge maze where anything can happen?
[ read it on archive of our own ]
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sugarbean · 2 years
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Out there in our vast universe exists a world split into two realms by the Old Gods.
One awakens when dusk falls. Its city bathed in a warm, gentle glow is soon submerged in darkness as the flickering neon lights illuminate the streets.
The other rises with the sun. Its town's stone walls are basked in golden hues day by day as the villagers wander through the market squares.
There is only one link between these two peaceful realms. A small countertop diner in an ordinary back alleyway, seemingly unimportant and inconsequential, but two princesses discovered the truth.
Both longing for connection, they reach out to each other through the unique mailing system of The Twilight Diner.
I wrote a fic inspired by @peevishpants amazing artwork!
Split into two parts as I wrote the main story first then decided it could do with some backstory if anyone's interested!
Pt. 1) Midnight Letters
Pt. 2) Noodles & Doodles [Coming Soon]
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thisisnotkitty · 11 months
so i currently have 1.3k of a 5+1 securitywaiter fic and ness is like,, barely being introduced lmao but should i make it chaptered or upload it as a one-shot?
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jacksprostate · 7 months
hey i was thinking about uploading a bunch of my snippets to ao3 for storage/ease of access since tumblr sucks. figured i'd ask yall your preferences before i spam the shit out of you
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ghostpebble · 5 months
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redphrite · 4 months
writing the first non-essay thing in like. years and its a fallout new vegas drabble.. man..
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luvuomi · 5 months
remembering the fact i dropped that scara ice skating au on ao3 and then just disappeared afterwards like:
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15000bugs · 1 year
rereading some old posts and i just realized on one of my dr posts from like 7 months ago someone commented asking who my favorite character was.. theyre the same person who used to comment on all of my dr fics on my old ao3 pseud when i was in like 9th grade 😭 i didnt respond to the tumblr comment bc i was too shy but like. Wow i cant believe theyre still active in the fandom five years later
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jsmifty · 2 months
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Above is the SpringBonnie suit from my FNAF AU/rewrite called "ONE MORE NIGHT".
More info under the cut!
This is the first of many posts showing off some of the characters designs. I will talk more about the AU itself in other posts, however since this is the first I might as well give a basic rundown, it will be at the bottom of this post. William Afton himself will get his own post but this is just about his suit.
Anyway. This is the SpringBonnie suit from my FNAF rewrite!
I never really liked the completely butt naked suits, it always looked really weird to me. Generally when i draw the other animatronics I stick to the basic canon design (without the clothes), but with Springbonnie I realllyyyy prefer the design with some clothing over the top. idk why, it just makes him look siller.
Also if those things are being worn, I can imagine they're stinking hot during the summer, and I know the three piece suit is probably no better for keeping cool but at least he looks cool while dying of heatstroke. :)
There is also an animatronic version version of the suit of course!
Axe > Knife
The suit (SpringBonnie) was made as a suprise gift for William for the opening (By Henry Emily).
The suit has two varients. The summer varient, and the other one. Specifically in the hotter seasons, the suit is only worn with the head, paws and feet + usually a purple suit.
The other version, is the full suit, which covers the full body (is featured in the small doodle to the left). The full suit sometimes features a bowtie, or an undercoat (just to decorate it a little). And you'd be suprised by how quickly it can be put on. William got springlocked in this version specifically.
When specifically William wears the suit, his hair being too long, pokes out from underneath the head of the suit. It sometimes gets tangled in the springlocks! This makes it difficult to take off, ESPECIALLY if the springlocks are released.
Some more art of him (all a bit old):
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The rewrite, which will be uploaded to Ao3, is split into 4 to 5 parts (it will be put into an folder on Ao3 to make it more organized). The timeline follows off canon for the most part, however most of the events have been organized into a specific timeline. The order of the games specifically that I am following is below.
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(if the text is unreadable: FNAF 4 → FNAF 2 + Sister Location → FNAF 1 → FNAF 3 → FNAF 6)
PART ONE is centred before the main six games, and overlaps FNAF 4. It is centred around Henry Emily and William Afton (and their families) during the early stages of their animatronic making endeavours.
The other 3-4 parts have been planned out but I won't talk about them that much right now.
The AU leans a lot more on the characters, their motivations, and their relationships with other characters. It focuses more on telling the story in full than in hints, like the games do.
It is likely not going to be completely accurate to canon, so if the timeline changes with new FNAF releases then big whomp I've already made a timeline and I'm not touching that thing again.
If anyone wants like, a clearer rundown of what the fic is about if you are interested please feel free to comment or go on my asks i really appreciate any interest shown in this project, its annoyingly important to me LMAO
IF YOU READ THIS FAR, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! like I yap so much, and this is me holding back and ive already written wayyyy to much for a singular tumblr post :( but yeah
If you'd like to see a specific character from FNAF in my AU/Rewrite, feel free to ask!!!!!!!
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duckysprouts · 6 months
Have you thought about uploading your comics to AO3 as chapters? I know some people do that and it might make reading through them in order easier. NO PRESSURE THOUGH IM LOVING WHAT YOURE WRITING ❤️❤️❤️
oooh i might do that. idk how to but i’ll try!
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cursedcatchild · 10 months
Nyaho! I decided to make my first post dedicated to my favorite ROTTMNT fics.
It's Open Your Shell to Find Your Wings from @onejellyfishplease
I made some fan art to honor their masterpiece! ❤️
A little warnig tho: I did not particuallry drawn any sceene from the fic! Both of the pictures is just artistic vision that didn't left my mind untill I created them.
The first is just Donnie in the warmhouse. (I just realised I made windows in the backround 😂😂 Gosh, they are undergound, so those are just existing)
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The second one is just because I desperately wanted to draw Leo's reaction. I just know that he'll be amazed, I feel it in my bones. 😂
So, I'm aware that this never happened in the fic and might never gonna ( it's enterly up to the writer, IDK where they want to take the story, and I respect that)
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Any ways I just want to say thanks for the wonderfull fic and the inspiration which lead me to start writing, not one but two fics my self what I will upload to AO3 as soon as I get my invitation.
So, thank you verry much, for your amazing work!😇
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autistic-katara · 1 year
ok i might get blocked by a couple ppl for saying this but the Jackson’s Diary fandom is seriously making me wanna become a proshipper out of spite (read the post before blocking me or whatever please)
like idk if u guys have checked the fandom tag on ao3 recently but theres been a bit of drama surrounding the fact that someone posted a smut-fic of Exer (an 18yo) and David (an almost 18yo, who was aged up A FEW MONTHS for the fic) and they were harassed into taking it down and making a fucking apology post ON AO3, THE PROBLEMATIC FANWORKS WEBSITE.
and this fic was tagged 100% correctly like it was very explicitly tagged as smut n stuff yet there were still a bunch of comments being like “uhm what did i just read 🤨” and when i made a comment defending the authors right to yk, not be harassed for making not even rlly problematic content someone who clearly would suffer withdrawal symptoms if they turned twitter off for too long started arguing with me abt how “erm ackhtually we should be allowed to comment harassment under ppls harmless and explicitly tagged fics cause theres no smut in this fandom and it shocked us” and u could just rlly tell they felt they were more righteous than God in their opinions and yeah so cut to tonight when i’m scrolling through the tag and i see a post titled “i’m so sorry” in which the author made a post basically being like “i’m so sorry for posting that ik it was disgusting it has been permanently deleted” which in the comments a few ppl were telling them that what happened sucked n stuff (myself included // judging by their reply they only did this to stop the harassment which yk, completely fair) and i went back to scrolling since i wanted an actual fic not fandom drama but like 2 posts down there was another post titled “please stop” or smthn like that where someone else made a post basically being like “guyssss can we please not write smut of these characters this fandom is so wholesome i dont wanna ruin it 🥺 anyways sorry this isnt a fic this just needed to be said lol” and like dude, my guy, WHAT THE FUCK?!
this is AO3, this is a fanwork archive that as far as i know was created (at least partially) due to the fact that ppl kept getting their “problematic” works taken down from other sites and the creators wanted to yk archive all fanworks. this is NOT a social media site where u can make callout posts abt how what someone else posted disturbed ur pure wholesome chaste scrolling by daring to uploaded something with *gasp* consensual sex between 2 consenting adults?! (or canonically 1 consenting adult and 1 consenting gonna-be-an-adult-in-a-few-months-but-isnt-much-younger-than-the-first-guy but u get the idea)
like guys, ao3 is not twitter. it is not tiktok, it is not tumblr, its not youtube, its not even wattpad. it is not a social media platform, it is a fanwork archive, specifically one that lets u post whatever kinda content u want (yes, even smthn depicting 2 consenting adult/almost adult participates that are in no way related having sex, ik its crazy what they allow online these days).
and look honestly the callout post wouldn’tve annoyed me this much if it was posted on yk an actual social media. like if it was posted on twitter or tiktok or on youtube as a video essay or even on here, like sure if i saw it id be annoyed that this fandom cant handle the tiniest bit of non-puritanicalism and fuck, maybe if it was on here id even drag myself into a pointless days-long argument that causes me suicidal levels of stress but on archive of our fucking own itself?! for the millionth time, IT IS NOT A SOCIAL MEDIA! u dont make posts like that that u want the rest of the fandom to read or whatever on there because its not that kinda website!
anyways yeah i hope i explained the situation ok, u might be able to check it out urself if u feel like it and yeah idk this whole thing just kinda felt like a wake-up call for me like yes i find incest and pedophilia disgusting OBVIOUSLY and i dont like ppl romanticising it in fiction but idk i’ve seen ppl talk abt toxic antis before and show screenshots of conversations where theyve acted super shitty but idk seeing this all unfold in person and having to argue with these hardcore antis just- i dont wanna be associated with these ppl, if these are what alotta antis r like i dont want anyone to assume i agree with them like at all, whether its other antis, proshippers, or ppl like me who have a super complicated opinion on it. like they harassed a person into taking down their smut and made call-out posts on ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN abt how they dont want their wholesome pure fandom corrupted by gross dirty irredeemable sex. and just yeah hope no mutuals i seriously care abt unmoot or even block me over this since ik a few of u r antis but yeah srry for this i just kinda seriously hate this fandom right now :)
also incase anyone is typing out a “kill yourself pedo” reply/rb rn; i turn 15 on Friday, i am 2+ years younger than ur innocent bb minor boy David and his definitely not already a legal adult boyfriend Exer so yk
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inkspottie · 3 days
Hey Spottie, ya've been using AO3 for way longer than I did and I wanted to ask a quick question about it Do you sometimes get this "Session Expired" thing when trying to give kudos or upload a work? Because I was uploading the first chapter of the Confluence/Subnautica crossover but it happenned (it didn't upload, snif) and it LOGS me out It often happens despite the fact I had been logged in for less than 2 weeks?
Ah that actually happened to me yesterday when I uploaded the oneshot! Idk why it’s doing that, it hasn’t done it before.
I just assumed it was because I was jumping around too many tabs on my phone (since I upload it through there instead of on my computer).
It might just be a glitch/bug unfortunately
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
I know "numbers of hits and kudos isn't everything" discourse is a common topic, but I actually had an instance of falling for the numbers trap for a second that made me feel really bad about my writing despite the fact that I'm a pretty popular/prolific writer.
I was looking at my individual fic stats and realized that the majority of my fics have 2,000 hits or less, even ones that have been out for a year or more, and especially the ones with rarepairs, less popular characters, or gen fic. My top 5 most popular fics have remained virtually unchanged in the 4 years I've started writing for this fandom. A good 20%+ of my total hits and kudos only come from those top 5 fics.
But the thing is that all of those top 5 fics? Were among the first few fics I ever wrote, which means they've had the longest amount of time to gather stats. One of them was a multichapter fic that took a year and a half to write, during which I would get surges of new hits and kudos every chapter update. The other 4 are fics from the same PWP series of a top fandom ship, meaning that they would get repeated hits over and over again from people rereading the series (mostly composed of easy to read one-shots). And, again, are some of the oldest fics I've written, and one of them is a multichapter fic that would've gotten more hits from being uploaded one chapter at a time as people visited updates one at a time and read along the way.
Idk, it was just a moment that put things in perspective for me that sometimes your most popular fics aren't a matter of quality or people just "not liking" your work, but merely a numbers game with regard to age and the way the hits system works. I also noticed that I was adopting a toxic mindset of treating certain fics as "unpopular" or "not liked" just because they weren't above a certain number of hits (multiple thousands), which is silly because even getting a thousand hits and several tens/dozens of people leaving kudos is a lot.
I think the pitfall of going by numbers on AO3 is basically that you spend your time as an author judging your popularity/quality based on the numbers you DON'T have and expecting all of your works to be equally popular in metrics, which is simply unrealistic due to a number of reasons (time of release, trends in the individual fandom, specific tags/characters/ships that might be more popular than others, multichapter vs oneshot, etc).
Basically just imagine the "holy shit two cakes" meme but inside of your own AO3 profile. "Aw that one fic only has a few hundred hits compared to my other fic that has thousands" versus "oh boy, people accessed/read my work hundreds of times!"
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