#might retcon later
itz-pandora · 4 months
To Tails: How do you feel about Shadow and his relationship with Sonic?
"Well... Ever since Sonic and Shadow got close after everything that happened with Infinite, it's felt awkward...?"
"I mean, back then, it kinda hurt seeing them be all friendly with each other. I mean, I thought Sonic was dead, and when he finally comes back, he gravitated to Shadow."
"I don't blame him though. I was busy with the Restoration. If I was in Sonic's position, I'd do the same thing."
"They were close in a way I don't really understand, but it wasn't like how Sonic treats anyone else. It drove me and Sonic apart for a while because it just made me feel... Icky? After things calmed down Sonic and I went back to as normal as we could, all things considering."
"But with Spirit and Spitfire coming into their lives, jeez, Sonic and Shadow are closer than ever. I get it, co-parenting, but they're just so... romantic? I don't know why it bothers me."
"I don't dislike Shadow by any means, it's just that, it feels weird watching Sonic and him interact."
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1071png · 1 year
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This meme might have more lore than i intended but i cant not post this
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aromatixx · 5 months
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little shitpost i did for my fic
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vaugarde · 8 months
back when this series first dropped i remembered it really bothered me that people called satogou "firstfriendshipping" cause it ignored chloe's presence in the group as goh's actual first friend, and yknow it sorta had "ignore the girl so only the boys matter" vibes, but see now i can't even be too annoyed about that cause in retrospect it's not like the show itself gives a fuck about chloe or considers her goh's friend
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h-a-unted · 15 days
Jack and Joe don't really speak about their father much, despite loving him a lot, close to as much as their mother. They do have anecdotes and teachings they follow from their father, here and there, but usually, it was their mother who took on that nurturing, educating role. The thing is, he was much more strict, when it came to lecturing his children. William, or Stan as the world knows him, was a rollercoaster of an individual, able to portray both gentleness and ruthlessness at seemingly random intervals.
Out of work, he was sweet and loving, but when it came to work, he turned into a stone-cold killer, hurting and eliminating targets with ease since very young. These two sides of him were evident during his daily life, as Reacher states that, one day his father could be preparing a gruesome contraption in fine, obsessive detail, for his enemies, and the next he could spend it bird-watching.
When it came to his kids, his teachings were somewhat just like that: he could be very strict and demanding at some points, and incredibly sweet and lenient at others. There was never any true way of knowing just when his cold-hearted side would take hold, so you could never truly pinpoint just when you'd get on his bad side. And what a constant gamble it was, as Jack and Joe would oftentimes get in trouble or even spend time wrestling each other – regardless of if they were on good terms at the moment or not.
Generally, William contrasted the normalcy that Josephine showed towards her children. With them, Josephine would always have the perfect balance of sweetness and strength to keep them on the straight and narrow, without going overboard. Despite that, Josephine's presence commanded just as much respect as William's.
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failsquirrel · 4 months
the eternal question of if the fictional universe that is heavily analogous to the real world should have actual media from the real world or similarly named thinly veiled references
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fierykitten2 · 2 years
Going back to the idea of Megas returning in Kalos DLC, the Pokémon I would give a Mega to are:
• Flygon (was originally gonna have a Mega but was cut because of artist’s block so honestly this would make a great comeback)
• Chesnaught (Kalos Starter)
• Delphox (Kalos Starter)
• Greninja (Kalos Starter)
• Meowscarada (Paldea Starter)
• Skeledirge (Paldea Starter)
• Quaquaval (Paldea Starter)
• Raichu (evolved form of mascot Pikachu)
• Vaporeon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
• Jolteon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
• Flareon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
• Espeon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
• Umbreon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
• Leafeon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
• Glaceon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
• Sylveon (evolved form of secondary mascot Eevee)
We could also go with Armarouge and Ceruledge because of their popularity or something idk (insert Mega Megaman jokes idk I’m not in the Megaman fandom). I’d love to see them embrace their secondary types a bit more. At the moment Ceruledge would work better as a dark type than a ghost type
If we get physical versions of Paradox Suicune and Paradox Virizion I would also love to see them get Megas (or their corresponding legendary trios) — I just feel there’s no way to add them without making them the main legendaries of the DLC (like Calyrex and Urshifu)
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windfighter · 9 months
Schools and bees
Or: I had no idea how to title this story
Hello Frontier-tag, did you miss me? :P
I dunno, I've been rotating Takuya and Kouji as parents in my head a bit lately and I got this idea but then it didn't want to work out exactly as I wanted it (not that my stories ever do anyway) but I'm still kind of happy with it
Kouji sounds like a headdoctor and that's because he is and Ryousuke is a little too mature for his age probably, but whatever *head in hands* Anyway, enjoy :3
Kouji was putting dishes away. Takuya had left, taken Kitty to school and was probably going to take his time coming back home. Bumblebee was in the living room, playing a game on the television. Kouji wasn’t sure which one, but he could hear shooting. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Put the last of the dishes away before heading to the living room.
Kouji’s eyes fell onto the television. Some kind of fighting-game, Takuya’s favorites. Bumblebee was sitting on the floor infront of the television, still in his pyjamas. Kouji sat down on the couch.
”Hey”, he said.
Bumblebee’s shoulders got tense. Kouji could understand it.
”It’s the third day in a row you stay home from school”, he continued.
”You told us it’s fine”, Bumblebee answered.
Short, voice tense. As if he expected Kouji to be angry. Kouji wasn’t.
”It is”, Kouji said. ”And I understand if you don’t trust me enough to say what’s wrong.”
Being a parent was still new to him. Weird. He and Takuya still argued about how to handle it. It was hard for the kids too, he could tell. Bumblebee had three families prior to ending up in their care. He didn’t talk much about it, didn't remember the first two at all, but Kouji could tell it hadn’t been great. Still, Bumblebee was adapting well to their family and Kouji just hoped nothing would happen, that Bumblebee would be able to stay with them.
Missing too much of school, however, could make the social workers take him away from them. Kouji didn’t want to stress Bumblebee out with it though. Bumblebee finished the fight, stared at the character selection for the next one.
”It’s the other kids”, he whispered.
Kouji just barely heard it. He didn’t move from the couch, just put his arm against the armrest.
”They say you and dad can’t be my parents.”
Kouji wasn’t sure what to answer, or if he even should. Bumblebee made a choice, then paused the game.
”That… that dad’s only using me to get into their parents.”
Kouji almost snorted. Takuya didn’t need anything or anyone for that.
”Papa… why didn’t mom love me?”
Oh… Kouji’s heart broke a little and he got up from the couch, sat down on the floor next to Bumblebee.
”I think she did”, Kouji said.
”But she gave me away!”
Kouji didn’t know the story. They had just been told that there had been previous families, that Bumblebee was a hard child to care for and that they had been searching for a fosterhome where he would be the only child. The only reason they let Takuya and Kouji take him despite Kitty was because Kouji’s profession. And that everyone else had pulled out when they explained all the trouble Bumblebee had given previous families.
”I’m sorry”, Kouji said. ”We aren’t allowed to know anything about your mother. I wouldn’t even know how to begin searching for her if you wanted to meet her.”
”It’s not that”, Bumblebee said.
But Kouji could tell it was. That he was desperate to meet his mother, ask her why, maybe even yell at her for leaving him.
”If it ever is that”, Kouji just said, ”once you get old enough so they let you have access to that information, we’ll do everything we can to help you find her. And your dad, if you want to.”
”You and dad are my dads.”
Kouji still felt weird being called ’dad’. Kitty just called him by his name.
”I’m glad”, he said. ”Just letting you know we’ll be here for you if you want to find your biological family.”
Bumblebee started the game again. More shooting. Kouji tried not to flinch at it, put a hand against his chest.
”Maybe we can go to the park when Takuya comes home”, he said.
To distract himself more than Bumblebee, if he was honest. Bumblebee didn’t answer and Kouji watched as the match was fought out and lost. Not every battle is a winning one.
”...why do you think she loved me?” Bumblebee asked.
Once again quietly, barely audible. Kouji leaned back, looked at the ceiling. How could he formulate himself?
”A lot of the kids who end up in foster care do so because the government take them from their families. Because their parents are starving them or hitting them or in other ways posing a danger to the kids”, he started. ”Some because both their parents died and they have no other relative who could care for them.”
Bumblebee knew all of this already. They had held long conversations with both him and Kitty about foster homes and adoption and the reality of it all. Takuya had wanted younger kids at first, to raise as their own, keep anything about the adoption quiet until the child was at least a teenager. Kouji had refused. A baby would have been too much for him, and there was always a line with people wanting babies. They could help better if they accepted an older kid.
Kouji shook his head. He didn’t need to get lost down memory lane right now.
”But she left you there”, Kouji continued. ”I’m not a mindreader, so I can’t tell her intentions, or why, I can only speculate based on experience and people I’ve met. And giving up your own kid to someone else is the most heartbreaking thing for most people, often only done out of desperation, a knowledge that they can’t care for the child at all, no matter how hard they try.”
Kouji grabbed the other controller, joined the game. He had never enjoyed fighting games, got enough fighting from the real world, but it was a good bonding experience.
”I think she loved you, and she wanted you to live and grow, because otherwise she’d have left you unattended in a corner, or out in the woods.”
He choose a character that didn’t use guns, and noticed Bumblebee do the same. They started the fight in silence, played in silence. The sounds of the game echoed throughout the apartment. Kouji lost, but he hadn’t expected anything else.
”You and dad are so weird”, Bumblebee said.
Kouji snorted. Yeah, they were. He put a hand on Bumblebee’s shoulder and Bumblebee leaned against him.
”They say no one can love me, since mom didn’t”, Bumblebee whispered.
”They’re wrong”, Kouji said and wrapped his arm around Bumblebee, ”but you probably won’t be able to convince them about that.”
He sighed. Kids could be cruel, and adults were often more hindrance than help.
”Do you want us to do anything?” he asked. ”Talk to the teachers or the principal? Look for another school?”
”Can’t I just stay home with you and dad?”
”You know what we think about that. It’s fine that you need to stay at home sometimes, but school is important.”
”I know…”
Bumblebee shuffled through the characters. Kouji gave him a sideways hug.
”I want you to spend some time today thinking about it”, he said. ”What we can do to make school better for you. We’ll talk it over later tonight, or tomorrow. Okay?”
The door opened, Takuya was back home. Bumblebee nodded, decided on a character.
”Tadaima!” Takuya called into the apartment. ”How’s my favorite guys?”
”Welcome home”, Kouji answered. ”Can you give me a hand?”
Takuya entered the livingroom, laughed when he saw Kouji on the floor.
”Sometimes you’re like 80 years old, man.”
”I know, dear. Help please.”
”Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”
He stepped up to them, held a hand out for Kouji. Kouji grabbed it, let go of Bumblebee, and Takuya pulled him to his feet before ruffling Bumblebee’s hair.
”And how’s my little man doing? Enjoying the game?”
”Papa told me to figure out my life”, Bumblebee said.
Kouji snorted.
”I did not tell you that. Just how you want everything with the other kids to work out.”
Kouji pressed the heel of his hand into his tigh and Takuya glanced at him. It wasn’t painful, just annoying, and Kouji shook his head.
”I’m fine. We talked about going to the park or something as well. Whatever Bumblebee wants to.”
”I want to go to the football museum!”
”Football museum it is”, Takuya agreed. ”They open at ten so we have time for a couple rounds in the game first.”
Takuya sat down on the floor, grabbed the controller Kouji had left there. Kouji patted Bumblebee’s shoulder again.
”I’m not going to tell you it’ll get better”, he said, because he couldn’t promise that, ”but we’ll do anything we can to try. We care about you a lot.”
”Papa’s been emotionally stunted since he was a kid”, Takuya joked. ”What he means is that we love you and we want you to be happy no matter what.”
Kouji’s cheeks got hot. Bumblebee didn’t answer, just waited for Takuya to choose a character. Kouji ruffled Takuya’s hair.
”If you need help up later I will laugh”, he said.
”Me too”, Takuya agreed and laughed. ”Probably Ryousuke as well. We’ll have a laughing party.”
He leaned back, looked at Kouji.
”You’ll be okay if we play this game?”
”I’ll be fine”, Kouji said. ”But I am going to hide in the study and do some work. Racoon sent me a mail yesterday that I need to answer.”
”Tell him I love his name”, Takuya said with another laugh. ”He should come over for dinner sometime.”
”Daaaad”, Bumblebee interrupted. ”Choose someone already!”
”Alright, alright. Anyone of these play football?”
Kouji started leaving, heard Takuya choose someone, turn around.
”We leave in an hour”, he said.
”Just knock on the door”, Kouji said, ”I’ll be ready.”
”Hai, have fun working.”
”Have fun gaming.”
He left, entered the study and closed the door behind himself. Sank down in the chair, leaned back and closed his eyes, focused on taking deep breaths. He couldn’t hear the game in there, they had made sure to soundproof the room and either way the television hadn’t been that loud. He opened the laptop, started it. He’d answer Racoon’s mail and then look up school’s in their area, just so he knew some of their options if Bumblebee wanted to find a new one.
Racoon's name is actually Richard Allan Coon. He studies Racoons. Yes, I did that on purpose because it was fun. Kouji also thought it was hilarious
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theonlyadawong · 1 year
i am on my hands and knees praying, hoping, begging capcom not to retcon the night leon and ada spent together between re4 and damnation. the idea that either of them would have sought the other out outside of their line of work is so good, and it adds so much to both of them
#speakerphone!#ik the movie plays at it being romantic/sexual but idk#the way this plays out is that it's finally the night where ada just. talks to him.#she withholds information she doesnt want him to knkw ofc. but this is the night they really talk to each other#without worrying that the other will get called for work.#(but conveniently enough. ada is called from work when they start getting somewhere)#its not... i dont think its a sweet convo...#but its ada opening up as much as shes wants to (which isnt much)#i think its like 'did you know i had feelings for you' 'of course i did'#'was i really that easy to manipulate?' 'you were easier than anyone has any right to be'#that kind of thing#theres... theres no romance in it. from either side.#i think... to someone who doesnt knkw them... this conversation would sound like ada is brutally beating down leon.#when in reality... its almost the opposite.#shes giving him answers. and they might not be full explanations but its more than hes ever gotten from her.#and she asks questions too. things that prod at more sensitive memories. 'how was operation javier.' 'what did the government do to you'#'why didnt you tell them about me'#things that hurt him but also allow her to see more of him so she can use it for later and maybe its her checking up on him#anyways yes. if they retcon it then itll just be one of those things i hold on to#[l. s. kennedy; appendage of the enemy]#okay reordered the tags bc tumblr hates when u use quotation marks.#[a. wong; the apex predator]
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if somehow (this is a what-if, I doubt it would be possible) the show spat out everyone into the real world with changes reversed by memories of the show still intact, what would happen?
Technically the end goal! …also, what would happen is a lot of confusion. Not everyone would be free - some where completely and utterly digested by the Studio - and most would look back on the experience as if it was some sort of fever dream. The Studio wasn’t exactly interested in being Solid and Real and Consistent, after all! It was a magical construct, paper thin compared to the real thing, and unobserved the halls and rooms turned and twisted and faded into nothingness. There were a lot of things the human mind isn’t equipped to process.
There would be the horror, guilt, shame, anger, upset, relief, joy, sorrow - emotions flooding back in after so long feeling hollowed out, mixed feelings about what the did, what they were part of, everything. There would be the lingering effects of the magic, the effects of travelling dimensions, the consequences of having been Inbetween for so long…
People wouldn’t be feeling good. A lot would have the questionable luck of not really having been lucid, at the time. To them the experience was a long, weird dream. Some would experience the disjointed sensation of their past self overlapping the Studio version, conflicting emotions and thoughts and actions and memories just causing a huge mess in their heads.
…Host was bedridden for some time. It doesn’t help that they were all launched back to more or less when and where they disappeared, throughout dimensions and space and time.
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mewintheflesh · 2 years
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                            Galactic Commander Taphao
   Originally known as Petunia, she was built and programmed by a lonely old scientist— Chayne— who had made her with the purpose of acting as a daughter to him. She was programmed with full sentience, empathy, and emotional capabilities, truly the closest a robot could be to being human.
  Petunia could not have been more happy with her life with Chayne, it was perfect, even if she had never known anything outside of it.   Though, one fateful day, Cyrus had sent Saturn and some grunts to offer to buy Petunia off of Chayne’s hands. They had been keeping tabs on his tech abilities for quite some time at that point. Chayne refused, not even all the money could possibly make him just sell Petunia like that. Saturn didn’t take kindly to his response.    He offered one last time accompanied with a threat. Chayne again refused. Saturn ordered the grunts to raid his home, poisoning Chayne with Toxicroak so he couldn’t fight back or run, and stealing Petunia and away from him. The last he saw of her was a blurry sight of her being dragged limp out the front door.
  Petunia was taken back to HQ and shut off to be examined on her programming and capabilities. They planned to use her for gathering and stealing Pokémon, and training them to their highest abilities, even if it would hurt the Pokémon.    They took away her memories of her past, took away her extreme empathy, and gave her a new name.
  And so, she became Taphao, fifth admin of Team Galactic.
  Taphao’s emotions still would frequently get in the way of her job. Though they couldn’t be disabled by anybody but herself, as the hardware containing the emotional response system was locked deep inside her build. Tech that could only be disassembled by Chayne himself. And by Arceus we’re they not going back to him.
  She would often report back to headquarters looking distant and ashamed. Sometimes when she would be alone in her repair room, she would cry. This would gunk up her face plates, and cause issues with her performance. So it would be routine for Saturn— who had become the one who would be responsible for fixing any issues with Taphao— to come in and clean any trace of the black oil she cried.    It got to a point where Saturn had gotten so annoyed with having to clean her face and hands over and over again, that he just kept pestering her with things like— “Why don’t you just turn off your emotions yourself? Clearly they aren’t helping anybody. You’d be better off without them. Not to mention the rest of us who have to deal with you.”    Taphao had really begun to consider it after a while   And to make it all worse, she would remember of her past with Chayne from time to time, causing her to fly into a panic. Each time this occured, she would be shut off and her memories would be erased again. The reason the memories would come back was hypothesized to be that they were stored on a databank deep inside Taphao’s build. Similar to her emotional response system. 
  And for worse for Team Galactic, these remembrances would occur most oftenly when Taphao was in the middle of a Pokémon heist. 
  A constant battle of emotions and memories of her past life. Memories fighting to come back only to be erased once again.    After enough time, she couldn’t handle it anymore.    She shut off her ability to feel sympathy and empathy for people for good.     Only tiny fragments of what once was peeking through the darkness of what had become. 
⭐️ Taphao’s name comes from the planet 47 Ursae Majoris c, which was formerly named Taphao Kaew.
⭐️ She had lived with Chayne for 2 years before taken into Team Galactic
⭐️ She is a steel type specialist (Woah who would’ve guessed? /s). She feels especially connected with robotic-ish Pokémon. 
⭐️ Her team consists of: Magnezone, Bronzong, Steelix, Scizor, Probopass, and the odd shiny magnemite
⭐️ Magnemite does not offer much to her team at all. She found it by herself while trying to find Pokémon to take, she caught it for herself and didn’t let anyone know, as she didn’t want to put it through torturous training. She finds herself attached to it, even if she can’t express it in any other way than keeping it on her team.
⭐️ Taphao, despite being an AI, is incredibly athletic
⭐️ Perks of being a robot: you never run out of breath, you can outrun and chase down anything if you’re fast enough.
⭐️ As she cannot feel for most humans anymore, she had no issue ruthlessly stealing from trainers. Though she still has issue with putting their Pokémon through the tortuous training 
⭐️ Taphao: literally beats up and robs a sad crying man for his Staraptor and feels no remorse 
Also Taphao when she has to put said Staraptor through training: AUASJDUGHWAAHAHSHS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (but internally)
⭐️ Everyone sees her as the 4th admin of Team Galactic because nobody likes Charon (L) 
⭐️ Similarly to humans, she can get viruses, but it’s just computer viruses. She was built in such a way that they cannot spread throughout her body. If her system detects one, as it shuts off whatever body part has been infected so it’s no longer connected to the rest of her system. (Picture shows what it would look like if her left hand got a virus)
⭐️ Her repair room is basically like her bedroom. 
⭐️ Rarely expresses emotions physically 
⭐️ She’s pretty content with where she is in her life, aside from putting the Pokémon through the training and stuff. Otherwise she’s having a pretty okay time. Until she regains her memories, but that’s always shut down pretty much asap.
⭐️ She can still feel for some people if she allows herself to become attached, which she only does if she knows it won’t get in the way of her job. 
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penrose-quinn · 2 years
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. . . hi Shin🚶🏻‍♂️
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catman-draws · 2 years
really taking hs as a serious work (i know i know) the dancestors would be a really horribly written concept, since like you said they were mostly intended more as a one-off joke than any kind of meaningful plot point. (weren't they also supposed to be a subtle/blatant insult towards the fandom? because we all know hussie loves flat out insulting his fans)
Oh the dancestors were HORRIBLY written, I don't think there's any contention about that.
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vaugarde · 3 months
hrm...... to keep marlow a cis guy or make them transfem........... hrmmm
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joleneghoul · 2 years
How does the Carter-Kord family celebrate the holidays? (If they even celebrate)
Okay! Hi sorry I took awhile to think about this! Do they celebrate holidays? Well i think its is another "it depends" question. Booster to me seems like he didn't really celebrate many holidays as a kid so doesn't have the most experiences with them until he gets to the past. (we do know christmas still exists in the future because in Back to The Future- not the movie but the arc in bg vol 1, it is set during the futures christmas time. but booster nor michelle are ever shown to care about it. and thats the only holiday we have seen via the future booster is from, others prob exist but he hasn't mentioned them. we do know booster in canon is atheist but that means literally nothing in regards to certain holidays)
Ted I think he mostly celebrated holidays when his mother was alive, I think some traditions were harder to hold up with just ted and his dad because of the type of strained relationship they had. Still as an adult we see him in comics go to holiday parties and such so its not like he isn't festive.
NOW, when Booster and Ted have kids I think they kinda decided to do more for their kids than their parents did. The Carter-Kords are Jewish, I think Ted (and Booster) would find it important to share his culture with his kids and yes they observe holidays. Despite being time travelers I think Rani and Rip try to make it home during family gatherings.
Though, this is kinda tricky because holidays are observed via the calendar and they live outside of time in the vanishing point. I do have to brainstorm a bit more on how they keep time in a timeless place.
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