#might make a third part
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Three Strikes and You're Out! - st fic
This is a follow up to: this - wc: 2.8k - cw: nothing to worry about I think!
enjoy! 💛
Eddie decides to talk to Robin first. He’s not sure what to expect when she swings her front door open and yells over her shoulder to Mrs. Buckley.
“I’ll be back in a bit, go ahead and eat!”
And then she’s stomping over to his van and looking at him expectantly from the passenger seat. He almost trips rushing to follow her, but is able to start his car in one piece.
“I was wondering when you were going to come by. Steve mentioned things didn’t go over well the other night.” She says it bluntly and Eddie flinches. He knows the other night could’ve gone better. Like a dog with a bone, he’s been dissecting the other night in great detail. Can’t stop thinking of how frustrated Steve seemed with himself, how the words ‘stupid’ and ‘bullshit’ dripped vitriol from his mouth, and how he let the other boy leave in such a hurry. He taps his hands against the steering wheel softly before answering.
“Yeah. It wasn’t good, Birdie. I really messed up.” Personally, he doesn’t think ‘messed up’ really covers it. He feels like he walked himself right off the edge of a pier into icy waters. Steve hasn’t answered the couple of times he’s called and the only reason why Eddie’s not searching town for him is knowing that Steve has at least been giving the brats rides to the arcade. Hearing his voice on the radio has been enough, but Eddie can’t take the closed off silence he’s getting now.
“So I’ve heard. Wanna tell me how things went from your perspective?”
He tells her the story once they get to the diner. There’s a plate of fries between them but Eddie just picks at them instead of actually eating. Robin’s blue eyes feel like daggers so he’s been more focused on watching the parking lot than looking at her.
“Like I said, I know I messed up.”
It’s quiet for a moment before Robin speaks up again, words calm.
“Do you even know how you did?”
And Eddie realizes, he doesn’t really. He knows Steve is upset but to be this upset over a D&D game? There’s something more under the surface – that’s why he was drawn to Robin. If anyone is going to know what the root of the problem is, it’s Steve’s own nerdy band soulmate. She has to know why Steve pulled away halfway through the session. Eddie had thought things were going well; Dustin had helped Steve with his character, Jeff let him borrow some of his dice, and Steve had been asking questions. But they all asked questions when they started! Sometimes Gareth even had to double check an action versus the rules during his turns.
The more Eddie thinks about it though, Steve had only asked a couple questions before Mike had made some comment under his breath. It wasn’t long after that that the ex-jock had said he’d be gone for a quick break but to continue without him. A quick break turned into him not coming back to the table at all and Eddie wrapping up the session early to everyone’s disappointment. After everyone went home is when things went downhill, but he still doesn’t know why it bothered Steve so much.
“Eddie.” Robin’s voice sounds pitying, like she’s sad he wasn’t able to make this connection on his own. “You said it yourself, you can’t be good at everything you try the first time. But this is Steve we’re talking about. He feels like he can’t mess up. If he ever slips up, you know what those kids of his do?”
Eddie does. He knows the kids, especially Mike and Dustin, tend to fixate on Steve’s slip ups. They’re just like siblings in that way, but Steve’s always been an only child. Eddie can imagine that the constant harping probably sits a little heavier on Steve’s shoulder than the kids realize. He pulls his gaze from the window and looks at Robin again.
Something like regret is crawling up his spine – he helped make a space where Steve felt bad for messing up, and then yelled at him for not trying.
“Oh Birdie, I really messed up. How do I fix this? I just wanted to share this with him. And I know all the kids did too. He’s their glorified big brother, whether he realizes it or not – they just want to have more in common with him.”
She’s nodding along to his words, plate now empty except for the last dredges of the ketchup she’d put there earlier. “Maybe it’s not so much that they need to share what they like with him, but that you guys need to share what he likes. I may not care about sports as much as he does, but I’ve played on bleachers long enough to follow a game. Sometimes that’s what our hang outs are: he puts on the latest game and I paint my nails or work on patches for my jacket. He’s got his own interests, you know? That’s what makes him who he is – he just goes along with what everyone else likes because no one really likes his stuff except for-”
“Lucas. Robin Buckley, you are a genius.”
That’s how Eddie finds himself at the Sinclair’s house a couple hours later. He’d radioed Lucas as soon as he dropped off Robin and was pleasantly surprised to find out he was free that afternoon. Things were rocky between them for a while, with Eddie replacing him with Erica while he played the championship game. Steve had been the one to get Eddie to apologize about it. Made Eddie see how important both games had been to Lucas, how unfair it was to force him to pick one over he other. Especially since one has a coach breathing down the players necks to make sure they’re at every game, unlike the Hellfire Club getting to pick their meeting days and times. Lucas forgave him as soon as he said sorry but Eddie vowed he’d do better in the future about re-scheduling to make sure there weren’t issues. He couldn’t imagine having a show and none of his friends showing up.
“Hey Eddie! Lucas mentioned you were coming by.” Mrs. Sinclair welcomed him in, gesturing for him to follow her into the kitchen. It was nice to be accepted so easily into their home, he’d worried when meeting all of the party's parents that they would decide he was the hell raiser people claimed him to be without giving him a real chance. Looking back, he should’ve known better – there’s no way his sheep would have parents that weren’t at least a little open minded.
He follows her to the kitchen and gets hit with a wave of warmth and the smell of brown sugar. Mrs. Sinclair slips on a faded blue oven mitt before pulling a tray of cookies from the oven.
“Are the cookies done yet?” Little Erica comes around the corner and raises an eyebrow at Eddie. “And when did you get here?”
“Just got here. Your mom just pulled the cookies out, so you’ve got impeccable timing as always Lady Applejack.” He grins down at her when she brightens at the promise of warm cookies. It’s nice to see the kids getting to be kids after everything.
“Lucas is in the backyard, will you bring him some of these before someone tries to eat them all.” Mrs. Sinclair smiles and nods her head towards Erica, who’s trying to save a cookie from the floor since it’s so warm it’s falling apart.
Lucas tosses the ball as soon as Eddie steps outside and lets out an excited ‘whoop!’ when it goes into the basket. “Nice one?” Eddiesounds less confident when he says it but he’s also very aware he wouldn’t be able to do the same thing no matter how hard he tried. The smile he gets from Lucas rids him of his nervousness though and he holds out the plate of cookies.
“I’ve been sent with snacks.” The plate’s taken from his hands quickly, cookie in Lucas’ mouth in seconds.
“Thanks. So what’d you wanna talk about? Not that I don’t like seeing you, we just don’t usually hang out one on one.”
Guilt fills Eddie’s stomach, especially since he’s here to ask a favor. But honestly, maybe this is good for him. To learn more about Lucas too.
“Well. I’m gonna level with you. I need you to teach me about sports.”
Sports are much more complicated than Eddie ever gave them credit for. Lucas spent the afternoon going over the different rules for basketball. He’d tried to follow as best he could, and while some stuff stuck, like what exactly a three-pointer was and why dribbling was so important – Eddie knows he’s far from being a sports fan. When Lucas had mentioned that Steve’s favorite had been baseball, he’d hoped to learn some there too. But baseball wasn’t Lucas’ passion so he’d put off that research for later.
Even if he didn’t get all of it, it was nice to see Lucas so excited. He’s seen the kid during campaigns, planning out different attacks with the group, but now he’s kind of excited to see him in action on the court. Kid’s got a good heart and with how strongly he adores the group, Eddie knows the passion has to show when he plays.
So he leaves with a smile on his face and his heart full. He really is lucky to have these people in his life.
“Uncle Wayne! Just the man I wanted to see!”
Just like he expected, Eddie walks in to the trailer to see Wayne watching a game on the couch. It’s his day off and usually that means Eddie lets him have the trailer to relax until dinner time and then they eat together. Eddie’s cut into a couple hours of what he likes to call ‘Wayne’s TV Time’ but he knows his uncle won’t mind.
After toeing off his shoes and hanging his vest, Eddie plops down next to Wayne. The older man jostles with the movement but doesn’t say anything as he turns the TV down. All of a sudden, Eddie is nervous. He knows Wayne won’t judge him for asking, especially once he knows why he needs to know all about baseball. But he also hates admitting he hurt someone, unintentional or not.
“Out with it, Ed.”
Eddie stops messing with his rings at his uncle’s voice. “I need your help with something.”
“You know I always have your back, what’s going on?”
And it all spills out. Trying to play D&D with Steve, the conversation after, his goal to understand Steve more before apologizing properly.
“Sounds like you’re already on track. Whatcha need me for?”
“Well, I’m so glad you asked. IneedyoutoteachmeallaboutbaseballsothatIcantalktoSteveaboutit.”
��How about you try that while breathing?”
“I need you to teach me about baseball so that I can talk to Steve about it.”
Thankfully Wayne has the patience of a saint because Eddie asks him a question nearly every time he goes to explain something.
“How do you know it’s in the strike zone?”
“There’s different ways to throw the ball? And it’s all based off of one guy’s hand code on which one to do?”
“So what you’re saying is that every player has different ability scores that make them better players in different positions?”
“You can steal bases?”
“How come a run isn’t a point?”
“A top and bottom inning? Kinky. Whose idea was that?”
Wayne’s been asleep for a couple of hours when Eddie hears a soft knock at the trailer door. He’d heard a car pull up a few minutes before but just figured it was one of the neighbors finally getting home. He definitely wasn’t expecting to see Steve on his doorstep.
“Steve?” “Eddie-”
“Come in -” “I just want to say-”
Steve huffs a laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners for a second before a small frown overtakes his face. The shadows of the porch make the expression deeper, somber almost.
“Come in for a minute?” He sounds pleading to his own ears, but it doesn’t stop Eddie from backing into the trailer – trusting Steve to follow him to his room. His room is a bit of a mess, clothes on the floor and a couple boxes still left unpacked from when they moved. There’s a a few notebooks laying open on his bed, notes he’d taken today and connections he’s tried to make. He wasn’t quite ready for this talk with Steve but he’s more prepared than he was the other day.
“So, Eddie...I just wanted to say I was sorry.”
Eddie whips around to face Steve, notebooks now in a stack in his hands.
“You’re unbelievable.”
Steve’s brows furrow at Eddie’s words, confusion and indignation filling his eyes.
“Only you would apologize for something that’s not your fault. Unbelievable. Steve, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hut your feelings the other day. I was just so excited for you to be playing with us that I didn’t think about you being nervous about it.”
The indignation in Steve’s eyes fades and all he’s left with is the eyes of a sad puppy dog. He almost looks lost, shoulders hunched in slightly to make him appear smaller.
“What does that matter? I still ruined the fun.” Somehow, he makes himself even smaller. Eddie’s stomach turns at the sight. Steve shouldn’t be so practiced in making himself small and Eddie’s going to do everything he can to get him out of that habit.
“No you didn’t. Us being pig-headed ruined the fun. Stop looking at me like that, come here.” His mattress sinks when he sits and he pats the bedding next to him.
“I mean it, come here. I wanna show you something. It’s what I’ve been working on these couple of days.”
Finally, Steve comes to sit next to him. Unlike so many times before he’s stiff next to Eddie, not letting himself relax.
“So I’m gonna be honest here. I was really confused when you left the other night. Some of the stuff you said didn’t seem like it was really about me. But that doesn’t matter. You know, why?”
A shake of his head is the only response Eddie gets.
“Because at the end of the day, we made you feel like you couldn’t ask questions. I made you feel bad too. So I might’ve reached out to a couple of people for help. If it’s one thing that Wayne’s taught me, it’s to apologize. I talked to Buckley first.”
Finally, a small smile from Steve that stays there.
“She pointed out something I should’ve been able to figure out on my own. We all have our own interests and you always make space for it. But we don’t ever do the same for you.”
“Don’t fight me on this. You always let us talk about what we want, you always host for us; you always look out for us. It’s about time more than one of us takes the time to do it for you too. Anyway, so then I talked with the other sports nerds in my life: Lucas and Wayne. And I came up with this!”
Steve hasn’t stopped smiling which is giving Eddie more confidence by the minute. He grabs at the notebooks he moved earlier, flipping back a couple of pages before leaning into Steve’s space. At the top of the page he’s written ‘D&D vs Baseball’. To Steve, the notes probably look crazy. There’s a couple doodles of dice and baseballs around the page and his writing is messy from where he tried connecting the two while laying in his bed.
“What is this?” Gently, Steve takes the notebook from Eddie’s hands, fingers tracing the rough sketch of a baseball field.
“If you want to give D&D another try, I think I found a better way of describing it.” Eddie’s full on grinning now, knows his dimples are exposed with his happiness. “But, if you never wanna play again I get that too.”
“Eddie.” Only five letters, but Steve still chokes on them slightly. His hazel eyes are filled with tears and the smile drops from Eddie’s face.
“Wait – no, I didn’t mean to make you cry! Was this a bad idea?” He goes to take the notebook back but Steve tightens his grip. Honey eyes lock with Eddie’s even as a tear falls.
“No, this is so nice.” Steve looks at the notes again and brushes at the tears on his cheeks. “I don’t know what all these notes mean, but it looks like you might be on to something.”
Steve smiles at Eddie and sets the notebook to the side. And then Eddie’s being hugged. Steve can’t be comfortable, twisted and leaning like he is – but Eddie hugs back anyway. Wraps his arms around Steve and rests a gentle hand on the back of Steve’s head where he’s tucked into Eddie’s neck. Steve squeezes around his middle once and then backs up, tears no longer falling but his smile remaining.
“Think you can try and explain these notes to me?”
Wanted to tag: @adverbally , @ravenfrog , and @blossomingblueberries. Thanks for your support/interest in another part! I hope this did it justice! 💛
Now officially with a third part! pt. 3
#pre steddie#Eddie Munson#Steve Harrington#Robin Buckley#Lucas Sinclair#stranger things#might make a third part#but thought this was a nice ending for now#valentine writes
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10 years later
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#yuji itadori#fushiguro megumi#nobara kugisaki#itafushi#itafushikugi#jjk spoilers#jjk manga spoilers#least heterosexual group photo ive ever drawn tbh#u have the kings of subtle pda and their judgy lesbian third wheel#this does remind me a lot of the kind of art i used to do jhgdjghdfj#specifically that one furuba main trio piece i did forever ago. same vibe better art#anyway......i tried my best........ i tried so hard#i do not know how old they look . the goal was 25/26 but atp i've gaslit myself into thinking they look the same#especially megumi im so . throws hands in the air in defeat#but idk what else i can do cries at least i like it??? i think???????#i don't know!!! if they look younger than 25 whatever!!!!!!!!#why is it so hard fr me to make chars look older im gna slam my head against the door#maybe its fine. idc <- (lie)#in other news itfs are married fight me abt it . yuuji rockin the right hand ring fr Lack Of Finger reasons#also i am Eating nobara's fit . she might also look a bit younger than intended the more i look at her gDI why cant i have nice things#new hairstyle carrying tbh. i think she would a. grow it out and b. switch the side she parts it on to make Seeing easier#god just take it all tht really matters 2 me is low pony nobara and Rings On Fingers itfs#i did my time in yoi i know how to make wedding bands Work
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I have a question about the jp server pickups, since I really want knight Sebek, but I’m trying to save gems for bloom malleus + the 3rd tsum event that’s gonna show up sooner or later. Iirc, after knight Sebek, the next story update’s pickup had all of the previous story cards (ie cerberus Ortho, general Lilia, and knight Sebek). Is this true, and if it is, did it include a token system like the dorm pickups where you can just do 100 pulls and then buy the specific card you want directly? Because if that is how it works, then I can wait until then and be sure I won’t have to go to 200 for him.
we did indeed get a second chance at those three when 7-7 came out! I'm pretty sure there was not a token system -- though admittedly I don't 100% remember, sorry! 🙇 I took a quick search through some past posts/videos from people who tend to include the gacha and news stuff, but I didn't see any mention of it, so I'm inclined to think there really wasn't one. :( they were all separate pickups with their own pull counts rather than a combined one, if that info helps at all.
speaking as a strict f2p who hoards keys/gems like the lovechild of a dragon and a magpie, given the choice between saving for a story card and a birthday card, I'd go for story -- it does require a lot of patience, but there are way more opportunities to get past birthday cards, both from the anniversary events and the rerun pickups! tsums is a bit harder to say anything on because Eng doesn't follow the same event schedule, but it's a longish event and those pickups let you have a free 10-roll, so I think they're also a bit easier to save up for.
(ALSO speaking of free rolls, starting with the fifth round of birthdays -- the kutsurogi my room ones -- the birthday boy/union jacket/bloom cards have had a separate pickup that you can get two free 10-pulls at by doing missions! I got a bloom Jade from it a couple weeks ago. :D meanwhile general Lilia is the only story card I've ever managed to pull, so...I'm probably kinda biased. whoops.)
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 6 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 6 spoilers#joseimuke games are serious business#just speculating for a moment here#i could be completely wrong about all of this it's just me spitballin'#i suspect we WILL get a rerun pickup for the 7-7 and up story cards at some point#but probably not a third round of the diasomnia story boys :(#we never got a proper dorm rerun for them so i think we'll get that instead#but also that makes me wonder if we're going to maybe not get a story silver card after all...#because like#i realized earlier that since we've been getting main story drops pretty consistently every two months#(we had july + august in a row but september + october were for halloween so it averages out)#if we continue this way that means heartslabyul in january and return to diasomnia in march#which would be timed PERFECTLY for the fifth anniversary#it absolutely could just be a coincidence but. idk. i could see it being a fun place to end 7 on.#(i still think we're getting an episode 8 with grim. just. y'know. the TIMING)#but if that turns out to be true then there might not be time for a silver story card AND dorm reruns...#i mean i'm 100% talking out my butt here so i could be entirely wrong about all of it#(stay tuned for six months straight of training camp events and master chef reruns instead)#i just really want a silver story card okay#we've gotten so much silver angst and yet i demand MORE#unsuspecting anon: hey ego do you remember if there were tokens for the --#me: UUUURGH DELICIOUS SILVER TEARS#(sorry anon) (good luck with whoever you choose to pull for though! your taste in cards is excellent and i understand the dilemma 😭)
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want to be miserable? don't read this if you don't
imagine this being Geta and Caracalla after Caracalla gets worse and wants to feel something and does something to hurt himself again
Why is this making me feel like 20 000 things at once and all of them are VERY COMPLICATED
#tospendalifeindreams#ask#there's. first off. just as is that gifset is such a perfect match#we already have a scene like that.#second. there's context to that scene and I'm just going to. process that for a bit#third. already have one fic that's plotted and like. in every other way a go except for the writing part#and this is a. good match. for that. in ways. but unlike Thomas#Geta doesn't exactly try to make good on his promise in the way that saves Caracalla in that one.#Because there's things you just can't save somebody from. No matter how much you'd like. And sometimes#'safe with me' takes a meaning that others might not agree with#Would Caracalla - at that state? Not sure.#Reasons why we haven't written this fic yet: uhhhh ouch
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Linktober 2024, Day 1, Mirror (Self)
Alright here we go again.
Technically a sneak peak of a bigger thing to come in the future that I'm repurposing, and the result of my final playthrough and readthrough before EoW dropped being Four Swords Adventures and that made me sad about Shadow Link again.
Note that this is for the Four Swords Adventures iteration of Shadow Link that might evolve into an LU Shadow, not Dark Link in either LOZ or LU, I have other plans for him.
This one shot was brought to you by Scars by The Crane Wives, Ribs by The Crane Wives, Ruin by The Amazing Devil and Two Minutes by The Amazing Devil because the author's playlist decided to be incredibly cheeky when they blacked out to write this like an ancient seers being cursed with visions and then called mad and hearing they've been put up for execution.
As always the nature of the relationship can be romantic or platonic, mostly due to the author's time constraints and further plans.
Anyway enjoy the reading!
It was cold.
The sort of cold after a wildfire, when everything's turned back to ash, the sort that left burned your vision white after the flames licked through your veins and left an ache in your bones. He shuddered, coughed black onto the stone floor, shaking with a muffled whimper.
It never got any easier, being dragged from the Dark World and into the Realm of Light, the goddesses' world itself revolting against an intruder, wanting the wound torn asunder into their oh so precious realm cauterized. To purge the intrusion and smite it where it stands.
Too bad for them (and for him), his master didn't particularly care about what the world wanted. Didn't particularly care that he hadn't grow accustomed to the pain or the cold, he had to stand up. There was work to be done.
(Shadow gritted his teeth, willed himself not to think about the prophecy of a golden haired princess- because whether he liked it or not, it was prophecy. As those with divinity running through their veins are wont to spill from their throats so carelessly- of violet eyes and a smile a third moonlight and hands holding a hammer.
It always hurt more, after one of the heroes liberated one of the maidens, or the jewels, the pain lingering for days afterwards and carving a home in his metaphorical bones. But just this once he'd take the cold bite of the Four Swords over the pain in the hole in his chest that Vio's betrayal had left, something that felt so much worse than every other time before.
Just this once he wished that maybe, just maybe, the hurt would be too much to bear, that he wouldn't wake up again-
Why? Why does it hurt so much but he's still here? He already knew the Light was uncompromising and unforgiving, but he thought them at least above curses.)
His ears twitched as soft, almost silent footsteps came up to his side. Someone crouching by his fallen form, setting a cautious hand over his own that Shadow couldn't help but draw away from with a hiss, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the world again, to your face, carefully blank as you guided him to lean against your side, a silver choker with a crimson gem winked mockingly at him, the shade closing his eyes and going boneless against your side.
Shadow was so, so tired.
He heard you quietly sigh, plucking his cap from his head and running your fingers through dark amethyst, smoke and mist made hair. "I told you so."
"Shut up." He grumbled, nuzzling further into the crook of your neck. One clawed hand curling against your free wrist, digging into the skin. Absentmindedly noting there were new scratches just above the metal.
It was routine by now, the warmth of your existence against his own a welcome balm, not quite of the Realm of Light where it's unpleasant, not too close to the Dark World where he felt like melting back into the embrace of the darkness, only to howl in agony at being dragged out.
Memories not quite his own bled into his mind all the time. How you'd shape ice into flowers for the princess in winter with nary a though, of blinking and from one second to the next you'd have whatever sword he had hostage if you though it was time for a break with a smile brighter than the sun.
His master had changed that though. It took months for you to stop trying to claw the collar out and to stop trying to fight Vaati.
(Funny how holding a mage's dragon as a bargaining chip is just as effective as kidnapping a ruler.)
Your gaze flicked to the polished obsidian of the Dark Mirror, to the gold, ornate frame. "The offer is still open, you know. Let me take the suffering from you."
"No." He scowled, leaning back to glare into your eyes, a hint of fangs poking out from a maw struggling to keep the shape of a human jaw, "You helped him. Helped them." Shadow spat, there is that hurt again.
You shrugged, a movement that's just slightly awkward as you flinch, "That I did." You confirmed simply, it almost made Shadow see red as he leaned away, knocking your hand from his head in the process, but if there's anything him and the heroes shared, was a lack of a desire to hurt you. It was a little grating to be honest, "Vio even offered to take me with him, to be honest."
"Then why didn't you leave?" He demanded.
Why did you stick around?
Your eyes shuttered, a hint of conflict in your pursed lips. Before you found your words, they come out softly, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you why. You'll just have to find out yourself."
You tug your wrist from his grasp, and Shadow lets you go.
(Stubbornly pushing down on memories and emotions that arearen'tarenotanymore quite his.)
You stand and turn away, pushing the curtains away from your sight, you turn your tired eyes to Shadow with an emotion he can't put a name to. "Just keep it in mind that there's more than one way to end this. Nothing is truly inevitable."
Shadow watches you go. 'There's nothing that can be done. He tells himself, hand hesitating above the Dark Mirror, briefly, it curls into a fist. The hero's original self stares back at him.
'… Does he really believe that?'
He shakes his head, and focuses on willing the Dark Mirror to show him his counterpart.
His chest still hurts.
#summer writes linktober 2024#lu shadow x reader#well implied#shadow link x reader#lu vio x reader x shadow link#lu four x reader#if we count both Vio and Shadow as part of him which I both do and don't (it's complicated)#lu four x reader x lu shadow#You ever think that considering how Shadow isn't human and a reflection of someone else#that he likely struggles with human feelings and putting a proper name to them?#and that he might share memories and emotions with Four/Link and have a hard time discerning what is his and what isn't#and just possible identity issues in general from being separated from what's essentially every other part of himself?#because I do. A lot. It lives in my head rent free#man I want to write more about this guy#is Reader from Hyrule? Are they isekaied and just doing their best to blend in and somehow ended up a magic user?#Are they a secret third thing or a guide au iteration?#Who knows! (the author does but is too sleep deprived to elaborate)#All they know is that they're have feelings (up to interpretation) for Link and are close to Zelda#that Shadow may have stolen their dragon but they don't want to let him suffer alone now that Vio is gone even though they could have left#and that they would fistfight Vaati if not for their magical restrictions (it will be expanded in it's own one shot)#not necessarily in that order#yes I am adding to Shadow's extensive crimes and making it so that the dragon in the manga in this was Reader's.#They just wanted their scaly puppy back and now they're trapped in the drama and absolutely over it#linked universe x reader#they commiserate with Dot/Zelda over this fact over tea which can probably be an one shot of it's own
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Untamed Heart (1993) - 3/3
#whumpcommunity#untamed heart#christian slater#marisa tomei#whumpedit#whump#i made this gif#aaand the third part#i MIGHT make a fourth part MAYBE#now im tired
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i miss carpisuns sometimes </3
#not necessarily that I regret switching over but i just get like nostalgic for an earlier time in the ml fandom#s3 was soooo much fun for me#and the long hiatus before s4 was also the best. so good wasn’t ready for it to end when it did haha#things just feel so different in the fandom now#both the fandom has changed and I have changed#and of course the STORY has changed#and I like don’t know what to do about that or how to react#cause I am used to being one of the guys who is defending ml’s honor with my life lol#committed to spreading positivity#and I still want to be that guy!#but it’s like. idk. I don’t recognize this story anymore#this isn’t the same story that I fell in love with years ago. but I don’t want to just like Leave??#I do want to see how things play out bc I am still invested in these characters#and I would love to still be part of the fan community and connect with people over a mutual love for this thing#that has been important to me for years and has inspired me to create and learn new skills and make new friends!#but I also don’t just want to shut up and pretend I’m happy about things I am decidedly unhappy about lol#like it’s honestly surprising to me that a only a small minority of the fandom seems to feel the way I do?#and the majority are still super pumped and frustrated at the people who are complaining#and really. I don’t WANT to rain on anyone’s parade. I honestly don’t#I was part of the parade for years! I had the best time in the parade! I don’t want to ruin the good time!#so i try not to be too salty on main ? but i feel like I’m going a little crazy lmao! like I’m just one bitter little miser fhdjjd#i mean i guess it’s kind of a good thing that I moved blogs tbh lol#cause now when i whine only a fraction of the people have to be exposed to it 😂#but man i hate knowing that people might think of me as a salter#I mean it’s valid if people are trying to have fun and do not want to hear my complaining haha#but also do i automatically have to be a salter. are the only options support and defend ml 100% at all times or Be A Salter#or can there be a third category of certified ml lover that is just disappointed in recent events & disagrees with the new writing direction#is that too much nuance for tumblr lol#see maybe that’s why I miss carpisuns. she didn’t have to ask this question. she was only full of LOVE!#but therein lies the irony…like marinette I have made this choice out of love…for what the story once was…what is to become of me now…
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Looks like Idia found the courage to come COMPLAIN at Jade for taking over last poll.
Jade is following protocol, of course 😌
I think Idia forgot about the mistletoe part, and got a little caught off guard 🫢
#cereal tries to draw#twst#uhh i have no idea what to tag this one lol#idiajade#whatever close enough lmk if there's a better tag jkfdshklgj#shipping#anyway yayyy we are getting more third years on the scene now 😎#rip to the first years theyre almost completely isolated in my mind palace JKFHDSLKJGH we'll see if we make it to them...#silver/idia gets another chance at life...#but can they overtake... well tbh i have no idea what to expect anymore LOL#also i put riddle here just bc i think it would be Extremely Funny considering how they never get along ever jkflshkljdsklfj#riddle and cater keep ending up on every poll can you tell i Love Them jksfjklshfjk#i might get to the next part a little later bc#well im setting this poll at midnight ajdflskh and ill be visiting family the next few days#ill have my tablet w/me but this one may come a day later#ill probably keep it going past christmas too bc im having fun with it lol#I LIKE DRAWING. SILLIES...#i do need to go to bed tho oops i kinda neglected other things for this TEEHEEEEE anyway#surprise me with your votes.
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thinking i might leave reqs open permanently and just get to em when i get to em 🤔
#hewwooo :3c#mildly talking to myself in the tags as per usual#also thinking of removing the no gore/etc stuff#it's not like i'm uncomfortable writing that#i just can't usually be bothered with the (half-ish?) third person writing it'd be since angel would not be a present party#unless it's unhinged angel my silly!! <3#couples who slay together etc#andddd might need a “no hostile angels” thing#other chars can be rude/mean to him but angel knows he won't ever bite back with them so it's kinda... TOO shitty on their part to me???#NO ONE'S ASKED FOR IT! but just in case#do i ever make sense
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ford: would you be interested in a dd&md campaign where nothing bad happens whatsoever
stan: what’s the fun in that?
ford: the escape from our chronic depression
stan: …can i raid a dragon’s hoard or somethin
ford: you can. you can even mock the dragon so hard it dies
stan: holy shit yeah i’m in
#one aspect of gravity falls ae’m iffy about: the way d&d is treated. rant incoming#it’s all math and rules and graphs and like ae get the whole point is that they shouldn’t mock dipper just for loving something they don’t#Mbut also like???#yeah no shit they’re not interested. you didn’t show them ANY of the aspects they might actually be into#where’s the crafting? the creating of characters? the worldbuilding? the harassing innocent npcs?#idk maybe ae’m inexperienced but ae have never seen a d&d campaign that uses fuckin graphs#because that’s NOT THE APPEAL ALEX.#the appeal is the escapism. it’s the being able to dive into a fantastical world#it’s the getting to defeat enemies. it’s the being the underdog. it’s the earning a victory. it is the friends we made along the way#and like?? fuck man. ae get the part of the fandom that’s like ‘i don’t get why people write fics making stan and mabel play dd&md’#‘they made it clear they don’t like it’#but damn it have you ever seen a fic like that that’s about the graphs and math and giant rule book?#hell most fics we’ve seen like that use homebrewed campaigns. as in ‘FUCK THE RULE BOOK WE DO THIS OUR WAY’#ae just. ae’m starting to understand why people don’t like that episode#what was the point? to not mock dipper anymore? we’ve had like three episodes about that already#they missed an opportunity to make an episode focused in bonding#an episode that could have explored ford and stan’s strained relationship more#because stan and mabel would have loved the creative aspects of d&d so much#mabel loves crafts! she would have had so much putting together little figurines or a set!#and stan- can you imagine how much fun he would have had with the npcs?#and with the creation of characters! he fuckin loves storytelling!!#ae’m. ae’m sad now. they had an opportunity to bring everyone together through a game that has something for each of them to love#and instead we got ‘we should stop bullying dipper for the third time’ and ‘you can tell they don’t like each other-#-because stan still won’t say ford’s name’#can you imagine if instead of ‘stan throws a hissy fit and nearly gets ford and dipper killed’ we got ‘ford and stan get REALLY into the ga#and their characters and situations start to get kind of personal’?#like! imagine if they had all gotten stuck in the game and the stans had to work together to save everyone#but they still have unresolved issues that they start to work through at the end and thus the episode ends with a hopeful note#like. they share a moment like in the finale when ford and stan smile at each other after the bus leaves#don’t tell us they got a ‘starting to communicate and resolve issues’ moment in the finale because that shit was rushed as hell
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oh, i figured out aya's skill.
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bsd aya#ngl this like is making me lose my mind because she's had one this entire time#and it's so fucking obvious in retrospect#but was like. was introduced. slowly. it was not really obvious at first. but you can look back and see how it's present even in the ova.#anyway i don't mean to tease but i wrote out about a third of the theory and then started cracking open other parts of the story with sarah#and now i'm exhausted so i'm going to sleep#but i am certain. like there is no doubt in my mind. that i know what aya's skill is. it fits textually and metatextually#and explains a cryptic comment asagiri made in an interview.#where he said watch aya. like. most of what's been incredible has been obvious.#but no. you can see her skill. and it's SUCH a love letter to aya koda.#in a way i was worried he wouldn't pull off. because it felt like her skill was going to manifest from the stress. and it would be like op.#which isn't. who she was. she was a subtler sort of brilliant. one who exemplified virtue. and this skill is so. it's so good. it's fitting#it also explains akutagawa's dragon outfit.#like. there are a lot of theories i've had that are theories. this is not one of them. we might get the confirmation next chapter.#unfortunately i will need to lay out some confucian concepts for it to make sense. hence why i'm saving this for later. but i'm.#asagiri is insane i want to pick his brain and also follow him around like mary magdalene and learn from him.
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PALLA GRANDE - charred saints
"charred saints? hah, pretentious as always... but i love a good show." - ines
two very different outfits for the party
#vampire the masquerade#ravnos#lasombra#vtm#charred saints#mine#*23#ines#rafael vargas#palla grande#my third eye opened so wide when I thought of liberty spikes as a halo#i actually love the spikes sm i might just make them part of her design permanently#ines rly leaned into the Charred part while Rafael went for the Saint role lol. maybe one day i'll finish nikifors fleshcrafted outfits..
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Mallachel mallachel can't wait to make 'giving Celebrimbor the finger' jokes
He says mildly, “You may be able to persuade me to cooperate with that,” and is satisfied to see Tyelpë notice and accept the equivocation.
Being exhausted is sub-optimal, of course, but in this case signaling weakness may actually be preferable to signaling obedience. Mallachel is no one’s servant.
#gem writes#silvergifting#mallachel#that last thought is a third age kind of thought#not really accurate in this context but mal doesnt exactly have his timeline sorted out#also the thing about the finger is. this is not annatar making a prosthetic. its annatar mending his clothes#he's arranging some matter that has [technobabble] properties so he can use it as part of his fana#it might remain a coppery color but it also might not#and will probably be otherwise indistinguishable
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Late Night quick thing (New Age Sillies)
Bad news: That joke post about including Reset + Orchid is definitely not canon. (I legit got sad thinking about Reset being in a universe where Orchid isn't- because their stories are so so intertwined- but Nightmare 100% would NOT risk the whole twins exploding Error's soul thing.)
Good news: This means I COULD include Kane (Reset's older brother who usually dies in timelines where Reset is born) and use it to develope his character a bit more! Also! Perhaps a Blue × Dream kiddo is finally in the stars for me to design?
#new age au#really enjoying the idea of Reaper + Geno having an heir at some point (and them sending that heir over to Night's kingdom for#exposure to other places as well as to hang with his third cool knight dad who's hard at work 🙏)#Kane has little to no development besides being a perfect angel (foil to Reset's eventual turn to poor choices) so I'd love to do#to him what I do to every oc of mine. (Namely: Throw them into the Kingdom and see what they do.)#oh! and I could see Blue and Dream (beloved boys) listening to the warnings of possible complications if they try to have a lil babybones#and Dream deciding he'd take the risk and carry the growing soul#(<- though tbf this is MANY years into the future and they'd be well established knights of the realm)#i'm not evil so they *would* manage to avoid the twins curse and have a singular beautiful babybones#they'd get raised partially on the move but stay behind with Night and Error if the two had a more dangerous mission#and grow up to be an obnoxiously powerful warrior following after their dads#(but they'd probably be hesitant to follow into the footsteps of being a knight and might go on a quest with friends before choosing a#final path for themselves)#<- Most spoiled rotten kid ever. courtesy of Nightmare and Error and all their extended family <3#oh last note. Ancha has me cracking up w/ ideas for Cross potentially meeting someone and I was beamed w/ an old ship request post I saw and#I think it'd be funny to include Lust in here somehow... (probably call him smth else as a nickname but y'know-)#like. He works in the city around the castle as some sort of... idk tailor? and he's been making things for Nightmare for years without#knowing because Ccino always was discreet about the orders and providing measurements + always tipped well so it was none of his business#but one day it's like. before a big announcement ceremony or smth and Ccino drags Cross in by the scruff because no one can get him to get#clothes that actually fit aside from armor (hc he steals the others clothes a lot and wears 1 shirt until it's threadbare)#so Ccino makes him go to Lust and Lust is able to get him fitted for sone new outfits because. well. Lust doesn't do much but he's very very#handsome and Cross is super easily flustered and shy around new people and he's awkward and aughhh.#and then he thinks about the interaction for the next month before deciding he's going to ask Ccino to go back there again.#and Lust likes dressing Cross up in new outfits (everyone thinks it's great Cross is loosening up and meeting new friends cuz Lust introduce#s him to people in town) and it takes forever for Cross to get over his worries and ask Lust out to a ride on his horse (romantic. of course#) and Lust agrees because he's charmed.#and the best part would be Cross *actually* manages to keep it a secret. like. no one finds out until one morning Killer bursts into Cross'#room to wake him for surprise training and it's Cross. the weird Dog. and- holy shit did Cross have someone over???#Cross pulls the cool ones frfr 🙏#it's just a casual thing between them with little plot relevance or drama I think. just a chill lil relationship 🙏
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things from the bmc musical which are a reference to the book because i can't stop thinking about them:
the whole zombie apocalypse shtick - first page literally starts with "The room is bright and alive at 8:45 A.M.—I can almost ignore Middle Borough High School's zombie fluorescent lighting." (that is also the only mention of that. Ever.)
jake breaking both legs - jenna mentions her then-boyfriend breaking his leg and having to dance with him while he was on crutches
jeremy's letter he flushed down the toilet - jenna and anne talk about how jeremy is christine's new stalker and gave her a letter (he never wrote any letter. he never said anything to christine, not once, except, "Don't press C7, the Nutri-Grain b sorry i really like this line)
brooke's dog costume - jeremy likes girls with tails.
"You thought that you had him pegged, but now you can tell..." in agtikbi - jeremy makes a joke about how "For a guy, there's something dangling in front of your face or something sticking out your ass." and christine says "So I have to put something in his ass? I don't want to have to wear a strap-on, Jeremy!"
"tall-ass" - originally rich's nickname for michael rather than jeremy
the squip saying "A shared negative opinion is the fastest social bond. You want someone to like you? Hate who they hate." right after be more chill pt. 1 - "I can't tell if Christine likes me or she just hates Mr. Reyes, but one way or another she's talking, and you can't beat that."
michael's friend's brother who took a squip - originally was michael's own brother
mr. heere not wearing pants - in the book, he is completely. naked.
mr. heere going "ten-hut" - jeremy's dad is not in the army, actually
jeremy's whole "should i take the bus or walk" tangent - there's a whole part where he just talks about how no one walks to school and how if you're a junior or sophomore or senior then you have to do this and that to get to school or else you're not cool
#if i missed something or something is wrong just know that i#1. haven't watched the musical in a good while. i refuse to acknowledge canon the only canon is the one in my head and#2. it's also been a while since i read the book. i read it twice and i Do Not think i need to read it a third time#there's also a part where christine corrects jeremy on what millennium of the woman means and that might be#how they decided to make christine's character a feminist but it also might be a stretch so i didn't add it#be more chill#bmc#bmc book#cause for rambles
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I do think the simplest way to fix Romeo as a character is to (among other things) introduce him as like a friendly/silly character you're meant to trust and like. I'm not sure when the injection point would be or how exactly but introducing him this way would make him infinitely more fun and like comprehensible as a character. You'd have to cut out fake-Vos to make it work, but that's fine.
I think this is how I'd roughly handle it (I'm not sure how i'd introduce him per-say, but the idea of when is somewhat settled to me.) i'm not making a mcsm rewrite ok
The above timeline is like roughly the original one (from memory it's been a min) and the below is how i'd revise it. ROUGHLY. Ignore how things are spaced poorly pls
#he'd still do a sort of villain reveal of like ''you know what jesse? your friends are fucking lame. defeat my gamer tower'' and she's :| ok#mcsm#mcsm romeo#in my onion. ok. sorry to my kirby followers (all of them)#might make a sideblog for this#I think the intro fluff would include petra's feelings and she sorta just kicks them down the timeline and they talk later#and because romeo is third wheeling you can get some fun out of that#I think he'd just be tagging along and not flexing his admin muscle for the most part.
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