#might draft a part two ooooh
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Riddle watches New Wish - Post #27
The Battle of Big Wand
Part 2 of reacting to this episode (spoiler-free)!
Cosmo talking about the Big Wand going down: Better check with I.T. Hazel: Just I.T.? No fancy fairy name?
why is this so funny to me
Y'know... I've have a post in my drafts for ages that mocks Anti-Cosmo's castle entrance for not being wheelchair-friendly (because the road is covered in spikes). If he took over and then put spikes on this new road, I'm gonna lose it.
OH, I NAILED my "After thinking about it, this is my final answer" prediction. Dev is in the house! oh, good gravy.
This is the second time he's tried to be a king, and I think it's funny he hasn't tried to be a company president or anything. Not fantasy enough for him.
It's stupid funny to me that Dev just turned 10 and he's got impressive muscles when he flexes. what is this child doing- bench pressing solid gold??
We've been robbed of Dev wishing himself into one of the puzzle games he likes and getting buried under, like... Tetris blocks and having to claw his way out.
That might make a good 'fic; I feel like "wishing to be inside an app" is very correct for him.
??? whaaat does he have? He's got portable wishes of some kind? Is it a shooting star? oh, goodness. Let me think, let me think...
!! Crocker has these in the finale of Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 1. He throws them at the ground near fairy guards to poof them into animals. They're grenades. lmao, Dev got into the Fairy Armory.
Canonically, the Fairy Armory is the only place in Fairy World that still has power during outages, so... epic magic fight with weapons?? Ooooh, I hope so!
Irep is back, I knew it!! Part of me suspected he wouldn't be here because he's not really known for being a team player, but I'm glad he is :) Let's go Anti-Fairies!!
I'm delighted Anti-Cosmo isn't taking lead. Also, for some reason it's hilarious to me that Irep is focused on Hazel and not interested in addressing Cosmo or Wanda. He used to greet them as Auntie and Uncle, and now he's like "I don't need their approval or love."
Uh-oh... Has he sorted out his needy issues? If he's too old for naps and we can't bribe him with hugs, how will we defeat him??
I wanted to see if he uses their honoraries in "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" (since he does it when he's being polite and I knew he was offering food). He doesn't, but I like how Wanda straight-up fed her nephew an apple that puts him to sleep until his true love kisses him, then looks dead at the viewer and says "And then we all lived happily ever after." Is the implication that no one will ever love him, so he's unconscious forever?? omg. Wanda's very black and white view of things is so incredibly funny to me, especially since she grew up in a mob family.
I'm excited to see Dev and the Anti-Fairies. Who would win: the species that invented papercuts, or a little boy who longs for lemonade?
Are you telling me Cosmo and Anti-Cosmo are BOTH intimidated by Irep now? Either this is about to be super funny, or they've switched.
Did Anti-Cosmo finally step up his parenting? Not out of the question; in Season 10, Foop was in time-out for putting spiders in his spaghetti.
(How ironic, considering Foop liked eating spiders).
I rewound and Cosmo jumps when the magic hits, before he sees Irep, so he's not necessarily afraid of him. Also, keeping my fingers crossed for anti-family interactions. I'm really looking forward to a face-off between Irep and Peri; their banter is my favorite and we didn't get much in "Best of Luck."
I'm so glad that despite changing his name, Irep presents himself with the same flair he always did. He is the same person...
omg, his little cufflinks. He's adorable.
For some reason, I've called him "posh British boy" in two previous posts, but... idk why, because he's literally never been posh and I know that. I'm glad he looks like his aesthetic is "bad boy with the tiniest detail of fancy."
I hope he's still friends with Sammy Sweetsparkle :) Maybe they're in a gang. I know there's 0 chance of Sammy being in this episode, but can you just imagine if Foop took out his wallet and there's a picture of Sammy in it.
Actually... if he's got a little metal circle there, I think that implies his jacket is closer to denim than leather. Lemme check......
OH, interesting... Yeah, he and Sammy don't match.
I don't say it enough, but it's really freakin' funny to me that Foop spends a distressing amount of "Certifiable Super Sitter" following Sammy or spying on Sammy and/or reacting to everything Sammy says. He's just Like That... Like, I enjoy the implication that of all the places Foop could go when his parents canonically left him unsupervised for the week, he likely chose to hit up the Turner place in spite of his hatred for Poof because Sammy is there. Silly.
Dev: Yeah, yeah, yeah... and Irep. Joint conquerors of Fairy World.
OMFG, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Was I RIGHT that Anti-Cosmo isn't even at the takeover!? Local introvert hates leaving his house and never wanted Fairy World anyway; more at 11. I'll be there!!
Plot twist, Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda don't actually show up in this episode because they're busy flirting while Irep's away.
I clocked the design aesthetic of the taken-over Fairy World as "This is Irep and Dev as partners; Anti-Cosmo wouldn't do this" so hard. crying. how did I do that. it's not getting better than this.
"Let's get DEV-ious!!"
dlkfgm, once again losing it at Dev using his first name rather than the "Dimm" part of his surname when he makes puns. He's a Dimmadome, but... he's kind of his own twig on the tree.
It is unreasonably funny to me that Irep's wand is so heavy considering he had massive muscles as a child after his Abracatraz imprisonment ("Spellementary School" & "Timmy's Secret Wish").
Also, I am FASCINATED by the decision to give Irep one little zipper tab that hangs off his jacket. Impeccable.
I love this team already. These are two people who are both known for:
- Coming from upper class families - Having parent-related abandonment issues - Not showing a lot of restraint - Only showing restraint when they've REALLY gone too far
Hmm... Oh boy, let me think. We know Dev's [previous] line was that he didn't like his dad shocking people's brains for money, with Dev having strained feelings even when he was trying to convince himself the shocks could be good ("You can help kids!") And he did feel bad about fighting with Hazel, though he's definitely Going Through the Wringer right now.
And Irep's line in the OG series is that he was totally down for:
- Tormenting his parents - Annihilating Crocker for not inviting him to his house party (whom he hilariously calls Denzel when he's mad at him) - Pointing his school's playground slide into the void - Sending Cosmo and Wanda on a dinner date to a black hole - Poof dying (despite the fact their lives were tied together)
- but he wouldn't allow anyone to harm Chloe, who finally introduced him to hugs.
He made it very clear he wasn't willing to face Vicky to save his own life, even on the verge of death, but he'd do it for her or for chicken cordon bleu. And she's not here, and we're all out of chicken cordon bleu. Uh-oh…
- Would Irep rate Hazel hugs 10/10? Inquiring minds need to know. - Is Dev bribing Irep with hugs? Or is Irep just here for the chaos and assurances that Dev's having more fun with him than Peri? - Is Irep bribing Dev with hugs? Are they pumping each other up with positive affirmations?? Go king; continue the healing cycle!
If Irep's parents show up, I hope he's on good terms with his mom, who used to pack chicken nuggets and anti-venom in his lunch box :)
Dev's faith in his ability to not fall off his O-pairs makes me nervous every time he's ever been onscreen.
His dad might let him down, but the O-pairs never have.
[ cnt'd - #Long post ]
All I've been thinking about for ages is an AU where Dev and Mikey Munroe (Bunsen Is a Beast) switch drones for a day, so Mikey's parents freak out that they can't monitor their son 24/7 and meanwhile, Dev just... can't get his dad's attention despite the two-way microphone and camera screen. Also, Mikey spends most of his time making noises into the O-pairs' fans. It's always been my headcanon that Mikey's parents installed the Buxaplenty's and Leadly's security systems (hence the buttons releasing different dogs & the lethal lightning bolts) since I think "ooh, rich people want us" helps justify why his parents are gone for months or years at a time when we know their job is designing home security, so basically... all the cool rich people use them. I actually have a WIP of Mikey and Remy playing near the Buxaplenty train tracks when they were little, but I never found a plot point strong enough to carry it to the end. Anyway, I've been waiting to see what the Dimmadomes have in terms of security, but it's... nothing yet. Plot twist, Dale has trust issues even with the people installing security?? ... I think he'd be friends with Mikey's parents. Maybe. Actually, I might need a 'fic about Dale having a meltdown when he goes home for the first time in 7 years and doesn't trust that Vicky won't sneak in to get him. He needs the world's best security team. It's two terrible parents afraid of literally everything. Yes, they ditched their kid for this. Don't worry about it. y'know... It's really messed up that Mikey's parents are terrified of everything, but they leave their 12-year-old home alone with the pets for months or years at a time, "but it's fine because they're spying on him 24/7 and sometimes give him gifts (like medicated wipes)." His dad is implied to have a fear of germs and I've always wondered if that plays into them not being anywhere near Mikey... Plot twist- We pull a "My Gym Partner's a Monkey" (where the reason we don't see Adam Lyon's parents is because they're severely allergic to animal hair and Adam has to thoroughly wash when he's home and they can't go to school events), but it's Mikey's parents fleeing Muckledunk because they're either allergic or afraid of Beasts. They left their son... Okay, I just checked my notes and I have a line here that says "Mikey's obsession with soft things like animals, beards, and blankets is probably because his parents never touch him." help??
Anyway, I think an AU where Dale hovers over Dev 24/7 and is still a terrible dad would be funny. Instead of neglect, it's obsession... Especially at this age since Dev's as old as Dale was when his trauma started.
... Is Dale putting distance between himself and Dev on purpose because Dev looks exactly like him and is now the age when Dale's life came crashing down? idk if Dale had access to mirrors back then, but that's gotta be weird.
crying at Irep waiting for his cue to pull Dev's flashbacks down from the top of the screen. They rehearsed this. Painfully in-character (In "Secret Wish," Foop claims he waited 10 minutes outside so he could burst in at a dramatic moment).
The way Irep twists his legs gives me Anti-Cosmo vibes.
Rare "Winn without cap" spotted in the wild.
Dev has the room oriented the wrong direction and in doing so, he forgot to include the door. Emotionally, he's stuck in this room. lmao.
Maybe it's a class that's not Guzman's since we know from "Multiverse of Jenkins" that these kids do attend other classes. But... Dev, what's goin' on, buddy?
INCREDIBLY funny to me that Bev sits directly in front of Dev? I gotta go back and fact-check that sometime. Has he been harboring his crush on her because she's right there? That's great!
??? If she DOESN'T sit there then I have to assume Dev is just so Bev-centric that he WANTS her to be there, and that's very funny. Go chase your sporty crush, rich boy. I support you.
Okay, I went back, and it seems his canon seat is between Bev and Kev (with Kev behind Hazel), but Kev vaporizes when we need to center Hazel and Dev onscreen at the same time (such as Dev faking sick and Hazel glaring at him). Oh my glob, he's another witch... Dev, embrace your ancestral witch-hunting for me, plz and ty. It would be funny... /checks my witch notes as a joke and screeches to a halt. Oh my goodness, I could finally get a Soil Tribe child in my roster... I have their magic down as "causes host to fade unnoticed into the background," and it would be very funny to do something magical with the child model. ??? On my first watch of "28 Puddings Later," I don't think I saw that scene of Dev falling over and losing his shades when the pudding throne collapses. Must've missed it while taking notes. That's cute.
I like how Dev's memories are 2D like the photos we've seen throughout the series. Also, Hazel's so dang cute.
I'm glad Dale's pants look the same in both the New Wish and old 2D style despite no FOP character ever wearing anything with that many dots.
I like that Dev's hair is much shinier than his dad's, implying Dale still has the dullness that comes with being soft instead of slick.
- I'm assuming this means either Dev's hair is gelled or he gets that from the maternal side of his family? - idk man, this is very in line with my "Dev's mom is a Leadly" headcanon... At this point, I can't NOT torment him with two very rich and extremely messed-up sides of his family... They both have extreme branding and weird fixations and funky buildings and run big businesses that have brought in incredible amounts of money and they like tech and call people the wrong names... do you see what I see...
I'm DELIGHTED Dale's hair curls up in the back. I've been so sad that he lost his tuft when he grew up. This is clever.
!!! oh yeah, Dale has his dad's stripe! Technically he and Dev both have the stripe, but I love the subtle differences in their hair. While collecting screenshots for an earlier post, I noticed the hair above their ears is combed in different directions, like this:
- with Dale showing the stripe much more clearly than Dev does. I like the implication that Dev's stripe is gold. That's really cute.
I checked, and the gold streak does seem to be in the place he has the Dimmadome family stripes in his 2D form (Eyebrow level). Neat!!
Aw, Irep's a big boy! And his hair grew out blue!! Parents' genes came out kickin'. I did wonder. I think it's funny his mustache and goatee are still black.
Despite losing the black hair, he's not yet immune from "Irep, are you sure one of your parents wasn't actually pixie?" allegations. This is stupid funny to me... In my Cloudlands AU, the Anti-Fairies are always dunking on him for having black hair like Anti-Cosmo's ex-wife, but no one can say anything because unlike Anti-Cosmo's first heir (Talon), Foop was born with the iris virus (colored eyes), so he's "been accepted by the nature spirits" and is heir apparent.
... Seeing this many colored eyes is giving me incredible amounts of anxiety, but it would not be appropriate to clarify why out of context. I like the guy with hair over his eyes and a big hat.
Is Irep leading the charge these days? Do the Anti-Fairies take orders from him?
Did Anti-Cosmo step down!? Because considering how much he hates conflict, I wouldn't be slightly surprised, omg...
I think it's funny that if Dev uncovers any official documents or watches memory clips that flashback to Irep's past crimes, he'd probably be like "Why is there no paper trail for this Irep guy? who tf is Foop?"
WAS that his experience of browsing the anti-web? I have to assume it was- I can't imagine Anti-Fairy World would cross his path without Foop's name coming up.
?? Considering that in my previous post, I said I couldn't think of any reason for Anti-Cosmo to desire taking over Fairy World unless he managed to score the earth and/or godkids out of it...
I'm so glad Dev just dropped "They have to take over Fairy World so they can rule Earth." slkdfj?? okay...
Irep: Now we can rule BOTH! Anti-Cosmo: That just sounds like scoring godkids with extra work.
THEM!! I am once again so intrigued by the lore that A.J. went into parascience and is following in Crocker's footsteps?? You've no idea how much I need to know what the A.J.-Crocker relationship is.
crying at Irep making a peace sign when he gets in front of the camera with Dev. Doesn't he do that in his profile pic on Dark Laser's phone? He's literally the same person he's always been. I missed him so much.
PLEASE do not tell me Dev's full name is Development "Devin" Dimmadome. The quote marks Dale puts around "Devin" are making me lose it.
Dale's partner: Honey, can you stop thinking about business for 5 minutes so we can pick a name for our son? Dale, who comes from a family that usually just slaps their name on things: I got this.
?? I'd LOVE to know what's going on with Dev's mom. Did she die in childbirth and had no say in naming her son, and Dale took over from there? Is she alive, but divorced from and/or passive around him?
Like... I have to assume she had the most exquisite prenatal care through a rich family like this, especially if we assume she also came from a wealthy family cough- Leadlys.
Holy flipping plot twist, does Dev not have a mom at all? He looks exactly like his extraordinarily wealthy dad. Was he just cloned so Dale could pass the business on someday? Did Dale just kinda buy him and wait for the surrogate to hand him over, and he never formed any attachment to him as a baby because he had the O-Pairs / au pairs raise him? lmao!!!
Traumatized beyond belief for 7 years by a girl his age so he trusts absolutely no one and never learned what a healthy relationship was like even with a partner, let alone his son. smh.
Actually, it's very funny to think of him and Vicky splitting up. Like, it was extremely toxic and not romantic in the slightest, but she straight-up identified him when she saw his face in "Operation: Birthday Takeback" even though logically, that would have been 70 years since she was last close to him. She probably knew him pretty well, especially since his hair has changed.
Timmy can't have frozen the timestream any earlier than Channel Chasers in Season 4 when he learns he'll lose Cosmo, Wanda, and his memories when he grows up, which is the reason he cites for freezing time in "Timmy's Secret Wish," and that was 50+ years. It's been 20 more on top of that for Dale to grow up and his son to turn 10. We know Vicky and Doug Dimmadome very, very occasionally crossed paths in later seasons (Vicky tries to sell him the Stryker Z in Season 3's "Engine Blocked").
If anyone cares, this (Season 3) is presumably where Dale grew up unless Doug took him to Dimmadelphia.
Like?? Something about the fact that Vicky and Dale are the same age is funny as heck to me. New Wish canon heavily implies Vicky's been taking advantage of Dale since they were 9, and they might've been friends once upon a time (despite the fact that in both New Wish and the OG series, she can never remember who the Dimmadomes are, lol).
There's no way Doug did a good job of looking for him, or Vicky would've turned him in for reward money. I wonder if Dale had a history of sneaking off to play with Vicky and just never came home one day.
Do you think that after her bossing him around for 7 years, Dale was really messed up and didn't know how to make choices for himself?
Oh, that's awful!! Who would write a 'fic about him running away to look for Vicky and beg her to take him back because he doesn't know how to be a person anymore and needs schedules and instruction? Who would do that?? I'm fascinated by their dark, twisted, and incredibly under-explained vibe. Haha, I'm in danger...
oh no, and Dev even told us his father relies on algorithms over his own thoughts, and we KNOW Dale was upset his publicity team said he should talk to people face to face instead of sending the O-Pairs or hiding behind holograms... A snarky Dev told us he thinks "talking to people isn't [Dale's] thing..." I'm connecting the dots...
hey wtf. does Dale have issues with scraping by in the dirt and dark with limited food and water and nothing to his name for 7 years and that's why he freaks out when he loses money? He can't handle the thought of not having a house??
Holy flip, I wish he'd communicate his trauma to his son, but I'm yelling that we keep seeing hints that he's withholding things from Dev. Like ?? Dale explains his thoughts all the time (in monologue fashion), but he's clearly keeping some things under wraps since Dev didn't have any concept for who Vicky was or why she knew his dad.
I genuinely think Dale doesn't want Dev to know the details. Dev didn't even seem to have a good grasp of why he isn't allowed lemonade, or at least that was my read considering how grumpy he was about it.
omg, this is horrible. who would write a 'fic about Dale taking his son camping and then slipping off to have a total meltdown where Dev won't see. who would do that.
Like, I think at this point they're so rich, you'd have to assume they're not at risk of losing everything if Dale took time off work, but we KNOW he's stuck on that schedule Vicky raised him with (working on Saturdays, which we see him do multiple times), and we KNOW he's always trying to claw his way up despite having the money to buy literally anything he could ever want.
And we KNOW Dale's big thing is that he loses his entire flippin' mind when the money slows down ("You still making sales?" / "Yes, but they're dropping, Dev!") and he's willing to stalk and hurt people to keep it coming in.
Y'know, this is continuing my theory that Doug Dimmadome is probably dead. I legit think Dale lost his support system (possibly around Dev's birthday considering how clingy he is about boots and says they came into his life on that day, plus the golden boots with the "In honor" plaque he has in his house). Daddy's not bailing him out of this one...
Lovely that Dale's first words to Dev after finding out he's taken over Fairy World are "My son." Oh, NOW he wants to talk...
I also find out my son is working with the fey and immediately drop his full legal name.
Why is Dale both the worst person alive and the only dad ever? I need to flatten him with a cruise liner (carnally).
Happy boy... (Dev, don't trust him.)
omfg, Irep's not buying this for a second.
?? I feel like it makes things WORSE that Dale seems at least a little aware of how upset Dev is about the boots? "I'm so proud of my son; it almost makes me want to throw away my boots." - There's no way he doesn't know he's been screwing with Dev's head for the last 5 months. omg.
- Hey, does Dale treat Dev this way because Doug made Dale feel like he was playing second fiddle to his giant hats?? I can't help but notice this whole city has a hat theme, yet Dale doesn't seem to care for hats at all... which is interesting, because we know Dimmadelphia existed way before Doug got here. Doug in my theory: /died 10 years ago Dale: If I touch Dad's hats or add boot statues around the city, he'll totally kill me. - ?? I guess the alt theory is that Dale put all the hat stuff up as memorials to his dad, which doesn't sound far-fetched since again... he keeps THIS in his house:
... Huh. I guess it could be a trophy for Dale instead of a memorial. That's another relevant time to use "In honor." What does it say about me that "omg his dad is dead and he bronzed his boots as a keepsake" was my first thought when I saw this in "Operation: Birthday Takeback" and not "Dale is successful of his own merit"? Obsessed with the implication that Dev's brand image is his sunglasses... Three Dimmadomes go down in history: The Hat, The Boots, and The Shades.
I still think Dale should have a gun. Not to be helpful; just to keep things spicy...
Please go to the Fairy Armory: the one place in Fairy World that canonically keeps power during blackouts. I am begging. I feel like his Southern daddy would want this for him. Doug had a flamethrower.
Is Dev still holding those magic grenades, and what would happen if someone tackled him in a hug?
SDLJKFSDKLFJSDF I'm on the floor. Did I call it? No way... But is Anti-Cosmo only going to show up now that Dev's giving godkids to Anti-Fairies??
Irep: Yo, I'm going to take over Fairy World; anyone want anything? Anti-Cosmo: The same thing I always want: a new child. Irep: wtf
Oh, all that time I spent speculating instead of actually watching the episode the night I started was so worth it. I was really nervous people would grump at me for how I see Anti-Cosmo, but now I feel like I was set up for a slam dunk.
Also, I like how Dev's taken over Jorgen's office. I didn't notice at first, but that's clever.
Dale is so proud despite the fact Dev taped his mouth shut and tossed him aside. That's so funny...
omg, this pit looks dark.
Will Dev torment his dad with lemonade? Is Dale going into the dark torture pit that swings open from the top like a trapdoor, which parallels his underground trauma to a T, or is that going too far?? Is Dev going to dump on his dad about Vicky? Will Dale freak out when he realizes he accidentally hired his abuser of 7 years to babysit his son? Will Dale be joining Club Redheads Who Didn't Get Mindwiped? (I hope not, because Vicky's in it). Will Dev bully his father while he has all this power and then wipe his mind?? So many questions. Find out next time...
#Riddle watches FOP#New Wish spoilers#Dale Dimmadome owner of Dimmadome Global#Dev Dimmadome owner of anguish#Long post#FAIRIES!#Red babysitter#Nerdy blue bat son#The bat with the hat#Dragonfly parents#Big Crock#screenshots#apparently art#The toughest tag#Me rewatching the opening scene of CSS and watching Foop flirt with the kid who likes leather-#-followed by Sammy immediately excited at the thought of Foop in handcuffs: hey wtf#(I'm joking. For those wanting context: Wanda was gonna cuff Foop and take everyone for ice cream; Sammy cheered)#Toxic lemon duo#Anxious Hazelnut
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i love how wm haunts the game's narrative but niren and elliot will always be a part of his life, even when they never show up aside from some mentions or brief cameos.
(did you notice how the street urchins that have been mentioned had blond (niren) in the first scene then red hair (elliot) in the second?)
i also find it funny how the wm au, unlike most aus, virtually changes nothing of the plot LOL
also, also, i'm curious about how the magic system works!
are commoners able to have magic? if so, how powerful can they get? how powerful do they need to be in order to be enrolled in the academy? are they able to hide under the radar if they're powerful?
what about noble bastards? do they get accepted into the academy if their magical prowess is exceptional?
It's such an interesting idea!
(I did not, but ooooh my heart 🥺🥺)
It's kind of like those companion novels to video games or movies that show a different side to the main story. Very cool!
Just gonna pull an excerpt from ch3 here:
There are four main types of magic, known as the Elemental Magics: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. They're the most common, even if different regions might produce a certain element more often. Fittingly, most commoners develop one of these four types, and it is they who journey out into the world to become Adventurers and join Guilds.
Then, there are non-elemental magics, White and Black Magic, also known as Light and Dark Magic. White Magic encompasses any magic that improves oneself or others, i.e. buffs, status effect removal, and healing spells. Black Magic involves the opposite: any non-elemental magic that causes harm, such as debuffs, status effects like poison or slow, and killing curses. No Adventurer Party or Knights Brigade would be complete without at least one or two Light Mages while Dark Mages - due to the stigma surrounding them - tend to work alone.
Dual Magic describes the ability to wield two types of magic, which is rarer. For example, fire and wind or earth and water. Nobles with this ability often become knights and rise through the ranks rapidly, and commoners just barely meet the requirements to be knighted at all. As it stands, there have only been four commoners who have crossed this threshold, the rest of them choosing to instead become high-ranking Adventurers.
Finally, there exists Variant Magic. These are variations of elemental and non-elemental magic, which are much more rare and only appear in nobles. Magma, Ice, Wood, and Lightning are variations of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind, respectively. Every noble family possesses the potential for variant magic, but the Greater Noble Families - of which there are five - each bear bloodlines that birth totally unique variant magic without fail.
Chel was able to enter the Academy only because she possessed extremely powerful White Magic, enough to potentially rival or even eclipse the strongest White Mage currently alive. It's like a one in a million chance. Nobles wanted such a strong and rare mage under their control, so she was permitted to attend. It's all political. Any other commoner would have to be just as uniquely gifted. Of course, no noble would want to set such a precedent. Why, then commoners might start thinking they're on the same level as nobility! 💀
As for noble bastards, it depends on the family in question. If the stain on their reputation might be worse than the potential power gain, they'd probably resort to just killing them. The only reason Elliot survived was because his father didn't know Elliot's mother was even pregnant + Niren and the royal family's backing. On the other hand, if, say, the genuine heir pales in comparison to the bastard, the family might choose one over the other. It varies.
Hope that's what you wanted to know! Sorry for the belated reply. This has been sitting in my drafts, and I completely forgot about it. 😅
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the moment they knew | oikawa, kuroo, kita
characters: hq captains (oikawa, kuroo, kita) with gn!reader words, genre: 1k+ words, fluff hehehe warnings: none! except maybe this is not proofread lol summary: in love, there's a moment where everything falls into place and you realize that there's no one else you'd rather spend forever with. | part two (with ushijima, daichi, bokuto)
he’d once thought that love was something he’d never have time for until you came along
you were one of the most patient people he knew and he liked how he never once felt pressured about his relationship with you
he liked the immeasurable trust you had for him, as well as the limitless support you poured for his love for the sport
once he realized what life was like with you, he couldn’t bear to think what it would be like without you and that’s when he knew
Practice ran late once again for Oikawa. He sighs, burying his face on the pillow and was just about to pass out when his phone rings. Any other instance, he’d ignore it but hearing the special ringtone (the one he’d saved for you) chased away his sleepiness.
“Hey, Tooru! You actually picked up,” you greeted as soon as he answered the video call. “Were you about to go to sleep?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he tries to smile, hiding his exhaustion because he knows how you tend to worry. “I was just thinking about you.”
You chuckle and the sound fills him with warmth. “I miss you. I just wanted to tell you that.”
He’s silent for a while, overwhelmed with the feeling that he missed you more than he thought. He’s unaware of how lovesick he looked through the screen so your sudden question brought him out of his stupor,
“Why are you smiling like that?”
“You know that I love you right?” You nod and he sighs of relief. “And you know that the minute I return to Japan, I’m going to ask you to marry me. Then we’d figure out together where we’re going from there but…”
He takes a peek at your smiling face on his phone, admiring your eyes that beamed of happiness. “I don’t care where you want to live, here or Japan, I'll follow you and as long as you’re with me then I’m good.”
“I’m looking forward to our future, Tooru,” you assure him. “I’m always waiting for you.”
you and kuroo fit together like two peas in a pod. your personalities, though the exact opposite, complemented each other and all your friends thought there was no better match for you than kuroo (his friends realized the same too)
kuroo is usually expressive of his feelings but there was one thing he’s yet to admit
marriage was a touchy topic. he wants it. but the two of you were still in your prime years so he didn’t see any reason to rush
but that was until one day, he woke up with you on his bed and he realizes he wants mornings like these for the rest of his life
“Quit staring at me. It’s creepy.” Your sudden remark makes Kuroo burst out laughing. Opening your eyes, you see him laying on his side with his head propped on one of his hands as he looks at you.
“You have something in your eyes,” he reaches out to touch your face but you immediately cover yourself. You thought it wasn’t possible for him to laugh any louder but he does anyway as he moves to straddle you on the bed. “I’m sorry, sorry. Don’t be mad. You actually don’t have anything in your eyes.”
He pries your hands away from your face and smirks, “How is it that you already look so amazing in the morning?”
Glaring, you hit his bare chest and he tries to stop you. “Do you want anything, Kuroo?” His eyes light up at your question. Kuroo’s suddenly scrambling to get something from his drawer.
It takes him a few minutes before he’s returning to your side, sitting at the edge of the bed and shows you a small velvet box. Your heart rate picks up and you sit up instantly as he opens the item—a ring with intricately designed markings at the side, his initials and yours.
He reaches for your hand and looks at you, “This isn’t the real thing yet but I want you to know that I am serious about you. When the time is right and we’ve both settled in our careers, will you marry me?”
A promise—that’s what he wanted from you that morning. And a promise was what he got when you suddenly knocked his breath away with a kiss.
kita loved the security he felt from his relationship with you
he also loved how you take care of other people around you, putting their needs and his needs above your own
it makes him wonder what he could do for you
the answer is clear to him when he sees how well you treat his family like your own
As he stood in the kitchen entrance, Kita watches with a smile as you assisted his grandmother. His mind then begins imagining a future where he wakes up in the morning, finding you in the kitchen of your shared home. Unconsciously, the corners of his lips turn up at the thought.
Grandma Yumie catches Shinsuke lovingly staring at you and she smiles. Excusing herself, she walks over to where he was standing and ushers him outside.
“Come with me for a second.” He follows her to her bedroom where he sits down on the bed as she rummages her boxes from the drawer. He’s silent as he waits for his grandmother to settle. When she does, she sits beside Shinsuke and asks him to open his palm.
Her engagement ring sits at his open hands and his mouth falls open. “Grandma, what is this?”
“Your grandfather gave it to me.” She hooks her arms around him and brings him close, as if letting him in on a secret. “I can see that you love them.”
He smiles warmly. “I do, Grandma. I…” He hesitates but the words are sitting right at the tips of his tongue, waiting to be admitted. He couldn’t hear himself over the loud beating of his heart and he’s worried his grandma could hear it.
“When you’re ready,” she wraps her hands over Shinsuke’s. “And you’ll know when you are, give them this and start a life together. You’re good for each other and I’m glad you found the person who makes happy. That’s all I ever wished for.”
He squeezes her hands and hugs her. “I’m thankful too.”
#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu fluff#hqcorenet#haikyuucreations#haikyuucafe#oikawa x reader#kita x reader#kuroo x reader#oikawa tooru x reader#oikawa fluff#kita shinsuke x reader#kita fluff#kuroo tetsuro x reader#kuroo fluff#hq x you#haikyuu x you#i actually enjoyed doing this since i'm having a writer's block for any of my other wips hahaha#might draft a part two ooooh
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Pairing: Manuel Neuer x fem!reader (3rd person)
Word Count: 6,018
Warnings: rpf, mentions of age gap (not between reader and Manu and nothing illegal) and strong opinions on that, banter, jealousy, infuriation, fluff and cuteness
Summary: The reader finally catches her long time crush Manuel Neuer alone on her uncle's birthday. Things are quickly starting to get heated—sadly it's not the kind of heated she would have liked it to be.
A/N: Most of you probably don't know Manuel Neuer. He is the goalkeeper and captain of Bayern Munich as well as the German National Football Team and every once in a while I find my thoughts drifting towards that adorable and amazingly talented manchild. This story has been sitting in my drafts for far too long and I wasn't sure whether I felt comfortable with publishing it in case it ever got finished. But I found that there is an intolerable lack of Manuel Neuer x reader fics on here, so here it is. I tagged everyone from my general tag list, but I understand if this is not what you signed up for. So sorry in advance and please feel free to ignore this story at your leisure.
Picture found on Pinterest
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. Please don’t copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.

It was only a few minutes to midnight and still the dance floor was as filled as ever, an enchanting mixture of young and old people alike. The bass rolled deep in his stomach, making him even queasier than he already was, and the lights, flickering across the mass of moving bodies in sync to the rhythm of the music, didn’t help either.
Suddenly a figure broke through the outer wall of bodies and made her way over to his table. A small smile crawled over her lips, a little shy but genuine, yet he didn’t feel like returning it. He had hoped that she would change her mind upon the disgruntled look on his face, but much to his dismay, she did nothing of the sort and sat down right next to him, just as a waitress passed the table with a tray of colourful shots. The woman next to him stopped her, before she turned to him.
“Care for a drink?”
Did he care for a drink? He yearned for one.
“No, thanks. I’m not really fond of drinking.”
“Shame,” she shrugged, her smile growing a bit wider when she took two shots from the tray anyway. For a second he thought she might actually force him to drink with her, but then she placed down the two glasses in front of herself. Raising her first glass to him, she gulped it down in one swig, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand afterwards.
“Do you care for a dance then?” She nodded over to the dance floor, her eyes and body inviting him to take the offer.
He found that he somehow couldn’t hold her gaze when he answered, “I’m afraid I’m also not very fond of dancing.”
Her forearms resting on the table, she leaned closer, obviously not taking the hint that he just wanted to be left in peace and quiet.
“Then what are you fond of?”
“I think you know pretty well what I’m fond of.” To his own surprise he sounded even harsher than he had attempted to, but the last thing he needed right now was an eager fan trying to engage him in a conversation.
“I do,” she retorted undeterred, “but that’s not what I wanted to know. See, you might not have noticed through all your sulking, but I was actually interested in you as a person, not as a footballer.”
He huffed, although he wasn’t sure she had heard him above the music.
“And you might have noticed that I am not interested in talking about private stuff to complete strangers.”
Sure, he was being massively impolite, but at least he hoped that this would do the trick now. But instead of finally leaving him alone, she shot him an amused look.
“Ooooh, grumpy, aren’t we?”
Now it was him who leaned in closer, making sure she could hear him properly. “Look, it’s nothing personal, okay? I just...it wasn’t such a great evening for me.”
Unintentionally his eyes wandered over to the dance floor for a split second, where a very young, very blonde girl was dancing happily among his teammates and their wives and girlfriends. Cursing himself, he looked over to the woman by his side carefully, hoping she hadn’t noticed. But of course she had, her eyes still fixed on the girl.
“Ah, I see.” She turned to him and the glint in her eyes made his stomach turn. “Puberty is a bitch, eh?”
“Excuse me?” he spat, equal parts bewildered and stunned.
“You heard me alright.”
Who did she think she was? Impertinent woman.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” The volume of his voice must have slipped his control a little, as he noticed a group of elderly men standing nearby turn into his direction. Still the woman’s smile never left her face, appeasing the men who turned away again.
“Really? After all I have to sit here with a pissed thirty something man who refuses to acknowledge he let his hormones get the best of him.”
“Whoa! Okay, first of all, it was you who decided to come and sit at this table and second, again, none of your goddamn business.”
Her answer was a simple grin, still not fazed by his anger in the slightest. It almost felt as if she was enjoying to get him riled up.
“You’re right.”
“What do you mean ‘and’?”
He rolled his eyes heavily. Why couldn’t she just leave?
“You know, that phrase usually goes with an apology. Like ‘You’re right. Sorry I assumed you’re having a mid-life crisis and bang a chick that is 15 years your junior to boost your fragile ego.’”
“Do you?”
Inhaling deeply, he tried to calm himself a little. After all, he couldn’t afford to yell at her again, not that he didn’t want to, but causing even more unwanted attention was not in his plans for tonight.
“I didn't say that.”
“Well actually,” she looked at him triumphantly, “you kind of did. I never said you were having a midlife crisis or that you need her to boost your ego. Those were your words. And seeing that my assumptions caused a reaction like that, I’m afraid I can’t really say I’m sorry either.”
All right, that was it. Enough was enough.
“Look, I think I have an assumption for you too, lady. I’m starting to assume that you only came over here to rile me up further. And guess what, mission completed. So why don’t you do us both a favour and head off to pester someone else now?”
She was quiet for a moment and for the first time, the cheeky smile left her beautiful, burgundy lips. He had expected her to be a bit shaken at least, maybe even as pissed as himself, and yet the next words were spoken with such dignity that he couldn’t help but admire her a little for it.
“Oh, I would love to say you’re right again, but I���m afraid I can’t this time. And since we seem to have warmed up to each other quite a bit by now, I feel it’s okay to be completely honest with you.” She paused a second, simply for the effect, he guessed and her warm eyes never left his. “I came to sit with you because you looked miserable. Still do, by the way. And I thought you might need an actual grown up to talk to. But it seems I was wrong. You’re just a pouty manchild, like the rest of them.”
She waved her arm, pointing over at the dancing crowd of his friends and their spouses. His eyes followed her gesture and when he laid eyes on the heart of the matter, a hot flush of rage began to swirl through his veins, making his hands clench into fists. Fully set on giving her a piece of his mind, not caring who might hear him at this point, he turned to her again. But the familiar figure that had somehow entered the picture without his notice made him stop in his tracks.
“Here you are, sweetie.” The man cooed, laying his large hand on her shoulder in a protective gesture. “I almost got the feeling you were hiding from me since I made you promise to dance with me tonight.”
She twisted her slender neck to look up at his gentle face, her attention making him smile sweetly at her.
“You know I’d never do that to you, Uncle Hans, especially not on your birthday. I just thought your no. 1 goalkeeper here was in need of some mature company, but clearly he is perfectly happy with the way things are.”
Bewilderment flickered behind the coach’s gaze as he looked between his niece and one of his best players and Manuel was sure that this might not be the last time they would speak about this matter.
“So then, may I have that dance now, sweetheart?”
“With pleasure.” Manuel watched almost transfixed as she gracefully took her uncle’s hand and stood up. It was only now that he noticed how perfectly her dress showed off her voluptuous curves. He was almost certain that she would leave without another word when once again she proved him wrong. Turning on her heels, she grabbed the remaining shot and gulped it down in one large swig before she looked down at him, almost as regal as a queen.
“Have a pleasant evening, Mister Neuer. I’m sorry I can’t say I enjoyed our conversation more. Oh, and just in case you should ever feel in need to talk to a grown up, don’t call.”
She could still feel his piercing look on her back as Hansi led her through the crowd and away from him. They had just begun to dance when the song changed and a much slower tune echoed through the large room. With a smug grin, her uncle pulled her closer, bringing his hand to the small of her back. Cheek to cheek he swayed her to the beat and she could feel that her mind was almost beginning to slow down, when he decided to pick up a conversation.
“Will you tell me what that was all about?”
She bit her lip like a little girl that was about to be scolded. “Do I have to?”
He chuckled deeply, the vibration rumbling against her chest and she could easily imagine the self-satisfied grin on his face.
“I’m certainly not going to force you. It’s just, you know, I always thought you kind of liked him.”
Instantly, she could feel her face heat up. How could he possibly know that?
“True. Liked, as in past tense. And besides, it’s not that I actually know him, personally, I mean. You could perhaps say I admire his talent, at most. And he also may be kind of easy on the eyes.”
She had become more and more quiet while she spoke, merely mumbling the last sentence. But he had heard her nonetheless, her silliness making his lips twitch in amusement.
“Hm. I clearly remember your aunt begging me to invite him over for a barbecue party last summer, telling me that you wouldn’t shut up about his quiet reserve, his amazing performance on the field and his stunning smile. Sadly he didn’t have time.”
She gulped audibly, tensing up a little in his arms, which made him enjoy their little talk even more. “So, what changed your mind?”
“He did,” she said a little too quickly, before she sighed so heavily that her uncle almost regretted bringing this topic up after all. “It’s just, I don’t understand his choice in women. I mean, he could choose literally anyone, so why her? I mean, she clearly doesn’t make him happy.”
“And how do you know that? You have spoken to him for what? Like five minutes?” He turned them around, making her face the gloomy goalie once more, before he went on. “I might be wrong, sweetheart, but I think you’re just jealous.”
Over his shoulder her gaze met Manuel’s for a split second before his eyes shot to his right, where the blonde teenager stepped into the picture, blocking him from view. She sat down on his lap, her arms dragging around his neck possessively, as her lips met his in a feverish kiss. Averting her gaze immediately, her eyes darkened and her heart clenched heavily in her chest.
“If by jealous you mean disenchanted, you’re right.”
Her bitter words made him loosen his grip on her so that he could see her face, and the hurt in her eyes pained him more than he cared for.
“I know you probably won’t believe me, but he really is a good person.”
She scoffed while her incredulous eyes landed on her uncle’s soft, blue orbs. “Well, he certainly hid that pretty well.”
He gave her a tight lipped smile. “I think he’s just lost his way a little at the moment.”
“So you think I’m right then?”
The excited sparkle in her eyes made him regret his honest words a little.
“I didn’t say that.” He protested strongly. In the end it was not for him to judge his players’ private lives. “After all he is a grown man and he can decide for himself.” He could see her face fall again and so he was quick to add, “Nevertheless, I don’t think you’re completely wrong either.”
He was very pleased to see that his words had caused a small smile to crawl back to her pretty lips. He almost felt like a proud father and when she finally leaned back in a bit closer, her forgiving gesture almost made him a bit bold.
“So, uhm, one more question, sweetheart. In the unlikely event that he should after all need a grown woman to talk to, can I give him your number?”
“Certainly not,” she insisted with a steady voice, but when she looked at him, the adorable grin on her face left no doubt that this was the biggest lie she had ever told.
Manuel was furious as he watched her leave towards the dance floor with the coach. How could she dare call him out like that and then leave without giving him the chance to set her straight? His eyes fixed on her, he watched as Flick pulled her closer, his eyes following her uncle’s hand to the small of her back. Being the gentleman he was, his hand had found the only spot on her back that was actually covered by the dark red fabric of her dress. And for a second he imagined what it might actually feel like to let his hand wander upwards until it covered her bare skin. Or maybe he could let it slip down a few inches, until his fingers would grasp the soft flesh of her behind. He had just been able to fully picture the exact feeling of her body pressed up to his when he could feel the man who actually held her in his arms catch his indecent look on his niece’s back. Immediately he sat up straight, averting his gaze, completely missing the amused smile on the other man’s face, and when he turned back to face him, he almost lost it when he found her sparkling eyes instead.
He was still trying to figure out what had happened, when he heard a familiar voice calling him.
“Hey, babe.” The high pitched noise made him flinch and instinctively his eyes shot to his right, just in time to pull his arms away before she slumped down onto his lap clumsily. She laid it on thickly as her arms wrapped around his neck.
“I missed you on the dance floor, honey bun. Why don’t you come dance with me?”
And before he even had the chance to answer, her lips crashed down on his mouth almost painfully, her tongue forcing his lips to open. The stench of alcohol filled his mouth and he pushed her drunken form off of him determinedly. Before she even had the chance to protest, he lifted her up and placed her in his chair.
“I don’t think dancing is a good idea in your condition.” She glared at him, but then she seemed to have forgotten what for and her lips turned up into a sheepish smile.
“Whatever you say, babe.”
“Look, why don’t you just stay here and I get you a nice, big glass of water to sober you up a little?”
She began to nod, but then her eyes lost focus und she stared past him at god knows what.
“All right, I’ll be back in a sec. Don’t go anywhere.”
Quickly he made his way over to the counter and ordered a whole bottle of water, when he felt the slap of a hand on his left shoulder.
“Wow, you look even more frustrated than after our knock out at the World Cup in 2018. What happened?”
“Don’t ask.” He sighed as he turned around to face his friend. Manuel hoped that he would accept his wish, but when he saw the apologetic look on Thomas’ face, he instantly knew that he wouldn’t drop the topic.
“Too late. I just did.”
With a dramatic roll of his eyes, the next words were spoken more to himself than to his teammate.
“Great, just what I need. Another pain in my ass.”
“Another? Who was the first then?” Obviously Thomas had taken no offence and sounded a bit too cheerful for Manuel’s liking.
He looked over at the dance floor, where the impertinent woman was just sending her uncle the most beautiful, cheeky grin he had ever seen.
“Who? Y/N?” his friend asked incredulously.
Y/N. So that was her name.
“You know that annoying woman?”
“I do, although I can’t really say she’s annoying. Met her at the coach’s home once. She seemed rather sweet and intelligent to me.”
“She certainly hid that pretty well,” Manuel growled under his breath, earning him a surprised frown from Thomas.
“Are you gonna stand here and stare daggers at her or are you gonna tell me what she did to make you throw a fit?”
“She approached me out of nowhere to tell me that I’m dating a teenager to compensate my inability to commit to a partner on eye level.”
Thomas let his words sink in for a while.
“That doesn’t really sound like her. I mean, what reason would she have to come at you like that? She doesn’t even know you.”
Manuel sighed, thinking about the way she had somehow coaxed the statements from him instead of making them herself.
“Well, she might have phrased it differently,” he admitted meekly. That seemed to spark Thomas’ interest even further and he could feel his expectant look on him, pressing him to finally tell the whole truth.
“Actually she didn’t say it like that. She only made an allusion and made me somehow say those things myself.”
“Mhm. And exactly what allusion did she make?”
Manuel rolled his eyes again, his ego still fighting to repeat her words out loud.
”She said puberty was a bitch, clearly hinting at the fact that she thought my girlfriend was too young for me.”
He hadn’t even finished his sentence when Thomas’ roaring laughter filled the air.
“Now that does sound more like her.”
He needed a bit to contain himself when he suddenly looked up at Manuel with an unusually serious expression on his face.
“And I have to admit, Manu, she kind of has a fair point there.”
Manuel could not believe his ears.
“Come on, man. It’s what everyone thinks. She just said it out loud.”
“Fuck you.”
But instead of rising to his expletive, Thomas just looked at him sympathetically. Pushing himself off of the counter, he pat his shoulder in an attempt to encourage him a little, ready to leave him to his self-denial.
But then he stopped. “You know, I personally didn’t have a problem with it. You’re an adult, you can make your own choices. As long as you’re happy, right? But the truth is, Manu, I don’t think you are. Not anymore.”
“See, I told you he wouldn’t be here. No need for all the panic beforehand.”
She narrowed her eyes at her cousin, shooting her a dirty look.
“Yeah, and I hope it’ll stay that way. Oh, and for the record: I wasn’t panicking at all, it was just you and your sister’s sudden eagerness to lure me here that got me suspicious and nervous in the first place.”
“We didn’t lure you here,” her other cousin piped up a little offendedly. “We simply wanted to spend some time with you. Come on, it’s been what, like 4 months now? Since you moved to Munich three years ago, we hardly get to see you anymore.”
“You and our father,” her sister added quickly. “So it seemed the best option to kill two birds with one stone and bring you along. After all it’s called a family day, right?”
Y/N sighed, not fully convinced, but finally ready to let the topic go.
“Right. Let’s just hope for your sakes that there will be no surprises today that might prove your guilt after all.”
“How are my girls doing?” she heard a familiar voice from behind her back, turning towards her favourite uncle with a beaming smile. What she didn’t see, however, was the brief look that was exchanged between her cousins as soon as she had turned her back, proving exactly what she had suspected all along.
“We’re good, dad. Actually, we’re more than good, we’re excellent,” the older cousin chirped.
“Great.” He paused a moment, but it was clear that he had more to say. Rocking back and forth on his feet, he looked from one woman to the other. “So,” he began carefully, before a huge Cheshire grin spread across his face. “I hope you all reserved a dance for me tonight.”
“Oh, no, daddy, not again.”
“Please, don’t make us do this.”
“There will be dancing here? If you had told me that beforehand, I certainly wouldn’t have come.”
“Of course there will be dancing. I thought that was obvious.” He had to try very hard to look a little slighted, while he actually drew a horrendous amount of amusement from their antics. “Remember, girls, we have a tradition to uphold. Whenever there is some dancing at a party, you have to reserve at least one dance for me. That’s the rule.”
And with that he turned and left them on their own again.
“Ugh, why does he always have to do that to us?” her younger cousin whined.
“Oh stop it, silly. You’re the one who likes it the most and everyone knows.”
She had been the first to pay tribute to the family tradition and after a very exhausting Discofox dance session, luckily one of her cousins had taken over from her. Kicking off her heels, she welcomed the feel of the cool grass underneath the soles of her feet. Walking over to one of the empty tables, she slumped down heavily into one of the comfortable looking chairs. With a contented smile she let herself fall back against the backrest, closing her eyes and breathing in the mild air of the warm summer night.
“Care for a drink?”
His voice made her jump, sitting up straight immediately, eyes shooting wide open. And there he was, two shot glasses in his large hands and grinning down at her, obviously very satisfied with the slight scare he had just given her. He looked amazing, the smug bastard, in his casual jeans and white shirt, two buttons undone, topped with a sporty black jacket. She highly doubted that she had ever seen a finer man in her entire life. Luckily that didn’t make her lose her sharp tongue.
“And here I am thinking that you weren’t fond of alcohol. What happened?”
He smiled sheepishly, only one corner of his mouth tugged up, when he handed her her drink. He took his time, grabbing a chair and positioning it opposite hers, then sitting down carefully, not wanting to spill the shot all over his chest. She had already come to think that he was trying to avoid her question after all, when he locked eyes with her and finally began to speak.
“Hm. It’s been a while since I last saw you. A lot of things happened, you know. Maybe it was finally time for me to grow up.”
“Hear, hear.” With a mischievous smile she raised her glass. “To your coming of age, then.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “If you insist.”
His magnificent blue eyes never left hers while they chinked glasses, and a second later she could feel the more than welcome liquid moisturising her suddenly very dry mouth.
With a thud, their glasses landed on the table, both of them chuckling like giddy children when their eyes found each other again and then, for a moment, there was nothing but silence. The world seemed to have zoned out, leaving behind nothing but his aquamarine orbs and the wild smile on his face.
Just gradually, the world seemed to set back in again. There was the monotonous clitter of the crickets, overlaid by the muffled sound of the music that was carried over by a soft breeze, and loudest of all she could hear the beating of her own heart against her chest.
“What else has changed now that you are a proper adult?” she heard herself ask, not having the faintest idea where those words came from and how the hell she managed to deliver them so smoothly when her whole body seemed to have gotten out of control.
He took a quick look over his shoulder, his thumb pointing in the same direction.
“If you mean the dancing, I’m still not very fond of that.” Her face must have fallen a little because he was quick to add, “Except...”
“Except what?”
His eyes landed back on hers and she almost choked on her hitching breath.
“Except I think I could make an exception for the right partner.”
From the corner of her eye she registered a movement between their bodies, but she was hesitant to let her view stray from his captivating appearance. At last it was something in his eyes that looked at her expectantly which finally made her snap out of her trance.
Looking down at his hand sheepishly, it took her a while to fathom that he was actually asking her to dance with him.
Slowly her eyes wandered up to his again, asking a silent question, which he answered with an almost imperceptible rise of his eyebrows. And before she knew what she was doing, she laid her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet.
He had just turned towards the source of the music, when she suddenly held him back.
“No, wait.”
With a puzzled look he did what she asked of him and let her twist him back around.
“Why don’t we just stay here? The music is loud enough anyway.”
A gentle smile curved his lips. “Sure, if that’s what you want.”
She nodded softly, her teeth biting down on her lip in excitement.
And before she knew what was happening, she found herself secured against his chest by his firm grip. It felt like being pressed up to a hot furnace which she would usually have appreciated any other time, but on a sweltry night like this and in a place she had wanted to be in for so long, it was pure torture. And as if this wasn’t bad enough already, his strong fingers pressed down on her lower back, threatening to scorch her even through the fabric of her blouse as he pulled her an impossible inch further into him. He was so close now that she could sense the heat radiating off his cheek as well, bringing along a whiff of his enticing scent and she couldn’t help but close her eyes as she inhaled deeply and her head began to spin. It was odd, but her mind was completely blank by now, blank except for one thought and her lips spread into a blissful smile as she repeated it in her head again and again, relishing in the feeling that if either of them moved just the tiniest bit, their cheeks would inevitably touch.
Slowly they moved and despite the unhurried shift of their bodies her heart was beating so violently that she thought it pondered jumping out of her chest to meet his. There was no chance he wouldn’t be able to tell from the way he held her, and when he finally drew away a tad to look at her, she fully expected him to call her out for it.
But he didn’t. Instead his sinfully soft lips curled into a reassuring smile before he spoke.
“You were right.”
“I beg your pardon?”
A cute chuckle escaped his mouth, leaving the corners of his eyes crinkled in the most beautiful display of amusement.
“About what you said at your uncle’s birthday party.”
“Oh.” She had said a lot that evening, words that she had come to regret later and remembering them now set her cheeks on fire. “About what exactly?”
“About everything,” he admitted without hesitation, yet he couldn’t hide the spark of misery that flitted across his sea blue orbs. “Didn’t take me very long after that night to finally see things clearly.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” It was true. Although she knew that she probably sounded like a madwoman after everything she had confronted him with back then, at least the frown on his forehead seemed to confirm that. “I truly am. I really would have liked to see you happy.” Even if it was with that girl.
She was glad she had managed to keep that last bit to herself. She had no idea why she had said that she was sorry in the first place, but judging by the wild smile on his face it must have been the right words after all.
“Well, I certainly am happier now than I was that night.” He shrugged. “So, thank you, I guess.”
She huffed. “For what? Making absolutely inappropriate remarks on your relationship? I shouldn’t have done that. I know that now. So it should be me who is sorry here, don’t you think?”
She could feel his fingertips press into the soft flesh of her back.
“Don’t be. I guess you were exactly what I needed.” It took him a second before he realised what he had just said. “I mean it. It was exactly what I needed.”
His eyes snapped to the left and she was thankful that he couldn’t see the grin that decorated her lips as she watched the treacherous colour creep into his cheeks, spreading all the way to his ears. For a while he didn’t say another word, probably still trying feverishly to figure out a way to take back his slip of the tongue. And when he finally spoke, she wished he hadn’t.
“There is one thing though that I have gone over and over in my mind. But no matter how long I think about it, it just won’t make sense.”
She already knew that she wouldn’t like where this conversation was heading now, but she found herself asking nonetheless.
“And what is that?”
His head turned without a warning as his eyes searched her gaze and for the blink of an eye his lips came so close that she couldn’t say if they had actually brushed along hers or if her needy heart had just imagined their brief touch. He didn’t answer her question right away, his breath blending with her own in the narrow space between their faces and suddenly she wasn’t so sure anymore if she had really only dreamed up their fleeting foretaste of a kiss.
“Why did you do it?” Panic rose in her chest. She hadn’t done anything. After all it had been him who had turned his head. But as he went on, she realised that he wasn’t referring to that at all and the suffocating distress eased away bit by bit. “I mean, we didn’t even know each other when you decided to come at me like that.”
Now it was her who had to avert her gaze.
“I think I don’t really want to answer that question.”
“Why not?” His voice was so soft and gentle, making it even harder to answer him.
“Because the truth might be kind of ugly.”
“But the outcome wasn’t, so I think I’ll take that risk.”
Her feet stopped their mechanical movements as a violent shiver ran down her spine. So this would be it then. It would be over before it had really begun. Pity. But at least she would have the memory of these few minutes, of his genuine smile and the way he had held her tight against his chest. With a deep sigh she bid their daydream of a dance goodbye.
“I could tell you now that it was for some noble reason, but at the bottom of it all I think it was nothing more than jealousy that drew me to your table that night. I had been unable to ignore you all evening — ignore her. The way she behaved like a spoiled brat, drinking and losing control, not caring in the least that she not only made a fool out of herself but of you as well. God, I hated her in that moment, for having everything I ever wanted and riding roughshod over it. And when I saw you sitting there, looking so utterly crestfallen, somehow I couldn’t help it.”
An undefinable silence settled between them and the only sound that remained was the beat of the music wafting over from the party that went on behind his back. The faint whisper of the melody seemed to push itself up between them and tear them further apart, exactly as she had expected. And just like the bass, her heartbeat slowed until it died away completely.
It was over and everything she wanted to do was let go of his hand so she could do him the favour of leaving, but to her astonishment he refused to set her free. And rather then releasing her from his grip, he squeezed her hand, briefly and just once, but it was enough for her to find the courage and face him. But instead of finding a frown or a scornful pair of eyes, his blinding smile made her forget to breathe for a moment.
“I had hoped you might say that.” And with that he pulled her into his arms again and continued swaying her to the music as if she had not just revealed her repulsive self to him. Her brain still a step behind, she couldn’t do anything but stare up at him stupidly.
“What? Why?”
“Isn’t that obvious?” And when she shook her head like a petrified imbecile, an amused chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Because even though your behaviour was extremely infuriating, I have to admit that I like you. And asking you out on a date will be so much easier now that I know you like me too.”
With a violent jolt, the useless muscle inside her chest started to beat again, its heavy pounding filling her ears with white noise as the world around her started to spin. Unable to stop the motion, she felt herself leaning in, her nails digging into the undoubtedly expensive fabric of his jacket as she desperately tried to gain control over her unruly body.
“So, will you go out with me?”
It seemed like an eternity until she finally mustered the strength for a mechanical nod. Neither had she noticed in her struggle that he had stopped dancing, nor that the priceless look on her face had made his eyes and heart go soft for her.
“Great. That’s settled then. When are you free?”
It was only when he took a step back, taking his warmth with him as his hand slipped out of hers, that she snapped out of her trance.
“Now? Like right now?”
More like now as in before she could screw everything up again.
“Yes, why not? I know you have a busy schedule, so finding a date when we are both free might be tough. And above that, it is a beautiful summer evening.”
Had all those words really fallen from her mouth right now? Embarrassed about her lack of composure, her hand flew up to her mouth, making him smile again.
“I guess you have a fair point there.” And just like that, his hand was there again, fingers entwining slowly with hers like they had never been meant for anyone else. “All right then, let’s get out of here.”
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#manuel neuer x reader#manuel neuer x you#manuel neuer fanfiction#manuel neuer#football au#manuel neuer fanfic#manuel neuer fic#manuel neuer imagine#manuel neuer rpf#assumptions
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Cheers, darling | th x fem!reader
@follow-tom-holland-is-spiderman asked: DAMN IT I JUST REMEMBERED. May I please request a tom x reader blurb where TOM BRINGS CHAMPAGNE AND THEY CELEBRATE SOMETHING TOGETHER *cough* sound familiar?! *cough* I love you my pêche so feel free to turn it into what ever you want 🍑 💕
Warnings: lots of fluff and cute gestures, SMUT including unprotected sex (wrap it up kids, even on pill), drinking (drunk sex maybe?? not that much), swearing, teasing, dirty talk an oral (f and m receiving).
Word Count: around 5.1k (christ)
A/N: ooooh my lovely cheeky little shy 😏✨ trust me, I did NOT forget about that request of yours but like... idk it was still in my drafts for some reason? oops I guess 😂 oh! and I decided to make it a oneshot hehe 🙊 did I get carried away? oh 1000% yes. but do I regret it? ... NOT AT AAAAAALL 🙈 anyway enjoy this one and stay safe, sweetheart 💖
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event
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You yawn.
The living room is plunged into darkness, the only ounce of light coming from the tv screen. Today at work completely tired you out as your lunch break only lasted ten minutes. Just thinking about it gives you a headache. But stopping by the Thai restaurant on your way home to get some takeouts was the brightest idea of the day. And now your belly was full and pleased, in comfy pyjamas and messy bun.
Later, a knock on the front door draws your attention away from the cheesy slasher your were currently watching all evening. Intrigued, you slide off the couch and makes your way over to the door with a frown, wondering who could this be so late at night. Turning the knob and sliding open the door, you are actually mildly startled to see Tom, your boyfriend, with his signature smile and both his hands occupied on her doorstep.
"Hey, darling! Surprised you, huh?" Tom chuckles, sliding past you as you give him both a tired and confused look but don’t bother to say anything yet.
You were not supposed to see each other until tomorrow for lunch, as the boy had a few meetings all day today but also the next day in the morning.
"I sent you a couple of texts but didn’t get any answer” begins Tom while walking through the dark living room, switching the lights on as he keeps walking.
“I thought you might be asleep already, but now I'm really glad you're awake" Tom hums as he heads to the kitchen to put on the counter what he brought, you soon following behind him. “We can celebrate together, it's almost midnight!"
"Uhm- celebrate what, Tom?"
"Your birthday of course, silly!" he stares at you wide eyed. "Even if we planned to celebrate it tomorrow as it’s your day off, I wanted to make something a bit more original and do it a first time as midnight passes. So I manage to make all my meetings today and have all tomorrow free to be with you."
Tom starts emptying the bags to reveal some fancy delicacies. Now standing close to him, your eyes follow whatever he takes out and displays on the counter, beginning with a small pastel cardboard box, a pink and black bag with the familiar letters “V” and “S” on it and two bottles of champagne. Dom Pérignon’s bottles. As he brings the box closer, Tom delicately slides it open just enough for you to catch sight of the cake he knows you like so much.
"W-Wow, I wasn’t expecting this at all..." you almost whisper, still surprised by all this.
Turning to face him, your cheeks warm at the actual closeness, one of his arms sliding around your shoulders, his free hand resting on the counter as Tom leaves a kiss on your forehead.
"This is only a nice sneak peek of tomorrow, baby."
The arm around you slides around your hips, pulling you forward as you rest the flat of your palms on his torso with fluttering eyes. When you glance up to his face, his expression looks completely intense and even a bit flustered himself, before Tom picks you up and slides you onto the counter next to the cake box. Both of his hands ease apart your knees and he places himself in between, capturing your lips before you can even speak one word.
"My soon-to-be Birthday Girl."
You can’t help but laugh, even if it is drowned by his warm lips. You cup his face in your hands, keeping him in place while he switches from simple pecks to cheeky nibbles and smooth long kisses. Such a straightforward yet endearing attention fed by the need to make you feel like a total queen. His queen.
"If you keep going, we might miss midnight, Tommy" you mumble detaching from his hungry lips that instantly found their way to the side of your neck, with growls.
You couldn't deny that neck kisses are one of your greatest weaknesses.
“Dammit, I almost forgot...” Tom groans into your neck, pecking it a last time before he reluctantly parts from you. “Alright, take this and go try it on while I get everything ready over there. But be quick!”
As Tom kisses your nose, he places in your hands the pink and black bag he brought and soon leaves the space between your legs, making you come down the counter. He almost pushes you out of the kitchen to frantically open all your cupboards to find what he needs.
Without waisting more time, you bring the gift bag with you back to your bedroom. Once there you sit on your bed and carefully open it, untying the beautiful silk knot to then put it next to you on the mattress. Bitting your bottom lip, your hand finally plunges into the bag, now excited to see what your boyfriend bought that he quickly wants to see you wearing it, so you take everything out.
Disposing the now empty bag onto the bed, you neatly unfold all the pink papers on your knees to now discover a beautiful set of lingerie. The fabric almost slips under your touch, the lace feeling delicate and sophisticated like you could never imagine. Even the colour looks so much more appealing on it, the gorgeous navy blue reminding you of the bikini you wore during your last vacation together in Positano, Italy. Apparently, Tom seems to like you wearing this particular colour...
As you manage to not get lost in your memories from that delightful holiday, you stand and slip out of your pyjamas and underwear to quickly put the new one on. And damn, it does put you to your best advantage: from the beautifully detailed bralette, that still accentuate your breast to its best, to the sexy indent panties that just leave nothing to the imagination, all of it almost see-through. You cheeks redden at all the inappropriate thoughts you can’t stop, thinking about what’s to come making things even worse.
Suddenly you remember Tom saying to be quick, so you check on your alarm clock to see it is now 11:51pm. Oof, just in time! You rapidly put your pyjama backon, taking an extra minute to rearrange your hair into something more decent. Then you exist your room and scamper back in the kitchen, but to see no one there.
“In the living room, darling!” Tom calls you in the other room, so you quickly join him there.
When you pass the doorframe, you suddenly stop on your tracks at the unexpected scenery before your eyes. The living room lights has been subdued to create a cosy ambience, a few candles lit and meticulously arranged in the room and Tom, being a natural hottie without even trying, sits on the couch with everything he brought placed on the coffee table. This simple gesture makes your heart beats like crazy, you almost being on the verge of crying because you never received this much affection by anyone before.
Tom wakes you from your thoughts as he is now standing, his hand extended to you for you to take it. So you take his offered hand, delicately squeezing it, while he walks you both to the couch to sit.
“Tom, this is-”
Your words are cut off by Tom’s index finger pressing slightly onto your full lips.
“After, princess” he almost whispers with a wink, “For now, let’s celebrate.”
True to his words, Tom detaches from you to check his phone. As he notices there is only one minute left before midnight, he takes a lighter he found in your kitchen and lights the adorable candle on the cake. The nice writing “Happy Birthday (Y/N)” on it fills your belly with tones of butterflies, the bright smile now on your face slightly hurting your cheeks.
As midnight finally comes, Tom brings the lighten birthday cake to you. The burning candle reflects in his warm coffee eyes, emphasising his facial features you love so much.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N).”
After smiling at each other, your eyes locked for at least five good seconds, you approach your face towards the candle and slowly blow it as you make a silent wish. Once done, you gently cup Tom’s face in your hand to bring it close to yours and share a long passionate kiss.
“Thank you, Tom. So much” you mumble against his lips, the smile never leaving both your face.
“Anything for you, gorgeous” Tom says while slightly bumping your nose with his, making you giggle.
Once you pull away from each other Tom carefully cuts two generous slices of cake, giving you yours first and then serving himself. You can’t wait but take a mouthful of the delicious dessert, exhaling loudly at the savoury fruity flavour you always love.
You soon notice Tom standing again while taking one of the fresh bottles of champagne in his hands, starting to open it.
“Please, don’t hurt yourself... or me” you comment, half joking but also quite unsure.
“I’m a pro at it, darling, don’t worry!”
And he actually is. The sudden “pop” of the cork resonates in your apartment as Tom clumsily makes it in time to fill the two flute glasses before any champagne goes onto your carpet. Putting the bottle back in the ice bucket, Tom gives you your glass and sits again with his next to you. You can already the delicate smell of the fancy bubbly liquid filling your nostrils.
“Cheers, darling” Tom hums as he presents his flute glass to yours, once again locking eyes with you.
“Cheers, baby. And thank you so much again” you state, smiling, while clicking both glasses together.
After eating half of the cake and drinking one bottle of the bubbly wine - the second one already open, you and Tom are now a bit drunk, laughing for nothing and more touchy. You are actually hugging him, both legs resting over his thighs as you share another stupid story at work in between giggles. Tom lovingly listens to you (you’re not sure if he really does), his cheeks now pink from all the champagne as one arm surrounds your shoulders, his hand caressing along it.
Then a sneaky peck here quickly turns into languid and sloppy kisses there, including nibbling and grabbing at each other. In the end, you find yourself straddling Tom’s hips as both your lips seems stick to the other.
"Let me see my gift on you, darling. I waited way enough" Tom rasps, licking the flat of his tongue along the edge of your neck and up to the shell of your ear, where he paces his lips around it and sucks for a few seconds.
He smirks at the way both of your hands slide over his shoulders wanting to hold onto him. Tom then pulls back to show you his confident and smug expression that has you pursing your lips together. Damn him for being cute and hot at the same time... but why would you refuse this pleasant offer to him? Anyway, your mind is mostly filled with bubbles to make you think properly by now. And in a way too frisky mood.
So you part a little from your boyfriend, whose hands keep their grips onto your bottom. As you stare at him with blurry eyes, you then start fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt to tease Tom. At some point, when feeling him wriggle under you, the friction slowly killing him, you remove the shirt in one motion and throw it somewhere behind the couch and you can’t miss the almost animalistic growl leaving Tom’s mouth. Quickly proceeding with the little show, you then try to stand while putting your hands on his thighs for support and still between his legs, you get rid off your pyjama pants, now on total display for your boyfriend’s eyes only.
“Holy fuck-” Tom breaths out, licking his lips as he contemplates you up and down. “I’ve got fucking great tastes, you look damn ravishing darling” he then smirks as he lets you sit on him again, lifting your hands to caress his cheeks.
His expression softens a bit before meeting you in the middle for several kisses, his hands finally in contact with more skin. You barely manage to give him a sassy remark before Tom just rolls you both over, laying you down onto the couch before climbing on top of you. After pushing at your knees, he feels along all of your womanly curves making you feel warm and delightfully tingly.
“It’s not even my birthday but fuck does it feel like it” Tom groans over your frame, his eyes appreciating every inch of your exposed skin.
Giggling softly at him with red cheeks, you caress one of your hands down his still clothed chest and the other along his astute cheek bones, before encouraging him to come closer. When his muscular neck is in range, you lift up and kiss him all over, feeling empowered from the way he growls your name like he really enjoys the texture of your pink appendages.
"Ah- Tommy..." you moan softly right next to his ear when he tiptoes his fingers up your inner thigh to tease a few of his digits up and down against your lace panties.
Tom smirks at the way your body arched backwards and both of your hands cling to him, while he rasps seductively about the fact that he can feel you getting wet already. You pout at him while tugging at his shirt, which Tom gladly lets you pull off and toss to the floor.
“So... got another gift for me, baby?”
Giggling at your own question, you admire his muscular physique by outlining your finger tips along his hunky six pack. His skin looks a little pink and flustered because of all the champagne consumed maybe, but Tom quickly recovers by cupping your chin and pulling you to meet his lips for several warm and passionate kisses. The press of his tongue catches you off guard so much that you become dizzy with the hungry lap of his muscle all over your mouth, noting every slick surface you have to offer.
Unable to breath, you whimper into his mouth and he finally parts with an erotic sheen of lewd saliva connecting your tongues together. With desire and lust forming in his beautiful brown eyes, he leans down towards your chest and starts hastily to press his lips right between your breasts, each kiss more enticing and hungry as he keeps going.
Both of his hands caress over your stomach and hips, before toying with the edge of your panties. Getting now more aroused, you slowly ease your legs up and spread them apart, giving him an enticing view of the trail to your clothed core. You seductively whimper again, staring right at Tom as you trail your hands over your breasts and down between your legs.
“For fuck sake (Y/N)-”
His fine lips go back to kissing your knees, inner thighs and even against the soft silky material of your panties. However, even as you moan from the sensual sway of pleasure, Tom doesn't stop here and continues to edge his way up your stomach, enjoying the way you jitter as he licks your belly button and slides up between your breasts until he is sucking at a soft patch of your neck.
"Mhm, baby..." you practically purr to him, leaning your head back to allow the boy to have all the skin he wants.
Tom smirks against your soft flesh, subtly liking the sway of your hands that gently pet through his hair and down his smooth back muscles. He then sneaks his hands under your back to undo your bra, even though he clearly appreciates how more gorgeous you look wearing his new gift.
After leaving you at least two or three pulsating and vibrant love bites, Tom makes you softly gasp in surprise at the way he yanks your bra along your arms and immediately starts sucking on the closest nip. The hungry sway of his tongue has you moaning and leaning your head back to close your eyes, losing yourself to his enticing warm rhythm.
His other hand wrapped around the other breast squeezing, squishing and even rolling the perky little nub between his thumb and index finger, till he finally decides to move his lips over the other and shows it some love as well.
Tom admires how glossy and wet your tip appears, while rasping that every single part of your body belongs to him. Which he demonstrates by biting close to your nipple almost hard enough to leave light impressions of his teeth. A sharp gasp of his name escapes your lips the moment you feel the pleasurable type of pain his possessive desires want to give you. Once Tom is done nipping all over your breasts, he grins at the way you are panting and looking rather vulnerable beneath him.
"Mhm, I have an idea" Tom murmurs, freeing you from your bra completely before grabbing your hips and rolling with you. As you find yourself on top of your boyfriend again, the boy then encourages you to turn around until your knees are on either side of his head, his dark hungry eyes staring up at the damp circle that outlines your intimate lower lips.
Extending his tongue, Tom leans up and laps down the middle of your clothed slit.
"F-fuck, Tommy..." you pant, staring down at the very clear aroused outline of his hard cock, still covered with his jeans. Lifting one hand, you feel along his shape, biting your lip feeling just how much his girth wants to be set free.
While continuing to lick against your panties, Tom shamelessly grabs your ass, pulling down until your are basically sitting on his face. However, he seems to thoroughly enjoy this as he makes out passionately with your lips to soak your lingerie with his saliva and your combined arousal.
"You've made your panties so wet, baby... ‘must really feel turned on, uh?" he teases, making you squeak and jitter as he takes an intimate whiff against your clothed sex making it difficult for you to focus on unzipping his pants like you want to.
"Let’s take these off so I can really please my Birthday Girl..."
With warm cheeks you clumsily lift yourself up, making it easier for him to tug at your lace panties and toss them on the floor behind him. Just the heat from his eyes observing what makes you a woman is enough to have you tingling all over your body.
You murmur something incomprehensible, feeling absolutely sensational as he goes back to make out passionately with your lower lips and even presses his tongue into your folds.
Finding your own desire to make Tom feel good, you finally work his pants and boxers down enough to free his stout cock and immediately start licking him up and down while curling your fingers around the base. The rhythm your hand starts working on must feel amazing to him, because Tom pauses to groan in such a way that you feel the heat of his breath against your clit.
Adding your other hand, you pump his length from both sides while parting and wetting your lips with your tongue, before wrapping around the tip and bobbing back and forth. You feel his hips want more as they press up, wanting to feel more of your throat, such a motion making you feel powerful as you are now in control and clearly giving him a type of pleasure he enjoys a lot.
"Shit- you know I fucking like it when ya use your tongue like that, doll..." Tom grunts, getting off on the feeling of your muscle running along his girth you work more and more into your mouth.
But at some point you have to move both of your hands and just use them for stability, as you press against his thighs and try to give him a fast and deep pace.
Tom seems to all but forgets he is the one supposed to give you pleasure as well, but honestly you don’t mind as you can almost picture his flushed and trying not to groan facial features. His girth is completely enveloped by your luscious lips and nearly poking the back of your throat, which has you salivating heavily.
When you pull away with the slickest of sensations dripping from you chin, Tom nearly hisses as if he is in pain, but you quickly start pumping him with your hand. You then place your lips back against his tip, working this rhythm and unable to say out loud that you want to taste him. Still, you make sure he can feel your lips as you keep bobbing until Tom groans your name, pressing his hips up as he fills your throat with his bitter liquid.
Sliding off his member, your lips feel tingly and numb while you swallow his hot juices and wipe any excess from your chin.
"Damn Tom, y-you almost killed me there..." you pant to him, laying your head down against his knee as you complain about how he thrusted his hips at the last second and nearly had you gagging.
"I blame you for having such an irresistible mouth..." Tom snickers which makes your cheeks warm despite the small tired smile on your lips.
Turning his head, he now starts sucking at your inner thigh until a hickey is forming, as he promised to make you feel just as good as he did or even better.
You purr and close your eyes as Tom sensual licks a circle around your slit, enjoying the flavour of your womanhood that has your core glistening. As soon as he presses deep into your folds with the enamoring girth of his tongue, you moan loudly and squeeze your hands against his legs. It nearly feels like, if you ever let go of him, you would simply float away from how delightful the pleasure he is giving you feel.
"Oh... Tom... A-aah... I-I feel so lightheaded..."
Tom seems to like how desperate you sound as he firmly grabs your bottom again, pushing your core down onto his tongue as deeply as he can, and thrusting his thick muscle back and forth. Your mewls of pleasure feed his desire as he feels your body writhing and your hands gripping tightly at his strong thighs until your walls clench and soak his lips.
Sliding his hands to your hips, Tom pushes you to lay at his side - making sure you securely sit between the back of the couch and his body - while he licks at his lips. He then can’t help but chuckle at the hazy and dark blush that swarms your cheeks, still panting from your orgasm.
The boy proudly smirks, pushing fully at his pants and boxers to slide the rest of the way off his legs and crumple to the floor, leaving him just as naked as you are.
You can’t help but bite your bottom lip at his handsome and muscular body, before Tom eases back and curled his index finger at you. As if under a spell, you raise yourself and turn back around facing him before straddling his hips once again.
"So you want me to ride you, baby? Mhm, I like being on top" you smugly smile down to him with a small giggle, as you caress both hands up and down his chest while you edge down to meet his lips.
"Gotta admit this view isn't bad at all..." Tom chuckles as he drags his eyes up and down your womanly curves.
He can see absolutely everything you have to offer and he loves it so much. Then Tom’s hands caress your stomach, going up until he is fondling your breasts.
"Mmh, my turn, Tommy. Let me fully enjoy my gift..."
Pushing at his hands, you lean down and admire his pretty eyes before kissing his check tenderly and sliding down to his neck. Tom seems to enjoy the soft pecks you give his skin and encourages you to leave him a few hickeys.
After suckling a few patches of his delicious and smooth skin, you edge down his chest until you can tease his six pack with some tickling licks that may have him wiggling beneath you, indicating a slight ticklish aspect about him.
"(Y/N), you’re such a fucking tease... I'm about to just shove you down onto my co-"
"Shush, Tom" you laugh while kissing his stomach, cutting him off. "I’m the Birthday Girl today, so l can do whatever I want to you."
Lifting your hips, you make sure your core is right over his cock as you stroke him, but there is really no need because he is already hard again.
"Appreciate me another time, now I want to fuck you so bad."
You can’t help but snort, biting your lip as Tom pets your thighs. Giving into what your impatient boyfriend wants, you ease your wet lips down onto the tip of his cock, before pressing yourself all the way and leaning your head back to moan in delight from feeling so full.
"Ngh... Oh, Tom..." you praise, leaning forward to caress his chest while you let yourself get used to his girth.
After leaning over to give him a couple of kisses, while caressing his cheeks and up through his hair, you lift your hips and press yourself back down. You soon develop a nice and pleasurable rhythm for both of you, that instantly make you both moan while feeling his girth rub along your warm walls in accurate intimate details.
"Fuck- watching ya ride me is such a turn on, gorgeous..." Tom hazes, making you gasp and mewl his name as he cups his hands around your breast. He squeezes then rolls them with his entire palm, helping them jiggle even more than they already where which has you completely arching your back.
You keep whimpering as the boy completely devours you with the eyes. Once again with the idea of pleasuring you first, he yanks your body forward enough to claim one of your nips and sucks on your flesh roughly.
"O-oh, t-that feels so good... Oh Tommy, you're so deep inside me..." you purr into his ear, squeezing his shoulders to help yourself and stay balanced. But your legs start to tremble and the pace you are working at is dying down little by little from fatigue.
"Give me your fine ass, baby and lean into me" Tom husks as he reaches behind your back, sliding down your soft skin until his strong hands grope over your bottom, giving it a tight grip as you let out a squeal at the feeling.
You smile gratefully, wrapping your arms around his neck to then give him a long and warm smooch before Tom just starts slamming into your body as fast as he can.
"A-ah! Tommy! Oh, f-faster baby!" you praise him with countless moans, leaning your head over his shoulder to hold him tightly.
The feeling of your breasts rubbing up against his toned muscular one feels so utterly thrilling. Riding him so deeply and this erotically makes you feel like his perfect puzzle piece.
"S-shit, (Y/N)- I-I'm about to-"
"Y-you can... i-inside is safe, I’m on pill now" you assure him shakily, as you caress his cheek letting him know you have such an innate desire for him to just fill you to the brim.
Tom doesn’t have to be told twice as he roughly claims your lips and shoves his tongue down your throat, while slamming your ass down against his hips. Maybe your inner thighs would be a little red later from his desire filled friction, but you would get over it pretty quickly when this wild boy here would be the one to want to cuddle naked later.
Your head is spinning with the wild build of pleasure, your folds just throbbing in desperation as Tom pounds into your body over and over again, until you both manage to achieve a blissful release within seconds of each other. Your warm arousal drips down his cock, while his hot juices nicely coats your warm walls.
Within seconds of your orgasm you just collapse down against his sweaty body, laying your cheek against his chest as you keep panting like you have been deprived of air for several hours. The boy under you laughs at how exhausted you are, lifting you slowly from his member but without saying what he is really thinking about - which is how much he likes the feeling of you laying on top of him.
His hands wrap around your back and just relax there, leaning his head back against the couch, sighing in a content way. The sound of his heartbeat thumping brings a warm smile to your face as you raise yourself just enough to nuzzle against his neck.
Then you remember something, so you sit more properly on top of him and lightly leans over the coffee table. Intrigued, Tom just stares at you to then smiles as he sees you bring both your flute glasses closer, and after the bottle of champagne. You slowly fill the glasses, focus on what you are doing.
"Needed a drink?" he cheekily asks as sitting up himself, both his arms maintaining him in this position.
"I can’t refuse some fancy champagne, even less after sex" you giggle, sharing a kiss while you give him his glass.
You then take yours and Tom once again clinks your filled glasses together.
"Happy birthday, my beautiful (Y/N). I love you so much."
As you glance at him, you almost feel mesmerised by his actual look: eyes still glittering after your previous activity, hair going wildly in every direction, pink cheeks, a bit sweaty and naked. A sigh you would never get tired off. Smiling, you kiss him once again before taking a sip of the still cold bubbly beverage.
“So... keeping this new little tradition for every birthday?” you whisper behind your glass, sending your boyfriend a teasing grin.
“I mean, I can’t definitely say no to that...”
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I’ll Make a Man out of You
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: Swearing
Word Count: 2,354
Summary: The readers brother gets a letter from SHIELD letting him know due to his abilities he will be required to fight along side the Avengers in the next big battle.
*Based off of Mulan and the song ‘I’ll Make a Man out of You.’
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
I was thinking of doing a part two to this!

Opening the door to your apartment, you saw your brother sitting on the couch with a letter in hand. Glancing down at the envelope as you sat beside him, it was from S.H.I.E.L.D.
“Y/N, according to shield I am needed to fight along side the Avengers.” His voice sounded worried, while he tried to give off the emotion of happiness. “Come on kid, I’m taking you out to dinner to celebrate.”
Standing up from the couch, he headed towards his room. Once he was out of the room, you grabbed his letter looking it over.
Dear Theodore Y/L/N,
We are pleased to inform you of your selection in joining the Avengers into their next battle. We will need you to immediately arrive at the Avengers tower upon receiving this letter. Please keep this letter to obtain access into the tower. Over the next month you will train side by side with some of the best agents from across the country. It is truly an honor to be able to fight along the Avengers, see you soon!
Nick Furry.
“Ready?” Theo asked.
You hummed in response.
“What do you feel like?” He questioned.
“It’s up to you.”
“Okay! Your car or mine?”
You hesitated, “Would...Would you mind if we walked?”
“We can do that...Dweeb.”
Theo spent the walk to the restaurant talking about a girl he had met and how he thought this time she might actually be the one. You hadn’t paid much attention to much of the conversation. During the walk, you could only think about how you couldn’t let Theo go. He had gotten severely hurt during the last battle he was in. The doctors had told you that if he were to ever fight in another battle that it would be his last since he wouldn’t make it out alive. They never told you exactly what was wrong with him.
Theo was a very special hero in your eyes. He always give his all into defending however he was defending, he got along well along the men he fought against. He had some extraordinary powers, however since that last battle, he was always worrying about being consumed by them and becoming evil.
He nudged your shoulder, “Hey, you alright kid?”
“Yeah. Just thinking about how much of a nerd you are.” You teased.
“Keep telling yourself that dweeb.”
Finishing dinner, you both walked back to your shared apartments. During that time, you had finalized your thoughts on what you were going to do about the letter. Making your way to your room, you began to pack items that you would need during your month gone. You had decided to wait until Theo, had fallen asleep so that you could sneak out.
It was now 11:30pm. Placing your hair in a bun, you put on your brothers clothes that you had stolen awhile ago. Grabbing your bag, you softly walked into the living room. Looking at the couch, your brother was cudding his girlfriend in his sleep. Quietly, you leaned down and placed a kiss to his forehead. Tears began disrupting your vision threatening to fall.
Making your way to the Avengers tower, you quickly got out making your way to the front desk.
“Theo Y/L/N reporting for duty.” You said in a deep voice.
“Welcome! We’re glad to have you join us!” The front desk clerk clapped excitedly. “Please follow me. I’ll lead you to your quarters. Make sure you turn your cellphone off as we will be confiscating it for the duration of your training.”
Right away, you noticed the lack of female presence in SHIELD draft. There wasn’t very many people there to begin with.
“Maybe Theo should just give up and go home.” One of the fellow men taunted in his group as he passed you by.
“Yeah! He’s not cut out for it.”
Training hadn’t been going well. Every sparring match you had gotten beaten up, you were practically covered in bruises from head to toe. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you rubbed your hands along your face.
“Don’t let them get to you.”
Whipping around you were face to face with Bucky.
“I’m James but my friends call me Bucky.” He said holding his hand out for you to shake.
“Y/N- Theo.” You quickly corrected. Looking in Bucky’s mesmerizing brown eyes, you were lost for a few beats.
Clearing your throat, you retracted your hand taking a step back.
“I think you have a lot of potential.” He complimented. “Don’t listen to those guys. Prove them wrong.” He said lastly, before he left down the long hallway.
That night, his words rang true inside your mind keeping you awake. Deciding he was right, you wanted to improve your skills, proving them wrong and wanting to make your brother proud.
Getting out of bed, you got dressed in training clothes before making your way to the training room. Not realizing the current time, you walked in only to be with confused expressions.
“Theo!” A sudden feminine voice squealed. “I’m Wanda. Bucky here has told us so much about you.”
Buckys eyes met your startled ones. He had a light pink color across his cheeks.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You replied, almost forgetting to speak deeply.
Steve, Sam and Natasha taught you some moves that night. Before, leaving the training room Bucky caught your elbow.
“Theo...I’m sorry. I... I hope I didn’t cross any boundaries.”
Looking into his chocolate eyes you replied, “Nah dude. It’s fine.”
“Uh...Cool... Did you...Did you want to hangout?”
“I would be happy to.”
That night was the beginning of your friendship with the group. Whenever it was time to eat, you had sat by yourself at a corner table.
Today was different. As you quietly sat at your corner table, there were voices that seemed to get closer and closer to you.
“Hey, T.” Wanda said excitedly.
“Dude. I’m telling you, she was into you.” Steve was deep in a conversation with Bucky, as he sat beside you.
“Maybe I’m not interested in her.” Bucky said shrugging his shoulders, sitting across from you, “Want to watch the Harry Potter movies tonight, Theo?”
Lifting your gaze to meet his, you felt shock course through your body. The cafeteria was suddenly quiet. Daring to look at the rest of the room, all eyes were on you and your table. You hummed in response, dropping your gaze to the table in embarrassment.
Knocking on Buckys door, he opened it promptly.
“Hey.” He said quietly.
The butterflies in your stomach erupted flying into your chest.
“Sup.” You replied making sure to pop the ‘P’.
As the next few weeks went by, Bucky had grown close to you even considering you his best friend besides Steve. He had opened up to you, talking about his life before the War and some of the darkness he continued to carry along with him.
Being brought out of your current daze, you had bruised knuckles from punching the boxing bag repeatedly.
“Could Theo Y/L/N please report to the conference room.”
A series of ‘ooooh’s’ filled the gym.
“Shut the hell up.” You teased them back causing the gym to be filled with laughter.
Walking into the conference room, you saw the familiar faces of the people who had become your friends.Taking a seat you felt as if something bad was about to happen.
“It has come to our attention, that you aren’t who you say you are.” The man speaking cleared his throat. “There will be severe punishment for your actions.”
“Wait. What do you mean?” Steve questioned panicked. “You can’t do this to Theo. I won’t let you.”
“Us either.”
“Please. Mr. Rogers and friends, calm down.” The man said in annoyance. “This isn’t Theo Y/L/N.”
The room fell silent as all eyes fell upon you. You began to fidget nervously with your hands in your lap.
“Now’s the time to come clean.” He pushed.
Meeting their gazes, guilt surged through you. Your heart had begun beating so loud, you were able to hear it in your ears. Letting out a sigh, you brought your hand to the baseball cap that you had been wearing since arriving at training. Lifting it up, your long hair fell around your shoulders.
An tense silence took over the room.
“Is there anything you’d like to say miss...”
“My name’s Y/N.” Your voice weak. “I took my brothers place. He wouldn’t have made it out of this battle alive. I was just trying to protect him.”
Without another word, the man had security beside you in a matter of minutes, escorting you to your room. Once you had packed up your belongings, you were met with the faces of the Avengers.
“Can we have a minute with her?” Nick questioned sternly.
Leading you into another area, everyone stood in silence.
“Was it worth it?” Tony questioned from beside Nick.
Lifting your eyes from your shoes you met the saddened eyes of the rest of the team. Locking eyes with Tony you replied, “Yes it was.”
“There should be some type of punishment for your actions.” Nick said angered.
Tony turned to Nick cutting him off of any further insults, “Can we have a moment alone with her?”
Nick hesitated before he nodded, once he left the room, everyone turned their attention back to you.
“I was hoping you would say that.” Tony said suddenly, “Aye, yo, boys.”
There was a secret door that opened revealing the men you had befriended on your training team.
“Y/L/N, I can’t believe you’re actually a chick.” One of the guys said, greeting you with a hug before stopping, “Is it cool if I hug you?”
You nodded in response.
The rest of your friends greeted you with the same enthusiasm along with hugs.
Turning to the Avengers you looked at them guilitily, “I’m sorry, I lied about who I was.” You nervously fidgeted with your hands. There was hands on your back gently rubbing up and down attempting to sooth you. “I did it to protect my brother Theo. He’s....He’s the only family I have, I couldn’t let him walk into battle.”
“Well, I don’t know about the rest of the goon squad, but I’ve made my decision.”
“You...You have?” You whispered in disblief.
“I stand behind you, Y/N. Whatever you need, just say the word.”
The rest of the team agreed with Tony. A sudden ping of guilt hit you as the realization dawned on you that Bucky might not forgive you for what you had done.
“Now that that’s settled, I get the feeling that you kids know something.”
“Well, our darling Y/N here, is the one who knows something. We just followed her lead.”
There was a sudden nudge on your shoulder, pulling you out of your short daze.
“HYDRA’s in the building, but we don’t know exactly where....”
You went on to tell them everything you knew about how HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD. One night, your drunk friends were stumbling along the halls, while you were following as sober as can be. You stumbled into a restricted part of SHIELD and saw the many, many HYDRA agents.
“What’s the plan?” Steve questioned, turning to face you.
“What?” You questioned confused.
“What’s the plan Y/N?”
“Why are you asking me what the plan is? You’re the Captain.”
Your friend suddenly butt into the conversation placing his hands on your shoulders. Earning a stern glare from Bucky, “She has a plan don’t worry...Wait!” He exclaimed, “Is that why you were so weird about talking about guy things?”
“Dude! Now’s not the time for this!”
“That’s why you were so weird about those conversations!” He busted into a fit of laughter.
Your cheeks felt like the were on fire, as an engine red color washed across your face.
Going over the plan, you were about to leave the room before a metal hand gripped your elbow once again.
"You lied to me..” Bucky said in disbelief.
Frowning you looked at your hands, “James, the only thing I lied to you about was my name.”
Lifting your gaze to his, he stood in silence not moving to say another sound. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you left the room.
“You like her.” Steve said from behind Bucky.
He twirled around, “What? No, I don’t.”
“She’s right you know...She did only lie about being her brother, not the mutual feelings you have for each other.”
As the was under attack, everyone had carried out their duties. Just as you had finished yours, Bucky had made his way to you.
“Sergeant Barnes.” Your friends said standing up straight.
Cutting you off his lips met yours with determination. His hands made their way into your hair gently tugging you closer to him, as yours rested on his waist accepting the close proximity. Taking your bottom lip in between his teeth he bit down softly as he lightly sucked your lip. Opening your mouth you allowed his tongue to dance into your mouth, memorizing every crevice. Before it could get heated, he pulled away resting his forehead against yours, as air was filled with panting from the both of you.
The sound of wolf whistles and cheering quickly filled the air. Giggling you both turned looking at the culprits.
“Our baby’s grown up.” One of the men said in a teasing tone.
“Okay, Okay let’s go you creeps.” You rolled your eyes holding the door open.
Once you entered the hallway, the rest of the team was waiting.
“Kid, we don’t have good news.” Tony’s voice was laced with sympathy. “We...We think HYDRA has a hostage.”
“Very good, Tony.” A line of HYDRA operatives had lined the opposite direction of the hall. “We do have a hostage. I think you’ll like this one, Y/N.”
The lead HYDRA informant, stepped forward placing a hand on your cheek. Yanking his hand away from you, your friends protectively stood by your side.
“Bring the hostage forward.”
Once the hostage was in your line of sight your jaw fell open as tears began pooling in your eyes threatening to fall.
#bucky barnes#buckybarnes#bucky barnes x reader#buckybarnesxreader#xreader#x reader#bucky barnes imagines#buckybarnesimagines#bucky barnes imagine#buckybarnesimagine#bucky barnes preference#buckybarnespreference#bucky barnes preferences#buckybarnespreferences#bucky barnes one shot#buckybarnesoneshot#bucky barnes one shots#buckybarnesoneshots#bucky x reader#buckyxreader#oneshots#one shot#fandom#fandoms#fanfics#fanfic#fanficitions#fanfiction#nerd#geek
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Parse & Folklore: A Ted Talk
Alright everyone, settle down and come have emotions with me about how many of the lyrics from Folklore could apply to Parse. This is a long one so buckle in kiddos. I’m not usually a omgcp blog and I haven’t actually used tumblr in ages but I needed to share my emotions. Someone please yell at me if they have any more thoughts - I’m always here for Parse &/ Taylor rants!
1. The 1 - let’s be real you could read the entirety of this song as Kent, hopefully having now finally managed to move on from Jack, wistfully thinking back on how nice it would’ve have been if he had indeed been ‘the one’.
Lyrics that kind of hurt:
We were something, don’t you think so? And if my wishes came true It would've been you In my defense, I have none For never leaving well enough alone Rosé flowing with your chosen family And it would've been sweet If it could've been me In my defense, I have none For digging up the grave another time 2. Cardigan - So the concept of this song doesn’t directly relate to Kent but a few of the lines stick out to me a lot and I guess just generally this idea of ‘when you are young they assume you know nothing’ in the context of what Jack and Kent would have been going through when they were in Juniors.
Lyrics that stand out to my angsty heart:
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs The smell of smoke would hang around this long 'Cause I knew everything when I was young I knew I'd curse you for the longest time <--literally just Kent not being able to let go of Jack despite how long it’s been since the draft
3. My Tears Ricochet - Definitely don’t think about the idea of Kent loving Jack and being cut out and ignored following his overdose while listening to this song. ‘I didn’t have it in myself to go with grace’ when thinking about Kent visiting Jack at Samwell and being rejected, then lashing out is particularly painful okay. You could totally interpret a lot of this song as Kent lashing out at Jack and reminding him that he can cut him out and claim he’s moved on but he’ll always be a part of him and it just makes me sad to think about how that might not actually be true...
Lyrics that make me sad:
Even on my worst day Did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you I swear I loved you Till my dying day I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're the hero flying around saving face <--Jack getting to look like Kent attacked him for no reason as if he doesn’t also owe apologies 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave And you can aim for my heart, go for blood But you would still miss me in your bones <-- also kind of reminds me of Kent, in his anger when he turns up at Samwell, lashing out and saying that it’s people like him who still care about Jack no matter what
4. Mirrorball - okay literally just one line really sticks out to me and makes me sad so definitely don’t think about Kent having to hide who he is around the Aces, especially when Jack and Bitty kiss on the ice and he’s in the bar and someone whose name I’ve forgotten is being a homophobic dick, while Taylor sings “I'm a mirrorball I can change everything about me to fit in”
5. AUGUST - like the entire song basically? But like specifically these two boys have a month in the summer between winning the memorial cup and the draft and maybe Kent thinks it’s perfect and he’s so hopeful and he knows it has to end because they’re going to be on separate teams but maybe for him, just wanting them to be together is enough, at least for now. But everything goes wrong and Jack slips away and then they lose contact because Jack cuts him out and all Kent knows is that he should have known because he was never really his no matter how much he hoped that would be true. So now he just has those memories of the two of them together that one summer and maybe that kind of makes me want to cry?
Lyrics and sadnessss:
I never needed anything more Whispers Of "Are you sure?" "Never have I ever before" <-- just really hammering in that reminder that they were just kids before the draft But I can see us Lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away Like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine Will you call when you're back at school? I remember thinking I had you Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Cancel plans just in case you'd call So much for summer love, and saying "Us" 'Cause you weren't mine to lose 6. This is Me Trying - Yikes, isn’t the title just a hypothetical Parse anthem though? Once again, not really exactly in the spirit of the actual song but I feel like so many of the lyrics apply? I mean, Kent turning up at Samwell vibes and once again he lashes out because he feels hurt but he’s trying. He doesn’t even know if Jack wants to see him but he’s hopeful so he turns up and he’s trying to be helpful and to reconnect but he’s still hurting even if Jack doesn’t seem to care? Also definitely don’t think about Kent in his first year in the NHL when he’s supposed to be living his dream and enjoying life, celebrating victories with his new team but all he can think about is Jack and how he may have hurt him and that he’s living the life he’s missing out on.
Lyrics I have emotions about:
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway <-- Kent turning up at Samwell not really knowing if Jack would want to see him but being so hopeful that he would just hurtssss I just wanted you to know That this is me trying And at least I’m trying
And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that
And it's hard to be at a party When I feel like an open wound It's hard to be anywhere these days When all I want is you
7. Illicit Affairs - Ooooh boy, we’re back to entire songs that remind me of Kent and Jack and pre-draft sadness. So cannon Jack might claim that they never really dated and doesn’t that hurt even more if you consider Kent thinking they’re basically dating in secret only for Jack to overdose, then cut him off completely and deny that what they had ever involved any real emotions on his part? So here’s where illicit affairs makes me want to sob. Definitely don’t think about them having a secret ‘relationship’ that starts off because they’re just such close friends, the best friend either one of them has ever had, but they’re also both closeted professional hockey players and horny teenagers let’s be honest, and what starts off as raw moments of honesty and closeness between them get’s slowly corrupted because they have to hide it all, and they have the draft to think about, and Jack has his anxiety etc. And maybe Jack doesn’t call him kid or baby but he does call him Kenny like nobody else does and Kent would ruin himself if it meant he could have Jack back, would give him anything, would get him a spot on the Aces so they can finally play together like they were supposed to...This song makes me sad.
Lyrics that hurt especially (might as well post the entire song here tbh):
And that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings And longing stares It's born from just one single glance But it dies and it dies and it dies ...a million little times / They show their truth one single time But they lie and they lie and they lie ...a million little times
So you leave no trace behind Like you don't even exist Take the words for what they are A dwindling, mercurial high A drug that only worked The first few hundred times
And you wanna scream Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this idiotic fool that you made me You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else And you know damn well For you I would ruin myself ...a million little times
8. Invisible Strings - Is this song too happy for my feelings about Kent most of the time? Probably, but basically any ship that ends in Kent/Happiness could apply to this song and that’s the reason it stays on this list. So basically think about Kent being happy and moving on with someone who’s so so good for him and helps him heal and then reconsider this song with that in mine.
Lyrics to think about:
Time, Mystical time Cutting me open, then healing me fine
A string that pulled me Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire Chains around my demons Wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold tied me to you Cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the boys who broke my heart Now I send their babies presents <- the idea of Kent moving on and no longer having confrontations with Jack whenever they meet but instead being happy for him too makes me so happy
9. Betty - Okay once again the actual idea of this song, definitely doesn’t directly apply but hear me out. Kent turning up at Samwell wanting to be heard out by Jack. Maybe it doesn’t happen directly after the event so he’s not ‘only 17′ but he effectively is and he doesn’t know anything really. He didn’t at the time the overdose happened and he never got the chance to deal with it properly because Jack cut him out so he still doesn’t really know anything. All he knows is that he misses Jack and he wants to play with him again and wants them to get back to where they used to be, to where they’re suppose to be. And if he insulting Jack’s team isn’t James (Taylor’s POV) singing about Betty’s ‘stupid friends’ then idk what else to say. Why does this song scream Kent so much to me despite being about a random 17 year old boy who cheated on his girlfriend?
Lyrics I want to scream about:
Betty, I won't make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom But I think it's 'cause of me <--so obvs not homeroom but please don’t think about Kent thinking that Jack overdosed and decided not to go to the NHL after her recovered because of him
But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself Or lead me to the garden? I'm only seventeen I don't know anything but I know I miss you <--maybe he’s not 17 but he’s basically still just a kid whenever Jack’s involved
Betty, I'm here on your doorstep And I planned it out for weeks now but, it's finally sinking in Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when you see my face again The only thing I wanna do Is make it up to you So, I showed up at your party Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me Will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings?
I definitely have more to say on this but this is already so long so that’s it for now, might continue on some other time?
#kent parson#omgcheckplease#parsepositive#angst#taylor swift#folklore#jack zimmermann#I have too many emotions about fictional characters#literally just thinking about August and Illicit Affairs in relation to Kent makes me want to cry
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Beasts at Bay; The Nox Morta
This entry contains two related side quests, Beasts at Bay and The Nox Morta.
Side quest: Beasts at Bay
Characters involved: Baron Havard-Pierre d'Amortisan, Dunwich
Inquisition soldiers face delays setting up camps due to interference from the local wildlife. Baron Havard-Pierre d'Amortisan believes his herb wards may keep the beasts at bay.
(Approach the baron in his encampment near the Basin Floor Camp.)
Havard-Pierre: Inquisitor. Baron Havard-Pierre d'Amortisan. I've come to consult with your soldiers on matters pertaining to natural threat. The beasts of these woods are fierce. I fear they've already claimed the life of my dear, devoted scribe.
[1] Dialogue options:
Investigate: Why are you here? [2]
General: Do you have a suggestion? [3]
I should go. [4]
[2] Investigate: Why are you here?
PC: What are you doing out here?
Harvard-Pierre: Once I was content to remain in the safety of my estate. Then, with the passing of my uncle, I was obliged to join an expedition to the stranger parts of Thedas. How little of our natural world is understood. What terrors creep across the soil while we lie ignorant and ill prepared? If you knew what I do of the common fennec, you would not sleep. From that day onward, I have studied the wilds and the beasts therein. [Back to 1]
[3] General: Do you have a suggestion?
PC: Are my soldiers running into problems?
Havard-Pierre: They face delays establishing camps due to pests of various nature. I offered to consider the matter. There is an herb mixture. Correctly placed, it could ward beasts away from their supplies. I would not presume to further involve myself in your organization's military affairs. Perhaps I might entrust these to you? [Back to 1]
[4] I should go.
PC: I should go.
Harvard-Pierre: Inquisitor. [Exits the conversation.]
(Place the herbs in the marked spots.)
Party comments:
Sera: Ooooh, scary herbs! Aaand... it's working. Well, great?
Dorian: Not to disparage the enlightened baron, but I didn't think these would actually work.
Blackwall: I didn't think this would actually work.
(If no companion makes a comment.)
PC: There. It seems to be working.
(Harvard-Pierre’s scribe, Dunwich, can be found nearby.)
(When you first approach Dunwich.) Dunwich: Inquisitor? Are those herb wards? (When you interact with him.) Herb wards. Those could assist the soldiers. I take it you've met Baron d'Amortisan.
PC: And you are?
Dunwich: Dunwich, Your Worship. The Master's scribe.
PC: D'Amortisan said you were dead.
Dunwich: (Sighs.) I'm merely late, ser. I was not to return until I'd gathered evidence on the Nox Morta. [5]
[5] Dialogue options:
Investigate: How did you get this job? [6]
General: Evidence for... what? [7]
General: Goodbye. [8]
[6] Investigate: How did you get this job?
PC: How did you get involved in all this?
Dunwich: I've been the Master's scribe these past ten years. The baron has made a study of a number of creatures. I'm assured my assistance is invaluable. [Back to 5]
[7] General: Evidence for... what?
PC: You're gathering evidence on a...
Dunwich: The Nox Morta. I was to set out apparatus for gathering information on the beast. Retrieving it proved difficult. Gurguts. If you're out here anyway, Your Worship, I can inform you that the baron's pockets are deep. He would no doubt appreciate any efforts made on his behalf. [Go to 9 or back to 5]
[9] Special: What is this creature?
PC: What is the Nox Morta, exactly?
Dunwich: A skulking beast the Master believes lies somewhere in the Basin.
PC: That's not very specific.
Dunwich: I'm afraid specificity eludes us, ser. Officially, the beast remains undiscovered and unwitnessed. [Back to 5]
[8] General: Goodbye.
PC: I should be going.
Dunwich: Very good, ser. [Exits the conversation.]
(Find the “apparatus for gathering information on the beast” - a trap by the river. It contains the Note: A Half-Chewed Label)
PC: This... whatever this is, it must be what d'Amortisan wanted.
Party comments:
Cassandra: I'm sure he'll be able to attain information from it. Unless... was part of this eaten?
Vivienne: Rather chewed-upon.
Iron Bull: Looks like something tried to eat it.
(Return to the baron with the news.)
Side quest: The Nox Morta
Characters involved: Baron Havard-Pierre d'Amortisan, Dunwich
Baron Havard-Pierre d'Amortisan and his scribe, Dunwich, are searching for the Nox Morta. With assistance, they may be able to prove the existence of this mysterious creature.
Harvard-Pierre: That Dunwich yet lives while I was so certain of his passing... the Maker smiles on this endeavor.
[10] Dialogue options:
Special: About the Nox Morta… [11]
General: I have evidence for you. [12] (If you came across a trap with the evidence.)
General: I should go. [13]
[11] Special: About the Nox Morta…
PC: Your scribe, Dunwich, mentioned something called the Nox Morta.
Harvard-Pierre: Ah, yes. I have yet to lay eyes upon it… Pray, do not request details so soon. Not when concrete evidence lies yet unturned. [Back to 10]
[12] General: I have evidence for you.
PC: I've evidence of your Nox Morta... I think.
Harvard-Pierre: Yes—to observe the mark of the teeth. Let me see... gurgut and gurgut... but this. A beast unclassified and interested in the bait presented! What lies before us is an opportunity to greet the unknowable! Yet I confess fear, knowing I lack the skill to confront it. Surely Andraste's Herald does not share my limitation? If you would take the bait and confirm its existence, I would be in the Inquisition's debt. [Go to 14 or back to 10]
[14] Special: Tell me about the Nox Morta.
PC: What can you tell me about Nox Morta?
Harvard-Pierre: Mere scraps of knowledge gleaned from bloodstained papers. They speak of a creature enamored of shadow, lurking in the darkest places. Silence pays it favor, concealing its horrid bulk until a stretched mouth takes its prey. Of course, some of my colleagues deem the beast a mere fancy. [Back to 10]
[13] General: I should go.
PC: I should go.
Harvard-Pierre: Inquisitor. [Exits the conversation.]
(Go to Swamp Kuldsdotten and place the bait.)
PC: D'Amortisan said to place the bait here. We need to find a good spot.
Party comments:
Varric: Right. Because it might be picky.
Blackwall: How long before this Nox Morta takes interest?
Dorian: Oh, it's plotting the best way to strip the flesh from our bones right now. Just waiting for the invitation.
Blackwall: Very funny.
Sera: Think it's something big? Hope it's something big.
(A creature starts rumbling through the shrubbery.)
Party comments:
Solas: I don't— Wait. What was that?
Cassandra: Is that— Wait. Did you hear that?
Blackwall: So now we— What was that?
Iron Bull: What was— Something's coming.
(If no companion makes a comment here.)
PC: So now we— What was that?
(The Nox Morta appears.)
Party comments:
First comment:
Blackwall: Maker! Is that...?
Sera: What the...? (Laughs.) Yeah! Brilliant!
Dorian: You can't be serious.
Vivienne: That can't be a...
Second comment:
Varric: It's a bogfisher?
Cassandra: Bogfisher? It's a bogfisher?
Solas: Some sort of... bogfisher.
(If no companion makes a comment here.)
PC: A bogfisher?
Third comment:
Dorian: Not the ordinary kind.
Blackwall: Not like any I've seen.
Cole: I thought bogfishers were nice!
(The Nox Morta is killed.)
Party comments:
Blackwall: That was... not what I expected.
Sera: Best. Bogfisher. Ever.
Varric: Did that just happen?
Cassandra: I suppose it was a very... aggressive bogfisher. Not what I expected.
Iron Bull: (Laughs.)
PC: D'Amortisan will want to hear about this.
(Return to the baron.)
Harvard-Pierre: Pray, do not keep me in suspense. Your haunted stare speaks plainly of an encounter with the Nox Morta.
Dialogue options:
General: I found the Nox Morta. [15]
[15] General: I found the Nox Morta.
PC: Is the Nox Morta a bogfisher, by any chance? A large, aggressive bogfisher?
Harvard-Pierre: "Bogfisher" That quaint nomenclature inadequately describes its lesser kin, and here is whom they must serve!
PC: Why didn't you—
Harvard-Pierre: I told them! To have proof of its existence—minds shall be enlightened. Though when enlightenment comes at the cost of such fearful truths, I must wonder at its toll. Permit my humble gratitude to reflect the risk taken, Your Worship. Where's Dunwich? I must draft a letter to the university.
#dragon age#dragon age inquisition#jaws of hakkon#dragon age transcript#side quest#beasts at bay#the nox morta#nox morta#bogfisher#havard pierre#havard pierre d'amortisan#dunwich#scribe dunwich#inquisition and associates#university of orlais
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Flow Just Like Water
Story and writing-related transparency update and my many shames...
The Question on Everyone’s Mind
“Hey you haven’t updated No Stars over Uptown in almost a year...”
Hmm, I hate it when you’re right. (This section has been rewritten ad-nauseam to curb back the bitchiness by the way)
So back in early/mid 2018, the idea was to divorce Uptown from a person who influenced it (and myself) heavily. She was my most important audience member, the closest friend I ever had, and unfortunately someone who used her power to bully, ostracize, and hurt others with my help. I cut contact when the hurt + some self-awareness finally reached me. Apologies were made and I feel like my work will never be done with it, but there was still Uptown.
Between censored comments, entirely recasting Axel’s save, different plot threads, and a load of disclaimers, there was nothing that would scrub her influence from the story. There was no way to cleanly drop everything because of how deep her influence went. It disgusted me to look back at it, and I had to private the blog because I feared what it endorsed, even if just in the past.
I pulled back from that sims writing community. I had its main thread on the Official Forums removed too (I guess if that was a mystery to anyone). It was a surrender that I never wanted to do, but I had it in my mind that if I was gone, then she wouldn’t be there either. Uptown became this cursed item, and as I quietly retired it, I noticed that she went quieter too. Not gone, but enough to make me sleep easier at night and even occasionally say hello to old friends.
And I hope deep in my heart that no one else is getting hurt in my place, but now this is gonna haunt me all day huh!
The two paths forward...
1) Complete Uptown rewrite that I’ve been threatening everyone with all year. While it won’t ever be clean because I can’t undo time, I do have a sound outline for a story that is much more true to my actual vision and how I’ve evolved, with a few necessary boundaries in place that are going to be there for all stories moving forward: no more casting calls and no more collaborative efforts. I am not going to open myself up to this happening again, even if the people have changed.
2) Same as above, but I continue the original Uptown as a favor to loyal readers alongside the rewrite. I would try to put the effort into it that I initially did, but with no promises on an update schedule and no advertising. I did ask myself “is there Patreon but without pledging money, just the private posts function” but it could operate as part of a private forum, a members-only part of a website, etc.
Also readers of the original would be beholden to a rule of “don’t spoil the rewrite for new readers, c’mon guys”. I mean, not really, but it is a good courtesy to extend to people.
Priority on this isn’t high but you at least will see what is!
I will probably make the blog public again either way due to the many broken links on my Tumblr but we’ll see. There are other things to deal with as I shall list!
Where Life’s Been Regardless
Been spending more time with my grandpa every weekend. Life’s pretty good and he’s warming up to my dogs.
Shiny New Webbed Site
Cucumber Fields Forever is a site I own now. We have a full domain, cucumberfieldsforever.com, a blog with one post, and the framework needed to host stories the way I want to and still through WordPress. The functionality of likes, comments, and following should still be the same but you know...I’ll take feedback too...
The main blog still has an undefined purpose though I do have drafts sitting around about:
The maybe/maybe not hoax band that was on the Metal Archives and the history of Funeral Doom Metal.
The curious case of when Sims 4 babies get their genetics and my only collaboration (read: was talking about it with a friend and might quote her if needed, it’s actually a bit of a doozy)
Amazon.com’s fake dried udon noodles, an actual issue by the way.
Things I’m reading! (This’d be a monthly feature if so)
For the sake of unity, I am thinking of solutions for hosting old and shameful content there including Uptown and for the real fans in my followers feed, Eight Cicadas...a world I totally have plans for too (not really). I don’t want them to be front-and-center, and that’s why I mentioned forums/members-only content. I finally have that power! Maybe.
Ooooh but what are the costs? Not too much to handle, that’s what. 😉 (Like really, I don’t need any hand-wringing about this, I can manage my finances)
Project Queue (In Order of Confirmedness)
Outrun the Scythe: have you seen me post out-of-context Sims 3 pictures? Did you want more? Did you hope it was Linda in Custody? If the answers are yes, yes, and “meh, whatever you want”, then you’re in luck.
Outrun the Scythe is a Sims 3-based tale of a young gay man and his zombie grandma, as they are both offered separate roles of being the undying intermediaries between the world of humans and the influence of a race of space daemons. It’s pretty familiar if you’ve been following me pre-Uptown, taking some cues from stories I’ve kept under lock and key like Eight Cicadas, The Chains of Lyra, and the not-so-locked-up Ironstar Immortals (of which Outrun is just the direct sequel to sans any retconning...ah the smell of early 2013 and performative heterosexuality)
Ah, back to my roots.
It’s a hybrid of gameplay, story, and lore about my little race of daemons with a lot of my own idiosyncrasies that I’m not really ashamed of: basing it off a super-polarizing Sims 3 challenge from a site I moderate, using a lot of EA’s pre-made townies and their genes, lots of unnecessary posemaking, stupid references. It’s a comfort to have in my roster.
While the first few chapters are in the middle of revision, I have around six in the queue and will be making this public when I have ten. I’m guessing December then?
Undocumented Black Widow Challenge: I just did this for fun/forum kudos (yes, in fact I have joined many forums), there was going to be a short story but it was quickly becoming something against my code of ethics. I mean, sims die and all. (read: I had to choose between “heterosexual widow” and “widow with some same-sex marriages that still end in tragedy, reinforcing negative stereotypes to the public for the sake of me not getting bored and detached during gameplay” so there were no good choices. Except for her affair with the mailwoman, 10/10) I hope to finish this before October ends and get my medal on Boolprop, I’m pretty far through it all. I might upload the sims involved anyways. This is for TS4.
I mentioned it because it’s keeping me busy. But not for long!
NaNoWriMo 2020: Dipping my toes into that again! It’s not sims-related, just a tale of lesbians, nosy neighbors, a haunted beach house, and some light murder and kidnapping. And I actually got my brother to scout out locations for me this weekend. If there’s any demand, I can share chapters as the rough drafts are finished, especially for the sake of proofreading.
Not saying I’m publishable, but wouldn’t it be nice? Will keep me occupied for much of November.
Untitled “Dear Diary” Challenge: Tired of feeling left out of the fun on the Boolprop forums, their “Dear Diary” challenge was the one that appealed to me the most on first glance. Why? Probably once I found an idea that let it be set in the early/mid-2000′s to begin with and explore some interesting characters through diary entries (which I have mixed feelings on as a literary device but I think that’s just me saying “well I didn’t like Dracula”, yes you get bonus points for writing it like a diary)
Also writing is the one skill I’m good at across multiple games. Wanna hear me bitch about the cooking skill tree in TS4 or riding in TS3? I’ll spare you.
I guess I could have included “spending time on Boolprop with old and new friends” in where my life has been. It’s a nice lil community if also a place with its own idiosyncrasies as well. So it doesn’t feel like I’m promoting another community if/when I make a thread there for Outrun the Scythe, I want to have a couple chapters of this ready to go by Outrun’s release, though it’s not gonna be the highest priority compared to it nor as long because I think I can blast through the gameplay quickly.
This one will be played in TS4 due to it having the easiest writing skill/I dunno variety is the spice of life. And hopefully another December release.
Defunded or Forgotten?: Oh shit I actually released stuff in 2020 and told no one? I do have a “mortifying ordeal of being known” sinking feeling whenever I get a site hit because it’s not my best work (but good enough) and veered sharply into issues I may be over my head in, though I try to be a good noodle with research and listening. Maybe hiding is bad after all.
Being based off a very flawed and incomplete Sims 3 challenge I found in the annals of the Official Forums, there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work just making sense of things. And I’m scared of working on reconstructing the house but I haven’t abandoned the project yet. The story has eight chapters so far and is pretty game-based with some additions here and there. Scared of how long it could be though!
Date for this unknown.
Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty: another year-long abandoned TS3 project with a much stupider reason why. Last update was about Hua getting ready for her wedding, and I wanted to do some poses for a bait-and-switch wedding chapter because to put it mildly, her real one was an absolute disaster.
Blender decided to fuck up its interface again, I got discouraged (this probably does account for some of the Uptown delays too), and when I decided to plow forward, it was for other projects instead.
Meanwhile I played all the way to Gen 5′s teenhood and the only thing stopping me is time (it takes almost 30 minutes to load the file right now, though they’ll be looking at moving towns in a couple gens) and maybe fear of the Logic skill.
Date for this also unknown but it’s easy to pump out updates once I’m in the groove for it. My third heir had a difficult life so maybe I’m just trying to bury it.
Also I just noticed the view count there was really good and probably because I linked it here on Tumblr last year. Thank you so much guys. I can’t really fret over views on Carl’s forum these days thanks to the years-long death spiral pretty much every forum anywhere has been riding on. But it’s a nice surprise. And it’s an alright little challenge recap to read during your lunch break or whatever.
The Wawas
I figured I’d end on the real news everyone wants! Both the chihuahuas are a year and a half now and reached their adult size around a year ago. For the most part, they are happy and healthy dogs.

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Day 19! Hope your day was good! Is there a character who has changed a lot as your WIP has progressed? How have they changed?
Ooooh this is an interesting question! So, since I’ve been working on Astral for so damn long, I’m pretty sure all the major characters have had some significant changes over the years. However, there’s two that come to mind for the biggest changes.
First one is Finn. In my first draft of Astral, Finn was basically just a dick to everybody but Rose lol. He just did Not give any fucks about anybody but her, and he especially didn’t like Aiden when they first met because he thought Aiden might be a threat to Rose’s safety. Which meant also a lot of petty squabbles, especially when Jared or Will would be like “Dude, you’re being a dick to Aiden lay off”
So then at some point when I was beginning to rewrite Astral, I looked at Finn’s character and I was like “No. I don’t like all this fighting. Quit being a dick” lol. So Finn mellowed the hell out. He’s still fiercely loyal to Rose, but he trusts the people around him with her safety as well. I think the biggest change that helped both his character and also the cohesion of the story is that I paired up him and Jared (in terms of fighting, they both have separate love interests lol). And they do snipe at each other for a bit (Jared’s hella traumatized and repressing it heavily, Finn takes very little of his shit), but then it settles into this relationship where they know each other so well, and trust the hell out of each other. Plus, it gives Jared and Will a legit reason to be part of the Princess Search Group, other than “I want them to be there” lol
The other one is Tom. My little bastard problem child, who was causing problems literally until like... less than a year ago lol (Tom, sir, how dare you cause problems for five fucking years. Ahem. Anywho). His problem was that I realized “Oh, I’m basically writing him like he’s two different people depending on what scene I’m writing, and I need to Not be doing that”. So I had to look at the two characters that made him up, and figure out a way to combine them into somebody that made sense, considering Tom’s character arc.
Tom started out... okay so the two characters that made up Tom were: 1.) Sadistic asshole who likes picking fights, especially with Aiden 2.) .... Whoever the fuck he is when interacting with James, which is definitely not in the sadistic asshole territory but I can’t pin down his character really. Which I suppose was part of the problem lmao How he’s changed: 1.) No longer sadistic asshole in any way shape or form. He just cannot at all if I want Aiden to not either a, run the hell away or b, try to punch him when... things happen lol 2.) Replacing all that with ambition. Reason for [spoiler]? No longer cause he thinks it would be fun. Nah, it’s because he’s like “oooh interesting... I wanna learn more 👀”. Not around anymore? Not because of vague asshole reasons I never really nailed down, but because he’s an ambitious boyo who’s off doing ambitious boyo things (I know that’s also vague but like... Tom’s a spoiler filled character whoops lol) 3.) Aiden’s no longer something that’s in his way/a threat to his position. Instead, Aiden becomes the catalyst for Tom realizing “Oh shit... I’m burning bridges I really don’t want to be burning.” Which then leads to a bunch of other realizations for dear Tommy boy that brings him nicely into Part 2
A few other honorable mentions for big changes to characters: Will and Nashira’s relationship getting revamped like, 3 times lol Jared, Will, and Mishal all getting motivations figured out by what was meant to be a spitballed story to entertain myself at work Calipsa, Io, and the rest of the Andrades making themselves more major characters lol
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A Perfect Day First Draft
So I was going to post ‘A Perfect Day’ today, but I didn’t like what I had been writing so I decided to go in a completely different direction
But since I haven’t uploaded any new writing I might as well give you guys the first draft I didn’t like...Something just doesn’t seem right about it...It doesn’t feel like my best work, and I know I can do so much better
So for the final draft instead of it being Akira, Futaba, and Akechi going to Destiny World it will instead be taking place a the same day as ‘A Perfect World’.
Warning: The part with Kasumi coming in is unfinished but everything after that should be finished...probably
Akira had his face buried in his pillow, his covers thrown off the bad, his pillow soaked with drool and sweat. A pair of boots stomped up the steps, “Akira!” Futaba yelled as she stepped foot into the attic, her loud voice not disturbing the snoring Morgana who was fast asleep on the couch. Akira groaned and blinked, the sleep out of his eyes. “Come, on time to wake up!”
“Yeah, yeah I’m awake,” He yawned and sat up, and rolled his shoulders back
Morgana’s snoring suddenly picked up in volume, “Jeez, how do you sleep in here with him?”
Akira sighed, “At least he’s not sleeping in the same bed as me anymore.” He grabbed his glasses and slipped them on his face.
“Morgana’s slept in the same bed as you?” Futaba asked, squinting her eyes.
“Yep, I used to wake up to him cuddling with me,” Akira sighed, reminiscing about his best friend’s weird sleeping habits.
“Ooooh, I’m totally telling Ann about this.”
The boy stood up from his bed, “Don’t, you know he has a massive crush on her.” Who didn’t know? Most of what Morgana ever talked about was ‘Lady Ann this’ and ‘Lady Ann that’.
“That just makes even more fun,” She laughed.
Akira rolled his eyes, “I’ll be down in 10,” He said as he walked over to his clothes box.
Futaba smiled, “Better hurry our poor detective prince is being interrogated by mom right now!”
Akira chuckled, as he heard the girl’s boots click down the stairs.
Poor Akechi.
When Akira came down, he was greeted to the sight of nervous Akechi staring into his coffee, Sojiro standing behind the counter with a big smile across his face, Wakaba sitting next to Akechi with a stern look on her face, and Futaba sitting in a booth trying hard not to laugh.
“Good morning,” Akira greeted as he took a seat next to Akechi.
Akechi turned to him, a smile washing over his nervous face, “Ah, good morning, Akira.”
Wakaba without taking her eyes away from Akechi took a sip of her coffee, “Good morning.”
Sojiro laid a cup of coffee in front of Akira, “You got down right in time, I think Wakaba is about to scare off your friend.”
Wakaba sighs, “I was just making sure I can trust him around my daughter.”
“Mooom, I’ve hung out with Akechi like a thousand times,” Futaba sighed.
“He’s fine Isshiki-san,” Akira added, as he took a sip of his coffee.
Wakaba sighs and her face softens a bit, “Fine I guess, but only because I trust those two’s judgment.”
“But, no funny business you two, and you better keep her safe!”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Of course, ma’am.”
“Moooooooom!” Futaba stammered, blushing, Akira and Sojiro shared the same smirk while Akechi chuckled.
“Have you ever been to Destinyland Futaba-Chan?” Akechi suddenly asked as they stood, waiting for the train.
“Oh yeah! Haru took us there after Okumaru’s Pal…-” Futaba stopped suddenly, a confused look spreading across her face.
Akechi tilted his head a bit, “Is something wrong?”
He and Akira stared at her as she stared down at the subway floor, “Ah, nothing.”
Akira had grown used to his friends doing that, every once in a while they would be talking about the past then suddenly his friends would just get confused or blank out...it was a bit weird, but none of them seemed to want to talk about it. Akira decided to change the subject, “Have you been Akechi?”
Akechi shakes his head, “Unfortunately not, I’ve always been far too busy.” He ponders for a moment before adding, “But there have been far fewer crimes this year, so I have quite the abundance of free time.”
Futaba smiles and turns towards Akechi, “Nice to see you can finally have some fun Mr. Snoot Snoot!” She exclaims as the train comes into the station
“Mr. Snoot Snoot?” Akechi said with a nervous smile.
“Yep! Mr. Snoot Snoot, McSnoot Snooter, Snooter Snooson, Snoo-”
“Ah, I think I get it,” Akechi chuckles nervously. He turns to Akira, “Do I really seem that ‘snooty’?”
“Yep,” Futaba answers without thinking. The train’s door opens and they board. Futaba sighs as they sit down, “You’re just way too uptight.”
“Uptight? I don’t think I’m that uptight,” He responds, “I can be fun,” Akechi turns back to Akira, “Right, Akira?”
Akira turns his attention to in front of himself and gives a small whistle, but doesn’t respond.
Futaba chuckled, “See?”
Akechi’s sighs, “Well I’ll try to be more ‘fun’ in the future.”
Akira smiled down at the ground, “We’ll see about that.”
“C’mon, hurry up!” Futaba exclaimed as she sprinted ahead, Akechi and Akira trailed slowly behind.
“So, do you have any more plans for summer break?” Akechi asked as he and Akira started to walk a bit faster to catch up to the girl.
Akira nodded, “I think we need to start preparing for our next Palace.”
Akechi sighed, “Really? More Phantom Thieves stuff?” They had almost caught up to Futaba when Akehci asked, “We did good last year, don’t you think it’s time for a break?”
“I do think it’s time for a break but...I just get this feeling that we need to prepare,” Akira’s stared at the ground as he walked
“Why? We haven’t got a single Palace in 9 months, honestly I think our job is done, for now,” He sighed.
“I...know, but like I said I’m just getting this strange feeling-”
“You’ve been worrying me Akira, all this talk about ‘strange feelings’ is getting…” Akechi sighed, “No, forget it, we shouldn’t be talking about this on a day like this.”
“Yeah…” Akira looked up again, only to see Futaba yet again quite a bit in front of them. “Come on, we better catch up before we lose her,” He sends a smirk towards Akechi, it was met with the detective’s own as they took off in a sprint.
“Futaba-Chan I had no idea you had so much energy,” Akechi exclaimed as panted trying to catch his breath.
“Maybe it’s heavily condensed?” Akira remarked.
Futaba turned back to him, “Hey-”
“Akira-Senpai!” A voice calls, as someone runs up to them.
Akira turned his head and smiled, “Oh, Kasumi!”
“Wow, I really didn’t expect to run into you three here!” Kasumi exclaimed.
Akechi nodded, “Yeah, quite the surprise.”
“You here alone?” Akira asked.
“Oh, no, I came here with my dad, but he got all tuckered out,” Kasumi sighed.
“How about you join us?”
“How does that even work?” Futaba exclaimed a frightened look on her face as she stared at the red haired girl.
“Huh?” Kasumi let out as she laid down her third food wrapper on the table.
Akira chuckled, “That’s exactly why I suggested we call her ‘appetite’.” Wait when did he suggest that code name? Back In January right? He could have sworn they hadn’t had a palace since- Akira shakes his head and buries the thought in his mind.
The 3 of them dragging Akechi onto a rollercoaster,
“Oh, oh, I’ve heard this is the greatest roller coaster in the park, come on, come on,” Futaba exclaimed as she sprinted to get in line.
Akira walked up behind her, “You sure you’re tall enough to ride?”
“Oh shut it-Hm?” Futaba looked behind Akira, Kasumi had joined them in line and seemed to be just as excited as Futaba, but Akechi had stayed behind. “Crow, what are you doing? Hurry up and get over here before you lose your spot!”
Akechi shook his head, “I’m not riding.”
“Don’t tell me you're scared of roller coasters?” Futaba chuckled from her spot in line.
Akechi shook his head again, “I’m not scared, I just don’t have the stomach for roller coasters.”
“Sure,…” She says as she rolls her eyes. “Mr. Snooty snoot,” she mumbled out.
Those three words really seems to get to Akechi, because he soon took his spot behind Kasumi. Kasumi turned to look back at him, “Ah, Akechi-Senpai are you really sure you want to ride-”
“Hrk-hgghh!” Akechi released the contents of his stomach into the trash can, as Akira held some the boy’s hair back to make sure he doesn't get puke in it.
Kasumi chuckled nervously, “Wow he really wasn’t lying.”
“Hm, it seems like Crow has a weakness to roller coasters,“ Futaba remarked, “Noted.” Akechi glared at her from the trash can. ...Why did that glare seem so familiar?....
‘I’m going to be completely honest with you, I hate you.’
Akira shook the words out of his mind.
Kasumi eventually departed from them with the excuse that her dad might start worrying. After they bid her goodbye Akira speaks up, “We should probably get going soon too.”
“But why? Come on Akira we’re having so much fun!” Futaba exclaimed.
“It’s getting late, Sojiro and Wakaba might start getting worried,” Akira then gestured to Akechi who was sulking behind them, “Plus I don’t think Akechi is doing too good.”
Futaba sighed, “Fine, I guess you're right.”
“Thank god,” Akechi whispered from behind them, still clutching his stomach.
“Ah, my stomach is still not right,” he heard Akechi complain. He stopped and stared forward and spotted the 3 walking towards him.
The girl next Akechi seemed to ignore his comment, “Can we go again next week? But with everyone else?” he hears Futaba ask excitedly.
Akira smiled, “Of course, but maybe we should keep Mr. Sensitive stomach at home.” Akechi grumbled at the comment.
A smile spread across his face, as the 3 walked past him, “Glad to see you made the right choice,” Maruki whispered as quietly as he could.
“Glad to see you made the right choice,” The whisper stopped Akira in his tracks. That voice. Akira immediately turned around, but the owner of that familiar voice wasn’t there. He could have sworn he heard Maruki.
“Akira?” Akechi called out. Akira turned back around to see Futaba and Akechi staring at him, “Is something wrong?” the detective asked. Akira’s mind for some reason wandered to a memory of Maruki standing in a plain white arena, snapping his fingers...The memory felt like a dream, Akira ignored it and shook his head
#persona#persona 5#persona 5 protagonist#Persona 5 royal#akira kusuru#ren amamiya#Futaba Sakura#akechi goro#kasumi yoshizawa#takuto maruki#sojiro sakura#I'm not even attempting to spell Futaba's mother's name#What the fuck is this#A Perfect World
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The latest draft chapter for Caramel Skin Under A Purple Rain
The infirmary wasn’t a fun place at the best of times. Keith’s instincts left his husband cranky and brooding, sitting in the corner of the room Lance was now occupying for the next few nights. Krolia was sitting in the visitors chair beside his bed, because unlike Keith, she could keep her temper. Poking had turned to prodding, prodding had turned to scans, scans had turned to an IV and a monitor strapped across his stomach. That led to Veronica interrupting their “family” moment, his sister now sitting on the end of his bed as she talked to their mother, angry that Kosmo had stolen the prime position. Kosmo listened to no one. He was his own wolf. He was his own wolf that was laying up along his side with his head on Lance’s shoulder. Veronica had tried scolding him, telling Lance to scold him, “ordering” Keith to evict him off the bed because it couldn’t possibly be good for him or the twins... She’d even tried sitting on the edge of the bed and forcing him off, nothing had worked. Lance was secretly glad it hadn’t. He’d missed his dopey wolf, and from the look of it, Kosmo had missed him too. “Lance, Mami wants to talk to you” Rising from her chair Krolia held her hand out for Veronica’s comms. Lance wasn’t able to move due to Kosmo, not that he wanted to move “Krolia, the call is for Lance” “I don’t see you moving to pass him your comms” It was as if two vipers were poised to attack each other. The look in their eyes sent a shiver down his spine. Veronica and Krolia were both strong willed women, that scared him in near equal parts. Narrowing her eyes at Kosmo, he cuddled his baby boy closer, knowing he was about to the object of her anger “How can I with that wolf there?” “Gracious. Here I thought both sides of the bed were accessible. Kosmo, you seemed to have grown larger than you appear” “I’m his brother” “Kosmo’s? I thought you were Lance’s older sister” As the invisible sparks flew, Lance kind of wished he was sulking in the corner with Keith. Veronica was scary enough without being provoked. Krolia had thoroughly burned his sister, cruelly if he was asked. Though, it was only cruel because he couldn’t laugh. His mother-in-law sounded as if she’d been part of the family for decades. “Veronica! Pass the comms to Krolia! I can’t see anything!” “You wanted to talk to Lance” “And I still do. Now pass the comm to Krolia. I know she’s grown up enough not be upset over a wolf” Ooooh. His mother was in fine form too. Veronica very nearly snapped her comms as she set her jaw and handed the device to Krolia with a cool glare. Ignoring her, Krolia smiled brightly as she settled back down. From where he was propped up, he could see his mother’s anxious face “Krolia! Dear, how is he?” “We’ve settled him in the infirmary for now. Minor hiccup with morning sickness. We’re going to run a series of allergy tests as he’s having trouble keeping things down. Simply precautionary. The twins are being monitored, but things are much as they were when we spoke. Only, he’s awake now” “Thank goodness. I’ve been wondering if I should come. But what can one dottering old lady do” “Now, now, Miriam. You look amazing. Five children and that figure...” His mother giggled. Honest to God, giggled. What the quiznak was going on here? “Krolia, we both know a few things are below the belt by now” “I refuse to believe it. I’ll pass you over to Lance now” “Thank you. I’m sorry about Veronica. Lord only knows where she gets her stubbornness from” From his Mami. Veronica’s stubbornness was one hundred per cent from their Mami “It’s perfectly fine, Miriam. Young pups have their moment” Veronica had no idea she’d just been called a baby. Lance sucking in his lips at the insult. Krolia knew he was struggling, so she threw in a wink. Laughter bubbled up as he took Veronica’s comms from Krolia. Personally, he didn’t think he needed all this fuss over morning sickness, but there was no stopping Krolia. Tilting the comms to his face, his mother set her face in “mum mode” “What did you do this time?” “Hi, Mami. I’m ok. Twins are great. Keith says hi” “Lance. You’re pregnant, you shouldn’t be picking fights” Nope. She was pissed. Her expression didn’t change the slightest “Mami, I wasn’t picking a fight. I was defending myself” “I’ve read. I’ve had Marco calling daily for updates. Your team wanted to storm Daibazaal and take you away from there. I bet you haven’t called poor Daehra, have you? Do they know who’s responsible yet?” “No, Mami. It’s complicated. I’ve been sleeping off the pod, and now Krolia is channeling you. The cast’s off my leg, knee all healed up” “And what if you didn’t have access to the pod? What if you were stuck healing the normal way? Did our Keith have his foot looked at? Don’t tell me you’ve both been neglecting your health” Lance rolled his eyes, swapping to Spanish simply because Keith didn’t know Spanish “Mami, he’s fine. Daehra fixed it right up. I’m ok too. Krolia suggested that I might have developed an allergy. I didn’t know that was a thing. I’m good. I’ve been out to talk to my therapist. I’m safe with Keith and Kosmo. I know you’re going to tell me to go back home, but I’m fine. Had a scan about half an hour ago, both twins still intact” “You need to be careful. Your health has been so fragile. I really do wish you’d consider coming back home. I worry for you, and for Keith” “I can’t Mami. The coalition is sending us on a publicity tour... I may have upset them” “Did they do this? Did they hurt you and my grand-babies? Do I need to talk to them? How many people have you upset?” Lance let out a sigh “Mami, if I started listing everyone who wanted me dead... it’s better you don’t think about that. I have some new twin scans to send you, or Krolia can of you message her. And tell Marco to call me if he wants to talk to me. I didn’t have a chance to call Daehra. The second Keith saw I was awake, it’s been one thing after another. They’ve put me on an anti-nausea thing...” Against his wishes. Keith didn’t even try to back him up. He was too busy being mad and glaring at all the medical staff “... Besides, they want me to stay here because of the pods” “Why must you get into so much trouble?” “I wasn’t getting into trouble when I was at the outpost” “Don’t give me that, Lance. The only thing that’s changed is that you cannot get away with things” “Hey! I’ve been on my best behaviour” “Says the man who hid from his mother that he could fall pregnant” “Of course I hide things from you. I don’t want you to worry any more than you have to” “Do not take that tone with me, Mijo. I am well aware I would probably faint on the spot if I knew half of what you did” “I was attacked going to the bathroom” “Why were you going to the bathroom alone?” “Because after 23ish years of existence, I know how to pee alone” “Why wasn’t Keith with you?” “Because he doesn’t need to hold my hand” “Obviously he does” “He was supposed to be getting his humanitarian award. He was on stage with Krolia. Mami, I want you to be careful. If this is related to Kre’el, they could go after you” “Do you believe it’s related?” Lance paused. No. He honestly didn’t... not that he knew exactly who was “I can’t say and that worries me” “We’ll be safe, Mijo. You stay safe. My heart couldn’t take it if I lost you” “Mami, I’m being safe... I am. This is all Krolia overreacting” “Krolia doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman who’d overreact. If you need me to come, I will” “No. No, Mami. It was a fight that got out of hand. And you know how I feel about the coalition” His mother sighed deeply. He may or may not have yelled at her more than once that he wanted nothing to do with them, and that they could shove their job offers where God’s light didn’t shine... “Mijo, if you’re not comfortable with this, then step back. You don’t have to turn yourself into a public spectacle” “I do, Mami. People need something to believe in. Allura gave her life for peace, and they’ve brought stability, even if I don’t agree with their methods. If they’re lost, then someone else is going to step up. I’m not doing this for them. I’m doing it for Keith and his dream of the Galra no longer being feared and hated. I’m doing this for our children. I’m so sick of it all, Mami. I didn’t go looking for this fight. I’m tired of my name being used to spread all these lies. I’m the useless and disgraced Paladin, and I’m sorry you’ve been caught up in it... we had a good run. 5 phoebs before it all went downhill” “Oh, Mijo. Is Keith there? Can I talk to him?” “If you’re going to dob me into him, I’d rather not. He’s been having a mental breakdown since everything happened. Everyone’s fussing way too much, and he’s not ok” “Someone has to fuss. Now put him on for me” Lance sighed to himself “Make the pregnant person do all the hard work...” “I am and I will. You brought this upon yourself” “Thanks, Mami. Nice to know you love me” “I do. We do. We all do” Lance raised an eyebrow “I would bet you GAC that Rachel isn’t rushing to tell me she loves me” His mother’s expression changed at his sister name. Rachel must now know he was pregnant and not pleased at all over the news “Rachel will when she’s calmed down. Now pass me over to Keith” “Keith, Mami wants to talk to you” Holding out the comms, Keith eyed it as if it was something toxic, mouthing at him “why me?”. At least, that’s what Lance thought he was mouthing. Waving the comms, his husband remained seated until Lance glared at him. Dragging himself up, Keith snatched the comms from him, stalking through the infirmary room then out the door “He does realise that’s my comms, doesn’t he?” Lance shrugged. Mami was a woman on a mission “It’s Mami. Do you want to tell her that she can’t talk to her favourite son?” “You’re the “prodigal son”. As long as you’re safe and well, it doesn’t matter how much you worry everyone around you” “And you’re acting like a bitch. I don’t know why we keep having this fight, V. I’m your brother. You know I didn’t pick this fight. You’re so much like Marco that it’s laughable. You both lash out when you’re worried, only making both of us feel shit. Yeah, I lied to you. I kept things from you. But that’s because I’m sick of being treated as anything other than normal. I get that I’m a freak, but you’re my big sister. I always knew you had my back. I’ve ruined and disappointed our family enough. I don’t even know why any of this happened. I don’t want to be in the news for all the wrong reasons. I wanted to live at my outpost and be left alone. Somewhere you screwed up little brother wouldn’t cause you any more embarrassment” Veronica pushes her glasses back up her nose “It’s not that! We were so close and you hid it from me. I thought you trusted me. I want you to come to me... I don’t want any of this for you either. But I don’t understand... I could have been there with you. I would have been there with you” “For which bit? There’s a lot that’s happened. I don’t want to always be calling when things have gone wrong. I can handle things when I’m alone, V. It’s when other people are involved that it becomes complicated” The machine behind him let out a series of beeps, both he and Veronica looking to Krolia for an explanation “Your blood pressure just rose. I think it’s best you both admit that you’ve each stuffed up, but that you each love each other and call it a day. Both of you should know better, you’re acting like a pair of pups” Lance ducked his head, Veronica was wearing an expression as if she’d been sucking on a lemon “Sorry, Mumma K. V, you should go. I’m ok. I’m hooked up to these machines, and all I’m gonna be doing is eating and drinking to see what I can keep down” He hadn’t kept down the ginger tea. The scent had made him more nauseous, the taste was like drinking battery acid, or how he imagined it would taste. Following up with food, the spread of bread, soup and fruit... He’d managed a little of the bread, the soup tasted wrong and the consistency of the fruit was hard and chewy. His gums started bleeding thanks to the fruit, Keith started panicking over the blood. Lance ended up choking on some space version of a pineapple chunk as Keith tried to fuss and baby him while he coughed painfully from the feeling of the fruit, Krolia saved him from his panicking husband and now they were here. There was some kind of condition that wasn’t simple morning sickness, Krolia was worried he had it, but Daehra hadn’t diagnosed him so he doubted that he did. Krolia trusted Daibazaal’s medics, Lance didn’t. Nonetheless, he was sure it was on the test list... A completely useless test list. He’d been in a pod. There wasn’t a whole lot that could possibly be wrong with him. A little nausea wasn’t going to kill him, all this was providing to be was a major stressor for Keith, which in turn was raising his own stress levels, because he feared for his husband “Krolia, can you tell Keith we need to talk. He might be hiding outside” “I expect he’s still talking to Miriam, but I will notify him. You get some rest. I’ll be back later and you better believe I’ll know if you haven’t” “I’m behaving. V, you can head off too. I’m fine. This is one huge overreaction” Veronica shot him a glare “Your health is nothing to be joked about. You need to be careful. And don’t think I’m not still upset over your seizures, let alone your pregnancy. You have far too many secrets and I’m going to get to the bottom of it all” “If keeping my secrets means having you hate me for the rest of my life, then I know what I’m choosing. I love you, V, but it’s better this way” “And you’re my brother. You’ve got to stop ending up here” “I know. Now go. Go make the most of your time with Acxa. We’re all about to get a whole lot busier” Veronica climbed off the end of the bed, she seemed as if she was going to hug him, but was disused by Kosmo’s hulking mass. Within a few ticks, both she and Krolia were gone and Lance finally had 5 ticks to himself to think. * Standing in the corridor beside Lance’s room, Keith had his back against the smooth grey stone as he stared down at Veronica’s comms. Miriam was worried about him. Mami was so worried about both of them that she’d asked Keith to bring Lance home to Cuba if he wasn’t coping, or if Keith felt he was no longer able to care for Lance. Anger bled into frustration, that bled into self annoyance. He was trying his best... but he was exhausted. His instincts were being stupid, and that apology he owed Lance seemed to be stuck in his throat. Lance suspected Krystaal of being behind everything that happened, leaving him quiznakking pissed that his husband could be so petty and jealous... the same feelings that Shiro and Lance’s new found closeness had spurred within him. He might be mad, but it was himself that he was mad at... and maybe a bit with Mami. Lance should have been safe to go to the bathroom alone. He should have been there to make sure he was. Not stuck on some stage he didn’t want to be on. They’d been spending so much time together, but... he didn’t know what he kept doing wrong. Lance was very clearly mad at him when they were back in their room... and Keith wasn’t sure why. His husband had finally woken after sleeping off the pod’s affects. He hadn’t said anything “wrong” that he could think of. The feelings in his heart were a kin to standing by the door to the principals office, only this time he had no idea what he’d done wrong. He hadn’t gotten into a fight. He hadn’t stolen anything, or acted out. He couldn’t help it that he didn’t understand... He was trying his best. Ignoring the slight grating noise that accompanied the door to Lance’s room sliding open, Keith could tell from the scents alone that it was Veronica and Krolia. Holding out Veronica’s comms, the device was taken from his hand. His sister-in-law not saying anything as she took it and left. Placing her hand on his hair, Krolia ruffled it lightly “You know he’s ok. He’s only here because of the allergy test, and the risk of that drug, impacting the twins. He said he wants to talk to you” About what? He didn’t want to talk if it only led to another fight... His instincts were exhausting. Keith wasn’t sure they wouldn’t flare. He’d screwed up royally by taking Lance from the infirmary in the first place... He wouldn’t be back in the infirmary only vargas after waking if he hadn’t been so hot headed “Maybe I should let him sleep?” “Get in there and talk to your husband already” Dragging his feet, Keith fought against his instincts as he headed back into the infirmary room. Lance was still cuddled into Kosmo, Kosmo’s tail thumping as he scratched under his chin “Mum said you wanted to talk?” Lance nodded, stopping his scratches as he did. Huffing as it was the end of the world, Kosmo slumped down like he knew that scratches had to come to end so his two humans could talk “Yeah. You going to hide in the corner again? It looks like a nice corner” Keith glanced to the corner he’d been “hiding” in, it was a pretty nice corner... “Babe, come on. I’m joking. Here, Kosmo’s claimed this side but I’ve got space up here and I thought we could talk” His instincts said “Yes!”, his feet however said “no”. The best he could manage was an awkward shuffling of his feet. Lance biting his lip before he shook his head, forcing a fake smile to his lips. Fuck... if that wasn’t a kick in the heart. He hated that smile with all the power of the burning sun... or suns... every single sun they’d ever passed “It’s ok. I thought we should talk, but if you want to go then that’s okay. I’m going to be here a few days, so whenever’s fine” “I fucked up. I couldn’t handle you being in here. I took you back to our room and now we’re back here, because I fucked up. I didn’t listen to you. I laughed in your face when you got that letter and I didn’t listen. You were seriously shaken, and I thought it was one of your nightmares. You were scared and I shot you down. Every time I shot you down. You said this was a possibility, and I should have listened. No wonder you went and talked to Shiro. It’s my fault that you ended up in here. Mami’s probably right. I told her I’d protect you, and instead you’re back here again because I thought I was doing the right thing taking you back to our room. I didn’t want you in here with other people. What if you’d lost the twins. That would have been my fault. You could have been killed, and I was up on that stage. Fuck, Lance, I don’t know what to do. Your health’s all over the place. Someone wants to hurt you. You’re pregnant and I keep losing my temper. I’ve got no idea what to do. We’ve got to go on this tour. You’re pregnant. We’ve got twins on the way. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You have no idea how much blood there was. I don’t even understand how you’re still pregnant. I don’t understand any of this pregnancy things. How do you suddenly have allergies? Have you always had allergies? Do the twins have allergies?” The more Keith spoke, the faster the words came out. He was deaf to most of it, speaking out of fear. Word vomiting out of fear. Word after word turning into a jumble as messy and tangled as his emotions. He had no idea what was up, or what was down. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears as he stumbled as if drunk, taking one step back and one to the side, he threw up, then promptly fainted on the spot. Scaring the absolute quiznak out of Lance as he did. * When Keith came too, he was seated in Lance’s lap. His face against his husband’s neck as Lance’s fingertips massaged his scalp. Wrinkling his face, his mouth tasted revolting. He didn’t remember how he’d ended up on the hard floor, but Lance was hushing him softly. Kissing his temple, Lance sighed softly against him “Hello, sleepy. Nice to have you back in the land of the conscious” “What happened?” “You pulled a “me”. Had a spectacular panic attack, then fainted. Krolia wasn’t too far away, Kosmo rounded her up. And we’ve been sitting here on the bed like this for the last varga or so” Keith groaned. He didn’t remember panicking... He didn’t really remember much after Lance smiled so horribly... they were on the bed? Then why was it so quiznakking hard? “Why does my mouth feel gross?” “You threw up. How do you feel? Are you tired? I didn’t want to move you until you woke up. Krolia left you to me, not that I mind” For his pregnant husband to have been sitting there for the last varga... it made him feel shitty... “You should have just sat me in the corner” “Nah. I wasn’t sure this would work, but it’s what you do for me, so I thought it’d help keep you grounded when you woke” Lance’s fingertips felt amazing against his head. Keith couldn’t deny his head didn’t feel weird... kind of empty, as if he was mentally drained and definitely disorientated “Thanks...” Nuzzling into his husband’s neck, Keith sighed softly. Kissing his temple again, Lance nuzzled him back “Pidge will be back soon, do you want to stay in my lap or lay beside me?” “Pidge?” “She came by while you were sleeping. Screamed and everything” “She screamed?” “She thought you were... straddling my lap for another reason” “Pidge thought you were...” “Yep” “Ugh. In the infirmary?” “Yep. Pretty much. She calmed down when she realised you weren’t actually moving and still had pants on. I told her you fell asleep. You’re probably exhausted from not just your attack, but looking after me too” “I’m fine” Lance laughed softly, though it wasn’t in humour “Babe, you’re not fine. I said we need to talk, and you panicked. It can wait though. It’s a crappy feeling when you’re coming out of an attack and you’re being made to think” “‘m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you” “It wasn’t your job to. Your job was to be on stage, not to worry about me. If anyone should be worrying, it’s me about you. Panic attacks are awful. I think it’d do you some good to talk to To’ral” “I’m fine. I didn’t mean to scare you” “You’re scared. I know you’re scared. You’re trapped in your head thinking things over and over. I do it too. Take a few deep breaths, and stay here. You saw the scans. The pod fixed the damage right up. Your pups are still safe and healthy, being monitored until the drug is out my system. You need to let yourself rest” “I’m still sorry” He was. He truly was sorry he’d ignored the signs out of a desperate need to believe that Kre’el was firmly behind them. He was truly sorry that Lance had been attacked. He was sorry that he’d taken his husband from the infirmary too soon, endangering Lance’s life, and that of their twins “It’s ok. It’s ok and I’m here. I’ve got you, Keith. I’ve got you” Keith remained curled into his husband until Pidge returned... with Hunk. Hunk seemed flustered, hanging in the background as Keith moved carefully from Lance’s lap to lay at his side. His arm wrapped around his husband with his head resting on his shoulder so he could see Pidge. Armed with her holopad, the previous green Paladin went to work tapping on the screen while Hunk moved to take the seat in the corner, his movies clumsy with nerves. The space felt awkward to him. Their friends felt like intruders. Lance’s stomach was wired up, evident from the wires snaked out from under his semi-risen gown. The blankets in his lap and his sweats giving him at least some level of modesty. “Keith, I can feel you glaring” Hugging him tighter, Lance snorted at Pidge’s comment. Keith felt stupid as quiznak as he hid behind his pregnant husband, but it wasn’t his fault he hardly felt like socialising “It’s kind of his thing, remember. Dark. Broody. Emo... You know, he hasn’t changed that much in the last decade. Did Krolia fill you in on my theory?” “For a dumbarse, you’re pretty smart. She sent me the data from the thermal cameras, and you were right. There was a second person at the scene. They cloaked themselves against the scanners, but they still left residual heat signatures on the door edge where they touched it. We weren’t looking for it, because of how your attacker moved, and the fact he was drugged before the attack. When he showed up shot in the head, that should have raised more red-flags, but I was busy worrying about your idiot arse. How did you end up back here?” “Allergies” Pidge wrinkled her nose “Thanks to a certain someone, I’ve been reading up on pregnancy. I didn’t even know you could develop allergies while pregnant. Have they told you what yet?” “What I’m allergic to? No. It’s a theory Krolia is forcing me to pursue in this stylish room. I have to say, I’m sick of hospitals” “I’m sick of you being in them. How are my minions? Still baking?” “Yep. Pod healed them right up. The minion carrier is also alright” “Excellent. I can’t have an army of minions without said minions. I still can’t believe you’re pregnant” “Surprise?” Pidge laughed as she continued to tap on her screen. Keith felt his instincts rile at Pidge’s teasing, nuzzling harder into Lance as he tried to squash them back down “I still have questions, but seeing you got your arse handed to you, I’ll play nice for now” “Nawww. Were you worried?” “Pffft. No. But if you do it again, you won’t have some secret gang after you” “Understood, Pigeon. What other news have you got for me? I’m so out of the loop that the loops falling asleep on me” Wrinkling her nose, Pidge shook her head “I don’t need to know whom does what bit to whom” “Coming from the woman who thought Keith and I were having sex here. Trust me...” Pidge covered her ears, Lance shutting up immediately “I said I’m sorry! You two already made babies so we know you can’t keep it in your pants” “You don’t have to take your pants off...” “I think I liked it better when you were in the pod!” Growling at Pidge, Lance jabbed him in the ribs. Keith didn’t appreciate the gesture. He knew Lance was no where near as comfortable with Pidge being there as he was acting. He knew that Hunk’s presence wasn’t welcomed either, and that his husband was simply playing the bigger man by not raising a fuss or making a scene. Technically he had no reason to be mad at the pair, especially when he hoped Lance would reconnect with them, but that didn’t mean they needed to do it while Lance was confined to the infirmary wing of the palace “Ignore him, Pidge. It’s a Galra thing. Are you coming on tour with us?” “Nope. New students are coming into the garrison for the start of the second semester. I’m not having one of them risk my experiments” “Gotta defend that lab of yours” “Yep. They forced me to take on a second assistant. They were useless. I mean, worse than you with the “techno-babble”. If it’s in my lab, that means you don’t touch it. Even if I let you touch it, it’s not alright. Let alone when they get it into their heads they have to clean my lab. Can’t a girl leave parts around without someone deciding that maybe “the floor should be cleared of all trip hazards”. Iverson suggested teaching, but how do you train monkeys who’s only enjoyment in life is ruining mine?” “Sucks to be you. You could branch out on your own” “Try telling my mother that. Hunk and Shay are going. Though from the sound of it, it’s mostly going to be Keith’s team, you guys, Krolia, Shiro and Curtis that actually visit wherever the coalitions decided. Sucks to be you” “Touché, gremlin. Think of all that tech we’re gonna see without you” “It hurts, but if it means not seeing you two being gross than I’ll survive” “You’re just jealous” Rolling her eyes, Pidge climbed out the of the visitors chair “No offence Keith, but Lance you’re the only person in the universe who’d marry him. You can keep him. And because I’m a great friend, I sent you the thermal recordings and related data. If you ever pull something like that again, I’m going to kick your arse myself” “Awwww, I knew you cared about me. Thanks for this, Pidge. It’d be nice to know who’s after me this time and why. At least space pirates have the decency to attack me for a reason” “Don’t think I won’t turn into one if you get hurt again” “That genuinely scares me” “I’ll come back and visit you again when Keith isn’t giving me death stares” “Ignore him. That’s what I do” Pidge laughed, behind him there was a scraping as Hunk climbed to his feet. Walking over to Pidge, he was nervously wringing his hands, his eyes flicking towards them before he opened his mouth and closed it, then following Pidge when she gave a wave and headed out. When the door closed behind them, Lance let out a sigh. The rigidity in his limbs loosening as he half rolled towards him. Tilting his head up, Keith stole a soft kiss from his husband, Lance closing his eyes as he tried to wrap his arms around him. Shifting to accomodate Lance’s stomach, they wound up nuzzling into each other’s cheeks, Lance’s voice a whisper “You ok, babe?” “I should be asking you that” “I’m getting there. I’m more worried about you right now” “I’m ok. Sorry about my instincts...” “I could smell your anger. I know you want to protect me, but we’re going to need to work this anger out” “I know... I’m sorry for making you so uncomfortable” “By knocking me up, or with your “cranky pants” scent?” “Either. Either. Both... I don’t know what I’m doing anymore” Choking softly on the emotions welling, Keith closed his eyes. This panic attack business really quiznakking sucked. He didn’t prefer Lance to be the one having the attack, but I felt out of his depths to handle his own. Kissing his cheek, Lance’s right hand found his left, interlacing their fingers together lightly “I don’t know what I’m doing either... I’m sorry for falling pregnant...” “Don’t... don’t apologise and don’t blame yourself. At the moment, these twins... they’re our future. I don’t want to keep fucking up” “We both fuck up semi-regularly. It’s kind of our thing. Technically we didn’t even know we were married” “But when I fuck up... you end up hurt. I’m so sick of you being hurt. I’m so sick of it. I’m sick of you crying. I’m sick of making you cry” “Shhh... You’re going to push yourself into another attack” Keith didn’t care if he did. He didn’t remember what he’d said to Lance, only that Lance was handling things too well which had to mean something else was on his mind so he was attempting to distract himself “Why can’t I get it right with you?” “That’s enough, babe” Lance’s voice was gentle yet firm, Keith wasn’t about to have him have the last word. He was too emotionally drained, speaking freely much like Lance did when he was tired “It’s... it’s all so complicated. When everyone’s around, they’re always there. I like it better when they aren’t” “It’s still hard to be around them... Hunk didn’t say a word. He’s probably revolted still... they’re supposed to be our friends. We have to try...” “I’m too tired to try” Keith was too tired to do much of anything. All he wanted was a world of their own. Where he could live up to his personal promise to protect his husband, no matter when or from whom... even the times he’d protected Lance from himself didn’t way on him the way this attack had “You don’t get to give up. It’s been a quiznakkingly awful return, but we’re ok. We’ll do this stupid tour. Then I want to go home. This exhaustion. I feel it all the time. The constant judging. The constant wondering if you’re doing the right thing. If you’ve said something stupid. Done the wrong thing. Wondering how messed up your head is. If they can see how scared and messed up you are about being around them” “Then why are you still here?” Lance’s sigh bordered on a groan “Because our marriage was falling apart. I was falling apart. I wanted to make it work with you, because for some unknown fucking reason I still love you. But if you ever, ever, treat me like you did, accusing me of cheating, making me feel like a whore, making me feel like a dirty disgusting vile thing for being too upset to tell you I needed to go see my therapist, I’m going to leave. I am going to leave and I won’t be coming back. I don’t blame you for taking me back to your room. The fact I’m here again isn’t your fault. I’m here because allergies are apparently a thing, like I told Pidge. I’m here because I’m a fucked up junkie and someone knows. They shot me up and it could still hurt our twins. That’s why I’m here. Now just shut up already and give me cuddles because you’re exhausted and I’m done with everyone that’s not you or Kosmo... or Krolia. Mumma K can stay. Shiro’s alright, so is Curtis. Everyone else, I’m done. The way people carry on, it’s like they’ve never met a pregnant person before. I’m so fucking done” Lance’s words were hardly comforting or soothing, something that didn’t match the intimacy of their position. His husband’s anger seemed to catch in his nose, and the way his voice didn’t waver was enough to tell Keith that Lance meant every word of it. It also told him it was better to “shut up” now, and let his husband’s anger fade rather than pushing or stepping on some unknown mine that would send them into another fight. The fact that Lance was threatening to leave tugged heavily on his heart. Maybe if he’d remained silent, his husband wouldn’t have snapped like this... although, he also supposed that Lance had reached the end of his emotional rope long before the incident and was finally putting his needs first instead of going along with everyone else’s plans and desires... but then again, Lance had asked about the planned coalition tour... so maybe that was what had set him off this time? Caused him to snap, because Pidge had laughed at the issue? His mind was no better than food goop in his head. Everything felt all blended together... too blended together for him to hope to part. Kissing his husband and telling him how much he loved him would simply be an insult if he was to do it now... but he didn’t know how to do any of this, or how things would proceed. Scrunching his eyes against the unwanted tears emotional exhaustion had caused, he clung to Lance for dear life, because, right now, what else could he do?
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"Iron Man 1 gets quoted so much but are you really telling me that a self-proclaimed genius needed to be directly hurt by his weapons to know that innocent people were hurting over them too? There’s no way to make weapons and be good, there’s no way to make weapons like Jericho and believe that no innocents are being hurt by them. We constantly hear about how he stopped making weapons after Iron Man 1, but he didn’t. (1/6)
He just made weapons for different people. He made Insight for S.H.I.E.L.D., made Ultron for himself, and that’s not to mention the ridiculous amounts of weapons we’re shown in the tower scene in Homecoming, that if he made that weapon for S.H.I.E.L.D. he’s likely to have made others. Tony also pushes the Accords, which are in violation of several human rights, on the Avengers simply because someone walked up to him and said “my son is dead and I blame you”. (2/6)
Imagine having to be told to your face that an American died as a consequence of your ridiculous murder bot so that you care enough to do something about it. Because he knew people had died in Sokovia but did nothing about it until a photo was shoved in his face. There’s no excuse for Tony teaming up with Ross. A man who drove Bruce Banner to attempt suicide. There’s no excuse for Tony restricting Wanda to the compound and calling her “a weapon of mass destruction”. (3/6)
There’s no excuse for him shooting Sam in the chest after Rhodey falls. There’s no excuse for him bribing blackmailing and kidnapping Peter. There’s no excuse for the vicious way in which he attacks Bucky. He never apologizes for Ultron, he says “and then Ultron, my fault” in Civil War and then in Endgame he brings it up and claims he was right, even though Ultron was a disastrous occurrence. (4/6)
He blames Stee for breaking up the Avengers when Tony himself brought the Accords upon them and then pushed Steve away when he chose to help Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Clint, Scott instead of giving up the glory of being a hero. Tony probably only asked Steve to choose between the shield (being Cap) and Bucky (keeping his family, and I mean all of them not just Bucky, safe) because in Iron Man 3 he gets rid the Arc Reactor, symbolically giving up Iron Man for Pepper and then he doesn’t stick to it (5/6)
And he thought Steve would choose the same way. His monologue in the beginning of Endgame was pretty much just Hydra rhetoric, he says “what we needed was a suit of armour around the world whether it impacted your precious freedoms or not”. Our “precious freedoms” are a human right, Tony Stark has no claim to them. Not to mention that a suit of armour around the world would have done jack shit to stop Thanos or the snap.“ Machi, I do not know if I cry or laugh. (6/6)
I don’t… Honestly, thank you for sending me this in ask format because I don’t know what I would have done had I seen this on my dash out of nowhere. I honestly can’t imagine what my reaction would’ve been. I’VE REMOVED ANTIS SO EFFICIENTLY NOTHING BUT THE PUREST LOVE FOR TONY STARK CROSSES MY DASH, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I tend not to interact with antis in any capacity because people who hate a character usually don’t hear to what other people have to say about that character, even if it’s in a calm, polite, and perfectly reasonable manner. My only interactions with antis have been on occasions where they come to me, not the other way around, and that’s why this kind of stuff doesn’t even bother me anymore.
Because I don’t get it. I truly, honestly don’t get their logic. I guess laughing is my pick, because I don’t waste no tears on something like this akdhkajshfkjashfh
Let’s go over this, shall we? For some lighthearted fun.
The weapons manufacturer argument always sounded weird to me - it sounds like a very standard anti-military speech; Which I could get, if that criticism were ever extended to the other military characters, such as Rhodey, the entirety of SHIELD, and Steve himself. Because… you know… the soldier in super soldier is not just a cool nickname. Steve is also part of this war based system and people seem to be very forgetful of that fact. If you want to be angry about Tony enforcing war indirectly, don’t forget to spare some of that anger of yours for the other characters too! Make sure everyone gets their share! Oh, but Steve only wanted to protect the little guy, you say? Did you fall asleep when Tony says “I saw young Americans killed by the same weapons I build to protect them”? Is the use of the word Americans that bothers them? Enough to ignore everything else this sentence is composed of, including meaning? Also, personal morality aside - Tony is not, in any way, a war criminal or profiteer, as many antis like to put it. He is a legalized, certified weapons manufacturer, and all unlawful use of his weapons seen on screen is caused by Obadiah’s double-dealing. Ever since IM1.
And I can’t wrap my head around getting angry about a character that makes weapons in a universe where aliens are constantly knocking at your door asking if they can blow up your planet! What are you going to fight them with? Please, someone, give me an answer, because I can’t come up with any ideas.
Ultron. Aaaah, I love talking about that garbage of a movie. I also don’t understand why people pin Ultron on Tony as if Tony has intentionally made Ultron evil, when the thing inside the Mind Stone is what makes Ultron sentient, and when Tony builds Ultron with the help of Bruce with the intentions of, and I quote, “not letting the next alien get past the bouncer”. It’s the same speech, “weapons are bad! He made a weapon, so he is bad!”. But again, if weapons are not the things we’re gonna use against aliens, against Thanos, what will we use?! The Infinity Stones? Ultron was made of Infinity Stones! Where is the logic in that! I know, we’ll clock Thanos in the head with a frying pan, that’ll solve the problem akjdaslkfalskf No more weapons, everybody. We’ll just close the doors and windows and pretend we’re not home. Let’s get into a fistfight against Thanos, the huge ass purple alien, when that alien beat the shit out of the Hulk once with no problem! I’m sure that will work out just fine!
But by far, my favorite thing about antis arguments is the use of the Accords as a justification for demonizing Tony, when there is no evidence the Accords are a bad thing! No, for real! Not one! It’s all speculative! I’m sure a lot of people immediately draft comparisons between the Accords and SHRA, but the truth is, they couldn’t be more different! It’s not even that hard to realize this, so long as you’re paying attention to the canon cues. If the Accords where SHRA, Clint would’ve received a copy. So would have Scott, Hank Pym, every single enhanced person in the Agent of SHIELD series, every single superhuman. But they don’t! Only active-duty, currently present Avengers. So it’s not a register of every single individual, only of those who are currently working under Avenger’s jurisdiction. Second, it’s hysterical to me that someone would be angry that Tony is supposedly prioritizing American lives, but is okay with unauthorized American military intervention. Because that’s what the Avengers are! They are a government-endorsed and based paramilitary group, a special unit. It makes sense that they, a specialized team, are sent to deal with alien threats, because no country has a say in the legality of who gets to take the alien to court. So that’s not a problem. But when you go to a country to chase a specific person, a totally human person, without permission and you bring your special ops team with you, destroy some buildings, and then act like you didn’t do anything wrong - that is something people tend not to like, ya know.
It gets to a point that the hate becomes a total lack of empathy. “It’s not fair that people are acting like Wanda is a threat. It was an accident!”. Had a person I love been in that building, would it matter to me if it was an accident or not? “Clint was fighting for his right to freedom, even if he didn’t read the Accords! He has the right to freedom!”. He sure does. How was his freedom endangered, exactly? By this document he never was prompted to sign? “The Accords are a violation of your right to freedom!”. Are they? Is a person forbidding you from entering their home if they fear you might destroy it, is that an infringement of your right to freedom? Do you have the freedom to go anywhere you please and do whatever you think it’s right, even if it destroys someone else’s property, or wound or kill someone, so long as you did what you had to do? “He has no right to lash out against the people who have murdered his parents or almost killed his best friend! They didn’t mean to!”. Oh, doesn’t he? Is he not allowed this distressed emotional response? Alright then. Where was that rage when Wanda, Toomes, and so many others blamed Tony for the weapons Obadiah sold without Tony’s consent?
I don’t have time for this double-standard. I’m gonna be here sipping on my loving Tony Stark juice and having fun with my complex and well-written faves, while antis marinate in their hate for 25 minutes on low heat. Wake me up when it’s time to kill Thanos with a wooden spoon or with a petition for him to leave. One of the two lksahfakshfskajfhkjsf
#we love respect and appreciate tony stark in this household#tony stark#mcu#machi replies#zeto1304#ask
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Here are the questions I was most curious about: 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 36, 37, 41, 46, & 47. Hope you have fun answering them! :)
oooh these look fUN!
The Basics:
5. How much writing do you get done on an averageday?
lol none!! jk, though this is kind of the answer…? I don’t often write during the week because I spend the majority of my afternoons/nights on schoolwork (the grinddd), so on most nights, it’s about 0-15 words? Though this is very unpredictable, because there are some nights I do have time to write, and I on average write about 200 words during those sessions! I usually don’t break 1k during these writing sessions (unless I’m on vacation and things are really flowing)!
10. Doyou set yourself deadlines?
No actually! I’ve never really been a deadlines person (is this why I get nothing done lol), but with my writing, I don’t (of course writing for school is an exception)!
The Specifics:
13. Describeyour writing process from idea to polished
Ooooh I don’t even think I have a writing process, but if I were to list it:
Get an idea.
I admittedly don’t do this very often (new ideas specifically) because I’ve been writing the same series for five years help
The idea phase might include basic conflict, plot points, etc, though it’s usually vague.
Work out the characters
This is very intuitive for me because I’m a pantser. Usually I can just feel out a narrator/the pov (my process involves a lot of guess work)
Start writing!
Pray this all works out
When the draft is done, edit! A lot! Though I’m admittedly not very good at this lol
Here’s an example of what writing my latest short story (untitled so far) has looked like:
Get an idea
This was a one sentence note I jotted down in my phone: girl moves in with her sister and boyfriend
Work out the characters
I first put a name to the main character because I can’t really work with a character if I don’t know their name/a distinct characteristic, and I was starting from nothing! I also knew she had a sister, an ex girlfriend (intuitively) and her sister’s boyfriend, so I put names to them too.
I then fleshed these characters out. For example:
Linda: MC, quiet, kind of weird, lives with her sister… WHY? because she’s dropped out of college/has gone through a breakup HOW? her sister agrees she can live in her house so long as she helps renovate it, WHAT is this house? Her mother’s property, an old commune her sister is now trying to uphaul etc etc etc
Start writing!
I refer to writing I like in times of feeling stuck/try to identify if there’s a problem a few lines before.
And so on!
14. Howdo you deal with self-doubts?
Oh boy… I usually just like to remind myself that no one is a perfect writer: even the words I looove in my favourite books/from my favourite writers probably didn’t always come easy
15. Howdo you deal with writer’s block?
omg I cry. I’ve cried so many times because of writer’s block lol hahahahaaa. I’ll be honest: I usually don’t feel motivated enough to find solutions to writer’s block, so when I run into a block, I like to give myself the chance to just… take a break? I often find I have writer’s block because I’ve been working all day, and I realllyyyy want to write 500 000 words in the 10 minutes I have to write before I need to hit the hay, which doesn’t create a very good environment to write in? So taking a break is helpful. Writing something else (like a short story, an alternate storyline or even notes for the book) helps too!
16. Howmany drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
For the majority of my work (fostered), I’ve actually only ever written one draft of every book, but I’d still say I’m satisfied with a lot of the work. I could go back and continuing editing/redrafting, but I love the idea of preserving improvement through every book (especially for that series). For the excerpts I share on here, they don’t really go through many passes of editing? Maybe two passes for line edits! Though I’d say this is case by case, that’s just my experience with fostered! I also edit as I go, so that’s a factor to consider as well.
17. Whatwriting habits or rituals do you have?
18. Ifyou could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you writeabout?
Oh man… Just going to shout out my literary moms (and moms in general): @sssoto, @shaelinwrites, @sarahkelsiwrites
19. Howdo you keep yourself motivated?
I’m so bad at keeping myself motivated, lols, I give up on myself a lot! I would love to be motivated all the time, but this can become really difficult! I find that consistently working/thinking about/doing anything related to my projects is helpful! Even if I can’t write every day (which I definitely don’t), even just thinking about my characters for a few minutes can help keep up momentum.
20. Howmany WIPs and story ideas do you have?
Not very many! For novels, I only have the FOSTERED series which is (unfortunately loool) ongoing. I have a few short story ideas I’m tinkering with. Though I don’t have many projects! (my brain can only come up with ideas for fostered I-)
The Favourites
21. Whois/are your favourite character(s) to write?
Yessss let me pick between my children!! mwahahaha. In order for fostered’s main squad:
Lonan (ew)
Foster gets no credit he’s truly so interesting I just like horrible people (which I would say this list is in order of too hahahaah). We need justice for Foster this is blasphemy.
As for side characters that are interesting to write with:
22. Whois/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
Oh I looove writing about (in order):
Give. Me. The. Drama. This just in, they’ve been beefing for five books straight, and it’s still not over!
Also my entire sketchbook is just them help
Always trying to come for each other’s wigs, but if someone dare get in the way of their siblingship, they’ll magically team back up and cut YOU
A new favourite! When you try to be nice to a new person you meet and then she won’t stop trying to marry you
Reeve and her mother have such an interesting relationship because they are basically the same person. Except neither of them realize this? You wanna drink cheap margaritas and smoke cigarettes in your motel room with your daughter? Sign me uppp
This friendship be stronger than my wig y’all, you want some bromance in your life? Bromance you shall RECIEVE.
The amount of… shit? these girls get into? I love it?? Give me moreee they’re so magically mischievous together
This relationship gets no credit (my fault) but I’m really loving planning the evolution of their relationship especially in the next books, as they’ve gone from lovers to friends to ghost busting partners? We stan? (how did this happen)
25. Favouritepart of writing
In terms of process, I love drafting the most! Picking words is also fun lol
26. Favouritewriting program
Microsoft Word is my bitch.
30. Favouriteidea you haven’t started on yet
Does the intro to book 7 count? We got overdue rent, we got running from your problems and a ghostbusting alliance, who could ask for more? (truly just want to finish book 6 and write this book!)
The Dark
31. Leastfavourite part of writing
I’ll say revisions, not because I don’t like revisions, but because I’m very bad at revising my own work. I can target the problems, but can’t find solutions.
The Fun
36. Lastsentence you wrote
I’ll keep in touch and send his daughters souvenirs—Iheart NY, Lady Liberty printed on t-shirts.
37. Firstsentence or your current WIP
I’m going to share the first sentence of the chapter I’m working on since I’ve shared the first sentence of the book before and I *despise* it:
Whenmy mother was nineteen, she packed up her stuff from small town Minnesota andmoved to New York.
The Rest of It
41. Anyadvice for new/beginning/young writers?
Take it easy! Write what you’re interested in--not what you think you should write, and allow yourself room to make mistakes. There are no failures in writing: you’re always going to learn something, so don’t get caught up in the fear of something not being good (
46. Doyou reread your own stories?
Yes! I find it’s harder to when I’ve sent it to someone (teacher, friends etc etc) and I’m worried it’ll be bad, but I really do enjoy reading my own work. It’s just nice to transport to a different place in my head. Also narrating my work is so entertaining, lol. I read my old books to fall asleep often (I’m currently re-reading book 5 of fostered).
47. Bestway to procrastinate
What’s the best way not to? (My personal fave is re-reading all my old notes instead of writing)
Thank you for the questions! :))
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Writers game #20 and #30 ? :)
Thanks for the questions! Also I love your url
20.) How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
I currently have 15 different drafts here on Tumblr, and two giant WIPs saved on my computer. And like a million different ideas in my head lol
30.) Favorite idea you haven’t started on yet?
OOOOH. I’ve had a Fred Weasley fic in my head for like the past five years. Basically, it’d be a chapter fic that would follow the reader and Fred falling in love, the reader is [redacted]’s daughter, and [redacted] can’t stand Fred or his familly. The reader is a Slytherin and their mother is maybe, possibly a part of the Death Eaters and yeah. It’s been stuck in my head forever. I might start it up the next time I reread the series because I’m still obsessed with this idea!
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A Business Deal: Part Three - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Mafia Boss!Bucky
Word Count: 1.7k
Chapter: 3/10
Warnings: language
Masterlist :: Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four- Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten: Epilogue
A/N: What have yall done to me. An innocent one shot will now become a full 10 part series. Why.
“Hey Alexa,” you called out to the amazon.com robot, staring Barnes down fiercely as he stepped into your office and leaned against the dark wood of the door, “How do I get rid of an unwanted visitor? Or, better yet, how do I get rid of myself?”
Barnes just shook his head, “Oh, you won’t be getting rid of me any time soon, sweetheart. I believe we have a lifetime’s worth of a deal in front of us.”
“End me now,” you rolled your eyes.
“No can do. Instead, I believe I will be taking you out for dinner tonight. Table for two at The Asgardian; it’s all prepared.”
“And you were planning to tell me... when? Before or after I scheduled all my meetings and appointments for the day?”
“Oh, come on, spontaneity is romantic.”
“Since when do you give two shits about romantic? You kidnapped me last week.”
“Eh, water under the bridge. But whaddaya say?”
“I say no thanks, I’m busy,” you looked back down to the spreadsheets before you.
“Would you be a little less busy if I tell you I talked to Rogers?” He revealed, raising one eyebrow.
“When you say talk, do you mean you went out for beers last night and acted like bros?”
“It’s besides the point what we did,” he brushed off, though maybe more because that wasn’t what they had actually been doing, “It’s what was said. I got an agreement from him.”
“For what, to get you a new brain?”
“Noo,” he set his jaw slightly with annoyance, “An eviction notice. He’s headed out of the US.”
“Bullshit,” you huffed, returning to your work.
“I’m serious. He’s gonna transfer everything to Europe.”
You put down your pen, “And how on earth would you have swung that?”
He shrugged a shoulder, “Don’t worry about it.”
“That only makes me more worried.”
“I just... cashed in an old favor,” his fingers toyed with the items on your desk.
You crossed your arms, “You’re a terrible liar.”
He frowned at you.
“Look, Barnes, if we’re gonna be married, you might as well just be honest with me.”
He inhaled for a long moment and turned his head away, sliding his hands into his pocket, “I may have... said a few... threats.”
“What kind of threats?” You asked cautiously.
He pressed his mouth into a line and turned back to you, “Just the kind that get people out of town. Just drop it, okay? I worked it out; there’s nothing you need to worry about.”
“Barnes, I don’t need a vendetta over my head with the CEO of a fast growing company worth millions. You gotta do better than that.”
“Look, Y/N, it’s not a big deal. I threatened him a little, but I set him up real nice in Europe. I have some cousins over there, real high up, and they’ll find some great clients for him. He’ll do fine. I’ll make sure of it. But he’ll do fine just as long as he stays far away.”
“And what happens when he wants to branch out internationally? Or when we do? We already have a few buyers in Europe that you’re threatening, Barnes...”
“And there’s always gonna be another buyer that’s threatened! Come on, Y/N, I’ve freed up a whole fucking continent for you! Take it,” he leaned forward, urging you, “Sure, we might run into some problems in the future, but then I’ll figure it out when we get there. If I’m gonna be stuck with you for the rest of my life, then anything that happens to you will happen to me, too. Everything will work out fine. For now, just take this as it is.”
You sighed and looked down.
It was a little unbelievable that he was a permanent ally now. That you didn’t have to worry about sorting out every problem you had immediately while you still had something your client wanted. With him, you could take your time and work things out as they came.
You couldn’t quite wrap your head around it.
Or that Barnes was technically now... yours.
How was this the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with? How was this the man you’d wake up to everyday? How was this the man that might one day father your children?!
You didn’t even know anything about him! You didn’t know much about his work, or his friends, or his family, or hell, even himself! You didn’t know his hobbies or dislikes or interests or-
“I don’t even know your first name...” You whispered, the realization shocking you.
He blinked, “What?”
“God, how are we doing this? How are we getting married? I don’t even know your first name!” You cried out, covering your face in your hands. What had you done?!
He stepped forward and sat in the chair across from you, a little panicked with your emotion, “Hey. Look, I... I know I’m not great with this stuff. And I know I’m not the person you probably wanted. But like I said, we’re gonna figure it out.”
You nodded, though your distress didn’t lessen. Maybe you’d figure it out, but that didn’t mean you’d necessarily enjoy it, right? Just what had you tied yourself down to???
“And it’s James,” he admitted with a rueful half-smile after a few beats of silence.
You looked up at him, surprised, “What?”
“My first name. You wanted to know. It’s James.”
Amusement tugged at your lips and began washing some of your sadness away as you raised an eyebrow, “James?! The Winter Soldier who murders people in the blink of an eye without ever being caught is named James?!”
He bit the inside of his lip, fighting back a smirk, “Why do you think I never tell anyone?”
“Am I the only one who knows?”
“Eh, there’s a small handful of people who know me from childhood who do.”
You chuckled slightly, “James. James Barnes. That’s- wait,” you paused, “What’s your middle name?”
“Ooooh, no, you do not get to know that,” he answered firmly.
“I’m your fiancee!”
“And I will take that name with me to my grave!”
“Oh, no way, you have to tell me now! Does this mean it’s worse than James?!”
“Shut up.”
You thought for a moment, trying to think of a way to convince him to tell you. Your eyes widened and your face slipped into a grin, “I’ll kiss you if you tell me,” you bet, hoping it would work.
He scoffed, “You can’t just use kissing me to get what you want; not gonna work, doll. Besides, what makes you think I even want to kiss you?”
Oh really? Challenge accepted.
You leaned over your desk and grabbed his collar, pulling him into a searing kiss. You let out a little bit of a moan (obviously, to get the information out of him- not because you actually enjoyed it, duh) and let your tongue drag across his lips until slipping it into his mouth.
He growled lightly, though you couldn’t tell if it was because he was turned on by the kiss or if he was just pissed that you were trying to manipulate him like this. Probably both.
You pulled away, smiling smugly.
His face twitched with annoyance for a second before he exhaled and frowned, “Fine,” he grumbled, “It’s Buchanan.”
“Buchanan?!!!!!” You shrieked, “No fucking way, you were not seriously going to let me go my whole life without knowing that?! Are you serious?!!!”
He crossed his arms and sat back in his chair.
“No way, wait,” your eyes widened with an idea, “Can I call you Bucky?”
He sat up in his chair immediately, “Absolutely not!” He snapped.
He shook his head, “No, Y/N, it’s not gonna happen.”
You sighed, “Fine. But then what do you want me to call you?”
He frowned, never having thought about that. He was scanning his mind for an idea, before a small smirk cracked on his lips, “What about Your Highness?”
“Keep trying.”
“Worth a shot.”
He thought for a few moments more before giving up, “I don’t know.”
“Then Bucky is sounding like our only option here...”
His jaw set, but you pushed on.
“Aw, come on. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t wanna hear me shouting ‘Bucky’ on our honeymoon night,” you egged on, mischievously.
His eyes glinted and he chuckled, “Oh, sweetheart, that’s only assuming if you can last until honeymoon night. Trust me,” he lowered his voice, “You’ll want it to be sooner.”
You held back a grin at his confidence, but pressed on, “So, does that mean I get to use ‘Bucky’?”
He sighed, “You can do it once and only once. But you’re not allowed to use it in front of people. If we’re with company, you must call me Barnes. They don’t need to know my other names. Or, you could just call me a pet name, like ‘babe’ or ‘handsome’ or ‘Your Highness,’ ya know, the normal ones...” he bit back a smile at his own joke.
“You’re a piece of work, you know that?”
“No, you know what, I’ve never heard that one before,” he teased.
“Well, be prepared to hear it a lot from me, because you are.”
“Mhmm...” he smiled lazily at you, before tapping his hands on the arm rests and standing up, “So. Why don’t you elaborate on why I’m such a piece of work at The Asgardian over steak and wine at 7 tonight?”
You bit your lip, thinking. You had been planning to go dinner with Wanda tonight, but maybe- just maybe- this might be a little more important.
“I’ll see what I can do” is all you said.
“Great, then I’ll see ya there,” he concluded, walking backwards out of the room.
You rolled your eyes playfully as he winked, before slipping out the door.
Ah, fuck this, and fuck the stupid grin on your face that you couldn’t fight off.
Maybe Barnes was a lot more dangerous in more things than just his work...
A/N: Sorry Part 3 took a few days, I’ve been trying to draft the rest of the chapters before I came back and did a final draft of this one. However, that means that I have rough drafts all the way to the epilogue, so hopefully the rest of the chapters can come sooner!
I think I’ve tagged everyone who asked! Let me know if you want to be added! <3
Tagged: @gr8ness-sebstan @itzmegaaaaaaan @swtmckngbrd @kit-kat-katie99@cutie1365 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @chicthrill@crazybutconfidentaf@jessevans @laffers18 @kiwikriis @sebastixnstxn@failcdmothcr @holygaygal @bubbash125 @k-n-e @ria132love
#bucky barnes#james buchanan barnes#james barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes imagine#bucky#reader insert#bucky x reader#reader x bucky#reader x bucky barnes#bucky imagine#mob!bucky#mob!bucky barnes#mafia!bucky#mafia boss!bucky#mafiaboss!bucky#mafia!bucky barnes#marvel imagine#avengers imagine#bucky barnes series#avengers series#avengers x reader
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