#might do this for snotacon too
skellygearz · 1 year
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Literally them
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westmansion · 2 years
tagged by @sidetable-drawer ! thank you!!
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three ships: i dont ship much anymore tbh but i always enjoy fanart of discord and fluttershy living together cause i think its SO funny, (idk if this counts) but i put new fancy robin and ninja cherche together in feh recently, and i guess for 3 i'll say i repeatedly look at this drawing of my two OCs my friend made me cause they draw so well and i love it so much theyre in love.. (EDIT WAIT I LIED I FORGOT SNOTACON 5EVER)
first ever ship: THIS IS HARD I DONT REMEMBER!! closest answer is either something from pokemon (espeon x umbreon was a huge one) or starcatcher x skywishes (dancing in the clouds changed my whole life..) or inuyasha x kagome lol
last song:  personal jesus by depeche mode rofl
currently reading: since we just moved ive been finding a whole bunch of books i didnt know we actually owned so i started rereading the his darkest materials series, other than that i got the metal slug ultimate history artbook for my birthday and im reading the dev interviews
currently watching: im clicking through kimcartoon at work cause i am so bored so i landed on skunk fu lol
currently consuming: finished a nice bepsi
currently craving: genuinely might order a pizza tomorrow cause its too late now rip
not tagging cause im nervous rofl but if anyone reads this you can do it! thank you again for the tag this was a cute one!
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deathofthetext · 6 years
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promises you made to me: a metal gear solid 4 snotacon fanmix by me and @magnetsandneato
listen: 8tracks / spotify
INCREDIBLE cover art by @scribbledeck
tracklist under the cut
1. Ways To Go by Grouplove
Even when I can’t see my rear view Even if I call just to hear you Even when I sleep all day Even when I sleep all day
I’ve got a little bit longer I’ve got a ways to go
2. Young Fathers by Typhoon
I say just think of the children And imagine the world that we’ve willed them It’s populated with weirdos to kill them And break their hearts
3. Sound the Bells by Dessa
Looks like our writing on the wall Is lorem ipsum after all A higher tide will wash it all Wash it all away
The lighthouse keeper's last relay: Hand shadows and a final wave Now's the time to rouse yourself Spend the strength you've saved
4. Sides by Perfume Genius
Don't want to watch The world we made break And it's never too late to stay Hold me right Don't cut me down
Baby, it ain't easy to love
5. All I’ve Ever Known by Anais Mitchell
Now I wanna hold you, hold you tight I don’t wanna go back to the lonely life
Say that you’ll hold me forever Say that the wind won’t change on us Say that we’ll stay with each other And it’ll always be like this
6. My Favorite Book by Stars
When the days are long and the thunder with the storm Can always get me crying Well you can make my bed, I'll fall into it Shattered but not lonely
'Cause I never knew a home until I found your hands And when I'm weathered, you come to me, you're my best friend
7. Hood by Perfume Genius
Underneath this hood you kiss I tick like a bomb
You would never call me baby If you knew me truly Oh but I waited so long for you love I will fight baby not to do you wrong
8. Post Script by Typhoon
I stop hurting myself and turn my hands out where you can see me And I know that it is a good thing That you don't have to love me Unconditionally
9. Live By The Ocean by The Hoosiers
Follow me only if you want to But do what you want, not what you have to For once in your lifetime will you Do what you want, not what you have to?
10. No Lights on the Horizon by Metric
The past, it isn't far away In spite of all of us, it's here to stay
If it wasn't for your kindness, I think I might be dead If it wasn't for the way you said, "Oh, stay with me instead"
11. Promises by Anais Mitchell
I can’t promise you fair sky above Can’t promise you kind road below But I’ll walk with you, my love Any way the wind blows
I do I do
12. Me and My Husband by Mitski
I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute And then I'll be nothing forever And all of my memories And all of the things I have seen will be gone With my eyes, with my body, with me
But me and my husband We are doing better It's always been just him and me Together
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anarkhebringer · 6 years
So I’m just gonna spit out lots of words from a quick idea I had that turned into a full fledged idea I’ve decided to stick to...
Y’know, I had the thought of a Smash Bros anime yesterday (probably a split between action and mindless, random comedy like Nichijou or something. I’m thinking the comedy aspect would be more prominent, and more obvious in certain ways, like character personality trait exaggeration), and the thought of Snake being one of those outwardly unemotional but internally fawning kuuderes flooded my head.
I specifically thought of Arin from Trinity Seven and Mai from Nichijou at first.
As for mannerisms...
Gendered bathrooms and showers don’t matter to Snake since he doesn’t see gender and sex of a person as something to divide anyone, so he just goes to whatever one he wants to when he needs to use them, without a second thought. If he’s caught by a girl in one of the girl bathrooms/showers they’ll ask him why the hell he isn’t freaking out like they are, and he’ll just go “Oh.” then he’ll be quiet for a minute before taking a breath and doing a normal volume and bland “aaaaaaaahhh.” with a straight face. Every time he’s confronted about his blankness or density to others and their own emotional responses, he’ll just state how difficult the situation is. Female character: YOU SHOULD BE MORE EMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS! YOU’RE TOO MONOTONE!
Snake: This is difficult.
Female character: Hey! You can’t follow me into this bathroom! Go to the boy’s bathroom!
Snake: I’m fine with it.
Female character: WELL I’M NOT!
Snake: This is difficult.
Though, there ARE times where he’ll show some open emotion, especially if he finds a crude joke funny, in which he’ll chuckle like he usually does, then get blank again after he’s done having his laugh. Also he’ll openly show negative emotions, like anger, annoyance, disappointment, etc, like his actual self.
I also think Snake would be super prone to inwardly fawning over cute things for comedic value, animals especially. A particular scene from Hetalia with Japan sitting there with a grin and a happy blush while a bunch a cute animals love on him and very much enjoying the moment is something Snake would be doing at least once. It would throw everyone off since he jokes about eating pretty much everything he sees, but Otacon would be the one of the group (the other fighters as well as Mei Ling, and Colonel Campbell too since they show up in Brawl in the codec talks for Snake) watching from the sides with everyone else with a fist up to his mouth and a blush on his face as he thought about how adorable the situation was to him.
Over time, maybe Snake would get more openly reactive to things he finds cute for the common kuudere humor plot progression, starting out small and something to make that peak for certain cute things. Like Sargatanas from As Miss Beelzebub likes towards Gossamers for example, though not as animated and loud (at least outwardly, but might be in his head on occasion), probably just a bit giggly and sighing happily a bit. Cute people will get an almost shy reaction from him once he reaches the peak of showing fondness of cute things, like a cute boy or something and it tugs right on Snake’s heartstrings, and he doesn’t really know how to approach the boy properly and makes crude statements instead since it’s all he can really think of to do. Boys with longer hair (or from the neck down) and/or pretty eyes would probably elicit a quicker reaction from him. Not just boys can manage it, girls can too (I headcanon Snake as bisexual so I apply it here too)
Cute boy: *does something, especially something like a little giggle or a curious look*
Snake: *hearteyes.exe*
Snake: *slides over with a semi-shy posture, holding out whatever he’s holding if he is holding something at the moment* Y-...You can call me whatever you want. Maybe da-
Cute boy, in a cheerful tone: I’ll just keep calling you Snake if that’s okay!
Snake: *bites down on the thing he might be holding if it’s something like a pillow and lets out a quiet and struggled noise* This is difficult...
Or along the outward blankness and inward cute things love situation:
Peach and Palutena: *talking about something and both holding little pink hand purses with designs on them based on what they’re happily discussing*
Snake: *comes in the room* What’s up.
Peach and Palutena: *look at him in surprise*
Peach: O-oh, hello Snake! W-we were just talking about Super Fluffy Fantasy Friends!
Palutena: *holds up her hand purse to show an array of fantasy creatures resembling cats and dogs* It’s about these cat and dog type creatures that go on a bunch of adventures and fight evil with magic and the powers of love and friendship.
Peach: W-we’re so sorry for troubling you with such things, Snake... We’re sure you aren’t interested in such childish things...
Snake: Nah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Snake, in his head: FLUFFY. FLUFFY.
I think a LOT of bromance humor would happen between Otacon and Snake, because...y’know how those two are and their relationship’s reputation even among the English voice actors. Also because it would be technical OtaSune/Snotacon fanservice... Like Otacon adoring Snake is and thinking he’s really awesome, and Snake is completely dense to how Otacon gets with it sometimes while everyone else is just like “Dude, are you sure you just think he’s really cool and a best friend? You’re acting like a lovestruck middle school girl right now...” Maybe one of those common kuudere VS. someone else cooking scenes where the kuudere isn’t good at cooking and finally made something good to who it was made for (this case Otacon), and the kuudere had one of those moments of looking down and smiling, blushing from how happy they were.
-just for a little break out of the post’s intended purpose I would find that cooking scene and Snake smiling from cooking something really delicious and getting complimented on it would make me cry from the amount of sheer intensity of the emotion I would release in the squeal of fangirling I’d be releasing from the deepest depths of my existence XD-
I’ve put WAY too much thought into this for not even having this thought in my head for 24 hours yet, my mind is WAY too hyperactive when I like an idea enough LOLOL
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neuromantis · 4 years
MGS ask game: 3 and 32
Thanks for asking! I’m gonna RAMBLE.
3. Is there anything you would change about the plot?
Ya for sure. Like I wouldn’t make a fourth game at all? Tbh, 4 makes a lot of the plot... seem stupid. The Patriots reveal might be the most prominent example. Like do you really believe that *these* people are the shadowy government behind everything evil that has happened? Ha. Not these goofers.
Four just takes it all too far, going to insane measures to wrap up every plot-significant (or insignificant really) detail in a neat bundle of completeness of the series, but have we ever needed that?
I especially take gripes with the whole Meryl/Johnny plotline because Meryl didn’t really need that type of character development. She’s better than this. And she didn’t really even need to be in a game at all, not to mention Johnny who’s just a payoff of a decade of poop jokes.
Also the treatment of B&B. In a way, they’re copies of their namesakes as boss-battles, but. Foxhound bosses were cool because we didn’t get any real explanation for their actions/powers/issues. B&B is just misery porn, “oh they’re so damaged and sick that’s why they’re crazy and evil“. You had an opportunity to portray victims of war in a sympathetic light, as they should be, but you just made them overtly crazy and incredibly sexualised to boot.
Also Naomi and Vamp. What the fuck even was that, I still don’t know, I still can’t put it into words. Just terrible.
I have many issues with 4. The entirety of the game is an issue to me, to be quite honest. The only plot points I like from 4 are Snotacons dynamic with Sunny (and Sunny in general) and Raiden’s development into a complete edgelord over all the trauma the series settles him with.
On a non-four-bashing note I would like to say that I would absolutely delete Huey Emmerich from ever existing anywhere. Who needed him? Awful.
32. Character most deserving of a spin-off? 
Well my favourite character is Psycho Mantis so of course that, I would love to have a game about Eli and Tretij’s pasts together. Like the Kingdom of the Flies mission that we never got, but a whole game about awful traumatised kids. But I understand that focusing on, well, villains is not the best direction you could take.
Otherwise I’d absolutely have another Rising game gladly, thank you very much. It’s stupid fun and I adore Raiden (and I loved Desperados a whole lot too)
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