#might also do one of these for VM and BH
elliesgaymachete · 2 years
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
So after that lore heavy episode I have some thoughts (spoilers ahead):
Starting from the beginning—the dichotomy between what the players want Travis to do with Graz’tchar and what the characters want is hilarious. It does serve as a major power source for the wielder, and it sets a standard for the kinds of things that Bell’s Hells will encounter. The differences in interactions with the blade really brought Chetney, FCG, and Ashton into sharp relief.
Imogen’s in her helping the gods era now: I think Liliana could be convinced away from Ludinus in an opportunistic moment like Astrid and Eadwulf at the end of Campaign 2, but right now she’s solidly in enemy category.
The hole idea is just like the happy fun ball from C2–a way to really get around teleportation limits. Although Chetney had the bag of holding with him, so I’m not sure that it should have worked. I don’t think Matt is looking for another nuclear explosion at this point in the game, so let’s just say he hands it off to Ashton or Orym since Imogen was casting.
Next up: Keyleth is healed and in recovery! I hope BH thinks to take some blue perennum paste with them in case they run into the Vanguard and Otohan again—she’s been conspicuously missing, and I don’t like it. I know Imogen is consciously reaching for her mom and being contacted in turn, but it seems odd to not at least try to find out what Otohan’s doing. They don’t even know if the scry ball is still working.
Bell’s Hells in Zephrah has been lovely—I’m glad to see Orym recognized for his heroics. I hope this encourages more thought of himself outside of serving Keyleth and Zephrah. Savior Blade of the Tempest indeed.
The Reilora being more defined now can’t be a good thing. I low key want Imogen to try summoning until she gets one with information, but that might be a later conversation.
Ashton has Titan’s blood in them! Along with something Keyleth doesn’t know about (hint hint). This is actually cool as hell and I love it. Maybe the Hishari we’re trying to use the knowledge of Evontra’vir to resurrect a primordial with the aid of a beacon that ended up resulting in Ashton. The potion of possibility being added to his brain might have jumpstarted whatever Luxon fragments he still has floating around in there. Also Ashton bonding with Keyleth as an authority figure/mentor is so fun. I love that for them.
The whole interaction with the Changebringer had me breaking down much like the table did. Bless Sam for learning from the Jester Lavorre School of Aggressive Deity Contact.
Now onto the theories: much like VM had to gain vestiges in order to fight the conclave, I think BH is going to be doing some teleporting from place to place to gain power and fight Ludinus. They’re going to see D to get the harness fixed and after are headed to the Shattered Teeth to look at the aftermath of the sundering of the Tree of Names. Watching top table’s reaction to the Shattered Teeth was *chef’s kiss*. Maybe when they get there I’ll go for a Calamity rewatch to see what I can find.
As for what they’ll find there: obviously crazy elemental magic that links into Ashton’s origins. Maybe a link to Asmodeus from what’s left of the sundering that Fearne can look at. A therapist to talk with FCG but also all of BH. A cool map for Travis.
My hope is that they start dimension hopping and becoming champions of some of the outer planes. Like the elemental plane of earth for Ashton, plane of fire for Fearne if she’s not Asmodeus’ champion at that point, wait she’s already a fey druid that could probably commune with nature and wildfire of her own power. Maybe the Shadowfell for Laudna’s sorcerous origin? Anyway this falls, I’m excited to see how it goes, as the true start of a new arc for Bell’s Hells.
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gracefireheart · 1 year
I probably should try and do some smaller drawings/sketches atm- especially after I had just made a lil’ animated thingy- but I’ve got so many drawing ideas that I’m like “Yeah, I definitely want this to have nice lineart, be fully colored, have some shading/lighting, and maybe a bit of background too.”
For example; one of my drawing ideas was from this lil’ VM modern!AU thought I had a few days ago, where there drawing would be either six or seven screens with a video that each VM member made.
Another idea that’s pretty loose is just a chill drawing where I build a room first with CSP’s 3d feature thingy first, then draw whoever into it like I’ve done in some of my drawings (such as the two in this post of mine). Could be some characters from VM, or from BH, or characters from either VM or BH but in my pokemon trainer AU. Idk.
Speaking of the pokemon trainer AU, a part of me wants to draw some of the teams I had made for either members of VM or BH, which is... a lot to draw considering each character has six pokemon in their team.
I also got that Drow Bard Noble character my brain couldn’t help but make a few days ago (and also the Gnome Monk Sage and now Firbolg Warlock Sailor that I made like-- months ago by now orz) that I might wanna draw at some point.
Etc. etc. etc.
Tldr; Got a lot of drawing ideas, but not as much motivation to go full out on them atm o(-(
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notori · 1 year
CR Thoughts - As of C3E68
Personally, I've always been more invested in character-based stories than world-based stories. And I get it, that is a personal preference and it's up to me to curate what I consume. But it has made me pick up on the thought that, at least I feel, since mid-C2, CR has shifted to more world-based stories over character-based stories - *For the most part.
TL;DR: Really hoping for some RP, shopping, and merriment.
What I mean is, I feel like from mid-C2 onwards, it's been a lot of "The world happening to the characters" and less "the characters happening to the world." I understand that, in certain doses, the "We are up against something massive and bigger than all of us beyond comprehension!" plotline is exciting, but after a while it just gets so overwhelming.
Like Ashton said, odd jobs are good, you have a focus and it's clear. And I wish that they would shrink or slow just a bit to allow for some more inter-character RP overall.
Yes, I am an Imodna shipper whose favourite across all CR is Laudna. However, I still say that from an objective standpoint, the episodes where they were trying to get her back were some of the best because they were so character focused. They had a goal that was meaningful and personal. Everything with the gods is causing so much feet dragging because, aside from FCG (and even then, it's limited), there isn't a personal connection between the gods and the characters. I feel like this is the wrong party to have this plot for. It's going to be impossible to get them to focus because all but one of them will just go wherever their friends go because that's what matters.
So the plot needs to shrink a little and focus for them. It isn't to say that everything with Ruidus can't still be happening or can't be the main thing overall, but we have very down-to-earth characters with minimal stakes (or minimal understanding of those stakes).
The past few episodes were also very good because there was a clear task for Orym. A character had a personal connection to what was happening, and everyone worked together to help. It wasn't for the gods, or the titans, or Predathos - it was to save his family, flowers or no flowers.
Going to see D(evexian) has the potential to be that moment for FCG, and going to the Shattered Teeth can be that for Ashton. But it could also easily turn into something too big for them to reasonably think about and handle, and we'll be spinning our wheels again. Because when things get too big, like fighting a god-eater on the moon, it starts to lose meaning.
Connecting with fiction is often about connecting with bits and pieces and imagining a what-if scenario. It's why character-based stuff works well, because, fantasy/magic or not, we can all relate to concepts of love, betrayal, camaraderie, friendship, play, jealousy, etc. It doesn't matter if the characters have unreal forms or abilities because the themes are relatable. However, when we are constantly against some form of "This is way bigger than you, you can't possibly hope to defeat it." you either need characters who are motivated and hopeful (VM/M9) or you have no choice but to give up and say "Well shit, I guess I can't do anything about this so I might as well live chaotically until we die" which is I feel is a lot of BH's whole thing. Which, I get it, relatable, but less emotionally impactful.
We desperately need some moments of joy and fun in C3 - and right now we have the potential for it. If the angle is going to be "We're in it for our friends" then we need to see them just being friends. Friends, as in, not "I can't let you die because it will cause me too much pain", friends as in "Remember that silly thing we did together?"
It's not even just "More RP episodes plz", but specifically inter-party - possibly one-on-one/small group - interactions that have nothing to do with the world. Because we have spent episodes establishing that they are not in it for the 'world' (in the greater meaning of the concept), but are in it for each other. But why? We know, meta-wise, what a lot of their deals are, but we need to see it in-game. Why are these people friends?
I'm not denying that they are, I'm just saying that a lot of it seems to have taken place during time skips. Most innocuous moments have been cut for the sake of keeping the plot rushing along. Moreso than VM and M9 have there been moments where they go to bed and I get all set for at least a few to talk over the night, and then the time passes. Sometimes multiple nights in a row if they're just speeding it up to the next big thing. But it's in those moments that we really connect to the characters who are on the line when the world comes for them. We have seen a lot of why the Hells are codependent, not necessarily friends.
And you can have a party of codependent non-friends in a game! But then the premise for them working together needs to be solid where they all have a personal stake in the matter. If the group motivation for 'doing the plot thing' is "For the sake of my friends!" - then we need to see more of those innocuous, light-hearted, joyful moments of friendship. Not heated desperation to not lose someone in the middle of a conflict.
I'm not saying get rid of it, either! We just need those moments in between.
Anyway, long post. Lot of thoughts. I have so many conflicting emotions about C3 because it's given me some of my favourite characters overall but sometimes man... I just want to see them live.
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luckthebard · 3 years
I've seen a few comparisons between Bells Hells and Mighty Nein specifically that I think don't end up working because they're comparing early campaign BH to late campaign M9.
For instance, that M9 were built to be Protagonists™️ but BH are "just some guy." Any backstory is going to feel like it could be the cliche backstory of an epic, Protagonist character when that character becomes an epic protagonist. But low level M9 didn't feel like that either. Level 5 M9 were not any more extraordinary than BH - and actually had less money, and fewer support and connections. So I don't think that BH stories feeling more like "ordinary people" is down to a different approach from the players this time. The "they're just an ordinary person making their way with little support!" thing is more a Low Level D&D Character trait than one unique to either adventuring party.
(And that aside, I don't think Fearne, FCG, or even Imogen with her anime-protagonist, X-Men mysterious storm sorcerer powers could count as just average characters with more low-key backstories anyway. Fearne's from the Feywild and and there's increasing evidence that her grandma is incredibly powerful there. FCG is remarked upon as unusual by everyone who meets them, and recently we learned they might be uh...very old.)
It's also worth noting that these exact same comparisons were made between M9 and VM at the start of C2.
Things I do think are a different approach in C3 include:
Staying in one location for so long and building up a network, cast of characters, and political intrigue there.
The characters being well-travelled and as a party having a much wider understanding of the world at large: BH has had characters from Issylra, Tal'Dorei, Wildemount, Marquet, and another plane of existence. All of VM (except Tary) were from Tal'Dorei and all of M9 were from isolationist Wildemount. That's made for a huge shift in the way the characters think about each other and their current location.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Been loving the baby VM asks. How would the Bell’s Hells react to baby BH/CK(crown keepers) react to the silent treatment?
I’d figured they get a lot more creatively chaotic 😆 😂 😝
They angy
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Laudna - is caught off guard and a little bit sad at the silent treatment, asks if it’s something she did
Imogen - can’t help but run a thousand scenarios through her mind. Why are they mad? Is it her? Is it something else? Can they fix it?
Orym - Dad mode turned on!! Worried as to why Little One is mad and leaves no stone unturned. Even if Little One is annoyed at his “hovering”, the halfling just wants them to feel
Fearne - confused 😕 as to why they’re mad, but still makes it a goal to try and talk to them. Small talk, pranks, maybe some teasing
Dorian - but nervous as to how to handle this, but does check on them. Even if it’s an exasperated deep sigh from such a tiny self, at least it’s progress!!
Ashton - doesn’t badger them but always checks up on Little One, and can’t help but always feel that pull of concern
FCG - little bit similar to Orym’s reaction, with the constant questions. “Are ya feeling ok? Do you need anything? Are you hungry, tired?”
Chetney - rants on about kids and their attitudes but also tries to get them to talk as well or come up with something to get them out of a funk, “I might need help from a wood working apprentice”
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utilitycaster · 2 years
i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I am wondering if c3's approach to guest PCs is one of the reasons BH feels less cohesive than vm and m9? Like I loved Robbie/Dorian and because he was there from the start it was pretty smooth, but I do feel like the guests having 'full' arcs might exacerbate the pacing issues. Not only do the Bells not get watches or travel time for bonding, but they also have only been around 30 episodes and a bunch of that was shared with guests' arcs, too.
I've been wondering the same thing and it's not a judgment on the guests or even wanting to have longer guest arcs; it's that the core 7 characters of this campaign have had twice as much time with a guest along as without any guests.
I get the sense from last night's 4-Sided Dive that the cast and notably Matt came to this campaign wanting to do a lot of things they'd had in mind for a long time, and they understandably wanted something perhaps a bit lighter after the past few years of, you know, real life, and I don't know how to phrase this well other than as a scientist, but it feels like they changed too many variables all at once. It's hard to attribute what exactly is the cause, and honestly it's probably a bit of everything - and if any one of the things were scaled back (starting in a city with a very defined plot; everything I've said about characters knowing each other already/having places to stay and enough money to get separate rooms; going really really hard on nearly everyone's plot very early; long guest arcs; majority of characters not being from/longtime residents of the continent) it wouldn't be an issue but because they're all happening at once there's just not enough time left to cohere.
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onfuryroad · 2 years
I don’t think it makes sense for VM to bring back Laudna. I keep seeing people say that since she was a Sun Tree corpse, her death will tug on VM’s heart strings. If Laudna was only Laudna, I’d agree. But she seems to be a packaged deal with Delilah.
Percy, who’s family was slaughter by Delilah, who has five children of his own, who’s always been able to think about every horrible scenario, doesn’t seem like he’d support bringing her back if it meant the smallest risk of Delilah returning. Perhaps he’ll try to burn the body, to ensure what is dead stays dead. But all of this might take the back seat in his mind compared to the revel that residuum is being smuggled.
Vex will understand what BH are doing and won’t fault them. She might try to give them weapons or support, but she knows death well. Unnaturally extending a life isn’t always as good of a plan as one might thing.
And then Keyleth. Perhaps the one who understands wanting to bring a loved one back the most. But at what cost. Laudna got a second chance at life and was loved. There’s also no way she’d risk bringing Delilah back without asking her best friend, Percy, on what to do.
Delilah brought her back to life and will be the reason Launda stays dead.
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Oh sweet Jeebus why does this exist?
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And Jughead is meant to be Slizzy’s doormat, so he doesn’t get to HAVE any choices. Ditto Tabitha is now intended to “know her place” as the sassy black bestie, particularly to Slizzy....so she will make “choices” that only benefit Slizzy....
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Umm.....first off, Betty’s made abundantly and repeatedly clear she thinks things ARE over and is the one who can’t move past Jughead daring to be pissed off ONCE after she just utterly destroyed him repeatedly....but, yeah, it’s HIS fault and he “hurt her” cuz meanie VM!!!
That, I might add, was two years ago....and nobody EVER does any of that shit. Plus it isn’t FOR Tabitha to tell Jughead he’s gonna try shit again with Slzzy. In fact, it’s painfully controlling, manipulative and gross. And not her place.
She can turn him down (no), she can say she thinks he’s still hung up on Slizzy (she’s not that obnoxious), but she doesn’t get to tell him what to do.
Plus this IS the plot of Jinkle...except then it was a day later, Tinkle didn’t care about Jug as a person and he was about to dump her ass...
Also, does Jughead know that Slizzy fucked Douchie? Multiple times? Cause that’s her still lying to him....let alone how it’s gonna happen some more AND....that Betty’s a fucking psycho killer.
And Jug has real feelings for Tabitha, which she reciprocates...
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Thrillz....cause, you know, this show does long conversations between “besties” soooo well....and yes, there will be A scene....that’s BH in ep 16
Paulie isn’t ded and is an actual psycho killer. Also love how you gloss over this like they’ve found a kitten
Ummm----Betty’s been “spiralling” all fucking season. It’s why she’s a psycho killer now. If you want “spiraling” wait till she finds out she
A) kidnapped and tortured another innocent dude
B) was fucking the REAL Skeletrucker
C) He was assisted by not ded Paulie
Also, way to literally rip off the musical beat for beat. Hey#3 isn’t happening. Plus love how Jug’s expected to immediately fully work past HIS trauma and make it all about Slizzy (I notice a trend here...)
TBK is Glenn (duuuuhhhh) and Jabi are together, Slizzy’s pining and Barfie fuck. You get nothing, good day, sir....
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You don’t, you’re a jerk yourself and your racism is really apparent....and patronizing....precisely why I can’t wait for your delishus tears....
The Italian restaurant is in 16, I’m pretty sure....and Jabi will probably make love in the musical ep....
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lesbian-vmin · 4 years
Idols and Dating - Responding to Arguments about my Taetae Bday Live Post
Yep. I’m going to talk about this because the topic is something that a lot of people seem to get offended over. This isn’t me trying to hurt anyone’s feelings, it’s just me trying to bring you guys to the realistic idea that yes. Idols do date. And yes. That means BTS could be dating. And I’m going to be talking about an infinite number of possibilities here, so let’s get into it shall we?
I’m going to be addressing counter arguments that I’ve seen people use against them dating, or bringing s/o’s to certain areas. (BELOW THE CUT)
Do you think they have time to date????
Maybe not, really. But also, yes? People working in the medical field work pretty hectic schedules right? Let’s look at doctors, specifically. Especially those who started their career path straight out of high school. The amount of hours it takes them to study and do homework in pre-med alone takes a lot of time. Then they have to go medical school and residency programs, which also leave them very few hours in their day. Once actually earning their M.D. certificate, they can get a job working in a hospital or clinic. Doctors who work in the hospital, especially those that work in areas that require them to be on call and have a potential of bringing them into the emergency or operating rooms, have very little time. Busy schedules. Hectic. Busy schedules. Are you trying to tell me that no doctor who went straight on their career path straight out of high school could possibly have a relationship and get married because they don’t have time? People make time for relationships. Many of my friends from university are doctors, and all are married now.
My team works twelve hour shifts every time we work, and we work every other weekend. Even so, my analysts still find time to date people outside of the team.
But, they travel. That’s different!
Is it now? Yes. It is true that they do travel. Still doesn’t make it impossible for them to have a relationship, or have you forgotten that this is the 21st century? Even if they don’t spend a lot of time in their home country (who’s to say their s/o would even be from their home country?), it doesn’t prevent them from having a relationship. It probably makes it more difficult, but I’m sure they have many people’s numbers stored in their phones, and they talk to people outside of the group all the time. There’s bound to be a romantic interest somewhere in their list of contacts.
Also, they have friends. How can you say they don’t have time for romance, but have time for friendship? Oh yeah. Because people on this site really devalue friendships, so I’m guessing those that use this and the “no time” excuse think that friendships require less effort than relationships. No. It’s a different type of effort, but not less.
I also know a lot of people with traveling jobs that keep them from seeing their family for 12 to 16 weeks at a time (one of my friend’s dads works on the river, so he’s usually gone for months at a time), yet manage to find love, get married, and have kids. Yes. All while working that job.
In regards to Taehyung having an s/o behind the camera, do you know how hard they try to keep relationships private? Why would they risk bringing an s/o to the company?
I am so glad you asked. So let’s talk about what it means to have an s/o. First of all, the term s/o is gender neutral, and it gives you no more information. If you assume we’re talking about a female s/o, then you need to get out of your head a little. Because, while I’m not saying that a possible for s/o for Taehyung can only be a male, people shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the possibility. Especially not when Taehyung has made several, very open claims, about...how do I say this? Sexuality/his sexuality/how he views sexuality. I’m not saying him wanting to sing a romantic duet with a male or him writing lyrics in Sweet Night that sound very much like a same-sex love interest (but also...it could be me drawing that conclusion myself, so) is him telling us subtly that he’s gay. But people shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the possibility. Because he could be. And we need to give him support either way. If he’s ever confirmed to have a girlfriends, then great! Doesn’t mean that he’s straight because he could still be bisexual/pansexual - then the things mentioned above are still relevant, but okay.
Sure, I can agree. Bringing a female around the company might raise suspicion. But. Bringing a male to the company wouldn’t. Why? Because when people see two men together, they jump on the “they’re friends” train really quick. Have you ever noticed that literally every dating rumor (that sticks) about idols is always a straight couple dating rumor? They see two male idols hanging out, and they’re like. “Hey look! Did you guys know X and Z were friends?” So...yeah. Bringing a girlfriend to the company might be suspicious. But a boyfriend? Not so much. And yes. I’m sure they, themselves, would be aware of the difference.
There are gay idols. They are not openly gay, but they exist. It’s rather unfortunate that they can’t be openly because representation does fucking matter, and the gay youth (and not youth) in Korea could really fucking use it. And beyond them just being representation for society, it’d be nice for them if they could come out. I know that idols face scrutiny when they’re in straight relationships, but we all know it would be worse for them if they were in gay relationships. Or maybe we don’t all know. But we LGBT friends know. Because it would be worse if a confirmed relationship turned out to be a gay one.
(EDIT: And maybe people wouldn’t ask gay idols about dating their band mates and “their ideal boy/girl” because they’d know that they’re gay. Of course, some (maybe unintentionally) offensive questions might come from it, but just them being able to come out at first would be a step in the right direction.)
Also, how many people actually stalk them around the company doors and would see them entering with someone? The answer to this might actually shock me because I don’t keep up with stalker-released content from BTS. I refuse. But I’m pretty sure the company has some kind of security to keep stalkers away from the building if it ever becomes an issue.
Bringing an s/o to the company? Cont.
Also. Me thinking (not just because of his bday live) that Taehyung has an s/o isn’t me saying that I don’t think Jimin isn’t a possible option for who that person would be. So...quite frankly. Would Taehyung bring his s/o to the company? Um...if it was Jimin? Yeah??? Like? It wouldn’t be suspicious. By any means. At all. And then all the arguments about them having a schedule/working go right out the window because....it’s Jimin???? (Or someone else he works with.)
Yes. People can date people on their teams. I have analysts at work who are dating each other. We allow it because they’re equals. I couldn’t date one of my analysts, but that’s different. I’m their supervisor. There are places with their own policies on dating co-workers (it’s strictly forbidden to date someone in the same department as you in many places, regardless if you are equals or not), but we don’t know BH’s policy.
We may never have had any same-sex same-group official couple dating news, but we have had dating news of (two, that I know of) straight couples dating someone from their own company. BH / TY from SM and HA / ED from Cube. There are probably more.
But there is Tiger / YMR who are a straight couple in the same group and married. They were married before the group was formed, but still. Co-ed groups aren’t very common, so it’s hard to have many examples like this.
Someone in the group?
Well, because I’m a VM blogger, let me go ahead and say that Tae’s s/o being Jimin smacks down all of these arguments.
No time? That’s fine. They work together and see each other all the time. They would only have to differentiate between their workship and relationships.
It needs to be kept secret? That’s fine. Shipping is something that people do, but no one honestly expects them to actually be in a relationship.
Bringing them to the company? Um. Yeah. They both work there.
So. Yeah. My point that Jimin being the s/o (and behind the camera) still stands.
(EDIT: But I’m not saying that Jimin was behind the camera. Because it could have been someone else, and not an s/o. Taehyung was in a good mood because it was his birthday, and he was talking to the fans. So that’s a possible reason as to why he’s giddy and happy. Also, I’ve seen him get like that with Jimin, and the other members. And, hell, even Tannie. So..)
I’m not trying to prove that Jimin is Taehyung’s s/o by any means. I’m just talking about reasons why I think it’s funny that everyone is so quick to dismiss the possibility.
Yes. In my post about Taehyung “obviously being in love” because of how giddy and happy he was during his live was a joke. I was making fun of people who say “he’s obviously in love” because they’re smiley and happy and giddy.
But the idea of Taehyung having an s/o still stands. Because he writes these romantic lyrics, and it’s possible that they’re about someone he’s currently in love with and dating.
Him writing romantic lyrics also doesn’t confirm he’s in a relationship. Because you can write about the feeling of being in love without ever having been in love (because there are all sorts of existing lyrics and novels and poems about love to draw inspiration from) or without currently being in love, but knowing it felt like because you were before.
Also. I just wanna say. Being “in love” is a feeling that people can get beyond romantic relationships. Romance isn’t the only thing that can bring those feelings out of us. Especially for those who feel emotions more strongly and appreciate more things than just romance.
This post is a mess, but I think it pretty much covers what I wanted to say.
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Okay….continuing in my “rant while on the max” series—-I move onto many, really weird and egregious ways barfies and bettystans get shit way wrong:
For starters there’s this concept of an object or other person will somehow protect/save their ship and negate the rival ship.
For barfie these include vd splitting up (bettystans take this as proof of bh)/vermin cheating
Jabi rising (which I ship hard but not for the despised barfie)
Barfie filmed “a lot” in the last 2/3/4/ninety trillion eps. Except no. This is based on they were the only two not filming one particular day. Or cole avoided lili/ didn’t post pics of KokeJ/or their pointless asses weren’t in A scene
A barfie baby
The last ones the most hilarious and outs them as soooper young: while I agree it would create some kewl drama—bettys a total slut these days. She fucked glenn and douchie multiple times within hours of each other. Most confusing day of the year would be Father’s Day for that poor kid
Speaking of kids, betty isn’t one. She managed to not get pregnant as a teen, why would she ditch birth control now? Plus abortion is an available option (and given cereal killer jeans, her legit being nuts, etc, might be something to look at for her.
Also even if she were preggers with douchies bby (no), that doesn’t mean they have to get married/live together/be a couple in any way/vd split up. Once again, not 1953.
Plus if anybody would likely have the surprise baby/who’s the daddy story, it’s vermin, herself. Cuz chaddiekins is totes the dude to mess with her pills/poke holes in her diaphragm just to ensure she gets preggers and to, yet again, try and lash her permanently to himself.
For bettystans, there’s this wacky idea that once Jughead “begins his journey of forgiveness/is bettys friend again” (which, at least even they have stfu about the vm and recognize jugs the one who gets to forgive, not prostitute betty), betty won’t need douchie anymore.
Ermmm….she cheated with douchie while Jughead was her faithful bf, planning their adult life together and “dumped” douchie while she was also shunning and being a dick to jug.
Oh and she was still Glenn’s whore throughout.
Plus not jugs job to be her sexual jiminy cricket.
It also, ofc ignores the many legit barriers to BH, like that she’s a psycho killer, that she fucked douchie, that she refuses to even vaguely consider she was and is an utter cuntwipe to Jughead, now—-and seems to basically hate him.
Naturally, while they can’t admit it, bettystans are terrified of jabi—-even tho that isn’t why bh’s a lonnng ways off (more below, there) and they hate it more because for their fanfic to be complete, Jughead has to be the pining doormat—and remain pure for Betty.
In fact they’re totally cool if Tabi isn’t relegated to black bestie, but fucks betty, just so long as it isn’t Jughead.
Now the irony here is, again, both sides are wrong: barfie isn’t happening again cuz it’s shit, nearly destroyed the show and KokeJ baby mama doesn’t want him near the bimbo who tried to fuck her man.
Bh isn’t happening until the last possible endgame moment cuz:
Bettys currently dating becoming a cereal killer (and it sure as fuck gets her off better than douchie or glenn did)
B) cole and lili hate each other. And while cole can be professional, he’s also entitled to a harassment free workplace (actually could explain his attendance at that meeting in early 2020), still has cards from the other cast mates as predators and lili’s shown she can’t keep her hands to herself.
Which brings us to: lili isn’t a professional, at all. She’s regressed, spiraling and totally not over him. The last time we know they filmed a sexual scene together (not romantic, btw), she ran and whined to her bffs, who then drunkenly trashed talked cole—-and she did nothing about it. And it included her friend bitching about her having to do scenes “with the guy who dumped her”
So there you have it: barfie ded, bh not until the last possible minute, jabi rising (speaking of jabi yes/no barfie in a late ep would support that per their express arguments, no?).
Please feel free to add. Or, once again barfies/bettystans, prove me wrong
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Oh where to start???? Whelp, at least I have something to roast now....
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Umm....nooo....(and this is just the question, itself...)
First off, Betty’s responsible, directly and indirectly for Jug’s trauma. Plus HER trauma isn’t really the kidnapping and, again, she made choices that led to it. Additionally, they tried to reconnect and she chose, repeatedly, to not do so.
Jug’s actually moved past his old views of her, but, again, yeah, she DGAF and didn’t look for him....
Lastly, BH aren’t the only ones with trauma: whole point is Douchie has it, Tabi has it (and Jabi will connect over it, as has been spoiled----in fact, I’m of the opinion the LATEST delay on this will be that Tabs now wants to tell him everything, to ensure he’s willing to deal with her shit, as well), Vermin has it, etc...
Literally, if “have trauma” is a bonding/soulmate thing, then they’re bonded/soulmates to the whole, fuckin’ town....
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Idealized version/source of trauma....and, honestly, I think he’s been living with this fantasy because it helped him cope with the deep betrayal and hurt she caused.....and I also think he sees that Tabitha remains his future. And he’ll be letting go of all this soon enough. In some ways, he already has.
The first hallucination was about craving closure, recognizing she did fuck him over (and never bothered to make amends, just kept fucking him over), the second (which, again, was in the past, not present) was his way of coping with having his face potentially chewed off by rats. And to deal with that she had, yet again, fully betrayed him
Again, two years ago, while wasted. He’s in the process of moving on from that.
This is about “living in the past”, something you’re doing as well.
Not suspicion, reality, Betty’s a cuntwipe.
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Actually, Betty? Is just that, because she’s been groomed and brainwashed for quite some time....and it’s abundantly clear a LOT of that was about turning her against Jughead, lest he somehow interfere with Glenn’s plans. So yeah, you can blame her behavior on that, but Slizzy’s a fucking pod person.
And, honestly? Jug’s the exact same guy he always was. IDK why nobody else gets this.
OML.....again, with the fucking Kommunikashuunnnnn.....dude, boring, not gonna happen, fully ignores that Slizzy’s currently brainwashed.
Doesn’t matter----she’s a completely different person, he’s drawn to somebody new and she chose to repeatedly lie and betray him and then chose to let things not work subsequently, make him secondary in her life, well before Glenn was grooming her.
Plus, that’s a very fanfic version...and no, it is very much NOT the trope the show is pursuing...
And yeah, this will be why they’re ultimately endgame, cause that will be presented, but we’re waaaayyyy far away from that.
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Nope, this is a woman who’s psychotic and letting that control her....and it isn’t urgent, other than satisfying her vigilante needs, at all. I call bullshit on every last fucking bit of that. Plus her efforts? Have gotten her fucking nowhere.
So she’s both insane AND shitty.....
And yeah, she showed us she’s a fucking sociopath who has systematically dehumanized Jughead all along. Now, yes, most likely it’s cause she’s been groomed, but it’s still there, it’s actually a pattern of behavior for her, well before (and is why it was actually fairly easy for Glenn to do).
She didn’t look, she belittled him endlessly (which is hilariously hypocritical) and was a cuntwipe. Again, pretty sure it’s cuz she’s been brainwashed, but also doesn’t fucking matter. And, again, because there was always that inclination...
She did NOT go to look for him. And we were shown the basis for Jughead’s misery. And that SHE caused it.
They’re going thru the healing separately. That isn’t the show and they aren’t back together (for all the reasons I keep pointing out) until verrryyyyy late in the show’s run.
In fact, Jug’s doing just that, right now. Slizzy’s still a psycho killah. And shouldn’t be with ANYBODY....she doesn’t need to be “purified” she needs to be “not completely horrible”.
She kept the VM to remind herself to hate him....because she’s been programmed to do so. Even if she thought Jug was just “sleeping it off”, he was drugged and could’ve been hurt....and might need medical attention, so no. What utter bullshit.
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Well, at least she admits that. What went wrong in their relationship remains 1000000% on Slizzy....always. Who, BTW, doesn’t even KNOW she needs to heal from anything....and continues to be a cuntwipe.
Spoiler: you aren’t getting what you want for a verryyyy long time
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