#midwestern queers
thatstormygeek · 16 days
It's so depressing to scroll through fb and see my friends who were deep into intersectional feminism reposting radfem content. And they don't see it for what it is because the "man bad; woman good" framing is everywhere.
This is what happens when capitalists get their hands on any concept. Fat Acceptance became Body Acceptance became Body Positivity became fucking Dove Real Beauty ads. Feminism was much easier, honestly. Especially with all the "lean in" crap in the early twenty-teens.
Girl Power. You Go Girl. Shero.
Package it all up in bright pink (which implies strength, rather than the traditional softness of pale pink) and glitter. Manufacture some pink tool sets.
There were already entire industries devoted to telling women they weren't good enough, but if they bought this vacuum/cleaning solution/cigarette brand/razor/makeup/cleanser/moisturizer/breakfast cereal/yogurt/deodorant spray/feminine hygiene solution/laundry detergent/etc. their lives would be complete. It takes almost nothing to tweak the message a bit, and suddenly women aren't safe unless they buy this pink keychain pepper spray/this alarm system/these locks, unless they use these apps and services that "protect" them by walling them off into subscription-based "security."
Just - it's always useful to stop and ask yourself who benefits. Who benefits from this divide between men and women? It's not women. It's not men. (it's definitely not all of us who are neither) Who is it serving? Again, not women. Not men.
The patriarchy is not men. The patriarchy is an oppressive system that harms everyone who lives under it. Those few it benefits? THEY are the ones being served by this gender essentialist, radfemmy bullshit. And it's incredibly sad making to see my ostensibly leftist friends go skipping down that trail.
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m0ther-fvcker · 4 months
wanna be a sleeze bag in a charming way
I blow my cigaret smoke in your face cause I know you like the smell
I manhandle you, pull you in too close, invade your personal space cause I know you're touch starved
I tease you because I want you to fight back
I taunt you into getting out of your comfort zone because I want you to try new things
I pull back when I accidentally cross a line
I let you sleep at my place, take you out to drivethrews at midnight to take your mind off things, find a hill for us to chill out on
I make jokes about us sleeping together, but know not to push too far. Even though I would love nothing more then to sleep with you. Although you always brush those jokes aside, you never seemed to hate them
But then I accidentally press my hand against yours a little bit too long and I notice your gaze lingering on my lips. And then you're straddling my hips, clinging to me as I hold you, kiss you deeply. I keep you warm as we makeout on that hill in the cool night
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hiddenjane · 8 months
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Poetry and picture by hiddenjane
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welcometogodly · 3 months
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sunny-rants · 7 months
ya know that thing where something is so hyper-feminine that it becomes a distinctly queer style? well I feel like there’s a new one where the rural or country or christian vibes are so strong that it circles around to being queer
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jarofrebukepodcast · 28 days
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A message from Casper Oliver about the return of Jar of Rebuke podcast. 🦌🗝👻
This message has been a long time coming, and I think I’ve finally fully accepted the reality of my situation.
I haven’t been doing well.  My work has put me on medical leave for my ongoing mental health crisis. During all of this, I’ve tried to keep up with everything else around me, continuing to spin all the plates of obligations. No matter how exhausted I’ve been, I’ve tried to keep up with work, chores, drag, podcasts, vending, emails, and other Thesperience-related projects… but I’ve been unable to keep up.  Slowly but surely, I’ve been putting down the plates as I try to take care of myself.  No drag shows, no murder mysteries, no live streams, and no script writing.  I’ve been stepping away from anything that isn’t focused on my mental health journey.  
It took a message from a social media friend reaching out to give some encouragement, including telling me about their experience with “Jar of Rebuke”. One of the things they said was that Jar of Rebuke and Jared helped them (and others) realize that it’s okay to not be okay…
Wouldn’t it be hypocritical of me to not take care of myself when I'm writing Jared’s journey of self-exploration and breaking free from unhealthy habits, restrictions, and connections?
So, I’m going to practice what I’ve preached.  As excited as we’ve been about returning in October, unfortunately that will have to be postponed.  I need time to step away from as many obligations as possible so I can focus on my recovery.  
“Jar of Rebuke” season 3 will be debuting in 2025!  This will give me and other cast & crew members to focus on ourselves and our health, both mental and physical.  We also hope that anyone else going through a hard time will take the time they need to take care of themselves.
The world is so much better for all y’all being in it. <3
If you’re looking for more entertainment during this extended break, we encourage you all to also check out our cast & crew members to see whatever other cool stuff they’re involved in!
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greenteacryptid · 10 days
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the-spaced-out-ace · 1 year
I'm just saying queer kids, especially in Midwestern suburbia, travel in packs and if Ruth is canonically queer there ain't no way that Pete and Richie are cishet
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joe-spookyy · 9 days
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a love letter to being a teenager in the midwest
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transmechanicus · 3 months
Used to shake like a terrified puppy being called a fag and now it's like yah i sure am, and a pretty one too~<3
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detroit-become-moomin · 4 months
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Howdy y'all 🏠🔦🚪🗝️
A FIELD GUIDE TO HAUNTINGS, my zine exploring the boundaries of the domestic space & memory as platform for the paranormal, is available for preorder/purchase!
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thatstormygeek · 1 month
Leaving the house is an entire Thing. But I did it on Tuesday to go vote. A mostly pointless endeavor as I live in Missouri and, even voting in a Dem primary, was on the losing side more often than not.
Requiring KC to spend more money on cops? Passed Waiving property taxes on childcare locations? Failed Cori Bush? Defeated
I'm tired. And wonder why I bother. But I'll still drag my ass out to do it the next time. And the next.
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m0ther-fvcker · 4 months
get in loser, I’m taking you out to get fast food and then I’m going to fuck you in the back of my car
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hiddenjane · 7 months
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Poetry and picture by hiddenjane
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welcometogodly · 1 year
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Heavenly Pleasures sign next to the verse we learned in church
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jarofrebukepodcast · 3 months
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We just gotta be patient with them... Jared's doing their best. 🗝 We've had a little too much fun making these. 🤣
Image ID: tumblr post by wizardpostsdotorg that says: "hi sorry for ghosting you I'm being tormented by psychic horrors beyond your wildest comprehensions". Below this is a drawing by artist @ollieartie of Jared Hel surrounded by shadowy arms. Jared looks clearly distressed and dissociated.
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