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#songtown #songcontest #fixerupper #moremusicin2020 #countrymusic #midwestcma #maverick https://www.instagram.com/p/CAHV4BYnOQJ/?igshid=1cddzj4i4kx4l
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12pm CST on our YouTube channel Today #synceedge #syncacademy #syncsummit #syncfriendly #triplethreatartists #songtown #midwestcma https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Xe7FEHLye/?igshid=djgu7j989xvj
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#midwestcma #housepartyatmyhouse #youareinvited #martina #moremusicin2019 #moremusicin2020 #songtown #songtownsyncedge #triplethreatartist #syncacademy #syncsummit #facebooklive #macbookandamartin #2019midwestcmamaverickawardwinner https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ArJYKHC2f/?igshid=wtkcagketjm6
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This week Like It Like It Gotta Have It came out. I met 3 new collaborators and we whipped out a song together in 2 Days. I managed to finish a song myself today and set up a collaboration I’m workin on with Brenna. Check out Hi-Steppin by Brenna now and rumor has it Brenna will be releasing Who Dat I produced last year I can’t wait for you all to hear it and there’s new songs for subscribers #moremusicin2020 #midwestcma #syncacademy #syncedge #triplethreatartist https://www.instagram.com/p/B-i69FtHjQg/?igshid=louhkgxcoy5s
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What are you doing to make your time in isolation count?? Very productive day 3 new songs today 1 is collaboration working through the night on w/3 new collaborators due tomorrow. #billboard500synccompetition #nowistheperfecttimetoinvestinyourself #midwestcma #syncacademy #syncedge #songtown #songtownmidwestskycircle #triplethreatartist https://www.instagram.com/p/B-gYEvmHruA/?igshid=1t7oq3d4o9t3h
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Challenged on Instagram by @haileyjamesmusic here are the performances that are stuck in my iPhone I appreciate the reminder of all the fun we’ve had so far. Hope to see all of you again. What were some of your favorite shows over the past year or so??? Bonus for pictures. Miss you guys. Stay safe out there. #midwestcma #livemusicinmn #mnmusic #livemusic #yourfavoriteliveshow https://www.instagram.com/p/B-GQGQMnnXo/?igshid=24lsf9izvqhk
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A bouncy impulsive upbeat GrungeRocker made with respectful tribute to lost grunge icons. Link in Bio #6figuresongwriting #jeffrodean #synccohort #songtownsyncedge #songtown #midwestcma #maverick #mst0ne #lagrungemusic #lagrungemusicbmi https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DSgXUn7EK/?igshid=1h9net1iwv1r8
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I’ll be all acoustical until we get the band back together at the end of the month Drinkin songs in the bio and LIke It Like It Gotta Have It April 1st on almost all platforms #moremusicin2020 #godinguitars #midwestcma #midwestcmaawards #maverick #songtown #songtownsyncedge #syncedge #syncacademy #synccohort #syncfriendly #syncagentwanted (at The 221) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9tDItXH16m/?igshid=1x543ut2pdhud
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You know who rehearses in -20 degree weather in MN #midwestcma #midwestcmaawardnominees #midwestcmamaverickaward @jt_and_the_gunslingers @dannygrause @beckykapell @ledfootlarry @mst0ne see show page on http://markstonemn.com for your tickets before they are sold out (at Medina Entertainment Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hKjyQFTYT/?igshid=azenmhthfqr
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Sun came out play Gonna be all acoustic weekend with a solo at Celts tonight start at 5:30pm and Saturday 2 Dudes With Acoustic Guitars plays St.Francis Legion at 5pm if you can’t make one of those look ahead at http://markstonemn.com and pick one you can and we’ll see you then #moremusicin2020 #syncfriendly #lagrungemusicbmi #supportourmusicalhabits #livin #midwestcma #maverick #maverickawardnominee #midwestcma #songtown #6figuresongwriting2020 #triplethreatartist #syncacademy #tomorrowthesunisgonnashine https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_HbZfn_Py/?igshid=1lqooxw1oulcd
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Ok 👌 Feb1st Out everywhere on almost every platform ever. Just tell me if you have trouble I can email it right to you. In fact if you subscribe to the Dirty Country Family Feed you’ll get a 3fer $1 as a welcome to our new place since we move from Patreon. We are starting off #moremusicin2020 the right way we hope your join us https://markstoneandthedirtycountryband.com/dirty-country-family-feed #markstonemn #mst0ne #countryandmidwestern #midwestcma https://www.instagram.com/p/B7pcg_SFhVB/?igshid=1whi0ef2qusmh
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Thank you to my Dirty Country Family and Friends for the all the awesome support you’ve shown me last year. It has been absolutely amazing to have people all over the world contribute and support to the 18 singles and 2EPs we released last year. We welcome you all to join in our musical journey this year https://markstoneandthedirtycountryband.com/dirty-country-family-feed we are currently adopting new family members to support our musical habits please connect with us via https://markstoneandthedirtycountryband.com/support-our-musical-habits regardless of the outcome of this year #midwestcma Awards we all win Feb.16th night of the show there will be hard decisions I’m glad I don’t have to make Thank you for seeing me and tossing me likes and follows. We really appreciate it. Be safe out there I’m at @ltdbrewing tonight 7:30-10pm if ya feel like an adventure (at LTD Brewing) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7b5w5Cn2h6/?igshid=1verqy7obe1b5
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#moremusicin2019 comes to an end and opens the door for #moremusicin2020 If we’ve connected at all it’s probably been through music. In 2018 I evaluated what would bring me the most joy. Have you ever allowed yourself to ask that question?? Double back on that once and read it aloud. What would bring me the most joy?? The answer for me was make more music and I did. More appropriately WE did. Huge Thank You to all of you who’ve become part of our Dirty Country Family and supported our music 18 singles and 2 EPs this year as opposed to a 4 song EP last year seems like the right track. This year we’ve written more songs than we ever have before and next year we hope to not only write more music but produce more music to a higher standard learn more about sync placements for tv and film and connect with more people like you that wanna collaborate and support these creations. Connect with us. https://markstoneandthedirtycountryband.com/support-our-musical-habits #midwestcma #midwestmusictv #6figuresongwriting #triplethreatartist #songtown #midwestskycircle #mas #schwillyfamilymusicians #dirtycountryfamily every one of you who’ve ever listened, liked, saved followed, made a playlist, shared us with a friend, partied with us at a live show or just dropped us a tip in the jar or online and of course those of you who subscribe or download without you this is just practice. Thank You So Much. I hope you’ll join me for even #moremusicin2020 (at Delano, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6w7L9BHAWE/?igshid=q4iet83ifbs3
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Tickets go on sale this Sunday Jan.22nd for Sunday Feb.16th Midwest CMA Awards Show. http://midwestcma.org Last year was an amazing, electrifying, hair on the back of your neck raising, goosebumps up your arm night of live music. Not to mention a packed house on a Sunday. Trust me when I say, It was my favorite Sunday of live music last year and I reckon this year will wind up even better. You are cordially invited to grab your tickets at http://midwestcma.org before they sell out Super excited for everyone involved in the #midwestcma The organization and camaraderie in the group is getting bigger and better each year. Thank you for seeing me. It's feels good to be recognized. Regardless of the outcome of this we all win Feb.16th at 4pm Medina Entertainment Center and I hope you're all able to make it so you can agree with me. Huge Thank You to ALL our Dirty Country Family and Friends. I couldn't vote for myself even if I wanted to so this is all on you. Thank You Again Mark Stone https://www.instagram.com/p/B6QwkOWHpZ1/?igshid=w8kge5a6tse8
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Well this is a HUGE surprise to be nominated for the Maverick Award this year by the #midwestcma and my peers colleagues and friends. Congratulations to all the nominees and all the super talented folks who weren’t chosen this year. Can’t be an easy task by any means and after all a rising tide raises all ships. I’m just blessed to be a part of this group let alone recognized. Thank You. https://www.instagram.com/p/B6PM4YCli0a/?igshid=vktylo3xvhf
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Next months CD’s are shipping Early to get to you before Christmas #yourhero #6figuresongwriting #songtown #triplethreatartist #schwillyfamilymusicians #midwestcma #markstoneandthedirtycountryband #markstonemn #mst0ne #sextet https://www.instagram.com/p/B6J8x4IHhD8/?igshid=1jplu6bf9xnrn
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