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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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#moremusicin2019 was about increasing my output and doing it this year is flying by and with creative partner @musicbyjeremy at the ½ way point of #moremusicin2020 we have surpassed our productivity and we still have 4+ months to amp it up for the big finish. If you need musical solutions we are here to help. Here’s an example of four recently finished cues thumb art all done by my favorite artist @rhondafunstone email [email protected] for more info. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwAOmfHD0Y/?igshid=18tvopx7ip10u
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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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#midwestcma #housepartyatmyhouse #youareinvited #martina #moremusicin2019 #moremusicin2020 #songtown #songtownsyncedge #triplethreatartist #syncacademy #syncsummit #facebooklive #macbookandamartin #2019midwestcmamaverickawardwinner https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ArJYKHC2f/?igshid=wtkcagketjm6
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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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#moremusicin2019 comes to an end and opens the door for #moremusicin2020 If we’ve connected at all it’s probably been through music. In 2018 I evaluated what would bring me the most joy. Have you ever allowed yourself to ask that question?? Double back on that once and read it aloud. What would bring me the most joy?? The answer for me was make more music and I did. More appropriately WE did. Huge Thank You to all of you who’ve become part of our Dirty Country Family and supported our music 18 singles and 2 EPs this year as opposed to a 4 song EP last year seems like the right track. This year we’ve written more songs than we ever have before and next year we hope to not only write more music but produce more music to a higher standard learn more about sync placements for tv and film and connect with more people like you that wanna collaborate and support these creations. Connect with us. https://markstoneandthedirtycountryband.com/support-our-musical-habits #midwestcma #midwestmusictv #6figuresongwriting #triplethreatartist #songtown #midwestskycircle #mas #schwillyfamilymusicians #dirtycountryfamily every one of you who’ve ever listened, liked, saved followed, made a playlist, shared us with a friend, partied with us at a live show or just dropped us a tip in the jar or online and of course those of you who subscribe or download without you this is just practice. Thank You So Much. I hope you’ll join me for even #moremusicin2020 (at Delano, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6w7L9BHAWE/?igshid=q4iet83ifbs3
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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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Thankful for Linda and all the folks @intunegp seriously thank you for your amazing customer service wrapped up in an upcoming new release I dropped the ball on my order but they caught it and gave me the heads up and bam 💥 I got my new picks coming #thanksgiving #thanksbetopicks #intunegp #minos #lagrungemusic #markstonemn #mst0ne #moremusicin2019 #markstoneandthedirtycountryband (at Delano, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5buq2nFLbC/?igshid=60n2rdl1pxhu
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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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#workin #moremusicin2019 #makstoneandthedirtyband #2dudeswithacousticguitars #mst0ne #woodshedstudio #bass #sextet #markstonemn #midwestcma #songtown #songtownmidwestskycircle #6figuresongwriting #whatthebleeppodcast #bobfm #mycountrybobfmdotcom #triplethreatartists #startarevolution #moremusicin2019 #oct30startarevolution11amcstyoutube https://www.instagram.com/p/B4DzfUNH62J/?igshid=469xe7nm1uox
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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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When you have really good friends that support you they totally make you feel like a King and some of them are creative enough to immortalize your image on a playing card. I argued for the Joker but sometimes the way you see yourself is not how others see you. I am sooooo thankful for every single one of my friends who have lifted me up and saw my potential even when I may have doubted myself. Thank You for reaching out and wishing me Happy Birthday. I did my very best to try to respond to all of you. Also thank you to all of you who connected with me through email or social media. Yep I’m another year older but at least this year I have twice as many songs to show for it #moremusicin2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bVbWeHo3C/?igshid=qvr2pb63s4i5
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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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#moremusicin2019 Continues #Rocktober is here with Ain’t My First Rodeo and Ordinary Hero next month (pictured middle left)Start A Revolution. Hands down the heaviest song I’ve written all year so if you miss the Juggernaut era you’ll probably love it. Take a peek via link in the bio or http://markstoneandthedirtycountryband.com/the_dirty_blog/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3W0cHolTB2/?igshid=1eqw7mty6h7gb
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mst0ne · 5 years ago
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Patrons we had a brief print delay hiccup but rest assured your CDs 💿 are on the way and the 1st 25 that have been ordered directly are signed and numbered. Ain’t My First Rodeo is the 11th single I’ve released this year along with 2 EP’s. I always tend to some up my year around my Birthday and last years resolution or realization was I needed to make #moremusicin2019 Thank You to our Patrons, DirtyCountryFamily, Supporters, Subscribers, Followers, Friends and Fans. Without you it’s not a party it’s just practice. Next month Ordinary Hero November 1st. Lastly if your just a lurker checking things out sign up for our emailer. If you like this you’ll probably also dig the exclusive content in our emailer the Dirty http://bit.ly/FreeExclusiveDownload https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Hsd1QHiQt/?igshid=auybgrmjqtx5
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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So Tomorrow Sucker in a Sad Country Song comes out just about everywhere but thanks to the miracles of technology you can download an acoustic copy of the song as performed on BOB FM’s Homegrown Show June 30th go to http://mybobcountry.com click the weekends tab then scroll to Homegrown Show and it’ll probably be available to listen to or download at some point tomorrow as well. #suckerinasadcountrysong #moremusicin2019 #midwestcma #country #countryandmidwestern #midwesternrock #bobfm #mybobcountry #brianpowers #whenlovegoestowar https://www.instagram.com/p/BzW2RyLFWwn/?igshid=1vfjdsssfufgt
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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I may have mentioned this a few times but don’t miss the HomeGrown Show on mybobcountry.com every Sunday 5-6pm CST for some of the best #countrymusic in #midwest with host Brian Powers #midwestcma #moremusicin2019 (at BOB Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFXq8fF8KN/?igshid=1bxi5whl4bxxs
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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Back at it again putting guitar tracks on “Super Human” co-write with Praise Worthy Publishing Deb Wolf so you could say it’s Praiseworthypublishing meets LaGrungeMusic. Stay Tuned #gibsonflyingv #pearlz #moremusicin2019 #midwestcma #6figuresongwriting #songtown #superhuman #fractalaudio #ax8 #uaarrow #macbookpro #logicprox https://www.instagram.com/p/By8KWA0Hh7D/?igshid=g3re1mkjqk1e
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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Still pics and video of the #midwestcma #mixup #2019 coming through damn was that ever a blast I have a little video page called #midwestmusictv featuring a lot of my friends playing awesome tunes. I started it so I could have #moremusicin2019 on my feeds instead of stuff that I’m not as into. If you’re a fan or play come visit us on Facebook Midwest Music TV 📺 #MMTV https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAdDBWlH_Y/?igshid=rlnl9ncv073q
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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So this is how I plan to #startarevolution #onesongatatime #moremusicin2019 #gibsonflyingv #uaarrow #logicprox #macbookpro #wbgear #wbgearartist #thegearyouneed #sitstrings #intunegp #deanbass #6figuresongwriting #songtown #midwestcma #pickology #triplethreatartist #schwillyfamilymusicians #syncacademy #songtownsyncedge #lagrungemusic #markstonemn #cominghome #atruckerslovestory #pentatonicmemories #betterintherearviewmirror #singersongwriter #guitarplayer #producer (at Delano, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxfIbWVn4Km/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cs12aunw0yoj
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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If there’s such a thing as creative hardcore beast mode I gotta be close this week. Turned in my #songtown #midwestcma #skycircle exercise writing for another artist. I’ll have to admit writing for a purpose other than the end user being myself has been extremely enlightening. #beachblanketholiday Tomorrow I’ll continue working on #startarevolution a new track for the #6figuresongwriting course and just a few days ago I finished #getconnected but that’s not all also working on #suckerinasadcountrysong my goal 🥅 is to have this all rapped up before the end of the month when our new EP #pentatonicmemories will be released through amuse.co and new single #cominghome #atruckerslovestory comes out via #cdbaby HUGE Thank you to my patrons and the aforementioned above groups along with #triplethreatartist and #syncacademy for kicking my ass to be more productive and creative to make #moremusicin2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxeVYOfnnxJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qeafux00318d
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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Minos Mania continues got some goodies in the mail today. #minos #minosmania #lagrunge #lagrungemusic #moremusicin2019 #pentatonicmemories #tomorrowthesunisgonnashine #singinsmilinthinkinboutu #theresnoplacelikehome #readysetgo #FunStones #funstoneremix #pickology #mst0neonpatreon #betterintherearviewmirror #revisited #whiskeytalkin #hardestway #enjoytheride #rhonda #itsallgood #drinkthepainaway #midwestcma #countryandmidwestern https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTsBpshu3C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a0mit92dsel
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mst0ne · 6 years ago
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Coming Home A Truckers Love Story is the Download for May on patreon.com/mst0ne it will be available as the CD Single Release for June along with Pentatonic Memories EP CD Release. Coming to your favorite platform June 1st but always truly available first on Patreon. #moremusicin2019 continues https://www.instagram.com/p/BxParWcngk9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ekuvvn8fkb6n
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