ao3screenshotss · 1 year
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authenticaussie · 5 months
Alright so I just finished Batman:TAS recently and started watching Superman:TAS and it delights me that the first episode is literally just: superman??? Who dat. This is aliens :)) (even if Brainiac does say "human error, Jor-el"). So obviously I do now have aus. Obviously <3 shout-out to @midnightluck for the Justice League, @cer-rata for Terry and @suzukiblu for Jordan + putting up with the initial ramble
So anyway Brianiac's satellite upload gets fucked up by Jor-el either in petty revenge or as an accident, and a part of Brainiac ends up on Clark's ship. The vague explanation I have is that Brainiac is the AI for everything and in TAS, Jor-el also does not realise he is "evil" and thus still uses his help as a navigator for Clark's ship while he is initially building it. The ship, however, is offline to prevent the Kryptoninan council from finding out about it, and thus, that section of Brainiac does not get taken back into the satellite upload.
As it is BARELY the 90's when the Kents find Clark after the crash, Brainiac is summarily useless thanks to the current lack of wifi, but manages to mostly teach himself English and Kal kryptonian, and decides that. >:( since they're BOTH there, they can BOTH be vestibules of kryptonian knowledge. And also Kal can get him more earth knowledge. The vibes entirely are: "Weird aspects of kryptonian culture taught by an unbodied dickhead historian" and while the argument is "but brainiac is evil!" Main brainiac is. But this is a subsection of Brainiac :) he learnt more stuff + Clark loves him soooo much.
Unfortunately. That is His baby now. He is not impressed with his baby. His baby bought him a growing chick the other day, with big sad eyes, and said the kryptonian word for fluffy!!! in such a mournful tone that Brainiac resigned himself to teaching kal about how growing up worked and that the chicken needed feathers to fly. This explanation ends with Clark collecting feathers and trying to jump off the barn roof, and he thus resolves to extend further co-parenting issues to the Kents. For his own personal convenience, of course.
It does of course ALSO mean that Brainiac, who has a loose definition of the words "surveillance state" absolutely gets in at the ground floor when the internet first starts up. Clark's influence relegates him to the background, but he is good at hiding ! So they don't realise they have an AI in the wifi! But ohhhh boy does brainiac scare a few people at first. Potentially tries to do his "i am helpful" schtick before realising he is not useful in this because he's basically just. Seems completely like a troll? He's some random person who's invaded the internet!!
However he is also the inspiration for google 😂 and calls it his younger, stupider sibling. It is also funny to me to think about earth compsci engineers having NO idea why sometimes the internet acts SO DAMN WEIRD <- brainiac's fault.
As a result though, when Clark starts up as Superman, Brainiac does NOT let the Kr project off the ground. Files are misdirected and blackmail is gathered. Until one day Kal says something sad about how he'll never be able to have a great romance, because he's terrified of telling anyone the alien thing, and that he's always thought about kids but he's kinda terrified because what if he hurts someone- and Brainiac is like ah yes wait. I shall fix this for my Only Kryptonian.
TWO kids for the price of one?!? he finds, after he goes searching, and then further prodding finds THIRTEEN children, extraordinary. Not all of them are viable because the earth scientists truly are incapable but Brainiac can fix the issues with their technology to ensure Kal has the children he wants.
"How many children did you think of, kal-el?" he asks, and Clark laughs at how kindly his friend/uncle/grandfather figure treats his silly selfishness.
"Oh, man, sometimes I think: as many as I can carry! But then- I don't want Superman to get in the way of being a good dad. Too many and I won't be there for them like I should, you know? I worry about that, I guess."
"As many as you can carry is a significant amount," Brainiac says dubiously, already imagining teaching these numerous children kryptonian culture and Also that they are Not chickens. "I do not think that can be fulfilled effectively."
Five minutes later Clark has five children and has realised his matchbox apartment and budding romance with Lois Lane are both complicated things he will now have to resolve. He's basically commuting daily to the Daily Planet from Smallville, thank god for superspeed and his endlessly patient parents, jfc
(Children I was thinking of: the destablised kon!clone from SB94/The Ravers, Kon, Match, Bizarro, and Mia. Alternatively they went old-school with Biz so Brainiac didn't get a chance to help him/he's older than the other kids when Clark finally mentions wanting kids, to Brainiac, and thus Biz ends up like. The kids' uncle. There ARE technically twelve clones before Kon. I could've given you thirteen-fifteen kids, Clark.)
Anyway this does mean that either a) when Lois finds out Kal is superman this is not his biggest secret, b) Kon rocks up as Superboy and Lois, once she finds out Clark is Superman, immediately goes: WAIT BUT SUPERBOY'S YOUR KID. ARE YOU MARRIED??? or c) everyone at the Daily Planet thinks Clark just. Got really unlucky with different people he slept with and someone in the world's wildest stroke of luck they all ended up pregnant. Because Clark Does Not mention a partner when it is eventually revealed he has kids.
He probably does keep them a secret for a while though. A) He doesn't want them to have to try and be "normal" since they're only just out of the pod and B) I feel like, weirdly, Clark is somehow that co-worker that people like. barely know anything about. You like them and they're so helpful! and good-natured! and then you get him in the office secret santa and realise you're not even 100% what his favourite colour is or if he has a pet.
Anyway, Lois: he is NOT expecting Lois to get pregnant and they have to have a Long talk about it because Brainiac is. :) Being an asshole about species compatibility and the fact that it is "not natural" for Kryptonians to be created biologically rather than properly, in a pod, and also: Clark already has five freaking kids. That's a lot of kids! Are they going to be okay having a brother that much (at least five-ten years I'm thinking, depending on if we go: Brainiac gives him multiple children of multiple ages, or multiple young children of the same age,) younger than them??? And then there's Chris, too, who rocked up just after Clark and Lois started dating, and is still pretty high needs because he only mostly speaks Kryptonian (and is lowkey terrified of Brainiac, so Clark's main babysitter is out) (also please please imagine how freaking cute the subplot of "chris realises this brainiac is not the nightmare his stories told him about; watching his new siblings do things that Brainiac would have killed them for, terrified for them because he heard the stories of how long Brainiac bided his time--)
But this is also: how many kids can we give clark, the fic, and thus they have Jon, and then Jon exhibits so many kryptonian characteristics and Lois doesn't mean to but she's a little wine drunk and says, "i love them, you know, they're all perfect, Jon's perfect, I was just- I'm terrified for him. If we raise him right he's gonna be just like his dad…and you know what? I was wanting my own little Lane. Someone to follow my footsteps. I'm feeling a bit outnumbered here, haha!"
Brainiac: hm. I will amend this. (Makes and artificially grows human!Jordan so he displays more human genetic characteristics As Lois Wants)
Brainiac: I have created Jon-el's twin for you, Lane. You are welcome.
Lois: um what
Clark: honey no you can't talk about children with Brainiac he will make more
Lois: WHAT.
Clark: …. you're gonna have to be one of those weird "I didn't know I was still pregnant" stories…. 😂
Lois: 😭 Clark you know those are only funny when they are NOT HAPPENING TO ME
Clark: you didn't know you were pregnant….. literally
Lois must engage in the gaslighting of all of her coworkers <3 What do you mean you didn't realise she had twins she's shown you both of them? Of course they look the same they're babies. Of course she always had twins. She carried them. Did you carry her babies? Of course she would know. Isn't that right, Clark? …. isn't that right, Clark?
Clark: "Where else would she'a gotten a baby from, guys? An alien?"
Brainiac: hello i have delivered the child. Where is my thanks? It has still not been conveyed? I am doing the Literal Best as the Literal Best AI ever? Excuse me? You ignore Brainiac?
Brainiac: death for one thousand humans-!!!
Martha: 🥰 Brainiac I'm so proud of you for always making sure these kids are taken care of. Giving us Jordan! Oh, you marvellous robot
Brainiac: …. acceptable, Matriarch Kent
either that or Lois shoots herself in the foot and everyone thinks Clark is STILL the man with the world's worst luck and the strongest genetics ever:
"Lois, honey…how are Jon and Jordan so close in age? If they're not twins?"
"Uh- Jordan is adopted!"
Everyone: looks at Jordan, who is Jon's splitting image
Everyone: …..okay
Anyway because this AU is wildly cliche, very obviously the Bit of Brainiac that helped Clark grow up re-integrates with Brainiac prime during a Big Dramatic Battle where all of the Superfam are getting hurt, and manages to stop/halt Brainiac prime from hurting Clark and the Kryptokids at the cost of his existence.
Jordan gets to punch it in the circuits cause he's the only one not affected by kryptonite but still has the general invulnerability. (And then Jon and/or Kon and meeting the LoSH and they realise their grandfather Brainiac has very much been continued in Brainiac 5's code :3 for an open-ish happy ending of "hey good exists forever and always regardless of heritage")
GRANDPA ALSO WANTS ACCESS TO THE INTERNET. There is a constant battle and it does work for a while because he is elected babysitter of the kryptokids and he is only a small part of Brainiac, five kids does stretch the circuits he developed from Clark's pod, but it's a constant cycle.
"Kal-el, son of house of el, I demand google, I have not finished investigating the 'man of Bats'. Why are there two variations of his name?"
"You mean Dark Knight?"
Also when Brainiac finds out that Clark's birthday falls on a human holiday he. He tries. He tries to do pranks. Most of them are vaguely and accidentally evil (Chris cries when Brainiac takes over the internet for the day and makes every search engine answer questions wrong), but he tries. He knows Clark likes pranks! He is trying to participate! It's family bonding!!!
Braniac: It is your 33rd April fool's day.
Clark: Yep!
Braniac: I have finally decided to assist you with a prank.
Braniac: Behold! (Small boy with dark hair, blue eyes and a square jaw walks in, dressed in a decent little suit.)
Clark: Braniac you CANNOT keep making...Wait. No. No you didn't--
Braniac: A prank to share with your closest friend!
Braniac: I have been calling him "Bruce" for my records, but you may want to pick something else for clarity.
Clark: 😦😳😬💀
(And thus we have Terry)
Also, while Clark is pretty secretive about his kids, when/if any of them go out with a Superfam name, and/or after he gets closer with the Justice League, there are little slip ups. He does really love his kids!!! And at the point where he's joined the JL he's been with Lois for a few years now and is used to mentioning them every now and then at the Daily Planet/trauma sure does bond you together :) and he trusts the core members of the JL pretty well. Someone makes fun of Bruce for his "hoard" of children and his "adoption problem" and Clark snorts and then chokes. Bruce has barely adopted Tim and/or has only just gotten Cass. Four? Please, Clark's almost at double digits.
Or Hal is talking about the fact that he doesn't know what to get his niece for her birthday; Clark asks how old she is, and goes "Seven? Oh, yeah. Go for Monster High, it's really big right now. The dolls are pretty cool."
"Lol why do you know so much about dolls, you have a secret collection-"
"What? No, my daughter likes them."
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Barry complains about how many birthdays he has to go to and Clark laughs. "Oh, tell me about it! Mia, Mark ((Match)), Chris and Mara all had birthday parties for their school friends in the same week - thank god for superspeed, right?"
Barry, who was talking about volunteering to visit kids' birthday parties at different orphanages in Central: Clark what are you talking about.
Also, Clark's an idiot and decides to introduce Brainiac's "prank" to Bruce on the watchtower because hey! It's neutral ground! And none of his kids can hear into space, thank fuck.
Clark: so....Bruce....you know how you were complaining about being an empty nester. Now that Damian's gone to college. Well. Hm. (pulls Terry from behind him) Surprise!
Bruce: .......You have a new child.
Clark: er. Well. sort of!
Terry, staring at Bruce like the autism creature: O_O
Bruce: .....I have a new child.
(also probably terry's backstory then includes some amanda waller induced kidnapping and potentially a bit of amnesia and adoption by another family but hey, he finds bruce again eventually!)
(also match does try and be the badboy of the family and does hang out with thad, when thad comes up to kill Bart, but. they both just. accidentally vaguely rehabilitate each other? They're not good, but they don't murder, at least. It's a low, low bar. When Clark tries to disappointed-face him, Match just says he's following in Grandpa Brainiac's footsteps and does Clark REALLY expect him to disregard a family legacy-- and you can give him some suicide squad angst or whatever, but the fam is still. there for him.)
(Mia and Kara get into a fist fight when they first meet; then they are best friends. Mia's not great at 'being Kryptonian', especially because she was one of the first attempts, and as per canon is technically a human who they tried to overwrite with Kryptonian DNA, and thus doesn't entirely understand Kara's connection to their 'home', but as a result she also ends up being Kara's confidant in it, because unlike Kal she does understand being taken away from your home and not being able to go back to it, and yet does not have...the same connection the way the other members of the Superfam do, and the disconnect allows Kara to actually talk about Kyrpton instead of mourn)
(Kon does try and grab the spotlight; Clark is trying to let him have freedom, after both Mia and Match went a bit....bitey at his attempts to keep them safe until they were older, but he's still the more naive of his siblings. Thankfully for Clark, he does get to introduce Kon to Robin, and while they don't hit it off, it is enough to mitigate the worst of the fallout of Rex's sleazy bs and Knockout's crimes ): When he joins YJ Clark is both proud of his heroism and a little scared that one of his kids is actually deciding to follow in his footsteps.)
(Mara is Kon's destabilised clone, from when he learns about paul westfield. We did not have enough girls in this family and thus part of their journey of self-identity was the fact that in a family of loud personalities they weren't great at speaking up; it takes a while for them to admit they want a new name and to use she/they pronouns, but by the time Jon and Jordan are five everyone's used to the change. Mara and Kon are closest, even though Kon and Mark/Match are technically sort-of twins; they clash waaay too much in temperament and personality. Kon was much better at playing protector to his little sibling, especially after they came out, and Mara shares "Supergirl" with Kara - she's only a backup member of the titans, though, and has the compassion and strength for heroism but sometimes too much empathy. Does a lot of relief work and peaceful outreach programs. They love a lot.)
(Chris?? no self sacrifice here!!! He has a bunch of fucking siblings with TTK, he is NOT going into that portal)
(There are two Nightwings; every now and then they debate who should switch to Flamebird, jokingly, and yet both of them have perfectly valid arguments - it's kryptonian! / I look good in blue! - and thus it never comes to fruition. When Mia and takes on Flamebird they give it up entirely; it helps that Chris ends up doing a lot of intergalactic work, so there isn't much confusion on earth with the call sign.)
When Jon is old enough to want to switch from Superboy he 100% puppydog eyes Chris into giving him the Nightwing handle so he can give it to Dami, and snags Flamebird from Mia. Dick decides he can live with that and is trying to take care of his own kid so is semi-retired (and can snag it back from Dami if he ever gets too bored).
For a bit there are def still two Flamebirds, but then Mia and Chris decide to team up for intergalactic stuff and to bully Mara into more fistfights, so then they're Trio and just go by Mar-El, Lor-Zod, and Mi-El. I know that is not how female names work on Krypron but I also think Lois Lane, who kept her name and also gave both Jon and Jordan her last name, hyphenated, heard of that shit and went "absolutely not". Either that or Mara decides to keep her Kryptonian name as Mar-El and Mia is Mia Kal-el, or copies her mom and is like naw Fuck This, especially considering her.....lack of general connection to Krypton? Could be fun for any :3 (Or maybe in space she just goes by Lane; time for her semi-mom to get recognition. Mara is already showcasing the house of El, Chris is rehabilitating the house of Zod, she's gonna kick butt for the house of Lois.)
....Though this does potentially mean i have accidentally called Match "Mat-el" and the Barbie jokes from that. Would be. Iconic.
Anyway that's the Grandpa Brainy au! Tune in next week when I force Cerata to watch Arthur and the Invisibles with me and start talking about bug-prince Kon-el and Lois' adventure to save her husband from a tiny evil overlord.
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crowiin · 5 months
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ace from “mark for mark and sin for sin” by @midnightluck. it’s a delightfully painful sickfic with a twist on the regular tropes
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rose-tinted-vision · 1 year
Rose's favourite fics
(in no particular order)
part 2 here
Apparently I've linked about 50 fics so I'm sorry, I'm not going to add all the summaries for these fics.
Blue Lock
For Blue Lock I'd recommend checking out smallghosts and explorerseel8's profile
pride hath no place by vani_em (NagiReo)
raison d'être by explorerseel8 (ReoNagi)
Take Five by explorerseel8 (ReoNagi)
truth or drink by smallghosts (ReoNagi)
AITA for “abandoning” my best friend by smallghosts (ReoNagi)
fall forward/spring back by nagireo (NagiReo)
as long as I'm with you by okonomiyakein (NagiReo)
Player 2 by explorerseel8 (HioRin)
Kuroko no Basuke
Please read literally everything by umisabaku
A Kinda Sorta Fairy Tale by Lys ap Adin (MidoTaka)
But I Lived by exuberant_imperfection, kate882 (MidoTaka)
Designation: Miracle (series) by umisabaku (KagaKuro, KiKasa, AkaFuri, AoMomo, MidoTaka)
as small as a world by umisabaku (MidoTaka)
in the liminal darkness by 100demons (MidoTaka)
(the sad thing is that I read a ton of Haikyuu and KnB fics before I got my ao3 account so it's a slow journey finding all my fav fics again)
I put my hand out, unfolded, into the sunlight by carafin (BokuAka)
I'll give a bouquet to these unending days by sparksandsalt (BokuAka)
love in the time of wifi by dalyeau (BokuAka)
tea-stained polaroids by dalyeau (BokuAka)
video games and gold rings by gnomeo (KuroKen)
Ear to Ear by darkmagicalgirl (AoFuta)
Yaku and the Beanstalk by Mysecretfanmoments (YakuLev)
One Piece
For my fellow ZoSan fans: literally everything by Hazel_Athena, Harubo, 8ball, donutsandcoffee and three_days_late are worth checking out
More Ace-centric: Dezace and stormy1x2's fics that make me Feel Things
Wanted by Hazel_Athena (ZoSan)
Disoriented Envy by Hazel_Athena (ZoSan)
Can you hear me now? by Alexis_C (ZoSan)
Learning to Listen by three_days_late (ZoSan)
this, at least by adietxt (ZoSan)
come on, come on (turn a little faster) by donutsandcoffee (ZoSan)
Late Night with Sanji Black by Harubo (ZoSan)
Love's First Blush by Hazel_Athena (ZoSan)
they said love is reaching blindly at a pit full of snakes by summermidnights (ZoSan)
Complex Buddies by threesipsmore (ZoSan)
you and me somehow by losingcontrolnow (AceSan)
Cryptid Sightings Volume #1: Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace by Dezace (Gen, Ace-centric)
Spades On-Screen by stormy1x2 (Gen, Ace/WB pirates-centric)
whatever you can still betray by midnightluck (Gen, Ace/WB pirates-centric)
Hide the Knives by SrirachaBunny (Gen, Ace/WB pirates-centric)
The Wanderer by MaiKusakabe (Gen, Badass!Marco)
Genshin Impact
For Genshin, I'd recommend heartslogos and smallghosts
Burgeon by gloomyparfait (HaiKaveh)
Forget Your Name (Replace it with mine) by princesscas (Thomato)
the purest form of water by eversall (XingYun)
to be unbroken and brave again by magicities (XiaoVen)
Chonghua's Layered Frost by pureofheart_rareofpair (XingYun)
cloudburst by smallghosts (XingYun)
keep the caffeine away from kids by shynkai (scara-centric, slight HaiKaveh)
The Verdure and the Puppet by kimekosu (Gen, Nahida & Wanderer)
truck, barter and trade by Seungshi03 (Established HaiKaveh, them raising Wanderer)
James Bond (Craig movies)
I remember really liking anything by Jen, skylights, scioscribe, pdameron, and opalescentgold
Memos from Q branch by AviaCarter (Gen, background 00Q)
Sic Pravis Magna by blackidyll (00Q)
ordinary, everyday things by pdameron (00Q)
Dramatic Arts by scioscribe (00Q)
Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria (00Q)
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leviathiane · 3 months
Tagged by @hergan416 to make a favorite character poll!!! This is going to be a mixed bag, no fandom repeats!
Tagging: @touchmycoat @midnightluck @ruthlesslistener @authenticaussie @meenah @scribbleshanks @monster-mons @tciddaemina @whirlybirdwhat @prussian-lullaby + whoever wants to do it :)
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midnightluck · 3 months
Aventurine is very good at his job, but it's not all games and bets; there's a lot of prep work that goes into everything he does. Of course, that can be fun too when your job is more about working people than working with people, you know? Just another Aventurine-typical day at an IPC-typical office, involving emails, bribery, blackmail, reports, cookies, gossip, and, of course, a small wager.
2.2k of inane office life tbh; first attempt at writing him before I get into plottings!
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Hey @spoonergodofspoons has gotten far enough in one piece for me to start recommending fanfics so I thought it would be easiest to post them here! Consider this my one piece fanfics rec list for people who recently got halfway through dressrossa
Part 1: early asl reunions
Look I am a sucker for these fics, and aren't we all a little in denial about marineford?
A present that's a mystery (giving you your history) by midnightluck you might see that name a couple of times here, I love their fics so much idk if they have a tumblr
Anyway this is about 5.5k of sabo getting his memories back early (because koala found embarrassing baby photos of him for his birthday) and reunion fluff, one chapter for Ace, one chapter for Luffy
Wish by spirit and if yes by midnightluck LOOK I TOLD YOU THEYRE REALLY GOOD AND I LIKE THIS ONE EVEN MORE THAN THE LAST!! it's an au where the RA send someone to keep in touch with the whiteboards every now and again, and now it's sabo's job! This fic has my favourite reunion of all time and I won't say anymore because if there's one fic on this list you should read it's this one - 32k
Twin flames by soccersarah01 , again, no idea if they have a tumblr
Ace calls sabo his twin while in impel down and this has .. consequences. Reunion! Gol D Sabo! Fucking with the government! What more could you ask for in a fic! 66.666k
Speak up boys! By @plantwithoutplot , a solid contender for just being one of my favourite fics ever, it's currently sitting at about 69k (nice) and chapter 9/31 and look I know it's incomplete but it's SO GOOD
it's a time travel au, where the asl bros end up on Gol D Roger's ship. Ace is trying to commit patricide, Sabo is trying to be the reasonable one and Luffy is... Luffy. Everybody is having a rough time of it and auuugggg the angst of being reunited but knowing you have changed so much and what if you don't know them anymore and what if you are no longer the person they loved and AHHHH go read it!! Read it now!!!
Chasing the remnants by @29rynoah sabo goes with dragon to loguetown! This one moves a little slower than the others in terms of how long it takes for the characters to actually be reunited, but the writing is really good!! The payoff when they finally get to see each other again? The character work? Incredible, 40k and I know I said it moves slower but when I was reading it I swear it only felt like 10k
Being together we are stronger than ever by starryyah
Body swap! ASL can have a little body swap, as a treat! I'm sure nothing will go wrong! 13k
Part 2: Lawlu!
Okay, I know I'm a big proponent of platonic lawlu and I cannot see Luffy in any kind of romantic relationship I really can't- however some people are writing really good lawlu and I am a little bit closing my eyes and saying yes it is queerplatonic. To me.
I Love Luffy by missdreamgirl32 you know what I just want to steal one of their tags to sell this to you: Law tries to play three-dimensional chess against two guys playing go fish and loses
The character dynamics in this are so fucking good, I'm also actually just going to steal the summary right from the work because I get way to lost trying to explain everything else which is cool about this fic if I try to synopsise it:
After hearing Luffy off-handedly mention he has a boyfriend, and worried there might be some misunderstanding, Ace and Sabo decide to track the guy down and invite him out to dinner
Anyway it's really fucking good check it out it's only 10k I have read it... Many times (could be read as romantic, I do not)
The mysterious Torao by spooky_vallimo
This one is romantic but it's so fucking funny, spare 3k words worth of time to read this drabble, au where Luffy and Trafalgar met as kids, if you enjoy it there are some more works in the series
Come to sea with me, where we can be free by siojo
This is the only au that's set in a completely different world on this list, I guess I love Luffy is a different world but it's not fantasy different, its more a modern au
Anyway siren AU!
this one is again, a lil different to the others on the list, which are largely character studies
This one is on the list because I'm a little obsessed with the story aside from one piece characters? It's just really well written and has interesting lore and world building
It's also kind of a sad/bittersweet fic, and some of the characters do eat humans (because siren) so yeah, this one has a different vibe to the other fics on this list but it occupies a certain space in my brain, only 8k
Part 3: Miscellaneous!
This is ASL stuff that isn't necessarily early reunion, or is only about one or two of them
The world doesn't deserve you by dezace
Okay so what if I told you there is an au where asl brothers are pirates together as children? And that it was 47k and had other works in the same universe?
Great, you're on board? Now, this is the only fic on this list to have made me cry
It is HEAVY ANGST and Spooner I know I'm making this list for you but it will HURT YOU and you may not want to read it, the ASL bros may be alive but they were the only survivors after a buster call was made on goa, and everyone else on the island died, and everyone believes the trio to be dead for a very long time
But if you do decide to read this fic which will hurt you, the emotional catharsis at the end is REALLY GOOD!! and there are many more short stories in the universe!!
But if this all seems a bit too ouch, the this author has a different, more light hearted series: Luffy was raised as a marine and makes it everyone's problem, which is a fun good time where Luffy knows marine codes and uses them to save ace, among other things
Man I wanna go reread the world doesn't deserve you again
On brotherhood by @ladycrimsonandblack
This is a lovely little fic where Luffy is the elder brother, just over 4k
There's this very specific fic niche where Luffy is older and he meets up with Ace while Ace is unwillingly being recruited onto the whiteboards and I just love it, this is the second one I've read and now I'm going to see if I can track down the other
Update this is it
Anyway yeah this is a very specific genre of fic, but it turns out I'm very fond of it
Whatever you can still betray by midnightluck
Have something short fun and fluffy! In this fic Haruta of the whitebeards thinks Ace is a marine spy, but that's fine they're going to keep him anyway! 6.5k, one of my faves
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
One Piece fanfic recs!! I'm just gonna post their names cuz word limit. They're all great. 1. Twin Flames by SoccerSarah01 2. (two) small mercies by fingersfallingupwards 3. tomorrow never happens by midnightluck 4. see hope rise with the tide by Origamidragons 5. What You Choose by ThisCat 6. For Better or For Worse by Syluk 7. Literally any fic by WhirlyBird70 and grainjew. 8. on saviors by Origamidragons 9. the communal currency of humanity by blueh 9. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
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goodlucktai · 2 years
hi! i love your blog and your fic and i was curious if you had some one piece fics that you would rec?
the family reunion series and ship without a rudder by eiliem
two and a half pirates by pirate_trafalguy
(two) small mercies by fingersfallingupwards
a little observation by tobalerone
all for one by missmungoe
within risk of reason by depths
little white lies and calm by pitviperofdoom
lionheart by cyan96
small changes by sweetscentences
hand of fate by beyond_kailani
blood alone (may not be enough) by trixree
how it should have healed by wordlet
take a step in mine by soccersarah01
on brotherhood by ladycrimsonandblack
why by spirit and if by yes by midnightluck
over the course of a day by bwyn
without you by my side by capisback
what is this thing you call an alliance? by cywscross
luffy's law by jadedcoral
these things happen by trixree
pain scale by teaandtumblr
that which is breathed by kurgaya
a split thread by srirachabunny
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frogwithapen · 10 months
Tag Game/Get to know you better
Tagged by @merfilly
3 Ships:
N/A. I tend to prefer platonic fics, and when i do read other stuff I'm not loyal to any given ship over another. If anything I'm a crack-shipper.
Last song: currently listening to a one piece ost mix. I tend to cycle through soundtracks in general.
Last movie:
Howl's moving Castle, rewatch (comfort for the sick). I think Nimona might have been my last new movie, but it was a while ago.
Currently reading:
The Apothecary Diaries
Next reading:
The Apothecary Diaries
Currently watching:
The Apothecary Diaries
(haha. No, mostly I'm watching this season's anime simulcasts. Last season's didn't interest me much, but there's some good ones this time around)
Currently consuming: lunch was an hour or so ago. 2 Four and Twenty butter chicken pies.
Currently Craving: cake. Executive Function. Health and wellness.
I'll tag @tkwritesdumbassassins @mirrorthoughts and as a wish upon a prayer @midnightluck
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the-library-of-dawn · 2 years
“whatever you can still betray”
By midnightluck
I know, I know im repeating myself but this one is super good and this is why Im putting it here.
This fic is 6,598 words long and it cracks me up every time, plus ace, i love ace so i really recommend this one 
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An art that's hard to teach by @midnightluck and squomsh
I adore detective Conan and magic Kaito so a crossover with One Piece is awesome. I also love how the playing cards tied nicely into the story.
It's my first A6 book and I love it <3
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authenticaussie · 3 months
tagged by @leviathiane to make a favourite character poll; which of my faves is your fave?
tagging @cer-rata @midnightluck @suzukiblu @mewsefet @2014federalbudget @rockingthegraveyard @knittinganarchist @emygrl99 @litnerdhood @trickstermelon @stackopancake <3
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ao3screenshotss · 2 years
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ikebanaka-art · 4 years
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“Have you ever a had a broken bone? Leg? No, arm, was it? Hurts, doesn’t it? But you know what hurts more? Delicate little bones, like fingers. They’re so thin and hard to heal, and you don’t realize how much you move them until you can’t anymore.
“Have you ever had a broken finger, Jack?”
Taken from Wish By Spirit and If By Yes by midnightluck on AO3, probably my favorite Sabo and Ace reunite fic
Not technically done with the details, but I got tired of it so have it anyways
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leviathiane · 1 year
I got tagged by @hergan416!
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
And it means they can experiment on him, too. 
A merciful 9 words.
@touchmycoat @midnightluck @tciddaemina @chromatic-lamina @hyperbolicreverie @ashyronfire @authenticaussie @ruthlesslistener @dooblebugs
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