demondaleks · 10 years
Music Recommendation Blogrates \(◕‿◕✿)/
Cause anon asked a while ago and im bored
Mbf me
Reblog this
Enter my BOTS or TA
Send me your fav band or genre of music for:
Music Recommendations: (based on your blog and fav genre/band)
      Blograte: /10
bl liv does br
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avcnger · 10 years
i'm going on a weird semi-hiatus
i’m not going to say anything you’ve never heard before, but i’m going to give my explanation anyway.
basically, my queue is out. it’s empty. i usually keep it at around 130-150 posts, but it’s gone. 
tumblr has gotten rather boring and repetitive for me, if i’m being honest. filling my queue has been stressful more than anything else. i’ve decided i’ll give up on my queue. i’ll most likely still mobile blog everyday, but it won’t be consistent or anything.
i feel like i’ll be more productive without feeling like i have to fill my queue or i have to post. i no longer necessarily feel the pull to gain more followers. i’ve been losing tons lately, and while that may have upset me in the past, i no longer really care.
i’ve been on tumblr for two years now, and i think it’ll just be nice to not feel obligated to take part in this social networking thing. 
tldr; i’m not quitting or deleting. i’m just gonna be way less active. 
ps if you want any of my dw/sh/spn urls look at them here and shoot me a message. i’ll probably give you it.
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avcnger · 10 years
new url maybe??
please vote ily this probably won’t be immediate. i really like the avcnger url, but i know i’ll want to change eventually.
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avcnger · 10 years
Tumblr media
rules & info
must be following me
reblog this post (likes are fine, but it won’t enter you)
enter until aug. 31, 2014
winner and runner up/s will be announced shortly after (depending on the amount of entries there will be one or two runner ups)
a follow back if i’m not already following
a graphic/edit request should you so desire
a link on my updates tab until november-ish
winner gets at least one automatic promo every other weekend (no need to be requested), a “check out my bots” whenever i do a promo/blograte/whatever until november, and help on polls and stuff like that
runner up/s get up to five promos when requested until november
i'm looking for
pretty posts, clean theme, nice people
similar fandoms (you have a ton of possibilities, friend)
bonus points if you occasionally or often reblog nonfandom posts 
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avcnger · 10 years
blogrates bc i started hannibal
also hugh dancy's acting (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
mbf me
enter my tumblr awards
reblog this post
send me a book/movie/tv show/music/food rec (serious about the food)
i’ll rate: url, theme, content, overall, and whether or not i’m following :)
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avcnger · 10 years
Tumblr media
amelia pond. all grown up.
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avcnger · 10 years
roryous ➳ avcnger
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avcnger · 10 years
new url??
it’s possible
basically you may notice that there are only two options and neither are dw, nor does it include “stay roryous.” i like this url but i want to take a different fandom as a url for a spin. thanks you guys. :)
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avcnger · 11 years
Hello all my lovelies. I’m sort of going through an existential-blog-crisis so I made a tiny little survey. I’d be eternally grateful if you spared a few moments to take this. Thank you all so much!
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avcnger · 11 years
The Midnight Labyrinth- New Members!
Woo new people! I've decided to add four new members, and the next time around I'll also do four or maybe three- I don't know yet.
Anywho, congratulations to the following fabulous people!
I'll be messaging you all shortly to get some information. If you're interested in joining, here's the post!
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avcnger · 11 years
blog rates bc i'm losing a bunch of followers???
i don't get it
i also have work i should probably be doing
mbf me (check out my sideblog?)
please don't unfollow me after ily 
reblog this yo
message me a funny/stupid/weird story about school
i'll rate your blog out of 100 and give you a compliment or advice or something :)
after a certain point i'll answer them privately so i don't spam people
blacklist 'blog rates for ts'
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avcnger · 11 years
look new url round 2
bc i decided i do want to change it and i sort of narrowed it down please vote again i love you
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demondaleks · 11 years
11 away from my next hundred :)
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avcnger · 11 years
The First Members of the Midnight Labyrinth!
Hey y'all. I decided to go a little early with the choosing. It was extremely difficult to narrow 5 blogs down, but here we are!
Anna (torturedgadreel/faithlesscas)
Zoé (flyingponds)
Cheyanne (cleverory)
Caroline (cosmiclara)
Liv (demondaleks)
You all should receive a message from me soon asking for some basic information to added to the chat blog, so look out for that! If you haven't been chosen this time around, fear not. I'll be choosing four-ish more members in two or so weeks (and it'll slowly add from there until 16). If you've already reblogged, you'll be automatically considered again. If you haven't and you're interested, the post is here. c:
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