avcnger · 11 years
The First Members of the Midnight Labyrinth!
Hey y'all. I decided to go a little early with the choosing. It was extremely difficult to narrow 5 blogs down, but here we are!
Anna (torturedgadreel/faithlesscas)
Zoé (flyingponds)
Cheyanne (cleverory)
Caroline (cosmiclara)
Liv (demondaleks)
You all should receive a message from me soon asking for some basic information to added to the chat blog, so look out for that! If you haven't been chosen this time around, fear not. I'll be choosing four-ish more members in two or so weeks (and it'll slowly add from there until 16). If you've already reblogged, you'll be automatically considered again. If you haven't and you're interested, the post is here. c:
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