#midnight surveillance
her-satanic-wiles · 3 months
Just in response to the Favorite Story repost prompt
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I'm screaming - how long did this take you!? I'm obsessed holy shit.
I can't believe you like that many omg.
Also I love how your two commissions are the first things I see. Iconic. Your ideas are so good. 😎😎
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buds-and-baubles · 2 months
corresponding with my wildstorm to dc transfer, here's a funny thought regarding the red hood and midnighter team up:
midnighter: *sends off a text on his bedazzled flip phone with a hello kitty keychain to apollo before putting his phone away. he then proceeds to pull out a barbie themed notepad and scribble in a pink jell pen some notes*
red hood: *half-watching silently, pretending to not be intrigued and using cleaning his guns as plausible deniability for his curiosity*
midnighter: *gives him the side-eye as he keeps writing* you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna get everything prepped so we can wrap this up?
red hood: don't need to write it down, leaves a paper trail anyways. *brief pause* barbie?
midnighter: she can do anything and i'll be damned before i disagree with that. *puts the notepad and pen away, sighing* soon, i'll be home and being smothered by my husband's tits.
red hood: *snorts, checking his ammunition* just a couple more dots to connect and you'll be out of here.
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myfictionaldreams · 9 months
Safety Measures // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was the anniversary of Steve and Bucky saving you from your sadistic brother. Usually, it was a time of celebration for you, but this year, you couldn't help but feel paranoid and unsafe.
Extra reading: Last Hope for background context
A/N: Happy New Year, beautiful readers! I hope everyone is well and safe.
Requested by: @theatrelove3000 thank you so so much for the request and all your support with my writing. As always, you're the best!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, polyamory, ptsd, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, discussion of past abuse, domestic fluff, dom/sub undertones, cock warming, subspace (kinda), hurt/comfort, new member of the family (yay!), puppy
Words: 4.8k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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Insomnia was an issue you’d never had to deal with before. Not when you have two of the most powerful men of all of the East Coast tiring you out and wrapped around your body to make you feel safe and content.
However, as the seconds ticked by on the clock position on the nightstand next to the bed, you’d found that your body was willing to do anything but sleep. As midnight struck, any hope that had been inkling in your thoughts was diminished. There you were, half sprawled over Steve’s naked chest, his warmth burning through your skin, with Bucky spooning around your back, sandwiching you thoroughly between the two of them, legs crisscrossed between one another.
Even in the safe embrace, your heart continued to palpate painfully in your chest with such powerful thumps you were worried it would wake one of your lovers.
It was always this day. This date. Every year, that sprung fear through your soul, with the memories of your past returning to haunt you. Before Bucky. Before Steve or either of their safety and love, you’d been involved with your family business, reigned by your sadistic brother, Enzo, who was both hateful and abusive, causing you to live a life that was not worth living at all.
For countless years, you’d simply been floating through life, doing anything your brother demanded to benefit his gang. There was no hope, love, or light in your life until the men whose arms you were wrapped tightly in found you, saved you, and showed you what life was about. It hadn’t been an easy adjustment, especially with the violent and bloody end to your brother, but then readjusting to the newfound freedom had taken its toll. The anxiety from your past still haunts you to this very day.
In truth, in the first few years surrounding your brother's death anniversary, you’d celebrated the beginning of your new happiness and life. However, as you grew older and had to live through the dangers of being in the most infamous mafia gang in Brooklyn, your optimistic perspective became somewhat fragile with the realities of becoming close to losing everyone and everything you loved on multiple occasions.
So now, when this dark day loomed over your head once more, your anxiety rose along with the reminder of the horrors that you’d experience throughout your lifetime. Paranoia blossomed into something that was logically not plausible, frightened that somehow, Enzo would return and take you back to the hell hole he once kept you contained within.
These fears had been discussed with both Steve and Bucky on multiple occasions, as well as your friends, who promptly reminded you that nowhere was safer on earth than with all of them. There was 24/7 surveillance within the office and your home, guards patrolling, all armed and trained, as well as having the enhanced bodies of your boyfriends always at your side.
You were safe.
And yet, still, there you lay. Wide awake, breaths shallow, trying to remain as quiet as possible so that you may listen to any sounds of intruders walking through your home. It is an impossible feat to do either way due to the pounding of your heartbeat without your ears, the repetitive thump and drum that increased in speed over the minutes. Your palms were becoming clammy where they were resting on Steve’s chest, a faint tremble beginning to throb through your limbs as well. You closed your fingers into a tight fist, attempting to cease the shaking whilst blowing out a long breath as the clock ticked to 00:01 am.
It was no use. You couldn’t do it anymore. Couldn’t just simply lay there and wait to be attacked or taken.
Carefully as you could, you attempted to climb out of your fierce hold, but due to your fragile state and the firm grip of Steve and Bucky, the movements stirred them both awake.
“Baby? Everything ok? Where are you going?” Steve asked, still half asleep but attempting to rouse himself more by rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Sorry”, you whisper into the darkness, “I just needed to use the bathroom”. The lie trembled from your lips as you clumsily searched the bedroom floor for some clothing to cover your naked body. From the smell of the shirt that you were now tugging over your head, you’d found Bucky’s t-shirt in the dark. As your eyes adjusted to remain in the darkness, you could see Bucky moving closer to Steve on the bed, his face resting on the blonde's chest, replacing where you’d been.
The sight had you smiling for a split second before a rustle of the wind against the windows drew your frightened attention back to reality. Stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you, there was a stalling moment where the walls seemed to close around you. Strangling. Suffocation. The fears of your past squeezing closer.
“No”, you chastise yourself in a whisper barely audible as you take a single sweeping step towards the sink, running the cold water to splash it on your face. “Enzo is dead. Stop freaking out, you’re being ridiculous!”. Yes, you were having a conversation with yourself, but only because it was a coping mechanism before you completely lost your mind and had a panic attack.
“Get a hold of yourself!”, you continue the monologue whilst staring at your distressed reflection in the mirror. “You’re safe here in your home”. For some reason, your bottom lip began quivering with the rising emotions and the overwhelming urge to cry. Giving your body a thorough head-to-body shake and angrily wiping away the traitorous tears dripping down your cheeks, you also gave yourself stern talking.
“Either you get yourself together, or you embarrass yourself and wake up Steve and Bucky”. You wouldn’t, not when it was something as irrational as being frightened that your definitely deceased deranged brother would somehow return from the dead to steal you to a life of misery. You couldn’t stomach waking them from their slumber to see the sad puppy eyes they would give you as they told you all the things you already knew. You were safe with them; they’d never let anything bad happen.
Filling your lungs with air, you blew out a long, slow breath until your lungs were completely empty. “Right. One search of the house and back to bed”, you decided, needing to check the surroundings with the hopes it would ease your battle with anxiety and insomnia.
Upon leaving the ensuite bathroom, you were thankfully greeted by the sound of two distinctively soft snores from both men still lying together in bed. Tip-toeing past them and into the hallway, you made sure to keep the lights off with your eyes having adjusted to the darkness as you approached Steve’s office.
There were a few things that you needed from this room. Firstly, to check the security camera feeds from his laptop, showing every angle possible surrounding the house and inside the many rooms of the luxury property. The baseball bat was also hiding beneath the desk. It was one of many weapons stashed throughout your home, carefully placed by both Bucky and his bodyguard Natasha and even though a gun would be a swifter finale for any intruder, there were still more consequences if you were to shoot the firearm accidentally and hit the wrong target whereas, with a bat, you could still keep someone at arm's length and also not fatally wound a friend if they came knocking at the door.
Clutching the smooth bat in both of your trembling hands, you watched the screen, flicking between rooms and areas of the exterior of your home, not spotting a single leaf out of place. In fact, the only emotion that seemed to bloom through your chest was adoration as you stared at the bedroom video feed, noticing that Bucky was now the bigger spoon, wrapped thoroughly around Steve, whose hands were stretched out to your side of the bed, like in his unconscious state, he was still searching for you.
Guilt settled heavily in your stomach at the sight, and closed the laptop with a sigh. You knew this paranoia would fade by the time tomorrow came around. Still, it was completely illogical for you to react rationally today, so with a sigh that echoed around the office, you stood and began to search the property physically.
Holding the bat at arm's length, you peeked around corners first then swung before stepping out. You'd been trained to use all the weapons scattered throughout the house with Steve, Bucky, and Natasha, even with how to strike with a baseball bat effectively.
Every shift of shadows out of the corner of your eyes and every creak of the house naturally settling or knocking with the raging winds outside had your heart racing and senses going into full alert.
One check of the house turned into four full sweeps to ensure no one was there. It was also a slow and thorough check, so by the time you were stepping carefully through the kitchen, glancing out of the back window and into the dark abyss that was your back garden. The creak of footsteps echoed from upstairs; you’d become lost and disorientated on the search, and you had neglected to check the time.
05:03 am.
A sniffle and quiet cough followed the footsteps of the man who had decided to wake earlier than most. In a rush of adrenaline and the need to not be found with a baseball bat in hand like a crazy lady in the dark, you decided to hide the weapon in one of the kitchen cupboards and quickly pretended to be preparing coffee as the sleepy steps wandered down the carpeted stairs.
Placing two cups onto the kitchen counter, you almost held your breath in anticipation for the morning grumbly welcome by whoever had woken first. Steve and Bucky both like to be awake early, much to your usual pleas for them to stay in bed.
However, as the man walked into the kitchen, not a single word was shared as he stepped up close behind you, enveloping your body in a warm and metal arm, wrapping tightly around your waist and pulling you backwards until flush against a naked chest. Stubbled cheeks nuzzled into your neck as lips gently kissed the sensitive skin as you sighed, eyes closing and all tension diminishing into the floor at the feeling of finally being safe.
The two of you swayed on the spot, wrapped in the tight embrace, listening to the water in the coffee pot. One of your hand gripped onto the metal fingers, feeling the smooth material beginning to warm and match the temperature of your skin. The other hand lifted to rest on the back of his head, scratching his buzzed hair, earning a comforting moan from Bucky as he kissed your jaw.
“It’s a rare day when you’re awake before me”, Bucky whispers into the shell of your ear before kissing it. Goosebumps lined your body with the gruff tone of his early morning voice. He didn’t pester you any more about why you were awake at this time, but he did pinch the hem of your shirt. “Is it your plan to always wear my shirts so I must be topless?”
His words pulled a giggle from your lips, shaking your head as you poured the coffee into each cup. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”.
The two of you sat at the dining room table, coffee in one hand and in the other you held onto one another, admiring the night turn into the day with dawn breaking over the fences that lined the back garden. It was blissful and a welcomed distraction from the terrors beneath your surface.
Steve eventually joined, groaning about waking up alone as he kissed you, then Bucky on the back of the head. “Who knew the big grown mafia boss could be so needy?” Bucky quipped with a teasing smirk over the rip of his cup before taking another glug of the coffee.
“That’s a lot of sass for someone who will be going without any breakfast if he keeps it up”, Steve grumbles as he looks through the refrigerator to start preparing the three of you breakfast like he did on most mornings. Before Bucky could respond, Steve asked curiously, “Why is there a baseball bat in with the plates?”
Your eyes downcast to stare into your empty cup, shrugging your shoulders at the burning stares of your boyfriends. “I don’t know. Anyway, who wants a fresh coffee?”
Thankfully, nothing more was mentioned regarding the random appearance of the baseball bat as the three of you ate and prepared to head into the office. You were thankful for the distraction working in the gang gave you, especially on a stressful day like today. Although the paranoia and anxiety that had kept you awake still bubbled away beneath the surface.
On the car journey to work, even squished between Steve and Bucky in the back seats, their hands eagerly resting on the naked skin of your thighs, having pushed the dress up to have the contact. Even your bodyguard and best friend Sam, who was driving the vehicle, couldn’t ease the panic that came from every car horn that blared, the dangerously speeding vehicles that passed or just the erratic driving that was expected with other idiots on the road.
Every single disruption had you anticipating that the car you were in would be hit or stopped, and your brother would then arrive and drag you away. Of course, this didn’t happen, and as you came to work, another heavy sigh released from your body as you walked through the extensive security to get to the office.
New shipments of discreetly stolen goods had arrived, which was a welcome distraction for you, checking the quality and organising where and to whom it would be sold. This only lasted for an hour before the coldness began to creep in, and you made excuses to return to Steve and Bucky back in the office.
“You know you can talk to us, right?” Bucky reminds you carefully whilst pulling your chair closer to his. You couldn’t meet his intense stare as you shifted your body under his awaiting arm so you were cuddled close to his side.
“Yep”, you respond casually, leaning into his warmth.
Bucky’s face lowered to your ear as he stroked his fingers down your arm. “And you also know you’re safe with me. With Steve. In this building or home. I’d do anything to keep you safe, Doll”.
You smile politely at him, trying to ignore the guilt that, for some reason, passed over you as you reached to take his hand that was draped over your shoulders. “I know”.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Bbcky checking his phone for the 15th time in an hour. Not that you’d been counting.
Finally, he seemed to receive the notification he’d been waiting for as he suddenly sprung up from his seat, pulling his leather jacket swiftly.
A frown settled over your features as you sat forward, “where are you going?”
Bucky glanced towards Steve first before addressing your question. “I’ve just got some errands to run, nothing special. I won’t be long, Sweetheart”.
He was leaving you. On a day when you needed him most so that you felt safe, he for some reason had to go.
You stood abruptly, pushing back your chair and taking urgent steps towards him whilst nervously playing with your fingers. “You’re going to leave me on my own!”
“Who am I? The milkman?” Sam joked from where he was standing near the door, and you instantly regretted the words, having not meant them that way. What’s worse is that Steve muttered something under his breath from his desk and now you were riddled with more guilt as Bucky’s sad eyes turned to you, his hands resting heavily on your shoulders.
“I won’t be long, and maybe you’ll get a surprise later.” He tried to bring a smile to your lips, but it was worthless as you were caught between staring at Sam and Steve, trying to find the words to apologise. Bucky breathed heavily through his nose at seeing you distraught, but then his phone pinged again, so with one last kiss to your temple, he made his way to the exit.
Turning to Sam whilst awkwardly rubbing your cheek to ease the burning of embarrassment under your skin, you attempted to apologise, but Steve cut off your sentence. “I’m sorr-”.
“Baby, come here”.
Turning towards the comforting voice, you saw that Steve’s full attention was now on you. He’d moved his seat away from his desk and opened his arm, a clear sign for you to approach, which you did with rushed steps before climbing into his warm, sturdy lap. Your knees rested on either side of his thighs as your fingers caded through the curling blonde hair at the nape of his neck which you were quick to bury your face into, breathing in his calming cologne.
“I’m sorry about the comment; I didn’t mean it like that. I know I’m not alone. My head is just all over the place and-”.
“Shh, I know, baby, you don’t need to explain yourself. I know you’d rather us both be around for you today”. There it was. The one small mention and reference made by someone else that this was a day that you hated. It’s not that it needed to be spoken about as it had been clear that both of your boyfriends had been trying their hardest to be there for you today by being at your side as much as possible, constantly checking in with your emotions and making sure you ate and drank enough.
But Steve saying it out loud seemed to make it all the more real, so as you clung to him with more desperation, his arms did just the same until it felt as if there wasn’t a single part of you that wasn’t currently being touched by his giant frame.
“I love you, Steve, so much”, you plead to him in a tired daze, finally feeling somewhat safe now that you were crowded into his body.
“I’d do anything for you, baby girl, you know that. I love you too. Try and get some sleep; it’ll make the day go faster”.
You wanted to and knew you could if you’d let your eyes drop close, but something still wasn’t sitting right like an itch that needed to be scratched.
“Could I please make one request… sir?” you say, nerves beginning to flicker through your chest at the intimacy of the request, already starting to switch into the role of the submissive mind, especially after the fragile state you’d been in all day.
Steve seemed to straighten his posture at using the name, and his lips kissed the top of your head a few times before he responded, “Anything”.
Lifting your head away from his neck and gazing into the endlessly intense blue eyes that always looked so kindly down at you, you asked, “Please can we touch everywhere? I just want to sit and be close”.
Steve tried not to smile at the innocence and the way you couldn’t even say the words, ‘Please can I cock warm you?’ which he knew was what you were asking. Reaching between your bodies, he began to undo his belt and zipper, “You know you don’t need to ask, Sweetheart. I want you to feel comfortable”.
You could never explain to someone why you loved the thought of cock warming so much. It seemed to settle both your nerves and put you into a relaxing state. Not at all times, though. Half the time, it would just turn you into a horny, wet mess that ended with you riding the cock until at least three orgasms. But other times, such as now, you just needed to be stretched and feel as close to Steve as possible.
Lifting higher onto your knees, you moved aside your underwear and lifted the front of your dress as you manoeuvred yourself to accommodate the toe-curling length that was Steve Rogers. Through your groaning sigh, you couldn’t hear Steve’s matching noise as he made sure you were comfortable with a steading arm around your hips before shuffling his seat closer to the desk and continuing with his work and talking to Sam about an email he’d just received.
You were asleep before hearing the end of the email being read out. Your head is resting on his shoulder, hands loosely holding onto the material of his crisp navy blue shirt. You were warm, full and safe.
Hours later, as the sun began to set and the day passed, you were still drowsy, much more relaxed than you had been in the morning. You’d wake up to Steve packing his belongings and Sam saying he’d warm the car for you and Steve.
As you gathered your disorientated thoughts and tried to sit up, you noticed that Steve was very much still thoroughly hard inside of your soaked cunt. Silently, you thanked whatever super serum had been injected into him during his time in the army. You clenched at the realisation, and Steve hummed in contentment at realising you were waking up.
“Let’s get you home. Bucky’s waiting there for us”,  Steve informed quietly whilst cupping your cheek tenderly.
With the position you’d been sitting in, your legs were sore and tense, but Steve was more than happy to carry you down, even with his cock still inside. However, with the movements of his steps, it caused his length to ease in and out of your already sensitive cunt that by the time you’d made it to the car, you were clinging desperately to his shoulders as an orgasm rushed through you, pulsing between your legs.
Steve’s knees nearly buckled as he rested your frame against the side of the car, his face dropping to your neck as he breathed you in deeply. Your cunt continued to clench around his cock until he, too, joined you in euphoria with a deep grunt and a snap of his hips; warmth flooded your hole and began dripping out and onto the floor. Neither of you or his employees batted an eyelid as both of you came. 
Once in the car, you were so distracted with cleaning each other up that the idiots in other vehicles that had panicked you on the way in, didn’t remotely phase you.
Wishing Sam a good night, you and Steve walked up to your front door, hand in hand. Steve opened the front door for you, letting you walk into the living room first, where you abruptly stopped, causing the blonde to nearly knock into you.
“I promise I tried to stop him, but he’s a feral little beast!” Bucky exclaimed from where he sat on the floor, surrounded by something that could only be described as chaos.
It seemed all of the decorative pillows had been utterly destroyed as the contents of the fluff covered all of the surfaces. Not only this, but there were half-eaten shoes, and the corners of the couches and coffee table seemed to have tiny bite marks gnawed into them.
“Bucky?! What did you do?” You couldn’t even comprehend where the mess began and ended as you looked at your dishevelled boyfriend sitting on the floor. Well, he was more lying down, reaching beneath one of the couches as he began to sit up and plastered a wide, toothy grin towards you.
“Surprise!” Bucky shouts with exhausted joy as Steve sighs with a shaky laugh from behind you.
“Surprise? What kind of a surprise is my home being destroyed?” you say, gobsmacked, staring longingly at your favourite cushions ripped to shreds.
As Bucky opened his mouth to explain, a tiny yap sounded from beneath the furniture where he’d just been reaching, and suddenly, a bundle of black fur was pounding for your ankles. It took you a second to drop to your knees and gasp, reaching for the puppy.
“Careful! His teeth are viscous”, Bucky warns, trying to reach forward to grab the animal, but you beat him to it and pull the pup into your lap.
“Oh my god, look at you! Aren’t you just the most beautiful little thing! Was it you that destroyed my lovely cushions? It was, wasn’t it? That’s okay. I forgive you. I’ll forgive you for everything. You're just so damn cute!” you couldn’t help but talk in a childishly high voice as you spoke to the adorable little puppy.
Thankfully, he didn’t bite you with his tiny sharp teeth and instead rolled onto his back on your legs, his paws resting in the air as he waited for a belly rub you happily gave him with carefully placed head kisses.
“You didn’t tell me you were getting a new guard dog! And what happened to the rule of not letting them into the house?” you asked Bucky as you continued to pet the pup.
Steve squatted down next to you, reaching to stroke the puppy behind his ears but then quickly retreating as the tiny sharp teeth nearly nipped his fingers. “He’s not going to be a guard dog; he’s going to be your dog”.
Your head spun with how fast you looked between your boyfriends as you screamed, “What?!”
“Yep! He’s all yours. He’s a Rottweiler and is eight weeks old. They’re known to be a protective breed and great guard dogs, so we will have him properly trained a couple of times a week for this, but we also want him to be yours”. As Bucky explained he knelt closer which earned the attention of your new puppy who watched him closely but continued to lick your fingers in between as you scratched the top of his head.
Steve rested a firm hand on your lower back as he continued, “We know how difficult today is, even with our reassurance that you are safe from Enzo”. Even just hearing his name, your whole body tightens and locks, almost forgetting to breathe until a certain puppy begins to wiggle and try and jump up your body to attempt to lick your face, having noticed the change in demeanour. “We wanted there to be someone around for you all the time, just with the chance that you could still feel safe if Bucky or I weren’t by your side. So, we are hoping this little rascal will be able to do this”, Steve says playfully, stroking along the puppy's back but quickly withdrawing when he nearly nipped again.
“Thank you. Both of you. I don’t even know where to begin with telling you how amazing this gift is”, you say brightly, glancing between the two men you loved most in the world.
“Don’t thank us; it’s the least we could do”, Steve mutters whilst leaning in to kiss your cheek and then standing up, beginning to grab handfuls of fluff from all the surfaces with an attempt at cleaning up the mess.
“I just want you to be happy”, Bucky whispers whilst kissing your other cheek, but then his gaze moves to the puppy, and a line forms between his brows as he frowns. “There will be some ground rules, though. No dog on the couch or in bed. We need boundaries”.
You nod your head in understanding but lean closer to whisper to the pup loud enough that Steve and Bucky could still hear. “Don’t listen to the grumpy old man. You can stay wherever you’d like!”
Bucky sighs whilst rolling his eyes and begins to help Steve with cleaning.
The three of you were sat in front of the TV watching a late-night film. The four of you were sitting on the couch as the puppy was resting in your lap, exhausted from all the playing you’d been doing and now resting as you tried to think of a name for the little guy.
“What about Winchester? That’s a good dog name, right?” you ask the boys, but mostly the dog, hoping he would react to one of the suggestions, but he hasn’t succeeded so far. You pondered some more whilst petting his little black ears. “Oh, what about Sargeant?! No… what about Rogers? No…”. You gave up trying to think of a name off the top of your head and began to scroll for suggestions online.
“Max? Brutus? Thor? Um, nope, these aren’t good. Chase? Ari? Bullet? Dodger? Bli-” Your suggestions stop as the puppy’s head tilts to look at you, seeming more awake. “What is it? Is it one of the names? Ari?” No response, “Bullet?” still no response. “Dodger?” his precious little tail began to wag as he yapped.
“Dodger? You like that name?” he barked again, attempting to climb higher up your body to lick your face as you laughed fondly.
“Dodger it is”, Steve announced from your side with a smile.
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pathologicalreid · 6 months
heyyyy how ruu
english is not my first language so i hope you can understand this u.u
this idea has been consuming my brain for days, sooo basically i was thinking about bau fem reader and reid doing undercover work (idk) and when they see the unsub, reader's first thought is to kiss reid so the unsub can't recognize them (and he wouldnt waste time in 2 ppl kissing???), then when reader sees the unsub going towards the exit even though she doesnt want to she breaks the kiss and everything is awkward but in a cute way??? yea idk if this makes sense feel free to change anything or to not do it at all :]
in plain sight | S.R.
your quick thinking (in an attempt to protect him) leads to a thankful spencer
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: fluff content warnings: reader is explicitly referred to as a woman. general cm violence. making out (for the plot). haphazardly proofread. word count: 1.19k a/n: no worries anon, i understood this perfectly! thank you so much for requesting!
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Your firearm was digging into your hip as you leaned up against the wall of the bar. You were on high alert as you looked around the building, scanning the faces of people who walked by.
“L/N, Reid, anything?” Hotch called into the radios. The team was across the street in a surveillance van.
Quickly, your eyes met Spencer’s, “No sign of the suspect.” Silently, you hoped that Hotch would pull you from the bar and let you go back to the hotel for the night, but you knew that wasn’t the way your unit chief played the game.
You were more or less trapped inside a college bar, your shoes were sticking to the old wooden floor, and because you and Spencer were the youngest members of the team, you were voluntold to go undercover.
Reid had never looked more out of place, but he was twelve when he started college, so you supposed he had never really been in a dive bar like this one before. “Hey,” you said softly, “Are you alright?” You knew he had a thing about germs, and if you were bothered by the sticky floors, you couldn’t imagine how he was feeling.
“I’m sure this comes as a surprise, but this,” he gestured to the partying college kids around you, “isn’t really my scene.”
A small laugh bubbled up from your throat, “Oh, no. I never would’ve guessed,” you played along with his sarcasm. “I’m afraid my shoes are going to come off when I try to walk,” you admitted.
He smiled slightly, “I’m trying not to think about it.”
Tentatively, you moved a little closer to him so you wouldn’t have to shout over the music. “I thought the UnSub hunted around ten?” You questioned. All of the bodies were usually found at midnight with lividity just barely beginning to show, meaning the victims were picked at ten, killed by eleven, and found at midnight.
They were calling him the Countdown Killer because he kept on such a tight schedule. “He should be,” Spencer answered, glancing down at the watch on his wrist.
You looked around the bar, the both of you had your backs to a wall, so you weren’t exposed on that side.
“Remember, if you spot him, do not engage,” Hotch ordered through your radios. You and Reid were simply there to find him, the rest of the team would handle the chase. “He’s likely been watching the news, so he may recognize your faces – don’t let him.”
While you weren’t entirely sure how you were supposed to hide your face from the suspect without seeming suspicious, you confirmed the plan with Hotch anyway.
 A gleam of blonde caught your eye, narrowing your eyes, you focused on the figure. “Spencer,” you swatted at his hand, “two o’clock.”
Discreetly, Spencer’s gaze flickered over in the direction you had suggested. “Turn around,” Spencer said, “Don’t let him see your face.”
You turned around so that you were facing Spencer, looking away from the suspect. “What about your face?” You asked, surely the both of you staring at the brick wall would seem suspicious.
“He’s killing women. I don’t want him to notice you,” he responded, momentarily looking past you and at the suspect.
Surprised, you furrowed your brows at Reid’s statement, by having you face him, he was trying to protect you. You turned your face into your shoulder, “Suspect is in the bar,” you whispered into your mic.
There was recognition from the rest of the team before it went quiet again. “He’s approaching us,” Spencer said, faint alarm springing onto his features. He wasn’t talking into the radio; he was letting you know.
Spencer might’ve been outside of the victimology, but you couldn’t bear it if anything happened to him if the suspect recognized him.
Instinctively, you leaned up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his. You were kissing Spencer.
At first, he was surprised, but his hands quickly found a home on your waist as he kissed you back. Your lips worked gently on his as he eased his mouth open, deepening the kiss. Abruptly, Spencer dragged you closer to him by the waist. The sudden movement caused your eyes to flutter open.
In your periphery, you could see the dangerous blonde walking away. He must’ve walked right past you, and Spencer had pulled you away from him. You let your eyes fall shut again.
You reached up to sling your arms over his shoulders as he experimentally slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your heart raced as you were fully making out with Spencer in the college bar.
Reluctantly, you separated yourself from Spencer, “Is he gone?” You whispered, peering up at him through your eyelashes.
Spencer nodded, swallowing thickly. His cheeks were tinted pink, and you were sure you were flushed as well.
You pressed your mic button, not taking your eyes off Spencer’s, “Suspect’s exiting out the rear door,” you notified the team. Suddenly, your job was done, and you became conscious of Spencer’s hands where they still remained on your waist.
Hotch asked you to report to the van, and you took Spencer’s hand and led him out of the bar. The cool night air calmed your rushing blood. “Thank you for that,” he said from behind you as you halted to look for passing cars.
You spun on your heel to look at him, “Did you just thank me for kissing you?”
“I thanked you for distracting the suspect, so he didn’t recognize me,” Spencer corrected, squeezing your hand.
Instinctively, you dropped his hand, “Right, me and my quick thinking.” There was not a single clear thought in your head. You started crossing the street as Spencer called your name, obviously confused.
You yanked your earbud out while the rest of the team was rambling on about the takedown over the comms. “What just happened?” Spencer asked.
“We made out in a bar, and you thanked me for it,” you answered stiffly, leaning your back against the white van. “So, you’re welcome,” you said. Really, you didn’t know what you wanted from him, and you knew that Reid’s experience with women was limited at best.
Surprisingly, Spencer rested a hand on either side of your head and leaned intoxicatingly close to you, “Did you want me to say something else to you?”
You looked up at him, you weren’t sure you had ever noticed the green flecks in his eyes, “I had a few ideas, yes.”
“Here was my other option,” he told you, dropping his head so that your lips met once again. You gasped into his mouth in surprise. Hesitantly, you placed one hand on the side of his neck and the other in his hair. He used both of his hands to cup your face, kissing you with less urgency than you had in the bar as if you had all of the time in the world.
The both of you jumped when the passenger side door to the van swung open and Emily poked her head out, “You know we can see you in the side mirrors, right?”
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fortunxa · 2 months
Blue hair, blue eyes, blue lights
Jinx x fem!reader / modern AU
summary: The chances of a blue-haired girl being chased by the cops and hopping in my car, simply yelling “Drive!” are low, but never zero.
author’s note: It’s my first time publishing a Jinx one-shot of mine, I hope you enjoy! This is a relatively new blog, so if anyone wants to become mutuals I’m definitely open to the idea! :)
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Fourteen days.
A mere two weeks stand between me and move-in day for my freshman year of college. In other words, summer break is slowly coming to an end, and I’ve done fuck all to make it memorable.
I can feel life passing me by as I watch like a bystander. Usually, the clock is my enemy—a constant reminder of my youth running out, and, shit, I’m too young to feel that way. This time, it serves as a way to free me from the shackles of the evening shift as a front desk worker at our local gym.
The clock strikes midnight, and, like a modern-day Cinderella, I jump up from my seat and make a beeline for the exit, hurriedly clocking out. I simultaneously greet and say goodbye to the night shift going in, already halfway through the small yet relatively empty parking lot. The smell of sweaty ‘gym bros’ is long forgotten as the breeze engulfs me, my dirty sneakers thudding on the concrete. The rust on my beat-up jeep shines in the moonlight as I approach—so seductive, I snicker to myself. I toss my duffel bag in the trunk, hop behind the wheel, and start the engine. I take this moment to commence my connect-phone-to-car-or-die-trying mission and thank the universe for its successful outcome. I browse a bit through the plethora of playlists before settling on the usual one, the sound of Arctic Monkeys filling the space as I leave the parking lot.
I don’t want to go home—not yet, at least—so I settle for a late-night drive. The cookie-cutter, upper-class houses pass me by as I mindlessly cruise through the clean streets—a stark contrast to my neighborhood, where you either learn to stick up for yourself or go home crying to your mama. A place where there is more sewage sludge than trees. A place where I grew up and one I learned to love.
In the midst of it all, I don’t notice the particularly nasty bump on the road that makes my song abruptly cut off. I take a right, pulling over in an alley with an annoyed groan as I resort to phase two, also known as connect-phone-back-to-car-before-I-impulsively-crash, of my initial mission. As I fiddle with the settings, showing my inner cheek no mercy as my teeth dig into their feast, a hissing and spritzing sound comes through my open window.
I think I’m imagining things at first, that post-shift fatigue surely getting the best of me, but I spot the source of the sound rather quickly: a figure, hidden almost out of sight between the fancy houses, switching between various colors of spray paint as she defaces the picture-perfect facade with her graffiti. The sheer speed of her actions makes it look like she’s juggling.
How do I know it’s a girl? Well, although she is wearing a hat to shield her face from any surveillance cameras, a neck warmer up to her nose, and a black, oversized tracksuit already covered in pink paint splotches, her disguise was blown the moment she decided to leave her blue, ankle-length, twin braids out. I twist my neck and reach over the dashboard to try and get a better look at her work. I can barely make out the shape of a green monkey’s face before moving on to the next element. ‘Get ji-’
My reading is interrupted by the sound of sirens piercing the air and blue lights illuminating the area. Instinctively, I turn my headlights off and duck, watching the girl as she hastily packs the cans into her backpack. I swear I can see her eyes twinkle with excitement as she takes one last glance at her—presumably—finished artwork and takes off running through the gardens. Her faint giggle reaches my ears, and a bewildered smile graces my features. I wanted fun, and now it’s right in front of me. I definitely couldn’t get a clearer sign than this.
I observe as one of the cops chases after her as the other drives away, seemingly trying to cut her off. Lightbulb moment. I put the car into gear and waste no time following them from the comfort of the dark alleys, reaching the mysterious girl first through the shortcuts. I catch her contemplating her next move and, without hesitation, quickly flash my high beams at her twice. This seems to grab her attention, and I signal for her to get in with a simple nod, tapping the car door as confirmation.
To my surprise, she actually runs over and hops in the backseat, her back lying flat as she takes a swift peek through the window, and holy shit, I didn’t think that she actually would.
“Drive!” she yells through her panting, and I do. I feel my heart beating wildly against my ribcage as the blue lights appear once again in my rearview mirror. Don’t fuck this up, I think before taking a sharp left. I hear her elated squeals as I visualize the district’s roads and plan the perfect getaway.
Right, once again.
Straight down the street.
Sharp right.
I can hear the sirens getting closer as I speed through the familiar routes. It doesn’t matter that I know this area like the back of my hand; the cops probably do, too. There is only one thing left to try, and, albeit risky, it should work. They hadn’t spotted my car yet, and we were quickly approaching a busy intersection—the perfect distraction.
The tires squeak as I harshly pull into an empty driveway, turning the engine off in hopes of blending in.
“What the hell are you doing?!” the blue-haired girl grumbles with brooding eyes. I don’t reply. Instead, I shush her as I grab her waist and roll her off the seat, pushing her into the legroom before ducking underneath the steering wheel. We fall silent, holding our breaths in as the police car passes us by. I watch as they get lost in the dense traffic, a sigh of relief escaping me as I throw my head back. I climb into my seat again and take a peek at the tagger in the back, confusion crossing my features as I watch her stuff her face with candy. My candy. “Hefty stash you got back there.” Her mouth twists at the sour taste of a Warhead she picked. She seems completely unfazed by this whole situation.
I notice that she had discarded her hat and neck warmer and take the opportunity to get a better look at her: blue eyes matching her hair, light freckles splattered across her straight nose and rosy cheeks, pouty lips, her dark and expressive brows… She truly is breathtaking. I feel a blush creep up my face as she climbs over the console, wiggling her way into the passenger seat. She takes her hoodie off, revealing her black tank top, and fuck me, she has tattoos.
She faces me with a curious look herself, seemingly analyzing me too. Her gaze is difficult to decipher as her eyes trail over my figure, and I stiffen. She shoots me a knowing smile before throwing her hands around my neck and placing a kiss on my cheek. “You’re a lifesaver, toots,” she muses into my ear. The pleasant smell of paint and bubble gum hits my nose making me lick my lips. “Name’s Jinx, by the way. Stands for Jinx,” she cackles to herself, drawing her lower lip between her teeth awaiting my introduction.
I blink a couple of times, realizing how silent I’ve been throughout this whole ordeal. I can get awkward, sure, but I’m not timid, so I muster up the courage and consciously relax, trying to project a nonchalant attitude. “I’m Y/N.” I shoot her a smile of my own.
“Y/N. Hmm…” Jinx gives an approving hum as she repeats after me, my name rolling off her tongue like honey. “What made you help little ol’ me?” New observation: she’s a teaser.
“I need some excitement in my life,” I answer truthfully and she perks up with a spark in her eyes.
“Toots, you’ve just made friends with the perfect candidate to help you with that.” Her giddy attitude returns as she beams at me.
“We’re friends, huh?” I tease at her choice of words, my eyebrows raised in a cocky manner.
“Sure we are! I feel like running from the cops together is the perfect bonding experience, don’t ya?” She gives me a once-over before her mouth curves into a smirk. “Unless you want to be more than friends. That could work, too.” She winks. Her straightforwardness should make me turn crimson, but instead, it makes my confidence grow. I give a low chuckle as I shake my head in disbelief.
“Tell you what,” I begin, starting the engine and trying to connect my phone back to the car for the third time already, “let me get you home safely, and we’ll see what tomorrow brings to our friendship. Deal?” I extend my hand toward her, and she ponders my proposition. I can practically see the cogs turning in her head, her facial expressions jumping from sour to doubtful, as if she were battling her thoughts before settling on a satisfied grin.
Her soft hand reaches mine in a princess handshake, and I try not to look at her manicured nails for too long. “Deal.” The blue-haired girl snatches the phone out of my hands, adding her number to my contact list and sending a quick text to herself. Just when I think she’s giving it back, she picks a song, and I hear Arabella playing through the speakers. How fitting.
As I leave the stranger’s driveway, I sense her shuffling in the passenger seat, throwing her legs out the window. She puts her head on my lap freely, toying with the colorful charms on my keychain. In the spur of the moment, I gingerly brush her bangs behind her ear, revealing her side profile. Her gaze catches mine, and I see her eyes soften before I turn mine on the road again.
Jinx tells me her address, and I realize how close to me she lives—the perfect circumstances. I feel her lightly bobbing her head to the music as her left cheek strokes my thigh, her fingers tracing mine as they sit on the gear stick. Her demeanor feels different from the badass tagger who willingly hopped in a stranger’s car. She looks peaceful and content now.
My shoulders slump in disappointment as I park outside her house. She clicks her tongue and lazily lifts her head from the comfort of my lap. She looks around the empty streets of her neighborhood and hums, her curious eyes now shifting to mine. As we take each other in, I can’t help but gravitate toward her—her presence feels almost intoxicating, and I don’t want to part ways just yet. To my surprise, she copies my actions. She’s so close I can feel her minty breath mingle with mine. Instinctively, my gaze drops to her lips as she tentatively licks them. I let out a faint sigh, and she slowly closes the distance. I can hear my heartbeat as I wait for our lips to meet.
But they never do. “I don’t kiss on a first date,” she murmurs in my ear, and my face flushes. Jinx pulls away as she flashes me a toothy grin, and before I can even react, she’s already skipping to her front door, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. Wha-? When did she grab her stuff? I stare in disbelief as she turns around, her braids flailing behind her. “Let’s see what tomorrow brings,” she teases and blows me a kiss before disappearing into the dark hallway of her home.
Fourteen days.
Give me two weeks to make her mine.
╰┈➤ sequel – ‘Fourteen days’
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
𝑫𝒚𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒚: 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1
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♡︎ 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓!𝑴𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝑶'𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
♡︎ 𝑪𝑾: 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆, 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔
♡︎ "__" 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆
♡︎ 𝑻𝒂𝒈 𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕: @pinkrose1422 @freeingrebels @lollipoppersposts
♡︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆
He never forgets.
You sighed, tired and frustrated with this cliche ass situation you found yourself in. 
Like every Lifetime movie gone wrong, here you sat in the kitchen of your home, previously lit candles now extinguished, lovingly cooked meal gone cold on the table before you. 
It was you and Miguel’s third anniversary. And, unfortunately, it seemed he had forgotten. 
He’s not here.
Initially, when you realized just how late it was getting, you tried to be sensible about what could possibly have happened. A part of you even started to panic, given that you hadn’t heard from him and when you’d spoken to him last, he’d been preparing to go do his usual patrols and surveillance of the city. 
You worried that perhaps he’d gotten hurt, or worse. 
But then you remembered who you were talking about and that worry quickly diminished. 
Miguel wasn’t invincible but he was damn close, and the usual thugs he encountered were no match for him and his determination backed super strength. 
Sighing a breath of relief, you then contemplated the remaining possibilities. 
‘Maybe it’s a work thing, he’s spent plenty of late nights there or in the lab before.’
Your mind seemed most comfortable with this speculation, and so you released the issue, instead focusing on maintaining a positive attitude for when Miguel eventually arrived. 
Except that nine became ten, ten became eleven, eleven became midnight and you realized with a heavy heart that your husband had indeed forgotten your anniversary. 
Glancing at the clock, and seeing that it read 12:22, you stood from the dining room table, beginning the process of cleaning up and packing away the leftover food and needlessly dirtied dishes. 
You would wash them later on in the day. 
Once that was finished, you began making your way to your bedroom, removing your jewelry and heels along the way. Entering the room, you put everything back in its proper place, slipping out of your dress and putting on a more comfortable pajama set. 
You momentarily considered putting on one of Miguel’s shirts for comfort, but rather quickly abandoned the idea. 
You were preparing to slip under the covers when you heard the telltale beeping from the front door. It opened a little more noisily than was probably appropriate given the time of night it was, but it closed much more softly. 
You didn’t immediately hear any footsteps sound, which struck you as a little odd, so against your better judgement, you called out a soft, “Gigi?”
Almost immediately after, you could hear rustling and the beginning of steps up the stairs. After a few seconds, your bedroom door began to creep open, and a dull red eye peeked through the gap. 
For whatever reason, Miguel stayed that way for some moments, and it was beginning to creep you out. Thankfully, he eventually eased the door open the rest of the way, and slipped into the room. 
You could see he held a large bouquet of many different kinds of flowers. From what you could make out, there were blue hyacinths, Lily of the Valley, pink roses and white orchids. 
All different flowers meant to convey the same message. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Miguel’s voice was low, and a tad raspier than it normally was. You couldn’t tell if it was because he was tired or what, but alarm bells sounded in your brain nevertheless. 
Which was…strange. 
Miguel wouldn’t make eye contact with you, instead staring down at the flowers he appeared to be subconsciously clutching tightly against his chest. 
“I know, Miguel. So am I.”
His head shot up at that, and he leveled you with a quizzical stare. 
You lifted a hand, gesturing for the flowers and to your en suite. 
“You’re sorry you forgot and so am I. Now please, it’s late, I’m very tired and I would appreciate it if you would just get cleaned up so we could go to bed.” 
He continued to stare at you confusedly, even as he inched forward to offer you the flowers. Standing still momentarily, he placed a tentative kiss on your forehead, missing the way you rolled your eyes. 
Pulling away, he turns and heads into the bathroom, shutting the door behind himself. You hear some rustling, and a few moments later, you hear the water begin to run. 
Sighing, you take a seat on the bed, throat tightening as you feel tears threaten to spill. Though it’s only been a short time, and though you’ll never cease to feel silly for it, you’ve come to a conclusion. 
‘Miguel’s having an affair.’
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・ ✧ :-.・゜
It takes around 30 minutes, but by the time Miguel’s finished, you’ve already drifted off into an uneasy, dreamless slumber. 
Miguel emerges from the bathroom clad in only a towel that hangs loosely around his waist. Upon noticing that you’re apparently asleep, he tries to be more quiet as he maneuvers around your bedroom, opening and closing drawers much more softly than he normally would. 
As he moves, his mind reels. 
‘She seemed pissed. And worse than that, she seemed fed up. Could-...does she know?’
Almost immediately, Miguel shakes the thought from his mind. 
‘No, she doesn’t. She can’t.’
Miguel refuses to think about the possibility anymore, and refuses to acknowledge the thoughts as they race through his mind all the way up until he falls asleep. 
And that includes pointedly ignoring the dried tear streaks decorating your cheeks. 
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・ ✧ :-.・゜
When you awake, you’re surprised to find Miguel still in bed with you. 
A quick glance at the clock tells you that it’s almost 10:30, much later than either of you would normally ever stay in bed, but especially your husband, who’s been an early riser for as long as you’ve known him. 
You look over to him, and watch the slow, steady rise and fall of his bare chest as he continues sleeping. 
Even as exhausted as you are, you can’t deny that your husband is gorgeous. From his chiseled cheeks and sharp jaw, to the tussle of chestnut hair sitting atop his head and his plump, perpetually pouting lips, you couldn’t help but stare in awe at the beauty of the man before you. 
You wonder what’s got him so tired. 
‘Probably entertaining that bitch.’
The bitter thought sears a jagged line through your consciousness, causing your face to unwittingly curl up into an angry snarl. 
You have half a mind to suffocate the sleeping bastard with your pillow, but the thought is interrupted as he begins stirring awake. 
Miguel is mumbling something unintelligible as he smacks his lips, grimacing as he begins to stretch and yawn. The popping sound his back makes is sharp, and he sighs, relaxing back into the bed.
Finally, he opens his eyes, red orbs searching around the room until they land on you. 
A pleasant smile lifts the corners of his mouth upward, and he opens his mouth to greet you. 
“Buenos dias, mi corazón. Did you sleep well?”
You’re unable to stop the scoffing noise that makes its way out of your throat. He has quite the gall, lilting such pleasantries after he forgot about your anniversary and tried to apologize with a shitty bouquet of flowers. Now he wants to pretend that everything is just alright?
You’re becoming so angry you’ve started to shake, and upon noticing this and your expression, which has morphed into a searing glare, Miguel frowns, sitting up quickly and moving to put a hand on your thigh, which you quickly swat away. 
“Cariño? What’s the matter?”
You continue to glare at your husband for a few seconds more, before silently standing from the bed and quickly making your way downstairs. 
“__!” Miguel calls after you, but you refuse to answer. 
You can soon hear him shuffling out of the bed and making his way down the stairs after you, but you don’t care. Sure, you’ve got your speculations about what could possibly have caused your husband to forget your anniversary, but you want more solid proof before you lash out.
Taking a couple deep breaths, you brace yourself on the kitchen counter, turning just in time to see Miguel reach the bottom step. 
He watches you with a worried expression, lips pouted and soft eyes wide. 
“__? Are you ok? You were shaking a minute ago.”
He approaches you tentatively, almost as if he can sense the inner turmoil within you and knows that it’s because of him. 
You simply watch him as he comes closer, trying to keep your breathing and your mouth in check. 
Taking one last deep breath, you push yourself up from the counter, moving over to the refrigerator and opening its door, absently rummaging through its contents to find something to eat.
Behind you, you can hear Miguel sigh, and after a moment you feel his presence beside you. 
“__, if something’s wrong, you know you can tell me right? I’m right here for you.”
On reflex, you slam the refrigerator door shut, a pitcher of orange juice clutched tightly in your hand. You speedily sit it on the countertop, trying again to get your breathing in check.
“__, this isn’t funny. The silent treat-...”
“Where were you last night, Miguel?”
You spin quickly, now facing your husband, who appears stunned. His eyes are wide, but this time you can find a trace of desperation and something that looks suspiciously like fear lurking within their bloodred depths. 
“W-...I-I was at the lab.”
“And where else?”
You’re slightly surprised by how firm your voice sounds. You’re also able to maintain steady eye contact with your husband, who looks increasingly uncomfortable by the second. 
“Doing patrols. Got into a scuffle with a couple criminals. Look __, if…if this is about me missing our anniversary I’m really-”
“You’re sorry, I know Miguel.” Your smile is sardonic, and you once again turn your back to your husband, beginning to pour yourself a glass of juice and taking a small sip. 
“You could have at least called.” You speak, and you can see Miguel perk up out of your periphery, but then deflate again at your words. 
“You’re right. I-...I’m sorry.”
It’s silent between you for a few moments, nothing but the sound of the birds chirping and your quiet sips can be heard. 
Your glass is finished by the time either of you speaks again, and you work to pour yourself another. 
“Tell me Gigi.” The man really brightens at the sound of his special nickname. It’s short lived however, because of the words that follow. 
“If you had to choose between saving me, and saving everyone else, which would you choose?” You manage to keep your expression flat, and the air around you both seemingly stills as Miguel’s breath audibly hitches.  
“I-...” His mouth opens then closes, and he seems to flounder for a satisfactory answer. 
“I would…would save you both, of course.” You’ve never really known your husband to stutter so much before. 
“That isn’t one of the options I gave you. I said you had to choose between us. So, choose.”
The silence returns, much heavier this time. It lingers for many seconds, and by the tenth you know he’s already chosen his answer. 
“You know I can’t do that __.”
The glass you're holding cracks as it hits the marble of your countertop. 
“Why the fuck not Miguel?! Why can’t you choose me over everything else for fucking once?!” You’ve spun around to face him once more, one hand perched on your hip. Your eyes have widened with anger, brows deeply furrowed and breath heavy.
Miguel sighs, shaking his head. 
“We’ve had this conversation before, __. I have a responsibility. You said you understood!” You can sense Miguel becoming angry himself, which only serves to make you more livid. 
“I am your wife, Miguel. The supposed “love of your life,” remember. There ought not be this turmoil about prioritising me. You couldn’t even be there for our anniversary. I don’t ask for much from you, ever. Never have. I just ask that when the time comes, you would show up, like you promised.”
Now you’ve gotten up in his face, expression still severe. He watches you with pinched brows, jaw set tight. 
“I was there, Miguel. All those nights, patching you up and scolding you for being a reckless idiot. I was there, comforting you when you failed to save someone, reassuring you when you were losing hope. I’m not saying you ought to choose me out of obligation, but out of love. The same love that I’ve given you unconditionally, the same love that I want returned.”
You stare each other down for nearly a minute, you searching Miguel’s eyes for any sense of understanding. 
You find little. 
“You’re right, __. You were right there, all those times I made mistakes and had to rectify them. You were my backbone, my support when I had none. But you were also there when I explained how serious this responsibility is to me, and not just to me, but for everyone. You know how selfish I used to be, and I refuse to let my selfishness cost people their lives.”
You scoff out a laugh at his words, unbelieving in the moment that he’s actually being serious. 
“So let me get this straight Miguel. You want me to understand that if it came down to it, you would sacrifice me for innumerable other random people, all because it’s your “responsibility”?” You use air quotes, your expression slightly mocking as you stare up at the larger man. 
He frowns, breathing once heavily through his nose. 
“I want you to be less selfish, __. I thought you understood that when the time came, I would do what needed to be done.”
“Of course I don’t fucking understand that! You said you loved me! I’m supposed to believe you would give up someone you love for a bunch of people you don’t?!” You’re exasperated now, and can feel the tears beginning to build up in your eyes. 
Why can’t Miguel seem to look past his “duty” and see what’s right in front of him? Is he…is he trying to push you away?
‘He’s pushing you away so he can feel less bad about pursuing that tramp.’
The thought leaves a shiver down your spine, and you can feel red hot anger bloom as heat all over your body.
“That’s precisely what it means to be a hero, __!” The color in Miguel’s eyes has begun to swirl with his building anger. 
“No, Miguel. Sacrificing the people you love for people who wouldn’t even know to appreciate the gesture isn’t heroism.” You look him in the eyes, leaning up close until your noses nearly brush. “It’s foolishness. And it seems you’re the biggest fool of them all.”
Miguel’s eyes widen, the crimson of them shooting scarlet. His breathing immediately picks up, and his hands begin rhythmically clenching by his sides. 
Without finishing his sentence, Miguel turns on his heel and storms up the stairs to the second floor, slamming your bedroom door. 
You wait a few moments, before collapsing into a dining chair, hands in your face as you quietly sob. 
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・ ✧ :-.・゜
You’ve since stopped crying and began making lunch when you hear Miguel stomping down to the first floor. You turn to watch him, who has since become fully clothed, as he heads to the entryway, slipping on his jacket. 
“Where are you going,” you call out, averting your eyes for just a moment from the sizzling pan in front of you. 
“To the lab,” your husband replies without looking up from slipping on his shoes. 
“Why? It’s,” you glance up at the clock, “12 o’clock and you haven’t eaten.”
“It’s fine, I’ll find something myself.” Miguel’s words are curt, his tone clipped. 
You contemplate pressing the matter, but decide against it, figuring if Miguel wants to run away like a petty child, then that’s exactly what you’ll let him do. 
You hear the door slam, and it makes you only slightly flinch.
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・ ✧ :-.・゜
You don’t see Miguel for the rest of the day. 
You’ve cooked, ate, straightened up, showered and spent the majority of the day passing time scrolling through social media and catching up on shows and movies you’ve wanted to see. 
It’s 9:30, and you’re in the middle of a yawn when the first message comes. 
It’s from an unknown sender, and it’s a zip file. 
You’re very hesitant to open it at first, becoming immediately afraid that someone is on some weird shit. 
But then, an actual text message follows. 
And your hand shakes as you read it. 
‘You could never understand, __, not like I do.’
Heart pounding, you’ve now been given the motivation you need to open the compressed file. 
You very quickly wish you hadn’t. 
Inside are dozens of photos, all of Miguel and another woman in…compromising positions, to say the absolute least. 
They’re in different states of undress in each photo, the last few even featuring them in what appears to be post coital bliss. 
You can’t tear your eyes away from the screen, your absolute worst fears having been realized. 
Finally, you reach the end of the content in the file, and to your further horror, it’s a short 10 second clip. 
Against your better judgement, you click it.
Immediately, your ears are assaulted with the high pitched moans of the woman in the photos, Miguel’s much deeper swears and grunts audible in the background. It seems the camera’s been positioned at an odd angle, almost as if it’s meant to be hidden. 
From wherever it is, you can see both the woman and Miguel in all their naked glory, bodies moving rhythmically against each other.
You only realize you’re crying because your view of the screen becomes blurry. 
Your mouth is agape, and you're finding it increasingly difficult to breathe. 
Before you can throw the phone away, one last message comes in. 
It’s a screenshot of messages appearing to have been sent between Miguel and the woman. 
You can’t read much of it, your stomach won’t allow you, but from what little you are able to read, Miguel appears to be complaining about you to the other woman, who agrees and encourages everything he says. 
You’ve had enough, and you click your phone off, leaning back on the couch to process all you’ve just witnessed. 
‘Miguel is cheating on me. Miguel slept with another woman. Miguel thinks I’m a nuisance. Miguel, Miguel, Miguel…’
You pause, clicking off the television and standing slowly, grabbing your phone and making your way upstairs to the bathroom. 
Without a single utterance of sound, you shower and run through your oral hygiene routine, picking out a fresh set of pajamas and climbing into bed. 
You find yourself unable to sleep, so afraid you are that your dreams will be filled with visions of your husband’s infidelity. 
He doesn’t come home that night.
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-.・ ✧ :-.・゜
Buy me a Kofi?
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samwinchesterswifu · 4 months
Million Dollar Baby (Castiel x Reader) Smut
Song Inspo: "Million Dollar Baby" by Tommy Richman
Warnings: grace!kink
A/N: I wanted to write more into it, but felt like i havent been able to write full blow p in v type smut, so i am sorrry for the cocktease. But let me know if you want the full version <3
Word Count: 1140
Summary: On a hunt with the boys and the angel she's infatuated with, what could possibly happen?
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She shifts awkwardly on her heels while adjusting the length of the tight red dress she was wearing. Dean chose her and Cas as the primary subjects to try to lure in a Witch that was causing havoc with some love spell. The two of them where supposed to go to a club that the Witch frequented under suggestion of Crowley. She couldn’t imagine Castiel all dressed up. Having an infatuation of the angel was hard enough to keep a secret, just picturing him in a proper suit had her mind buzzing. But that thought was interrupted by a loud knock on the bathroom door of the crappy motel they were in for the week.
“Hurry up Y/N!” Dean yelled.
“Alright!” She yelled back in response.
Heat was already rising to her cheeks due to the nerves. She turns to the door and grabs the door knob. Taking a deep breath, she opens up the door to find Castiel entering the motel room with Sam on his trail and shit eating grin plastered to his face.
Both of them stopped in their tracks at the sight of each other. A low whistle is heard from Dean.
“Damn Y/N I didn’t know you cleaned up like that.” She could feel Dean undress her with his eyes and she shoots him a glare before turning her attention back to Castiel.
Sam leaned up against the door of the motel, with arms crossed he seemed pleased by her reaction. When Sam had offered to help Castiel get “cleaned up” this wasn’t what she had imagined.
Castiel had black pleated dress pants on, accompanied by a midnight blue knitted polo short-sleeved shirt with some buttons undone. The shortened sleeves seemed to show off some muscle she didn’t even know he had. He was also wearing a simple chain necklace, and presumably a watch. All pulled together with a leather jacket.
The two of them eyed each other up and down before a cough came from Deans direction.
“Well, we should get going, we need to get there before dark to set up surveillance.” Dean says, grabbing the keys to the Impala and ushering the two to the car.
They each sit in the backseat while the boys sat up front. As they journeyed towards the venue, she would steal glances of the angel in the reared view mirror. Not realizing he was doing the same thing.
Finally, after what seemed forever in an awkward silenced car, they arrive at the scene.
“Okay, remember the plan, you two on the dance floor, we’ll try to catch the Witch before anything happens, got it?” Dean asks.
She nods in agreeance and anxiously exits the car. Going around to Castiel’s side of the Impala and forcefully grabs his hand and leads him into the place. Once inside, she makes a beeline towards the bar. Ordering a shot for both her and Castiel.
“Y/N you know I don’t get drunk,” the angel besides her comments.
“I know but if we want this to look believable then I need you to drink something for the time being.” She sighs, taking her shot and asking for another round for the two of them.
This was also mainly an excuse to try to help calm her nerves. It wasn’t the fear of the Witch planting some dangerous love spell on them, it was that she was already so hot and bothered by him and the way that he cleaned up.
After a 3rd round of shots, she felt a small buzz and felt ready to hit the dance floor while Castiel presumably looked unbothered. Grabbing his hand again, she leads him towards the center of the dance floor. As a few different songs came on, she tried to dance around Castiel. Not really knowing what to do, but more so moving along with the beat.
That was until a newer song came on. Castiel had twirled her out, and brought her back in at the beginning of the song. Placing her back flushed against his chest and the two of them moved comorbidly to the beat. Castiel’s head dipped to her shoulder and his breath was hot on her neck. Closing her eyes, she squirmed against him trying to create some form of friction. Both of Castiel’s hands where placed on her hips helping control her movement. But a third form of heat began to climb down her chest and a squeezing sensation was felt on her breasts. Her eyes shot open, looking down to find nothing there. She looks up to Castiel to see his eyes shining blue. This man was using his grace on her. She could feel the grace began to move down her body. Making her breath hitch, how ballsy could this man be?
Castiel appeared to have a new founded confidence because he seemed more cocky then ever. He didn’t need sex pollen, or a sex spell, the man was drunk off her alone. Getting loss in the moment, her breath hitched as the grace came over her core. As the anticipation built, Castiel stopped. He grabbed onto her hand, and twirled her back out. But as he was pulling in, he made sure that they were facing each other. His eyes still shimmered a bright blue tone different than his normal.
“Castiel?” She whispers his name in confusion.
“Motel, now.” Castiel responded through gritted teeth.  
Nodding in response, they were gone in a moment. Poofing back into the motel room instantly, she realized that Cas had teleported them there. Her phone began to ring off the hook assumingly it was Dean or Sam calling to see what happened. But she didn’t have a care in the world. She was ready to worship the man in front of her. Cas grabs tightly on her hips looking at her eyes and down to her lips.
“Do you have any idea how much you drove me crazy in there? I’ve never felt this way towards a human,” he says walking her back up against the bed. The back of her knees flushed against the bed frame.
Cas’s head drop to her neck and attaches his lips to the skin. Kissing up and down nibbling softly along the way. Breathy moans of pleasure leaves her lips as her head dips back. The warm feeling of grace making its return on her body made her feel even more drunk than she could be on a Saturday night. Cas takes a moment away from attacking her neck to look her dead in the eyes.
“I need permission love, I need you, so please, let me show you what a man can’t do that I can do, all for you,” he whispers sultrily.
“Please Castiel,” she breathes out.
Castiel eyes deepen as a smile forms across his face.
“Anything for you love.”
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lilisettean · 2 months
Midnight Surveillance | Sylus/Reader Ramblings
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About: So about Sylus and his little crow. Sylus watches you through his crow and monitors your every move through it yes... So... Here's a quick Sylus NSFW ramble...
Pairing: Sylus/Reader
Warnings: Stalking, mentioned somno. 18+ only please! Enjoy :)
Edit: Edited the formatting and some touch ups. :) Sorry for disappearing for months >< Got really discouraged when devs said they won't update mainline for a while a few months back.
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Whenever he had time, or felt like it, he watched you through the eyes of his crow. Something about watching you going through your day, doing the most mundane tasks, puts him at ease.
You knew his crow was there, somewhere, watching you. You knew you should never let your guard down, even at home. And yet, sometimes you simply forgot...
Sylus merely arched his eyebrow when he saw you through your bedroom window, sleeping in your underwear. You were too tired to remember to draw the curtains perhaps, or else he wouldn't have seen you sleeping in such a... compromising state.
If he was a better man, he would've turned away, called you to tell you about your mishap, and continued with whatever he was doing. But he was not.
You were sleeping on your side, the gentle moonlight highlighted your face as you breathed through your parted lips. Sylus traced your form with his gaze, making note of the simple underwear you wore. It was nothing special, yet the sight of you like this sparked fire in his blood.
Every time you forget to draw the curtains before bedtime, you unknowingly fanned the flames the coursed through his veins, nurtured his desire to see more of you in this state.
Sometimes you would fall asleep in a flimsy towel, flopping onto your bed immediately after a shower. Sylus would watch the gentle rise and fall of your chest, his eyes always drifting to the clumsily tucked in hem of your towel.
At times he would dream about being there, watching you sleep. sometimes they were innocent dreams; with him carefully tucking you in before wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you in deep into his embrace before falling asleep as well. And others.. well..
He would dream about pulling your panties to the side, dipping a finger between your folds and prod your clit as he watched your breath hitch. He also dreamt about bunching your towel up to your waist, slotting himself between your buttcheeks and slowly rutting against you while you slept peacefully, unaware of how hard he was for you.
His growing obsession with you all came to a head when one night, instead of catching you asleep without drawing the curtains again, he caught you in an even more... compromising position.
Through the dim moonlight, Sylus caught you lying on your bare stomach, touching yourself. He couldn't see your face as you were burrowing your face into your pillow, but he knew you were moaning, with how your hips perked up every so often.
Sylus was not a good man, that he knew about himself. So why be a gentleman and turn away, when the person of his midnight fantasies presents themselves to him on a silver platter?
Sylus put down all the things he was working on and dismissed everyone around him. Once alone, he made quick work of his pants, undoing it and palmed over his hardened cock.
Following the rhythm you set, he stroked himself as he watched you twitch with pleasure. He pictured himself being there with you, imagining he was prodding your clit when he ran a thumb over his leaking tip.
What he wouldn't give to have you bent over his desk at that moment. Especially when you lifted your hips even more, as though begging for someone- no not someone, him, and better only him- to join in.
Sylus snarled at the thought of you asking anyone else but him to satisfy you. He watched men vie for your attention; your neighbour, your painter friend, your childhood friends... they all wanted your eyes on them. You were so friendly to all of them... but him.
Your stubborn defiance of him, paired with his desire to take back what has been always his, fed his obsession with you. What was it that the other men in your life had, that he, the leader of the feared Onychinus, didn't?
He would never voice that out however. Instead, he would draw you in, bit by bit. He would lure you into his hold... and capture your heart and mind before you even had the chance to realize.
But those plans were for later. For now, he would make a mental note to install better listening devices onto his little crow, and enjoy the tempting sight before him.
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zepskies · 1 year
Series Masterlist - Break Me Down
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them…
AN: For those of you who enjoyed “Checkerboard,” here’s the requested prequel series! It’s gonna be a long road to get to that version of Soldier Boy. Technically this is an AU set post-season 3.
Series Tags/Warnings: **Rated M. (18+ only.) Enemies to frenemies to lovers. Angsty, messy, moral quandaries galore. This is a romance, but it’s a dark world with morally gray and dark characters, including Soldier Boy, of course. **Smut, language, misogyny, violence, and other chapter-specific tags.
🎵 Listen While You Read:
BMD YouTube Playlist || BMD Spotify Playlist
Part 1 - The Game Begins
Part 2 - You Move Me, Baby
Part 3 - Somewhere Down Below
Part 4 - On the Inside Out
Part 5 - Morning, Night & Day
Part 6 - A Hot Meal
Part 7 - Until Midnight
Part 8 - Something in the Way
Part 9 - Breach
Part 10 - Caught in the Balance
Part 11 - The Lion's Den
Part 12 - All Your Wicked Ways
Part 13 - A Generous Deal
Part 14 - Safe House
Part 15 - The Tower
Part 16 - Soldier Boy
Part 17 - More Than Words Can Say
Epilogue - All My Living Time
Series Complete!
Did you like this series? If you'd like to keep supporting me as I continue the BMD-verse, you can:
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Not done reading this version of Soldier Boy x Reader? Well, there's more to their story.
(**Notes 18+ only and/or smut)
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In the Dark You and Ben have tackled the insurmountable together, but no one said the recovery would be easy.
Checkerboard** You’re not a supe. You’re breakable. Soldier Boy sometimes forgets that.
Wanderlust** Your wandering hands are keeping Ben up at night.
Love Actually** Ben gets in late on Christmas Eve with a Grinch-like attitude, but you’re determined to force some holiday cheer into his system.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 - Complete
Wake Me Up** [MINI SERIES] A few weeks after you and Ben celebrate your first Christmas together, he is returning from another mission with the Supe Affairs team. When he discovers that you’ve been taken, he’ll do whatever it takes to find you. And then, to help you heal.
Series Complete!
Strong As Blood** After you accidentally break through a solid wood table, you know there’s something wrong with you. You begin to have your suspicions, but can you keep it from Ben long enough to find out? 
(In other words: This is the story of how you and Ben discover that you’re pregnant.)
Part 1 || Part 2 - Complete
Until Morning A quiet moment between you, Ben, and your newborn daughter.
This One's For You Late one night, finding no other recourse, Ben sings to his infant daughter to help her sleep.
Lesson Learned** There’s only so much teasing Ben is willing to take. He has no choice but to punish you. (Sequel to This One's For You)
Green** Ben spends the day alone with his daughter, to varying degrees of success. When you get home, it prompts a serious conversation.
Calculated Risks You and Ben argue about your commitment to being a working mom. When a rogue supe gets loose at Supe Affairs, mayhem ensues, putting not only your life at risk, but your daughter’s as well.
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Getting jealous.** 💚 Ben needs new clothes, but the shop girls think your boyfriend is fair game.
Ben’s reaction to his girlfriend on her period.❣️ How he takes care of you.
Ben loses you. 💔 Includes a “twist” ending…
Talk to Me 💞 In the wake of his vivid nightmare, you confront Ben about his fears and get him to open up. [Sequel to “Ben loses you.”]
Inspiration behind the Part 17 plot twist. It has to do with my love of Smallville. (Spoilers for BMD Part 17.)
How many kids would you and Ben have? The answer is...
Ben's reaction to his daughter Lila's first crush (vs. his son's). The double standard here is ridiculous!
How Ben would react when Lila gets a boyfriend (or girlfriend). Dad!Ben is pretty much what you'd expect...
How Ben reacts when his daughter (Lila) is dating an asshole. He sees an unfortunately "kindred" spirit.
What if Lila caught Ben on a bad day? Featuring reactions from young!Lila and teen!Lila.
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Moodboard below created by @chernayawidow:
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BMD Playlist Posters:
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"But you move me, baby. All my livin time..."
And Side B:
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"A fight for love and glory, a case of do or die..."
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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pinksugarscrub · 11 days
O Sweet Juliet
Tom Holland! Peter Parker x fem! reader
Inspired by @heihei.edits on tik tok! Thank you again for your permission to make a story of my own. Thank you to @froggheadd for allowing me to use their art 💕 (i'll upload the banner asap!)
Word count: 946
Your voice so soft it's barely above a whisper. Peter immediately perks up and drops his pencil. Like he's been waiting to hear your voice. His eyes search yours as he smiles.
“What’s this?”
Scooting your stool closer you ignore the loud squeak it makes across the lab's tile. Peter meanwhile slides his study guide away to the edge of the desk to make room for your textbook, English.
The pages contrast the formulas and theories Peter has been studying for over the past hour.
Normally the two of you would use a timer to keep from overloading your brains. But with finals coming up and an important mission soon after, you had to cram as much information as you could. Ned would also have joined but declined under the excuse his Lola needed him.
He really was your wingman when it came to Peter. You did however, owe him a cartilage of web fluid to mess around with for missing today's study session.
You trace your finger along stanzas before finally reaching line fifty-two. Reciting it before referring back to the essay prompt for your last paper.
“I understand Shakespeare was using pathos but how exactly does that connect to this?”
Peter leaned over you and despite the close proximity he felt so far away. His chin almost resting on your shoulder as he scanned the text. Romeo and Juliet, a “classic”. What? You can't help it if MJ degrades the play every chance she gets.
“Well…” He licked his lips before pulling away. Flipping through the pages as he continued. “The story is about love being blind, right?”
You nod as you look at him quizzically but still with enough patience that you don't interrupt.
“Young love specifically.” Peter finally stops on the prologue. Sticky notes littered in the margins much like the rest of your textbook. Definitions and context mostly.
“Shakespeare sets up this narrative from the beginning.”
The rest of his words fall on deaf ears as you admire him. Peter hasn't noticed that when concentrated, he taps his foot incessantly. Biting his nails as he articulates his next thought. His lashes fluttering remind you of how jealous you are over them.
“So…” you clear your throat as you look back to the textbook. What little words you did catch clicking together like cogs. “By setting up how completely infatuated they are-”
“-their deaths become the payoff,” he completes. Smiling even brighter as he notices that look of understanding flashing in your eyes. One he's seen all too often when you work on Stark tech.
He thinks you're just as bad as his mentor when it comes to your inability to take breaks. The restlessness you get from not being able to solve a miscalculation that leads to midnight coffee runs to the seven-eleven around the corner. Not that he's complaining. If anything, he hopes you'll get the craving for something sweet so he can whisk you away. Have you all to himself without the prying eyes of the other avengers.
Peter's quite aware Tony is hovering through the surveillance cameras. He wouldn't even be surprised if the rest of the team was watching them like their own personal home movie. Frankly he's tired of getting teased, especially by Thor.
“Ok…Ok so-” You shift closer and Peter feels his heart lurch in his chest. It's like you affect him so much his own body can't take being near you.
Would you mind if he peppered kisses along your cheeks when it gets too cold? Hold your hands as he stares at you like you're the most precious thing in his life.
He sometimes wonders if you feel the same way but with how easy you seem to make these interactions he thinks not. Maybe you know enough that these teasing touches are a way to torture him.
“-the scene where they first meet. That's the main foundation for how the reader sees them as a couple.”
Peter nods as he tries not to lean in and kiss you. His eyes dancing between your lips and the pencil you keep chewing on.
“Being star crossed lovers heightens the effect and makes us root for them,” you mumble,“and again is why their deaths are so effective at evoking pathos.”
“Right,” he chuckles.
You lean back but not to far. Stretching your arms over your head as you look down at the mess of notes and candy wrappers you made on Tony's desk. If anything it's to hide how hot your cheeks feel.
“Cool, thanks Pete.” You sneak a glance at him with a quick smile before quickly doting down the major points of your conversation. Ignoring how your heart races once he finally looks away.
“Of course,” he hums. Mind lost on the homework he was doing previously. All these numbers mean squat when you're sitting next to him. His grades would absolutely suffer if he had to share more than one period with you.
Peter must have reread ‘what is the missing angle?’ a dozen times between looking over at you while you admire his reflection through the lab doors.
Somewhere Thor is handing over a wad of cash while Natasha grins over her newfound prize. She gives it until prom season when Peter will have no choice but to ask you out on a date while Tony says it'll be less than a week because that's when the mission is. Adrenaline does something to you y'know? And Bruce…well Bruce just smiles against his coffee mug as he sees your hand reach out for Peter's under the desk. He hopes you like the anniversary gift he helped Peter pick out.
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lokis-coconut28 · 9 days
A Green & Gold Sundae
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A/N : Hello! Thank you so much for your patience on this one! Life got wild. Thinking about a Part 2?
I appreciate the love and support you all gave on Sports Bra! I hope you enjoy this one as well :)
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Warnings: Food play, Smutttt, 18+ ONLY Minors DNI
Summary: (Y/N x Loki) Insomnia leads to late night dessert with the God of Mischief. WC 2.3k
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Masterlist Here
Toss, turn, repeat. Insomnia washed over you like a tidal wave dragging your mind into the sleepless abyss. You focused on the alarm clock atop the desk inquisitively - 12:18am, Sunday morning. With a discontented sigh you emerged out of bed in hopes of quelling your restless night. 
Meandering into the kitchen, you glanced over at the common room. Loki was nestled comfortably in the corner chaise, studying a leather bound tome reservedly in the soft light. Thor clad with headset shouted an incoherent threat at the television to a “NoobMaster69”. You quietly opened the refrigerator, scanning the shelves for a midnight snack, unaware of the eyes that were lingering on your form.
You heard commotion, rolling your eyes as you witnessed Thor throwing his headset on the ground. He tromped your direction, countenance mellowing as he spotted you rummaging in the ice box. 
“Y/N!” Thor beamed. “You cannot sleep? Up for playing a game with me?” 
You shook your head, declining, while grabbing a can of whipped cream from the door. You took the cap off and sprayed it directly into your mouth. 
“Nohhh fank youh.” You slurred, mouth full of froth. 
Thor chortled and snagged the can from you, dispersing a mighty tower of cream into his mouth. You jovially bantered, laughing whilst requesting, “Another!” 
“Of course!” 
You leant back, Thor squirting more cream into your mouth. Loki's eyes widened, subcontiously clenching the book in his lap. His focus sharpened in surveillance of his brother in such close proximity to you. He felt- no he couldn’t. He certainly did not feel jealous. 
“Loki? Want some?” You jocundly inquired from across the space, fracturing Loki from his envious thoughts. 
“Only idiots and fools play these witless games, mortal.” Loki venomously spat at you. He slammed his book shut, abandoning it on the chair, strutting with haste out of range down the hall. 
The joy you had exuded moments prior shriveled inside your heart like a dying flower. Loki had never spoken to you so harshly. 
Thor noticed your discomfort at Loki's insult. He leaned down and whispered, “He is adopted,” into your ear. You stifled a half-chuckle and smacked his large bicep. 
“Be nice!” You scolded lightheartedly, beginning to head toward your own room. 
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There was a soft knock on your door, barely audible. You glimpsed at the clock and grumbled. 3:30am. Tony. Stark was notorious for recruiting you to work in the early hours. While you were grateful to be part of this team, briefing documents were the last thing you felt like reading in your insomniatic state. 
Moseying over to the sound, you swung the door open in exasperation, bracing yourself for Tony’s middle of the night assignment. You froze ice cold when you saw Loki before you instead.
“What brings you to my room, Laufeyson?” 
Loki winced internally at the tone of your words. You never called him that. 
“An apology. May I come in?” He said with an air of sincerity that riddled you with regret. 
Silently stepping aside, you observed Loki as he cautiously entered your room. His hands dwelled behind his back, arms tight to his sides. He loomed with the utmost formal, stiff posture. Your interest was piqued at his bravery not only to come to your room, but to also offer an apology. Core tightening at the sudden realization you were alone with Loki in the middle of the night, you listened to him intently as he began to speak. 
“Y/N… I owe you an apology for what I said tonight. How I spoke to you - it was harsh…” he shifted uncomfortably on his heels. “It’s just- it is not proper for royalty where I come from to do - well… fun things… Midgardian things.” Loki confessed in the tenebrosity of your bedroom. “And with Thor there… Well… He would tell The Warriors Three. I would never hear the end of it Y/N. Gossip spreads like wildfire in Asgard...” 
You could tell Loki was being vulnerable, something that did not come first nature to him. 
“...I find it difficult to let go of those customs. I am trying... So - if you would still have it… If the offer still stands…” he continued, revealing the can of whipped cream from behind his back with pleading eyes. 
You raised your eyebrows at him with a playful grin. “Really?” 
Apprehensively, he bowed his head in permission, handing over the canister. 
“Come here.” You giggled, seizing the can. You crawled onto your bed, scooching to one side. You tapped the mattress beside you twice, beckoning the God of Mischief to come join you. 
Following your lead, Loki tried to ignore the flutters in his stomach. Sitting next to you, he was painfully poised. Yet even in the late of night, he looked as collected and composed as he ever did, stature dripping with elegance. 
“Lean against my leg.” You hushedly instructed. 
Loki shimmied down low on the bed, resting his head carefully against your slightly bent knee. He looked straight up at you, seeking guidance. Allowing someone to have control of himself was new. Steadily, he rested his body perpendicular to yours. 
“Tilt your head back.”
You cradled his scalp and gently tugged his hair, encouraging access to his mouth. All traces of awkwardness melted away as he arched slowly into your palm. You admired Loki’s Adam’s apple as he swallowed, the new angle exposing his alabastrine flesh. Your eyes lingered, watching the heartbeat quicken in his strong neck, deep veins coursing like a sapphire river. You shifted your left leg slightly, arousal starting to stir from forbidden thoughts of your colleague.  
“Good.” You praised, loosening the grip on his obsidian curls. A small smirk formed on your lips. “Open up, please.” 
His breath hitched as he willed the tension in his jaw to release, slightly parting his mouth. He wet his lips with his tongue, allowing access for your dessert. Gently, you pressed the nozzle downward, forcing sweet cream to squirt from the star-shaped tip. Loki flinched, startled from the sound of the pressure that was built up in the can. You smiled reassuringly, sliding your hand down to support the nape of his neck. 
“It’s okay. Relax your body. It’s good right?” You soothed.
“Mmm-mmhmm. Another,” he hissed, mimicking your words to Thor earlier. A familiar burning swept over your stomach at his new inflection, laced with lust and possession.
Loki’s hands fidgeted near his groin, attempting to hide his arousal as you pressed down again. He allowed his eyes to fall shut, appreciating the feeling of you. The way you were cradling him felt so intimate. Your delicate hand holding him sent him to a state of tranquility he hadn’t felt in eternities… 
You made a large swirl in his mouth. Not nearly enough to make him choke, but certainly more than filling it. Loki’s eyes snapped open and glared at you in artificial anger. 
“I’m sorry… I had to do it.” You feigned your most innocent and apologetic look. 
Loki deftly dipped his pointer finger through the peak of cream in his mouth before consuming the rest. He tilted his head toward you, observing your expression. You were at ease with him. Peaceful and serene… Not afraid. 
Loki raised his finger to your mouth. He hoped this was not too forward of him, he hoped not to scare you away. 
Loki’s outstretched arm revealed the erection straining against his pants. His dormant hand began clenching his thigh as you bewitchingly leaned forward and sucked his finger clean of the foam, eyeing his visible arousal. Setting the can down and mindlessly draping your free hand on his abdomen, you felt his diaphragm rise and fall under your fingertips. A blush crept across your face at his hungry eyes taking you in. 
“Satisfied?” You questioned.  
Loki leaned in close to you, gently sitting up in one fluid movement. 
“It was quite good… However…” He tenderly rested his palm on your cheek, demanding eye contact.  “I crave something sweeter.” 
Loki ran seductive circles on your cheekbone, exalting the features of your profile, hesitating only for a moment's time. Forthwith, he captured your lips in a sultry embrace, comfortably fitting them between his own. You hummed in approval as you allowed him access to glide against your tongue. You both gave in to a sacred dance, tongues entwining in a passionate display of affection. Tasting each other, a heated frenzy between yourselves was created. 
Loki pulled away searchingly. He studied your face for any trace of protest. 
Coyly you lifted your lashes up at him, admiring the beauty in his irises. Being this close to him was enchanting. 
“Yes?” You chuckled. 
“I just - I want to be sure that was okay. I do not want to betray your trust, Y/N.” He whispered bashfully.
You pressed an affirming kiss on his lips, running your hand down his side. You spoke as you began to swap spots. 
“Lay on your back, Prince.”
Loki leaned backward as you knelt between his spread thighs. Slight panic was evident on his face as your new positions did not allow for him to hide the bulge in his trousers. 
And Gods. You were kneeling. His swollen cock throbbed at just the sight. 
“Spray it for me now… Your Highness. Spray where you want me to taste.” You mewled sweetly, looking for approval as you slid his sweater up. 
You drew a line with your finger on his exposed skin, bobbing your head once encouraging him to follow. Loki understood the instruction and sprayed a lawless line from his belly button to his sternum. 
You hovered over his sculpted belly, stalking the cream line. You slid your tongue over the messy map he had drawn for you, licking it from the top of his navel up to his chest. You planted a kiss on his jawline. Out of your peripherals there was a flash of green resulting in the disappearance of Loki’s pullover. 
“No cheating!” You playfully tugged his head back, massaging his scalp while he sprayed another line up his collarbone. You followed with a trail of kisses and sucks against his throat. He eased his eyes closed once more, letting his mouth drop open at your heated, sticky laps against the nerves in his neck.
“So- Sorry.. Y/N. No more cheating-”. You cut him off with a suction that was sure to leave a mark.
Cautiously, Loki drew a line down his happy trail. You locked eyes, licking the line up to his belly button whilst simultaneously pulling his bottoms down. He moaned in bliss as you placed a small peck above his pubic hair, continuing to tug the trousers down at a sinfully slow pace. His penis sprung free, dripping with pre-cum. You watched him pulsate as he gracefully drizzled a crown of whipped cream on his tip. His pupils dilated, dark in anticipation. 
You thumbed Loki’s hip bone, drawing an invisible heart shape on his sensitive skin. His stomach flexed involuntarily at the contact. The corners of his mouth curved upward, noting the shape you had chosen. 
“Command me, Loki.” You instructed him, sensually. “What do you want, Prince?” 
“Suck, Pet.” He demanded, firm, yet lovingly. Obediently you leaned down and sucked the mix of whip and precum from his cock. Pleasure surged from his base to his tip as your cheeks hollowed. 
“Another?” You sexily teased.
Loki let out a grunt of ecstasy and relief. He had been jealous of that word only hours ago, but now, how you said it to him, it was utterly intoxicating. 
Tasting his silky knob, your saliva ran down Loki’s length. You pumped your hand, gliding up and down with a rhythm so divine not even magic could mimic the sensation. Loki looked down at you, working sweetly between his legs. You were absolutely delicious. His cock trembled, threatening release as your mouth and grip repetitively jerked his most private anatomy. 
One hand stroking in pattern on his shaft, you allowed the other to gently fondle his testicles. He jolted forward into your mouth, relishing at the contact,  feverishly humping upward.
“Y/N…” Loki panted. You tugged his scrotum, massaging each nut gently. Your eyes flicked up to the Prince’s hand clasping your duvet. You could tell he was dangerously close to the edge. Watching his chest rise and fall at a rapid pace, you hummed at the taste of his precum, taking him further to hit the back of your throat. 
“Gods - Y/N…” he mewled . “Fuck! I’m - I’m going to cum Y/N…” 
You winked at him as you rolled your tongue sweetly over the hole that was begging for relief. Relentlessly, you pumped and sucked Loki off, taking delight in his sugary taste. His body began to quiver, commencing his inevitable orgasm. 
Loki’s hips lifted off the mattress, eyes squeezing shut tightly as his body bucked and vibrated. The intensity of pleasure washing over him as he expelled his seed into your mouth caused him to exhale a libertine moan. You supported his raised back with your hand, rubbing in encouragement as he let go, messily suctioning along with every shake and spurt of release. Tears of euphoria pooled in his eyes as he allowed you every last drop of his ejaculate. Once you were sure his release was complete, you swallowed Loki’s load. Sliding up next to him on the bed, you gently curled to his side, listening to his respiration. 
“How does Midgardian dessert compare to Asgard’s?” You perked your eyebrow at him. 
“Well, I have only had one Midgardian dessert.” He breathlessly purred against your ear. “And I think it may have caused me to develop a sweet-tooth.”
A long morning of dessert education was paved before you both, with Loki accepting your offer of a cherry on top, next.  This was your favorite Sundae.
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Thinking about a part 2 to this...
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enmi-land · 5 months
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📄 ◜ ────𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗯𝗮𝗱: 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱.
ʬʬʬ. 2024 pairing. poly!wonki x f!ocmember req. mila's reaction to le'official photoshoot + spicy wonmi moment cw. flirting, alcohol, profanity, teasing (wonki being little shits), not proofread
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PEOPLE OFTEN SAID THAT GOOD THINGS CAME IN THREES. But clearly, that was because they never got to see the things that Mila got up to with Jungwon and Riki when the three of them were left alone.
They were not the type of young people who would paint the city walls in graffiti, smoke cigarettes in the alleyway, or blast music in the neighbourhood while everyone else tried to sleep—but they did rise with the moon and stars, living it up in the late hours of night. 
Mila would blame it on the constant surveillance and the never ending list of criticism aimed towards her from a young age. But she had grown a rebellious spirit, and she never behaved longer than needed to. It was only midnight when she found herself lacing up her shoes, looking left and right as she opened the door to her room, trying not to wake the others as she tiptoed her way across the dorm and towards the door. 
“Where are you going?”
Mila almost jumped out of her skin at the sight of Riki pulling on a shirt as he walked towards her, eyes taking in the sight of her sneaking out of the dorms like a burglar in the night. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Mila asked.
“I should be asking you that,” Riki whispered back. He wordlessly reached over the top of Mila’s head, taking a pair of shoes from the rack. He smirked at the look on her face. “You think I’d let you walk out on the streets at night alone?”
Mila rolled her eyes, but conceded to the younger’s point. She didn’t mention that she had secretly hoped that he would be awake at this time. They always used each other as an excuse, but the truth was, both of them stayed up this late for the sole purpose of their late night dates while the rest of the group (and the city) remained fast asleep. It was routine now, a tradition. And while they weren’t really the type to follow rules religiously, this was one of the few they were keen on keeping.
It was also why none of them flinched when Jungwon walked up from behind them, already dressed for the nighttime chills. “Who’s driving?” 
Mila smiled, waving her keys, causing the boys to smirk at each other before they filed out the door. They were gone like the wind, and just as fast, speeding down the highway with 100 on the dash and volume up to max. It was a new kind of high, the type that didn’t need alcohol or drugs, but just the thrill of the chase and the freedom under their wings.
Mila let out a sigh at the feeling of the city air blowing against her face. A hand crept its way up her knee and a coy smile played upon her lips. Jungwon gave her a smirk through the rearview mirror. The warmth of his hand seeped through the fabric of her leggings as it fitted perfectly over the shape of her thigh, rubbing and up down in gentle motions that sent a trail of goosebumps even without feeling skin to skin.
Her fingers tightened their way around the steering wheel, and she glanced at the boy in the backseat of the car. But Riki’s eyes were already on her, a finger tracing his bottom lip in thought, before he snapped out of his daze upon seeing her eyes meet his. He flashed a charming grin. She laughed, shaking her head.
“Let’s get something for back home.” Mila turned into the next lane before pushing down on the accelerator, the laughs of her boyfriends echoing as they sped down the empty road. 
Indeed, the three of them got up to antics that only they and the heavens above were privy to—and maybe, if they were unlucky, one of the elder members, who would be waiting on the couch with crossed arms and tired eyes after seeing three empty beds and a missing set of keys. 
“Shhh,” Mila shushed, trying to hold in her giggles as she and the two boys opened the door back to their dorms, carrying bags of cheap wine and sugary snacks with carbs that would have their company stocks crashing faster than their manager’s blood sugar. They must have gotten lucky, though, since the couch—the watchtower, as they liked to call it—was empty, lacking a pair of eyes to glare at them as they snuck into their own homes.
They threw open the door to her room, tossing the bags onto the empty bed that belonged to Mila. Riki was the first to lay down, arms resting beneath his head as he watched Mila discard the cap that she used to keep her hair down and her face covered. Jungwon took a seat on the edge. Mila hummed as she grabbed a bottle of peach soju, throwing herself onto the bed, her head hitting Riki’s chest, earning a quiet “oof.”
“Cheers,” she said, popping the cap and raising the bottle in salute. She brought the mouth to her lips, only to pout in disappointment when it was stolen by Jungwon. “Hey. That was mine.”
“That’s no good for you,” Jungwon said, placing the bottle on the bedside table. Mila scrunched up her nose, huffing in indignation at the leader-like display. “No, not a leader, just a good boyfriend.” Jungwon leaned down, his lips hovering over hers. “Any problems with that?”
Mila giggled. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him down so that she could kiss him properly on the lips. She hummed in delight, pulling away only to whisper her approval. “You taste better anyway.”
Riki scoffed, rolling his eyes. But not even two seconds later, he had his hands in her hair, long fingers threading through the strands like silk and lifting the ends to his lips to place a gentle kiss. His lips travelled down to her cheek, his large hands grasping her hair in a ponytail in order to reveal the expanse of her collarbones and shoulders to him through her oversized hoodie.
“You smell nice,” he whispered against her neck, his nose nuzzling into the skin there to detect the traces of her strawberry and mint scent. Mila giggled at the ticklish sensation, only to gasp when Jungwon suddenly did the same to her other side, his body caging her against Riki’s chest. She couldn’t see anything behind him because of the wideness of his broad shoulders, her chest pressing against his with every breath.
“What are you doing?” Mila asked, earning a small chuckle from the younger.
“Nothing,” he mumbled.
Mila sighed, her hands trailing the outline of his shoulders. The three of them were silent, save for the sounds of kisses shared between them in between the gaps. Mila didn’t know how long they stayed like that, but she didn’t move until she checked her phone—and didn’t say a word until she gasped at the sight of her two boyfriends from their new photoshoot posted everywhere across her page.
“What’s this?” she asked, scandalised, as she clicked on the image of the two posing together: Riki in a low cut top and blazer, and Jungwon wearing a similar jacket, only without a shirt underneath. Her lips fell in a silent gasp of shock at the outline of his toned chest peeking through the blazer, just enough to satisfy the imagination of those who saw it. “What. The. Fuck?”
Riki and Jungwon laughed when Mila sat up, before turning on them with wide eyes. “You cheaters,” she seethed, “You absolute lunatics!” She whacked the youngest of the two on the chest, causing him to laugh while simultaneously rubbing the area to soothe the nonexistent pain. “You’re barely an adult, who gave you the right?” She rounded on Jungwon, who raised his eyebrows. “And you! Oh, I know that you did not—Mph!”
Mila barely got to say another word before Jungwon was pulling her towards him, swallowing her list of protests before they even left her lips. She responded all too eagerly, pulling his collar towards her and using it to hold him there until she received her full. But he had snatched the control from her by grasping her wrists, forcing them apart as he pushed her back down onto the bed again. By the time they parted, she had lost all her energy. She simply panted as Jungwon held her wrists next to her head, resting his forehead against hers while admiring her flushed features.
“You two,” she said breathlessly, “are going to be the end of me.”
“So you liked them?” Riki asked cheekily, playing with the ends of her hair.
Mila groaned. “I hate them. They’re too good. You look too handsome—and oh my god, the outfits. No. I can’t do this.” Riki opened his mouth to speak, only to be glared at. “Don’t even test me. I’m going to need all the patience I have so I can fight off all the fangirls who are going to be throwing themselves at you.”
“You’re insane,” Riki laughed.
“Insane for you,” Mila said with a sigh. She covered her face with her hands. “Ugh. They’re burnt into my eyelids now—those damned photos.”
Riki and Jungwon shared an amused look at their girlfriend’s reaction, loving the way she was so affected and that they were the reason for it. Jungwon pecked her cheek. “We’re right here you know. We’re literally your boyfriends—who cares about photos, when you have the real thing in front of you?”
“I’m done.”
“Eyyy,” Riki said. “But we didn’t even get to ask who you thought looked better.”
Jungwon hummed. “Doesn’t matter. It’s all about who makes her more flustered.”
Riki laughed. “Oh yeah? Let’s ask her then.” Riki leaned down to Mila’s ear. “Take a look at us now, okay? I want to know who makes your heart go faster.”
Mila spread her fingers apart to take a glimpse of the two boys. And that was her biggest mistake. Because as soon as she did, she was subject or the sight of them looking down at her, their bedridden hair falling across their foreheads while the light of her bedside lamp cast a glow onto their honeyed skin. There was no getting started on their smiles either—those smug little smirks that they flashed because they knew exactly what effect they had on her.
No good, Mila thought. They were absolutely no good.
(But that was exactly why the three of them went so well together.)
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TAGLIST @em1ejiee @menichoi @dracoslovergirl @rosas-in-the-garden @blossominghunnie @lovelypham @cornenhapovs @nee-issaire @berrycream408
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her-satanic-wiles · 1 year
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Welcome to my masterlist!
Commissions are closed!
All my fics, unless stated otherwise, are 18+. So please proceed with caution, and minors do not interact.
If it has a red DF, it means it's dark fiction, and you should heed the trigger warnings. I would actually recommend to people 21+.
If it has a blue S, it means the work is sapphic.
If it has a purple A, it means the work is achillean.
If it has a green GN, it means the reader is gender neutral.
If it has a pink PS, it means the reader is plus size.
No bound copies, translations, or other derivative works of these fics may be created or distributed without express permission from the author, for monetary gain or public use.
Major thank you to @da-rulah for beta reading all of these!
If you like what you've been reading, why not consider supporting me over on Ko-fi?
Enjoy your stay!
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Coming soon...
One shots
Titfucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS “Earthly Delight” by @thew0man ART
Glory Hole, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Pregnancy, (Kinktober 2023)
Guess Who? PS
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Divine Desires [COMING SOON] PS
You grew up in the Catholic Church as the daughter of a very powerful Cardinal. However, in your early adulthood, the reigning Pope dies, and the title falls to your father. You learn, as the daughter of a Catholic official, that there are two sides to every story. This lesson is taught by your Satanic counterpart, who does his fair share of opening your eyes to the world around you.
One shots
Hate Sex, (Catholic!Reader) (Kinktober 2023) ⛧ Part 2
Public Sex, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Collaring, (Kinktober 2023)
Medical Play, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Thigh Fucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Cardinal Copia) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Teratophilia, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+) PS
Guess Who? PS
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Dawn Chorus ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
When you question the Almighty for a third time, you find yourself on the run and escaping a horde of wrathful angels ready to punish you for your insolence. Whose garden should you fall into than Cardinal Copia’s? And he has more nefarious plans for you.
Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Lost in Translation ⛧ Masterlist
As the newly appointed Cardinal Copia struggles with the weight of a looming prophecy, a resilient scholar challenges the narrative, uncovering a conspiracy that reaches beyond the walls of the Ministry. The emergence of a forbidden love ignites a rebellion against a power-hungry Sister, whose thirst for control threatens to reshape the very foundations of the Church. Will the revelation of those schemes lead to liberation or plunge the Ministry into chaos?
One shots
Pegging (Kinktober 2023) GN
Praise Kink, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Olfactophilia, (Kinktober 2023)
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Papa Emeritus III) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Free Use, (Kinktober 2023)
Midnight Surveillance DF (21+)
Tulips and Daisies
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Dubcon, (Fan roleplay) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Orgasm Denial (Kinktober 2023)
Deepthroating & Face Sitting (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Mary "Piss Boy" Goore PS
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Era 3
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Eras 4 & 5
Coming soon...
One shots
Food Play (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sensory Deprivation (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sex Toys (Kinktober 2023) S
Realm of Souls ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+) A
In the eerie moonlit forest, you are ensnared in a nightmarish game of hide and seek with the malevolent entity Dewdrop, whose demonic force has targeted you. The chilling objective is to survive until sunrise, seeking refuge in the Ministry’s cabin deep within the sinister woods. With the dawn as your only salvation, you must navigate the haunted forest, outwit the relentless demon, and reach safety before Dewdrop claims you as his prize. The race against time intensifies, making the night unforgiving as you strive to survive until sunrise in this twisted pursuit.
One shots
Stuck in Wall (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Swiss) SFW.
Coming soon...
One shots
Size Kink (Kinktober 2023) GN
Spanking (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble) GN
The Cardinal ⛧ Masterlist
You got a promotion, and a new promotion means a new uniform and your very own Ghoul-in-training! That Ghoul just so happens to be your closest friend, Phantom. However, your new uniform and position does something to Phantom that gets harder and harder to deny.
One shots
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
One shots
Rimming (Kinktober 2023) GN
Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Coming soon...
One shots
Panties & Lingerie, (Kinktober 2023)
Breathplay, (Kinktober 2023)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Dewdrop) SFW.
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Papa Emeritus Nihil
Coming soon...
One shots
Breeding (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Sister Imperator
Coming soon...
One shots
Coming soon...
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2023 2024
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
♡ scenarios | dating billy
♡ fandoms; The Boys
♡ characters; Billy Butcher
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; explicit sexual content
♡ notes; he’s the bane of my existence + love of my life tbh
reader isss implied to be working with Billy and in my mind a supe but i made it ambiguous since i didn’t write a meeting section :v but i love the idea of Billy falling for a supe so much
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
I. Kisses/ PDA
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> he doesn’t like PDA…or at least that’s what he claims
> Frenchie and Marv give him shit- and Hughie is so supportive it makes him angrier than the others giving him shit
> but tbh they’re all happy to see him happy, and he knows that somewhere under that thick skull off his
> so when you give him a kiss or hold his hand or hug him in the base he grumbles, but he never pushes you away or actually complains
> and sometimes he’ll haphazardly pull you against him without saying a word, cheeks a bit pink as he mumbles something into your hair
> usually a ‘good job’ if it fits the occasion, otherwise a comment about how his coworkers are idiots
> now undercover, it’s a different story
> everyone is a potential threat then- and even worse, everyone is potentially going to bother you
> if he even gets a whiff of someone looking you over he’s got an arm around your waist and a hand not so subtly on his holster
> if you want to get any actual surveillance done you have to shoo him away so he doesn’t scare anyone off
> and even then he’s checking in way more often than he needs to
> it’s hard to get mad at, because it’s sweet in his stubborn, assholeish way
> and if you don’t care about surveillance it’s easy to get him riled by playing into it
> and then he’ll kiss you hard right in front of whatever chucklefuck was eying you
> “hope he’s enjoying the bleedin’ view”
> he’s a big cuddler when you’re alone- another thing he’d never admit
> but he loves when you snuggle up with your head on his chest, listening to his heart and nearly dozing while he goes through files
> or when you’re exhausted on the van ride home and make sure no one is paying attention as you hold with his hand in the front seat, rubbing his probably bloodied knuckles and pressing soft kisses them
> he likes your little late night rendezvous the best, though
> you’re both bad at sleeping, so most nights in the base he’ll find you in the kitchen near midnight brewing chai
> you’ll be sitting on the counter in one of his shirts and smile brightly despite the bags under your eyes
> and then when he comes over and puts a hand on either side of you, you trap him in your legs
> the kisses are sometimes heated, sometimes chaste
> but either way you enjoy the tea, and spend the rest of the restless night together
II. Sharing a bed
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> when you’re all living in hiding, space is tight under the pawnshop
> you’ve both got shitty little twin beds, and he’s always complaining about space
> but the nights are getting cold and the heater barely works, so you hatch your evil scheme
> evil scheme might get giving it too much credit. like way too much
> all you plan on is asking to snuggle and never leaving his bed
> but he’s taking forever to get whatever he’s doing done, and you’re tired
> no biggie, you’ll just crawl in and wait for him so you can ask
> the next thing you know it’s two a.m. and he’s nudging you
> “oi. who said you could be in here?”
> you whine and give him the biggest pout, eyes all hazy from sleep
> and not wearing all that much either
> he sighs but you can hear the smile in his voice “c’mon then love.”
> before you can scooch over he’s pulling you on top of him completely, making you feel tiny on his broad chest
> he tried not to seem too delighted when you’re there again the next night
III. Let’s get kinky
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> listen. i swear i don’t think every character has a daddy kink. just all the ones i’m super attached to
> but he canonically referred to himself as daddy and that’s not leaving my brain anytime soon. so.
> he refers to you as so many sweet nicknames- and he likes to pair them with a healthy mix of degradation and praise
> “you’re a filthy fuckin’ whore aren’t yah sweetheart?”
> his default is rough. he’s a frustrated man, and he’s been pent up for a while now
> but you can take it. probably.
> he likes choking. and spanking, he loves when you’re a brat and he can bend you over his knee
> mostly because then he can finger fuck you right then and there when he’s done and make you a complete mess
> if you wear makeup he thinks it’s twice as nice with your lipstick smudged and mascara running down your cheeks
> and you look prettiest to him on your knees, already a bit teary and sucking on his fingers until you’ve earned the real thing
> he wants to breed you so bad it makes him look stupid. (tbh not literally, even if it is possible, but god the dirty talk is so good that it doesn’t matter)
> his favorite position is reverse cowgirl- he loves seeing you whine and slowly ease yourself onto him
> and to me- he’s an ass man lmao, he loves watching it as you bounce on his cock
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lilacsandamethysts · 2 years
Pairing: Diluc x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: The Ragnvindr clan is expecting a new addition.
Warnings: pregnancy and mention of kids, characters expecting and becoming parents
A/N: Hi im back, hopefully i'll manage to post more regularly bc I have truly missed this (writing and posting). This is the first fic of my dad!character series bc I have a huge case of baby fever and seeing my favorites as dads satisfies my daddy and abandonment issues.
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“Can you please take a seat? Boss is going to kill me if he finds out you’ve been exerting yourself.” Charles could have sworn to any archon willing to listen to his pleas that he had lost ten years from his life during this six hour shift. He was on bar duty this evening, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing he couldn’t handle and nothing he hadn’t done before. What he hadn’t done before was have his boss’s pregnant wife on duty with him. “I swear miss, you’re giving me gray hairs.” Funny, now that he thinks of it, he had heard his boss utter the same exact words three hours prior when he dropped her off, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead as he had looked at his wife worryingly. She rolled her eyes at his comments going back to cleaning the dried glasses littering the underside of the bar. 
“Barbara said that moving around would do me good. Besides,” she frowned at him, the fire burning in her eyes making it clear to Charles why master Diluc had found his match in her. “I’m feeling peachy.” She wasn’t even that far along, stomach barely showing from under her slightly loose blouse. Diluc, ever since it had been revealed that her sudden unwellness was due to her expecting their child, had become thrice as protective than he already was, barely leaving her out of his sight. Truthfully, as much as she loved and cherished her husband, being under constant surveillance was starting to irritate her. She couldn’t fault him; this was his first time going through such an experience and he was rightfully anxious. A soft hum escaped her lips at the thought of his frazzled gaze every time she shifted in her seat while they went through documents of the winery. Diluc was going to be an amazing father, she knew that from the moment she announced her pregnancy to him. What she was even more certain about was, the gray hairs he was bound to start sprouting by the end of these agonizingly long nine months.
The door to the tavern flew open and in stepped a slightly agitated Diluc, hair sticking out from his usual high ponytail he dawns whenever he works behind the bar and eyes darting all over her figure as she continued to shine the glass in her hand. His shoulders sagged slightly in relief upon seeing her in one piece. With a sigh he shed the heavy layers on his shoulders before walking behind the bar, peking her cheek once with a hand resting on the slight bump of her stomach. 
“Why are you up? Again.” He said, a serious expression engraved on his features, brows furrowing when she simply hummed in response. He sighed again, rubbing at his temples before kissing her cheek again and reaching for one of her glasses. “You two are going to be the death of me.” 
“And they haven’t even been born yet.” She giggled again, leaning into his side, head tilting so it rests securely on his shoulder. Instinctively, he leaned closer, cheek smooshed on her hairline. “Imagine the terror once they start walking or even worse, running.” She swears she could already see the dark circles forming under his eyes which only made her laugh harder. The shift went by calmly with the tavern not being at its highest customer rate. They even got the chance to close up earlier than usual and make it back to the manner before midnight. Once inside, Diluc helped her hang her coat-even though she whined about being capable of doing it herself- and then led her to the kitchen where their dinner awaited them on the counter. Adelinde had taken it upon herself to teach both her masters the art of healthy nutrition; she had tried twice before in the past but they both were too stubborn and drowning in work to keep up a healthy diet, now with a child on the way they were more than willing to listen to her advice. 
Taking a seat side by side they dug in, emptying their plates in a matter of minutes with not even a peep leaving their lips until they were both done. Diluc brought her chair closer to his own, one arm draped over her shoulders while the other traced patterns on the fabric of her shirt absentmindedly, an action he seemed to be doing more and more each day. He had developed a habit of touching her in some way no matter the time or place or who was with them; whether it be his hand on the small of her back or his warm palm engulfing her own, an arm around her waist or merely their pinkies linked, Diluc couldn’t seem to let go of her no matter what. The citizens of Mondstadt would swoon at his blatant displays of affection, eyes full of unfathomable softness whenever they saw the soon to be parents on a stroll through the busy streets. There were still those select few who side eyed the couple -mostly her-, those whose jealousy shown through the happy facade, who sometimes didn’t even hide their displeasure at the fact that the informant who had managed to take Master DIluc off the market a few years prior was now securing her spot further with the birth of an heir. The Ragnvindrs merely scoffed at their sly comments and back handed compliments, Diluc usually making a mental note to have a word with the Knights about their insolent behavior. 
“Our baby is the size of a sweet potato.” She softly broke the silence, hand gently resting on the small sweet potato sized bump. “And in about four weeks they’ll be as big as a pomegranate.” Diluc couldn’t help but place his hand over hers, running his thumb over her knuckles before kissing the crown of her head. 
“Barbara sure has a weird way of measuring the weeks of pregnancy.” He unlatched himself from her, hand still resting over her own, as he examined the curve of her stomach trying and failing to imagine a sweet potato sized baby. Eyebrows scrunched in concentration, he failed to notice the pure disbelief written on his wife’s face. 
“Are…are you trying to actually imagine a sweet potato?” He looked at her sheepishly for a moment, big red eyes filled with nothing but serenity. Laughter echoed through the empty halls as she burst out into a fit of snorts making Diluc join her after a moment. Once calm, he brought her unbelievably close, kissing the tip of her nose before tucking her head in the crook of his neck and letting his eyelids fall shut. 
“I love you.” 
The sun was at its highest when Katheryn spotted the family enter the city. The edges of her eyes crinkled as she nodded in acknowledgement at Master Diluc, red hair a mess from the strong winds of the city of freedom. Even worse was the mop of red hair in his arms as his daughter played with the ruby pendant around his neck, completely ignoring her hair obscuring her fathers’ vision. Turning around, they waited for their counterparts to catch up as the lady of house Ragnvindr strode up the steps, another mop of red hair in her arms in the form of a little boy this time, fast asleep while clutching his mothers’ blouse.
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Years later, I still think “Poetry Week” was one of the cleverest things the WTNV writing team ever did. Like they took an episode concept that was literally just “Night Vale citizens write poetry and Cecil reads it on the radio! Cute, right? :)” and made it about people living in a dystopian surveillance state using one of their rare opportunities for self-expression to express the fear and paranoia and low grade trauma that shape their daily lives through absolutely horrifying poems. 
Poems about censorship, about anger against the state, about being forcibly silenced (“The town criers have cross-stitched their mouths shut and stapled their eyes open.”), about being watched, being harmed, being turned against the people you love but are unable to fully trust. And all interspersed with Cecil’s cheery, meaningless compliments on writing that he clearly isn’t thinking about (or at least is pretending not to understand the subtext of, which is my personal headcanon). 
Honestly I kind of want to do a full textual analysis of Katherine Ciel’s poem (under the cut) alone, because it’s a beautiful piece of writing where it’s so clear how hard the fictional poet is trying to veiledly describe what it’s like to live with Night Vale-typical level of fear and tension and random, unpredictable moments of surreal violence. The way people become numb to the horror (“Many find it difficult to breathe/without the atmosphere,/but we knew how;/we just stopped breathing”) but also the way that same numbness cuts them off from other people and makes intimacy with others into a terrifying, monstrous thing. And Cecil reads this as a traffic report. I am trying SO hard not to write a whole essay about this. 
But my favorite thing about “Poetry Week” is that it’s no more disturbing than any other Night Vale episode. Same humor, same beautiful prose, like it’s not on a different level than the rest of the show and I can and often do listen to it as just one more soothing, funny WTNV episode. Which is fun because it’s a meta-parallel to how in-universe Poetry Week is a fun community event to bring the town together, but also a rare and precious opportunity for tacit protest against an oppressive regime.
And I just… this podcast is so good, you know? Man. It’s so good. I want to eat it.
On Sunday, a lambent crevice
opened up in the street outside my house.
By Tuesday, birds were flying into it.
“I probably won’t miss you,” my mother said.
“I’m only interested in the end of the world,” I replied.
Many find it difficult to breathe
without the atmosphere,
but we knew how;
we just stopped breathing.
We’re at the Moonlite All-Nite Diner,
and they’re serving up fruit
from the plants growing out of the waitress.
The closed sign whispers, “Please, don’t touch me.”
We watch bodies fall to the ground outside
like deep sea creatures surfacing.
You turn to me and ask,
“Do you ever think about suicide?”
I look away from you and close my eyes,
eat the raspberries to confuse the blood in my mouth.
Now you’re in the only car in the parking lot at midnight
and you’re watching me throw stones at the moon
which hangs low in the sky
so that he can look into your house.
Your sister tried to touch him
from her window once,
and he flinched.
Now he and the oceans watch her with a quiet concern.
The lilac sky is trying to rest her head on his shoulder,
all trees gradually growing through her.
A hummingbird whispers to you,
“Be careful. Under her dress is her skin,”
and then builds his nest in the middle of the highway.
I look back to you,
and you close your eyes.
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