#middi talks
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middimidoris · 4 months ago
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Liam last night making the biggest play as Liev.
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middimidoris · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag @acrossthesestars 💜 Tagging anyone who sees this
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I was tagged by @dumpsterfirecee in this adorable picrew. I made a new one because the thread was getting pretty long 🖤
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No pressure tags: @jadore-andor @morninglesss @emilykaldwen @massivecolorspygiant @corrabell @middimidoris @chrispumpkin @theradioactivespidergwen
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aceofsweets · 2 years ago
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ahollowgrave · 1 year ago
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Day 18: Escape
Odette would call herself a "reformed" pick pocket. But sometimes she just can't help herself.
She has yet to be officially caught.
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impossible-rat-babies · 28 days ago
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middimidoris · 11 months ago
Thanks for the tag!
I’m stuck on listening to The Decemberists rn.
Tagging anyone who sees this.
tagged by @shatterthefragments to share the last song i listened to. i have no excuse, i'm trying to unwind with the very first Metallica playlist i ever made
tagging @stellasplendens @hookedhobbies @taka-chan @foundationsofdecay @whataboutyouisamascot no pressure of course 🌻
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bonefall · 1 year ago
Does Midnight ever adopt children? I feel like she would be a very good parental figure. I need Midnight to teach me how to do geometry.
Problem is that she lives in the middle of nowhere, no humans nearby, no place for cats to live permanently. It was once a shrine that used to be visited but its isolation was the point.
I think she would have issues as a parent, she's kind but very, very lonely. Kids need to grow up and find themselves, but Midnight doesn't want to be alone. She would dread her little kitten getting older and needing more independence and not properly prepare them to live their own life as a result.
She wouldn't teach how to hunt, or how to properly regulate their emotions, or how to interact with other cats.
But BOY could they do math lmao
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cityandking · 1 month ago
also 3, 29, 42 for lira/alistair, rani/solas and middy/niko!
thank you!!! // send me a ship
3. Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
LIRA/ALISTAIR — they're private about their pining, and also about the letters they send while lira's out searching for a cure and the distance is paradoxically bringing them closer together. later, once they work their shit out, lira's wary about PDA but mostly because she's got a streak of paranoia; she doesn't mind the intimacy or the attention, just the way it highlights a potential weakness. alistair's just happy to have her there.
NARAYANI/SOLAS — they don't go out of their way to hide it, but they're private enough that few people truly understand the depth of it (sometimes including each other). rani doesn't mind public displays of affection, but she thinks solas does and so tends to keep things discreet. solas also doesn't mind PDA, he's just concerned about rani bearing the brunt of the backlash for being intimate with an elven apostate and also angsting about being the dread wolf, so he kinda comes across as PDA-averse. it's fine; rani doesn't mind having something to herself in the clusterfuck of the inquisition (until he leaves and nobody understands how deep that cuts)
MIDDY/ENIKO — enikö really prefers to keep things private—he doesn't like PDA and he's reticent to tell people about his relationships—but he can be a little flexible for middy's sake. he still prefers to keep it discreet but he'll hold hands or let her tuck herself into his coat or use a pet name every once in a while when he thinks nobody is paying attention. he can weather a little discomfort for her happiness (he just wishes bran would stop being so annoying about it)
29. How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
LIRA/ALISTAIR — lira really buckles down when it comes to dealing with anything out of the norm. she’s got the disaster response training and experience and she’s more likely of the two of them to step up (see: alistair abdicating his senior warden rights). it’s a bit of a surprise to get back after years away and realize alistair has also settled into being the guy who has to take charge in an emergency (though he’s still more likely to gripe and joke about it than she is). when it comes to illness or injury, they’re both terrible patients but alistair is more likely to listen to her than the other way around
NARAYANI/SOLAS — rani gets impatient during an emergency. she's not any less on top of things, but she's much less willing to suffer an idiot. solas tends to be a soothing presence when she gets wound up, which is good, though she'll absolutely tell him off if he's being useless. she's a surprisingly gentle hand when it comes to illness or injury; it's rare she's close enough to anyone to play nurse and a lot of her protectiveness comes out in those moments.
MIDDY/ENIKO — eniko is excellent in a genuine emergency but kind of useless when it comes to illness or a minor injury, mostly in the sense that he'll either treat it like an emergency (if it's middy) or kind of completely blow past it (if it's himself). he's the kind of guy who could weather the apocalypse or do field triage but has to be bullied into bed before he gives himself pneumonia.
42. Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
LIRA/ALISTAIR — yeah they’ve got the “we survived the blight together” flexibility. both of them knew each other at their worst and most annoying and still managed to become weird and co-dependent; everything else may not be easy but it kind of pales in comparison. on the flip side, they're both More picky with stuff they'd usually let someone get away with. lira will absolutely take him to task for being A Little Bit Gross At The Dinner Table and he'll get on her case for something equally nitpicky
NARAYANI/SOLAS — solas will let rani get away with things he wouldn't tolerate from anyone else. rani will not let him get away with things. tbh this is probably best for both of them.
MIDDY/ENIKO — yes but mostly in the sense that niko just isn’t bothered. stuff that would drive him up the wall if it were anyone else if’s fine if it’s middy (especially when it comes to life outlook and optimism). she gets a full pass. regardless of what she lets him get away with, he tries to hold himself to a higher standard for her sake
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meadow-hearthfire · 6 months ago
I'd like to join a Trolls Community on here or a Trolls Discord server, but...
...I don't wanna risk bumping into those closet weirdos I added to my blocklist for liking shit that glorifies or fetishizes incest, inappropriate relations between a child and an adult, or "relations" between a sapient and nonsapient.
Plus, I don't trust a lot of people to have the sense to talk to me and hear me out instead of jumping to conclusions and pointing fingers at me. The other issue I have is explained under the cut.
Most dead dove smut I can chalk up to someone having a kink, except for the subjects I referred to at the beginning of this post. You cannot have a kink for incest, underage, or nonsapient. Be it based in fiction or otherwise.
Of course, there's two kinds of dead dove smut I'm having trouble about:
There's one kinda dead dove smut I'm unsure about as I'm worried that it may be harmful to those who consume it even if it checks all the right boxes.
And there's one kinda dead dove smut I take no issue with but am otherwise not sure I would make content of because, although it caters to a specific kink, I'm certain I'll regret it later. It's because one can have a kink for the subject in question that I keep going back and forth about it in my mind!
(Side note: I have smut side accounts. No, I'm not publicly disclosing them on main.)
I wanna have a conversation about the two subjects in question at some point with another adult, preferably someone my age or older (I'm currently 25). For now, my ask box is reopened in case you cannot DM me.
If you identify as pr0ship/pr0fic or are into incest, underage/k0docon, or nonsapient (based in fiction or otherwise), get outta here! You're not the kinda person I wanna have this conversation with!
For the record, I'm midfic. And I don't wanna be lumped in with those weirdos.
If you don't know what Dead Dove is, here's a video by ColeyDoesThings explaining it:
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middimidoris · 3 months ago
Hey Critters! Are you 25 or older and looking for a community? Look no further! I run a discord server for us elder Critical Role fans. Message me for an invite!
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aceofsweets · 2 years ago
good evening twisted wonderland fandom.
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midocotea · 4 months ago
Between school life and life life both having Things Happening in them, thus switching my very limited number of braincells to overdrive and making me unfocused as hell, i feel the need to quickly jot down before i forget:
staying up on a Sunday night to binge arcane's new season when i could be practicing my german instead probably wasn't my best idea ever but i don't care bcus this show is absolutely fckin BANGINN ! i swear the writing's way to just escalate shit from 0 to 100 fills me with awe and inspiration in a way, it makes me wish I could replicate that kind of tension between characters of my own. The show's entire existence also just reconfirms my belief that animation is a medium that just!! NEEDS time to cook !! So many shows and films feel halfassed and rushed, either bc of story or bc of the visuals or both. Let's support artistry for what it is, get the corpo mindset outta here!!
I kind of have this weird relationship with sequels, automatically assuming that any sequel that gets announced is unnecessary and will be bad (even though I've been wrong before), this is why both me and my friend were kinda anxious/sceptical about the bad guys 2,,, but then the trailer came out and honestly?? Im actually interested, exploring life after jail seems like a good continuation; every time i think a story could be closed and done writers are always like 'nah we got more" (tho i should mention i never read the books) , which kinda ties into my other point, being:
Due to me growing up into an adult + animation companies either turning themselves into glorified copy machines or just being hella unpredictable and inconsistent, my general anticipation and excitement about animated productions has been stagnating to a point where the only movie i want is monkey king 2. like . yeah im titdeep in the JTTW rabbit hole but besides that. I want netflix to give us their six-eared macaque before GTA 6. with maybe some funny pilgrim shenanigans on the side. idc about anything else atm, i dont have that curiosity in me anymore. Bit of a weird little era we living in
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mxkokopuff · 2 years ago
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stupid sexy middies...
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fruitbasketball · 8 months ago
Twitter was talking about how mean Hopkins Paige was and wtf did Geno do and hopefully Hopkins P will finally make a comeback this year and I just don’t understand what they’re talking about. Can you explain, please?
yo hopkins p was a different beast like there’s a reason they were undefeated and beating teams by margins of 30 for two seasons straight
still a pass first type of player but absolutely no remorse
she used to talk shit to other teams’ COACHES bro
one time she was straight up like “they cannot guard me, so they’re gonna hold me”
hopkins p used to get techs for getting on officials dude
i remember she once put a girl on SKATES, hit an absolutely FILTHY middy IN HER FACE, and then ran backwards on d and pulled the kobe silencing celly
man she was just foul i miss HER like THAT girl was a national champion
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ahollowgrave · 2 years ago
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You think only fools long for Sainthood... ...and yet.
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middimidoris · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag @acrossthesestars 🥺
Last song: Mr. Rager by Kid Cudi
Currently watching: Critical Role Campaign 2 Ep 34 (literally right now)
Currently reading: Fanfic, Lore Olympus, Kith & Kin and Crescent City 2.
Current obsession: Critical Role. I eat, breathe and sleep CR. It’s the only thing keeping me going right now.
Tagging anyone who sees this!
Thanks for the tag @cheesybadgers 🖤💖
Last song: End of Beginning by Djo
Currently watching: What We Do in the Shadows
Currently reading: Fourth Wing and I swear I'm gonna finish it this weekend, Mary, so pls don't yell at me.
Current obsession: house of the dragon still has me gripped tight. My nostalgic stranger things summer feels are also in full swing.
No pressure tags: @jadore-andor @emilykaldwen @dragonsbone @magpie-to-the-morning @theradioactivespidergwen @middimidoris
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