#microsoft 365 education
gpsinfotechme-blog · 6 months
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trndigital01 · 1 year
Microsoft Office 365 Intune | TrnDigital
Office 365 Intune - TrnDigital offers Microsoft Office 365 Intune at affordable pricing which helps for education and business in Data protection along with setup and Configuration support. we will help you deploy Intune and provide 24 x 7 support.
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baileyanthony638 · 2 years
Microsoft for the education industry has helped educational organizations reimagine education with affordable solutions such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power BL, SharePoint, and others. In this blog, we will discuss how Microsoft Dynamics 365- the cloud-based solution that consolidates CRM, ERP, and Office 365 in one platform for operations optimizations becomes a boon for the education industry. For more information, contact us with our Microsoft experts.
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thesoftwarehouse · 2 years
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Education
From colleges to universities, teaching hubs to professional development institutions, organisations across the education sector require software that can handle aspects of both the student and stakeholder journey. Dynamics Square works with businesses to implement a customised Education CRM System, for institutions seeking to centralise their data and processes, enhance productivity, and more. Get in Touch for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Education Industry Now: https://www.dynamicssquare.com.au/industry/education/
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*The Lesbian Herstory Archives has intern positions available for Archives, Library and Information Science Students for Fall/Winter 2024* Interns will be asked to split their time on and off site, working a minimum of 10 hours each week. Iterns will be asked to mask when working in close proximity to others. Project will be assigned according to intern skill sets and LHA's project needs. *Projects*   - *Imaging, Metadata, Rehousing, Processing*: Music (Legacy Formats),   Special Collections, Periodicals, Unpublished Papers, Video Documentation *Requirements:*   - Completion of first semester core courses   - Interest in best practices in archival processing, metadata development,   digital libraries and access services   - Demonstrated interest in lesbian history and activism   - Comfort working with archival materials of a sexual nature.   - Ability to work remotely, independently and maintain regular   communication via gchat, email and attend weekly virtual meetings. *Prefered Skills:* Experience with Microsoft Office 365 , Excel, Google Suite or Zoho; Airtable, Omeka  (Training can be provided) *Application Instructions* Applications must be sent to* [email protected] <[email protected]>* and must include a *Resume* and *Cover Letter* demonstrating your interest in lesbian studies and archival practices. *One document combined as a PDF*. Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be reviewed. *About The Lesbian Herstory Archives* All-volunteer-run since its inception in 1974,  The Lesbian Herstory Archives is home to the world's oldest and largest collection of archival, bibliographic and multimedia materials by and about the diverse lesbian experience. LHA is  501(c)3 , non-profit educational organization with no paid staff and no local or federal government support. We rely solely upon individual donations and private foundation support.  We offer research assistance to academics, artists, filmmakers, authors, individuals and classes. During non-pandemic times, we also provide tours, exhibits, in-house events and a semester-long Lesbian Studies course. We look forward to receiving your applications.
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propertyline · 2 months
what they don't tell you when you complete formal education is that microsoft 365 will want you dead
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honeysucklepink · 2 months
My MacBook Pro, it is dying.
Well, not really, but it is quickly growing obsolete. I've had it since 2012. It will no longer update past Catalina. I can no longer update Chrome, and I can't use Microsoft Teams for work (pretty sure the rest of my Microsoft 365 is the same). I thought about a refurbished 2020 from BackMarket but the latest OS they have is Monterrey and that will end security updates at the end of the year.
Look I would love to say fuck the man/capitalism and find someone to build me a homemade bespoke laptop with Linux and local recovered wood or whatever, but damn I've been proud to have a laptop that has outlasted two of my husband's PC laptops and survived a full can of Bubly being knocked over it by my cat. Apple has an education discount, and I suppose I could go without a couple of my streaming services for a year. I don't game and I'm not a YouTuber. I think a MacBook Air might be my speed.
What do y'all think?
Follow up: If I do this should I get Apple Care (note, I live NOWHERE near an Apple Store, I'd have to rely on chat or our campus systems guys)? And can someone recommend a cheap wireless mouse?
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powpowhammer · 2 years
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The results of this poll are in! As a professional statistician (they really pay me!) and data viz expert, let me disclaim: a pie chart -- even a deluxe exploded one like this -- is almost never the right choice of figure for your data. Make sure to only use it for unordered qualitative data describing proportions of a whole - a bar chart is usually the better option for everything else, such as opinions polled by Likert (strongly agree, agree, etc), binary responses, anything where you can vote for more than one option, or raw numbers. Despite how ubiquitous media would have you believe they are, pie charts are mostly bad for analysis.
Happy Purim!
Image description and further mishnah under cut. (Image desc also in alt.)
[ID: A figure consisting of two pie charts, together graphically representing the results of a Tumblr poll asking respondents for their favorite hamantaschen filling. The title of the figure is "5783 Hamantaschen Tumblr Poll Results: Hamantaschart". Each slice of the pies are filled with an image of the filling in question, such as images of apricots in the apricot slice. The slices are also labeled with their names and percentages. The first chart represents 91% of results: Raspberry at 23%, Apricot at 21%, Poppyseed at 15%, Chopped nuts at 7%, Pomegranate at 6%, Cherry at 6%, Strawberry at 6%, Blackberry at 5%, and Mango at 4%. A slice labeled "Other (did not specify)" represents 3% of the chart and is filled by an image of Among Us. A slice labeled Other, representing 6%, explodes into the second pie chart. The second pie chart contains Chocolate at 2.59%, Lekvar/Prunes at 0.86%, Nutella at 0.96%, Apple at 0.48%, Lemon curd at 0.29%, and the following all at 0.1% each: Dates, Halva, Marmalade, Birthday Cheesecake, Nougat, and Quince. A final slice is Figs at 0.19%. The data label for chocolate also reads "A tem far de goyim imo but live your best life. I'm a chart, not a simpsons joke." The figure also contains two inserts. The first is a box reading "Fig 1. Two-part pie chart representing votes for best hamantaschen filling, from 1041 votes cast over a period of one week & 156 reblogs." The second is a box located next to the final slice of the second pie, which represents figs. The box reads "Fig 2. Two votes for figs."]
As expected, the canonical Big Three of Apricot, Raspberry, and Poppyseed held the majority between them, totalling 58.3% of all votes. The identity of the Other flavors were recorded by hand; I marked down the notes as they came in and double-checked them at the completion of the poll. This poll readily acknowledges that there is no means available by which to suss out double-dip fraud (if a person voted for one of the nine available choices but only tagged a non-available choice). If you put more than one non-given choice in your tags or reply (e.g., blueberry AND lemon curd) I chose the one that made it so I had to make fewer new slices (lemon curd).
Prunes fans, I'm sorry. Please noisemaker me.
This figure was made in Excel under a private Microsoft 365 license using images available under CC0. This post is intended for entertainment and, potentially, educational purposes only. Further reading:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-access_poll & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampling_bias
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Availability_heuristic ()
https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/hamantaschen-recipe (my tip: add the zest of one orange during step 1, whether you use this recipe or not)
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seogoogle1 · 4 months
لایسنس مایکروسافت: هر آنچه که باید بدانید
آیا قصد خرید لایسنس مایکروسافت برای کسب و کار خود را دارید اما از گزینه ها و الزامات غرق شده اید؟ جلوترش رو نگاه نکن! در این راهنمای جامع، همه چیزهایی را که باید در مورد لایسنس مایکروسافت بدانید، از انواع مختلف موجود تا نحوه انتخاب مناسب برای نیازهای خاص خود، به شما آموزش خواهیم داد. بیایید شیرجه بزنیم!
لایسنس مایکروسافت چیست؟
لایسنس مایکروسافت یک توافق نامه حقوقی بین شما و مایکروسافت است که به شما امکان می دهد از محصولات نرم افزاری آنها به طور قانونی استفاده کنید. داشتن مجوز معتبر برای هر محصول مایکروسافتی که استفاده می کنید ضروری است تا از هر گونه مشکل قانونی جلوگیری شود. مایکروسافت طیف گسترده‌ای از مجوزها را برای اندازه‌ها و الزامات مختلف کسب‌وکار ارائه می‌کند، مانند مجوزهای Microsoft 365 Business، Enterprise و Education.
انواع لایسنس مایکروسافت
Microsoft 365 Business: ایده آل برای مشاغل کوچک و متوسط، این مجوز شامل برنامه های محبوب مایکروسافت مانند Word، Excel، PowerPoint و Outlook به همراه سرویس های ابری مانند OneDrive و Teams است.
Microsoft 365 Enterprise: این مجوز که برای سازمان‌های بزرگ‌تر طراحی شده است، ابزارهای امنیتی پیشرفته، انطباق و همکاری را برای رفع نیازهای کسب‌وکارهای سطح سازمانی ارائه می‌کند.
Microsoft 365 Education: این مجوز که به طور خاص برای مؤسسات آموزشی طراحی شده است، دسترسی به ابزارهای کلاس درس، ویژگی های همکاری و فضای ذخیره سازی ابری امن را برای معلمان و دانش آموزان فراهم می کند.
نحوه انتخاب لایسنس مایکروسافت مناسب
هنگام انتخاب لایسنس مایکروسافت برای کسب و کار خود، مهم است که عواملی مانند تعداد کاربران، نیازهای نرم افزاری خاص، محدودیت های بودجه و مقررات انطباق را در نظر بگیرید. در اینجا چند مرحله ضروری برای کمک به انتخاب لایسنس مایکروسافت مناسب آورده شده است:
نیازهای کسب و کار خود را ارزیابی کنید: برنامه‌ها و خدمات نرم‌افزاری کلیدی را که کسب‌وکارتان برای کارآمدی به آن نیاز دارد، شناسایی کنید.
ارزیابی گزینه‌های مجوز: ویژگی‌ها، قیمت‌گذاری و شرایط مجوز لایسنس مایکروسافت مختلف را مقایسه کنید تا بهترین مناسب برای کسب و کار خود را بیابید.
با متخصصان فناوری اطلاعات مشورت کنید: از کارشناسان فناوری اطلاعات یا شرکای مایکروسافت راهنمایی بخواهید تا مطمئن شوید که مناسب ترین مجوز را برای نیازهای منحصر به فرد خود انتخاب می کنید.
مزایای داشتن مجوز مایکروسافت
داشتن مجوز معتبر مایکروسافت چندین مزیت برای کسب و کار شما دارد، از جمله:
انطباق قانونی: اطمینان حاصل کنید که نرم افزار کسب و کار شما دارای مجوز قانونی است و از هرگونه عواقب قانونی احتمالی جلوگیری کنید.
به‌روزرسانی‌های منظم: به آخرین به‌روزرسانی‌های نرم‌افزار و وصله‌های امنیتی دسترسی داشته باشید تا سیستم‌های خود را روان و ایمن نگه دارید.
پشتیبانی فنی: برای مشکلات مربوط به مجوز مستقیماً از مایکروسافت کمک و پشتیبانی دریافت کنید.
سوالات متداول در مورد مجوزهای مایکروسافت
آیا برای هر محصول مایکروسافت به مجوز جداگانه نیاز دارم؟
بله، برای هر محصول مایکروسافتی که برای مطابقت با قراردادهای مجوز استفاده می کنید، به مجوز جداگانه نیاز دارید.
آیا می توانم مجوز مایکروسافت خود را به نسخه دیگری ارتقا دهم؟
بله، اگر نیازهای کسب و کار شما در طول زمان تغییر کند، می توانید مجوز مایکروسافت خود را به نسخه دیگری ارتقا دهید.
در پایان، انتخاب لایسنس مایکروسافت مناسب برای کسب و کار شما برای اطمینان از رعایت قوانین، دسترسی به آخرین ویژگی های نرم افزار و پشتیبانی فنی بسیار مهم است. با دنبال کردن مراحل ذکر شده در این راهنما و مشاوره با متخصصان فناوری اطلاعات در صورت نیاز، می توانید تصمیمی آگاهانه بگیرید که نیازهای کسب و کار شما را به طور موثر برآورده کند. از سرمایه گذاری در مجوز مایکروسافت برای باز کردن پتانسیل کامل راه حل های نرم افزاری نوآورانه مایکروسافت برای موفقیت کسب و کار خود تردید نکنید.
Website: https://microsoftiran.net
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markcarloasuncion · 7 months
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Given that we currently live in the modern era. Anyone has access to the internet through their smartphones, which are truly important to people's everyday tasks nowadays. It can be used for a wide range of purposes, including education, online businesses, and many other things, where it can be applied as fundamental information to many facets of life.
I can't deny that I still have many things to learn about the course I have been chosen for, even if I decided to pursue a degree in information and communications technology and become a teacher soon. Although it may be difficult to evolve, I hope to see an exciting future, five years or ten years from now on. My aim is to provide important information to my incoming students regarding the significance of using mobile apps and the possible advantages as well as disadvantages that may occur for them.
And now for the very interesting part. I created this blog because I was interested to discuss some of mobile apps that I use the most and provide honest feedback based on my experience dealing those apps carefully and using them in the right manner. Let us start and see! 😁👀
1. Facebook
2. Google
3. Messenger
4. YouTube
5. Spotify
6. Microsoft Office
7. Canva
8. Google Chrome
9. MVLE Mobile
10. Google Classroom
Facebook is the leading app I am using everyday. Why? Because, I discovered that I could socialize with people using this app in many ways other than face-to-face interactions, such as reacting and commenting to their posts, sharing memes that I saw on newsfeeds and could apply to my real-life status, joining various group pages to share my knowledge, selling things that can generate a profit and starting a business, and a ton of other freely made things.
Google comes in second. This app is already available on all cellphones that you could purchase. However, when it comes to complete my schoolwork and other assignments on time, that's when it becomes resourcefulness for me. I should not really 100% trusted this app, because, there are some things aren't true to know or can be lead into “misinformation” like in the website of Wikipedia. That's why, sometimes, I love to do my self-tasks alone.
The Messenger, the third one. It was an app that linked to Facebook, making it simpler to send messages to people you knew. I have been using this to connect with my teacher and classmates ever since the pandemic. It can't be access whenever I'm offline but, there's another variant of this app which is called, “Messenger Lite” that even basic mode can still access. Unlike the regular version, I guess.
The next one is YouTube. Through this app, I can watch the daily news that I couldn't watch on TV, to gather an additional information about the lessons in school I think it's hard to be understood, have a good time to watch those missed music videos that came from my favorite artists and so much more things to do.
For the fifth place, Spotify is always there at my phone to save me every time. When I listen to songs out there, it makes me heal from everything I pissed off. But, unfortunately, data or Wi-Fi is needed for this app. That's why sometimes, I listen to my download songs playlist. Whenever I don't have an internet to be used it. This kind of music streams is the best app that I had in my whole life and also, you can subscribe for its premium version (just optional only, if you want to remove ads while having a sound trip alone or with your family everywhere, especially, at home).
The two apps next to Spotify are named, “Microsoft Office 365” and “Canva.” Both are eligible to be used and finished on time, the tasks you want to overcome in everyday life. It makes me assist like an instructor that you can learn a lot from these two apps. That's why, I'm thankful that they created a superior & perfect app for every person who have a struggling problems that unable to solve when it comes to work that include time management.
The eighth one is “Google Chrome” that designed to be that's fastest web browser. With one click, it loads web pages, multiple tabs, and applications with lightning speed. Whenever I'm using this app, there will be always ads popping up. So, as a result, I easily annoyed sometimes but, we can't deny the fact that ads is everywhere, even for those online gamers can relate. As what I said, it allows me to set up tabs as many as I can, just in case I needed those pages.
While, the two left apps on my list are called, “MVLE Mobile” and “Google Classroom.” These two educational purpose apps makes me help to fulfill the tasks that I should be finished on time. Aside from that, they're lessons can pin and students can able to download it then, having a takes notes. So, just in case, our instructors may ask some questions about the lessons we read about the learning materials s/he has given through online access.
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As I end of my discussion about my experience that I shared here to those TOP 10 mobile apps that I am usually using everyday. I gained a lot of knowledge to them and since everything we use nowadays are related to technology. We can't force ourselves to be able silence but, to inform other people these apps are having an advantages and disadvantages at the same time. But, I would like to say that, “Be a responsible mobile apps user, especially when you're in social media. Think hard first before you click anything, not everything you may see are true. Just be careful with yourself and others that may affect, if ever you do wrongdoings that's not acceptable in our society.”
That's all, I hope you read my blog until the end. Thank you for the time you spend, have a great day ahead!
For more further details about the “Advantages of Disadvantages of Mobile Apps.” Here's the provided link for you:
#individualblog #mobileapps #tumblrapp #livingintheinformationandtechnologyworld
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hashiiiiisuniverse8 · 7 months
Hello mga ka sheesh, my co- pre-service teachers and Pauliniatics. This is your newbie blogger Stephan Hashley Javier, 19 years old and not ready to be an adult huhu! I am currently taking a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science, and I believe that cram is the best way to finish your activities!
Come along with me and my journey in TTL promising you that this blog is full of sheshableness! :>
In this blog I will be tackling the different facets in Ict, and will be able to give real life scenarios in each of them. Sit back and read.
Before you start, here is some ice cream, to be more relaxed while reading. <3
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Cloud Computing
It allows me and my fellow students to access updated learning tools from anywhere, making collaboration easier and saving time. Where we can view some digital notes and modules for us to be easy to access. The remote capacity of cloud platforms means that a more diverse range of students can also be reached by educational institutions while lowering costs.
I use software to help me learn more efficiently. This can include games and simulators, flashcard apps, video conferencing, and some online learning apps for , online encyclopedias, or tools like calculators or spellcheckers. For me to make my learning easy. For the past 3 years we have been using some software in our daily life as students, like Microsoft 365 where it is really necessary in the learning process.
We are in a transaction everyday we cannot just notice it sometimes, as a lazy person like me I like purchasing online that going to a mall to buy my necessities one of online platforms that I've been using is Tiktok shop, Shoppe, Lazada, Food Panda, and in paying them I am using gcash, gcash is very easy to use and safe also you don't need your wallet too.
As an education student the first thing that we need is Gadgets like phones, laptop, printer, wifi, and etc. So it is easy for us to access some online learning access.
Digital Data
As a student I rely more on digital data to have more accuracy, because judgments and actions are made by computers rather than people, so it is greater accuracy in terms of assigned duties. Also it is faster and wider reached because the digital data can contact and provide data to many individuals simultaneously and at the one push of a button, it is really incredibly and considerably faster to use and to access with.
Internet Browsers
Web Browsers allow me to access websites, search for information, shop online, and connect with my friends worldwide. They can translate complex web code into user-friendly pages, making the internet accessible to everyone and easy to use too and it is also relevant to our journey as students and future educators.
Computers and Technology
Last semester in one of our subjects, the teacher required us to create our own research. We need to gather information on renewable energy sources. Computers and technology help us and guide me on how to use computers and technology effectively for our very own research. Computers and technology have really been a powerful tools for research. First, we begin by identifying reliable online sources. We also used search engines to find reputable websites, academic journals, and research papers related to renewable energy sources. We also made sure to evaluate the sources for credibility and relevance. From this scenario, we, student reallt needs to seeks guidance on using computers and technology in making research. Where even the teacher provides information on finding reliable online sources, the computers and technology still hits diff.
Online Access
I noticed this during the pandemic in 2020 where the pandemic started, the Philippines Local Government implemented the Digital Online Class where the students started to rely on Online sources. Then nowadays we noticed that the majority of the population relies heavily on the internet for various aspects of their lives. Country is known for its strong community spirit and commitment to progress. Where online access has become an integral part of everyday life, enabling the people to stay connected, access information, and even on conducting and relying on their businesses.
In the Philippines the local government has implemented a digital infrastructure plan to ensure that every school has access to high-speed internet. This initiative has transformed the country into a hub of digital innovation, attracting new businesses and entrepreneurs who appreciate the convenience and opportunities provided by online connectivity such as online sellings and etc.
The citizens in the Philippines and also all over the world have embraced the benefits of online access in their daily lives. Students can easily access educational resources and participate in online learning programs. Small business owners can reach a wider customer base through e-commercial platforms. Professionals and un-professionals can also work remotely, saving time and reducing commuting expenses. Even healthcare services have become more accessible through telemedicine, allowing people to consult doctors online without leaving their homes that's another benefit of online access.
The community has also leveraged online platforms to enhance social interactions and support local initiatives. Online forums and social media groups have become platforms for sharing ideas, organizing events, and fostering a sense of belonging. The students have been actively participating in virtual seminars because it is easy for them to access, they don't need to travel at all and it's less hassle, where they can freely voice their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes.
Online access has also played a crucial role ti us as we response to emergencies and natural disasters. The local government uses digital communication channels to provide real-time updates and instructions to residents, ensuring their safety and well-being. Also Online fundraising campaigns have been successful in mobilizing support during times of crisis, allowing the community to come together and help those in need.
Online access has become a lifeline for the people, empowering them to thrive in a digital age. The country serves as an example of how a strong digital infrastructure can enhance the quality of life, foster economic growth, and strengthen community bonds.
Here I am emphasizing Learning process because all that I've mentioned was all interconnected w/ each other. Online access in the learning process, where the teachers can a make use of the internet by proving the students with extra study material and resources such as interactive lessons, educational quizzes as well as tutorials. Teachers can also record their lectures and provide it to the students for revisions which is better than reading from notes. We cannot deny the fact that every student always uses their gadgets so it is easy for them to access their notes when it is digital.
Online access can be applied in various ways in teaching learning in Virtual Classes Online access can be applied in teaching and learning in various ways to enhance the educational experience. Here are some examples is the Virtual Classes where Online access allows teachers and students to connect through video conferencing platforms, enabling live virtual classes, Online Learnings where we can utilize online learning platforms which the teachers can create and share educational resources such as lecture notes, videos, quizzes, and assignments, Collaborative Projects where nline access enables students to collaborate on projects and assignments, even when they are not physically present in the same location where they can also create group chats so they can communicate with each others, Multimedia Content with this the implementer can incorporate multimedia content into their lessons to make them more engaging and interactive, and also in Online Assessments where Online access allows for the administration of online assessments, including quizzes, tests, and exams or diagnostic exam trough google drives, and etc.
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quickensol · 1 year
Exploring the Top ERP Providers in India: Streamlining Business Operations
In today's fast-paced business environment, effective management of resources, streamlined processes, and data-driven decision-making is critical for sustainable growth. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have emerged as powerful tools that integrate key business functions, enabling seamless collaboration and boosting overall productivity. India, with its vibrant business landscape, hosts a multitude of ERP providers offering comprehensive solutions. In this blog, we will delve into the top 11 ERP providers in India, exploring their key offerings, strengths, and how they empower businesses to achieve their goals.
Here Is The Top 11 ERP Providers
SAP India :
SAP, a global leader in enterprise software, has established itself as a frontrunner in the Indian ERP market. Renowned for its comprehensive suite of ERP solutions tailored for diverse industries, SAP offers modules covering finance, supply chain, human resources, customer relationship management, and more. With a strong focus on scalability, robustness, and the ability to handle complex business processes, SAP India provides reliable support, extensive training resources, and regular updates to help businesses stay ahead.
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Oracle India :
Oracle, a prominent ERP provider, delivers integrated applications designed to streamline business operations. With modules spanning finance, procurement, manufacturing, sales, and customer service, Oracle ERP solutions cater to organizations of all sizes and industries. Its strength lies in handling large-scale enterprises, complex supply chains, and global operations. Oracle India boasts a robust customer base and offers comprehensive support, training, and implementation services to ensure successful ERP adoption.
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 :
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a popular ERP provider offering a unified platform for finance, operations, sales, and customer service. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other Microsoft products, Dynamics 365 simplifies processes and empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. Its cloud-based nature allows scalability, flexibility, and easy accessibility. Microsoft provides extensive support, regular updates, and a vibrant user community, making the implementation and maintenance of Dynamics 365 a smooth experience
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Quickensol it solutions QuickenSol IT Solutions emerges as a reliable ERP service provider, offering comprehensive solutions tailored to meet diverse business needs.QuickenSol IT Solutions empowers organizations through its robust ERP services, innovative technologies, and customer-centric approach. From seamless integration to enhanced data visibility, QuickenSol IT Solutions is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their growth objectives and stay ahead in a competitive market. quickensol offers a module covering finance, education, real estate, agriculture, laboratory, e-commerce, healthcare, insurance, logistics, construction industry, project management, and manufacturing. Quickensol offers strong customer support, an extensive knowledge base, and regular feature updates, making it a popular choice for Indian organizations seeking a reliable ERP solution.
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Tally Solutions: Tally Solutions has earned the trust of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in India. Their ERP software focuses on accounting and inventory management, enabling organizations to handle financial transactions, track inventory, and generate accurate reports. Tally's user-friendly interface, affordability, and localization capabilities have made it a preferred choice for Indian businesses. Tally offers comprehensive training, robust support, and regular software updates to ensure effective financial management for SMBs.
Zoho ERP :
Zoho, a prominent player in the business software market, provides a comprehensive suite of applications, including ERP solutions. Zoho ERP covers finance, inventory management, CRM, HR, and more. Known for its affordability, ease of use, and customization options, Zoho ERP caters to businesses of all sizes. The cloud-based nature of Zoho ERP allows for seamless data access, collaboration, and integration across departments. Zoho offers strong customer support, an extensive knowledge base, and regular feature updates, making it a popular choice for Indian organizations seeking a reliable ERP solution.
Ramco Systems :
Based in Chennai, Ramco Systems is an Indian ERP provider renowned for its cloud-based ERP software. Ramco offers modules for finance, HR, supply chain, manufacturing, and more, targeting various industry verticals. Their ERP solutions emphasize mobility, automation, and analytics, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and achieve operational excellence. Ramco provides comprehensive support, an easy implementation process, and regular software updates, ensuring a smooth ERP experience for organizations.
Infor India :
Infor, a global provider of industry-specific ERP solutions has a strong presence in the Indian market. Infor India offers comprehensive ERP modules tailored to specific industry verticals such as manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, and more. Their solutions focus on process efficiency, supply chain optimization, and customer engagement. With an intuitive interface and robust functionality, Infor ERP empowers businesses to drive growth, enhance productivity, and respond swiftly to market demands.
Epicor India :
Epicor is a renowned ERP provider offering industry-specific solutions designed to meet the unique needs of organizations. Epicor India's ERP modules cater to manufacturing, distribution, retail, and services sectors. Their solutions enable businesses to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and gain actionable insights through advanced analytics. With a strong focus on automation, scalability, and digital transformation, Epicor empowers Indian businesses to compete effectively in a rapidly evolving market.
IFS India :
IFS, a global leader in ERP software, serves businesses across various industries in India. IFS India's ERP solutions encompass modules for enterprise asset management, field service management, manufacturing, and more. The company emphasizes functionality, flexibility, and usability to ensure seamless adoption and improved operational efficiency. With their customer-centric approach and industry-specific expertise, IFS empowers organizations to optimize processes, enhance productivity, and achieve growth objectives.
Sage India :
Sage is a leading provider of ERP solutions, offering modules for finance, accounting, inventory management, and more. Sage India's ERP software caters to small and medium-sized businesses, providing them with robust tools to manage core business functions effectively. With a focus on simplicity, customization, and scalability, Sage empowers organizations to streamline operations, gain better financial visibility, and make informed decisions. Sage's commitment to customer support and continuous innovation has earned them a strong reputation in the Indian market.
Conclusion :
Selecting the right ERP provider is a crucial decision for any organization aiming to streamline operations and drive growth. The top 11 ERP providers in India, such as SAP India, Oracle India, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Quickensol IT Solution, Tally Solutions, Zoho ERP, Ramco Systems, Infor India, Epicor India, IFS India, and Sage India, offer diverse ERP solutions tailored to meet specific industry requirements. These providers empower businesses with advanced features, scalability, robust support, and seamless integration, enabling them to optimize processes, make data-driven decisions, and achieve their growth objectives. Careful evaluation of business needs, industry focus, and the unique capabilities of these ERP providers is essential to select the best fit for organizational success.
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krinndnz · 2 years
if you don't write your ideas down, they don't matter
one of my less defensible opinions is, fuck podcasts.
first, you shouldn't need to pretend that there's some greater purpose necessary to hang out with your friends, talk about whatever bullshit is on your mind, have private jokes, and enjoy each other's company. you shouldn't need to fucking productize that.
then once you have, inevitably, productized it because the capitalist hellscape demands that of you — if you were talking about something that mattered, or if the talk itself mattered, you would write it down. there's extremely good reasons why a lot of fields say "if you don't write it down, it never happened." if you want your ideas to matter, write them down. write. them. down. not a video. not a podcast. not a Twitter Spaces™ or a Discord Live Share™ or a Microsoft Office 365 Presence Tele-Skype-GitHub Personascope Also Brought To You By Meta, Inc™.
if you don't write your ideas down, they don't matter. write it down. use text. use the most basic text possible.
a big part of my giant grudge against audiovisual media replacing text is that because we live in the capitalist hellscape, all of the extra things that audiovisual media adds to text become extra opportunities to fuck with you. there's a truly incredible power in the Kuleshov effect that I respect a lot and there are people in cinema who wield it to create really amazing narratives. the problem is, capabilities like that also allow you to say something without taking responsibility for saying it. this is an invitation to evil.
in text, there is nowhere to hide — you have to actually say what you intend to say, and once you have said it, you have to see it, right there in front of you, and accept that you said it, and you effectively keep thinking about it as you write onwards because that's how writing works. the time dimension of audiovisual media means that anything that's not happening at the exact second of perception is basically invisible. you have to do very strange things to text for it to have that property — text is context, you're looking at a bunch of it at once and there is a conventional one-word-follows-another structure to it that you have to actively participate in, instead of having the media happen to you.
also frankly text is more democratic — audiovisual media has gotten shockingly cheap to produce, store, & transmit, but it's still gobsmackingly expensive compared to text. that being the case, you should demand to get your money's worth out of audiovisual media, both as someone making a thing who must decide what form the thing will take, and as someone reading/watching/listening to a thing. you should be very sure that the thing needs moving images & sound before you depart from the land of text (and in practice you're going to need a ton of text anyhow: there's a reason serious productions have scripts and documentation!).
if your podcast is for fun, go in peace, although I do hope you can find an easier way to have fun with your pals. but if it's not — if, for example, it's intended to advance your political beliefs or to educate others about a topic where you have expertise — you really need to actually make a case as to why you're not just writing shit down. "it's easier to just talk about things" is a bad reason — it's actually one of the reasons you should be doing text instead. it's easier to just talk because you're skipping the actual fucking work of thinking hard about the topic, the work of distilling and organizing and presenting thoughts into something useful. if you don't do the fucking work, you deserve to have your thoughts ignored.
I think everyone should write, routinely, for their own benefit rather than for profit or publication or prestige. keep a diary. write notes to your future self. make a commonplace book. writing makes you better at thinking in a way that talking doesn't. you should write. yes you. write shit down. the flip side to "if you don't write your ideas down, they don't matter" is that you should write your ideas down because your ideas, yes even yours, deserve a chance to matter. you should write.
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sahani55rishav · 2 years
AWS, Cloud Services and Its Benefits
Cloud associations award relationship to help and access basic information from various contraptions, any spot they can get a web connection. business oversaw cloud security guarantee nobody is dependent upon a solitary PC, or a solitary district for getting to basic business data, and that information is dependably there when required.
Interesting concentrations While Assessing Cloud Associations: Not all surveying structures are something practically indistinguishable. Some cloud associations charge per GB or per TB, while other charge a month to month cost. Subject to how much cutoff you genuinely need or what mechanical gatherings are related with your cloud association, one surveying setup could offer ideal worth over the other. Security highlights in your spread storing blueprint ought to unite redid support and a disclaimer that your records won’t anytime be conceded to an unapproachable.
Cloud plans, all around called dissipated selecting or cloud affiliations, pass IT resources on demand on over the Internet. Cloud ace affiliations such Amazon Web Affiliations, Microsoft Purplish blue and Google Cloud Plans can give everything from applications to server ranches on a remuneration for-use inspiration to their accomplices. With cloud diagrams, IT resources can expansion or down quickly to fulfill business needs aws wellaware accomplice. Cloud plans associate expedient approval to versatile and unimportant cost IT resources without epic direct interests in hardware or troubling foundation and upkeep. Affiliations can blueprint the very type and size of figuring resources they need to control another drive or work their IT divisions altogether more.
How Cloud Continuum Benefits Affiliations? One more overall audit of around 4,000 business and IT pioneers by Accenture saw that as around 12–15% of respondents are benefitting from their happened with cloud responsibility. These affiliations are getting an edge even amidst the overall crisis as they embrace the cloud as a creative stage for tracking down better techniques for working.
Affiliations working in this cloud administrations organization are named as Continuum Competitors as they are including cloud as siloed, conveyed objective yet as a strong working model. The happened with cloud obligation changes how affiliations attract with clients, subject matter experts, and embellishments, make and convey their things and affiliations, and work their IT structures. Fundamentally, the Cloud Continuum is reevaluating the manner by which affiliations work.
Which cloud limits are everything viewed as sought after?
While referring to for dispersed ability to enlist, endeavors are taking a gander at individuals with all over data about Cloud Security, Security Standardization, business cloud organizations, Character and Access The managers, and Data Encryption inferable from the truth of expanded data security post the pandemic. Various cutoff points like neighborhood application development, network virtualization, containerization, and affiliation configuration are correspondingly prestigious by a few affiliations.
To take extraordinary idea of the various necessities of clients across geographies, endeavors are reliably placing assets into striking cutoff getting. But,there stays a limit pound to satisfy the determined need by affiliations searching for cloud-capable staff. A careful worked with exertion of government, industry, and the smart area likely chalk out limit improvement instructors for help with moving past as far as possible solicitation supply opening.
Office 365 is a sort of SaaS where anybody can open a month to month enlistment to Microsoft’s set-up of Office things. SaaS gives a total arrangement ensured and oversaw by an IT associations supplier. These plans are perfect for end-client applications for ordinary activities. What activated interest for cloud very much educated specialists? As individuals contributed a colossal piece of their energy inside, working from a decent ways, virtual joint effort improvements saw a rising interest. As a speedy outcome, OTT stages like Netflix and Amazon Prime saw an unfathomable piece of endorsers during the time with the trip of individuals moving from leaning toward the customary TV interface model. Online Foodservice aggregators like Swiggy and Zomato too elaborate scattered enrolling for their conceivable benefit in giving end-clients consistent information right from ideal purifying of their food-improvement associate to guaranteeing a sans contact food transport experience following the unprecedented pandemic. This brought into the image the versatility of spread figuring to commonly all endeavors and that it doesn’t limit just to overhauling standard IT encouraging firms’ activities. Second fulfillment and relentless affiliation in this manner different into the standard for relationship to sack committed clients and it became conceivable through practical endeavors — appropriated figuring. Cloud Sending Approaches
While thinking about which surrounded enlisting diagram is fitting for your business, you truly need to think concerning worked with, crossbreed or on-premises strategies. IaaS, SaaS and PaaS join the stuff programming and applications that work on the cloud. Worked with, crossbreed and on-premises are the normal alliance models of appropriated figuring. We ought to jump into these decisions fairly more. A worked with cloud continuum is a completed cloud sending with the applications all in all and affiliations you truly care about. In a worked with cloud, applications are at present open, and new applications can be made on low-or certain level establishment. Worked with cloud plans are totally made due, guaranteed and stayed aware of by an oversaw affiliations provider and guess that month should month selection costs. A layout of cloud security Cloud security is a combination of strategies and advancement expected to address outside and inside threats to business security. Affiliations need cloud security as they push toward their high level change system and combine cloud-based instruments and organizations as a part of their establishment.
The terms modernized change and cloud migration have been used reliably in enormous business settings over continuous years. While the two articulations can mean different things to different affiliations, each is driven by a common component: the prerequisite for change. As attempts embrace these thoughts and push toward upgrading their useful approach, new troubles arise while changing effectiveness levels and security. While unexpected state of the art developments help relationship with pushing limits outside the constraints of on-premise establishment, advancing basically to cloud-based conditions can have a couple of consequences in case not done securely.
Discovering some sort of congruity requires an understanding of how exceptional endeavors can benefit from the use of interconnected cloud developments while sending the best cloud security practices. Look further into cloud security courses of action
What is appropriated figuring?
The “cloud” or, even more unequivocally, “circulated figuring” suggests the technique associated with getting to resources, programming, and data bases over the Internet and beyond neighborhood gear restrictions. This development gives affiliations flexibility while scaling their errands by offloading a piece, or bigger part, of business cloud administrations structure the chiefs to outcast working with providers. The most notable and extensively took on appropriated registering organizations are:
IaaS (Structure as-a-Organization): A blend approach, where affiliations can manage a part of their data and applications on-premise while contingent upon cloud providers to supervise servers, hardware, frameworks organization, virtualization, and limit needs.
PaaS (Stage as-a-Organization): Enables relationship to streamline their application improvement and transport by giving a custom application structure that normally directs working systems, programming updates, storing, and supporting establishment in the cloud.
SaaS (Programming as-a-Organization): Cloud Movement Organizations worked with on the web and ordinarily open on an enrollment premise. Pariah providers manage all probably particular issues, similar to data, center product, servers, and limit, restricting IT resource utilizations and streamlining upkeep and support abilities. Access the board and shadow IT
While endeavors could have the choice to really manage and restrict entries across on-premises structures, controlling these identical levels of impediments can be trying in cloud conditions. This can be unsafe for affiliations that don’t convey bring-your-own contraption (BYOD) approaches and license unfiltered permission to cloud organizations from any device or geolocation.
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techtired · 1 day
MySDMC SSO: Revolutionizing Access to Educational Resources
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MySDMC SSO, or MySDMC Single Sign-On, was developed to simplify user access to various services and apps within the SDMC (School District of Manatee County) network.  For educational institutions, security, and efficiency have taken the front stage. Schools, teachers, students, and parents mainly depend on digital media to remain active and orderly. However, managing several passwords for different educational tools can become tiresome and complex. Here is where MySDMC SSO (Single Sign-On) helps to improve the general user experience and simplify the login procedure for San Diego Metropolitan College (SDMC). MySDMC SSO improves educational efficiency, simplifies administration, and guarantees information access by providing a consistent platform for parents, teachers, administrators, and students to access many apps and resources. This blog thoroughly explores the characteristics, advantages, and operation of MySDMC SSO, therefore offering an understanding of its operations, its many benefits, and more. What is SSO MySDMC? My SDMC SSO is a centralized digital gateway that lets users access a range of learning platforms and resources using just one login credential. Students, faculty, and parents can log in once to access a suite of tools catered to their function within the school system instead of managing many passwords for every tool or application. Designed especially for the Manatee County School District, this platform guarantees that users may quickly access essential learning materials, interact with teachers, and view academic success all in one location. MySDMC SSO has significantly streamlined everything from a parent keeping an eye on their child's educational path to a teacher running classroom activities to a student accessing their digital homework. How Does MySDMC SSO operate? Fundamentally, MySDMC SSO is designed to provide one safe access point for many digital platforms, streamlining the learning process. Let us dissect the main features of its operation: One-Login System Accessing the MySDMC SSO interface requires users to recall just one username and password. Once logged in, they can access every application connected to their position—that of a student, parent, teacher, administrator, or whatever else. Their few clicks open products such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Office 365, and others, removing the requirement for several logins and passwords. Consolidated Application Access Users who log in are shown a dashboard combining the district's digital tools and instructional resources. These cover digital textbooks, student information systems (SIS), learning management systems (LMS), and communication tools. Users save time and reduce confusion by quickly moving between programs without logging in again. Guaranteed Verification MySDMC SSO makes use of safe authentication methods to guard user information. This improved security guarantees that staff members, parents, and kids may rely on the platform to protect their data by removing the danger related to weak or used passwords. User Role-Based Access The design of the system considers the several functions inside the educational system. Students, parents, instructors, and officials all have role-specific access. Therefore, they can only view the materials and applications pertinent to their work. This guarantees suitable data privacy for every user and helps to decrease uncertainty. Cloud-Based System Being a cloud-based platform, MySDMC SSO is available from any device connected to the internet, regardless of users' location—classroom, home, or on the road. This adaptability guarantees that administrative chores and education can occur anywhere, at any time. Advantages of My SDMC SSO MySDMC SSO has significantly changed the Manatee County School District by improving security, efficiency, and convenience. The main benefits are: Practicing convenience The convenience of MySDMC SSO is among its main benefits. Users no longer have to keep track of several usernames and passwords. They access all the tools they need with only one login, saving time on administrative chores and freeing more attention on teaching and learning. Improved protection Any educational establishment gives security first importance. MySDMC SSO guarantees user-sensitive data protection by grouping access to several applications under one login and applying safe authentication methods. The technology provides managers and consumers peace of mind by lowering the risk connected with weak or compromised passwords. Boost in Productivity MySDMC SSO reduces the time teachers and students spend logging into several systems, increasing their productivity. While students may concentrate on studying without technical concerns, teachers can spend more time organizing courses, providing assignments, and monitoring student development. Access from Centrality All instructional materials are brought into one simple-to-use platform via MySDMC SSO. While professors can easily manage their classes, assign homework, and measure academic development, students can obtain study materials and turn in assignments thanks to this centralizing of things. Parental Involvement MySDMC SSO helps parents additionally by letting them view their child's academic results, attendance data, and school correspondence. This simplicity of access enables parents to remain knowledgeable and actively involved in their children's learning process. Simple User Interface Though MySDMC SSO is a vital tool, its design is simple. The easy-to-use design guarantees that even less tech-savvy people or young pupils may quickly traverse the site and get the required instructional resources. How To Login MySDMC SSO For users all around the district, accessing MySDMC SSO is easy. Use these easy guidelines to log on: Go to the login page Visit the official MySDMC SSO portal via the school district's given URL. Usually found on the official district website or bookmarked on district-issued devices, this link is accessible. Put Your Credentials Log in using the password and username the district issued you. Usually, these credentials are sent at enrollment or the start of the school year. Views Your Dashboard Users are guided to their customized dashboard after logging in, where they may click on icons to access the educational materials they require—from digital textbooks to learning management systems. Logout When Completed To keep security and stop illegal access, always log off when finished—mainly if you use a shared or public device. Typical uses are made possible with MySDMC SSO MySDMC SSO offers access to several widely used programs that are essential for learning. These consist in: All in one handy digital place: Google Classroom enables teachers to organize assignments, interact with students, and offer feedback. Microsoft 365 Office: Essential for teamwork, productivity, and communication, Microsoft Office 365 presents products including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Teams. Designed for course delivery: Student progress monitoring and assignment management, the canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS). Edgenuity: Particularly helpful for distant study or extra coursework, Edgenuity is an online learning tool offering digital curriculum options to students. Destiny: Designed for library administration, Destiny lets teachers and students access digital resources—including eBooks and other library products. Fixing My SDMC SSO Though MySDMC SSO is meant to be user-friendly, problems sometimes develop. Here's a guide on troubleshooting typical issues: Lost Password: Use the "Forgotten Password" option on the login page to start a reset should you forget your password. Use the given guidelines to generate a fresh password. Account lock Outreach: See the school's IT staff for help should several failed login attempts cause your account to lock. They can assist you further and unlock your account. Problems with access: See whether your account has the necessary rights if you cannot access a particular application. Contact your administrator or IT support staff if you require more help. Technical Difficulties: See the troubleshooting tools on the district website or call IT assistance for any technical problems with the platform. Finally For the Manatee County School District, MySDMC SSO changes everything. For parents, instructors, students, and staff equally, its flawless integration of several instructional tools and improved security and ease of access have made it a priceless resource. MySDMC SSO saves time and boosts productivity by streamlining access to digital materials, lowering the load of managing several passwords and improving the educational process for all engaged. MySDMC SSO helps you link to the most critical resources, whether tracking your child's academic development, organizing classroom activities, or obtaining assignments. Read the full article
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Microsoft Technologies: Paving the Way for a Digital Future
Microsoft technologies have consistently revolutionized the IT world, offering robust tools and platforms that drive digital transformation. Whether it's cloud computing, software development, or data management, Microsoft provides a wide range of services that cater to businesses of all sizes. For aspiring IT professionals, mastering these technologies can be a game-changer, and finding the top IT institute in Pune is crucial for acquiring these essential skills.
One of the standout offerings from Microsoft is Azure, its cloud computing platform. Azure has become the backbone of many enterprises, enabling them to scale operations, store data securely, and integrate AI and machine learning into their systems. Learning Azure gives IT professionals a competitive edge in the job market, especially as more companies adopt cloud solutions to drive efficiency and innovation.
Microsoft's Power Platform is another essential suite that integrates Power BI, Power Apps, and Power Automate to help businesses analyses data, automate workflows, and create custom apps. These low-code/no-code platforms empower non-developers to participate in the app development process, fostering innovation at all levels of an organization. Mastering Power Platform tools is a valuable skill for anyone looking to excel in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.
Another prominent technology is Microsoft 365, which includes tools like Teams, Outlook, and SharePoint that are indispensable for collaboration in modern workspaces. As remote work becomes more widespread, knowing how to maximize the features of these tools is key to maintaining productivity and effective communication within teams.
The demand for IT professionals with expertise in Microsoft technologies is growing rapidly, especially in tech hubs like Pune. Many institutes in Pune offer specialized courses that cover Microsoft Azure, Power Platform, and other essential tools. However, selecting the top IT institute in Pune is crucial for ensuring quality education and hands-on experience with these technologies.
Pursuing certifications like Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals or Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert from a reputed institute can significantly enhance one’s career prospects. These certifications not only validate your knowledge but also increase your chances of landing jobs with leading tech firms.
If you're looking to gain expertise in Microsoft technologies, enrolling in the top IT institute in Pune is your first step towards success. With dedicated training, experienced faculty, and industry-aligned courses, these institutes offer the perfect launchpad for your career in the IT sector.
Read more to explore the best courses and certifications offered by top IT institutes in Pune!
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