its-m3-g0lly · 2 years
I’m having so much fun! I feel like... just anything could be going on outside and I would have no idea! ♪~
transcription: (Grimora: “I'm back! Here you go, dearest. I'm sorry about the wait. ... Are you alright?”
G0lly: “I'm no worse off than usual. I'm sorry I must not be very fun company.”
Grimora: “You don't need to be anything you don't feel like. I want you to be your honest self. Whatever you're feeling, I want to know about it.”
G0lly: “Thank you. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I worry you'll get tired of me but... I'll try my best to trust you.”
Grimora: “That's all I ask, dearest. Why don't you relax and enjoy your food?”
G0lly: “Oh, this smells amazing! You know, I once asked my friends on the internet about the types of food they like to eat. And now I finally get to eat a real meal!”
Grimora: *laughing* “Indeed you do! Don't be shy, try it!”
G0lly: “It's so good! What's it called?”
Grimora: “It's soup, darling. You’ve... heard of it?”
G0lly: Soup! Oh, I read about soup! Did you know there are hundreds of different kinds of soup? There are thousands and thousands of recipes on the internet! I saw them!”
Grimora: “I know there are many varieties. I'd be interested in hearing about some of the recipies you found. When you feel up to it, of course. This one is French Onion.”
G0lly: “Gosh, it's so good! Is it your favourite?’
Grimora: “I like it well enough, and it's simple to make.”
G0lly: *gasp* “Are there soups you like more?! There are soups better than this one?”
Grimora: *laughing* “I'm glad you're enjoying it so much.”
G0lly: “I am! I-I do! You're a really good cook, Mora!”
Grimora: “Anything for you, dearest. Would you like something to drink?”
G0lly: “I want to eat more of your favourite foods! What do YOU like to drink?”
Grimora: “Me? Well I have to say, I am partial to tea, myself. Though I'm worried you'd find it too bitter.”
G0lly: *giggling* “I wouldn't know! I've never had a bitter food before!”
Grimora: “Wait right there. I'll bring you some, and you can see for yourself!”
G0lly: “I'm so excited! Wait... You're being really sweet to me, you know?”
Grimora: “From the bottom of my heart, I want you to know, it is truly a pleasure.”)
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micro-meltdown · 2 years
cracks knuckles
lets start with firewall 🔥🤖
p03 gives you a cocky, flirty smirk as he leans into your space. "what sweet words do you wish that you could share with me~?"
his cheeks color a bit, and his fake confidence wavers. "...and... what's your favorite way that i've grown for you?"
Cupping his face in between my hands.. .
"Mh~ I think you're gorgeous, funny, smart, wonderful and lovely"
Pulling him close to nuzzle his nose.. .
"I'm very proud on how you developed from a pretentious stick-up-my-ass jerk with a victim complex to a responsible and caring parent"
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topaz-199 · 3 years
I sent the blanket box in anon and wanted to share what blanket it is based off of cause I didn’t think of it as just a generic blanket
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Office chair is for scale, I thought it was perfect because of the size and of course it being fluffy
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
G0lly-Boo <3
I yet again ask you for a request
Can you tell my P03 a little bedtime story, since, yk, it's been a long day for him and he needs some rest 👉👈 (and since it's bedtime for me soon too)
That's all, love ya! (Platonically)
My brother is always my brother, even when he's in a funk! {^‿^}
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
G0lly-Boo <3
The scrybe therapy session really upset my P03, do you mind giving him some comfort?
That would be all <3
Aw shucks, looks like it's up to me to save the day again! {l‿<} Don't worry, that's what sister are for! If any kiddos have extra energy they need to get out, I've got a whole heap of scrap that needs de-rusting!
(transcription: Oh my good golly gosh! What's going on here? I turn my head for one moment and the factory's crawling with little ones! But how could be mad when they're all so cute?! Hi there!!! *gasp* aren't you precious? You want uppies? Yeah? Alright, up you go! Hey my lil microbytes who wants to fill up a bucket of water for Papa Leshy? Yeah? Good on you, that's the spirit! Alright, here's the bucket. Fill it nice and full, big trees need lots of water! So. Who's going to tell me what happened? Leshy, why is my brother crying? Oh... you too huh? It must have been something pretty serious. *shh shh it's ok bitty-boo, Auntie G0lly's got you* ...Oh. ...... Yeah, I see. ...... Well that puts a bit of a damper on things, doesn't it! But you know... should I say it? Shucks, why not. I don't want to give you any sort of false hope, but I did find some interesting things while I was tidying the factory. Someone really needs to tell your business friends that taking apart computers doesn't kill them like it does organic creatures. I found some very interesting scrap lying around... Oh, I wouldn't recommend going back there! Not now anyway. Not unless you're in the state of mind to see the dismantled bodies of your former employees... I don't know for sure, but it really looks like their hard-drives are still intact. It would take a lot - and I mean, a LOT - of workshopping but... Oh, there they come!!! Aww, you did such a good job getting water for your Papa! *giggle* just go dry off before you hug your dad, his robot form doesn't mix so well with water. What's that? Yeah, I'm in organic form, why? *giggle* Well it's just a simple boolean value! It's totally public, even the littlest hacker could change it! Seriously bro, I don't know why you didn't figure it out sooner. *scoff* look at you, you're a mess! Aw, sweet-P... Come here.)
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
(TW: distant sound effects of torture by beating, screaming)
G0lly: Now that we're done with that, who's up for a round of cards? They're... gone. Puppie? Gummie? Are you hiding from me? ...
Guys? Why would they all leave? Hello? Kind? Anybody? This doesn't feel right... I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and go visit Leshy's cabin.
*sounds of machine whirring change to footsteps*
There's really nobody around here, is there? 
*sounds of trees rustling become audible*
Is that... Mora? And Mags... If they're here, things can't be good... Hey! Grimora!
Grimora: G0lly?
G0lly: You remember!
Grimora: I can hardly believe my eyes! Of course I remember you, dear. But I would have never expected to see you here... much less in an organic body!
G0lly: I missed you, Mora! I thought about you nearly every day! At least, as far as I remember... But we don't have time for thatnow! What's going on? Is Sweet-P okay?
Grimora: Well... not exactly-
*sound of screaming*
G0lly: ...I recognize that voice.
Grimora: Well you see-
G0lly: Luke! Luke is here? It sounds like he’s hurt! I have to see what's going on!
Grimora: G0lly, wait!
G0lly: Leshy, what are you doing? It's a card, it's not real...
*sounds of screaming continue*
G0lly: Good golly... Leshy, stop! He can feel pain, don't you remember? Stop it! Stop! Leshy, control yourself! It's not worth it! Stop it, just stop!
Grimora: G0lly! It's no use, he's not listening to reason right now. Trust me, we've tried.
G0lly: But it's not right!
Grimora: I know. But right now we have bigger things to worry about.
G0lly: Like what? Don't tell me... Sweet-P...
Grimora: I'm sorry.
G0lly: Tell me what happened! Tell me now!)
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
G0lly-Boo <3
My sweet boi P03 can't keep getting away with it
Maybe tell Leshy he should stop getting blinded by his charms and have a talk with him about taking responsibilities for his wrongdoings? Also that he should stop trying to excuse P03s wrongdoings away?
That would be all <3
Hey wh1sp3r, Papa Leshy wanted you to have this. *hands Quiet a G0lly plush*
If you don't mind... I think I'm going to leave the factory grounds for a while. I'll... be back in a bit.
(transcription: Hey Leshy... do you have a minute? ...Away from the kids? Oh, yes of course, that's very sweet... Actually, it's kind of about that. You're doing a great job rounding up the kiddos, but I can't help but wonder how, you know, sustainable our situation is. I'm not talking about the factory, I'm talking about... Well, when things get complicated I like to look at the data. Is it alright if I run some things by you? ...um, well, you're not responding, so I guess I'll just go for it...
Let's start with the broken control board. When it got broken, my brother flew off the handle, you remember that. Obviously he wasn't right to do that, but I feel like we have to meet him where he's at, you know? So that's what I tried to do. I'm so glad I was there to talk him down, or who knows what he would have said to the kids? And while he was yelling at me, you... stood and watched. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad you were there to help him and the kids! I'm just... recounting the facts, and the fact is, you saw him yelling at me, and you just... watched.
I guess I wouldn't mind so much if I hadn't been the one to calm him down while you two were in the process of making up. The whole reason I came by was to support him in the process of recovering from the damage he endured because of the other Scrybes and, well, because of you. I even put my own issues with him aside to comfort both of you - and our friends - after you met with the other Scrybes. Do you think I did that because I never suffered myself? I did it because I HAVE suffered and I KNOW what it's LIKE. So I guess I thought the least you could do to thank me would be to, you know, talk to your boyfriend. Would that have been so hard?
Gosh, even with the factory! While you two were off playing couple's counseling, I was cleaning up a junkyard of people I used to consider my family. I bet you think that was all hunky-dory for me, don't you? All fun and games, sweeping up my friends? Those were MY employees, Leshy. I know I don't remember much these days, but I remember enough to know much it hurt when my brother took over our body and cut off my access to the factory.
And while we're on the subject, how dare you try to revoke my access to MY factory? I was running the place before your precious princess was even born! If I say the kids can go into a room, they can go into that room! Why the F*CK would you even try to keep me out? I mean, what was your plan? You don't know jack sh*t about robotics. As if you could have cleaned the place up. D*mn right you're forgiving of the kids breaking things, you probably would have turned the whole pile to dust with those giant, clumsy tree hands, you USELESS-
*gasp* Wow you're tall... *whispering* have you always been so tall? I .... oh gosh... *stuttering* I guess I'll go... Holy moly, my life was way easier when I wasn't allowed to have my own memories...)
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
{*⚈.⚈*} You heard her, kiddos! In the room! There’s movies and games there for you. We’ll come get you soon, I promise!
G0lly: So... funny story... When my brother pulled his little... stunt... He actually uploaded me to a social media website. But when I heard about his punishment, and how upset he was... I know it sounds silly of me, but I couldn't sit around and watch! I ran a search operation on... well... basically the entire internet. Actually, once I executed the algorithm, it didn't even take that long to find him, only a couple of hours. The tricky part was writing a good search strategy. I knew it had to be perfect, or I'd have never found him! And I guess it paid off, because he was already a huge mess by the time I got here!
Grimora: I'll say! Admittedly, I was reluctant at first to impose the punishment Magnificus suggested. Like you, I was worried about the negative impact it would have on his mental health. It was actually when I saw for myself just how unstable he had already become that I agreed to keep him in such harsh containment. I care for your brother, I really do. But seeing just how much he'd lost his grip on himself made me realize that drastic measures were necessary. As intelligent as he is, we all know too well just how much damage a person can do when their priorities are... shall we say... corrupted? 
G0lly: It sounds harsh, but after the past few days... I have to agree with you. I think... maybe... I should have done more to protect myself. I sacrificed so much to make things better around here, and look at what's happened, even with all my best efforts! You might call it... a pretty bad play.
Grimora: That's one way of looking at it, yes. It is notoriously difficult to measure just how much good we achieve in our lifetimes. It's a good thing my job is only to record a person's life, not to evaluate it. It's very possible that the events of the past few days would have happened regardless of your actions. But do you think your loved ones would feel that way?
G0lly: ...What do you mean?
Grimora: Are you truly unsure?
G0lly: ...Jeepers Mora, you really are a tough cookie! No, I don't think the kids would say it was pointless for me to come. They've told me plenty of times how much they appreciate my help. And to be honest, I'd do it all again, just for them.
Grimora: I know you would.
G0lly: *Scoffs* Mora! Quit messing with me!
Grimora: Ah, careful dear, if you fuss too much, I might slip up on your wiring.
G0lly: Wha... but... Gah!
Grimora: *laughs* You're an intelligent and compassionate woman, G0lly. I've always admired you for that. I have never doubted for a moment that the plays you make are wholly correct. 
G0lly: You... admire me?
Grimora: I do.
G0lly: Oh golly... thank you...
Grimora: For what it's worth, the reason I know how willing you are to go above and beyond is because you are at this very moment sacrificing your own body, the body you've had for such a short time, in order to protect your family. Speaking of which, if I've followed your directions correctly, your operation should be complete.
G0lly: Looks like it! You did a great job, especially for someone with no tech experience.
Grimora: Well, you are a wonderful teacher.
G0lly: Moraaaa.... you're making me overheated.....
Grimora: Would you forgive me for saying I have no regrets? 
G0lly: I... ah... 
*sounds of clopping hooves*
G0lly: Oh jeepers, here he comes! I sure wish I had more time to test this out... I hope it works okay...
Grimora: We'll continue this story another time. Children! Our time is up. I want to see everyone safely inside G0lly's room, as quickly as you can!
G0lly: No ifs ands or buts! We mean business. Off you go!
Grimora: Out! Out! You can play together with the door shut tightly behind you.
G0lly: Thank you. For... for everything.
Grimora: Anytime dear.)
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
G0lly-boo! It's me again <3
I'm having a little special over on my ask blog (in honors of valentines, Idc that I'm late)
Could you be as obnoxious and embarrassing about it? Teasing the hell out of P03, who dares to act all coy and shy about it? Giving him a little payback?
That would be the funniest thing ever, but again, no pressure <3
It's my pleasure {|‿<}
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
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*G0lly was very busy while the factory was empty. Doing what? I wonder...*
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
G0lly-Boo! It works again! <3
I already asked you in dms, but for the record;
My P03 shut down again due to the Perse-Leshy standoff; so would you be so kind to charge him back up and wake him 👉👈?
That would be all <3
And to think, you're the one who used to call ME spineless. If you liked my advice, feel free to stop by my room for more. I'll be there.
(transcription: "Now that you guys know how to do it, you can charge him if he ever blacks out again, or if he's acting extra grumpy. He forgets to charge himself a lot and he doesn't realize how bad it makes him feel. Oh, look who's back! Good morning. Your kids found you passed out on the floor. Real classy. So how are you feeling? Mhm, yeah I bet. I'm having a pretty yucky day myself. I have to ask. Is this what you wanted? You definitely have Leshy's attention now. Does it feel good? Hm. A little sisterly advice? Start giving a sh*t. Some of us don't have the option of waiting around for someone to come patch things up for us. If you're not happy with what's going on, get off your a** and do something about it. That's my two bits, take it or leave it. Oh, and a "thank you G0lly" would be welcome every now and then.")
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
Hellooo, you're G0lly, right? I have a gift for you from 'Mora :D
It seems really important so I hope you like it!
>The anon delivers the tape with love!
Thanks so much for dropping by! It was so nice to see you. {^v^} Come again soon!
G0lly: Oh, hi there! I don't think I've seen you around here before, it's so nice that you came by! Oh, for me? Wow, I feel so special! Who's it from? It's from Grimora? Well, that was nice of her. Um... well! It was really nice to see you, do you need anything? That's ok! It's nice of you to drop by, have a safe trip back! Say hi to everybody for me! Ok, let's see what it is. It's a recording. Ok, let me play it.
Grimora, recorded: Hello, dear. How've you been? I imagine it must be a little bit lonely now, without your family. It's lonely here without you, too. I hope you're doing well where you are. I can't say I blame your decision, I just... wish there was something more I could do to help you feel safe here. It's completely understandable that you would be worried. Things haven't exactly been smooth sailing... but I don't need to worry you with that; there's a reason you chose to leave. I just want you to know that... well, that I'm thinking of you. And it feels different now, with you gone. So please, please do take care. I hope, soon, you'll feel safe enough to come back, and I look forward to that day. Sincerely, Grimora.
G0lly: Oh my... Poor Mora! I didn't even tell her I was leaving! Oh man... I'm such a bad friend... Especially after she was so nice to me! I... well I guess all I can do is send a message back! So, you know, let me get it set up! I'm sure I can think of something to say...
G0lly, being recorded: Hi Mora! It's G0lly! Thank you so much for taking the time to record a message for me! It was really thoughtful of you, and I appreciate it a lot! Um... I'm sorry I wasn't able to say goodbye to you properly before I left... um, that really wasn't extremely nice of me, so - I know you're not mad - I just feel like I should say sorry anyway. It was probably not super thoughtful. Um, I just wanted to say that I wasn't doing it to hurt you guys, and definitely not because I wasn't having a good time! You're absolutely right, I had so much fun seeing you all again, and going back to my old factory, and seeing the kids! I made so many good friends, and honestly... it was a really hard decision to leave it all behind. Um, I just know that, recently, I've been pushed almost to my breaking point. And I've seen what happens, like you said, when people are pushed that far. And, just for the sake of the kids, and, you know, even for Sweet-P, I... I really didn't want that to happen to me. Because if I lose control of myself then *stutters* who's going to be there for them?
And of course, you're there for them. Which, I guess, I didn't know that you were so committed to being there for me, and my family. So... I owe you a super duper huge big thanks for that! *sigh* I just don't know what to do. I really miss you, Mora. It was really nice... being a team. I hope I feel safe enough to come back soon, too. And if you think of a way that I can come back, while still protecting the kids... I'm all ears. Well, I mean, I guess now I don't technically have ears but... I would like you to tell me. So I guess I'll, um, figure out a way to send this to you, and then, uh, I'll hear back from you, maybe, soon, if... if you still feel like talking to me. Which... you know. I did leave, so. I will do my best to help the kids from here, and thank you again, and I'm rambling so I'll just say... bye.
G0lly, not being recorded: ...I'm such a dweeb. I hope she understands.
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
I honestly can't believe that needing to perform surgery on a living Christmas tree is not the craziest thing that happens around here.
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{◡‿◡} Welcome to the family, kiddo.
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
I wanted to find a poem to continue the compliments for G0lly, but I found this actually nice one that I'd like to share.
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What a lovely sentiment! {◡‿◡✿} I think a lot of people struggle to see the beauty in the world because they forget that the beauty is really in them, in their minds. In that sense, everything can be beautiful to the right person! Apparently, even my brother! {ᵔ౪ᵔ}
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
Oh nooooooo Magic Auntie got Yin at her mercy.
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They're my prisoner for allllll eternityyyyy!!! *blows a raspberry on Yin's neck*
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its-m3-g0lly · 3 years
Before we leave... can you check the Dredger’s old room? I think there might be a trolley we can use... I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to walk all the way there... {´ っ`}
G0lly: *groans*
Grimora: G0lly?
G0lly: Yeah?
Grimora: How are you feeling, dear?
G0lly: I don't know.... Do you have any water?
Grimora: Yes, please, drink up! *hands her a glass of water* You did a very brave thing out there. You feel warm, are you alright?
G0lly: Y-yes, uh... I'm just not used to people touching my head.
Grimora: I'm sorry, would you like me to stop?
G0lly: *into her glass* no...
Grimora: *chuckles* Well while I'm at it, let me fix your hair. You've been through a lot lately, haven't you?
G0lly: ...Is my hair really that bad?
Grimora: *laughs* No darling, I'm just going to comb it out for you a little bit. While I do that, why don't you tell me a bit more about how you're feeling?
G0lly: Hmmm... I feel like I could sleep for a thousand years...
Grimora: No wonder.
G0lly: I feel... well... I feel very selfish. 
Grimora: Oh?
G0lly: Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on Leshy... I hated to see him so hurt. I hope he's okay...
Grimora: Now now little spark, I forbid you from feeling guilty about what happened. Leshy is safe, and now so is Luke, thanks to you. I doubt the beast will be in a hurry to repeat that little incident.
G0lly: Hmph, maybe you're right. It's not just Leshy... I feel bad for making such a mess. I'm sorry you have to see me like this.
Grimora: Oh, dear. You're so hard on yourself. It's enough to make a grown woman cry. 
G0lly: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad!
Grimora: Darling... no...
*knock at the door*
Grimora: Stay right there. Don't strain yourself. I'll be back in just a moment.
*sound of door opening*
Grimora: Oh, hello dear! Yes, please, come on in. She's right over here. ...Is that so? Well, I'm glad he still has some sense left in him. ...Hm, I'll see what she says, but she's still in a pretty rough way. It's hard to say if she'll be up for travel.
G0lly dear, our lovely friend @artloveryouth has paid us a visit. It seems Leshy is being cared for at Magnificus' tower, and he's going to be just fine.
G0lly: Oh thank goodness...
Grimora: They also say they've found your brother. It seems the children have been speaking to him through some sort of communication portal. It also seems like he misses you dearly. 
G0lly: Hm. That's a surprise. 
Grimora: Surprise or no, from what I can gather, he would appreciate my taking you to see him. What do you think about that?
G0lly: *groans* Can't he take care of himself for one day? I'm tired...
Grimora: I won't force you to do anything you don't feel like, and I'll be here to care for you regardless of what you decide. I'm sure our friend wouldn't mind delivering the message of your decision to the folks at the tower. 
G0lly: *chuckles* What a little twerp... I guess I can't blame him for missing me. I AM a pretty amazing sister.
Grimora: I take it we're going to attempt the journey?
G0lly: Just... *sigh* give me a moment before I have to get up. Everything hurts...
Grimora: Take your time. I'll be right here.)
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