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sims2packrat · 1 year ago
Vidcund's cc
I apologize for having said that I will "go through vidcund's tag and check the cc soon" when that didn't happen... until now, like 2 years later 🥴
Anyhow! It seems like all links (except this post) are working? Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Vidcund's used a lot of different names, and here are all the "old" tags (unfortunately not all posts are tagged the same.. sorry, I will try and edit them all sometime, but for now, you might have to scroll throgh all the tags... terribly sorry for that 🤧)
vidcund / vidcunds / vidcund curious
They have a new tumblr so the new tag, with re-uploads of their "old" content, is "polygonbeach" and can be found here.
Edit 2023-01-18: accidentally pasted the wrong link above, now that has been corrected! And polygonbeach has more of their old stuff re-uploaded on their tumblr here which I haven't reblogged yet but will do asap.
I will not tag the new uploads/reblogs with any of the old content with anything else than polygonbeach for now, just so you don't have to scroll through those posts before getting to the "old" re-uploads (aka the posts in the tags above). Sorry for the confusing explanation, I'm terrible at explaining!
Edit 2024-10-30: their username is now "celestialspritz" but I'll continue to tag their cc as polygonbeach! only bc I'm lazy and don't feel like editing that many posts hahah sorry
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y2sims · 11 months ago
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Six Braided Hairstyles in The New Hair System.
colors by pooklet.
original textures.
binned, familied, tooltipped and compressed.
all four colors are in one .package file.
all the meshes are included.
preview model borrowed from littlelittlesimmies (béryl yomme).
Kiarazurk - Kelly
ages tf to ef
7.9k~ polys
mesh conversion by rascalcurious
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Oakiyo - Angel - V1
ages tf to ef
12.4k~ polys
mesh conversion by rascalcurious
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
SavvySweet - Sailor Buns
ages tf to ef
13k~ polys
mesh conversion by mickeysims, edited by charismatictrait
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Sheabuttyr - Bibi Braids
ages tf to ef
8.2k~ polys
mesh conversion by applewatersugar
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Sheabuttyr - Blake Braids - V1
ages tf to ef
7.8k~ polys
mesh conversion by rascalcurious
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Sleepingsims - Basil - V2
ages tf to ef
10.2k~ polys
mesh conversion by rascalcurious
made some random recolors for the hair clip
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
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swishbishbosch · 2 months ago
Genetics: Gryning's By Your Side Orb Eyes (Expanded Edition)
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This is a recolor of Gryning's BYS extra orb eyes. Originally with only 2 swatches. (Eye recoloring is surprisingly fun and easy to learn woah~~~)
🧙‍♀️For the PARANORMAL FANATICS🔮: I love how simple and glossy they are, so here's 21 swatches of various color gradients and luminosity.
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I recolored them for my GARGOYLE project 👹🗿 they all have stony/marbly looks to them, so the normal human skin palette doesn't really match, highly recommended on fantasy skin tones
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The models' skin is from jessi's wearing diamonds (unnatural) - {a classic & underrated skin set IMO!}
🧬 Gryning_BYSEyes_OrbSwBB_Custom
Eye-dominance = 0 (Super-dominant). Not Townified. List of Eye Values included. Compressorized. Recolors are separated.
🧬 Gryning_BYSEyes_OrbSwBB_MAXIS_Dominant
Eye-dominance = 1 (same as Maxis brown, dark blue, and alien)
🧬 Gryning_BYSEyes_OrbSwBB_MAXIS_Recessive
Eye-dominance = 2 (same as Maxis green, grey, and light blue)
Credits: Gryning (original eye template and PSD), mickeysims (for the easiest tutorial to follow out there!), dreadpirate (why eye values are helpful to have), SimPE
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paranoia0612 · 1 year ago
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dark academia lookbook with Maya
look 1: cardigan | pants
look 2: beret | sweater | skirt | bag | necklace
look 3: sweater with shirt | pants | glasses | bag | watch
look 4: turtleneck & oversized shirt | pants | glasses
credits: @alwayssims2, @shunga, @edra, @belaloallure3, @aklira, @eir, @julies7821, @fakebloood, @christopher067, @elliesimple-cc, @honeymoon-cc2, @nikaonishko, @lazyeyelids, @mickeysims, @pralinesims, @charonlee, @lindasims2, @entropy-sims, @evannamari
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moyokeansimblr · 2 years ago
Moyo is 27 Today!
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It's past midnight so it's my 27th birthday! 🥳🥳🎈🎈🎂🎂
Alright so a lot of times in my life I feel like an alien, so I wanted to something alien-themed for my birthday gift. When I found these by @blahberry-pancake I didn't realize they'd already been converted by mickeysims/vidcunds but by the time I did I didn't want to scrap them, and anyways the mediafire link for theirs was dead.
So it's BlahberryPancake's Alien Choker, Alien Earrings V1 and Alien Earrings V2 for Teen-Elder both genders. All 34 colors, and you can choose whether you want them in Glasses or BV Jewelry. I tried something fun for the BV jewelry versions in that I split the earrings into an actual right and left earring, but the Glasses versions are not split.
They're not perfect, and I must point out now before anyone tells me that the teen male earrings warp on some face shapes. I don't know how to fix this and I don't know if it's something I did or a problem with the cc earrings I cloned from but just a heads up.
👽 BlahberryPancake Alien Set Glasses | BV Jewelry
I kind of feel like I'm forgetting something but it's actually after 1AM because my internet was out at midnight so I'm tired so don't hesitate to tell me if something is wrong!
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monilisasims · 2 years ago
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Momma Lisa Conversion - New Years Set
this is a bunch of outfits that i converted over the past couple of years but i just never posted them. i also reconverted some that i wasn't happy with.
credit : @rented-space  * * * * * / @moocha-muses * / @tombstoneoflifeanddeath * / @serabiet * / @keoni-chan * / @trappingsims2 * / @pforestsims * / @platinumaspiration * * * / @e-neillan * * / @veranka-downloads * / antkasdefaults / @memento-sims * / @vulrien-sims * / @deedee-sims *  /anubis360 / magnolia-c / saurus / mickeysims
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goatskickin · 3 years ago
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4t2 conversion of @leahlillith‘s Emerald by mickeysims (aka vidcunds aka crystalvu).
Aged child to elder.
Polycount: 13k
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keoni-chan · 3 years ago
Hi, wcif Selana glasses? (https://keoni-chan.tumblr.com/post/683976258979266561/happy-birthday-selena-and-happy-birthday-luna)
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These glasses are by mickeysims. They're called Tamo Bateman glasses and you can download them here.
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grimsim · 4 years ago
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Hello sims 2 community, a few days ago i started learning about cc creating and meshing and today i offer you my very first project☁️
Separated and gender converted pants from RaveTanktopBaggy outfit! They have fat morph and come in 3 original colours. Repositoried version's flagged as NL content.
Download Standalone or Slaved
⬇️🔹BodyShop previews and cc from sTyliNg pictures��⬇️
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there's also standalone and slaved separates for males
🔹🗯️🔹🔷▫️▫️the lookbook▫️▫️🔷🔹🗯️🔹
hair - BlooM's Toddler Bonnet Mod
earrings - Emilia's 3t2 S-Club Flower set conversion
apparently the original link is broken so I've temporarily uploaded it here (not sure if this is ok).
piercing - Lifa's multiwearable piercing
top - Rented-Space's 4t2 Army Jacket
lipstick - Suratan's Jealous Sea Lips
top - Skell's HipJersey Repositoried Completer
hair - triskaidekaphobia's Gothy Bob
piercing - mickeysims' Jell-O's heart nosering 4t2 conversion
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kaylesims · 3 years ago
Hi. Thank you for your CC! Would you be willing to make a tutorial on how you convert eyes/makeup?
Hi, you're welcome! About tutorial, well... I'm so awful at explaining anything but I used earlier an tutorial by @crystalvu (vidcunds,mickeysims) which you can find here [x] :)
You just need the sclera psd, Photoshop or Photopea (is like an Photoshop but online:)) and Sims4Studio.
First - you had export the eyes textures first in S4 Studio and export it. It will be our texture for our sclera and eyes :)
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After that just you had open the Bodyshop and import eyes
Howewer resizing etc looks kinda different, because I using the percents and position numbers, so usually i resize pupil to %50 always and so rotate them to 90%, no matter which eyes they are - and then i usually position them to 33-40 x 65 and paste it to the sclera
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After that I save the texture always and that's it. I don't resize it - thanks for that i can avoid the blurry of pupil. :)
About swatches - simply I open the texture which I saved before and then I crop it and paste it to swatch and also I rotate it but to 270% this time.
Remember to export the files to .bmp file!
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After that I saving it in Projects - in the file which I created in Bodyshop - rename it and delete the unecessary files.
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And that's it! :)
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The all packages which you exported in Bodyshop - you can find in the "SavedSims" folder. You had now just repeat these steps until you'll export the full eyeset.
Hope that's helpful ;)
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deedee-sims · 3 years ago
Hey Dee! So I had no luck finding nightcrawler nostalgia in simgaroop, or anything other than the poppet v2 originally chosen by the converter (vidcunds/crystalvu). I was sort of hesitant because I'm seeing you have so many requests as it is, but given that this is alpha, and it's only available in one color system, could you recolor that hair pls? I really don't mind waiting at all, as long as it needs :) I found it here: mickeysims livejournal com/3333 html#cutid1
Hi! Okay, I haven't found it either, added it to the folder :)
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sims2packrat · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for re-uploading! :-D
Sonic-Youth cc
@frauhupfner has re-uploaded a bunch of Sonic-Youth’s cc here: https://simfileshare.net/folder/110136/ and in most of the downloads previews are included. Thank you very much for the re-upload! :-D
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goatskickin · 3 years ago
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Request granted! Did you know that the 4t2 conversion of Sclub’s N97 has a male version? I didn’t until anon told me. The male mesh is by mira (aka mickeysims/vidcunds/crystalvu).
This request was to take my no bangs version of the female mesh and put it on the male mesh. Done!
Aged teen to elder. Polycount: 12k
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sims2packrat · 3 years ago
Hi there, I was wondering if you knew where to find mickeyuu's old tumblr downloads? They have an inactive livejournal at mickeysims but it doesn't have everything and some of the links are broken. Specifically I was wanting to find their BG bucket hat accessory. There's a dead link from simscave to it at simscave mustbedestroyed org/index php?topic=36833.75 Thanks for all the work in running this blog!
Hello melbasims! :-D mickeyuu's stuff can be found here, and the direct link to the BG bucket hat accessory is here! :-D
Edit: and thank you for the kind words!! I'm very glad you find packrat useful :-D
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