#mickey is dramatic 😌
Same thing (I don't know if the last one said 'x reader' or '& reader', but the difference is platonic versus romantic, as an fyi)
Rottmnt & female!reader where Y/N has the sort of big-sis presence April has, but she basically adopts everyone she meets, and her thing is to give them nicknames that relate to something they do or reminds her of them (and she gets mad if anyone else uses them). Torts kinda short-circuit the first time she refers to them by the given nicknames, and she doesn't even realize (but when she does, she kinda blows it off)
~Can be Raph x reader also because he would absolutely melt at a s/o as protective over his brothers as he is~
This is definitely not because I often see Raph angst and think "Nooo bubby it's ok!"
Or Donnie is Tinker. Cuz he likes tinkering
Mickey is also bubby but also lil'Mike
Leo is Baby Blue
Don't bully me this is my head it controls me I don't control it
This is INCREDIBLE Anon! Don't worry, I'm working on your other asks, but this one CALLED to me! (I did make it romantic with Raph, because he is my favorite boy 😌.)
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Leo adores you.
He loves spending time with you,
And it's kinda a competition between him and Donnie to see who can keep your attention.
Raph is winning by default though.
Leo loves that even though you're like a big sister,
You nowhere near as over bearing as Raph.
But he knows you still worry,
So he trys to tone it down a bit.
He gets so genuinly happy when you laugh at his jokes.
Like he will literally, hug you everytime you laugh.
Without fail it makes his day.
As for his nickname,
He's totally not a supporter.
At least that's what he tells everyone.
"Hey, Baby Blue, help me with these boxes, will ya?"
*Dramatic sigh*
Leo goes to you for advice on things he doesn't want the others to know.
Like if he's nervous about how they'll react to something,
He'll go to you.
Because you don't judge.
You just listen, and once he's done talking,
You'll tell him what you think, and how to go about the situation.
Leo loves you, and the second you stepped into their lives, he dubbed you, "Big Sis (Name)."
Donnie likes having you around.
At first he was kinda apprehensive,
But the minute you took on the role of older sister, his vision kinda changed.
He enjoys spending as much time with you as possible.
Mostly because of how good you are at listening.
Never, not once, have you ever interrupted his rambling, or explainations.
You just sit there, and wait untill he's done to ask questions.
And he loves that.
That's another reason why you're the first to see a newly finished project.
Because every single time, you wait for him to stop talking,
Then you tell him how cool it is, and how proud you are, and ask questions about it.
The first time this happened, he teared up.
But don't worry, they were happy tears.
As for his nickname,
He is not a fan,
He will scoff everytime.
"There you are Tinkerbell! I thought I lost ya."
You didn't think I meant an actual scoff did you?
You have to try and keep Donnie from doing stupid stuff to test his inventions.
And if you aren't there to prevent the stupidity,
You're always there to bandage him up, and scold him.
But he doesn't mind, he knows it's just because you care.
Mikey absolutly loves you.
Whenever you come to visit,
He'll stop whatever he's doing to give you a hug.
Doesn't matter what it is he's doing,
You will get that hug.
His favorite thing is drawing you pictures.
You have so many, you can barely see your wallpaper anymore.
But who cares?
You probably have the best decorated room in all of New York thanks to those drawings.
Mikey LOVES his nickname.
It makes him feel special.
"Where's my Little Dumpling!"
"That's me! I'm her Little Dumpling!"
Mikey does his best to impress you,
He just wants to make you proud.
So he likes to show off when your around,
And it scares the crap out of you.
Just make sure you don't turn your back for to long,
Because he will accidentally hurt himself.
You have pretty much taken on the role of mother around Mikey.
The second, Raph met you he was whipped.
Poor boy short circuted for like a full 5 minutes.
He loves how much you care for his brothers like their your own family.
He thinks it's amazing that someone else can love them like he does.
If they ever stress him out,
He'll talk to you about it because he knows you can relate.
The two of you are pretty much parents to three extremely chaotic children.
Raph loves that you give everyone nicknames,
He thinks it's cute.
He loves his nickname,
And he gives you one of your own.
"Big Red! come help me look for my backpack, I lost it!"
"Sure thing Cutie Pie!"
Raph invites you over as often as possible.
Movie nights,
Just some regular old quality time,
Anything he can do to have you over.
He just loves spending time with you.
You two are always trying keep the younger ones from accidentaly killing themselves.
And it is not an easy feat.
But hey,
You two are trying your best.
There you go Anon! I hope I wrote this to your liking. It's kinda rushed, but I personally love it.
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sluttymickey · 4 months
hi hi flirty husband anon once again can’t sleep and am thinking about them and how desperately i wish canon showed more casual sweet moments later on because I think the juxtaposition of the dramatic nature of their relationship and kisses in the first half of the show with the comfortable, safer, more settled nature of the later seasons would just be so good. Like don’t get me wrong, I love everything we did get but I would pay good money for Mickey to kiss his husbands forehead when his husband isnt low or Ian to hug him outside of the comforting in the last episode. But anyway enough complaining i am thinking about KISSES and all the small and sweet ones and how I bet the first few times Ian kissed Mickeys cheek he had to psyche himself up first and was sooo 😳🦋😌 afterwards and now its just like HE GETS TO DO THAT EVERYDAY!!! TO HIS HUSBAND!!!! FOREVER!!!! and Mickey will still sometimes get that dazed look in his eyes or pull back blushing but for the most part he just smiles up at Ian and then goes back to whatever hes doing. Oh and we were also robbed of nose kisses and Ian scrunching his face and smiling so big and stupid when Mickey leans up to kiss his nose. Also I have already brought this up but it is because i know in my soul that Ian is always kissing Mickey’s stomach and when they were younger Mickey would pull back and hint at ian to move somewhere else because shit that feels weird and is too gentle in a way that makes his skin burn but later when they are married Ian will kiss all over his tummy and sides and Mickey will just giggle a bit and repeat Ian’s name because its ticklish and maybe also kick his feet a bit but never push Ian away and enjoy smiling and laughing and being silly with his husband okay exiting my soapbox now good night take care 💛
Hello!! Hello <333 missed seeing you in my inbox!!
Kisses 🥺🥺 I love blushy mickey getting his first soft lovey dovey kisses 🥺🥺 and even after all this time he's just 😊☺️ after every kiss!! Like this:
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Nose kisses 🥺 I'm a SUCKER for Mickey being able to be soft now 🥺 see also: tummy kisses 🥺 freckles kisses 🥺 hand kisses 🥺
Also I'm SENSITIVE about them being soft about each other's tummies!! The kisses!! Blowing raspberries sometimes lol. Laughter in bed is one of the BEST forms of intimacy 😭 just them existing and being giggly and soft in their own little bubble 🥺
(talking about tummies, mickey in DIY crop tops in the summer!! Thoughts???)
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catgrassplantdad · 2 years
#yeah alright. why not.#the thing is the ones that are like 'do they do this thing? do they like this thing?'#i'm mostly just like 'yes. yes both of them do the thing. they like the thing.' but yeah let's get into it why the hell not -> I think it's just so you can kinda go on sharing your own head canon, just giving you some prompt to start it I guees ? If you're up for it I would like to hearr what you think about uniform😌😉
oh yeah no worries, i know! just making a joke about the breadth of my horny headcanons.
the uniform is one of the few things on the list i'm not sure they're into. if it was going to be either one of them, i'd say it was ian, but man, that security uniform is not sexy. i have a hard time imagining either one of them getting off on that. maybe if mickey were to slut it up enough ian could get really into it, actually. not even in any dramatic or interesting way. just mickey shirtless in those baggy camo pants could maybe be enough to fuck ian up.
i think ian in his emt uniform wasn't necessarily a turn on for mickey, i think he was just pleased to see him doing well and doing something that he found meaning in. i have a hard time imagining mickey being into uniforms of any kind.
oh yeah the prison jumpsuits were not it. but man, when ian unbuttoned it enough, giving mickey a peek of his chest and that ginger hair? oof. "button that shit up gallagher, gonna get me in trouble when i can't stop eye fucking you."
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gallavichsbitch · 3 years
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Shit talking, bitch slapping, piece of Southside trash.
(pt. 1)
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gardenerian · 3 years
Dear Mel, happy Wednesday!
(Sorry for my delay. I was donating bl*od.)
How are the husbands this week? How have they annoyed each other so far? And, if I may, how did they make each other smile so far this week? 😍❤
hi there love! hope it went well today 🥺💓 i have decided that they haven't annoyed each other much this week. maybe other people annoyed them, but they've been a united front against the axis of irritating lately. so here's how they made each other smile:
ian had an appointment this week. routine and no big deal, but it still made him a little cranky and tired. he came out of the clinic, ready to shiver his way to the train, only to find mickey in the ambulance, waiting patiently with the heat on. ian climbed in and mickey wordlessly handed him a fancy hot chocolate he'd picked up on the way over. it warmed ian down to his toes, and they had a nice ride home to make dinner together.
liam is in advanced english classes, and ian is thrilled to help him study. he's been rereading some of the books just because it's fun, and this week he started reading them out loud while they lounge after dinner. they're currently reading the outsiders, which mickey is super into. next up is the hatchet, which i think mickey will also be super into. ian does dramatic readings at night - mickey stretches out and closes his eyes, listening to the story and smiling at ian's goofy voices 😌
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Okay I'm here to tell you more 😌
They're hanging out at the Alibi when Kev randomly remembers Mickey's drunken rant
Has a bit of 😯 moment and says, “Fuck, I just remembered you drunkenly rambling about Ian. You were sitting at the exact spot too!”
And Ian's just like Whut 🤨👀 and Mickey unsuccessfully tries throwing something at Kev to get him to shut up
So Kev retells that whole scene, all dramatic and shit. Mickey's hoping he can slide down the stool and hide under the bar or something. Ian's just, “Shit, Mickeyyyyyy🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰☺️☺️☺️😊😊😊😙😙😙😙😇😇😇😎😎😎😏😏😏😏”
But then Kev says something like “Watch out when you see him talking to some other redhead” and Ian goes 🤨 (and he maybe gets a bit stupidly annoyed at all redheads Mickey encounters from then on. Mickey actually finds that hilarious)
But then he remembers Mickey getting drunk that one time and revealing he had a crush on Kev when he was young and he tells Kev about that. Mickey is just about ready to just bolt outta there
And Kev is just like, “Oh i know. He used to come in and just stare at me when he was young. Wasn't even subtle about it at all. Fucking blushed that one time I took my shirt off cause i spilled some beer on it”
And Mickey basically dies of mortification.
HAAAAAAAA poor Mickey!! His husband and his childhood crush ganging up on him!
Drish this took me TOO long to answer! (for those wondering, this is regarding this here post)
Listen. I love this so much?? I loved how by season 11 Mickey was making jokes about how a half naked Kev was making him horny. I love how after Mickey came out, Kev didn't blink, like he always knew. I love that we as a collective have decided that Mickey had a crush on Kev at some point, especially when he was rocking the long hair. So this really does touch on so many things I love here. But I think my favourite thing is that Mickey might be mortified, but he's not mad, he's not freaking out, he's not scared that he's being teased about his old crushes, especially in the place he came out and was beat down for it. He's so far past that point that he's able to make jokes and laugh m, and that is such a beautiful thing.
Drish you got a heck of a brain on ya!
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sluttymickey · 3 years
Ian's squishy cheeks 🥰
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sluttymickey · 3 years
okie so what does Mickey do that makes Ian all ♥️🥺🥰
Kisses Ian's hand. Maybe after sex. Or when he's cuddled up against Ian's chest. Or when he's a lil high and a whole lotta soft and decides that he absolutely has to kiss all the freckles on his husband's hand. It always makes Ian feel very soft and loved- having Mickey hold his hand and feeling him smile as he kisses it 🥰
Makes pizza rolls for Ian
Gives him hair scratchies. Ian's all like 😌😇
Sings with Ian!! While they're cooking, or getting ready for bed, or in the car, or walking down the street a lil bit drunk after their date!! And he never makes fun of Ian for singing off key!! It's just wide smiles and dramatic hand gestures from him when they're singing together and Ian loves him so.fucking.much.
Saves dumb jokes and orange+black animal pictures for when he needs something to make Ian smile
Shows him off so much while they're gossiping and bitching with their neighbours.
“Will you stop waving that ring in my face? Come back to me when your fiancé beats the shit out of a couple of guys for you before proposing.” 🙄
“Sorry Brenda, can't fuckin' relate; my husband knows how to find the spot every damn time.” 😎
And then Ian told him, “Hit my husband again, I'll fuckin' kill you.” 😁
“No she's right, Carla; you gotta dump his ass. My husband remembers our first kiss date. And Brad cannot be bothered to remember your anniversary? Dump.the.fucker” 🙄
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gardenerian · 2 years
Mel, I'm hiding from a tornado in my basement and the power is going off and on (I'll be OK, it's just like a bad thunderstorm, just better safe than sorry). What are the Gallaghers getting up to if they have to shelter from a storm together (PG-13 in deference of poor Liam)? I hope the basement doesn't smell too much like Carl BO and dead dog anymore. 🌪️
oh liz! i hope everything is okay and that you are safe my love! let’s see…. what are the gallaghers up to?
fiona has gathered all the supplies and herded everyone downstairs. she’s probably organizing shit, throwing things in piles down there - grumbling about how carl has let the place go. what is all this shit? mickey hands her a joint at some stage and she mellows out 😌 
lip and tami are trying to keep fred entertained, so i feel like handosaurus makes a comeback. maybe he enlists ian for some dramatic kid’s book readings? debbie and franny join in as well. debbie’s probably handing out snacks and such to keep everyone from getting hangry. mickey and fiona, now stoned as hell, are absolutely enthralled. 
i bet carl finds an old boombox or something, maybe fiona’s old collection of CDs that boys made her 😇 if they still have power, he’s playing those and offering commentary. fiona throws stuff at him from across the room. 
liam tries to read for a while, but everyone is making far too much noise. he probably winds up serving as the referee when people run out of snacks and get irritable. he separates lip and ian, ordering mickey to come collect his husband and take him to the other corner of the basement - but not like that 😒 when the storm is over, he considered sneaking upstairs and not telling anyone
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gardenerian · 3 years
In honor of the Uncle Cam picture, could you spare some Dad Ian headcanons? 🥰❤
oh YES. oh yes oh yes indeedy!
ian gets really into story time. it's basically a dramatic reading. silly voices, sound effects, movin around. it's delightful. he brings mickey in and they put on full theatrical performances.
he also saves everything. every drawing, report card, father's day card 🥺 maybe he gets into scrapbooking???
ian gets a rocking chair before they bring the baby home and it becomes his favorite place to sit. he just sits there and holds her, rocking away 😌
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