#mick x ketch
Brings Me Back To When We Were Young
Mick leans in, nozzling his head into Ketch's neck. Ketch has an arm around him, his hand placed gently on on the slightly shorter man's waist as he looks down at his lover. He smiles at the pure look of content in those bright green eyes and the lashes of red, green, white, blue, and purple shine on his face. The fireworks were beautiful as they were any other year but something about seeing them from this height came with its own sense of nostalgia, back to when they were kids at the Achademy below them: Kendricks.
"Do you ever miss this?" Mick asks, eyes still set just above the horizon. Ketch lets out a brief chuckle.
"Do I ever miss what? The sneaking around, hiding behind closed doors and up here on the roof top just to love my best friend, and pray that we wouldn't get caught?" The wording however hinting of displeasure, his tone had a hint of humor to it. "It might have all been fun but, Mr. Davies…" Ketch lowers his tone, whispering his next words into Mick's ear. "if we had been caught by any of our fellow students or, Heaven forbid, the Headmistress herself, you know what would happen next, I hope. One of us would have to kill the other." His tone got real cold with that last sentence and Mick laughs, despite the fact that that would've frightened or, at least, concerned anyone else.
" 'Because the code demands it'. The old woman really had a stick up her-" Ketch places his index finger to Mick's lips to silence him.
"Shhh… We're not alone." Sure enough, Mick cranes his neck to look behind them and there were two young boys around the age of eleven or twelve, both dressed in the Kendricks uniform. They were pale and frozen in fear with their hands intertwined with the others, probably assuming that the older men were Professors and going to report them. Mick sighs, giving them a warm reassuring smile of understanding.
"It's okay. This is a safe place. Or rather, it was when we went here."
"You don't have to worry." Ketch chimes in. "We are not going to report you. It'd be a bit redundant, don't you think?"
"Thank you, sir." One of the boys says as they find their favorite spot, having a little skip to their step as they do. They choose to sit only a few feet further down, one between the other's legs and wrapped in his arms. Soft whispers could be heard for them, the unmistakable giggles were much louder.
"You remember when we were like that?" Mick says, returning his attention to his lover.
"How could I ever forget?" Ketch places a tender kiss on Mick's neck, turning the reciever a little red.
"Do you think our secret's safe with them?" Mick's a little more serious this time. Ketch takes a good look at the boys then turns back to Mick.
"Certainly. Even if they were to report us to the proper authority, they would have to explain what they were doing up here. And something tells me that neither of them want to face those consequences." Mick turns to the boys, their joy shining a little light into his heart and he agrees. Why ruin the one place where you're safe… to be you?
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Unknown Secrets [6] - repost
Summary: Y/n heads back to Dubuque with some advice from Rowena. The Hunters and angels are still suspicious and Gabriel catches the reader in a few lies.
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, reader, Gabriel , Castiel, Mick, Ketch, Rowena, and Crowley (mentioned)
Pairing: everyone platonic
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff
Word Count: 3,837
Warnings: n/a
A/N: Wowie, can't believe the last time I posted was Christmas! That's college life for you. Anyway, enjoy this chapter, and reach out if you have questions, suggestions, or something you want me to write! <33
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“Rowena, you really don’t have to worry about me. I already let Ketch know before I left that I was feeling better and I have to keep their suspicions as low as possible. Disappearing wouldn’t help my case.” I say while tidying up the witch’s living room and packing my go bag and backpack.
“I am well aware of the terminal paranoia that runs in Hunter’s DNA, dear,” she says with a chuckle, “I am also aware that gaining Hunter’s trust is hard, but maintaining it is impossible.”
I know she is looking out for me, but honestly, I was hoping for some blind optimism to balance out the anxiety. “Trust me, I remember how long it took for Ketch and Mick to trust me and actually work with me regularly. I can’t lose that, Ro.” I say turning my back on her to continue packing. I hear her shoes click on the floor and stop right behind me.
“Y/n,” she says softly, “turn around and look at me, please.” I sigh and turn to look Rowena in the eyes. She gently takes my hands in hers and continues, “I know that you are a very capable and strong Hunter. And I’m sure those boys know it too, but promise me you will call if something doesn’t feel right or even to check in every few days so I know you’re okay.”
“I promise I will either call you or Crowley if something feels off.” Rowena visibly relaxes and gives my hands a quick squeeze. 
“Speaking of my son, he told me this morning before you got up that he might have found some demons who might know of a way that could keep you more hidden from other supernatural beings.” she says, pulling me into a tight hug.
“Tell him thank you from me whenever you talk with him. At least now I have something to tell Sam and Dean that you guys are working on some theories.” I shiver with nervous energy considering the thousands of possibilities of how these guys will react since I’ve been gone.
“Yes. Now you better get going, it’s a long drive back to Dubuque.” Rowena smiles and walks me to the front door after picking up my backpack for me. I sling my go-bag over my right shoulder and grab my backpack from Rowena. She gives a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye and closes her front door.
The entire drive back to Dubuque I tried to do some calming breathing exercises to keep my anxiety in check, although I’m unsure that breathing exercises will be any match against warranted suspicions. Driving into the bare parking lot I park next to Baby and Ketch’s car on each side of myself.
“At least I know everyone is here and I only have to face them once.” I assure myself while taking my duffle bag out of the back of my truck along with my backpack that I sling over my right shoulder, closing the car door afterward. I take a deep breath and walk in the direction of room number 63. I called Ketch this morning after leaving Ro’s apartment to make sure they hadn’t changed hotels or rooms yet.
As I get closer to the room, I can hear the boys talking quietly inside and shuffling papers around. I take another deep breath and knock three times on the faded wooden door. I stick the door three times and take a small step back, nervously readjusting my backpack.
I hear shuffling as footsteps draw nearer to the door, they pause and forcefully open the door. Ketch stands before me with a tired smile on his face. I let out a sigh of relief and give him a hug.
“It’s so good to see you, y/n. How are you feeling?” Ketch asks, returning my hug and stepping aside for me to enter. I give a tight-lipped smile to everyone else in the room. Dean and Gabe both stare daggers while Sam is busy on his laptop on the bed furthest from the door.
“Glad to see you too, Ketch. I’m feeling much better, just trying to take it easy. Where’s Castiel and Mick?” I respond, walking inside and setting my backpack and duffle bag on the floor next to the small table. I take a seat on one of the chairs, Dean occupying the other, leaning back with his arms crossed.
Sam sighs saying, “They both went out to try and get some information.” I wait for him to elaborate more, or even for anyone to give me an update but no one speaks up. I glance around the room; no one has changed their positions since I walked in. The only movement is Sam’s keystrokes and Ketch quietly shutting and locking the door.
“What kind of information? Please tell me you guys have more of a lead than I do.” I ask, hoping to convince them to spill a little. Not just for my own safety, but if I’m going to be a part of this hunt I need to know what’s going on.
Gabriel snorts and shakes his head, “Important information that might be a lead depending on what Cas and Mick find out.” Dean says, still staring at me with either anger or distrust. Knowing him, probably a dangerous mix of both. I decide to stare back, plastering a confused look on my face trying to hide the frustration. I know exactly what they are trying to do, keeping me in the dark so they can gather information that I can only assume is against me.
Ketch stands behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. I'm sure he’s trying to calm me down and back off from this stare-down with Dean, but I’m lost as to how going along with this manipulation will benefit me.
“Yeah, I assumed that Dean. What would be helpful to know is maybe where they went, or possibly what information they’re finding to investigate a theory.” Sam’s typing stopped. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me and Dean as I wait for the dam to break on me.
Ketch’s hands tighten slightly as Dean leans forward and opens his mouth to speak when there is a loud knock at the door.
Ketch lets go of me and opens the door, the tension in the room that was mounting seems to dissipate slightly with this distraction. I look down at my lap and play with my hands, luckily the guys have all stopped watching me and are looking at the people at the door.
“Y/n! We weren’t expecting you for another hour! Are you feeling better I hope?” Mick says gently holding my biceps, as I stand to greet him. He looks at me as though he’s expecting me to pass out any second.
I chuckle at his excitement, “I’m feeling much better, haven’t passed out at all and I’ve been very careful.” “What did he mean that they weren’t expecting me for another hour?” Before I could question what he meant by not expecting me for an hour, Castiel walks into the room holding a bloody angel blade.
“What happened to you bro?” Gabe asks the angel. Castiel then glances over to me and back to his brother, his classic confused look on his face. Mick slowly lets his arms drop back to his sides. I feel my phone then begin to vibrate with an incoming call.
I pick up, “Hey Rowena! What’s up?” I ask cheerfully.
“Just checking up on you my dear, I’m sure they’re all putting you through the wringer right now.” I can tell she is worried about me, and I don’t like that the Hunters and angels are still staring at me.
“Not too bad, a bit tiring but that’s what I was expecting,” I say standing up and exiting the room. I’d rather not add more suspicions but I don’t have enough energy to talk in riddles around them. “I’m outside now, and yes they haven’t told me a thing yet.”
Rowena sighs and remains silent for a moment. “Are you doing okay with that? I know you value your friendships with Mick and Ketch the most. How are they treating you?”
“I mean, they were both very kind and excited to see me, but Mick and Ketch won’t say anything either. Castiel and Mick just got back from what Dean called getting ‘important information that might be a lead depending on what they find out’,” Rowena laughs quietly, “if I’m still on this hunt, how can I be of any use while being left in the dark?” I know I sound like a whiny child but it’s just so frustrating, plus Ro is a very good listener.
“Well, you could always try saying that to them?” I snort and shake my head at her suggestion. “It would also help put them at ease and understand if you’re acting a bit off, it’s because you were left behind and need to play catch-up in order to stay useful and not put yourself in danger on accident.”
“I guess I’m just feeling guilty about hiding what I know and what Crowley is looking into for me. I want them to trust me and to stay in this hunt, but I feel like none of them will trust me again no matter what I say or do.”
“The only thing I would tell you, my dear, is to be very guarded. Right now they all perceive you to be a threat. Don’t do or say anything that could strengthen those suspicions or you’ll be fighting an even worse uphill battle.” I wish there is more that she could tell me, it’s smart advice, it just makes me even more apprehensive about my decision to return to the case.
“Yeah, don’t worry, I'll be careful. I’ll try and call later depending on how much progress we make.”
“Alrighty, take care of those boys now.” I laugh at her comment and hang up, placing my phone back in my jeans pocket.
“Feeling guilty, huh?” I spin around with Gabriel standing a few feet away. Of course, it had to be Gabe who followed me out, couldn’t have been literally anyone else.
“So what if I am?” I challenge. I don’t think this will earn me any cooperation points with them, but maybe it will appear like I’m not hiding as big a secret. “You’re really telling me Sam and Dean don’t hold guilt about past actions?”
His whiskey eyes burned holes through mine, fists clenched at his sides almost shaking with anger. He takes a step toward me, and I take one back, fearful of what the tortured angel might do.
“I’m sure Sam and Dean have messed up plenty and are still living in the past. That doesn’t change the fact you told that witch friend of yours that you feel guilty because you’re hiding something about this hunt. Wonder what kind of super secret information you have that we won’t trust you?” He finished with a threatening head tilt, almost daring me to disagree.
Sam walks out, “You guys okay out here?”
Gabriel looks over his shoulder to look at Sam, “Oh lay off, Moose. I was checking up on your new best friend, y/n, and heard a very interesting conversation she was having with your witchy girlfriend.” Sam sighs heavily and shakes his head at Gabe's antics.
The angel turns to look at me again with fiery eyes again. I shrug at Sam and Gabe scoffs saying, “Don’t play the innocent card with Sammy here after trying to pull the confident, guilt-stricken hunter card with me.”
“You haven’t even given me two seconds to explain what we were talking about!” I interrupt what I assume was going to become another veiled threat, “She told me to update her once we got a bit more settled to make sure I’m feeling okay, and she is worried you are going to try to kill me or connect me to Asmodeus again.” I’m already in a hole with Gabe catching me airing out my dirty laundry, might as well get a shovel to make it look like I was digging a well and not my own grave.
“Fat chance!” Gabe exclaims, taking a few quick steps in my direction again. Sam must have seen the uneasiness on my face and took a few long strides and got between me and Gabriel.
He puts his hands up to block Gabe from nearing me, “How about we all go inside and talk about this with everyone? You can say your piece, y/n says hers, and we can decide what to do as a group to catch this sonofabitch faster.” Gabe stares up at Sam, and they seem to have another silent conversation. “What the hell is with these guys and reading each other’s minds?”
Gabriel huffs and saunters back to the motel door and opens it, glancing back at me behind Sam. “Ladies first,” he says with an exaggerated arm sweep toward the now open door.
I roll my eyes and brush past Sam back into the room, taking my previous seat at the small table, though I notice Dean has since taken Sam’s spot on one of the beds and Gabe has taken to standing right beside me, blocking my view to Mick and Ketch huddled around various weapons and herbs. He is also pointedly blocking the door, locking it shortly after Sam re-entered the room. I think he rolls his eyes at Gabe who rolls his eyes back. Sam walks over to his brother to take his laptop back and sit at the table across from me.
“So, Gabe,” Sam breaks the silence, causing the other men to cease their movements, “why don’t you start with why you were snooping on y/n’s phone call, and then y/n,” he states glancing at me, “you can say what you were talking about on that phone call with Rowena.” I nod and try to look around Gabriel to see Ketch or Mick, but the stubborn angel purposefully moves in front of my line of sight.
“First of all, Moose, not snooping.” I scoff, immediately regretting that choice with a warning look from Sam, “I was actually going to make sure she didn’t pass out or something since she was by herself.”
“Ever heard of privacy, wings?” I snap, another look from Sam shuts me up again.
“I am aware of that, smartass. I overheard y/n telling Rowena how guilty she feels at hiding something from us because she’s too scared we’ll see her differently and doesn’t want to tell us.” I know this guy has been around for thousands of years, but how is it possible he never actually grew up!
“I feel guilty because when I was with Rowena and Crowley I did some research cross-referencing weather patterns, crop failures, cow slaughters, the basic demon signs,” I pause, seeing how frustrated Gabriel was getting since I was speaking calmly and adding more detail. I guess he wanted me to admit I’m being sneaky because I have a huge secret.
“I noticed that there have been some of these demonic signs have been bouncing around between Manchester, Iowa, Platteville, Wisconsin, and Freeport, Illinois for the past twenty to thirty years,” I explain, taking out my computer to show the map I had drawn up with different colors for each demonic sign. I scroll through about ten maps showing different changes every other year as the Hunters and Angels crowd around me.
“While this is really impressive, y/n,” Mick states, “what does this have to do with your guilt Gabriel mentioned? You already gave Ketch a synopsis of what your research yielded.” Dean groans at Mick’s big words and strides back to the bed, flopping onto it.
I smile and continue, “While I told Ketch about my research I didn’t say what Crowley found out about these cities and why they didn’t show up in Rowena’s original spell. And he made me promise-”
“Original spell?” Gabriel asks, squinting at me.
I pause, not knowing what he’s talking about. “Yeah, the original spell. What about it?”
Dean sits up from his relaxed position and tries to stare me down for the second time today. The rest of the guys also visibly tune in to the conversation more and are eyeing Gabe and me.
“You saying Rowena’s original spell implies there were more spells she performed. I know she didn’t tell us about these spells, the Brits have never met her, Gabe and Cas don’t communicate with her regularly, so when exactly did she test out other spells?” Sam asks.
“She seriously did this spell only once with you guys?” Dean is still staring and Sam merely nods. “Ro’s losing her touch then, I asked for her to do the spell again on a smaller map to be sure it was for Dubuque and not a smaller town nearby or anything. And the spell again showed Dubuque.” Sam glances at Gabriel who is doing that stupid telepathic trash with Dean, at least it got him to quit staring at me. Technically it was only a white lie since the map wasn’t of Dubuque, but we did do the same spell again to double-check where the nephidemon is.
“Anyway,” I continue, “Crowley made me promise to not tell you guys that he has a demon with a number of connections has randomly gone off the radar for the past ten years. He wanted to see if this demon had anything to do with Asmodeus or his kid without y’all going in guns blazing and ruining a possible lead.” Everyone in the room aside from Gabriel has relaxed a bit and no longer seems to want me dead.
“So, why again do you feel guilty?” Sam pushes, “It’s not like Crowley has kept his inside demon bureaucracy crap hidden before to keep him as King.” 
“Why does Sam have to always be so damn smart and read into everything. I was honestly hoping they might turn suspicions onto Crowley or this made-up demon but no, Sam has to use that Stanford brain.”
“Well, I assumed you would want to know anything I found out that had to do with anything demonic. I felt guilty that I was hiding this because this demon could end up being a big lead if Crowley can find her alive.” The tension that had built previously finally died down enough for me to breathe. Gabriel must have sensed it too and stepped away from me a bit so I can actually see Mick and Ketch by the bed closest to the door.
I’m thankful for the few minutes of silence to collect my thoughts and calm my breathing. I’ll have to remember to update Crowley and Rowena about all the lies I just said, I can’t have either of them getting shot in any cross-fire. Both have been extremely understanding and really put their lives and relationships with the Hunters on the line for me.
Unfortunately, the silence doesn’t last nearly as long as I would like when Castiel speaks up, “What should we do now?” Dean gives the angel a shrug and the rest of us glance between The Brits and Dean. Gabriel is still sulking by the door with his arms crossed, playing with some grooves in the floorboards with his feet.
“Don’t you boys have a Men of Letters Bunker back in Kansas?” Ketch questions, “Those places are filled with weapons, books, spells, anything we could think to need to start seriously going after Asmodeus or his child.”
Everyone agrees and we all pack up whatever gear we brought with us and file outside the motel door towards the parking lot. Dean goes to return their room keys as Sam loads his and his brothers’ bags into Baby, Ketch does the same with his and Mick’s bags.
“Y/n, you should probably ride with us. No offense to your truck but I doubt it would make the drive to Kansas, let alone back here.” Mick says, a bit shy while holding out his hands for my duffle bag and backpack.
“I didn’t even think about that honestly, I’m sure it’s fine to leave it here and I hate long drives alone,” I say with a smile as I hand him my gear.
Dean returns and takes the keys from Sam as they get into the front seats, and the angels climb into the back. I let out a quick sigh of relief that Gabriel chose to ride with his brother and the Winchesters, I don’t think I could handle hours being stuck in a car with him and his suspicious attitude. Ketch and Mick get into the front seats with Ketch driving and Mick sitting passenger side, leaving me to sit in the middle seat in the back so I can still talk to both of them.
”Y/n, you do realize I know when you’re lying right?” Ketch says, looking back at me with the rearview mirror.
I scrunch my nose in confusion and ask, “I know you’ve been trying to convince me I have a tell or something for years, but I doubt that based on how often I beat you in poker.”
Ketch chuckles and Mick casts a smirk my way. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You do have a tell and no, I will never tell you because where’s the fun in that?” I roll my eyes and lightly smack his arm, “when you said that Crowley was looking into that demon that disappeared, your tell happened. Everything else seemed truthful, but you do know the truth will come to light sooner than you want.”
It almost sounds like a warning. I really need to try to bribe Mick to tell me about my supposed tell sometime, “Whatever you are hiding, you need to be straight with us.” Mick says, fidgeting with his collar. I might have a lying tell, but Mick messing with his cufflinks or shirt collar is certainly his nervous tell.
“I appreciate what you guys are saying, and you don’t have to worry that much about me. I’ll be okay.” I look at them through the rearview mirror, hoping to portray honesty because I truly want to believe that I will be okay through this whole thing.
“Anything you’re hiding, y/n, you either need to right it, tell us, or don’t let it bite you in the ass,” Ketch says as silence fills the car aside from faint radio music. He’s one-hundred percent right and I know it, and I’m unsure which of the three options will cause the least amount of relationship setbacks and Gabriel’s level of hatred directed at me and my father.
“No, I can’t afford to relate myself to that monster. I never have been and never will be like that, I can’t let myself.”
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nerdlifecentral · 2 years
Unknown Secrets [6]
Summary: Y/n heads back to Dubuque with some advice from Rowena. The Hunters and angels are still suspicious and Gabriel catches the reader in a few lies.
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, reader, Gabriel , Castiel, Mick, Ketch, Rowena, and Crowley (mentioned)
Pairing: everyone platonic
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff
Word Count: 3,837
Warnings: n/a
A/N: Wowie, can't believe the last time I posted was Christmas! That's college life for you. Anyway, enjoy this chapter, and reach out if you have questions, suggestions, or something you want me to write! <33
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“Rowena, you really don’t have to worry about me. I already let Ketch know before I left that I was feeling better and I have to keep their suspicions as low as possible. Disappearing wouldn’t help my case.” I say while tidying up the witch’s living room and packing my go bag and backpack.
“I am well aware of the terminal paranoia that runs in Hunter’s DNA, dear,” she says with a chuckle, “I am also aware that gaining Hunter’s trust is hard, but maintaining it is impossible.”
I know she is looking out for me, but honestly, I was hoping for some blind optimism to balance out the anxiety. “Trust me, I remember how long it took for Ketch and Mick to trust me and actually work with me regularly. I can’t lose that, Ro.” I say turning my back on her to continue packing. I hear her shoes click on the floor and stop right behind me.
“Y/n,” she says softly, “turn around and look at me, please.” I sigh and turn to look Rowena in the eyes. She gently takes my hands in hers and continues, “I know that you are a very capable and strong Hunter. And I’m sure those boys know it too, but promise me you will call if something doesn’t feel right or even to check in every few days so I know you’re okay.”
“I promise I will either call you or Crowley if something feels off.” Rowena visibly relaxes and gives my hands a quick squeeze. 
“Speaking of my son, he told me this morning before you got up that he might have found some demons who might know of a way that could keep you more hidden from other supernatural beings.” she says, pulling me into a tight hug.
“Tell him thank you from me whenever you talk with him. At least now I have something to tell Sam and Dean that you guys are working on some theories.” I shiver with nervous energy considering the thousands of possibilities of how these guys will react since I’ve been gone.
“Yes. Now you better get going, it’s a long drive back to Dubuque.” Rowena smiles and walks me to the front door after picking up my backpack for me. I sling my go-bag over my right shoulder and grab my backpack from Rowena. She gives a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye and closes her front door.
The entire drive back to Dubuque I tried to do some calming breathing exercises to keep my anxiety in check, although I’m unsure that breathing exercises will be any match against warranted suspicions. Driving into the bare parking lot I park next to Baby and Ketch’s car on each side of myself.
“At least I know everyone is here and I only have to face them once.” I assure myself while taking my duffle bag out of the back of my truck along with my backpack that I sling over my right shoulder, closing the car door afterward. I take a deep breath and walk in the direction of room number 63. I called Ketch this morning after leaving Ro’s apartment to make sure they hadn’t changed hotels or rooms yet.
As I get closer to the room, I can hear the boys talking quietly inside and shuffling papers around. I take another deep breath and knock three times on the faded wooden door. I stick the door three times and take a small step back, nervously readjusting my backpack.
I hear shuffling as footsteps draw nearer to the door, they pause and forcefully open the door. Ketch stands before me with a tired smile on his face. I let out a sigh of relief and give him a hug.
“It’s so good to see you, y/n. How are you feeling?” Ketch asks, returning my hug and stepping aside for me to enter. I give a tight-lipped smile to everyone else in the room. Dean and Gabe both stare daggers while Sam is busy on his laptop on the bed furthest from the door.
“Glad to see you too, Ketch. I’m feeling much better, just trying to take it easy. Where’s Castiel and Mick?” I respond, walking inside and setting my backpack and duffle bag on the floor next to the small table. I take a seat on one of the chairs, Dean occupying the other, leaning back with his arms crossed.
Sam sighs saying, “They both went out to try and get some information.” I wait for him to elaborate more, or even for anyone to give me an update but no one speaks up. I glance around the room; no one has changed their positions since I walked in. The only movement is Sam’s keystrokes and Ketch quietly shutting and locking the door.
“What kind of information? Please tell me you guys have more of a lead than I do.” I ask, hoping to convince them to spill a little. Not just for my own safety, but if I’m going to be a part of this hunt I need to know what’s going on.
Gabriel snorts and shakes his head, “Important information that might be a lead depending on what Cas and Mick find out.” Dean says, still staring at me with either anger or distrust. Knowing him, probably a dangerous mix of both. I decide to stare back, plastering a confused look on my face trying to hide the frustration. I know exactly what they are trying to do, keeping me in the dark so they can gather information that I can only assume is against me.
Ketch stands behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. I'm sure he’s trying to calm me down and back off from this stare-down with Dean, but I’m lost as to how going along with this manipulation will benefit me.
“Yeah, I assumed that Dean. What would be helpful to know is maybe where they went, or possibly what information they’re finding to investigate a theory.” Sam’s typing stopped. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me and Dean as I wait for the dam to break on me.
Ketch’s hands tighten slightly as Dean leans forward and opens his mouth to speak when there is a loud knock at the door.
Ketch lets go of me and opens the door, the tension in the room that was mounting seems to dissipate slightly with this distraction. I look down at my lap and play with my hands, luckily the guys have all stopped watching me and are looking at the people at the door.
“Y/n! We weren’t expecting you for another hour! Are you feeling better I hope?” Mick says gently holding my biceps, as I stand to greet him. He looks at me as though he’s expecting me to pass out any second.
I chuckle at his excitement, “I’m feeling much better, haven’t passed out at all and I’ve been very careful.” “What did he mean that they weren’t expecting me for another hour?” Before I could question what he meant by not expecting me for an hour, Castiel walks into the room holding a bloody angel blade.
“What happened to you bro?” Gabe asks the angel. Castiel then glances over to me and back to his brother, his classic confused look on his face. Mick slowly lets his arms drop back to his sides. I feel my phone then begin to vibrate with an incoming call.
I pick up, “Hey Rowena! What’s up?” I ask cheerfully.
“Just checking up on you my dear, I’m sure they’re all putting you through the wringer right now.” I can tell she is worried about me, and I don’t like that the Hunters and angels are still staring at me.
“Not too bad, a bit tiring but that’s what I was expecting,” I say standing up and exiting the room. I’d rather not add more suspicions but I don’t have enough energy to talk in riddles around them. “I’m outside now, and yes they haven’t told me a thing yet.”
Rowena sighs and remains silent for a moment. “Are you doing okay with that? I know you value your friendships with Mick and Ketch the most. How are they treating you?”
“I mean, they were both very kind and excited to see me, but Mick and Ketch won’t say anything either. Castiel and Mick just got back from what Dean called getting ‘important information that might be a lead depending on what they find out’,” Rowena laughs quietly, “if I’m still on this hunt, how can I be of any use while being left in the dark?” I know I sound like a whiny child but it’s just so frustrating, plus Ro is a very good listener.
“Well, you could always try saying that to them?” I snort and shake my head at her suggestion. “It would also help put them at ease and understand if you’re acting a bit off, it’s because you were left behind and need to play catch-up in order to stay useful and not put yourself in danger on accident.”
“I guess I’m just feeling guilty about hiding what I know and what Crowley is looking into for me. I want them to trust me and to stay in this hunt, but I feel like none of them will trust me again no matter what I say or do.”
“The only thing I would tell you, my dear, is to be very guarded. Right now they all perceive you to be a threat. Don’t do or say anything that could strengthen those suspicions or you’ll be fighting an even worse uphill battle.” I wish there is more that she could tell me, it’s smart advice, it just makes me even more apprehensive about my decision to return to the case.
“Yeah, don’t worry, I'll be careful. I’ll try and call later depending on how much progress we make.”
“Alrighty, take care of those boys now.” I laugh at her comment and hang up, placing my phone back in my jeans pocket.
“Feeling guilty, huh?” I spin around with Gabriel standing a few feet away. Of course, it had to be Gabe who followed me out, couldn’t have been literally anyone else.
“So what if I am?” I challenge. I don’t think this will earn me any cooperation points with them, but maybe it will appear like I’m not hiding as big a secret. “You’re really telling me Sam and Dean don’t hold guilt about past actions?”
His whiskey eyes burned holes through mine, fists clenched at his sides almost shaking with anger. He takes a step toward me, and I take one back, fearful of what the tortured angel might do.
“I’m sure Sam and Dean have messed up plenty and are still living in the past. That doesn’t change the fact you told that witch friend of yours that you feel guilty because you’re hiding something about this hunt. Wonder what kind of super secret information you have that we won’t trust you?” He finished with a threatening head tilt, almost daring me to disagree.
Sam walks out, “You guys okay out here?”
Gabriel looks over his shoulder to look at Sam, “Oh lay off, Moose. I was checking up on your new best friend, y/n, and heard a very interesting conversation she was having with your witchy girlfriend.” Sam sighs heavily and shakes his head at Gabe's antics.
The angel turns to look at me again with fiery eyes again. I shrug at Sam and Gabe scoffs saying, “Don’t play the innocent card with Sammy here after trying to pull the confident, guilt-stricken hunter card with me.”
“You haven’t even given me two seconds to explain what we were talking about!” I interrupt what I assume was going to become another veiled threat, “She told me to update her once we got a bit more settled to make sure I’m feeling okay, and she is worried you are going to try to kill me or connect me to Asmodeus again.” I’m already in a hole with Gabe catching me airing out my dirty laundry, might as well get a shovel to make it look like I was digging a well and not my own grave.
“Fat chance!” Gabe exclaims, taking a few quick steps in my direction again. Sam must have seen the uneasiness on my face and took a few long strides and got between me and Gabriel.
He puts his hands up to block Gabe from nearing me, “How about we all go inside and talk about this with everyone? You can say your piece, y/n says hers, and we can decide what to do as a group to catch this sonofabitch faster.” Gabe stares up at Sam, and they seem to have another silent conversation. “What the hell is with these guys and reading each other’s minds?”
Gabriel huffs and saunters back to the motel door and opens it, glancing back at me behind Sam. “Ladies first,” he says with an exaggerated arm sweep toward the now open door.
I roll my eyes and brush past Sam back into the room, taking my previous seat at the small table, though I notice Dean has since taken Sam’s spot on one of the beds and Gabe has taken to standing right beside me, blocking my view to Mick and Ketch huddled around various weapons and herbs. He is also pointedly blocking the door, locking it shortly after Sam re-entered the room. I think he rolls his eyes at Gabe who rolls his eyes back. Sam walks over to his brother to take his laptop back and sit at the table across from me.
“So, Gabe,” Sam breaks the silence, causing the other men to cease their movements, “why don’t you start with why you were snooping on y/n’s phone call, and then y/n,” he states glancing at me, “you can say what you were talking about on that phone call with Rowena.” I nod and try to look around Gabriel to see Ketch or Mick, but the stubborn angel purposefully moves in front of my line of sight.
“First of all, Moose, not snooping.” I scoff, immediately regretting that choice with a warning look from Sam, “I was actually going to make sure she didn’t pass out or something since she was by herself.”
“Ever heard of privacy, wings?” I snap, another look from Sam shuts me up again.
“I am aware of that, smartass. I overheard y/n telling Rowena how guilty she feels at hiding something from us because she’s too scared we’ll see her differently and doesn’t want to tell us.” I know this guy has been around for thousands of years, but how is it possible he never actually grew up!
“I feel guilty because when I was with Rowena and Crowley I did some research cross-referencing weather patterns, crop failures, cow slaughters, the basic demon signs,” I pause, seeing how frustrated Gabriel was getting since I was speaking calmly and adding more detail. I guess he wanted me to admit I’m being sneaky because I have a huge secret.
“I noticed that there have been some of these demonic signs have been bouncing around between Manchester, Iowa, Platteville, Wisconsin, and Freeport, Illinois for the past twenty to thirty years,” I explain, taking out my computer to show the map I had drawn up with different colors for each demonic sign. I scroll through about ten maps showing different changes every other year as the Hunters and Angels crowd around me.
“While this is really impressive, y/n,” Mick states, “what does this have to do with your guilt Gabriel mentioned? You already gave Ketch a synopsis of what your research yielded.” Dean groans at Mick’s big words and strides back to the bed, flopping onto it.
I smile and continue, “While I told Ketch about my research I didn’t say what Crowley found out about these cities and why they didn’t show up in Rowena’s original spell. And he made me promise-”
“Original spell?” Gabriel asks, squinting at me.
I pause, not knowing what he’s talking about. “Yeah, the original spell. What about it?”
Dean sits up from his relaxed position and tries to stare me down for the second time today. The rest of the guys also visibly tune in to the conversation more and are eyeing Gabe and me.
“You saying Rowena’s original spell implies there were more spells she performed. I know she didn’t tell us about these spells, the Brits have never met her, Gabe and Cas don’t communicate with her regularly, so when exactly did she test out other spells?” Sam asks.
“She seriously did this spell only once with you guys?” Dean is still staring and Sam merely nods. “Ro’s losing her touch then, I asked for her to do the spell again on a smaller map to be sure it was for Dubuque and not a smaller town nearby or anything. And the spell again showed Dubuque.” Sam glances at Gabriel who is doing that stupid telepathic trash with Dean, at least it got him to quit staring at me. Technically it was only a white lie since the map wasn’t of Dubuque, but we did do the same spell again to double-check where the nephidemon is.
“Anyway,” I continue, “Crowley made me promise to not tell you guys that he has a demon with a number of connections has randomly gone off the radar for the past ten years. He wanted to see if this demon had anything to do with Asmodeus or his kid without y’all going in guns blazing and ruining a possible lead.” Everyone in the room aside from Gabriel has relaxed a bit and no longer seems to want me dead.
“So, why again do you feel guilty?” Sam pushes, “It’s not like Crowley has kept his inside demon bureaucracy crap hidden before to keep him as King.” 
“Why does Sam have to always be so damn smart and read into everything. I was honestly hoping they might turn suspicions onto Crowley or this made-up demon but no, Sam has to use that Stanford brain.”
“Well, I assumed you would want to know anything I found out that had to do with anything demonic. I felt guilty that I was hiding this because this demon could end up being a big lead if Crowley can find her alive.” The tension that had built previously finally died down enough for me to breathe. Gabriel must have sensed it too and stepped away from me a bit so I can actually see Mick and Ketch by the bed closest to the door.
I’m thankful for the few minutes of silence to collect my thoughts and calm my breathing. I’ll have to remember to update Crowley and Rowena about all the lies I just said, I can’t have either of them getting shot in any cross-fire. Both have been extremely understanding and really put their lives and relationships with the Hunters on the line for me.
Unfortunately, the silence doesn’t last nearly as long as I would like when Castiel speaks up, “What should we do now?” Dean gives the angel a shrug and the rest of us glance between The Brits and Dean. Gabriel is still sulking by the door with his arms crossed, playing with some grooves in the floorboards with his feet.
“Don’t you boys have a Men of Letters Bunker back in Kansas?” Ketch questions, “Those places are filled with weapons, books, spells, anything we could think to need to start seriously going after Asmodeus or his child.”
Everyone agrees and we all pack up whatever gear we brought with us and file outside the motel door towards the parking lot. Dean goes to return their room keys as Sam loads his and his brothers’ bags into Baby, Ketch does the same with his and Mick’s bags.
“Y/n, you should probably ride with us. No offense to your truck but I doubt it would make the drive to Kansas, let alone back here.” Mick says, a bit shy while holding out his hands for my duffle bag and backpack.
“I didn’t even think about that honestly, I’m sure it’s fine to leave it here and I hate long drives alone,” I say with a smile as I hand him my gear.
Dean returns and takes the keys from Sam as they get into the front seats, and the angels climb into the back. I let out a quick sigh of relief that Gabriel chose to ride with his brother and the Winchesters, I don’t think I could handle hours being stuck in a car with him and his suspicious attitude. Ketch and Mick get into the front seats with Ketch driving and Mick sitting passenger side, leaving me to sit in the middle seat in the back so I can still talk to both of them.
”Y/n, you do realize I know when you’re lying right?” Ketch says, looking back at me with the rearview mirror.
I scrunch my nose in confusion and ask, “I know you’ve been trying to convince me I have a tell or something for years, but I doubt that based on how often I beat you in poker.”
Ketch chuckles and Mick casts a smirk my way. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You do have a tell and no, I will never tell you because where’s the fun in that?” I roll my eyes and lightly smack his arm, “when you said that Crowley was looking into that demon that disappeared, your tell happened. Everything else seemed truthful, but you do know the truth will come to light sooner than you want.”
It almost sounds like a warning. I really need to try to bribe Mick to tell me about my supposed tell sometime, “Whatever you are hiding, you need to be straight with us.” Mick says, fidgeting with his collar. I might have a lying tell, but Mick messing with his cufflinks or shirt collar is certainly his nervous tell.
“I appreciate what you guys are saying, and you don’t have to worry that much about me. I’ll be okay.” I look at them through the rearview mirror, hoping to portray honesty because I truly want to believe that I will be okay through this whole thing.
“Anything you’re hiding, y/n, you either need to right it, tell us, or don’t let it bite you in the ass,” Ketch says as silence fills the car aside from faint radio music. He’s one-hundred percent right and I know it, and I’m unsure which of the three options will cause the least amount of relationship setbacks and Gabriel’s level of hatred directed at me and my father.
“No, I can’t afford to relate myself to that monster. I never have been and never will be like that, I can’t let myself.”
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ninii-winchester · 1 month
Crossed Allegiances (Final)
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Pairing: Dean Winchester X reader
Word count : 4k
Warnings : angst, canon violence, language, mentions of blood, torture, character death, fluff. Not proofread.
Y/n groaned as she came back to consciousness. She blinked a few times and recognised the place she was in, the briefing room, the same room where Ketch had shot Mick. She felt herself being pushing forward slightly and she winced when the movement put a strain on her leg, the bullet was still stuck above her knee cap and a piece of cloth was tied over it, to stop too much blood loss.
She would’ve felt relieved or even a bit grateful that they weren’t going to let her bleed to death but she wasn’t. She knew the Brits were sadistic like that. They’d kept her alive, to torture her. Tilting her head upwards she came face to face with the woman she loathes more than Ketch. Dr. Hess’ wrinkly face and her smug smile made Y/n want to rip the older woman’s hair out.
“Y/n L/n.” The woman tsked walked closer to her as Ketch held the Y/e/c eyed woman. “You’ve failed to accomplish the task regarding the Winchesters.”
“Fuck you.” Y/n spat earning a slap across the cheek. Blood splattered on the ground as her head jerked to the side.
“Do you know how much trouble you’re in? You ran away from us, you failed the task and you cost us Mick.” The woman listed off the reasons Y/n was in trouble for.
“You didn’t have to kill him, you bitch.” Y/n snarled, glaring at the woman who just smirked turning away.
“Incompetence is not something we tolerate in this organisation.” She replied. “I believe you’re still useful for us, though.” Y/n’s face turned into one of confusion at her words. “You do know more about the Winchesters than you let on. And I know you wouldn’t tell us willingly. So we’ve called Lady Bevell to acquaint you.” Y/n’s eyes widened when she heard the name and she internally shuddered. She knew that woman was merciless when she wanted to be. And she was too loyal to the organisation to spare her. With a flick of Dr.Hess’ wrist Ketch dragged her away.
Back at the Bunker, Dean was pacing the war room while Sam tried to track Y/n’s location. He had hoped she’d have her phone on her and he could track her down easily but it was harder than he expected since her device had been turned off. And now he was trying to at-least find her last location.
“Dean stop pacing.” Sam chastised his brother who was walking relentlessly, his mind going a few hundred miles an hour.
“Sam she told me they’d kill her. She pleaded to me and I told her to fucking leave. And they’ve got her now.” Dean growled and closed his brothers laptop. “Stop this, we’re going to their bunker, guns blazing and we’re getting her back.” Dean ordered.
“Dean that place is a fortress. We need a plan. We can’t just barge in.” Sam argued, clearly knowing the place will be swarmed by guards. “We need backup.” Dean nodded and made some calls. Within an hour Jody, Donna and a few other hunters showed up.
“Wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important.” Dean said to Jody as she pulled him in a hug.
“What’s the deal boys?” Donna asked doing the same.
Sam explained the hunters that they’re going to raid the British Men of letters bunker and they need all backup they could. The hunters nodded in understanding. They were also fed up by the Brits trying to make them work for them.
“You shoot anyone who tries to stop you and don’t die.” Sam commanded.
“There’s hostage in there too, don’t shoot her.” Dean’s voice was hard as he spoke.
“Ah now I see.” Jacob, a fellow hunter spoke. “You’re using us to rescue some fucking girl.” He gritted feeling he was being used. He looked at the other hunters, “they want us to die for a girl.”
“It’s not some fucking girl.” Dean snapped. “You’re free to leave if you’re afraid of a fight. This is as much about taking back control as it is about saving her. Those brits have meddled in our business long enough.” He added and Jacob gulped taking a step back. He didn’t speak any further but he didn’t leave either.
Y/n screamed out loud while she was tied to a chair and Lady Bevell was cutting up her skin to make her speak. To make her tell everything she knew about Sam and Dean. But Y/n wasn’t letting up. She was trained to bear all this. She was told the monsters could capture her and torture her for all sorts of secrets. She was prepared for worse than this considering monster were merciless and but she’d came to the realisation that these people were worse than monsters, downright cruel.
“You can rest peacefully once you’ve told me everything you know. We don’t have to do this.” The blonde woman said softly but there was nothing kind about her.
“Fuck you.” Y/n managed to choke out that made Toni grab her face in her hand. Y/n spat at the woman infront of her staining her white shirt with her blood. “That’s even one percent of blood you have on your hands.” Y/n sneered.
The blonde woman was pissed off, she picked up a syringe and stabbed Y/n in the neck with it and left the room. Whatever it was in the syringe made her hallucinate. She saw Dean, but he wasn’t looking at her with kind eyes or giving her soft smile. He was approaching her menacingly, dragging a blade all over her body. She screamed and trashed in her chair. None of it was real but she didn’t know it. It felt real to her.
Dean’s heart was thudding against his ribcage as he drove the Impala towards the BMOL bunker. He thought of the worst. What if they had already killed her. He never would get an explanation. He would never get to tell her he loved her despite everything. That once again be was too late. He waited ten years to find her, hell he didn’t even find her himself and now he was too late to go to her apartment. If something happens to her he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. He should’ve asked her to stay and tell him the whole truth.
Sam’s voice calling his name brought him out of the black hole he’d managed to get himself into. Sam told him they’re here and Dean should get out of his head and focus or he’d get someone killed. Or worse, himself.
Jacob’s truck broke through the security gate and Jody’s car followed behind. Dean stepped on the brakes and the Impala came to a screeching halt. The brothers jump out of the car and straight into action.
“I’m gonna go find Y/n.” Dean yelled over the sound of gunshots. Sam nodded before shooting at the guards.
“I’ll back you up.” Jody said following Dean without waiting for his approval.
Dean ventured inside the bunker shooting anyone who came in his way, kicking down doors and praying, to whoever was out there, for Y/n to be alive. Dean’s eyes darkened as he ran into Ketch. Just his luck and—the latter’s bad luck.
“Ah Dean. Here for the rescue I see.” Ketch taunted smugly. “I’d say you’re a bit too late.”
Dean’s jaw clenched at his words and he didn’t bother saying anything before attacking. “You see when I shot her in the leg, she lost a bit too much of blood.” Dean threw a punch at his face shutting him up. He grabbed his collar and smashed his head against the wall and continued to do so until Ketch managed to elbow him. He grunted before kicking him in the stomach. Ketch pulled out his gun and aimed at Dean. He heard a few gunshots from behind him. He turned to see four more guards shooting at him, he grabbed Ketch’s arm and made him shoot a guard and shot another with his own gun. The distraction had caused Ketch to slip away. The other two guards dropped and Dean turned to see Jody.
“I got this.” Jody yelled nodding at him to keep going. He gave her an appreciative nod and ran to find Ketch. He wasn’t gone too far and Dean didn’t hesitate to shoot him in the head. As much as he wanted to rip his body limb to limb he didn’t have time to waste. He had to find Y/n. After making sure the asshole was dead Dean kicked down another door. His gazw landed on a figure tied to a chair. It was Y/n. He didn’t know how to feel. He was relieved over the she was alive but her seeing her in this condition was heartbreaking. Bruised, bloodied and broken. She was squirming in her chair begging and yelling,
“Don’t hurt me please.” She cried. “No…” she was breathing heavily and the what she said next broke him. “Dean please.”
It was as if Y/n was stuck in a loop. In her mind, Dean was torturing her, he was speaking vile words to her, telling her that she was just another girl in his bed. But standing in the doorway, Dean didn’t know what she was seeing or hearing. He needed to get her out of her. He quickly moved towards her and untied her wrists and ankles from the chair. She was still mumbling his name, begging him not to hurt her and Dean tried his hardest not to break down right there. He picked her up in his arms and ran out of the room.
The shooting seemed to have stopped. He found Donna on his way and she helped him get Y/n to the Impala, he laid her on the backseat as she seemed to have completely succumbed to unconsciousness. Before Dean could ask Donna about everyone’s whereabouts Sam and Jody came out helping Jacob walk, who seemed to be shot in the leg.
“Is she okay?” Sam asked as soon as he reached his brother. He shook his head and Sam urged him to quickly drive back to the bunker. The brothers got inside the car not before quickly thanking the fellow hunters for their help.
“Lay her there.” Sam instructed as he rushed to get the medical kit while Dean laid her on the map table. Dean watched as Sam dug the bullet out of her leg, disinfected the wound and stitched her up. He placed the bandage on it, wrapping it tightly to avoid it infecting the stitches. Dean held her hand tightly.
“You’re gonna be okay, sweetheart.” He kissed her hand tightly. After Sam was done cleaning up her other wounds, which were mostly on her face and one on her collarbone. Dean picked her up took her to his room and laid her on the bed. He ran a hand over his face remembering how just a day before she was here in his bed, and he woke her up by kissing her all over her face and she smiled that beautiful smile he fell in love with.
Hours passed and Y/n didn’t wake up. Dean was quickly loosing faith but the only thing that gave him hope was the her slow heartbeat. It was weak but it was better than nothing.
“Y/n.” Dean voice cracked as tears were dripping down his cheeks. “Sweetheart please wake up. I need you. I have to…no I need to tell you I love you. I want to see those gorgeous eyes, baby please open them for me.” Still nothing.
“Dean.” Sam said entering the room. “You should clean up man, I’ll stay here until then.” He said standing next to his brother. Dean shook his head telling him no. He didn’t want her to wake up without him by her side. But Sam forced him to leave. He told he reeked of blood and it would overwhelm her once she woke up.
Another hour passed and Dean was back beside Y/n. He was sitting on the chair by his bed, staring into space. He heard a loud intake of breath beside him and he thought he had imagined it. He looked at Y/n and she her eyes were wide open. She looked at Dean and tried to sit up, backing up against the headboard, despite the pain she felt at the movement.
“Woah easy, sweetheart.” Dean raised his hands up but she looked terrified. Though it hurt him immensely he didn’t think too much about it. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise.” His voice soft and gentle. Not menacing like she last remembered. Her breathing regulated and she relaxed just a bit. He carefully reached his and glanced at the space beside her and she nodded. He took a seat at the bed and cupped her cheek, very slowly, not to scare her at his immediate touch. “You’re okay.” He wasn’t sure if he was convincing her or himself. For a whole minute neither of them spoke, he wanted to make sure it was all real and not some dream of his and she was too scared to say anything at all.
“I’m gonna get you a glass of water okay?” Dean said softly and she nodded. He left the room and quickly found Sam to tell him she’s awake. He told Sam to bring something for her to eat and some painkillers. He handed her the glass of water that she gulped down in one go.
It seemed that after having a minute to herself everything came back to her. She looked at Dean with a guilt ridden face. Seeing him take care of her after all she’s done, she broke down.
“Dean, I’m so sorry.” Dean quickly wrapped his arms around her and she sobbed him his chest. “Please don’t hate me.” She cried while he held her close to him.
“Shh, we’ll talk about this later. Just calm down.” He sushed her to the best of his abilities. She shook her head, crying hysterically.
“I want to tell you everything, Dean. Everything.” She sniffled. “And I’ll accept whatever you decide but please just hear me out.” She begged him. She didn’t want him to leave her. And as much as she hated talking about it, she needed to tell him.
“Okay okay.” Dean said calmly, pulling away from her to look at her face. “We’ll talk, I promise. But first you gotta eat.” Dean said sternly. As if on cue, Sam entered the room with a tray in his hand. After she finished eating much to Dean’s satisfaction. She nervously wrung her hands on her lap not sure from where to start. Sam went to excuse himself to give them space but she stopped him.
“I owe you an explanation as much as I owe one to Dean.” Sam nodded, and stayed.
“First let me start off by saying I am sorry, I know sorry doesn’t cut it, I betrayed you when you’ve been nothing but nice to me.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “The truth is, hunting was not my family business.” She looked at Sam who nodded at her to continue. “Hell I didn’t even know my parents.” Dean gave her a empathetic look. “Me and my sister were raised by the Men of Letters. We were trained to be ruthless hunters.” She closed her eyes for a second before she opened them back. “I didn’t like their ways, i hated killing people, i hated shooting guns or using blades. I was fifteen….” Both brothers frowned at the information. “They had this initiation procedure, Doctor Hess locked me in a room with another girl. Only one of us was supposed to get out of there alive. The one who was worthy of being a part Men of Letters.” Sam and Dean looked horrified at the new information.
“How could they even-“ Sam trailed off and tears sprung to her eyes. Dean held her hand tightly.
“You don’t have to continue, sweetheart.” Y/n shook her head. She needed to let out now. She’d been holding onto it for years. It’s time she let go.
“Doctor Hess told me that the other girl wasn’t worthy and it was a test just for me. If I let her kill me deliberately she’d kill my little sister and it wouldn’t be an easy death.” She sobbed, her chest tightening with each word. “I had to kill her. I couldn’t let my sister be tortured by monsters. I killed her, I became worthy. I ran to Mick and cried in his arms. He was older and had been through the same thing, he had to kill his friend. But he wasn’t like them, heartless or cruel. He he consoled me. Then I became Men of letters. And then my sister died. Ketch shot her because I didn’t follow rules to save her during a mission. I started hated those rules, their methods more than I already did and four years later Mick helped me escape.” She turned to face Dean completely.
“When I first met you Dean, I had left all that behind. Hunting, monsters, Men of letters. But then years later Ketch found me. He wanted to kill me and I honestly should’ve let that happen. But then he decided to give me this job. He didn’t know I knew you. It was just cruel fate that I had been assigned this job.” She cupped his cheek in hand, her eyes sorrowful and guilty. “I didn’t want to do it the minute I found it was you but I had no option.” She cried and Dean placed his hand over hers, gently squeezing it. “I swear Dean, if it was just me I would’ve told you everything right away. I would’ve asked you to protect me and i knew you would’ve done it but I couldn’t leave Mick behind, again.”
“I understand, sweetheart.” Dean said wiping her tears away. Sam quickly slipped out of room since it was something only Y/n and Dean should talk about.
“But then he killed him too and I just couldn’t take it anymore. So many people have died because of me.” She was breathing hard, trying not to choke on her tears.
“Hey, look at me.” Dean gripped her chin with his fingers making her look at him. “None of it is your fault.” he cooed, urging her to calm down.
“Dean I’m so sorry, I know you must hate me but please don’t make me leave. Everything we had was real. It was all true.”
“I don’t hate you, baby.” He cupped her cheeks in his large hands. “Yes I was angry and I felt betrayed but now I know you’re not the culprit just a victim.”
“You believe that?” She asked through her tears.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of her head. “I need you to rest now. Can you do that for me?” She nodded her head, she knew she was exhausted but she wanted to talk to Dean first and that it’s over with, all she wants to do is rest. He helped her lay back on the bed.
“Dean, can you stay?” She was scared, that Ketch might get to her. That he will find her and kill her. Dean didn’t reply instead he joined her on the bed wrapping her in his arms. She immediately snuggled closer to him. “You know Dean, I feel safe with you.” She spoke after a few minutes of silence.
“You’re safe here with me, no one’s gonna hurt you here.” Dean replied tightening his hold on her.
“Not just physically.” She replied and he looked at her confused. “I don’t get night terrors when I’m in your arms. Do you remember I woke up panting the first night we slept together?” He nodded, remembering feeling the need protect her even then. “I saw her, that girl. She haunts me in my sleep but not when I sleep next to you.”
“Well I’m gonna keep you safe from every bad thing that’s out there. And you’re stuck here with me.” He gave her a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you, Dean. For giving me another chance. There’s no where I’d rather be.” Dean placed a kiss to her head.
They held each other close, their bodies perfectly fitting together. Wrapped in the warmth of each other’s arms, a quiet peace settled over them. No words were needed—just the steady rhythm of their breathing in sync, comforted by the gentle rise and fall of their chests. Fingers lazily traced small circles on backs, while heads rested against one another, eyes closing in contentment. In that moment, the world outside faded, and all that mattered was the safety and calm found in each other’s embrace.
“Ketch’s dead.” Dean spoke and gasped looking up at him.
“Yeah. I killed him. It was foolish for him to think he’d be spared after he what he did to my girl.” Dean growled and Y/n felt at her heart flutter at being called his girl.
“I love you Dean.” She blurted without thinking. Dean looked at her a bit shocked and she wondered if she’d ruin it all. Maybe she got too much inside her head. He had said he didn’t hate her, he said he understood her situation and maybe even forgave her but they never talked about beginning again, she had gotten ahead of herself.
Dean placed his lips on her softly and all of the bad thoughts were thrown out of her head. She kissed him back, desperately. As if her life depended on it. And maybe it did. Because was sure she wouldn’t be able to live a without Dean Winchester. He had her heart and her soul.
“I love you, sweetheart.” He whispered, brushing his lips against her ear and it sent a shiver down her spine. She hasn’t expected him to say it back, she didn’t expect him to be so sure.
“Yes baby?”
“I just wanted you to know that I am ashamed for what I did and I need you to forgive me please.” She apologised, although she knew Dean didn’t have hard feelings for her but she needed him to know that she knows what she did was wrong.
“Don’t fret over it, honey.” Dean grinned at her, remembering that what she told him months back but when she didn’t smile his grin faltered.
“I just need you to say it.” She whispered lowly avoiding eye contact. He made her look at him.
“I forgive you Y/n.” He said firmly. “And I love you.”
Leaning in, their lips met in a kiss that was both a promise and a beginning, the final piece clicking into place. They’d been through so much, but they chose each other anyway. In that choice, they found something stronger than all the pain—each other. And that was enough.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
@blackcherrywhiskey @ladysparkles78 @goest-and-fuckest-thyself-blog @graywrites5567
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queen-of-deans-booty · 6 months
Goofing Off
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Puerto Rican!Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hola so i was watching the episode where Arthur is talking with the Winchester about the chupacabras so can i request a one shot where the reader is a actress a Jensen or Jared girlfriend who is Puerto Rican and is the one who is teaching David (Arthur actor) who to said Chupacabras?  With a lot of funny
Summary: You love pulling pranks and making people laugh. Whenever someone new comes onto the show, you make your mission to pull as many pranks as you can on them.
Square Filled: woke up married (2020) for @spnfluffbingo
Author’s Note: i didn't really go into the details of a reader that is puerto rican because i didn't want to get anything wrong, so i tried to keep it really vague here.
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Out of all of the seasons you’ve worked on, your favorite has to be the current one: season twelve. One of the newest cast members, David Haydn-Jones, has been such an incredible addition to the show even if his character isn’t well-liked. Recently, David loves to have fun and joke around, and you just so happen to be one of the best pranksters on set.
Even before you met Jared, you were always looking to make your family smile and laugh with small pranks that didn’t do any harm to anyone. Jared happened to like that about you when you started dating, and it only got worse the more time went on.
The very first prank you ever pulled on Jared was putting a bunch of Ken Dolls on your car and calling him to tell him that there were men on your car and you were scared. He came out with a towel on his head like how a woman would wrap her hair after a shower and your bathrobe on. It was so funny you almost peed your pants.
The longer you two dated, the more he got into your pranks. Now, he almost expects them whenever he comes home from a long day of filming or doing a convention. Then, you two got married, and the first thing you did when you woke up as a married woman was pull a prank on him.
His life would never be boring from that on, and would always be filled with laughter and joy.
He got you a part on Supernatural for a few years now which you have loved doing. Being around Jensen, Jared, and Misha have been nothing short of amazing. Your pranks actually doubled in size when you teamed up with Jensen to take on Jared or Misha.
The newest person to suffer your wrath is David who plays Arthur Ketch on the show. He is more of a serious actor than the ones you usually work with but after a while, he got used to your pranks and lightened up a lot more.
Jensen and Jared are finishing up a scene while you and David are off to the side going over your plan. The plan is that you told David you two were going to get Jensen and Jared when in reality, you were turning the tables so that Jensen and Jared are going to get David.
“I got it, I got it,” he nods.
“Okay,” you smile.
David walks on set when he is needed, and the scene with Ketch, Sam, and Dean is ready to be put into motion.
Sam and Dean are seated in the Bunker’s library and Sam calls Mick over the phone to which Ketch answers.
“Hello, Winchester,” David says in his posh Ketch accent.
“Ketch? Where’s Mick?” Dean asks.
“He didn’t tell you? He flew back to London last night after all the unpleasantness with Dagon. Well, Mick has a lot to answer for. For the time being, you will report to me.”
“Seriously?” Dean rolls his eyes.
“I don’t like it any more than you do. I’d much rather be with your mother… hunting… for Chupacabras in Texas.”
It’s the way he said Chupacabras that has everyone confused. You know how to say it very well since you have the accent for it, but you told David how to say it the American way which Jensen and Jared picked up on easily.
“A what, Ketch?” Jared asks, still in character.
“What was that?”
“Chupacabra,” Jensen says in a deep voice while rolling his R’s.
Jared snickers but tries to stay in character. He takes out his phone and makes Google pronounce the word, and the entire crew starts laughing.
“Chupacabra,” Jensen says again.
“Chupacabra,” Jensen tries again, rolling his R’s.
“Chupacabra,” David says in the same accent as before.
Jensen looks at the phone weirdly as if David is right there in front of him.
“He doesn’t know how to say Chupacabra,” Jared says.
Jared plays the Google pronunciation of the word again loudly.
“Chupacabra,” David says.
“It’s like a brrra,” Jensen rolls his R’s. “Then Chupa. So it’s like Chupa, chupa, chupa--”
“Chupacabra,” David says over the phone in the same tone he’s been in since the scene started.
He’s trying so hard not to break character even though Jensen and Jared have already done so. You’re going to pee your pants from laughing so hard.
“Chupacabra,” Jensen rolls his R’s with a bit of an accent.
At this point, Jensen and Jared start talking gibberish and rolling their R’s and just having a good time while David is trying to stay in character. You can see him scrunch his nose up as if it itches, but that’s a ploy to hide the smile trying to break through.
“Chupacabra,” Davis says, causing Jared and Jensen to break out in giggles. “I don’t like it any more than you do but for now, I’m what you’ve got. So, Wisconsin…”
David can hear everyone laughing through the phone as he tries so hard to stay in character.
“Ketch? What was that?” Jared giggles. “He doesn’t know how to say Chupacabra.”
David hangs up the phone just as the director calls, “CUT!” David breaks out into laughter and looks right at you who can’t hold it in anymore.
“I’m not trusting you ever again!”
God, you love working on this show.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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findroleplay · 1 year
I'm on the search for some fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+ to interact!
21+. She/Her. EST (GMT-5). I like to write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I can't guarantee daily replies, but I do try to get them out as soon as I can, which is usually within 2-3 days. I like communicative writing partners who can generally match that reply time.
I'm only looking for canon x canon pairings and am open to MxM, MxF, and FxF (in order of preference). I don't write with people who only write MxF. Please be open to at least two of those because I like to have a max amount of ships to discuss. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. No AUs that are way out there/not set in the canon universe. I lean towards romantic pairings and writing smut. I'm okay with just "fading to black," if that's how you like to do things.
I'm only going to be listing the characters I'm most interested in writing as right now. I have my favorite ships but am open to discussing doing just about anything. I can also write more characters than those listed so feel free to bring others up.
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Fantastic Beasts Franchise: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino
Grand Theft Auto V: Steve Haines
Harry Potter Franchise: Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe: Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Harry Osborn (from the Tobey movies), Helmut Zemo, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Norman Osborn (from the Tobey movies), Peter Parker (Peter 3/Andrew!Peter only), Piotr Rasputin, Quentin Beck, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh
If you'd like to do something, please like this post and I'll get to you ASAP.
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rp-partnerfinder · 5 months
Please be 21+ to interact!!!!!
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST (GMT-5). I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I do, however, like to stick to Tumblr for plotting and don't give out my Discord handle until I'm sure we'll be writing together. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 200-400 words. I do not double and work full-time Monday through Friday so daily replies will not happen. I try my hardest to get them out within 2-3 days. It all depends on how my work week is going. When it comes to plotting, I generally like to hear back from people within 2-3 days. When it comes to writing threads, I don't mind just 1 reply a week.
What I'm Looking For: I recently started a rewatch of Supernatural and would love to get some threads going. I'm only looking for MxM ships at the moment. Mainly canon x canon pairings but I will take OCs into consideration. I'm open to discussing whatever as far as plots are concerned. As long as the idea makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. I prefer romantic pairings and don't mind/encourage writing smut/NSFW topics. But, if you'd like to keep things clean and/or platonic, I'm okay with that.
I'll be listing my main muses (on the left) and my favorite ships for them (on the right). I'm open to discussing other ships and, as mentioned above, possibly doing something with OCs with them.
Alastair - Dean
Arthur Ketch - Mick, Dean, Gabriel, Cas
Azazel - Sam, John, Lucifer
Balthazar - Sam, Cas
Benny Lafitte - Dean
Chuck Shurley - Sam, Dean, Lucifer
Crowley - Dean, Bobby, Cas, Lucifer
Dean Winchester - Alastair, Ketch, Benny, Chuck, Crowley, Gadreel, Cas, Garth, Lucifer
Gadreel - Dean, Sam
Lucifer - Dean, Sam, Chuck, Nick, Cas, Crowley, Azazel
Mick Davies - Ketch, Sam
Special Note: While I'm open to writing against an OC for any of them, I'm particularly interested in doing so with Chuck or Lucifer and have vague plots in mind for either of them against an OC.
If you'd like to work something out, please message me (preferred) or like this post and I'll message you.
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findyourrp · 6 months
Please be 21+ to interact!!! ❤️
21+. She/Her. Looking for some various fandom roleplays. I'm only interested in canon x canon pairings. I have a strong preference for MxM ships, but I'm willing to do some FxF and MxF too. I like canon/canon divergent plots and write on Discord (third person, past tense, 200-400 words on average). I'm a sucker for romantic relationships and don't mind/encourage writing smut but with a healthy does of plot. I'll be sharing my strongest muses (the name on the left) for each and my greatest ship desires for them (the names on the right). I do have other muses, and I'm willing to discuss other ships. But, if you want me at my most enthusiastic, what I have listed is what I'm most interested in.
Doctor Who:
Eleventh Doctor - Jack, Rory, Clara
Fifth Doctor - Turlough, Ainley!Master
Fourteenth Doctor - Jack
Sixth Doctor - Ainley!Master
Tenth Doctor - Jack, Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts Franchise:
Albus Dumbledore - Grindelwald, Theseus, Newt, Jacob
Theseus Scamander - Dumbledore, Grindelwald
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon:
Beric Dondarrion - Thoros
Daemon Targaryen - Laenor, Criston, Otto, Rhaenyra (preferably before the 10-year time jump), Laena
Daenerys Targaryen - Margaery, Jaime, Jorah
Jaime Lannister - Bronn, Dany, Sansa
Margaery Tyrell - Dany, Sansa, Stannis, Joffrey
Petyr Baelish - Renly, Sansa
Roose Bolton - Stannis, Tywin, Sansa
Stannis Baratheon - Roose, Davos
Thoros - Beric
Tywin Lannister - Roose, Aerys II
Benjamin Poindexter - Ray, Matt, Karen
Bruce Banner - Tony, Natasha
Bucky Barnes - Zemo, Tony
Carol Danvers - Valkyrie
Eddie Brock - Venom, Wade, Andrew!Peter, Dan
Loki Laufeyson - Thor, Mobius, Grandmaster
Nathan Summers - Wade
Andrew!Peter Parker - Dane!Harry, Matt, Wade, Eddie, Tobey!Peter, Gwen
Ray Nadeem - Dex, Matt
Tony Stark - Bucky, Dr. Strange, Tom!Peter, Bruce
Wade Wilson - Eddie, Cable, Andrew!Peter, Comics!Peter, Dopinder, Colossus, Wolverine
Arthur Ketch - Dean, Mick
Azazel - Sam, John
Chuck Shurley - Sam, Dean
Crowley - Dean, Bobby, Cas
Dean Winchester - Ketch, Crowley, Chuck, Benny, Lucifer, Garth
Lucifer - Dean, Sam, Nick
Mick Davies - Ketch, Sam
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise:
Drayton Sawyer - Open to discussing whatever
Johnny Sawyer - Leland, Sonny, Julie
Nubbins Sawyer - Danny, Maria
Tex Sawyer - Open to discussing whatever
If you'd like to work something out, please message me (HIGHLY preferred) or like this post and I'll message you.
In either case, in your first message, please tell me about your writing style, what fandom(s) you were interested, and what ships you might be interested in or characters you were interested in writing against. I WILL NOT be responding to simple "I was interested in your ad" messages and other ones of that nature. 99% of the people who don't say much tend to eventually ghost me.
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
21+. She/Her. Looking to get some threads going for my four-ish biggest fandoms right now.
About Me: I like to plot on Tumblr and don't hand out my Discord until I know we'll be doing something together. I write in third person, past tense and usually ~2-4 paragraphs. I can't reply daily because of work and just a general busy RL. I try my hardest to get replies out within 2-3 days. I don't double and have no triggers but that doesn't mean I'm willing to do everything.
What I'm Looking For: Mostly romantic ships with a healthy dose of plot and some NSFW/smut. I'm willing to forgo both of those but I'm really interested in them. Canon x canon ships or canon x OC (although, I am a bit picky with OCs so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). MxM preference but can do MxF and FxF.
Please be 21+ to interact and communicative!!!
I'll just be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have plenty of favorite ships, but I'm willing to discuss doing just about anything.
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Gerion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Lyn Corbray, Margaery Tyrell, Otto Hightower, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, James!Harry Osborne, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Willem!Norman Osborn, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Supernatural: Alastair, Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Balthazar, Benny Lafitte, Chuck Shurley, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Gadreel, Lucifer, Metatron, Mick Davies
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
If you would like to work something out, I do highly prefer that you message me. My last account got shadowbanned (and never fixed by Tumblr) because of the whole messaging too many people first thing. If you really don't want to message me first, I'll reach out to you. It'll take a lot longer, though, because I won't be sending more than one or two first messages a day now.
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
21+. She/Her. Looking for some fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+ to interact!
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting, though, and don't hand out my Discord handle until I'm sure we'll be doing something together. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. Replies usually happen within 2-3 days. I'm mainly interested in canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF) and canon or canon divergent plots. I am willing to do some canon x OC stuff (but only MxM or FxF for those). I lean towards romantic pairings but can do platonic. I'm fine with writing NSFW stuff or keeping things clean. I have no triggers.
Communication is key. When plotting, I like to hear back within 3-4 days. When writing the actual thread, within 5-7 days. No communication of any kind within that timeframe and I'm going to start assuming you're no longer interested in doing anything with me.
I'll be listing my biggest muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with the character I prefer writing in bold, if I have a preference). I'm definitely open to doing other ships, however. There's only a very small chance I'll turn any down.
Note: All characters will be 18+.
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan ~~~ Eleven x Clara, Eleven x Amy, Eleven x Rory, Eleven x Jack, Fourteen x Rose, Fourteen x Jack, Harry x Four, Ten x Jack, Ten x Simm!Master, Yaz x Thirteen
Fantastic Beasts: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander ~~~ Dumbledore x Grindelwald, Dumbledore x Newt, Dumbledore x Theseus, Dumbledore x Jacob, Theseus x Leta, Theseus x Lally, Theseus x Grindelwald, Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon ~~~ Alliser x Jon, Dany x Jorah, Dany x Jaime, Dany x Margaery, Jaime x Sansa, Jaime x Cersei, Jaime x Bronn, Margaery x Stannis, Margaery x Joffrey, Margaery x Sansa, Petyr x Sansa, Petyr x Renly, Roose x Sansa, Roose x Stannis, Sansa x Jon, Stannis x Davos
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino ~~~ Dimitri x Faustin, Dimitri x Niko, Francis x Niko, Gerry x Niko, Niko x Ray, Niko x Packie, Ray x Phil
NBC Hannibal: Brian Zeller, Frederick Chilton, Will Graham ~~~ Zeller x Price, Zeller x Will, Chilton x Hannibal, Chilton x Will, Will x Hannibal
Harry Potter: Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle ~~~ Barty x Lucius, Barty x Draco, Cedric x Harry, Cormac x Hermione, Cormac x Ron, Lockhart x Snape, Lockhart x Quirrell, Oliver x Percy, Snape x Harry, Snape x Lupin
House of the Dragon: Alicent Hightower (pre-10 year time jump only), Daemon Targaryen ~~~ Alicent x Rhaenyra, Daemon x Rhaenyra, Daemon x Laena, Daemon x Criston, Daemon x Otto, Daemon x Laenor, Daemon x Viserys
Scream: Dewey Riley, Jill Roberts, Micky Altieri, Richie Kirsch ~~~ Dewey x Gale, Dewey x Randy, Jill x Charlie, Jill x Kirby, Mickey x Randy, Richie x Sam
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies ~~~ Ketch x Mick, Ketch x Dean, Azazel x Sam, Azazel x John, Chuck x Sam, Dean x Crowley, Lucifer x Sam, Lucifer x Nick, Mick x Sam
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh ~~~ Beth x Daryl, Beth x Rick, Beth x Negan, Beth x Rosita, Gareth x Rick, Merle x Glenn, Merle x Rick, Merle x Daryl, Jesus x Daryl, Jesus x Aaron, Shane x Lori, Shane x Andrea, Shane x Rick
If interested, please like this post and I'll message you. When responding, please let me know what it was that caught your eye. I have a limited amount of free time, so I like to get the ball rolling right away.
like if interested!
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Ultimate SPN Con Husbands Reactions
Displayed in the screen above. Cameraman knew what he was doing.
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First image you have Adam seemingly judging David's outfit.
And in the second image, David is like "WTH is he doing? *laughs*"
David and his Husbands: A trope I live for. I love their Cons together.
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Unknown Secrets [3] - repost
Summary: Y/n joins the hunt for the mysterious nephidemon, but she finds out some shocking information that brings them closer to saving this town from the clutches of Asmodeus’ child.
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, reader, Gabriel, Castiel, Mick, Ketch, Asmodeus
Pairing: everyone platonic
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff
Word Count: 3,906
Warnings: none :)
A/N: Sorry this took so long, but here it finally is! <3
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I pull up next to Baby in front of the small motel. “So we meet again, beautiful.” I say lovingly, patting the roof of Dean’s beloved car. I walk up to room number 63. The six has a loose screw which makes it look more like a nine, so I hope it really is room 63.
My anxiety is quelled when I see Ketch open the door with a wide, relaxed smile. “Hello, darling. I hope you didn’t spend all of last night trying to research just to show off,” he says while giving me a hug and playfully winks, prompting Mick to shake his head from his spot at a small table across from Sam, whose laptop is open and running some sort of crazy code.
"No, not this time. Although I have always been the brains behind the operations when it comes to you two." 
Mick let out a chuckle while Ketch simply rolls his eyes and went to lounge on the couch. Sam then gets up, somewhat awkwardly and offers a quick hug.
"So,” he starts, “me and Dean tried to dig up anything extra we could have skipped over in either demon lore or any offspring they could produce.” I nod for him to continue as he takes a seat and turns his computer towards me. “The only thing that could be a possible lead is the tracking spell Rowena used and there’s been a history of weird weather patterns - especially lightning storms for almost forty years. So that means that either Asmodeus or his child has been here for at least forty years.”
I rest my chin on my hand and think about what could explain this Prince of Hell living in my town for forty years. I mean, how have I never ran into him or seen anything weird even once?
The door opens and in walks Dean with lots of beer and various snacks, along with a pie that I assume to be cherry.
“Alright, what’s the game plan guys? FBI or some basic computer research?” Dean asks, putting away his items and walking over to his bed and plopping down looking at me.
“Sam was just catching us up on the weather stuff y'all found last night.” I respond, noticing Sam’s open laptop. “Although I think it would make the most sense if Asmodeus was here for, let’s say, twenty years, scoping the place out and getting other Hunters to believe that the storms would be normal so no one bats an eye once his child is born, and they could live here for maybe twenty more years, completely undetected.”
After a short pause, Mick speaks up, “It is certainly possible and the most likely lead we have. Why else would he want to risk staying in one area for that long?" 
Sam sighs and nods in agreement and slides his computer to face himself again.
"So, y/n,” Dean starts and I pick my head up and look to him, “has anyone ever seemed off to you or someone you heard of being born thirty to forty years ago?”
I snort a laugh and respond. “You named most of the folks in this town. Most people have grown up here all their lives and don’t really have the desire to move away. Not many long term or consistent visitors either.”
Ketch stands up from the couch and walks over to Mick snatching a notebook sitting next to him. He says, “alright, who could be the most likely candidates for being this monster, y/n?”
I rubbed my eyes and leaned back, trying to narrow down who to say, but all I could see were faces morphing into each other and names swirling through my thoughts. “How should I narrow it down?” I ask with my eyes closed for a moment, opening them only because of the sound of Sam typing on his computer and Ketch speaking.
“Let’s start with anyone especially strange or out of the ordinary, people between thirty and forty who have lived here their whole lives, only children, maybe anyone who doesn’t know their parents or their mother died in birth.”
I take a deep breath and start naming people that fit any or all of the criteria Ketch described while explaining which characteristics they have as Ketch writes the addresses that I can remember and Sam types up the list.
It takes us a few hours of narrowing down and organizing everyone into sizable chunks and who our most likely hidden monster is. Luckily, everyone lived nearby and Dean brought back some good food choices. Well, as good as gas station and tiny grocery store food can get.
“I vote we get a move on with this list and split up a bit to cover more ground.” Ketch suggests.
Sam glances at Dean as he says “Works for me. We going for FBI on this one?”
The group nods as Dean butts in saying, “We’ll go through the people in these neighborhoods,” he waves his hand over the section towards the east, “and you three can take the rest.” He says while pointing at me.
“Alright, let’s get ready and get a move on.” I say, standing up and walking out to grab some gear. I can’t help but think how odd it is that I have grown up with these people and all this time one of them could be such a horrible, dangerous creature. My palms almost itch with the anticipation of making my town, and the world a safer place. But I can’t help but wonder if we’re making the right decision.
“Last house will be just to the left of Willow Street.” Mick says from the passenger side, directing Ketch to our final stop before it got too late.
I don’t even know how we’re gonna find this nephidemon at this point. No one we’ve talked to all day has said or remembered anything that would help us remotely. Hopefully Sam and Dean have had some better luck, I think as Ketch pulls up to the curb across from the house.
We all climb out of the car and casually walk up to the front door, Ketch and Mick with their badges and me prepared for the endless complaints this case will earn me from the locals for bringing the feds to their doorsteps. But, if I can possibly help out Mick, Ketch, Cas, and the Winchesters with something like Asmodeus or his freak kids, then it’s worth it. The door opens revealing Fred and his wife, Josie with polite smiles on their faces.
“Hey, Fred and Josie! How have you guys been?” I ask, smiling warmly.
Josie responds for them both. “We’re doing just fine, dear. You should join us for game night next time!” 
I laugh and nod enthusiastically, about to explain and introduce the two "agents” beside me when Fred beats me to it. “Who are your friends? They visitors?” he interjects with slightly narrowed eyes and hands shoved in his pockets.
“Of course, my apologies. These are FBI agents McCullough and Morgan.” They both hold up their badges with calm expressions. “They’re old friends of mine and have been looking for someone they think might have been hanging around here for awhile. I figured you both have excellent memories and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind us taking a few moments of your day to help them find a potential suspect?” I slightly tilt my head and try to look as innocent and eager to help as possible. Fred and Josie have always treated me as one of their own children and I certainly hope Ketch doesn’t offend them in any way.
“It’s no problem at all. Very nice to meet you gentlemen. As y/n stated I am Josie Hutcherson and this is my husband, Fred.” Josie, being the polite and kind person that she is, shook hands with Ketch and Mick, welcoming us all inside.
One nice thing about living in a small town is how nothing really changes; not the people, the drama, and not any buildings save for the occasional fresh coat of paint or new lamp. Having something constant is always welcome, especially when it feels like the world is ending.
“What case did you say you were helping them with, y/n?” I’m drawn out of thoughts by Mrs. Hutcherson kindly sitting down across from Mick and Ketch, Fred still choosing to stand near his wife with crossed arms.
“They’re trying to track the movement of a very dangerous criminal, they have reason to believe he stayed here awhile back and then left." 
Josie smiles at me and turns back to the "agents” to speak, but Fred says, “Uh huh. And why does the FBI want to take up your time in this what I would think would be a highly classified search?”
Fred may mean well, but words were always something he left to Josie. Hopefully he’s only put off by Mick and Ketch, I would really hate for them to be hiding this demon kid.
“Y/n here knows almost every person in this town, and from what she’s told us she is extremely attentive as well.” Mick offers, “We were looking around aimlessly until we met her. My partner actually was interviewing her and she offered to help us look around town for a little bit.” He gave a reassuring smile towards Josie and a firm nod towards Fred.
“Now, have either of you noticed anyone strange at all in the past thirty to forty years? They would be extremely charismatic but slightly arrogant as well. And maybe looked something close to this picture.” Ketch asks while pulling out a picture of the current vessel of Asmodeus. Even though we aren’t sure he was in this vessel when having a kid, it’s the best bet we have in recognizing him at all.
Both Josie and Fred denied anyone acting out of the ordinary or ever seeing that picture before. I could tell Mick and Ketch wanted to keep interviewing Josie since she was more open, so I tried to get Fred a little ways away to get through to him better. “I know that you don’t really care for the FBI and sticking their noses where nothing has happened, Fred. "He uncrosses his arms with a sigh and a reluctant nod. "But this guy is a really bad guy and they asked me who would be the most attentive people to ask about. And you and your wife were the first I thought of, that’s all.”
After Fred agrees to be more open to answering their questions, I smile and thank him before walking back out toward the living room where Mick and Ketch are standing up.
“Y/n, I believe we shouldn’t take up anymore of these people’s time. Thank you both so much for all your help.” Mick says with a kind smile and handshake with Josie, then Fred.
“Thank you Josie and Fred, I’ll come over when I can,” I say with a wave out the door and down the sidewalk. Mick and Ketch also exit and walk back to their car.
“Anything you guys picked up on?” I question, lowering my voice with caution.
Ketch closes his eyes and with a short huff of air responds “Not really. The only odd thing Mrs. Hutcherson mentioned were the persistent lightning storms that drove everyone inside, except for this one time. There was a man and a small child who were outside in the middle of the road, completely unprotected. Just gazing up into the sky for a few hours….”
Thunder, so loud that it feels as though the earth beneath my feet shakes. I look up in wonder as brilliant flashes of lightning take over the dark sky. A warm hand rests on my shoulder, its presence keeping me focused and grounded.
I glance up to the man, who has a prideful smile and warm eyes, and I remember feeling safe despite the chaos and danger surrounding us.
The man speaks, sounding southern and calm. “My daughter, this will be our last night together, I was hoping for more time with you but it’s far too dangerous.” I tilt my head in question, turning to face him more. He continues, “Someday all of this will seem like a dream for you. That’s when your purpose will become clear. And we will be united once again.”
I feel tears starting to form, this is my father, he can’t abandon me now! “But father, when will that happen? And how long after I remember will I see you again?” He bends down to my level taking both my hands in his.
“I know I will miss you, my child, but I would rather feel this heartache than know you are at risk from Hunters. They are so dangerous and you must always be careful around them. Alright?” I nod my head and hug my father, one last time. I hear him speak once more. “I love you, never forget that.” And the whole world goes silent.
I faintly hear voices speaking to me but I couldn’t make out what they are saying. I know it’s Mick and Ketch. What on Earth are they doing here? The entire case comes flooding back to me, the Winchesters, Asmodeus, his kid, my strange hallucination. I struggle to open my eyes met with blinding light and someone, Sam, I think, sitting next to me.
“I’m sorry Sam, but there is no way for me to understand why she fainted. She appears to be in good health, not dehydrated, having enough food and energy. I can’t find anything wrong.” Cas says, slightly leaning his head back from his place at the end of a bed, near a small mirror on the wall.
I try to sit up and ask what’s going on, but Sam gently pushes my shoulders back onto the mattress.
“Hey, y/n don’t sit up yet, alright? You’ve been passed out for a while. Do you remember anything?” Sam speaks calmly and softly, as though speaking too loud may cause me to lose consciousness yet again.
“I remember helping you guys on a case,” I start, realizing how quiet my voice is and how hard it is to speak clearly. “You and Dean went to interview some people and Mick, Ketch, and me did the same. I remember leaving their house and walking out to the car…” I trail off, too unsure of how much I should reveal before learning whether it’s a weird vision, or… a memory? I shake my head at the thought. It’s simply impossible. I glance at Sam then Castiel while saying “I think that’s all I can remember, sorry.”
Sam gives a gentle smile just as the front door opens, revealing Dean, Ketch, and another person. He’s the shortest out of all the men but has a confidence about himself, sandy blond hair that’s longer than Dean’s but shorter than Sam’s, with beautiful whiskey colored eyes.
“Morning, Sunshine. Feeling any better?” Ketch asks, dragging my attention away from the newcomer.
“A little. My brain is still kinda foggy though. What happened?” I ask, looking between Mick and Ketch hoping they can help me discern reality from fiction.
“Well,” Mick begins, “we had finished interviewing the Hutchersons and walked out to our car. I told you what Mrs. Hutcherson had told us about seeing a man and a child during a lightning storm, and you fainted.”
He explained, taking a seat on my other side. I just stared at him for a while, trying to understand what had happened. I’m not a person who regularly faints, and this simply cannot be a coincidence.
“Okay, um thank you.” I say, surprised at how numb I sound. “Also, who are you?” I ask, looking at the strange man sitting at the table with Dean.
He smirks and responds “I’m Gabriel, like the Archangel.” He puts his hands next to his shoulders, waving them to mimic flying.
Dean rolls his eyes while Cas stares annoyed at Gabriel’s actions. I guess that sort of makes them brothers?
“Naturally. Well, I’m y/n and didn’t realize you were joining us.” I tilt my head at Mick slightly and he makes a point to stare at Sam across from me.
“Yeah well neither did we.” Dean speaks up, glancing at Cas.
The angel sighs and faces me “Gabriel was kidnapped by Asmodeus for his grace, a little over four months ago. Ketch used to work with him and was able to get Gabriel back to the bunker.” I look to Ketch who looks down, almost in shame. Then to Gabriel who simply rests his head on his hand and shrugs. Cas continues, “I called Gabriel here since he deserves to be in on taking down Asmodeus, and it certainly won’t hurt to have his help.”
“But enough about me,” Gabriel exclaims suddenly. He looks over to Sam, raising his hands up in question. Why can these idiots never just say what they need to say rather than act all secretive?
Sam takes a deep breath and turns slightly to better face me. “Y/n, I know you’re not going to remember everything. But, ” he pauses, searching my eyes while being careful to not give anything away.
“But…?” I prompt, looking around only to be met with Gabriel staring with anger towards me. Which is unbelievably rude and unfair, considering how I literally just met him.
“But, are you sure there’s nothing else you can remember? Any detail or generic thing?” Sam finishes, with an understanding smile. I don’t know what he could mean by that though, I mean, I was passed out for a long time and I don’t think people can speak while being unconscious in that sense.
I shook my head no after thinking for a moment. Gabriel let’s his head fall back in dramatic fashion while mumbling something under his breath.
“Sorry my answer isn’t the one you wanted, Gabriel.” His head snapped up and glared at me. What is this guy’s problem? “But I barely remember even walking out to the car, let alone any specific details of our last interview.”
“You’re lying,” Castiel said from the corner of the room, a perplexed look on his face. I wanted to ask what he meant but he continued, “you woke up in Ketch and Mick’s car and described something very disturbing.” I try not to shrink under the angel’s condemning gaze; because I actually don’t remember waking up at all until being in the motel. The disturbing thing I described, I don’t think I will ever be able to forget.
“I don’t remember that at all. I had no idea I woke up before five minutes ago.”
Gabriel stands up and snaps his fingers in one motion and I immediately find myself in the backseat of the Impala with Castiel next to me.
“What the hell was that for?!” I say trying to steady myself from falling to one side or the other.
Castiel barely spares me a look and explains “Gabriel snapped us both here to have some kind of privacy I assume.”
I try to open the door handle but Cas reaches over to grab my arm, and locks the door. He refuses to let go of me whether because of my continued swaying or because he thinks I could outrun him or something.
“Okay, and what exactly are you doing here? I wouldn’t think he would want privacy from you if he’s saying his piece.”
Castiel finally releases my arm but gives no answer, and instead, looks out the window.
I do the same hoping that Gabriel and the Hunters don’t take all day.
(Back in the motel room)
Y/n and Cas had disappeared from the room thanks to Gabriel.
“Really, Gabe? You probably could’ve just asked them to leave the room for a minute.” Sam says, exasperated with Gabriel already.
Gabriel takes a deep breath and slowly walks around the room, in deep thought.
Dean uncrosses his arms, letting them rest on either side of the motel chair while watching the archangel pace the room, waiting for an answer.
“What have you got to say that you didn’t feel y/n or Cas should hear then?” Mick stands from the bed and asks, squaring his shoulders and walking towards Gabriel with annoyance.
Gabriel pauses his movements, stopping in front of Mick while saying, “Cas already knows what I’m gonna tell you, that’s why he’s with y/n right now.” He turns back looking at Ketch. “She did just wake up after being knocked out for a few hours and I’d rather not be responsible for a casualty already."Gabriel brushes by Ketch to sit on the spot that he vacated. "And I doubt she would appreciate her being told how probable it is that she is this nephidemon we’ve been looking for.”
The room falls silent as the Hunters process his words.
“And why exactly do you think this?” Sam asks Gabriel, a shocked expression on his face. “She literally volunteered to help us with this case without any kind of convincing from any of us. If she is the nephidemon, then wouldn’t she want to get as far away from all of us as possible?”
Gabriel closes his eyes and leans his head against the bed’s worn bed frame, “Sam, I can’t put my finger on it but when I first saw her, she reminded me of Asmodeus all over again.” He slowly opens his eyes, keeping them focused on the ceiling missing the spark within them. I can only assume that kind of trauma doesn’t leave a person - or archangel I guess unaffected.
“Well, try to. We have to figure this out now, or come up with a plan on testing her or something,” Dean says, rubbing his temples still trying to understand how y/n could have played them all along. How she could have played Ketch and Mick for even longer.
Gabriel sighed saying, “I don’t know if this will make you feel better, I doubt she knows herself if she’s related to Asmodeus. She doesn’t act like him at all, and from what you’ve said she sounded confused, scared even by what happened when she passed out.”
The group relaxes but only slightly. “How could she possibly not know?” Ketch thinks aloud, “and why would a single memory or hallucination suddenly reemerge right now?”
Gabriel only shrugs, not really being able to provide any kind of a possible answer or solution. Mick shakes his head and offers “He could have wiped her memory in order to protect her. That is why we initially thought the nephidemon would be here for so long.” Dean slowly nods while Sam rubs his eyes in frustration. “And maybe Ketch describing what Mrs. Hutcherson saw triggered part of her memory to come back; why she passed out.”
The men sat in silence, mulling over everything Gabriel brought up, before anyone could move to suggest anything further, the archangel snapped his fingers and slowly let his hand drop back down to the bed.
“Figured it might be smarter to ask her about it, maybe search her memory or something.” He states, beginning to act a bit more normal, as they wait tensely for y/n and Cas to walk back through the door.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
I think Mick should have lived. He was a cool guy. Misguided, but at least he took issue with Ketch *stalking us!* When Dad told him he would kill them both if it ever happened again, he was like, "👁👄👁 he *what?!*" Like he seemed genuinely horrified to know he *showed up at our home* unprompted.
It was probably the most intense interaction I've ever experienced. I slammed the door shut on him when I saw him because his vibe was so rancid it made me feel cold and nauseous, and it felt like ice-cold hands were strangling me. The only reason Dad let him in was because it was only the two of us, and he didn't know how Ketch would react if he told him to leave. He wouldn't stop staring at me the whole time, so I hid behind dad, and I was shaking uncontrollably because of how rancid his vibe was. It was worse than any demon's vibe, Lucifer's, too.
-Fallon Winchester
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findroleplay · 1 year
21+. She/Her. Looking for some fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+!
I write on Discord (through DMs or servers) or through Tumblr messages. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 2-4 paragraphs. I can't reply every day. I try not to make anyone wait longer than 3-5 days for replies.
Canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF ; please be open to writing at least two of those ; I don't write with people who only do MxF) are my favorite. I'm okay with doing some canon x OC ones (MxM or FxF only). I like my threads to be set within the universe so no AUs that are way off the beaten path. I do prefer writing romantic ships with NSFW/smut involved but also with a very healthy dose of plot. If you'd rather keep things clean and/or do platonic ships, I'm willing to take that into consideration.
All characters will be 18+!
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships, but I'm willing to try just about any so we can discuss those together. Any character in bold, I'm especially interested in writing as right now.
Doctor Who/Torchwood: Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Ian Chesterton, Jack Harkness, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan
Fantastic Beasts Franchise: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Gerion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Lyn Corbray, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Rodrik Harlaw, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Ghost/Clergy Universe: Cardinal Copia, Dewdrop Ghoul, Papa Emeritus IV
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino
Grand Theft Auto V: Devin Weston, Michael De Santa, Steve Haines
Harry Potter Franchise: Augustus Rookwood, Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape
House of the Dragon: Daemon Targaryen, Otto Hightower
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe: Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Eddie Brock, Harry Osborn, Helmut Zemo, Loki Laufeyson, Matt Murdock, Nathan Summers, Peter Parker, Piotr Rasputin, Tony Masters, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Saw Franchise: Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
Tolkien Legendarium: Bard, Beleg, Bofur, Boromir, Celeborn, Curufin, Elrond, Haldir
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh
If you made it through to the end and would like to work something out, you can like this post and I'll reach out to you, message me on here, or add me on Discord: lindsay7046.
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
Please be 21+ to interact!!!
21+. She/Her. Looking for some Supernatural roleplays. I'm mainly interested in canon x canon pairings and MxM ships. I like canon/canon divergent plots and write on Discord (third person, past tense, 200-400 words on average). I'm a sucker for romantic relationships and don't mind/encourage writing smut but with a healthy does of plot. I have plenty of my favorite ships. I'm always open to discussing others. I'll just be sharing my main muses here. Anyone in bold I'm especially interested in writing as right now.
My Muses: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Balthazar, Benny Lafitte, Chuck Shurley, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
If you'd like to work something out, please message me. I will not be checking likes. And, when you message me, please let me know which character(s) you were interested in writing against, if you have any favorite ships for them, and a little bit about your writing style.
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findyourrp · 7 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies usually take 2-3 days. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double. 👻
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Various horror/horror-esque/supernatural fandom threads. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm only looking for MxM ships for my male muses and am open to MxF or FxF with my female muses. Because of the nature of most of these fandoms, NSFW is likely to come up to some degree or other. When it comes to smut, I'm okay with writing it or forgetting about it altogether.
I'll be listing the fandoms and my main muse(s) from them. Anyone in bold I'm especially interested in writing as right now.
Behind the Mask - Leslie Vernon
NBC Hannibal - Brian Zeller, Frederick Chilton, Will Graham
Killer Klowns from Outer Space - Dave Hanson, Mike Tobacco
The Lost Boys - David
Saw - Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
Scream - Billy Loomis, Dewey Riley, Jill Roberts, Mickey Altieri, Richie Kirsch
Supernatural - Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Benny Lafitte, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Drayton Sawyer, Charlie Hewitt Jr., Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer, Tex Sawyer, Tinker Sawyer
The Walking Dead - Beth Greene, Gabriel Stokes, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many messages at once.
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