#mick is a pr dream
lennies-blog · 2 years
New Mick Interview 🤩
Translation: Mick's interview with Sky Sport Germany at the Bahrain Testing
Source: Sky Sport Germany
Translation under the cut 😊 (it's quite long 😂)
I: „Mick! Thanks for taking the time for us! Testing is, of course, a whole different and special experience for you. You are spending a lot of time in the garage – how much of an information overload is it that you are receiving there?”
Mick: “Yeah, if it’s getting too much I’m also leaving for the track to watch it there, at least it’s quiet there. But no, it’s definitely a completely different experience in comparison to last year, yet very interesting and a good position for me to develop further, to learn and to see what the engineers do next to the racetrack and to yeah, absorb everything that I can.”
I: “Now regarding the tests: Was there anything yet what has been discussed or what you have discovered yourself where you were like ‘Oh, that was really interesting and that’s something that I can take with me for my future career!’”
Mick: “Yes, definitely, that was already the case on the first day and it goes on and on! I learn something new about the car every day, but also how the team works and a lot of that I can hopefully apply in the future.”
I: “What are the differences like? While I can imagine every team works differently, some processes are probably the same? Can you give us a little insight on how it compares?”
Mick: “Well the difference is (it’s) a big team. Processes are different, yes, but in a way.. especially the meetings are very long. Very long meetings, a lot of information and in particular what (information) will be fed back to the factory, kind of. It’s so we have the direct exchange with the simulator – they continuously test – to have the correlation there.”
I: “You now have a good insight here what the team has planned – we have already seen it from the outside that it did not go that well today – could you explain to us what has been the plan for testing and what may need to be postponed or what might have been cancelled entirely?”
Mick: “There is, of course, a set plan that has to be adjusted at some stage and today we had to adjust it. Nevertheless, we learned a lot, learned a lot about the car. Regarding the speed it is always hard to tell how it goes at testing – everyone’s always a bit careful with the information, also with what you hear in the paddock. It was quite a difficult day for us but still a good day to learn.”
I: “How is your contact, your collaboration with the other two drivers?”
Mick: “Of course a whole different feeling to the years prior, but really interesting! Naturally, Lewis (with) a whole lot of experience – to work with him is… exciting/interesting if I can say it like that. And of course, George, a lot of experience, did a great job here last year, therefore a place where I can learn a lot from the two of them.”
I: “Now we’ve previously seen there was a hydraulic issue, George Russell had to retire. You have been very close there, right at the centre of it – how does communication work there?”
Mick: “..In which way? I mean, of course, the driver says there is a problem and then the team either says we can bring it back to the garage or we have to stop on track and in this case we had to stop.”
I: “Could there be an immediate information from an engineer who might be sitting in the back like ‘Oh that could be that and you can’t do this and that!’ or...?”
Mick: “Well I think at first it’s always the same. You have to see that you don’t switch gears which could present a hydraulic issue and yeah.. try to not break as much as possible. Ehm.. and if it really is borderline then you have to stop it at the side of the track and get it back (to the garage) that way. And yeah, the engineers then tell you (as a driver) what to do.”
I: “There isn’t that much time left until the weekend, the first race weekend – what is your schedule until then? Are you staying here or a you jumping back into the simulator? How does that work?”
Mick: “At the moment I’ll probably stay outside, it’s actually nice weather here and quite nice and warm, so I can continue training here. So, we’re staying here. I think some of the engineers are staying as well so I can continue working with them and prepare for the weekend.”
I: “Great! Then thank you for now and we keep or fingers crossed and talk to you soon!”
Mick: “Yes, thanks!”
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deltadarlingf1 · 1 year
On the Reality of Dating a Famous/Wealthy Man:
I was going to post this on Twitter but decided I wanted to a do a long form post. So an explanation of this tweet, which was inspired by the screenshot just below it:
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First a disclaimer: I am not at ALL saying Mick is anything like the men I'm about to talk about (I genuinely doubt it). I'm using this response to him hard-launching his relationship as an example of the mindset I see in a LOT of the young female F1 fans. If you read the gossip blogs, you've seen posts like this and worse, particularly on Charles, Pierre, Danny, and Carlos's gfs.
As I said in my tweet, if these young girls knew what it can be like behind closed doors for the WAGs of the rich and the famous, they probably wouldn't make statements like this.
I see a lot of younger fans here on social media posting their imagines and fan fics, and as someone a bit older than them, it does worry me. I know for most people it's simple fantasy and fun, but when I see things like the above I know there are some younger girls that really just don't get it.
My aim in posting this is that maybe it'll be a bit of a reality check for some of those girls. And I don't mean that in a bullying way, I mean that in a "please don't look at these smiling pretty girls with the closet full of designer, perfect body, and seemingly perfect life and feel bad about yourself" way.
Lastly, how do I know any of what I'm about to talk about? I wish I was just chatting shit, but I have lived through all of what I'm posting below as the daughter of a "man" of wealth. His money came from corporate life, not fame, but when you have as much as my "father" did/does, you rub elbows with the famous. Everything I detail below happened to me, my mother, and the wives of my "father"'s coworkers. I'm now watching history repeat itself as I've moved up the corporate ladder and find myself around millionaires and billionaires on a regular basis.
1. The "Starter Wife" Phenomenon
In wealthy circles there's the concept of a "Starter Wife". This is the woman wealthy/famous men marry because they were high school sweethearts, worked together early on, or they dated before the man had his "come up". Sometimes men marry these women and have kids for the SOLE purpose of having the "Family Man" persona. For famous men, this can be good PR. For wealthy men, this can boost their career.
A lot of these men fucking HATE their wives. By the time they have money, they want the freedom of single life back. They can now afford their "dream woman" and loathe being "stuck" with their current wife because of it. Leading to:
2. Serial Cheating
These men have all the money and resources they need to live a double life. Not to mention built-in time and an alibi: They're on the road all the time for their job, work trips, events, etc. No time unaccounted for because they're always working.
Some of those work trips to wine-and-dine clients include runs to the local strip club, escorts, and in some cases some of those escorts are of INCREDIBLY questionable age (in reality, they are victims of trafficking). Again, I wish I was talking out of my ass, I have seen this shit with my own eyes and wish to the Gods I hadn't. Then there's also:
3. Domestic Violence
This is bad enough when it's a wealthy man whose built that "Family Man" persona to protect himself, but it's even worse when they're famous. No one believes the victims, in some cases the woman is financially stuck and can't just take the kids and run when it happens.
And for some women it hard to leave the man they thought their partner was and, yes, to let the lifestyle go. Speaking of the lifestyle there's:
4. The Loneliness
This is a big one for the F1 girlies I see posting their imagines and fanfics and what not. The fairytale of "he'll make time for me because he loves me and I'd be special. I'd be different."
These men are busy as shit. That Cartier Bracelet you envy on these girls is often a "sorry I missed your birthday". The big bouquet of roses is a "sorry I had to leave our trip early." Yes, we know the joke "well at least I can cry in a Ferrari", but that shit will wear on you more than you can believe. I can't tell you growing up how hurt I was when my performances were missed, major dates were forgotten, or my proud life updates were met with "yeah, uh-huh, hold on I have to take this call."
Of course there are good times, of course there's memories you'll cling to, but when you're out, you often realize how alone you felt in the relationship. Lastly, and most poignant with this F1 WAG nonsense:
5. Keeping Up Appearances
You're no longer your own person in a relationship with these men, you are an extension of them. With famous men, you're a part of their "branding".
You have to look a certain way, act a certain way, talk to the right people, have the right friends. In the corporate-wealth world, that means making your partner look good, playing the part of the trophy wife and perfect mother. Smile in front of those coworkers that you know just spent the last business trip drinking, gambling, and cheating on their wives. Wear the right dress to the corporate dinner to make his coworkers envy him, but don't dress too sexy or he'll grow angry and think you're trying to cheat.
If you're dating someone famous, by the GODS, you better look immaculate in every post. You better be there to support him at his events, but if you're there too often you're "attention-seeking". You better have model good-looks, but if you ARE a model, you're "a jobless loser trying to profit on him". Don't post him on your IG, but if you happen to post that you're in the same city as him, you're "dropping hints". If he posts you, it's only because you "probably begged him to".
It's a maddening dance where you cannot win for losing. And once you break up, enjoy letting the world decide if he should have stayed with you, or if they're relieved that he finally got away from "that selfish bitch".
Do what you will with the above. I just wanted to get it off my chest. But I do hope that maybe, MAYBE, it'll give someone that needs it some perspective.
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princemick · 2 years
MICKLORE for dummies
here;s part 1 with his racing history
because over roc weekend people seemed to have gotten to know him a lot better so here's a bunch more of mick info that I deem as essential
so under the tab I will add a bunch of stuff that kinda break trough that introverted pr trained wall he has.
this will be broken into facts, quotes, moments and videos.
he speaks, english, german, french and italian but beraly speaks italian and french because he doesnt feel comfortable enough with them
the f-2002 is his favorite of his dads cars
during a lot of 2022's off season he has been dirt racing in the states where he bascially races for as long as the car runs together with gina's bf (x) (x)
apperantly recognizes the italian anthem before the german
can't choose himself for a dream team so his dream team is michael and seb
couldnt choose between lewis and max in 2021 "because theyre both nice to me"
he used to play drums as a kid
his middle name is 'junior'
he is named after Mick Doohan (5x mtotogp champ) who used to live close to Michael who were really good friends and so him and Jack Doohan (f2 driver) have always been and are still close friends.
apperantly introduced himself to kevin when he got back to haas with 'suck my balls'
modified said off road buddy that he does mud racing with so it goes quicker then intended
he seems to have extra clothes with him at all times bc he borrowed an extra pair of pants and shirt to callum for their f2 podium celebration
his dad wanted him to study engineering (also interesting piece of related information: he said he would have become a biologist if not an f1 driver in this video)
he refers to his dog angie as his best friend
in F3 he won 5 races in a row. race 22 til 26 of the 2018 season.
he started doing champions for charity where he organizes a football match every year with a bunch of german sports players
mick denies it but this man has bleached his hair
"a bomb, a knife, a serial killer. I mean that comes all together so.."
"I mean if poeple ask me if I'm mick I usualy just say no. I learned that from my dad."
"can I eat this?" procedes to eat it
"you guys are gonna do pushuupss"
"can I go and pet it?? play fetch??"
"those cars are so shit"
"deutsche, german..WHA??"
"you sure??"
"my dad, my dad, my dad, my dad"
"I just wanna get to my dad"
"beep beep beep"
"I won f2 and f3 for a reason"
"you guys are fucking brilliant, FUCKING BRILLIANT! fucking hell- sorry for all the swearing guys"
"I have a problem with italian bread tbh"
"PTW man, PTW" (pwt means prove them wrong)
"so you have to be smooth, realise that its an old lady and treat it that way, take it easy and enjoy the ride"
"hmm, have you ever driven on the road blindfolded?"
"ah, I was fine" after crashing
"I'm glad it was you I was fighting against"
prema stranger things - where he bascially just shouts his ideas and is loudly jock and himbo coded
The 5 Second Challenge - him having to really quickly talk and think shows how he thinks really well aka himbo
The Taboo Challenge - where he has to explain something without using specific words
Seb And Mick Take On The Formula 1 Tower Challenge! - where Seb and Mick ask eachother questions as they play mega jenga
Mick and Dan at the 2021 russian gp presser - just wholesome
Mick and Sean cook pizza together - him being wholesome and happy and speaking italian
Prema Trivia Challenge - giving ultimate himbo rights
him hugging every haas mechanic after his last race w them
mick post Q2 in Canada
the groundhog video
Some minutes with Cyrus Watches: Mick Schumacher
The Texas Red Hot Sauce Challenge - shows his relationship with gary (his old race engineer) really well
Guess the Flavour: Japanese KitKat Taste Test - shows how weird mick is sometimes
Map The Track - himbo.
Mick celebrates with the team after first F1 points - hes so beloved
Gina and Crorinna's congrats after his first points
okay there's much much more, if you wanna get more into it I reccomend watching more of his prema and haas videos and just keep updated with him over his time at mercedes
dont be afraid to send me asks with questions or anyting!
and special thank you to 2/3 of the pillars of mickblr @acrosstobear and @schumaclerc for helping me out w some micklore and @stoffelvandoornegf for this post
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soyl4ndo · 2 years
First Of The Season | Lando Norris
Part of the Sweet Dreams series
previous chapter: Meeting The Parents word count: 2.2k words warnings: smut english is not my first language
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It is your first day on the track as one of the team members. Your first weekend working for McLaren. It had a special feeling to it, as you walk into the paddock with your team wear. You were surrounded by lots of people, but someone on the other side caught your eye. You walk over to him and he starts to chuckle as he locks eyes with you. "Is it still appropriate for me to congratulate you on your seat with Haas?" You question Mick as you greet him. "As long as you tell me when this happened.." He points up and down your outfit. "..I thought you were just friends with half the grid." You chuckle as you realize he remembered your last conversation. Mick and you walk a little further into the paddock while you continue your conversation. As you pass the Haas hospitality Mick gets called by his PR manager and you remember you have media duties of your own. You walk back to the McLaren hospitality as you bump into Lando, a smirk leaves his face as he sees you in your uniform. You shake your head as you follow Charlotte. It was a long day filled with photoshoots, walking with Charlotte to see what her work was all about, and lots of meetings. You couldn't wait to head back to the hotel and finally gets some rest.
As you made your way up to the hotel room, you could slowly start to feel how your day wasn't quite over yet. Lando was done around the same time as you, so both of you arrived at the hotel at the same time. Lando followed you to the room, but on your way, he starts to place soft kisses in your neck. As you try to swipe the hotel keycard, you can see your hands tremble. Lando holds your hand as he swipes the keycard by the lock and pushes the door open. You can't take a step forwards as Lando spins you around and continues to kiss you. You stumble backward into the hotel room, you could feel how the soft kisses turned into passionate ones, Lando paused. You had politely denied him before, mainly because you didn't know if you were ready or not, but tonight you couldn't care less. You cup his cheeks and resume the passionate make-out session. Lando breaks the kiss, "Do you really want to?" You nod your head innocently, and before you know it you're carefully thrown onto the bed. He was soft with you, as he always was. He gradually takes off his shirt and a small but sly smile appears on your face as you bite down on your lip because of the sight in front of you. As Lando places his hand on your waist and slowly moves it underneath your shirt to lift it up, he stops halfway. "Are you sure you want this? We can still stop." He wished on every star in the universe that you wouldn't change your mind, but he wouldn't continue to until he knew you wanted this as much as he did. "I want you more than anything right now." You continue to move his hand further up your shirt, so you can take it off. "Anytime you want to stop, you just let me know, alright Y/N?.." He softly places kisses in your neck. You nod and lift your hips to let him know you are ready. "..and if you don't like it, then we will move on." He was so soft when it came to you feeling as comfortable as possible, especially because it was your first time and he didn't want to mess up. Your soft smile gets disturbed by the warm kisses of Lando. You can feel the smirk on Lando's face against your neck as he slowly traces down your body with one of his hands. He directs your hands towards the waist of his pants, instructing you to undo his pants. As you undo his pants, "You will have to tell me what you like.." You shyly tell Lando, "..I'm-" Het cuts you off, "There is nothing you could do that I wouldn't like." With every piece of clothing he wants to remove, he asks for your permission, but he could feel you started to feel uncomfortable once the both of you were fully naked. "You're so beautiful." He whispers, completely entranced by the sight of you, thanking his lucky stars you are his. He made sure the first time was safe and reached for a condom.
He carefully pushes himself in, gently as he tries to avoid any discomfort you might experience. After he heard the small moan leave your mouth, he gives you a few seconds to adjust before he says, "You'll get used to it. I promise." His eyes roll back, obsessed with how perfectly you took him as if you are made for him. He starts off slowly and made sure you didn't get hurt. He tries to find out what you like and what not, and once he found out what made you moan the hardest he decided to pick up the pace. Lando was already pleasured by hearing his name come out of your mouth, but what sent him over the edge was you pushing back a few times. "I'm almost there, love." Lando was mesmerized by your actions and had the struggle to talk to you. You hum as you could feel, you were also almost there. You then feel his cold fingers on your clit, small circles are drawn and before you could hold back, you reach your high. Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks. Never had you thought an orgasm could feel better than the ones you had given yourself. Lando was over the moon, with the experience he had, you were the best by far. Lando slowly pulls himself out of you and lets himself fall next to you. "That was-" Perfect, that was perfect." Lando finished your sentence, and a little laugh leaves your lips. He places a kiss on the side of your head before he pulls you into a cuddle. You lay there for a while until you decide to get up and go to the toilet. On your way back to the bed you find Lando's shirt on the ground and decide to sleep in it. "You look amazing." You hear Lando say from behind you. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, "I love you." "I love you." He walks the two of you back to the bed and you return to the soft and pleasant cuddles. Every now and then Lando would place a kiss on your forehead, while he stroked your hair as you would slowly drift off to sleep.
You had to admit that after the events of Thursday night you felt a bit sore for the next couple of days. It could have been the number of steps you have taken, but you knew better and so did Lando. Every time you would walk past each other, he would notice how you had a little limb. He would tease you about it as soon he got you to himself. You can't blame it, because he literally did that to you.
Yesterday was qualifying and you could sense Lando wasn't too happy about his result. Daniel had qualified higher than Lando. You had decided to wait in the hospitality in front of Lando's drivers' room to talk to him, but you could already see Charlotte sprint after him as he was already done with this weekend. Lando quickly changed out of his race suit and into team wear. Meanwhile, Charlotte walked up to you, and without even saying anything, she told you Lando wasn't happy with his result. "He said, and I quote; already one-nil down, fuck, shit, fuck." You rolled your eyes and nod your head to let Charlotte know you see what is going on. Charlotte immediately returned to her job as Lando left his drivers' room, ready to talk to the media.
After they got back from the media pen, you overhear the conversation between them. "What would you want me to say?" Charlotte started off. "You're shit Lando-" "We knew Daniel was going to be better than you.." She had cut him off. It stayed quiet between them, "..points will be scored tomorrow." Was the only thing you could hear Charlotte say before they walked into Lando's drivers' room. You didn't want to interfere too much, as this was a little new to you. You let Lando calm down and decided that if he wanted to talk about it, he could come to you. Not that you could keep to your own words, because as soon as you got back to the hotel room you started to ask him questions. They seemed to help Lando see the better of things and think more about the positive things that could happen tomorrow, which brings you to today.
Today is race day, you arrive a couple of hours prior to lunchtime. Lando was off to do his own thing and you, for the first time this week, didn't have to think about work. Everyone around you was getting ready for the race, so you decided to make your way to the garage. On your way to the garage, you walk into a few people and wish them all the luck for the race. Although you are part of the team, you decide to stay at the back of the garage, out of all the possible camera shots, and with nobody really around you.
Lando would start from P7, with Daniel in front of him on P6 and Carlos behind in P8. Max had taken pole position yesterday, so he would start from P1. They all drive off for the formation lap when near the end Perez comes to a standstill. So they have to abort the formation lap and start an extra formation lap. You can feel your nerves build up in your stomach as the lights go out and the cars drive into the first corner. At the third corner, you can see a Haas go off in the back of the grid. For a split second, you think that it is Mick, but it ends up being his teammate. After the first lap, Lando is in P6 as he passed Daniel before they got to the third corner, Carlos dropped down to P10 and Max was still leading the race. Due to the crash of the Haas, there has been a safety car deployed.
The race resumes once the safety car enters the pit. Lando is already ahead of Pierre when you see him fall down the order as he collided with Daniel, and a short virtual safety car is deployed. It is lap 8 and Lando is about to catch Charles. When they get to turn 4, Lando tries to overtake Charles but doesn't really succeed. On the next lap, Lando tries to overtake Charles in the first corner, and this time around he does succeed. On lap 13 the team calls in Lando for his first pit stop for the race. It is a slow stop, but somehow he is still in front of Charles as they exit the pit lane. Not much later Max enters the pit lane, as he exits the pit lane, he gets overtaken by Hamilton and he becomes the leader of the race. On lap 21 you see how Carlos overtakes Vettel and Alonso both before turn 4.
With only 5 laps to go Max was under a second behind Hamilton. Lando was still in P4 and Carlos had made his way back to his starting position. Just as you take a look at the overview, you can see Max trying to overtake Hamilton. He does it but has to give back the position as he went off the track. Max doesn't win, but in the end, it was a good first race of the season, at some point Lando even had the fastest lap. He even was in the third position for a few laps. You made your way out of the garage and back to the hospitality. As you wait for Lando to come back, you can see lots of people walking back and forth. You see happy faces on some drivers, but also disappointed ones. You talk for a little while with George when you see Lando in the corner of your eye. "See you in Imola?" George asks before he takes off. You shake your head and turn around to Lando. Charlotte, Jon, and you all walk with him into his drivers' room. "That was beautiful." You say to him as he sits down on a chair and lets out a sigh. He had such a huge grin on his face compared to yesterday. “See now that the roles are reversed, he is all happy.” Charlotte mocks.
Next Chapter
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gaslysgirl · 2 years
merc!mick has been living rent free ever since we saw the pics of him in the mercedes merch and oh my... I can only think of him having a girlfriend as a worker in mercedes, perhaps an engineer, pr, etc. and he's just shamelessly flirting all day long, with sweet glances, hungry ones, playful ones, then perhaps being dragged in an empty office and...👀💕
Working with Merc!Mick and then fucking Merc!Mick is a dream
"Fuck, babe. That skirt has been teasing me all day already," Mick breathes as he rushes to hike it up. You're backed up against the door of Toto's empty office. The lights were still off, the blinds were closed as he had left them. Toto was in London to give a seminar at a university, and from the way you had been giving him eyes all day already, the subtle brush of your hand over his thigh during lunch, he couldn't wait any longer. "I can't believe we're fucking in Toto's office," you moan as his lips suck on your neck, your legs curled around his waist while he's still busy to unzip the denim of his jeans. Mick's large hands grab the globes of your ass and carry you over to the large desk. "Did you lock the door?" you ask Mick in between his mouth on yours, his cock pressing against your pussy. "Don't care," he muttered, his hips snapping forward and splitting you on his cock. Your hands wrap around his biceps to hold onto him for dear life as he rails you on Toto's desk, his hand clasped over your mouth.
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sebscore · 1 year
gzd in miami would be such a vibe ; i just imagine muscle tees and her dancing to shakira and spanish songssssss and forcing mick alongggg omg
I KNOW!! 😭 all of this is def her jam, cause she’s the dream of every PR team! 🫶🏻💞
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ilottthepilot · 5 months
i want to hear your many thoughts on mick & indycar!!
Okay, sorry for the wait, i have spent the last few hours contemplating this topic and trying to put my thoughts in order.
It's really a jumping off point for my thoughts on Mick as a person and his position in motorsports. Basically, this all stems from an old video I watched months ago, where Michael is asked if he has ever considered taking part in the Indy 500. His answer is direct: "No. First of all it's a step down from Formula 1 and second, it's too dangerous" He then goes on to say that the people who don't make it in F1 go to Indy and the people that come from Indycar don't make it in F1.
Now back to Mick. It is an age old trope that the one thing the child of a great wants, is to step out of their parent's shadow. To be their own person. What I have always found interesting about Mick is that this has never seemed to be a goal of his. While he has presented himself as stepping into Michael's footsteps, carrying on the legacy and trying to do things that would make his father proud, he always steers clear from saying anything about reaching Michael's level. It's this untouchable thing, a challenge that he would never take.
I mean, what I'm saying here sounds a bit ridiculous. Why would it ever occur to the guy who got fired from Haas to compare himself to a seven time world champion? He would be torn to shreds by the media and everyone online. But what does it really mean to accept that you will never come close to your father in the thing that is both of your passion? What I want to mention here is Mick's PR training and the personality he shows to the public. He is a perfect poster child of the famous Ferrari academy media training that allegedly tries to turn everyone into a humble blank slate. While he shows genuine emotion when it comes to talking about his family, I think it's difficult to gauge what he really wants from his racing career. What are his dreams? What goals is he aiming towards?
He is now racing in WEC and still one of the first things I heard him say about that is how he's stepping into his dad's footsteps, because Michael also has a history with sportscar racing. That might only be a tiny part of Michael's legacy, but for the German sponsors Mick is most valuable as a reminder of Michael. Stating it like that sounds cruel, but I'm afraid that's the business side of it all.
For the record: I absolutely do not want to imply that Mick doesn't want to invoke Michael's legacy every step of the way. Of course you want to honor the father you love, who tragically can't be with you for all of this, the way you would have wanted. That's the most natural thing in the world. The part that gets me though, is that it sometimes feels like he doesn't get the choice. How many times has he told childhood stories for the benefit of DVB or whatever other sponsor is trying to get clicks?
Now, after all of this rambling you can probably assume how Indycar fits into this. If Mick ever decides that he does want to take a step in his carreer that is his, and only his, what better option could there be? At the end of the day he turned out to be one of the guys that didn't make it in F1 that Michael talks about in that clip, but would he accept the challenge that Michael Schumacher, of all people, deemed to dangerous?
Sure, Indycar is on average not on the same talent level as F1, even though there is clearly a lot of overlap, but at the end of the day they still have the 500, which is as good of a way to carve your name into history as any. Am I saying that Mick will win the 500 if he joins Indycar? Not necessarily, but it's always a possibility. Why not give it a go? I also think that the Schumacher name carries less weight in the US. Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Who knows, but it might take the tiniest bit of pressure and expectation off Mick's back.
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rosyjuly · 2 years
I just took a three hour nap (very refreshing) and had a dream where they finally cancelled the After movies (how many are there by now??) and instead sponsored some new filming company from Antarctica (??? Don't ask, but somehow it was very important in the dream) to make your Prince AU into a tv series and they even got George and Alex to act as themselves (it was even justified well: in my dream Audi was already joining f1 in 2024 and they promised Alex a seat so he was taking a break anyways until then because Williams sucks, and Mercedes wanted to give Mick a chance for that year and also thought the tv show was good PR) Anyways I was somehow part of the Antarctica Film Crew and you and Gabby were always there in those directors chairs but they had your urls on the back and I never actually saw either of your faces. Halfway through the shoot of the whole series we found out Alex and George had already been on and off dating for three or four years? There were lots of discussions about reshooting the whole thing because the affection could've been displayed more genuinely (whatever that means) but it all worked out in the end. After that it took Galex two years (!!) until they came out to the public, DTS was named second best F1 series (Netflix was pissed), Prince AU (it was called exactly that) was named best, the British Monarchy was happy about the show because they thought it was good PR! But then got abolished not even a year later and even though nobody said it everybody knew it was because of Prince AU. George was heartbroken. Anyways sorry this is so long but it was Such a fun dream and I thought you have to know how much this has already been ingrained into my subconscious
anon when i tell you @prettydangrotten and i SCREAMED when we read this...!!!! first of all a three hours nap, this was an Endgame length dream (or shall i call it spiritual awakening). the URLS ON THE DIRECTOR CHAIRS. NEVER SEEING OUR FACES (daft punk is shaking in their boots as i type this). as gabby said, "George actively in a relationship with his romantic costar and STILL can’t show genuine affection". (also i AM a pain and i would have wanted to reshoot, 10/10). we got to piss off will buxton? the show simply being titled prince au? THE MONARCHY BEING ABOLISHED A YEAR AFTER? anon. this is my favorite ask i have ever gotten. have any of your dreams ever come true? asking for, uh, a friend... 10/10. no notes.
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perriwinklesblog · 1 year
I dunno. It just makes me hate the mask?
Like Dream wearing it to feel more comfortable on camera etc. yeah I can get that.
But the whole comment at the end that he’ll wear it whenever he’s in public is like sad. It just, in my head, makes me think less about the mask less as his brand and more about the hate and negativity surrounding his looks. And the harassment and the bad side to the internet.
And like I’d feel the same with any creator you know?
Like if Sam went back to being faceless or started wearing a creeper mask.
It’s just that whole statement about outside of content and deleting the content he has.
I dunno, the message that came across to me just felt sad and rubbish.
Like I said I don’t mind the idea of the mask and him using it for his content etc.
I dunno. It’s just the way it’s made me feel. He can do what he wants. Wear what he wants. Anything so he has and feels in control of his image. That’s important.
The self depreciation of it all was just shit for me. I think that’s it. I think that’s why it’s just sad. Like as a Brit we take the mick out of ourselves a lot but this just felt sad. It wasn’t entertaining. It didn’t feel entertaining and as a PR stunt (if it was one). Not the best. Just sad.
Like I dunno. That’s just me I guess.
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Okay like am I the only one who wouldn't sing Pierre? Just his season has really not been stellar?
I don't think he's untalented but just this season has been so lack luster. Sure it's partially the car but also there has just not been a single race that I can recall where he performed greatly and compared to Yuki who I would say has had worse luck and is less experienced I just don't see why I as a company would take him over someone like Mick who not only has a more experienced and talented teammate but also has had some great memorable drives this year.
Besides from a PR perspective Mick and Esteban seems like a dream.
I just don't see why Alpine would choose Pierre. I really don't.
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vettelcore · 4 years
i would agree with the "mick only got that seat because of his name" take if it wasn't because... he's a f3 champion, on his way of becoming a f2 champion....... what more do you want from the guy to show he deserves a seat
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Raise a glass for Mick Schumacher, the PR Dream Child, who is finally free of the PR Anti Christ.
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lewisdidthat · 3 years
In the note of mick writing love letters, lets go back to mick's handwriting where new evidence has been uncovered- when we saw him writing at a wall at one pr event sometime before the triple headers started, did you see it?
yes bestie i know its not the best handwriting (goddammit mick why can't you be like your fantasies) but a girl can dream!!
its mick and daniel monday!
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
Ok to be fair the most memorable films where LA is also a character seems to love to portray the city as the boulevard of broken dreams. I'm saying Sunset Boulevard, Mulholland Drive, La La Land, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
And I can’t believe you called Bill “Pennywise” omg. Any tea on him?
These brothers seem to be incredibly private and lowkey. From their dad to his children, they're not very hollywood. Only Alex really engages in the hollywood scene but not even as much. I heard they're very nice and perfect gentlemen though. I did have a friend who worked on Deadpool 2 so he met Bill a few times but the Ryan's ego gossip was just more juicy overall.
Ws anon what do you think of larries/Larry behaviours? Have you ever had a conversation with your friend about them ? They becoming more and more weird every year. Can we have a post about them from you and telling us generally.
I'm not into 1D so I've heard about them but never really learned in depth until I befriended a harrie here on tumblr. The concept of this isn't exclusive to One Direction or Harry Styles, I am huge into Taylor's fandom and you guys probably know all the Swiftgron/Kaylor stuff too. But the whole tinhatting predates both fandom, I will say larrie came at a time social media began booming so the cult was able to spread rampantly and nobody knew how to handle it in the ways social media allowed tinhatting to become accessible.
Look from my world you can hear tea or gossip all over that not even their respective fandoms have heard. We get our gossip from their teams may it be their pr, managers, hairdressers, crew etc. but people who probably don't discuss with fans. These gossip can go from secret girlfriends, flings, sexuality, scandals, feuds, pr relationships etc. I will confidently say that there have been many rumored relationships that fans never heard about, but from my colleagues there has never been any rumors from the inside of any 1D members secretly in relationship with each other and so there's nothing for me to believe there's any credibility in this larrie relationship. Look from my dad's era it was the Mick Jagger/David Bowie rumors among others that definitely ran rampant, but they didn't have twitter or tumblr to spread it all over. This era you have the larries and it definitely sucks the length they go to abusing the members, their loved ones, and as far as I heard even manipulating the fans and fandom. Is this alarming and problematic? yeah sure. Is there any way to stop it? I don't know, you still have your Qanon bullshitters and nobody knows how to stop them.
Honestly speaking because I'm out of the fandom and not even a fan of either Harry or Louis they don't really enter my mind that much. The only thing that annoys me at a certain degree is having people say I'm a larrie just because I think holivia is mostly pr or Harry is calling the paps. As if that fandom created the concept of pr or suddenly become experts in how the industry works? Because again I was born and raised in Hollywood and have always share about celebs here and there and the only people who have seemed butthurt ever is that fandom. Other than that they're far away bugs to me because I'm rarely in a space where I need to actually bother with them.
Sorry if I'm not much help.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
Jessie, did you see the new sneakpeak of Camilla's Cinderella? How did this film get greenlit?
“but the Ryan's ego gossip was just more juicy overall.” SPILL THE TEA!
And yeah I did, which just reaffirms my belief that Camilla is an industry plant lol. Why else would they go ahead with this movie??
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micksandmax · 3 years
Thank you so much for tagging me @meecamille !! I love doing these even though I take so much time 🥲
Nickname: I've got quite a few, so I'll just mention my nicest ones, which are Tani, TV, GG, Cub and Cappuccino (the story behind 3/5th of these are absolutely ridiculous 😂)
Zodiac: 21st April so Tauruss ♉
Height: 1.64m or 5'3 😔
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw!!
Last thing I googled: Literally rn, conversion of metres into feet
Followers: 111 (nicee)
Song stuck in my head: What A Heavenly Way To Die by Troye Sivan
How much I sleep: Around seven to seven and a half hours, I can't sleep more 🥲
Lucky number: I have three, 4,7 and 9. They've been 'my' numbers since I was very small (I was so happy when I found out that Mick went with 47!!)
Dream job: Hmm, I have two. One being a professional sleeper, and the other more major one is being a PR official for one of the f1 teams😌 (before f1 I wanted to do pr in the acting and music industries)
Wearing: A maroon ghagra (basically a huge skirt) and a multi-coloured blouse (there's a ceremony going on rn, while I'm typing👌)
Favourite song: I currently have four, Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County, Those Nights by Bastille, and my all time favourites Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA and So Long by Niall Horan!!
Favourite instrument: Harp and violin (I can't choose) but just for listening since I can't play either of them 😬
Aesthetic: Well it's a combination of soft+light academia+ beachy, because I don't know any other way in which to describe it😂
Favourite author: My indecisive self has a few, some of them are Ella Fields, Rick Riordan, Holly Black and Cassandra Clare!! I clearly prefer fiction and fantasy 😅
Favourite animal noise: Meowing!! Cats are my absolute favourite with dogs a close second. But I certainly find meowing cuter than barking 😂
Something random: Sometimes I call cheetah cubs Cheetosss 😌
I'll tag @charlesverstappen97 @footyleclerc @capitanodavide now incase they want to do this!! If anyone else wants to, then feel free to fill this up💗
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vettely · 4 years
the more i think about it the more i’m convinced it would be really good for haas to sign pietro instead of mazepin. i’m aware mazepin senior has more money than stroll senior and latifi senior combined but gene haas is in f1 mainly to promote his brand, and linking his name with mazepin’s would be a disaster for him. on the other hand we have pietro with famous fittipaldi surname, and also mick schumacher, signing both of them for 2021 would be a great pr move for haas, the team but especially gene himself. i’ve also read somewhere that pietro could bring some good sponsors with him. and besides famous surnames, haas would have the most wholesome duo on the grid, those two are just too precious. i know these are all just rumors based on meaningless bio change but girl can dream okay
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