#michiko ochiai
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 8 months ago
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gontagokuhara · 5 years ago
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i put my fangan ocs in an alignment chart and this is all u have to know about any of them
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otakutale · 3 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Anime Movie Premieres June 10 - Visual Revealed
The official website of the anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (Skilled Teaser Takagi-san) has revealed that the anime’s…
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newsintheshell · 3 years ago
Tribe Nine: anime in arrivo per il nuovo titolo di Akatsuki e Too Kyo Games
Nella Tokyo del futuro del creatore di Danganronpa e Akudama Drive le gang si affrontano a suon di baseball!
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Durante una diretta streaming Akatsuki e Too Kyo Games hanno presentato il loro nuovo progetto crossmediale chiamato “Tribe Nine”, che sarà composto inizialmente da un videogioco, un webtoon e una serie anime co-prodotta da Funimation, il cui debutto è fissato per gennaio 2022.
Il soggetto originale è stato ideato da Kazutaka Kodaka, il creatore di “Danganronpa” e “Akudama Drive”. L’ambientazione è quella di un’ipotetica Tokyo del futuro, nella quale diverse bande rivali si affrontano in una versione tecnologica ed estrema del baseball.
Ecco la prima locandina ufficiale dell’anime.
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I primi membri del cast confermati sono:
Haru Shirogane: Yui Horie 
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Shun Kamiya: Akira Ishida 
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Taiga: Chiharu Sawashiro 
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Saori Arisugawa: Mai Fuchigami 
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Santaro Mita: Mutsumi Tamura  
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Manami Daimon: Fukushi Ochiai 
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Kazuki Aoyama: Shoya Chiba  
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Tenshin Otori: Hiroshi Naka  
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Ojiro Otori: Junichi Suwabe 
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Yui Kamiki: Mikako Komatsu  
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In lavorazione presso lo studio LIDENFILMS (Tokyo Revengers, Cells at Work! Black), la serie è diretta da Yu Aoki e sceneggiata da Michiko Yokote (Shirobako, The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!). Il character design è adattato per l’animazione da Yosuke Yabumoto (Duel Masters), mentre le musiche per la colonna sonora sono firmate da Masafumi Takada (Danganronpa).
Autore: SilenziO)))
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recentanimenews · 3 years ago
Tribe Nine TV Anime Takes Baseball to the Extreme in Debut Trailer
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  Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games' new Tribe Nine project has a few arms to it, including a game, a WEBTOON, and a TV anime adaptation. If you ever wanted to see what you would get when you mix the folks behind Danganronpa with the concept of a bunch of groups throughout Tokyo participating in extreme baseball, well, you just got your wish in the anime's first trailer.
  Directed by Yu Aoki, with Michiko Yokote supervising scripts, and Yosuke Yabumoto adapting Danganronpa artist Rui Komatsuzaki's character designs at LIDEN FILMS, Tribe Nine is a Funimation co-production that's due out in January 2022. Check out the video for a taste of the over-the-top sports action to come. 
    Get ready for some extreme baseball like you've never seen before! We're excited to announce that we're co-producing the anime adaptation of Tribe Nine, coming January 2022. Find out more: https://t.co/KGE3t8ByhH pic.twitter.com/Vxnl61X7RK
— Funimation (@Funimation) September 30, 2021
  Voice cast members revealed thus far include Shun Horie as Haru Shirogane, Mai Fuchigami as Saori Arisugawa, Akira Ishida as Shun Kamiya, Chiharu Sawashiro as Taiga, Mutsumi Tamura as Santaro Mita, Shoya Chiba as Kazuki Aoyama, Fukushi Ochiai as Manami Daimon, Hiroshi Naka as Tenshin Otori, Mikako Komatsu as Yui Kamiki, and Junichi Suwabe as Ojiro Otori. 
  You can also check out a promo for the mobile RPG, which comes from Too Kyo Games and Kazutaka Kodaka (Danganronpa, Akudama Drive). 
    Sources: Funimation, @tribenine_tokyo, Dengeki Online
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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pkjd · 7 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san TV anime PV2 and new key visual. The series' opening theme will be performed by Yuiko Ohara. Broadcast premiere January 8th (Shin-Ei Animation)
"If you blush, you lose." Living by this principle, the middle schooler Nishikata gets constantly made fun of by his seat neighbor Takagi-san. With his pride shattered to pieces, he vows to turn the tables and get back at her some day. And so, he attempts to tease her day after day, only to find himself victim to Takagi-san's ridicule again sooner than later. Will he be able to make Takagi-san blush from embarrassment even once in the end?”
Director: Hiroaki Akagi.
Series Composition: Michiko Yokote
Character Designer: Aya Takano
Chief Animation Director: Takuji Mogi, Natsuko Kondou
Music: Hiroaki Tsutsumi
OP Theme: Yuiko Ohara
Animation Production: Shin-Ei Animation
Konomi Kohara
Yui Ogura
Yuma Uchida
Kotori Koiwai
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Fukushi Ochiai
Hinata Tadokoro
Source: http://takagi3.me/
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bigreplay-blog · 8 years ago
Infection en streaming
Infection en streaming Origine : japonais Réalisation : Masayuki Ochiai Durée : 1h 38min Acteur(s) : Michiko Hada,Mari Hoshino,Tae Kimura Genre : Epouvante-horreur,Science fiction Date de sortie : 26 août 2008 Un homme est abandonné par une ambulance à la porte des urgences d’un hôpital insalubre. Le patient, qui semble atteint d’une infection mortelle, est immédiatement pris en charge par…
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gontagokuhara · 6 years ago
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made some of my fangan kidz on picrew instead of sleeping last night. heres 9 that turned out p good!
1 + 2; 3, 4, 5; 6, 7, 8, 9
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gontagokuhara · 6 years ago
you should tell us abt ur fangan kids!
ive been meaning to answer this but itz long so i wanted to put it under a cut!!
hibiki (he/they) is the ultimate demolitionist! i cant draw but his design and whole aesthetic is literally just. minecraft creepercore. they’re 4′10″, they wear full-eye black contacts bc Crepper Aesthetic, and he just. likes to blow shit up. he’s the rival in my group killing game and i love him SO much
yuri (he/him) is 100% my kinnie oc as the ultimate camp counselor. despite being very good at what he does (duh), he hates it. the responsibility of having to maintain the fun and safety of a bunch of kids is shaving years off his lifespan. and, amazingly for him, he immediately gets assigned Group Dad against his will during the killing game. he also carries at least four fanny packs at all times, each containing snacks and capri suns, first aid supplies, arts and craft supplies, and a fucking tazer (which he usually threatens to use against hibiki). 
kimi (she/her) is the ultimate candy maker! her entire aesthetic is cotton candy, in which her hair is dyed blue and pink, she likes soft, puffy clothing, and she’s just a really sweet (ha) person in general! she gets along with most all of her classmates bar a few. she has lesbian disease also
miyah (she/her) is the ultimate witch, which sounds really cool, until she opens her mouth and you realize she’s the crystal-wielding, essential oil-drinking, anti vax queen you were warned about. she’s very sweet and very soft spoken, and genuinely tries to be kind to everyone, but she’s very much a you love her or hate her kind of personality.
koya (they/them) is the ultimate swashbuckler! swashbucklers are a hero archetype defined by flamboyant movement, sword-wielding, chivalry, and daring adventures. koya is a sea-faring spirit, and they fill their time in the killing game enthralling the others with stories of grandeur and convincing all of their classmates that they are a legit pirate. koya is a liar, they exaggerate…a lot, but their intentions are not malicious and their tales just come out a bit more romantic than they actually happened. they’re very charming and laid back, and they’re definitely the sort of heartthrob character that everyone wants to smooch. 
chieko (they/them) is the ultimate girl gang leader, and they are also ultimate lesbian. they’re sort of isolated from the rest of the group due to their talent being considered scary, and their very intense and intimidating appearance and personality. they’re major concern is to escape the killing game and find their way back to their girls (they say as much, which makes everyone VERY suspicious!) but they wouldnt hurt anyone and they end up becoming best friends with yuri and masako (who i’ve lovingly dubbed the parent squad of this class)
speaking of masako (she/they), she is the ultimate investigative journalist, and this killing game’s trial helper! she is very well traveled, and takes what she does very seriously. they are completely and utterly devoted to the truth, good or bad, they will find the truth. they absolutely detest koya for this reason; even little lies absolutely grind masako’s gears. she also is very distrustful, and she doesn’t trust anyone at the onset of the killing game. it takes her a long time to warm up enough to the protag to share her findings during investigations, and she often comes across as somewhat of a rival during trials due to her critical nature and the way she very blatantly does not trust those around her. nevertheless, later on she is (against her will) forced into the Parent Squad with chieko and yuri, and though she doesn’t trust anyone else, she will do everything in her power to keep more killings from happening. 
daichi (he/him) is the ultimate superhero, and he was the first dr oc i actually made!! he’s very much a pretty boy (fluffy blonde hair, pink eyes, freckles, he’s just Cute) and he and hibiki start dating during the killing game! he’s sort of a bastard and won’t give anyone a straight answer on what his superpowers actually are, but despite his kind, cheeky nature, he feels a deep sense of responsibility and guilt over not being able to do anything about the killing game. he is one of the more likely people to go snooping for the mastermind, and he’s gotten in physical fights more than once with people he deems suspicious. 
hirohito (he/him) is the ultimate joggler and he’s the greatest character of all time. what is joggling, you ask? don’t worry, he’ll tell you. i came across this while looking for talent ideas, and i laughed so hard i cried when i conceptualized this fiend. he’s very much the token joke character, he’s a hot head, and he’s kind of a dick, but the idea of hope’s peak allowing the ultimate person who can juggle and jog at the same time into their doors is just too hilarious to pass up. protag joggler 4 life
speaking of people who are kind of dicks, meet yuuto (he/him), the ultimate dancer. he’s such a hot head. he hates the most of his classmates out of any other character, including the mastermind. he’s dating the protag, who is one of like…four people he actually likes in his class. yuuto takes his talent very seriously, and spends hours every day working to maintain his status as the best of the best. his talent comes before everything else (or, at least, it did), but if his talent comes first, then the people he cares about take up every other place on the list. he doesn’t tolerate many people, but those he does, he is fiercely loyal towards. he would kill and die for the people he cares about. he is 5′2″ of pure kickass, and he will throw everything he has into defending the people he loves. i lvoe him.
michiko (she/her) is the ultimate influencer (yeah. i know). she’s an internet personality who has followings on instagram, twitter, youtube, tiktok, et cetera. she is also one of my earlier oc designs, and i’m kind of attached to her lol. she’s very naturally magnetic and has a lot of friends among her classmates, but she does have a tendency to get hung up on things like follower counts, conventional beauty, and wealth. she has a huge (mutual!) crush on koya, she’s best friends with hibiki, and she has an intense fear of swimming pools (her hair is dyed, and chlorine is way bad for dyed hair)
leeanne (she/her) is the only non-japanese character, and i. she’s a mess. she’s the ultimate theatre kid, and she’s basically every broadway tumblr user when h*milton was super popular. she complains about musical bootlegs, becries her classmates for not knowing anything about the musicals she stans, and she’s just. lord. obviously she’s a joke character, and she’s honestly a caricature of the kind of shit i got up to (to a degree! don’t call me out sdkjdsjbd) when i was 15 years old. suffice to say, none of her classmates like her very much
tomoya (he/him) is the obligatory ultimate ???, and also our trial ruiner! he earns the distrust of his entire class by keeping his talent a secret and then having it revealed by masako, and as a result he is very outcasted and lonely among his peers. he’s a naturally very reserved person, and his situation lends him to feeling very lonely. most of the class suspect him to be the mastermind – whether they’re right or not, only time will tell. 
katsumi (she/her) is 1/3 of what i’ve dubbed the Showbiz Squad as the ultimate pageant queen! she’s been participating in and winning beauty pageants since she was very young, and she’s won all the way up through the pageant ranks. as one would expect she’s very beautiful, and she’s also very bright and charismatic, which lends itself well to gaining allies in the killing game. she is by and large very fake, though, and she operates as a mini antagonist for various reasons. 
hikaru (he/him) is another third of the Showbiz Squad, as the ultimate game show host! he’s very ostentatious and charismatic; he’s always ‘on,’ always playing the gracious, enthusiastic host. there’s always a smile and a flashy, charming quip in his mouth, so he can wear very gratingly on the less enthusiastic and personable kids. he definitely would be a tumblr sexyman if he were an actual dr character {sweating emoji]. despite the crowd he seems to gather wherever he goes, no one knows much about him; and he likes to keep it that way. 
and finally, the last third of the Showbiz Squad, and also the protagonist: hachi (he/they), the ultimate child star! as their talent would indicate, hachi was a child star, and he absolutely detests the showbusiness world as a result. he really dislike pretty much…everyone who represents that part of his past (katsumi, hikaru, and michiko are prime examples) and his least favorite thing is getting the question: “omg where you in ___?” they’re very emotionally and physically fatigued by all the bullshit going on around them, so they come across as fairly apathetic to most people. but in actuality, hachi is someone who craves stability and kindness, and their extremely blunt, extremely annoyed exterior hides a very soft, compassionate interior. i absolutely adore this character :D
and umm thats it for my kids! i (for the most part?) have all of the killers/victims worked out, i have my mastermind all planned, but i’m still working on a setting/obligatory extra mono-creature/how this group falls within the dr canon. i love talking about these guys so if ur interest in them pwease send me asks/messages about them 🥺
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otakutale · 4 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Season 3 To Premiere January 2022 - Visual & PV Revealed
The official website of the TV anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (Skilled Teaser Takagi-san) has revealed that the…
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otakutale · 4 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Season 3 & Movie Teased
The official website for Japanese multimedia publisher Shogakukan has listed a third season of the TV anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai…
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otakutale · 7 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san TV Anime Airs January 8 - New Visual & Promotional Video Revealed
The official website of the TV anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (Skilled Teaser Takagi-san) manga has revealed that the upcoming series will begin airing from January 8th. Additionally, a new visual and promotional video were also revealed. The Karakai ...
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otakutale · 7 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san TV Anime Airs January 8 - New Visual & Promotional Video Revealed
The official website of the TV anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (Skilled Teaser Takagi-san) manga has revealed that the upcoming series will begin airing from January 8th. Additionally, a new visual and promotional video were also revealed. The Karakai ...
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otakutale · 7 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san TV Anime Airs January 8 - New Visual & Promotional Video Revealed
The official website of the TV anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (Skilled Teaser Takagi-san) manga has revealed that the upcoming series will begin airing from January 8th. Additionally, a new visual and promotional video were also revealed. The Karakai ...
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otakutale · 7 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san TV Anime Premieres January 2018 - Visual, Cast & Promotional Video Revealed
The official website of the TV anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (Skilled Teaser Takagi-san) manga has launched, revealing that the upcoming series will premiere in January 2018. In addition, the anime’s first visual, main cast and promotional v...
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otakutale · 7 years ago
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san TV Anime Premieres January 2018 - Visual, Cast & Promotional Video Revealed
The official website of the TV anime adaptation of Souichirou Yamamoto’s Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (Skilled Teaser Takagi-san) manga has launched, revealing that the upcoming series will premiere in January 2018. In addition, the anime’s first visual, main cast and promotional v...
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