getting ready on a convention morning
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
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Rom trope prompt! I picked Dominant Subordinate
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
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bulletrina shoes | la lune
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
tw: murder, death
Casteshipping au where they're both serial killers. Bakura does it for the lols but is very particular about his victims and daytime detective Atem kills off suspects that he knows would not be sentenced. Bakura finds out about Atem's secret identity and is just utterly extatic that he finally met someone like him, but Atem adamantly denies that they're anything alike and is initially disgusted by Bakura. But Bakura keeps showing up and pressing his buttons, and Atem eventually snaps. They do a weirdly romantic killing of a generally shitty guy, and Atem gradually gets dragged down to Bakura’s level. Ryou's probably like a hit man, and Kaiba is Atem's rival detective who secretly wants to partner up with him for cases. Not really sure where else to take this lol
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
Public speaking is actually really easy if you don't respect a single soul in that room. I've had an incredibly easy time delivering speeches when I hated everybody I saw and they all thought I did amazing because my disdain was read as confidence. I don't have any tips for you I'm just telling you a fact
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
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I have a ton of art prints fro cons from pre-covid times lying around, and it's doubtful I will sell prints again in the future. So I'm running this campaign to both clear them out and to help those in need!
From May 5th to June 5th, I'll be donating 80% of what I make from these print sales to Doctors Without Borders! A post will be made on my socials and Ko-fi on June 6th with the donation recipt total!
I will be shipping worldwide. Please share this around if you or any friends would like to pick up one or a few prints! Let's raise lots of money for DWB!!!
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
Star Wars clone wars-era tumblr dashboard simulator! this meme format is so old sorryyyy
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hate hate HAAATE that holoblr is so core-centric and you’re expected to post in basic or people just comment asking you to translate. I should be able to post in shryiiwook.
⬜️ senatesux-deactivated00192…
Hey, your choice of Shyriiwook as an “exotic” language to post in ties inherently into old colonialist views on Wookies and I need you to be aware of that, if it wasn’t intentional. Many people on the holonet these days…
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hi! op here. I’m a wookie.
🪐 outer-rim-4lyfe Follow
#core holoblr users stop assuming everyone is human challenge
36,923 notes
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🛸 fuckthatoldman Follow
ok but whys grandmaster yoda kinda… 🥵🥵
🧑🏾‍🚀 sora-the-explora Follow
Everybody on here claiming to be attracted to GILFs is lying except for this guy
#everyone unfollow me i wanna be alone with them
6,969 notes
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5️⃣ 55555555 Follow
some of the ppl posting on here against clone rights are so funny like do you have any idea how many clones are on holoblr?? have fun losing like all ur followers lmao
#what do u think we’re doing between deployments??? just standing around waiting to fight????? #clone rights #cloneblr
84,255 notes
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🌃 coru-ssant Follow
I sure hope my pet piece of flimsi is doing well! good thing I left my apartment window open so he could get some fresh air while I was at work :)
🌃 coru-ssant Follow
by the stars this can’t be happening
3,206 notes
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🧋 bubble-tea-bounty Follow
⚒ keldabekisses Follow
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#anyways vote vanilla extract for mand’alor it’s what jaster would’ve wanted #mandalore #mando discourse #<- for those of u who have it filtered
17,384 notes
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🦾 hero-with-many-fears Follow
anakin skywalker is 22??? he should be at da club….
2,836 notes
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🌌 posts-from-a-darker-galaxy Follow
so was anyone gonna tell me they found out the chancellor is a sith or was I supposed to learn it from a CNL skit???
🌝 pizzathehutt Follow
posts that make you read op’s url
🚀 hyperdriven Follow
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#op if you go asking at enough temples eventually a sith might answer
157,239 notes
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6K notes · View notes
mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
modern coffee shop au: cute underpaid baristas, awkward first impressions, meet-the-cute scenarios in mundane settings, hot beverages, fluff
18th century coffe shop au: newspapers and political pamphlets, social unrest, everyone is a free mason, Jean-Jacques Rousseau is discussed extensively
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
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21K notes · View notes
mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
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2K notes · View notes
mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
Get your cameras ready because the VICE X VICE Artist Sign Ups open May 1st!
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Find the Artist roles here!
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mymisguidedfairytale · 2 months
✨️ Paristans, we are thrilled to have @mymisguidedfairytale as one of our Journalist Hunters! They are starting our issue off with a bang as they reveal everything about our Snake Zodiac, and the Association Snakes! No scale will be left unturned!
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mymisguidedfairytale · 4 months
Hi, stranger! I hope this helps you out.
I found a website of cookie related memorabilia - the page links to 1997, which was apparently horse-themed, so that might be your year. There are photos on that site of a collection of plushes, including a white one.
There's also an online collection of all girl scout catalogues here. Some of them have plushes in them (for example, I found the blue pegasus in the 2000 catalogue). I don't have it in me to go through them all, but if you strike out here you could always try emailing whoever is doing the upkeep for these websites and see if you can get any more info.
I love doing research and I sold an insane amount of cookies in the 90s myself, so I gave hunting down your pegasus my best try! I hope any of this is useful to you!
I know this is a long shot but in the 90s, I was a girl scout and received a pegasus plushie for selling (x) amount of cookies. For some stupid reason, I gave it to Goodwill, probably in my brief spurt of "plushies are for kids (and absolutely not me, I'm not a kid anymore, no sir)."
In my wildest dreams, I would love to own another plushie, but I'd settle for photos. I loved that pegasus plushie, he was always the hero when I was playing
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mymisguidedfairytale · 4 months
hi i’m back here r sum doodles
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mymisguidedfairytale · 4 months
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mymisguidedfairytale · 4 months
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Begin Log #1
Date: XXX
Year: XXXX
To the private office of the Ex Vice-Chairman, please note that I, Pariston Hill, am aghast, [and just a little intrigued], with the Hunter Association’s decision to run a new Hunter popularity vote without my knowledge (or input!).
Please also note that I fear dear Cheadle, that insufferable new Chairman, is doing far too much to rock the boat.
Rumors have made their rounds that the Zodiacs still instated will be sneaking their way to the top 10, and quite frankly, I can't allow that. As someone who's always hungry for the spotlight, I can't help but let a worry creep into my mental fortress – what if I'm not at the glorious top?
I can't let that happen, can I?
As the most intellectual and integral part of the Hunter Association, even with my absence, it goes without saying that the Hill name shall covet the top spot. I do have a competitive spirit after all, and it would warm my heart to see the look on the faces of the other Zodiacs once they know that their status means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
I'll need to use something more than just charm to win this one, something more to tilt the scales in my favor. That's where the brilliance of deception comes in. What better way to elevate myself than to bring a few others down – subtly, of course?
It's a rat's prerogative, afterall, to do what he must to come in first.
So I've decided!
I, Pariston Hill, will release a scandalous magazine onto the scene. Oh, the intricacies of the art of manipulation! Planting seeds of doubt, sowing whispers of controversy, adding to the ever growing rumor mill – all in a day's work for someone like me! I'll tarnish reputations without appearing too direct, like a phantom orchestrating chaos from the shadows. I'll employ Cutie Beauty as my Editor, and hire Hunters to collect only the most jaw dropping secrets.
A little controversy never hurt anyone - well...not too badly.
So, as I embark on this clandestine mission, I'll play the political game and prepare myself for a flawless victory! I'll spread my influence and secure my spot on the throne as the most popular Hunter in the world!
The name of this Gossip Magazine will be made public knowledge soon, but for now be sure it'll be all about me!
Enter Timeline into the record
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Now with the dates determined, everything can be set in motion.
Conclude Log #1
Call it: The Rat Race
Log #1 Ends.
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mymisguidedfairytale · 4 months
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44K notes · View notes