#michele pirovano
linuxgamenews · 1 year
DotAGE pits you against the end of the world
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DotAGE survival roguelite turn-based city builder game now has a release date for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to Michele Pirovano's dedication and hard work, this is becoming possible. Due to make it s way onto Steam next month. DotAGE is an upcoming experience due to debut on Steam on October 4th, 2023. It’s also a unique blend of various mechanics that might remind you of playing board games with friends. The release date promises so much more to it than that. DotAGE has been a labor of love for Michele Pirovano, who has been working to create this survival roguelite turn-based city builder since 2014. As the wise elder of a small village, the end of the world is on the horizon. So of course, it's your duty to help your village residents, Pips, prepare and survive this looming disaster. DotAGE is a challenge where every decision you make has outcomes, and time is ticking. In DotAGE, you'll have to strategize on multiple fronts. From setting up your village to deciding where your workers should focus their efforts. There is a lot to plan and arrange. Want to have fresh food? Make sure you're growing crops and looking after animals. Need tools? You'll have to build a place where these can be made. There’s also the element of death; sometimes, you’ll need to oversee funerals. Due to ensure that everyone is cared for, even in their final moments.
DotAGE Gameplay Teaser
What’s unique about DotAGE is that it isn’t just about managing resources and tasks. There's also an evolving storyline that unravels the mystery behind the impending Apocalypse. Why is the end of the world coming? As the elder regains memories, you’ll uncover new aspects of the story and mechanics. Since the deeper you dive in, the more you'll discover, making each game distinct. With over 200 structures to create, 70 materials to manage, and an amazing 600 events that could happen. No two games will be the same. There's a vast scope for experimentation. Plus, as you progress, new features are unlocked, due to offer even more depth. In a nutshell, DotAGE offers an intriguing blend of strategy, decision-making, and exploration. It’s not just about building and assigning tasks; it's about delving into a world that’s ever-changing. Since every move you make is pivotal. You can try it for yourself with the Linux Demo on Steam. Keen to stay updated on the survival roguelite turn-based city builder release? You can add it to your Steam Wishlist. Coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. If you're looking to dive deeper into discussions or simply want to be in the loop, follow @dotagegame on Twitter or hop into the Discord channel dedicated to it. Along with the October 4th, 2023 release date.
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
Milano Art Week inaugura presso la Cittadella degli Archivi la mostra collettiva "Wandering out into this great unknown"
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Milano Art Week inaugura presso la Cittadella degli Archivi la mostra collettiva "Wandering out into this great unknown". E' stata inaugurata la mostra collettiva "Wandering out into this great unknown" ideata e organizzata dall'associazione culturale Isorropia Homegallery, con la partecipazione di Ribot Gallery, presso la Cittadella degli Archivi di Milano, in via Gregorovius 15. Presenti all'inaugurazione l'assessora ai Servizi civici, Partecipazione e Trasparenza, Politiche del decentramento del Comune di Milano, Gaia Romani, e la presidente del Municipio 9 Anita Pirovano. Il progetto espositivo, all'interno del palinsesto della Milano Art Week e a cura di Domenico de Chirico, riunisce opere di quattro artisti contemporanei: Olivia Bax, Michele Bubacco, Bénédicte Peyrat e Davide Serpetti. "Wandering out into this great unknown" si discosta dai processi scultorei ordinari, spingendosi dentro e fuori dal modellato. È possibile infatti trovare le sculture fatte di pieni e di vuoti di Oliva Bax (Singapore, 1988, vive e lavora a Londra) che stimolano lo spettatore ad indagare più da vicino così da poter accuratamente muovere lo sguardo da una cavità all'altra; Michele Bubacco (Venezia, 1983) con il suo "metabolismo pittorico" espelle continuamente tutto ciò che riguarda il suo subconscio immaginifico, privilegiando la libera ricerca di traiettorie sempre nuove e sorprendenti, mediante un'improvvisazione di carattere sensoriale; Bénédicte Peyrat (Parigi, 1967, vive e lavora in Borgogna, FR e Karlsruhe, DE) dispiega la sua pittura attraverso due modi di viverla e di intenderla completamente diversi tra loro: da un lato quello più immediato e istintivo, fortemente connesso ad una visione quasi ancestrale della creazione artistica, dall'altro quello legato ad un immaginario classico, con un'idea più meditativa dell'atto del dipingere; infine, Davide Serpetti (L'Aquila, 1990, vive e lavora tra Milano e L'Aquila), indagando la relazione che intercorre tra icone e potere, considera la psiche umana, per dirla con Carl Gustav Jung, come "una totalità conscia e inconscia allo stesso tempo", caratterizzata da una parte di luce e una di ombra che andrebbero armoniosamente integrate. Nella sua pratica pittorica, ciascuno degli elementi caratterizzanti funziona come una forma iconografica, uno scopo, un ideale, un'emozione e ciò gli consente di esplorare il concetto di natura umana nella sua interezza. La Cittadella degli Archivi di Milano è un polo archivistico meccanizzato che ospita documenti del Comune di Milano. Sito in zona Niguarda, custodisce oltre 2,5 milioni di pratiche e fascicoli di interesse storico, sociologico, culturale e amministrativo prodotti da enti pubblici e privati, nonché decine di migliaia di pratiche prodotte dagli uffici comunali ogni anno. Con una capienza di circa 70 km lineari, la Cittadella degli Archivi è uno degli archivi meccanizzati più grandi d'Europa. Attraverso l'utilizzo di una sofisticata e moderna tecnologia la Cittadella ha dato inizio a un processo di dematerializzazione dei documenti al fine di garantire una preservazione migliore rispetto al supporto cartaceo e un accesso più diretto alla consultazione. In un processo di riqualificazione, la Cittadella avvia la produzione di una serie di mostre e opere artistiche basate sul patrimonio documentale in proprio possesso. www.comune.milano.it/comune/cittadella-degli-archivi Isorropia Homegallery è un'associazione culturale no profit, con sede a Milano. Si occupa della promozione e della diffusione dell'arte, in tutte le sue forme, consentendo la conoscenza dei fenomeni più contemporanei, che si manifestano attraverso modalità multidisciplinari (dall'arte visiva a quella multimediale). Gli scopi associativi vengono perseguiti tramite l'ideazione e l'organizzazione di eventi, mostre e iniziative volte alla sensibilizzazione del pubblico verso il mondo dell'arte. La promozione degli artisti, prevalentemente emergenti e giovani, ma anche affermati, si effettua mediante la sovvenzione e il sostegno dei loro progetti ricorrendo anche alla collaborazione con le gallerie che li rappresentano, favorendone l'incontro e il reciproco scambio di esperienze. Ad oggi, sono state organizzate oltre 50 mostre. www.isorropiahomegallery.org RIBOT Gallery nasce nell'aprile del 2015 da un'idea di Monica Bottani, con lo scopo di arricchire, attraverso mostre di artisti internazionali ed emergenti, il panorama dell'arte contemporanea a Milano. Nell'ambito dei linguaggi contemporanei che spaziano dalla pittura alla scultura, dalle installazioni alla fotografia fino ai nuovi media, le mostre ospitate in galleria sono principalmente delle personali di artisti stranieri che presentano per la prima volta le loro opere in Italia. Ogni mostra è caratterizzata inoltre da uno special project, spesso un'edizione / multiplo in tiratura limitata, che l'artista realizza appositamente per l'esposizione milanese. L'intento è quello di creare un'occasione di dialogo tra artista e gallerista, teso a superare il concetto di "contenuto" e "contenitore", di opera d'arte e spazio espositivo, fine a sé stesso. L'ambiente della galleria in via Enrico Nöe 23 è una location su due piani che gli artisti sono chiamati a ridefinire di mostra in mostra, un luogo aperto al dialogo con un pubblico composto sia di collezionisti che di appassionati. www.ribotgallery.com INFORMAZIONI SULLA MOSTRA WANDERING OUT INTO THIS GREAT UNKNOWN Fino al 31 maggio 2024 Sede: Cittadella degli Archivi, Via Ferdinando Gregorovius, 15, Milano Contatti: [email protected] Orari: dal lunedì al venerdì ore 10-19 Ingresso gratuito previa registrazione... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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wevuxmag · 5 years
CIAPAPULVER, Marcello Pirovano (ITA)
CIAPAPULVER, Marcello Pirovano (ITA) #brunomunari #carta #ciapapulver #contrast #creatività #creativity #design
Attualmente in mostra presso la NERO Design Gallerydi Arezzo, Lightness gioca sul doppio significato della parola stessa. La mostra è una doppia sfida che porta designer e artisti a creare nuovi oggetti in edizione limitata – in vendita. I prodotti sono esposti all’interno degli spazi della galleria in uno speciale allestimento progettato da Michele Seppia, fondatore della NERO Design Gallery.…
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francescafiorini · 5 years
Altra serata di prestigio a Pistoia Blues. Stiamo parlando di una leggenda come Robben Ford, un indiscusso maestro della chitarra blues e di Eric Gales, d.o.c. Memphis Tennessee, chitarrista vulcanico e dalla tecnica straripante che qualcuno è arrivato a chiamare “il nuovo Hendrix,” e certo non solo per il suo suonare col manico a destra Si è trattato di due concerti molto belli, entrambi sicuramente molto apprezzati dai numerosi estimatori del blues accorsi per l’occasione. Il tutto è stato anticipato da un opening act che ha visto avvicendarsi sul palco diversi artisti, tra cui Michele Beneforti e Maurizio Pirovano. Per noi c’era Francesca Fiorini
; Photogallery: Robben Ford e Eric Gales – Pistoia Blues – 7 luglio 2019 Altra serata di prestigio a Pistoia Blues. Stiamo parlando di una leggenda come Robben Ford, un indiscusso maestro della chitarra blues e di 
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tmnotizie · 6 years
GROTTAMMARE – Enrico Beruschi presiederà la giuria del concorso per nuovi comici abbinato alla 34ma edizione del Festival nazionale dell’umorismo “Cabaret, amoremio!”. Il noto attore comico e cabarettista milanese ha raccolto l’invito a partecipare alla serata di sabato 5 maggio al Teatro delle Energie, dove i 7 cabarettisti, selezionati tra 71 aspiranti finalisti, si contenderanno il titolo di vincitore del concorso 2018 e il premio di 1.000 € messo in palio dall’amministrazione comunale.
Beruschi giudicherà le esibizioni dei concorrenti affiancato da Guido De Maria (autore, regista televisivo e pubblicitario), Gino Troli (presidente AMAT-Associazione marchigiana attività teatrali), Alessandro Ciarrocchi (presidente dell’associazione Lido degli Aranci, responsabile delle selezioni), Michele Rossi (ideatore del festival).
Un gruppo eterogeneo, quello dei finalisti, che porterà sul palco varie tecniche interpretative.  I concorrenti avranno 6 minuti per provare alla giuria la qualità del proprio talento. Eccoli: Annalisa Cordone di Roma, Niccolò Falcone di Venezia, Marco Giannini di Roma, Stefania Pellegrino di Caserta, Omar Pirovano di Monza, Francesca Puglisi di Napoli, Claudio Sciara di Roma.
Concorso a parte, l’ appuntamento di sabato condotto dal direttore artistico del Festival, Savino Cesario, vedrà l’esibizione del duo Nuzzo/Di Biase, che portano a Grottammare lo spettacolo “Paradossi e Parastinchi” e Laura Marcolini, vincitrice del concorso per nuovi comici 2017. La serata avrà inizio alle ore 21.30. Ingresso 10 €. Info e prevendita 3356234568 – 3475406630.
“Cabaret, amoremio” è organizzato dall’assessorato alla Formazione e ai Talenti della Città di Grottammare, in collaborazione con l’AMAT e del Lido degli Aranci per quanto riguarda le selezioni dei nuovi comici. La manifestazione è sostenuta con il contributo dell’azienda Linergy srl e di Picenambiente spa.
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estudiodedecoracion · 7 years
Jean-Michel Frank
Jean-Michel Frank. Decorador y diseñador.
Jean-Michel Frank, en realidad Justin Goodman Frank (1895, París – 1941, Nueva York) fue el decorador y diseñador francés más influyente de los años 30.
Frank fue un importantísimo exponente del estilo Art Decó y famoso por sus interiores decorados con muebles sencillos y de formas simples pero realizados con materiales suntuosos como la intrincada marquetería de centeno y paja, la mantarraya, el pergamino, el cuero y las maderas nobles, como el roble.
Jean-Michel Frank, de origen judío y pariente lejano de Anna Frank, fue el tercer hijo del banquero Léon Frank y de su esposa y prima hermana Nanette Loewi, hija de un rabino de Filadelfia.
En 1904, a los 9 años, comenzó sus estudios en el colegio Lycée Janson-de-Sailly (París), donde fue un buen estudiante y forjó amistades importantes para el futuro.
Entre estas amistades estaba, por ejemplo, el futuro crítico literario, editor y director de la editorial Sagittaire, Léon Pierre-Quint (1895 – 1958), que ayudó a dar a conocer el movimiento surrealista, y/o el poeta René Crevel (1900 – 1935), que se convertiría en una figura importante de ese mismo movimiento.
Con ellos, Jean-Michel Frank tendrá sus primeras experiencias estéticas y con los que conocerá las obras de Marcel Proust y André Gide.
En 1911, siguiendo los pasos de su hermano mayor, comienza a estudiar derecho.
Pero la Primera Guerra Mundial sumergió a su familia en la tragedia. Al ser de nacionalidad alemana, sus padres sufrieron arresto domiciliario, pero sus dos hermanos mayores, nacidos franceses, se fueron al frente de batalla.
A mediados de 1915, Oscar y Georges-Ottmar​, mueren en el frente de la Primera Guerra Mundial, y a raíz de esto su madre entró en una gran depresión. En Noviembre de este mismo año su padre se suicidó arrojándose por una ventana.
Frank trabajó por un periodo corto de tiempo para un hombre de negocios, pero sus intereses van por el mundo intelectual y artístico.
En 1918 se convirtió en amigo cercano de Pierre Drieu la Rochelle y Louis Aragon, y para ellos decorará su piso de solteros.
Charles Peignot,(1897-1983), impresor y fundador de la UAM y la editora y escritora inglesa Nancy Cunard, se dejaron seducir por su estética ascética y lo patrocinaron para crear su hogar con una decoración mínima casi sin muebles.
Finalizada la Gran Guerra, Jean Alley, que era la esposa de Simon Jean Cerf (1887-1963), un abogado y hombre de negocios -incluido el abogado del productor Bernard Natan– sería de las primeras personas en encargarle trabajos de decoración.
En 1920 crea, con la ayuda del ebanista parisino Adolphe Chanaux, una gama de muebles y lámparas de formas mínimas y esquemáticas, y compran su primer Estudio situado en la rue Montauban.
Al no estar preocupado por la tradición, Jean-Michel Frank introdujo materiales no utilizados hasta ese momento en la fabricación de muebles, como por ejemplo piedra de yeso, terracota, mica, grafito, paja, roble lijado o raspado, y/o pergamino tratado de una forma muy original.
Ese mismo año, su madre fue internada en una institución psiquiátrica en Suiza, donde finalmente moriría en el año 1928.
A finales de 1920, Jean-Michel Frank entabla relaciones en París con Ignacio Pirovano.
Pirovano fue un importante diseñador de interiores, curador del Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo y hacia 1932, fundador y director de la compañía COMTE en Buenos Aires (Argentina).
En 1921 Jean-Michel Frank realizó su primer pieza de mobiliario en mantaraya, la mesa “Chinise“, para Charles Peignot.
Gracias a la fortuna heredada de su familia, Jean-Michel Frank comenzó a socializar en los círculos literarios y artísticos de París, logrando formar una red de amigos, escritores, políticos y figuras de la alta sociedad que luego se convertirían en sus más leales clientes.
De 1920 a 1925 realizó varios viajes por el mundo, y en Venecia se empezó a codear con la sociedad cosmopolita que se reunía alrededor de Stravinsky y Diaghilev.
Marie-Laure de Noailles (1902 – 1970) y su esposo Charles de Noailles fueron de los mecenas más influyentes del siglo XX.
En 1926, después de crear para Noailles una habitación de fumadores con paredes cubiertas de pergamino y un tocador en marquetería de paja -con formas sutiles en infinitos matices de beis- se convierte en una figura clave del “tout-París“.
Man Ray fotografió el salón sepulcral de Noailles antes de que se colgaran las vanguardistas obras de Dalí y los modernos retratos de Balthus.
Las imágenes fotografiadas en blanco y negro por Man Ray se convirtieron en un resumen del “estilo Frank“.
Panelado en cuadrados de pergamino y equipado con sillas blancas, lámparas hechas de pedazos de cuarzo y puertas de bronce, la exquisita habitación es impasiblemente monolítica, lo que llevó a un contemporáneo a definir a Jean-Michel Frank como el sumo sacerdote de “las habitaciones en las que nadie vivía“.
Alrededor de 1927 conoció a Eugenia Huici Arguedas de Errázuriz (1860 – 1951), que le hizo descubrir estilos decorativos pasados, como el siglo XVIII, y la estética moderna. Frank se convirtió en su discípulo.
Chilena de origen y referente del estilo parisino desde 1880 hasta el siglo XX, allanó el camino para la estética sencilla y moderna que sería la base de las creaciones de Coco Chanel.
“Las premisas nobles que nos han llegado del pasado pueden acoger las creaciones de hoy. La casa que construimos ahora puede recibir cosas bellas antiguas“. Además Frank anheló ver interiores “compuestos de más de seis mil tonos de beige“.
Durante la década de 1930 Frank trabajó con estudiantes en el Atelier de París, ahora conocido como Parsons Paris School of Art and Design, donde desarrolló la famosa mesa “Parsons“.
En 1932, junto con su socio comercial Adolphe Chanaux, abrió una boutique en la 140 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré de París con su propio nombre “Jean-Michel Frank“.
Ésta iba a ser su consagración durante diez años de colaboración, y cuando realizó importantes proyectos de decoración para personalidades como los Templeton Croker (el abuelo fue uno de los “cuatro grandes” que construyeron el Ferrocarril del Pacífico Central), el compositor americano Cole Porter, la Familia Rockefeller,​ la familia Born en Argentina y la familia Guerlain en Francia, entre otros.
Incluso François Charles Mauriac (1885 – 1970) novelista, dramaturgo, crítico, poeta y periodista francés, miembro de la Académie française y ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1952 estaba fascinado por su estética, a la que definía como “una estética de renuncia“.
Decorador profesional establecido, se convierte en el director artístico de la Compañía Chanaux y reúne a talentosos artistas a los que ya antes había encargado algunas creaciones.
Durante estos diez años de carrera profesional se asoció con varios artistas y profesionales con los que establecería productivas relaciones de trabajo.
Y aunque la visión siempre fue la del diseñador, los componentes de los interiores de Frank eran ideados por otros, como el artista Christian Bérard; los hermanos Alberto y Diego Giacometti; Hermès; Paul Rodocanachi y el arquitecto-diseñador Emilio Terry.
Adolphe Chanaux era la mente técnica detrás de la fabricación de las piezas, y de acuerdo con los archivos de Parsons School of Art and Design, la mesa Parsons de 1936 nació del trabajo de Frank con el diseñador estadounidense Joseph B. Platt y un estudiante desconocido de la sucursal en Paris de la Escuela Stanley Barrows.
“Desearía poder ver a los artistas colaborando en la organización de las casas“, dijo Frank, que había admirado los trabajos dirigidos por el empresario de ballet Sergey Diaghilev junto con artistas como Picasso, Braque, Derain y Matisse. “El resultado sería, al menos, algo de nuestro tiempo y vivo“.
Con el tiempo, su estilo se vuelve menos ascético radical y empieza a usar colores azules mediterráneos inspirados por Bérard, y creará muebles que juegan con el estilo neoclásico y/o barroco, o que recuerda el estilo Napoleón III.
“Creo que se puede encontrar un principio menos severo: la mezcla de estilos“, escribió Frank en 1935.
Utilizará materiales más clásicos como el marfil, el ébano o la caoba, y obtiene un éxito inmediato. Los diseñadores de moda Lucien Lelong, Robert Piguet, Marcel Rochas o Elsa Schiaparelli tienen sus showrooms decorados por Jean-Michel Frank.
“El blanco era su color favorito“, reconoció la sobrina del diseñador, Alice, que recuerda el departamento de su tío en 7 rue de Verneuil como una suave composición de travertino, roble lijado, papel vitela y color blanco. Pero para los proyectos de sus clientes abrazó el brillo y el glamour.
Ya había experimentado con el color, pero lo hizo con más audacia después de hacerse amigo de la sorprendente y original diseñadora Elsa Schiaparelli.
El apartamento de cuatro habitaciones de Schiaparelli en el Boulevard St.-Germain marcó un punto de inflexión para Frank.
Chez Schiaparelli fue una sensacional publicidad para Frank gracias a piezas como un sofá de cuero naranja, cortinas de caucho negro y banquetas de comedor con acolchado de chintz azul.
Decoradores de todo el mundo compraban sus muebles. Su éxito internacional se completó con las comisiones de los multimillonarios argentinos Jorge Born y el estadounidense Nelson Rockefeller, como el diseño en 1937 del lujoso apartamento que tenía éste multimillonario en la Quinta Avenida de Nueva York.
Pero, una vez más, es una guerra (la Segunda Guerra Mundial) la que se cierne sobre el destino de Jean-Michel Frank, y en Septiembre de 1939, Frank & Chanaux Company cierra definitivamente.
En Julio de 1940, Jean-Michel huye de Francia a Argentina. Allí retoma su oficio, empieza a tener numerosos contratos y comienza a trabajar con su viejo amigo y socio comercial, Ignacio Pirovano, en varios e importantes proyectos privados y comerciales.
Ya instalado, Jean-Michel Frank mantuvo su departamento privado en Buenos Aires en el último piso de la compañía COMTE, de la cual fue Director Artístico.
También visitó a muchos de sus clientes en Buenos Aires, incluida la familia Born cuya mansión en el norte de Buenos Aires sigue siendo su proyecto más importante y que fue expuesto en el Salón Porte de Versailles. Toda la colección está intacta y en la manera que la concibió Jean-Michel Frank.
Junto con COMTE, realizó importantes trabajos en Mar del Plata, Córdoba y Buenos Aires para el empresario industrial Friedrich Mandl.
También realizaron una gran cantidad de interiores tanto para particulares, empresas y el Estado Nacional.
Diseñaron también el lobby y varios departamentos del Edificio Kavanagh en Buenos Aires. En Bariloche, junto con Alejandro Bustillo y COMTE, trabajó en el proyecto del Hotel Llao Llao.
En Marzo de 1941, con 46 años de edad, Jean-Michel Frank viajó a Nueva York.
Tristemente sumido en una profunda depresión (desolado por la ocupación nazi de Francia y una historia de amor enloquecida) se suicidó arrojándose al vacío desde la ventana de un edificio de apartamentos en Manhattan.
Dejando todas sus posesiones personales en su departamento de Buenos Aires, su muerte terminó abrúptamente con una carrera brillante.
Jean-Michel Frank fue sorprendentemente multidimensional, y en la actualidad  es un decorador reconocido mundialmente que está considerado como una gran influencia y fuente de inspiración para otros diseñadores.
Por ejemplo Jacques Grange (1944, Saint-Amand-Montrond, Francia), o el difunto Jed Johnson (1948, Alexandria, Minnesota – 1996, Brookhaven, New York).
Sus piezas son muy buscadas por los coleccionistas de todo el mundo y muchas casas de subastas incluyen sus piezas en sus catálogos llegando a alcanzar precios de más de 200.000 euros.
Hacia finales de 2010 se realizó una exitosa exposición en una galería líder en el SoHo de Nueva York, mostrando los trabajos de Jean-Michel Frank en colaboración con la casa COMTE de Argentina.
En 2011, Hermés reeditó una colección única -como una silla de club de piel de oveja y una mesa de tocador cubierta con pergamino- considerada un conjunto clásico e icónico de muebles para el hogar (diseñados por Frank en 1924) de ésta casa de lujo francesa.
Para Jean-Michel Frank el resultado de perseguir el “gusto perfecto” fue terminar con habitaciones sin alma.
Ecart (pág. web).
Christie’s (pág. web).
Jean-Michel Frank y Biombo en muaré amarillo peroba, marquetería de paja y avodire, una madera dura amarilla africana (sobre 1925).
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Jean-Michel Frank
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Marc Newson
Marcel Breuer
Marcel Wanders
Marianne Brandt
Matali Crasset
Matteo Thun
Mattia Bonetti
Max Lamb
Michael Anastassiades.
Michele de Lucchi
Mies van Der Rohe
Miguel Milá
Nacho Carbonell
Naoto Fukasawa
Nigel Coates
Nika Zupanc
Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance
Olivier Mourgue
Ora Ïto
OS and OOS
Paola Navone
Paolo Lomazzi
Patricia Urquiola
Patrick Jouin
Patrick Naggar
Patrick Norguet
Peter Ghyczy
Philip Michael Wolfson
Philippe Starck
Piero Fornasetti
Pierre Charpin
Pierre Paulin
Piet Hein Eek
Poul Kjaerholm
Quentin de Coster
Ricardo Fasanello
Richard Hutten
Richard Sapper
Rick Owens
Rodolfo Dordoni
Ron Arad
Ron Gilad
Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
Ross Lovegrove
Sacha Lakic
Satyendra Pakhalé
Scholten & Baijings
Serge Mouille
Sérgio Rodrigues
Seung-Yong Song
Shiro Kuramata
Simone Simonelli
Sori Yanagi
Sou Fujimoto
Stefan Diez
Stefano Giovannoni
Studio Job
Studio Kaksikko
Tapio Wirkkala
Tejo Remy
Thomas Sandell
Tokujin Yoshioka
Tom Dixon
Toni Grilo
Tord Boontje
Ueli y Susi Berger
Verner Panton
Vico Magistretti
Vincent Van Duysen
Vincenzo de Cotiis
Vladimir Kagan
Von Pelt
Warren Platner
William Plunkett
William Sawaya
Xavier Lust
Xavier Mañosa
Yrjo Kukkapuro
Yves Béhar
Zaha Hadid
from https://decorador.online/disenadores-destacados/jean-michel-frank/
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colospaola · 7 years
Torna ad Arona dal 6 al 10 settembre, il festival culturale “Teatro sull’Acqua”, giunto alla sua VII^ edizione, sotto la guida prestigiosa di Dacia Maraini, la quale dallo scorso luglio 2016, ha ricevuto anche la cittadinanza onoraria aronese.
Una kermesse che farà di Arona un teatro a cielo aperto, con spettacoli vari tra gli incredibili funamboli sulle acque del lago, con la regia di Boris Vecchio, la Centaura testo inedito di Dacia Maraini, il Circo contemporaneo, eccellenze nell’Arte di strada, una serie di visite guidate teatrali. Incontri con autori e personaggi vari come i filosofi Bodei e Cacciari, gli scrittori Claudio Volpe e Paolo Cognetti, la giornalista esperta di politica internazionale Cecilia Tosi e l’ex premier Enrico Letta.
Gli spettacoli clou della manifestazione saranno “Equilibrio della bellezza”, una performance funambolica sospesa a oltre 4 metri di altezza sulle acque del lago, diretto da Boris Vecchio, regista di teatro e circo contemporaneo, con la collaborazione dell’associazione Sarabanda di Genova e Associazione Il Teatro sull’Acqua con le musiche che Amos Mozzi ha composto sul posto. Interpreti 4 funamboli, Chloé Moura, Mathieu Hibon Diane Vaicle, Thomas Daval e Léo Taulelle, spettacolo che sarà presentato in anteprima nazionale mercoledì 6 settembre alle 21 in piazza del Popolo, con repliche il 7, 8 e 9.
La Centaura, testo inedito scritto da Dacia Maraini, con la regia di Sista Bramini, che si terrà dal 6 al 9 settembre, alle 19.30, sarà uno spettacolo itinerante lungo le antiche mura Borromee risalenti al XV secolo della cittadina aronese, sul lungolago.
Nelle piazze e vie di Arona, per cinque giorni, si potranno incontrare artisti di strada di fama internazionale, come Andreanne Thiboutot, e il suo spettacolo di Hula hoop e comedy Hoopelai; El Bechin e l’Horror Puppets Show; i Gera Circus, con la loro giocoleria, il circo di strada e gli spettacoli di equilibrismo; Luca Tresoldi e il Circo Tresoldi; Michele Cafaggi con Fish & Bubbles, tra clownerie, giochi con l’acqua e le bolle di sapone.
Torneranno anche gli spettacoli teatrali presso le splendide sale settecentesche di Villa Ponti, con due appuntamenti imperdibili, Sabato 9 settembre alle ore 15.30, “Livia” di e con Silvia Paoli e Francesco Canavese, un’interpretazione monstre con ben 17 diversi personaggi in scena (dai 3 agli 80 anni) e domenica 10 settembre alle ore 15.30 “Il magnifico Ruzzante”, testo di Dario Fo, portata in scena da Mario Pirovano.
Franco Acquaviva del Teatro delle Selve sarà il grande protagonista del Teatro à la carte, tra monologhi, dialoghi e performance teatrali nei bar e ristoranti della città.
A grande richiesta, torneranno le Visite guidate teatrali, a cura della compagnia Teatro e Società.  Qui gli attori Franco Carapelle, Elisabetta Baro e Davide Simonetti, accompagneranno il pubblico nei luoghi storici, artistici e paesaggistici di Arona, con un percorso narrativo per illustrare in modo coinvolgente e immediato, la storia della città, dalle origini, partendo agli insediamenti palafitticoli ritrovati in località Lagoni, risalenti all’età del bronzo, fino ai nostri giorni.
Anche in questa edizione, non mancheranno gli incontri in Piazza San Graziano con scrittori e scrittrici, sempre in dialogo con Dacia Maraini, per consueti appuntamenti pomeridiani, da Remo Bodei (in anteprima il 5 settembre) a Massimo Cacciari, a Paolo Cognetti e Cecilia Tosi con il suo saggio “Il terrorismo spiegato ai ragazzi”, fino all’omaggio a una grande scrittrice del Novecento, a novanta anni dalla consegna del Nobel per la Letteratura: Grazia Deledda, che sarà raccontata da Rossana Dedola. Venerdì 8 settembre alle ore 18.30, presente anche l’ex premier Enrico Letta, con il suo libro “Contro venti e maree”, incentrato sull’attualità politica internazionale dalla Brexit a Trump.
Inoltre da quest’anno, il programma Incontri con gli autori aprirà una nuova sezione dedicata ai giovani, e alle loro scelte di lettura, a inaugurare questo spazio sarà la fisica e giornalista Gabriella Greison, con la presentazione/reading de “La cena dei fisici quantistici”.
Una delle caratteristiche del “Festival sull’acqua” di Arona è quella di poter assistere liberamente alle prove generali che si svolgono all’aperto per i vari luoghi della città.
Martedì 5 settembre dalle 19.30 sarà infatti possibile assistere alle prove de “La Centaura” e dalle 21.00 a quelle di “Equilibrio della bellezza”.
Il sito del Festival: www.teatrosullacqua.it
Arona Teatro sull’acqua 2017 dal 6 al 10 settembre Torna ad Arona dal 6 al 10 settembre, il festival culturale “Teatro sull'Acqua”, giunto alla sua…
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musicmoney · 7 years
Dom Capuano (born Domenico Capuano), is an Italian-born Los Angeles-based composer, songwriter and music producer
He broke through as a producer and songwriter in the mid to late 1990s after crafting a string of hits for pop artists like the Eiffel 65, Da Blitz, the DJ Gabry Ponte and the German Pop Band of Karmah, also has collaborated with several international artists including: Jean Michel Jarre, Kool & The Gang, Laura Pausini, 883, Max Pezzali, Aqua. Zucchero, Nek, Andreas Johnson, Alphaville, Toni Braxton, S Club 7, Busta Rhymes and more…
Dom studied classical music, mainly the double bass at the G. Verdi Conservatory of Music in Turin Italy. He is also a piano player, composer and orchestral conductor. His musical career is splitted into two different ways, the records industry and the symphonic music.
Since the early 90’s has established itself as a composer and record music producer and is considered a “successful composer on the mainstream” (Italian Cit) due its continuous research in experimental sound.
Over the years he has composed and produced many hits record.
By the beginning of its professional career Dom was involved on a number of records that reached over 20 million sales worldwide, archiving 3 times platinum with over 3 million units sales in the U.S. (certified RIAA), 2 Platinum and 3 gold in Europe with over 1,500,000 copies composing Move Your Body by Eiffel 65, in addition to other awards, reaching over 10 millions of copies worldwide. He also received gold discs with the Da Blitz, Gabry Ponte, Karmah (2 in Germany, 2 in UK, 6 in Italy including for the single “Let Me Be” from the Da Blitz, 1 France, 1 Spain)
In 1993 composed “Let me be” starting up the career of the Da Blitz. (Maximum number 11 position). In 1994 and again for “Take My Way”
As a composer and arranger enters with the Da Blitz repeatedly in the Italian charts with “Let Me Be” and “Stay with Me” which eventually reached the position number 1. The Da Blitz will be in the standings again with the songs “Movin ‘On” (Max Pos # 4) “Take Me Back” (Max Pos # 4), and “I Believe” (Max Pos.#8)
In the 1996 produced the main RMX of “Anima Mia” by the legendary 60’s band of “Cugini di Campagna”
In the 1999 Blue (Da Ba Dee) became a worldwide success and the album of Europop Eiffel 65 was released in US by Universal reaching the Pos #4 of the U.S. charts by selling a total of 3,800,000 copies. Europop was also released worldwide with different record labels including Warner Music and Sony Music.
Eiffel 65 project received good reviews in the U.S. press getting the Grammy Awards Nomination in the 2001, also in the 2000 Move Your Body was performed at the Music Award in Monte-Carlo (France) in front of a VIP hall audience, which was including Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson. In the 2002 few international press identified the market distribution of Eiffel 65 as 15 million units worldwide and over including albums and singles.
In the 2000 and 2001 Dom remixed more the 40 songs for various international artists including “Tout est Bleu” by Jean Michel Jarre which co-produced the song step by step together with Dom. Dom says that it was a huge honor collaborating with Mr. Jarre and was one of the best satisfaction of his entire life since he studied years before electronic music getting actually Jean Michel Jarre as reference.
Over the years Dom produced also few Remixes for the Italian Pop Band of the 883 including, “Come Mai”, “La Donna, Il Sogno e Il Grande Incubo”, “Gli Anni" credited as Bliss Team and also ”Viaggio al centro del mondo" and the hit "La Regina del Celebrità" credited as Eiffel 65.
Between 2002 and 2005 Dom collaborated with Gabry Ponte producing and writing songs such “The Man in the Moon” and “Depends on You” from the albums “Doctor Jekyll Mr. DJ” and later from the album “Gabry Ponte” was extracted the single “Figli di Pitagora” performed by Italian Rock'n’ Roll Legend “Little Tony”. Both Albums were released by Universal Italy and both reached the top of the national rankings.
in the 2005 with Gabry Ponte, Dom produced the band of “Karmah” which experienced some success in several European countries mainly in Germany reaching the top national rank at the pos #5 with the cover of the SOS Band’ named “Just Be Good to Me” which was produced using a sample from the song “Every Breath You Take” by The Police. During this period Dom began considering to consolidate his dream to compose music for flm early in the 2006 starting to improve his skill as composer and orchestrator. He composed the TV theme for “Ninja Turtles”, “You Can Call Me, Giò!” an Italian version of Ugly Betty produced by Disney. Dom scored also the main theme for several country of the anime “Pokemon” and later in 2006 the soundtrack for the short film “Calibro 70” directed by Alessandro Rota.
In the summer 2007 Dom met the Dari a Emo-Punk band starting an artistic collaboration as artistic producer and co-writer, and a little later in February 2008 they achieves a success with the song “Wale (Tanto Wale)” signing a record deal with EMI Italy. After the success of Wale with Dari the label Fondazione Sonora/EMI received some awards including: Award of the 2008 Meeting of Independent Labels, The Video Clip Italian Prize in 2008 as" Video revelation of the Year with Wale by Dari which also won 2 MTV TRL Awards such the “Best New Artist” in the 2008 and in the 2009 for “Best Look".
In the 2008 Dom with Dario Pirovano co-written “Non Pensavo” performed by Dari and Max Pezzali an Italian pop-star singer.
In the 2010 Capuano has produced the “Salentino” Rock band of the “Fonokit”. In the same year he completed his studies of music and orchestral conductor, this gave him the motivation to move in USA to follow and pursue his passion for movie and film score.
After archived the Master in Music in the 2010 and in the late 2011-2012 has moved in Los Angeles to improve his experience and follow his dream as film composer scoring the music for the movie “The Sleeping Warrior” and later in the 2012 the soundtrack for “Solid State” starring Vivica A. Vox which was distributed worldwide in digital and phisical with various label. In the 2013 Dom composed music for TV series including “Lourdes” documentary and “Devil Ride" for Discovery Channel.
In 2014 composed the score for “Beautiful Destroyer” and later in the 2015 Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion a film that tells the story and vicissitudes of the rise to the throne of the future King of England Richard I “The Lionheart” son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Directed by Stefano Milla it was nominated on a bunch of festivals winning several for “Best Film” and also for “Best Score”.
In the same year Dom produced the song “All Over” which was featuring by Busta Rhymes.
The 2015 is the time to score the movie Branded directed by Phil Gorn starring the London twins, Jeremy and James London known for several TV series that brought them to prominence in the ‘90s, in addition in Branded starring the presence of Christopher Showerman famous for his roles in the past “Tarzan” in “George of the jungle” by Disney.
In the same year 2016 after winning several international festivals the movie Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion got a distribution with STUDIOCANAL one of the bigger independent film distributors worldwide.
After a deep work of revisitation and remastering In the late of 2016 the movie “Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion” got a distribution with SONY Pictures which released the film in the U.S. and North America. on June 2, 2017.
In February 2017 Dom scored the Italian short film “L’ora di Lezione” (“The Hour of Lesson”) a story from a book of famous best seller writer Massimo Recalcati starring Giulio Base a well known actor which is starring in the new upcoming film of Ridley Scott “All the Money in the World” (2017). “L’ora di Lezione” won several festivals including the Mediterranean Film Festival.
Still In the 2017 Dom scored the film “Kingdom of Gladiators, the Tournament” starring the hero of the WWF and WWE wrestling walk of fame star Solofa Fatu Jr. nicknamed Rikishi.
The sport brand “New Era Caps” for the new season 2017-2018 features in the new on-line advertising the composition score “The Battle is in Your Hands”.
As always Dom produces a bunch of new electronic tracks such “Won’t You Be Mine” featuring Krystle Simmons and “Guns And Roses” featuring IAGO which is distributed worldwide on various platforms.
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Explore dotAGE Delirium Update: Rebalanced Gameplay and New Mode
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dotAGE Delirium update is out and offers a rebalance for the game on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Developer Michele Pirovano's creativity makes the title truly special. Available on Steam, GOG, and Humble Store. Michele Pirovano, the solo developer behind the indie hit dotAGE, has some exciting news – a new free update is now available for all players with the Delirium update on Linux and Steam Deck. This free Delirium update also brings a new mode that rebalances dotAGE, cutting the number of turns in half for a faster, complete experience. Plus, there's a bonus for players who stick with their map instead of rerolling. But that's not all! The dotAGE update also introduces the new Delirium mode with customizable difficulty modifiers. This mode challenges your strategic skills with reduced resources, unwanted guests, infinite weather changes, crumbling maps, and more. Since you'll have to reach the maximum Mastery level.
Speed Options: Fast and Slow
After some dotAGE playtesting, the new speed modes are confirmed in the Delirium update. Fast mode lasts 145 turns, keeping the same flow as the original game but with a couple more turns at the start and a few extra for the Apocalypse.
Here's what changes with fast mode:
145 turns instead of 280, with events aligned to this new duration.
Research and build costs are halved.
Fixed resource gains scale with the number of turns.
Visions appear every 3 turns instead of 5.
Ailments and event levels scale with the new duration.
You start with slightly fewer resources and food to balance 1-turn actions.
Actions taking 2+ turns, like advanced job training or building upgrades, are adjusted (e.g., from 3 to 2 turns).
You can research multiple buildings in one turn if you have overflow knowledge.
Be warned, dotAGE fast mode feels tighter in the Delirium update. It's like playing two turns in one, reducing flexibility. Some might like it, others might find it too quick. Thankfully, you can choose what suits you best via Linux or Steam Deck. And for those who prefer a slower pace, there's a Slow mode with 540 (!) turns. Use at your own risk.
Persistence Bonus
Reach Prophecy Page 2 during a run, and you'll get a small starting bonus for your next run with the same elder and speed-difficulty combo. This bonus encourages sticking with your map and embracing the spirit of adaptation. Of course, you can still reroll maps if you want – it's all up to you.
dotAGE Update Delirium Mode
Delirium Mode replaces the older dotAGE Challenge mode, converting your Mastery Level to a new one, roughly half the value. This revision makes higher level play more interesting. Instead of fixed difficulty scaling, you can customize your difficulty settings with up to 16 modifiers. The higher the difficulty, the higher the Delirium, and winning a max Delirium game lets you reach higher Mastery Levels. Modifiers unlock as you reach higher mastery, offering different strategies for different elders.
New Stats and Achievements
dotAGE now tracks all your attempts with a specific elder in this Delirium update. While showing your wins and best scores. Current stats will pull from local highscores, so they might miss a few attempts, but max scores should be fine. You'll also find new achievements and a revised Records screen. Some achievements are special challenges specific to each elder, offering new ways to play like a Vegan run with Shaman or a No Swimming run with Captain.
dotAGE Delirium update Miscellaneous
Version 1.3 also brings tweaks to buildings and events, balancing well variations and making weather fairer. Check out the complete changelog for more info. dotAGE Delirium update for the turn-based survival roguelite village builder is out. The title is inspired by worker placement board games, is available on Steam at $13.19 USD / £11.24 / 13,11€ with a 25% discount. Regular price on GOG and Humble Store on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, & Windows PC.
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linuxgamenews · 9 months
dotAGE: Manage Resources in a Roguelite City and its Verified
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dotAGE is Steam Deck Verified for the roguelite turn-based city builder game on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the ongoing support from developer Michele Pirovano. Available on Steam with 94% Very Positive reviews. Have you heard about dotAGE on Steam Deck? It's a title that's perfect for anyone who likes strategy in a roguelite turn-based city builder. It launched on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC, October 4th, 2023, and officially verified for Steam Deck. Which works great on the platform. So, what does dotAGE bring to Steam Deck? Imagine you're the leader of a small village. Your job is to help your village survive and grow. While you plant crops, take care of animals, and manage resources. It's a bit like those worker placement board games where you have to think about where to put your workers to make the most out of them. The control setup is really good. You can use a controller, and it's easy to rename your characters using the on-screen keyboard. Plus, the developers have made sure it runs smoothly, even if your village gets huge. Or if you're playing on less powerful hardware. If you haven't tried playing it on the Steam Deck, you're missing out on dotAGE, especially if you have the new OLED model. It's supposed to be a blast to play on it.
dotAGE Launch Trailer - now Steam Deck Verified too
What makes dotAGE on Steam Deck stand out, it's deep worker placement mechanics. You're in charge of building your village and assigning tasks to your villagers, like growing food, taking care of animals, and even sad tasks like burying villagers who didn't make it. You'll also be crafting tools, improving buildings, training skilled workers, and creating different resources. Every decision counts, so think carefully before you end your turn. The game is full of surprises because the Elder, your guide, doesn't remember everything at first. Each time you play, you'll also discover new buildings, professions, and resources - over 200 buildings, 30 different jobs, and 70 resources, to be precise. As you play, the Elder remembers more, unlocking new mechanics and content like dealing with diseases, VIP characters, and new Elders. In dotAGE, each turn brings new challenges to players on Steam Deck. The Domains - forces in the game world - will throw different events at your village, like poison, diseases, earthquakes, and even kittens. So your goal is to manage these challenges and figure out why the apocalypse is happening. You're playing as the Elder, a kind of prophet for your village. Therefore your job is to guide your villagers, known as Pips, through tough times and uncover the mystery of the apocalypse. Steam Deck support for dotAGE combines the fun of building and managing a village with strategic thinking and something new in every play through. It's like being the chief of your own little world, with a mix of building, strategy, and dealing with unexpected events. This roguelite turn-based city builder is certainly a unique experience you won't want to miss. Available on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. While priced at $17.59 USD / £14.99 / 17,49€ on Steam.
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
dotAGE Crafting Your Hidden Village To Survive The Apocalypse
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dotAGE roguelite turn-based city builder game launch is a success on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to Michele Pirovano for his amazing creativity. Available on Steam with 97% Very Positive reviews. Imagine being in charge of a hidden village at the brink of an apocalypse. While the survival of your people, called Pips, rests in your hands. That's what you'll face in dotAGE, an interactive game on Steam. This digital adventure is developed in Unity 3D and a success on Linux. In the virtual realm of dotAGE, you step into the shoes of a visionary elder who foresees the looming end of the world. Your primary responsibility? Help your Pips steer through the challenges of the apocalypse. This involves building up your village, a task not as simple as it sounds. While each day requires you to strategize and assign chores to the villagers. So you have to cultivate crops, look after animals, manage the dead, craft essential tools, upgrade infrastructure, and much more. It's all about making wise choices before time runs out - each turn you take. As the elder's memories start flooding back, you'll uncover fresh features in dotAGE. Such as VIP characters and tales of past visionaries. A mystery surrounds the cause of the apocalypse, and it's your quest to unravel it. But brace yourself! As time progresses, the Domains, which are mystical forces, launch increasingly horrible challenges at your village. These range from poison, to disease, to earthquakes, to kittens.
dotAGE Launch Trailer
For those who like a challenge, you'll be pleased to know there are varying difficulty tiers. So whether you're someone who likes a laid-back game with charming graphics. Or someone who thrives on pushing their limits, there's something for everyone. A noteworthy mention goes to the audible ambiance of the dotAGE adventure. Which also features authentic medieval tunes sourced from the Montpellier Codex. These tracks have been given a modern twist thanks to the talents of Luigi di Guida. The brain behind dotAGE is Michele Pirovano, a dedicated creator from Italy. What's truly heartwarming is the fact that this masterpiece took him nearly a decade to craft. Carefully working on the roguelite turn-based city builder in his spare time. It's evident that this creation is a nostalgic nod to the titles he loved growing up. In essence, the roguelite turn-based city builder offers an exciting fusion. While blending strategy, story telling, and the unknown random events. So, gear up and prepare to embark on a journey that's both challenging and rewarding via Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. dotAGE is priced at $17.59 USD / £14.99 / 17,49€ on Steam.
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wevuxmag · 5 years
CIAPAPULVER, Marcello Pirovano
CIAPAPULVER, Marcello Pirovano #brunomunari #carta #creatività #creativity #design #exhibition #Gallery #inspiration
Currently on show at NERO Design Gallery, Lightness plays on the double meaning of the word itself. The exhibition is a double challenge that brings designers and artists to create new limited edition objects (on sale). All of them are exhibited inside the gallery spaces in a special set up designed by Michele Seppia, founder of NERO Design Gallery. For the occasion, several designers and artists…
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