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southparkthetwosidesofacard · 10 months ago
I made fanart of the Rich Old Man Squad(™) ✨
so I saw @masao-micchi video using the same base and decided that I absolutely had to draw it
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I did not do any of them justice but I tried ok 😭
(yes I’m aware how shitty simon’s hair is, its hard to draw with motion blur on)
also I found this comment chain which is absolute gold
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and I decided to make a roadtrip au based on it
my ideas so far are as follows:
-at some point they all stop at a hotel for the night and they get three rooms, two people each (leitner and salesa, simon and rayner, peter and elias). putting peter and elias in the same room with only one bed was not a good idea, and simon reminds them the next day that hotel walls are not very thick.
-someone lets simon play music. chaos ensues.
-at some point peter, elias, simon, and rayner all collectively decide to try and ditch leitner and salesa somewhere. it does not go well.
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arafolet · 1 year ago
Sigo con vida~ (?)
Revisando mis cuadernos de dibujo antiguos me percaté que en el 2022 prácticamente no dibujé... Si hice algo seguramente fue digital pero tampoco es como si hubieran sido muchos.
Así que, para este año me he propuesto hacer al menos 52 dibujos, o sea, un dibujo por semana~ >:3
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Líneas rápidas que hice la noche del 2 de enero. No tiene una identidad definida, simplemente le tocó existir (?)
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Saburo~ mi oc de Inazuma Eleven Go con ropa tradicional por el año nuevo. No sé dibujar ropa, debería ser un propósito para este año también...
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Regalito que hice para Micchi y Martu por su aniversario, mientras jugaban ¿Marvel vs Capcom? en stream~
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Enero/5. Me declaro seguidora del gaminet xD
X: pero si nisiquiera se conocen, cómo los vas shi--
Me importa un pepino, voy a emparejar lo que a mi cola le cante la regalda gana. Y mi cola está de acuerdo con esto.
Hay tanto que corregir en este dibujo OTL... Pero tendré que hacerlo el día que lo pase a digital, sobrepasé la resistencia del papel xD
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Enero/7. Te-he~ son tan bonitos~ 💕
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Enero/8. Se suponía que debía ser Saburo también, pero por alguna razón se ve... Extremadamente Loli...
En recuento, he hecho unos 10 u 11 dibujos en 10 días. Subo los más decentes para no acuchillar a mi autoestima (?)
En parte también fue para subir el gaminet sin terminar en alguna parte ewe
Pos bien, espero recordar hacer el próximo reporte de aquí a 10 días más, mientras sigo disolviendo mi existencia en la música de Paradox Live 💕✨
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sleepychengzi · 3 years ago
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Magical boy micchi and tuxedo mask meme ✨
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yarnshoes · 3 years ago
Can you do slam dunk for the fandom question thingy? Thanks yasu
Extremely gladly!!!! Tysm!!!! Tho i feel like sum of these r probably obvious coz ive answered SO MUCH stuff abt sd🤕.
• blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Maki..... Hes my g 🥴 my gir🥴🥴 my grilfrimd🥴🥴🥴
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• scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
I ALWAYS struggle w the scrunkly one w these asks.... Like what the hell, i think the op was thinking of cartoon network shit when they made this. I guess kiyota applies??? He is shaped.... Like a lil brother....
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• scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
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• glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Moroboshi 🌟✨💫⭐ i wish we cudve seen more of him.....
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• poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Again im straying away from the description above coz im interpreting poor lil meow2 differently. Its my guy micchi. Emotional unrest oniichan.
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• horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I.... I dont know ... Mitsui???¿ I think itd b fun to bully him. I wish he was my older bro so i can annoy him everyday :/
• eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Honestly there werent rly anyone i hate in sd...... Maybe this asshole hiroshi. Too bad we dont get to hate him TOO much coz hes practically cut content.
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atsunflower · 3 years ago
MAAAA!! Not sure if my last message sent through so here it is again HAHA (Tumblr </3) Congratulations on getting accepted to those internship programs! I'm super proud of you and wish you the best on them! I've missed you so much, but I hope that the school year has been treating you well so far and that the summer break has brought along a ton of sunshine for you 💛Anyways!! I miss you a lot, and I'm looking forward to reading your fics again soon!! -micchi!
First of, Happy new year✨ hope 2022 brings you lots of beautiful things
you're the loveliest, thank you so much 💕 both school and summer have been treating me well so far! What about you? What adventures you had while I was off?? Hope winter is going easy on you!!
Thank you so much for dropping by, I missed you a lot!!
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honey-makki · 4 years ago
HELLO KRISTEN!! WANTED TO POP IN AND CONGRATULATE ON 1000 FOLLOWERS!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 LOOK AT YOU GO! I'M SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF YOU 💛💛💛💛AAAA I'M SO EXCITED FOR MORE AND MORE PEOPLE TO DISCOVER YOUR WRITING! Anyways..I'm going to ask for a match-up also :) I'm an INFJ-T, I love coffee, my favorite genre of music is jazz (Bonus points if it's piano!), I have messy writing anddddd I go for runs in the morning! AND CONGRATS AGAIN!! *sends you creative vibes* -micchi 💛
Matchups are closed
I match you with Kuroo Tetsuro! (and me)
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i’m 300% sure Kuroo has jazz music softly playing in his apartment at any given time
no one would appreciate your science jokes more than him. 
You both work in the same lab 
whenever you deliver him a sample or walk by his workspace you give him another cheeky science joke.
he always has one ready for you as a rebuttal
one day he doesn’t have a one to respond with and all he can think about is how cute you are.
when you ask him what he's staring at instead of responding he just chuckles
“hopefully the person getting dinner with me tonight.”
He might get the words out without his nerves showing but he is for sure blushing and fidgeting just a little.
Even when on vacation he will want to go for a morning run.
Sometimes he’s successful in his efforts, running with you along a beach or through a park to see the sunrise
If he isn’t successful in getting you out of bed, he will either cuddle you while you both go back to sleep after telling you how luck he is
Or he will read to you if he isn’t tired, letting you listen the the bass of his voice and his heart beat as a calming way to start the day
Takes you to a local spot that he read arched for a beautiful brunch.
Has a plan for the day to look at some cultural sites and check out a botanical garden, but is just as happy to follow you wandering though the city.
Alternative matchup: Iwaizumi Hajime
@sanso just so u get the notification
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honey-makki · 4 years ago
Hi Kristen 💛 I hope you've had a lovely day and that you and your pets are doing well 😊 -micchi!
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real time photo of mitty!!! She sleep while I write.
I’m feeling really drained but I did some stuff that needed to get done 😌
I hope YOU had a good day!!
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honey-makki · 4 years ago
it’s ok i still love you 💛💛😂😂 -micchi!
I know you do but like, ya’know. I’m going to post sfw stuff soon! I have ideas!!! Non sexy ideas!
anyways have a good day! I didn’t have coffee today but I did have an iced matcha latte w 2 pumps vanilla from dunkin today💞 (everyone go follow @sanso)
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honey-makki · 4 years ago
HI KRISTEN! I AM HERE FINALLY. VERY LATE BUT I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND TOO MUCH (Guess which idiot got caught up in writing oopsies. But chapter 5 of a certain series might come out earlier than expected 🤔) ANYWAYS! Thank you so much for your comments on Dreams and Spirits! It always makes me so happy when you comment on the things I write honestly, you always see the emotions I'm trying to convey, and it always reassures me that I was able to get my message across 😭(1/2)
And yes! When I mentioned that I stayed up late looking into cologne I was talking about this fic 😂 I’m also not much of a drinker so I had to do a lot of research into bars and ordering at bars and drinks available at bars… And also the connotation associated with each type and then all the brands available… IT’S A VERY DEEP RABBIT HOLE HAHAHA I’m glad it paid off though! (I have once again done a deep dive into weirdly specific research for the thing I’m working on) ANYWAYS, THANK YOU -micchi
RisjjsjdknCHAPTER 5. I’ve never read a fic of yours ( @sanso for all my followers that don’t know micchi. go follow her RIGHT NOW.)
That I couldn’t understand a deeper meaning or message. Maybe some where easier to get to but honestly I love like activly thinking about why you wrote ___ thing this way or why you kept using ____ until I figure it out.
Anyways micchi is one of my favorite bloggers (and people) and I send her cat pics all the time so ANOTHER reason you should go see her.
Long Black is one of my fave fics ever so go read that!
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years ago
I swear I can read 😭😭 n e w a y. Here's some non-spicy blogs because I'm S T U P I D
@neonghxst - El's in orbit series 👀 that's it. Go forth. She also does some really awesome character studies that are hella interesting
@cherryonigiri - she just started a percy jackson auand it's so good 😭😭😭 I was obsessed after the first chapter, but again, maybe I'm just in love with Bokuto
@kuronekomama - my wife 🥺💕 Temmie just finished off her Sugar and Spice series and it was masterpiece 😻 it made me fall in love with terushima 🥺
@afterglowkuroo - LOUSIA DESERVES SO MUCH MORE ATTENTION MY GOD. She went on a hiatus 🥺 she has really amazing content but tumblr was a meanie to her and didn't give it the recognition it deserved
@tsuumiya - tsu has such a++ headcannons and they're such a sweetie, so yes 🥺 show them some love and check out their new smau
@sanso - micchi, the raccoon queen 🦝 but I have two further words to say: Kuroo Tetsurou. Yeap. That's it. She's fulfilling all of my fantasies about Kuroo Tetsurou as a doctor 😌✨
Got any blog recs that don't do *that* content, dash is dead but I don't wanna risk going into any of the tags lol
I don't really dive over there too often myself, but I know a few 😌✨
‼️🌶️ spicy 🌶️ content ahead ‼️
@nekxrizawa - Elle hasn't posted in a while but she has plenty of content in her masterlist to hold you over. Her hand hcs 🥵🥵🥵 those aren't even explicit but they're my favorite. I'm waiting on her to make some libero hands so I can thirst over Komori's hands (elle, this is a call out. please provide me some komori hands 🥵)
@introloves - I just found Jax's blog but oh 🥵 my 🥵 god 🥵 yes. Just ✌️😔 yes + they're a total sweetie 🥺 uhhh but I do think they're masterlist is broken?? At least it is for me 👀 so you'll have to search their blog for the character you want. OOOH there was a really spicy sugawara one 🥵 where he like took you on his classroom desk ✌️😌 yeah that was great
@tetsuwhore - I love Izzy's night club series 🥺 it's so wonderfully thought out and just 10/10 + the "inexperienced best friend hcs" are also 👀👀👀 yes
@starboybokuto - maybe it's my love for big boi bokuto or maybe it’s my inner desire to have him r u i n me, but she has a hard dom bokuto piece that is 🥵 to die for
And I don't personally follow @keijiskitten and @starfleetakaashi but I have friends who rave about them so you can check them out as well 😌✨
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honey-makki · 4 years ago
my sole purpose on this website is to send @sanso and @sneezefiction pictures of my pets almost every day.
Everything else is meaningless.
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zqueenwarrior · 5 years ago
Credit to :masao-micchi
This is just beautiful ❤✨
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Please do not take this seriously this is a shitpost,, a big joke HAHAA (but tbh i cant stop drawing him so i played myself)
i wasnt intending to explain what happened during that 1 year but people on ig want to know so W H E W I MIGHT ACTUALLY TAKE IT SERIOUSLY (ONLY A LITTLE BIT)
more good omens here!
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