#micah teschler
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teawithhenry · 5 days ago
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Your thoughts? Love to hear them!!! I can see why the stans of NV are all over the place right now defending NV!!
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teawithhenry · 4 days ago
That seems to be a way to control information. That doesn't sound like a nice person who works in the industry. Maybe she actually has been tossed, that explains the exposure taking place. Plus I can name a few at the top of my head who are victims of attacks, with attempts to shut them down completely.
Jane, and to all your followers. Please be on guard. Your really served the tea very hot. Your followers should look what happen to those who went against her & her backer. Go to exposingdanygarcia IG & look each users who are following her. Most of them received attacks. I can't registe at IG anymore because I've got IP blocked last November 2024 after I keep talking how the Baby Oiler, downright lumpy (copy+paste in search engine & you know who is it) & The pebbles are best friends. Ya know, there's a lot of forums of Henry fandoms & haters since his Immortal movie came out. Those forums thrive for 10 years now they are dead & most were deleted when Natalie came into picture.
Thank you 😊
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falsetruthmoix · 2 years ago
Where it all started, The trouble that followed!
So your probably wandering what I’m writing about. Well first things first is an introduction to who I am, well I’ve not given my real name for safety reasons as the people who tend to follow the people I talk about are called “Stans” who are the ones egging these fake PRs on and they can get very nasty and have been known to stalk personal accounts.
Gladly I don’t have a personal a count at all.
On here I go by Mac Wright. But you can call me Mac.
I have started up this False Truth Moix blog, also an Instagram page to talk, make light of these situations and to hear your thoughts and opinions on the topics.
Well I started this Blog to talk about the issues that aren’t always highlighted by the media, by the people that are or have been targeted in these situations, which are PR relationships.
The lies that follow, the manipulations that have been created and set up by said persons managers. There needs to be some kind of limit that stops managers from being able to exhort their clients into doing this when they don’t want to or the fact they need to recognise the harm and damage it not only causing harm to their mental health but also their reputation which they have taken so long to build up.
This certain topic is involving the speculation of this PR relationship between Mr Henry Cavill and Natalie Viscuso. I have been watching and reading the lines behind the scenes on what has been going on via their instagram accounts. From what I have personally seen their isn’t much really that makes this a true and factual relationship between them both.
The limited responses, the contact between them through social media, I understand Mr Cavill is a private person and I respect that, but if they were truly in a relationship then where is the genuine photos of them both, the videos of them being out and about in the public, that many others have been seen before this whole fiasco?
Before even starting this whole blog and instagram page, I was like anyone else in the beginning truly thinking that he had found happiness with someone, like always I give them a chance without any doubt that nothing is wrong and it’s genuine. But when I started to talk to some of Henry’s loyal fans he has gained after a while I learnt and saw that this whole picture wasn’t what it seemed to be.
So off my own back I decided to do a little digging to see who this Natalie Viscuso actually was. What I discovered has shocked me! The first photos I came across was the black fishing photo, I was sat there stunned and alarmed that a white women actually did this, for an advert by holding a bottle of water. That set alarm bells ringing off, so I then looked deeper into who she was, I came across photos and articles from official websites that said about her jobs previously to working with Legendary studios.
One of those jobs was working as sex worker / performer in her fathers night clubs, that she was in a pornographic video, that she was willing to pose naked in her photos that were public. But what was worse for me was the story of when she was 16 years old, she invited people to her party who weren’t her friends and then she continuously bullied them for turning up as she had invited them, also she is known as Micah Teschler. Now why would you need to go by an unknown name? What are you trying to hide Miss Viscuso that you don’t want people to know?
Now what kind of person who invites people to her party then thinks it’s ok to bully them and humiliate them in front of others? I mean it’s not right to do that to others.
So after Miss Viscuso had left legendary she moved onto a less unknown company that not many have heard off, but I did some digging as something was off about this “supposed” new job at vertigo Entertainment. It turns out that the owner of this establishment has ties to sex trafficking, paedophiles, and of course the well known paedophile Jeffery Epstein, it was turns out that her and her father were friends with Epstein and had visited his island on more than one occasion.
So then I also did some digging on her father, who it turns out also has ties to sex trafficking, sexual assaults, several of them. Now if this was a such a loving, healthy relationship please tell me why would Mr Cavill be into someone with this type of background?
It doesn’t sound right nor does it add up at all. Mr Cavill doesn’t tend to go for this type of women. But that’s just mine and many others opinions on this women.
So then after a while I started getting messages from people, who were Mr Cavill’s loyal fans, these messages consisted of Miss Viscuso stans that were deliberately going after anyone who didn’t believe in this what now seems to be a money, grabbing false PR relationship. Some of the messages I won’t go into great detail, but some were verging on racial discrimination, thoroughly going after their family members, going after any little bit of information to get on his fans and then release their private and personal details online, which is actually against the law, it is an illegal offence to do this without this person’s acknowledgment or their permission to do so.
Some of the messages were also telling these people to go and kill themselves, I also believe and have a bit of evidence to prove that Miss Viscuso has created some of these accounts herself and personally stalks these fans of Mr Cavill.
Here are some questions I think that Miss Viscuso or Miss Teschler needs to answer to.
1. What makes you think it’s Ok to enter this PR relationship whilst trying to erase your personal history?
2. What are you hiding that you don’t want Mr Cavill or the public to know about?
3. Why do you also think it’s ok to go around creating fake accounts and bullying people who have been loyal fans of Mr Cavill for so long?
4. Why did you think it was acceptable to be forced to apologise for black fishing a photo with your face still white, and not be prosecuted to racial discrimination?
5. What I would love to know is why is it acceptable for your stans to go around racially discriminating, bullying, harassing these innocent people and leaking their personal information which in its own right is an illegal offence?
Some of these photos that will be added into this blog are quite shocking so please bare with me. Did you also know Miss Viscuso is currently under investigation from the FBI, InterPol, and quite the few others it seems. There will be more to come so don’t worry, this isn’t a one off type of blog, it’s a continuous blog that will be talking about this topic more and more.
I would honestly love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic. Also my informants are protected top notch. If you have any emails or messages sent from these Natalie Viscuso stans or any information that your being threatened at all please email me at [email protected] .
From Mac.
#FalseTruthMoixBlog #HenryCavill #NatalieViscuso #HenryCavillNatalieViscuso #Blogs
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augustsprincess · 2 years ago
Can I ask you what NV have to do with porn?
People went digging and found her old profile on Model Mayhem, called Micah Teschler (I don’t think that’s spelt right). I disagree with bullying people for wanting to go into that industry or taking part, but its not something anybody want want brought up in a PR incident. It’s bad for business, especially when Henry was a family friendly sort of celeb due to Superman.
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practicalmagicintuitions · 4 years ago
Do you think Henry's family knows about these Natalie stories: the SS16, tribe photo, micah teschler, and everything?
yes. I heard some of the craziest fans were commenting nasty things on his brother ans sister-in-law’s IG. So they must know.
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sohoharlem · 4 years ago
Google Micah Teschler model mayhem. It’s Natalie viscuso’s account. Some of those pics are on her IG account.
- SH
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teawithhenry · 4 days ago
janecuppa has stans all over her main thread ready to criticize people for asking good questions around the tea she prescribed itself. I think she is sending Stans over to your page to make you look like Amy so she can say it on her thread. Maybe she is linked in all of this around the anons you're getting? All these anons sound similar to the ones she is getting. Thisisjanecitizen called her a fraud. Maybe she is. Just resharing what someone else was telling me. This whole thing with the tea pages sound fishy
I think you may be right about that!
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teawithhenry · 4 days ago
Ah then you haven’t heard her tantrums on her videos my dear. One day she’s cursing Henry out and threatening Natalie, the next day she’s laughing like a hyena about how good their hot sex supposedly is. Like I said, you’re not as neutral as you claim and we all know why. Nice try. He’s not coming to save you, honey. The real Henry Cavill is not coming for you. Each time you post about something happening soon it doesn’t happen. He’s not coming. I really hope you get some help on this obsession and begin to heal and get yourself in a better place. I’m sorry he’s not coming for you sweetheart, he’s just not. Why won’t he post hinted pics for you? Because he’s not coming to save you. I’m so sorry sweetheart. I’m sorry your life has been hard and it’s tough but you need to get strong and move on. He’s not coming for you.
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My intention with this Tumblr was to talk about certain topics that were thus avoided entirely, and I was one anon who put in a question which was ignored completely. So I decided to open a page which is open to all questions, not just anons helping ones agenda with tea. As far as tennis is concerned, there is no competition, rest assured. I am just an nosy Tumblr blogger just like you Jane. Forgive the occurrence. If you did not want a public forum with other POVs then you should have not made one.
The other thing I am going to readdress, and I'm going to be honest with you as it's truly disturbing behavior-what is with the abusive comments flooding into my anons? I'm not trying to encourage this behavior as it's rather sadistic.
You don't want to talk about anything else but Amy? Is there really nothing else you wish to discuss? If anything it further backs my original comments about the persistent attacks on people in general, which are concerning behaviors. These are calculated comments pushing an agenda. While I've tried to keep an open mind about this, it just seems repetitive, dark, nasty behavior. This is a Henry Cavill forum page, not an Amy forum page.
As I have said before I am not her. My surname is Reis but now that I have this point of view on things I can completely say with confidence, that these anons coming in with this attitude seem to be extremely dark, focused on one individual. That my dear is mentally ill behavior on its own.
If you don't like me inquiring into the situation around her, it's been rather obvious to me at this point. Why are you so focused on her? How is your own mental health? What did a YT fan girl ever do that has NVs Stans/anons absolutely triggered? Tarot readings? Is it because you want people to believe she is ill? Why do you want people to believe that?
Is this Natalie behind these anons? Janecuppa did share on her Tumblr the rather abusive, controlling, behavior of Natalie with Henry Cavill. She herself describes her as trying to trap Henry and her sources talked about NVs abusive behavior with coworkers in the past, am I correct? I know something is bothering you and you want her to be silenced, but unfortunately this has been displayed publicly and now other individuals are asking what the fuss is all about, and it would seem Janecuppa is also getting those messages as anons as she just shared a reply herself.
I just want to point out one thing, my Tumblr is an open discussion, not a game of chess if that is what Natalie or her stans are up to. This is some seriously disturbing behavior. And the manner of tones in these messages are all too similar. I'm not a psychologist, but one has to wonder if this is one person who obviously has a desire to drill nasty comments into a single person's mentality is mentally sane themselves. It sounds extremely narcissistic, controlling, and abusive. With that said these kind of comments are inappropriate for my forum.
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teawithhenry · 4 days ago
My conclusion about this YT girl is, NV stans don't want her talking, and she seems to know something and is putting it on her YT and IG. While many are throwing a fit over her, and think she is mentally ill, I still can't help but wonder why she is being talked/brought up so much on multiple platforms?
Nobody is going after this girl, she’s quick to assume Natalie is after her for some reason. The girl has no info that anyone wants hidden. It’s interesting you say people throw a fit. You get very defensive in her behalf instead of being neutral as you claim you do with info. You’re quick to poke at others like Natalie, the other tumblrs and such yet with this girl you support her even though it’s clear she’s in need of help. Why?
Oh?! No one is after her yet, there is at least 10 anon accounts trying to say she is mentally ill, dispite what she is sharing on her IG. But, no one is after her? I'm sorry that doesn't make any sense my dear.
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teawithhenry · 4 days ago
Court case anon
So I saw the screenshots you provided but you have to take into consideration that the site you took those from links only the LinkedIn accounts that are public. If you noticed there are some accounts without names or photos. LinkedIn also provides the full private mode, which means that the account is visible only to the people the user chooses.
The way I see it, the questions that come to mind: Natalie's former job and present was announced in the trades (Variety!<pretty accurate when it comes to inside the industry info>, Elle etc). Has anyone of those who believe that she's lying has contacted the company for confirmation? Do they realise that lying on a public forum would have her in court in minutes? The least Vertigo would do after all the articles announcing the collaboration of the company is that they would set the record straight publicly saying that she lies. I haven't seen anything like that.
I believe that it's common sense. Don't you?
Again, thank you for accepting to have this conversation
Well, taking note of the blank spot, that still doesn't explain why she pushes it as her job on every paid article she could manage, but on the official LinkedIn account staying private? Doesn't make any sense to me, you either want people to know you work there or you don't? She completely contradicts herself!! The same could be said about the rumors circulating about the fake pregnancy.
Simply showing proof would debunk everything. Given the speculation about her on every gossip forum, it seems to be common knowledge that she pays for those kind of articles to be pushed constantly as a form of promotional effect for herself in the industry. But when those questions arise she chooses privacy? That doesn't help her in any case. Is there anyone that has a screenshot of her name and job title through linked in to attest to her actually having this job?
Or are we resulting to assumptions instead of facts. As far as feature websites are concerned, I'm sure money could buy the push for legitimacy given she is seeking advance in the industry? Which brings me to the PR stunts she is participating in with Henry. There are photos and a data trail with time and dates of when the actual stunts were set up and taken as a set. That an interesting way to fake your way through advancement in the industry!! Interesting perspective, thank anon!
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teawithhenry · 4 days ago
Court case anon here. What kind of evidence is there? I haven't seen anything. Also I would like to point out that although I came to you with very specific information that can be searched, your response is vague allegations with no specifics whatsoever to back it up. Weird. You presented yourself as impartial but in your answers you are nothing but biased. I would like to see the proof of your sayings.
Anyway thank you for posting my ask.
Ah, I do apologize. I've just actually posted some data on who is currently working at Vertigo Entertainment, and who is not. I hope the other post helps! Thanks! And no problem!!
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