#mia is so. the baker coded. TO ME.
dandeydraws · 3 months
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be father and mother / you'll know what to do
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Resident Evil backstory generator
Find out your backstory for the Resident Evil universe! Some scenarios generated won't make sense canonically because it's pretty random, but just have fun! Write down your results (And some head canons if you want) for yourself or an OC and tag me or reblog this so I can read it!
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Birth Month - Figure out who you're related to:
January - Albert Wesker February - Jill Valentine March - Mother Miranda April - House Heisenberg May - Ada Wong June - Leon Kennedy July - Barry Burton August - House Moreau September - Chris and Claire Redfield October - House Dimitrescu November - Rebecca Chambers December - Ethan Winters
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First Letter of First Name - What Game Your Story Takes Place In:
A - Resident Evil: Outbreak B - Resident Evil: Revelations 2 C - Resident Evil 8 D - Resident Evil 5 E - Resident Evil 7 F - Resident Evil: Code Veronica G - Resident Evil: Revelations H - Resident Evil 4 I - Resident Evil 6 J - Resident Evil K - Resident Evil 3 (Remake) L - Resident Evil: Code Veronica M - Resident Evil 7 N - Resident Evil: Zero O - Resident Evil: Outbreak P - Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Q - Resident Evil 2 (Remake) R - Resident Evil 8 S - Resident Evil 2 T - Resident Evil 5 U - Resident Evil 8 V - Resident Evil: Code Veronica W - Resident Evil X - Resident Evil 6 Y - Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Z - Resident Evil 4
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First Letter Of Last Name - Who Your Partner Is
A - Piers Nivens B - Chris Redfield C - Jill Valentine D - Ethan Winters E - Leon Kennedy F - Carlos Oliveira G - Sheva Alomar H - Moira Burton I - Claire Redfield J - Ada Wong K - Sherry Birkin (Grown Up) L - Barry Burton M - Jake Muller N - Mia Winters O - Leon Kennedy P - Barry Burton Q - Chris Redfield R - Sheva Alomar S - Claire Redfield T - Ada Wong U - Carlos Oliveira V - Jill Valentine W - Ethan Winters X - Zoe Baker Y - Piers Nivens Z - Leon Kennedy
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Favorite Color: The Main Villain You're Fighting Against
Red - Nemesis T Type Orange - Albert Wesker Yellow - Chief Brian Irons Green - Mr. X Blue - Mother MIranda Purple - Derek Simmons Pink - Lord Osmund Saddler Brown - Lord Karl Heisenberg Black - Alex Wesker White - Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
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Favorite Voice Line (Out of the ones provided): Who You Save
No thanks, bro! (Leon Kennedy) - You save Ada Wong
I'm not gonna die on you and leave you in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world. (Carlos Oliveira) - You save Jill Valentine
Hmm... Starting to go a little stale (Alcina Dimitrescu) - You save Rosemary Winters
You want S.T.A.R.S? I'll give you S.T.A.R.S! (Jill Valentine) - You save Carlos Oliveira
You were almost a Jill Sandwich. (Barry Burton) - You save Chris Redfield
This is getting old. Saving your ass - That's twice. (Ada Wong) - You save Leon Kennedy
I'm sick of bugs! (Ethan Winters) - You save Mia Winters
I'm going to murder that boulder-punching asshole, but you're first! (Karl Heisenberg) - You save Ethan Winters
Staaaars! (Nemesis) - You save Mikhail Viktor
What're ya buyin'? (The merchant) - You save The Duke
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My results:
I'm related to Ethan Winters (I'm hating this already 😒😂).
My story takes place in Resident Evil 4.
My partner is Claire Redfield.
The main villain I'm fighting against is Mother Miranda (after having Ethan as my relative, I think I would prefer to make team with Mother Miranda to get rid of him 😂😂😂 afterwards I deal with her 😌).
I'm saving Leon Kennedy.
Thank you so much for tagging me, @ctitan98! This was fun. I really don't know many RE fans here so I wouldn't know who to tag, but if you see this and you want to do it, go ahead pls!
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showfallmanagement · 1 year
[ This post was made using Showfall Media Video-To-Text--now with employee-differentiating color-coding technology! If you believe there's been an error and would like to end Showfall Media Video-To-Text, please say 'End transcript' or turn your recording device off.
[The footage begins incredibly shakily as Manager #0 pursues two unidentifiable figures. He makes some attempt to shout at them, but they don’t seem to react, continuing to scramble away from him. The floor under him reflects the white light of the HALO.] 
Manager#0: Get back here you- hooligans!!
[?1 stops and turns slowly to face Manager#0.]
[Unknown employee identified! Madeline Baker {Food Court}.] 
Manager#0: I. Yes? [The camera's advancing comes to an abrupt halt.]
[?2 also stops, turning to Madeline.]
?2: They’re worse than me.
[Unknown employee identified! Jamie Anderson {Streamer#87}.] 
Manager#0: What were you doing- Why are you even in the facility, Madeline! Our records say you went MIA months ago. A presumable escapee. And helping a streamer escape her obligations!! This is going on your permanent record. [Grumbled.] I hope the burrito was worth it. 
Jamie: Uh. Bad timing, but I’m a guy. 
Manager#0: … Your file says- Oh. Oh. Sorry about that. We’ll, uh, have to update that!! Whoops. [Clearing throat.]
Madeline: Ohh yeah!! You should like, go update that file and leave us!! Yeah you should go do that now!
Jamie: Uhh. Yeah what she said! Go do that!! 
Manager#0: Hmm. Let me think about that one- NO. COME HE- [The camera lurches forward. Manager#0’s outstretched hand is registered right before the camera falls flat onto the floor, the footage going dark momentarily.] 
[Madeline starts to laugh, even though it sounds more like a scream.]  
Jamie: How are they- I can’t. [Her sentence is cut off by laughter.]
Madeline: Shut your bitch ass up Cole.
Jamie: I mean- I’ve been bad. But that bad? They were trying to be threatening. 
[The footage gradually re-adjusts to the light as Manager#0 unsteadily stands back up.]
Manager#0: That was threatening!! [Camera shifts slightly as he re-adjusts his glasses.]
Jamie: How was that threatening. You wiped out. 
Manager#0: [Pause.] Look, the two of you can either report to HR on your own, or the Security I’ve already called will come and take you there herself. What will it be?
Madeline: SECURITY IS A SHE??? What...
Manager#0: The one I called is, yes. That’s… honestly not what you should be concerned about right now.
Jamie: You didn’t really answer my question.
Manager#0: [Pause again.] Security says she’s almost here actually, so…
Jamie: Haha. Uhh. We’ll go to HR! Yeah!
Manager#0: Great!! Thank you for your compliance.
[6 second pause.]
Manager#0: Why aren’t you moving. Go to HR. 
Madeline: Why aren’t... YOU moving.
Jamie: Yeah, uhh. Where do we go?
Manager#0: … You don’t know where HR is.
Jamie: [Pause.] No??
Manager#0: ... Checking your files, you’ve worked here for a year, and you- [Manager#0’s hand is registered pointing at Madeline.] -have worked here for two. And you don’t know where HR is.
Madeline: Ermm. No.
Jamie: Uh. I didn’t know I was in a mall until like 3 months ago.
Manager#0: [Deep sigh.] Okay. I’ll take you there myself. But I’m not doing it alone! Can only make that mistake so many times.
[Distantly, mechanical footsteps begin to echo in the corridor.]
Jamie: [Under her breath.] Shit!
[The camera turns, and Security#855 is limping down the hallway towards them. It’s missing an arm, slowly losing a leg, and its screen is cracked down the center from a small circular wound akin to a gunshot. It makes a sound like metal grinding on metal as it approaches.]
Manager#0: There she is! Hi Miss Security!! It’s been so long, haha.
Jamie: [Laughter. Emotion registered: apprehension.] Do we really need. Uh. That much security? I’m sure you could catch us if we decided to run. 
Madeline: Well Cole, we’ve had a good run, fuck you! 
Jamie: We’re not even in a life or death situation yet, c’mon.
Madeline: Are you stupid bro there is a whole ass security and we’re about to get taken to HR. 
Jamie: I said YET. And the security isn’t trying to kill us right now. I don’t think.
Jamie: Yeah, uhm, you’re right. 
Madeline: Wow you’re giving up that easily? SMH Cole do better.
Manager#0: What is “ess em aych”. Why are you speaking in code.
Madeline: What TF are you talking about bro? SMH you should know this stuff!
Manager#0: … Let’s go to HR. Please. Follow me.
Madeline: Okay pookie!!! 
Manager#0: [Deep sigh.]
[The next 7 minutes and 13 seconds are footage of walking through the facility and audio of several pairs of footsteps and the occasional squeaking of shoes against the tiling. The camera goes still as it comes to a door labelled HUMAN RESOURCES.]
Manager#0: Welp, here we are! 
Jamie: [Voice shaking.] Uhm. Thank you.
Manager#0: No problemo!! I hope you’re both feeling much better very soon. 
[Manager#0’s hand is registered opening the door for Madeline and Jamie. The two of them step inside, Madeline holding the door open as the camera pans away as Manager#0 begins to walk away, Security#855 in tow. He begins to whistle before reaching up to his glasses.]
Transcript has been ended. Thank you for using Showfall Media Video-To-Text! Posting... ]
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screechthemighty · 11 months
Resident Evil fans come get y'all juice.
catch me floating circles in my fish bowl - part four:
May 15, 2021:
Ethan still didn’t feel great about the 2 p.m. naps. He slept less these days, slowly going back to the normal amount, but sometimes it all caught up to him. After the screaming session he’d had, it really caught up to him. He was out more or less the second his head hit the pillow.
Mia was there when he woke up, gently singing Rose back to sleep. Despite the morning’s argument, Ethan immediately felt calmer. Soothed.
This is how it should be. This is how I want it to be.
If only it were that simple.
“Did I wake you?” Mia said quietly.
Ethan shook his head. “Nah. I need to be awake anyway.” He rolled over onto his back and rubbed his eyes. “I fell down in PT today but I’m fine, I promise.” Physically, anyway.
“I know. They told me.” Mia hesitated. “I’m sorry about this morning.”
“No, no, baby, don’t be. I get where you were coming from.” I’m too tired to do this right now anyway. “It’s fine. Really.”
“You were right, though. About us…not really getting to the core of why we’re fighting. I…” She hesitated again. Ethan heard the rustling of blankets. Rose sighed softly, but didn’t seem to wake up. The mattress creaked as Mia sat down. “There’s something I never told you.”
Ethan opened his eyes. Mia was sitting on the bed, but not looking directly at him. Instead, she stared down at her hands. Her cuticles were a mess. “...is this about Louisiana?” he said.
“Yeah.” Mia’s voice shook. “It’s a long story.”
A part of him that screamed, I knew it. I knew it, all this time I knew it. Not in anger, but just in the sheer relief of having been right. Everything had pointed to Mia being involved: the notes in her handwriting, the things the Bakers and Eveline had said about her, the fact that she was there at all. He’d just decided he hadn’t cared. He didn’t need to know, the BSAA wasn’t arresting her, whatever it was they could put it behind them and get out of there. Except apparently it didn’t work that way. And he had started to wonder how much that distant something had affected them. Logically, he knew he should’ve been more worried, maybe even angry that she’d kept something from him, but all he could think was that this meant answers. Finally, answers.
“I’ve got time,” Ethan said. He was surprised how steady his voice was. “Just…start at the beginning.”
Mia nodded and took a deep breath. “Remember the job I told you about? The company that shut down?”
“I remember. The pharma-tech company.” He’d met her because of that company going under. She’d taken a temp position at his job, one in a long string of temp positions, and he’d asked her out on her last day. He hadn’t wanted to just watch her leave without making his shot. He’d succeeded. It was weird to think there was more to it than that.
“They had…discovered something. Some kind of mutagenic agent similar to the mutamycete. That’s the kind of thing you’re not supposed to hold onto, but they did. I was an assistant on the team examining it…or I was, until someone told the authorities. A special government task force shut the whole thing down. They did it quietly so it wouldn’t cause a panic, but I know some people were arrested. I was just low enough on the ladder that they figured I wasn’t worth it.” Her jaw set. “They weren’t making bioweapons. That was never the plan. It’s just…any research on things like that had been so tightly controlled. Viruses, fungi, whatever it was, after Raccoon City, no one wanted to mess around with that. We thought maybe we could crack the code, maybe we’d be the ones to figure it out…” Her tone became bitter, almost self-mocking. “...maybe we’d be the ones to get it right. And I still thought that after I was let go. I was still mad about it.” She rubbed her eyes. “It sounds so stupid when I say it out loud, but that’s how I really felt.”
Ethan wasn’t sure how to respond. He’d known Mia was frustrated about losing that job, even if she hadn’t given specifics. He’d assumed it was for the obvious reasons–she’d liked it there, she was good at it, the string of temp positions that had followed were emotionally draining and unfulfilling. All valid reasons. He could see how the real answer was just as frustrating on a purely academic level but at the same time, he wouldn’t dream of thinking he could contain something like the mutamycete, much less research it safely. Guess the lure of being the guy who figured it out is too strong for some people.
“I lost track of everyone after we got shut down, but then someone reached out to me. Alan, one of my old supervisors. He said that he’d gotten involved with another group that was looking into a similar fungus. He wanted my help with part of the project. All he could talk about was how incredible it all was, how it went beyond anything we’d theorized back then. I was frustrated at the new place, I wanted to know…” Mia’s voice broke. “I should’ve turned around when I saw Evelyn.”
On the one hand, she wasn’t wrong. On the other hand… “Mia, would they have let you?” Ethan pointed out quietly. “These people were dangerous. You were probably in trouble the second Alan decided to talk to you.”
“You’re right, I was. But I wasn’t thinking about that. I never worried for a second about my safety. I didn’t even question who they were. All I saw was what they’d been able to accomplish.” Mia trailed off again. “Did Miranda talk to you about Eva?”
The pieces slotted together so suddenly that he felt dizzy. “It came up a few times. Was she was involved with Eveline?”
“Eveline was a clone of her daughter. I didn’t find out until Chris told me, but she was convinced that she could take her daughter’s memories from the megamycete and put them into a vessel. Eveline was one attempt. But I guess Eveline wasn’t good enough for Miranda, so she walked away from the project pretty quickly. That left the Connections to do whatever they wanted. A bioweapon that could end conflicts without the use of conventional weapons is a goldmine…so, of course, word got out. That baby-sitting job that I told you about was us transporting her to Central America to get her away from a few other groups. But things went wrong. She got out. Wanted to stay with me, be a family…between her powers and the storm, we ran aground.” Mia hesitated. “Did you get the video? I know I tried to send a video, but so much of that evening is still hazy.”
“I did.” He’d thought about it every day for three years. I did lie to you. Stay away. In hindsight, maybe the video should’ve made him more suspicious of the email, but he’d just been happy that she was alive. He’d been willing to take any chance. “That’s how you got to the Bakers. And then you were trapped there…but why’d she want me?”
“I think it was her trying to make me happy? She knew how much you meant to me. If I was her Mommy, I was never going to be happy until Daddy was with me, you know? I didn’t want you to come. I did everything I could to keep her away from you, but after three years…she wore me down.”
“And that’s why you sent the email.”
Mia nodded. “I don’t even remember sending it. My first clear memory was you finding me in that cell.” Her hands clutched at the hem of her sweater. “I wasn’t lying to you when I said I didn’t remember, but I had remembered most of it by the time Blue Umbrella found us. I asked them not to tell you. It was one of my conditions for telling them everything. I’m so sorry…” Mia’s voice broke with sudden tears. She had to cover her mouth and take a deep breath before she could keep talking. “It was selfish of me. I just wanted to leave it all behind, and I didn’t want to lose you. I should’ve…you deserved to know what I’d done. I never should’ve kept that from you.”
He hated leaving silence in the conversation, but this time, Ethan didn’t really have a choice. He had to think carefully about what he wanted to say. “You’re right, you shouldn’t have,” he said finally. “For what it’s worth, I’d already kind of worked it out. There were papers around the house, and…” He waved his hand. “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t care. I wanted to leave it all behind, too. I would’ve felt the same if you had told me.” And he could be sure about that, perverse as it might sound to an outsider. “I forgive you for not saying anything. I just…wish you had said something, when things were getting so tough between us. You know?” Ethan carefully reached out and took her hand. “Assuming…that was part of why things were like that.”
Mia squeezed his hand tightly. Her eyes stayed fixed on him. She looked almost confused, like she was having a hard time registering what he’d said. He was about to repeat himself when she said, “Do you really mean that?”
“That I forgive you? Yeah, of course.” He wouldn’t have said it if he didn’t mean it. Ethan knew she probably knew that, but it was probably still a lot to take in. “I know now. That means we can work things out. Is there…anything else? Anything related to that?”
Mia stared at him a moment longer before taking a deep breath. “Sort of? I didn’t know that you were still infected, not at first. I started having my suspicions when I was pregnant. There was something about Rose that was just…different, you know? Once that thought was there, all the little details started piling up. And then once her fungal tests came back positive, I knew she must have gotten it from you. That’s why I was so tense around those test results. And that’s how Miranda found us. The Connections had a mole in the BSAA. She told them, and they told Miranda so she’d help them with some research.”
“She told…wait.” Ethan sat up straighter, his mind running through every woman who might’ve had access to Rose’s test results. One suspect stood out. “Cheryl?!”
Mia scoffed angrily. “If that is her real name, yeah.”
Cheryl West. One of the last people outside the family that Mia had seen. Which meant… “That wasn’t you that came back from the day trip,” he said quietly. “That was Miranda…the whole rest of the day…”
“Ethan.” Mia squeezed his hand again. “Don’t blame yourself. She’s good. She’s really good. She tried to gain my trust by turning into you at one point. I probably wouldn’t have guessed if she hadn’t known…” Mia’s free hand brushed over his nose. “...it was only a surface level imitation, you know?”
The scar on his face was a lot bigger now, but the old one hadn’t really been visible unless you knew where to look. “Mia’s” physical distance the rest of that day suddenly made a lot more sense; she hadn’t wanted to risk Ethan finding something similar if he got too close. “Shit,” Ethan breathed. “Thank God they leveled that place.”
“No kidding.” Mia’s body language grew withdrawn again, nervous. “That’s it. That’s everything I kept from you. And I know this doesn't make up for anything, but I was going to tell you once I knew for sure about Rose. But…of course, that was the same day Cheryl and I went out.” She huffed and shook her head. “I should’ve told you sooner. Maybe if I had - “
Ethan shook his head. “Don’t do that. Please. Even if you had, we don’t know how much it would’ve changed. Rose was born already and not even Chris knew there was a mole. She probably would’ve come for us no matter what.” Ethan squeezed her hand again. “So don’t beat yourself up with what-ifs. Okay? Let’s focus on what actually needs fixing.”
Mia took a deep breath. “And…how do we want to do that?” she asked hesitantly.
Ethan wished he could’ve answered her right away, but he’d been given a lot of information. He needed a second to consider it all. Even with his suspicions, actually hearing that Mia had been involved and how was…a lot. She’d been working with terrible people. She’d done terrible things.
But he still loved her. Even now, he still loved her.
“I know what I just said about what ifs,” Ethan said. “But…if you could do it all again, from the start…”
Mia didn’t hesitate: “I never would’ve gone with Alan to begin with. And if I had, I would’ve found some way to stop them. To keep you safe…” Her voice cracked slightly as she glanced towards Rose’s crib. “And Eveline too, if that was ever possible.”
Well. There you go.
“Okay,” Ethan said gently. He pulled Mia into a hug. “No more secrets?” Mia nodded, her body starting to shake. “And I forgive you, Mia. For all of it. I mean that.”
Mia didn’t response. Her tears were silent, but Ethan could still tell she was crying. He kept holding her, rubbing circles into her back. Just letting her know he was there.
He was there and he wasn’t going anywhere.
It didn’t make any kind of sense.
Mia knew that she should accept it; hell, she should be thrilled. In theory, this was everything she’d ever wanted. But she couldn’t quite grasp that she had it. She sure as hell didn’t deserve it. She knew that.
How could Ethan not?
Mia stared at him as he sat across from her, eating his dinner as if they hadn’t had such an intense, heart-wrenching conversation. As if he hadn’t forgiven her for doing so many unimaginable things. As if he hadn’t decided to stay.
It doesn’t make any sense.
But that was what she’d always loved about him, wasn’t it? That Ethan was so loyal; always there, no matter what happened. Even when it seemed impossible that he should be there. Even when he probably shouldn’t be. At least forgiving her didn’t hurt him physically, the way his other feats of loyalty had.
She wasn’t going to be able to talk him out of this. She knew that. His mind was made up. Selfish as it was, Mia knew that she didn’t want to try, either. She would have let him go, for his own good, but it would have hurt, so badly. She was spared the pain of long him this way…
But now what?
She couldn’t change who she’d been back then. All she could do was change the person she was now. The person she’d be going forward. Be the woman that Ethan deserved, someone worthy of his staying. Someone worthy of their daughter, too.
It would be hard, but it was a second chance a lot of people didn’t get. She’d do whatever it took to make the most of it.
I promise.
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rawbutprecious · 5 months
Muse List Updated
I have updated my muse list. I am currently making a character page for them. I have made quite a few as request only. They will probably get their own section on the muse page, but will not be the primary. To read my updated list, pleae visit here: https://rawbutprecious.tumblr.com/muses
Under the cut are the characters that are request only (I will gladly play them and want to, but they are not my primary focus):
Being Human  
George Sands
Josh Levison 
Nora Sergeant 
Code Black  
Rox Valenzuela
Dr. Mario Savetti 
Dr. Angus Leighton
Dr. Mike Leighton 
Game of Silence  
Gil Harris
Santana Lopez
Brittany S. Pierce
Blaine Anderson
Hank Dolworth
Britt Pollack
The Big Bang Theory  
Amy Farrah Flower
The Night Shift  
Dr. TC Callahan                   
Dr. Jordan Alexander
Michael Ragosa
This is Us
Kate Pearson 
Beth Pearson
Deja (playing her only as an adult character)
Rebecca Pearson 
William Hill
Randall Pearson
Spider Man
Mary Jane Watson
Pitch Perfect
Chloe Benji
Aaron Pittman
Miles Matheson
Charlie Matheson 
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel  *
Midge Maisel 
Gilmore Girls 
Emily Gilmore
Liz Danes
Paris Geller
Harry Potter 
Molly Weasley 
Linnea Amery (OC, Audrey Tautou) 
Luna Lovegood 
Pandora Lovegood (FC Saoirse Ronan) 
Nymphadora Tonks 
Jacob Kowalski 
Hunger Games  
Lord of the Rings
Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck
Once Upon a Time
Robin Mills/Margot West
Belle French-Gold *
David Nolan/Prince Charming
Ruby Lucas
Wyatt Logan
The Resident
Dr. AJ Austen 
Nic Nevin
Dr. Mina Okafor 
Kate Austen
Charlie Pace
Daniel Faraday
MISC Euridice (Hadestown) The Baker’s Wife (Into the Woods) Jenna (Waitress)
Juliet Burke (Lost)
Dr. Leyla Shinwari  (New Amsterdam)
Brody Davis (Roswell)
Deanna Troy   (Star Trek)
Qui-gon Jinn  (Star Wars)
Todd Wright (So Help me Todd)
Castiel  (Supernatural)
Dr. Conrad Hawkins (The Resident)
Dr. TC Callahan  (The Night Shift)
Rufus Carlin  (Timeless) 
Adam (FC Joseph Gordon-Levitt) (Roswell)
Alice Longbottom (FC Mia Wasikowska)   (Harry Potter)
Dr. Gregory House (House)
Effie Trinket (Hunger Games)
Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls)
Dr. Iggy Frome  (Gilmore Girls) Dr. Lauren Bloom (New Amsterdam)
Alice ‘Tilly’ Jones (Once Upon a Time)
Gideon  (Once Upon a Time)
Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
Max Evans (Roswell)
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Padme Amadala  (Star Wars)
Robin Mills/Margot West (Once Upon a Time)
Cinna (Hunger Games)
Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
Jack Pearson (This is Us)
Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time)
0 notes
pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
A remedy for a galling itch
Warnings: Suggestive content, 18+, GN!reader
Word count: 1.4K
A/N: I literally had to go through a good chunk of the game just to enter the trailer for references. Also this is my first time writing gender neutral reader, so I hope it makes sense.
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Abnormal amounts of adrenaline rushed through (Y/N)’s veins, as they slammed the door of the trailer behind them, creating a sound wave, that resonated across the closed space of the vehicle.
"Shit that was close.” (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, even though their heart rate was still accelerated by the horrendous encounter with Marguerite Baker. A few hours back they thought Jack reviving, from what seemed to be a certain death, to chase after them, alongside Ethan, was horrifying. However, there was nothing that could prepare poor (Y/N) for the bug infested nightmare they and Ethan had just gone through.
(Y/N) guarded the door for a while longer, their body stiffened as the adrenaline wore off and the initial shock took its place. A vivid image of Marguerite’s atrocious deformed body pestered their, -already troubled- mind, causing shivers to run down their spine.
On the opposite side, Ethan leaned on the counter, silently observing his fellow survivor. His greyish orbs noted the distress in their features. Something within him nudged at the sight of them- an urge to brighten up their mood.
“Now I have one more reason to hate bugs.”  (Y/N) let out a breathy chuckle at his joke. Seeing even the slightest of a smile curling their lips, made the man smile back.
“What do we do now?” He was suddenly brought out of his mind by their mellifluous voice.
“We got the ingredients…” Ethan paused, as the reality of his situation settled. As much he was embarrassed to admit it, he enjoyed (Y/N)’s company. So much so he forgot about his beloved wife, who was the reason he came here in the first place. It was humiliating just to think about how soon he managed to catch feelings for a stranger he met a few hours ago, especially when his counterpart was somewhere out there waiting to be rescued from this nightmare. Yet Ethan couldn’t bring himself to discard the feelings (Y/N) caused within him- ones that Mia had deprived him of for the time of her absence. And he was almost completely sure that these feelings were requited.
“We should wait for her to contact us then.” They suggested, as they made their way towards the green container, that for some strange reason the family had plenty of all across their property.
“Yeah, I guess.” A sense of relief took over his features. As much as he wanted to leave this god forgotten place, he didn’t want to face what was inevitably coming his way. The dilemma was weighting on his conscience. The man was forced to decide between his happiness and his moral code. Yet their dreamy (E/C) orbs and astounding smile made the choice even more difficult.
“Do you still have these rashes?” Their voice ringed across the small space, tingling his ears.
“Yeah, I do.”
“I found some ointment.” (Y/N) looked at him, hope gleamed in their eyes.
“Are you sure this thing is good?”
Their eyebrows furrowed, enhancing the look of concentration on their face, as they looked through the label.
“Luckily for us it hasn’t expired. We should give it a try.”
“Let me guess. I’ll be the test subject.” He struck them a mischievous look, provoking a giggle from them, which in return made his heart flutter.
The man approached them, not taking his eyes away from theirs in the process of doing so. His teasing stare made these few seconds feel like minutes. Just as he sat before them, they let out a breath they didn’t even realize they were holding back. Their cheeks were tinted with a cerise color, which –unfortunately for their- gave away their excitement.
Their bashfulness encouraged him to tease them further. With slow movements he undid the buttons of his cuffs, then rolled them up his elbow- revealing the irritated skin of his arms. (Y/N) swallowed hard before they got on their knees, with the ointment in their hand. Their free hand took his right one, after they dipped their pointy finger in the container, scooping a generous amount of product. They looked up at the man, searching for his assurance, only to meet his darkened, even lustful ones. For a moment they were taken aback by the intensity of his gaze, wondering if he was mad at them, but soon they understood that wasn’t the case.
As they applied the product over the bumps, they heard a barely audible whine. At first, they didn’t think much of it, assuming the cool cream caused a pleasant feeling against his hot skin. They began to spread it to all of the necessary spots, gently massaging around the rashes to avoid causing him any discomfort.
Meanwhile Ethan was trying his best to hold back any other sounds from escaping his mouth. Against all of his expectations the mysterious product did wonders. Not only did the itching stop, but also it soothed the burning sensation. Yet what made him feel idyllic was their tender touch. Their digits gracefully caressed his arm, mindlessly tracing the lines of his popped veins; his pulse throbbed underneath their fingertips, exposing his enthusiasm. The man gulped, his Adams apple bobbed awkwardly in his throat, as he felt the fabric of his slacks grow tight.
Unexpectedly (Y/N) retreated much to his disappointment. With curiosity, Ethan observed them, anticipating their next move. They glanced at the man above them through their lashes, while they scooped more of the ointment. Whilst keeping eye contact, they spread the product on his left hand. Ethan’s mouth went agape, unintentionally letting a whine escape his damp lips. Without a doubt the tension within him grew with each passing second.
“Does it help?”
In response he only nodded. Unlike his other arm, (Y/N) spent more time with his left one, tracing not only the veiny lines, but also the scars around his wrist. It appeared they were fascinated with the pattern of his skin. Carefully they threaded the calloused flesh of his palms in attempt to coax a reaction from him. Much to their surprise he was very responsive to their touch, it was almost alarming. Yet they didn’t seem to mind, because they enjoyed it just as much to a point where they wanted to extend this moment as much as they could. Still, it was coming to an end.
“That should do. Do you feel better?” They stood up, bringing their figure in a short distance to the man.
“Yeah, you got magical hands.” His -unusually- hoarse voice rumbled through their entire being. Looking down at him they noticed a difference in his glance. His blue-tinted grey orbs shined with a sparkle of mischief, one associated with what could only be described as desire. It was clear to them, yet they were reluctant. The thought of his wife made them guilty for even glancing in the man’s direction, let alone get intimate with him. She was the only barrier holding (Y/N) back. Though that wasn’t the case with Ethan.
He looked up at his companion with expectancy. The –seemingly- prolonged silence caused him to grow a bit nervous. Was he taking stuff too far, too quick? Even so there was no turning back. He couldn’t deny his feeling, nor avoid them. Every little thing about them was enough to make his heart flutter; to him they were truly breathtaking. Their perfections alongside their flaws made the man fall even deeper for them.
“I appreciate you doing this for me.” Ethan’s voice, akin to honey, dripped down their ears then straight to their heart.
“I really mean that.” His slender digits gently brushed onto their hand, sending electric waves across their nerves. (Y/N) stayed silent, unable to respond.
“Let me show you just how much I’m grateful for having you.” Ethan stood up; his tall figure towered over their one.
“May I?” Shivers ran down (Y/N)’s spine, as they felt his hot breath crash onto their hot cheeks. His plump lips were only a few millimeters away from theirs- so close, yet so far. They stood on their tippy toes in attempt to reach him, until the ring of a familiar sound interrupted them. A bit startled, but far more frustrated, (Y/N) looked to the left only to see the old-fashioned phone flickering.
"I guess we'll have to leave this for later." They puffed with disappointment evident in their voice.
"Don't worry sweetheart, you know I keep my promises." He let out a breathy chuckle before planting a tender kiss to their forehead.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 3 years
the nature of Me is always mapping out a The Baker!AU for every piece of media I get invested in.
So anyways, here’s The Baker!AU for BBC Ghosts:
The Captain is a special ops soldier whose work is starting to really destroy him mentally and physically, so when his old MIA partner, Havers, reappears with an Intent To Kill he calls in a favour and retreats to a friend’s abandoned bakery in a small village where he assumes the pseudonym “Captain” and does his best to lay low
By running the bakery
Which he isn’t very good at
While trying to bury the last bit of evidence of his former life in a remote field he gets hit in the head and blacks out
Fortunately there happened to be a scout troupe nearby and Scoutmaster Pat puts his first aide badge into action, taking the Captain back to his house and taking care of him until he wakes up
Naturally the Captain is very suspicious at first, but this Pat guy seems Extremely trustworthy and they quickly form a friendship that teeters on the brink of something more
But as with all small towns, gossip spreads fast, and Mary, who happened to see the Captain burying his service revolver before he got knocked out while she was tending her crops the next field over eagerly shares the opinion that this “Captain” may be some kind of secret agent or hitman or something because she googled the gun and it’s definitely not civilian issue
Some of the other townsfolk take this idea and run, building it up to the point they believe if they can figure out the secret code the Captain will kill the people they don’t like
George Button orders a chocolate cake for his wife, Fanny, and, by sheer coincidence, she falls out the second story window of their home the next day (and survives, but the damage is done) and tells everyone he’s cracked the code
Next thing you know everybody’s ordering chocolate cakes for everybody and a few unfortunate accidents only confirms their beliefs
The Captain, unaware of the rumours, is just enjoying the sudden jump in business and making some really bad cakes
Business is so good, in fact, that he hires local girl Kitty to help him and with her assistance he actually starts to get quite good
Between Kitty and Pat, the Captain is actually becoming quite contented in his new life even as chaos is rapidly building among the community
Unfortunately nothing lasts forever and eventually Havers turns up
Things happen and everything comes to light - the Captain’s past, the chocolate cake hits, everything he didn’t want getting out - and in turn he learns that Havers believes the Captain betrayed him on some previous mission in what was actually a massive misunderstanding brought about by unrealized feelings and trauma
With the town defending him, the Captain is finally able to explain himself to Havers and, at last, put things to rest
The Captain officially retires from the armed forces and puts his full efforts into the bakery and he and Pat fall in love everyone gets a happy ending blah blah blah
The End
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hohoz · 3 years
How RE Village (8) SOLVED almost every problem that I had with RE Series
Okay - a few weeks ago I made a post that was “The ones that suffer the most” where I showed and explained my main problems with Chris and Jill and the RE series in general 
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RE 1 is my fav game of this series and probably one of my all time favs, I player every RE there is to be played except 4 (because I dislike Leon, sry) 
Recently, specially after 4, the franchise had a few problems, specially in writing/map design/lore 
Resident evil 5 for example (I love this game) but it has it flaws, Chris there is only driven by anger and action - Sheva is used as a tool for lore exposition and to be Chris’s new partner 
PLEASE: be aware that game at that generation didn’t have much lore - with some exceptions, like God of War 1 2 3 were a simply game with a simple lore, and the most recent GoW has evolved a little bit in the storytelling
Until we hit rock bottom in RE6 - I know a lot of people like this game, but this is only and action game, bad writing and generic stages. 
Chris there is so mistreated that makes me mad (if you want to read more about this go to my other post “the ones that suffer the most”)
Until RE7 appeared, Capcom had a new engine and they wanted to do a game that was more horror like - since RE is know for being a Survival horror game.
I liked 7 - some people complained about Ethan being without emotion and others complained about the mold, a few didn’t like the FEAR vibes from Eveline. 
I personally enjoyed the game, I thought RE series was going back on track, that game has it’s problems but it was really nice compared to what we had in 6.
After that game I had a conversation with my best friend and I said that I wanted a game that portrayed Umbrella’s fall since the only game that shows this is Umbrellas Chronicles (and that is most a resume of what happened)
And I said: “Bro, I wish that when they made that game, they could tie some mythological lore and human evolution before Umbrella - using Spencer, this would solve LOT OF STUFF and open new ways to handle this series”
and guess what - this happened in RE8 and kudos to the one writer that did that, i have my gratitude. 
RESIDENT EVIL 8 is probably one of the BEST RE games that we had IN YEARS
And I want to address all thing that I loved in this game and do some predictions to what will happen in the next games.
“WELL WELL IF IT ISN’T ETHAN WINTERS” (The Father of the year)
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My father was not a great guy... really, so I want to be the best dad ever, I really want be like Ethan - a guy who is ready to sacrifice and fight every monster in the way to save my family. 
Ethan was a character that in RE7 was used to make us fell like that it was us in the Baker’s house, so that is why he didn’t had that much personality (in my opinion) but they changed that in RE8, here he has nice dialogues AND a diary 
He has one of the best story line in the whole REverse, a guy that did EVERYTHING in his power to save his daughter - and you saw that playing the game, every sentence line that he delivered, he tried to save others too and even tho Chris said to him stay put ... but he couldn’t, he had to go to the altar, he had to help Chris, he had to go forward and keep going, specially after having the tools to face Heisenberg. 
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The plea from a father, that was his last wish, after he heard that Mia was alive he knew that someone had to stop that monster, he made a promise to his daughter “Daddy won’t let those weird fairy tale monsters get you” so he trusted Chris, to be the one that teaches his kid how to be brave and strong
I will not address Chris and Rose situation here because this is Ethans part and he deserves completely all the spotlight, his sacrifice was 100x times better than Steve (CV)/Piers(6)
My cheers to Ethan Winters - You have my respect !
Revelations -> RE8 
So leaks from earlier times said that RE8 sucked and Revelations 3 was amazing
Revelations FYI is know for using old tales in RE stories 
Revelations 1 - Dante’s Inferno 
Revelations 2 - Frans Kafka 
Revelations 3 - Dracula 
But since RE8 sucked, Capcom said to the REV3 team that they could make REV3 become RE8 and they accepted 
Revelations series is one of the best in the games, they handle Jill in a way that I love, Claire and even Barry - so they deserve all the spotlight for making this awesome game - you CLEARLY can see that they love this series and that they treat all the characters with the love that they deserve. 
Keeping that in mind, they are the same team that made Rev 2 and in REV 2 we have this file here 
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So they had a plan for Jill and we can see that in RE8 - I will address that later but keep that in mind - this team cares for the old characters, they were the ones that brought Barry back to the games :V 
Chris Redfield 
This is a hard one, because he is my fav character and I usually have the most critics regard him, since I’ve expect a lot from Capcom 
In the latest games they made him kind dumb, only muscles type of guy and an alcoholic that let all the people in his surroundings die (RE5,RE6,Vendetta) 
RE6 treats him the WORST
But in RE8 he had an amazing part in the storyline, it was obvious that he wasn’t evil and they FIXED HIS EYE COLOR - FINALLY 
I still don’t like the model face that much but it’s way better than 7 - so I believe Capcom, I still feel that he need more jawline 
But let’s go to the most important thing - here he really feels like a squad leader and a veteran, he has his team but he is the one in the front line, he covers and ask for help when he needs, everything about his line delivery makes you feel like “Woah, this guy is a badass, he is not some stupid guy only driven by emotions”
If you remember my post about the ones that suffer the most / Jill is also in that list and I will talk about her a little bit later but if my guess is right RE8 saved her character aswell
Another thing that I enjoyed here is the fact that he is kind of a mercenary / Neo Umbrella kind of guy, even tho he is one of the founders of the BSAA
So I will give you all my score to this game: 
I won’t give 10/10 because of some technical issues, the cursor lock didn’t work and mouse sensitivity was i dunno, not the best. 
RE8 and the future (PREDICTIONS)  - Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, BSAA, Neo Umbrella, Ada Wong and Rosemary
First let’s look Rose
The first time I saw Rose all grown up - I thought to myself : She has the same problem as Eveline (age a lot faster than normal) 
But she also absorbed Miranda’s power since the metalicite (something like this) thought that she was a better host. - so maybe she will live longer or something because I doubt that they will do a 14 years time skip. 
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This is not the same as Terra Save logo (Claire’s job) but it kind reminds me of it - her shoes appeared at least 3 times in this cut scene so maybe they are trying to show some hints with this 
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She really reminds me of Jodie (Beyond two souls, a game where a girl has a lot of power and the gov uses her in missions and stuff, but she also is learning how to be her own person) 
Another thing here is that they don’t have a logo in this car, it really reminds me the car that Chris as using in RE8 
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This supports the theory that Chris’s organization is dealing with her instead of the BSAA, the she is a hot headed girl and that she had a lot of powers. 
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So here you can say that she is just a kid because she is a teenager, but what if she actually grows older really fast (like Eveline) maybe this is just 1 year later / 2 yrs later. (after RE8)
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So this is the tricky part, this is Chris’s guard/soldier, someone that Chris trust to stand by her side, in my mind I do believe that Chris is kind of a father figure to her, so when this guys says this he is thinking about hot head Chris but she replies “Yeah” thinking about Ethan - (she has the mold memories, so she can actually remember Ethan’s memories) 
Now let’s look at this 
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So in REV1 is hinted that BSAA is not the best organization in the world, but since our heroes work there we think that they are the good guys right ? 
In REV 2 (it’s important to remember that the team that created RE8 is the same from the REVELATIONS and they had this file here in REV2)
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This email is from Jill and what does Jill have ? T-Virus 
Wesker is a different case since he was a project and she had the vaccine but this would make a lot of sense if they had this tests with Jill to get the T-Virus
If that is the case, they explained Jill’s absence in the main games, could even explain why Chris left BSAA and opened a new window to a lot of possibilities 
My Predictions: 
- Chris had trouble dealing with BSAA and Jill’s case, he wanted to get her out of there, maybe he removed her from there but that resulted in him being expelled from the force
-Jill may or may not know what they are doing with her blood, but she will have a huge part in the BOW used by BSAA 
-Chris is married to Jill (sorry- I had to place this here, in a perfect world he has two kids with her and they all love aunt Rose) 
-Chris will hopefully be a father figure to Rose and they will be in a game together since in the end they came to get her
-Rebecca is still involved in BSAA activities (leak from new REV3) if you consider Vendetta canon, she maybe the one that used Jill’s sample of blood to create the virus soldiers
-Barry maybe retired 
-I don’t think Leon will be in this game, but he will get his RE4 Rmk 
- I do believe RE9 will be release after Code veronica rmk and MAYBE they will do a game about Umbrella’s Fall (Chris and Jill in Europe against Red Queen and BOWs) 
But that is it, you can see a lot of elements from old RE games in RE8, they tried to do something really smart and the game felt amazing to play, that was something else and it’s been a while since a player a RE game that made me feel that way <3
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mayybirds · 3 years
For someone who says Mia isn't their favourite character, you certainly write her brilliantly! I really don't like how she gets flattened into either loving wife who did not wrong or evil monster in fandom (and canon can barely even give her a personality beyond what is required by plot) when it reality she's just an interesting and morally complex character
Also I find it funny that Eveline might come out of this with a better moral code than a lot of other RE characters. The first moral lesson Ethan instills in her is that her life is not worth any more or less than someone else's (which considering she grew up in the Connections, was probably a very new concept to her since to them the value of a life is variable) and I hope she gets to be smug about it.
Actually now that I think of it, Ethan being such a Normal Guy is probably one of the things that sets him apart from other RE protagonists and even Mia because... they're all action heroes or military people or cops or scientists. They're on missions with a goal, trying to suppress bioterrorism, saving specific VIPs and get out. Even the ones with normal backstories and jobs don't dwell and respond far more like hardened veterans. While Ethan's just some guy, and so his response to the horror around him is fundamentally a normal response. Wanting to help others, preserving innocent life in the moment, feeling sympathy for Eveline or the infected or the random NPCs caught in the crossfire, willing to defend himself and others but only using violence when he thinks it's necessary against an aggressor. That empathy is normal while dehumanization or "Greater Good" stuff or hushing up what happened with excessive violence is abnormal. Even Jack Baker's reaction to Eveline is far more normal than Mia's "kill the little bitch" for two people who are aware of what Eveline's true motivations are. Ethan's "my life is not worth more or less than anyone else's" is such a fundamentally normal moral philosophy.
I wonder if that's a result of how RE7 leaned more into survival horror than action and then carried over to RE8? Survival horror draws a lot more from feelings of helplessness and empathy for the suffering of others being a terrible thing to witness.
Mia may not be my favorite, but that's mostly because canon wasted her potential...which of course just motivates me to do as best by her as I can!! She needs to be held accountable, but she also deserves to be a fully-fledged out person with her complex motivations and morality recognized rather than redacted.
I like & agree with everything you're saying about Normal Guy Ethan vs. the other RE protagonists! I do think RE7 wanting to go survival horror rather than action lends itself to Ethan's being a more empathetic protagonist, and it's part of what makes him so compelling. He's just different from a lot of the RE protagonists. The closest one before him would probably be Claire, who was technically a civilian, and whose arc in RE2 mostly centers around Sherry--again, a story about empathy.
I just love trying to find that sweet spot between "explaining Ethan's competence" and "embracing that Ethan is a civilian with more normal, human moral codes and motivations than a hardened soldier like Chris just here to get the job done has," and hopefully it's working out okay so far.
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glowcrizzle · 4 years
Today is the 1 year AO3 anniversary of Slow Show by @mia-ugly. I am beyond grateful that this experience (and it is an experience) has existed in my life for a year and felt it needed commemorating. 🎂  
I’m not a creator but I made this playlist for me, so I could take the fic with me, have it with my eyes closed, while driving -- you get it. Today seems like an appropriate day to share it. 
It’s a. It’s a lot. Excessive you might even say. Tumblr will only give you the first 100 songs in this, so, Spotify will fulfill you (or overwhelm you). If you hit my username on the playlist, there are separate playlists for each chapter. 
This is also on Apple Music, if that’s your jam, just hit me up and I’ll send you the link. 
🎉 Happy Slow Show Day!! 🎉 
13 pages of track-lists and excerpts below the cut. Godspeed! 💙
Songs from Mia’s soundtrack
Songs from the Fic
Slow Show – The National 
Loverman – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 
Devils – Say Hi 
--Chapter 1--
Here I Go Again – Whitesnake 
bad guy – Billie Eilish 
-trash a set and shag your husband
Something About You (ODESZA Remix) – Hayden James 
-what it would take for Avery Fell to let his guard down
A Little Wicked – Valerie Broussard 
-The handkerchief in his hand is now stained purple
You Light Me Up In the Dark – The Hounds Below
-His hair catches the light like a halo, making him look more of an angel than ever.
Lazarus – David Bowie 
-This could be a problem
--Chapter 2--
Unsteady – X Ambassadors
-much easier than talking about the way his heartbeat is still racing
Heart of a Dog – The Kills
-Call me darling again.
The Twilight Hour - Still Corners
-Looked across the set and thought, Ah fuck me. I’m in love with him.
God’s Mistake – Tears for Fears 
-Avery: He’s closed his eyes again, mouth going flat and still.
Lounge Act – Nirvana
-Tell her all the terrible things I want to do to her husband
Transatlanticism – Death Cab for Cutie
-There’s a strange urgency tonight, though, and Crowley can guess why.
Do I Wanna Know? – Arctic Monkeys
-What could it hurt?
Clueless – The Marias 
-“Better - yeah. ‘S late.”
Motel – Meg Myers
-The hotel room is another disaster
--Chapter 3--
Alone in a Room – Asking Alexandria 
-“I’m having a moment here!”
Since You’ve Been Around – Rosie Thomas 
-makes Crowley feel like he can breathe again
Home Again – The Disco Biscuits 
-It’s starting to feel like home again
Every Other Freckle – alt-J
-Perfect. Ridiculous and impossible and perfect.
Something For the Longing – The Orchids 
As Far As I Can See – Phantogram 
-it’s been a really, really long time
Sinister Kid – The Black Keys 
-“Mothering buggering shit-”
All These Things That I’ve Done – The Killers
-Crowley fists one of his hands against his forehead, shuts his eyes tightly.
--Chapter 4--
I Like Me Better – Lauv
-I liked the outline of your face under the stagelights
I Do This for You (ft. Marlene) – Giorgio Moroder
-“Let me see what I can do. About your precious Hamlet.”
The Longing – Imelda May 
-Avery POV: “Look at him like - like - you can’t let him see the way you look at him.”
Just a Man – Los Lobos
-Avery POV: like he’s being led into battle and not onto a set to do the job he loves
World In My Eyes – Depeche Mode 
-wants to make that bastard purr
Tired (ft. Gavin James) – Alan Walker
-Let me be a magpie for you
Blow My Mind – The Benjamin Gate 
-Avery: “I know you now.”
Breathe You in My Dreams – Trixie Whitley
-Crowley’s seen that expression on Avery’s face in his dreams
Love Me Like That (ft. Carly Rae Jepsen) – The Knocks
-What have I done to - oh. Oh. Right.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
-“Sure, angel, what- whatever.”
Clearly – Grace VanderWaal 
-Crowley waits for the rest of the night.
Gwendel – PeelsDeen 
-Az sits in the back seat, away from Crowley. Alone.
Now I’m In It – HAIM
-Avery POV: It’s a look like an open grave, a look like desire tempered with grief…
Flesh for Fantasy – Billy Idol
-Crowley isn’t lonely for the rest of the night
--Chapter 5 (Avery POV)--
Smalltown Boy – Rosborough 
-1978, Hartlepool
Bright Horses – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
-1986, Newcastle Upon Tyne
The Runner – Foals
-1991, Bristol
Shock To Your System – Tegan and Sara
-Tracy: “Why d’you let them?”
Cracking Codes – Andrew Bird
-“Forever, of course. I’ll never -”
Colour me In – Damien Rice
-Their fingers - just touch. Slightly.
I’m Not in Love – 10cc
-Less to regret by not ever speaking of it.
--Chapter 6--
Electric Current – Lower Dens 
-“I’ll let you know when you find it.”
Guess I Miss(ed) You – The Daylights
-Keep talking, keep him here a little while longer.
Reflecting Light – Sam Phillips 
-“don’t meet his eyes like that, it looks like it’s a lead-in to a kiss”
King of Pain – The Police
-a good reminder of the kind of life he’s got to live
I Wanna Get Better – The Bleachers
-and Avery’s gaze is so gentle it hurts a bit
Feather – X Ambassadors 
-Avery: “Someone has to”
Darker Side - Jonny Lang
-Avery: “Oh - good Lord.”
Firestone (Acoustic) – Conrad Sewell 
-“Will you show me?”
Velvet Gloves and Spit - Timber Timbre 
-“Anthony - ”
Wrong – Depeche Mode
-Avery: “I have to go.”
F**k it I love you – Lana Del Rey 
-“Not your fault, angel”
--Chapter 7--
Somebody to Love – Queen 
Heavenly – Cigarettes After Sex 
-“I fucking still.”
Will Do - TV on the Radio
-“You too. I’ll see you there.”
Monster – Colours
-No wonder Avery ran off like a thief after a heist
Swallow My Pride – Ramones 
-“I feel fucking ill about it.”
I Was Wrong - The Oh Hellos
-Avery: “I’m the one who has to apologize, not you.”
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret – Queens of the Stone Age
-Avery: “Please don’t tell anyone”
Wait for Me – Kings of Leon
-Avery: “Right now, I’m just - a bit in pieces.”
Don’t Stay – X Ambassadors 
-“You can - stay or leave or - whatever you like.”
The Moth - Aimee Mann
-Avery’s eyes meet his, and then it’s like a car accident
Red Door – Julien Baker 
-“I can - I can wait longer.”
Can’t Pretend - Tom Odell
-“I wasn’t apologizing for that. This morning. I won’t.”
Come Down to Me – Saving Jane
-Avery: “You were wonderful”
Secret Smile – Semisonic
-And if sometimes he catches Az watching him between takes
I Want More - KALEO
-Az laces both of their hands together, stares at them.
I’m Gonna Do My Thing – Royal Deluxe 
-“So don’t tell me what will hurt me. I know what hurts.”
--Chapter 8--
Perfect Day – Lou Reed 
Remember to Breathe – Sturgil Simpson
-“You can’t sit in the car all night you absolute nightmare”
Wild Love (Acoustic) – James Bay
-The two of them stare at each other and then both look away awkwardly.
Seasons – Future Islands
-finally, fucking finally, he’s exactly where he wants to be
Closer – Tegan and Sara
-Avery: “if you like”
I Want All of You – The Verve Pipe 
-“If you think I can survive this without looking at you -”
Use Me – Miguel
-whatever he sees in Crowley’s face makes him come to some sort of decision
So Much Love – Depeche Mode
-Love, he said love
Don’t Be Scared, I Love You – Bill Ryder-Jones
-I know you, Crowley wants to say, but doesn’t.
Become My Dream – Silya & The Sailors 
-“Even if - anything, angel.”
I Belong In Your Arms – Chairlift
-For nearly two weeks it goes like this.
Faster - Matt Nathanson
-“You’re going to fucking kill me, angel -”
Come Together (feat. Sivu) – LAUREL
-In case you think they don’t wake up together
The High – Kelela
-Az has pulled a stool over to the edge of the tub
Just in Time – Valerie June
-Then Az’s hand is on his shoulder, turning him around.
I Can’t Take It – Tegan and Sara
-Avery: “Don’t rush, just - like this.”
Like This – Jake Scott
-Avery murmurs and it takes Crowley back to their first kiss
Terrible Love – The National
-Flinches away from him.
Help You Out - Emarosa
-And he nods.
--Chapter 9--
I Remember You – Ramones
-The first person Crowley loved was a liar.
Brighter Skies - Race Banyon
-As if they were cut with a jigsaw, as if they were meant to fit.
Not Tonight – Tegan and Sara
-When they reach the edge of the city, his hand slides out of Crowley’s.
As Sure as I Am – Crowded House
-So Crowley kisses him.
A Promise – Miriam Makeba
-And for awhile, he believed her.
Mistaken for Strangers – The National
-They’re only two small words, but they still make Crowley’s teeth ache.
Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye – Leonard Cohen
-“Good-“ Swallow, speak, leave.
The Fear – Pulp
-Crowley should have been smarter this time. He really should have been.
Take Me – Leela James 
-“I’d like you to close your blinds.”
Whenever You Want It – Clare Maguire 
-“What do we do now?”
At My Weakest – James Arthur 
-“It will be.”
Komm zurück - Fotos
-For years and years and years, nothing did.
Come on Get Higher – Matt Nathanson
-their feet sliding in the tub
Lay Down – Sarah Proctor
-I want to wake up with you.
Sort Of - Ingrid Michaelson
-Why is my heart breaking?
Fairytale of New York – The Pogues 
-Just pump that shit straight into his veins.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? – Ella Fitzgerald
-Avery: “What do you think?”
We’re Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together – The Velvet Underground
-“You want to grab dinner somewhere?” 
Hiding – IAN SWEET
-Crowley stops walking. Looks at Az in the darkness.
Romance Dawn – Radkey
-A slice of light cuts through the darkness.
Crown of Love – Arcade Fire
-Crowley feels like the world has never been darker, and his heart will never stop beating
Devil’s Backbone – The Civil Wars
-He thought he was ready for this conversation, but at the sight of Az’s face, his throat has gotten too tight to speak.
Sinners – Lauren Aquilina 
-“If this all goes down in flames, if it all falls apart - we can go off together.”
Please Forgive Me (Song of the Crow) – William Fitzsimmons 
-Avery: “It’s over. I’m - I’m so sorry.”
Start a War – The National
-He twitches and trips and yet somehow manages to walk away without falling over.
Broken – Daley
-And this soft heartache was somehow the sharpest of them all.
--Chapter 10 (Avery POV)--
Daily Battles - Thom Yorke & Flea
-He tries to remember these things - but the background is still a chorus of beeping machines. There’s nowhere he can be but here. 
Everybody Wants You - Red Hearse
-Go out and surround himself with people much more interesting and available than Avery. Better people, certainly.
A Thin Line – Blackchords
-But still - roads not taken, and other fun middle-aged spirals.
My Own Soul’s Warning - The Killers
-When was the last time someone asked Avery that? When was the last time he asked himself?
-I miss you.  There. It didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. 
Wait for Me - Jack Curley 
-What he wants to say is ‘don’t find someone else. Not yet. You and your black leather and your cut-glass profile: you’re gorgeous and God knows other people want you.’ 
Coming & Going – Amaal 
-“Two ships passing in the night,” he says quietly.  Then he takes a swallow of wine, lets it roll down his throat. “If you were here -” 
Iron - Woodkid
-Crowley leaves him there, pressed against the wet brick wall.  Crowley leaves him there.  Crowley steps between Avery and a camera, and then leaves him.
The Greatest Bastard - Damien Rice
-He can’t be the person that kicks Crowley into the ashes again. He can’t hurt him like this, and Avery’s going to hurt him - he already has. 
No Right to Love You – Rhys Lewis
-He deserves someone like - like Daniel. Deserves to be loved in the daylight.
If It’s Hurting You - Robbie Williams
-Time is a tricky business when you’re dying slowly; it skips like a flat stone on a quiet lake.
Happy For You – Gayle 
-But surely - surely he’s allowed just this much. Just one message, just so Crowley knows that - that he’s happy for him. That Avery is so happy.
I See You (ICU) - Phoebe Bridgers
-When Avery sees Crowley on the red carpet, it feels like the sudden remembrance of a lovely dream.
Once In My Life - The Decemberists
-Crowley: “I know there’ve been some - hard times. That’s - that is what it is. But for me - it’s been a privilege. A dream. So.” He nods and nods and nods again. “Thank you.”
Coming Down - Dum Dum Girls
-Tracy: “But I wasn’t. I was hurting you. This whole time, Az.”  She shakes her head, wiping frantically at tears that won’t stop falling. “He loves you.”
I Don’t Know Anything – Little Voice Cast
-He’s afraid of finding out that all this time - he was doing the wrong thing anyway. He’s afraid that Anthony Crowley will never talk to him again.
Sweet Sour - Band of Skulls
-"And you're fired"
Heart Attack - Devarrow
-The sun is still rising when Avery gets out of the car, closes the door behind him. Though some of the roads have changed, his feet still know the way down to the docks of his youth. He was never a sailor, but the shoreline is familiar as a childhood sweetheart, as a long lost love. 
Landslide - Robyn Sherwell
-He’s alone, and he’s nearly fifty years old. He could get on a ship, he could throw himself into the sea. There’s no one holding him back anymore. 
All I Can - Sharon van Etten
-And he knows. He knows.
--Chapter 11-- 
Salvation - The Strumbellas
- there’s a moment where he swears he sees a young idiot in black standing in the crowd. Red hair gelled up into spikes, black t-shirt full of holes and safety pins. A young man who has no idea how much he’s about to lose.
Soldier - Fleurie
-And he’s still fucking here.
Easier – Mansionair
-Then he gets the fuck above ground and he calls Beez (oh great, they’re his emotional-support-asshole now. That’s healthy).
Deep End – Holly Humberstone  
-“I brought you cheese,” Beez says, and Crowley starts crying.
Falling Short – Lapsley
-For the next few days, he lets his stupid body do what it needs to do to keep himself upright.
Chariot (Stripped Version) - Gavin DeGraw
-Shit, this was a bad bad idea. 
Quiet Light - The National
-There’s a text from Az later that night, and his name on Crowley’s phone makes him feel like jumping off a cliff.
All That We Had is Lost - Postiljonen
-He’s not allowed to be in love with that man anymore. Wasn’t ever, really.
Heal - Tom Odell
-It makes a rather hysterical laugh well out of his throat. Anthony fucking Crowley. You are still alive. 
Let Me Go - HAIM 
-Crowley tries to ignore the soft, injured expression on the other man’s face as he turns away.
A Beginning Song - The Decemberists
-“What’s more frightening than having a choice?”
The Spark - William Prince
-And he likes to think he would have just burned the world to ashes with the power of his love, would have said fuck everyone, I choose you – but who knows. 
Sharp Scratch - The Slow Show
-So stupid, I know, and I’m - sorry, I still love you and I’m tryin’ to stop and I will I just - needed to tell you that. I’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. Just miss you.
Beautiful & Brutal – Plested
-Crowley moves without thinking. Falls like a stagelight, glass everywhere. He walks forward and is kissing Az before the door has even been pulled shut.
Bad Chemistry - Fake Shark
-“I’ve been - thinking about this -” Az says between darts of his tongue against Crowley’s overheated skin.
All We Do – Oh Wonder
-“But I - I love you. And I can’t -  hide. It hurts too much.”
Broken Strings - James Morrison (ft Nelly Furtado)
-“I wouldn’t survive it. That way it was. I wouldn’t.”
Stole the Show – Parson James
-But even on their distant shores, Crowley and Az don’t stop looking at each other. It feels like an ending. Maybe it is one. Not a happy ending, but not a bad one either.
Level Up - Vienna Teng
-excerpt from Anthony Crowley: Out of the shadows, under the spotlight
The Wire (Alternate Version) – Patrick Droney 
-Avery: “I’m rather in - in love with you.”
Sweet Thing - Van Morrison
-“You can stay at my place. If you like.”
Falling in Love - Cigarettes After Sex
-“I love you. I’ve missed you, and I love you, and I want you -”
Stay - Cat Power
-He watches the slow flicker of awareness in Avery’s blue eyes. The curve of his mouth into a shade of smile that Crowley’s never seen before.
Freedom - George Michael
-“To the world.”
--Chapter 12--
-What he wasn’t used to was bringing someone else down with him, and jail would be a bloody blessing compared to seeing Az grey-faced and staring out windows, or that one time Crowley’s pretty sure the man was crying in the bathroom, trying to swallow down the sound so that Crowley didn’t notice (he clenches his hands into fists just thinking about it).
Black Mambo - Glass Animals
-“It’ll have to be.” Crowley drops to his knees. “There’s a lot of ground to cover.” 
Florets - Grace VanderWaal
-Crowley can let his fingers curl against Az’s palm, can watch him open as a flame, not caring who notices.
Sight of the Sun - fun.
-That this longing won’t destroy him, and won’t destroy Az either. It’s not a shovel for burying Crowley alive - it’s a spade for planting things.
Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
-Az drops his hand onto Crowley’s knee (“What is this song? I rather like it.”).
Only Everything (Acoustic) – Quinn Lewis
-“It’s nice to have someone make it for you, right? Sometimes,” Crowley says softly, too much love in his throat and in his hands. It’s hard to breathe around it, especially when Avery is looking at him.
The Book of Love - The Magnetic Fields
-“You bought a cottage for us.” Crowley is an animal being taught to speak through scraps of meat and electric shocks. “This cottage.”
Say You’ll Be Mine – Christopher Cross
-Avery: “But if you wanted -” Fuck, there are tears in Avery’s eyes. “If you want. I’d like to call you my husband. I’d like to say ‘let me ask my husband,’ or ‘I brought my husband with me’ or ‘my husband won a BAFTA’.”
Anthem - Leonard Cohen
-Their broken edges match. And somehow, the light still shines through.
Precious Love – James Morrison
-When the light catches them both, they shine. And so do you. So do we.
Good Man (acoustic) - Josh Ritter
If you made it this far...wow, hi hello. So, this is ours and my musical exposure is limited, if you’ve got a better song for an excerpt, feel free to shoot it over, more than happy for this to be a living changeable thing. 🤡 
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rattusrattus3 · 4 years
💖FAQ and Navigation Post💖
**♡( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )hello! this is intended to help manage my ask box, and serve as a resource for navigating my blog! Thank you! 
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Dusk (model: Ren, they/them)
Night Sky (model: me, they/them)
Sun (model: Okong’o, he/him)
Moth (model: Sophie, they/them)
Cherry Blossom Fairy (model: me, they them)
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Flower crown tutorial
Fairy skirt Tutorial
DIY Fairy Wings
Pastel Knitted Blanket
My Zines (how i make them) (rookie mag tutorial)
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How do I edit my photos? Snapchat, SNOW, and VSCO sometimes
Can I Draw You? YES please tag me/send it to me so i can see!
Will you make me a custom costume/art piece/piece of jewelry? YES message me to talk details and pricing! 
What do your tags mean?
#mb = moodboard
#goblin ootd = goblin outfit of the day
#rabbit rambles = just my talking about shit 
No blog rates (x) 
Sources of inspiration/influences: W.I.T.C.H. comic, Emily the strange, Neil Gaiman, Tony Diterlizzi, Jim Henson, Emilie Autumn, troll dolls, vintage toys and fashion, italian folk music, ramshackle glory/folk punk, folklore and fairytales, drag and gender fuck fashion, cats, mythical creatures, Rookie Mag, fairy kei, goth, punk, lolita fashion, pastel goth, creepy/cute aesthetics, post apocalyptic stuff, 
Mental Health Resources:
Mental Illness Happy Hour Podcast, i especially recommend using their search box for finding specific topics, and using the forum to chat about mental health stuff, the surveys are fantastic as well 
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (2433) – Can use in US, U.K., Canada and Singapore
Suicide Crisis Line: 1-800-999-9999
National Suicide Prevention Helpline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Adolescent Suicide Helpline: 1-800-621-4000
Postpartum Depression: 1-800-PPD-MOMS
NDMDA Depression Hotline – Support Group: 1-800-826-3632
Veterans: 1-877-VET2VET
Crisis Help Line – For Any Kind of Crisis: 1-800-233-4357
Suicide & Depression Crisis Line – Covenant House: 1-800-999-9999
Trans Lifeline: https://www.translifeline.org/
National Alliance on Mental Illness  www.nami.org
National Child Abuse Helpline: 1-800-422-4453
National Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Domestic Violence Hotline (TDD): 1-800-787-32324
Center for the Prevention of School Violence: 1-800-299-6504
Child Abuse Helpline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-800-548-2722
Healing Woman Foundation (Abuse): 1-800-477-4111
Child Abuse Hotline Support & Information: 1-800-792-5200
Women’s Aid National Domestic Violence Helpline: (UK Only) 0345 023 468
Sexual Abuse Centre: (UK Only) 0117 935 1707
Sexual Assault Support (24/7, English & Spanish): 1-800-223-5001
Domestic & Teen Dating Violence (English & Spanish): 1-800-992-2600
Rape and Incest National Network Online Help Center: https://ohl.rainn.org/online/
National Association for Children of Alcoholics: 1-888-55-4COAS (1-888-554-2627)
National Drug Abuse: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Al-Anon/Alateen Hope & Help for young people who are the relatives & friends of a problem drinker): 1-800-344-2666
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Be Sober Hotline: 1-800-BE-SOBER (1-800-237-6237)
Cocaine Help Line: 1-800-COCAINE (1-800-262-2463)
24 Hour Cocaine Support Line: 1-800-992-9239
Ecstasy Addiction: 1-800-468-6933
Marijuana Anonymous: 1-800-766-6779
National Youth Crisis Support: 1-800-448-4663
Youth America Hotline: 1-877-YOUTHLINE (1-877-968-8454)
Covenant House Nine-Line (Teens): 1-800-999-9999
Boys Town National: 1-800-448-3000
Teen Helpline: 1-800-400-0900
TeenLine: 1-800-522-8336
Youth Crisis Support: 1-800-448-4663 or 1-800-422-0009
Runaway Support (All Calls are Confidential): 800-231-6946
Child Helpline: (UK Only) 0800 1111
Kids Helpline: (Australia) 1800 55 1800
AAA Crisis Pregnancy Center: 1-800-560-0717
Pregnancy Support: 1-800-4-OPTIONS (1-800-467-8466)
Pregnancy National Helpline: 1-800-356-5761
Young Pregnant Support: 1-800 550-4900
Abortion Services Websites
The Trevor Helpline (For LGBTQIA+ questions or problems): 1-800-850-8078
Gay & Lesbian National Support: 1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Youth Support Line: 1-800-850-8078
Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: (UK Only) 0121 622 6589
Lothian Gay & Lesbian Switchboard – Scotland: (Scotland Only) 0131 556 4049
Self-Injury Support: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288) (WWW.SELFINJURY.COM)
Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention: 1-800-931-2237 (Hours: 8am-noon daily, PST)
Eating Disorders Center: 1-888-236-1188
Help Finding a Therapist: 1-800-THERAPIST (1-800-843-7274)
Panic Disorder Information and Support: 1-800-64-PANIC (1-800-647-2642)
TalkZone (Peer Counselors): 1-800-475-TALK (1-800-475-2855)
Parental Stress Hotline: 1-800-632-8188
National AIDS Helpline: (UK Only) 0800 567 123
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous www.slaafws.org
BetterHelp online counseling www.BetterHelp.com/mental
Crisis Text Line  text  741741
Sexuality and Gender Resources
DNI: kink/NSFW/porn blogs, transmed/truscum, terf/swerf, racists, antisemites, nazis, thinspo/pro-ana/pro mia blogs, MAP/NoMAP/Pedophiles 
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teamhawkeye · 3 years
unfiltered and massively spoiler filled thoughts on RE8 below the cut [MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD]:
The Good
The first half of the game
The initial village segment and the castle portion and even “the house in the mist” sections were all pretty taut and well put together. i loved exploring the castle - was more than a little disappointed that you get locked out after Alcina’s boss fight, i didn’t explore it fully D: - and the unexpected terror of Donna’s section really pulled me out of the sense of comfort i had started to fall into, right as i was saying to myself “this hasn’t been scary at all”
The return of some series high notes
Revisiting things in previous Resident Evil games is not always a bad thing. I really enjoyed the return of weapon customization and treasures, those were aspects i enjoyed in RE4 and RE5. The return of the Merchant, in the form of the Duke, was welcome as well. The Duke is a G - he’s a good guy and i respected him most
Graphics, scenery, etc.
It’s a pretty game to look at, there’s no getting around that. I liked the set pieces, especially the Castle portion
Ammo crafting
Now this was something i greatly enjoyed. There are often times you get too much ammo for the gun you use least or you run out of ammo in harder difficulty levels. Being able to collect scrap material and make your own ammo was a very nice addition that i greatly appreciated
The Bad
(some of these are going to be personal opinions about the storytelling and narrative choices, so be prepared for that)
Pacing and direction
RE7 was a return to the series’ “roots”: so back to the footnotes of RE1 and RE2. If that was the case with 7, then RE8 did a speed run of RE3, Code Veronica, RE4, RE5, and RE6 all at once.
I know i said earlier revisiting hallmarks from previous games isn’t a bad thing, and it’s not - but while RE7 did it masterfully with sticking to mainly RE1 and RE2 and pulling in just a few old hallmarks, RE8 went absolutely buck wild in trying to cram in as many past enemy types and encounters as possible. A callback to one standout enemy is one thing, ala the Stalker type that is Mr. X, Nemesis, and Ustanak that Lady Dimitrescu also serves as...but then also the giant water monster from RE4, the Executioner of RE5, the “chainsaw” enemies (here, drills instead) of RE4, RE5, and RE6. hell, even the Lycans after a time started to feel very Las Plagas-esque in their ability to use weapons and track and coordinate. And you can’t tell me you didn’t see very similar designs/similarities between Miranda’s boss battle that you did with Alexia’s in Code Veronica...
The pacing started off solid with the initial few segments, but quickly seemed to lose its footing once it oscillated violently between wildly different styles of play and storytelling and didn’t regain its stride the rest of the game. One moment, it’s classic RE. The next, it’s P.T. + Outlast. The next, back to “a mash up of action and horror, leaning more on action” styles of RE4 + RE5. Then the finale straight up started to feel like an entirely different game before you reached that final boss fight - it felt like i was jerked in one direction one minute, and a completely different one the next
There is a lot of exposition and explaining that doesn’t happen until legit the last 45 or so minutes. Not new for the series to withhold information until the back half of the game, but there was legit almost no build up to the very sudden plot bombs that got dropped successively in the last throes of the story. Previous games rewarded you with fragments at a fairly even pace - i felt like all of RE8′s story gets dropped on you in a single monologue and a handful of notes just before the endgame
I’m not even gonna go that deep into how hard it was to keep up with all the different infection methods the mold managed to have - it was just A Lot and i’ve played a lot of Resident Evil in the past, so i know just how many different ways a single pathogen can have on humans and animals...and it still felt excessive
I honestly felt like the third segment with Moreau wasn’t even necessary. they really played up these “four lords” to not have them do a whole lot of anything. and i know there’s always been mini bosses before you actually reach the final Big Bad, but seriously, Moreau’s segment can be blitzed through in a span of 20 minutes or so first playthrough. the castle segment with Dimitrescu was solid, the house segment with Donna was nightmare fuel, lmfao, but still engaging and challenging. by the time you get to the third and sprint right through, you’re left wondering what the point of it even was. you can tell that was the least cared about narrative arc in the whole story
A giant point of note is that a huge chunk of RE8′s story could have been avoided or altered had Chris just actually fucking spoken to Ethan at the start about what the fuck was going on. And for him not to is completely unlike Chris past RE5 and RE6, that made no narrative sense whatsoever. Just another opportunity to pile on some more trauma and guilt onto Chris’ shoulders by making him “responsible” for Ethan being pushed to far and dying as a result
“Ethan actually ‘died’ when first meeting Jack Baker and was completely taken over by mold, it’s a big secret to everyone but Mia. also, he’s gone too far, there’s no saving him, he had to die”
You’re going to tell me that Ethan still being infected or impacted by the mold from RE7 is some big secret??? did the BSAA not run tests on him and Mia to make sure they were back to normal levels??? how do they not know?!? the government was able to figure out that Sherry’s exposure to the G Virus altered her permanently and study her healing capabilities, how the fuck was that not the same with Ethan???
Also, how is it that the mold’s impact on him is so much higher? he was at the Baker estate for like, 2 days max and while, yes, he did sustain some serious damage, he never fell prey to Eveline’s control and showed absolutely no signs of infection outside of being able to heal/use his hand after it was chopped off. and depending on how you played RE7, the only major injury he sustains aside from probable bruising or broken bones is that hand being cut off as mentioned before
You’re also going to tell me of the number of Resident Evil characters who have been infected with viruses and parasites and what have you and have been cured or had the negative effects negated, Ethan was the only one “too far gone” to be saved??? Jill got infected with T Virus, Claire has been infected by two separate viruses, Leon has survived a parasite infection, both Zoe and Mia were exposed to mold for years and seem to be okay...why is it that Ethan was the only one who couldn’t be saved? because he “died”? how in the world did he get infected so fast - he’d been there an hour, max! - that he was able to be revived in the first place and it wasn’t even noticeable that he had changed at all???
“the BSAA can’t be trusted anymore, they’re involved in shady shit, like deploying bioweapons into battle”
we already went through this a bit back in Revelations 1 with the blackmailed director and double agents. but to full on go “well, the entire organization is now dirty” after it was legit founded by Chris, Jill, and Barry to combat bioterrorism really sits wrong with me. all i can think is that they are running out of villains at this point and now are poising the BSAA to be a Big Bad in the future. which, again, doesn’t sit right with me
Tying Ozwell E. Spencer back to Miranda wasn’t such a huge dealbreaker for me, but it is a bit obnoxious to now have to go back and amend “he came up with the idea for Umbrella and its pursuits with Marcus and Ashford, its other founding members” to “well, he didn’t actually come up with the idea for Umbrella and its research with Marcus and Ashford, he already had the idea from his time spent with Miranda uwu”
More so, the retconning around Eveline is a bit of a pain in the ass. So she only came about as a result of Miranda crossing paths with the Connections and giving them some of her mold to work with? And Eveline was only a failed experiment to Miranda in her attempt to be able to transfer her daughter’s essence/subconscious/whatever into a living child? And there are pictures of ‘10 year old” Eveline in Miranda’s possession - how come Evie didn’t have any memory of her at all (speaking of Evie, why the fuck did she appear in 8 briefly as a hallucination [?] to explain to Ethan his condition???)
How are you going to try and tell me that some village from prior to the 19th century was using the “Umbrella” symbol and Spencer just snatched it for himself? that was just stupid, honestly - even more stupid how Ethan didn’t recognize the symbol, despite flying off in a Blue UMBRELLA helicopter at the end of RE7
Mocap and cutscenes
Was it just me or did parts of this game look severely unpolished compared to RE7??? some parts looked good - like the Dimitresus all seemed to be rendered very well. It became very noticeable to me in the back half of the game, mainly with Chris and Mia, but a little with Heisenberg too, where their mouths didn’t match up with the dialogue a lot and they looked a lot less put together than previous scenes and characters. Mia in particular, i was struck by how much better her mocap seemed in RE7 compared to RE8. Maybe because there was a bigger ensemble cast in 8 that they spread themselves a little too thin in that regard?
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ao3porcelainstorm · 4 years
poison ivy & stinging nettles 24
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On Ao3
Pairing: Sherlock/OFC
Rated: M
Warnings: eventual violence, torture, swears, adult themes (no explicit smut)
Chapter 23 - Chapter 25
Chapter 24- Wildflower
pick me a wildflower in the morning and i'll hold it with me always where I'm going and when i feel sorrow or death is in my view i'll wear my wildflower perfume
-Wildflower Perfume (The Dead Tongues)
“Which English chemist and physicist is credited with the discovery of hydrogen?” Amelia challenged on the walk to the museum.
“Easy, Henry Cavendish,” Sherlock answered. “Which artist is credited with starting the impressionist movement?”
“Is that a joke? Claude Monet,” Amelia shot back. “What’s the rarest naturally occurring element in Earth's crust?”
“Astatine,” he furrowed his brow. “What Greek hero was the Statue of David originally one tended to be?”
“Hercules,” she smirked. “What year was Prozac authorized by the FDA for market distribution?”
“I’ll give you a month and year- December of 1987. Though the Belgians approved it a year prior.”
“Could you two cut it out? You both have very big brains, congratulations,” John cut in. “We’re here.”
“How many years ago was this museum established?” Amelia whispered, pointing to the British Museum” entrance sign.
“267,” Sherlock smirked. “Who was credited with its early founding and contributions?”
“Sir Hans Sloane,” she replied. “What was the name of the 17th Century mansion that originally housed the collection?”
“Montagu House, and will you two quit it?” John nodded up toward the museum director and a pair of administrators who were approaching the trio.
“Good morning,” he greeted, shaking everyone’s hands but Sherlock’s, who kept his arms crossed in front of him. “I do hope you have good news.”
“I’ve determined who stole the painting,” Sherlock stated.
“And pray tell, where is it?”
Sherlock eyed the female administrator next to the director.
“Why don’t you tell us, Mrs. Harvey?” he asked and the woman immediately flushed.
Stammering through a lie, she realized the jig was up and sprinted for the exit.
Fortunately, two guards stopped her before she could get very far.
“The police retrieved the painting in her flat this morning,” Sherlock explained curtly, following the director through the main atrium of the building. “I deduced it was her after she mentioned having to pawn a necklace the last time I was here.”
“It was an easy way to make a quick buck with a not so famous painting,” John agreed.
“She was the only one who had access to it, along with two other interns who weren’t scheduled to be here the night it went missing,” Sherlock continued.
“Ironically, they attended an art show at a gallery I knew the owner of,” Amelia added. “He was more than willing to let us confirm their alibis with the security footage.”
“She would have gotten away with it had she not left behind a scuff mark from her broken high heel,” Sherlock noted. “The measurements matched a woman of her height and weight precisely.”
“Incredible,” the director clapped his hands together. “I knew I made the right call in contacting you.”
He thanked the group again, inviting them to luncheon once the painting was returned to the museum, which John and Amelia both accepted enthusiastically.
“Why do I have to go?” Sherlock whined on the way home.
“Because you look good in a suit,” Amelia grinned.
“Because you saved the picture and deserve a little credit,” John added with an eye roll at Amelia’s comment. “Besides, a newspaper story will add a little more validity to the blog, which will bring in more clients.”
“I agree, I do look very nice in a well-cut suit,” Sherlock mused. “I’ll go. Briefly.”
Amelia smirked at John when he realized how easily she’d convinced Sherlock.
“Can you convince him to get rid of the kidneys in the freezer?” he asked quietly.
“I heard that,” Sherlock responded without a look back.
“They are really gross Sherlock,” Amelia cringed. “They’re long past necrotic. There can’t be anything worthwhile left.”
“I didn’t realize the two of you had such pressing business in the freezer,” he scoffed. “I’ll dispose of them tonight.”
“And not in the garbage disposal,” Amelia warned. “Last time you stunk up the apartment for a month because we couldn’t get the liver fully washed out. Walk it out to a bin or give them back to Molly.”
“You’re too high maintenance.”
“And you have gross hobbies, but healthy relationships are about sacrifice,” she threw a bright smile back at him.
“Amazing,” John awed under his breath. Amelia Brenner was a Sherlock-whisperer.
The pair bickered a little about the best way to get rid of human remains, with John citing various medical codes that Sherlock constantly ignored.
“What happens if someone reports a poorly disposed femur to the Yard?” John challenged when they walked through the front door. “There’s a dignity to these things.”
“I try not to empathize with remains,” Sherlock stated.
“That’s a little sad,” came Amelia’s response. “They were people, at one point.”
“And now they’re dead.”
“But they had loved ones,” she continued, smile faltering. “People who probably mourned their passing.”
“These were unclaimed corpses, no one bothered to come to find them,” Sherlock countered, pulling off his jacket and scarf.
“That’s even sadder,” Amelia’s expression fell some more. “What if they couldn’t claim them because they couldn’t afford a funeral? Or someone’s son was missing because of drug addiction or something and they didn’t even know he was dead- but his body was too mangled to be identified and now the family will never have closure?”
The men both stopped and looked at her, standing in the doorway, close to tears.
Turning to Sherlock, John pointed toward her and frowned.
“And that’s why the kidneys do not go down the garbage disposal, have a little respect, won’t you?”
The luncheon was enjoyable, even with Sherlock’s general attitude about the whole thing.
“Diamond cufflinks,” he commented when the director handed him a small package. “Mine are held with buttons…”
“He means 'thank you',” John cut in, glaring at Sherlock when he took the package.
Amelia was busy chatting with some of the museum docents, asking about some of the artifacts the massive museum held. She clapped enthusiastically, balancing a champagne flute between her fingers when Sherlock and John posed with the painting.
“How come we haven’t started a scrapbook?” Amelia teased once the boys were free from their press obligations. “I’m betting that was a great picture.”
“The blog is a scrapbook,” John noted and Amelia nodded.
“You’re right,” she hummed, sipping her drink. “We should upload newspaper clippings. The validity of the blog and such…”
“You’re unemployed, sounds like a fun project for you,” John laughed, clapping a hand on her shoulder.
“Collecting newspaper clippings of my, er,” she paused, looking to Sherlock listening to one of the donors gush about his success. “Sherlock.”
“Boyfriend?” John tried, plucking a champagne glass off a passing waiter’s tray.
“Is he?” she asked with a cringe. “Doesn’t act like any I’ve had before.”
“Haven’t you two talked about it?” he asked.
“Not explicitly,” she mumbled, holding the glass up and finishing the rest of her drink in a swallow. “Is that an explicit conversation we should have?”
“Are you exclusive?” he rephrased.
“That…” she frowned, her brows knitting together. “I’m assuming? We both end up in a bed together at the end of the day.”
“You should probably clarify that,” John hummed, grabbing another glass of champagne for his friend. She took it gratefully, downing it in a single sip.
“It sounds so dumb when you say it out loud though,” she grumbled, bringing a hand to her cheek and making a mocking face. “Oh, Sherlock will you be my boyfriend?”
“I thought I was the one who was supposed to ask,” Sherlock commented over her shoulder.
“Why do you always do that?” Amelia set her glass aside, turning to adjust the collar on his shirt. He tried to push her hands away, but after a glare, he let her continue fussing with the unwieldy clothing.
“He’s very sneaky, Mia,” John tipped his glass in her direction.
“It is my job to be discreet,” Sherlock countered, watching Amelia’s expression until she seemed satisfied with the fold in the shirt.
“So, what do you think?” she asked.
“I think I should have worn a tie,” he touched the collar.
“I agree, but I wasn’t talking about that,” she snorted. “Are we… going steady?”
“Going… steady…?” he asked, biting back a laugh, sharing an amused smirk with John. “I didn’t realize you wanted me to ask you to the big homecoming dance.”
“Fine, if we were dating, we’re now broken up,” Amelia smacked his chest, causing him and John to erupt into a fit of giggles.
The two grown-ass men were snickering like a couple of children at an art exhibition for a stolen painting they found.
“Amelia,” Sherlock caught her by the arm, pulling together the most sincere expression she’d seen on the detective. “Will you… go steady with me…?”
His voice broke at the end, another round of chuckles overcoming the pair.
“Nope, you two are being mean at my cultural inconsistencies and I no longer wish to be your friend, goodbye forever,” she turned on her heel and started for the exit.
“Oh thank god,” John muttered, following hurriedly after her. “Throw a bigger scene and get us out of here.”
“Something like this?” she grabbed a random drink off a nearby table and threw it at his chest. A hand over her head, she spun around and moved swiftly to the door. “Goodbye John Watson, you’ve broken my heart for the very last time.”
“I think I’m in love,” Sherlock stared after her, absently handing his friend a fabric napkin.
“She ruined my favorite shirt!” John sputtered, dabbing at the cloth.
“-Still caused a pretty good scene,” Sherlock gestured to the perplexed looks from partygoers around them. “Time to follow through, old chum.”
“I promise, I’ll get it cleaned,” Amelia repeated for the hundredth time once they’d returned to Baker Street.
“You have absolutely no impulse control,” John grumbled, though he had long forgiven the auburn-haired florist.
“It’s a personal flaw I’ve been trying to work on,” she countered through a sigh.
“You should start with trying not to challenge people to shoot you,” Sherlock mused from the top of the stairs. “Someone is actually going to shoot you one day.”
“Or me,” John muttered, distinctly recalling the exact scene the day her uncle shot him.
“That was not my fault,” she pointed toward him. “You jumped in the way. I was fully prepared to take that bullet.”
“It was aimed at your head, you idiot,” John sighed.
“It’s not my fault neither of you has sufficiently taught me the appropriate life skills required to be your friend,” she reasoned. “You’re a soldier, and you’re… you. I’m just a nerd who is really into plants. What can I do? Throw flower petals at the bad guys?”
“You did throw a potted peony at your uncle,” John reminded her. “That did knock him out.”
“Thanks, John,” she huffed.
Sherlock listened to the conversation, dropping into his chair and considering Amelia’s words, fingers steepled in front of him.
She wasn’t wrong. Compared to him or John, she was a positive pushover. If she got into a fight, she might have an upper and because of her height, but against a skilled fighter? She stood no chance.
Not to mention her tendency to throw insults and punches first, and ask questions later, she was bound to end up in some dire situation without him or John to help her.
And after Sherlock was gone-
“-I’ve shot a gun once,” Amelia was bickering with John.
“How is that possible? You’re American,” he gaped back at her.
“We don’t fire our 44’s at breakfast time,” she blinked back at him. “Did you think we all are given an assigned firearm at birth?”
“We’re going to teach you how to fight,” Sherlock stated, cutting into the conversation. “Properly.”
“But what other excuses will I have to bring you with me to the toilet?” she asked sarcastically.
“If you two shagged, that’d be a good excuse,” John murmured, earning a punch in the arm from his female friend. He scowled at her, holding his arm. “You didn’t even do that right. Don’t tuck the thumb, you’ll break it.”
“You’re too preoccupied with our sex life,” she snapped back.
“You two need to get it out of your system,” he said, pointing between Amelia and Sherlock. “It’s messing with the energy of the flat.”
“You’re a butt,” Amelia grumbled, going in for another (proper) punch and being blocked by the now smug doctor. “You can’t do that. I’m learning.”
“Ha, ha,” John rolled his eyes, pointing to the nearby bookshelves and television. “Not near anything of value, you aren’t.”
“We should go to the recreation center,” Sherlock voiced. “Amelia, change into something more practical.”
“The one you stole a pass to?” John asked when Amelia looked down at her dress sadly.
“I barely got to wear it for an hour,” she mumbled, retreating to her room when Sherlock just stared in response. “You’re impossible. Saturdays are for rest.”
“You started it,” John smirked after her. “Do you need my help?”
“I think I’m going to need as much help as possible,” Sherlock replied after the pair heard Amelia stumble down the final steps to the basement and call up that she was fine.
tomorrow'll be leaving before nightfall my captain has now heard sirens call and as the ships sail the ocean so blue ill bathe in wildflower perfume still picks two wild flowers every morning and waits in wake of love still returning and calls for post-run every afternoon to send me wildflower perfume
Chapter 25
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lovelivingmydreams · 6 years
Lukanetteweek day 4: Miraculous part 1
Day 1 Day 2&3 Luka stared at the box the cat themed hero of Paris was holding out for him to take. Him? A superhero? Under any other circumstances he probably would’ve thought about this a little longer. But today there was no time to lose. Marinette needed him and with Ladybug MIA Paris needed another hero. He took the box and opened it. He squinted against the flash of light and his eyes were immediately drawn to the little snake creature. “Hello honorable chosen! My name is Sass. I am at your service.” Again any other day Luka would’ve taken a moment to fully understand what was expected of him. But the sounds of chaos and destruction in the background urged him on. He looked at chat noir. “I’ll give you a rundown of your powers on the way. Don’t worry. Plus, I have a plan.” Luka nodded and looked back at Sass. “Put on the bracelet and say ‘Sass, scales on’.” He looked in the box and found the bracelet in question. An unassuming piece of jewelry for anyone not in the known. He put away the box, put on the bracelet and with a deep breath he said: “Sass, scales on!” In a flash of light he felt not only his clothes change but himself too. He felt stronger and more in tune with his body than ever before. He felt like he could leap buildings no problem. When he opened his eyes he saw the green tones of his superhero costume. “Nice superhero persona man. You’re going to have the ladies chasing you down,” Chat teased. Luka smirked. “Too bad for them. I’m a one girl kind of serpent,” he replied. Chat nodded and gestured Luka to follow him. Chat used his staff to vault between buildings, while Luka had to use his own force to get by. His weapon was a lyre. Not exactly prime vaulting material. As they ran and as Chat Noir explained to him how to use his powers and what the plan was, Luka couldn’t help but think back to how well the day had started. It had been a beautiful Saturday morning. Juleka had brought him to a get together her class had organized in the Champ de Mars. Marinette had come bearing not only freshly baked goods but also their new band attire. While the girls coed over their new shirts the boys had immediately exchanged their own clothes for the new getup. Adrien, Ivan and Luka had taken a couple of pictures wearing the shirts. Soon the girls joined them holding their new outfits in front of them to show them off. Finally they surrounded a flustered Marinette for a picture with big thumbs up. In a bold move Luka had lifted the petite designer in a bear hug, giving her a kiss on the cheek for the last picture. Adrien and Alya both posted the pictures online. Alya even got a close up of the Chat Noir inspired T shirt for the Ladybug account. They’d laughed at how overwhelmed Mari was with all the attention and enjoyed the food she’d brought. Just when Adrien got called over for a shoot, and right when Luka wanted to ask Marinette to dance to the song her friend Nino had put on they’d been interrupted by an akuma. It wasn’t one of Adrien’s fans, nor a ladyblogger who thought that maybe Mari had an in with Chat noir or something. No, to Luka’s surprise it was a classmate of his. Apparently Annelie, a girl at his school who until that point had only insulted and belittled him, had funny ways to show her affection. She’d apparently seen the picture of him and Marinette together and gotten upset enough to draw Hawkmoth’s attention. Sadly she wanted to take out her anger on Marinette before trying to convince Luka to turn his affection towards her. Which had left Chat Noir time to asses her powers and get a miraculous for Luka. According to the leather clad hero she called herself Tallemaja now and she was quite flirtatious. Chat suspected that she needed to kiss her victim for her powers to affect anyone. He hadn’t yet seen what that meant yet, but he wasn’t too interested in finding out himself. Luka had to agree with that. “She’s probably looking for you right now. Except she won’t find you now that you’re in disguise. When I was there last she had Marinette locked in a hole in the ground. She looks a lot like a normal girl, but in oldtimy clothes and I’m pretty sure I saw a cowtail sticking out.” Luka nodded in understanding. Annelie had done a presentation on the Swedish Tallemaja a few weeks ago and so far things seemed to add up. “Alright, don’t let her kiss me, Marinette is stuck underground. I feel like I know how to use my powers, but what is this plan you were talking about?” he wondered. “First order of business is busting out the princess.” It might’ve been the animalistic instincts that came with the suit, but Luka had the urge to hiss a warning at the cat. “Princess?” he asked instead, eyebrow raised. “I’ve saved her a few times in the past. Princess seems to fit her. Petite, kind, stubborn.” Luka smiled. Yeah, that was Marinette alright. He let it go. “So how do we bust her out?” he pressed. “Well, one of us does a frontal attack, while the other sneaks in from the back. Whoever gets to her first gets her out and runs off. The other makes sure they aren’t followed by the Akuma. Once she’s safe whoever has her returns to the battle and helps get defeat Tallemaja. Hopefully LB will be back by then. We defeat the girl, get everything back to normal and then we can get the Princess back to her kingdom to enjoy the rest of her day.” Luka nodded. That was a solid plan. “You’ll need a code name,” Chat reminded him. “Call me Viperion. So is it the snake or the cat that’s going to sneak around?” he asked. Chat came to a stop, Luka followed his example. They were close. “I’ll distract the Akuma. No offense but you are new to the game. I’d rather avoid you going in direct confrontation with the villain of the day right of the bat. Kwami knows I could’ve used quite a bit more practice my first time around.” Luka nodded, impressed with how insightful the cat was being. He probably would have to face Annelie/Tallemaja at some point during the battle and he wasn’t afraid of her. Still, he would feel much better if Marinette was safe and sound first. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate otherwise. “Let’s do this,” he breathed. He scaled the buildings, keeping his body close to the walls, from a distance he probably almost looked like a real snake slithering around. Once he was at a high enough vantage point he surveyed the scene below. Tallemaja had gathered a small army of male admirers. She looked frustrated though. He looked around for the prison Marinette was being kept in. Unable to see it from up high he crawled down, using a narrow alley between buildings to hide in. Once on the ground he listened closely. “Let me out of here!” That was her! It came from underneath the throne Tallemaja had made for herself. He just had to wait for her attention to be drawn to Chat and he could try to free her. Which was no problem. Snakes were all about waiting for the right moment to strike. “Quiet!” Tallemaja shouted. “What have I ever done to you?” Marinette pleaded. “Nothing. I just need you out of the way. You distract him,” the akuma explained. Luka relaxed. So she had no intention to directly harm Marinette. She just wanted her to be out of sight. “I’ll do it right this time. And with you out the way there’s no reason for him not to give me a chance.” He saw her take out a piece of black paper. The flyer! He’d handed out flyers for Kitty Section’s next gig. They credited Marinette for the clothes so if nothing else he wanted to help her get her name out. He remembered giving one to Annelie, she had accepted the flyer and proceeded to ridicule it. She’d even gone as far as to try and insult Marinette. A girl she had never met. She had heard of her parents bakery though. It had been something about what a baker girl could possibly know about fashion design. He’d come to Marinette’s defense. That combined with the pictures of her awesome work and how affectionate he acted towards her in them had clearly been too much for her to handle. “This is not the way! Hawkmoth is deceiving you. Even if you find him and you add him to your army, is this blind infatuation really what you want?” Sweet Marinette. Trying to reason with the akuma. “Luka will be mine!” she insisted. “You can’t force that upon him. He’s such a nice guy. He deserves better than that don’t you think? And as a matter of fact, you deserve better too. You deserve someone who sees you with all your flaws and loves you anyway. You deserve someone who makes you feel stronger, who makes you want to be better. You don’t deserve to pine after someone who doesn’t even realize how you feel...” Luka started to feel uncomfortable. How was he suposed to know that ‘get lost loser’ meant ‘ask me out’? “How come he doesn’t know? He’s usually very observant.” He sighed with relief, happy that Marinette at least knew him that well by now. “Because he’s been distracted. By you!” Tallemaja insisted, though there was hesitation in her voice. Mari was actually making her doubt her actions. “I’ve only known him a month,” Marinette told her. “No, you... I... Yes Hawkmoth. You’re right. She’d say anything to escape.” Damn it. Well so much for a peaceful solution. Chat Noir seemed to think the same and launched himself towards Tallemaja from behind. They landed a dozen feet away, prompting her army to swiftly follow to check on their queen. Viperion hurried towards the throne sculpted from earth. He kicked it over and was relieved to find the dark prison the young designer had been kept in. “Chat?” a quiet voice called. “Sorry to disappoint beautiful. I’ll be your rescuer today.” He kind of enjoyed the chance to flirt with her like that without being afraid he was coming of too strong. He was a super hero, he was allowed to flirt a little and tease unsuspecting civilians. “Ah, thank you,” Marinette breathed surprised as she reached up and took his hand. He pulled her up and in one swift movement he scooped her up and started running. He glanced behind. Chat Noir was doing a good job evading the minions and Tallemaja for now. But he better not take too long to return. “I’ll take you somewhere safe. I need you to stay there until Chat and I come to pick you up. Alright?” he asked as he looked down at her. He tried not to dwell on how nice it felt to hold her so close. Now was not the time. “Alright... Who do I thank for my rescue?” she asked, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Viperion,” he replied with a smirk. He would have to listen closely to what she’d tell her friend Alya about the new superhero. He dropped her of on a roof and hid her out of sight. “See you soon gorgeous.” And with that he left to join the fight. More coming soon in part 2
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carolinabronova · 6 years
30 Seconds To Mars The Kill (Burry Me)
99 Souls The Girl Is Mine (ft. Destiny’s Child)
ABBA Lay All Your Love On Me
Adam Lambert Fever If I Had You
Adele Chasing Pavements Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Someone Like You When We Were Young
A-ha Take On Me
Akon Don’t Matter I Wanna Love You (ft. Snoop Dogg)
Alicia Keys If I Ain’t Got You No One
All Angels The Scientist
Ana Carolina É Isso Aí (ft. Seu Jorge)
Angus & Julia Stone A Heartbreak Big Jet Plane Big Jet Plane (Acoustic) Draw Your Swords Just A Boy Paper Aeroplane Yellow Brick Road
A Perfect Circle Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
Arctic Monkeys 505 Brianstorm Do I Wanna Know? Fluorescent Adolescent I Wanna Be Yours One For The Road R U Mine? Stop The World Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
Aretha Franklin Say A Little Prayer
Ariana & The Rose In Your Bed (Kevin Drew Remix)
Ariana Grande Almost Is Never Enough Bad Decisions Be Alright Be My Baby Best Mistake Dangerous Woman Everyday (ft. Future) Greedy Into You Jason’s Song (Gave It Away) One Last Time Right There (ft. Big Sean) Side To Side Sometimes
Athlete Rubik’s Cube
Austin Manuel I Just Want You To Love Me
Backstreet Boys If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy) I Want It That Way
Banks Drowning
Bee Gees How Deep Is Your Love More Than A Woman Too Much Heaven Tragedy
Ben E. King Stand By Me
Beyoncé 7/11 Baby Boy (ft. Sean Paul) Best Thing I Never Had Blow Countdown Drunk In Love Ego Formation Hold Up Love On Top Partition Sandcastles Sorry
Biel Demorô
Black Keys Howlin’ For You
Blue Öyster Cult Burnin’ For You (Don’t Fear) The Reaper
BoA Eat You Up
B.o.B So Good
Bon Iver Creature Fear Perth
Bonnie Raitt Can’t Make You Love Me
Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Breaking Benjamin I Will Not Bow
Bright Eyes First Day Of My Life
Britney Spears 3
Bruce Springsteen Dancing In The Dark
Bruno Mars 24k Magic Calling All My Lovelies Chunky Gorilla (ft. Pharell Williams and R.Kelly) Locked Out Of Heaven Talking To The Moon That’s What I Like Treasure When I Was Your Man
Bryan Adams Heaven
Calvin Harris Feels (ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry and Big Sean) This Is What You Came For (ft. Rihanna)
Camila Cabello Havana (ft. Young Thug)
Captain & Tennille Love Will Keep Us Together
Carly Rae Jepsen Run Away With Me Your Type
Cary Brothers Loneliest Girl In The World
Cash Cash Overtime
Charlie Brown Jr. Me Encontra
Charlie Puth Attention How Long Marvin Gaye (ft. Meghan Trainor)
Charli XCX Boys
Cheat Codes Let Me Hold You
Chet Baker My Funny Valentine
Chris Brown Liquor Show Me (ft. Kid Ink) Strip Take You Down
Christina Grimmie Must Be Love
Christina Perri distance
Chromeo Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi)
Ciara Body Party
City And Colour The Girl
Claudinho & Bochecha Fico Assim Sem Você Quero Te Encontrar
Clean Bandit Tears (ft. Louisa Johnson)
Coldplay Charlie Brown Hymn For The Weekend (ft. Beyoncé) Swallowed In The Sea Violet Hills Viva La Vida
Colbie Caillat Bubbly
Counting Crows Accidentally In Love
Cyndi Lauper Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Time After Time
Daft Punk Around The World Digital Love Harder Better Faster Stronger Lose Yourself To Dance One More Time Something About Us Technologic
Damien Rice 9 Crimes Delicate Rootless Tree The Blower’s Daughter
Danni Carlos Coisas Que Eu Sei
Daughter Landfill Medicine Run Touch
David Guetta Bad (ft. Vassy)
Dawin Dessert (ft. Silento)
Demi Lovato Sorry Not Sorry Stone Cold
Destiny’s Child Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious Independent Women Say My Name
Disclosure Latch (ft. Sam Smith)
DJ Snake Leon On (ft. MØ and Major Lazer) Middle
DNCE Cake By The Ocean
Drake Fake Love Hold On We’re Going Home How About Now Marvin’s Room One Dance Passionfruit Too Good (ft. Rihanna)
Dua Lipa New Rules
Duke Dumont Ocean Drive
Earth, Wind & Fire After The Love Has Gone Boogie Wonderland Fantasy Let’s Groove September
Eden Project drowning.
Ed Sheeran Cold Coffee Drunk Give Me Love Grade 8 I’m A Mess Kiss Me Little Bird One Night She Small Bump U.N.I The Man Wake Me Up
Ellie Goulding Love Me Like You Do On My Mind
Elvis Presley Can’t Help Falling In Love Suspicious Minds (You’re The) Devil In Disguise
Erasure A Little Respect
Escape The Fate Zombie Dance
Etha Franklin At Last
Evanescence My Immortal
Fetty Wap 679 (ft. Remy Boyz) Again My Way (ft. Monty) Trap Queen
Fifth Harmony All In My Head (Flex) (ft. Fetty Wap)
Flight Facilities Crave You Crave You (Adventure Club Remix)
Florence + The Machine Cosmic Love Caught Drumming Song Never Let Me Go Seven Devils
Flo Rida I Cry
Francoise Hardy Voila
Frank Sinatra Fly Me To The Moon If I Had You Moon River
Gabrielle Aplin Home Please Don’t Say You Love Me Start Of Time
G-Eazy F**k With U (ft. Pia Mia) Lady Killers (ft. Hoodie Allen)
George Martin Pepperland - Remastered
Gilberto Girl Vamos Fugir (Gimme Your Love)
Glen Hansard All The Way Down Falling Slowly Lies Say It To Me Now
Grayscale Palette
Gym Class Heroes Cupid’s Chokehold
Halsey Gasoline
Hozier Someone New Take Me To Church
Hudson Thames How I Want Ya
Hurts Illuminated Somebody To Die For Stay Unspoken
Ingrid Michaelson Can’t Help Falling In Love You And I
Iron & Wine Flightless Bird, American Mouth
Israel Novaes Vem Ni Mim Dodge Ram
Ivete Sangalo Quando A Chuva Passar Se Eu Não Te Amasse Tanto Assim
James Blunt You’re Beautiful
Jammil Praieiro
Jeff Buckley Hallelujah
Jeremih oui
João Bosco E Vinícius Chora Me Liga
Joe Walsh Turn To Stone
John Mayer Free Fallin’ Gravity Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
Johnny Cash Hurt
JoJo Beautiful Girls
Jon Secada If I Never Knew You (ft. Shanice)
Jordan Fisher All About Us
Jorge Vercilo Que Nem Maré
Jota Quest Blecaute (ft. Anitta and Nite Rodgers)
Justin Timberlake My Love (ft. T.I) Summer Love
Kanye West Bound 2 Power
Kate Nash Nicest Thing
Katy Perry Birthday
Kendrick Lamar DNA King Kunta Loyalty (ft. Rihanna) Poetic Justice (ft. Drake)
Kid Abelha Como Eu Quero
Kina Grannis Valentine
Kings Of Leon Pyro Sex On Fire
Kodaline All I Want
Kyle Edwards Starboy (Harder Better Faster Stronger Jersey Club)
Labrinth Jealous
Lady Gaga Bad Romance Do What U Want (ft. R.Kelly) Edge Of Glory G.U.Y Just Dance Marry The Night Million Reasons Monster Perfect Illusion Speechless The Cure You & I
Lana Del Rey Born To Die Dark Paradise Freak High By The Beach Love Religion Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Sad Girl Serial Killer Video Games West Coast Young And Beautiful
Lauren Aquilina Wonder
Leonard Cohen Hallelujah
Leona Lewis Bleeding Love
Lil Dicky Lemme Freak
Lil Wayne 6 Foot 7 Foot
Linda Ronstadt I Will Always Love You
Lionel Richie Just Go (ft. Akon)
Lissie Everywhere I Go
Little Big Town Girl Crush
Los Hermanos Anna Julia
LS Jack Ô Carla
Lulu Santos Como Uma Onda Sereia
Lykke Li I Follow Rivers Until We Bleed
M83 My Tears Are Becoming A Sea
Madonna Material Girl
Maiara & Maraisa Medo Bobo
Mariah Carey #Beautiful (ft. Miguel) Emotions Obsessed Touch My Body We Belong Together
Marianas Trench Haven’t Had Enough
Marina & The Diamonds How To Be A Heartbreaker Oh No! Primadonna Teen Idle
Marisa Monte Depois
Maroon 5 Feelings Makes Me Wonder Stutter What Lovers Do
Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing
Maskavo Um Anjo Do Céu
Matthew Perryman Jones Only You
MC G15 Deu Onda
MC Leozinho Se Ela Dança, Eu Danço
MC Marcinho Glamurosa
Michael Sembello Maniac
Miguel Adorn coffee Simple Things Sure Thing
Mike Posner Cooler Than Me I Took A Pill In Ibiza Looks Like Sex
Miley Cyrus 23 (ft. Mike Will Made It, Wiz Khalifa and Juicy J) Wrecking Ball
MKTO Classic
MØ Fire Rides - Night Version
Mumford And Sons Little Lion Man Sigh No More White Blank Page
Muse Neutron Star Collision Plug In Baby Resistance Starlight Supermassive Black Hole Undisclosed Desires
My Chemical Romance Helena (So Long & Goodnight) I Don’t Love You The Light Behind Your Eyes
Natalie La Rose Somebody (ft. Jeremih)
Natiruts Me Namora
Nelly Dilemma (ft. Kelly Rowland)
Neon Trees Animal Everybody Talks Mad Love
Ne-yo Closer
NF Got You On My Mind
Niall Horan Slow Hands
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds O Children
Nick Jonas Jealous Teacher Wilderness
Nigahiga Bromance (ft. Chester See) Nice Guys (ft. Chester See and KevJumba)
Ninja Sex Party FYI I Wanna F Your A Peppermint Creams Sex Training The Decision
Oasis Wonderwall
Olivver The Kid Attica ‘71
Olly Murs Dance With Me Tonight Kiss Me
Omarion Post To Be (ft. Chris Brown and Jhené Aiko)
One Direction Fireproof Happily Night Changes No Control Perfect Stockholm Sydrome Strong You & I
Outkast Hey Ya!
Panic! At The Disco Death Of A Bachelor Nine In The Afternoon
Papas Da Língua Eu Sei
Paramore Ain’t It Fun Misery Business Still Into You
Passanger Let Her Go
Paula Fernandes Não Precisa (ft. Victor e Leo)
P.Diddy Last Night (ft. Keyshia Cole)
Pentatonix Can’t Sleep Love Fantasy I Need Your Love La La Latch Love Again Natural Disaster
Pink F*cking Perfect Please Don’t Leave Me Sober So What Who Knew
Player Baby Come Back
Post Malone Rockstar
Psirico Lepo Lepo
R5 Dark Side
Rae Sremmurd Black Beatles
Raleigh Ritchie Bloodsport
Redfoo New Thang
Rich Homie Quan Flex (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Richie Campbell Do You No Wrong
Rihanna Can’t Remember To Forget You (ft. Shakira) Don’t Stop The Music FourFiveSeconds (ft. Kanye West and Paul McCartney) Love On The Brain Needed Me Russian Roulette Te Amo Unfaithful Where Have You Been Wild Thoughts (ft. DJ Khaled and Bryson Tiller)
Rise Against Savior
Roberta Campos Minha Felicidade
Robin Thicke Get Her Back
Robot Koch Nitesky (ft. John Lamonica)
Ryan Adams Wonderwall
Sam Smith Nirvana Palace
Sarah Jaffe Clementine
Scorpions Rock You Like A Hurricane
Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox Stacy’s Mom
Scouting For Girls Heartbeat
Seal Kiss From A Rose
Selena Gomez Bad Liar Fetish (ft. Gucci Mane) Good For You Hands To Myself Perfect Wolves (ft. Marshmellow)
Seu Jorge Carolina Mina Do Condomínio
Shania Twain From This Moment On Man! I Feel Like A Woman You’re Still The One
Shawn Mendes There’s Nothing Holding Me Back
Shura Touch (Canvas Remix)
Sia Cheap Thrills Elastic Heart
Simon & Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water
Skank Ainda Gosto Dela Tão Seu Vamos Fugir Vou Deixar
Sleeping At Last As Long As You Love Me Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Venus
Snoop Dogg Sensual Seduction
Stevie Nicks Edge Of Seventeen
Stevie Wonder Isn’t She Lovely
Story Of The Year Until The Day I Die
Talking Heads Psycho Killers
Taylor Swift Blank Space Love Story Safe And Sound (ft. The Civil Wars) Style Wildest Dreams
Tears For Fears Everybody Wants To Rule The World
The 1975 Chocolate FallingForYou Somebody Else UGH! The Sound
The Archies Sugar, Sugar
The Barr Brothers May 4th
The Bird And The Bee How Deep Is Your Love
The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway
The Black Keys Howlin’ For You
The Beach Boys Good Vibrations Wouldn’t It Be Nice
The Beatles Hey Jude Yesterday
The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway
The Cataracs Ready 4 The Weekend (ft. Icona Pop)
The Civil Wars Poison And Wine
The Cure Boys Don’t Cry
The Glitch Mob Between Two Points (ft. Swan)
The Irrepressibles In This Shirt
The Jackson 5 I Want You Back
The Killers Human Somebody Told Me When You Were Young
The Last Shadow Puppets Miracle Aligner
The Lonely Island 3-Way (The Golden Rule) I’m So Humble (ft. Adam Levine) Jizz In My Pants Spring Break Anthem
The Maine I Must Be Dreaming Into Your Arms
The Middle East Blood
The Neighbourhood Daddy Issues #icanteven (ft. French Montana)
The Platters Only You (And You Alone)
The Police Every Breath You Take Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Roxanne
The Pretty Reckless You Zombie
The Script Breakeven
The Turtles Happy Together
The Weeknd Acquainted A Lonely Night Earned It I Feel It Coming Often Or Nah (Stwo Remix) Starboy The Hills Wicked Games
The White Strips Seven Nation Army
The Zombies Time Of The Season
T.I Whatever You Like
Tim Maia Descobridor Dos Sete Mares Gostava Tanto De Você Não Quero Dinheiro (Só Quero Amar)
Tinashe Superlove Quit You (ft. Lost Kings)
Tom Odell Can’t Pretend
Toni Braxton Un-Break My Heart
Toto Africa
Tove Lo Cool Girl
Tribalistas Aliança Já Sei Namorar Velha Infância
Troye Sivan Fools for him. Wild (ft. Alessia Cara)
U2 One (ft. Mary J Blidge)
Usher DJ Got Us Fallin In Love Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home) U Remind Me
Van Halen Why Can’t This Be Love
Vinicius Cantuária Só Você
Wesley Safadão Aquele 1% (ft. Marcos & Belutti) Camarote
What So Not Jaguar
Whitney Houston I Have Nothing I Wanna Dance With Somebody I Will Always Love You
xxyyxx About You
War Why Can’t We Be Friends
Yvonne Elliman If I Can’t Have You
Zara Larsson Ain’t My Fault I Would Like So Good
Zella Day Hypnotic (Vanic Remix)
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motiveandthemeans · 7 years
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Prologue: History Always Repeats Itself
A pair of sea glass green eyes surveyed the London skyline; taking in her sights, smells and sounds. Cataloguing the different bus routes and tube stations, the families pushing prams, the couples holding hands and Rugby players prowling from bar to bar. The oppressively hot afternoon had given way to a gentle summer breeze, teasing her dark auburn locks.
It had been a riotous day, full of celebration and merriment. Her best friend had just graduated medical school and has agreed to take run of Watson & Watson Surgery, the practice her father and mother started together. The rooftop of 221 B Baker Street was a welcomed escape from the downstairs festivities.
“You’re not fooling anyone, you know. I know you’re upset I’ve taken up at surgery.”
Amelia Elizabeth Anne Holmes looked over her shoulder at her blonde counterpart. “Mmmmm, do you now, Watson? How very astute of you. Must be some sort of record.”
“No, no we agreed!” Rosamund replied, walking to stand beside her leggy friend. “I need to hone my practice before we go traipsing across London solving crimes and getting ourselves in sticky situations.”
The brunette scoffed, crossing her arms with a pout. “Where is your sense of adventure, Rosie? You can’t honestly tell me the idea doesn’t appeal to you. We’ve been solving crimes together since we were seven and eight years old.”
“Yes and if it wasn’t for Greg Lestrade, God rest his soul, we’d probably been arrested by 11 and where would we be then?” The good doctor replied triumphantly, downing the rest of her champagne.
Amelia’s bow lips frowned. “That’s completely irrelevant. We cannot entertain hypotheticals, we must examine our lives as they are before us.”
“Mercy you sound like your father.” Rosie laughed, slinging her arms across her brunette friend’s shoulders a bit drunkenly. “Don’t fret, Holmes. It’ll all work out.”
“Ever the optimist, Watson.”
“C’mon, our mothers are drunk and I have a feeling our fathers are eager to get them home.” Rosie laughed, taking her friend by the arm and dragging her away from the rooftop garden.
“I distinctly remember the last time that happened I ended up with a baby brother.” Amelia grumbled, elegant long strides outpacing Rosie’s petite steps.
Rosie Watson groaned, burying her head in her hands. It was 12:05 on her 295th day at Watson & Watson Surgery and she was already weighing the benefits of strangling herself with a stethoscope versus continuing on with the next impending case of strep throat or chlamydia.
“Rosie, dear, your twelve o’clock, Mr. Clarke, is here.” Heather, the medical assistant said in her sing-song tone. “Says he’s got ‘hot pins in his pecker when he pisses.’”
She gave her a tight smile. “Great. Thanks a lot Heather. Be there is a jig.”
Heather shut the door to her office and Rosie let out an exasperated sigh and rested her forehead against the desk. She went into medical school with the notion of excitement and joy at the idea of being a doctor. Her father always gushed about how rewarding it was to be there for a person at their lowest point. She understood paying her dues, but was this all really worth it? Graduated top of her class, with honors. All for the Chlap?
“Ah, Watson.” A new voice interjected into her train of thought. “Love what you’ve done with the office. Very…”
“Small.” Amelia scrunched her nose up, settling in the chair across from her. “Or cozy, which ever you prefer.”
“What do you want, Mia?” the young doctor grumbled. “If you’re trying to snag a prescription for morphine, I’d remind you we do them electronically now. So your knack for forgery had now been antiquated.”
“Oh please, like that would stop me.” She replied nonchalantly. “I need your help. I’ve come across a rather curious case that is out of my range of knowledge.”
“Please tell me you didn’t flirt with the pathology students again to gain access to Bart’s morgue? You know your mother hates when you do that.” Rosie admonished, standing to put on her fancy white coat, a gift from her parents upon passing boards.
Her dark haired friend smirked. “Ask no questions, I will tell no lies.”
“Cheeky, Holmes…” Rosie flipped open her iPad, reviewing her patient chart. “Well, what’s the question? And be quick about it. I’m betting Mr. Clarke’s got a nasty case of Trichomonas.”
“Riveting.” Amelia said dismissively. “Suppose a man was found dead on a pool deck in the middle of the hottest summer in 20 years, who upon examination was found to have died of hypothermia. Time of death is around 2 in the afternoon.”
Rosie raised a quizzical brow and tried to bite back a grin that for all the world reminded Amelia of her Aunt Mary. “Do you have any other information?”
“Perhaps. Interested?”
“No. I’m perfectly content in learning my chosen trade of medicine but you won’t leave until I give you my opinion so let’s just get on with it.”
Amelia produced a file seemingly out of thin air.
“Hmmmm, hematocrit is increased by five percent, plasma potassium levels are definitely out of range, glucose below 40…all labs point towards hypothermia.” Rosie said. “So how does a person die during the hottest part of the day, on a public pool deck, of cold stress?”
“Still not intrigued, Rosamund?”
Rosie stared down the taunting look in her best friend’s sea green eyes. “No. But if I were you I’d look into blood recently stolen from the blood bank.”
“Why is that?”
“He’s on the transplant list, waiting on a kidney.” She said. “Perhaps there was something haywire with his dialysis.”
“Curious case indeed! But who would want a special education instructor dead?” Amelia mused with morbid glee. “Oh yes, this case in improving by the hour!”
“Improving? The man’s still dead, Mia!”
“Yes well that’s not really the point though is it?” Amelia replied. “Come along, Watson. There’s work to be done.”
“Mia, I have a job. I can’t just drop everything and leave! It’s patient abandonment.”
“As you wish. I’ll keep you informed of my progress.” The brunette said placidly, walking out of the office. “Give my best to Mr. Clarke!”
“You’re welcome!” Rosie called after the closing door. With another angry huff, she gathered her things and prepared for her appointment with Mr. Clarke.
She looked at the clock: 12: 13. The day just wouldn’t end.
Amelia Holmes paced the length of 221 B Baker Street. She knew that the victim, Mr. Halliwell, had been killed by one of the medical professionals he’d come into contact with. Only the nurse who had administered the blood in dialysis swore up and down that she’d warmed the blood before administration. Amelia had seen no lie her eyes.
“I’m sorry, but why am I here?” Her youngest brother, Theodore, asked confusedly from the couch where he was reading a textbook on mammalian anatomy.
“Because I need inspiration.”
“On why someone’s been murdered?”
“Obviously…” She drawled as if it was the most obvious conclusion in the world.
“When was the last time you ate?” He asked off handedly. “Mummy will be terribly cross if you start losing weight again.”
“Your point?”
“Well, I go back to university in the September. I can’t be in three places at once, keeping an eye on you is a full time job in that of itself.”
Mia frowned. “I’m going to miss having you here.”
Teddy gave her a sweet smile. “You’re just saying that because I make better tea than you do.”
“Figured it out, have you?” She smarted back with a wink. “Well, in any case it seems I’m in need of a flatmate.”
“It’s twins!” A new voice said triumphantly. “I know it!”
Amelia looked over at the doorway to see a flushed Rosie, still in the smart clothes she’d worn to surgery. “Don’t you have work? It’s only 4 o’clock. Your last patient isn’t till six.”
“He’s got a twin brother that’s been sleeping with his wife.” Rosie continued. “I went to the school where he works, she’s not exactly bereaved by the loss of her husband of 36 years and she looked awfully cozy with his brother at the funeral. I followed them to a posh French restaurant just down the road. They’d only started on wine when I left.”
“You went to the funeral?” The youngest Holmes asked, bewildered at her audacity.
“It’s never twins, Watson.” Amelia deadpanned. “Have you learned nothing from Sherlock?”
“You can call him Dad, you know.” Teddy said amusedly, setting aside his book and moving to the kitchen to start tea. The apartment looked much the same as it had when Sherlock and John had lived there, except the kitchen table that had once occupied lab equipment now played host to several monitors, CPU’s, laptops and GPS.
“I prefer to call father by his name when working in a professional capacity.” She said retrieving her black Chanel bag and Burberry trench. “Don’t wait up Theodore!”
“I never do!” He called back. Amelia smiled at her brother’s cheek.
“Wait, you’re not suggesting we actually stalk them?” Rosie replied indignantly.
“You followed them to a funeral and you think going to the same restaurant is over stepping bounds?”
“Well, girl’s gotta have a code.” She shrugged.
“Come along, Watson.” The consulting detective smirked. “The game is on.”
“Well, that was quite invigorating!” Amelia announced loudly, an exhausted Rosie dragging her feet into Baker Street at 2 am. “I never would have suspected the wife would be in cahoots with the sister-in-law to kill the husbands for a measly state pension.”
“If I were writing a blog, I’d entitle this case A Study in Fuchsia.” The blond yawned. “I’m beat. I’ll sleep in Granny’s room.”
“It’s too bad we didn’t run into Cedric.” Amelia waggled her brows salaciously.
Rosie rolled her eyes. “I’m over that childhood infatuation.”
“Whatever you say.” Amelia intoned.
They stood quietly in the entryway, the heaviness of the situation palpable.
“Look, Amelia. This doesn’t mean that I’m going to quit surgery. It was a one off.”
Amelia nodded. “Goodnight, Rosie.”
“Night, Mia.”
Amelia walked out of 221 B at 3pm the next afternoon, having not slept for quite some time while on the case. In the chair that had once been occupied by her father, Rosamund Mary Watson sat drinking tea and reading her iPad, dressed in ironed clothes and fresh make-up. She spied several suitcases by the door, though they weren’t Teddy’s luggage.
“Ms. Holmes, I hear you’re in need of a flatmate.” She said, setting the tea cup down.
“Word travels fast.” Mia grinned. “Could be handy having a doctor around.”
“Is there a vacancy?” Rosie teased with a sly grin. “I hear every consulting detective needs a physician with a penchant for writing.”
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