#mia barnes
angelstills · 27 days
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Feather (2023)
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@goldenlilium-ocs tagged me in this game! Thank you very much! Using this uquiz, find out in which way your ocs likes to be touched.
(I did three of my babies, but you can do how many you want!)
Mia Barnes
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Cautiously. Your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. You always have to defend yourself. You lash out in fear. You need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. There is no danger here, now.
Jericho Valeska
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Fervently. You crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. You need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. And that you are not alone.
Nate Simmons
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Gently. You need to be held as though you're going to break. You need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. Their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you.But, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.
Tagging: @andromedalestrange @cecexwrites @randomestfandoms-ocs @eddysocs (You don't need to do it! But feel tagged if you want to 👀)
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symptom3000 · 3 months
girl in red "I'm Back" (2024)
director: Mia Barnes
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pretty-bratty · 6 months
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"Wait a second. You found your mom's old diary? Hid it from Aunt May and read it?"
"Yeah, Ned, focus! I have three potential dads!"
"May's gonna kill you when she finds out."
"When she finds out, it's gonna be too late, MJ."
"What do you mean-"
"I invited them all to the island."
When Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark arrive to Kalokairi, Peter quickly finds out that May has even more reasons to kill him. It wasn't his mom's diary, it was hers. However, Tony is the only one who actually had a summer fling with both sisters at some point (yes, they were wild back then, and Peter's not sure he's ever gonna be able to look May in the eye).
And now Peter's praying that Tony's not his biological father, because he wants to call this gorgeous man Daddy instead of dad...
🌊 Tony, who falls hard and fast and is double terrified, because not only he's falling for a kid who can be his son, but he might actually be his son?! Universe has a wicked sense of humor.
🌊 Peter, who's trying to figure out the way out of this whole mess he created. Making more messes on the way. It's a talent.
🌊 Steve and Bucky, who fucking finally stop being oblivious dumbasses and get together after years of mutual silent pining.
🌊 May, who doesn't know whether she wants to kill or kiss Peter for bringing these three idiots back into her life. Probably both.
🌊 Ned and MJ, who are here for this wild ride (with popcorn).
🌊 Lots of pining and emotional hurt/comfort from both Tony and Peter.
🌊 Greek island and lots of good music.
PS: Tony and Peter have a heart-wrenching confessions exchange on the cliff to "The Winner Takes It All" playing. Almost sure they can never be what they want to be:
"I've been wanting to find my dad my whole life, but now I want nothing more than to never know my dad. I don't want you to be my dad!!! I need you..."
Soon after that the confirmation comes that Tony's definitely not, in fact, Peter's father.
They celebrate it at Stucky wedding.
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corawithfanfiction · 1 month
The Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf and Polaris
there's too much pain to come (Episode 5)
episode 4 - episode 6
Logan (Wolverine) and Lorna (Polaris) arrive at the mission. Once the password is revealed, nothing will ever be the same again.
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It was well past midnight and the streets of New York were quiet. Maybe a lot quieter than they should have been. Logan and Lorna hadn't spoken a word the whole way. As they approached the All - In Casino, Logan noticed that Lorna was breathing more frequently. A street away from the casino, he wanted to remind her of their plan to comfort the beautiful woman beside her.
Lorna didn't look at Logan as he cleared his throat, but she knew the man next to her was about to start a serious conversation. With a small smile, she turned her body a little from her seat to Logan.
"We're close-"
"I'm aware of that.
"Let's go over the plan one last time before we go in." Logan's jaw tightened with each word. Lorna was the last person he wanted to go on this mission with. Frankly, he didn't plan on going on any missions with Lorna for a while. What had happened was still weighing heavily on him. Of course he knew that none of it was Lorna's fault, but something was nagging at him. He didn't know what it was. That part was too fuzzy. For a man who couldn't remember his past, it was ironic that something in his mind was trying to warn him.
At Logan's words, Lorna nodded in the affirmative. Quickly recovering from his thoughts, Logan began to explain the plan again.
"We'll leave the car two blocks back. Somewhere secluded but easy to get to."
"Uh-huh." Lorna was once again listening with the same weariness to the plan she had listened to perhaps fifty-odd times since the morning.
"When we reach the door, you will let us in with your famous combination. You realize you still haven't told me the combination, right?"
"I don't need to." Lorna cut Logan off once again. Logan continued to explain the plan without getting angry, which was not uncommon.
"We're going to hang out at the casino for a while to keep a low profile. It's important they don't recognize you. We'll probably play a hand or two," Logan started to park the car as slowly and quietly as possible as they reached the street where he was going to park.
"Then we'll request a meeting with Bella, and after we talk, we'll grab Mama and get in the car quickly. We'll drive around before we get to the Academy, just in case. Once we're sure no one is after us, we'll make a quick trip back to the Academy." Logan glanced to the side for confirmation from Lorna, unbuckling his seatbelt at the same time.
"Logan," Lorna was still staring at him through the windshield.
"Yes?" Logan fidgeted uneasily where he was.
"Nothing is going to go as planned, you know that, don't you?" it certainly wasn't a question when she finally locked her eyes on Logan's. Lorna had been conflicted with the truths she knew from the moment they'd first made the plan, but she hadn't wanted to speak them in front of Charles or Legion.
"When we walked in," she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When her eyes met Logan's again, there was no expression on her face. "Everyone you see probably knows more about your past than you do. And when they realize who you are, and they will, Logan, stop looking at me like that!" Lorna's voice sounded angry at the lack of expression on her face. Logan couldn't make sense of it and wanted to say something to comfort Lorna, but she wouldn't let him.
"Don't, I'm not done yet!" she lowered her voice a little, but there was a distinct anger in it.
"When they realize who you are, they won't hesitate to rub it in your face. And if I know them at all, the last thing they'll do is lie to a man who can't remember his past. Logan, whatever you hear out there," Lorna swallowed and continued. "I want you to promise me that you will remain calm until the mission is over, no matter what they say to you, no matter what they say to me. You will stay calm! Promise?"
Logan's confusion grew with every word he heard. He couldn't make sense of it. When he thought he was thinking inwardly, he was actually thinking out loud.
"How could they possibly know about my past?" Logan tilted his head to the left. It was more of a self-interrogation than a question to Lorna, but Lorna didn't want to keep any more secrets. Especially not now.
Now was not the time.
"Because you're about to gamble at the same table as the men who experimented on you and erased your memories." There was an obvious calm in Lorna's voice. She was afraid of how Logan would react and what he might do. Or rather, what he might do to her.
"You, what? How - all this time," Logan's face showed disappointment, not anger, as he shook his head quickly to try to collect himself.
"I hid it all this time, yes." Lorna remained calm.
"Why?" Logan said with a silent scream.
"What did you expect me to say? For God's sake, turn to you in bed one night when we made love and tell you that I've done things to hate my life and self in the shithole I've had to live in for years, and the people I did them with are the people who did this to you?" Lorna tapped her index and middle finger against Logan's chest. There was no trace of calm in her voice. It wasn't angry, either. Just pure anger. As soon as he realized this, Logan became alert.
The old Lorna.
I guess it was more than just a pair of black leather boots and some weird eye makeup.
Logan wasn't sure if he was ready to meet her.
Logan wasn't ready to meet his own past either.
He had waited years for this day. Charles had made countless trips into his mind, trying to pick up clues.
But he wasn't ready for the past he couldn't remember to be shoved in his face a few minutes later by people he didn't know.
What if I did bad things?
What if I'm not who I think I am or who I'm trying to be?
Who am I!
Lorna slowed as they approached the door. She turned to Logan, two steps behind her, and saw him struggling with a past he wasn't ready to face.
After a silent sigh, she looked at Logan. By this time the two-foot distance between them had closed.
"Are you ready?" Lorna asked. She was worried about the man next to her. Never for herself.
Logan nodded in the affirmative. Then he began to examine his surroundings.
It was a dark and somewhat narrow street. Although there were luxury buildings, they looked neglected and abandoned. Most of the street lights on the street were not lit. There was not a single car. There was no light coming from any window. Logan started walking towards an old iron gate. But when he saw Lorna going in another direction, he stopped and followed her, though he couldn't make sense of it. The only solid door here was the one he had just stood in front of. It was obviously the entrance to the Casino. But Lorna continued down the dark alley. She seemed to be kicking harder with each step, ignoring the sound of her heels.
Finally, about five buildings away from the door she had just stood in front of, Lorna stopped in front of a neo-classical stone building on the corner. There were no windows and the whole building had been demolished. Many things had been scribbled on the walls with spray paint. Lorna climbed the only step in front of her to reach the door. She reached out her hand to the white door in front of her. Despite the dirty and neglected building, the door was too white and clean. It had the letter 'A' painted on it in red paint. In the center was a strange key-like symbol. Lorna turned to Logan as he tried to figure out what it was. She knew what he was looking at.
"Uh-huh." Logan was snapped out of his thoughts by Lorna's voice.
"It is an ancient Egyptian symbol represented by a cross bearing a key-shaped loop." In a calm voice Lorna explained to Logan what he was looking at.
"Ancient Egypt? You mean ancient Egypt where the pyramids were built, but that's beside the point." Logan began to study the symbol on the door more carefully.
"The key of life, also called the key of the Nile or the breath of life. It means eternal life. It supposedly unlocks the enigmas of heaven and earth." When Lorna finished with a tiny smile, Logan realized that the red paint on the door was not paint but blood and grimaced. He hadn't yet figured out the connection between eternal life, ancient Egypt and a casino with underworld criminals.
Nor did he yet understand why they were standing at the door of a building with no windows.
They had to get into the casino and get out with Anna. And quickly.
Lorna stepped closer to the door and extended her right hand toward it.
Logan continued to watch her in amazement.
She tapped first her ring finger and then quickly her middle and index finger on the door, making a sound.
Logan continued to watch in amazement.
The door opened with a high-pitched creak. A man's voice was heard through the ajar door. But there was no one in sight.
Lorna put a smile on her face that no one at the Academy had ever seen before.
This was very dangerous. This was the old Lorna.
And the old Lorna was no one known outside the Casino.
The hatred in her voice and the tone that made it clear she was going to take enormous pleasure in what was about to happen next frightened Logan.
Who was this woman?
Lorna pulled her gaze away from the door, fixed it on Logan's eyes and said those three words with great relish.
The dangerous smile on her face grew with each word.
As Logan tried to remember the word that sounded so familiar to his ears, he failed to notice the two men walking around the back of the building.
Two men, one white and one black, cautiously, stealthily, and nervously making their way toward the Casino. Logan was so caught up in the words that he didn't even notice the white man with a Vibranium on one arm, whose scent was too familiar. He knew they had met before.
But he was still trying to figure out how he remembered the words.
The meaning of the words that came out of Lorna's mouth and brought an indescribably dangerous smile to his face.
"En Sabah Nur!"
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d-criss-news · 1 year
Via Alli Thrillermiller's Instagram Story (September 1st, 2023)
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njheresworld · 16 days
My Masterlist
Author’s note: Hey lovey doveys! Here is the complete work. English isn’t my first language but definitely the second lol. Feel free to give me feedbacks. Sending you all the ❤️.
Steve Rogers (MCU)
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If You Insist
Bucky Barnes (MCU)
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Hold Me in Your Arms
Peter Parker (MCU)
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Noah Flynn (Kissing Booth)
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Gabriel (Emily in Paris)
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Nick (Culpa Mia)
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andromedaa-tonks · 1 year
my followers when i start posting about a new character that i like
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shh-shh-secretagent · 5 months
rip James Potter & Sirius Black you would of loved the Mamma Mia! movies ✊😔
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broadwayfan92 · 5 days
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Natasha’s daughter is getting married. When the girl secretly finds out she has three possible fathers, she invites them to the wedding without telling her mother.
When Steve, Bruce and Bucky arrive, Natasha thinks back on her time with them while trying to make sure her daughter’s wedding goes off without a hitch.
The problem: Natasha doesn’t know who the father is either.
A "Mamma Mia" AU
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ask-missparker · 7 months
You are loved / Once Upon A Time AU ✨
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Romantic relationship: Snow x Charming
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Relationship: Amelia x Nikolai
Friendships: Joshua & Belladonna, Nikolai & Marlene, Amelia & Cole
Mentioned character: Liane, Ethan, Marlene, Jeremy, Alexander etc
Setting: Enchanted Forest (pre dark curse) & post dark curse modern day
There were a couple of things in the world she wanted in.
Adventure, love and a family of her own in the future. She thought with the life she lived and the upcoming threats after her wedding day, it wouldn’t happen.
Nicholas wasn’t sleeping as well as he could in the very beginning. He was worried about him, his wife and their friends lives surrounding them.
After a while he relaxed due to his wife’s reassuring smile and comforting attitude towards him. He thanked her for it and pressed a kiss onto her lips whenever possible.
“We’ll be okay right?” He’ll ask.
She’ll hum, “Yeah, we will. He’s just jealous..”
“My brother probably just wanted to fear us all with his cruel behavior.”
“You know him better than anyone at times.”
He smirked, “How about we skip the dinner at home and head out over town?”
She blushed, “Say when.”
Which led to them spending their money around town for a horse ride, dinner and walk around the bay. The moon was shaped like crescent that night. It was a comforting night that set the mood for the rest of the weeks to come.
And come they did.
Two weeks later, she woke up early for breakfast but couldn’t stomach it all down like usual. Her husband joked how he must’ve been craving something else then as she rolled her eyes.
“What?” He said taking a few grapes off her plate, “I’m kidding. Are you feeling well?”
She hummed slowly taking another bite of her sandwich, “I feel okay, just not as hungry as I thought..I was dizzy yesterday but i was fine after a nap.”
“Oh my gods.”
“Oh my gods, what?”
“My mother always said love on a night of the moon was shining meant a special thing.”
She raised an eyebrow intrigued, “Go on.”
He didn’t even want to jump to conclusions but he continued, “My mother always like to say the moon is special, as well as the stars…like I was born on a stary evening in mid July, I proposed to you under the moonlight too..what if our child was made..?”
“…underneath a stary night filled the shining moon? You think we’re expecting?” She asked curiously biting her lip.
“What if we are.”
“Are we ready that?”
“With you by my side we are.”
She saw the twinkle in his eyes and held up a finger, “No, no wait!”
He grinned brightly tossing another grape into his mouth, “I’mma teach our son to ride horses, sword fight, learn poetry to win over the ladies and—sail a ship! Best pirate prince in all the land!”
“When he’s what? 2?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, honey. I’ll wait til he’s 4 to start.”
“Oh my, what if it girl?”
His grin grew and narrows his eyes, “She won’t be dating. Ever! But I will allow as many tea parties as possible, teach her to ride a horse too and learn to dance with her old man. Oh no, she’ll be gorgeous and try to steal too many hearts. But if she gets her heart broken, those guys better run!”
That sounds his wife to burst out laughing at the thought of his utter fear of when that would happened. All that matters is they will be loved and taken care of no matter what.
“They Supemaned me!” He exclaimed
“They what?” She questioned.
“They threw me into a box-”
“Technically it was a tree. Then it was turned into a wardrobe.”
“Box, tree, closet whatever same thing!”
“Your parents were trying to save you, save everyone for that matter. Half of the parents here had to make a decision to help their kid survive, luckily that got to have their parents here with them.”
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Joshua sighed, “Mom could’ve gone with me.”
“She went into early labor.” She added.
“Couldn’t she have crossed her legs and try not to sneeze?”
Bella snorted at that one.
“You’re funny when you’re not thinking straight.” Bella commented with a half smile, “Anything else you wanna get off your chest before we get some serious coffee from the cafe?”
“I just want to know what was going on in their heads? I just met, well their cursed faces, and they seems like nice people..but what if we aren’t? What if we wake up and don’t recognize who their son is? I don’t even know them!” He exclaimed.
“Hm. Spend a day with me. Maybe you’ll change your mind.”
“I have been alone for so long, I tried searching for my parents since I was 8, Bell..you got lucky and got a pretty nice deal with a mom like Liane. But..”
“You fear they won’t feel the same way about you, because you weren’t around when they were first here. I get it, not having your parents together. But hang out with them, even if they don’t know who you are. See what happens. Now can we get coffee?”
He sighed and nodded. He felt a bit lost here, being in a position of helpless rage but not blinded by the slightest hint of hope. His mom is a nurse here who just woke up from a coma a while back having only been on a date with his father. And his father, he lives with the man but doesn’t even remember that’s his son right in front of him, yet he was kind enough to let him into his home.
He could tell them but he doesn’t know if they would believe a 16 year old stories about who his parents are. There is a part of him feels like this is all some twisted joke, that his parents aren’t Snow White & Prince Charming! And that Belladonna’s parents aren’t an Anti-Hero and a Heroic Spirit of the Enchanted Kingdom.
But his hopes are there and—
He was snapped out of his thoughts realizing they are inside the cafe and about to order. She was taking a bite out of her old fashion donut. Belladonna gave him a look to order something as the clerk waited for his response, he just gave her a quick order of coffee and a glazed doughnut. The woman nodded and told them to give her a moment, as she quickly returned with their coffees and the donuts.
Belladonna thanked the woman as Josh nodded with a smile muttering a soft thanks. The two sat in the coffee shop window chatting about schoolwork, what movie they can go see on Friday. Bella wanted a horror that she can mock for the plot and Josh wanted a comedic adaptation experience instead. The settled on a Scary Movie for a decent price, appointing plot about mocking Scream and having an entertainment viewing hour.
He was talking about the recent rewatching of a Supernatural episode she recommended to him earlier when Belladonna’s gaze turned to the outside of the storefront to The Tattoo Shop instead. Watching how her mother walked out of there holding her wrist and carrying a bag of paperwork instead, looking rather odd—well odder than usual. She wondered what exactly did Alexander have her do this time, as she grabbed her friends’s wrist dragging him to the shop despite his sudden protest of wanting a decent evening.
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The two entered the store finding Marlene up front instead at the flower shop or cafe where she usually works.
She asked what were they doing here and not in school, as Bella bluntly said, “Half a day.”
Joshua sneaked past her and found Nik in his office who was biting a bear-claw donut, not looking his usual self. He was about to ask him how did he get in here but decided against it and instead wondered what happened.
“What happened to you?” The teen asked.
“Just got work to do. I was finishing up a small batch of tattoos.” He replied.
“Miss St. James tattoo.”
“I—That’s private client information I cannot expose to you.”
“What did she want?”
“She wanted a tattoo and to hand me some paperwork. End of discussion, Joshua.”
“End of conversation.”
Bella suddenly walked in motioned to a stask of papers on the desk signed by City Hall about taxes and property rights.
“Did it have to do with legal matter?” She asked.
“I’m sorry but that is none of either one of your business to know.” Nik replied.
“It has your brother written all over it. What did my mother say?”
“Belladonna, sweetheart, if you want answers go ask her. And Josh, you and I will have a conversation about this at home.”
“We just want to know what’s going on. It’s just a question.”
As the two kept talking about the situation, the young brunette began to look over the paperwork. It seemed to highlight the fact that Nik isn’t ringing in as many customers for tattoos or piercing as he hoped. The taxes were being raised Alexander himself and if he didn’t have any money by the end of the month. He will need to pay up or shut down his business.
He pretended to scroll through his phone, taking a picture of the document, then walked out without saying anything. Bella followed behind him, trying to keep up with his pace noticing how he was going down to Town Hall. She looked impressed by his determination but concerned about his actions.
Belladonna was honestly interested in how this was going to play out, following himself inside sneaking them into the ground floor past the doors and knocking into the office. The man in the office called for the person to come in assuming that his assistant was probably on break and didn’t bother to tell him.
He looked up to see both teens as his eyes heated in annoyance and disbelief at the sight.
But he held his composure and said, “Hello Belladonna, and Mr. Nolan I presume. If it’s a legal matter, you know who to ask for.”
Belladonna raised an eyebrow pacing up to his desk and nods, “On the contrary, this includes you. We all know you’re not the most liked man in town, but you do have a presence to uphold, and I take it you rather keep it that way.”
“You’re really telling me something I don’t know. Belladonna, dear, what is it that you want to know. My budget cuts on the school? My relations with your mother? Or that fact that I have an appointment with my brother to get to?”
“Ah, so you do know what I mean. I want to know what exactly are you making my mother do for you. You’re just a boss to her, yet she is working overtime. What is it that you have over her?”
“She is only lawyer in town until further notice. I need her close by to make sure this town runs smoothly, before you were born, me and her were friends. Not just business partners.”
“I find that hard to believe. She has been doing your duty work and I won’t let you make her go mad with stress.”
“I can see why she loves you so much. Now why are you here or does your little friend want to answer that?”
“You’re having the Tattoo Parlor removed soon if the owner doesn’t pay up. Sorry to hear that not everyone of your loyal subjects aren’t willing to get a tattoo or piercing. I suggest you contact your brother or you will be making less profit on taxes payments!”
“Belladonna watch your mouth or I’ll—“
“You’ll what?! Call my mother? Or my father who you have made bluntly clear that you hate.”
“You have been pushing your agenda here.”
“I’m not afraid of you.”
Joshua spoke up, “Bella, please stay outside. Cool off, I’ll meet you in the hallway.”
He placed a hand over her shoulder with a small nod, he decided to let her speak her mind first before getting a moment alone but he wasn’t going to let her get in trouble with her parents. Her glares on Alexander lessened as she looked over at her friend with a small nod walking away into the hallway, she knew the man was fuming at her words secretly but wasn’t quite ready to admit it.
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He waited for her to close the doors behind her then began to watch Alexander who was standing over his desk at that point ready to pick up the phone and call security to make both of them exist the facility. But it clear he wasn’t going anywhere yet with that potential threat, as the tall man just seemed to watch the brunette he haven’t properly met yet until now.
He took a breath to regain his confidence and blinked before saying, “Mr. Nolan. I see you can’t stand for arguments. I apologize our first meeting was started in just an odd way.”
He nodded, looking around the office then sat down on the chair in front of the desk and replied, “It’s alright. I came here to speak to you about something, Bella clearly got the ball rolling on that topic.”
“Yes the parlor and the tattoo artist who runs it. What of it?”
“You’re raising the price too high and his taxes shouldn’t be higher than others. No one’s taxes should be as high nor lower than most. I mean you’re family, shouldn’t brothers stick out for one another?”
“And why do you care? My brothers business is nothing of your concern, your a child, unless he meant something to you.”
“Because I’m living with him. He took me as his roommate and I understand that what I’m saying isn’t fair because I have payed taxes myself but if my sibling were in charge of a business..I would cut them some slack.”
Alexander has heard from Liane’s talkative self that she knows about his brother current situation and the town’s problems, always trying to reason with him about the serious matters of the place they live in. He would have laughed because his lawyer knew more than she can chew and the fact that his brother was babysitting some reckless teenager was beyond him.
“Let me ask you something, Mr. Nolan. Why do you care? What do you know about family or taking care of a business? How much money goes into it?” He asked waiting for his response, wonder how he will react.
“Not much, sir. I don’t have any family members that I know of. But I have helped out with volunteer projects but big business is about community development and resources.” He responded.
“There’s my point. You know nothing about of experience within the industry or family pains to worry about. You’re nothing but an individual who got lucky enough that my brother took you in. Son, I advise you to stay out of it or I’ll have a grand day having you be put on the streets of my town.”
“Or what? I have been a street kid since I was born, sir. How can we get the place to stay in business?”
“If you can afford enough money to pay off that loan from the bank then you’ll be fine. But then again, even with the mortgage payment and money saved, you won’t get as many people coming in to convert into clients. And beside, you’re just a child. You got nothing to prove.”
Joshua just said a simple ‘Okay. I understand. It won’t happen. Thank you’ as he thanked Alexander for taking a moment to speak to him. But the moment he walked out and met Bella in the hallway something came over him that he couldn’t explain but he didn’t want to give up. It was like Belladonna could see the expression on his face changed as clearly as day, remembering the tales of his parent and her mother talking to one another in the book.
She smirked having a non verbal conversation with him. The words that came across seemed almost daring, clever and passive to believe.
The two talking points were made of a plan to rally the public against the current situation and bring awareness to the issue. This town was a tightly packed community, they would work together if needed. Nikolai watched as they entered the building once again explaining to him the idea. He was furious and concerned about the fact that they went to speak with his brother who was not one to reason with. He just stayed there with his arms crossed listening.
Until he spoke up, “Let me get this straight you want to raise awareness to the business by having sales and special services for people? That won’t exactly help that much.”
“Why not?” Joshua asked.
“Because not everyone wants to get a needle against their skin that might be something permanent..”
“Is there any marketing tactic that could be applied to this idea?”
Nikolai watched both kids with narrow eyes thinking for a moment about an opportunity he might have missed and how it might help now.
He looked around at the room where Marlene was tattooing a client and the wall that depicted both stores, then back at the teenagers.
He hummed, “Market the place. Combing both businesses together can rain in more sales opportunities and create a new community that will benefit everyone.”
“I’m not following.” Bella asked this time.
“Marlene runs the cafe next door and I run this place. We have thought about combining both sides of coin for years but never had the chance to do.”
“Well you do now. Make it a group effort for the town, where you both get the profits at the end of the day. I can convince my father to help and break down a wall.”
“Oh jeez. If you’re gonna do it, you do it my way. Both you will give out flyers, post it on media, and rally up the tropes—Mar?”
“Yeah?” She yelled from the room, pausing a tattoo she was doing on Rick’s arm.
“Get your hammer we’re gonna make some extra space later!” He shouted over his shoulder.
“Oh hell yes!”
“One wall.”
“Damn it!”
A part of Nikolai thought he was going to regret this decision, but as he looked over to see both teens on one of the computer using a Google Doc to create flyers to print out, he smiled thinking the possibility this could bring.
He does wonder, what made them want to help out in the first place?
Belladonna and Joshua set off to work making flyers and printing them out. Bella gets Geo, Gina and Riley in line having them help spread the word on the newly made announcement. She sends them to the school to tell teachers and parents, as well Bruce’s diner knowing plenty of people will be there. Easily enough, she was able to convince her father to join in and knock down a few walls to create some space.
Ethan was willing to give it a try and help out, having Rick swing around a hammer meanwhile he starts bringing in the pillars for the new walls.
Joshua stays behind rolling up his sleeves putting on a hard hat and design the new place. Nikolai was bringing in more wood yelling for Marlene to break careful when he looked over his shoulder to see the boy working with a sharpie marker instead of a normal pencil.
He asked ‘why a sharpie?’ as Josh just said that he liked it better than way, it brings more impactful lines and versatile surfaces. Nikolai simply nodded, he was the same way when it came to his art using a sharpie instead, another thing in common aside from the coffee style he both loved.
Cole was sitting outside Bruce’ diner watching that both stores were shut down for remodeling as he smirked having gotten a flyer from Riley earlier. He decided it was time to pay a visit to his nephew and then possibly his niece afterwards.
Joshua was tasked to get an extra first aid kit from the hospital to add to the supply closet as the adults kept working on other things. He was about to argue against it knew it would be another chance to explore the town and its people.
The castle was shinning bright despite the cloudy day. She knew it was early to tell but Amara couldn’t help but start decorating the nursery. Only a few weeks along and she already collecting tiny items to put on the shelves, such as toy knights, blocks with letters craved in them, stuff bears.
The crib stayed in the middle with a nicely made pillows inside, neutral colored blankets, and a couple of blankets. She placed a hand over her small bump and chuckled as she played with the fabrics slayed across her.
“Are you gonna name your child after me?”
She turned around and sighed giving the man in question a look. She giggled turning to see him sitting on the floor played with a stuffed rabbit gifted from Melissa a few weeks ago.
“And why do you want that?” She asked putting her hands on her hips.
“Because I’m your best friend and hopefully The Godfather of that kid. It’s only fair.” He repiled with a giggle placing a hand on her belly, “Oh damn girl your gonna get fat.”
She mocked gasped, “I hate you.”
“You love me.” He added grinning, “I’m kidding you look beautiful.”
“Thank you. Morning sickness is a bore. But I like it all.”
“You know I can use magic to take away the-“
“No! No magic, I want an all natural thing. I told you already, I can suck it up.”
“Atta girl. Sooo what am I getting? Niece or Nephew? Please let it be a girl I want tea parties and to show her to punch a some guy in the face.”
“You want a niece?”
“Duh. Play dress up all day. But if I get a nephew, I can go on adventures with him and we can play dress up too. Either way I’mma spoil them.”
“That’s what worries me. You be the one to show my son to get in trouble and give me a headache.”
“That’s my job as an uncle to give the parents a headache and I become their favorite.”
The two chuckled.
Amara asked, “What brings you here today?”
“I live here.” Cole added.
“I know that. Why are you in the nursery and not out at a tavern?”
“Ah well..”
With a flick of his wrist a cute little mobile designed with little bees, little sunflowers and a little suns to match. He grinned twirling the tiny bee around before magically sticking it on the crib. He asked if she liked it as all the princess could do was nod and smile not expecting a gift from today.
“I-is there a price?” She asked.
“No price.” He replied.
“Any other gifts?”
“Remember the blanket you want to make for them?”
“When I find out my little bee’s gender, I will add whatever needed to the blanket as well as their name.”
“You don’t need their name for that. I can do that.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because you’ll change it to you’re name!”
Cole placed a hand over his chest in a dramatic manner and scoffed, “I’ll never do that! I mean I could..but I won’t! What names are you thinking?”
Amara reaches into the crib and played with the fabric of the blanket she in the process of making as she hummed, “We want J names for our first child—“
“First child? You’re gonna be popping out more babies for me to babysitting afterward?!”
“One day relax! Not now my gods. But yes Nik recommend ‘J’ names because of Jeremy’s name—”
“What about me? I’m important, aren’t I?”
“I’m getting to it, wait!”
“Alright, alright I’ll relax. What else are you doing?”
“I was thinking ‘C’ name for a middle name. Like Conner, Christopher, Colton and even Caspian for a small flare.”
“Pick Colton. It’s similar to Cole, I made my vote.”
She giggles and nods, “We’re thinking on it. Don’t worry. For ‘J’ names we want Jone, Joshua, Jace and uh, Jaxon.”
“I like Jona and Joshua. My little Joshy Colton.” He added with a grin.
“And for girl maybe Daria, Abigail, Leia and Layla.”
“Hm I like Leia, sounds like a princess. Ooh Nicole for a girl, has my name in there too.”
“You’re funny.”
“I know. But I’ll stick with Colton or Christoper.”
Joshua arrived at the hospital carrying his backpack on one shoulder, signing for a visitors pass for the moment. He pulled out the flyers for the grand opening of the joint stores as he requested for a first aid kit for the nurses. One of them nodded rushing to find one, allowing him to hang up the printed papers on the walls.
The hallway he was in rather quiet for being a hospital. Yes, there were machines going off every once in a while and sounds of shoes clapping the floor but it wasn’t anything loud or terrifying.
He was hanging up one the bulletin board, when a doctors slammed a door so hard as two nurses followed behind them. The sound startled him where he stupidly pinned a staple from the very stapler he was using to his pin finger.
He didn’t even feel a single thing as the adrenaline was warning his system, but soon enough as he wore off he hissed. He stopped everything he was doing rushing to find a nurse to help him, a couple were busy but he heard one call him over saying they can help.
He didn’t waste a moment as he sat down on a bed feeling like a baby for hissing and wincing at a mere stapler in his skin. But the nurse didn’t seem to mind asking him questions as she prepared her tools. Josh didn’t even look up at the nurse due to the pain he was slowly in and he huffed, he took a breath and closed his eyes as his gaze fell on the nurse.
She smiled back at him. He blinked for a moment holding out his hand meeting blue-green eyes, tan skin and warm smile. He would’ve melt by the light touch and soft gaze she did smoothing over his worries.
He didn’t expect to see her today. Last he heard she was at the cafe shopping work—not as a nurse?! Here in front of him stood Amelia Spencer—Snow White—his mother. His mother was taking care of his wound and she didn’t even know it. He was worried about seeing her again due to his fears that she might not like him or worse, not care for him.
He was dropped in and out of foster homes when he was younger, he had mothers who were nice caring for their every need and some who were there for the money. He experienced both. The fathers too. He didn’t want to get his hopes up that she will be gentle and darling now but once she wakes up, she won’t treat him the same way.
But when he meet her eyes, it melts away somehow. He felt conflict, he wanted his parents together and to see the curse broken but he feared the vision in front of his eyes.
Did his mother expect him to be a knight? A prince? A good boy with morals and values? Did she expect him to be hardworking? Have skills like her and his father?
Will she love him even if he just a teenager with decent grades, a little shy, dressed like a character on a CW series and a act for running his mouth at times? He wasn’t great a plenty things he’s a good kid. Humble, kind, helpful, compassionate and imaginative a lot. He’s always been a bit of a creative dreamer. But he was forgetful a times.
“Josh? Joshua, honey, how are we feeling?” She asked, before pulling out the rest of the stapler she wanted to make sure he was okay.
He seemed to zone out, looking down for a moment he half smiled and repiled, “Mhm hmm..I’m..I’m alright.”
“What is it? I’m trying not to make it be too painful, bubba.”
“Just um..I have my mind on a lot of stuff..”
“School? Friends?”
“..a bit more than that.”
She kept his mind distract simply talking as she removed the other end of the stapler, adding pressure to the wound with gauze, he moaned and grunted at the sudden feeling. She hushed his winced with a couple of smoothing hums.
“You’re a trooper.” She said with a smile, “I had an old man scream out in pain and whimper yesterday when I removed a splinter.”
That made Joshua chuckled brightly as his face light up a soft smile and replied, “Wow.”
“There’s a pretty smile. You’re gonna be fine, honey.”
“For what?”
“You were probably heading on a break or something..”
“No it’s fine, I’m here to help. That’s what matters. Now mind telling me what’s on my patient’s mind?”
“I was just thinking about..no one has ever treated me this kindly before. I won’t ever know if my own parents would’ve been this..”
“Hey look at me.”
He hesitated for a moment before meeting her eyes again for the 3rd time.
She gently lay a finger underneath his chin as she softly grin and said, “Look at where you are now. No one is perfect but all that matters that you are okay, safe and sound..I only met you twice and I can tell you are a good kid. Whoever you’re parents are, they gave you up to give you the best chance possible..”
His eyes watered slightly with big eyes as he sucked in a breath, “Sometimes I think I’m not worth all of this..I have spend years searching for my parents..nothing came up.”
“Maybe you weren’t looking in the right place, sweetie..”
He chuckled dryly remembering the tales of Snow White being the kind women, seeing the good in others and caring yet strong. Hardworking at best, her words try to be honest with whoever can came across. It was like for a moment Amelia slipped into that side of herself, talking to her child who needed a pick-me-up or something.
“You sound like a mom..I know you lost you’re memories in the accident but were you at some point a figure to someone?” He asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
She smiled taking a breath thinking for a moment as she replied, “I had a sister when I was younger..I remember that. But I always wanted to be mom..I would remember if I was one..why?”
“It’s silly..but you just feel like you were one.”
“Well if you ever need anything, you can always knock on my door. I’m always at the diner.”
“Yeah. But if you do something dumb that will get us trouble, that’s why you live with Nik and not me.”
He nodded laughing thinking she’s not half bad. They were talking the whole time, he forgot about the pain and didn’t even notice the fact that she wrapped his small wound after applying pressure. She left for a moment and brought paperwork asking for his full name. Just as a Joshua was about to say his full name a voice stood out from the room.
“Joshua C. Nolan.” Said the voice.
The light brunette looked up at the voice with ginger brown curls, a thick yet welcoming accent and piercing blue eyes. He held a smile to his tone walking in to greet the boy in which he shook his head. Josh was a little surprise that this man knows his name, but he wondered how much.
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Amelia watched the two of them asking, “D-do you know each other?”
The ginger turned around and grinned, “Why, in a way yes darling. Cole, nice to meet ya.”
“Ah yes. Cole. I heard about you. You run the cozy little pond shop downtown. Are you here to pick him up?”
“Mhm hmm. His guardian was wondering where he was and I came to make sure if he was alright. He originally came here for flyers and a first aid kit but ended up hurt. You alright, love?”
Josh realized the last part was directed to him as he nodded with a smile. Something about him was calming with a sense of mischief to him, like he shouldn’t exactly trust him but he does. Amelia nodded at Cole and boy deciding to believe what was going on, having Cole sign the forms real quick. As he did, she gave the boy her phone number on a piece of paper before releasing them both to the streets of the town.
As they entered the streets of the town, the two were silent. Cole watched him as they walked to his shop, noticing how much he looked like his parents. He couldn’t help but smirk. He led them inside closing the door behind them, grabbing two glasses of water as he moved to the back of his shop behind closed doors.
‘Ok I’ll play. How do you know my name?”
“Ah yes your name, Joshua Christoper Colton…Nolan.”
“Christoper Colton? Are you drunk?”
“A little Vodka this morning but I’m good as day.”
“Wait how do you know my middle name? I don’t even know it…”
“Ohh right you don’t! It’s funny really. Your mom wanted Christopher but I REALLY wanted Colton. So I combined them in my head to save both side of the coin the trouble. At the end of the day I’m wrong, she’s right. But we both know we’re be arguing about that til the dawn of time.”
“I’m sorry what?” Josh asked trying to make sense of all that is going on.
Cole slumped, “You may got your father’s looks and smart impulse but you got your mother slow ass brain.”
“Don’t worry, it’s cute, she knows I kid about that.”
“How do you know my mother?”
“Ohh! I forgot to introduce myself. Two lives smashing together in one head. I’m Cole Morgan. Also known as..”
“Ahh so you heard of me. Good, your brain is picking up speed, love. Me and your parents are good friend. I’m also your uncle.”
“M-my what?”
“You’re uncle dearie. Well one of your uncles. You got a few aunties and uncles that you’ll find out about later.”
“If you’re my uncle and you know my parents…tell me something I do know.”
Cole grinned this time and chuckled, “You’re a bit of artist, well versed in pop culture it’s how you and Bella were able to solve a few cases around town with Ethan, you love coffee but prefer hot chocolate with the tiny marshmallows..oh and my favorite, carry around a keychain with a tiny monkey on it.”
The man also explained how he knew what is going on in the town, if they needed anything he is one to call but don’t ever push him too far or he will bite. Joshua blinked thinking that he was stalker but then remember that his town is weirder than expected and his parents are from another land.
He sighs, “..I like bears too.”
“Mhm yeah I noticed the patches on your backpack of a little old bear. It’s cute. I like to think I had a thing to do with it too.” He added with a shrug with smiling softly.
“What do you want from me?”
“I’ve been watching you and Belladonna for a while now. She seems fine by all accounts for now, but you’re the one who is acting weird lately. I understand the reason why, don’t need to explain it, but your doubting yourself here. You’re meant to be here right now.”
“You’re the 3rd person to say that to me today.”
“I know. Give it time and you’ll see what I mean. Now go on, I have business to attend to.”
“But I—“
“I said my piece. I have spoken, goodbye, nephew.”
The boy took a sip of the water looking over his shoulder oddly then left.
He felt like a hurricane rushed though him, so many things are happening and it felt like he can’t catch his breath. First the bubbling feelings of his past come to surface, then he hurts himself by accident and how he has a showcase of skills he didn’t know he had with pushing his father into combing two separate careers into one. He might throw up from the headache he’s having.
He took a breath, adding pressure to his hand and exhales knowing he had to keep going soon it will be all over. He stepped inside the building that was being redesigned with walls being torn down and others being put up. He was surprised to see what resulted in his plan. But what surprised him was the very fact that it wasn’t just Ethan, Marlene and Nik helping to put the place in order but Rochelle, Rick and Melissa lending a helping hand.
Some kids were helping out with drawing designs for the wall, carrying paint cans, holding up wood for the adults. He knew it wasn’t gonna be finished all in one day but so far this was an amazing start. He noticed Bella lending a few tips and tricks, watching over the kids as he decided to join her. She noticed his hand was wrapped up as he shrugged telling her that he will talk to her about it later. She nodded with a very light smile raising an eyebrow guessing what might’ve happened to him.
Days turned into nights as the town each took time out of their day to lend a helping hand. Things were going smoothly, days after day things got prettier for the store. Civilians of the town came to pitch ideas, raise the banners and lift some newfound furniture.
Marlene and Nik’s place couldn’t look more better, getting the update it desired for years. It was late in the afternoon, as Joshua was organizing chairs outside the Cafe-Tattoo Parlor or as the owners liked to call it M&N’s Star Lounge, with Riley and the twins. Amelia, Jeremy, Liane, Luna and the others were indoors having drinks with the rest of the customers meanwhile others were getting tattoos done. The younger members were called inside by their parents as Joshua gave a soft smile. That was when Nikolai entered with extra flowers to place on the tables.
He noticed the look on his face and walked over, “What’s the matter?”
“I uh, just have been wondering lately was all of this worth it..” He admitted, knowing he meant something else.
“It is, Josh. You kickstarted something amazing here, hell, you deserve a whole week of free coffees and donuts on the horse for what you did.”
“And a free piercing?”
“Don’t get that excited. Whatever it is that is going on, you can tell me.”
He thought about it for a spilt second but it would sound insanely weird out here in public, beside a part of him believed he wouldn’t exactly come to his senses yet. But he could try, later on when things settled down.
He bit his lip and half smiled, “I’ll tell you at home.”
Nik wanted to say something, seeing something in Joshua as he hesitated, as if he saw himself for a moment. But before he could added that piece of information, Rick called for them to come inside as he turned on the lights to the storefront, as the two rushed inside watching the sign bright up the streets officially announcing to the night sky they were more than open for business.
Little did they all know, there was one customer who wasn’t invited nor dared to step inside as he walked past the street sign. He scoffed taking a glance noticing the kids with their respected adults inside the cafe all smiling. He made him sick, no one was supposed to be that happy over some stupid plain old cup of coffee and some saggy stack of art on the wall that could be printed on their body.
His eyes darted to each one of the adults and youngsters inside the store, from Jeremy to the freaking twins. His eyes landed on his brother and forgettable wife, who he sadly doesn’t remember a blasted thing about. None of them did.
Someone cleared their throat, standing beside him. He dropped his gaze over to the ginger man dressed in nothing but a black coat and a beanie for the cold weather.
He clutched his teeth at the man’s smirk as he asked, “What you looking at?”
“I’m looking at you.” He replied with the smirk plastered on his face like a big ol’ ‘you’re gonna lose’ tattoo on his forehead.
“Hilarious. What do you want?”
“More like, what is that you want mister mayor. You townsfolk look calm, collected and enjoying themselves, isn’t that what supposed to happen?”
“Not when I’m the one who isn’t. Who put this whole shit together? Those middling teens? That rounding adults?”
“I would say that it were the adults idea, yes. My husband did have a hand in building the sign, crafty man isn’t he?”
The older brute just glared, “Who did this?”
“I think you already know.” He added shaking his head as his teeth shined in the streetlights.
“Belladonna and his friend..first her mother, then her father..what’s next?”
“That’s up to you, but I wouldn’t go too far in your plan. Because from where I’m standing, everyone is in high spirts. All as it should be. Now if you resume to glare under the pole you’re standing under, I’m going to grab myself a donut. Goodbye, your highest”
That one word caused Alexander to add pressure to his teeth, realizing this man was awake from his damn curse, and if was, then there was a chance others were too. It made him wonder if Cassie, or any one of the adults have gotten their grip on reality yet…
Cole stepped away smirking as he hummed a tune he heard on the radio, “The winner takes it all. The loser has to fall..”
“Who’s the boy?” Alexander barked back.
“Don’t play coy with me, Morgan. Who’s Bella’s friend? Mr. Nolan..”
“I thought you would’ve guessed by now, but I guessed not.”
“What are you..”
“I guess someone has been drinking the hard liquor lately.”
Alexander was quiet for a moment recounting his week, Joshua’s face to his whole act. The eyes, his nose, the hair, and his form of deciding to go against his ways of thinking to form something else. The shy looks he gave along with the very fact that he came alone with a parental figure. He closed his eyes shaking his head, his brother’s kid.
Snow and Charming’s son.
He was surprised he didn’t get that fact sooner. All of these guys children were here and standing from Cinderella to Ace Of Heart’s offspring, it should’ve been obvious to him.
He knew with all the families coming together, friends becoming partners in crime and the rules changing beneath his feet. Soon they will be woken up from their slumber and railing against him as he was petty imagine of his former self.
No magic, only the glares, threats and ties to the town to back him up. He would be doom, unless he made a few little distractions and reached underneath those people’s sense of hope, choking them into darkness.
He already had a few subjects in mind to break two birds with one stone. He already had Ethan and his loved ones in mind. If one falls, the others start crumbling into pieces just as easily as they were built to begin with.
Starting with his nephew…
That’s all folks! Tell me what do you think about?
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @sherloquestea @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft etc
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angelstills · 28 days
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Feather (2023)
19 notes · View notes
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Breakfast by Dove Cameron: Mia Barnes
Taglist : @randomestfandoms-ocs If you want to be added send me an ask! 💚
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t-lostinworlds · 6 months
this is kinda random and there's no guarantee yet but i have a tiny question
and i mean this with like, any fandom sksksks again there's no guarantee bc i honestly have been so tired with college so i'm trying to take this sem break to just chill (given that it's only 3 weeks lol) but who knows. maybe i'll dust of the docs and finish one or a few wips
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brooklynislandgirl · 9 months
What kills the mood for your muse instantly?
Deeper Than Skin || Accepting There are few things that Bucky can do that might so much annoy Beth much less leave her cold as stone. They make no sense when strung together as individual things: The one time he brought her roses and she wouldn't let him into her apartment until he'd found a lovely old couple to surprise them with. When he returned empty handed, her face was still unusually pale ~quite the feat considering that she has to usually use heavy cosmetics and lighting to replicate the feat~ and her lips were tight. She still has never explained it to him and won't beyond telling him that she absolutely cannot stand even the sight of them. She flinches when he sneaks up on her and catches her unaware. It doesn't happen often but a man his size should not be that quiet. The worst thing that used to instantly kill the mood for her was an even accidental slap against her backside. She still doesn't much care for any sort of spanking, consensual or not...
...but the absolute magick mood-killer nowadays is that moment, the one they both know well. Hands and lips and breath. The weight of him heavy between her thighs, or his hands around her hips...lost in each other and not caring anything for the world outside of their bedroom in their house... and then suddenly it all comes crashing down on them frigid as glacial water: The softly uttered "Daddy?" Beth loves her daughter and James more than any imaginable thing in the world but she's absolutely certain the little girl has it in for her. He laughs and says she's crazy. But is she really?
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corawithfanfiction · 1 month
The Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf and Polaris
we stand, we rise, we give our lives (episode 6)
episode 5 - episode 7
Logan (Wolverine) and Lorna (Polaris) have entered the All In Casino. Logan learns the identity of the old Lorna, but old and unexpected friends have decided to join the party.
warnings: confrontation, swearing, explosion, fight, human trafficking, brutality.
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Logan did not know what these three very familiar words meant.
En Sabah Nur.
The only thing he knew was that it made him feel uneasy. It was a feeling that made it snow in Egypt and set fires in Russia.
Lorna continued to walk behind the man who had opened the door for them, clicking her heels on the concrete floor. Logan, on the other hand, was both following Lorna and looking around for anything suspicious or dangerous. Even though their senses and intuition were at their height, they had come here knowing all this.
Finally, the burly man they had been following opened the door to a large hall and led them into the main section. It was a space with high ceilings but a rather depressed atmosphere. The only lights on the ceiling were over the gambling tables. This was enough to make the atmosphere rather dim and gloomy. There were about fifteen round tables, surrounded by men, most of them in suits, or some strange characters who couldn't tell what they were wearing. Opposite the door was a large bar, and behind the bar was a section covered with curtains that were supposed to be red, although the color could not be determined. If it was a normal bar, this was an area that could be considered a VIP section. But Lorna knew very well that behind those curtains, death warrants and declarations of war were being issued.
A man with glass-blue eyes and extremely pale skin rose from his seat laughing and spread his arms wide. When Lorna took a deep breath, it didn't escape Logan's notice.
"Here we go," he whispered, and although she couldn't help but think that this was happening sooner than I had expected, she kept her composure and put a beautiful smile on her face.
"Welcome, princess! Welcome home!"
The sickly pale man embraced Lorna. Lorna could only nod her head in greeting. The man let his eyes linger on Lorna for a moment, then glanced briefly at Logan. When he turned back to Lorna, he focused on her as if he could see every thought in her head.
"Brothers! Look, look and see. See so that we may celebrate this blessed day together," the man said, his eyes darting around the other tables, sometimes looking up as he spoke. Logan glanced up at the dark ceiling and realized there were rooms there too.
"Our beloved Lorna is home! What a happy day! Our father, our father has been right once again. Those who doubt his greatness will see once again that he is never wrong! We are his children, we are his life force! The power in our blood is in the infinity of the wood!"
Logan looked at Lorna with a blank stare and then the young woman's face was as if to say 'I'm sorry'. He couldn't make sense of it. Then Lorna put that smile on her face. The smile when she knocked on the door. The smile when she said that name. She had that dangerous look on her face again. Like the old Lorna… Logan didn't know what that meant, but in a few seconds he would find out.
"Brothers and sisters! You can't imagine what an agony my every day has been! But as our Heavenly Father is my witness, I have dreamed of this day! Every day I spend with those losers who think that humans and mutants are one," Lorna laughed hysterically as the laughter from the tables joined her. Logan was horrified, but Lorna was so sure of herself that Logan wasn't sure what to do.
"I know you miss me," she winked confidently at the pale-skinned man. He was waiting with anticipation, curiosity and amusement for what she was about to say.
""So I thought, since I'm going home, it would be a shame to come back empty-handed, wouldn't it?"
Lorna sat down at one of the tables and put her feet up to the bald man in the chair next to his, overweight and burly, wearing a white jacket. The man was not very pleased with herself, but Lorna didn't care. She pulled her feet coquettishly out of his lap after tugging and straightening her boots in a fake manner. She leaned forward, placed her hands on his legs and lingered for a moment before rising from her seat, then slowly stood up and walked toward Logan, her back to him.
She placed her left hand on Logan's left cheek and began to play with his beard. She waved his right hand in the air, drawing more attention to herself.
"Brothers! It took me a long time to make him worthy of you, but it was well worth it. Isn't it?"
She planted a brief but extremely passionate kiss on Logan's lips. "This is James Howlett, or Logan as you know him."
She moved her left hand from Logan's cheek to the nape of his neck. Without removing her hand, she moved behind him. She was behind Logan now, but her hand was on his throat. Lorna could feel the veins contracting under her hand, but she tried to ignore it. Without leaving Logan's back, she turned her gaze upwards, to where the pale-skinned man was talking. If she had Logan's keen eyesight, she would have been eye to eye with the endless seas.
"The Wolverine!"
She left behind him and started walking around the room, "It has animal-like senses and reflexes, as well as the ability to heal itself, which is also called survival. This means that any wounds it may receive will heal on their own, and it ages much later than a normal human."
She turned away from her pacing and looked at Logan. Logan remained silent, but she was aware that his anger was rising. He wanted to believe Lorna, to trust her. He thought the woman he loved would never betray him. But the young woman, the old Lorna, was doing her best to make that impossible.
"Thanks to this healing ability, her entire skeleton has been encased in Adamantium, an almost indestructible metal, to make her a super soldier by Weapon-X."
Murmurs of satisfaction began to emanate from the Casino. Lorna continued without paying attention to anyone.
"During the operation, his sharp claws of bone were coated with adamantium, making Wolverine invincible - they can even cut through iron."
Turning around on her heels, she stared for a few seconds at the column in the far corner of the Casino, "The only known object its claws can't cut through is Captain America's shield, but we know that after being coated in alpha adamantium, it can cut through the shield as well."
No one noticed, but even as Logan couldn't get over the shock of what he had just heard, he saw where Lorna had been staring for a few seconds. He smelled the scent behind the column. So familiar that it was too familiar.
"He's also a master of hand-to-hand combat and swordplay." As she moved between the tables, Lorna continued her show. She flirted with the men she caught her eye, kissing some, sitting on others' laps for a few seconds.
"He is fluent in English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Native American languages and is familiar with the culture of many countries due to her nomadic background." He walked slowly across the tables, the heel of his boot clicking, to Logan's side.
Placing her hands on Logan's face, he whispered to no one in particular, "Trust me." Lorna continued to speak, her smile widening.
"Now tell me, Brothers! Who wants to rip the adamantium out of this old geezer with no past!"
"What the fuck are you doing, Lorna!"
Logan growled, but it was too late, it was darkness for the man after that. He was unconscious before he realized what had happened. When the pale man began to clap, he shouted loud enough for everyone to hear,
"Welcome home girl, we never doubted you!" But Lorna knew very well that she was the prime suspect from the moment she knocked on the door. Remy was still nowhere to be seen. The young woman made a great effort to keep her composure as the pale-skinned man's blues began to turn red. But this could not scare her.
What was on her mind was where Remy was and whether the person behind the column and on the upper balcony had gotten the message. Lorna hadn't seen who they were, but as soon as she focused there, the blood in her veins began to boil. It only happened when she touched Logan, or rather, when she hurt him. But this time the flavor was different. It was vibranium. She knew it. She didn't know how she knew it. But she knew, I guess my powers can distinguish between metals, she thought, and put the matter out of her mind. She tried as much as possible not to think about her powers, there might be a telepath around here somewhere and it certainly wouldn't do Lorna any good.
Meanwhile, the white-skinned, sea-eyed man on the upper balcony was fixated on one thing, the young woman's words. He'd kept quiet even though he knew they were hiding there, but Bucky wasn't thinking about that.
"He wants to rip the adamantium out of the old geezer with no past?" Sam, on the other hand, was obsessed with something very different from Bucky.
"The only known object that his claws can't cut is Captain America's shield, but we know that after being coated with alpha adamantium, they can cut through it."
Who was this woman?
And what did she want?
The two were so mesmerized by the young woman's words that they forgot why they had come here until a card at one of the tables began to glow and exploded.
The explosion took place in the middle of the Casino with a huge noise. And everyone knew who had done it.
Maybe no one heard the young woman's hoarse voice, but she was more than content, unlike the rest of the Casino. What was left of it.
"What courage, oh dear Remy!"
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