ccaptain · 5 months
Being a deeply logical person suffering from paranoia is very funny, in terms of describing it to someone else.
Basically there's this sugar-high, 4yo toddler running everywhere screaming that people write with me out of fear, that they actually don't like me at all and that they take every occasion possible to distance themselves from me because I'm bugging them, that I throw them off with my behavior. And I mean, yelling at the top of it's lungs while trying to bash itself into a wall. Like a funky rubber ball.
Meanwhile, I'm holding the toddler on a kiddy leash, with noise cancelling headphones and reading a book, telling it that people actively take time off their busy schedule to reply to me when they can because they enjoy talking to me, they find me funny and pleasant to talk to, that they like interacting with me or they just wouldn't even follow me and my blogs, that they enjoy writing together with me and enjoy sending me memes and reading my answers to them, the feeling is mutual, and that you can't make people do shit out of fear in the rpc.
Everytime it tries to impact into a wall I pull it back like a yo-yo. It kinda ends up being funny, because it's so fucking easy to debunk the paranoia by now. That's why I have it on a kiddy leash.
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ethereousdelirious · 1 year
I could have sworn I got an A.A request for someone collapsing in court but I can find no such thing in my inbox.
It's one trope I wish there was more of so now I'm like..... did I imagine that..... did my subconscious send me a request.........
It's me boy, it's your inner desires, speaking to you inside your brain. Flatten Mi.les E.dgeworth in your fic
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snezfics-n-shit · 8 months
the circle that made Kushamitsu made another nar.umi.t.su work and it literally starts with Mi.les being found collapsed and they keep adding tint to his nose and cheeks and under his eyes even I AM OBSESSED GUYS
(his nightmares come back and P.ho.eni.x takes care of him uwaaa)
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losuenitosa · 3 years
dying on my ‘give me plots where miles is one of the people that gets yoinked into the mc.u via the spell mishap’ hill
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fractempyreal · 4 years
I’m staying on anon but when I told Miles I’m softblocking bc I’m uncomfortable with the contradictions of His version of the story vs the actual story, he begged me to not post a “I have softblocked Miles” post because I had a large following. I didn’t at the time. I regret it.
You aren’t alone. I promise you. Miles has a habit of chasing after people that unfollow/mention unfollowing him, especially if they seem to be well-liked/well-known in the rpc community because he wants to continue getting away with what he did. He downplays his actions and plays off the rightful anger from his victims as ‘petty drama’ because that’s what he did with me along with many of my friends in the fandom when it came to the two girls he preyed on in a previous fandom. In fact, when he was told by someone to be honest about the fact that he shipped inc.est and that he shouldn’t be interacting with people that blatantly state in their rules that they don’t want to be followed by people that ship/are complicit with those subjects, he whined about how he couldn’t do that because it would hurt his image and lessen the amount of people that follow/interact with him.
The fact that he guilt-tripped you is not okay, and I’m so sorry that he did that to you.
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websaved-a · 5 years
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redhells · 3 years
10 Favorite Characters in Different Fandoms
in no particular order.
1. karen jacobs  — the woods. 2. james la.ke jr. — trol.lhunters. 3. graham “grey” mccarron — knights of the bo.rrowed dark. 4. ast.rid hofferson — h.ttyd. 5. vi — arca.ne. 6. w.irt — otg.w. 7. j.uno st.eel — t.pp at least s1&2. 8. mi.les morales — spiderma.n its.v. 9. yorick — w.ynd. 10. cas.sandra cillian — the libr.arians.
tagged by:  @vilence ily tagging:  @kingsmedley  @ladysmaid  @cewyll  @timewept and you!!!
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warringpeace · 5 years
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( online...kinda sorta )
              that dream where you team up with h.exxus and j.oe c.arroll and               terrorize an entire neighborhood while a t.housand mi.les plays                         in the background. what. even. was. that. xD
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infrontofmi · 6 years
Quite your mind through breathing. 
Inhale ~ breathe in
Exhale ~ breathe out
Repeat 3~5 times.
Mind your speed, peaceful pace, 
Listen to your inner thoughts that flow into your mind.
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sparkveins-a · 6 years
i’ve just been going down the mi.les mo.ral.es tag for the past like hour and i’ve been finding great shit you guys. 
i’m just waiting for this demo of RE7 to download jfc.
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snezfics-n-shit · 2 years
i am asking about the canon ace attorney content. tell me everything
So here's my Snez Attorney iceberg as a big compilation. Select entries will be explained below.
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T.urnabo.ut Bi.g To.p's major focus being sneezing caused by pepper
T.ur.nabo.ut Mem.ori.es and Bri.dge To The Tu.rna.bo.ut having an overarching theme of Pho.enix catching colds (very important)
Mi.les having canon hay fever addressed in (but not limited to): Fa.re.well My Tur.nab.ou.t in an optional profile response, the official Mi.le.s Edg.ewo.rth Files Ca.se.boo.k anthology, an official fanclub scenario survey poll thing apparently someone from the inside wrote (here I thought just the fans were feral)
The Sniffling Samurai is "Pho.eni.x's favorite" - Apo.ll.o Jus.tice, Case 2, Tur.na.bo.ut Co.rner
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losuenitosa · 3 years
needless to say i’m adding mi.les to the ‘too much fuckin brainrot to function list’
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fractempyreal · 4 years
Not so gentle reminder that if you interact with Mi.les. . . . I want you to get off my blog/hardblock me 😌😌
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spidercxp · 6 years
Don’t think Mi.les isn’t a warning of what could happen if Pe.te repeats what he’s said and done to M.J. Especially given what Mi.les has been blessed with in lieu of his loss and a few other disappointing experiences. I expect Mi.les to be Pe.ter’s better conscience moving forward in this franchise that’s baiting a sequel. I like the idea of Spi.der-M.en going up against what’ll most likely be the Gob.lin and perhaps more powerful adversaries than what this game’s story presented.
All it takes is one self-righteous uttering of  ‘no, don’t do that,’  to either M.J. or Mi.les, and Pe.te’s left to his own devices.
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suntaici · 6 years
Desi sunt intr.o relatie de un an si imi iubesc iubitul enorm, uneori ma mai gandesc la un coleg de clasa. Cred ca e doar o atractie. As vrea asa de mult sa fim macar prieteni fiindca avem ceva lucruri in comun si imi place mult personalitatea lui. In acelasi timp, ma simt atat de groaznic si vinovata fiindca uneori ma gandeam cum ar fi sa ma sarute. Sunt o persoana oribila! Cred ca e ceva trecator. Cum fac sa mi.l scot din cap pe tipul ăsta?
Nu ești o persoana oribila dacă te gândești cum ar fi dacă. Suntem oameni și avem mereu stări de genul. Mai oribil ar fi daca ți-ai înșela iubitul pe bune. Focuseaza-te pe relația ta și gândește-te la lucrurile pentru care ai ales sa fii împreună cu actualul tău iubit.
Ni se mai intampla sa simtim atractii fata de altii chiar daca suntem intr-o relatie. Insa atractia de genul asta se risipeste repede, trust me. Nu te panica si nu te bate singura pentru asta, e normal. E totusi o diferenta intre o simpla atractie care trece repede, si a te da la altii/a-ti insela prietenul/etc.
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defunct-m17es · 7 years
hi if you’re dating des.mond mi.les he’s going to send you this video
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