#mi pollito
misscringesposts · 1 year
Hola mi amor, ya volví 🌸
Hola! :D
Ahora eres un pollito? :0 Me gusta 💕
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poplin-kitty · 7 months
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Un dibujo de los sonrix
A Drawing of the Smiling Critters
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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Run BTS! 2023 Special Episode - Mini Field Day Part 0 
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asitrita · 9 months
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murcielagatito · 8 months
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lucas hindered helped me and mami construct and fill these garden beds (i did most of the heavy lifting)(it was so many bags of soil)(also got cut on a panel when i was putting the rubber guard on it)(owchie)
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smileflowcr · 2 months
Derek, ¿alguna vez sentiste que Sakmin no podría ser tu hijo? ya sabes, Wonnie estaba pequeñita cuando la conociste, pero Sakmin recuerda bien a su otro padre biológico, ¿sentiste que no podrías amarlo ni ser amado por él como si fuesen de la misma sangre?
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No es la primera vez que le preguntan aquello, recuerda cómo su familia puso en duda la decisión de formalizar su relación con Sakwon y ser otra figura paterna para los Jun. Por supuesto, le dio todo el tiempo para que el mayor se acostumbrase a él, sin invadir su espacio personal pero compartiendo tardes de dibujos animados, juegos o algo más hogareño como hacer galletitas con diferentes formas, terminando con harina en todo el rostro. "Nunca quise ser un reemplazo de su otro padre... sino alguien en quien pueda confiar y apoyarse cuando lo necesita." las noches donde Sakmin no podía dormir y requería de un cuento y abrazo, las ocasiones donde Derek se desvelaba a su lado cuando estaba enfermo o las veces que jugaban a ser fantasmas con sábanas blancas encima junto a sus hermanos menores, son recuerdos que atesora y que no olvidará nunca. "La primera vez que Sakmin me llamó papá estuve llorando durante horas, ahí supe que nada ni nadie podría romper nuestro vínculo. Quizás no lo tuve en mi interior, pero tanto mi amor por Wonnie como por Sakmin es algo que creció poco a poco, fortaleciéndose con el tiempo. Me siento realmente afortunado de ser parte de sus vidas y ver cómo crecen, son los mejores hijos que puedan existir."
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Un abracito tuyo me reconstruye la vida entera.
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phoefinley · 2 years
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          ‘  mmmm  ’  expresa después de beber su copa de vino.  guarda unos segundos silencio,  relamiéndose los labios antes de hablar.  ‘ si,  está delicioso,  ¿quieres una copa?  puedo conseguirte una  ’  se encuentra encantado con el final del recorrido en los viñedos,  elevando su mano para llamar la atención de uno de los guías.
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yelek-galleries · 2 years
SE CANCELA EL SUICIDIO TENGO LOVER ERA!_++_$+_((&($&(+_€€®{©[&)!!!
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awacatin · 2 years
M acabo d tragar una montaña de chilaquiles y m siento como el piter parker desintegrandose
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plia82 · 1 year
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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함께 있을수록 귀여운 동물 의상 소년단 완성 RM과 슈가의 의상이 지금 상점에서 판매중이에요! The more they are together, the cute animal costume boys are completed Don't miss the chance to secure RM and Suga's outfits!
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wileys-russo · 2 months
the not so secret II barça femeni
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part of the pollito universe the not so secret II barça femeni
"alexia, me voy!" you called out from the front door, body already half outside as you heard the girl yell out for you to wait from the bedroom.
"go!" olga mouthed with an encouraging nod, making shooing motions with her hands as you grinned and blew her a kiss, closing the door and racing toward the elevator.
"hey! home by ten nena, don't do anything stupid!" you caught the last of alexia's sentence as her head popped out, eyes narrowing at you as you wiggled your fingers in a wave goodbye from the end of the hall, stepping into the elevator and out of sight.
"esa chica será mi muerte." alexia muttered, shaking her head and retreating inside, rolling her eyes at her girlfriends teasing she was going to get grey hairs if she didn't lighten up.
as far as your captain knew you were going to see your friends, having roped in a few of the younger girls to cover for you as you always needed when you lied to alexia.
a few well placed promises, edible bribes and now alexia was under the assumption you'd be spending the evening at cata's house with vicky, salma and lucía, your alibi air tight.
you didn't necessarily want to lie, but you knew for now that was far easier than telling alexia the truth and all the hoops you'd need to jump through once you did.
you respected the older girl very much, you'd known of her for many years before you'd been properly introduced. having held her and a lot of the senior girls you played alongside now on a pedestal, you wanted to be just like them when you were in the academy.
and now, here you were.
though you enjoyed causing mostly harmless trouble and chaos, hair dye in shampoo, maybe some honey in someones boots, missing belongings well hidden, or even a nail 'accidentally' lodged in someones tyre if they really got into your bad books.
deep down you didn't have a malicious bone in your body and alexia knew that, you were just young and admittedly quite easily convinced into things if they were alluring enough and seemed to hold a benefit for you.
which is why it hadn't taken too long for you to earn alexia's trust when you moved in with her once you solidified your spot in the senior time.
you still had a good relationship with your family but with the training schedule and transport to and from the grounds it just worked out easier for all parties if you moved in with a teammate.
your request to have your own place merely laughed at you'd huffed but internally were quite chuffed alexia was so open and willing to taking you in.
and as much chaos and trouble you found yourself in around your friends and teammates you'd never dare to do anything to mess up your living situation, and you were always finding ways to help around the house however you could.
this lie though was one you needed for not just your own protection, but someone elses.
you knew you were seen as the baby of the team but you were still a teenager with needs and emotions and far too many hormones running through you to ignore the fact you'd developed a crush.
you'd never been in a properly serious relationship, you'd hooked up with people at parties or when you were still attending school during your time at the academy, but you'd never felt like this before.
she worked at a cafe not too far from alexia's apartment, and you'd often rush there of a morning on the rare occurrence of a day off where you awoke before either alexia or olga to get coffees and pastries for the three of you.
it was normally after you'd perhaps taken a harmless joke or prank a step too far and been found out, but if alexia had caught onto that she never mentioned it, though you were fairly sure she knew and just pretended not to for the sake of a free breakfast.
at first the girl just caught your eye and you thought she was attractive, stumbling over your words a little when she took your order but missing the way she'd suddenly appear by the register every time you walked in, your regular order already punched in even if she was rostered on the floor that day.
one day you'd decided to actually sit down and eat properly, struggling a little with the new set pieces you'd gotten alexia's permission to bring them with you to study before the game on the weekend, and after some caffeine to help.
though all of that went out the window the moment the girl sat down across from you, announcing she was on her break and would you mind if she ate with you, and it was safe to say you didn't even glance at the set pieces that whole afternoon.
she was a month older than you and still in school, she worked weekends and afternoons at the cafe which was owned by her godmother and you quickly learned the pair of you had a lot more in common than you'd first thought.
your crush growing ten fold right after that impromptu lunch together you'd immediately confided in the rest of the kids on the team, with varying levels of helpful and horrible advice about what to do.
but with a lot of the girls already in relationships you took some of their less poor advice and after two failed attempts when you chickened out, the girl caught onto what you were trying to do and asked you out on a date.
that was two months ago and now you were sat next to your girlfriend in a cosy little restaurant on the outskirts of the city that jana had recommended, having taken her own girlfriend jill there after they stumbled across it by accident one day.
your girlfriend knew next to nothing about sports which was refreshing as most of your close connections were all based around football, and it was nice to actually talk about anything but football with someone.
the sneaking around wasn't the easiest but it wasn't as hard as you'd worried, especially with your friends always loyal and ready to create you a solid cover story. plus between both you and your girlfriends hectic schedules with work, school and football you didn't get to see one another every day.
which is why tonight was long overdue and the pair of you hadn't yet run out of things to talk about despite speaking on the phone nearly every night and texting all day long.
but what you'd failed to remember was that alexia and olga had plans of their own tonight, which you'd been informed of but distracted trying to think of what to wear to dinner you'd barely listened, humming your fake interest and caught up in your own thoughts.
which was about to bite you in the ass.
so caught up in listening to your girlfriend you'd missed two very familiar faces enter the restaurant and take a seat at a table on the other side of the room, thanking the young boy who handed them a menu each and left them to decide.
but when he'd then come over to your table to take your order, another set of eyes with a question about the house special had sought him out, and suddenly your secret little date night wasn't so secret anymore.
"what? whats wrong?" ingrid asked with a confused frown as her girlfriend suddenly grabbed her wrist, shaking it to gain her attention and furiously nodding her head across the room.
"what are you-" the norwegian glanced over her shoulder, following the spaniards eyeline and putting two and two together. "is that-" though her question was answered for her as the young boy finished taking your order and moved out of the way.
"pollito told alexia she was at cata's watching movies, when really she has snuck out on a date...furtivo furtivo." mapi tutted with a shake of her head, corner of her mouth tugging upwards into a sly smile ingrid recognized all too well.
"maría, you do not even know what is actually going on. you are jumping to conclusions! they could just be friends." ingrid tried to defend you, though another glance in your direction seeing your girlfriend drape her arm across the back of your shoulders and peck your lips a few times making you laugh shut that right down.
"oh? and i suppose they are just friends, the way that you and i are just friends hm amor?" mapi grinned victoriously as ingrid sighed.
"we could just call alexia and cancel, or say it was too busy here and we should go somewhere else." ingrid again tried to defend you, knowing as much as she was also protective that you did deserve a life of your own.
"too late for that mi amor, the clock has just run out for our dear pollito." mapi chuckled, nodding toward the door where sure enough alexia and olga had just arrived, directed toward the table by the hostess who they both gave a warm smile to and made their way over.
"you could at least warn her." "amor, if the nena wants to date like an adult, then she can handle this herself like an adult." the defender shrugged, waving to their friends as ingrid sighed but none the less plastered a smile on her face.
meanwhile you were none the wiser to the double date and the storm brewing across the room, far too wrapped up in your little love bubble as your sole focus was on your girlfriend.
you were discussing plans for your seventeenth birthday next week, the girl having met some of your friends but not yet your parents you were readying yourself to ask if she would come to dinner with them next week to cross that hurdle.
you weren't worried for their reactions by any means, they'd never had any problems with your sexuality but this would still be the first real partner you'd be bringing home, and that carried a responsibility you knew would affect your girlfriend as well as you.
you'd met her godmother a couple of weeks in, the woman with eyes like a hawk had noticed you hanging around more and caught on that maybe the two of you were a little more than friends.
but sworn to secrecy the woman had never betrayed that, and you thought that maybe if you introduced your girlfriend to your parents, she might introduce you to hers next and everything would feel a little less secret.
but it would seem that fate had other ideas for how your night was to go.
it had taken alexia a shockingly long amount of time to notice you, and mapi an awfully large amount of patience not to tell her right away.
though once the catalan eventually did notice, doing a double take as her neck whipped back around as she was sure her eyes were playing tricks on her, there wasn't anything anyone could say to have her stay in her seat.
"no ale, mi amor we should leave her-" olga couldn't even finish her sentence before alexia was up, shaking off her girlfriends hand which grabbed at the hem of her shirt in a failed attempt to tug her back down.
you'd just finished your entrees, laughing at a story your girlfriend was very animatedly telling about a customer getting publicly called out by his girlfriend for cheating today, with paper print outs of receipts and everything, when a shadow appeared.
you'd assumed it was the waiter coming to take your empty plates, just glancing up with a smile and looking back at your girlfriend who'd suddenly gone silent, unable to look away as your hair suddenly stood on end and slowly you looked back upward.
"hola, pequeña." there was a bite to her tone you recognized right away, having only heard it a handful of times but you knew you'd really stepped in it this time.
"hola capi." you managed out meakly, your girlfriends arm across the back of your shoulders suddenly feeling as heavy as a steel pipe as you shifted a little and felt her pull away, immediately scooting across to set some distance between you both.
"alexia i can explain-" you couldn't handle the thick tension of silence as her eyes bore down into you, the blonde shaking her head.
"sí? bien. you and your...friend, can join us for dinner and i will hear all about it." the girl smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, a glance around her causing you to wince spotting the other three across the room.
"look uh...miss putellas, i really don't want to get her into any-" your girlfriend started nervously. "alexia is fine." the older girl cut her off sharply, the girl beside you mouth opening and closing like a fish, both of your faces flushed bright red in embarrassment.
"ale can we talk in private? por favor." you stood suddenly, nervously playing with your fingers as the blonde looked you up and down for a moment before nodding curtly.
"volveré, lo siento." you apologized quietly to your girlfriend who nodded in understanding, alexia making her way toward the front of the restaurant as you hurried after her, the two of you stepping outside into the warm evening air.
"explain then nena, rápido." your captain demanded firmly, crossing her arms and staring you down as you shrunk beneath her harsh gaze.
"she is my girlfriend, i met her at that cafe near your apartment on the corner, her godmother runs it. i have been seeing her for a couple of months now." you admitted, fidgeting with the rings on your right hand and refusing to meet alexia's eyes.
"and cata? jana? vicky? los niñas have been covering for you, helping you to lie to me." the spanish captain asked as you nodded, knowing anything but the truth right now would only dig you into a deeper hole.
"do your parents know? have they met her?" alexia questioned next and you shook your head. "she is meeting them next week, for my birthday. we actually just talked about it, she'd agreed to come to dinner with them right before you..." you trailed off as alexia hummed.
"ale por favor i will do hill sprints, laps, clean the changing rooms, wash boots, extra training, anything you want but don't make us sit and eat with all of you like kids. i know you all look at me like the baby of the team but this is my first real relationship and i don't want to mess it up." you disclosed quietly, alexia sighing and uncrossing her arms.
"how did you both get here?" the blonde asked as you chanced a glance toward her, seeing her hardened features had softened just a little.
"her godmother drove us. but ale she was going to make sure i was home by nine even if curfew is ten, she has school tomorrow and i have training and-" you started to ramble, falling silent as she held up a hand.
"vale. you may both eat by yourselves but i will drive you home when we are done, and you can tell me more about her." the last few words were a lot more gentle and it had you looking up with a frown, confused by her sudden switch up.
"you are not mad?" you asked hesitantly as alexia cracked a small smile and shook her head.
"a little disappointed you did not feel like you could come to me pequeña but i understand why you did not, you have amigas for that and you confided in them. if they are happy to lie for you to help you, then she must be worth it." alexia nodded behind you and into the restaurant.
"she is, i really like her." you smiled as alexia opened her arms, allowing you to dart into them and exhale. "todavía siento haber mentido." you mumbled, alexia ruffling your hair and letting you go.
"lo sé nena, you can make it up to me with coffee tomorrow...and extra laps for you and your asociados." you sighed at that but nodded none the less, knowing you were not going to be popular tomorrow among your friends at training tomorrow.
"and you will invite your girlfriend over for dinner, friday night." you were stunned at that, alexia looking back at you unfazed. "but-" you couldn't even finish your sentence, the blonde cutting you off.
"i promised your parents i would look after you nena, and i will keep that promise. so you will ask her over for dinner and i will get to know her, make sure she is good enough for you before she meets your parents." the girl smiled as you sighed, knowing there wasn't a point in arguing as you simply nodded.
"ve con tu pollito, and i will be watching." alexia smirked as you rolled your eyes and shoved her playfully, ducking away as she grabbed for you, following after you inside with a chuckle.
"oh no." you mumbled seeing your girlfriend was indeed where you'd left her, but your seat had been filled and she was not alone.
"-but then i found her in the closet and i shaved her eyebrow! it is funny it actually took a long time to grow back and she had to draw it on and-" your eyes widened catching the last of mapi's story as you hurried to the table.
"oye pollito! i was just speaking to your friend about you." mapi grinned, ingrid mouthing an apology and tugging on her girlfriends shirt with a firm look which the spaniard waved off.
"mapi. por favor, váyase." you requested through gritted teeth, ingrid mumbling something to her girlfriend who stood. "
qué? i am just being friendly nena! looking out for our pequeña bebé." the defender pinched your cheeks and cooed, ingrid wincing as your girlfriend hid a laugh behind her hand.
"maría, you can tease her tomorrow. leave the nena to her dinner!" ingrid warned as you caught her eye, all but dragging the smirking spaniard back to their table where olga and alexia were waiting. "hey mapi?" you called out as she raised an eyebrow, pausing for a moment.
"you are back on my list, imbécil."
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murcielagatito · 7 months
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we cleaned the raptor enclosures today and i tripped on some hardware and ate shit and we got more babies!!! (mami just called saying she got five more 😭 so a total of ten babies)
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No puedo dejar de sonreír cuando veo tus ojitos cerrados y tú hermosa naricita tan cerca de mi. No pensé que me enamoraría de nuevo y llegaste vos a robarme todo el corazoncito. Te amo infinitamente, y con cada fibra de mi ser. Han sido los mejores seis meses de mi vida, y ni una sola vez he dudado de esto, al principio si sentía que eras mucho para mí, y tenía miedo de decepcionarte, pero con el pasar del tiempo me has hecho sentir tan segura, tan protegida y tan amada que en lo único que pienso es en iniciar ya nuestra vida juntitos. Nunca me había sentido tan, tan, feliz, y por tanto tiempo. Me has enseñado a ser la mejor versión de mi misma, me has recordado la responsabilidad, la amabilidad, el esfuerzo y la constancia por lo que se desea y me has ayudado a darme cuenta del gran potencial que tengo como persona.
Sos mi vida entera, Sos mi lugar seguro, mi lugar favorito, Ni mil Te Amo alcanzarían para expresarte lo que siento por ti amorcito de mi vida. Solecito de mis días, mi pollito hermoso. Por favor, quédate siempre en mi vida.
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cinnamn-girl · 4 months
mi corazón de pollito jamás dejará de amarte
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