mechanicalinfection · 11 months
hello hi may i request just springbonie being given head pats or hugs possibly? i just love how you draw springbonnie so so muchbdbbfjfjcj
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HIHI I took some creative liberty and
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He's been a good boy :]
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caramelpenguin · 24 days
idm if this is the 100 word thign or 5 sentence thing - wilmon. 'he likes u' <3
im doing the 5 sentence thing (even tho nothing is actually 5 sentences anymore) bcos i cant make anything exactly 100 words😫
"He likes you," Sara says, eyes trained on her workbook.
Flustered, Simon looks around the classroom as students stumble in for the morning lesson. "Uh-I- who?"
"The prince."
The prince?"
"Yes. The prince," She repeats, rolling her eyes. "At first, I thought he found you annoying, but I'm quite sure he wants to kiss you. Surely, you wouldn't stare that intently at someone if you found them irritating?" He decides that Sara doesn't yet need to know that yesterday, Simon was underneath Wille, hands clasping brown hair and legs wrapped around his waist, that Wille's fingers were tracing shapes into his skin, carving something more than just feelings into his bones.
Simon smiles at Wille when he enters, and Sara watches as the Prince grins back.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 5 days
This is honey
And this is guy
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onsunnyside · 2 years
just started watching almost famous and immediately shipped to you inbox.
movie is good so far! but having a hard time focusing when all i can think about is 70s!ari and being his favorite groupie, OR his little pornstar while he’s my producer, AND SO MANY OTHER TROPES I LOVE THE 70S ERA
i've never seen almost famous but I searched it up and it looks interesting !!
WAIT LET ME KITH YOUR MIND BC: 70s rockstar!ari showing up to the hottest events with his favourite groupie on his arm, dressed to the nines and you’re proudly wearing a chain with his initial on it. hollywood's sleaziest rockstar is in an unofficial official relationship with you, the girl who went from a nobody following around his band to his muse, an it girl !! to quote curtis in karma: you're his fucking pornstar.
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pup-pee · 3 months
if any1 ever wants 2 compliment my colors i will;
1, maw u
2, tell u i just use the triangle & go hehe
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yaz-as-vinders-superior: have you talked to a member of your family about these reporting your boss ideas? vinder: no im talking to you first since youre my superior officer
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pieflavoredartz · 2 years
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*iss tha motherloade!! click forr betta quailty :]‼️‼️*
HI HIHIHIHIHIHI (i rrly did that in da theme of that one mario song huh… hehe)
anyways as a lik gift, all my unpostyed (ta tumblr at least) WAFFES! merry new year u ppls, thank u for ur support <333 🍄
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an-ungraceful-swan · 6 months
also. hekster my horse prince. sophie is this thing
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I’m begging you what prompted this.
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southernreaches · 2 months
ANOTHER new dye mod? you shouldnt have <3
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littlepuddingsworld · 3 months
taking a break from chu<3wanning, i want to say that can already see the pattern in my negative feelings...
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filurig · 2 years
hm. maybe i will use this blog to also post oc ramblings. Hm
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exiitiosus · 9 months
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pyramid head « @judgcmcnt » tested the spirit box; [ HIPS ] sender pulls receiver in closer by the hips. ((for GhostFace)) 〃 ※
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The line between a morbid fascination and a bloody obsession had always been a blurry one for Danny, ever so often mixing and intertwining till the ghostly mask donning man was left craving to pick and tear apart piece by piece the ones that caught his undivided attention.  One could say this was no different, except it was, the ghostly stalker for once had wanted to be found, despite how elusive he could be, the bloody trail he left behind himself for days was quite the giveaway.
Playing the cat and mouse game had never been more fun than when it was with him.
White mask splattered with crimson droplets as Danny tilted his head to the side, there was a smirk playing across his lips, one hidden away, at least for the moment.  He was about to slip into the shadow, becoming one with the darkness surrounding him, except his movements were brought to a halt, the other's presence behind him almost palpable, and oh, if excitment crawled beneath his skin, making his whole frame buzz with anticipation.  Large hands coming to grab him by the hips, it was pointless to resist, that much he was aware of, and yet the knowledge didn't stop Danny from putting some resistance, his own gloved hands coming to wrap around the other's wrists as he stood his ground.   To no one surprise ( especially his ) his attempt merely lasted a couple of moments before he was pulled back towards the other with such ease.  The predator becoming the prey.  The smirk ever so present upon his features when Danny himself pressed himself back against him.  Gloved fingers still digging into muscular arms, he turned his head to side before craning his neck so he was able to look up at the other, a mischievous gleam behind his eyes, one that perhaps could be noticed even through the hollow eyes of the ghostly mask.
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
An establishing story before any horror lmao featuring @oogaboogaspookyman 's ??? (I don't actually know his name lmao), I wrote him as like incorporeal very ghostly cause I wasn't sure if he had a physical body if he does hes probably intentionally in ghost state, hope it's good?
Sometimes, Curiosity does kill the cat
A pang, it was inside Mays head it twinged and echoed as she stilled tail swaying behind her in waves as she honed in on the sensation. It was far away, incredibly far. It called out to her in a way she didn't understand garbled sounds something like voices overlapping each other and yet drowned not saying anything at all itching in her skull to track down the source beckoning, beckoning.
"Hellooo, earth to May come in May Station you're having a category three strange moment," she flinched at the tapping on her forehead eyes becoming refocused on her brother in front of her tapping her with his prosthetic, "oop Houston we have reconnected with the May," he grinned with teeth in a playful easy way as she swatted away his hand.
"Oh stop being a bother, did you not sense that?" She asked as he simply laughed about being annoying, giving her an unhelpful shrug.
"Sense what?"
"That, I don't know, a pang?" She looked at her hands questioningly, flexing her fingers in confusion and concentration. "That sensation. Voices, I couldn't make anything out though." Her brother simply stared at her as if she was insane raising an eyebrow at her, "stop looking at me like that I felt something."
"Oooookaay~" his voice was easy and mocking as he moving his arm as if to grab a stethoscope from around his neck and pretending to hold an imaginary listening piece to her forehead moving it around as he spoke "now how long have you been hearing these voices for huh?" He lightly mocked as her face fell into a soft scowl puffing softly out a sigh.
"I don't think stethoscopes are used that way," she jabbed back, poking his chest softly as he laughed.
"it's a fakeoscope works differently sis." He grinned as he pretending to make notes. "Of course, how did I not think of that," she half mocked half played along as he pretended to hand her a prescription, "I diagnose you with being insane, get these meds from the pharmacy."
She held the imaginary paper giving her brother a look, "you've been around people too long you're learning their mannerisms." He simply grinned in playful ease saying "yeaaa but you think I'm funny you're smiling I see it." He poked and prodded her cheek where there was a smile before shaking him off.
She moving away from his bothering sighing softly as she looked around staring off into the distance, "whatever it was it came from over there," she sighed softly swishing her tail again. Her brother sighed next to her saying, "you're not gonna let that go are you huh? Do you want to check it out?" She looked at him as he hovered on the spot, "come on then you wouldn't be able to get there yourself." he held out his hand to her, she smiled and took it as he lifted her up carrying her as she guided him on where to go.
It was daunting being dangled only being able to hold onto a hand as you're flown across an ocean and different regions. She was thankful to be back on the ground as he put her down flexing her toes feeling the grass beneath her feet as she looked at some building ahead of her. Matt flew around the perimeter as a look over as she felt the twinge again louder in her head but still making even less sense.
She crept towards the building putting her hand slowly on the door and pushing it over, a familiar scent of copper hitting her nose making her snout wrinkle and cringe in response. A bad feeling began to creep into her bones wondering perhaps if she should tell her brother quickly that they should leave or if her curiosity will get the better of her. It almost felt like she was being watched a heavy sensation weighing down on her shoulders boring through her soul core and being.
Jolting in panic as a hand grabbed her shoulder, "What you standing here for you weirdo?" Her brother grinned at her before turning to look into the corridor before them, "spooky looking place," he stepped past her either nose blind or ignorant. She reached a hand after him to stop him wordless but missed as he started to disappear into the dark corridor ahead.
"Hold on!" May quickly followed after her brother, the unpleasant feeling continuing worse as she went deeper in the building, she shivered holding her own arms at how cold it was her tail swished and flicked uncomfortablely as she rubbed at her arms for warmth, "Matt?" She hissed softly, "get back here you imbecile it might not be safe!" She whispered into the darkness with no answer.
She squinted between her bad eyesight and lack of night vision in the dark, stopping and looking behind her, she rubbed the back of her neck, it felt as if something or someone breathed against her neck as if they were right behind her following her an oppressive atmosphere looming like a body weighing in against her slowly. She swallowed anxiously, turning back around to continue forward fear creeping up her spine from her tail.
A sensation ran against her tail making her jump once more turning to look behind her as her tail swished, it was like someone's hand had been there outstretched to catch and run along her tail as she passed, it was cold, her whole tail shivered as she held herself squeezing her arms to self soothe she cautiously stepped backwards trying to watch the corridor that had been behind her to see if a ghost would pop out.
A scratching feeling went up her back stopping below where her second neck connected with a pressing sensation, it was sharp and cold and yet hot as she spun about again feeling toyed with now trying to replace terror with anger. "Matt I swear to Arceus," She hissed into the darkness quietly. She didn't get a response the silence sweeping around her like a blanket and offering no comfort as she held herself tail moving to wrap around her own waist squeezing herself softly as her hands squeezed her arms.
"AARGH!" She screamed as a white shape leapt out at her from a side door her tail unwrapping from around her to stand upright and immediately curling into a defensive posture twisting her body on one leg arms up to protect herself as it yelled and hollered before devolving into a giggling fit of laughter, she quickly realised the shape was a white sheet and who the laughter belonged to as she ripped the blanket off her brother who was doubled over now laughing himself near breathless.
"Matt you are the WORST! What is your problem?!" She hit him and hit at him again swatting his shoulders in frustration, "you're so stupid!! I hate you!" He just laughed harder tears forming in his eyes from laughing so hard as she hit him lightly with her closed fists.
"Arceus," he wheezed chuckling giggling, "I got you good," he coughed struggling for breath, "I got you real good! I was all argh and you were all 'Aaah no help me I'm being attacked' " he raised his voice to mock imitate hers moving his arm over his eyes like a damsel in distress breaking into laughter again clearly having amused himself.
"I was NOT like that you twit, I just screamed, you or something other has been messing with me!" He sniggered saying innocently "pft not me I've been off ahead there's nothing here, place does have proper spooky vibes though no wonder you're torchicken." She gave him a quick unamused look as he innocently put his hand up in surrender.
She scoffed a bit walking away from him, "there is something here," she muttered not sure what she was referring to really as her brother followed behind. The oppressive atmosphere at least seemed to have lessened and some of the tension left her shoulders as she moved feeling less, preyed upon really.
Passing a door she paused feeling a strange sensation through her body, she turned to look at the door a strange psychic energy radiating from it as she slid the door open, copper and death invading her senses making her eyes water as she looked into the room despite the feeling she shouldn't. All at once the pang in her brain turned from senseless sound to screaming. Voices screaming and yelling over one another in torment and agony within her skull with such intensity fear and anguish she had to grasp her horns and head as her mind was overwhelmed with the psychic level scarring and horrors left embedded into the room.
A cold drip landed on her shoulder the begs and pleading for help still ringing as she moved slowly to look at the red droplet rolling down her shoulder and chest piece, a soft splat as another drop hit the red sleek floor. She could make out parts of people strewn across the room, she couldn't make out a full body from one person, there was a head over to one side with the skin peeled back from the skull from the top of the head as though scalped revealing the eye socket which was empty and jaw bones and teeth, a chest with nothing else attached cut open ribcage yanked and broken outwards and organs stretched out as far as they could a lung over where the shoulder would be, kidneys ripped out through their back, intestines spilled in senseless swirls across the floor, except the heart which still sat hanging within the emptied out chest cavity. A leg cut open to expose muscle, a hand stitched against the face of someone else palm to cheek finger tips stitched into their skin to force the sensation of being touched by another in the most twisted sense. There was more than her brain and eyes could process.
"What are you…lookin…at…" She felt the warmth of her brothers pushing against her to look as his voice trailed off but she couldn't move herself to stop him and save him the sight. She heard him retch as his hand squeezed her arm from passing her before his touch left and she heard him moving away with speed to lose his breakfast outside.
Her tail was ridged as the smell of blood continued to seep into her, memories of possession began to resurface, bodies being broken and crumpled, burning flesh, screams from her own past, her hand came to emptily grasp at her chest feeling her new mega stone while remembering the sensation of sharp jagged crystals breaking through flesh and bone. She wanted to shut her eyes to push the memories down and away but it felt like crawling threads were seeping into her mind wrapping tangling around her thoughts squeezing them pulling them to the forefront of her mind. The lifeless bodies of husk clones pulled from growing tanks thrown without compassion onto operating tables, the darkened hue of her body and the creature that cut them, what could have been living could have been family, open to examine organs and create diagrams of internal structures removing parts and storing them for later. The crushing of organs in her hand the blood still faintly warm oozing from her palm down her forearm painting her grey hued skin red and the splat as the organ was discarded, she tried to stop the memories as they came the oppressive sensation pressing into her skull her second neck feeling squeezed by coldness. Dark hued reflection, thinning sickly body as the crystal glowed yellow in the dim lighting, twisted controlled consciousness carving into yet another failed lifeless body that they terminated, before bringing part of their flesh up to their teeth, the sensation on her teeth the coppery taste over her tongue as her mouth dried in disgust as the assault on her mind and senses continued. Cold whipped around her as if cutting through her a sharp jabbing like feel against her skin pushed under her chin threatening to push through and crack her jaw but when her hand finally reacted to grab her chin there was nothing there, just the lingering cold hot as it gripped at her tightly.
She brought her hand to her eyes to cover them closing her eyes to breathe steadily despite the feeling of her mind being invaded poured into and pulled apart every instance of her existence being explored by something else and yet nothing at all making her skull throb akin to a headache. The bloodied faces of the people in the room stared into her despite empty eye sockets in her mind as she continued to try to steady her breathing. She felt her mind slowly going numb to it all, bloody red flashes becoming meaningless to her, senses becoming blind, she sighed out slowly her hand moving from her face as she allowed herself to open her eyes in half lidded tiredness. Somewhere between broken and self protecting her eyes bleak a burning heat grew from her palm before falling to the floor igniting and spreading beginning to burn growing hotter and brighter climbing across walls and across the bodies charring and destroying flesh as she turned and walked slowly out the room and building hand brushing against and allowing flames to grow along the walls as she left to destroy everything.
She hadn't noticed her psychic powers levitating her through the facility till her feet once more fell and touched the grass and all at once all the emotions inside her burst from her chest, she fell down into the grass choking horrid gasps and sobs at the overwhelming grief and horror that washed over her, breathing shallow and with difficulty. She tried to focus her thoughts as she sobbed, warm grass between her fingers, grass and stones against her knees, warm rays of sunlight hitting her back, her breathing started to settle to ease off, cool breeze coming from the side of her, crackling of fire behind her, smoke from behind her, a bit more panicked by the fire she caused but her breathing eased off steadying. Until she felt cold.
It grabbed at her lower back almost spreading upwards causing her body to freeze, it crawled over her like it was trying to take over her the feeling of cold tendrils starting to climb and wrap around her second neck climbing and wrapping squeezing invading like parasitic ivy as it seeped into her lower skull. She could sense something, a presence, as it pushed against her brain trying to take over her to replace her an all too familiar sensation, it didn't feel like the synergy corruption though, it felt darker, much worse than that. In her minds eye she could start to feel the shape forming, lurching twitching unstable tail long twitching flowing darkness flowed from them in waves and an eye captured her entire soul in its gaze as its presence pressed and oppressed hers within her mind in her frozen like state ready to eradicate her-
A hand grabbed her shoulder.
She acted all at once grabbing the hand and flipping the owner holding them down into the grass, hand flying to squeeze their throat in defensive terror.
"Woah hey it's me!" Her red hued brother choked, stared back at her wide eyed equally as shocked by her as she was of him. Her breathing was ragged once more as she quickly retracted her hand from his throat in panic.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay??" she fretted as he pushed himself to sit before rubbing his throat, "crikey you're dangerous when you need to be.." He mumbled. She could only look at him guiltily until he nodded saying "relax you great loon I'm fine, but I'm ready to leave this horrible place, by that pale look I'd say you are too." She could only nod in agreement as they both slowly stood, he grabbed her hand softly and flew up carrying her along commenting, "arceus you're cold."
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hilema · 2 years
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lvlas · 2 years
*            un amigo de oro        ——          @lacupulaint  .                      #   sesión de LULA MUN con linda wallace .
      no hay negativa de parte suya a asistir a la sesión, si bien le resulta un tanto pesada, incómoda quizás. le causa intriga en gran medida, ¿qué podrá ella aportar si no lleva tanto rato recorriendo pasillos de alabaster? no llegó tampoco a asistir a esa fiesta con sospechoso final, así que cuando ingresa a la sala es con cierta confianza que la abraza. será un encuentro breve, piensa, todavía está pasando desapercibida  (  que no es lo que le gustaría, pero es así aún  )  y toma asiento sobre aquella butaca con rueditas en la que juega un rato, se impulsa con las piernas de un lado a otro, gira sobre propio eje aprovechando ausencia de consejera. para nada demuestra seriedad que se le debe al asunto, y sólo se detiene cuando linda wallace hace notar su presencia carraspeando su garganta. un gesto que le recuerda sin dudas a su madre, que nunca necesitó hablar mucho para poner orden en el hogar.
        lula endereza la espalda, por inercia hasta se acomoda un poco los botones de la camisa que tiene puesta. no cree que consejera tenga muchas más ganas que ella de estar ahí, y los siguientes minutos previos a la primer pregunta son bastante más silenciosos de lo que le gustaría a la alumna. a pesar de la petición, no está segura si podrá confiar en ella.
        “ ¿cómo te sientes en éste momento? ” la descoloca un poco. ‘ bien ’ la respuesta es simple, ‘ acomodándome todavía. conociendo al resto, hay muchas personas ’ asiente un par de veces. supone que con el tiempo podrá decir que tiene par de allegades, que nunca le ha costado realmente interactuar con el resto, pero es normal que aún no sea así. por otro lado, en el fondo, teme que existan respuestas incorrectas y que consejera esté haciendo notas mentales sobre su raro comportamiento. “ ¿qué piensas sobre los acontecimientos ocurridos en alabaster últimamente? ” ‘ ¿las muertes y todo eso? ’ la falta de tacto se debe a la distancia que siente entre éstos, por ser tan nueva todavía, por no haber podido conocer a nadie de les afectades. ‘ un tanto turbio. no avisaban de eso en el folleto promocional de la universidad ’ la sonrisa que se le dibuja sobre la boca para borrar tensiones se desaparece igual de rápido cuando nota que consejera no aprecia que recurra al humor para escapar del mal trago. ‘ supongo que ... es feo, sí. cruzamos los dedos para que no se repita ’ una vez más se apropia de menor gesto tonto y efectivamente, sus índice y medio de ambas manos se tuercen en el aire. linda no parece reírse al igual que ella. “ lucía, ¿tienes apoyos dentro de alabaster? si volviera a ocurrir algo similar, ¿a quién acudirías? ” el rostro abandona toda gracia. sus labios denotan mueca medio incómoda, para empezar porque no le gusta escuchar su nombre completo, también porque incógnita descoloca. ‘ llevo poco tiempo aún ’ si hay algo que mun teme en la vida es descubrir que hay algo malo en ella, ‘ creo que está bien todavía no tener gente de confianza, ¿no? ’ de a poco es que se va apagando su humor. quizás mujer acaba de plantar preocupación en ella. “ ¿sientes que te cuesta confiar en los demás? ” pausa silenciosa ahora es iniciada por ella misma. mira a la consejera, luego a la decoración a su alrededor a ver si en la pared se pinta la respuesta que debería soltar. no, cree que no. no lo sabe. ‘ no ’ opta por resumir. “ entonces aquí puedes venir siempre que lo necesites. si no tienes a nadie, puedes confiar en mi ” hay algo que ya no gusta de lo que oye. pestañea un par de veces y desea con fuerza que primera sesión de lo más parecido a terapia que ha tenido en su vida, finalice ahí mismo. ‘ sí tengo gente ... yo ... ’ pero están lejos. su familia, sus amigues. linda wallace lo único que logra es desestabilizar mentalidad con la que se había mudado lula a estados unidos con tanta facilidad. ‘ ¿tengo que responder algo más? ’ se nota su impaciencia por finalizar con conversación. “ ¿te preocupa algo en este momento? ” observa a la mujer y más ganas le dan de embotellar sentimientos más que de soltarlos, porque siente que le han metido el dedo en herida que suponía sanada y se la han vuelto a abrir. lejos de encontrarse más tranquila que antes, igual niega con la cabeza. ‘ me han recibido bien, así que no ’ pero lo dice seria aunque no se trate de una mentira. ‘ si veo algo extraño le contaré ’ ahora es con descaro que miente, pero intuye es lo único que le asegurará poder dar por terminada la charla. “ bueno, eres libre de irte si no tienes nada más que te gustaría hablar. ” ‘ muchas gracias, ’ responde la española antes de abandonar salón.
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pieflavoredartz · 3 months
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