#BC MOST OF MY LOGIC IS “how can i get this the closest 2 pink i can?”
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pup-pee · 6 months ago
if any1 ever wants 2 compliment my colors i will;
1, maw u
2, tell u i just use the triangle & go hehe
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radical-rad1986 · 7 years ago
Ebr commentary
Lol I rambled A LOT. Warning for LONG. I’m not sure how to post this on Tumblr so that people can respond to specific things. Or if I should post this to Slack? I miss messageboards!!
Please please reblog with commentary, don’t respond. It’s too hard to actually see responses. Thank you.
Ep 1: Is Van using an energist-arrow?? It certainly LOOKS pink and not silver. But then again people call H’s pendant red and I see pink.... Pink EVERYWHERE official...
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Ep 2: Merle: “You foreigners.” (in H’s room) In the English dub she makes it sound like there’s been other foreigners that have hit on Van??? But I guess if he’s near his dragonslaying rite + crowning then he’s marriable age?? Unless M is referring to the time that the Astons visited?? But would M remember that?? Plus at that time it would have been F being the rite age... (Though assumedly she’d be protective of F too...)
Re the guymelef fight: H is already practicing her dowsing/divinity... by being overly attentive.
Ep 3: “You let two of those bumpkin samurai damage two of my Al-say-dis-units?” Gawd did that line always bother me... “Alseides units” like it’s one word. 
Pyle is named on-screen!
Gawd A do you practice in front of a mirror??
“Castle.” No that’s not a castle A.
I think we discussed the “Give me back my Escaflowne, and give me back my guymelef!” line.
Yeah sure A, traumatize the poor young man EVEN MORE.
A&D dialogue: Subtle A, reeeeal subtle.
D literally has NO IDEA what King Van Fanel looks like?? He goes right through him and focuses on H. Did... Did F hold back that information? Did Zaiback not KNOW? How does D NOT KNOW????? Like I get that H is an intrigue but D’s WHOLE GOAL is the King of Fanelia (and the guymelef Escaflowne).
MM: “Did I get the wrong room again?” Yeah bc he travels through the fort a gazillion times in his life... (Well, that does fit with my headcanon that he’s Therese’s companion and keeps up with A to satisfy Mil.)
V: “What, you’ve heard of Balgus?” WELL DUH. One of three world-famous master swordsmen.
-- We (Drk and I) discovered that there isn’t a complete Series in English. :(( Oh well. *Adds that to To Do list*  So we watched most of it in Japanese with English subs. ... We also had to deal with some weird looping weirdness too. --
Ep 4: I’ve seen D’s “Burn, burn” in Japanese written “Moreo, moreo!” (I think I spelled that wrong.) I didn’t watch the Japanese version much, ever. So I thought it was pronounced “More-ooo, more-ooo!” literally. Not the literal “More-a-oh” that I’m hearing in the subbed ep we’re limited to watching.
Ep 5: Yeah D really doesn’t know who V is. (Flashback to the Castello with V popping out of Escaflowne on the Vione.) I don’t think D truly knows who F is either... Just a Fanelian traitor, not the lost king.
H’s tarot reading: Literal foreshadowing. Its not even “shadow.” More like forelighting. XD
*D approaches Escaflowne* Me: D es el stupid-o.
Holy cow... the Crusade is MINUSCULE compared to the Vione... Like I knew that but it just now hit me...
Ep 6: Dear Mil: They both think you’re strange, so there! XD
Fabric DOES NOT rip like that. ........... LUCK.
Ep 7: Possible Naruto reference with one of the bounty hunter guymelefs??
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I agree with Drk, I’m reading too much into it; but it’s still funny!
... It’s really lucky how the Asturian disguise just FLOATS right of Escaflowne instead of, y’know, GETTING CAUGHT on something.
HUH. A lot of the inconsistencies can be explained by PURE LUCK.
Ep 8: Merle “You were nearly sold off to that Meiden guy.” But... HOW DOES SHE KNOW IT WAS MEIDEN???
I HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT THE PENDANT ORIGINATED FROM ATLANTIS AND THAT IT AND ESCA’S PINK HOLDER-THING WERE TOO CLOSELY RELATED FOR COINCIDENCE. Headcanon is that there’s four main pendants and four main Ispano guymelefs that were commissioned from the Ispano right at Gaea’s beginning, to be protectors of that world.
Dear V. F didn’t actually try to kill you. I know it looks that way but he didn’t. That was D.
AHAHA V you’ll ALWAYS need H’s help!!
Buncha scary floating fortresses.
Grava’s spewing lies... A totally had nothing to do with Escaflowne’s escape...
A LOT of scary floating fortresses!!!
I think I said this before with Trudy. I don’t think Allen has actually Kissed Millerna before, she’s the one doing all the kissing. My reasoning? The way she stops and is breathless in the carriage. Damn is that a kiss. (Too bad nearly all the kisses in Esca are for manipulation of some sort. :((( )
That is a DAMN LOT of energists.
I wish snake guy had been given an actual NAME.
Ep 9: Varie’s voice and name is SO PrEtTy in the JVA!
Wow. Wowow. I do not remember Varie wailing at Goau’s death?? There seems to be more obvious background noises in the HD version. 
Yes. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
Then RUN LIKE HELL is after you; because IT IS.
Hm. H goes straight to envisioning the pendant. Isn’t it ... to early for her to know about her dowsing abilities? Or something? ....... Or is she more focusing on Where are they? and the pendant does its thang?
A river. Perfect. LUCK.
.... So is that one Ds dead? The one stuck in the molten ... filler thing.... from his guymelef? (... Actually I’m pretty sure it’s Miguel. That makes perfect sense. You can here D say “Miguel” and there IS Miguel as a prisoner later. Yeah. That’s the most logical reasoning.)
.... There’s more language in the Japanese version than I remember in the English. (Obv. But it’s still a little jarring.)
So earlier the Crusade was tiny compared to the Vione. Well now it’s MINUSCULE compared to the Freid cargo ship!!
Ep 10: AHAHAHA V is mistaken for A! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Rotfl
... But I guess that just drives home that D didn’t know who V was in the third ep??? LOOOOOOL.
Mil: On her way out “Let’s be friends.” ALSO. THE BAG returns to H.
V’s observation skills don’t falter do they.
.... The Zongi-sucking-Plaktu scene is horrifying in HD. O.o
No H. Not just “anybody.” (Personally I think H has some Atlantean in her.)  ... Yeah Merle. Open your big mouth.
A being a traitor is so much buull sheet. The fact that Chid and Voris fall for it for even a second is ridiculous. Like I get that they’re on edge bc they’d know that Fanelia burned. But. BUT. (I feel like Voris has to have a clue as to Chid’s true parentage too.)
Ep 11: .... I always felt like the positions of H + Plaktu and Chid + Voris should have been reversed... Why is Chid in the cage and H on the carpet? AND WHY ARE THERE BARS AT THE CEILING?? What’s going to get out??
... Huh. That must be a subtitle error. Earth is NOT the name of H’s country. Japan is. Earth is the name of the planet. But that might be a communication /understanding error on Plaktu’s part. 
.... What would have happened in the “vision realm” if Zongi HADN’T grabbed H? He wasn’t meant to die then-and-there, just that H was predicting it. Would they have “jumped” back to the real world?? *Plotbunnies rear their heads*
Poor H. Ripped from her home. Weird visions. Scary visions. Love triangles. DYING.
Chid’s ABSOLUTE JOY that his daddy is back.
Ok Pyle/Crusade Crew: At least V is helping to care for Escaflowne. And he probably didn’t have his own personal Crew to care for Escaflowne. And he damn well DOESN’T have a place to care for Escaflowne now! Rub it in why don’tcha??
WHY is little five year old Millerna IN THE CROWD?? Wouldn’t she be in the balcony like Eries and Grava are at her own wedding?? WHY? She’s FIVE and the PRINCESS OF THE COUNTRY?? I call animator error.
I ALSO call animator error on A in his Caeli uniform during the flashback. Mar’s watching his tournament that DETERMINES his possible Caeli status. So he SHOULDn’t be in that uniform. Unless we’re seeing it through Mar’s eyes and she’s daydreaming it?? (I’ll accept it as her daydream. I headcanon she’s a daydreamer.)
Ep 13: The animation of Voris striking the trigger is EXTREMELY familiar. Pretty sure V has Escaflowne doing that somewhere. Which makes sense; reusing animation for money’s sake. 
So. .... ........ HOW OLD is the Freidian castle that SOMEONE thought to put in such a boobytrap??? 
Dear Mahad... Go easy on the poor kid... Though it IS interesting that he says “Those born in Freid ... “ and “Those who rule.” 
Hold your freakin’ horses Dornkirk!
What I never understood: If Freid's religion is based on the Atlanteans. And known Gaea HATES the demon Atlanteans and Draconians. WHY is Freid as a country accepted?? They're Atlanean religion/beliefs must not be a widely-known thing. OR The "Atlantean/Draconian = DEMON" might be a mostly Fanelian thing?? (Backwards country that thinks windmills deter demons. Though there might be actual Science behind that one.)
No H. Keep your boundaries. You might have been a little hysterical but you have EVERY RIGHT.
So the wrong time to say that A’s hair is finally messed up would be Mahad’s death scene... which is also the MaMa scene that BREAKS MY HEART.
Ep 14: SEE?? Mil doesn’t even say “Draconian,” she says “He has wings!” A says “He’s a Draconian!” with NO maliciousness! 
Lol Dryden doesn’t even recognize Mil... though it has been seven-ish years. 
.... Did we talk about D’s “phone home” line?? WHAT IS IT IN THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE? Does D actually say “phone home” bc he knows SOME Earth language?? Does he say something else and the closest English translation is “phone home”?? ?????
Ep 15: The whole “my friend” scene. Just ugh. Mil’s brattiness really shines here. I’m so glad she got character growth!! There are just SO MANY reasons to love Mil. 
Ep 16: LEON. GRANDMA KANZAKI. (Except there’s no proof she’s a Kanzaki. Oh well.)
This F & NE interaction must be more for the viewers... How did NE not know F was a Sorcerer? I find that hard to believe. Though they do say something like “We haven’t seen you in a while.” But his Sorcerer-ship can’t have been that short. Or I doubt NE were away from F for THAT long.
Is it just me or does the Sorercers’ floating fortress have a Freidian feel to it?
Ep 17: (Carryover from 16) Does Folken... outright disbelieve in the (Gate to) the Mystic Valley? I never noticed that before.... Like yeah he’ll follow Dornkirk to the literal end of the earth (figuratively follow the actual man, literally past the end of the known earth). But he won’t believe in the Mystic Valley? He must have believed in the Power of Atlantis / Power Spot in Freid. He got the damn sword-key thing. .... BUT DID HE DO ANYTHING WITH IT? I mean the Vione DOES beat the Crusade to the Gate of Atlantis for crying out loud! (Was the Freidian sword-key more a symbol between Chid and F?)
NO Varie... *Sigh* Grandma is right; H needs to believe in her friends, to have faith in them. Yeah she shouldn’t wish so much... But for crying out loud... She’s been torn from home, visions, scary visions, seen WAR AND DEATH, love triangles. Give’r a break!
DUDE. Leon is killed by Zaiback while ON Asgard, RIGHT? So. SO. Zaiback had a whole MINI FLEET of SNOW-TRAVELLING vehicles there?? And PEOPLE?? That means that a large ship/floating fortress made it across that treacherous “edge of the map”!! WHAT THE WHAT??
Dear Leon... How much time has passed since you saw Grandma? Not that much I don’t think... But still... WEIRDNESS. 
Oh pillar of light... YOU TEASE.
Yeah I’m with Aerika; why didn’t Celena get mentioned in the ghost-Leon scene??? (Yeah time, etc, yadda yadda yadda.)
Waitaminute! Poor V has been fighting ghosts that WHOLE TIME? Then NE show up. :/ Yeah sure, traumatize him SOME MORE. BOOO. 
B-b-b-but... More fighting means MORE FIGHTING.
Of course, not fighting means captured and / or death...
Yeah sure Varie. That’s very loving/motherly.
Wait... ALL of Gaea’s future is determined by V’s will? Nooo... Surely not....
Ep 18: Poor Merle; left behind from her V-sama. ... Not so poor Mil; left behind from not-her A.
... Did Dornkirk actually “alter fate” and bring H, V, and A into Zaiback? If he “altered fate,” therefore ‘redirected’ them... WHAT WAS THEIR ORIGINAL DESTINATION? Their original fate? Did Dornkirk control the pillar of light? Bc later H asks F about the pillar and F is all surprised. (Though it would make logical sense that Dornkirk didn’t tell F everything.)
.... Does pre-”saved” Zaiback look Freidian to anyone else...?
There’s a “Destiny Oscillator” in one of the previous episodes. WELL HOLY HELL does “oscillation” come into play in Esca...
Aerika had a snippet of shooting down “Women-hating A” with examples. He’s chauvinistic to / as a fault, yes... But if he ACTUALLY hated women, therefore H, he wouldn’t have let her do the Tarot reading way back when. He wouldn’t have let her decide when V says “Go, we’ll leave from the roof.” He wouldn’t have let her lead / take turns leading..... Boy do I miss Aerika.
Ep 19: ... Yes Four Generals. That’s F’s DIABOLICAL plan. Has been ALL ALONG. Pfffft.
I REALLY want in on that conversation between Mil and D on that X days journey back to Asturia.
Dear H: Don’t argue with Mil’s new maturity. Yeah D prolly talked her into the early marriage bc wartime. But she’ll get over A. She never truly had him in the first place. (Headcanon) She actually grew up with D in her backyard palace. They actually KNOW each other. A little. At least the Mil&D relationship isn’t based on half-truths/lies and lack of knowledge.
ERIES. SToP. WHOSE GRAVE IS THAT?? Encia’s? Marlene’s? Celena’s? (Probably Encia’s.)
Ep 20: Paying less attention to this one as this particular episode seems to be mass MIA on YouTube... We’re suffering through a sped-up and pixelated  version. Though it’s not too bad...
I wonder what the Lovers card actually refers too.... Mil/A or Mar/A? Bc Mil/A weren't actually lovers, not really not truly. But H's visions have never been so... subtle. (The generic Wikipedia says it’s a FUTURE vision of them BECOMING lovers??? WHUT???)
Oh poor H. No girlfriend. The Tower’s prediction was always there. The wedding itself is a grand idea... Just maybe not right now, in the middle of a war. And Zaiback was going to attack either way. Mil has to take her time to learn that Dryden is the man for her.
And yeah mebe he has to leave for the both of them to figure that out.... Meh.
Ep 21:  ... Did Mil and D go change and come back to have that heart-to-heart with H? (And D got bandaged.) Bc... Yeah. Just odd. Prolly animator error. (Or not. I need to watch those scenes closer. Later.)
Ep 22: Rad is losing her attention span. My eyes are hurting from looking at the computer screen for so long. I had originally wanted to cast from the computer to the TV screen but I couldn’t immediately get the mouse and the keyboard to talk to the computer. So I’ve been at my husband’s shiny new dual-screen computer.
Dear MM: Don’t spread false rumors. *Sigh*
Merle. Drama queen Merle.
SHUDDUP ALLEN. NO BIRDCAGES. You didn’t put Natal in one!
Aaaaand the Four Generals start to realize that their Emperor isn’t actually fully about mass conquest....
Dear V: Dragons DO NOT work thata way.
... So F escaped death bc he had Atlantean blood? Bc he was a Draconian? I feel like maybe he was closer to the earth and it’s creatures bc he’s a Draconian... Not that it was Fate. So much... Bah. That’s too much Thinky Thoughts for one day.
*Waves Folken naked torso in front of Konstantya and Pethics*
Ep 23: Well yeah, like hell M WASN’T going to follow her V-sama.
Sewingyoukai:  (T)hey (women) don`t need Allen, just his hair care products.
Yes F; H’s power is CARING. (Sometimes too much.)
Wow A; that’s some horrible proposal.
*Waves naked Dilly torso in front of Drk-stars and Nehasy*
Nope Dry wouldn’t complain about Mil in an apron doing laundry... A WOULD. BIRDCAGE DISCUSSION ENSUES.
Silly H; trust your heart! Trust both of them (to an extent).
Interesting that the pillar of light takes away Dil and not V... But it IS the immediate point where Dil is breaking. And he IS the triggering point of V’s actual RAGE.
V and A in unison: Hitomi!
Ep 24: De ja vuuuueeee.
(Sewingyukai and I accidentally rewatched Ep1: Fateful Confession when we wanted Ep24: Fateful DECISION. LOL. Drk made fandom history and the eps were ordered by name.
Sooo... How much DID H tell Amano about her journey on Gaea?? And it makes him look bad to change subjects... But Fate/reality must go on... And yeah sewingyoukai said he’s moving away from her “nightmare.”
Also. Sewing’s contribution: What if V went through H’s things and asked about the tampons?? XDDDDDDDDDD
... That symbol above A’s fireplace must be the Schezar family crest. It’s on Scherazade’s cape (I’m 99.99% certain) and it’s on Leon’s journal. I thought it was a partially-English letter (or Atlantean!!!~~) but that doesn’t make sense either.
It just hit me. Dornkirk must have some Fate Reading Machine too... Or that’s the thing the telescope is looking at? I mean, he’d eventually realize what represents H and V and yadda blah blah etc. But it’s never really named like everything else most other Destiny Things are.
I think I’m on Ep 25 now.
*Cries* V’s maturity in sending H away. “You don’t want me to rely on your powers so I must send you away; I’m respecting your boundaries.”
Dryden leaving... eh.... Reasons yes, Reasons NO.
Well Mil, you’ll be waiting a long time for A bc Celena’s back on the scene (or will be at the end of the episode / Series. GAWD I need to go back to my fanfiction with that scene!!!)
Re: TIME JUMPING Such a headache. I tend to think [Gaea and Earth] are pretty concurrent. Because that's EASY on our poor brains. Sometimes little things like... pocket jump around? "Pocket" meaning outside of actual reality. SewingYoukai: Maybe they jump to the time they’re most needed? Time jumping happens so infrequently. (Or it might be like LOST where it's snuck in.) Bc it happens infrequently it's hard to gauge what's happening, if time jumping is actually happening at all.
I WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY THOUGHT OF THE ENERGIST BOMB. Headcanon is that a spy was at the dragon graveyard and saw the obvious and brought the information back and then some scientists HAULED SERIOUS HIENY to create the bomb. (Personal universe is that a certain UNKNOWN [redacted redacted] was involved.) Yeah the energist bomb has Japanese origins/roots/reference. But in-universe. I WANT TO KNOW.
Ep 26: Holdover from ep 25 ending: Action, Reaction, Reaction, Reaction, etc. Zone of Absolute Fortune. 
Ugh more fighting. Grow up men. (Let women inherit the earth.)
Sewingyoukai and I are debating the Reasons that the Crusade Crew aren’t effected... affected... whatever - by the Zone of Absolute Fortune. We’re thinking some combination of being “covered” by A/H/V’s “lucky/destiny/fate” or a combo of all three AND their past. The rest of the men on the battlefield are (probably) either actual soldiers or men drafted to fight and fed “you’re doing something good for your country and Gaea.” Whereas the Crusade Crew were forced into the military because they were criminals/thieves/etc. 
V is just going to misunderstand you.
No. DUH. Dornkirk.
I want to see the moments when H goes back home! To whom?? To where?? TO WHAT TIME? Clearly at some point Yukari and Amano get together. So knowing what she knows does H skip the whole “pendant is a pendulum; would you give me my very first kiss” thing?? Sewingyoukai’s very good point: H doesn’t have the pendant anymore! H literally alters the time line.
Was it a dream? Or maybe a vision? No, it really did happen.
My poor brain. My poor eyes too, looking at the screen for about 11 hours straight.
With sewingyoukai: Loving Fanel family ftw! (With Varie teaching F and leetle V how to FLY!) [Re: How does V know how to fly so well??]
MaMa!! NE & Folken! Varie and Goau!!
Mil and Er being sisterly!!!
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