darkeye5000 · 8 days
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Metum is a shadow ghost who fucking die at the age of 10 back in 1920. She used to be a rich, spoiled girl before her shitty dad sold Metum’s soul to Entity to fucking gain wealth She then fucking serve Entity after Metum kill off her own shitty dad and began to feed off fear to give over to Entity and fucking spread fear around.
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starrygender · 2 years
can i get a label for being attracted to metallic objects/objects made of metal?? :0 your flags are really cool btw
special metal flaeg for u
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for when youre attracted to metal and/or metallic objects
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I felt like sharing my collection of Latin phrases that may make good fanfic or fanart titles or inspiration. Some of the translations may be off, so you might want to double-check them before use. Also, I used capitalization liberally so you might also want to check where capitalization is actually indicated.
Ab Intra (From Within)
Acta Est Fabula (The play has been performed)
Acta Sancti ___ (The Deeds of Saint ___)
Ad Undas (to the waves / to hell)
Advocatus Diaboli (Devil's advocate)
Aegri Somnia (a sick man's dreams / troubled dreams)
Alea Iacta Est (the die has been cast / point of no return)
Apologia Pro Vita Sua (defense of one's life)
Caetera Desunt (the rest is missing)
Cedere Nescio (I know not how to yield)
Damnatio Memoriae (damnation of memory / denying someone ever lived)
De Nobis Fabula Narratur (their story is our story)
Decessit Vita Patris (died before their father)
Diem Perdidi (I have lost the day)
Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (a day as dark as night)
Dolor Hic Tibi Proderit Olim (some day this pain will be useful to you)
Dulce Est Desipere In Loco (It is sweet on occasion to play the fool)
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus (while we live, let us live)
Dux Bellorum (war leader)
Ex Umbra In Solem (from the shadow into the light)
Festina Lente (hurry slowly)
Fortis Cadere, Cedere Non Potest (the brave may fall, but can not yield)
Fui Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum (I once was what you are, you will be what I am)
Graviora Manent (heavier things remain / the worst is yet to come)
Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (one day, this will be pleasing to remember)
Hic Mortui Vivunt (here the dead speak)
Hinc Illae Lacrimae (hence those tears)
Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi (Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you - of death)
In Ictu Oculi (in the blink of an eye)
In Somnis Veritas (in dreams there is truth)
Inter Spem Et Metum (between hope and fear)
Lapsus Memoriae (slip of memory)
Luctor, Non Mergor (I struggle, but am not overwhelmed)
Lux Ex Tenebris (light from darkness)
Media Vita In Morte Sumus (In the midst of our lives we die)
Memento Mori (remember that you will die)
Memento Vivere (remember to live)
Morior Invictus (I die unvanquished / death before defeat)
Mundus Senescit (the world grows old)
Nemini Parco (I spare no one - death)
Nitimur In Vetitum (we strive for the forbidden)
Non Ducor, Duco (I am not led; I lead)
Non Omnis Moriar (I shall not all die / part of me will survive beyond death)
Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amor (now I know what love is)
Oderint Dum Metuant (let them hate, so long as they fear)
Omnia Mutantur (everything changes)
Onus Probandi (burden of proof)
Opera Posthuma (posthumous works)
Ophidia In Herba (a snake in the grass)
Pax Aeterna (eternal peace - a common epitaph)
Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)
Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus (we are dust and shadow)
Quis Leget Haec? (who will read this?)
Quod Periit, Periit (what Is gone is gone)
Res, Non Verba (deeds, not words)
Respice Finem (consider the end)
Scientia Et Sapientia (knowledge and wisdom)
Seculo Seculorum (forever and ever)
Sed Terrae Graviora Manent (but on earth, worse things await)
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
Sic Infit (so it begins)
Sic Vita Est (such is life)
Silentium Est Aureum (silence is golden)
Sine Nomine (without a name / author unknown)
Sola Dosis Facit Venemum (the dose makes the poison)
Solvitur Ambulando (it is solved by walking / simple tests find solutions)
Stamus Contra Malum (we stand against evil)
Succisa Virescit (cut down, we grow back stronger)
Sum Quod Eris (I am what you will be - of death)
Summum Bonum (the supreme good)
Summum Malum (the supreme evil)
Sunt Lacrimae Rerum (there are tears for things)
Sunt Omnes Unum (they are all one)
Tabula Rasa (blank slate)
Transire Benefaciendo (to travel along while doing good)
Tu Fui Ego Eris (I was you; you will be me - of death)
Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor (where there is love, there is pain)
Ultima Forsan (perhaps the last / sundial quote "perhaps your last hour")
Usque Ad Finem (until the end / fight to the death)
Vacate Et Scire (Be still and know)
Vi Et Animo (with heart and soul)
Victoria Aut Mors (victory or death)
Vincit Qui Patitur (he conquers who endures)
Vita Ante Acta (a life done before - of reincarnation)
Vivere Militare Est (to live is to fight)
Vox Clamantis In Deserto (the voice of one crying in the wilderness)
There are also some longer ones that may not make good titles because of their length, but are still worth inclusion:
Aut Simul Stabunt Aut Simul Cadent (they will either stand together or fall together)
Flectere Si Nequeo Superos, Acheronta Movebo (if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell)
Forsan Et Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day)
Igitur Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum (therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war)
In Regione Caecorum Rex Est Luscus (in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
Minus Malum Toleratur Ut Maius Tollat (choose the lesser evil so a greater evil may be averted)
Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Dementat Prius (whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad)
Ubi Sunt, Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt? (Where are they, those who have gone before us?)
Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit (that which virtue unites, let not death separate)
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frogish-person · 12 days
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote(or drew) and tag as many people as there are words(Or as many as you feel like)
Nobody tagged me in anything like this but It seemed fun to do!
Something was chasing him.
The tiniest snippet of the Dragon Soap fic i'm writing-- WHICH!!!! I have found two possible titles for!! More on that at the end of the post. To the tags!
@sunshowersanddandelionwine @eiraeths @tiddygame and @writing-reference-redux for this post, which is where I got the potential titles! (Also great for writing stuff in general. Literally a goldmine)
and now for our potential titiles.
Drumroll please...
In Somnis Veritas (In dreams there is truth)
Inter Spem Et Metum (Between hope and fear)
Let me know what you like the best!
PLEASE ask me questions about the fic. I'm eager to tell about it. This scene is a good place to start *Hint hint wink wink* (and maybe leak some more...👀? Ask for that at your own risk...)
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charlotterhea · 6 months
Writing Patterns
Oh, I saw this on my dash being done by other authors and hoped somebody would tag me, so thank you @cissykenway! 💚
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Taking a walk across the grounds after the end of the Welcoming Feast was a habit, almost a ritual of hers. ("Inter Spem et Metum - Between Hope and Fear")
Coming face to face with your own reflection on the curved surface of a prophecy sphere was an uncomfortable experience in and of itself. ("Otherside")
Ten. ("Our Souls at Full Moon")
At the sight of Ron slipping into the office, something inside her crumbled like a sandcastle in the sun, causing the quill in her hand to tremble and her vision to blur with tears. ("Flying to the Moon")
With a furrowed brow, Hermione closed the thick personnel file that hadn't left the register for at least five years. ("Awake O Sleeper")
In hindsight, it had been a bad idea to leave the west wing part of the castle damaged after the end of the war. ("Look No Further")
Hermione Granger hadn't been Severus's first sexual partner. ("Open Talks, No Talks and Everything in Between")
“Good evening, sir!” ("An Eye for an Eye")
He cried. ("Good Boy")
Returning to Hogwarts as a professor only four years after she'd graduated was first (and foremost) an escape, then a challenge, and finally … well, full of unexpected opportunities. ("A Shared Display of Salaciousness")
Don't know what to think of the fact that half of these stories are my latest threesome obsession that initially was meant to only be about the smut but oh well... 😅 I think there is definitely a pattern. I like to start with statements. But there's still some room for improvement and I plan to focus more on my first sentences in the future. ^^
Gently tagging @frenchpresswriter, @giosnape and @naomijameston.
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wendelsae · 3 months
Litanía Contrà Metum
Nón metuam. Timor est animæ mentisque necátor,
et mihi morticula'st, quæ atrox omnia vástat.
Ante metum speciam. Patiarque per ossa vagárì,
membraque corque meum. Sed cum tránsíverit artús,
advertam lúmen penitum, speciamqu' iter eijus-
Cesserit. Undique níl, nunc est nihil. Ast ego cónstò.
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jackhues · 1 year
the ayrbees (uk)
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leader: christian horner
pronounced: the air-beez
based off of: redbull/ other teams
based in: united kingdom / other countries
motto: metum hostibus (strike fear in your enemies)
members (in order of importance): christian horner, max verstappen, sergio perez, fernando alonso, unnamed members
notes: founded in the uk, the ayrbees are one of the strongest gangs. despite the fact that they're newer than most, they've managed to build up an infamous reputation through their actions.
their heir apparent, max verstappen, is said to have ranked up more kills than anyone - except sebastian vettel. he's good at his job and he knows it.
the entire world knows it.
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snamioneasks · 18 days
Hey there. I've searched through your lists for "Hermione takes care of a sick Snape" and "horcrux hunt" but couldn't find what I was looking for so I turn to you hoping you can point me in the right direction.😊
Do you know any fanfics where Hermione starts taking care of Snape after his death eater meetings whenever he arrives back at Hogwarts injured? Of course, he's very much not pleased by this but nothing can dissuade her from taking care of him.
Thank you!
I remember several scenes of Hermione taking care of Snape after DE meetings, but I fear they have all gotten mixed up in my head over the years. From the more famous fics, I think these have scenes such as the ones you are looking for:
Chasing The Sun by Loten - M, 60 chapters - AU, from Order of the Phoenix onwards. Hermione only wanted to learn Healing; she discovers that Professor Snape is a human being after all, and his actions dramatically shape the course of the war as events unfold. Complete.
Before the Dawn by snarkyroxy - M, 49 chapters - In her seventh year, a latenight discovery changes Hermione Granger’s view on a great many things. Severus Snape is just one of them. Complete.
Pet Project By: Caeria - M, 52 chapters - Hermione overhears something she shouldn’t concerning Professor Snape and decides that maybe the House-elves aren’t the only ones in need of protection.
For some other possibly hidden gems (I haven't read them, but have seen them being recommended): Through the Moonlight by blackmoon16 - M, 5 chapters - Hermione, trying to sneak back to her rooms in the middle of the night, comes across a badly injured Professor Snape. Will the revelation of his dangerous work change her mind about her surly professor? Hidden Truths by MetaMuse - M, 42 chapters - Hermione helps Severus when he returns from meetings with Voldemort during her 7th yr. They become close and feelings grow. Hermione learns the truth about her family. A few Gryffindors and Slytherins work together to defeat Voldemort. COMPLETE Can a Broken Rib Break Your Heart? by RavenHairedMoon - M, 31 chapters - This story is an answer to I Do Not Deserve Challenge on WIKTT. Hermione finds Snape when he returns from a death eater meeting, badly injured. She is asked to care for him. Romance and action ensue. Things get complicated when she gets pregnant early on.
Inter Spem et Metum - Between Hope and Fear by CharlotteRhea - E, 70 chapters - On her first evening of 5th year, Hermione happens to be out on the grounds when Professor Snape returns from a Death Eater meeting, badly injured. She has to help and has no idea that this one evening will shake up her life. Spell Burn by maraudersaffair - E, one-shot - Hermione finds Severus after a Death Eater meeting, bloody and battered.
(small edit, found a couple more fics that fit the ask)
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you-know-i-get-itt · 1 month
Metum occidere non potes, sed spatium ad crescendum vires transferre potes.
-Hope anon
ah, sed cur metum occidis, cum sanare possis? quare aliquid occidis, cum illud teneas et respirare possis? nolo metum occidere. volo docere illum vivere
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draugenrarities · 11 months
ἄφοβον ὁ θεός,
ἀνύποπτον ὁ θάνατος,
καὶ τἀγαθὸν μὲν εὔκτητον,
τὸ δὲ δεινὸν εὐεκκαρτέρητον.
deus metum non incutit
neque mors perturbationem,
ac bonum quidem facile parabile,
malum vero facile perferri potest.
God should not instill fear,
nor should death perturb thee.
Certainly, the good is easily procurable,
Verily, the daunting task is easily endured.
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arreton · 1 year
Scusa l'anon. Ognuno esterna i propri pensieri come più gli aggrada e sebbe il nichilismo sia una lecita parte di te, voglio dirti che io di te preferisco ricordare un ricciolo rosso, gli angoli sorridenti degli occhi e tanto entusiasmo perciò ti abbraccio e ti dico quello che Seneca disse a Lucilio. 'Ergo spem ac metum examina, et quotiens incerta erunt omnia, tibi fave: crede quod mavis. Si plures habebit sententias metus, nihilominus in hanc partem potius inclina et perturbare te desine.' <3
Per spiegare meglio questo mio mutamento di personaggio ti lascio due massime delfiche che rispecchiano questa mia fase che può sembrare nichilistica ma credo che sia solo una fase letargica di ripresa di un equilibrio. Le massime sono le seguenti:
Ἀκούσας νόει [Comprendi ciò che hai sentito]
Ἄρχε σεαυτοῦ [Abbi il controllo di te stesso]
E per ringraziarti della gentilezza ti lascio questa:
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La torta-pacman al limone che, come te, ho solo potuto ammirare nella foto ma della quale ho comunque immaginato il sapore avvolgere le mie papille gustative figurandomi quel giorno in cui armeggerò ai fornelli e potremo diventare io e lei una cosa sola (visto? La speranza c'è!).
Mangiamoci una fetta di torta metafisica insieme. Se non ti piace al limone fai finta che sia di un altro gusto.
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darkeye5000 · 4 months
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I got another Creepypasta OC in hand that is Metum who used to be called Monica Greyson. I was trying to experiment how Monica could look like as a shadow ghost either as a misshape blob or just a simple shape semicircle ghost. I did thought about giving Metum a mouth but I decided for her final design to simply have two red eyes instead.
She was supposed to have catchphrase just like the rest of the Creepypasta characers such as Jeff the Killer with his usual line "Go to sleep" and I written down last lines from serial killers before they get excecuted as one of Metum's lines. However it is too cliche that I decided not giving Metum a catchphrase to keep it simple.
To explain why I decided to go age of 10 when Metum die is because I thought it would be cool to have everything to go into the same number including her birthday, date of her birth and death, and keep have 10 years apart from 1910 to 1920. She is like opposite of Little Lizzy who is mourning for her parents in deep grief, but Metum is actually cold and serious who doesn't grieve for her father.
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motownfiction · 2 years
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Lola looks at herself in the bathroom mirror and wonders what’s wrong with her. Why she can’t seem to look anybody in the eye. Why her heart races every time the front door at the diner swings open. Why she has a chill stuck in the middle of her spine that just won’t seem to go away. It takes her a long time to admit to herself about what it is.
That’s all it is – and everything.
And that’s the most annoying thing it could be. Lola has never liked to be afraid. She’s always liked to pretend she’s not afraid of anything, and to a point, she’s almost sort of truly believed it. When she was a kid, and she used to listen to her parents fight in the basement (Daniel doesn’t think she heard much of their fights, but he’s wrong.), she’d put on the soundtrack to The King and I. She’d take Anna’s advice. I whistle a happy tune so no one will suspect I’m afraid. After a while, it worked too well … well enough that she’s twenty-two years old and confused by the fear coursing through her body now.
She’s supposed to be waiting tables. There’s only one other server on the floor tonight, and they’re busier than usual. But Abby noticed Lola’s fear before Lola did, so she doesn’t mind Lola being in the bathroom, whistling a happy tune. But it’s not working. Dammit, why isn’t it working?
Of course, Lola knows the answer to that, too. She’s twenty-two years old, still a couple months away from her degree, and she’s pregnant by someone whose last name she doesn’t remember. And for what? Because she wants to be a mother? Sure she does. But is that how everyone else is going to feel? People from St. Catherine’s come into Abby’s Diner all the time. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What are they going to say when Lola DeLuca turns up to a shift, pregnant with pancakes and no wedding band around her finger? And why does she care so much?
Her image has been everything to her for as long as she can remember … like it was the only reason anyone would ever notice her. That worked a little too well, too – just not for the people whose attention she wanted most (her father, whom she’s learning to hate by the day).
She grips onto the sink and looks herself in the eye. She tries to tell herself it doesn’t matter what happens next … that no one will be able to tell she’s pregnant today just by making eye contact with her. This world is not full of mystical urges and notions. It’s just pancakes, hamburgers, and sticky bottles of mustard and maple syrup.
And just like that, it’s easier to whistle a happy tune.
Easier, she thinks. Not easy. Just easier.
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m-labbe · 6 months
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Monday of the 1st week after Easter (A-2nd week of Easter).
E-The Vigil of Annunciation (see below), fast.
Mon., Apr. 8th, A.D. 2024
VI Id Apr.
"The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary shall be transferred in accordance with Rule 1 [i.e., to the Tuesday after the First Sunday after Easter] when it falls on Passion Sunday, on Palm Sunday or one of the fourteen days following." — The Book of Common Prayer, "Rules to Order the Service"
The dark of moon is at 6:20 p.m. GMT. The first day of the lunar month begins at the sunset after the visible new moon. Sunset in Jerusalem on April 8th is 10:04 p.m. GMT, which means the first day of the lunar month begins at sunset on April 9th.
Quote of the Day:
Cum ergo sero esset die illo, una sabbatorum, et fores essent clausae, ubi erant discipuli congregati propter metum Judaeorum: venit Jesus, et stetit in medio, et dixit eis: Pax vobis.
— John 20:19
"Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
— idem
Sunrise, Sunset and weather in Seattle
(47° 36'N, 122° 20'; PDT=GMT-7)
SR 6:32a, ST 1:10p, SS 7:49p (TWI 31m);
L42°F H52°F, cloudy.
Sun bit.ly/48TYI0W, WX bit.ly/3UjllHx
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charlotterhea · 4 months
About me
Always writer, sometimes artist, hopeless Snamione shipper, hate-sex Snack shipper, wholesome Severus/Ron/Hermione shipper (I need a shipname for them...). Yes, I have some weird ideas but all of them live rent-free in my head and my heart. ^^ I love to chat! I'm looking to be a part of a community of obsessed fans, so feel free to reach out! Aaand I'm German. So should you ever find yourself in need of help navigating the German language or just need a phrase or two for your story, I'd love to help. :)
About my stories
AO3 (and in case you speak German: ff.de)
I've been writing for almost twenty years now so there are a lot of stories on my profile. Since I decided to translate my German stories a few years ago, I am slowly working my way through them, but not all of them are available in English yet. However, I've also found a lot of joy in writing English stories, so at this point, there are some that don't exist in German as well. ^^
To read some more rambling about my stories, follow me beyond the cut. ^^
Long stories
I'm a sucker for long stories, both reading and writing. I normally have a hard time keeping it short and that shows. So here are my long stories.
"Inter Spem et Metum - Between Hope and Fear" (English | German) Rating E, Snamione, complete, 380k
On her first evening of 5th year, Hermione happens to be out on the grounds when Professor Snape returns from a Death Eater meeting, badly injured. She has to help and has no idea that this one evening will shake up her life.
One of my longest stories - and my first Snamione ever. It got a thorough revision some years ago and if you're interested in reading more about me rambling about this story, here is a detailed post about it. ^^
"Advocatus Diaboli" (English | German) Rated E (And I mean it! Heed the tags!), Snamione, complete, 180k
Three months of torture, two people, one house, no way out - but a lot of time.
Another old one of mine, my second long Snamione, it was revised as well. It is also my darkest, most brutal story. I've written about a lot of dark themes but here I crammed them all into one story. Be prepared!
"Devoted to You" (English | German) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 53k
Severus is so badly injured that he hovers between life and death. Hermione saves his life with an unknown potion, but suddenly there is a connection between them that especially Severus doesn't like.
This one, on the other hand, is a bit more on the lighter side of themes. If you want to see Severus experience period cramps, go read this. XD
"Medicus-Series" (German) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 243k, translation coming soon!
A trilogy of medical-centric stories, culminating in an intense third part that is really, really heavy. Although every part contains difficult themes, the third was by far the hardest to write. Mind the tags!
"About Magic" (German) Rated E, Romione/Snamione, complete, 372k
'Unheilbar' ist auch nur ein anderes Wort für 'unmöglich' und wenn Hermine eines gelernt hat, dann dass in der magischen Welt eigentlich nichts unmöglich ist. Oder es zumindest nicht bleiben muss und wenn es mal eine Situation gegeben hat, in der sie darauf gezählt hat, dann diese. Die Frage ist nur, ob die magische Welt ihrem Anspruch gerecht werden kann und wenn ja, zu welchem Preis.
My last long project that I love to bits although it wasn't as huge a success as other stories of mine. Not a typical shipper story, very plot-heavy, and the story that most felt like writing a real novel because it has such a dense plot. I'm proud of my writing style in this one and I'm looking forward to translating it someday. ^^
"Ein Funke und Zunder" (German) Rated E, Draco/Neville, complete, 67k
Draco bekommt einen Auftrag von Snape, dem er allein nicht gewachsen ist. Eine kleine Erpressung verschafft ihm die Hilfe, die er braucht.
An outlier amongst my stories in more than one way. First: the pairing. It is a story I wrote for someone else and they wanted this pairing. The plot sounded fun so I wrote it. Second: the tone. I know, it's uncool to laugh about your own humour but really: I was exceptionally funny in this one. XD This story is peak teenage comedy/angst/coming of age/coming out/coming to terms with yourself and I will never be able to write something like that ever again. ^^
"Das geheime Opfer" (German) Rated E, Lumione, complete, 77k
Das Ende des Krieges steht kurz bevor und noch ist nicht entschieden, wer triumphieren wird. Hermine ist getrennt von Harry und Ron und bekommt Anweisungen, die das Blatt zu ihren Gunsten wenden können. Und obwohl diese Anweisungen von Severus Snape stammen, zögert sie nicht – eine Entscheidung, die sie noch Jahre später bitter bereuen wird.
Another outlier, another story I wrote for someone else. I don't exactly dislike Lumione but it's not what my muse thrives for so I usually don't write it. But I had a lot of fun writing this one and it is the source of one of my Lucius headcanons: that man is pants at Occlumency but he can see auras. It seeped into my image of him, so much so that I'm always confused when I see him depicted as a talented Occlumens in other stories. XD It's a fun concept and I used it in all of my stories whenever Lucius plays a role ever since.
Medium length stories
For a long time, medium-length stories weren't really my thing. I wrote either one-shots or long stories, with few exceptions. But in recent months, I grew fond of them, especially of the four-chapter version. *lol* Don't ask me why, it started with Tempus and, then came Souls and I'm working on another four-chapter story again. Guess it's a thing I do now... ^^
"Tempus Gratiae" (English | German) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 24k
Professor Snape disappears for a week during Hermione's 6th year. Without a trace. Then he returns and everything is as before. Except for a few details that arouse Hermione's curiosity. But only seven years later the mystery begins to unravel.
A fun little story written for an advent calendar, I think, with the theme 'A Place in Time', so, of course, I had to write time travel - but with a twist. ^^ I love playing with time and this was my first plot playing with it. It is a bit more complicated than it had to be strictly speaking, but that was also due to the fact that a friend gave me some prompts to work with so it's not entirely my fault. XD
"Our Souls at Full Moon" (English | German) Rated E, Snamione/Snulciber/Romione, complete, 36k
Tricks have consequences, forgetfulness an aftermath. And those usually don't affect the ones who deserve it.
This story has a special place in my heart because it was a pain in the ass to write, okay?! I had this plot bunny that wouldn't shut up and absolutely no time to devote to the 100+k words it would have become had I written in how I usually write stories. So I took a different approach and made it a story in drabbles and double drabbles. But not only that! I also tried some tips about writing I found shortly before I wrote this and that initially gave me the 'Yeah, well, that's not for me' vibe. Still couldn't stop thinking about that either, though, and so I experimented a bit. Not sure how good the English translation is. My beta sent back a lot of 'not sure what you're trying to say here'... *cough*
"Otherside" (English | German) Rated E, Severus Snape & Severus Snape/Snamione, complete, 21k
Meeting himself on the curved surface of a prophecy sphere was the last thing Severus had expected when he went to work that morning - and that was only the tip of the iceberg that would be his next 36 hours.
My story for this year's Questival Fest and another time travel sort of thing story. I'm normally not a fan of adventure plots, all the action stuff is just not for me, I'm more the relationship writer. But when I saw the prompts a bunny scampered into my brain and it made me laugh only thinking about it so I had to write it, yk? -.- But I did so whinging and bitching about the action part! It's still funny, though. XD
"The Bat, the Weasle and the Know-It-All" (English) Rated E, Hermione/Severus/Ron, ongoing one-shot series, 31k so far
My answer to all the Ron!bashing in the Snamione fandom. There once was a Kinktober and my decision to write two smutty ficlets for that occasion. And then there was Ron suddenly being part of my Snamione pairing and then my brain couldn't stop thinking so the two smutty ficlets turned into five so far and what can I say? I love those three. They make such a wholesome triad... I have some more chapters planned but not written yet. Every story is satisfactorily finished though so if you're brave enough, give it a try!
"Pawn to Pawn" (English) Rated E, Sybill/Severus, complete, 43k
After Fate has shown her a devastating prediction of the future, Sybill finds herself responsible for preventing it from coming true. Unfortunately, that means getting involved with one Severus Snape.
A what-if treated seriously, I guess... XD Not my pairing but I grew surprisingly fond of this Sybill and had a lot of fun writing this, except for the last chapter. Guess I'm a bit tired of canon at this point, I need to go more off the rails with my stories. ^^
"36 Fragen" (Deutsch) Rated G, Pre-Snamione, complete, 21k
Das Ministerium - wortwörtlich! - verfügt, dass Hermine ihren neuen alten Tränkeprofessor heiraten soll. Und weil selbst sie unlösbare Probleme nicht lösen kann, auch wenn sie es gern täte, versucht sie es mit der nächstbesten Strategie: Die Katastrophe abmildern.
I always wanted to write Severus and Hermione going through that list of 36 questions to fall in love but the only scenario I could imagine causing Severus to acquiesce to that was Marriage Law and didn't want to write a full Marriage Law story because there are already so many of them! So, eventually, I decided to only write this part of my Marriage Law story and make it open-ended! Complain as much as you want, I will not continue this, I just wanted to see how those questions get them and now I know. XD
Short stories
What can I say? I love short stories. It's just so satisfying to begin and finish a story within a few days instead of a few months (or years...). Plus I love writing short stories for people I like so I collected quite a few short stories at this point. Guess there's one for everybody. ^^
"Awake O Sleeper" (English | German) Rated G, Severus Snape & Hermione Granger, complete, 3k
A soliloquy takes an unexpected turn.
A story of mine that's so old that I don't even remember how it happened or why. It was a story I dedicated to a former fandom friend, probably for her birthday? I don't know. It's a cute story, nothing bad happens here. ^^
"The Snapes" (English | German) Rated M, Snamione, complete, 4k
The Snapes were the most remarkable couple Elliot Quinn had ever met – and he didn't only mean that in a positive way. Well … to be honest, he wasn't quite sure how he meant it at all.
I do remember how this story happened, though! When I was posting my last long story, I offered a one-shot for every 100. comment I got, and this story was one of them. The writer of said comment wanted Snamione in couples therapy, and because I wanted to give that theme a twist (and because it had to stay a fucking one-shot!), I wrote from the therapist's pov - who is a Muggle. XD I had a lot of fun writing this. :D
"Silent Voices" (English | Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 4,6k
There are moments you have to keep silent. And ones you don't.
Another old one of mine that uses Legilimency - another favourite thing of mine to play with - in a slightly different way than the source material suggested it works.
"Red Passion and Pavlov's Dogs" (English | Deutsch) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 5k
Hermione will never be able to tell anyone what she does on Friday nights. Not even George.
Another 100. comment one-shot and I love this story to bits even though the two major impulses didn't come from me. The reader wanted not-so-rosy Snamione, preferred smutty, and I still had this headcanon about Pensieve bars churning in my head that I found in a Tumblr post so I combined those. And let me tell you, the mood in this story is what I crave. That's my vibe! XD The Tumblr post is linked in the story, by the way, just in case you're interested. Love that idea!
"Aurora Borealis" (English | Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 5k
The appearance of an unexpected person at the annual celebration of the Dark Lord's fall turns Hermione's emotional life upside down and drags a long-repressed past back into the light.
I've always been fascinated by polar lights and this story is my love letter to them.
"A Ridiculous Decision" (English | Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 6k
Severus can't believe it when Hermione Granger returns to Hogwarts two years after the end of the war to teach Muggle Studies. He tries to unravel the mystery behind this ridiculous decision and finds first nothing (convincing) and then a lot (unexpected).
You know what's another thing I love? Twisting clichés and often used tropes. Here it was the soulmate trope that I had to twist around and I had a lot of fun writing it. :D
"A Fighting Heart" (English) Rated M, gen, kind of complete for now, 6k
In a world in which Voldemort wins the war, Ginny finds herself being the property of Severus Snape - a position that turns out completely different than she'd expected.
I have this plot for a long Voldemort wins story in mind that I plan to write one day and last year for Whumptober I wanted to dip my toe into this plot and this kind of first chapter or teaser happened. It has an open end at this point in the sense that Voldemort doesn't get killed but I think you can pretty well read it as a one-shot as well and at this point, I'm thinking about making the whole story this kind of one-shot type chapters that are kind of complete but construct a whole story in the end. We'll see. So far, this is what I have and maybe the story will one day step up through my categories. ^^
"Look No Further" (English | Deutsch) Rated M, Snamione, complete, 8k
When the damaged west wing of Hogwarts takes its toll on the wards, Severus has to realise that there's nothing that can be done about it anymore. The wards will crumble and since he is the Headmaster, they will kill him in the process. Hermione, however, is not ready to give up like that.
My story for last year's SSHG Holiday Prompt Fest. To be honest, there was this prompt that screamed 'and then they fucked!' and my need to twist clichés kicked in and I had to make it something entirely different. XD It got a tad bit too dramatic considering it's meant to be a Christmas story and I'm not happy with the first scene, but I do like the relationship Hermione and Severus have in this. <3
"Beethoven und Gremlins" (Deutsch) Rated G, Snamione, complete, 1,3k
Alltag mit Severus Snape war wie … Beethoven auf einem Rockfestival. Und Alltag mit Hermine wie … verheiratet sein mit einem Gremlin.
Another 100. comment fic, my shortest one, I think. The reader wanted some domestic fluff with a married Snamione and this is what I came up with - on my second try. I swear, I'm pants at fluff. If there isn't a decent amount of drama, I just can't. >.< But I think this turned out fine and I like the metaphors I came up with. ^^
"Nur ein kitschiger Moment" (Deutsch) Rated G, Snamione, complete, 2,5k
Hermine will nur diesen einen kitschigen Moment an Weihnachten - unglücklicherweise hat sie dafür die falsche Familie.
While we're at fluffy 100. comments fics... This is another one but this reader also wanted children! Can you even imagine how hard I suffered through this?! -.- Well, I did my best. And it was the first time writing a Snamione child in their teens. Interesting experience... *lol* But this story set the name for a possible Snamione son that I will probably use for every son I will ever give them from now on even though the story probably won't connect. XD
"Beteiligte Parteien" (Deutsch) Rated T, Pre-Snamione, complete, 3,6k
Nach einer Gedenkfeier im Ministerium mit sehr viel Alkohol stellt Hermine fest, dass sie schwanger ist. Und so wenig sie es auch selbst glauben kann, es kommt am Ende ihres Ausschlussverfahrens nur einer als Vater in Frage.
Wanna guess? Yes, another 100. comments fic. XD And one of the stories I got the most complaints about because I refuse to write a sequel. The commenter asked for this scene specifically and I don't see the need to write more because there are already a ton of Snamiones with this premise! No need for me to add my own... Plus I would twist it anyway and you would hate me for that so it's better this way for all of us. XD
"Welcome to the Maldives" (Deutsch) Rated G, gen, complete, 5k
Bill reist für eine Fluchbrecher-Konferenz auf die Malediven und trifft dort jemanden, mit dem er nicht gerechnet hatte.
A thank you one-shot for my former beta after she beta-read my last long story for me. Yes, I love writing one-shots for my readers, okay? But this one was a challenge. My former beta is a huge fan of Bill Weasley and has written tons of stories with him and so I was kind of scared that I'd screw this up. XD But I think she was quite happy with what I made of her wish. This story caused me to research a lot of stuff about the Maldives that I will probably never need again and only because Severus mentions in ISEM that he would love to have a house in the Maldives but we're not always getting what we want. My beta wanted to know how his life would look there and so I wrote this. ^^
"Immer Ärger mit dem Chef" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 5k
Severus Snape hatte den Fehler gemacht, Hermine Granger als seine Assistentin einzustellen – und trotzdem ist er nicht gewillt, eine ihrer zahlreichen Kündigungen anzunehmen. Ein Kongress in Dublin bringt schließlich Licht in dieses Paradoxon.
Another old one that happened because we were playing "Duck, duck, goose" in the forum I was active back in the day and I was stupid enough to release a duck. Of course, I got goosed and this story was what came of it. ^^ It features business owner Severus and employee Hermione. It's also idiots to lovers and I probably should translate this one day... ^^
"Der Morgen danach" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, ~500 words
Wie der Titel schon sagt: Der Morgen danach. Und Locken.
Oh, look! This is my shortest story! *lol* That's because it was only a tiny scene to explain one of my old fanarts. Severus had curly hair on that one (because I used Orlando Bloom to put Rickman's face on it) and that had to be explained of course. ^^
"Eigentlich..." (Deutsch) Rated M, Pre-Snamione, complete, 3k
Eigentlich hättest du ihn ja liegen lassen sollen…
Back in the day, there was a LiveJournal community called 120_minuten (120_minutes) and they posted a word prompt every Sunday, iirc, which you had 120 minutes to write a story for. This story happened because of one of those prompts. Sadly, I don't know if I'll ever be able to translate it because there is no good translation for the German word "eigentlich", which was the prompt and is therefore heavily featured in this story. It's even the title! So, I don't know how to accurately translate this but it was fun writing.
"Cocoon Crash" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 6,5k
Sie waren Schüler und Lehrer, Feinde, Verbündete, Geliebte. Doch als sie Eltern werden sollen, kehrt die Feindschaft zurück.
Another "Duck, duck, goose" story, this time lovers to idiots to lovers. It's the story of a pregnant Hermione and a stubborn Severus and some friends who decide that they belong together so they force them on a paperchase. It's both funny and heartbreaking and I probably need to translate this one because I like it. ^^
"Was er ist und was er war ..." (Deutsch) Rated M, Hermione Granger & Severus Snape, complete, 4,2k
… das wird uns erst beim Abschied klar. Hermine erkennt einen anderen Menschen in ihrem ehemaligen Lehrer, als sie zu kennen glaubte. Und dieser Mensch hat noch etwas für sie geplant.
This story leads us to another thing of mine, a tradition I had for a while. Which was: Write a one-shot right after the fireworks on New Year's Eve. I did this for a couple of years, starting the year with a story, and this is one of the stories I wrote on one of those nights. As you can guess, I'm not a partygoer and tend to "celebrate" at home. *lol*
"Omnia Tempus Habent" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 4k
Zeit ist ein konstantes Konstrukt; es lässt einen Dinge in einem anderem Licht sehen, Entscheidungen überdenken und so manches akzeptieren. Das meiste davon, ohne dass man es bemerkt.
This story is so old that I know absolutely nothing to say about it - and that means something! The only thing I can say is that I sometimes confuse it with 'Silent Voices' and that it was my first Snamione one-shot, I think? Anyway, it's ancient, it's anything but my best, but I guess it earned its place on the list. XD
"Das kleinere große Übel" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 3,5k
Severus hat die Wahl: Entweder Babysitting oder Kosmetika in Muggellondon kaufen. Er überlegt nicht lange, doch schon bald beschleicht ihn die Befürchtung, dass er es doch hätte tun sollen.
One of the two crack!fics I've ever written because my beta at that time asked me to write it and how could I have denied her that wish after all the crap she corrected for me?! Right! I couldn't. So I sent Severus to Muggle London to buy makeup for Hermione. Well... XD
"The Scientist" (Deutsch) Rated M, Snirius, complete, 2k
Ein analytischer, wendiger Verstand ist bezeichnend für einen Wissenschaftler. Severus Snape hatte immer geglaubt, einen solchen zu besitzen. Nun ja, auch Wissenschaftler sind nicht gefeit vor Irrtümern…
My only Snirius (that I still somewhat like) so far. It isn't really canon-compliant as it messes with what Severus knew in Book 3 but oh well... It wasn't written to be canon-compliant.
"836 Sekunden" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 3k
Severus Snape stirbt beim Endkampf und alles, was Hermine bleibt, ist die Erinnerung an 863 Sekunden.
A story about grief. There's nothing else I can say about this. If you want to cry and feel awful, go read this.
"Sockensehnsucht" (Deutsch) Rated T, Molly/Arthur, complete, 5,2k
Sechs Schwangerschaften, sieben Kinder und am Ende eines jeden Monats nicht mehr als acht Knuts in der Tasche. So gründet man eine Großfamilie!
Did you ever wonder how Molly found out about each of her pregnancies? No? Well, I still wrote a story about it. *lol* It's a '4 times she was and 1 she wasn't' type of story (only that it's 'six times she was and 1 she wasn't') and I had a lot of fun writing this although almost nobody reads it because nobody's interested in that pairing. XD
"Zitronenbonbons all over again" (Deutsch) Rated G, gen, complete, 2,2k
Ein Blick in das Büro der Schulleiter nach Band 7.
The other crack!fic, at least measured by the stuff I normally write. Maybe it's only comedy? I felt pretty goofy writing this, though. Severus and Albus as portraits are a different kind of hysterical. O.o
"The Valley of the Shadow of Death" (Deutsch) Rated T, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape, complete, 3k
Minerva hat Severus' Schauspiel im siebten Band nie durchschaut. Oder?
Another New Year's Day story and one of the few stories I wrote that feature Minerva and Severus as friends - but during year 7, so it's not wholesome and fluffy but tragic. Still... ^^
"Auld Lang Syne" (Deutsch) Rated T, Ginny/Harry, complete, 3,2k
Der Jahreswechsel ist nicht nur eine gute Gelegenheit, um einen Blick in die Zukunft zu werfen, sondern auch, um sich zu erinnern.
Yes, NYD story yet again! I said I did those for a couple of years. XD But this one is a tragic one! Not only because it's more on the sad side but also because nobody reads it! And do you know why that is? Because the German site I post on only implemented a kudos feature a couple of years after I posted this story and now it only has 4 kudos and everybody thinks it's bad but it's only old! It hurts my heart to see that story being completely ignored although it features one of my favourite songs and is canon-compliant and causes the perfect kind of heartache. 😭 Was a special kind of amazing when I got a new comment on this story the other day. Finally some recognition for this story. XD
"Der lange Weg zurück" (Deutsch) Rated E, Snuna, complete, 4k
Der australische Regenwald scheint ein geeigneter Ort, um unbemerkt zu leben, wenn man eigentlich tot sein sollte. Und ein guter Ort, um nach etwas zu suchen. Und ein perfekter, um vor etwas wegzulaufen.
I wrote this story for an advent calendar and revised it about two years ago to post it on my account as well. My only Snuna so far. It is special but I think every story with Luna is. *lol*
And this is it so far. I'll update the list when I write something new (and I will, I just can't stop). Hope you found something interesting to read and if you did, I would greatly appreciate kudos and comments! 💚
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poem-today · 10 months
A poem by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
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Seneca's Troas, Act 2. Chorus
After Death, Nothing is, and Nothing, Death, The utmost Limit of a gasp of Breath: Let the Ambitious Zealot lay aside His Hopes of Heav'n (whose Faith is but his Pride) Let Slavish Souls lay by their Fear, Nor be concern'd which way, nor where, After this Life they shall be hurl'd, Dead, we become the Lumber of the World, And to that Mass of Matter shall be swept, Where things destroy'd with things unborne are kept. Devouring Time swallows us whole, Impartial Death confounds Body and Soul: For Hell, and the foul Fiend that rules God's everlasting fiery Gaols, Devis'd by Rogues, dreaded by Fools, (With his grim griesly Dog, that keeps the Door,) Are sensless Stories, idle Tales, Dreams, whimsies, and no more.
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John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680)
Seneca, Troades, lines 397-408
Post mortem nihil est ipsaque mors nihil, uelocis spatii meta nouissima; spem ponant auidi, sollicit metum: tempus nos auidum denorat et chaos. mors indiuidua est, noxia corpori nec parcens animae: Taenara et aspero regnum sub domino limen et obsidens custos non facili Cerberus ostio rumores uacui uerbaque inania et par sollicito fabula somnio. quaeris quo iaceas post obitum loco? quo non nata iacent.
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