#meteor crater town
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chickenwhite · 2 years
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Might as well start out by posting my beloved boy and current kitty meow-meow, Crush. He started out as sort of a Cuphead OC, but his setting developed since then (as did he and his brothers), and now they all live in a rubberhose slum called Bomb Town, situated in a cartoon setting called Ink City. They're all meteor-toons, which come with interesting anatomical rules (like having no neck, lava for blood and the ability to produce fire at will), but I can elaborate on those at a later time. For now, here's Crush, a young man with a shitty family and an adopted dad whose voice can literally bring down the entire house (as well as the blocks next to it).
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evilminji · 10 months
:O !!! Wait a second... GHOST DINOSAURS!!!
They died. There are ghost animals. You CAN NOT tell me getting fuckin nuked from space by a GIANT rock that blasted you and everything you've ever known into near instantaneous oblivion, wouldn't leave some Unfinished Business and a shit ton of Ectoplasm.
BILLIONS of things died all at once.
Did most move on? Probably. We're any of them sentient? We have no idea! Maybe! Unlikely, but maybe! Still a MASSIVE, countries wide, molten earth lined, crater of instant death. World shaking and history making. Death in the blink of an eye.
If you're lucky.
But! I hear the arguments now. That was one event. The X or Y dinosaur lived before that! What I'm interested in came AFTER! Good points! But not RELAVENT!!! Because you know what ELSE that giant fuck-off meteor is good for? Aside for Death(tm)?
Makes for some damn good documentaries. Exciting graphics and neato visual effects. Ooooh~ look at our dramatic recreation! The cute baby animals, unsuspecting of their Doomed Fate~! Tense music! And now, a world from our advertisers!
You know who LIKES Space Documentaries? Danny. He's all ABOUT that Science Channel. Granted, they've been pulling more and more of these mid-tear "aliens built the pyramids" and "look at these swords!" Shows... but! Still! He grew up on this channel! He doesn't WANT to give up on it!
And, yeah, this is... kinda hammy... but it's still watchable!
He's enjoying the live tweeting from paleontologists who are ROASTING the thing to a lovely golden brown. Has choked on his noodles like three times already. It's great! But now? They are arguing over what the dinosaurs actually looked like again... and??
And, look, maybe it's the good mood and boredom. Maybe it's having the house to himself. Maybe it's his parents finally encouraging him to use his "ghostiness" for SCIENCE(tm)(!) the other day. Could even be his bad idea impulse acting up again, buuuuut.....
Nothing? Is STOPPING him? From finding out? He DOES have Zone compatible cameras. And can probably back trace where they should-ish be? He can find out. The colors might be off, but it's a starting point? Right? And heck, he's pretty sure inverse coloration in standard unless someone's shape-shifting, so he'd just have to inverse it AGAIN to get an approximately correct coloration for them!
....eh, as long as he leaves a "not exact, this was the best I could get" note, it should be fine.
Road Trip time! Better call Dani and see if she wants to ride a few giant mammals and some lizards!
(Needless to say? Some researchers get VERY exciting emails. And only accept they are POSSIBLE, because this is a DC crossover. So there is aliens and magic regularly popping up in their field of expertise, so WHY NOT? Just the other day, a whole ass TOWN that has been wiped out... got UN-wiped out! 23 years later! It's made headlines. Weird shit happens.
So gib. Release to them the Dinosaurs, mystery email man. Fork them over before they begin biting. You think this corduroy jacket means they won't hunt you down? HA! You know NOTHING of academics! WHERE ARE THE EXTINCT ANIMALS? Where are you hiding them!?!?)
@the-witchhunter @hypewinter @nerdpoe @ailithnight @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
🕰️🩷🧋and 🥘 for starstuck Dee please and thank you.
[ >>> kirby oc ask meme <<< ]
🕰️ (Clock) - What would a Dreamy Gear version of them look like? What sort of accessories would they have? What kind of role do they play?
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well i couldn't resist drawing it once i'd thought about it, so here she is! still pretty recognisable, but i think that large elements of her story and the suspicions surrounding her would be different, due to the fact that waddle dee/bandee is usually the one and only waddle dee. i think she'd still be found in a meteor crater at the edge of town by meta knight, but i think this time he'd bring her to bandee instead of president dedede, mostly due to the clear visual similarities. bandee would take her in instantly, and she'd follow him around the mechanic shop, learning to tinker and serving as his glorified assistant. learns to make really good apple tea instead of being a friendly chatterbox she would be shy and selectively mute, speaking out loud exclusively to bandee. though she still forms relationships with kirby and meta knight, i think that sadly in this world president dedede would frighten her, despite how highly bandee thinks of him 😭 at meta knight's suggestion, after he finds her squinting skyward on the roof at night a few too many times, she makes herself a pocket telescope for looking at stars and surveying the weather. she uses it to give bandee reports, which he discretely passes on to kirby and dedede for their races.
🩷 (Pink Heart) - If they were a Dream Friend, what would their moveset be like? How much HP do they have? Would they be a strong attacker, or would they take on more of a support role?
she would be a support role for sure, but i also can't resist also giving her some specialised abilities... > hp: small health bar, but practically immune to damage. will still die in insta-kill scenarios like lava or crush blocks > basic attack: if bandana waddle dee, meta knight, or king dedede are on the team she'll get a simple swing attack with a toy/training version of their weapon. if at least two are on the team, it's upgraded to an attack with a three-swing combo, and she'll alternate at random between which weapon she pulls > basic support: drawing magic from the environment around her or other allies or enemies present, she can give a wide variety of power effects. i previously said she'd give blustery and i stand by it, because even if there are no other elements around there's always air, but i think she could give the others too. she cannot attack with any of these herself > healing: under CPU control she'll focus on running ahead to pick up heal items, and bring them back. if everybody has full health, she'll actually store the item and bring it out later whenever anyone gets below half health; tdlx bandee style > meteor shower: this is a charge attack that starts with a 3 minute cooldown. after charging, she can use it by jumping in the air and pressing a multi-button combo, to avoid accidental activation. this is a full screen, crash-like attack with a shooting star visual, similar to team meteor. all on screen enemies defeated, and most bosses down to at least 1/3 health. > downed: unfortunately after using the charged attack she will drop her inventory, pass out, and need to be piggy backed for about 5 minutes if you want to keep her on the team (walking over to her will activate a 'piggy back' bar instead of the standard 'revive'). she cannot heal or give buffs during this time, but can be dropped by accident or when attacked, and can take damage that cannot be healed. if she makes it she wakes up at partial health, but returns to being invulnerable while conscious
🧋 and 🥘 both answered here!
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andreajep · 1 year
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New world in progress! For now, I'm calling it Area 57. The premise is that this is where the Seasons aliens bring abducted sims for testing. The town is build inside a massive meteor crater, and the only way in or out is a small airport. Or a spaceship, I guess.
I'm planning on building a few tombs that unlock secret labs. I'd love to populate it with aliens, but I understand that isn't possible in CAW, so I'll have to figure something else out.
For now, enjoy all the wood paneling! Your favorite boomer should feel right at home.
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My longest-running campaign ended this year. Granted, that’s not saying much - only ran 9 sessions, started last fall, but still as of yet the only real “campaign” I’ve ever ran. Was some sort of “urban fantasy” thing, players a bunch of wizards (and one giant shrimp-man) driving around some undefined region of the USA in an again undefined recent past… though near the end I think I’d decided on it being set in Pennsylvania? Definitely a learning experience in a lot of ways for me, regardless. Anyways here’s some tables I made for it
Town name (d10):
- 10. [random - roll prefix, suffix]
Prefix (d12):
Suffix (d6):
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Notable Feature (3d10): 1-3. Can’t be rolled on a 3d10
Ignore everything else - this isn’t an ordinary small town, it’s a neo-nazi cult compound. They have guns and they don’t like you
Historic building - Weird modern house - all pods, steel, fiberglass, and concrete, with spherical pods covered in pods. Abandoned.
Ruins - Abandoned Shopping Mal
Speed trap town - local cops lurk on the side of the highway, entire town economy based on speeding tickets. Basically operates on piracy. Absurdly low speed limits not properly demarcated
Weird art installation - field of sculptures (d4 - abstract metal, cobbled-together trash, stone statues of animals and people, monoliths with inscriptions)
Historic building - haunted mansion, old style - wood, maybe some stone
Notable dam overlooking the town, potentially vulnerable to failure
Ruins - Abandoned Factory
College town - small local college dominates the local economy, most residents are students or staff
Tourist trap - Historic house (d4- Rotting wooden mansion with a ghost story, old colonial stone fort, weird modern house of a dead eccentric rich guy/ weird cult leader )
Large immigrant population from a distant country (ie not part of the Americas- like Kazakhstan or Swahililand or Lichtenstein, not like, Colombia)
Oddly high concentration of a hyper-specific specialized type of business - an entire district of dentists or dog groomers or something
Not a full on cult compound, but much of the town’s population do follow a specific esoteric cults religion like scientology or sedevacantist mormonism or something
Birthplace of some celebrity, statue in town square proclaims as much
Tourist trap -Giant sculpture, gift shop (d4 - historic figure, giant animal, mascot of attached restaurant, dinosaur(young-earth creationist))
Historic building - old colonial fort, earthworks and stone and wood
Geography - Subterranean water (1d4 - Hot spring, bottomless pit in a lake, water-filled mine pit)
Geography- Big rock (d4 - Balancing rock, weird outcroppings (like fang ridge nevada), meteor (in far-off museum, there’s a plaque next to the crater though), butte)
Geography - Weird Cliff (1d6: columnar jointing, waterfall, petroglyphs, looks like a face, church built into it, odd color)
Retirement community, no children whatsoever and everyone is either a senior citizen or a caretaker
Odd museum - animal (1d6- snails, songbirds, butterflies, earthworms, leeches, mice)
Odd museum - human (1d6- finger, ear, spleen, tongue, nose, lip, nail)
Odd museum - local cryptid (1d6 - sasquatch, lake monster, grey alien, weird alien (ie flatwoods), hodag, giant toad, devil)
Religious - large megachurch, drawing in the faithful from across the state
Weird art installation - small grove with (d4 - dollheads hanging from the trees, extensive etchings onto the bark, geometric statues in between the trees, the trees coated in colorful yarn)
Ignore everything else - this isn’t an ordinary small town, it’s some kind of hippy commune or cult compound or something. Either pseudochristian or pseudodharmic, flip a coin
Special - roll on Supernatural table
(intentionally weighted to be biased more towards the middle but I didn’t really check the probabilities here, might be way too hard to get the ones at the further poles)
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Extra: Supernatural element. (d4)
Entire town was replaced with body-snatchers a few years ago. They’ll try to keep you in town for a few days - constantly surveilling you, in order to grow a body-double - when they’re done they’ll try and kidnap you to replace you with it the next time you wander away from the group. Body snatcher type varies - (Fae-esque boogeymen cuckoo-bird shapeshifters, pseudo-plant pod people, 1979 Alien style androids, etc)
Recent sightings of some kind of cryptid or something has drawn droves of “cryptozoologists” to town. This is a problem because some of you are cryptids. Coinflip if the cryptid in question is real or not
Entire town stuck in groundhog day loop - the US military has caught on and is using the town as a testing-bed/training site. Just like groundhog day, there’s one guy somewhere in town originating the loop - kill him or put him to sleep and it resets - make him learn the error of his ways - or keep him awake til midnight - and the effect ends permanently. The feds know about this, first thing they do every loop is send their special ops guys to bag him and hide him in a van before they start the raid in earnest. Outsiders, like you and the special ops guys, can enter the loop - no matter what happens, when the loop resets you’re plopped back outside right where you entered in exactly the state you were then except for your memories - even if you died you’re revived.
Certain nights, at the witching hour (12-1), local monsters and spirits and such emerge and walk the streets openly - certain stalls and shops pop up in areas that are normally unused, catering to this strange clientele, and others who sell mundane wares during the day reveal their magical affiliations at night. Also there’s street performances, music and dances and parades - and games, dangerous ones - ones you can join. The rest slumber on, but the magic that keeps them asleep does not apply to you. As magicians and cryptids yourself, this could be a good opportunity, but not all the spirits who’ve emerged are peaceful.
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this is what the map of the actual campaign ended up looking like at the end btw
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exalok · 2 years
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modified map of the Empire of the Isles: elevation (land and sea), lakes, major cities, trade routes (red: heavy traffic, yellow: light traffic)
modifications explained below the cut
the main change, which prompted most of the other changes, is that i placed tyvia and morley on one tectonic plate, and gristol and serkonos on another.
i'm not a geologist and possibly there are other explanations to how the isles were formed, but my reasoning went thus: the temperature difference between the north of tyvia and the south of serkonos is too huge for a single archipelago -> the distance between them must correspond to something like that between finland and spain -> the isles are the size of a continent -> a continent, as far as i know, does not split apart unless through the movement of tectonic plates -> there is divergence happening
it could also have been convergence but wow that would mean so many more volcanoes. instead you get block rift mountains
the main tectonic rift is between tyvia+morley and gristol, as evidenced by the very deep chasm -- it's probably smaller in width than it should be, but i'm not going for full realistic accuracy either -- but there is also tectonic drift between tyvia and morley (according to the north american tectonic plate this is a thing that can happen, because that thing branches off in all kinds of directions. could it cause a continent to split on this small a scale? who knows. i'm pretending the answer is yes. can you tell already i just wanted to go hog wild on the tectonic plates) and there are convergent plates above tyvia and below serkonos
CONSEQUENCES: volcanoes volcanoes volcanoes (and fault block mountains)
now serkonos is half dormant volcanoes, half huge old magma flow from a massive volcanic event at some point in the distant past; tyvia has a volcanic arc as its northmost feature but it's partly calderas; the south of tyvia and the north of gristol is very mountainous (but the area between gristol and morley isn't because the tectonic forces along that axis are transformed [dunno if that's the proper term, basically lateral] rather than divergent
does this also mean there are probably earthquakes everywhere? yes. oh god
OTHER FEATURES: a couple of meteor craters (the shapes were already there, i just decided they would be craters) east of baleton and west of caltan; a void rift deep in the ocean right near whitecliff, pulling in the landmass around it; minor modifications to certain outline areas because i added in mountains. i like mountains. they make things less flat. OH and this was already present in the canon map but the line of islands east of gristol is now a bunch of extinct volcanoes formed as the result of a hotspot at the morley-gristol tectonic limit, now closed; and i just fully deleted an island west of gristol for the hell of it. also the lakes were either already there, or hadn't been colored in right on the canon map, or were Very Weird Interconnecting Rivers i decided to fill in because why not
TRADE ROUTES. obviously all capitals would be trade centers, or at least trade-rich considering their population level, but i've decided several other cities are either merchant towns for reasons such as being nearest to another isle, being conveniently placed to connect to many other cities and thus either the center of trade (like yaro or driscol) or a waypoint (like caltan), or being an exporter of stuff and conveniently placed right on a trade route thus favoring its development (like potterstead, but that's entirely my personal fanon)
some trade routes are heavily used because they lead to many ports of interest, or because they lead to a major port, or because it's the only way to get to a certain major port efficiently (for example, the trade routes to the east of serkonos are little used because if you leave from karnaca you have to get all the way around the trail of volcanic islands, can't dock at whitecliff directly because, see name, it's on a huge cliff, then avoid the dishonored bermuda's triangle [void rift, huge myths around that place, few people risk going through there], then get all the way up to driscol); the heavily trafficked trade route that stops right at the top of serkonos actually leads to the serkonan canal, which isn't even present on the canon map (probs because they hadn't invented it yet when they drew the thing), and is a much faster way of getting to karnaca, but deep-keel boats can't take the canal and series of waterlocks and have to go around the old way; wei-ghon does a lot of trade because it needs to to support its population way in the north, and a lot of tyvian trade goes by boat due to the poor travel conditions inland and the huge fuckoff mountains
not pictured: trade routes to pandyssia
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just-absolutely-super · 7 months
FF7 Rebirth Ending Thoughts
So at first I thought Cloud seeing Aerith's spirit while no one else did meant that Cloud was just gonna go through the 3rd game believing Aerith is still with the party when really she's his little ghost buddy that no one else can see
But then she gets left behind, meaning to me she is for real dead and in the Lifestream, and I guess because Cloud is so connected to the multiverse Lifestream because of his connections with Seph and Aerith that that's why he's still able to see and feel her presence
Whether Cloud knows she's for real dead or not, I have no idea. He acts like she's still alive and with them, but it's hard to say for sure given his mind is so screwed up
Tifa's gonna have her work cut out for her next game geez...
Anyways, so I'm sure Aerith will be having her own side journey in the next game, probably her going through the Planet trying to foil Sephiroth's plans. We never saw her in the third disk after her death in OG until the very end, so this time we will actually have her POV of what she went through to stop Meteor
I bet she'll also show up every now and then to help Cloud and the rest of the party as they continue their journey (the Maiden of the Planet novel does mention she's the one who guided Tifa to Cloud in the Lifestream so his memories could be fixed)
As for Zack...bruh idek what's up with his story now
It's obvious his goal is to make it out of this alive but who knows what's gonna happen now. Damn I was really hoping both he and Aerith would survive so they could officially reunite. I only hope that while Aerith is playing Big Good, she finds Zack in his universe and guides him back home (please Square, I need my Zer.ith crumbs)
Anyways, Rebirth was such a loaded game, but there's still more to do
They gotta do Rocket Town so they can sit down, shut up, and drink their GD tea!
Vincent's backstory still needs to be explored
They need to go to Wutai for Yuffie's arc
They gotta explain what the F U C K is up with Glenn and the SRC stuff
Cloud's literal mind break at the Northern Crater
Meteor being summoned and the awakening of the rest of the Weapons
Tifa becoming the focus for a hot minute and finding Cloud in Mideel then putting his mind back together
The Highwind Scene for my shipper heart
And finally the actual, for real, we promise, final battle with Sephiroth
aaaaand whatever extra stuff they'll add to make sure this game lasts a full week of gameplay lmao
I'm looking forward to how they'll handle it all
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aura-acolyte · 10 months
Actually, you know what, lets start discourse. Hoenn cities ranked:
Lilycove. Basically my home base, and my two favorite places (Sharkie's Magikarp Sanctuary and the Aqua-Magma Conservatory) are nearby.
Mossdeep: I have a lot of memories there, some good and some bad, but its all cancelled out because Tate and Liza are there and they are objectively the best gym leaders.
Sootopolis: City built in a crater. Real cool. Loses points for having Groudon and Kyogre trapped under it.
Pacifidlog: You built a whole town on the water! How cool is that!
Meteor Village: Gotta give a shoutout to Z's hometown. Great place to learn about Ancient Hoenn stuff.
LaRousse City: Home of the Battle Frontier. Kickass in general. Had to help out in a hurricane there once.
Lavaridge Town: Still think its insane to build a town next to a volcano but it does have Flannery.
Dewford Town: I know, I know, there's not a lot there but its where I met Steven for the first time. Technically also where I met Zinnia depending on what you count as "Meeting."
Fortree City: I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty sure this city is every 8 year old's dream. Or it was when I was a kid, at least. Not sure how into treehouses modern kids are.
Slateport City: I love the sea and I love port cities. It reminds me of all the best parts of Goldenrod but without any of the shit parts (you know, like Team Rocket and my bio father). Plus, if you hang around the market enough you can hear all sorts of stories from trainers from all over the globe.
Verdanturf Town: There's not a lot interesting here but I gotta give a shoutout to my boy Wally's home.
Mauville: Mauville is problematic for obvious reasons but also its really fucking cool. Plus Wattson's there.
Littleroot Town: Finally getting around to my Hometow. Well, my Hoenn Hometown. Its nice and quaint and my Uncle and Mom live there so, you know, cool.
Petalburg: It's only this low on the list because I refuse to give Norman a break.
Oldale Town: Booooorrrrriiiinggg! I'm sure the people are nice but its such a boring town. I legit have more interesting memories from Route 103 than Oldale.
Ever Grande: Its a League City so there's not much going on there during the off season but its absolutely bustling during League Season. Sometimes I like to watch the League Matches on the big screens they have. Nobody's beaten Steven yet but a few have gotten close.
Falarbor Town: Hmm... a town created for the purpose of mining meteors to study which directly led to the death of Zinnia's sister. I wonder why I have a negative opinion of this place.
Rustboro: Capitalism ho!
Some of these are arbitrary, most of them aren't. Bye!
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subliminalbo · 11 months
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Hypnovember Day 4: Children of the Crater
This is a companion to Classified Information: The Prophet
On the second night at the impact site, Joey and Ada took Debbie aside to talk.
It was Debbie's first research project of its kind, and up to that point she'd treated it like a textbook cultural anthropology study: during the day she went out to the fields to work with the women, and at night she worshiped with the locals around the massive fire pit at the center of their village.
Only in this case the locals were colleagues: fellow Carpenter State University scholars who had left a year earlier to collect soil samples around the impact crater. Their camp of makeshift homes that they called a community was a source of infinite fascination to Debbie. It was the kind of research that she could build her career on. At night she'd lie in the tent and think of titles for her dissertation.
The Children of the Crater, as Dr. Barone named his fledgling doomsday cult, had named three terms for Ada's group to agree to before they could enter the camp.
No clothes at any time
Witness Dr. Barone's testimony
Submit to worship at the impact crater
Ada had agreed to meet those terms in the spirit of cultural anthropology, unbuttoning her shirt to reveal a gorgeous pair of breasts that Debbie secretly admired. She blushed as she removed her own top in front of her professor, who assured her that she didn't have to participate if she was uncomfortable.
"I'm really alright," Debbie insisted. "I know what I'm getting into.
On the first day, Debbie separated from Ada and Joey and was led to the fields by the Fine sisters. She'd actually taken biology with them in her freshman year. It was a little unnerving seeing their naked bodies on display, her eyes drifting down to study their small, round tits. She kept shielding her own breasts with her arms.
Abigail and Holly Fine had changed a lot since they left Romero. Debbie knew them as two notorious party girls. Brilliant, up and coming biologists, of course, but prone to wild nights in between. Now they spoke in soft, almost identical voices.
"Does the human body make you uncomfortable, Debbie?" Abigail asked.
"No, of course not," Debbie blushed.
"The meteor says that clothes are not of the earthly realm, but the human one," Holly said. "If we are to survive the coming apocalypse we must discard all trivialities of the human world."
"The meteor told you that?" Debbie asked skeptically.
She learned quickly that, to the Fine sisters and all the other inhabitants of the small colony, "the meteor" was another way of saying "Dr. Barone," though these days they mostly called him "The Prophet." That night she returned to the tent to report her findings to Ada.
The second day was more of the same. Debbie, out in the fields with the Fine sisters, while Ada and Joey toured the community. Debbie learned a bit more about the cult's recruitment process: sending Dr. Barone's most gorgeous acolytes out to the closest town to collect new converts. Dr. Barone's scientists had become something of local boogiemen.
Before Debbie returned to the tent at the end of the day, the Fine sisters asked her to attend a reading of Dr. Barone's testimony up at his shack later that evening. "It's his highest honor," Holly explained. It was when she shared the good news with Ada and Joey that they pulled her aside. Joey had gotten into an altercation with a member of the camp that day, and they were forced to return to their tents while Dr. Barone considered what to do with them. Ada was already considering pulling the plug on the whole study.
Debbie understood Joey's trepidation about the camp. He was a film student with no real background in anthropology. He was there to document their research, but they'd denied his ability to film their community. It was Ada, her professor and mentor, who really disappointed her. She understood the tenants of cultural relativism that guided their study, and but she was refusing to meet them on those terms.
"That's because their terms are fucking crazy," Ada protested.
"Can't you see how wrong you are?" Debbie begged. "We're anthropologists. We don't judge cultures, we study and learn."
"But this isn't some civilization whose lived in isolation for hundreds of years, Deb," Joey said in his measured way. "They were Carpenter State students a year ago. Can't you see that something's happened to them? I'm not saying that you can't interact, observe, study. I just want you to be careful."
Debbie noted their warning, but still attended the meeting with Dr. Barone in his shack. She knelt on the floor between the Fine sisters as Dr. Barone spoke to them from his cot. His features were obscured in the candlelight, but she could see that he was as naked as anyone else in the camp. The room smelled like stale sex.
"The meteor spoke to me when I reached out," Dr. Barone said. "It spoke of a coming apocalypse, of the annihilation of all human life. We've bled the earth dry of all resources, and soon it will fight back. The only thing we can do now is embrace our most basic natures, to live as the earth does. Only in this primal state can we be spared."
When Dr. Barone was finished with his speech, he sat up in his cot to face the three young women. His cock was hard and as trained, the two Fine sisters crawled to him and sucked him off together. Debbie watched, covering up her arousal with scientific curiosity.
She escaped that night without fellating the professor, but he did give her a small flake of the meteor that he had collected, the same kind of flake the Fine sisters would pass out on their missions to town. It was hot in Debbie's hand, and almost felt as if it had a heartbeat.
"Why the oral sex?" she asked as the sister's led her back to the tent.
"The meteor demands a carnal sacrifice to forestall the coming apocalypse," Abigail explained.
"It is inevitable," Holly added. "But we need time to spread to finish our community before it comes."
"Interesting," Debbie said.
"You don't believe in the meteor," Holly said outside of Debbie's tent.
"I believe that you believe," Debbie replied.
"Let us show you," Abigail offered.
In the spirit of cultural anthropology, Debbie couldn't say no.
The sister's circled Debbie in the tent, scrutinizing her. "You love being nude, don't you?" Abigail asked.
Again Debbie blushed, but she didn't answer.
"I've caught her glances," Abigail said to her sister. "I know what she thinks when no one else is looking. You desire us, don't you?"
Holly made the first move, stepping up to Debbie and placing a kiss on her lips which Debbie didn't deny. Holly's tongue twisted into her mouth, Debbie moaning as she began to suck on it. Abigail moved in behind her, sliding her hands down her body until her fingers found her slit. Debbie moaned as Abigail explored the folds of her wet pussy while Holly trailed kisses down her neck, to her tits, then began sucking on her nipples.
The thing that Debbie had been pushing down since witnessing all the gorgeous, naked bodies at the camp was bubbling to the surface. Hell, she hadn't even been able to get Dr. George's tits out of her mind, sneaking a peak any time she could. And when she worked in the fields with the Fine sisters, a vision of their bodies pinning her just like this replayed over in her head.
"God, I've wanted this," she admitted. "Fuck, it's so good. Fuck!"
But when Joey's scream cut through the night air, the sisters were forced to escalate. Their slow, passionate sex quickly turned violent as they forced Debbie to the floor.
"What are you doing?!" she cried. "That's Joey! What are you doing to Joey?"
"He'll be educated," Holly said. "There is no reason to fight us. You'll understand soon."
"Please!" Debbie cried. "Please, let me go!"
But Debbie's protests were short lived, cut off when Abigail pressed the flake of meteorite to her forehead. The feeling immediately overpowered her. The meteorite felt somehow both hot and cold to the touch, echoing a terrible cry in her mind that melted all thoughts away until she was a blank slate. Debbie's voice caught in her throat, one last protest lost forever in the empty space of her mind. She had heard The Prophet's testimony, but now her education as a Child of the Crater could truly begin.
The Fine sisters presented their newest convert to The Prophet in his shack the next morning. He sat on his cot in the same position as he had the night before, only this time Debbie eagerly crawled to him when he demanded a carnal sacrifice. She slid her tongue over the head of his cock, then took his full length into her mouth. It didn't taste like any cock she'd ever sucked before. It tasted like salvation. She thanked him when he came down her throat.
When they were finished, The Prophet summoned the next convert. Joey entered the room with the same distant stare Debbie had seen from others in the camp. His carnal sacrifice was to break Debbie in further, bending her over and taking her from behind. The Fine sisters joined in on the orgy as The Prophet marveled at his work.
"And then there was one," The Prophet said.
"Please, my Prophet," Debbie begged. "Dr. George has to join us. I can't lose her to the apocalypse."
"Don't worry my child," The Prophet laughed. "Dr. George will succumb to her education just as you all have. I will make sure of it."
Debbie's lips spread into a relieved, dreamy smile as she imagined all of the things she would do to Dr. George's body when it was time for her carnal sacrifice.
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holly-fixation · 1 year
The Remnant Remains
Summary: Sephiroth had no purpose for a remnant without power. Not his strength. Not his malice. Not his allure. His naivety. His childhood. Memories he long assumed gone until they manifested with the others. Whatever memories were left to make that child were left abandoned near Icicle Village. As fate would have it, the former Crimson Soldier found the remnant curled up by a bunch of crows. He recognized what it was: the last pieces of Sephiroth's innocence, from a time long lost but still remembered. And he would protect the girl with everything he had. 
Inspired by This art by @queernoctis
Please enjoy!
Chapter 1
The peaceful town of Icicle Inn sat barren of tourists this summer as it did every summer. The natural axis of The Planet left the village bathed in constant light, the sun never setting beyond the horizon. Only a blood red glow signified the nighttime hours. Monsters this time of year were especially ruthless due to lack of restful sleep. Newer monsters weren’t smart or quick enough to find caves to spend the summers. They prowled ferociously, their feral nature forcing them to be far more dangerous than the average beast of their kind.
Nearly a decade ago, Shinra deployed SOLDIER operatives to help with the cause. The company saw the village’s request for aid as a double opportunity: gain the favor of the town and train the new SOLDIERs without risking unenhanced casualties. However, times were different now. The meteor made certain of that. The Shinra Electric Power Company hung on by a thread, but every semblance of military might they once possessed fell with the derelict Shinra Tower in Midgar. Icicle Inn survived desperately on the help of monster hunters and the occasionally brave delivery men.
Former SOLDIER First Class, Genesis Rhapsodos was only one of these hunters.
It had been a very long time  since anyone hired him. He lost that trust and privilege when he left the front of Wutai. He knew what he did. He knew he deserved to be the outcast he was. He also knew that whole 'Deepground' crew wasn't for him. He waited until they healed him before breaking free of all of Shinra's secrets. He was done, exhausted with what that company put him through. Put his comrades through. His friends. 
Not a day passed by without memories of Angeal and Sephiroth breezing through his mind. Even as a passing glance, he never forgot, and he never forgave himself. He prayed to the goddess that each monster he killed to protect humanity would be one step closer to any kind of redemption. He focused his pain and regret into fuel for each battle. Yet, today there were less battles to fight. 
The day before, a massive blizzard claimed The Northern Continent. This allowed many creatures to finally rest as the heavenly snow shielded them from the sun, but Genesis wasn't out here solely for the game today. Rumors of a helicopter entering and leaving the Northern Crater during the cover of the storm urged him forward. The only company reckless enough to order such an excursion was the same company that made him what he was. He needed to find out what exactly Shinra was looking for, and more dangerously, if they found it. 
Genesis left the village once the storm passed, possibly around 20:00 judging by the color of the sky. The mirror of snow glistened on waves of changing light as he made his way and hours passed. Restless monsters claimed the plains again, but beyond extermination, they were of little concern. 
The raven brave enough to soar the frostbitten land was of far more interest. He swore he saw it carrying a red fruit in its beak. A second one followed a few moments later with a blueberry. A third farther behind did the same. Whatever creature they were feeding had never been in the north before, for these birds were a new sight against the blanket of white. 
His crooked wing broke from his back, and he found himself following the simple creatures. Despite the horrid nature as to why his limb existed, he could not deny the beauty of the views it provided. He never tired of them, but he forced himself to focus past the conflicting cloud and mountain formations. 
The first raven descended, followed by the second, followed by the third all in the same location: a mound of clearly fresh snow barely capable of blocking the wind, just a few mountains over from the Northern Crater. What mindless creatures would set up a nest in such an unstable location? 
Snow crunched beneath his feet as he landed on the nearest mountain, surveying their target from afar. The ravens didn't leave, not a single one of them taking flight to find more food. There was still plenty of daylight. Was this some sort of mad trainer, testing his animals' abilities in such a harsh environment?
Humanity still found ways to disgust him sometimes. He tried to focus on the opposite, the hope and advancements that might save them from extinction. He stalked slowly, stealthily stepping closer and closer until he saw the ravens again. 
Two of the ravens stood on the ground like guards, facing different directions and scanning for danger. The one closest to him cawed, and the person in a white tattered cloak turned. The third raven rested on their arm. But it wasn’t a ‘person’ that met Genesis’ gaze. Not a full person.
It was a child with mako blue, cat like eyes and short mercury hair under their hood. Just a little girl with slightly concerned but absolutely tired eyes.
“Hey. Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Genesis’ first words left without his consent, already treating the child as a victim, not an enemy. 
She took a step back when he extended a hand. 
“It's alright. I won't hurt you, but it’s very dangerous to be out here.”
The girl tilted her head. “You have a wing.”
“Ah, this old thing?” He opened the black limb to its full span and glory, blocking the ray of the sun that the child didn't realize she was squinting from. “Don't worry, it's not contagious.”
“I have one too.”
Only then did Genesis see the small plume of black extending just beyond the bottom of the cloak by the child's bare feet.
“...Will you leave me too…?”
The vulnerability in her voice broke his heart. “No. I won't. You’re alone?”
“My brothers said they didn't need me…”
“Then we need to get you out of the cold. At least let me get you something to eat.”
She gripped her cloak anxiously. “...I don't wanna walk anymore… My feet hurt…”
“I can carry you.”
“What's that?”
“I'll lift you up and hold you close as I walk back to town.”
She gave a hesitant nod. 
“What's your name?” Genesis took a small step closer to her, and this time she did not back away. 
“My 'name'…” She parroted softly, savoring the flavor of the word on her tongue. “I don't have one… What's yours?”
The redhead bowed, folding his wing dramatically behind him with a turn of his hand. “Genesis Rhapsodos. At your service.”
The little girl looked him over, scanning every detail of his clothes, his armor, his body. Then something clicked, relief flooding her tired features. “...You’re safe. I trust you.”
His eyes squinted a bit in confusion, but she approached him this time, the ravens around her jumping and gliding around her. There was a certain familiarity in her eyes Genesis could not place. A kindness. A faded but present memory. He knelt on one knee and extended his arm. Sure, did a small part of him think this could be a trap? Of course, but why go through this elaborate ruse for his life? He spent so long trying to atone. He may not be perfect but he tried to mend what he could. He knew this child needed help.
The child did not pull a knife, or an alarm, or a gun on him as she slipped into his arms. She just rested against his collar and allowed herself to be lifted, planting one hand on the other side of his neck for balance and support. 
Genesis walked at first, allowing both her and her ravens to recognize their safety with him. At the peak of the next hill, he flapped his wing and soared, and the child did not mind or react, already asleep in his arms. However, he could not keep his thoughts controlled. This child, this little girl, looked so much like Sephiroth. Too much like Sephiroth. He needed to ask questions, to see what answers could be given by such a young and innocent mind. For now, he would take her into the nearby inn and treat any injuries or hunger she sustained.
Thanks for reading!
Author’s Note: I know it’s more like a prologue, but I’ve been all over the place and I wanted this out and about! I promise more is planned!
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Chapter 37- Part 6
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And that's just talking about Arceus creating the world (and probably the Lake and Creation Trios), fair enough. Speaking of…I see that Light Shard in the display there!
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And that's just talking about…well, it could be talking about Arceus’ rings, but it could also be talking about the red, green, blue, and purple cross sigil associated with Reborn. Maybe it's both!
But that…seems to be all to see in the museum, but it was incredibly enlightening. Let me see if I have this right: a long time ago, the Reborn region was the location where a meteor connected to Arceus landed, leading to the world's creation. A civilization living in the region revered Arceus and the meteor, building whole structures and underground passages around the crater to protect the site of impact. To that end, they also built a stone gate of sorts, which was locked with four keys made from ruby, sapphire, emerald, and amethyst; the meteor itself is probably sealed away behind that gate.
However, this civilization died out eventually, their structures becoming ruins and being buried by time (quite literally), until eventually Reborn City was constructed on top of these ruins- probably over the site of the meteor’s landing as well.
That seems to be the story, with a few guesses/assumptions of my own thrown in. And it definitely paints Team Meteor's actions and motivations in a new light, if those assumptions are right. To rebuild the world, erasing this one in the process…they probably wanna use the meteor's power to do that, hence why they need the key jewelry to get that underground door open- if that is where the meteor is located. In addition- I wonder if any of the Team Meteor leaders are maybe descended from those ancients…? Could be extra motivation in the form of “how dare you build a whole city on top of my ancestors’ hard work” or something.
Oh! Oh, another idea! Okay- remember how last time, I suggested Team Meteor was behind the teleportation and earthquake issues in Spinel Town? Well, Team Meteor clearly considers the Reborn region “sacred ground” because of the history of the land (as I just described above), they consider the construction of the city upon it an affront…what if they feel similarly insulted by the taking of the artifacts displayed in the Spinel Town Museum? I mean, Sirius was all like “these jewels were ours before you were ever born” to Anna about the Pendant, surely the same sentiment would apply to these artifacts! 
And what if that one planned PULSE from Mosswater- the one called “Seamless Transportation”- was designed to use teleportation to steal the artifacts right out of the building (although Team Meteor would probably consider it stealing them back)? But then something went wrong somehow, and the PULSE is just teleporting random stuff everywhere instead? I mean, that doesn't explain the earthquakes, sure, but…hey, half of a theorized explanation is better than nothing!
Buuuuut I think it's time to take a break from worldbuilding. Let's turn our attention back to looking for that lady's furniture. We've found one bookshelf and the table, so that leaves:
One TV
One bed
Two chairs
One cabinet
One bookshelf
So…most of the items, still. But that's okay, it still shouldn't be too hard to find the rest of them. Look, I see one of the chairs right there!
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Ah…well, hope no one was living in that house.
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Chair down! Next, uh…well, I'm just gonna run around town and touch stuff as I see them.
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There, already two more items, four overall, we're doing great!
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I'm upset I didn't notice that chair earlier, it's literally right there-
But now, I'm running a bit low on places to check…maybe one of them landed in the PokéMart? Xera needs to go there anyways, so might as well check in there too.
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Oh! Ooooh…oh, oh that's not good, oh no- we needed that Herbal Extract too!
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Not too far from here, huh? I sure hope so- guess we're looking for the Mart now too, on top of the furniture…
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Well, at least we found the TV, on the edge of that roof there.
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And that was the cabinet, cool, at least we're making progress on that front.
So I think I'm just missing the last bookshelf? And there's still the matter of the PokéMart, but I still haven't found it…
I wonder- did anything get sent to Chrysolia Forest? Stuff was teleporting there too, so I'd say it's possible.
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That's…not the PokéMart, but maybe there's a bookshelf in there? No? Just a guy?
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Um…well, you know what? Props to this guy for making the best of a weird situation!
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Maroon's Maplestory Timeline drabble 1 - a new leaf
In every world there are tales, ones of myth, ones of legends, one of fantasy. Though very few stories are rooted by a person's own experience. Though there is one world where such stories are all stories starts off with a brave individual setting out to live the life of adventures.
One such stories began with a loud crash in the middle of the night at the nearest farm near a Town known as Henesys, leading to the people of the farm check where the sound came from. It turned out to be a crater, one where nothing was present at the center of it.
Rumors and speculations ran across the village of what it could have been. A strange meteor or a UFO crashing into the farm? As more and more people heard of the rumors, it has started to gain attention of brave adventurers across the village who decided to try and look for what might've been the cause of the crater. at some point there even came a note hanging on the city's nearest billboard about the rumor. Of course, the rumors either made the situation so crazy that it was either unbelievable, or it was not what it really was.
One person who's attention was caught was a blonde male, currently not known by the people of this world, a male who was took this rumor not as an opportunity to search like all others, but to look for clues about this world.
Meanwhile, at the farm where the crater originated was what seemed to be at first glance an ordinary explorer, a red headed adventuring female Wizard asking around the family who runs the farm, having even visited the crater itself.
But those who know her or knew who she works for knew she was an important figure in this world.
"So.." The father of this family of farmers spoke up after seeing the red hair coming back to them, "Oz-- that's your name, is it? Any information about this crater? That is if it's anything special as the rumours made it out to be."
The red-haired wizard named Oz had already written a few notes on her notebook before checking on the man.
"You could say that," Oz responded with a quick nod as she quickly pulled out her notebook.
"From what I can see I'm not sure if there is a UFO that crashed here or not. However, I've noticed footsteps that matches both the ones I saw from the crater and outside of it. While I doubt there's an UFO there, although I do have to ask: did anyone by chance drop into the crater before I arrived here?"
The farmer shook his head "N-no, if anything, I made sure no one came inside the crater. Why'd you ask that? You assume whatever was in the crater is..."
"The potential alien may still be alive," Oz responded with a nod. "As much as I like to say it's nothing too major, we don't know how dangerous they could be. Don't worry though, I'll inform the Cygnus Knights about what I've gathered. If needed, we'll ask everyone from the Maple Alliance to help find the potential alien. I'm sure we all want to know who and what happened to them and how we can bring them back home."
The conversation ended shortly after she decided it was a good time to head out.
Days passed as less explorers decided to continue persuing who/what came from the crater as the rumors on the billboard were replaced by an official note from the Empress Cygnus herself as well as from the Maple Alliance that they'll be looking into the issue, explaining what might've crash landed was likely an alien.
Most adventurers knew that if it's an issue that the Maple Alliance and the Cygnus Knights are involved it's likely not worth the hassle. All, but for one one white haired Pirate-- a Cannoneer by the name of Jack, who has a little monkey he called Kokonutt with a propeller hat that somehow allows the little monkey to fly.
He looked at the official note on the billboard not as a sign of danger or hastle, he saw potential for money and fame. And if nothing else? A fun time.
And thus, with a confident grin, he sets off to look throughout Victoria Island-- the same Island where Heneysis is on, starting with the outskirts of Henesys.
Jack was looking throughout the whole outskirts of henesys and ended up in the mushmom forest trail, still searching for the missing cause of the crater. He was searching over the hills all while taking on the orange mushrooms that are heading his way.
As time passes with him continuing looking for whatever left the crater, he sighed, annoyed that after such a while searching for it he didn't find a single clue.
"Argh, how far did that thing travel?" Jack spoke aloud, mostly to himself. Kokonutt was getting a it hungry from the search, albeit didn't do much searching to begin with.
"At this rate our treasure from the crater won't be worth the cost this treasure hunt is taking us!"
"Hold on-- That 'treasure from the crater' isn't just some object you can just sell to get some money!" A voice that's unfamiliar to Jack replied in the distance, which originated from Oz who overheard him while checking the same area he was in.
"Hmm?" Jack turned to look at her in confusion. To him, Oz was unknown to him, especially with the attire she was currently wearing that made her look more like an average mage. One of his eyebrows cocked up, wondering why a stranger is telling him that. "Come again? So you're on the look for whatever was there too?"
"No-- well, yes I am, but you're not going to find treasure--" Oz responded, letting out a sigh, giving herself a second to take a deep breath.
"Look, from what we've heard thus far is that what was in the crater was likely a living organism. I personally checked the crater myself and noticed those footprints. It's very likely what we're looking for is an alien. Y'know, Little Green Men from those sci-fi movies?"
Jack had a visible look of confusion on his face. Living organism? Aliens? LGMs? He took some time to process that, but even then his reaction was headscratching in confusion.
"..Are you pullin' my leg or something cause I saw that poster from the Maple Alliance about the crater and I don't think I saw anything regarding aliens or something."
Kokonutt couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's response, while Oz imagined the kind of person Jack is after hearing it.
"Well clearly you haven't read it properly, because it was stated in the official note stated clearly that it's very likely an alien."
"I--ehh--" He took a second to think, only to remember exactly reading that part, but glossing over that part in hopes for treasures still. "...Ohh, now that you've mentioned it, I guess you are right." A guy with a lot of common sense he is not, but he still couldn't believe the notice. There has to be more than just an alien, right?
"B-but is that really true? I know the Maple Alliance is big, but who's to say the information is 100% true? Do we know who exactly has given that information to the alliance?"
"Well. If you must know that, then you should know you're looking at--" Oz was about to finish her sentence, before the two could feel the ground shake, almost in a rhythm of a being moving, getting more intense with each shake. They might not agree on the alien part, but they both know all too well they're in the territory of one orange mushroom that topple over them size wise, one that was heading towards them: the Mushmom,
"...Let's run--" Jack said to Oz, not wanting to deal with Mushmom for today and while she could handle it if she wanted to, Oz nodded in agreement as she found it best to get Jack to safety. "Yes, let's make a run for it." They both decided to make a run for it, attacking any mushrooms that were in their way from the path they're running towards.
As they were both running, there was one person observing them from the distance after having seen the Mushmom walking. This person, a blonde male known to a couple of individuals across dimensions, observed the amount of mushrooms that were blocking their way.
“There seemed to be at least a hundred of these odd mushrooms heading their way-- and that giant one. Must it be the alpha of the herd?“
While Jack and Oz were able take down a good amount of mushrooms, it did give the Mushmom some time to catch up to the two.
“Crap—” Oz, with her ability to teleport could’ve gotten out of there with ease, but Jack, who isn’t a mage, wasn’t able to teleport-- not only that she’s not sure how strong Jack really is so to make sure he’s safe, she was going to have to stay and help him, even if it meant that they’re going to be in a potential life or death situation.
So there they were, trying to fend themselves off against those mushrooms while the Mushmom was heading towards them, inching closer and closer. It was at that moment where the blonde male from the distant wasn’t at the same spot a moment ago.
“Damn it, there’s just too many of these buggers out there--” Jack spoke up, having already launched a few cannon shots against the mushrooms. These shots hit a lot of them at once was slow to load, while Oz’s magic was quick and effective, but consumes a good amount of mana, as well as being as hot as actual fire, as well as consuming a bit of her stamina. “..You can say that again. Guess we have to confront her, huh? Do you think your arsenal can take her on?” Oz asked to him as he already has his cannon aimed and ready to be fired.
“...Might need a bit of help on that one, but with the right distractions I can--”
“If you guys need fire power--” A voice echoed around them as a blitz of green, yellow black and orange passed them by and hit the Mushmom square in the face, causing her to be flung back meters from the impact, leaving a trail where the Mushmom’s body got grinded by the ground, like a meteor leaving a trail on the ground.
As soon as the two were aware what has happened, there was the new face. A blonde male with a green hoodie, with him wearing two pairs of gauntlets which were now covered by his flames as his arms had a circuitry like patten glowing from each arm. His eyes were as blue like the crystal on his chest. It was clear that he had power. They were looking for power to defeat the Mushmom and if they needed power…
“—then I can fill in the void!” The Blonde stranger’s grinned at the two who seemed surprised by the stranger’s strength, but this stranger just helped them and that’s all they needed to know at the moment to trust his capabilities. The mushroom’s also took note of the strength, having backed off a few meters, but not running away yet as if they’re waiting for him to move out.
“...Okay then--” Oz replied with a nod. “But are you going to be fine?”
“Me?” The blonde asked, before letting out a chuckle. “Relax, I’ve got this one in the bag. You two go and escape while I’ll take on the alpha mushroom--”
“Mushmom—” Oz corrected the male.
“Right-- Mushmom. Wait, Mushmom? Where’s Mushdad?” the male asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Huh—” To Oz it was a weird question. Well it made sense, but the question wasn’t really suited for the situation they’re now in. “I-It’s not important right now, you need to take care of this thing.”
“Okay—” the blonde spoke up. “Where are you two heading?”
“Henesys is the best place to be in for us right now.”
“Henesys, what’s that?”
“…” Oz almost couldn’t believe what he said. How could anyone NOT know about the well known village. Unless… No, that question has to be asked for another time. “It’s the village with mushrooms for houses. You’ll know you’re there when you see the trade market.”
“Okay, got it--” the blonde male responded. He has his fist clenched and he looked at the direction he saw the Mushmom returning, more annoyed than anything. He assumed a fighting stance, ready to fight while looking at the two.
“Welp. I’ll see you guys over at Henesys then.”
And with that, with a speedy dash, the blonde male dashed towards the Mushmom once more to resume battle, but with him fighting her once more meant that the mushrooms didn’t have to worry about facing him, so as if he was never been here before, the mushrooms decided to attack, but now that Jack and Oz didn’t have to worry about Mushmom since she’s preoccupied with the stranger, they were now able to fair a better fight against these mushrooms.
Meanwhile with the fight against the Mushmom, to the blonde fighter it wasn’t a difficult match. Mostly likely because he had the upperhand when it comes to speed, agility and power. While the Mushmom can stomp hard, it’s basically ineffective if she cannot even hit the stranger.
Once Oz and Jack were out of mushmom forest trail they decided that it’s best to be in Henesys for the time being to recuperate, get some food and potions. Oz spoke up to him once more.
“So WHY did you even decide to look for that alien anyway?”
“Why, ya asked?” Jack responds, having already gotten a couple of good grubs in his belly. “Because I needed th’ money and it’s a fine bounty I’d be getting once I had it-- er them.”
“Needed the money?” Oz repeated that part, “For what? Aren’t pirates known to be rich or something.”
“Well ya see, that’s where y’er wrong.” Jack responds. “Pirates get a good income in terms of gold. No one says they were good in knowing what to spend their money on.”
“So in other words, you’re broke.” Oz side-eyes him, already imagining the kind of person he may be.
“Hey I didn’t imply that!”
“Well you did--” A soft sigh escaped Oz’s lips. So far no alien...Or was there? “But so far it seems like the alien is further than we thought. Hopefully we can find him sooner rather than later.”
“Why’d you want to find the alien? Why is an alien so special then?”
“Have you ever been into contact with one?” Oz asked.
“N-no, but aren’t aliens just long weird looking being riding in UFOs?”
“True, but who knows what aliens are capable of. It’s because of that reason why I’m looking for them right now. We don’t even know if they’re hostile or not. And if they’re not I want to help them and bring them back home.”
“Sounds like an interesting conversation you two were having-” the familiar voice was able to be heard from nearby. It was that same blonde male who helped them.
“Ohey, it’s you--” Oz spoke up, already heading towards him. “Thank you for helping us out here. We had to confront the Mushmom otherwise. Welcome to Henesys by the way, must be your first time.”
“Well…” The blonde male scratched the back of his head. “It’s actually my uhh...6th time here already? There’s no real sign that says Henesys village here. It’s my first time knowing the name of this village. You two are talking about an alien, right?”
“That’s right,” Oz replied with a nod. “Are you here to look for the alien as well?”
But before the male can speak up, Jack looked at the male’s attire. It’s different from the fashion style most have in Mapleworld that it seemed...Out of this world.
“He’s probably alien himself. Like look at what he’s wearing!!”
“…” The male chuckled. With a light shrug he responds. “Well you’re not wrong though, I did not come from this world.”
“Oh—” Jack raised an eyebrow before responding, “I uhhh-- was only joking about the alien part, no offence on the attire-- looking good but you seem like you’re--”
“Oh I take no offence to that. But I’m not lying when I say I’m not from here.”
“So you’re actually an alien?” Oz asked, a bit surprised that the potential alien seemed so...human like. “So are you like from Grandis or something?”
“Grandis?” Maroon raised an eyebrow, having one his hands on his hip. “I don’t even know what that place is. I actually come from another dimension if you two can believe it.” He has his hand reached out, ready to give the two a handshake.
“My name’s Maroon-- and I come from Lawain City, maybe a couple of dimensions away from the one we’re in now. I’m mostly here to train and such, but maybe I could also add exploring this dimension as part of my reason for being here. I kinda dig this planet’s vibe.”
the two looked at eachother before looking back at otherworlder, before deciding to shake his hand.
“Well I’m Oz-- and this man here is uhh...What’s your name again?”
“Jack the Cannoneer, aiming to be the strongest pirate in all of Mapleworld!”
“Right...Anyway, since you’re not from here, might I ask: have you heard of the news of the crater at a farm?”
“A crater--” Maroon had to think for a second, but he knew exactly what crater she meant. Everytime he enters a world for the first time he always left one by accident.
“...Oh, yeah.” He mumbled in his reply. “That wasn’t my intention when entering here. My father always helped me get to one world after another. And every first time he brings me there, he always has his portal way too high up. So fell to the ground and that’s why I left that crater.”
“...Oh—” Oz responds, but realizes what that meant. “—Wait are you okay? You’re not hurt from that, are you?”
“I mean I was--” Maroon responds back, “but my body already recovered from the injury. What about the owners of the farm? Is the cost to the damages severe?”
“Oh no they’re covered by their warranty.” Oz responds. “Besides, their son makes a lot of money for them and knowing the nice guy he is he probably helped them out as well so it’s all fine.”
“Ah, that’s a relief…” With a soft sight, Maroon looked at the environment they’re in. Seeing the interest in his eyes, Oz was considering the free time she has at the moment before thinking of an idea.
”Say, how about we go see the world together? You’ve got a reliable guide with you and there will be adventures awaiting. How’s that for an idea?”
“Adventures also means treasure, ye?” Jack spoke up, the adventure part already caught his ears.
“I...Well...Yeah I guess, but--”
“Then I’m joining!” Jack responds before Oz can continue her sentence. This cause Maroon to chuckle seeing the enthusiasm on Jack’s face.
“Well then, I guess we can say that we’ll be having a wonderful adventure.”
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starrysmiling · 11 months
my theory on jax's parents
i've been sitting on this one for a long while and finally got the push to write this up. i want to write about this in the future, but there's bits here that have got to wait until cube corp releases, so... i'm just going to talk about it while i'm here.
anyway. as we all know, jax seems to be raised by arthur, and neither of them ever mention his parents.
so where. the fuck. are they.
spoiler alert: just between you and me, i think they're dead. not that it's confirmed or anything...
so... let's begin with a preword. the jax in my canon is 22, since unlike ace and the player, he doesn't have a canon-implied age. (this did not stop me from making fern 21.)
this makes him just slightly older than the meteorite strike on crater town, which happened 20 years ago. it's important to note this, because he needs to be alive for his parents to die in the aftermath of the meteorite strike.
whoops. did i just say that?
let's just change tracks for a bit.
arthur is training jax to be the next champion. that's quite obvious from the story, he says it outright, there isn't any question about that. but i think that originally, arthur wanted his own child to succeed him. it's also something to think about if you consider that he stepped down from the champion's seat before the events of the game, which prompts me to think that he wanted a successor before he stepped down, but he couldn't train jax in time bc jax was still too young.
so let's go with that: arthur intended for his child to succeed him as the next champion after he steps down. thus: arthur's child, and one of jax's parents, would likely be a ferociously strong trainer.
i'd like to think that they met someone while they were training or journeying, fell in love, eventually decided to marry them, and have a child. why didn't they decide to become champion? this is just a hc, but considering elias is Still there and the league hasn't found a replacement and arabella is working there because her dad doesn't make money... yeah, i think the league is kinda understaffed. hell, i make fern struggle with his champion duties, but even if arthur is a better fit for the role, being the champion's child means they would be able to see how harsh the role is on arthur. and maybe they don't really want to be the champion just yet, when arthur still can do his job well.
and they're still young, after all. they want to have a bit of fun in their life, journey around as a trainer, raise their kid with lots of care, then maybe go get that champion role once arthur's done his term.
so now, little jax is two years old. the meteorite has just been shattered over valley city, and the residents have been transported back to help clean up the town. volunteers and volunteer pokemon from nearby cities, like dresco town, are called to help with the restoration efforts.
and jax's parents are part of those volunteers, naturally. they're both pokemon trainers, after all.
and here's where it starts going to shit.
remember that two pokemon came down to earth with the meteor? jirachi was sealed away after the residents realised its power, but another pokemon landed a little to the northeast.
and deoxys is powerful. pksp red, one of the strongest trainers, if not the strongest in the series, is almost powerless against deoxys when he first battles it. it takes him a bit of a bond with a rogue mewtwo and several tough battles, some difficult enough to shatter his mentality, to defeat it, and even then, it's an uphill struggle for him.
that's the pokemon that jax's parents find: a ridiculously strong pokemon from outer space that nobody's seen or recorded before. remember, it immediately fights you if you talk to it, so i suppose... they fight. and if they can see the utter destruction that could come out of deoxys's power, there's no way they're letting that pokemon get to the town, where unarmed people are working on clearing the rubble. so they fight, and they fight, but deoxys is strong, and clearly not even two people are a good enough fight against it, and soon their pokemon are worn out and deoxys's attacks are injuring the pair themselves.
they put together a plan. one holds off the strange pokemon from outer space — for the sake of my canon, this is the stronger one, arthur's daughter — and the other runs back to the town to alert the guardian of borrius, who is overseeing the restoration efforts. if anyone can beat this pokemon, it's the legendary aros.
and so jax's father flies back to crater town. he'd been persuaded to go, being more heavily injured by the fight, and desperately searches for aros, explains the situation, and immediately brings him to the crater where they found deoxys.
but it's too late by then.
they find jax's mother, barely conscious and mortally wounded, being fiercely protected by her pokemon who are only barely standing. aros thanks her, and with their combined efforts, barely manage to defeat deoxys and seal it in sleep. jax's father returns to his wife's side, only for her to sigh her last breaths before they can treat her wounds.
aros notices that jax's father's wounds can still be treated, but though aros hurries him back to town... perhaps the loss of his wife weighs too deeply on him, and he doesn't make it.
and jax, still only two years old, is left in the care of his grandfather.
his parents are called heroes — they fought so that crater town would not suffer a second disaster in quick succession, and that's why jax in my canon is so set on being a hero. his admiration for aros is also partly from seeing how he handled the incident, making sure that he didn't take the credit for holding off deoxys and ensuring that people wouldn't forget that jax's parents died in order to keep the town safe.
and, also, aros is basically the local superhero. he's cool as hell. no wonder he's kinda jax's idol.
anyway. i really want to write more about this concept, and there's a scene where i want jax to meet aros and for aros to tell him, properly, about his parents. that'll be the first time that i've ever written jax crying in canonverse, because hearing aros, his idol, apologise to him for not being able to save his parents and recount that they genuinely were heroes in his eyes is a lot to process. (it's also really funny considering that jax hasn't cried in front of fern, but he has cried in front of fern's dad.)
as a way of finishing this arc of jax's life, i really also want to suggest that after fern captures jirachi, jax tags along with him to fight deoxys.
and this fight — this is jax's fight. fern can tell that this jax is different from seeing him stare down deoxys across the crater. there's something twisted about the fact that jax is now facing it with his own partner, twenty years later.
jax, heightened by raw emotion, seems to fall back into his more reckless, daring tactics. he plays fern's hyper-offensive role, actually, and fern plays jax's support, making sure that jax doesn't run himself ragged, following up after his strikes, covering when they're in trouble. it's not like they made a name for themselves as an unstoppable duo for nothing.
the conclusion of this arc is jax's capture of deoxys, after a grueling battle that whittles at his strength and mental state. in a way, earning deoxys's respect, being able to capture it in a ball, and being able to say that he finally, finally defeated the pokemon that killed his parents, is a sort of closure that he probably didn't know he needed.
did you see that, mom, dad?
i beat it. you can rest easy now.
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wonderjourneys · 1 year
The "Attack on Titan" city of Nördlingen in Germany. Because of the circle wall all around the old town. Only five gates grant access to the protected medieval village.
But there is more. Tens of thousands of years ago a meteor - laden with tiny gem stones - crashed. On that 25 kilometre crater, the city of Nördlingen has been build From that diamon-dust-stone. Some experts have estimated that the old town contains 72,000 tons of diamonds in its buildings and walls.
Nördlingen is along the Romantic Road in Bavaria, Germany
Music: Ghostrifter / downtown glow Ghostrifter, Chosic, CCBY Ethereal by Ghostrifter Official | https://soundcloud. com/ghostrifter-official Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0 Music promoted by https://www.chosic. com/free-music/all/
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paradise-in-k4 · 26 days
The Gap in the Evening, Report Entry 0: “Retrospective in Retrograde”
The night was dark. But then again, the nights are always dark here. Darker than they were in the last month. But that didn’t stop us from trying to uncover the mystery behind the mega crater that was a thousand times the diameter of Lake Suwa. I had made the hypothesis that this was part of a rogue meteor shower that wiped a whole town and the surrounding mountains off the map, but that couldn’t have been more wrong. Using her ability to see the boundary between what I inferred at the time as past and present, Maribel had realized that the area was alive and well. The story we had heard about a meteor wiping out a whole prefecture and then some was a cover-up, and we had to see this through as we crossed the boundary.
What we had witnessed was beyond belief. We bore witness to a practically untouched Japanese civilization that could date back to feudal times while boasting limited technology that could match the 21st century’s technological advances. Perhaps this was the land that Maribel had talked about visiting so much in her dreams. Was this a discarded second satellite whose mission was to compensate the assumed total loss of the TORIFUNE? Or maybe a botched attempt to test anti-gravity theories with cutting-edge technologies?
Our musings were cut off by one of the residents who claimed to have built her house in the nearby forest, introducing herself as Marisa Kirisame. As genuine as she sounded, her attire just screamed “modern day witch” with her cone-shaped long-brimmed hat accompanied by a poofy dress adorned with ribbons accompanied by a matching broomstick and what I can only assume- from one tabletop gaming session- is a magic focus of her own design. She said that something was wrong with her friend- a shrine maiden whose charge protected this whole region- and one of the authority figures of the land, asking us to help her out with some research in a parallel world where her sealed land of fantasy hadn’t yet gone through an incident of this magnitude. Using a parasol that she had been given from the aforementioned authority figure, she opened a second rift similar in quality to the one that Maribel had found. After being given a list of names of people who were said to belong in both worlds, we stepped headlong through the boundary into a parallel world. One that many called Gensokyo.
-Renko Usami
Hello and welcome to my general roleplay blog that appears Touhou-centric and boasts an AU based on Touhou that I call Universe K4 (refer to Touhou Lost Word’s universe coding to understand how I came up with this concept, as well as how universe denominations work with my muses), but some of it is essentially nonsensical ramblings unless you’re familiar with some of my other fandom interests and creative works. While I am *still* trying to get this stuff figured out, things’ll get more organized the more I work on this. Stuff like a rule list and guidelines are still under consideration, but my current list of rules is simple:
no NSFW of any kind on this blog (and there’s no side blog for it either)
no godmodding
in your ask, tag the RP blog you want me to respond to if you’re asking on anon or your main non-RP blog
be patient with me and tell me if things seem like they’re not going right, this is my first real attempt at making something like this
I’m open to plotted RP, but I will not do DM RP
anyone can usually drop in at any time by reblogging to your own RP blog, but mind where and when it's right for your character to enter
I can do fandom crossovers (because I have AUs in other fandoms that rely heavily on them), but responses might be slow if I don’t know the other fandom until I do a bit of research on the fandom and its characters
specify the muse(s) you want to interact with and which of your muses are in the scene, and possibly even a location if you want, it makes it easier for me to think of a response
I have a life like everyone else and several other not-quite-RP blogs that I like to write stuff on (below the break), so responses might not always be immediate
being on mobile, I might be unable to do several things that are limited to a desktop client. but I’ll try my best
you don’t have to match the length of my replies or be super detailed/formatted with them, but all I ask is that they’re grammatically legible
this blog isn’t restricted to mutuals-only or anything related. not yet, at least. if you want to interact, just do it!
FOLLOWER NOTE: If you get follow from @derpytoad or an ask that looks like an interaction request with this blog’s tag and then this blog reblogs your answer, it’s still me. Both blogs are one and the same because this blog is a side blog. Otherwise, it might appear as an anonymous ask with this blog’s tag.
Muse List, Writing Master Post, and Blog Tags
Useful Character & Worldbuilding Generators
Below is a list of active muses without a profile. Will eventually be moved to the muse list linked above.
Renko Usami (K4) - A university student and super unified physics major who accepted a request alongside her partner Maribel to help resolve an incident that afflicted an alternate Gensokyo as a side effect of trying to uncover the truth behind a disappearing landmass. Daring and adventurous, she looks at things from an objective perspective to find her answers. Her ability allows her to tell the time (in JST) by looking at the stars and to determine where she is by looking at the moon. Does not know of or have any declared Spell Cards yet.
Maribel Hearn (K4) - A university student and relative psychology major who accepted a request alongside her partner Renko to help resolve an incident after uncovering an alternate Gensokyo during an investigation behind a disappearing landmass. A specialist in reverse psychology, she looks at things from a relative and subjective perspective to find answers, sometimes considering specific concepts to be unreal due to her self-concealed ability to see- and possibly manipulate- boundaries. Slightly knows what Spell Cards are from her brief experiences in Gensokyo in the past, but hasn’t personally declared any yet.
Star Sapphire (L1) - One of the Three Fairies of Light that happened to spot Renko and Maribel as they entered Gensokyo through the gap, currently trailing them for her own reasons. It is currently unknown if she wants to help resolve the Parallel Satellite Incident or simply cause her usual brand of mayhem with pranks. A prankster a heart with rather bizarre perceptions and interests such as literally anything to do with stars, she comes off as the calmest and wisest of the three with more common sense than the average fairy in Gensokyo. Although Star comes off as a slacker at times, she knows when to alert her allies of something incoming when preparing to prank someone, and when to bail out and leave her friends behind to face the consequences if things go wrong. Her ability allows her to detect the presence of moving objects and people like a radar, although other abilities like Reisen Udongein Inaba’s ability to control wavelengths can interfere with this. Her first two Spell Cards may be Starlight "Star Laser" and Star Sign "Red Star" although she has several others to declare if isolated from any other backup, and she’ll often change the order she declares them.
Marisa Kirisame (K4) - A firepower-focused magician from the Forest of Magic who asked Renko and Maribel for help regarding an incident after Reimu and Yukari lose control over their abilities, causing Gensokyo to get stuck free-floating within an unknown gap as a satellite orbiting another larger celestial object. While still a proponent of bullet theory with a strong passion for building power as an ordinary human magician (often accented with giant laser beams), the recent incident has forced her into a more serious and scholarly approach to determine how to approach resolving the incident with Reimu and Yukari essentially out of commission for the time being. Her ability to use magic hasn’t changed, though she is currently holding Yukari’s gap-opening parasol while the incident is ongoing. Will declare Love Sign: Master Spark and Magic Sign: Non-Directional Laser as her first and/or main two Spell Cards if challenged to a fight, danmaku regulations or not.
Icon is Renko as portrayed in Touhou Lost Word, banner is currently one cutscene background from the same game.
Other than that, feel free to send an ask, tag me for an interaction, or just let me know what your blogs are in the replies or reblogs, as this is a permanent starter call. At least, until a separate long-term starter call post is made. If you read the rules and muse list and know what’s going on with this blog, send me an ask that says “Yukari, get the train!”
Looking for one of my other semi-or-less-RP blogs? Most of them are Cookie Run, but I have a bit of variety:
@bakersstreetirregulars - Cookie Run news with character commentary; open to Q&A with a select cast of muses but not full RP
@crepearchives - Cookie Run informational archival blog/pseudo-wiki for Tumblr convenience with character commentary; open to Q&A with an even smaller cast of muses than above, but no full RP
@lilywhite-space - Cookie Run AU with crossover implications that share universe lore with THIS BLOG. Everything else is WIP on this so far
@grimoiresofseveralmagicians - Touhou-centric info blog under development to act as a pseudo-wiki for Touhou Lost Word and other mobile games (the latter being under consideration). All personal lore posted on that blog is shared with and canon to THIS BLOG TOO.
Or are you looking for my other more Cookie Run RP-oriented blogs?
@timekeepertwister - Cookie Run AU with crossover implications partially canon to this blog; open to Q&A and RP for various characters related to the Time Balance Department
@kitsune-corps-investigators - Wizardposting blog with a backdrop cast of Cookie Run wizard/detective characters both canon and OC. Open to Q&A and RP for various characters related to the series as a whole, but still under development
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