#metanoia chapter four
somberjoon · 5 months
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✩ pairing: wolf hybrid nj x cheetah hybrid reader (f) - eventual ot7 x reader
✩ genre: soul-searching , romance🔞 , found-family , healing , angst , happy ending
✩ word count: 5.2k
✩ chapter warnings: uncertainty in behavior and emotions , anxiety , crying and loss of a grasp on what to do , some Y/N lore in this one with abandonment themes.
✩ summary: She doesn't know. There is so much about her and her cheetah that she hasn't had the privilege to understand. Unknown backgrounds and unknown emotions clash with feelings of want- hopes of being herself unapologetically. Namjoon seems to be someone that can help her- but can the rest of his pack truly be what she has wanted and needed?
✩ cover: me
ch.1 , ch.2 , ch.3 , ch.4 , ch.5 , ch.6 , ch.7 , ch.8 , ch.9 , ch.10
She knew it wasn't going to be easy, but sitting in this office with Mila and Namjoon having a 'stare-off' is far more awkward than anything she's experienced or hoped for. They both were thinking- more-so Mila than Namjoon- but now she doesn't know who's going to break the silence first. Four minutes is too long when you're counting the seconds. 
"Maybe I can give my verbal consent?" Y/N tries to lighten the situation. 
"It isn't about verbal consent or whether or not I think it's best for you. Namjoon, you jumped into this process without even considering what I had set up for her." Mila counters.
"I know my priorities. Safety for someone I care about." Namjoon then counters her.
"This is not a conversation you should even be here for, you are not her legal guardian or pack, nor are you going to say 'yet' and act like it means anything." 
They bounce off of each other, Namjoon trying his best to act like he has the upper hand. In all fairness, he was just anxious about Mila saying no, and wanted to get a jump on things to show he was serious about this. 
“If I could?” Y/N tries again with hesitance. Maria gives her a sighing nod. “I wanted him to come with me. I didn’t want to be alone, not after everything. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know first, but I want this home to be my first choice if we could prioritize it. If it means that I no longer have the organization behind me…”
“You’ll still be under the organization Y/N, it’s not a simple chosen rehoming that changes your qualifications to be under the organization. Yes, our main priority is rehoming and making sure hybrids are in safe environments- but we provide so much that you would still need the connections for. You don’t have to worry about that. However, because their home is not one that is directly under our own lists and the pack members aren’t all background checked, it makes it harder for you if this is something that won’t work out. You won’t technically qualify for the rehoming part any longer if you go through with this- as the organization has proof that you can find a stable home or roof over your head on your own accord. It’s a messy thing that I personally hate, but it’s in the contract.” Mila informs. 
“When will she need to decide by?” Namjoon asks, leaving no time for Y/N to process what she said. 
“I can give you candidates that are willing and information on our shelter, just to see what your options are. I’m sorry to say that it is a short list. But, I’d rather you go over all your options, just so you know you have them and don’t feel pressured. Final decisions should be made within the next couple of days. Legal matters are far easier when you have an address and contact information, so as soon as possible is best.” 
Processing everything in silence feels wrong. Usually she prefers that, most of the time she prefers it. But, as Namjoon drives back to the pack home with Y/N in the passenger seat- the silence feels infuriating. 
"Can we talk about this?" The question comes out a bit more hostile than necessary, grabbing Namjoon's attention immediately. She's irritated more than normal- an emotion she doesn’t often feel, especially with her wanting to make the new chance at life worth something.
"Yes, of course. I just didn't want to make you feel like you had to take my thoughts into consideration. What's best is that you create your own conclusion with your wants and needs considered above all." 
Why is it so irritating? Everything feels like a choice that could lead to her demise. Everything feels raw and bleeding and her own decisions have been the ones to fuck her over even more. Yes, she didn’t put herself into this situation by choice- but, it's still all her. She hates being in control when she's exhausted and irritated and fucking sad. 
"I'm too tired to think on my own right now." She admits, her voice softening only a little. 
"You can rest as long as you'd like when we get to the house, only Seokjin is there so no one will bother you." 
"I don't want to sleep, Namjoon. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of feeling like a burden in every space I'm given. I'm tired of feeling unwanted. I'm tired of not being fought for. Everyone tip-toes around me like I'm a fucking child. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to live life and make mistakes and bounce back to lift myself up. I'm tired of having to figure it out all at once, instead of it being one step at a time. I just want-" She cuts herself off, not wanting to admit how fucking badly she just wants to live with him and be safe and cared for. 
Maria was so kind, so caring and loving towards her- she was waiting for someone that she could be there for. But, then she got Y/N. A fuck up that doesn't know anything. She knew she'd make mistakes, but this is far too much for anyone to handle. No wonder no one wants to take her in. Namjoon probably submitted those reports of his volunteer time and that could just add to the resentment people have for her. Namjoon invited her to stay, and even his pack voted for it, but it still feels like something she has to decide. It doesn't feel like he's fighting for her, more so suggesting that she put his consideration at the top of her list. Like the perfect hybrid he is- he's thinking of her feelings first.
"Go ahead, say what you want." Namjoon pushes with gentleness. Even that seems to push her farther over. 
"I was only 8 when I started living on my own. Even then, I don't remember any parents or a lab or fucking anything. Everyone I've told or asked has assumed it was an orphanage that I left. Only I didn't leave it. I wouldn't leave a safe place like that so young. I went to sleep one night and woke up in the middle of fucking nowhere- I raised myself Namjoon. For 17 years, I was in and out of shelters and in and out of towns for my own safety. I don't remember anyone telling me what I needed to do. Ever. I never had a mom or a dad or a guardian to teach me. I figured everything out on my own. Nobody cares to even acknowledge you when you're dirty and smelly and skittish. I just want an answer. I want a fucking step by step instruction like a child gets when they're learning to ride a bike or make a sandwich. I don't want to decide anymore. I'm tired of trying to figure out what's best for me. Why can't someone else figure out what's best for me?" 
Her tears fall with no indication, no break in her voice or lull of her breath. 
"I want- I want a mom right now." 
Namjoon pulls over onto the side of the street and turns on his hazards. He takes out his own phone without a word and finds whatever he's looking for just to shove the phone into her line of sight. 
'Maria Caddel'
"I can't talk to her." Y/N mumbles.
"She cares about you. She knows you and she wants the best for you- just like a mother would. You are both in similar positions, I know she's been beating herself up about not being able to help you. You could help each other. She gets to know you're safe, and you get to ask for advice- from a mom." 
She feels awful. Maria was really so much of what she was looking for and now- she has nothing, again. 
Please ask her. I can help you, but please try.
It's a voice in her head that seems far more level-headed than she has been these last two days. They're right, though. She needs to try
She grabs the phone from Namjoon's hand, pressing the green call button before she can even think twice, and puts the warm device up to her ear. Her tears already streak the screen. 
"Hi sweetie, how is she?" Maria picks up almost immediately. Y/N doesn’t even breathe, she's scared and shocked to find Maria asks about her first. 
"Hello? Namjoon?"
Hearing her voice, how tired she sounds, breaks her heart. She has no idea what all she's been through during the process of packing the small amount of Y/N's things. A sob pulls from her before she can stop it, her lungs craving the pull of oxygen. 
"Oh, darling is that you? Oh I'm so sorry. What's wrong? Do you need help?" Maria's voice immediately turns soft and worrisome when she hears Y/N. 
"Mm-hm." A whining hum of a 'yes' is all Y/N can get out. 
"You need help? What do you need, angel?" 
Only after a few shaky breaths is Y/N able to get a response out, and even then it's barely an audible response. 
"What do I do?" She already knows she looks like a mess, still bruised and cut and bawling her eyes out in Namjoon's passenger seat- but somehow she still feels shame, picking at the band on the bottom of Namjoon's borrowed hoodie. She calms herself by feeling the texture, pushing on with a more understood tone.
"I don't know what to do. I said yes to Namjoon, but what if that doesn't work out? The organization-"
"I know darling," she starts with a tone that shows composure. She's showing that she's here for Y/N- strong and teaching. "They told me what would happen. Do you trust Namjoon?"
Y/N wasn't expecting her to ask that. If anything, she thought she'd ask how she felt about it all- a draining question she would've just sobbed more at the sound of.
"I do." She doesn't even have to think about it anymore. 
"I do too. I think he'd keep you safe, even if somehow it didn't work out. I think you should go with him. I will always give you a second option. I will help you pay for whatever you need in a place that you could start out in if necessary. But you have a great chance to live life with others first. You should give it a try. Mess up, manage relationships, and just try. Okay?"
It feels like a heavy cement block that sat on her chest is slowly lifting. Even her limbs feel lighter. But best of all, her heart aches just a little less. 
"Don't let anything that has weighed you down be the deciding factor in how you live. You have a chance, an amazing chance with a safe pack. Live, Y/N."
"I will try."
"Always try."
Y/N was really bummed to hear Namjoon suggest that she ‘think her decision over’ for the night instead of driving her back to the organization the same day. She had a lot of pent up adrenaline from being so terrified, and that just made her want to go in as soon as possible to finalize her choice. 
“I really just want you to have a night in the house. A sleeping night where you can see our routine so that you can be sure you feel safe there.”
By the time they are to his pack home, she realizes how thankful she is that he suggested she wait. As she is now extremely exhausted and it’s truly helping to dull the anxiety she feels being her to see the whole pack. She still needs to tell Namjoon. This would be the perfect time- before they finalize anything. Without her immediate response, Namjoon assumes otherwise.
“I can still take you back for the last night with th-”
“No. I don’t want to go back there.” She says firmly, coming out with little authority. "They know that I'm coming tonight?" 
"Jin-hyung already made sure one of the guest rooms were made up and cooked you a dinner to have separately if you'd like. He's very excited to hear your opinion on them." He gives her a cheeky smile that she can barely return, but it's with honesty. She has just realized how much she missed the fox. "The only thing that might be surprising is Taehyung has preferred being in his cheetah form since we didn't allow him to bombard you, so if he's still deciding upon seeing you again in his cheetah form- just let us know if you're uncomfortable." 
"A-and the others? Are they truly okay with me being here?"
"They want you to be safe, just as I do. They don't mind at all, Y/N." 
"This is a lot scarier than I thought it'd be." She huffs a small laugh, looking at the house that houses a group of guys that have yet to see her in her state now. "Would it- be weird? If I just let you know a small detail, before we go in? About what happened."
"Not at all, I'll take it however you'd like me to."
Y/N thinks about what specific pieces she wants to give up just before going inside of a place full of men- a safe place, but with men nonetheless.
"I only trust you to touch me in any way at the moment. I want to warm up to Taehyung, and I don't want hugs right now. Nothing constrained."
"Of course. I can text them right now, if you'd like. Or we can play by ear. They know not to touch you without your permission- they would never. But, all the mushy cats love it in ranging ways so- up to you." He informs her.
"Text, please. I just don't want to make it about me once I'm in there. Eating separately for now is fine as well." 
Namjoon looks at her, not her scars or bruises, but into her eyes for a little too long. She wishes she knew what he thought, why his gaze is so soft when it lands on her.
"Okay." He finally says. 
The house is so warm. Even the energy inside of it is a welcoming blanket of hope. There's a light thumping of bass and music that can be heard from one of the rooms Namjoon pointed out being a gym. An amazing scent of food and some type of candle or sprayed scent lingers underneath. The warmth seems to be the only hold she wants to have around her forever. 
"Do you want to say hi to Seokjin-hyung?" Namjoon quietly asks, again taking the time to set her last used slippers in front of her feet. 
"Yes, I don't want to be mean." She gives him a smile that he catches onto immediately, giving her a knowing one back. She really did miss the fox, and she was sad to not see him when he visited the hospital with Namjoon. 
"The sweet cub is back." Seokjin points out with a pretty smile. Y/N can't help but give him one right back. Seokjin is typing away at a computer, doing something Y/N can’t see from the doorway. Again, Namjoon is right behind her giving her the confidence she needs. A gentle, warm hand is placed on her shoulder to encourage her to keep up the conversation. 
“Uh, how are you?” She asks, not knowing how to get to the point. 
“I’m good, Y/N, how are you?” 
“I’m okay…I just wanted to thank you for- everything? I don’t know how to show my gratitude yet but, I want to make it up to you somehow. I’m sure Namjoon told you about our deal so-” 
“I would love to have you around to test my recipes at any time of the day. And I’m sure the others will try to drag you along in their array of requests. Your place here is to rest and be safe first, we’ll decide those later on when you feel up for it. Sounds good?” She can feel the authority he has over the pack despite Namjoon being the leader. 
“Okay. Please let me know what I can help with, though.” 
Seokjin gives her a warning of a look that has her leaving with Namjoon quickly so as to not push her luck. 
“Dinner is in the microwave!” He yells before Namjoon can shut the door all the way.
“He’s pretty set on how he feels with you being here. He wants to take care of you in any way that you want or that he can. If for some reason I’m not around, hyung is the one you’ll have to put up with.”
Namjoon must be able to tell how she feels about that, because he’s explaining more for her to grasp onto so as to not feel like a burden. 
“He always does it for us. He’s assertive but soft and caring. He just wants to keep us healthy and happy all the time. He worries a lot, so don’t be afraid to tell him off- he’ll always respect your space.” Y/N’s sigh is audible and embarrassing. 
“Joonie-hyung!” An excited Jimin pulls Namjoon into a sweaty hug that has Y/N hiding behind his figure to give herself some distance from him. Namjoon gives him a gross sound at the damp guy before Jimin peaks around to see Y/N. “I’m glad I caught you before you went up to the room. Jin-hyung wanted me to prepare some clothes for you. Hobi-hyung and I are the smallest, so we put two sets out for you, just so you had a choice in wearing something comfortable.They’re freshly cleaned and have no scent.”
Y/N can’t help but melt at the gesture. She’s still nervous around them all, just waiting for something to backfire and push her down several notches in his progress. But, one thing she knows for sure, is that the whole pack is thoughtful in their own ways. Even if it’s suggested by another member, they oblige and do everything to the best of their abilities. She appreciates that more than they probably think she does. 
“Thank you so much. I can wash them tomorrow as well.” 
“Don’t worry about that, just eat well and rest well, okay?” His smile is far too contagious, a thing that seems to beam and strike you in the chest- forcing you to give one back. 
“Okay, thank you again, Jimin.” 
He knew it'd be hard to pull himself away from her. Y/N in his home, eating food Seokjin made once again, accompanied by the wearing of his hoodie and tucked so pretty into one of his home's beds. He can't keep his fucking eyes off of her. 
"Is this awkward?" She randomly asks between bites of the stew he reheated for her. 
"No? Are you uncomfortable?" He asks, making sure to look around and see if anything would make her feel unsafe. 
"No. It's just- don't you want to go spend time with your pack? It's Monday evening, Namjoon. And you’ve been with me all day today." 
"They'll be okay without me for a night." He shrugs. Despite the nonchalance he gives, he never gave Y/N an actual explanation. She definitely catches that, giving him an evaluating look. “I’m taking care of you. They know that, they are okay with that. If you need my focus for a bit then they understand.” 
She still doesn’t give him a response, eyeing him with an obvious display of thoughts clouding her mind. He has to think of a better way to say it- to be less burdensome for her. Even if everything he’s done has been out of want, pure want and need to make sure she’s safe and comfortable. 
“Are you comfortable with me being here with you and not leaving you alone?”
A nod in response. 
“I want to be here. I want to make you comfortable. I want to make sure you’re safe, Y/N. I’ve lived with these guys for a while, a long time for some of them. They understand why we both need this- to be as content as possible in the circumstances.” He explains with the most sincerity he can muster without spilling more than they’re both ready for. He’s sat at the edge of the bed, his body turned towards her with his knee on the bed. She’s set criss-cross, leaning against the headboard with the tray of just-about-finished food on her lap. There’s still something in him that needs something, but he can’t risk more right now. He would never do anything before she’s ready. Even a simple touch could be unwanted and could draw her back farther and farther. That’s not fair for her at all. So, he suppresses the urge to reach out for her as she thinks and tries to believe it with all her might. 
“Okay.” Is all she says at first. “Could I- uh- well you know I didn’t have a nightmare when you first visited me-”
“Could I have something that…smells like you? So I can sleep.” 
He can’t help but think about the effects that would have on both of them. She’s safe with his scent, he’s content with his scent on her. It would quell that little voice in him that needs more. 
“I’ll grab you something once you’re set for bed. Are you still hungry? Or do you want to shower and get changed while I go make sure the pack’s all set?”
“I’m done, thank you. Is that the bathroom?” She points to a closed door across the room. 
“Yep, you don’t have to leave your room if you need it. Towels are already folded and in the large cabinet. I’ll be right back. You can lock the door, I’ll knock when I’m back, is that okay?”
He silently takes the tray of food from her. Lingering on the look of content she gives him. He recognizes her expressions with her being so open- he loves that he’s seen so many now. Despite him saying she could lock the door, he clicks the knob into the locked position and gives the knob a little wiggle when he’s finally shut the door, making sure it’s locked. When he turns towards the stairs to make his way down, he gets stopped by a very irritated cheetah. 
“I’m sorry, Tae, she’s getting ready for bed right now. Give her a little time and I’ll see if she’s up for seeing others before bed.” 
The cheetah gives him a huff before slinking up to her door to lie right in front of it. He gets comfortable quickly, not giving Namjoon a second look. Namjoon goes on his way, now finding Seokjin in the kitchen doing the dishes with Jungkook. 
“All finished.” He presents the tray to them, letting the fox take it with a content smile. 
“Is she doing okay?” 
“I think so.”
God this is the best shower she’s ever been in. She thought the Caddel home had the best shower she’d ever experienced. But this one is perfect. Just like everything seems to be when it’s connected to Namjoon and his pack. The water pressure seems to his her bruises with enough pressure to feel massaging more than anything. The soap in the shower seems up for grabs, making her skin and fur feel softer than they’d ever felt. She got the temperature perfect to tire herself down and be happily clean. 
Even their clothing is soft and perfect against her skin. She doesn’t know who’s is who’s but she preferred the black, baggy shirt that was slightly more soft. She chose whatever pair of shorts and was ready to try out the big bed properly with her hair still up in a towel- but a familiar scent outside her door catches her attention. Oh, how she missed that scent without even realizing it. She clicks open the lock without a second thought, finding the literal cheetah at her bare feet. 
“Taehyung?” He opens his eyes to look up at her. Taking his time getting up and stretching his pretty, long body. Y/N is truly stunned at the sight in front of her. She’s sure she’s seen animals before that were just shifted hybrids, but this is- she’s obviously never seen a cheetah, and she definitely wasn’t prepared to meet a pack member like this yet. She thought she was- but seeing Taehyung in this form makes her heart ache for no exact reason. It could be her wish to shift herself, it could be the feeling of trust she realizes resides between them to make him feel safe like this around her, or it could simply be the feeling of familiarity her cheetah finds in him. 
Despite him seeming to have been waiting for her to be done, he waits outside the door, eyeing her in a gesture she can only recognize out of instinct. 
“You can come in.” She tries, moving to the side for him. He obliges immediately, jumping up onto the bed with no other invitation needed. 
“Does Namjoon know that you’re here?” She asks, amused and fascinated with him still. All she gets is a huff that looks like annoyance at the mention of the wolf. She can’t stop a giggle from escaping her lips. She jumps up onto the tall bed and stretches her legs out as she leans against the headboard again, leaving one side of the bed for Taehyung to lie next to her. He’s not close enough to her to touch or even indicate that he wants to sleep there. But, she still feels a little awkward with the prospect. 
“Are you okay?” She decides to ask, the cheetah having stared at her and her bare legs for longer than she thinks is necessary. A whimper of a sound greets her, laying his head down just an inch from her left knee that homes a large purple bruise. His eyes bounce between the bruise and her face before she realizes. He doesn’t like that she’s hurt. 
“I’m okay. Just sore.” She lightens, hoping he doesn’t make a huge deal out of it in his human form. He surprises her even more than she thought was possible, when he lifts his head to give a tentative lick to the bruise. His scratchy tongue isn’t comforting, but the gesture- it’s a caring thing that only her own cheetah seems to know. He stops after the first lick, finding Y/N not denying the instinct he feels, so he goes back and does it a couple more times, before checking again and moving to another healing scratch on her shin. 
A knock on the door snatches her attention away from Taehyung who doesn’t care at all that someone is here. 
“It’s me.” Namjoon’s voice calls out.
“Come in!” Y/N calls out, hoping he doesn’t get mad at them. 
“I knew he’d find a way to go against my suggestion.” Namjoon ‘tsk’s while Taehyung has no care in the world except for her bruised and scratched legs. 
“He’s fine, I missed him anyways.” Y/N provides, looking up at Namjoon as he rounds the bed to her side with a fluffy pillow. 
“Here you go, are you tired?” She immediately takes the pillow and gives it an unshameful sniff as she squishes the pillow to her face. It’s perfect. This has to be a pillow he’s been using regularly. She feels a little bad for taking it- but not bad enough to give it back just yet. 
“I’m getting there. My limbs are more tired than anything.” 
“Let’s get your hair dry and brushed so you can sleep.” Namjoon dotes while Taehyung is still trying to heal her wounds with his tongue. The wolf leaves to the bathroom and grabs a brush she couldn’t originally find before gesturing to her hair. 
“Wait, I can do it-” Taehyung sets a firm paw onto her legs, finally stopping his licks to look up at her and directs a huff at her. 
“Fine.” She gives into both of them, already figuring out how the start of her living with them is going to look. They’ve always been attentive and wanting to help her, but this seems excessive. It’s more than she could’ve asked for and far more than she deserves. But, she can’t say she doesn’t want it. It means being around Namjoon for a little longer- feeling safe under their watchful eyes and being taken care of in ways she’s never experienced. 
Namjoon is gentle as he unwraps her unbrushed, wet curls, gathering them all to start brushing at the bottom of her hair. 
“Caring in active ways is important to us. We help each other without words, help when we’re needed, and give and take in times when we feel we need to. A pack is more than just a group of individuals, we are together as one and care for each other as we do ourselves. Though everyone needs different things, we learn them and adjust, because we care for them.” 
Namjoon is soft in his explanation, distracting her from the knots he brushes through and gives her much more to think about. This is him telling her he sees something in her as he does his pack, and he wants to care for her in ways that she may not be used to. It also tells her that she can try to be this way for them too. She’ll try. Just like Maria said. 
She seems to have forgotten at all about telling Namjoon anything. After her hair is up and out of her way to sleep comfortably, she’s lying down with a curled up cheetah at the foot of her bed. 
“Don’t be afraid to let Taehyung or I know if you need anything, okay?” Namjoon tells her, giving her a smile before turning away from her. She catches his hand in hers, needing to know if he would rather she tell him everything before she slept in his house. He already seems to understand. 
“Tomorrow. Tonight you rest and see how you feel here.” 
She waits, seeing if he changes his mind. He gives her hand a confirming squeeze and whispers a ‘goodnight’ to her. He then leans down, giving her a kiss into her hair that has her wanting to cry almost immediately at how gentle it was. He gives her hand another soft pressure before releasing her and petting Taehyung’s pretty head to give him a kiss on his head as well. 
“Goodnight.” Y/N calls as she watches him linger for only a short moment then flicks off the light and closes the door behind him.
“Goodnight, Taehyung.” She whispers into the dark. All she hears is a content chuff. 
She’s safe and clean. It’s a feeling she’ll never take for granted again.
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greasergal · 8 months
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Pairing: Older!Mikey Walsh x OC!FemReader
Warnings: language, angst, slow burn romance, sexual innuendos, drinking, dark past, mentions of depression
Summary: Estella spent a lot of her life not really knowing who she was. So on a journey to figure that out she said good bye to the life she had made in search of one she would enjoy. Which is how she happened to stumble upon the Goondocks and the best group of friends she had ever met.
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Chapter List:
One coming soon
Twenty One?
it is possible you have read a version of this on wattpad, do not worry I am the original writer, and this is my rewrite. hope you enjoy ♡
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metanoia-blues · 2 years
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02. METANOIA BLUES - The Hag of Driftwood Marsh
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After a couple days of rest and a bit of shopping to buy Luca a new prosthetic arm, our trio set off for the Driftwood Marsh in search of the river barge, home of the dreaded hag, Old Aggie Eeltongue.
Old Aggie proved to be as abrasive and unpleasant as the stories had said, prodding and provoking our heroes with snippets of knowledge from their past that the hag had no right to know...
Through her flippant remarks, it’s revealed to En and Willow that four years ago Luca lost all memories of his life, and that he carries a Dragonmark of the Sentinel on the nape of his neck. Luca and Willow also learn that En’s right eye was replaced against their will by the strange eyeball that now acts as the source of their magic. Willow’s immediate research would reveal this eyeball’s origins to likely be one of two planes: Xoriat, the Plane of Madness, or Khyber, the World within Worlds.
After making the trio do her chores, Aggie agrees to give them a cure for the curse in exchange for the return of her conch shell. But first, they’re told to venture into the marsh and retrieve some ingredients for her. Slightly battered and embarrassed, the trio returns to Old Aggie’s barge with the ingredients in tow.
As a curse-lifting concoction simmers, Aggie offers the trio a mystical fortune telling. She tells Luca that joy and suffering in equal measure await him on his journey, and that people he does not remember miss him. And to En, she reveals that the cult that forced the Eye upon them is still active with more than ten members, and the greater whole that the Eye was a fragment of is still alive. But Willow refuses Old Aggie’s fortunes, instead opting to use her crystal ball themselves. Succeeding at this phenomenal feat of magic, Willow has visions of an airship called the Stormchaser, observing it and its unfamiliar crew.
Before the trio departs, Old Aggie reluctantly offers them one last gift, a piece of the Draconic Prophecy:
The braid of fate is not lightly split, so a telling for one is a telling for all. What I say now is only a glimpse of the living prophecy, the coils ever shifting as the great wyrm wends its way through the sands of time… The Startouched Wanderer. The Devoted Shieldbearer. The Penitent Dreamspeaker. A grand design spirals into the beyond, for your lives are more than simply your own. I see four pillars unmoving, each a trial in its own right, though only one will promise fortune at the threshold. Beware the roving Eyes of the slumbering Tyrant; their thirst poisons the Houses in Shadow. The Blazing Blade seeks those who will carry it beyond the borders of darkness. Only a resurrection of the Twisted Shade can quench its selfish heart. Forgotten love wields its sword in despair, clutched by hand of green that bows to the legacy of the Thirteenth Mark. In the desolate heart of the shattered Gorgon sleeps the Seed of Annihilation. The Steel Lion knows the way. Trust his guidance. That is all that I see. These are the things that Will come to pass, for they were set in motion long ago. All else is ephemeral chaos, unknowable until the moment it is.
The hag claims that the Fates of our three heroes are intertwined. Four inevitable trials await them, and their actions will have great consequences, though the outcome is yet unclear. Willow the Startouched Wanderer, Luca the Devoted Shieldbearer, and En the Penitent Dreamspeaker.
With that, Old Aggie all but shoves our heroes from her home, her barge sinking below the marsh water.
Returning to Salvage with a cure for Captain Varis and his crew in the form of magical soap, the trio discuss with Luca’s friend and mentor Seeker Else the best way to bathe six seaspawn. Else offers to let them use the clinic baths and to provide help, but it would need to be arranged for two days later, as the anniversary of the Day of Mourning was approaching - a holiday in remembrance of the grim calamity that had destroyed the nation of Cyre and brought the Last War to a grinding halt. Such a day meant that the clinic would likely be busy with those seeking counsel and care. Nevertheless, the trio sneaks into the caves under the lighthouse to report the news to Varis and his crew and arrange to administer the hag's curative soap at the earliest opportunity.
In the meantime, disguised as their shady alias Kai, En visits a Regalport salon named Vis-a-Visage, which operates as a front for their criminal contact Vis’ less-than-legal enterprises. There they learn of a lucrative impersonation job: attend a special theatre performance on the Day of Mourning wearing the face of one Captain Miraldine Frostroot. En accepts the job without comment.
Disguised as Captain Frostroot, En finds themselves at House Thuranni's Galleria of Shadows, sitting next to some of the most high-ranking Captains of the Seadragon Principality, including High Prince Ryger ir’Wynarn himself.
They are in attendance at the premiere performance of the Folly of the Four Sons - a new opera by the Cyran poet Tarek Elham, performed by the brightest of House Thuranni’s luminaries. The cast includes the head of the house himself, Baron Elar d'Thuranni playing a titular role, and his daughter Lydia Lelas d'Thuranni as the prima donna. The opera was a deliberate criticism of the Last War, with dream-like visuals created through incredible feats of illusion magic.
The job seemed to be going smoothly, until it wasn’t. During the intermission, En caught sight of a man with a golden monocle. They recognized him from the worst day of their life – when they were taken captive in a House Phiarlan theatre, had their own eye surgically removed and replaced with the magical one that now haunts their dreams. Shaken by the sudden memory, En manages to finish their job and return to their temporary residence at the Nodding Poppy clinic. Despite Luca’s best efforts to calm En’s nerves, En spends the night in a wakeless sleep, remembering in perfect clarity the events that led to them making their Warlock Pact. 
The next day En, Luca, and Willow smuggle the cursed seaspawn to the clinic under the cover of night. Using the magic soap, they scrub away the curse revealing the true forms of Captain Varis and his crew.
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ilguna · 4 years
Metanoia - Chapter Four (f.o)
Summary: you will be crowned victor of the 75th hunger games.
Word Count; 4k
Warnings; swearing
NOTES: i give reader a last name to fit the world.
You reach over, grabbing a hair tie off of the counter. You gather all your hair into your hands before tying it back as tightly as you can manage. In the mirror you check to make sure that it’s straight. When you realize that it’s not, you pull your hair on one side to even it out.
Satisfied, you take a look at yourself from a distance. It’s not a bad look, the whole outfit that they’ve given out for training this year. You’re a big fan of the sports bra option--like you being allowed to wear it all by itself. Of course, you’re sure when the private session comes along, you’re going to have to wear something a little more modest.
But for now, a sports bra and a pair of yoga leggings is definitely something you wouldn’t mind training in. It’s easy to move around, you’re not showing too much skin, and you look good. It isn’t the main goal to look your best, however showing off that you are in good physical shape is a good threat in itself.
It means you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way. Someone tries to overpower you, you got the muscle to take them down. You could kill one of the tributes just by choking them to death with their thighs. What a way to go down, suffocating in a career’s thighs.
You laugh to yourself as you skip out of the bathroom and head to the main room. Brutus has been waiting for you to be ready. You were about to leave before, but realize that you needed to get your hair up and out of your face if you want to take this entire thing seriously.
You have to draw in other tributes. Get literally anyone confident enough to request you as an ally. It doesn’t even have to include the other three--Brutus, Gloss and Cashmere--if they want just you, you’ll consider. Neysa might have told you to knock the idea of going solo out of your head, but you’re not as stupid as she is.
You’re the one inside of the games. You know what’s best for you. And after all that thinking last night, you’ve come up with a few game plans. The first is that it’s completely possible to make Cashmere, Gloss and Brutus think you’re in on the alliance, but totally bail whenever you feel like it.
You could take at least one of them down before you go. Gloss or Brutus preferably. Sure, Brutus is a district mate, and you should be wanting someone else to take him down, but he’s not a friend. Merely an acquaintance that will get you to where you need to be. Which is hopefully the final ten or less.
What you will not be doing, is creating another alliance in the meantime. You are no idiot, if you’re serious about flying solo. Well, it’s called solo for a reason. One person, only you. You, your special favorite weapon, and maybe even some sponsors if they see that you’re still worthy enough.
You don’t have your mind set on anything just yet, you have plenty of time to make that decision. Five and a half days, to be exact, which is counting today. Half because the morning of the games will most certainly count, up until you get into the arena.
“Took you long enough, for a second I thought you’d died.” Brutus says.
“You’re funny.” you say, “Let’s go.”
“Not yet.” Neysa objects, “I have good news and bad news, which one do you want first?”
She’s sitting at the dining room table, a mug of coffee in her hands even though it’s noon. You would say that it’s ridiculous, but she has the right idea… kinda. She’s going to get wired up on caffeine, which is dumb as fuck. But coffee in District Two is so expensive, and here, it’s for free. She can drink as much as she wants.
The only thing is it’ll come back and bite her in the ass later on, when she realizes that she’s actually addicted to the stuff. Not your problem though, you don’t really care.
“You finally realize that your teeth are turning yellow?” you ask, giving her a cheeky smile when she deadpans, “Good news first.”
“Your necklace was approved, Amias is holding onto it so she can include it in your interview outfit. As for the bad news…” She trails off.
“Spit it out.”
Neysa gives you a smile and a tilted head, “You’ve got your first formal request to have you as an ally.”
Suddenly, it’s your turn to deadpan, “You’re kidding.”
Brutus starts laughing.
“Tell him I say no.” You say.
Neysa’s eyes land on Brutus next, “He’s very thorough.”
“I’ll pass.” Brutus says, “Mainly because I don’t want to get on (Y/n)’s bad side. Do you know if he asked Cashmere and Gloss’ mentors too?”
“Probably.” Neysa says.
“Is that it?” you ask.
“Yeah, make friends.” she gives you a pointed look, before going back to whatever she was doing.
You and Brutus leave the apartment, heading over to the elevator. The ride down is quiet, and it’s brief since you guys are so close to the training floor. The doors open, you two step out and take the short walk down the hallway, and into the room.
You’re almost overwhelmed at the new sight of everything. It’s definitely new, you’ll give it that. The weapons are shiny, polished and unscratched, which will definitely change by the end of these three days. The concrete floor isn’t scuffed. The entire room smells of plastic, brand fucking new.
“Where to start…” you trail off, looking around the room to see who’s here.
Johanna Mason, she’s got her hands on an axe, you’ll skip over her. Cashmere and Gloss are working together at some station. Your eyes concentrate on it more to see that there’s something orange that’s moving.
“What the hell--?” you leave Brutus behind as you start over to where Cashmere and Gloss are.
As you get closer, you can see that the orange things are people. There’s a beam on them, tracking them as they move. It isn’t until you’re right in front of them, when the word clicks.
“Holograms!” you gasp, the trainer standing nearby smiles widely and nods.
“Yes, new technology was installed. Would you like to try?” she asks, moving aside and motioning to the station next to her.
You make a face, “I’d rather do hand-to-hand combat right now, I’ll swing by later after lunch.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” she says.
Brutus comes over, standing next to you. Cashmere and Gloss finish up what they’re doing, and when they turn to look at you guys, they’ve hardly broken a sweat. It looks like you’re not the only one in amazing physical condition.
“Welcome.” Cashmere looks you over, obviously hesitant, “Nice to see you again.”
“Save the bitchiness for someone who cares.” You say, “Unless you’re trying to get on my nerves again.”
“I’ll tread lighter, then.”
Gloss glances over you very briefly, as if he’s trying not to be insulting. When his eyes land on Brutus, they do the whole guy thing. You’re bored of it, and spend some time looking over the room again.
Plenty of stations to work with, but your mind is suddenly settled on working on the uneven ground, with a man that is clearly dressed for fighting. Without a word to the others, you leave them behind.
Wiress and Beetee are here, working at some fire starting station. One over sits Cecelia all by herself, you have no idea what she’s doing. She gives you a look as you pass, clearly not knowing what to think of you staring. All you can think about is how easy it’ll be able to kill her and her district mate. They’re out of practice, too old now.
One last look before you make it to the guy in black gear tells you that Finnick is here with Mags, but they’re in two different places. Mags is at some podium that’s a white light, moving her hands. Her eyebrows are drawn together seriously as she focuses. As for Finnick, you can clearly see the rope in his hand. He sits on a cement bench, legs spread with his elbows on his thighs. Just as focused as Mags is.
Enough with the ogling.
You pick up a staff, spinning it in your hand, looking over the man, “We practice?”
“Yes.” he says, picking up his own black staff.
“Are you actually allowed to hit me?” you step onto the first blue block, but get a look at all the rest, trying to memorize it so when you’re walking backwards, you’ll know where to step.
It’s not a bad design, it’s actually fairly realistic. You never know when something will drop off into a hole. What they should’ve added is slopes too, because that would have been the absolute worst. There’s nothing like having your footing slip, and even falling because you weren’t standing properly.
You’re all for realism.
“I can tap you, and that’s about it.” he tells you.
“Well, I expect you not to go easy.” you turn to look down at him, spinning the staff around in your hand a final time, “Otherwise, you will find yourself on your ass.”
There’s a moment of silence between you two, as you slam the pole onto the blue blocks to get it to stop moving, “Challenge accepted.”
He swings first, which is an easy block. Two hands on the staff, you shove him backwards when he connects with yours. To give him a fair chance, and to test out your memory, you begin to back up. There’s a dip behind you--correct. You shuffle your foot back again, it should be going up--correct.
He gets up while he cans, and you try to take him down with the chance you got. You swing in from the right, making sure he’s paying attention, before you half-circle, and nearly slam the staff on his helmet. He catches you just in time for it not too be bad, you’re sure that move would have made him see stars.
With an attempt to push you back that fails, he swings at your ankles. Another incline behind you--correct. You jump onto it briefly to get out of the way, and then get back down. You’re not sure if it’s against the rules or not, but you slam your foot against the square of his chest.
He stumbles back, and since it’s a decline, he falls. 
It’s like a turtle on its back, he almost can’t get up. You sneer, dropping down the couple of steps as you offer your hand for him to take. You pull him up and onto his feet.
In the short time of your fighting, there’s been newcomers. District Nine’s very own drunk is puking at the entrance. Peeta is standing next to Brutus, making conversation, and Katniss Everdeen is giving you a look up and down.
You raise your eyebrows at her, then turn back to the guy to give him a pat on the arm, “I told you not to go easy.”
“How was I supposed to know you’d donkey kick me?”
“Pay more attention to the areas you leave open.” you tell him, “Although, I would have kicked the staff too. But that’s neither here nor there. Wanna go again, or do you need a moment?”
“Definitely need a second,” he says, sitting on a block.
In the meantime, you get up and onto the blocks, swinging the staff around in circles with one hand. You’ll stop it, try different positions to fight with. Having your back to the higher and lower blocks is a fun challenge to work with, but the high ground is an unfair advantage. You wonder what would happen if he tried it instead.
You don’t get the chance to ask.
“So what did you tell your mentor?” 
You roll your eyes before you even see him, “You’re impossible to get rid of.”
You take a seat on the block you're standing on, which is conveniently the highest one. With your legs dangling over the side, you could kick Finnick in the face if he got close enough. You kinda hope he tests fate with that idea.
However, he must be a mind reader, because he takes a couple of steps back. It could very well be because he wants to be able see your entire face. No matter how far back he stands, though, he’ll never be eye to eye with you. To you, he just gets smaller and smaller. You wish he’d trip over something and embarrass himself.
“What have I ever done to you?” Finnick asks.
“Nothing, thank god.” you look him up and down, “Your existence is enough to set me off.”
“That’s unfair.”
“Life is unfair. Not everyone has to be pleased with your presence.”
Finnick smiles a little bit, “Oh, I know.”
“I don’t know why you’re so insistent with me in particular. There’s other girls for you to try and swoon.” you motion, “Johanna, Cecelia, Wiress, Katniss.”
“Katniss is seventeen.” 
“Has that ever stopped you before?” you ask, tilting your head.
You remind yourself of something again. A fairytale character this time… what is his name--annoying personality. He’s cryptic, which is an opposite for you. But nobody really likes him, do they? Purple, an animal…
The cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Yes, that’s right. You only know about him because it was one of the stories your mom used to read to you before bed as a child. One of your favorites. The cheshire cat was the one that brought you in the most. As well as the Queen of Hearts. You’ve always had a thing for villainous characters.
“I don’t associate with minors, (Y/n).” Finnick says.
“That’s right, because you have a girlfriend.”
His face darkens at the mention of her.
You decide to avoid that conversation, because you have a staff in your hand, and you’d certainly be able to hit him hard enough to give him a concussion, “Back to your original question, no, I’m not going to be your ally.”
Finnick looks relieved at the topic switch, “Is it because of your distaste for me?”
“You really could have anyone in this room be your ally, and yet you choose me. Why is that?” you ask, “Is it because I’m mean or difficult?”
“I’m just curious on how well the alliance would be able to hold up in the arena.” Finnick tilts his head, mirroring your own, “How fast you would try to kill me.”
“You’re telling me that I haven’t grown on you at least a little, now? After all the conversations we’ve had.”
You hold up three fingers on your left hand, and use your right index finger to push on them one at a time, “The first one, I called you a cynical prick, the second I was forced to apologize for being too mean and hurting your crybaby feelings, and you’re telling me that this one isn’t any better?”
“Crybaby feelings?”
You make a mock sad face and voice, “So you didn’t run off to cry to your mentors?”
“You did try to hit me, after all.” Finnick says, straightening his head again and shrugging, “They wanted to know what happened.”
“Right, sure.”
Finnick smiles, “You’re cute, you know that.”
You can feel a button pressed instantly, because your body begins heating up in a bad way. You’re not embarrassed, you’re infuriated because he’d associate a word like that with you. You’re not cute.
Finnick must’ve recognized his mistake with how red your face is. It feels like it’s on fire, and you’re suddenly glaring at him, “Listen, I didn’t mean it like that.”
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down before you send the staff flying at his abdomen, “I am not cute. No matter the way you mean it, I’m not a cute person, and I never will be.”
Finnick nods, “I guess what I should have said is that you’re funny.”
“Funny how?” you ask, “Funny because I get mad so easily?”
“That and the fact that you also think you’re unlikable. Here’s a newsflash for you: you’re not.”
“People pretend to like me because they know what happens when they don’t.” you lean forward, “I’m sure you can take a solid guess on what I mean.”
“What, you threaten to kill everyone you don’t like?”
“You’ve been on my list for a pretty long time now.” you say, “I’m lucky that I finally get to fall through on that.”
“Who else is on your list?” he asks, “Genuine question.”
“Everyone who has ever done me wrong.” You say simply.
“Give me an example,” he says, and then adds, “Besides myself.”
“For starters--” you turn to where Katniss is sitting with Wiress and Beetee, you’d noticed that she went over there a while ago. She’s making allies while she can. She’s lucky, she’s got a clean slate and no enemies or friends in here, or so she thinks, “--her.”
“What has she done?” Finnick looks amused.
You smile a little bit, “I’m not one to fight for spotlight, but this year is different.”
“Because you think you’re going to win?” Finnick looks a little more serious now.
“I know I am. And it’ll all work out once I get rid of the only threats. You can identify those on your own, right?” you ask, rolling the staff back and forth over your thighs, “I didn’t volunteer because I thought I could win. I volunteered because I know I can.”
Finnick doesn’t look too pleased with what you had to say, but that’s fine with you. As long as it finally sinks into his brain that you’re not messing around. He should stop trying to treat you like a toy and more like an enemy. 
However, he could be trying to reel you in to make you like him in hopes that you’ll space some sort of mercy on him when you do come across him in the arena. He’s stupid if he is thinking that route. 
“So, you, Cashmere, Gloss and Brutus in an alliance?” his eyes drift over to them, you give a glance over your shoulder yourself, curious on what they’re up to.
They’re staring at you guys all the same. There’s a smile on Brutus’ face, and you can practically hear him teasing you now over this, ‘oh, I thought you hated him, change your mind?’. As the other two morons will probably ask if this means that he can be invited to the alliance as if they really want him in.
They’d probably ask just to irritate you.
“What do you think?” you ask.
“I wonder where my invitation is at.” Finnick looks at you now.
“You think we’re going to invite you, when you’re clearly going to drag in Mags? Yeah, you’d be just as bad as Peeta.”
This is new to Finnick, his eyebrows skyrocket upwards at the statement, “What?”
“Peeta is practically dead already, look at how useless he is.” 
Peeta is with Johanna now, Johanna is still swinging her axe around, but Peeta stands at a distance, talking to her. You have to admit, he’s got good taste in picking people out as friends. But they’re smarter than he is, they’ll know not to pick him. He’s got no useful skills. He brings nothing to the table.
“Does he even know how to fight?” you laugh.
“Big talk.” Finnick says, his body is halfway turned to stare at Peeta.
“No, just common sense.” you say, “What about you, Mister Cynical, any alliances?”
Finnick looks at you now, you’re assuming it’s because of the nickname, “No, not yet. I was hoping you’d accept my offer to kickstart it.”
“I doubt that you don’t have any alliances by now. No Johanna or Blight? Or are you teamed up with Katniss and Peeta?” you study Finnick’s face to see his reaction, “Or perhaps, both?”
“Stop that.” he snaps at you.
It’s your turn to be surprised, you lean back, sucking in your bottom lip with a smile, “Both it is. It’s nice to know who to look out for and avoid. Now I’ll know that where one goes--the others will follow. I need to know one more thing though, before I end this conversation.”
Finnick looks up at you again.
“Were you inviting me into the alliance because you want me to fight alongside you guys, or because you wanted to trap me and be able to take me out first?”
Finnick doesn’t say anything, you two stare at each other for a long moment. You know you’re not going to get your answer, so you push yourself up, using the staff as a helper.
“Hey, you don’t have to answer, I’ll be finding out soon enough, eh?” you swing the staff between your fingers, “I will be keeping this convo to myself, though. So don’t worry about it.”
You slam the staff into the block again before turning yourself around to go and get the trainer guy back on his feet. He’s had more than enough time to recover from his tumble.
“I’m ready to go again.” you tell him, “Get up higher than me.”
The man stands, taking his staff and going up the uneven blocks. The problem now, is that he’ll be fighting both you, and the ability to navigate the terrain. The only advantage he has, is that he’ll be able to get you from better angles, and you’ll be working with experimentation moves.
You start with slipping the left side of the staff between his feet, then quickly push with the right. When his foot goes up, you reach over with your free hand to pull his knee out.
He looks like he’s about to buckle, kicking your face in the meantime, but you dodge it, and he catches his footing. After that, he swings at your head from the right, making you duck. The two of you go back and forth for a while. You’ll swing, he dodges, and then vice versa.
It isn’t until you’re about twenty minutes in, when you start to break a sweat from it. You’re on a good streak, until you get distracted by everyone else moving towards the bow and arrow area. Because of this, the man swings too hard and catches you in the side of the head.
You stumble, placing your hand on the area, but brushing it off when he tries to apologize. You’re interested in something else now. You tell him that you don’t want medical attention, getting down the blocks and shoving the staff into the holder.
Brutus lags a little when he sees that you’re going to join them, “Katniss is firing arrows.”
“Huh.” you jog up, “Is she any good?”
“Take a look for yourself.”
Basically everyone who’s attended training today, is here. Mags and Gloss stand up close. Brutus is to your right, Seeder stands behind you, Chaff is behind Johanna. While to your left is Cashmere, Wiress and Beetee. Behind them stands Peeta.
And beside you? Finnick Odair.
There’s a big enough gap between Mags and Johanna, allowing you to see right through. All of Katniss’ movements are smooth. The way she moves around the mat, how quick she is to pull arrows. She knows where the holograms are going to be before they’re even there. 
“So,” Finnick starts, “Still want to be allied with them?”
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99liners · 4 years
knb masterlist;
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i know i do not mention it in every single KnB work of mine but all the characters that i write about are aged up and are over 18, in most cases they are over 21. i do not write for underaged characters / readers. 
kise ryota
scenarios !! ♡
metanoia (heavy angst / sprinkles of fluff) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-09]
↳ with time kise ryota transforms into an asshole from your loving boyfriend. upsetting words are spoken from both sides and a break up is in effect but is that the end of your relationship?
midorima shintaro
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it is you (angst / fluffy fluff) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-22]
↳ you have successfully overworked yourself to the point of collapse. one night of induced sleep in a hospital later, you and midorima find the same page in your relationship that is comfortable to you both. 
aomine daiki
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buzzed confession (fluff, crack fic) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2021-02-21]
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territorial ft hisoka morrow (angsty / fluff) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2021-02-22]
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territorial gone wrong (angst, only angst) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2021-07-03]
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insufferable (fluff) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2021-02-27]
↳ it is a saturday and he has taken a day off to spend it with you so he attacks you with cuddles and convinces you to sleep in.
movie night (fluffy fluff / suggestive themes) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2021-07-01]
↳ it is movie-pizza night but daiki cannot possibly last throughout the entire movie without touching you. and touched you he has, but with pizza grease on his hand. oops. 
the sniper and her spotter (so!much!angst, smidge of fluff, angsty messy smut, slow burn) (female reader) [dated: 2021-07-05]
↳ you are a sniper in akashi's sub group of the sumiyoshi-kai yakuza family, daiki is the muscle man but he has some unresolved issues with the people of the top three clans. your father is head of one of the main three clans, naturally that did not fare well with daiki and a game of cat and mouse ensues which transforms to unresolved sexual tension but before either of you can do anything about it, kuroko's father gets murdered by another yakuza group. the both of you blame yourselves for being careless only to find yourself later in a motel room, with daiki only.
murasakibara atsushi
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love of your life ft. gojou satoru (angst / bittersweet ending) (female reader) [dated: 2021-02-25]
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kuroko tetsuya
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i am here (angst / fluff / suggestive ending) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-22]
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sensitive love (fluff) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2021-02-27]
↳ you are sensitive to your senses and kuroko is a receptive warm person to your boundaries. 
himuro tatsuya
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conveniently (angst / comedy / fluff) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2021-12-15]
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reactions !! ✔ 
GoM + Kuroko + Kagami reaction to: their s/o moaning another member’s name in her sleep (humour / lovey lovey fluff / a tiny bit of angsty nightmares / subtle suggestive themes) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-01]
GoM + Kuroko + Kagami reaction to: their s/o sitting on their lap during a bumpy ride (humour, fluff, nsfw content) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-02]
GoM + Kuroko + Kagami reaction to: them melting when they see you wearing their clothes (fluff) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-08]
GoM reaction to: their s/o wanting to leave them when she finds out she is pregnant (angst / fluff / a tad bit suggestive) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-31]
GoM + Kuroko + Kagami reaction to: them playing what’s in the box with their s/o’s lingerie (nsfw / crack / humour / female reader) [dated: 2021-07-02]
GoM + kuroko + kagami + kasamatsu reaction to: their busty girlfriend (nsfw / crack / humour / female reader) [dated: 2022-01-17]
texts !! ✉
GoM + Kuroko + Kagami + Takao + Kiyoshi: accidentally text you something dirty (humour / smut / nsfw) [dated: 2020-01-03]
scenarios !! ♡
three rules: dom!knb boys (female reader) (filth) [dated: 2021-01-10]
↳ three rules from the knb boys (GoM + kuroko + kagami + kiyoshi + hyuga + haizaki + izuki) governing your sex lives.
terms of endearment (female reader) (filth) [dated: 2021-01-11]  
↳ their (GoM + kuroko + kagami + kiyoshi + hyuga + haizaki + izuki) preferred names in the bedroom for you and them
professor!GoM brat taming their s/o (smut) (female reader) [dated: 2021-01-12]
↳ hcs of dom!GoM who happen to be your professor as they punish you for wearing a sexy outfit during a university fest.
GoM + kagami kissing you for the first time (fluff) (female reader) [dated: 2021-02-04]
GoM leaving for a long time without informing you (angst) (gender neutral reader) [dated: 2022-01-18]
@seijoharlot | @carinacassiopeiae​ | @frutaetae​ | @potatochic2003​ |
leave an ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
if links don’t work please leave an ask!! enjoy!!
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mochii0park · 3 years
metanoia; 01 | kth
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Title: Metanoia
Pairing: Taehyung / Reader
Part of series: Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge
Genre: angst I collage!au
Pairing: student!reader x photographer!taeyhung
Word count: 4,7k
Summary: Vante, a household name among photographers became known for his minimalistic photography style that came along with his secret persona. Never showing his face on his own exhibitions fueled the public’s desire to learn more about him which skyrocketed his fame. While preparing for his next exhibition Vante went missing. Disappeared into thin air and even now a year later was never found.
Author’s note: I am very conscious of any grammar mistakes. Although I have read this chapter three times I am sure I’ve missed some so bare with me. 
On another note, I have switched the dates of the chapters for Saudade and Metanoia. Since this story got more attention compared to Sauade I’ve decided to write it before the date.
This is my first attempt at writing on this platform and I hope it will reach out to a wider range of readers and catch your interest. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Taglist: @ggukkieland​ @honig-und-millch​ , @deliciousdetectivestranger ,
Metanoia masterlist
< intro | next chapter >
You sink into the overaged draggled yellow chair, catching second-hand embarrassment at the sight before you. The boy walked about, his thrusts were not enough to keep the neon hula hoop from falling. He attempts to fumble his way out of the mess, but it was too late. The left ankle twists itself and before you know it, he hits headfirst against the wooden flooring. The professors rush towards him, medics following behind. The boy tries to pull himself up but fails his body slumping against the stage. To your left Mingi snorts, stuffing his face with popcorn amused by the scene playing out.
“I don’t mean to sound rude or whatever, but people need to search up the meaning of talent before their eyes skip to the word show.” Minnie ruckles her nose, her mouth loop sided.
“I find this highly entertaining,” Mingi speaks up, mouth full of food. He takes a sip of the cold beverage rested in his lap and shakes the mixture before swallowing.
To his left Yeonjun shudders at him, “Talent or not I would rather replay that scene than watch Mingi be a slob. It makes me want to bleach my eyes out.”
Mingi rolls his eyes ignoring Yeonjun as he pops more popcorn, oblivious to his own weird antics. Although the four of you are friends for years, Mingi managed to take you all by surprise with his uncanny behaviour.
The second act starts and suddenly you contemplate your university choice. Reasonably the overbearing staff of your university wanted the timid first years to feel welcomed hence this so-called show. In hindsight, you think a friendly party would’ve been just as good.
Halfway through the act, you feel a light tap on your shoulders, professor Kim Namjoon stands there like a sore thumb in the mass of students’ bodies. With his hovering height, freshly dyed purple hair and the rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose he was sure to stand out. He shifts his footing from one to the other foot anxiously waiting for you to follow him, few students commenting on the disruptions that his appearance caused.
You observe him for a second, accompanying him out of the theatre into the cold November air. He fumbles through his leather briefcase before fishing out a small, crumpled flyer. Opening it he shoves it into your hands while tweaking his glasses.
“I have a favour to ask you Y/N. There will be a course taking place here and I would love for you to attend it with your peculiar friends.” He says emphasising the word peculiar.
You knew that Mingi gave Namjoon the creeps even though the latter denied it.
You push back the flyer spinning on the balls of your feet ready to join your friends.
“Y/L-…”, Namjoon groans, “Do it for your brother-in-law.”
Widening your eyes, you look at him shaking your head.” This isn’t the time to use our family relations to bribe me into a stupid course.”
“Did you even read what’s it about?”, you take the flyer from his hands skimming through it.
Photography course
Length: 10th November till 10th June
Time: Friday, 6pm -8pm
Attendance: Third years and above
Equipment not needed for the course
Your eyes pause at the date, laughing releasing itself from your chest. Surely Namjoon was kidding when suggesting this. You were in your last year which meant you would soon be flooded with work for your final project. In conclusion, there was barely enough time for you set foot out of your studies let alone attend another one of the university’s poor attempts to make a course for students to bond over.
“You understand I’m in my last year. I don’t have time to go out and have fun with my friends. How in the world did you think I would fit a whole-ass course?”
Namjoon releases a breath running a hand through his thick hair, desperation evident on his face.” I am sorry to have to do this, but I am cashing in my favour.”
You become stiff mouth agape, incoherent vowels coming out of you. It takes you a few seconds to gather your thoughts, “you promised to not cash it in. You gave me your word.”
“And you gave me yours.” Namjoon retored sassily, finger pointing at you, “I won’t tell Sunmi if you promise to do me a favour when the time comes.”
Pushing your tongue against the palate, you try to control the boiling anger.
The incident happened four years ago, back when you were still figuring out your college life. Namjoon and you were acquaintances, sharing one elective course called German Literature. Needless to say, both of you suffered greatly.
By the end of the year, you noticed your sister piqued Namjoon’s interest. Grossed out by the idea of your older sister engaging in any kind of relationship/activity with a twenty-three-year-old, you kept your distance until the faithful day.
Choi San was the synonym for the devil himself. With his fiery red hair and dazzling cat-like eyes, he lured you into his messy life of illegal parties and binge drinking. You still find yourself cringing at his pathetic excuses of professing his undying love to you when it was all under false pretences. His eyes bearing into your naïve soul, pulling your heart out and wrenching it until your friends came to pick up the pieces.
Sitting in the police station you counted down minutes before your older sister would burst through the door and finally decide to disown you. With your head nested between your knees you suck in the tears threatening to spill, the euphoria from the alcohol long gone. You’ve dialled Mingi’s number first, the others were a no go when it came to answering their phones. He picked up in a matter of seconds. After explaining the situation, you figured he would bring his own parents to bail you out instead Namjoon comes first, after him a stressed Minnie trying to keep up the pace with him and a Yeonjun who’s pulling his masks further over his nose in a lame attempt to be unrecognizable. Mingi idly meanders behind them in his pyjamas with not one care in the world. Namjoon pulls a small amount of money handing the police officer and not long after you were free.
At that moment you’ve truly recognized your friends as the people you wanted to keep in your life forever. Namjoon jokingly said he would someday cash in his favour. Little did you know the joke would get over your head.
“You’ve waited for four years to cash it?”
He shrugs and nods lightly. Quickly he composes himself, washing his features of playfulness and switching them up with hopelessness. “It’s really important for me that you and your clique of friends attend this course. Professor Seojoon organized it-“
At the mention of your favourite professor, your eyes light up making Namjoon shudders. The little “crush” you harboured didn’t go unnoticed by him. Putting his hands on your shoulders he gains your attention again before continuing, “his brother is the one to hold the course so you must come. I will put in a good word for you all. Maybe he will go easy on you during quizzes.”
You roll your eyes knowing fully well that you didn’t need Namjoon’s intervention although it was greatly appreciated. Putting the flyer in your back pocket you throw a thumbs up to Namjoon, “Well Minnie and I don’t need any favouritism and I am almost certain you can’t do much for Yeonjun and Mingi seeing as they are in different departments.”
“Oh?” Namjoon’s brows shot up at the revelation, totally dismissing the idea that you know each other any differently than through the classes you attend, “I thought Yeonjun was in the literature department, as for Mingi it’s far-fetched but I didn’t want to sound rude.”
“Actually, Yeonjun is in the Vocal department while Mingi is in the Physics and Astronomy department. He’s also on top of his class, both are.”
Namjoon seems stunned at the information you threw at him, but he recovers swiftly, “Bunch of nerds.” He chuckles at his own jokes before both of you bid goodbyes. You slowly make your way to the cafeteria mind set on pursuing your friends to join you and Namjoon running to the staff meeting hoping to extinguish the chaos caused by the talent show.
Pushing past the mass of people on the campus your sneakers squeak against the pavement, the chatter between the students becoming louder as you push the cafeteria doors. Making your way towards the table in the further left corner you spot Yeonjun’s eye-catching hair. The pink shade fits well against his pale skin making him noticeable from afar. The boy throws a piece of chips at Mingi, the latter catching it mid-air.
The rustling of your chair brings them out of their bubble. Minnie plops her elbows on the table, hand supporting her cheek as she lays it there, eyes staring at you amusingly. Mingi continues to catch Yeonjun’s chips, his attention now slightly focused on you. “How was the talk with professor Namjoon.”
“I need a favour to ask you.”
“Last time you asked for a favour we had to bail you from jail,” Mingi adds face void of any emotion causing Yeonjun to almost choke on the piece of chicken from his plate. Minnie reaches for his head hitting him hard on the back.
“That was four years ago for God’s sake.” You yell, a few students turning bothered by your loud voice disrupting their meal.
Slumping further into the seat, cheeks reddened from the heat of the sudden attention you gained you say quietly, “there is a course taking place this year and I would love if you could attend it.”
Mingi was the first to read the flyer once you push it in the middle of the old table. He hums a couple of times and gives you a thumbs up, unlike Minnie who scoffs.
“A whole semester? Y/N you know this is impossible to juggle this with our final project. As much as I would love to participate you know what you’re asking for is too much.”
You bite your lower lip remembering Namjoon’s words. “I know but professor Seojoon is organizing it, and don’t you think having him on our good side would mean a lot?”
Minnie shrugs and pops the strawberry into her mouth. “I understand, but it’s on Fridays. The only time I can spare for parties and clubs, and you’re asking me to spend it studying something I am not even remotely interested in?”
You turn towards Yeonjun knowing if he agrees Minnie will crumble under the pressure of your group. He scans it quickly and shakes his lightly head from left to right before agreeing to accompany you making Minnie collapse her shoulders in defeat.
“Fine but if it takes too much of my time I am signing out.”
“I love you guys so much.”
“Cut it with the sappy shit, I have piano lessons.” Yeonjun gets up telling you goodbye before he disappears in the ocean of students his pink hair no longer visible. A distant scream could be heard a few seconds after, “I love you too.”
You smile feeling the love of your friends.
“We love you too.” Mingi gets up and places a carton of freshly squeezed apple juice in front of you sending off a small smile. Just like Yeonjun, he’s gone.
Nose buried deep into the book; Taehyung tried his best to mute out his brother’s lame attempts of starting a conversation he never intended to finish. Legs resting on the polished marble table he did his very best to further fuel Seojoon’s irritation. The older one pacing back and forwards provoking Taehyung’s headache.
“If you would just listen to me.”
Kim Taehyung detested surprise, especially those he didn’t catch on early. This one though topped the cake. “There is no need to listen.”
“Quit being stubborn.”
“Oh, the irony.” Taehyung looked up catching his brother’s burning gaze,” contrary to your beliefs, I must say you are the one who’s stubborn here. When a person asks for space and time you give them that instead of forcing them, wait sorry what was the word again? Yeah, lightly pushing them into holding a course. One which they never asked for or showed the desire to hold.”
“You needed a little push in the right direction.”
“Arranging a one-year course isn’t a push you idiot,” Taehyung shouted; the book was long forgotten and tossed aside on his couch. His yell echoed in the empty room causing Seojoon’s to scowl. He found comfort in a small armchair adjacent to the marble table. “You can’t bury yourself in books and spend your days in the atelier. It’s not healthy Taehyung.”
“I don’t remember asking for advice.”
Seojoon was on the verge of giving up, letting the course get cancelled before it even happened hadn’t it been for the twelve people that signed up and Namjoon’s effort to recruit them.
“Look-“he takes a deep breath calming himself, “You can think of it as a one year course, but in reality, it’s eight months. When you count Christmas, New Year, Easter you can cut one month coming to seven months in total. I’ve gone all out for this course, please don’t make me go and explain to my higher-ups why it’s cancelled before it even started.”
Taehyung shut his eyes trying not to feed the growing frustration inside him. Seojoon takes the time to look at his brother, the embodiment of pain. The eyes that used to shine brightly at the sight of new opportunities were now dull and empty, almost as if his soul left the body. It tore him apart to see Taehyung like that, powerless and what added more to his pain was the inability to help him.  
“It’s been a year since I’ve held a class.”
“I know you Taehyung. You are a man of many talents and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise. You need to move forward and face the fear you’ve been holding onto. It’s been a year. Nobody will judge you.” Seojoon’s eyes soften as he walks up to his brother ruffling his hair, hoping that his sincerity got through to him.
“I don’t know Joon.”
Before Seojoon could even start talking Taehyung shakes his head and moves hurriedly reaching for the knob. Seojoon takes a step towards Taehyung, but he doesn’t even give him a chance to speak as he runs right out of the door leaving him alone in the atelier.
The water drips from Taehyung’s wet hair down his face creating a false comfort, the sound of water coated a perfect cover to hide his emotional baggage. It became a habit of his to seek solace in the bathtub surrounded by lavender soaps that Yuna bought. A tradition carried on from their mother to them. The scent took Taehyung back into his childhood spent in his family home in Busan. Carefree of responsibilities and the heavy burden the world carried.
He recalls the delicate touch of his mother’s fingers untangling his locks while singing Elvis’s song can’t help falling in love. Her voice heartening Taehyung as he wept over a dispute he had with his second brother Hyungsik. The vivid memory of his mother placing a kiss on the crown of his head before wiping away the tears from his cheeks.
“Siblings are there to teach you about life,” she whispers softly, “They teach you what it means to be kind, to be fair and to know you will not always be right. They teach you about teamwork, conflict resolution and most importantly Tae they teach you what it is to love and to be loved.”
Opening the door of Seojoon’s study, Taehyung is greeted with a sight to behold. Leaning against the door frame he watches Yuna and Hyungsik dancing in the middle of the muddled room, furniture pushed aside to create more room. They attempted to follow Yuna’s new choreography, Seojoon’s seated in the leather armchair grading assignments although he would glance up occasionally laughing at the duo. More like laugh at Hyungsik’s failed attempts but he didn’t need to know that. Noticing Taehyung’s presence, Yuna runs over linking their arms and pulls him forward oblivious to the slight tension between him and Seojoon.
“Idol my ass, “she scoffs at a gasping Hyungsik, “Taehyungie I need a dance partner for my new choreography. Hyungsik can’t even learn the basics.”
“Not my fault the younger generation goes overboard with their dances and outfits and singing. In my time we relied on our charms, and not how you call it? Fairy ending? What is even that?”
“It’s when idols finish the song, and the camera pans on of them giving them some more love and screen time. Right?” Taehyung looks at Yuna for approval. She places Taehyung’s hand over her shoulder, linking her arms around his waist while he kisses her temple and puts his cheek on top of her head.
“Admit it you’ve gotten old Hyungsik.” Seojoon derides.
That was enough to motivate Hyungsik to crack his fingers and reach for the tablet, “Give me the goddamn tablet. I’ll show you who’s old.” burying his nose into the gadget, he replays the video repeatedly.
By the time he made it through the first segment of the dance, Taehyung was sure he could blindly replicate the choreography himself.
“Couldn’t you ask one of your professors or other idols in training to help you?” Taehyung asks as the two observe Hyungsik’s rusty moves.
“One friend is busy finishing school projects and Jungkook-a has too many events lined up to help. I haven’t seen him since last Friday and I don’t feel comfortable asking Jimin-ssi to practice with me.”
“Isn’t he your professor?”
“Yes and no. He helps the idols which have already debuted in our entertainment company, that’s Jungkook. Jimin-ssi does occasionally step in when other professors are prevented from teaching. But his job is being a full-time professor at the EQ Royal Dance Academy.”
Taehyung nods, the information flying over his head as Hyungsik messes up a move and topples to the floor. He erupts into fits of laugher for the first time in weeks and Seojoon is suddenly reminded what’s it like to be happy. He knew bringing Yuna home for the weekend would do Taehyung some good. The sight warms his heart, his siblings bickering loudly, breathing some life into the old room. Resting the assignments on the nearby table, he sits up to join them. Catching Taehyung’s gaze he looks towards the boy, brows raised.
“I’ve thought about it and-” Taehyung stops for a second, but Seojoon’s soft gaze prompts him to continue. “I’ll take the job.”
“Well, you better get ready because it starts in two hours.”
There were many ways you could spend your Friday night, like partying for instance yet here you are sitting in your car listening to Minnie whining. Mingi’s soul stuck somewhere on his iPod the second he set foot in the car, his head bobbing to the music blasting from his AirPods. Yeonjon was the only one not present. Due to his idol actives, he was held back by his vocal coach, but he promised to be there for the second lecture.
Placing your analogue camera on the desk, you tug your hair into a ponytail mentally preparing yourself for two hours of dullness. Minnie sits to your right while Mingi takes the chair to your left. The three of you seating yourselves in the front of the classroom, Namjoon’s words bunch of nerds playing in your head.
Shaking the thought away you see the watch tick eight pm as the door swings open.
When Namjoon told you professor Seojoon’s brother would hold the course you had expected a man either older than him or somewhere around his age, not a handsome make you take a double look type of a man; two or three years older than you.
His features were nothing short of a Greek god. He stood head and shoulders over you even when you were seated, confidence radiating from every fibre of his being as adjusts his bag over his shoulder. Pushing his brown curls away from his face he allows you to look at it. Perhaps you were exaggerating but you never saw such a gorgeous man. Straightening himself up you take notice of his attire for tonight’s lecture. An orange blazer draped over a white shirt brought out his sun-kissed complexion paired with the same-coloured trousers. A type of anonymity laced itself with every step he took in your direction, his stare a mixture of coldness and determination.
He comes forward, eyes scanning each one of you before he sets his gaze on you. It lingers there for a second, his expression unreadable before he breaks it.
“Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung and I’ll be your lecturer for this course.”
For the first time, you see Mingi’s focus entirely on Taehyung. His presence demanded to be felt and a part of you was sure he knew it. Taking the camera in his hand he turns towards you.
“I assume you have at least once taken a photo, whether with your phones or camera. Moreover, I am positive you have attempted to make an aesthetic photo for your Instagram feed. How many of you were successful?” laughter filled the lecture hall,” The goal of this lecture isn’t to make a photographer out of you nor to help you improve your skills. The point is to make you fall in love with photography. The rest will come easy.”
He walks around the desk and opens an old leather binder. Walking towards your table he places it in front of Mingi allowing the three of you to peek at the content of it. There neatly stored in a plastic sheet were his photos. Mingi pushes the portfolio in front of you, allowing easier access to both Minnie and you. Slowly leafing through the pictures, you stop in total awe. Eyes trailing over a simple photo of a ray field, caught somewhere in later November or early December judging by the snow. The contrast was striking, the clash of the colours and the depth of field creating an imaginary line between the ray and the sky.
Taehyung observes your dumbfounded expression, intrigued by your sudden amazement he ambles to your side. He rakes over the photo, which was a thereby sheer mistake, panic rushing through him. In a reckless attempt to stop you from further prying into the photos he grasps the portfolio out of your hold knocking over your camera in the process. It hits the floor shattering the lens into pieces, the film rolling down until it stops near his feet. Cursing himself for his abrupt action, he looks at you. Your eyes drift from the broken camera to Taehyung’s face.
He hurriedly squats picking the pieces, analysing the damage. Beyond repair.
“I am so sorry. I-” he says placing the parts on your table trying to come up with more words of apology.
“It’s alright.” You shuffle awkwardly in your seat not liking the spotlight put on you.
“I’ll be sure to repay you the coasts of a new camera.”
You shake your head; the camera was already outdated, and you were sure Sunmi would let you borrow her digital one from the gallery. “It’s fine.”
Taehyung puts his lips into a thin line, the confidence he marched beginning to leave his body. Although you showed no anger or resentment towards him, he still felt the need to apologize. Swallowing the awkward moment, he paces towards the centre.
“Today we will start with simple terms such as ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed. Three things you should get familiar with.”
Fetching his Nikon camera from the case he turns it around. Swirling the button on the upper part of the camera he adjusts the mode to manual. Pushing another button towards himself the camera shows three circles in the middle of the screen.
“The first circle is shutter speed. That’s the speed at which the light of a camera sensor is exposed to light when taking a photo. Slow shutter speed captures the blur of subjects in motion. It’s valuable for night and landscape photography. On the other hand, high speed allows you to freeze a single millisecond in time.”
Pointing to the middle circle he continues. “This is an aperture, the opening through which light passes through the lens to enter the camera. Its size can be modified to control how much light reaches the sensor.”
Lastly, he shows you the third button. “ISO represents the sensor’s sensitivity to the light. The higher the number, the more information will be captured in other words the picture will be brighter.”
Taehyung fumbles with the camera for a few seconds before he focuses it on you and with a click and shutter of light, he takes your photo. With no time to recover you feel a blush creep at the thought of how the picture turned out. “As you can see this is the perfect setting for the indoor portrait. Now if we put the shutter speed high and the ISO low-“
He again takes a picture of you turning the camera screen to the students. The photo was dark, your features barely visible but still your figure could be distinguished. “This is an underexposed photo. Now if we set the shutter speed to let’s say 1/40 and places the ISO high-“
Expecting his move this time, you look up at the camera. Taehyung halts his action for a slight second before he presses the button. Looking at the photo, the brightness is overbearing. “This is an overexposed photo.”
He places the camera in front of Mingi, Minnie and you allowing you to take your time and compare the three photos he took. “Why am I showing you this? Because for your next assignment that’s what you will do. You will take three photos of the same object. The object you choose should be something that left a great impact on you. That can be your family, your friends or an inanimate object such as phones, books etc. The choice is yours.”
Pulling out stacks of paper he leaves them on the corner of his desk.” These here are today’s study notes. I don’t expect you to write down notes while in the class, but I do expect you to finish your assignments. That will be all for today.”
The students began leaving the room each taking one paper, Taehyung stood there, hands in his pocket looking through every pupil that passed by. Minnie was first in line, her flirt mode on. You see them exchange a few words, Minnie’s behaviour suddenly going from sweet to sour in seconds. You dally your way to the desk aware of his gaze burning holes in the side of your head.
“Sorry, Y/N was it?” You peek up not expecting him to spare you a second let alone address you.
Taehyung scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.” I am sorry for what happened to your camera. I know you said it’s fine, but I feel responsible for it. I would feel better if you let me repay you by buying a new camera or at least participating in the coasts.”
“No, really it’s fine.” You laugh as you say it for the fourth time today.” I will borrow my sister’s camera for the course. If I do find myself in a need to buy a new camera, I will let you know.”
Before Taeyhung could protest you nod politely and leave the room. Biting his lip, he couldn’t help to feel bad about the wreck he made knowing full well how much an analogue camera costs nowadays. Taking the Nikon one from your table he swipes through the photos deleting each one before he pauses on the last one. It was the first black and white photo he took of you.
Your eyes were focused on Taehyung, although taken aback by the light they held their composure your mouth pulled into an affiliative smile. The white light made your baby hair stand out in the black background. For an unexplained reason, Taehyung felt a small tug, one he couldn’t pinpoint the meaning of. Shutting off his camera, he exhales through his nose and throws the bag over his shoulder.
The first lecture was done, thirty-three to go.
all rights reserved @moochi0park
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kteabug · 3 years
just out of reach - m.list
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Summary: Iwaizumi and Oikawa were always within arms reach of the other, but what happens when misunderstandings and unspoken emotions drive them apart? What happens when everything they thought they knew about the other ceases to be true and they are left to pick the pieces of their friendship up…alone?
Pairings: Alpha!Iwaizumi x Omega!Oikawa
Warnings: Angst, Slow-burn, Friends to strangers, Strangers to friends, Occasional smut, Mentions of depression, manipulation, gaslighting, anxiety, toxic behaviors.
Rating: 18+                     Tag list: Open (send an ask to be added)
Word Count: 65,660 (as of latest chapter)
Updates: Irregular            Last Updated: May 22, 2022
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JOOR Headcanons
JOOR Playlist
JOOR - OC profile 1
JOOR - OC profile 2
JOOR - OC profile 3
JOOR - OC profile 4
Prologue: latibule
Chapter One: habromania
Chapter Two: eccedentesiast
Chapter Three: induratize
Chapter Four: eshajōri
Chapter Five: whelve
Chapter Six: waldosia
Bonus Chapter One: nepenthe
Bonus Chapter Two: acquiesce
Chapter Seven: setsunai
Chapter Eight: anaziphilla
Chapter Eight.Five: lacuna
Chapter Nine: rubatosis
Chapter Ten: retrouvailles
Chapter Eleven: sillage
Chapter Twelve: resfeber
Chapter Thirteen: kairos
Chapter Fourteen: selcouth
Chapter Fifteen: metanoia
Chapter Sixteen: petrichor
Chapter Seventeen: natsukashii
Chapter Eighteen: ephialtes
Chapter Nineteen: sciamachy
Chapter Twenty: saudade
Epilogue: ikigai
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hq m.list
29 notes · View notes
love-amihan · 3 years
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warning: just kei being salty, not proofread
word count: 0.7k+
amihan’s note: italic+indented means flashback. kinda follows the hq events but not really, don't have anything to say here other than happy reading!
masterlist: metanoia
hs!tsukishima x fem!reader
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“n/n-chan!!” kei screeches out in excitement, some people turning to look his way, seeing the cute kid skipping happily towards you.
you turn around and see him making a beeline to your direction while waving his hand, “keikei~” you also call out, running to meet him half-way.
the passerby watches as the two kids tackle each other in a hug, falling in a fit of giggles. akiteru bows to your parent who’s holding bags full of grocery goods, he politely offers to hold it for them as the kids might take awhile to catch up.
“tsukki!” tadashi peeks over his shoulder, looking at him with curiosity in his eyes. “penny for your thoughts?” the freckled boy adjusts his bag on his shoulder.
“hmm, uhhh,” kei stares at the boy contemplating a bit before deciding against it, he shakes his head no, looking ahead of the road.
kei walks inside the campus with tadashi following close behind who's telling him about his morning. “i heard that we're gonna have a new manager,” tadashi tilts his head slightly to the side, “figures. our current is in third year already,” kei says with a nod.
“tsukishima!” shoyo’s voice echoes throughout the corridor, students staring in his direction. “quick,” kei mutters to his friend, picking up his pace. unfortunately for the blond, the small boy is quick on his feet and is standing in front of him already.
kei grunts and rolls his eyes, “what?” in contrast to shoyo's hurry earlier, he just stares back at the taller one with a glare.
the frown on kei's face is replaced by a smirk, “i’ll give you an autograph but sadly i have to get to my class. now if you'll excuse me,” he chuckles while shaking his head.
he grips his bag and starts walking to his class with tadashi snickering behind him. “please tutor me, four-eyed jerkface!” kei’s brows furrow and turns around, “if you're gonna ask for a favor, you have to beg for it.. nicely.” seeing the boy, kei sneers at him. "besides, my answer is…"
shoyo looks up from bowing, “no.” kei says with a mocking smile and proceeds to where their classroom is. tadashi smiles at shoyo apologetically, running behind kei.
the orange-haired’s complaints decrease in volume as they enter their room, “maybe you should at least consider tsukki” he looks at his friend, concerned and sincerity visible in his eyes.
kei sighs and sets down his bag, “i’ll think about it,” tadashi’s lips turn up into a smile, “great!” he said, mirroring his actions and set down his notebook on kei’s table.
“can you help me with this problem? i answered it already but i don’t know if it’s right” kei reaches in his bag, grabbing his mechanical pencil to help the boy.
meanwhile, you stand up from your desk, a break is given after an hour of nothing but discussion. you walk outside the room, opting to look out the window when you see your classmate having a conversation with a beautiful upper class student.
similar to your classmate's reaction, you stare at her in awe, her overflowing charm has you stopping in your tracks as you watch her tuck her hair behind her ear. “really?” the raven-haired excitedly exclaims, holding both of your classmates' hands.
“i know this is rushed but i’ll see you later if you’re not busy, thank you.” with that the upper class student sprints her way down the hall. you glance at your classmate who’s still star-strucked by the other. you slowly walk around her, continuing your mini agenda.
you jump in shock hearing her squeak out in panic, “i agreed without thinking!” you look at her in concern, “are you-” yachi looks at you with wide eyes, “what do i do, y/n?” her hands clutching a piece of paper in hand.
“i’m sure it’s gonna be okay,” you try to comfort her, it’s not that you two are not close but more like acquaintances than friends. yachi whines, ruffling her hair in frustration. you get a glimpse of the paper, a soft gasp leaving your lips.
“you’ll be okay.” this time with affirmation and confidence, she looks at you with hopeful eyes. “really?” you nod at her, “i have a friend from that club, he tells me different stories everyday. they are…” you scrunch your nose, remembering the different people.
they’re far different from one another and will surely be hard to get along with, yachi’s shoulders slumps, “i’m screwed, aren't i?” you look back at her and shake your head and hands vigorously. “noooo, i’m sure you’ll be okay!” you try cheering up the blond again.
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
taglist: @tendo-sxtori @lumpiang-toge @chibishae34 @emeraldscloud @kirakirasaku @kenmakeii @omega1142 @sushi-guro @duhsies @halparkebitch @gay-bitch23
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eve-berry · 3 years
I'm not dead I swear. Was just preoccupied with school, Metanoia has about four?? chapters. I'll update soon hopefully... it gets better I swear. Does it though?
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set--suna · 3 years
Chapters: 1/18 Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Jack Manifold & Wilbur Soot, Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot, wilbur soot & jack manifold & niki | nihachu, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Technoblade & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Jack Manifold, Niki | Nihachu, Toby Smith | Tubbo Additional Tags: Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Running Away, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt, Dadza, Alcohol, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Trauma, Arguing, Road Trips, Alternate Universe, Sleepy Bois Inc as Family, Family Dynamics, Family Feels, Suicidal Thoughts, suicide ideation, Regret, Guilt, Self-Worth Issues, Emotional Healing, Gaslighting, Drunk Dialing, Fear, Slow Burn, hows that tag feel, Redemption, Forgiveness, Childhood Memories, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, stress induced destruction of relationships, No Beta We Die Like Wilbur in Skyblockle, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot-centric, Crimeboys - Freeform, sleepy bois inc - Freeform, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Eventual Happy Ending, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Coping, Crying, Bad Decisions, Self-Hatred, Mental Health Issues, Implied/Referenced Neglect Summary:
Metanoia (n.) the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life
Wilbur had to start his cross-country US road trip early when his little brother disappeared in the night without notice. Well, maybe there was notice. Maybe the fight they’d had the night before had been more serious than he thought it was. It didn’t matter now. He had to fix it. So, he’d called up Jack who called up Niki and they’d fast-forwarded their plans. They were following the only clue Tommy left him: a note hastily written and abandoned on the table, dotted with eraser marks and dried tears.
“If you really want to apologize, come find me. The US is a pretty big place.”
Tommy had enough of this back and forth he had going with his brother for the last four months. If Wilbur wasn’t going to listen, he’d make him realize what he’d done. And if that meant running from one brother to another across the globe, then that's what he’d do.
Or, Tommy runs away, feeling neglected and unloved, leaving behind a brother who he thinks hates him. Wilbur follows him, feeling confused and lost, wondering when he stopped letting his little brother know how much he cared.
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absideon-ephemeral · 3 years
II - Roommates, Commanders, and Generals.
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A/N: And they were roommates - I'm sorry. The next chapter will be a lot more interesting as we finally get into the plot. And just as a heads up, THERE WILL BE NO SMUT AT ALL. Idk how to write it and I don't want to make a complete fool of myself if I do so. If I ever learn I may add some.
Warnings: mild language, curse words.
METANOIA Masterlist
Who knew a ship could be so damn big.
     I had walked and walked, following the map on my datapad to my quarters, which seemed to be on the other side of the ship. It was nearly midnight and I still hadn't reached it.
     During the entire walk, I couldn't get the strange encounter with Kylo Ren out of my head. Why had he just stared at me? What was that prickling sensation? My mind was going so fast, asking so many questions, that I almost ran into a wall. I had stopped myself just short a couple of inches from slamming right into it. I stood there, recollecting myself, as a quiet, minuscule beeping came from my datapad.
     Looking down, the beeping was signifying that I had reached my destination. In front of me were my quarters and not some random wall.
"For kriffs sake, finally," I muttered.
     I shut off my pad and went to reach for the control panel next to me, but I stopped myself from hitting the door button. Are my roommates already inside? What if they're already asleep? I don't want to get on their bad side, who knows how long I'll be rooming with them.
     My head whips to the side to be met with a stormtrooper.
"What are you doing here?" They asked. From the sounds of it, the stormtrooper was female.
"I asked you a question."
"I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be rooming here." My words flew out fast and uneasy.
"Whose orders?" The stormtrooper asked.
"Head technician Ademir. He said that there were no available rooms in the technicians' quarters and that this was the first available spot," I explained.
     The stormtrooper made a noise of understanding and hit the door button on the panel. It slid open with a slight whoosh and was pitch black inside. The stormtrooper went in, turning the lights on in the process. I stood there, awkwardly, almost waiting for an invitation.
"Well, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come in?" The stormtrooper said.
"Uh, yeah right." I hurriedly walked in, the door closing behind me.
     The room was semi spacious. It had two dressers, three beds, each with its small nightstand; a refresher, and a window that outlooked the galaxy.
I made my way further in and sat on the bed that looked unoccupied. I sat rather stiffly as the stormtrooper began to take off her armor.
     Her helmet came off first, revealing dark skin, that almost seemed to have a honey glow to it, brown eyes, and a pretty face.
"So what's your name little technician?" She asked. Without the helmet on, I could hear an accent that was unfamiliar to me. I gave her my name and asked for hers.
"LN-7245." She answered as she continued to undress.
"LN-72- okay, that's a lot to call you by. Do you have a nickname or something I can use?" I asked.
She momentarily stopped her movements. "No. All we ever go by is our numbers." She then resumed, sitting down on the bed to take off her shin armor.
"Well, what about," I pondered for a second, "Leonora or Leo for short." She looked up at me.
"Leonora," she tested the name on her tongue, "I like it. Sounds nice. Where'd you come up with that?"
" Your number started with LN. I just took it from there and made something out of it that sounded pretty."
"Well, thank you for that." Leonora stood up, grabbed a case from under her bed, and began to pack away her armor for tomorrow.
When she finished, she grabbed some clothes, presumably sleep ones, out of the drawer on her nightstand. Before walking away to the refresher to change, she turned to the bed farthest away from me and smacked the person, who I honestly didn't even see, that was lying in it. They awoke with a start, cursing in Durese, a language known by space travelers.
"Why would you do that? I was sleeping so nicely!" They groaned. It was another female. This one had blond hair with brown streaks, blue eyes, and a pretty face as well.
"We have a new roommate. Be nice." Leonora smacked her again with her clothes and went to the refresher to change.
The girl grumbled something then turned to me, leaning back on her elbows, her head cocked to the side.
"So, what's your name?" She asked. I gave it to her. She peered at me curiously.
"You don't look like a stormtrooper." She pointed out.
I laughed. "What gave that away?"
She looked me up and down, "You don't have the body of a stormtrooper. And the way you seem to carry yourself, I'd assume you're a technician."
"Right you are." She laughed.
"I'm ZA-7283."
"Nice to meet you. Can I give you a nickname?" I asked.
"Nickname?" She asked. Leonora walked out of the refresher, dressed in comfy, all-black, nightclothes.
"She gave me one," Leo laid down on her cot, putting hands behind her head, "I'm Leonora, Leo for short." She had an air of pride around her.
The other girl gasped. "That sounds so cool! I want one too!"
"Okay, um, how about Zariah?" I suggested.
"Ooo, I like that. Makes me sound badass!" Zariah exclaimed. Leo and I laughed at her enthusiasm.
After we all calmed down, Zariah asked me a question.
"So why did they put a technician with two stormtroopers?"
I told her the same thing I told Leo.
"Ahhh okay. Well, at least you got two roommates who aren't sticks in the mud. That would've sucked." Zariah laid back down. I nodded in agreement.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit."
     I hoped to maker that there were no higher-up officials around, because if so, I would've most likely faced punishment. I was currently running through the halls like a mad man with my jumpsuit half on and struggling to carry my small tool bag.
     I had completely forgotten to set an alarm last night, causing me to wake up 20 minutes late, which is by no means acceptable. Leo and Zari left way before me, as troopers have to get up earlier than the techs, and they didn't even bother to wake me up.
So now I had to resort to dashing my way through the metal halls, weaving in and out of other technicians and stormtroopers. As I slid around a corner, I suddenly ran straight into something. The force I hit it with was enough to send me sprawling backward onto the cold metal floor. I groaned in slight pain and made an effort to sit up. Regaining my bearings, my sight is immediately met with black boots.
My blood ran cold.
Trailing my eyes up, all I see is black. Black pants, a black shirt, a black cloak, and a black helmet.
The prickling sensation returns. This time it's sifting through my mind, weaving in and out of the crevices.
Kylo Ren.
I scramble to my feet as quickly as possible and bring my arm into a salute. Once again, the black soulless eyes of his mask stare into the very depths of me.
"Please forgive me, Commander, sir!" The wavering words flew out. He said nothing, and I feared that he would whip out his lightsaber and end me right then and there. But he simply stared for a few more moments then briskly walked away, the prickling fading with him.
I watched as he left, not dropping my salute until he disappeared completely and I could no longer hear his boots on the metal floor.
When I had deemed it safe, I dropped my arm and breathed a sigh of relief. Gathering myself together, zipping up my uniform properly, and grabbing my bag, I made my way to my task for the day.
I was assigned to fix some damage in a meeting room, presumably caused by Kylo Ren during a meeting that had gone sour.
But when I walked through the doors metal blast doors, I couldn't help but curse.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
In front of me was one of the biggest messes I have ever seen. The poor innocent wallhad been slashed many times by a burning saber, leaving deep jagged lines. They crossed and weaved in and out of one another, forming some type of chaotic artwork. No matter the strange beauty, this was going to be a pain to fix.
Setting my bag down, I went closer to inspect the damage. The wiring underneath it had been damaged severely. Some areas are worse than others, but half of the underneath panels would need to be replaced.
Looking away from the wall, I took notice of a larger bag of tools and a welding cart set off of the side; free for me to use. I walk over to the bag, open it, and grab my first piece.
Four hours and counting. That's how long I've been fixing this mess. And I haven't even gotten to re-welding the slashes yet.
For the last hour, I've been working in a tight space. Literally.
To fix some of the wires in one of the deeper slashes, I had to go inside the wall. It required me to remove the vent cover, which resided right below the slash near the floor, and crawl inside; upside down. It took me several tries and having to unzip my jumpsuit halfway, revealing my black under tank, and tie the sleeves around my waist to finally weasel in. My back was flat against the air vent as I worked and I could hardly hear anything. Honestly, it was a miracle I even fit. After removing the air duct lining, I was able to finally access the wires.
Which leads me up to now. I was in the process of attaching one of my last wires, peacefully working and oblivious to the outside world, when something unexpectedly nudged my foot.
The sensation made me jolt up, my head slamming into the roof of the duct.
"Kriff!" The word escaped as pain now radiated through my head. My foot was nudged again. "One moment please!" I shouted. I began to weasel my way back out, having slight difficulty due to not being able to see much.
Once I finally got my head and arms out, I sat on the ground, blinking my eyes to adjust to the harsh lighting, having been in a dark vent for the last hour.
"Did you hear me?"
My head whipped up, and I was met with someone you hoped to never meet; the infamous, General Hux.
I stood immediately, getting a slight head rush from the fast movement, and saluted. "General Hux, sir." I addressed him.
He looked at me with distaste; not pleased to see me without my uniform on properly. But there was no going back now. He looked me up and down, a frown forming on his face. He was just like I've heard him to be. Short, red-haired, and a not-so-pleasing face that was always screwed up in a face of displeasure.
He huffed and spoke again. "Did you hear me at all?" His voice was snobby and pitched.
"No sir, I couldn't hear anything in there." I curtly replied, taking notice of the men behind him. Other Generals and officers, I had never seen, but by the way they presented themselves, they were important.
"Well, I had asked what you are doing in here. This is a restricted area to those without permission." He sneered, obviously not liking me.
"I was tasked to fix this damage, sir. Some of the wirings needed to be replaced but I could only access it through the vent, sir." I remained still, keeping my salute.
"On whose orders?"
"Head technician Ademir, sir. I have the assignment on my data-pad if you wish to see, sir."
"That won't be necessary. Do you have any other tasks to do?" He was growing frustrated at my presence.
"No sir, I don't. This is my only one due to how much work it requires." I answered. He huffed and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the blast doors opening, and someone walking in. My view was blocked by the other men, but General Hux rolled his eyes, already knowing who had entered.
"Ah, Commander, how pleasant of you to join us."
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ilguna · 4 years
Metanoia Masterlist (f.o)
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summary: you will be crowned victor of the 75th hunger games.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten 1/2
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
— Short Stories
— Aesthetics
Tanith Nuova
(Y/n) Rosecelli
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valeptraglia · 4 years
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Battle of Calormen
Chapter 9: "Metanoia"
- metanoia -
[meh-ta-noy-ah] ● Greek
(n.) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life; spiritual conversion.
It is early in the morning, maybe too early, light is barely coming in through the courtains but birds are chirping in the trees nearby my window. It had rain all night making it difficult for me to sleep. And soon my brain decided it was enough sleep for me today so I couldn't stay I bed any longer.
Getting up from the bed I reached for the curtains covering the view of the window and pulled them aside. My stomach twisted. The sky was still cloudy, you could tell it was morning only because of the few rays of clarity that slipped through the clouds here and there.
It is not an obsession the one I have with the weather, it wasn't a metaphor either. I knew there was a reason for this cloudy Narnia. Something was moving in the shadows, acting from the dark. I could feel it in my guts. This was bad news.
I sighed and turned heading for the sideboard. I sat in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection. A ghostly face stared back at me in the mirror. The white nightgown made me look paler. Even the blue of my eyes seemed colorless, off.
With resignation I grabbed the brush, it was therapeutic for me, brushing my hair. It gave me time to put my ideas in order, to clear my mind. And I definitely need that at this moment.
I took a deep breath and exhaling I started brushing the ends of my hair. The humidity was unbearable and it made my hair terribly frizzy and fluffy as the brush combed it. I tried to relax and stopped thinking about meaningless things. I closed my eyes and slowly the important things flooded my mind.
Last evening I had a very needed, although I didn't want to admit it, talk with Edmund. I told him. I confessed how I felt. It's not that I'm not happy to be back in Narnia, because to be fair I haven't felt this hopeful in quite a long time, but how long will it last? At this point I don't know if I want it to last a long time or if I want to find a door to take me back to England in the next corner. What we lose by returning home will be relative to the time we spend here. And I am not willing to lose anything or anyone for an adventure that I'll have to forget when it's over. I don't think my siblings see it this way.
I told Ed how I felt back at home. Empty. Pursuing a life that I built for myself in an attempt to fit in in our world, I get carried away, I am aware of it, and I let it happen. I want it to happen. I want to lose myself in that meaningless world. I don't want to feel, I don't want to remember what I had and what it has been taken away from me when we left Narnia.
Thinking of home someone came into my mind for the first time we arrived. Robert. He asked me to marry him and I answered that first he had to meet the family and then I would answer him. Of course I was going to say yes. I am twenty-three after all I should be married by now, and I've had enough suitors, but none of them seemed, well, right. I think that's the only part of the world that I've created around me that I want it to be real. After all I'll be spending the rest of my life with the man.
Robert is a good man. He cares about m e and his family, has a good job, he is a lawyer, and is eager to start his own family. He is a gentleman and handsome enough. My parents will like them. My siblings? I don't think so. They'll be polite, of course, but I know they won't like him.
And I? Well, I guess I did expressed myself as "I was going to say yes". I don't love him and it won't be fair for him or for me. Suddenly I don't want to go back home. I feel anxious.
I struggled with a few knots in my hair and then continue with my thoughts.
My brothers and sister, they mean everything to me even if I don't show it. I worry about them and not just here, back at home too. Beautiful and childlike Lucy, nineteen and in nurse school, this makes me smile, she is nothing like me, she is such a sweet young lady, so caring for the rest, her life will be filled with joy that coming from the ones she helps.
Edmund. I meant what I said yesterday, he is becoming a great man, long ago he overcomed his monsters. I am so proud of him. I remember the afternoon tea we had when I last visited him and Peter in Cambridge with our parents, when I saw him crossing the street covering his head with his college bag, his bright smile when he saw us. It made me nostalgic.
And Peter. My big brother, or may I say the professor? A philosophy professor, that one I didn't see coming. Although he did teach us a lot, he took his role as the oldest brother seriously, almost like a job, and now he made of it his profession. Peter is a mess, he is all over the place, wherever he is in books will be find scattered all around him, he will engage in conversation with anyone and try to deconstruct everything they say. He traveled a lot around the world last year and has amazing stories for anyone willing to hear him.
I will always be their greatest admirer.
It is time for me to quit this falsehood and go back to what's important.
I combed my hair in a low bun and changed. I took one last glance at the mirror. "You got this". And I left the room towards the thrones room.
Today the company is leaving north, to the dwarves to retrieve weapons for this unstoppable war that's heading towards us. I am afraid this mission is a failure, not because I doubt the dwarves ability to forge iron, or because I doubt the company's abilities to carry the weapons safely back to Cair Paravel. It's because there's still a traitor walking around the castle, around us as if nothing, unpunished.
The mystery of the war prisoner's death hasn't been solved yet. Bavra, the faun, was the only one punished, and in my opinion he was punished because of a lack of evidence in favor of him, I highly doubt that faun had anything to do with the prisoner's death.
The bodies of the fallen in battle that day had been inspected in search of similar wounds but none of them coincided. This was a major problem, the possibility of having a traitor in the castle could bring an endless list of awfulness.
As I imagined, Erasmus, Peter and Edmund were already in a meeting with Diácano as I entered the room. The four of them turn quickly and in surprise when the doors open to let me in.
"Good morning gentlemen" I greeted them with a cheeky smile "Last minute detail arrangements?"
"Susan! Dear, good morning!" Erasmus saluted me with open arms, a charming man he was.
Diácano smiled politely and bowed when I reached the table, a gesture that I returned.
"Hey Su, good morning" greeted me passing his arm over my shoulders.
"Hi sis" said Edmund on his left "as a matter of fact, yes, we are arranging some details" he seemed quite satisfied.
"Any novelty?" I wonder curiously.
The four of them looked at each other and Erasmus nodded his head. Alright I am all ears, there is something here.
"We sent a few runners ahead of the company a few days ago, we received some news this early morning, they already got to dwarves and are guarding the road, and everything is looking fine" Edmund explained.
I knew they wouldn't take any risks "You kept this in silence, you didn't tell me!" I accused them faking hurt. These were very encouraging news.
"Out of the four of us you are the first to know, I should tell Calantha to avoid inconveniences" Erasmus said with a sheepish smile.
"Oh and Lucy" added Peter.
"No one else knows?" I asked.
"Nope. I think this will turn out alright. This mission has to succeed Diácano" Peter said almost like praying to the centaur on his right.
"We won't fail, your Majesty" he reassured in a deep voice.
(End of Susan's POV)
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
So, I was tagged by @gilrael for the following:
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets!
Listen, my first reaction was pretty much “I can’t list all the things I’m currently working on. It’s...no one wants to read that whole list. It’s too long. There’s too much.”
I have been called out good and proper, but you know what? This is what the read more button was made for. These won’t be in any particular order, because I really don’t have an “order” in which I work on things? Also, some of these projects are so far on the back-burner that I really can’t say I’m actively working on them, but I never know when inspiration will strike next and divert me from what I should be doing. Essentially, if it makes the list, I think of it in my head as “imma finish this.” 
Buckle up peeps, because we May Be Some Time.
My Epic YA Fantasy Series Featuring Pretty Much Zero Romance. I neglect this series way too much for something I consider my firstborn, but this is my Passion, okay. My very username is derived from the initials of the series title. I’ve been writing and rewriting it for almost two thirds of my life now, and one day when I have something to show for that labour of love, I will be screaming about it from the rooftops. Mark my words. Also I counted this as one but there’s like...at least five novels, and also shitloads of maps and worldbuilding notes, and songs, and I have a boxfile of old pictures drawn by myself or my sister, and progress on three or four conlangs... It’s hard to really convey just how much of this shit there actually is, if I’m honest.
Hope’s Fire My first ever proper fanfic, and also sorely neglected of late. I love this story so much though, and once I push past the block I have for the current chapter I can’t wait to progress with it, because there are fuuuun times ahead.
A Standalone Novel (sucky working title is “The Aspect’s Choice”) Another YA novel, which...actually has a complete draft? Like, start to finish with no skipped scenes or anything like that. There’s magic and shit, and also no romance for the lead, it’s like this is a theme in my works or something (there’s a background romance this time tho, for those of you who like shipping).
A Fantasy Trilogy about paradoxes and multidimensional travel. I’m mentioning this one now even though I’m kinda...not working on it that much, because I’ve borrowed heavily from it for some fanfic projects. The first novel is a fantasy spy thriller, the second is a sort of...ensemble piece about a major disaster at a futuristic interdimensional traffic control place a lot like an airport/train station, and the third one is a journey through space and time on a sorta magic train which explains how the fuck the first two books are actually connected.
A World of Trouble (The Spy AU) Haikyuu fic! I started this for the HQ Brofest last year and it’s really taken off. The plot for this story was shamelessly nicked from the first book in the above trilogy, albeit with some fairly substantial divergences. 
Until We Move On My...actually, daaamn, this was my first HQ fic. I entered this fandom in a fairly definite fashion, with Suga already dead and Oikawa following shortly after - I swear it’ll have a happy ending for them both eventually tho.
Metanoia, Renascent, and Equanimity (the Trinacriform series) I debated listing these separately, to be honest. There’s no denying that Metanoia and Equanimity are higher up on my list of things to work on than Renascent is right now, but all three are still important to me and all three are going to be finished someday. Ultimately they’re here as one because holy shit this list is going to be long enough already.  Rest assured I do actually think of them as three separate entities in my head! 
The Triffid AU (just gonna list these because there are Several and holy shit I’m still so far from the end): Dangers Unseen - First in the series, Karasuno accidentally sleep through the apocalypse. Interview Transcripts - Set a few months after DU; tells all the side-stories I have to skip in DU for pacing reasons. Seijoh arc (current working title of “In Search of Silver” which will almost certainly change) - I haven’t posted any of this yet but it’s hecking angsty. A Bit Like Home - Sequel to Dangers Unseen, set a year or so after. Also hasn’t been posted anywhere yet. At the moment it’s mostly bokuaka stuff but the idea is for it to be a collection of sorta halfway standalone stories.  I have more ideas for this AU than just these, but I haven’t started writing them yet and I’m not GOING to until this list gets shorter.
An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions I’m not gonna lie, this basically started out as a stupid halfway-joking crack fic and it got out of control. 
Partner Fic to “The Carpenter’s Gift” I started writing this and got a couple of thousand words in and then basically started over. I’ll get there. Probably not before the following though:
KiyoYachi Soul Animal AU fic Set in the same universe as “The Carpenter’s Gift”, sorta...around the same time?
Another Original Fantasy Trilogy I love my fantasy, okay? The three novels in this series are all technically started, although only two of them have any substance: The Legend and the Lake is a novel about a Great Hero, and how he...actually isn’t as much of a hero as he’s going to be remembered as.  Spells and Fire is about a real fucking hero and her apprentices, and how she absolutely will not be given full credit for all she does (because she’s a bit of an arse) The Lake Guardian’s Child will be a story about a minor goddess who meets a mortal that immediately falls in love with her, and their journey to cure him of that love because he’s actually sorta engaged already.
Not Within This Restless Heart A HQ!! poly soulmate au which will probably piss off a lot of people by teh end, because no one who’s read it seems to have caught on about how complex the poly relationship is actually gonna be.
Digimon Frontier Fic - working title “Loss and Gain” I can’t really explain this one properly. It’s Angst, that’s all.
Best Laid Plans A secret santa fic I need to finish! I have part of the second and final chapter written, but life intervened and I lost my flow. Hoping to get back to it some time in the next week.
Bokuto Koutarou’s Excellent, Totally Foolproof Plan To Save Christmas As above, really (except it’s the final of 3 chapters, and it’s also the sort-of sequel to “An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions” ). I want to finish this up soon, so hopefully life will stop being annoying!
Lifetime Achievement Ennotana fic in which Ennoshita is a film director up for a highly prestigious award he’s dreamed of for his whole life...but he has amnesia and it currently means nothing to him.
Travellers AU - Yachi story For the HQ Brofest! Details are hush-hush for now but it’s the same universe as my time travel practical joke fics. Expect similarly ridiculous stuff.
Things We Misplaced Someone accidentally challenged me to write angsty smut which wasn’t hatesex. Smut is not my thing but I’m really stubborn okay, so I’m writing it.
BNHA Bang Fic Details are under wraps for now, but it’s gonna be fun.
A Zine Fic. It’s early days, okay?
Swansong It angst. Also not being posted to this account, for Reasons.
The Digital Fallout AU A ridiculously wide-scope Digimon AU featuring crossover appearances from like, almost all the series. It’s very much on the back burner for now but I still like thinking about it. Someday. Currently comprises of two kinda short fics: “Adventure’s End” and “The Home Frontier” but I’ve planned a LOT further.
Connection Problems This was going to be for the HQBB in 2017 but I got a massive block and had to put it on hold. I’m hoping to revisit it and finish it up by...maybe Halloween.
The Book An original novel I’ve intermittently been working on for a few years now. Essentially the titular book may or may not be sentient, but it is definitely malicious.
First Draft The..um...sequel to my standalone novel, and both my fantasy trilogies. In my defence it started out as a joke and spiralled out of control and now I want to write it for real but I literally have seven novels to finish first. 
...so yeah. That’s more or less all my active (on some level) writing projects. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything! There are a few more which I have ideas for, but I haven’t started them yet and I’m not going to until this shitstorm is a little less overwhelming. I also have costumes for my kids that I’m about to make, but...I’m not going into other creative ventures here because I will literally never finish. Oh, and there’s tagging, too... Huge apologies for dragging you to the end of this hot mess, but I’m calling on @draculasstrawhat and @ahiddenpath along with any other mutuals who didn’t already get tagged (I know I took long enough to do this that a lot of people already did!) No obligations of course, but I love seeing what people are up to!
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tall--noodle · 8 years
i see that you like bokuakakurotsuki, have any fic recs for me? i like the ship but not sure where to start on the ao3 tag! thank you!!
Oh, wow, I didn’t actually expect to be asked for fic recs lol, since I’m fairly new to Haukyuu!! and all. BUT! In the last month I’ve been in the fandom, I’ve read quite a few bokuakakurotsuki fics, and here are some of them:
1. Mannequin Men (M) - Model AU, and I am a sucker for model AUs because I love the fashion industry.
2. Impudicity (M) - Dance AU. The writing is the way I like it, a tad postmodern (oops, my lit brain has turned its gears), but it’s lovely, and gives a lot of depth to the relationship.
4. Smutty 3rd Gym One-shots (E) - Filth. Absolute filth. Some feelings in the first installment, but other than that, complete filth.
5. Absurdly Happy (E) - Future fic. Well I am not absurdly happy when I read this, I damn near cried. But it’s very well-written, and I’m desperately waiting for the next (last) chapter (if the OP will finish it huhu).
6. Metanoia (E) - Omegaverse AU. Only establishing chapters so far, but the writing got me hooked, and I vowed to be patient.
7. Times Four (M) - Future fic. Kind of like Absurdly Happy. But, being me, I didn’t mind. As long as I get my well-written ship, I am a-okay.
8. @zanimez - Look through her tag list for the OT4 fics and I promise, you will not be disappointed.
Most of these fics are written by the same person, mostly because I love their writing so much like omfgit’ssofrickinggood. 
I hope this is enough for you to start exploring, Anon! There are a lot more around, plus some doujinshi that I love to hell and back. If you want me to rattle off the couple I really like, feel free to hmu.
Happy shipping!
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Metanoia [ 4 ]
Chapter Four: In Another Life
Lauren didn’t know how much she would enjoy spending time with Jade over the course of two weeks. Their moments mostly consisted of Jade talking about Miami and its people, while also sharing her stories of when she was still living in England. Lauren would do the listening and Jade would do the talking. Lauren was fond of Jade’s stories from England, she appreciated Jade sharing memories with her mother, Norma, and the story behind Norma and Laura’s friendship. She particularly enjoyed this because on occasion, her grandfather, Richard, would come up and Lauren couldn’t help but cherish each story he was in.
Major Richard Michael Daniels, a name Lauren rarely heard anymore. It’s not because he’s not important, because, on the contrary, he is. 
“He only really came up twice in a conversation I had with my dad,” Lauren said faintly, her voice just above a whisper. “Dad said grandfather’s death almost destroyed grandmama. Mentioning him would only open something she doesn’t really want to be opened.”
Jade listened intently as they walked around town, peacefully eyeing the exceptionally vivid view of the town’s preserved nature. There was a pleasant breeze that accompanied their walk, as the two headed towards the town’s old church.
“Dad was barely four-years-old when grandfather died. He doesn’t remember him but grandmama made sure he knew his father even though it was hard for her to talk about him.” Lauren paused for a moment and looked at Jade, a forlorn smile etched on her lips. “Imagine losing the love of your life and your best friend at the same time.”
“Here I thought Lucille was Laura’s greatest love.” Jade’s lips mirrored Lauren’s.
“Well, grandmama loved abuela with all she got. But, abuela always told me that mama’s greatest love was lost too soon. I only assume that would be my grandfather.” Lauren said with a light nod, as she bit her lips and stared at the full picture of the big, old church. The two of them entered and quietly proceeded with their conversation.
“I’m sure he was a good man. My mother only told me great things about him.” Jade replied as she kept her gaze at Lauren’s direction. “But, I’ve done my share of stories. I’d love to hear more about you.”
Lauren snickered as she turned her head to face Jade once more. “Am I really that interesting to you?” There was playfulness painting those wild green orbs that seemed to cast a spell on Jade, which truth be told, Jade grew fond of over the course of two weeks with Lauren.
“You look better when you’re smiling,” Jade said, as her cheeks replicated her maroon shirt. “And yes, Lauren, you are very interesting.”
“I’d say finding you crying behind a tree and then pretending like nothing ever happened afterwards, is more interesting that I’ll ever be.” Lauren grinned and she felt entirely uplifted from seeing Jade’s reaction.
“Not my finest moment, but I held myself together pretty well, don’t you agree?” Jade laughed softly.
“I’d say you did,” Lauren said back with another smile on her lips. She remembered their first conversation after their first meeting. They bonded over their losses and Lauren was thankful that Jade had the patience to deal with Lauren’s limited use of words. It took three days before they really had a proper conversation together and Jade was more than willing to wait. “But if you really must know, I’m known to be very good with my hands.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of them before Jade started to cry out of laughter. She stopped herself momentarily, wary of the few people sitting inside the church.
“Wait, no! That came out wrong!” Lauren exclaimed under her breath as she slaps her forehead with her palm.
“Out of everything you can tell me, you tell me that?” Jade asked in between her quiet laughter.
“No! I meant I’m really good at basketball!” Lauren said back as she sighed deeply. “That really sounded awful, didn’t it? It’s like I’m trying too hard to flirt and failing immensely.”
Jade stopped for a moment and calmed herself before speaking.
“Well, are you?” She asked as her breathing started to even out. “Flirting, I mean?”
“Ahh…” Lauren drawled out. “I don’t…”
“I’m just kidding, Lauren.” Jade smiled, placing a hand on Lauren’s shoulder. The two of them took a seat in one of the benches near the front of the altar.
Lauren sighed in relief as her lips formed into a lopsided smile. “I’ve never been good at flirting anyway. Boys and girls, they’ve always been a blur to me.” She admitted as Jade leaned back on the bench the same time as Lauren.
“Really? You look very confident and certainly charming to me. Smokey eyeliner, a hot factor. Flaming red lips and dark raven hair, all features of a sophisticated seductress. A true femme fatale. I can’t imagine you not having the attention of boys AND girls.” Jade said, ultimately shocked with the new piece of information she learned.
“Well, yes and no. I am confident, I’ll admit that. However, not when it comes to wooing anyone. I’m good at my academic career, my family’s company and business situations, but not when it comes to relationships. I guess… I guess I just don’t know what to say or how to say it when I feel attracted to someone. Words escape me.”
“Very honest.” Jade nodded. “So, you’re telling me you’ve never had a boyfriend? Girlfriend?”
“Not really, though there was Ally. My grade school crush and long time friend.” Lauren blurted out. “But, she’s always only been attracted to boys. Though there was one time… she, uh, kissed me, though.”
Jade grinned, “Do tell.”
“It was the night of our junior prom. She accidentally read my letter, which was meant for her but it’s a letter I never had the intention of giving.” Lauren paused and sighed softly. “It’s embarrassing to be very honest. It was all poetic and anything you can expect from someone declaring their feelings freely. I never really thought she’d see it so I just wrote everything I felt.”
“How’d she take it?” Jade asked, extremely curious.
“She looked shocked. Terribly shocked and then she yelled at me.” Lauren said as she started laughing before imitating her friend’s voice. “She told me ‘Lauren, why didn’t you ever tell me? I practically paraded Troy around you every day and I had no idea you felt so strongly about me! You should have told me!’ Ally kept yelling and yelling and for someone so small, you think their lungs would give out faster than normal, but no. Ally kept going. ‘I feel awful! I feel so bad, Lauren, I love you! Oh my god, I do! But, not the way you love me, but I still love you very much!’”
“She sounds lovely,” Jade commented with a chuckle.
“She genuinely felt awful. Ally even shed tears. Then after that, she hugged me and out of nowhere she kissed me, full, on the lips.” Lauren started shaking her head at the thought. “She said if she were anything but a 'boring heterosexual’, she’d dump Troy straight away and be with me.”
“Wow!” Jade exclaimed, her eyes wide while a big grin is plastered on her face. “Please tell me you’re still in contact with Ally?”
“Oh, yeah!” Lauren beamed. “I’m still very good friends with Ally. Actually, she wanted to visit me here along with our other close friend, Normani.”
“You should let them. It could be nice you know.”
“Maybe I will.”
Camila was bored at the estate by the time her first week rolled by. She was beginning to re-think her stay at her Mamina’s estate. Karla made sure Camila worked around the mansion, from cleaning her room to washing dishes and even doing the laundry, which was all new to Camila. Her father had a maid for her to deal with all those things. Sure, he wasn’t there, but he provided someone to care for Camila. 
By the time her second week came by, Camila was nearly at her breaking point, but bit her tongue out of pure pride.
Karla would only tell her granddaughter that she should learn these things, not because she has to know them, but because they’re 'essential’ tasks that are helpful to know. Camila thinks it’s just punishment for what she’d done back in Manhattan.
“It’s Sunday,” Karla said as she finished eating her lunch. “I’m going to church again. Do you want to come this time?”
“Yeah!” Camila answered, almost in a heartbeat. She’d do anything to get out of the estate, anything.
“Get ready after you finish lunch, sweetie. I’ll meet you in the car.” Karla said with a smile as she stood up and headed upstairs to her bedroom.
It took them thirty minutes to get to the town’s church. Camila enjoyed seeing new people and a new environment after being stuck doing chores, long boring chores for two weeks in the estate. She walked beside Karla as they entered the church.
“Mamina, isn’t this the church you got married at?” Camila asked as she looked around and took in the beauty of the sculptures and great architecture.
“It is, sweetie,” Karla said as she took a seat at one of the benches from the right-hand side of the altar.
“This is much bigger and a lot more pretty than the pictures,” Camila commented as she took out her phone and started taking pictures.
Karla only kept a smile on her face as she looked forward and a notice that there weren’t many people around today. She tried focusing on people’s faces, hoping to catch someone she knew, only to find a familiar face she thought she’d never see again in her lifetime.
“Laura…” Karla breathed out. She tried blinking multiple times, to stop herself from hallucinating any further, but the image of Laura, her face and her smile were there. Karla watched from a small distance how this much younger looking Laura, interacted with another girl. The way she laughed, it was so similar and dear to Karla that she could feel a small tug in her chest. Her stomach was fluttering endlessly as if she were in her late teens once more.
Karla could feel the tears coming and she was afraid that if she made any sudden moves, they’ll fall in unending streams of cold, bitter dew.
Jan 17th, 1972 - Town Hospital
“Mrs. Mendes, we need you to push as hard as you can.” The doctor said as Karla breathed in and out rapidly.
“Please, I can’t take it anymore!” Karla was panting, her forehead drenched in her own sweat.
“A little more, Mrs. Mendes. The baby is nearly there.” The doctor encouraged before whispering to the nurse. “Where is Mr. Mendes, have you reached him yet?”
“No, doctor. Nobody has been able to reach Mr. Mendes. The staff has been trying for hours.”
Karla shrieked in agony as she squirmed around the operating table, her legs trembled as she could feel her body breaking. She held the metal railing as hard as she could before taking a deep breath and pushing as the doctor said.
“You’re doing good, Mrs. Mendes. We can see the head now.” The doctor stated as the nurses moved around him.
Karla tried her best not to pass out from the pain, her breathing uneven as she pushed once more until she felt a big release. It’s as if all the pain vanished after she successfully delivered her child. Karla could feel tears streaming down her face, the fresh cry of a newborn babe filled the delivery room.
“You have a boy, Mrs. Mendes.” The doctor informed Karla and she could barely see her child from where the doctor was holding him. She felt herself drift to sleep moments later, the cries of her baby boy were the last sound she could hear.
When Karla woke up she was in her hospital room with Diana asleep on the couch. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her best friend.
“Hey D…” She said weakly, but Diana was able to hear it. She opened her eyes and sat up from the couch before standing and pulling a chair up next to Karla’s bed.
“Look at you,” Diana began, there’s a small smile on the corner of her lips. “I can’t believe you’re a mother now.” She added as Diana kept herself from crying by directing her gaze upwards.
“Don’t go crying to me now, D. I don’t think I’ll be able to produce tears anymore. I’m extremely dehydrated.” Karla laughed shortly before her laugh turned into coughs.
“Shh, don’t exert yourself.” Diana shook her head while she brushed her best friend’s hair away from her face. She sat down afterwards and leaned at the metal railing of Karla’s bed. “Where’s Shaun?” Diana asked.
“I don’t know,” Karla answered and she could feel her throat drying up.
“He should be here,” Diana said promptly, her lips curled into a frown.
“It’s best if he’s not here.” Karla spat out as tears threatened to fall once more. “I don’t want to see him, Diana. I don’t want to see him anymore after what he did.”
Her best friend was silent for a moment before Karla saw tears running down Diana’s face. “I’m so sorry, Karla. I am so sorry.” She reached out to hold Karla’s hand and place a gentle kiss on it.
Karla took a deep breath before she allowed herself to cry in front of her best friend. Tears constantly streamed down her cheeks as Karla clenched her chest with her free hand. They both cried together until Diana stood up once more and hugged her best friend tightly.
“Please… please tell me you didn’t tell her?” Karla asked in between sobs.
It took Diana a few moments to answer. “I didn’t. I did as you asked. I only told her what you said I should.” She said as she took a step back and looked at Karla with all the sympathy she has for her best friend.
“It’s for the best…” Karla told herself before repeating it over and over.
“She left, Karla,” Diana said moments later. “She left for England this morning. With Richard.”
Karla looked at Diana and stayed silent as she closed her eyes and fought hard to keep herself from crying once again.
“It’s for the best.”
Camila excused herself for a moment when she received a call from Normani. She told Karla that she’d be outside for a while. She answered her phone and started walking outside the church.
“Hey, Dinah!” Camila greeted excitedly as she reached the outside of the church. She walked a few more feet away until she’s near the empty road. “Thank god you finally called! I missed you.”
“I missed you too, girl! When are you going to invite me there, Walz?” Dinah questioned from the other line, her voice just as excited as Camila’s.
Camila groaned. “Mamina’s not allowing visitors yet. She says I’ve yet to earn that.” Camila started walking aimlessly as she got more into the conversation with her best friend. She’s never been out of contact with Dinah for so long after all.
“Oof, tough luck.” Dinah teased. “What have you been doing there anyway? Anything interesting?”
“If you call washing dishes, cleaning rooms and doing laundry interesting then yeah. I’ve done some pretty interesting stuff.” Camila whined as she rolled her eyes and kicked off a small rock away from her.
“Boo-hoo, the princess is doing chores, how sad.” Dinah laughed on the other line and further infuriated Camila who continued to walk in circles, her eyes focus on the ground.
“I hate my life right now. Honestly, I’d rather be at home in Manhattan.” She continued before she heard the loud blaring sound of an oncoming truck. Camila didn’t even have the time to look up before she was pulled forcefully away from the road, her hands wrapping around a body as she felt her own fall in slow motion.
Camila saw green, wild beautiful green and tiny specks of gold. Then she heard a small groan before she fully collected herself. Camila was laying flat on top of a person. On top of a girl. A stranger.
“Oh my god.” She blurted out, as she slowly stood up and winced as she saw a small cut on her left hand. Camila stared at her hand for a short while before she directed her gaze at the stranger on the ground, who was busy rubbing her head. She turned her attention on her hands again and saw that she wasn’t holding her phone anymore. Camila looked at the ground and searched for it. It took her a while but she found her phone, only that it’s completely broken into pieces and it was scattered on the side of the road.
“Oh, my god! No!” She gasped, completely in disbelief. Camila was speechless. She looked at her hands once more before she turned her head to face the stranger who completely ruined her phone. She was just about to yell when she came face to face with the person who pulled her away from death.
“You- aren’t you going to say sorry?” Camila said as she huffed in anger. She waited for the stranger to reply but she just stood in front of Camila and looked at her blankly.
The stranger was a few inches taller than Camila. She was wearing a black thin leather jacket, a white crop top and fitted ripped jeans in combat boots with a red flannel shirt strapped on her waist. Camila noticed her dark hair that fell to her stomach, her perfectly curved smokey eyeliner and that insanely attractive red lipstick.
“Hello???” Camila snapped her fingers at the stranger, instantly breaking her own train of thoughts. “Did you even hear what I said?”
The stranger continued to stay as silent as a rock. This only fuelled Camila’s frustration, which meant little to no good. “I said, aren’t you going to say sorry? You completely ruined my phone!”
“There you are, I thought you left!” Camila turned her head to the person running towards them. She eyed the girl from head to toe as well. “Are you okay?” The second stranger asked the first.
“Let’s go home.” Stranger number one finally said out loud.
“Oh, so she speaks.” Camila rolled her eyes.
“Excuse me?” Stranger number two furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Camila skeptically.
“Your friend here wrecked my phone. She should pay for it.” Camila said sharply as she crossed her arms together.
“From where I was standing, she saved your life.” Stranger number two bit back.
“And wrecked my phone in the process.” Camila scoffed.
“Camila?” Camila heard her Mamina’s voice from behind and she whipped her head to face her. “I see you’re making friends,” Karla added.
“Hardly,” Camila grumbled before she pointed at Lauren. “She wrecked my phone.”
“My friend was only trying to save her life. There was a truck that would’ve hit her.”
Now everybody was staring at stranger number one, who remained silent as she was the first time.
“Then I believe I owe you a thank you-
Karla ignored Camila’s interruption and continued. "What’s your name, dear?”
Stranger number one turned her head and looked at Karla. “I’m Lauren, Lauren Jauregui.”
If only Camila was focusing on Karla, she would have seen the tears forming in her grandmother’s eyes. It took the older women all her willpower not to reach out and touch Lauren’s face.
Karla swallowed hard. “Thank you, Lauren. I owe you my granddaughter’s life.”
Camila shook her head but stopped herself from saying anything. Lauren just looked at Karla and somehow thought she’d seen her somewhere before. She contemplated on asking but Jade ended up telling them that they 'had to go’ before she dragged Lauren away from Karla and Camila.
Karla watched as Lauren walked away. It was hard for Karla to restrain herself from following the younger Jauregui. She knew where to go, she knew how to get there but she knows she doesn’t have the right to go there. So, she watched and swallowed away her tears.
“Mamina, are you okay?” Camila asked, as she finally noticed the change in her grandmother’s expression.
“Yes, I’m fine,” Karla said back, nodding her head. “It’s just… it’s been a long, long time since I’ve seen a Jauregui in town.”
“Wait, you know her?” Camila asked, completely puzzled.
“I… I knew her grandmother." 
A/N: Woop, Ally, Normani and Dinah mentions! I can’t wait for them to join the story soon. I hope this chapter was alright. The flashbacks kind of fast forwarded to the 70s. Let me know if you want more flashbacks and what you thought of this chapter! 
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