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triflesandparsnips · 2 years ago
My gf is doing a research project on sixteenth century recipe books (building a tool to help people read/understand them) and this weekend she was telling me about an ingredient that showed up in one of them that she could not figure out what it was. I have read the soap post (which is SO COOL, btw, I am so excited to see how the wash balls turn out) and I’m wondering if you might know what it actually is.
She first saw it written as venus bolearmonack, but we found several different spellings for it when we both went down internet rabbit holes: bolearmonack, bolarmonack, bolarmonicke. We think it’s maybe some sort of dirt or clay? But it keeps bothering me that we couldn’t figure it out, and reading your post made me wonder if you would know.
From Charas's The Royal Pharmacopœea, we know that:
By Minerals I understand all Metals, Half-metals, and what belongs to Metals. All sorts of Earths, and Bole-Armoniack; all Stones, Marbles, Flints, Porphyries, Jaspers, Chrystals, Jacinths, Emraulds, Saphirs, Granats, Blood-stones, Diamonds, and all sorts of Jewels: Sulphurs, Vitriols, Allums, Sal Gem, Bay-salt, Water, Rain, Snow, Ice, Hail, Thunder-bolts, Dew, Manna of several sorts, Morter, Lime, Brick, Oyl of Naphta Amber-griece white and yellow; Jet, Sea-coal and all Bitumens. Talk, Chalk, Bismuth, Zink, and all Marcasites, the ordinary Earth, Sand, Clay; and in general whatever is drawn out of the Bowels of the Earth, or Sea; or descends from the Air, being without Life.
This is Moyse Charas telling us what a shorthand (Minerals) means -- so apparently, Bole-Armoniack (another spelling!) wasn't a shorthand for something else the way, say, "the four greater Cold seeds" are. I also included the full paragraph because that also gives a hint as to what Bole-Armoniack isn't -- or at least, they didn't think it was... which means nope, not clay or dirt.
Later we find out in the same book that it's something you gotta crush the shit outta in a mortar before you can use it, but when you do it'll reduce to an extremely fine powder the way precious stones and amber will.
Lémery's A Course of Chemistry clarifies for a recipe for, ta da, gonorrhea, that:
Litharge, which is a Lead Calcined [a heated lead], Alom, and Bole-Armenick, are so many considerable Astringents, that do no hurt in this composition.
Which is to say, bole-armenick (ANOTHER SPELLING), when powdered, can be heated up to be used in this mix and was added because it was thought to draw together or contract skin tissue. It's also interesting that Lémery bothered to define litharge (which is fairly common in recipes I've seen), but, again, not the bole-armenick.
Finally, on a hunch, I did a search for just "armenick", and hit enough paydirt that I suspect y'all can dig further using it to confirm the results-- Pettus's 1683 glossary supplement to Ercker's Fleta Minor lists the following:
ARMENICK▪ See Armoniack.
ARMONIACK, T. gives it the Latine Name, Bolus Armeni, and we Bole Armoniack, and I find these words of kin, both in their Orthography and Pronuntiation, viz. Amoniack Armenick and Armoniack. The first Pliny tell us, is a Gum which he calls Gumma Amoniaci, of a glutinous nature (like other Gums) and so may be used for Metallick Vessels. The second viz. Armenick; I find the word Sal always joyned with it, and so called Sal Armenicus, and this Salt was antiently accounted a natural Salt, but that being now unknown to us, we use the Armenicus, which is made of the Urine of Elephants or Camels (as 'tis said) boyled to a Lixivium or Salt, and called Sal Armenius or Armeniacus, and this is of great use for purifying and refining of Metals. To the third Armoniacus the word Bole is added, I suppose for distinction sake: Pliny, c. 35. mentions a Stone, which he calls Lapis Armeni, of which he counts several sorts, but the best of those he saith, are of a blew colour, and calls it verd de Azure (being of great price and esteem with Painters, but the common Armoniack he calls Synoper (and we Synople) from a City of that name, where it was plentiful, and 'tis probable this is the same which we call Bole Armoniack, being of a reddish colour, and this is oft used by our Author, and for distinction the word Gum is put to the first, Salt to the other, and Bolus to this: which I write to prevent Errors in Medicines or Metallick Experiments.
So with Pettus's definitions, triangulated with Charas's shorthand notes and Lémery's preparation instructions, we arrive at your "venus bolearmonack" probably being sinople, a "ferruginous quartz that is blood-red or brownish red sometimes with a tinge of yellow" which "occurs in small but very perfect crystals, and in masses that resemble some varieties of jasper."
All that being said, though: always try and get at least one other source to confirm a definition. My beloved Simon Barbe says that benzoin is also myrrh, and that's... that's not right, babe. So double-check, but-- here's a reasonable direction!
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leanstooneside · 19 days ago
◊ tinging Spirit taken out of them which makes Gold sanguin being first opened and prepared and by their food and drink it becomes volatile wherefore this volatile Gold being satisfied with its food and drink assumes its own bloud to it self dries it up by its own internal heat by the help and assistance of the vaporous fire and there is a Conquest again which is quite fix'd makes the highest Constancy that the Gold becomes an overfix'd Medicine by reason of abundance of Bloud it yields no Body except another superfluous Body be again put to it wherein the abounding fix'd bloud may disperse itself this additional Metallick Body by reason of the great heat of the fix'd Lions bloud is penetrated as by fire and purged from all impurity and forthwith throughly digested to a perfect ripeness and fixedness: That first of all the Servant brings the Matter unto Riches because the Master before could not spare any of his Cloaths to give away seeing that Nature had lent and endowed him with one Noble Suit only; on the other side the King when he hath received his Aides and Contributions from his Subjects can then distribute possessions and permanent Liveries that the Lord and Servant may remain both together; and do not think it strange that the King needs to borrow of his Subjects because their Bodies are unfix'd
◊ Almighty gave and Ordained means to accomplish it that one Creature had obtained power to operate in the other and the one to help and assist the other to perform and fulfil all the Works of the Lord; and so an influence was permitted the Earth to bring forth by the Lights of Heaven as also an internal Heat to warm and digest that which was too cold for the Earth by reason of its humidity as unto every Creature a peculiar fashion according to its kind; so that a subtile sulphurous Vapour is stired up by the Starry Heaven not the common but another more clarified and pure Vapour distinct from others which unites it self with the Mercurial Substance; by whose warm property in process of time the superfluous Moisture is dryed up and then when the foulish property comes to it which gives a preservation to the Body and Balsam operating first into the Earth by a spiritual and sydereal influence then are Metals
◊ bodies of the other Metals are inconstant
◊ Bodies yet are they
◊ perceived sometimes foretelling Death or other Disasters sometimes they discover by their Apparition Riches and good Fortune in certain places and the Fiery Spirits appertain here also which appear in a fiery shape or like a burning Light; all these are Spirits
◊ comparison to be proved by a gross Example how many Creatures are there
◊ Spirit of Mercury be intended and qualified from above upon Animals it becomes an Animal Substance; if it goes upon Vegetables by order it becomes a Vegetable Work; but if by reason of its infused nature it fall on Minerals it becomes Minerals and Metals yet each one hath its distinction as they are wrought
◊ Unnatural by most part of the World yet truly are Natural
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3rdearthdesign-blog · 7 years ago
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guitarmy-guitar-courses · 4 years ago
MUST KNOW ROCK GUITAR LICK | Lick 4 | Style of Kirk Hammett of Metallica
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daveerving · 5 years ago
#wip #newsong #metallicks #metal #guitar #bass #musicproducer #gettingold #evaderknives https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rKxylHl3h/?igshid=1x2jhtn4rmgtk
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guitarbage · 7 years ago
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Wild Customs The Axe "Metallick HxC Relic"
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fuckyeahthomaspynchon · 3 years ago
They discharge the Hands and leave off for the Winter. At Christmastide, the Tavern down the Road from Harlands’ opens its doors, and soon ev’ryone has come inside. Candles beam ev’rywhere. The Surveyors, knowing this year they’ll soon again be heading off in different Directions into America, stand nodding at each other across a Punch-bowl as big as a Bathing-Tub. The Punch is a secret Receipt of the Landlord, including but not limited to peach brandy, locally distill’d Whiskey, and milk. A raft of long Icicles broken from the Eaves floats upon the pale contents of the great rustick Monteith. Everyone’s been exchanging gifts. Somewhere in the coming and going one of the Children is learning to play a metal whistle. Best gowns rustle along the board walls. Adults hold Babies aloft, exclaiming, “The little Sausage!” and pretending to eat them. There are popp’d Corn, green Tomato Mince Pies, pickl’d Oysters, Chestnut Soup, and Kidney Pudding. Mason gives Dixon a Hat, with a metallick Aqua Feather, which Dixon is wearing. Dixon gives Mason a Claret Jug of silver, crafted in Philadelphia. There are Conestoga Cigars for Mr. Harland and a Length of contraband Osnabrigs for Mrs. H. The Children get Sweets from a Philadelphia English-shop, both adults being drawn into prolong’d Negotiations with their Juniors, as to who shall have which of. Mrs. Harland comes over to embrace both Surveyors at once. “Thanks for simmering down this Year. I know it ain’t easy.”
“What a year, Lass,” sighs Dixon.
“Poh. Like eating a Bun,” declares Mason.”
-Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon
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argentvive · 5 years ago
Jon’s Resurrection: The Role of Ghost
On the show, Jon was resurrected by Melisandre, with Ghost standing by.
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I wrote about this scene a long time ago. 
 I argued that Melisandre washing Jon and cutting his hair was a solve et coagula ritual.  I also said I thought that the fan theory that Jon warged into Ghost when he was stabbed could well be correct.
Recently, I was going through the emblems in Atalanta fugiens and came across one (XXIV) I have never posted before that may provide a clue to how GRRM intends to write this scene in the next book.
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There are two scenes here.  You need to read the emblem like a comic strip, except front to back rather than left to right.
In alchemy, the King is the Philosopher’s-Stone-to-be.  He must be “killed” so he can be resurrected, young and vigorous.  The wolf is a symbol for antimony, the wolf of metals, the universal solvent, the mercurial water. 
(Similarly, the dragon is a symbol for Mercurius at the beginning of the Work.  Jon and Dany are both closely associated with animals that are symbols for the “lower, earthly self which the soul must learn to subdue and train, so that the higher self...may at last reign.” Lyndy Abraham, p. 60)
The caption for the emblem reads as follows:
The wolf devoured the king and after the wolf has been burnt, it returned the king to life. (Michael Maier, Atalanta fugiens, XXIV)
So in the foreground you see the wolf “devouring” the king--well, taking a little nibble at least.  Then in the background, you see the wolf who devoured the king being burned, and in the process, the king is restored to life, young and whole. 
This leads me to think that Ghost will play a critical part in Jon’s resurrection in the next book.  GRRM can hardly have Ghost eat* Jon, but he can certainly take in Jon’s consciousness, his life force.  The books spend quite a bit of time describing Jon warging into Ghost, so the precedent is there.  
(*If you see a parallel between this Emblem and Little Red Riding Hood, who IS eaten by a wolf, you’re probably on to something.  Notice how the revived King is wearing a cape, which should be red as a mark of his transformation into the Red King, the Philosopher’s Stone.  What I don’t know is much the Grimms added to the folk tales they collected in 19th century Germany.)
But then what about the second scene?  How do we get Jon alive again?  To follow the emblem strictly, you’d have to have the Night’s Watch burn Ghost, somehow forcing Jon’s spirit back into his dead body.   I guess that could work.  But I prefer a scenario where Melisandre is involved, as on the show.  But no matter what, Ghost will be in that room and I expect that  the first clue we will get of Jon’s resurrection will be from the direwolf, as on the show.  
I’m appending the entire discourse for Emblem XXIV, for anyone who can plow through the archaic English translation (the original is in Latin).  I’ve boldfaced sentences that seem to apply to Jon, or might apply to him in the future.  
<The Hunger and Voracity of a wolf is remarkably knowne to be very great, insomuch that when his prey is wanting he will feed even upon the Earth; with which he is likewise said to fill his belly when he is about to set upon large herds of Cattle, that so being made heavier by that burden he may resist more strongly and not easily be shaken off from his hold. When he enters a fold he doth not only kill enough to satisfye his hunger but through greedinesse destroys the whole flock. He is Sacred to Apollo and Latona because he stood by her when she was in Labour, for Latona could not have delivered young unlesse he had been present. Hence likewise the wolf is thought acceptable to Apollo because he celebrated his birthday, as also because his Eyes shine and cast forth light in the midst of the night. Therefore the breathlesse body of the King is thrown to the wolf when he is ravenously hungry, not to the end that the wolf should wholly consume and annihilate the King, but that by his own death the wolf should restore strength and life to him. For there is a certain amatorious Virtue in the Tayle of the Wolf which is infused into the half dead King which makes him very desirable to all men upon the recovery of His former Health and Beauty. The Hyrcanians nourished Doggs for no other Use but that they might cast their Dead Bodyes to be devoured by them, as Cicero tells us. And so the Massagetes give men that dye of diseases as a prey to doggs. But the Philosophers give their King to a Wolf, nor indeed are they pleased with the Custom of the Sabeans, who carryed out their dead in the same manner as dung and threw their King upon the Dunghills; nor that of the Troglodytes of the Red Sea, who tyed the Necks of their dead men to their feet and hurried them along with Jests and Laughter, and so put them into the ground without any Consideration of the place of Buriall. But the Philosophers chose to follow the Custom of the Magi, who did not bury their dead bodyes till they had first been torn to pieces by wild beasts; or of the Indians, who being Crowned and singing the praises of the Gods commanded themselves to be burnt alive, least old age should come upon them. But these customs were imposed upon them all without any hopes of Resurrection or Renewall of Life. Thinges are far otherwise disposed among the Philosophers. For they certainly know that from their King devoured by a wolf there will appear one that is Alive, Strong and Young, and that the wolf must be burnt in his stead. For when the belly of the wolf is so gorged he will easily be slain, but although the King be dead he hath a Martiall or Cygnean Virtue that he can neither be wounded nor consumed. But where is this Wolf to be hunted, or whence this King to be taken? The Philosophers answer that the wolf wanders up and down in the Mounteins and Valleys that he may seize his prey, which must be drawn out of their dens and preserved for Use. But the King being fatigued with the long journey he has taken from the East at length falls down, and his death is then hastened by his grief seeing himself among Strangers, deprived of all his Honours and so little esteemed as for a small price to be sold into slavery. But it is necessary that the Wolf must be taken out of a Cold Region, for those that are bred in Cold Countryes are more fierce than in Libya or Egypt by reason of their greater hunger occasioned by the externall cold. Hence the devoured King revives with the heart of a Lyon and is able afterwards to conquer all beasts. And although he is the meanest in Aspect among his six brothers, being the Youngest of them all, yet after many miseries and tribulations he shall at last come to the most powerfull Kingdom. Hereupon Gratianus in the Rosary saith: In Alchymy there is a certain noble body which moved from Master to Master, in whose beginning there shall be Misery with Vinegar, but in the End Joy with Gladnesse. And Alanus in the same place says: There is one thing to be chosen out of all, which is of a Livid Colour, having a clear liquid metallick Species, and is a thinge Hot and Moist, Watery and Combustible, and is a Living Oyle and Living Tincture, a Minerall Stone and Water of Life of wonderfull efficacy. It is not always safe for Kings to travell out of the Confines of their Kingdoms, for if they endeavour to conceal themselves and yet happen to be known by their Adversaries, they are taken for Spyes and imprisoned; if being known they would proceed without an Army they are in the same manner of danger. And so it has happened to this Indian King, or if he had not been prevented by death it would so have happened. This capture is the first Sublimation, Lotion and Nobilitation which the Philosophers use, that the second and third may be performed with more happy success. For the second and third without the first are of no moment, the King being as yet Pusillanimous, Drowsy and Sick. For He must first require Subsidies and Tributes of his Subjects by which he may purchase himself garments and other necessaryes, and afterwards he will be rich enough and able to new clothe all his Subjects as often as He pleases. For great thinges being generally sprung from small beginnings can afterwards raise up small thinges, or even suppresse great ones if such their pleasure be. As appears by some Cities, which at first were small but were governed by mighty Kings, and so from Villages became populous and Magnificent Towns.>
Source: alchemywebsite.com   
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kreuzaderny · 3 years ago
At an early period, while philosophy lay as yet rude and uncultivated in the mists of error and ignorance, few were the virtues and properties of things that were known and clearly perceived: there was a bristling forest of plants and herbs, things metallick were hidden, and the knowledge of stones was unheeded.
-William Gilbert, On the Magnet, 1600
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sqmetallicink-blog · 7 years ago
A soundtrack to set the rythm for the immersion into the amazing world of "Metallic Ink", a retropunk alternative universe brought to life by the talented Shadowdianne for the II edition of the Swan Queen Supernova challenge! ----- Banda sonora para sumergirse en el increíble mundo de "Metallick Ink", un universo retropunk alternativo al que da vida la talentosa ShadowDianne para la segunda edición del reto Swanqueen Supernova!
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leanstooneside · 6 months ago
Samoan drop neckbreaker combination
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3rdearthdesign-blog · 7 years ago
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Metallicker Song one, great too see hard work printed out into a sexy book you can hold in your hands
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hobbes-gingerlicious · 9 years ago
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Hello My Name is Hobbes, and I'm a metal licker. #12StepProgram #MetalLicker #TacoTongueTuesday #TongueOutTuesday #😛
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3rdearthdesign-blog · 7 years ago
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#jasonnewsted #xmetallicabassist #metallicker #motorbreath #workinprogress #metallica
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3rdearthdesign-blog · 7 years ago
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Progress report #metallicker issue 5 #anesthesia
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3rdearthdesign-blog · 7 years ago
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#metallicker 5 just got scanned into the computer, while I type issue six is running through the scanner #scanner
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