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metalknux-world · 6 years ago
Save them , save us all
“You’re hiding it from me. I will find it, I will be complete. Stop resisting and hand over the chaos emerald you found.” - As dead in tone as it was in soul metal Sonic 0.3 gave out commands to it’s captive, A young man wearing a G.U.N hat but no uniform. 0.3 Had him by the collar of his shirt and hoisted ten feet off the ground.-  “You can’t have it and even with those sensors of yours you’ll never find it. Now put me down” -The young man had grabbed onto 0.3′s shoulder keeping himself lifted enough to not be choked by his current predicament, his voice was angry but calm- “What is that....? “  -He had looked down at the ground behind 0.3 just in time to see Metal Knux come through the edge of the woods, onlookers from the encampment below turned their attention to Knux as well.-  ‘another one?!?’ , ‘Stop it!’ , “Destroy it!’ , ‘Don’t let it any closer! we won’t let eggmans mindless machines over run us again!”, -A small mob of armed civilians , humans and mobians , Took their arms to ready positions and started to surround Metal Knux-  -0.3 lifted the Young man in his grasp higher breaking his grip from it’s shoulder, 0.3 paid no mind to the new arrival and instead brought itself higher into the air-  “If you will not give me what I require then I have no need of you. I am the ultimate being , I can fly....” - The robians head tilted to the side and upward until only one eye looked down upon the man from the corner of it’s socket and it spoke slowly opening it’s hand.- “Can you?”  -The man grabbed onto 0.3′s hand and wrist setting the robian off balance a bit. Just as brown wolf Robian jumped into both of them knocking them apart- “ I doubt he could “ -Solace chimed in as he caught the young man in the midst of his jump.- “But flying is over rated anyway.”  -Metal Knux had put both of it’s arms up blocking shoots as well as swings from metal bars and had managed to back himself down into the encampment and closer to the action with 0.3. even so the the civilians weren’t letting up.-  “Another unknown unit!?! Your Termination will be swift , That is a Promise!” -0.3′s voice was deafening and it’s turbines power up was now a loud and visible threat, The Metal Sonic dashed down in a blur and Tackled Solace knocking the human out of his grasp and dragging Solace himself into the woods.-  -Swinging over and over again Solace tossed punch after punch into 0.3′s face and head as he was drug through the forest floor.- “ They weren’t kidding . I can see how you took out the original metal Sonic’s.”  ‘Someone go find Arnold and bring him back here we have this one under control!’ , ‘Damn bots , your precious leader is gone and you think we’ll just let you take over again?!?’ , ‘We still have GUN! even without Shepard. you can’t win , Now get lost!’  -The mob was still ambushing Knux as a few broke off to the find the young man that Solace had been trying to save.-  “~ Knux , again!? like it or not you don’t have time for them , Go get him , Now!~” {Metal Knux built in communicator buzzed in and back out again as it’s creator barked orders through it.} “~ No Arguments , Save Solace , Destroy 0.3 . Save them all., I’m sending metal Tails as back up. now go~”  -Pulling one arm back and clenching it’s claws Metal Knux punched forth with the swings of his attackers breaking the metal bars they had and knocking some over. In the following half second the bottom of his dreads lit up brilliant orange and he burst away from the crowd out into the woods chasing after 0.3.-  “Move it Knux!” - Solace called out right before flying by backwards through the air and landing on his feet. Solace’s muzzle was busted one shoulder plate was missing and he was covered in dirt and vines.-  “NO MORE OF THIS! NO MORE OF YOU! I WILL BE COMPLETE! I WILL BE PERFECT!, OUT OF MY WAY!” - 0.3 was rampaging the robians entire body seemed to glow red from over heating. Rushing at Solace again 0.3 notice Knux and changed course in a flash back kicking Knux square in the chest sending him backwards bashing into a tree.-  “YOU!? AGAIN!? WHO MADE YOU!?! WHO ARE YOU!?! WHY ARE YOU IN !MY! WAY!” -0.3 hesistated only a moment to allow the robian echidna to stand back up before it was once again right in his face.-  -Metal Knux put his hands out to either side and turned it’s head to the side- “If I said ‘I am the protector of the Emeralds and Gems’ Would that help?” -Metal Knux Quickly wound back one of it’s arms and let fly a devastating punch square into 0.3′s torso causing 0.3 to fall backwards and slam into the ground-  “’They call me Knuckles’ , and just like sonic I do chuckle...at least at you”  
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hardreboote102 · 7 years ago
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“E-102 Gamma has noticed multiple presences. Inquiring to the purpose of following this unit?”  MK : No big guy , Thats from the media feed we set you up with . They aren’t actually following you.”  “Gamma has been corrected . Hello ‘followers’? , welcome”  
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howlinggearsinc · 7 years ago
Thank you Tumblr.
If you’ve followed me thank you the most , but even if you are just viewing this I’ll hope you’ll read it the whole way through.  What I’ve enjoyed the most over my years online is actually the diversity of it all , especially with reactions to my work. Good and bad it helps me better understand what needs to be worked on and the type of people I can work with.  I started on sl [Second Life], there was a wave of support there but also a few critics . One in particular I’ve always had a odd ‘relationship’ aka interactions with. While at time he was straight up rude , more often then not he would also teach me what he thought I was doing wrong. I’m not sure we were ever able to actually get along but he never really felt like my enemy either. Second life is also where most of my teachers came from.  I then started posting on deviant art and furaffinity around the same time. My work wasn’t ‘furry’ but friends insisted because it was sonic and gundam works there would be a big following to it. Deviant art wasn’t really helpful i got a lot of likes and it helped push me forward but on just empty encouragement I hardly improved.  Furaffinity on the other hand provided a community that actively criticized or enjoyed my work, there were some trolls , but shocker to me was how often big name artists who focused on drawing were more then willing to allow me to try making 3D pieces of their works . So long as i credited them they didn’t care . Better yet was how many of them actually liked my work. Some weren't so pleased and asked me not to post it bu their feed back was invaluable to me Tumblr always had this bad rep , no matter where i went it always got trashed talk and infact even after knowing of it for three years i stayed clear of it because of just how much trouble was going on on it constantly .  I’m not big , not by any means. not in name or in talent I still have a loooooooooong way to go to be “good” but Roleplaying here has been very helpful with character development , the feedback of likes and lack there of has shown me what people will want to see as time goes on.  it’s nice to know that means the wood work and the lighting changes[for my 3d pieces] will live on and continue to grow as this blog does .  it’s been a lot of fun so far and hope it will continue that way. For now expect more tutorials soon and Hope to see ya around .   
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metalsperfection · 7 years ago
"What are you? or what did you become ? You far surpassed anything the doctor could have made." -The Metal Echidnas yellow glowing eyes flicker green as it scans the robian before it.- "What are your true origins? neo."
The superior robian would chuckle a little as he himself inspected the other, it had been awhile since he saw one of his own kin, let alone a metal knuckles model but this one was......different, not made by his own creator no.......this one would be a special investigation.
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“What am I?” he mused. “I am Neo Metal Sonic, I have become what my creator failed to obtain, I am intelligence, I am power. I am a machine who’s own failures caused what can be considered as rage to drive him to mutiny.” He’d chuckle slightly before his tone became more foreboding. “I am evolution's favourite child!”
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aquabosschu · 7 years ago
Do you ever miss having actual facial hair to complete your look? Also what would happen if Maxie found out you'd be turned into a pikachu?
The man turned pikachu sighed longingly, running a tiny paw over his chin where his beard used to be as a human. “Yes I do. Its weird tho...I dont feel like Im missing the feeling of it...heck my whole body is covered in fur now...but I do miss having facial hair” 
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“As for Maxie....knowing him, he would attempt to capture me in a pokeball...and place it on a shelf as a trophy or something. I wouldnt put that past him at all” 
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hardheadedguardian-blog · 8 years ago
-Metal Knux stops in place seeing Knuckles and scans him over- " So this is what I was based off of?"
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  “Yea. I guess they made an artificial version of me, eh?”
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gun-commander-rhiddel · 8 years ago
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“Greetings, I do believe I have crossed in to an alternate universe of some sort. Who might you be?”
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hardreboote102 · 7 years ago
Attention , Conversational Hub has been created!
“Observe , Open chat has been initiated! interactions on a more instant basis is now accessible. “  https://discord.gg/23reREx
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howlinggearsinc · 7 years ago
Tutorial , support , responses
Whats up everyone? Sooo I wanted to go over a few quick things , which means more paragraphs because I don’t know how to be brief . that said lets begin.  Tutorial :  To be clear , I wanted to do the tutorial for the sake of making one, mainly to help me remember my process to make it easier as I kept moving forward. However I also really wanted to share with people to help people have a better understanding of just what it is I do and how much it takes . But also make it fun so people who want to try their hands at it have a way to get started .  This is my first time even trying this though so there is a lot I left out and I’m sorry for that . I will as I said though go back through at some point in and edit in all the missing information. maybe even make a second one at some point , this one is far from over but felt like clarifying .  If you’ve enjoyed it then I hope you’ll get back to me show me waht you’ve made , there’s really nothing I enjoy as much as seeing others work . bonus if it comes from my teachings.  Support:  This is something I try to avoid doing when I can . I hate asking for help on things that really don’t matter to anyone else but here it is.  This poor computer is on it’s last leg as far as cpu and GPU go when it comes to rendering , main problem being this was built as a gaming computer. a base line gaming computer and served it’s purpose and beyond very well.  But I’ve ruined my cpu by over heating it because i used to use it for rendering , a beginners mistakes but i was learning blender and almost burnt the poor thing out.  I’m not asking for support or donations though they would be great . I’m asking for SUPPORT as in tech support , I’ve got a rebuild in mind but I clearly don’t have time to look at and test every type of CPU GPU and motherboard out there .  I’m also asking you to once again wait . renders as stated above are pretty hard going on this computer because it was built for gaming even rendering on my GPU takes a lot of time . there are ways to cut done on rendering time and such that I’m still learning , but right now I’m saving up to do a proper ‘work’ build , I need $1,300 [USD] for all the parts.  But before I get to that I’m currently saving up to go save a friend stuck out in Mississippi and drive him home to Pennsylvania. of course this means there will be a week or 2 where absolutely nothing is posted . possibly longer if I get called in to work . because I’m making and saving as much as I can.  Responses :  I’ve been pretty lucky getting good feed back and people liking the posts and following me. I can’t thank you enough , My work is hardly stuff worth following but it makes people happy and that’s good enough for me . Though I would like to hear back more . DO NOT EVER THINK that your voice goes unheard here . I still retain creative control over what I make but I always listen . I may not get to your idea right away but  IF there is something you wish for me to make , or somethign you want me to show don’t be afraid to speak up , or sends asks or even try to rp with Metal Knux or Gamma , or Solace once his update it done . I can’t thank you guys enough for the love you’ve shown the work so far and all the fun rp’s . it is a real nice break from the real world and is a lot of fun.  Begging section: [you were warned]  I really do need to get the pc fixed and upgraded to keep going , so any donations would be amazing . it be easier and quicker if i wasn’t running to help someone but i can’t not , i was asked and i have to go. it also be nice if my wages were higher and healthcare was cheaper . but please if you feel like helping out at all fell free to pm me .  Thank you all again , so , so much , and I’ll post the tutorial just as soon as I can .... -re-re-reads all tutorial posts so far again-   
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batty4jewels · 7 years ago
metalknux-world replied to your post: Am   I   the   only   one   that   isn’t   really ...
Right there on the same page with ya , her voice in forces really isn’t the Rouge that we were introduced to , it was younger , the tone tried to be stern but failed . Rouge went from the strong willed know it all yet care free kind of woman sounding voice , to a concerned sister
right! exactly, and you totally got the characterization of rouge's first voice down pat... i think even though she SOUNDS older with this new voice (and even with her previous voice), she actually comes off a lot younger because she lost all of her sass. but then again i guess i can't really be too picky because forces lost a lot of characterization for everyone and was pretty puddle deep as far as character building, not just for rouge
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metalknux-world · 7 years ago
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“You reach out but no one answers , You try but it’s always ignored. Organics are frustrating to deal with, they show interest but never respond........sometimes you really feel like just giving up.... “
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metalknux-world · 6 years ago
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“Metal Knux here , Hey guys we....”-sigh- “ Ok so look , like .... we all you all a apology . We keep saying soon and soon never seems to come and we feel really bad about that”  Kono here, I wish there was more to say then sorry and thanks for your patience with me. I have to create .... well I don’t ‘have’ to , but i prefer to create from scratch and this has been a really big project ,  I only work 4 days a week , but when those days jump around , or im beaten and tired from work it just takes a lot to keep going.  It also takes a lot to keep the rascal happy . He’s been happy with this sky sanctuary so far and we are working the emerald shrine as well.  There is so much  just “so so much” yeah  that I wish i could tell you , but I believe leading people to a half completed  home would be a bad idea .  “He can tell you guys all about bad ideas , just look at me!”  in any case. There will be more updates coming each week from now on I promise and role playing and other such things will return . Thank you again everyone. 
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metalknux-world · 7 years ago
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E-102 Gamma : “Give me the bird”  Metal Knux: “Gamma What are you doing buddy?”  E-102 Gamma : “ Testing. , Theory : Badniks also contain free will , Test : Attempt voluntary release of host wild life.” ... “Give me the bird”  Metal Knux : “Not to ruin your fun there big guy but all you seem to be doing is aggravating it .” o.o “ Can I Try!?!?” 
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metalknux-world · 7 years ago
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@mobian-werewolf-in-spagonia -With a low hum the turbines inside the robians dreads shut down a light thud greeted the landing of Metal Knux. Standing and lifting one hand it’s claw pointed upward as if going to scratch it’s chin the metal echidna looked around before idly focusing on this mobian in front of itself-  “Mobians?...People? in a vibrant and living city . Where have I ended up now?”-Metal Knux asked allowed to himself before his eyes shifted quickly to a direct focus on Delta- “Oh, I mean Hi there could you tell me what or where this place is?”   -As the robian spoke it’s voice seemed to echo out of nowhere and it’s eyes changed over to a polite smile- 
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metalknux-world · 7 years ago
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“Metal Knux here , So here we are again, I’ve been quiet for a bit longer then I would have liked to be but I hope the brief glimpses into our world and it’s history. I would like to ask for your patience with me for a little while longer .” Kono: I know asking you all to wait is all I seem to do however there is a good reason for it. I work on a lot of things usually all at once or in a generally short time span. I use this work method for two reasons .  1. It ensures I’m never bored which in the long run means a more steady flow of content for you guys and more fun for Knux . “Yeah!”  2. I have a lot i also need to do in real life such as switching to a full time job. My time may be limited but I can assure you my love for this is not.  [also writing up a entire story for a world without sonic that won’t cause backlash from the fandom isn’t as easy as it sounds , just picking a cast of known characters , and on top of that making it feasible , Is a chore. but I’m happy to see everyone loving it ]  Thanks everyone  “We’ll keep you posted!”   please always feel free to catch me over here : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/howlinggearsinc If you ever want to keep up with all the projects. 
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metalknux-world · 7 years ago
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“Not even our greatest heroes live forever...”  “Not a clue who he really was , created after his passing , but It always sounds like there used to be this amazing hero “  “Everyone even my creator has become heroes in their own right . keeps saying that is what I was built to be ..a hero . But It always seems to be us at odds end. “  “A freedom fighter that left them to find and inspire hope . that we protect from thoes it gives hope to. And a team of Robians modeled after heroes that people believed in . But tasked with saving thoes we save ...from themselves .”  “Is this a eventuality ? unavoidable ? ..”
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