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gunslinginnhogtyin · 1 year ago
CONTINUED. | @metalheaduo
The shift in her expression doesn’t go unnoticed by him… though he finds it a bit funnier than he probably should. At the nudge against his bum, he stumbles forward a bit and snickers. Just the mention of them had brought on hostility. Butch glances back at her with a grin, a hand moving to his hip.
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“I think yer bein’ a little over dramatic there, Frank… what makes ya think some goons in make-up wanna eat babies? They ain’t nothin’ but a bunch’a guys n’ gals in silly outfits and big red noses.” He had seen many a traveling circus in his time and clowns seemed to always bring joy back then. He himself didn’t care for them but he didn’t hate them either and yet he still can’t help but find her fear amusing.
The cowboy laughs, giving her a playful punch in the arm. “C’mon, ain’t ya s’posed t’ be fearless? I say we get’cha over that real quick! C’mon, a little exposure therapy never hurt nobody.”
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vagabondfromkanto · 1 year ago
CONTINUED FROM. // @metalheaduo
"Really? Couldn't tell at all." Hard to say if that's flattery or a straight up honesty. Could even be both.
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"Yeah, kinda. Think the poor thing is done with having me as its owner for eight years straight. Ripped the chain, as a I said, but it's kinda. Making noises as well." She points over her shoulder at a dusty red bike standing near by.
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mallowofmuses · 1 year ago
@metalheaduo |x|
It's comforting to take a break from a five-hour trip on the road. They encountered some creatures such as werewolves, goblins and other otherworldly beings that linger around the area. He was just about done boiling a blue slime-like monster, the contents turning into a watery substance, with the flames turning the thick liquid into a thin texture.
The meat should be done soon as well, creating a beef soup for their liking.
His eyes were shut, sleepiness engulfing him as he leaned against her frame beside him. It was peaceful in these woods, especially the crackling of the firewood in front of them as he sat there, snuggled up against her like a rabbit cuddling up to a bear.
"And you'll make a great bed." He muttered absentmindedly before opening his eyes wide from what he said.
"Oh uh-" He coughed into his hand. "What am I doing? The soup should be ready. Look at me, falling asleep. I'm a terrible cook, excuse me." There was a bright flush of red against his cheeks before readying two bowls for them.
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"Here, uh- you're welcome." He chuckled nervously.
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twxins · 1 year ago
@metalheaduo || Continued
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"Ehh it's been a while mate just give me some time yeah? " she added with a tired sigh, it's been a while since she had a rough time. Still, she did appreciate his cheeky inputs, both brothers were becoming pretty important to a gal like her. "Grab some beer and we can shit talk for a wee bit "
Ohh, Tangerine was way ahead of her. He was already opening two beers, one of which he kept in his hand and the other he placed down on the coffee table on the side closest to Franky.
He then flopped gracelessly down on the sofa and took a swing from his newly opened pint. He even unpopped his first few shirt buttons as if to replace his usual suited gentleman vibe in favour of something more casual.
"C'mon, lass. I'm fillin' in for Lemon while he's out. What's eatin' ya'?"
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daexmage · 1 year ago
continued from ✨ with @metalheaduo's franky !
Frustrated with her situation she was hoping that her bike would try to live a bit longer, but luck wasn't on her side. She just arrived in a new city, knowing nothing about it or anyone, and the first thing she tries is to see the problem of it. But before she could get deeper to the root a voice called her, looking up she saw a pretty lady who was curious about her work.
"Oh? Nah love I got this! Well for the most part....ya might know a decent place to crash at? Somethin not too expensive, my budget is kinda limited ya see "
'Hm, hm, hm. What to do?'
So, she didn't need help with her bike, it seemed, but she definitely needed a place to stay, huh? Oh well, looked like she would be helping out after all. Shifting the reusable bags of groceries in her arms just a bit, Torr began to walk towards the woman, eventually pausing by her and her bike.
Torr wasn't sure if she was from here--could just be out of a place for the time being--but she couldn't turn away people who needed help.
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"Well," Torr spoke up, giving the other woman a glance over, "as long as you aren't some hidden criminal, I guess I could put you up for the time being! My place isn't too far from here--going there now, so if you'd just follow me, I can get you set up if that works for you?"
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lusttoke · 2 years ago
@metalheaduo || Starter Call
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"A chick? Where's the dude that works here?! I need my bike fixed!"
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werexcat · 1 year ago
💋 ;3
THE FIRST 5 ASKS TO SEND 💋 GET A KISS / accepting. @metalheaduo
It was an accident.
It was clearly an accident.
He'd been standing in line, waiting with the brunette just like she'd said to do and--okay, he'd turned to her because they were simply standing here for the time being--when all of a sudden, he was shoved from behind!!
It pressed him into the brunette, lips brushing against her forehead--hands had immediately come up to grab hold of her shoulders for leverage--before he was able to straighten himself up.
Goddamnit what--
Shit! Had he kissed her face??
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"Fuck--shit, I didn't mean for that--"
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splinter-sister · 1 year ago
♡ heey gurl again XD
If you feed this girl, it'll gain you mad trust points.
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
"Woaah thats an ugly ass coat mistah!" says the small lass staring at the mess of a redheaded ....glam rock star?
"Got a problem with it, shrimp?"
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"Pirates dress how we choose, and I eat little brats with big mouths for breakfast."
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the-dragon-blade · 2 years ago
Hearth and Fire
The sound of the hammer against the metal was loud, probably because it was the only real sound being made at the quiet little spot.
The large man with the curved horns was working with heavy dedication the material at hand. It was not giving in easy, and he often stopped to work details, or apply certain liquid substances that would leave most stretching their heads. Without his armor on, with but a sleeveless shirt and a smith apron, he was focused entirely on hus work, even as sweat run down on his forhead, and his long black hair fell to his face.
That's why it took him a monent too long to notice of the other's arrival, but as he turned his head up and saw her, all he did was smile.
"Oh, hey, Vanya! Phew..", he gave a big exhale as he caught his breath, straightening his back and wiping the sweat off his forehead, still glistening on his big arms. His green eyes moved to find hers, and his smile softened even more.
"I am still working on your commission.. It isn't quite ready yet, if that's why you came.. Will need a couple more days probably for the runes to take proper place in.."
The hearthblood had chosen a rather isolate spot to set his temporary smithy this time. Outside of the city, near the forest, where he wouldn't get interrupted.. He really wanted to give his best on this, he felt a strong drive.. A call of inspiration, as if he was about to hit a break through.
And he also, admittedly, very much wanted to impress his client... especially this time.
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 1 year ago
@metalheaduo replied: "Booo ya aint no fun!" looks down at the rope. "Dang didnt know ya were into this~" waggles the brows ;3
Snorts and yanks her over to him by that rope, spinning her like a yo-yo the whole way.
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“You dunno the half ‘f it, Spunky.”
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needlenxggin · 2 years ago
@metalheaduo asked: “I just wanna grab your bu–hand. Grab your hand.” | Sexual tension sentence starters
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The blonde stared at the other for a moment with a raised brow before shaking his head with a small chuckle. "Right, makes sense why you've been hanging behind me lately then."
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mallowofmuses · 2 years ago
@metalheaduo |x|
Her reckless style of fighting proved to be anxiety-inducing with how much she's swinging her weapon. At least she's kind enough to warn him to duck if she's too close to him. However, he's still worried whenever that happens soon.
"Will do, but don't swing it across my head that much. That'll just lose my train of focus." He hurled a ball of electricity towards a group of goblins, the impact causing an explosion with every single one dead with their corpses convulsing.
"Some of them are retreating. If we keep this up, none will come back to harass us again!" He raised his voice firmly, dealing with the last nuisances who were attempting to charge them foolishly.
Bodies piled around them as silence engulfed for a few more seconds. All of a sudden, there came a hobgoblin with wooden armor and a steel sword. It seems to be the leader while regular goblins arose from the bushes behind the humans.
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"I can cover you barbarian whilst you deal with him. Any magic your way will heal your wounds."
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twxins · 1 year ago
What does love feel like to you?
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a memory
do you know what love is? you think you did, once upon a time. maybe you never did. you hold onto what you think love is; how you felt when you thought you had it. it's fleeting, and maybe you'll never feel that way again. but wasn't it great? how long will you stay here, lost in this world of fantasy and memory? when will you move on?
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nothing matters but this. not you. not them. this moment, this love that you've built, that is what matters. it is all that there is. you will do anything to keep it this way; no matter what line you have to cross, who you have to step over. the ends justify the means, after all; and for you, this is everything. they are everything.
tagged by: @metalheaduo
tagging: @ssatxr @twingerine @redlips-blooddrops-deux @abysmalwitch @g6dsfavorite @riiese
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steel-and-fire · 11 months ago
"Hooooneeey...~" a single warning as a familiar redhead runs up to him at full speed to tackle him or just climb on top........to boop his nose.
He gets talked! He gets BOOPED-!
And he boops right back!! He is foaming from his mouth, he will boop, he must BOOP!!!!-
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electrifyxng · 1 year ago
The funny looking little guy with the bulb-shaped helmet walked over--she didn't seem hostile, so for now, it should be safe--and moved to inspect what looked like a working artifact to Flash.
"AN ARTIFACT?!" the Bulb shouted in his excitement, shining brightly as his voice crackled due to his rising emotions. Turning to the human--not many of them to be found in space, but they'd been around--he really did look so incredibly excited. "It's usually working, right??! Yes!! Yes, it does look like a car, doesn't it?! Don't have these versions back in Brightside, buuut--!!"
He needed to slow down! He was talking fast, gesturing, and lit up like a Christmas tree seeing as his yellow shine was now multicolored and wavy in shape.
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