Fire, Steel and Dragon Teeth
629 posts
Ask/Rp blog for Igris'Ir Fireborn, dragonborn adventurer, original character. DnD and League of Legends main verses, but other fandoms always welcome. (Header by @witchcraftandburialdirt, icon by @thebaroness-art) -follows from @steel-and-fire
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the-dragon-blade ยท 10 days ago
"You know it's been a while since I had a proper, good fight. I've been cleaning up trash for way too long now."
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the-dragon-blade ยท 10 days ago
"Oi, oi, oi....I'm not playing a game here.", he responded after a couple seconds, opening just one eye first to look at the woman. His voice was still in its playful tone, but there was a certain gravity to it that wasn't there before.
"I was wondering what you meant, but that was it. Naturally, in battle someone gets hurt, and usually someone dies. Battle comes from a conflict of interests, that's how the world works. Not just this one either.
Life in my mountain isn't exactly easy, for the civilized world's standards. Monstrous beings live in every corner, and war is a constant between tribes, not to mention the occasional one with humans looking to conquer our territories.
I ain't gonna mourn and cry for those I fell, if that's what you're asking. If there is a reason for us to battle, it means their lives are being a pretty big nuisance for me." He brought the axe back to his hand, watching the blade closely. With the fire reflecting on it, it now was visible that runic symbols were engraved on the edge of the blade. Words.
"Maybe they raided villages, maybe they summoned demons...maybe they plan to. Maybe it's a monster that tries to kill me, maybe they raped the sweet baker's daughter to death..."
His gaze returned to Fran, so quickly it was certain unnatural, but his expression remained calm and even nonchalant.
"We all have cravings, Fran. Every single being has things they need, things they desire. Greed, lust, ambition, comfort, can be anything, but everyone has it.
The only difference is that unlike most, I know mine, and it's ridding the world of the pests that pollute it. It's not as bad as you may think, I have much better control over it than everyone that can't even accept themselves."
He leaned his cheek on his hand as she asked her question. There was a hint of curiosity and some interest in his gaze, almost as if he was more curious about why she had come to think that way.
"Define consequences, that's a rather vague word.", he responded after a moment in a very casual tone. "I can still choose who I fight, or the reasons I do. It's not like I'm a junkie, losing my mind. It's more like a...calling. I had it since birth, the ritual just gave it proper shape, if I can explain it that way."
He took his axe on his hand, the black blade with the molten patterns being placed between them.
"That's when I got Grakicyl too. The ritual creates a soulbound item that will most aid you in your purpose. Together, we have faced all kinds of challenges, monsters, cultists, demons...we crush those who defy us, and emerge stronger for it. At least..usually.", he smiled as he retracted his arm.
"It's not like I need to kill to satisfy the urge. As long as I'm fighting for something, it remains happy. I'm a warrior, not a common murderer."
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the-dragon-blade ยท 11 days ago
There was a moment of silence between her words, a moment that their eyes met. Her bright gaze was always one he could get lost into, those big, wide eyes that you could find in no other person..
Before, he would have hoped for a moment of recognition, a spark, but now he expected no such thing, he had made peace with the situation. Still, there was a softness, and his own, blazing eyes started to soften in return. He ended up closing them for a second, an inaudible chuckle leaving his lips.
"That sounds great then, I am glad!", he spoke after her response, opening his eyes again and standing up with a small hop. There was a light breeze, the strands of his long hair dancing easily with it, the edges of his red scarf following along.
He half turned, waiting for her to join by his side. The tavern was close by, and he would lead them by the riverside, one of the nicest sceneries the village had to offer, besides the beach that formed on the area the river poured into the sea itself.
"Sure thing! Ask anything you want~", the dragonborn mused with a cheerful tone. "Let's see, some basic things...I am twenty four I think in human years, maybe twenty five? I loooove meat, I am an okay-ish cook at best, but I am great at roasting. I collect little trophies from strong things I defeat, I am rather skilled in turning them into jewelry.", he held one of the necklaces dangling from his neck.
"Heh, this one is from...", he pointed at one of the teeth....from the Hydra we defeated, he couldn't say that, not yet.
"...From a powerful Hydra. It was a bitch to defeat, but thankfully fire is its weakness and I have plenty of that to offer." He raised a finger and blew a little bit of fire from his lips on it, catching a small ember.
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the-dragon-blade ยท 11 days ago
He leaned his cheek on his hand as she asked her question. There was a hint of curiosity and some interest in his gaze, almost as if he was more curious about why she had come to think that way.
"Define consequences, that's a rather vague word.", he responded after a moment in a very casual tone. "I can still choose who I fight, or the reasons I do. It's not like I'm a junkie, losing my mind. It's more like a...calling. I had it since birth, the ritual just gave it proper shape, if I can explain it that way."
He took his axe on his hand, the black blade with the molten patterns being placed between them.
"That's when I got Grakicyl too. The ritual creates a soulbound item that will most aid you in your purpose. Together, we have faced all kinds of challenges, monsters, cultists, demons...we crush those who defy us, and emerge stronger for it. At least..usually.", he smiled as he retracted his arm.
"It's not like I need to kill to satisfy the urge. As long as I'm fighting for something, it remains happy. I'm a warrior, not a common murderer."
He tapped his chin as she spoke, and he leaned further back against the wall, crossing his arms.
"Well, it's a curious subject.", he spoke as he sipped from the flask. More for him, then. Although she did call him 'friend', and although it was just politeness, it shows she was getting slightly more relaxed around him. Good.
"So, in my village there is a ritual, and when you pass it, you are awakened to your true power and your true purpose. For me, it is to be a warrior, to battle. Honestly, if I ran out of fights, I would probably get depressed, or worse.", he sipped once more, and let the flask down after wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
"For me to battle is the same as sustenance. I crave it and I need it. Well....wasn't always just battles, though." Okay, he drank again after that, fuck it.
"I used to have something important in my life,'s been a while since I lost it." Much longer now that he had realized too....time flies so quickly for mortals, how long can he afford to stay like this?
"So yep, for now it's just been fighting, drinking, and the occasional beauty to warm my bed. It could certainly be worse!"
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the-dragon-blade ยท 11 days ago
"Look, the little ember has promise, alright?
Plus her dry humor is kinda funny-"
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the-dragon-blade ยท 11 days ago
//That is most certainly the vibe
"Come here little ember~"
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//So uh, I don't know the context, but I feel as though that's the vibe?
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the-dragon-blade ยท 14 days ago
The flaming maned man sighed again, but this time shorter, an exhale of tension leaving, his smile turning warmer. She was still so sweet, it felt like a relief and a blessing to see her smile again.
"Haha.. I bet it is a little awkward, but I'm sure we can make it work.", he grinned and took a seat somewhat across her so they could be facing each other, crossing one leg over the other in a confident yet relaxed posture.
"And I'm sure glad to hear that. In our line of work, any friend you can make is a precious treasure, and they don't come often either. Allies, sure. But friends? Not quite as easy, right?", Igris muses as he leaned on his hand.
"So, Lia, are you busy? One of my friends is hosting a celebration in her tavern, it's a little rowdy but a good time. Lots of dancing and singing and more than enough ale. I was wondering if you want to join me. We can have fun, and then the beach is right under the road. We can exchange stories, I'm sure you have lots to share, and even more I would love to hear. A Jellyfish girl isn't common up here on land."
Naturally, he knew most of everything already, but....this would be the first time she would remember telling him, so that was all that mattered in that regard, certainly to him.
He then offered a wink.
"I have more than enough stories of my own too, I have been traveling for quite a while now, I bet some of them will pique your interest."
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the-dragon-blade ยท 14 days ago
He tapped his chin as she spoke, and he leaned further back against the wall, crossing his arms.
"Well, it's a curious subject.", he spoke as he sipped from the flask. More for him, then. Although she did call him 'friend', and although it was just politeness, it shows she was getting slightly more relaxed around him. Good.
"So, in my village there is a ritual, and when you pass it, you are awakened to your true power and your true purpose. For me, it is to be a warrior, to battle. Honestly, if I ran out of fights, I would probably get depressed, or worse.", he sipped once more, and let the flask down after wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
"For me to battle is the same as sustenance. I crave it and I need it. Well....wasn't always just battles, though." Okay, he drank again after that, fuck it.
"I used to have something important in my life,'s been a while since I lost it." Much longer now that he had realized too....time flies so quickly for mortals, how long can he afford to stay like this?
"So yep, for now it's just been fighting, drinking, and the occasional beauty to warm my bed. It could certainly be worse!"
Continued from here
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'Surprisingly so truth be told. Definitely makes things easier in a fight...I'll say that much.'
There was a subtle shrug, letting her eyes close for a moment. A tough spot.
Not understanding your nature.
Knowing another was responsible for this
Not being able to control it.
Yeah....definitely a rough spot.
'The sentiment is appreciated... although, do you only ever fight? Doesn't that get tedious?' There was concern in her tone, but she could appreciate there could be his own reason for doing so.
'I'll pass. Drink doesn't exactly hit the same anymore. Enjoy it while you can, friend.' A hand tilted toward the Dragonblood, gesturing to himself before it returned to its previous position. 'Thank you, though.'
She failed to note the taste was vile, but the other excuse was better.
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the-dragon-blade ยท 27 days ago
"I am glad to hear the advice took a good place then, im sure you must be way more comfortable.", he smiled widely, lowering his chin on his arm.
His lips softened, and he observed her for a few seconds, a silent chuckle to her humor.
"Yea, I imagined as much. You're in a pretty tough spot.", he shrugged and leaned back, his tail swaying lazily behind him.
"I had little better to do, so I thought to come and keep you some company. I rarely have anything better to do unless I'm fighting something or something, truly.", he snorted to himself, his horns touching the back wall.
"I did bring alcohol though.", Igris took the flask in his hand again. "If you're happy to share."
" have you been holding up?", the large, flame haired dragonborn took a seat close to her, leaning back with one knee pulled to his chest, placing his hands on it, while the other dangled lazily.
He also had a full flask of something held that he placed next to him.
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The woman had been absentmindedly gazing toward the flames, hugging both knees close to their chest before she clocked the others presence...yet not exactly shifting.
A familiar face. Why would she?
'If you're meaning about the scale care suggestions you gave me last time, then not too badly. If you're meaning about everything else, well... probably not the best.' There was a dry chuckle, but it was a poor attempt at a jest, her voice clearly strained.
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the-dragon-blade ยท 28 days ago
โœ๏ธFran >:3c
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the-dragon-blade ยท 1 month ago
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the-dragon-blade ยท 2 months ago
Difficult Person Test
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"Yeaa...can't deny that."
Tagged by: @undyingmedium
Tagging: YoOoUiOUo
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the-dragon-blade ยท 2 months ago
Picrew time
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//Surprisingly accurate ;o wish it the ashen skin tone wasn't completely grey though, had to go with pale.
Tagged by: @arcane-torrent
Tagging: go ahead and grab it
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the-dragon-blade ยท 2 months ago
"I think you'll find more success looking for them in a store and simply buying one. You may notice, but it's not like dragons are the only ones with horns around, it's more common than you might believe.", he smiled, leaning back and crossing his legs.
"And I think that's a natural assumption.", he shrugged, tapping his horn. "What if you lost your ears, or your nose? Were like birds? Wouldn't you find it weird, as if you were missing something? Of course, you would get used to even that in time, but...same concept."
He brought his fingers to his lips next, his sharp eyes falling on to the woman once more. With a lot of... appreciation in his gaze.
"Once you develop your powers more, shape shifting won't be difficult you know. Although I think you look quite charming as you are, it's all up to you."
"Scale lotion..? I wouldn't necessarily trust anything with this amount of conditions.
Taking care of your scales is easy. Wash and brush them."
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'I mean, that's what I had been doing prior to this...for the most part.'
Admittedly some of the scales on her arms and feet had nasty chips. They were her armor, there was no way they would be perfect in comparison to someone who never saw combat-
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the-dragon-blade ยท 2 months ago
The man couldn't help but laugh lightly at her admission. Mostly because it's hardly surprising at all.
"I see, humans really do be comfortable being all smooth everywhere. Ah, you get used to them.", he mused as he ticked his own with a flick of his fingers.
"Petty is fine too, not everything has to be super serious and important. Your horns aren't very wide, so if you get one of those very fluffy pillows you can sink inside, I think you'll be able to get a comfortable sleep. I know some dragonbloods that use them, they seem to do the trick.
For me it's a little harder, but I was born with my horns, so my neck adjusted to sleeping on my back all my life."
"Scale lotion..? I wouldn't necessarily trust anything with this amount of conditions.
Taking care of your scales is easy. Wash and brush them."
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'I mean, that's what I had been doing prior to this...for the most part.'
Admittedly some of the scales on her arms and feet had nasty chips. They were her armor, there was no way they would be perfect in comparison to someone who never saw combat-
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the-dragon-blade ยท 2 months ago
"I can tell, you're obviously taking care of yourself well." He nodded appreciatively.
"The horns honestly need much more attention than the scales do. They are every dragon's pride. Some like to decorate them with jewelry too."
"Scale lotion..? I wouldn't necessarily trust anything with this amount of conditions.
Taking care of your scales is easy. Wash and brush them."
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'I mean, that's what I had been doing prior to this...for the most part.'
Admittedly some of the scales on her arms and feet had nasty chips. They were her armor, there was no way they would be perfect in comparison to someone who never saw combat-
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the-dragon-blade ยท 2 months ago
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This is your daily reminder that Igris'Ir is quiiite handsome.
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