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Minha mestruação vai descer :)
Tô com cólicas :(
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saijteoklous · 2 years
No. 106
¿Cuanto cuesta menstruar?
En el ámbito económico la mujer se encuentra con obstáculos como una paga menor por el mismo trabajo y el impuesto rosa, pero además tiene otras necesidades, por ejemplo, la obligación social de usar brasier, accesorios, maquillarse, pero hay otros gastos que son indispensables en la vida de muchas personas y estos son los gastos de la menstruación.
Un paquete de toallas femeninas cuesta alrededor de 60 pesos por 30 toallas, eso significa que cada una vale 2 pesos, una mujer menstrua por unos cinco días (algunas hasta siete), usando un promedio de 5 toallas diarias, son 25 toallas, lo que valen 50 pesos.
Las mujeres utilizan más papel higiénico que los hombres regularmente, pero el uso aumento durante la menstruación, tanto por la preocupación de mancharse como por la sensación, por lo que calculo unos 3 rollos durante esa semana, lo que serían cerca de 25 pesos.
Para continuar tus actividades diarias se requieren de analgésicos para los cólicos y otros doleres menstruales, hay personas que sufren de cólicos pre, durante y postmestruales, algunas extremadamente fuertes, otras personas casi ni tienen, pero usemos a una persona promedio, que solo tiene durante la menstruación (5 días), si duran 8 horas requeriras de 15 pastillas, un paquete de 12pzas cuesta 76 pesos, por 15 costará 95 pesos.
Si no eres una persona cuidadosa, no eres regular en tus ciclos menstruales o son demasiados abundantes (o quienes son todavía jóvenes), siempre terminan ocurriendo accidentes y se mancha la ropa, vamos a decir que manches una prenda (y que solo fue la ropa interior y no se traspasó a pantalones, faldas, vestidos o shorts) cada dos meses, aún cuando la conserves para usar únicamente en tus días menstruales, seguirás requiriendo de nueva ropa, un paquete de 3 pzas cuesta 150, por una sola prenda serían 50 pesos.
Entonces, ¿cuánto cuesta menstruar? Todo lo anterior debería ser considerado esencial, así que valdría 220 pesos mensuales, debido a la zona en la vivo, tenemos un salario mínimo diario superior al resto del país (porque aquí la vida es más cara) de 260 pesos, así que menstruar cuesta el 85% de un salario mínimo, por lo que prácticamente se trabaja un día al mes para pagar solo los gastos de menstruar.
Y esto considerando que todos los precios incluidos fueron para mercancías de calidad baja. Para el cálculo se utilizaron toallas femeninas porque aunque halla otros productos que a la larga sean más económicos, no son comunes en la zona en la que vivo y los precios deben de adaptarse a las costumbres de cada región. Esto solo es el aspecto económico de la menstruación.
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eldragon-x · 24 days
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
*feeling awful for no clear reason yesterday*
*waking up to my period* "hellooo bitch did you miss me 😘"
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Prep List
Standard ISO shipping container Air -Filtration System/Exchanger Food -1100 MREs (3 Years worth + 5 emergency) -500 Canned Non Perishables Water -4 X 16 Gallon Rain Barrels -2 X 2 Gallon Gravity Fed Water Filter Warmth -8 Lamps. 20 Gallons of Kerosene. 2000 matchsticks. -Heavy Duty Clothing First Aid/Hygiene -3 Year Supply of Kits Energy -2 Years Worth of All Battery Types -LED Flashlights Weapons/Tools -Machete, Firearm + Cleaning Solvents and Oils
A note, found at Fall’s End Garage. ❇︎ Notes of Hope County
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
obey me characters as "boys will be boys" shenanigans
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boys will be boys-- a common phrase usually used to dismiss sexist or destructive behavior from boys and men alike. that usage absolutely neglects to acknowledge all the fun, harmless, stupid shit boys are capable of. i refuse to let this phrase be misogynistic any longer. "boys will be boys" is now the go to phrase to mean "boys will sometimes do stupid shit that is usually harmless but always endearing and/or entertaining". gotta give some love to our boys <3
content warnings: clueless boy behavior
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only on the rarest of occasions, when he's completely distracted, mammon will drink like a toddler. y'know that thing where they take huge sips and then breathe loudly between each sip? yeah that. that's him. not on purpose, but he still does it. it is so hard to catch him doing this, but when you do it is so fucking funny.
diavolo and lucifer are really into those unclogging drains accounts on social media. something about them just really captivates them. same with "how it's made" clips. they'll send the videos to each other anytime the stumble across a really good one. nobody (besides barbatos) knows they do this.
beel is definitely that man that, when asked to buy tampons or pads for a mestruating friend or partner, to ask very amusing questions. if he's grabbing tampons, he'll shyly call you up from the feminine hygiene aisle and ask "what size is your... y'know..." (he can't bring himself to say it). cue the laughter once you eventually pick up on what he means-- the sizes they offer for different flows, like regular or super. you're nice enough to explain that one when he gets home. if he's grabbing you pads, he'll call you up in distress from the store. you see, he knows that your period lasts a few days, but the longest lasting ones he can find are overnight pads. should he go to another store to get ones that will last longer, or...? you have to explain to him that you don't wear pads for more than a couple of hours, and that you throw the old ones away and replace them with new ones when needed. poor thing. he's trying so hard to help.
asmo is very much team "kiss the homies goodnight". granted, he has different reasons for that stance, but it's funny to hear him tease the others. what's that, mammon? you don't kiss the homies goodnight? what a bad friend! this always ends in chaos.
mammon may be the crow, but it's usually satan that collects things like one. he has a pile of pretty rocks he's found or received over the years. he will, if prompted, show you every last one of them and explain all of their origins (like a toddler showing off their racecar collection). you might have just asked casually, but now you're in it for the long haul. see, this rock here is actually from the human world. it's only ever found by volcanos, as it is a form of volcanic rock, but this one actually--
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traditionaldream · 2 months
I'm curious what the term "woman" means to you based on your post. (I don't think that your views are wrong, or horrible. I'm just genuinely curious.)
For me, a woman is somente who has XX chromosomes. A man is someone who has XY chromosomes; this can't be changed, no matter what you do to your body. You can call yourself whatever you want, but down to your bones you are what your DNA says you are.
Of course I know not all women mestruate and have breasts due to, for example, illnesses, but if they have XX chromosomes, they are women.
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dollsonmain · 9 months
So I've hit perimenopause time right and that means more testosterone and less estrogen, while still having to deal with mestruating (fuck you, too, body...)
I've grown a new belly, my hair is thinning up top (getting the donut), I stink, and my already oily skin has been downright greasy.
So I've been using Man Stuff to see if there's any sort of difference, and there has been so far.
I don't like the way the men's deodorant smells, but it smells better than Armpit Onion Farm, and this sage mansoap smells pretty bad, really, but I'm getting a longer time period after showering before I get all nasty-greasy all over my chest and shoulders.
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specialagentartemis · 7 months
mestruation tmi
Love having a human body. A glob of gunk that looks and feels like a chicken gizzard just came out of my vagina. whyyyyyy did we evolve this way! almost no other animal does this!!!
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allurilove · 3 months
So...I'm just testing the water but...since stalker kinda touch the blood/mestruation kink.
Does anh yandere have like....a piss kink?i mean, stalker probably but...any other . And how does they discovered?
I alqays Wonder how people discover their kinks
If it's not you cup of tea. Ignore my ask. Have a good day! <3
Hey anon, tbh I don’t know much about piss kinks or like golden showers 🤷🏻‍♀️ My yanderes are adventurous, and I think the only one that I know for sure would be a hundred percent down is yan classmate (yearbook guy). I think if you just ask him, he’ll probably be down for it.
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kireisimp · 6 months
I had a dream where there was a party and half of the people there were some kind of monster like werewolves and vampires and stuff, and the other half ofthe people were drunk humans, so the monsterpeople could eat them and there was one hot butchy vampire that was flirting with everyone mestruating in that moment so she could eat their pussies
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cyberrat · 7 months
Intersex Val getting the type of period pain that extends to bodyparts that should logicaly not have anything to do with mestruation. The base of his wings being super painfull right before a period. (Yes, some women get stronger pains right before the period than during the period itself.)
Vox gently caressing that sore area.
Very cute yisss
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canyonroads · 1 year
I was on T for 5 years and didn't mestruate in all of that time. I went off it recently and started menstruating again, I'm on about my 3rd month of it.
It's kinda crazy how I convinced myself it's not that bad lol. Man moment. It really is a special hell as a trans guy getting that dysphoria punch but it's just a nightmare, period (haha). It really feels like a curse placed on you specifically
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bl0ss0mr0t · 2 years
mestruation is epitomal body horror like worse than anything clive barker could write up
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2rat2touille · 3 months
i'm am going to write a screenplay about time travel via mestruation
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