hypnos-m · 3 months
This song has been stuck in my head for days now. (Does this sentence even make sense??)
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Another Miku drawing, let's see how many I will draw in this year. Also exploring new style, kind of like it: )
Bonus schetch!!! ( It's actually fixed schetch/limeart)
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drill-teeth-art · 24 days
Mesmeris! Stop scaring 'em with ghost stories!
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splootdoolies · 1 month
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i think kessoku band took a wrong turn somewhere..?
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energons · 2 months
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MR GIRL artfight attack for my loves @drill-teeth-art !
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
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Per me la felicità   somiglia a mangiare   le ciliegie.
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virtue-of-justice · 1 year
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get you a plant who can do both
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fairyhaos · 1 year
i made this for you
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his smile is almost hypnotising...
OH MY GODDDDDD and you made this for me :( thank you haha he's so gorgeous i love him
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geologyin-blog · 8 months
Copper Replacement Agate is a rare type of agate where native copper has replaced the usually occurring chalcedony bands, creating a mesmerizing interplay of metallic copper against a backdrop of chalcedony in various colors. Read more here:
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nonvoglionulla · 14 days
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La nostalgia profuma di lavanda e di mare.
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widgenstain · 8 days
In anticipation of the Emmys I'm posting this review again. It says it all, short- and succintly. Not so sure about "lightly reptilian hotness" in general for Andrew, but it sure is true for Tom. Go go go Emmys, and Go go go followers of mine who haven't tried it yet! It's the millenial attention span frying social media content consumerism antidote.
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mancino · 6 months
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A volte non è nostalgia ma fastidio che qualcuno esista senza di noi.
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drill-teeth-art · 1 month
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Something strange and sinister about that cool, rock and roll guy...
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chairhahaha · 4 months
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my exams r finished who cheered. uhm i have to say smt (under cut bc)
i gen don’t care which one gets picked it just effects the release date ykyk
also i’ll try posting other art stuff bc i have motivation but i just. no ideas. lol??
yeah thats it sorry
kinda irrelevant but WHY DO I KEEP SNEEZING GOOD GOD
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dzgrizzle · 5 months
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If you’re a film noir fan, you’ll love RIPLEY. The beautiful black-and-white cinematography, the slow-burn Hitchcockian suspense, and the understated acting of the stars (especially Dakota Fanning as the suspicious girlfriend) make this an instant noir classic on the same level as Double Indemnity or The Maltese Falcon.
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canesenzafissadimora · 3 months
“Un altrove. Tiepido, ventoso, con una spruzzata di oceano, grazie.”
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nectardaddy · 4 months
Thirteen Years [Porco Galliard x reader] 18
** Trigger Warning: blood, death, very graphic descriptions, mentions of war, ptsd, disassociation, very very dark scenarios/scenes/and imagery.
Please take care of yourselves while reading here on out, if you need a break take a break. Things will get very heavy.
Note: creative liberties will be taken from here on out, the main plot stays the same but minor details are changed for the sake of this story
Strap in for this. It's long and very, very dark.
"What the hell do you mean I can't sit with them?" You questioned loudly, and quite rudely, to the Marleyan soldier in front of you. "He's my fiancé, why the fuck does my arm band matter right now??" You prodded more, crossing your arms over your chest with determination. "Ask him yourself, Mr. I Hate Eldians!" Porco and the other Honorary Marleyans looked over to your voice, the others looking at him in worry as soon as they realized it was you.
"Galliard!" The soldier called out to the blonde who stared warily at you. "Control your filthy pet, or I'll have to get rid of it!" He got up quickly, nearly tripping over Pieck as he crossed in front of her to get over to where you were.
"Filthy pet?!" You yelled, "so high and mighty you are huh? That stick is so far up your-" Porco quickly took your arm and pulled you away gently from the uniformed man before you could continue, though you wished he hadn't. "We're engaged, why the hell does it matter that I don't have a red armband yet?" You groveled. His steps were frantic as he desperately tried to get you as far away from where they sat as possible, knowing your temper would only get you into trouble.
"(Y/n), please," the man said gently. "I know it's frustrating, believe me, but the arm bands matter to them. Please, control your temper," he pleaded. "He'll shoot you without a second thought at the rate you're going, so please."
Taking in a deep breath through your nose and letting it out through your mouth, you felt your anger leave you bit by bit. "I just wanted to sit with you," you whispered. "It's not fair I have to sit without you, just because of a silly armband." You realized his steps slowed until he finally stopped and looked over at you with a sad smile. There was a grief in his eyes that was apparent to you, which made your heart sink and guilt wash over you. You probably frightened him greatly from how you were speaking to a Marleyan soldier, he of all people knew how ruthless they could be. "I'm sorry."
"I know it's not fair to you, but I promise I'll come find you as soon as this stupid thing is over," he reassured. A genuine smile pulled onto his lips after a moment, "it's alright. Just, please, never do that again, I nearly had a heart attack," he admitted. "Thank god the man called for me instead of taking matters into his own hands," he breathed out before finally pulled you into a hug. His hold was strong, thinking any less and you would drift away from him, but it was brief. "I have to get back, if I'm gone too long they'll start to question." With only a quiet nod, you looked at him with a small smile, "please, stay out of trouble. I can't leave unless I'm told to."
"Ok, ok, I'll save the fights for when you're with me," you mused with a chuckle. "Now go, I'll feel even worse if you get in trouble over me." He gave your hand a final squeeze before walking back, watching as he left with a sad smile on your face. "Stupid Marleyans," you grumbled under your breath before turning. Looking around to see where you were supposed to sit, and sighed upon seeing it. A tightly packed horde of people huddled together as far away from the stage as possible, "of course," you mumbled.
Shoving your hands in your pockets, you let out another sigh. No way in hell you were managing to get in there, so finding the closest building adjacent to the horde- you leaned. Minutes that felt like hours passed before anything of stature happened. Though most around you found Willy Tybur mesmerizing, you felt yourself being quite bored as you stood there. But your attention was pulled by a different soldier who passed you, seemingly all looking the same you wouldn't have taken another look if it wasn't for the three he had in tow. Your lover gave you a wary look and gave a small shake of his head. Getting the "don't follow or you might get shot" message loud and clear, you stayed put.
Rolling your eyes, minutes continued to creep by, and your attention was piqued by people gasping around you. You weren't paying attention at all, losing yourself within your own mind as a means to try to make time go faster. But in the very moment, you wished you had been, but you knew something was wrong. A line of soldiers ran in front of you and your stomach dropped upon the hushed words of, 'find them!' You quickly turned the corner and left, you knew better than to stay and watch panic unfold if something truly was wrong. Something you remembered from your candidate training was to never stay longer in a bad situation unless you had to. Even if your intuition was wrong, you'd rather jump ship now than drown in the shipwreck.
Oh how correct your intuition had been, being as a loud screech and a terrible crumbling rang in your ears as soon as you turned. You didn't dare turn back, fighting your curiosity as your pace to a run. Your heart rate sky rocketed, thinking to yourself you could feel it in your throat as you ran. You soon realized others had the same idea as you began to be pushed and shoved out of others way. A sickly feeling of fear washed over you, and the screeching sound from seconds ago echoed in your ears again. "It's the island Titan!"
Your breathing stopped upon the revelation someone had yelled beyond you, and all became slow motion as you continued to run. The island devils were here, in Liberio? Why? Did they know we were declaring war? Did Porco know they were here? You hadn't noticed someone had shoved you hard, hadn't noticed you went tumbling to the ground, hadn't noticed how people kicked and bound over you, hadn't noticed the blood that trickled from you knees and elbow, hadn't noticed your body was moving in complete autopilot to crawl to the nearest alley. Nor the two soldiers there, looking around just as baffled as everyone else, but only noticed when a shot rang out and killed one of them dead. "Fuck-" you breathed as reality slammed into with force. You watched as the other soldier locked eyes with you before running in the opposite direction, swallowing hard as you were left alone with a corpse.
You pressed yourself against the wall and took a shaky breath, your mind racing until all went blank. What was there to think, really, in this situation? Thinking it was a dream, you pinched your leg hard but whimpered knowing you couldn't wake up from real life. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself, think rationally. 'I was a candidate for awhile, what the fuck did they tell me to do?' You thought to yourself, swallowing and closing your eyes as you thought of an answer. Survive.
Mindlessly getting up, and letting fear utterly consume you, you grabbed the gun off the soldier who lie just before you. Shakily cocking it to check for bullets, then slinging it over your arm by the strap. Grabbing the bag of bullets from the dead man as well, you felt nauseous. "Pull yourself together, (Y/n)," you breathed. But nonetheless, you turned to heave, letting your stomach contents splatter on the ground next to you. 
Breathing deeply once you heaved, you closed your eyes. Fear racing through your every fiber of being only making your nausea worse, you tried to disassociate yourself - something Marleyans taught young Warrior candidates early as to combat recklessness. Finally breathing out and reopening your eyes, you found yourself in a trance like state. Feeling your body move on its own in order to save yourself, as if watching yourself from above rather than your own eyes.
A strange wizzing from above made you tense, and you aimed and fired, mindlessly pulling the trigger as you were taught years ago. Frightening yourself as you so easily pulled the trigger without a second thought, pulling you from your disassociate state quickly. "Shit, shit, shit," you yelled to yourself and frantically looked around for somewhere to hide. Finding a door meters front of you, you sprinted and yanked on the handle. Pulling the door open and slamming it behind you, you heaved your back against the door.
"What the fuck?" You yelled to no one in particular, screaming and yelling curses as you finally felt yourself unravel. Over your own deteriorating mind, you hadn't heard the other loud voices in the room. But jerked into consciousness as the door behind you swung open, losing your balance at the force it took to barge in. A man in black and grey stood over you, your heart thumping wildly in your throat as you scrambled for the gun you had before falling. Mind blank and world in slow motion yet again, you grabbed the gun as he lifted a weapon you had never seen above you. Without aiming, without even looking you fired as soon as your finger met the trigger.
A sickly crack made your ears ring, and the splatter of blood hitting you in the face made your stomach drop in horror. "Oh my god," you whispered. "Oh my god, I killed him. . ."
"(Y/n)! Fucking christ please answer, for the love of god are you ok?" But the voice feel on deaf ears as you stared off to the man who laid dead before you. Only snapping back to reality once other Eldians stood in front of the open door, though you couldn't tell how long that had been. You recognized them, and completely unraveled at the sight of a familiar face within your terror. Letting out a sob you never knew you were even capable of.
"Oh fuck. . ." One of the man stated, assessing the scence in front of him. The other swiftly closing the door behind them from more unwanted attention. One of the men had to all but pry the gun out of your hands as you clung onto it, pleading with you that you were alright. Unbeknownst to you, the others made their way further inside and called out into a deep hole within the floor.
Snapping your watery, blurred eyes towards the men, you took in a deep breath. "Who is this?" You asked angerly through tears, "and why the fuck did he try to kill me?" Your shattered mind kept shifting from horror to anger, grabbing the gun you stole from the dead soldier out of the hands of the Eldian in front of you.
"An island devil," he replied softly, answering honestly seeing as your mind was completely disheveled.
Your knuckles paled at how hard you gripped the gun in your hands, fingers losing feeling as you moved with anger. You knew what you were doing now, no longer running on autopilot but completely out of your own free will - running off of adrenaline, fear, and anger. Hot tears streamed down your face as you lifted the gun over you, ramming the butt of it into the already deceased man. "I hate you!" You screamed as you lifted the gun only to throw it back down again, over and over, hearing the cracking of bones and splatter of blood fill your ears. "You, stupid, stupid, island devils! You've ruined everything!"
The men watched in horror at your anger; they knew the terrors of war but even this was too raw for them to let continue. But they stayed, too stuck in their own fear to even dare stop you on your rampage. There was no greater fear than a person scorned. Blood and tears dripped down your face and your arms ached, but you only stopped upon feeling a hand grab your arm. Whipping around, gun still in hand, you pointed it at the person who grabbed you.
The blonde's arms shot up as the muzzle of the gun pointed directly at his face, swallowing harshly. "(Y/n)," he whispered. The young woman next to him looked at you with panic and worry, her eyes flicking between the gun and you. Both of them took in your disheveled state in absolute terror. You eyes were wild, and your clothes were torn and splattered with crimson, the crimson color even dripping down your face from the sheer amount on you. "Put the gun down, dear, it's alright."
"Did you fucking know they would be here?" You asked harshly, surprising even yourself that you hadn't lowered the gun. The anger you felt was greater than anything you felt, a rage you were certain you had never felt before.
"No." Pieck whispered in response, seeing as Porco only stared at the gun pointed at him by his own lover. Dropping the gun at such a simple word, you sucked in a deep breath. Panting as if you were holding your breath the whole time, you felt strong arms around you as tears continued to stream down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry," you choked out, "oh god, I'm so sorry." You cried as you finally found the will to hug the man back.
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