#merman sun
fishydaycare · 3 months
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click here if you want to see part 2
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sunny-sourzii · 3 months
Name: Moon
Sex: Male
Species: Great white shark
age: 20
Length: 11ft 1in
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Name: Sun
Sex: Male
Species: Lemon shark
Age: 19
length: 9ft 7in
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thatcerealkiller · 4 months
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💦koi no takinobori💦
✨Thank you @theartloca for turning Angelus into such a beautiful sparkling merman ✨
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a-clown-with-wings · 2 months
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They want moar treat but they have too many.
Don’t believe his lies.
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julymarte · 14 days
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a fish a bird and just a girl
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notthebestatart · 2 years
Idk how celestial omens y/n didn't faint at the sight of moon n sun
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Ngl the most recent drawing I did I didn't like very much so I had to do better on this one
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angidrawingstuff · 4 months
🐟Researchethicshipping Fishies🐟
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Designs are made be @ploompkin and uwa I love them and the AU they made to bits <3
Happy Mermay to everyone who enjoys it!!
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b3rryb0yspr0ut · 5 months
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I didnt feel like putting too much effort in this in sorry :(
Anyway experimenting with a new brush and new creatures
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willowser · 1 year
i don't have many thoughts about merman bakugou, but today i did think 🥺 about him coming onto land and having his legs, all human-like 🥺 but there's always a little glitter to him, almost like sand shines in his skin 🥺
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bittybattybunny · 9 months
It’s summer time so how about Eclipse in a swimsuit?
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It's not summer anymore but we can still enjoy a boof in some swim wear and a snip with it!
The leviathan felt his body stiffen as the woman walked out towards the dock. Her face had a red tone as she held onto her arm with a shaking hand. Her lip curled in a small pout as her eyes seemed uneasy as she looked at her merman. Shade gulped. His mouth slipped up into an awkward smile. His black and gold eyes grew wider as he looked at the one piece swimsuit that clung to the werewolf. A high collar and some short like bottom hem. He questioned his own sanity as she stepped onto the dock and looked up at him.  Shade felt his heart pound against his ribcage as he looked at her as she lifted her gaze to him. Shade tried to bite back the dry feeling in his mouth. He half regretted his offer to teach her to swim. He shifted his tail in the ocean and gently reached out. “We’ll just.. Sit in the water today.” he offered the young woman who gave a small nod of her head. Eclipse stepped onto his large open palm. Shade could feel the normally composed woman shaking like a newborn fawn as she settled on his hand, her arms gripping his index finger for support. Shade tried to calm down. He wasn’t doing either of them any good if he got worked up when she was already afraid. He was thankful he’d managed to get himself somewhat manageable since he realized his yearning for Eclipse but it only made things a bit harder for him as she clung to him. Eclipse gripped him tightly as he moved from the safety of being over the wooden planks of her dock to over the open water. While the water near the dock wasn’t as deep as some sections, she knew the edge of the dock was still several meters deep and well over her head. Even with a 20 something meter merman holding onto her she couldn’t stop the quaking of her limbs and the racing of her heart. Her breath kept catching and she felt lightheaded as she looked into the crystal waters at his long tail that was curled under and around the dock. She shut her eyes as he lowered his hand. Shade paused before hitting the water. He looked at the frightened Eclipse and shifted. He used his free hand and tail to push closer to the shore.  Eclipse cracked an eye when she saw him move and looked down. He was leaning on his other arm and the water was shallower than the edge of the dock. She could feel herself breathe a little easier as she noted it was just barely to her shoulders from how his hand rested. “Let’s not overdo it after all.” He rationalized in his low rumbling voice. Eclipse couldn’t speak but nodded.  Shade lowered his hand and with the combination of his hand and the shallower depths, her chest was still from the ocean water. It was cold and she wanted to get out but the security of him being there kept her in place. Shade gave a gentle smile, as gentle as a split mouth leviathan could. Seeing her not rush out or scream was good. She was still clinging to his finger but she wasn’t shaking as much. He moved to lift her up and held her eye level. “See? It’s alright.” he purred. “Easy for the man who’s big enough to sit in water boats would sink in.” Eclipse retorted with a shaking breath. She eased her grip and gasped when her legs gave out and she fell down on his hand. Shade grimaced, “are you okay?” “This is hard!” Eclipse felt tears she hadn’t realized she was holding back begin to fall down her face. The red drops streaked her pale skin as she sniffed. Shade gave a curt nod, the former prince leaned his head down and nuzzled her with a chirp. “You’re doing well though. To sit on the hand of a sea monster and face your fear. We have all the time we want to get used to it after all. No need to rush.” Eclipse frowned. She wanted to believe it but. She sighed. Some time was better than none she supposed. She looked at the leviathan as he pressed his face to her and she laughed as he licked her. “Hey! Hey! Quit it!” she pushed the middle of his face as he chuckled, the smirk stretching across his face.
Man is in love help him
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fishydaycare · 1 month
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Click here to see part 1
Sun is so cuteeeee!!!
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I s2g if I start another art project, grip my shoulders and aggressively remind me that I already have several art projects that I need to finish
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jeeblie · 2 years
Sun does not understand personal space lmao
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
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The box jumped as it moved in the "car". The 4 metal walls seemed to sway as he and his brother attempted to not hit thim. His blue scales reflected on the walls in a midnight trance while his brothers bright yellow and orange reflecting scale's cared a much needed ambience. He attempted to look out of the box through the hole's available. This was taking to long. His vision of the outside was swaying with the water and the car but he could tell he was still with the black coats.
"Why is it taking so long."
His brother looked his way. Fins flared in attentiveness.
"Don't worry brother. It's probably just another arena that's farther away."
His brother smiled. Tilting his head In a way that's supposed to be innocent and silly. Something to make him relax. But he couldn't relax. This was taking to long. Way to long.
The car jolted to a stop. Slamming both brothers against the front of the box. They both let out various noises of discomfort. Before this brother shoved him out of the way towards the back. Winding his body in preparation at the door. He stayed behind. Head snapping back and forth. Looking through the hole's as the black coats moved around. The car hoping up and down as they left it.
The box joltedand swayed as it was moved. His brother tightening more in response. He stared at the door ready to here the click of the latch. . . But it never came. Instead the black coats talked to other humans. Before they were suddenly put back in another car. He rushed to the holes. Pining himself to the wall and frantically scanned his surroundings. These humans were in various colors but most had a symbol on there "clothes" that was orange and blue. He retreated once he realized he was being watched by the closest human.
"no, no, nO, NO, NO!"
He slammed himself against one of the walls. Jolting his brother out of his trance at the door of the box.
"W-what's wrong?"
His brother is stupid.
"Were not going to the arena! We-were not. No, no, no, no."
He rubbed himself on the wall. He needed to get out. He needed to get OUT!
"brother please relax. I'm sure it's just a mistake."
No no. not a mistake. NOT A MISTAKE!
"Brother were going somewhere else. The humans look different."
"They do?"
His brother went to go see while he spun in small panicked circles. They weren't going to the arena. They weren't going to the lab. Where, where, where! What had they done. Why were they going somewhere knew? Why, why, why. They were going somewhere bad. They had to be. They were going to be punished. He has to get out. He had to. He has to GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!
He rammed the wall. The audible sound reverberating in the small box. He shook his head before heading towards the wall on the other side. Bouncing off to the left as he also rammed into that one.
"Brother what-What are you doing!"
His brother attempted to get in his way as he continued to swim forward and ram into the nearest wall in front of him. He wasn't good at it. dodging out of the way as he kept going forward. His head started to hurt but it didn't matter. he had to get out. He could faintly hear the humans outside yelling but it didn't matter he had a task on hand. He has to leave. he had to get them to go away.
A human yelled and then something was thrust inside the box through one of the holes. He didn't think he just lept forward and snarled. Jaws open as he swam for the object. The human yells as he ramed into the hole. His nose briefly smelling the sweet air before he quickly retreated to observe the object they had dropped. A syringe, although it was funny looking. It was thick and long. The end wasn't pointed, more like some sort of dull spike. Like the end had been cut off. He hissed and brought his head up as far as it could out of the water in the box And let out a screeching snarl. The humans were hastily talking. He dove back into the water. He could vaguely hear his brother talking to him. But it didn't matter. he had to get out, he had to get away. Another strange syringe was plugged into a hole. He growled, Jaws agape. He swam towards the object.
Samantha frowned as the van came in. A exhausted face on the driver. The van pulled up into the loading dock. Her eyes locked on the shaking container. Wails and growls could be heard from within. The merfolk we're clearly upset. She looked at her apprentice Molly. She walked towards the experienced handler with a frown, headheld low.
"I'm guessing the trip didn't go well."
Molly sighed
"No it didn't. a little bit after they arrived one of them started ramming the sides of the container. I think the other one was trying to calm it but-"
"Other one?"
Samantha straightened. there was only supposed to be one. Transferred in from some sort of lab that had a side hustle in the fish fighting industry. It's not like she was upset. But if it was another fighting fish mer then that was going to be a problem.
"Yeah apparently the one that we were getting had a brother that ran into a container before they were able to close it. Decided to just send it off with it."
"Is it also in the fighting scandal."
"No, but it was a part of the lab experiments."
She frowned at the implication. So not only were them going to get a mer that was probably highly aggressive but they were also probably going to get one that was highly skittish. They had dealt with an lab mer before. Chica. It took them so long to get her out of her shell. And apparently they were brothers that were bonded enough to escape together. This was going to be tough.
"Has anyone made arrangements for who's the second handler is going to be?"
Molly ducked with a nervous smile.
"Um. They said I would be the second handler."
She stared at Holly for a moment. Completely frozen in a minor shock.
"You mean they want a handler still in training to handle what could be a very skittish and afraid mer. Something that was going to be an extreme challenge."
"Well they said you would still be helping me. I would just be the main one they interact with."
Samantha sighed. Glancing towards the others exiting the van with the container in tow. Hoping for some sort of confirmation that this wasn't true. Most of them just gave her sheepish smiles.
"Well let's just observe their behavior first. We need to figure out which one is the fighter and which one is the frightened one."
Molly nodded her head and they headed up towards the catwalks above the observation tanks. It was clear to her that Molly was excited to have been given her first "solo" job. Even if it was under close observation. She smiled. As much as she was very worried. Molly was one of the calmest folks he had ever met. If anyone was going to handle a frightened mer It was her. They arrived at the catwalk with the hop in their step. Both getting more increasingly excited to see the new mers. She rested her hands on the railing of the catwalk. Molly crossing her arms and resting her head down beside her. They watched as the container was lowered into the loading dock in the tank.
"Did you give him any suppressants?"
"Well I tried too but one of them kept biting at it. I don't think they got any sort of dosage that would be worrisome."
They both paused and held their breath as the latch was clicked open. The door was quickly swung to the side. And two mers bolted out.
Samantha gasps as she eyed the bright yellow mer. It was clearly some sort of sailfin mer. It had orange and white stripes all over its body. They faded out on the fin. The orange and yellow fin was speckled with white dots. Which changed to black as it reached the ends. The fins are all ripped and the body was heavily scarred. Her eyes followed up past the scarring to its chest and head. There was more fins protruding from it's shoulder and head. The ones on it's head were thicker. They had a more pronounced orange and less speckling. Coming out of it's head like the rays of the Sun. It settled itself into the largest place of the tank curling its tail around itself. That's when she noticed that it had spines on its fins. This mer was venomous.
A large splash and a growl announced the presence of the other mer. You want something this one was the complete opposite color. It looks like some sort of shark. Although the more she looked at it the it more resembled a type of Marlin. The top half a brilliant blue, the bottom half white, with an orange stripe separating the two. It had a similar number of head fins to its companion. Although they were smaller all except one. The one on the top of its head was thicker and elongated. The end had some sort of fuzzy end. She could guess it was a lure of some type. She trailed down his body expecting to find some sort of brilliantly patterned fin. Only to realize with a gasp that it had none.
I yell from Molly brought her back out of her investigative state.
"It's going to jump!"
Samantha only caught a brief glance at Molly before the blue mer jumped and rammed into the catwalk. The entire thing is shook. Both of them grasping at the bars in order to steady themselves. She looked up. ready to run off the catwalk to avoid the aggressive mer. Only to find Molly blocking her way staring back down at the tank with a frown. She looked down what she was looking and held in a breath. The blue mer was limp underneath the catwalk.
The yellow mer dashed over. chittering in their language. They both stared with anticipation as the yellow one grabbed its companion. It briefly shook them before the blue one seemed to regain consciousness. Shaking its head and placing a clawed hand on its forehead. The yellow one started to drag its companion away from the catwalk. It continued chittering as if it was scolding a child.
They both stood there for a little bit longer. Before both of them looked at each other and let out strangled laugh's.
"So please tell me if you're paying more attention to the behavior than I was."
She chuckled.
"Well yes I think I was. But let's get off the catwalk first."
She nodded her head in agreement. speededly walking off the catwalk. They both work bombarded with people. Asking if they were fine. They push them aside giving them reassurances before heading towards a break room. Both sitting down on an open table. Samantha folded her arms in front of her
"So what did you notice because I was more focused on their appearances I won't lie."
Molly giggled
"Yes they were quite stunning but from what I could tell the yellow one was more.. stationary? It kept looking around like it expected something to come towards it. And it didn't seem to let up its defensive position until it's brother tried to attack us."
"Yes the blue one.... I knew it was growling at us I didn't think it would jump up into the catwalk though. Especially with its injuries."
"Yeah from what I could tell it just kept growling and snarling at us like some sort of frightened dog. And I guess after a little bit of expecting us to move it decided to make us move."
"You think it was frightened?"
Samantha gave her companion a surprised face. she wasn't watching their behavior It did seem rather odd that she thought it was frightened.
"Yeah! if you remember I worked in a shelter before. It acted just like the fear aggressive dogs. They always react before they attack."
Samantha humed at the information. She had seen fighting Mers before. Monty had given her a clear expression of what that was. And the more she thought about the way Molly described the yellow ones behavior it did line up in a strange way. Most fighting fish would circle each other or wait for one or the other to attack.
"So are we thinking that the yellow one is the fighting fish and the blue one is the Lab one?"
Molly straightened in her seat. A smile grew on her face as her teacher accepted her proposition.
"Yes! I do believe that. So that means I'll handle the blue one..."
Her voice slowed as the thought finally sunk in. She also froze as she realized the implication. Molly would be working with a mer that would attack her if she looked at them funny. While she would be training the mer that had so far been relatively calm.
"We can trade if you want-"
"No' no. I can do this. I'll just have to treat it like I did those shelter dogs. It's just a much bigger wetter shelter dog."
Samantha let out a small giggle at the description Molly provided.
"So we can't call them yellow and blue the entire time. What do you think we should call them."
They both pause as a tried to consider names. They were technically under their watch and so they got the privilege to give them their titles.
"I was thinking sun for the yellow one. It's little face reminds me of one."
Samantha smiled as she remembered eyeing the fins on its head.
"Well then I'll go with moon. then they'll match."
Molly smiled back at her. her grin so wide that her eyes squinted.
"Sun and Moon. yeah that works."
day one of @intistone's mermay challenge. Fish.
I decided to use the challenge as a excuse to write The many little snippets of story I have in my brain about these guys. And yes I know technically this is day two. And I will still be making a day too. But given the fact that moons Work save was deleted I had to compromise until I could get it fixed.
Also I'm posting my white background ones here just in case I accidentally delete a work save again.
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julymarte · 2 months
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i was checking if i had any unposted art since these days i haven't drawn much and the next week i'll hopefully open commissions and found this fish sketch, it was meant to be a sort of idea memo for an illust but i don't think i'm strong enoug for all those pearls
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cutiecattr · 1 year
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Art for my fan fiction moon lit waves
Moon likes to note new things he’s learned inside his notebook, and when he learned the Mers body has many functions and uses when it came to survival he couldn’t help but write it all down.
Sadly though you and Sun found his notebook and decided to write in it.. I don’t think he’s happy…
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