đŸȘ·Little Miss SoulfulđŸȘ·
151 posts
I now do fanfictions rather than drawing, and I do credit anyone that draws the illustration of my AUs!📝 Female/23/Virgo/AuDHD/Bisexual/LOVES THE MR. MEN SHOW AND MISS CHATTERBOX/Grumpbox for Life!đŸ’™đŸ©· DON'T INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU'RE RACIST, SEXIST, ABLEIST, PEDOS, INCEST SUPPORTERS, HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, OR YOU'RE A NASTY USER!đŸš«
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littlemisssoulful · 10 days ago
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littlemisssoulful · 10 days ago
It’s In Their DNA Chapter One: Ordinary Day
Chapter One: Ordinary Day
The sun illuminated the sky as Dillydale was experiencing a pleasant weather. Birds were singing, squirrels and raccoons were playing, and bees were pollinating for honey.
Everything was perfect.
 almost as Miss Whoops accidentally bumped into her brother as poor Mr. Bump fell and slipped in a banana peel.

At Miss Chatterbox’s house, she was bathing her faithful parrot, Featherhead with a small shower spray as the parrot ruffled her feathers to get rid of the water.
“Aww, you’re so cute when you do that! You know, when you ruffle up from the water! It makes you look more cuddly like a teddy bear! I’m so glad we are friends!”
Miss Chatterbox nuzzled Featherhead’s cheek as she held her gently with a big smile.
“Awk! We are friends!”
Miss Chatterbox grinned as she gently placed her on her kitchen counter as she was preparing to make some angel cake for upcoming Miss Helpful’s birthday, which was in less than a week.
She hummed to ‘Talk to the Flowers” as she stirred the batter with such grace that it’s almost like an angel could bake anything sweet and elegant.
Miss Chatterbox yelped in surprise as she carried the bowl with a spatula on both hands as her phone was pressed against her shoulder blade and cheek.
“Hello, this is Miss Chatterbox speaking!”
“Hey, it’s me, Miss Helpful. I hope I didn’t bother you.”
“Oh, hello Miss Helpful! What a surprise to hear your voice, teehee. Also, you didn’t bother me at all, not like the time we accidentally bothered Mr. Quiet’s treehouse, even though his treehouse is awesome! We need our own treehouses!”
“Okay, good. I was wondering if I can come and visit just for today? In the morning would be preferable.”
“Of course! Just let me finish baking your- I mean- baking Miss Sunshine’s cake for tea party! You can come at eleven o’clock if that sounds good to you?”
“Sounds great, Miss Chatterbox! See you soon!”
Before Miss Chatterbox could say anything, the phone had hung up on her as she gasped frantically.
“Goodness me! I nearly spilled the beans! Not literally but figuratively, but I needed the cake done soon! Oh no!”
With that, she rushed around the kitchen, stirring the batter, place it in the oven, and washing the dishes she used for baking. She hid the ingredients in their respective containers or cupboards.
Once that was completed, she wiped her forehead and sighed in relief.
“Phew, that was a close call! Right, Featherhead?”
“Awk! Close call!”
Miss Chatterbox smiled as she decided to fix her hairstyle from a ponytail to her regular double buns and applied a bit of makeup. Now she was ready for the visitor to arrive. 

Miss Helpful was waiting patiently as she bit hip. She likes to be helpful but with Miss Chatterbox, she can’t help but a massive sense of dread and hate towards her, but why?
She’s such a bubbly Little Miss. Yes, she can’t help be full on at times, but she’s kind and playful. She hasn’t done anything wrong to her whatsoever, so those negative feelings make zero sense to her logical mind.
The door opened before her.
“Hello, Miss Helpful! Glad you came. Even though your head exactly three minutes and forty four seconds early, but that’s okay! How are you? Please, do come in!”
Miss Helpful smiled as genuinely as possible as she entered.
“I must say, Miss Chatterbox, your house is very spotless.”
“Why, thank you. I’m not like Mr. Fussy though, but I do my best effort. Say, do you want coffee or tea?”
Miss Helpful declined politely.
“No thanks. I just rather have a glass of water please.”
With that, Miss Chatterbox headed to the fridge and grabbed a jug of cool water. It looked refreshing and satisfying. She then proceeded to pour it into the cup.
While watching her doing her actions, Miss Helpful frowned a bit as her eyes began to glare, but again why? She hasn’t done anything wrong. Those emotions are consuming her like a black void.
Suddenly, her eyes turned red as blood as she snarled temporarily.
Miss Helpful shook her head in confusion before she flustered in embarrassment.
“Here’s your glass of water. It’s nice and cold.”
“Oh. T-thanks.”
Miss Helpful gently grabbed the glass cup but before she could sip, it suddenly shattered by itself.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, Miss Chatterbox! Let me fix it!”
Miss Chatterbox was shocked by it but wasn’t bothered by the “accident”.
“It’s okay, I’ll admit, I needed better cup glasses. They aren’t the best.”
Miss Chatterbox tried to assure her as Miss Helpful picked up the broken pieces and placed it in the bin.
“Say, want to go to my garden? I just recently grow some red roses! They’re my favourite! Reminds me of Beauty and The Beast, although I don’t understand why The Beast is obsessed with roses, but oh well! Do come!ïżœïżœïżœ
Miss Chatterbox gently grabbed her hand and guided her to the backyard. However, the moment they touched hands, they felt intense burning pain as they cried in agony.
“Oh, sorry!”
Miss Chatterbox flustered.
“I think my hand is still hot from the b-baking I did.”
“It’s fine.”
Miss Helpful sighed as they continued their way to the garden.
Once they were outside, they heard birds chirping in harmony as the bees and dragonflies were buzzing around with the sun shining so bright. It was almost like a paradise.
Miss Chatterbox had truely worked effortlessly hard on her garden, and anyone could envy with the majesty of her garden.
“Here we are!”
Miss Chatterbox exclaimed as she clapped her hands with delight.
Miss Helpful couldn’t help but admit the garden was truly beautiful. She had attempted gardening for years, but every time she does it, her plants die instantly or if lucky, last for a week. 
Regardless, Miss Helpful complimented her hard work.
“Miss Chatterbox! I’m impressed! This is the best garden I ever seen!”
Miss Chatterbox giggled.
“Thank you, Miss Helpful. Come, we are nearly towards the roses.”
Miss Helpful followed her direction before arriving at the red rose bushes. They were the reddest and the most radiant roses she has ever witnessed in her entire life. It was red as fine wine or blood or a ruby crystal.
“Ta da! These are my roses! I worked so hard to make them grow, but it was worth it!”
Miss Helpful nodded in agreement before without thinking, was reaching towards the biggest red rose. However, she stopped at her tracks.
“M-may I have one?”
Miss Helpful asked politely.
“Sure! Of course! I’m not that stingy.”
Miss Chatterbox chuckled.
With that, Miss Helpful plucked the red rose.
Suddenly, the red rose withered away so fast that it turned into dust. Miss Helpful gasped in horror as the rest of the red rose bushes began to die out.
“My roses!”
Miss Chatterbox cried in shock.
Miss Helpful stepped away from the bushes, and before she knew it, the once beautiful red rose bushes were now turned into ashes.
“Oh no, my roses!”
Miss Chatterbox cried.
Miss Helpful gulped as she looked at Miss Chatterbox with guilt and remorse.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t m-mean to! Honest!”
Miss Chatterbox turned to her voice but before she could respond, Miss Helpful’s eyes were filled with tears as she sprinted.
“Miss Helpful! Wait! I’m not angry at you!”
Her hollering was proven useless as Miss Helpful ignored her pleas as she continued to pant and run. What has she done? How did she destroy her glass cup and cause her red roses to perished. It made no sense to her.
Once Miss Helpful was out of sight, Miss Chatterbox turned to see the burnt ashes of her roses before turning back to the long gone Miss Helpful and whispered with concern.
“Miss Helpful.”

Glass shattered from a fallen vase as Miss Helpful ripped some random papers before she paused as saw her reflection from a living room mirror. 
Dried tears were staining her eyes as she stared intently at her reflection. 
Suddenly, her image showed a shadowy figure behind her with a goat’s horns and pointy tail. It gave a devilish smile as its eyes glowed bloody red.
Miss Helpful gasped before she punched the mirror, shattering it into thousands of pieces. Miss Helpful collapsed onto the broken glass floor as new tears formed from her eyes.
Why? Why do I keep seeing this monster?! Why do I keep making mistakes and cause pain! I’m only trying to be helpful! I can’t take it anymore. What’s wrong with me?
Just then, the phone rang.
Miss Helpful turned her head sharply to her mobile device as she thought if she should decided to answer her call or not.
After a minute or battling thoughts, she picked up the phone and answered with a shaky voice.
“Miss Helpful! Thank goodness you answered the phone! I was so worried about you! You just run off like you commuted a crime or something! You got me worried!”
“Look, Miss Chatterbox. I-I just want to apologise for your roses.”
“It’s alright. I’ll admit, I forgot to water it for the past few days. Maybe that’s why it died. It’s not your fault. I’m honestly glad you did that, so I can learn my error!”
Not my fault?
Miss Helpful was dumbstruck about it. How could Miss Chatterbox forgiven her? But then again, perhaps it wasn’t her fault after all.
“T-thanks, Miss Chatterbox. Just remember to water it twice a day.”
Miss Helpful spoke in her cheerful tone, despite going through pain and anguish.
“No problem! Anytime! Whelp, I gotta go as I’m going to hang out with Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Bump soon! Chat to you soon, bye! And don’t forget to remind me to get new glass cups!”
The phone call ended as Miss Helpful placed her phone down. She closed her eyes tightly as she growled in anger. How can Miss Chatterbox be so ignorant to her pain? Why can’t she understand her feelings? Then again, she tried her best, but no one can feel her suffering, and knowing her secret emotions towards Miss Chatterbox didn’t help the situation either.
Until then, Miss Helpful decided to get over it, despite her guilt and anger was slowly consuming her mind. With that, she tidy up her mess. She knew Miss Whoops and Miss Calamity will be coming shortly. All she gotta do is be herself and be happy. Well, the best she could be.
What these two Little Misses wouldn’t know that incident would fuel the fire in the future. Until then, everything was just an ordinary day.
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littlemisssoulful · 11 days ago
It’s In Their DNA: The Prologue
There are two in paths in life you can choose to take.
One is full of love, light, and hope that shines brighter than the sun.
And the other one is full darkness, anger, and hate that fills the void like a black hole.
One is destined to bring salvation, and the other one is destined to bring destruction.
Even though we all have the power to make choices in life, but what happens if you are born with something you didn’t ask for and will shape your life forever?
 this story that we all experienced, will tell you how love and hate can affect your actions.
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littlemisssoulful · 11 days ago
First Upcoming Mr. Men Show Fanfiction
 “It’s In Their DNA”
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I wanted to thank a thousand times to @p0lyg0nne from Deviantart for drawing the title cover.
I will post the short prologue shortly, and expect first chapter to come this weekend.
Plot Summary: Miss Chatterbox and Miss Helpful will discover their origin, truth, and secrets about them, and how it would make them become enemies?
Can they control their destiny?
Only one way to find out is to stay in tune!
Art made by @p0lyg0nne from Deviantart
Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Helpful belongs to The Mr. Men and Little Misses.
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littlemisssoulful · 11 days ago
When Mr. Grumpy Knows When Someone is Depressed or Feeling Low (My Headcanon)
We know Mr. Grumpy does rather get frustrated easily with many characters for being such “dodo birds”, but he’s not cold hearted as he’s actually a great supporter and listener to when someone he knows is feeling so low.
Here are some selective characters I chose as examples, and I might add more later

Mr. Tickle - He knows when Mr. Tickle is upset when he doesn’t feel like tickling or looks rather sick or tired.
Mr. Happy - He knows when Mr. Happy is pretending to happy and jolly as he sweats, his laughs sounds weak, and he makes bad puns, like REALLY bad puns.
Miss Chatterbox - He knows when Miss Chatterbox is depressed because she won’t text him or anyone for days to weeks, avoid socialising, and remains silent or rarely speaks.
Mr. Scatterbrain - He knows when Mr. Scatterbrain is in a bad mood cause he looks dull in colour wise, his hat is deflated, and he won’t smile.
Miss Sunshine - He knows when Miss Chatterbox is not herself when she gets angry easily, or takes pessimistic about life.
There’s more I could share as examples, but when he knows something is up with one of the characters, he will actually reach up to them and allow them to vent, cry, and even surprisingly, allow them to hug him.
He may not admit his great therapist side, but he does secretly care about their well-being deeply.
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littlemisssoulful · 14 days ago
Mr. Men Show Characters’ Favourite Cake Flavour!🍰
Miss Bossy: Fruit Cake
Mr. Bounce: Blueberry Cheesecake
Mr. Bump: Lamington Cake
Miss Calamity: Carrot Cake
Miss Chatterbox: Angel Cake
Miss Curious: Cherry Cheesecake
Miss Daredevil: Snickerdoodle Cake
Mr. Funny: Banana Cake
Mr. Fussy: Black Forest Cake
Miss Giggles: Chocolate Raspberry Cake
Mr. Grumpy: Lemon Cheesecake
Mr. Happy: Pumpkin Cake
Miss Helpful: Devil Cake
Mr. Lazy: Key Lime Cake
Miss Magic: Ice Cream Cake
Mr. Messy: Nutty Professor Cake
Miss Naughty: Chocolate Mousse Cake
Mr. Nervous: Lavender Earl Gray Cake
Mr. Noisy: Rocky Road Cake
Mr. Nosey: New York Cheesecake
Mr. Quiet: Matcha Cake
Mr. Rude: Chocolate Mud Cake
Miss Scary: Red Velvet Cake
Mr. Scatterbrain: Rainbow Cake
Mr. Small: Marble Cake
Mr. Strong: Passionfruit Cheesecake
Mr. Stubborn: Chocolate Lava Cake
Miss Sunshine: Strawberry Shortcake
Mr. Tall: Coconut Cake
Mr. Tickle: Chocolate Orange Cake
Miss Whoops: Spice Cake
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littlemisssoulful · 14 days ago
My Headcanon For Mr. Men Show Characters’ Favourite Ice Cream Flavour!🍩🍹🍧
Miss Bossy: Coffee
Mr. Bounce: Blueberry
Mr. Bump: Cake Batter
Miss Calamity: Caramel
Miss Chatterbox: Cookies n Cream
Miss Curious: Hokey Pokey
Miss Daredevil: Superman
Mr. Funny: Banana 
Mr. Fussy: Rose
Miss Giggles: Raspberry Ripple
Mr. Grumpy: Vanilla
Mr. Happy: Mango
Miss Helpful: Rum Raisin
Mr. Lazy: Pistachio 
Miss Magic: Jackfruit
Mr. Messy: Cotton Candy
Miss Naughty: Cherry
Mr. Nervous: Maple Walnut
Mr. Noisy: Rocky Road
Mr. Nosey: Peanut Butter
Mr. Quiet: Green Tea
Mr. Rude: Chocolate
Miss Scary: Mint Chocolate Chip
Mr. Scatterbrain: Butterscotch
Mr. Small: Butter Pecan
Mr. Strong: Watermelon
Mr. Stubborn: Passionfruit 
Miss Sunshine: Strawberry
Mr. Tall: Coconut
Mr. Tickle: Regular Chocolate Chip
Miss Whoops: Bubblegum
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littlemisssoulful · 15 days ago
When I see new Mr. Men OC and/or Sona, it makes me excited. I don’t know, it just shows creativity and that’s awesome!
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hi mr men nation (drops a redesigned oc from a while ago)
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littlemisssoulful · 15 days ago
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hi mr men nation (drops a redesigned oc from a while ago)
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littlemisssoulful · 15 days ago
Future Mr. Men Show Fanfiction
No. 1 - To Die For
 (Rated M Due for Gore and Death)
Plot Summary: A serial killer is hiding among the crowds in Miss Scary’s Goth Masquerade Party in her father’s old mansion and it’s up to Mr. Grumpy, Miss Chatterbox, Miss Scary, and Miss Naughty to find the murderer. Question is, who is the murderer?
No. 2 - It’s In Your DNA (Rated PG for Violence and Minor Deaths)
Plot Summary: Miss Chatterbox and Miss Helpful would discover the secret and truths about their lineage as one is descendant from Heaven and the other one from Hell. This cause them to become enemies, but how can it be solved with their conflicts?
No. 3 - Forbidden Love (Rated PG)
Plot Summary: Mr. Tickle was a rich man, being forced to marry against his will but is in love with a bookkeeper named Mr. Bump and their secret rendezvous was forbidden. Can they stay together forever without getting caught or do they have to follow their duty?
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littlemisssoulful · 16 days ago
Mr. Men Show Characters’ Supernatural Gifts or Human (My Headcanon AU)✹🔼🧿
Miss Bossy: Human
Mr. Bounce: Human
Mr. Bump: Human
Miss Calamity: Human
Miss Chatterbox: Has 20% Blood of Angel
Miss Curious: Human
Miss Daredevil: Human
Mr. Fussy: Human
Mr. Funny: Human
Miss Giggles: Human
Mr. Grumpy: Werecat
Mr. Happy: Human
Miss Helpful: Has 20% Blood of Demon
Mr. Lazy: Human
Miss Magic: Witch
Mr. Messy: Human
Miss Naughty: Human
Mr. Nervous: Can See and Communicate Ghosts
Mr. Noisy: Human
Mr. Nosey: Human
Mr. Quiet: Can See and Communicate Ghosts
Mr. Rude: Human
Miss Scary: Vampire
Mr. Scatterbrain: Human
Mr. Small: Human
Mr. Strong: Werebear
Mr. Stubborn: Werewolf
Miss Sunshine: Human
Mr. Tall: Human
Mr. Tickle: Human
Miss Whoops: Human
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littlemisssoulful · 17 days ago
Mr. Men Show’s Midsummer Night’s Dream AU🌙✹đŸŒčđŸș❀
Characters’ Roles
Lysander - Mr. Happy (In a mutual relationship with Miss Sunshine or Hermia)
Hermia - Miss Sunshine (In a mutual relationship with Mr. Happy but is forced to marry Mr. Grumpy or Demetrius)
Demetrius - Mr. Grumpy (The suitor to Miss Sunshine or Hermia)
Helena - Miss Chatterbox (In an unrequited love with Mr. Grumpy or Demetrius)
Egeus - Mr. Fussy (Miss Sunshine or Hermia’s father)
Duke Theseus - Mr. Stubborn (Duke of Athens and husband to Queen Miss Bossy or Queen Hippolyta)
Queen Hippolyta - Miss Bossy (Queen of Amazon and wife to Duke Mr. Stubborn or Duke Theseus)
King Oberon [King of The Fairies] - Mr. Strong
Queen Titania [Queen of The Fairies] - Miss Calamity
Puck [The Foolish Sprite] - Mr. Scatterbrain
Plot Summary
It was one peaceful night in Athens and Mr. Stubborn and his beloved Queen, Miss Bossy, were reigning with peace when the peacefulness came to abrupt halt.
They heard arguments from Miss Sunshine and her father, Mr. Fussy. She refused to marry Mr. Grumpy, who his parents and her father mutually agreed to betrothed them.
When Mr. Stubborn demanded answers, Mr. Fussy explains everything. Miss Sunshine is destined to wed with Mr. Grumpy but she’s in love with Mr. Happy. What’s more, Mr. Grumpy seems to gain attraction to Miss Sunshine’s best friend, Miss Chatterbox.
With that, Mr. Stubborn ordered the four young Athenians to come. They obeyed and when seeing what Mr. Fussy said, Mr. Stubborn threatens Miss Sunshine the death sentence if she refuses to marry Mr. Grumpy.
However, she said she would rather die in love than marry and be miserable. Miss Bossy added she will give them the whole night to think about their decisions before dawn.
Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine were at the fountain of Aphrodite and Mr. Happy vowed to run away together with Miss Sunshine. Miss Sunshine accepts and decided to tell her best friend, Miss Chatterbox, their plan and their farewell.
Meanwhile, Miss Chatterbox tries so hard to win Mr. Grumpy’s cold heart and fails miserably. When Miss Sunshine pulled Miss Chatterbox in and tells the plan, Miss Chatterbox was happy for her best friend, and decided to try the same with Mr. Grumpy.
When Miss Sunshine and Mr. Happy ran away from Athens into the enchanted forest, Miss Chatterbox once again tries to confess her undying love for Mr. Grumpy, but he taunts her and points out his feeling wasn’t mutual.
Despite upsetting Miss Chatterbox, she felt that deep down, there’s good in him and tries to pursue him as Mr. Grumpy stormed into the enchanted forest with Miss Chatterbox following him behind.
Meanwhile, in an enchanted tree palace, Mr. Strong and Miss Calamity, the respectful rulers of fairies, were in peace before they heard a commotion. They saw Mr. Grumpy shouting at Miss Chatterbox.
Mr. Strong knew what needs to be done and commands Mr. Scatterbrain, the most foolish sprite to appear. He showed up and Mr. Strong concocts a bottle of love potion by the evening dew of a red rose and bit of his magic.
Mr. Strong instructed Mr. Scatterbrain to spray the potion to Mr. Grumpy, explaining the first person he saw would be his true partner and mate for life.
Mr. Scatterbrain nodded and few off, but accidentally shot Magic at Miss Calamity, causing her head to be that of a mule, and Mr. Strong was not pleased with it.
When Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine got lost in the forest, they decided to sleep for the night, and hoped no wild animals comes to get them. They slept separately as Miss Sunshine was upset that Mr. Happy doesn’t know his way.
When Mr. Scatterbrain saw the sleeping Mr. Happy, he sprays the potion on his face before he heard Miss Chatterbox’s faint shout and cry. Mr. Scatterbrain hid behind the trees to see if it works.
When Miss Chatterbox saw Mr. Happy, she thought he was dead and tries to wake him up. When he did, he fell madly in love with Miss Chatterbox, which frightened the Little Miss as he pursued her.
When Mr. Scatterbrain came back to see Mr. Strong, who tries to help Miss Calamity, Mr. Scatterbrain explains his mission was a success. However, when Mr. Strong saw the situation, he was outrage as he got the wrong Mr. Man, and points Mr. Grumpy for Mr. Scatterbrain to explain that’s the Mr. Man he needed to spray potion on.
Mr. Scatterbrain laughed and flew off, once again, sending magic to Miss Calamity, who turned into a horsefly. Mr. Strong had a bad feeling it was only going to get worse.
Meanwhile, Miss Sunshine woke up to see Mr. Happy kissing and searched desperately for him until she bumped into Mr. Grumpy, who try to marry her.
Mr. Scatterbrain saw him and put him in a sleepy state and froze Miss Sunshine in place. Mr. Scatterbrain sprays the potion on his face before hearing Miss Chatterbox’s voice.
He flew off again and Miss Chatterbox spotted Mr. Grumpy unconscious and woke him up. When he spotted the fair maiden, he fell desperately in love with her and profess his love for her.
They were about to kiss when Mr. Happy told Mr. Grumpy that he can have Miss Sunshine while he gets Miss Chatterbox. Miss Sunshine was horrified and accuses Miss Chatterbox for stealing her true love.
The arguments pursued as fights began to occur. Mr. Scatterbrain went back to Mr. Strong, who finally cured Miss Calamity’s spell and asked if the task was done.
Mr. Scatterbrain nodded happily and showed him the disaster. Furious, Mr. Strong cast a spell to put the four Athenians to deep sleep and place a spell for them to destined to be true love to one another.
Dawn came as the four young Mr. Men and Little Misses woke up, confused, stating they all have the worst dream ever. Mr. Happy saw Miss Sunshine and when she saw him back, they fell in love and when Mr. Grumpy saw Miss Chatterbox and she saw him, they also fell in love.
When Mr. Fussy came to see him, he was mortified to see that his wish for his daughter to marry her suitor was unsuccessful as Mr. Grumpy now loves Miss Chatterbox and Miss Sunshine still loves Mr. Happy.
In the end, Mr. Stubborn and Miss Bossy can for once see their real love and declares a double wedding, and so, Mr. Happy married Miss Sunshine and Mr. Grumpy married Miss Chatterbox. They all lived happily ever after.
The End
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littlemisssoulful · 30 days ago
Give me your Mr. Men Show OC and I’ll tell you what animal they will be and why!đŸŸđŸȘ¶ (SEND YOUR IMAGE OF YOUR OC SO I I KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE BETTER!)
I’ll start with my OC, Little Miss Soulful!
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She will be an otter as otters symbolises empathy, creativity, emotions, and compassion! Plus, otters are adorable!đŸŠŠđŸ©·đŸȘ·
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littlemisssoulful · 1 month ago
Mr. Men Show as Animals No. 1 (Miss Chatterbox as a Parrot)
I chose parrot for Miss Chatterbox as not only they can talk a lot like Miss Chatterbox, but they are curious, playful, and full of energy, just like Miss Chatterbox.đŸ©·
I was mainly inspired by cockatoos and lovebirds. I think Miss Chatterbox came out alright, considering I’m a not a good drawer. What do you guys think? Should I continue?đŸ„ș
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littlemisssoulful · 1 month ago
I wanted to hear your opinion!👀
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littlemisssoulful · 1 month ago
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littlemisssoulful · 1 month ago
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