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scent-sualvibes · 4 years ago
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Might be nearly 3am but that last chapter and a half 😭 my god..... hit me right in the feels & couldn't put it down 📚 Thanks @zolare1 & @abellesbooks 📖 so excited for the next book club book now 💙 #bookworm #bookstagram #birthday #meredithrusso #abookaday #worthreading #recommended #reading #bookclub #booklover #readersofinstagram #readmorebooks #library #booksaremagic (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK-ay2pLVAz/?igshid=1fh3w0jhdvrpk
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feel-the-book · 4 years ago
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#ReviewTour Un compleanno Ancora di #MeredithRusso 💜 per @hopeedizioni Sul sito trovate la recensione 😍 📚 #FTB #FeelTheBook #uncompleannoancora #HopeEdizioni #bookstagram #bookworm #bookish #booknerd #booklover #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookaholic #vscobook #igbooks #igreads #librisulibri #letture #libreria #ebook #picoftheday #readersofig #bookofinstagram #paginesupagine #lettori # https://www.instagram.com/p/CI-r9lQHEx3/?igshid=xcel3osblz1i
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adjubek11 · 4 years ago
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Excited for this! #ifiwasyourgirl #meredithrusso #barnesandnoble #bookstagram (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGstNePBGbP/?igshid=e53vu3f8t6tn
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rin-okumura97 · 5 years ago
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And the 7th book is done, truthfully I actually started this on the last day of June but meh just means I can read another book for this month, I unknowingly purchased this book after reading it I was your girl before knowing it was the same author, I this story talks about the hardships transgender people face when coming to terms with who they are and I seriously loved this book so glad I read it #rinsbookadventure #lgbt #transgender #meredithrusso @frothyseawitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CCPEypcj90Y/?igshid=124qpr8k80mfw
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misstoddynho · 5 years ago
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E as dicas para esse Carnaval continuam... Dessa vez trago dois livros com representatividade LBGT+ 🏳️‍🌈 ⠀ De Volta Para Ela (@gallagherwitt, lançado pela @cherishbooksbr) e Apenas Uma Garota (Meredith Russo, lançado pela @intrinseca) contam com protagonismo trans: as duas protagonistas são garotas trans 🏳️‍⚧. Então fica a dica para quem conferiu um deles, com certeza vai gostar do outro. ⠀ E vocês? Já leram algum livro com protagonismo trans? Ou outro protagonismo lgbt+? Conta aí nos comentários seus favoritos. • • #cherishbooks #cherishbooksbr #laurengallagher #devoltaparaela #havingherback #euleiolaurengallagher #cherishangels #FriendsBookLove #romance #editoraintrinseca #meredithrusso #apenasumagarota #ifiwasyourgirl #lgbt (at São Luís, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B88uelTDEQ9/?igshid=1m2gko4fhnuzq
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month9books · 5 years ago
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“Samuel sat beside the lit fireplace, woolly blanket draped over his slim shoulders, leather-bound scriptures perched in his lap” is the first sentence in the atmospheric YA dystopian novel Demon in the Whitelands by Nikki Z. Richard ( @NikkiZRichard ).
What is your favorite opening line in a novel?
Nikki Z. Richard’s favorites are:
“It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened.” —The Giver by Lois Lowry
“The bus smelled of mildew, machine oil, and sweat.” —If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo ( @mer_squared )
“I am dead, but it’s not so bad.” —Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion ( @isaacinspace )
Want to read the rest of Demon in the Whitelands? Grab a copy at Amazon, B&N, or Indiebound.
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managedbybooks · 5 years ago
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OH. MY. GOD. This book was so good. I read the entire thing in one sitting and I was literally crying in my dorm’s common room! . . Have you read Birthday? What did you think? . . #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstabuddies📚 #booksharks #birthday #meredithrusso #librarybook #booksandcoffee #bookmademecry (at Corvallis, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ccsTigb7r/?igshid=16qt5x2rb14wp
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emonroe · 6 years ago
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Birthday 🎁🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉 by Meredith Russo #currentlyreading #reader #read #reading #bookstagram #meredithrusso #book #bookclub #bookworm #bookaholic #bookobsessed #bookcommunity #bookphotography #bookaddict #bookpic #booktography #bookhoarder #booklover #booknerd #bookblogger #booksofinstagram #bookstagrammer #booklove #bookaddict #booklovers https://www.instagram.com/p/B1JQJ_bh73r/?igshid=w7wghy6ulj5d
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last-page-books-blog · 6 years ago
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#bookstagram #booksofinstagram #booksgram #book #read #monthlychallenge #junebookchallenge #june #bibliophile #yabookstagram #yalit #subscriptionbox #bookishmerch #bookend #illumicrate #birthdaybook #birthday #tbr #meredithrusso #ifiwasyourgirl #genderidentity  #lgbtq🌈 #genderstereotypes  #pride #pridemonth @illumicrate @fableandblack https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbYTckg9Sl/?igshid=vqry9j0fz1ba
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zoejameswilliams · 6 years ago
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Birthday by #meredithrusso @usborneya told in dual narrative birthday put transgender lives at the forefront as Morgan wrestles with the difficult choice to live as her to self. Meanwhile her best friend Eric is under pressure to get a football scholarship but is having second thoughts and trying to understand his feelings for his best friend Morgan. . .... . .#bookblogger #bookstagram #bookstagramfeature #coverkidsbooks #instabook #ireadya #teenlit #kidslit #teenbooks #teenread #newbook #yalit #bookblogger #bookstagram #yabooks #bookstagramfeature #coverkidsbooks #instabook #ireadya #teenlit #kidslit #teenbooks #newbook #newfictions #newfiction https://www.instagram.com/p/BxUeNRAnB15/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wnjegfwdmuhm
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karina-witchlingwanderer · 8 years ago
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What are some of your absolute favorite books you've read this year? . . I wanted to read If I Was Your Girl after seeing so much talk surrounding it and fell in love 😭 It's such an underrated book and needs more love!! Main character is a transgender girl if you didn't know :) . . This is definitely in my top 5 of favorite books so far. I haven't exactly ranked all the books I've read but it's really high on the list 🙌🏼 . . #bbsmay17: Week 3 Books We Love To The Moon And Back . . Amortentia candle by @scentpopcandles... It seems fitting with this book since I LOVED it so much 😉😌 See what I did there? xD You can use my code READER10 to get 10% off! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #becauseofreading #bibliophile #book #bookaddict #bookish #booklove #booklover #booklovers #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookporn #books #bookstagram #bookworm #epicreads #goodreads #igbooks #ilovebooks #instabook #instabooks #diversereads #diversebooks #IfIWasYourGirl #meredithrusso #scentpopcandles
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pumatsols · 8 years ago
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treat yo self (Easter Edition) . . . . . #bookstagram #ifiwasyourgirl #meredithrusso #ya (at Sheffield Train Station - SHF)
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bisexualdisasterbuckley · 7 years ago
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Day 2 ~ Beautiful Covers ◇ #fanaticalbirdnov ◇ I had to seriously limit my book choices or half my bookshelf would've made an appearance! ◇ I have a weakness for beautiful books ❤ What's the most beautiful book you own? . . . #wickedlikeawildfire #lanapopovic #27hours #tristinawright #thewrathandthedawn #reneeahdieh #ifiwasyourgirl #meredithrusso #bookstagram
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mostwonderfulstory · 5 years ago
Current reads 🏳️‍🌈
#illumicrate #meredithrusso #aliceoseman #currentlyreading #mostwonderfulstory
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misstoddynho · 6 years ago
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Para não deixar o #pridemonth passar em branco, aí vai uma listinha dos meus livríneos favoritos na representatividade: ⠀ 🏳️‍🌈Apenas Uma Garota - Meredith Russo (@frothyseawitch) 🏳️‍🌈Minha Versão de Você - @christinalauren 🏳️‍🌈História É Tudo Que Me Deixou - @adamsilvera 🏳️‍🌈Red, White & Royal Blue - @casey.mcquiston 🏳️‍🌈Ele & Nós - @ellekennedy33 & @sarina.bowen 🏳️‍🌈Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome - @acimanandre • • • #meredithrusso #ifiwasyourgirl #caseymcquiston #redwhiteandroyalblue #adamsilvera #historyisallyouleftme #ellekennedy #sarinabowen #him #us #lgbt #loveislove #pride #balaiodebabados #bookfeaturepage #literajunhowp #bibliophile #bookishfeature #bookcommunity #bookaddict #bookish #instabook #bookaholic #bookstagramslz (at São Luís, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzElfOqDAR6/?igshid=5on771pko8j1
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mandahpadovan · 6 years ago
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Leiturinha do momento! Comprei sem nem ler a sinopse e estou me surpreendendo! ❤️ . . . . . #apenasumagarota #meredithrusso #editoraintrinseca #lendo #leitura #livro #ler #literatura #amoler #trans #leiamais #livroevida #leituradomomento #leituraatual #instalivros #instaleitor #instaliterario #igliteratio #blogliterario #book #bookaholic #booklover #bookstagram #bookalicious #maquiagem #make https://www.instagram.com/p/BrNM9w6AOTB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10i277yq3ssoz
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