#meredith grey x derek shepherd
misaverawrites · 1 year
Quiet (Meredith Grey x Derek Shepherd)
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summary: Meredith finally finds comfort in quiet for once.
tags: meredith's childhood trauma, derek and meredith are healthy for each other, cuddling, fluff and kind of angst, forehead kisses
a/n: i love them so, so much, this has been on ao3 for a hot minute but this one was fun to write! :)
Meredith had never felt comfortable in silence.
It was always the quiet before the storm to her, between her parents, between her and her mother. Silent readings had made her uncomfortably anxious in her elementary schooling, she was always better in group projects, so when she’d moved back into her childhood home, full of nothing but quiet, she’d decided she needed roommates, as well as her ability to afford the house without them was laughable with her salary as an intern.
Unfortunately, the home remained a bit too quiet until Derek was there. She didn’t mind the quiet as much when he was around.
That’s how the couple ended up here, a moment of peace, no drama, he’d been moving into the house slowly, to keep her comfortable, but indeed, he was moving in. He held her close to his body in their shared bed, and she squirms for a moment, “Where’s everyone at?” She asks him, looking around through the open door and he chuckles.
“Everyone is currently gone, we’re the only ones in the house, Meredith.” She doesn’t feel that normal unease that she feels in the quiet, how her hands normally get clammy and she feels nauseous from the quiet, all she feels now is calm, protected even.
Derek kisses her forehead and she looks up at him, he’s got that smile of adoration that she still questions if it’s towards her, and somehow, she thinks she could deal with the quiet, as long as Derek was there to face it with her.
“Are you alright?” He asks her, knowing the thoughts that are running through her head, he’d read Ellis’ journals, at least small bits, and pieces. He had heard Meredith’s side of the story from her childhood, and now that he’d had her ring, he wanted to know truly how she was feeling in these quiet moments between them.
Meredith simply smiles at the question, sitting up to actually face him instead of holding herself into his chest. “Actually, I’m perfect.” She then brings herself to his lips, kissing him intimately.
And for the first time in her life, she finds that the quiet can actually bring her at least a little bit of comfort.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Hi, I had an idea for a fic . Would you be able to write a Mark Sloan x reader. He cheated on reader with her best friend Addison and found out she was pregnant after they broke up. Years later, when Mark is working at Seattle Grace, Y/N and her daughter/son travel to visit Derek but end up in a car accident. Their child is fine but Y/N has severe injuries. She wakes up to find out Mark knows about their child and wants to start again as a family. When she has recovered they get back together and Y/N becomes a surgeon at Seattle Grace. Thank you! (Sorry it’s long, it came to me in a dream 😂)
We are family(mark Sloan)
Paring: Mark Sloan X Shepherd!Reader
Summary: The reader and her son get into a car crash on their way to vist her brother Derek. While the son is fine the reader has several injuries and finds out Mark, her ex knows about his son.
Greys MasterList
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“are we there yet?” Jason said looking out the window of the car. I smiled at my son's brightness as he awaited our over due visit with his uncle Derek.
“almost honey” I said taking my eyes off the road for a second to look at my son.
The drive was long and it was making us both extremely antsy but it beat flying in a plan. I hated flying and my son had never really experienced it but he decided he'd never get on one due to all the movies he's watched.
The longer we drove the darker it got... And the storm fell heavier. The ran plunked on the car loud and fast as I drove down the highway. He had about an hour till we got to Seatle and I was extremely thankful. My anxiety spiked as I saw a car behind swerved then sped up.
“mom?” Jason asked.
“hang on” I mumbled and tried to speed up. The other car did beat me to it and swayed right. I gasped as the tired screamed and hit our car head on.
Then it when black...
“Sloan, make sure the kid is okay” Webber shouted from the other side of the ER. As Jackson left to help Derek and April Mark ran to where he was instructed. He pulled the privacy curtain back and saw a small boy who was about ten years old. The little boy looked up at Mark with eyes that looked all to familiar. His hair was also a dark blonde that was shockingly familiar
Mark hesataed for a second and the two boys studied each other. The Boy titled his head for a second then Mark shaped out of it.
“Hey, kiddo what's your name?” he asked checking his head for any cuts. He only had one and it was on the left side of his forehead.
“Jason, sir”
“I'm Dr. Sloan” Mark smiled softy as he cleaned the kids cut. He couldn't shake this feeling, it was like he knew the kid or seen him before.
“is my mama okay?” he asked. Mark looked at the chart and his eye brows scrunched together as he barely heard the question. The Boy and his mother had the last name Shepherd... That's just a coincidence, right? Shephard is a common last name.
“Dr. Sloan?” the boy said softly. Mark quickly closed the chart then turned to the boy with a small smile.
“I'm sure your mom's fine, but wait here” before the Boy could argue mark was gone like a flash of lighting. He made sharp turn and nearly ran into the threshold of the room where the boy's mother was in.
His heart stopped as he watched a teary eyed Derek and Meredith giving the woman chest Compressions. “y/n...” he breathed out and stumbled backwards into the wall with his hand over his mouth.
Bailey looked over clules to the connections. “Sloan we'll need you on standby there's a nasty cut on this poor girls arm”
Her voice was muffled to him and then a ringing followed as he stood there shocked. There was nothing on his face... It was just blank.
Derek looked up and staired at his best friend with rage and sadness. Of course the two had made up and it killed Derek that he had to keep Jason a secret but at the same time anger and resent fueled him.
“stay with Jason, Mark!” Derek yelled as he checked y/n's eyes. In the back of Mark's mind he wanted to know how he knew the kids name but at the same time he left like a mindless robot.
He left the room as tears pricked his eyes. He tried to control himself but he couldn't help but shake as his stomach turned. He felt his whole body move uncontrollably and before he knew it he had emptyed his stomach in the trash can behind the nurse's station. Due to the commotion in the ER he calmed down in peace. But only one person noticed Mark Hurling in the small trash can.
“dude, you okay?” the same small voice said from behind.
Mark's eyes went wide and quickly covered his mouth and turned around. He looked down and saw the same damn eyes stare back at him.
“you shouldn't be up... You could have a conceson or-r” he's started to stutter unprofessionally as he paced infront of the boy. Boy looked up at him like he was crazy.
“I'm fine... Where's my mom?”
Jason didn't get his awnser as Mark quickly pulled him out of way. The fith strecher of the night came barreling through almost missing the boy.
'how many heart attacks can this kid give me? I just met him' mark thought as he pulled he boy to his chest and out of harms way.
Mark knelt down infront of Jason holding his shoulders. “are you okay?”
The boy nodded and smiled. Mark's steal blue eyes widened as it was like looking in a mirror. His mouth opened but no words came out. At least to the boys knowledge as a familiar voice shouted over Mark's.
“Jason! There you are” Jason's eyes widen with relief. “Aunty Amy!” the boy ran to the female shepherd and hugged her tight. Amilea looked at Mark and sighed.
“Aunty Amy...” Mark said like he got the answer he wanted all night.
“is my mom okay?” Jason asked Amilea. Amilea sighed and picked him up and carried him into the waiting room where it was quite. Mark follow as he wanted more awnsers.
“so this is your aunt?” Mark asked softly. Jason nodded. “and I Have a Uncle that works here too, he's a knea-row.. A-a nurosurgeon” he nodded each syllable as he tried to pronounce the word.
Mark's heart skipped a beat. “how old are you?”
Amilea looked between the almost identical boys. She knelt infront of the seat Jason was setting in and talked over him.
“you don't have to awnser that” Jason looked confused as he looked at the two doctors.
Mark got impatient and frustrated with Amilea. He ignored the female Shepherd and looked at Jason... Only Jason.
“how old are you kid?”
“10...now where the heck is my mom!?” Mark covered his mouth and set down as the months and years all fell into place in his mind. He sat there speechless as Amilea turned to her Nephew.
“your mom has to have surgery... She hit her head pretty hard and Dr. Sloan here is gonna stich her arm up... She'll be all better in no time”
Jason looked down with teary eyes and a pouty lip. He sniffed and cried into her shoulder as Amilea picked him up.
“hey” she started and pulled her head back so she could see the boy thst was hiding in her neck. “your mamas tuff right?”
He nodded without a sound. “and Uncle Derek is the smartest doctor you know right?”
Jason nodded again and this time Amilea nodded with him. “well you got nothing to worry about... Everything will be fine”
Amilea looked at Mark. “you got a surgery to get to, right?” Mark nodded silently and stood up. “don't let her down again... Or him” Amilea mumbled as he robotically walked away
“why didn't you tell me about Jason?” Mark asked as he stitched up y/n's arm. He felt his stomach turn as he did his best not to ruin the elephant tattoo she loved so much with stiches.
“I wanted to tell you but y/n thought it would be better if I didn't” Derek mumbled as he stopped her brain bleed.
Mark scoffed. He had no right to be mad at Derek but he was stood scared and almost relaved that Jason was his. He need to take his frustration out on some rather If it was far or not.
“I naver wanted to hurt her... Let alone loose her” Mark said. He regreted cheating on her since day one and no other woman could match up to her. There was no excuse to what he did but if he got a second chance he wouldn't screw it up.
“she was so broken and mad after addisson she thought you didn't deserve to know” Derek explained. “after she healed she was too scared to tell you... She didn't know how”
Mark looked down after he was done he bandaged up her arm and set next to her as Derek's words ran around his head. In his mind it was all his fault, he wished he could be with Jason since day one... He wished he could have asked y/n to marry him sooner instead of falling into Addison's clutches.
He still had the ring and he carried it around. He didn't know it was a coping mechanism or it was a symbol of the hope that still sparked inside of him.
After the surgery Mark walked into the waiting for with Derek. Mark sighed as he watched Jason and Amilea playing go-fish. Mark quietly knelt next to him and smiled.
“your mama isn't awake yet but do you want to see her?” jaosn nodded softly. Mark picked him up as Jason rubbed his eyes. Derek smiled softly and followed to make sure y/n was recovering properly.
“you gotta be quite, okay?” Mark told him. Jaosn nodded as Mark sat him down.
Mark opened the door and led Jason in. Jason remained quite as he smiled as his mom.
“can she hear me?”
“I like to think so” Derek said.
“hi mommy” jason whispered and placed his tiny hand on hers.
Jason sat with her for a bit longer and talked to her believing she could hear every word. Mark stayed the entire time to and set next to her. This isn't how he imagined spending time with his family but it was the first time he was in the same room with both of them.
At about midnight Derek and Meredith took Jason to their house to watch him while y/n recovers. Mark didn't leave though and he didn't plan on leaving anytime soon.
When He was sure they were alone he took her hand as tears started to fall. “you can't leave me... You can't leave jason”
“God he has your gorgeous eyes... And he's such a good kid... Reminds me of you” he whispered.
“I'm so sorry I hurt you... And when you wake up I'll spend the rest of our lives making it up to you and jason”
Mark didn't know how long he talked to her but before he knew it he feel asleep holding her hand. His deep slumber was interrupted in the early morning of the day but the bed shifting. He slow set up as he felt her squeeze his hand.
“Mark?” she looked so confused as she looked around.
He didn't know what possessed him but he chuckled with reilef as he leaned forward placing his lips to hers. It was quick kiss that held so much meaning.
“I'm so glad you're okay and jaosn perfectly fine he's with Derek and - and I'm missed you so much” Mark started to ramble and quickly stopped when he saw her softly chuckle.
“it's good to see you two Mark” she then looked at him with a serious expression. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Jason... I was just so mad and hurt... It wasn't fair to you”
He quickly shook his head. “you have nothing to be sorry for, I broke you and hurt you... And to be honest I've been miserable with out you”
“me too... I want you in jaosn's life” she admitted. Mark smiled. “Whatever you want... He's great kid and I wouldn't have it any other way”
Y/n smiled and grabed his hand. Tomorrow and the near future was uncertain but there was this silent reassurance that everything would be fine.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 7 months
Hi hi ! I was wondering if you would do Amelia Shepherd x fem reader fic where R is the third twisted sister to Cristina and Mer, Amelia and reader have been in a relationship in secret for a while because they afraid of Mer’s reaction. They finally tell her and she gets protective of R but at the end she is very supportive and protects them against a patient’s hate comment? Xoxo
You’re dating my sister?
Summary: see req above!
Pairings: Amelia Shepherd x fem!reader
fluff, slight angst, homophobia, use of a homophobic slur
Word Count: 1.04k
Reader pov:
One year. One whole year me and Amelia have been dating for. It’s crazy how fast time feels when you’re in love, I do t know what I’d do without her. The only issue is my best friends, Cristina and Metrdith. Not that I’m afraid of their answer, well. I’m not staid if Cristina’s answer.
Meredith’s husband happens to be my girlfriend brother. It’s a minor detail, and you know, Meredith isn’t the biggest fan of said sister. Me and ames have talked it over and we’re going to tell people soon, but leave Mer till last, what could go wrong right?
Cristina went wrong.
“Hey! Cristina!” I whisper yelled across the nurses station.
“If you have another twisted-sisters-almost-died-or-had-a-traumatic-event drama to tell me save it for after my surgery. Please.” She sighed out.
“No it’s not that I have to tell you something. But you can not, and I mean can not, tell mer.“ I insist
“Dann what did you do screw her sister or something?”
I stay silent at this and her eyes go wide. “Oh. My. God. No you did not.”
I nod my head profusely and respond “We’ve been dating for a year Cristina. Me and Amelia, what am I supposed to tell her?!” I start to panic just thinking about all the different ways this could go wrong.
“Ohh I have no idea! Good luck, you’re gunna need it, oh and tell me when you’re telling her so I can watch.” I rolled my eyes as she walked away from me towards the OR to scrub in.
I walk to my patients room pondering ways to tell mer about me and Amelia, it was going to be a long day.
Amelia pov:
“Derek! Come here!” I call out to him across the neuro floor.
“What do you need I’ve got a surgery with Yang in like, 2 minutes?” He says looking bored before I even start talking.
“Hey you could at least act interest in what I’m about to say, oh and don’t tell mer yet. Please.” His interest was piqued at this so he gave me a look as if to say ‘keep going you’ve got me hooked’ so I continued “Me and y/n have been dating for a year, and we are o my just telling people ad were scared how mer will react because she’s not exactly my biggest fan as of right now and her and y/n/n, and Cristina obviously, are like twisted sisters or whatever.” I took a breather after sayibg all that and my brother just looked like he wanted to laugh in my face.
“Well, good luck!” He smiled and walked off to the OR.
Well shit.
Reader pov:
I walk into my patients room still deep in thought when he speaks up, he’s fairly old, around 70-ish and was in for a broken hip. “You seemed pretty serious with whatever you were talking about back there and now I don’t even get a hello? Something’s gotta be on your mind Doctor.” He gave me a knowing smirk as I open my mouth yet no words come out and let out and exasperated sigh.
“Ah you know, trouble in paradise, well, paradise’s surroundings at least.” I say trying to be as brief as possible.
“Happens to the best of us kid.” He seemed like a genuinely nice guy and to be honest I needed a break so instead of getting a nurse to check his vitals I decided I was going to do them, although it seemed someone else had the same idea.
“Hey y/n/n what are you doing here?” I hear a voice I know all too well say from behind me.
“Hi Ames, just doing Mr Davison’s vitals, are you okay?” I say giving her a smile.
“Funny I was just coming to do the same thing.” she walked beside me and trailed her hand lightly over my lower back which didn’t go unnoticed by Mr Davison.
“Your ‘paradise’ is a she? Ugh just another dyke, exactly what we need!” I stare at him shocked, as does Amelia. His sudden outburst seemed to pull some attention from outside and the one person that I didn’t want to walked in, walked in.
“Is everything okay in here?” Meredith asked.
“No get these people away from me! Horrible people you lgqbt whatever people!” He flailed his arms about like a toddler as he was ranting and raving. Immediately Meredith jumped to our defence.
“Excuse you? Who do you think you’re talking to? I have you know you’ve just made and enemy out of the best neuro, general and ortho (sorry callie) in the state. It’s 2024 in the USA for gods sake, get a grip man!” With this she ushered us out of the room and then into an in call room so she could talk to us.
“YOURE WHAT?!” mer practically yelled
“Keep your voice down, yes we’re dating.” Amelia said to mer try help her keep her head on.
“Look Amelia, I love y/n with my whole heart she’s my sister okay? So, if you hurt her, break her heart or do anything to even slightly harm her, I will hurt you twice as much. She’s the best thing that’ll ever happened to you, so don’t screw it up okay?” My heart warmed after hearing just how much mer cared about me and that she would protect me but also slightly concerned she just threatened my girlfriend.
“Yes ma’am.” Amelia murmured clearly slightly intimidated by mer.
“Okay, now that that’s out the way, I’m so happy for you guys!” Me and Ames say thanks and mer’s oager goes off so she has to run so me and amy are left alone in the in-call room.
“I love you Amelia.” I say as I peck her lips and wrap my arms around her neck.
“I love you too y/n/n.” At this she pulled me into a passionate kiss and lowered us both down onto a bed.
When in an unoccupied on-call room…
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Can i request a greys anat. fic? Where addison is newley devorced from derek and is falling head over heals for intern reader and gets v teased for it by mark, derek and callie? (I am only on s3 of greys anatomy and i love it sm!)
Addison Getting Teased for Liking an Intern | Blurb
It definitely took some time after the divorce for the awkwardness around Addison, Derek, and Mark to go away and it was difficult for all three of time. After some long and hard conversations, Addison and Derek came to the mutual agreement that their divorce was for the best and began to sort things out between themselves and with Mark (both individually and together).
Their past was still a bit of a touchy subject but they were getting there, which is why it came as a surprise when Mark noticed Addison and Callie standing together and made a comment. “Wow, I haven’t seen Addison look at someone like that since she met Derek in med school,” he joked.
Derek, who had been standing with Mark, and Callie both followed Addison’s line of sight, only to see the new intern who the hospital had been gossiping about talking to Meredith by the stairs.
“Oooooh,” Callie teased, nudging her friend playfully with her elbow as Addison’s face immediately went the same shade as her hair.
She straightened her posture and made a show of rolling her eyes. “Don’t be dramatic, I wasn’t giving her any type of look,” she insisted.
“You were practically drooling,” Derek chimed in, teasing good-naturally with a smug look on his face. Maybe he was being a bit dramatic now.
Addison scoffed, though it wasn’t very convincing. “It’s nothing! She’s—she’s . . .” There were no words for her to say to escape from this.
“You’re head over heels, oh my god!” Callie exclaimed excitedly, even clapping her hands.
Addison’s face got redder by the moment. Mark opened his mouth to add something snarky in, when he stopped at the sight of you, the intern, walking over. “Doctor Montgomery!” You said cheerfully, wearing a bright and contagious smile.
Mark and Derek had to stifle snickers at how quickly Addison turned around. “Y-yes?” She said, straightening her coat.
“Would you mind if I discuss a patient with you? I just had some questions about the chart,” you said, holding the clipboard out to her.
Not trusting herself to speak, Addison only nodded with a small “mhm!”.
You pinched your eyebrows. “Yes, you do mind?” You asked, a little dejected.
Addison’s eyes went wide but Callie quickly swooped in to save the day. “She doesn’t mind! She has all the time in the world,” the resident said, practically pushing Addison towards you. You looked confused, but went with it.
As Addison walked away with you, she glanced over her shoulder to see the three doctors wearing shit-eating grins. Derek gave her a thumbs up, Mark was making a kissy face, and Callie was mouthing at her telling her to make a move. She gave them one fierce glare that only she could before turning back to you and refocusing her attention.
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alexstalkers · 3 months
Healing Hearts
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includes: alex karev in the beginning of his peds residency, a seattle grace mercy west merger which involves a new mercy west transfer....
black fem surgical resident! reader x alex karev
song inspiration: ivy- taylor swift
Y/N walked into Seattle Grace, the bustling environment a sharp contrast to her previous residency. As a new resident transfer, she knew she had to prove herself. Her heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she reported for her first day on Arizona Robbins' pediatric service.
"You're the new resident, Y/N?" Arizona greeted her with a warm smile. "Welcome to Peds. You'll be working closely with Dr. Karev today. He knows my service and he'll help you if you have any questions."
Y/N had heard of Alex Karev's reputation. He was known for his exceptional skills with children but also for his abrasive personality. She was determined not to let his reputed arrogance faze her.
When she met Alex in the pediatric ward, she was struck by his intense eyes and the air of confidence he exuded. "You're the new transfer?" he asked, not looking up from the chart he was reviewing.
"Yes, I'm Y/N," she replied, trying to keep her tone professional.
"Okay, let's get one thing straight. I don't have time to babysit," Alex said, finally looking at her. "Just stay out of my way, and we'll be fine."
Y/N bit back a retort. "I'm here to learn and help. Let's just focus on the patients."
Their first case together was a young boy named Liam, suffering from cardiomyopathy. The child's condition was delicate, and his treatment required careful coordination. Despite their initial friction, both Y/N and Alex were deeply invested in Liam's well-being.
"His latest tests show worsening heart function," Y/N said, frowning at the results. "We need to act fast."
Alex nodded. "We need to discuss his case with Dr. Robbins. If we don't come up with a new plan, he won't make it."
They presented their findings to Arizona, who decided on a risky but potentially life-saving surgery. Throughout the procedure, Y/N and Alex worked in perfect sync, their combined skills bringing the best possible care to Liam. In the days following the surgery, Y/N and Alex found themselves spending more time together. They worked late into the night, monitoring Liam's progress and making sure he was stable.
One evening, after a particularly exhausting shift, they found themselves alone in the residents' lounge. Alex, surprisingly, broke the silence.
"So, you're a Mercy West transfer?" he asked, his tone less harsh than usual.
"Yeah," Y/N replied, sipping her coffee. "Since the merger. What about you? You've been here a while, right?"
"Yeah, since my intern year." Alex said. "It's a great program. "
Y/N nodded. "I can see that. But I like it so far. The team is great, and the cases are challenging."
Alex looked at her, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "You handled Liam's case well. Most new residents would have freaked out."
Y/N felt a warm flush of pride. "Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself."
As the weeks passed, they continued to work together, their initial animosity giving way to mutual respect. They shared stories about their backgrounds, their dreams, and their fears. Y/N found herself looking forward to their shifts together, her heart skipping a beat whenever Alex smiled at her. One day, as they were preparing for another surgery, Y/N noticed Alex seemed distracted. "Everything okay?" she asked gently.
Alex hesitated before answering. "Just...family stuff. My brother's in town, and it's complicated."
Y/N placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "If you need to talk, I'm here."
Alex looked at her, surprise and gratitude in his eyes. "Thanks, Y/N. I might take you up on that."
Their bond continued to grow, each moment together strengthening their connection. They laughed more, confided in each other, and began to realize that the line between professional and personal was blurring.
One night, after another successful surgery, they found themselves standing on the hospital roof, the city lights sparkling below them.
"You know," Alex said, his voice soft, "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad you're here."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with emotion. "Me too, Alex. Me too."
As they stood there, side by side, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. In the midst of the chaos and the heartbreak of Seattle Grace Mercy West, they had found something unexpected: each other.
During the weeks following their initial meeting, Y/N and Alex found themselves thrown together in a variety of challenging cases. Each case revealed more about their personalities and work ethics, slowly breaking down the walls they had built around themselves.
In one particularly intense case, they treated a toddler with a rare genetic disorder. The child's condition was rapidly deteriorating, and both Y/N and Alex had to rely on each other to come up with a treatment plan.
"His genetic markers indicate a possible enzyme deficiency," Y/N pointed out during one of their late-night strategy sessions. She was surrounded by stacks of medical journals and lab reports.
Alex leaned over the table, scanning the data. "Good catch. Let's run a specific panel to confirm and then we can start the enzyme replacement therapy."
Their combined efforts paid off, and the toddler began to show signs of improvement. The victory was a turning point in their relationship. They began to see each other as partners rather than competitors.
One day, after a long shift, Y/N and Alex found themselves in the on-call room, too exhausted to go home. They lay on opposite bunks, the room dimly lit by a small bedside lamp.
"Why did you choose pediatrics?" Y/N asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
Alex turned his head to look at her. "Kids are resilient. They can go through hell and still bounce back. I guess I wanted to be a part of that."
Y/N nodded, understanding. "I get that. I love their spirit, their will to fight. It’s inspiring."
As the days turned into weeks, they shared more personal stories. Y/N learned about Alex’s difficult childhood and his struggles with his family. In return, Y/N opened up about her own challenges, including the pressures she faced at her previous residency.
Their late-night conversations became a routine, each one drawing them closer. They began to anticipate each other's needs in the operating room, moving with a synchronicity that amazed their colleagues.
One evening, after successfully performing a complex surgery on a newborn, they sat in the hospital cafeteria, finally allowing themselves to relax.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" Y/N asked with a smile.
Alex chuckled. "Yeah, I wasn't exactly welcoming."
"That's an understatement," Y/N replied, laughing. "But you've grown on me, Karev."
"You too, Y/N. You too."
Their eyes locked, and for a moment, the bustling cafeteria faded away. They both knew something significant had shifted between them.
As the relationship evolved, so did their feelings. They began to steal glances at each other in the hallways, their touches lingered a little longer, and their conversations took on a deeper, more intimate tone.
One night, after another grueling shift, they found themselves alone on the hospital roof again, the cool night air providing a welcome respite.
"Sometimes, I wonder how I got so lucky to have you as a partner," Alex said, his voice sincere.
Y/N turned to him, her heart pounding. "I feel the same way, Alex."
He reached out, taking her hand in his. The touch was electrifying, sending a shiver down Y/N’s spine. They stood there, hand in hand, the city lights below them, knowing that they had found something rare and precious in each other.
He stepped closer, cupping her face in his hands. "Then let's see where this goes."
They shared their first kiss under the starlit sky. From that moment on, they faced every challenge together, their love growing stronger with each passing day. In the chaotic world of Seattle Grace Mercy West, they had found their calm, their solace, and their love.
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geralallfandoms · 2 months
Hii I’m not sure if your still taking requests but if you are could you write a mark sloan x reader which involves him protecting reader from something idk is that makes sense 🫶
Hiii! Yes ofc! Hope you like it!! 🫂✨🧚
Requests are open!!
[An unlucky day]
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Being a doctor has never been easy. Not only because of everything that had to be studied, the long hours of work, the mistreatment of superiors, or the poor treatment of patients...for you, the most difficult and annoying thing about all of this were the drugged or drunk patients. Most of them did not know where they were or they forgot it all the time, they did not know why they had arrived at the hospital or they deeply denied having consumed anything although their studies will confirm it.They blamed the perfumes, the chocolates that their grandmothers had given them and they didn't know they had alcohol in them, or they tried to make excuses like birthdays, weddings, New Year's Eve or Christmas.
Your 42-hour shift was about to end, there were only 4 hours left and you could return to your comfortable bed. But of course those hours would not be peaceful. It was as if the universe knew you were about to leave, that it decided to send you a bunch of patients together.
"Car crash. Two cars involved. One of the drivers was under drugs. You two, come with me." Bailey said, obviously pointing at you and another resident.
You tried not to snort too hard, you knew that if Bailey noticed, every time a case like this came up, she would call you just because she knows it bothered you.
The ambulance arrived at the same time you finished putting on your gloves. The doors opened quickly and the nurses took out a man in his 50s, unconscious, with a wound on his arm and a couple of bruises and cuts on his face. Bailey, seeing that the man was not in life-or-death conditions, pointed a finger at you, indicating that the patient was yours.
The nurses helped you take him to a more private room, just as another nurse entered.
"Thank you very much, I can so ir alone from here. Could you call Dr. Sloan? His face has a couple of bruises that I want him to see." I asked the nurse who nodded quickly and left the room next to the stretcher bearer, leaving me alone with the patient.
You began to prepare your things, turn on the machines and other things, turning your back to the patient.
And that was the worst thing that you could do.
While you were preparing the needle with tranquilizer to give it to the patient, the man had woken up. And not in the best conditions. He was under substances, in a place he didn't know, tied to a stretcher, with his entire body in pain, with a possible concussion and with someone who was about to prick his arm with something he had no idea what it was.
"Oh-" You said when you saw the he had woken up. But before you could say anything, the man let go of the stretcher and hit your hand, causing the needle to fall to the floor.
"Who the hell are you! Where I am? Let me out!" He screamed as he tried to free himself from his other restraints.
"Sir...calm please, you are in a hospital, you-"
"NO! YOU'RE LYING, YOU DAMN BITCH!" The man yelled before he could completely let go.
When you saw that the man got up from the stretcher, you took advantage of the fact that he was distracted and ran towards the door. Just as your hand had grabbed the door handle, the man grabbed your hair, pulling it back at the same time as you opened the door.
Luckily for you, when the door opened, the first thing you saw was Mark's face.
"Let me out! Let me out or I swear I'll kill them!" The man shouted in your ear as his other arm wrapped around your neck.
The nurse behind Mark quickly ran off in search of more help, as Mark's face contorted on fury.
"Let them go now! You're in a hospital, you can't do these things. Let them go now if you don't want us to call the police." Mark said with a strong voice. Although the reality was that the police would come anyway to arrest him for driving under the influence.
"T-the po-police..." The man said as he backed away. His arm was beginning to let go of you and when Mark noticed it too, he grabbed your arm quickly, pulling you away from the man.
Mark quickly put you behind him. He was much taller and bigger than you, so you had been completely hidden behind him, seeing his big back. The man started screaming again, this time running towards us. Mark was backing away with his hands at your sides, trying to protect you from the man who was trying to grab you again. But the man was able to take Mark's robe.
Seeing how the man and Mark were pulling, you ran to the table, took a needle and filled it with a tranquilizer. once Once you knew it was enough to put the patient to sleep for a few hours, you quickly injected it into his shoulder.
The man turned around quickly, hitting you in the face, causing you to fall sitting on the floor. And just as Mark was about to hit him back, hospital security ran in, arresting the patient.
Once they had him grabbed, and pulled away from the room, Mark quickly approached you, crouching down next to you.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What hurts? That fucking son of a bit-" He said as he watched your nose begin to bleed.
"Mark!" You shouted to interrupt him. "I'm fine, really...and you?"
"Your nose is bleeding, probably broken, and your eye is black. Don't tell me you're fine, that bastard ruined your face..." He said seriously as he took a cotton ball and put it on your nose.
"But luckily I have you to fix it, right?" I said while smiling, trying to get him to relax.
"Of course darling..."
I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if something is written wrong, English is not my first language! But let me know!
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greynatomy · 1 year
A Chance
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Lexie Grey x Fem!Reader
My first grey’s anatomy imagine! Decided to write a fic on what inspired my name.
If you have any requests/ fix ideas you want me to write, take a look at my commissions page on ko-fi. You can find it on my Masterlist pinned to the top of my page!
Let me know what you think!
Throughout Lexie’s intern year, Mark and Lexie have been dancing around their romantic feelings for each other.
… Or so everyone thought.
Derek and Meredith got so fed up in the two that they decided that they would take matters into their own hands.
“Why don’t you just ask her out?”
Mark looks up from his tablet at the nurse’s station. “What?”
“You give her all these looks and won’t even ask her out.”
“She doesn’t feel the same way.”
“I call bullshit. She gives you the same looks.”
“Really?” Mark looks at him, intrigued.
“Yes, so ask her out sometime soon.”
After a few seconds of thinking, “Help me plan the perfect date.”
At the cafeteria, Meredith sees Lexie sitting at a table on her own eating her lunch. She observes her sister for a bit, seeing her smiling very big at her phone, making her wonder what was it that is making her so happy. She swiftly walks to her sister and sits down on the unoccupied chair.
“Uh, hi?” Lexie confusedly looks at Meredith.
“When are you gonna stop ignoring your feelings from Mark?”
After hearing those worlds, Lexie chokes on whatever she was drinking. Caught completely off guard to what her sister just said.
“I do not have feelings for Mark! What made you think that?”
“Oh, yeah? Come on! You give each other these looks that screams that you want to drag each other in an on call room.”
Wide-eyed, Lexie couldn’t even think of what to say.
“Look. I don’t know how to came to that conclusion, but I can assure you I don’t have these feelings that you’re saying I have. I’ve never even thought about him that way.”
“Not even a little bit?”
“Well, why not? Mark is totally in love with you.”
“Until he says that, I won’t believe him. But if he did I would reject his advances because that would make me unfaithful.”
With that, Lexie walks away.
“Unfaithful?” Meredith asks herself.
It’s now a few days after. The workday was done for Lexie. She was ready to just go home and sleep the night away until she has to come back to work, not knowing of a surprise coming her way. Or multiple surprises.
As she’s walking out to the exit of the hospital, she hears quick footsteps behind her.
“Hey, Lexi.”
“Hi, Mark. What’s up?”
“Uh, well, I was just wondering if you have some time after work tomorrow? For some dinner.”
“Like a date?”
“Yes.” He replied confidently.
Not far away, Meredith and Derek are watching the interaction.
“She’s definitely going to say yes.” Derek stated with a smile.
Meredith looks at him sheepishly. “IforgottotellyouthatwhenItalkedtoLexieshesaidthatshewouldturnMarkdownbecauseshedoesn’tseehimanywayromanticatall.” She said very quickly all in one breath.
“Say that agin, but slower.”
“I forgot to tell you that when I talked to Lexie she said that she would turn Mark down because she doesn’t see him any way romantic at all.”
“What?! Why didn’t you tell me.”
“I don’t know! I didn’t believe her, but I should’ve believed her cause she said something about feeling the same way would make her unfaithful.”
“So, she’s in a relationship?”
“I think so.”
“So, Mark’s gonna get his heart broken?”
Back with Mark and Lexie, Lexie is speechless while Mark looks hopeful.
“Look, Mark.” She pauses, trying to find the right words. “I am flattered, but I don’t feel anything romantic towards you.”
“What? But Derek said that we look each other the same.”
“Well he was probably seeing things cause I don’t look at you any other way but friendly.”
“Can’t you just give me a chance. Just one date and after you can tell me to stop if you still don’t feel the same.”
“I can’t. Besides…” Lexie looks away, which happens to be over by the door. At that moment she sees someone walk in holding a bouquet of flowers, wearing an army uniform, taking the beret off their head. Lexi becomes wide-eyed, not believing who she’s seeing.
At the same time, the person looks up, meeting Lexie’s eyes. Her eyes light up, holding up the bouquet of flowers. Lexie completely forgets about Mark and runs past him, jumping into the arms of this woman.
“Oh my god! How are you here? I thought I wouldn’t see you until next week?” She said into his neck, arms clinging onto her.
“I lied.” She said, chuckling into her hair. “Wanted to surprise you.”
Meredith and Derek took this time to walk up to Mark who had a confused and hurt expression on her face as Lexie pushed past him, essentially forgetting about their conversation.
“What just happened?” Meredith was the one to break the silence.
“I have no clue.”
“I asked her to give me a chance at on date to see if her mind changes, but she said no.”
“That’s probably the person she’s in a relationship with then.”
“She’s in a relationship and you didn’t tell me?” Mark asked Derek, hurt.
“I didn’t know until a couple minutes ago. Meredith knew, but didn’t believe her.”
“Even if she’s in a relationship, I usually still get the girl.” Derek looks at him with a face that says ‘really.’ “Right… sorry.”
A few more moments of watching the two embrace, Mark clears his throat cause the two to break apart and look at the others.
“Oh, yeah. Come here.” Lexie says, grabbing the woman’s hand, pulling her towards the group. “These are my friends Mark, Derek, and Meredith.”
“Meredith, your sister?”
“That’s the one.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you all.”
“How do you know Lexie?” Marks straightforwardly asks.
“Uh, well we met in high school actually. Sophomore year, specifically.”
“So, been friends ever since.”
“Best friends. She’s actually my ex-girlfriend.”
“You guys dated?” Mark asks, at the same time Lexie says, “You need to stop calling me your ex-girlfriend.”
You look at her with a smirk. “It’s true though.”
“I’m confused.” Derek speaks up.
“She always introduces or calls me her ex-girlfriend whenever we meet new people.”
“I’m still confused.”
“We’re married, but she technically is my ex-girlfriend because now she’s my wife. So that makes us in-laws.” You clarify, looking towards Derek and Meredith.
As the in-laws converse, Mark is stuck in his own head, reeling back to all the times Lexie could’ve reciprocated his same feelings, but now that he really thought about it, she never showed any signs of it.
“Well, we should go. I’m exhausted and I’m sure this one is too.” Lexie said, the whole day of work finally getting to her. “And Mark. I hope you find someone that is right for you.” With that, she grabs your hand and intertwines it with yours, pulling you to her car.
You both walk away, oblivious to the three staring at your retreating figures.
“We all didn’t read the situation correctly, I guess.” Meredith speaks up, still staring at her sister and husband.
“Don’t worry Mark, you’ll find someone.” Derek pats Mark on the shoulder. They both leave him, walking away, holding onto each other.
Mark is still staring at the both of you, seeing you pick Lexie up bridal style, her arms wrapped around your neck, pulling you into a kiss, smiling at each other as you pull away.
Still wishing that Lexie was his to love, Mark is content that she’s happy and loved, even it it’s not with him.
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slf-cntrl · 1 year
i would give anything to be able to watch grey’s anatomy for the first time again.
first time watchers y'all better savory it.
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
2 - Doctor Nicknames
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Part 3
Feisty Coffee Girl
Izzie and I had gone to the bathroom in the gas station since we needed some groceries and the nearest grocery store was an hour away. Holding a hand over my stomach my sister ripped open the package of pregnancy tests we had just bought. “Here it should show up in five minutes after you take it.”
“I can’t be pregnant right. Mom would be furious if I were.” I gulped nervously taking the test out of her hands going into one of the stalls.
Izzie leaned her body against the wall waiting for me. “We will worry about mom after you take the test. Right now just keep calm and do the test so we’ll have an answer.”
“Okay I’m gonna do it now.” I answered her back peeing on the stick and just sitting on the toilet until the time was up. Opening my eyes I blinked through tears so emotional about what was down in front of me.
Izzie knocked on the stall door gaining my attention. “Y/n, what does it say?”
“It uh ... .it's positive.” I croaked through tears with my sister kicking open the door since I hadn’t locked it. She helps me up to my feet getting my pants up seeing me begin uncontrollably sobbing.
She wrapped her arms around my shaking body and I cling onto her for some strength. “Shhh I’m here for you. We will get through this.”
“You really think that?” I asked her.
Izzie broke the embrace holding me by my shoulders sniffing through some tears. “You and I are extremely tough and we will get through this.”
“What do you think it's going to be? Boy or girl?” Moving my hands down to my stomach I sniffed through my own tears. Closing my eyes I paused just thinking about the choice I had to make. I could get rid of it or keep it and become a teenage mother so young.
Izzie clicked her tongue with a light smile. “I'd say girl. She'll be just as badass as you are.”
“I might hope it's a girl someday too.” I gave her a weak smile. Running one of my hands over my stomach would change everything the second the baby's father said he didn’t want to be a teen parent so I ended up on my own. “I've always liked the name Everly. I'll probably name her that.”
“Everly will be an adorable name.’ My twin sister grinned hugging me again and we just held one another.
My phone had been ringing the entire time I was driving home from work. It had been almost over two weeks since I had gotten the random guy's number. Driving towards the elementary school I was on my way to pick up my daughter from school. Caroline was only able to take her during the mornings. Pulling the car to a stop in a spot I entered the school going to her classroom. “Seriously, how many times are you going to call me.” Taking out my phone I ignored the call.
“Mommy!” Lifting my head up I saw my daughter running straight to me. Her hair getting thrown in every direction until she flung herself into my waiting arms.
Wrapping my arms around her I laughed into her hair dropping myself onto my knees. “I've missed you. I miss you all the time you're not with me.”
“Can we go get pizza?” Everly asked me when we broke the embrace.
Brushing hair out of her face I chuckled. “Sure we can. Oh one second it's your aunt Izzie….hey Izzie what's up?”
“Would you be able to come to the hospital? I am stuck here for the rest of the day and I have some gossip I really need to tell you about.” She explained through the phone.
Holding the phone up to my ear with one hand I take Everly’s with my other leading her out to the car. “Izzie I don't know if that's a good idea. I have Everly with me and we want some dinner.”
“Meredith is sleeping with one of the residents in the hospital. I think that's enough of a reason to hear the whole story.” My sister declared.
Sitting my phone in the cup holder I helped Eve get into the backseat of the car getting into my driver's seat switching the phone to speaker making our way home. “Izzie, I love you. I want to spend time with you too. But it is not a good idea to bring her to the hospital.”
“I want to see aunt Izzie.” Everly said from the backseat of the car.
Izzie heard her and kept convincing me. “See, she wants to come see me. It will be fine. I can even add on that there's pizza down in the cafeteria. So please come visit me tonight.”
“Fine Isobel Stevens. We will come to the hospital. Just do your best to not get my daughter sick because then I'll have to take care of her for two weeks.” I caved running my freehand turning the steering wheel changing in the direction of the hospital. Hanging up my phone I hoped that this would just be a good visit and the next time we could hang out at my apartment or at Meredith's house that she was living in with some of her fellow interns.
Everly was already undoing her seatbelt to get out of the car by the time I had parked us outside the hospital. Leading her inside by the hand we found my sister standing at the nurse desk with her three other friends who were Alex, Christina and George. “Aunt Izzie!” Everly removed her hand away from mine jumping up into her waiting arms.
“Oh there's my favorite little niece.” Izzie twirled her around laughing until she sat her down on her feet.
Alex came around the nurse station with a smirk on his face getting close to me. “So you’re her sister huh. I gotta say you might be hotter than Izzie is.”
“Uh…Hey Eve, I think I heard somebody say they have pizza in the cafeteria. Why don’t you go wait over there for a second and then we can go get something to eat.” Bending my knees to be her level I put my hands on my knees to be eye level with her.
Everly grinned skipping over to one of the empty waiting room seats. “Deal. Be quick, mommy.”
“Okay so what gossip were you dying to tell me that we couldn’t do at home?” I focused my attention on my twin sister with her standing in front of me.
She throws her hands up beginning to ramble off with such bright and bubbly excitement that she naturally showed off to her friends and her patients at the hospital. “The doctor that I told you Meredith slept with is the head of brain surgery and is named Derek Shepherd. But he failed to mention that he was married and then his ex wife came to work here. And now for some reason the guy who also cheated on his wife is now in the hospital in that room.”
George leaned his head to the side, getting our group's attention to focus on the open room where a guy was stitching up his own face even though Meredith was standing in front of him. “Why is he suturing his own face?”
Cristina replied. “To turn me on.”
Alex explained where I parted my mouth opened hearing he was clearly impressed. “Cause he's Mark Sloan. He's like the go-to plastic surgeon on the East Coast.”
George gasped in shock. “That's the guy Addison was sleeping with?”
“Who’s Addison?” I raised a brow at the name.
Izzie filled me in. “You can't really blame her, can you? So basically it goes like this. McDreamy is apparently been best friend up until Mark slept with Addison who was McDreamy's wife till he found them sleeping together.”
“Oh wow.” I didn't know what to say about all their crazy gossip.
Cristina said back. “No, not really.”
George gagged. “Yes you can.”
Meredith finally came around the corner entering our conversation. “McSexy wants an x-ray to check for fractures and I think it's a bad idea if I take him.”
George stammered. “Why? Why?”
Alex bolted towards the opposite direction. “I'm on it.”
George asked. “Why is it a bad idea?”
Cristina quoted. “McSexy?”
Izzie responded and Meredith made a disgusted face. “McYummy.”
Meredith and Cristina said in unison. “No.”
Meredith finally spoke up again with another nickname. “McSteamy.”
Cristina awed in agreement. “Oh there it is.”
Izzie glanced down at me. “Yep. What do you think about the nickname Y/n?”
George gagged running away the second the door open and I turned my head in the direction. “Uh, just ah choking back some McVomit.”
“I don’t see what the big fuss about him is - holy shit!” I felt my mouth hang open when a guy with dark brown hair came out wearing a black tea shirt and gray pants.
Everly spoke up. “Shit?”
“You can’t say that. Only mommy says that.” Whipping my head around I warned my daughter with a finger before putting my attention to the guy in front of our group. “I….I’ve met him.”
Christina, Meredith, Izzie and George gasped all looking over at me. “How?”
“Don’t I know you from somewhere…Feisty Blonde?” The guy that looked exactly like Mark made his way over to us. His green eyes landed only on mine and they remained there with him putting almost no gap between us. “What are you doing here, Y/n?”
Running my fingers through my hair I chuckled nervously feeling my face turn red with the interns watching our interaction. “I guess I’m meeting you for the second time, Mark Sloan.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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v-ultraviolence-v · 23 days
addison montgomery they could never make me hate u.
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romanoffs-widow · 1 year
Sorry for everything
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Sum: Nat takes out her anger on you after a stressful couple of weeks.
Warnings ⚠️ : Shouting, arguing, and split up?
A/N: Thank you very much to @bobisek96 for requesting this fic, I hope it's okay 😭 and tysm to everyone for all the love on my (not actually first) first fic! I appreciate you all sm ❤️
(I promise there is eventual fluff 😅)
Happy reading! 😊
Everyone thinks being an Avenger is so easy. All you gotta do is a couple of fights and interviews, and that's it, right? Wrong. These last couple of weeks have had me exhausted and honestly drained.
Steve and Tony keep arguing about useless crap, Lena accidentally stained the couch with red wine and didn't even tell me, so I sat in it and stained my favourite sweatpants and I've had to do 6 different interviews because Tony had a cold and couldn't do them, and on top of all that, Morgan has clung to me like a magnet since her dad has been sick. I love kids, and I really do, but not when I'm exhausted and keep having nightmares, leaving me sleepless almost every other night.
"Hey Natty," she says with that smile I love so much. I don't know what it is, but even y/n/n can't cheer me up today. Too tired to respond, I just give her a nod. Hopefully, she can see I don't want to talk right now.
I went to change into comfier clothes. I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I shrug her off, getting annoyed. "Are you okay, baby?" I roll my eyes as I put my top over my head. "I'm fine." Maybe now she'll get it? "You know if you don't want to talk to me, just say." She says it with a tone that tips me ove rather edge.
"You know what? Maybe I don't want to talk to you. Maybe all I want to do is lay down in our bed and try my very best to relax! I have had such a hard couple weeks, and all you do is bug me because you're a pathetic childish wench that wants my attention all the time! If you knew what I go through every single day as an Avenger, maybe you'd at least try to understand how hard my job is! So please just shut your whiny mouth up and get out. I don't want to see your face EVER AGAIN!"
My vision is beyond blurry as I feel the endless stream of tears rolling down my cheeks. My hands are shaking, and anxiety is sitting heavy on top of my chest. "Alright. O-okay." I get up, and without saying anymore, I grab my backpack and start shoving a bunch of clothing into it. I go into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush, as well as the other necessities that belonged to me.
With my bag and arms full with items, I give the redhead one last look. Her face is still red from all the shouting she did as she stared at the floor, in the same spot she'd been in for a couple of minutes. I give her a small nod, sniffling as I close the door. I am fully aware the whole compound heard all of that, and honestly, they should. I don't deserve to be treated like that.
I'm going to miss this place. The past 9 years of my life have been spent living here, getting to know all of the amazing people within. I had so many memories here, one of the first being when Morgan was born. She had a head full of hair and a smile that looked just like her fathers'.
As I walked out of the tower, I went to the first person I could think of. Wanda Maximoff, my best friend of 5 years. She does live in the compound, but she also owns an apartment on the other side of the city for emergencies. She gave me a spare key when she got it. Thankfully, I'd never used it before, so I'd never seen the interior of the four walls.
Memories, good and bad swirls around in my head, as I twist the bronze key into the lock. It took me an hour to get here, with the bus and all. I get settled in, as I know I'll be staying here for a while. I started getting myself a snack when I heard the door swing open. I look at it to see the red magic I'd come to know very well.
"Y/n/n honey? Are you in here?" As soon as I hear her voice, I run over to her, the flow of tears starting up again. "Oh my god, are you okay? She didn't hurt you, did she?" I shake my head, unable to speak. "Oh, my poor baby. I'm so sorry I didn't find you sooner. Everyone is out looking for you. I'd better call Pietro and tell him to tell everyone you're safe."
I just hug her tighter. "E-e-even...?" She looks at me with guilt in her eyes. "We all heard what she said to you, and F.R.I.D.A.Y said that you'd left, so we all went looking for you. None of us have heard from her since." By now, I've soaked her hoodie with my never-ending tears.
"Shhhh, it's okay, you're okay." Wanda whispers as she rubs my back to calm me down.
I hear a knock at the door. Wanda only left, and she had her own key, so it definitely wasn't her, and i haven't ordered any packages. Deciding i dont care, I go to open it. I see nothing but a white teddy bear holding an envelope sitting on the welcome mat. There is no sign of anyone being here, as the halls are silent. I pick up the toy and bring it inside, closing the door. I go and put it on the counter, taking the red letter from its paws. It had my first initial on the front.
Our place, 2 pm?
- N xx
I roll my eyes. Even if I was very upset with her, she always knew how to make me smile. I check the clock, seeing it's already 1pm, so I decide to start getting ready.
I step into the shop and immediately see Natasha. As I get closer, I can see that she has bags under her eyes, and I see that her knuckles are all red and sore. She's probably been training to get her mind off us. "Hey," She goes to hug me, and I let her. "Hi." She ordered both our favourite drinks.
"How have you been?" I scoff. "What kind of a question is that? My girlfriend of 9 years kicked me out because she was having a rough couple of weeks and hasn't even bothered talking to me for a whole month, and you think I'm okay?" She looks down with guilt filled eyes. "...no. Sorry."
I sip from my cup. "Are you gonna give me some pathetic excuse as for why you made me leave like that, or what?" She nods her head, and takes a Depp breath.
"What I said was really messed up. I shouldn't have called you any of those rude names or said any of that to you. I was having a hard couple of weeks, and I just wanted some quiet. Which I got. But by all means, that's no excuse to take my anger out on you. I don't know if you even want to talk to me anymore after what I did, and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness or anything remotely close but I really am sorry y/n/n. These past 9 years have meant so much to me, and I don't want them to go down the drain because of my stupid actions."
She pauses for a while. Waiting for me to give her some sort of response. "Thank you. I'm sorry for bothering you so much, but it would be very helpful if you communicated how you feel to me, so I know when you need space. I haven't forgiven you. That's going to take a long time, but if you're willing to work on this, so am I. Okay?" She puts her hand on top of mine. "Okay."
Everything had been going actually quite well with y/n, and I. I've been working on my communication, and she's been helping me to recognise when I feel like I need space. She's moved back into the compound, and as of recently, she's started staying in our room again.
"Hey baby." I forgot how much I love her voice. "Hi malysh. Cuddles?" She nods her head and wraps herself around me on the couch. We quickly get sucked into our newfound favourite show, Greys Anatomy. "Meredith really is gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as you!" I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm nothing compared to McDreamy." I laugh, knowing she loves Derek too much.
"Sorry...for everything." She turns to look at me with her eyebrows furrowed, abandoning our show. "I know. It's okay." She adjusts herself so she can kiss my lips. "I love you." She snuggled back onto me, sucking back into the show.
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thestarlightforge · 5 months
If y’all would’ve told me in season 1 that Derek Shepherd’s entire problem was that he was just a girl-dad in waiting, I’d have said you were nuts.
But LOOK at this man 😂
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LOOK how unremittingly JOYOUS 😂
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That’s his precious ANGEL 😂
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And witness his reduction to utter, non-verbal DEJECTION at even the PROSPECT she might be taken away
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Patrick Dempsey might be a mess of a man (and Derek along with him). But you cannot say he didn’t commit to the BIT. He decided what Derek had been missing was his daughter, and then put his heart and SOUL into that choice
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Hello, I just got into Grey's Anatomy and found your blog, and I love the stories you write!
I was wondering if you could write a small story about Doctor Bailey calming down a new intern (because she is my biggest comfort character). If possible, could the story end with a hug?
Thank you!
“your my favorite” (Miranda Bailey)
Greys MasterList
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The woman that was once called the nazi show unexpected tenderness one faithful day.
Dr. L/n was assigned to the resident called the Nazi, dude to the name she was terrified to screw things up in the residents presents.
When she met the 'Nazi' she was surprised to she a short woman. Her name was Dr. Bailey and she held a scowl the said she ment business.
She told them not to suck up because she already hated them. Y/n looked down at that and hid behind Alex Karev.
Through out the month Dr. Y/n did her best to show she deserved to be there but everyone seemed to walk all over her... Dr. Bailey took notice to this quickly.
Dr. Bailey soon grew a soft spot for Dr. L/n as she reminded Bailey of herself when she was an intern.
Dr. Bailey reminded stern but also had her back. She knew Dr. L/n was there to learn, but she could help but feel her heart break everytime she saw how anxious the intern got.
One day it was particularly hard. L/n had been picked by Dr. Bailey herself to scrub in on a kidney surgery. It was her first surgery and I couldn't have gotten any worse.
Tears ran down the interns face as she heard the heart monitor flat line.
“call it Dr. L/n” Dr. Webber said.
She shook her head and didn't dare look anywhere but the floor. Dr. Bailey sighed softly. “time of death, 20:14”
After that Dr. L/n rushed out of the OR and quickly cleaned up before anyone could catch her.
“That was unprofessional, I understand she's learning but-” before Dr. Webber could continue Bailey snapped.
“she's doing her best!” she pointed at Webber with anger. “ever since she's got here she's done nothing but put 110% into her work. She works hard dispite being step on and mocked... You will not speak to or about my intern like that”
“Yes ma'am” he mumbled right before she's stormed out of the OR starting her hunt for the intern.
After about 10 minutes she found Dr. L/n curled up in ball in an empty examination room. She looked up at Bailey but quietly looked down at the scrub cap she was holding. “I'm sorry” she said tearing up again.
Bailey gave her a sympathetic looked and quickly rushed to her side. “it happens... Even though we try our best for a patients they just don't make it”
The intern's tears fell hard as Bailey pulled her into her arms. “it's my fault... It was a simple surgery”
She shushed her and hugged her tighter. “it's not your fault, you did everything you could”
“don't let this cloud your strive to help people... Your gifted and you'll make an amazing doctor” Bailey told her.
“why are you being so nice? My first day you said you hated me and the other interns.” she asked Bailey.
She's playfully scoffed. “well I do... Hate the other surgery hungry heathens” she stopped for a moment and smiled. “don't tell anyone, but your my favorite”
Bailey smiled big and pulled the intern in for one more bear hug.
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marvelthunder · 3 months
So now that Eloise and Penelope reconciled can we all agree that their relationship with Colin will be exactly like the relationship Meredith and Christina had Derek in grey's anatomy?
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winnie-the-monster · 10 months
“Here’s the truth about the truth. It hurts, so we lie.”
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alexbrecks · 1 year
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It's like I was drowning and you saved me.
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